1 THE OMAHA DAILY IlEE: "WEDNESDAY, VEHKUAHY 27, .1901. s NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL .MI.VOH .MUM'IO.V. DnvM sella clnss. ' JJiivIa sells Irujl. Htockcrt Foils carpets and rugs. l'lno Missouri tin k. Gilbert Bro. Ohs llxlures nnd globes at Utxby's. Fine A H C beer. Noumtiyer's hotel. Wollmnii, scientific optician, 403 U'way. Hchmldt'H photos KU.irantced to please. Mooro's stock food kills worms, fatten. W. J. llostetter, dentist, llaldwln block. Loffcrt, Jeweler, optician, IBS Uroadway. J. A. Snow, auctioneer, U'way. opp. 1 . - Urlnk IJudwclaer beer. L. Hosrnfeld, ngt. Miss Elbert of Dps Moines Is guest or Mrs. Horitre Everett. f Something now for ICoduUrrs at C. L. Alexunder & Cu.'H, XR Uroadway. W. If anirr. undertaker and dlslnfcctor, 101 Hoiltli .Main street. 'Phone oOC (let yi-ur work done at the popular Euglo laundry. 721 Hroudwtiy. 'i'hono 157. W. H. Cooper miyn hi Is not u candidate for member of the Hoard of Kdurulloii. For rent, modern residence In heart of city, by V. 1 Kerney, SI Main street. Morgan Ai Klein, upholstering, furniture repairing, mattress maning. . - Mrs. It. M. Trout of "lenwooc is kiiih ilvoiiu"!' Tho threatened Injunction suit agnlnst Heth Mny, ii liromlway saloon keeper, has been soltled. TheZe'V'ttenUo,? . ' Kft Council ; iViffs fas i at tho Omaha 011102. Tho women of tho First Presbyterian church will have a noelablo In tho church parlors tomorrow afternoon from 3 to ,6. Tho polleo wero notified last evening that wn lummy patient nam.-d Hob. 32 yeiirn of age, escaped from Ht, Uernurd'H hospital. Sheridan roal, once- tried always used. ' KtnoKeiess, no soot, ennaers hoi- suiimur. '..V" nfrVU I'H Will im 111 ail otwmr, ,.,inv w,.,., 'l'l lr.1 nvi.iinn nnil lC irhtiTIlt l street, every 'Wednesday, evening at 7:) during clulmed, had boen paid snlary In excess l.tnt. . .of tho fees earned by tho ofTlce. Tho (Seorge W. (lornmn. n member of the local nmollnt whlch tho county sued for was Typographical union, Is uracil by his . frlcmis to bo ii candidate for tho schuol . board. I Hcforo taking any nctjon In the matter of Wllber Chrlsteiisen and Anna Myers, tho contract wltli Cunningham tho board both of Mlnden. la., were married In tliln listened to a proposition from his nttor clty yesterday by Itey. It. Venting, pastor .. ,.rono!.ition ..., tl. cttvet of tho First HaptlHt church. "" in,s proposition was to mo cuter. Tho buck In Falrmount park has shed his 1 tmU the hoard would postpouo any nc lioriis. Tin- separato antlers wero found tlon until tho matter had finally been scl yesterday morning by I'ark Policeman I te,i ,y tho Kupremo court Cunningham Murphy, who will havo them '"''' wouh, glmranteQ to rclrahurso tho county ,Tn": SrT'aL'rutt "y u.o It might bo put to. As proof of .i ii. ...is luii.Mfi Mit.iiiifni.M tvitM ..fin. ' trnni fnllft hn nffprnfl n ilnnnHil In nnv linnk tinned lii polleo court yesterday for ono week. Joseph Ii. McUlnnls, tho farmer who imido a bluff at committing sulcldu Mon day by drinking laudanum In a Uroadway saloon, was lined $5 and costs lu police court yesterday morning. Tho nccldentnl turning over of a small hard coal heater at tho dwelling of OiMirgo Madison at Atvenuo I and Tenth street gave the lire department a run at 8:30 yestcrduy morning. Tho only damago was to tho car pet, F.dwln Until of Adair county and Sam uel F. Cooper of Cass county have tiled voluntary petitions In bankruptcy In the federal court here. Hutu's liabilities ug gregatu whllo Cooper's amount to JI.W. James Otitcher haa Hied an Information lu Justlco Hryant's court charging , Frank Deeds with tho embezzlement of a lumber wngou. it Is alleged that Deeds borrowed tho wagon and then converted It to Ills own use. Tlu ottlcurs have been uuublo to llnd Deeds. The recclptH In tho general fund at the Christian home last wnek amounted it JI1H.79, being JS0.J1 below thu estimated needs for thy current exKiiBcs of tho week hiuI IncreiislngMilo: dcilelency In 'this" fund to fXfl.CC!. 4ii .lhuinanager'H fund thu re ceipts wero J1D. Ivclng ?1G below tho needs of tho week. This Increases tho detlclouc) to JV.i.Tm lu this fund to date.. Tho Wllbttr-Klrwln Opera company, which Is playing n week's engagement at tho Dohany theater, was greeted with an other big houso last evening. Tho enter tainments given by thin company lire of a pleiistng character -nnd but words of praise on nil sides aro heard by thoso who have witnessed their performances. This after noon tho company will give a matinee, tho play being ''Said I'aBlia." Tonight the piece will bo "Tho Duchess." N. Y. Plumbing Co., 'telephone 250. Dulong's stationery mpartmont la right. Itenl Kstnto Transfers. Tho following transfers wero tiled yester day! In tho abstract, tltlo and loan ofllco of J. V. Squire, 101 1'earl street: David Henderson nnd wlfo to ThomaB K. IlemlerBon, wJ4 wJ4 so'.i 1-77-45, w d ; 1,000 Charles Vosler nnd wlfo to U. P. Taylor, 1 aero In sl4 sw',1 nw'i 2-71-40, w d 775 T. J. Thompson and wlfo to Anna C. I'reunlncer. 10 In II. town of Walnut. W d ISO Andrew .1. Stephenson to Theophllus II. Stork, lot 3 and o 25 feot lot F.lrter'rt add, w il County treasurer to George V. I.lpe, 21 and 22 In 25. Central HUbdlv; 2 lu 11, Mullen's subdlv, nnd 13 and It lu 30. Uullroad add, t d Burnt! to same, lots 1 to 12, block 2, Omaha add, t d Isaac Van do Ilogcrt and wife, to Law rence, n. Merrill. 4 7 and S In 3, town of Underwood, w d loo Christian ouug nnd wlfo to Henry Young. e'J hw'4 E-70-40, w d 4,100 j.ouis 1' ixsei iiuu who to Hlmon liros., nnii 8-7G-10, w d S.4U0 i.uey ugoen, trusieo, to frederlcK II. Shoemaker, lot I, Auditor's subdlv. and sV4 seVi 25-75-41, w d 300 lsanc urimtri and wlfo to David Grlf- llth, 14 In 11. lleers" subdlv, w d 50 l-ranic Al. Ulltucr and wlfo to F. I'. Hreneman, nnU 25-7li-40. w !..,.. ... S.500 jonn .Meyer and wiro to Frits Wester mann. el4 nw'i and c wV4 nw'i 20-71-41, W d.., , 5,400 ToVlI, thirteen transfers J28.962 .MurrliiKe l.liM'iisps, Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to tho following persons: niimo ami ltesidence. Age. i iins r. r. .-eison, I'ottawattamie J.. Jeiiulo ryelson, I'ottawtittanilo 25 "W. H. Chupman, Omaha 33 I.lzzlo l.uttii, Kansas City 33 Wllber ChrlstonMon, Mlnden, lu 29 Anna .Myers, .-vunuen, in William C. Condon, Omaha 40 jessio May liradi, council Hiurrs 31 James K. Miller. Arlington, Neb 31 Anglo Mcl.linnus, Arlington, Nob 24 Kdward Fleming, l.uton, In 27 I.lzzlo Wilson, lu(on, la 19 Our Guarantee CSot'B with ovory pair of shoes wo sell IC tlioy tlon't ptovu to lie ns rviuvsonfctt wo will inn Ui- tills Ktiui'iiutou kooiI with n now pnlr of hIiocs. Can anyono tlo moroV Wo aro safe In making this Ktinranroo liociiuso wo soil tho best nhoos inailo for tho nionoy that aro sold nnywhoro. Coino In ami tako a look at our ?:i..10 hIiook. SARGENT'S Look for the Bear. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska nnd town. Jamei N, Canady, Jr, 1:1 .moid hi., council tuurrs. LEWIS CUTLER Funoral Director (Uucccsior to Y. C Kstep) UH I'milL bTIlliUl, '1'ltoiia OT. BLUFFS. SETTLE WITH MORGAN County Snpenrisori Gloss Their Olaim Againit Former Bkeriff. TAX FERRET CASE ALSO DECIDED Contract tvllli K. M. CuiinliiKlinm Itt-Nelndeil on Ilasls of lllrmit 1 1 y He Will Curry Cnst to H ii pre in e Court. Is Tim county supervisors acted upon two Important matters yesterday. At tho morn ing, session they clfected n settlement with Former Sheriff John S. Morgan nnd at tho , afternoon session adopted a resolution tesclndlng their contract with F. M. Cun ningham, tax ferret. I Tho settlement with Former Sheriff Mor- resulted from tho conference held bo- hind closed doors Monday afternoon. Mor- ganV nttorncy offered $825 In full suttlc- lnrnt 0f all claims the county might havo against his client and tho board stood out 850' Th 8Um aR,rcod to by Morgan yesterday morning and on this basts tho settlement was effected. In nddltion to paying over this sum Morgan fl d ,0 nM, to th() county n fcc . .iiirlnir hla Innorn nf omen which tamed during his tenure of otiico wuicn hnvo not been collected. On Its part the county agrees, to, dismiss tho suit now .I(.m nR n ti10 district court ana to rclin '!'". a" claims against Morgan and hi bis .t.... mriiiur iiriiiiinn Thn latter, It' has boen n tno cty any such Bum as tho board might designate. Cunningham's attorney stated further that In tho event of tho supreme court deciding tho validity of tho CO per cpnt contract hlu client would ho willing to abldo by tho result and would not ask a dollar from tho county. Cunningham was called before thn board and asked If he was willing to enter Into u now contract on tho 15 per cent basis as provided by tho law. He said ho was not and that he Intended to take the caso to (ho supremo court, as he firmly believed that tho court would Anally uphold the va lidity of tho CO per cent contract, which tho board had entered Into him with good faith at the time. Declare Contrnot IllcKnl. Tho board then adopted the following resolution, Member Auid alone votlns against St: Whereas, On the 13th day of November. 18X9. tho Hoard of Supervisors of this bounty entered Into a contract ,' with foiin F. Mr Cunningham, reUitlngito tlifcferretlng uui iiii'i reporting Hinoiiiun oi laxuoio per sonal; property wrongfully "wtthMeid? from assessment and taxation, and ' AVhereas. The enactment Into law of chapter 1, I.nwa of tho Twenty-eighth Gen eral Assembly of Iowa, declared to bo null nu void said contract mauo wiin uio said . Al. cunnincnnm. unless certain coiull tlons should'' ho compiled with. Important of which conditions aro tho agreement to accept as commission only 15 percent of the amount of tax collected In lieu of the amount as provided for In said contract and runner ino condition ami renuireineut ic- latlng to tho filing with and scouring the pprovai or ti nonii ay tno JJoaril ot Hiijier Isors, which conditions have not been com plied with, and wnereas, ino district court, lias t;runicu temporary injunction restraining this board and tho county auditor anil treos- rer from nay ng anyth ng to sa d Cunning ham, thercforo be It lleso veu. Tiiat it is tno on nion and decla ration of this board that no legal contrnct ns between tno county una huh i m. Cunningham oxlsts and the county treas urer Is untitled that this board denies to the said F. M. Cunningham tho authority and rltrht to slun nnv notice bearlmr 1' addition to his slgna'tiro any tltlo destgnat lng htm to bo the agent or tliu county o I'qttawattamlo and tho right to ask recog nltlon as being a rcire4mtntlvo uf tin county by reason of any authority given bj turn noaru. Davis sells paint. DKMOCUATS TO HAVE CONVENTION, Abandon Idea of .Man MectliiK (or School llonril Cniidldntes. Tho democratn abandoned tho idea ot holding a mass mooting to nominate thrco candidates for tho school board, nnd In stead will havo a rcgulur convention Mon day night, March 4, lu the county court house. Tho call for tho convention was Issued yesterday by Chairman Zurmuehlen of the democratic city central commltto. The ratio of representation will bo: First ward, first precinct, seven delegntes; First ward, second precinct, six delegates. Sec ond ward, first precinct, six delegates; Soc- ond ward, second precinct, bIx delegates. Third ward, first precinct, live delegates; Third ward, second precinct, flvo delegates, Fourth ward, first precinct, live dolcgates; Fourth ward, second prealnct, five delegatos. Fifth ward, first precinct, seven delegates; Fifth ward, second precinct, flvo delegates. Sixth ward, first precinct, six delegates; Sixth ward, socond precinct, ono delegate. Kane, outside, ono delegate. Caucuses for tho selection of delegates to tho convention will bo hold Thursday night at 8 o'clock at tho following places: First ward, First precinct, V. Jennlng'a Btoro; Second precinct, marble shop, cor ner First and Broadway; Second ward, First precinct, city hall; Second proclnct. Metro politan hotel; Third ward, First precinct, Creston house; Second precinct, No. 1 hose houso; Fourth ward, First precinct, rnrmers' hall, court houso; Second pro duct, Smith's hall, Sixteenth nvenuo; Fifth ward, First precinct', county building. Twelfth streot nnd Fifth nvenuo; Second precinct, county building, Thlrtocnth street and Sixteenth avenue; Sixth ward. First precinct, corner of Twenty-third and Broad way; Second precinct, not yet named; Knno outside, Clark school. Tho republican school convention will be bo held tonight nt 8 o'clock In the county court house. Chairman Harry nrown of tho city central committee will cnll the meeting to order. HIkkIii fietn Urfny. Judge Wheeler of the district court yes. terday sustained the motion ot the defense for a continuance In tho two cases of tho State ngalnst M. J. Hlgglns, which had been nsslguod for trial at this term. Tho defenso Introduced nfildavltu showing that Hlgglns is kept to his bed at Kansas City ns tho rcault of an accident. This makes the second tlmo that theao cases have been continued, and the motion yesterday was vigorously resisted by County Attornoy Mllpuck. Hlgglns was Indicted last Sep tombor on tho cbargo of bigamy. Quarantined Children. County Superintendent McMauus was np pealed to yesterday by the school directors of Hazel Dell township to tako action in thQ matter of the children of William Har nett. Tho family of nnrnett has been re cently released from smallpox quarantlno and Harnett Insisted that hU children bo permitted to use In school tho books which they had at homo during the period of quar-artlne. Fear of contagion from tho books has aroused the parents of the other pupils, nnd as tho Hazel Dell Hoard of Health refused to act In thn matter, tho school directors have appealed to tho county superintendent. Tho directors havo been Informed by the county superintendent that they havo the right either to closo the school or to keep tho Harnett children out of school for two wceltH from the date of the raising ot the quarantine. Supervisor Hansen liaB taken the matter up and some definite action In the matter Js expected today. I't'Ill.tO I.IIIItAUV UI'AHA.VI'IMlll. O in ii tin Si-liool Ti-iielirrN Also Prison ers HrcniiHe of .llotoriiiiiii'n Illness. Asa Van Horn, a motornian, who occupies apartments In the Morrlnm block, was found to bn suffering from smallpox yester day morning. Ho had been nlllng for sev eral days nnd had not been on his run, which Is between hero and Omaha, for nearly two weeks. Mrs. Van Horn, wife of tho sick man, Is a teacher in ono of tho public schools in Omaha. Deputy Marshal Charles White, a brother-in-law, nnd Mrs. Van Horn's two sisters, 'Misses Jcnnlo and Wltllana White, nil occupy a portion of tho Van Horn apart ments and hnvo been plnccd under quar antine. Mlijs Jennlo White la a teacher in tho Uancro'ft school In Omaha, whllo Miss Wllllana White Is principal of tho North Klghth street school In thlB city. Tho lat ter was not feeling welbycstcrday and was unnhlo to go to school.- The public library Is situated In tho Mcr- rlani block nnd ns soon ns tho Van Horn apartmcntu wcro quarantined Mrs. Dalley, tho librarian, acting tinder Instructions from tho board, closed tho doors of - the library. Ilnnrtl of llcitltli A els. Tho Hoard of Health mot lusMilght and ordered Van Horn removed ,to this pest- house. This will bo dono this morning. Chief Albro und City I'hysicliiu Jennings were directed to secure a house to which tho remaining members of tho Van Horn household can bo removed. This will bo dono us soon as possible, probably today. Tho Mcrrlam block was ordered thor oughly disinfected, especially tho floor on which the Van Horn family lived. This was begun last night. It wns learned that Conductor Johnson of tho elevator at tho fedeial building had visited Van Horn Monday, nnd ho has been qunradtlned at his homo for seventeen days. City Treasurer Truo was directed to fur nish HUCh ,hUh School filnym 4ipn, The school board held a special mstlng last evening to consider tho question of closing tho North Eighth Street school on account of danger of smallpox contagion. Miss Wllllana Whlto, one of tho Vnn Horn household In tho Merrlam block, is prin cipal of the school. During tho several days since Van Horn first becamo 111 Miss White has been legularly at her work until Mondny afternoon, when sho was unablo to remain at her post, and went home. Sho did not go to tho school ) rut onlay. After a protracted discussion, in which Member Macrao strongly urged that there was sufficient danger of MIsb Whlto having carried tho contagion to warrant closing the school, a motion was mnijc by him that tho E chth. Street school bo closed until March IS, and that the entlro building le fumigated. This wns supported by tho votes of President Henry nnd Macrao nnd Sargent, but wns defeated by tho votes of Cooper, Hess, Stewart and Swalnc. Tho latter took tho position that tho quarantin ing of Miss Whlto was sufficient precaution and that tho dismissal of tho school and the cc.'ittorlug of tho tcr.chors and children would bo more dangerous than to continue tho school. SUI'ICRVIMOIl AXSWHHS CUITIC. Taken Kxeeiitlnn to Statement of Alderman Holier. Street Supervisor Taylor takes exception to tho statement mado by Alderman Huber at tho council 'mooting Monday night that his accounts did not correspond with those ot tho city auditor. At tho tlmo that Aldermnn Huber, ns hnlrmnu of tho utrects and alleys comnilt e, was brought to task by somo of his rothcr nldcrmeu for expending n large urn of money on opening Elliott streot vlthout first securing authority from tho ouncll, he and Supervisor Taylor had a Maputo ns to facts connected with tho work. When this matter wns finally dis posed of linker asked that tho streot super visor bo required to make a report of tho money expended on city work. Taylor stated at the tlmo that It would bo Impos sible for him 'to mnko n perfectly accurate roport. Inasmuch na ho had not kept tho tally on some of tho work. Supervisor Taylor says that his report does not lncludo his wages for six months, nor nuy account of tho money expended on Elliott street, as Vic Kellor had boen np pointed foromnn of that work by Huber. It also docs not lncludo any account of tho nionoy spent In cutting weeds In tho "bot toms," which Mas superintended by Huber and the men on tho work engaged by hlin. This, Supervisor Taylor says, will ex plain the alleged "discrepancy" between his roport nnd tho accounts of tho city auditor. Supervisor Taylor also takes ox ccptlon to tho manner in which tho chair ni an of tho streots nnd alloys committee has treated him slnco ho was appointed by tho council to succeed Hardin. T1II1FT OF NI.M'l TONS OF HAY. ClinrlCM Stevenson .rreftled on Com plaint of J. I'. Moore, Charles Stevenson Is behind tho bars at tho city Jail, charged with tho theft of nearly nlnu tons of hay, tho property ot J. F. Moore of Onawn, la. Ho was nrrested yesterday morning on an Information tiled by Mooro boforo Judgo Aylesworth of tho susperlor court. Mooro Is a dealer In hay and recently shipped five carloads from Onnwa to Coun cil Bluffs nnd stored It hero awaiting rise In tho market. Ono carload ho stored In the barn of a slstor of Stevenson at 1510 Fifth avenue. A few days ago Mooro nad an oppor tunity to dispose of the huy and ho camo to Council Bluffs. On going to thn Steven son barn, ho discovered that all of his hay with the exception of nhnut one ton was gone. Investigation developed the fact that Charles Stovcnson had sold it to dlf ferent parties In tho city. Stevenson recontly finished serving i torm in tho penitentiary for mortgaging a wagon and team of mules belonging to the Iown School for tho Deaf. The team was hitched on the streot nnd Stevenson drove It to tho offlco of a Broadway money lender nnd, representing that tho outfit was his property, borrowed $100 on It. Two weeks ago ho wns nrrested nnd taken to Onawn to answer to n cbargo ot breaking Into freight cars. Tho preliminary hearing re suited in his acquittal. Moore Btoroll part of tho hay on Broad way nnd yesterday discovered that It had also been stolen and that the party owning the building had left for parts unknown, luilue Aylemvnrtli'x Ueelnlnn, Judgo Aylesworth opened the February torm of tho superior court yesterday morn' lng and handed down decisions In theso cases' Way against Mynster, Involving tax claims against certain business property on Uroadway, In favor of Mynstor, who Is given ninety days In which to pay the taxes due. John L. Tcmploton against Jacqucmln & Co., Judgment" for $287.05 against (leorgo Oerncr, with Interest from October, 1897, nt C per cent nnd costs. This suit resulted from nn attachment mado by Tcmplcton when city marshal. Witt ngalnst JcnBon, motion for new trlnl overruled and Judgment ordered on tho verdict. Whlto ngalnst James, motion for n new trial as an entirety overruled, but addl tlonal evidence Is to ho taken on the ques tion of tho alleged faulty construction of tho roof. This assignment of cases was made: March 7 Mar llourlclus ngalnst Thomas and Davis; same plaintiff against Thomas. March 8 Carrlgg against union Transfer company. March 0 Douglas against McKenzlo. Oravel roofing. A. II. Heed, Ml Hroad'y. FIRE TAKES TEN BUILDINGS C'rcnton, .rb., (lie Victim nf n Severe Vlnltiillon Tnlnl l,o Tttcnty Tlioimniul Dollum, CIIESTON, Neb.,. Feb. 26. (Special Tele gram.) Last night tiro broko out In tho Ely harness shop, destroying ten buildings in tho heart of tho town. The buildings destroyed wore: Peterson's general store, Farnsley'B drug store, Bank of Crcston, Florcr & Co., hardware; both saloons and two dwellings; loss, $20,000; Insurance, about $7,000. Sale of AVclislcr City CrnoUrr Fnrtory. FOIIT DODOE, la., Feb. 2fi. (Special Telegram.) A contract was closed today providing for tho sale of tho controlling In terest In tho Wobster City cracker factory to tho leading business men of Fort Dodge. Tho plant will bo removed to this city Im mediately. A company will bo organized with a capital of $10,000 to carry on the business. Tho compnnjr will bo under tho management of Fdrmer Lieutenant Gover nor F. L. Campbell, who will move here from Webster City. "Falling to find relief from tho grip with old methods, I took Dr. Miles' I'aln Pills, Ncrvlno nnd Nerve nnd Liver Pills and was permanently cured." Oust. Egnn, Jackson, Mich. DEATH RECORD. Old Settler of Toeiiniscli. TECUMSEH. Neb., Feb. 20. (Special.) Mrs. Elizabeth C. Sampson died at her homo on Saturday evening of pneumonia, aged 6." -years. Sho was ono of tho county'a oldest settlers, having moved hero In 1801. Sho was a native of Ohio. Five children aro left. Her hUBband died several years ago. Tho funernl wns Monday. Father of Omiiliii Doctor. CIIESTON, In.. Feb. 26. (Special.) David Chrlstlo, uged 78. father of Dr. W. H. Chrlstlo of Omaha, died Sunday morn ing. Tho funernl will be Wednesday morn ing. Mr. Chrlstlo was a pioneer. Joseph Ebbod, another old citizen, aged 71, died Monday morning. C. fillxtln. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Feb.- 26. (Spe cial.) Francis O. OuMttn, aged 81, died at tho homo of hlBednfnFrank Oustln, near Elmwood.) Tho bodawas brought to this city today aud burlcililn.pak Hill cemetery, under tho nusplcoH qf-Uio Modern Woodmen. HYMENEAL. WelNh-UelKli. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Feb. 2fi. (Special.) Miss Etta Mao Deign, many years a resident cro aud a teacher In the city schools, was married today In Pawnee City to Harvoy Welsh, a well-to-do farmer of Suramer- fleld, Kan. Thoy will bo nt homo to their friends in Pawnco City nfter March 8. "WIlNoii-llnker. TECUMSEH. Neb, Fob. 26. (Special.) Wilson J. Cummins nt Tccumsch and Miss Nellie Baker wcro married at tho home of tho brldo's mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Baker, Red Oak, la,, Monday evening. They will begin housekeeping on Broadway ns soon ns they return to this city. FIRE RECORD. Oiiinlia Man's Livery Ilnrn. ELWOOD, Nob., Feb. 20. (Special.) The livery barn of H. II. Lees of Omaha was burned ut 10 o'clock this morning. All of the livery stock was burned, Including nlno horses, one Jack, buggies, carriages and harnesses. Tho stock belonged to Grant Cochran of this place and Is a total loss with no insurance. Tho barn was valued $800 and tho stock at $1,500. 'My heart was uaaly affected by an at tack ot grin and I suffered Intense ngony until I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It made mo a well man." S. D. Holman Irnsburg. Vt. STILL SHINES THE SUN Wimlilnictoii Fort-cant AnnlKim Ne hrnalm Only Fair 'Weather and More Variable Wind. WASHINGTON. Feb. 26. Forecast for Wodnosday and Thursday: For Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas Fair Wednesday uud Thursday; variable winds. For North Dakota Fair and warmer Wednesday; Thursday fair; variable winds, becoming southeasterly. For Wyoming nnd Colorado Partly cloudy Wednesday; Thursday partly cloudy, probably snow nnd colder; varlablo winds. Loenl llreoril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER HUItEAU. OMAHA, Feb, 20. OfUclal record of tomper aturo and precipitation compared with the corresponding duy of the last three years; 1901. 1900. 1SD9. 1S9S. Maximum temperature.... 38 22 31 40 Minimum temperature.... la z so Mean teinueruturu 20 12 20 3$ Frcclpltullon uo ,w ,n ,uo llecard of tomperuturo and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, 1000! . Normal temperature 27 Uetlcleucy ror mo nay , l Total excess slneo March 1 12S0 Normal precipitation men Dctlclency for tho day , 03 Inch Total rainfall Btncu March 1 31. 10 Inches Uellclency since March 1 01 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1900.... 1.72 1uchos Deficiency for cor. period, 1893,... 1.10 Inched Heiiortn from Station nt 7 I'. M. " pB STATIONS AND STATE f cl 1 OF WEATHER. : p3 : : 5 a : v ' 3 : " : Omaha, clear North Platte, clear .... Cheyenne, clear , Salt Ijikri City, cloudy Rapid City, cloudy Huron, 'clear ,. Wllllaton,Vplear ,., .11 3S ,00 42 48 ,00 3S 44 .10 4f D4 T 31 38 T 22 30 00 10 21 .00 14 1R .to) 32 30 .0) 10 20 .01 2D 22 .00 IK 40 ,0,1 4 48) ,00 22 261 .0) lb 22 .W 94 Gl M i.nicuKO. cietir St, Louis, .clear St. Paul, clear Davenport, clear Kanuas City, clear .'. Helena, cloiniy , , I Havre, e'.otidy I Illsmnrckf rlciir n..T I Galveston; elenrdl... .1 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official. PERNOR IS DISPLEASED Shaw and Brers Frown on Politics Atlantic Militia. CONVERTED TRAMP CONFESSES CRIME Vsti Women HreiiU Itiiarantliie ami ltonm About City All Muhl (J. A. II. Will (let S pee I a I Hate for Kni'iiniiintent nt lliiliiiiiue. DES MOINES, Feb. 26. (Speclal.)-(lov- crnor Shnw and Adjutant General Ilycra aro not nt nil pleased with tho Injection of local politics Into tho preliminary work or reorganizing a now company of the Iowa National Guard nt Atlantic. With refer ence to tho somewhat sensntloilal nud mis leading reports sent out from Atlantic, Gen eral Uyers today said: "Tho statement mado In the dispatches from Atlantic that I had reported that when tho company was ready to bo organized 1 would go there and appoint a physician to mnko tho examination is not true. That Is not tho way It Is done. Physicians to make examination of applicants arc appointed on recommendation of tho surgeon general and wo do not wait until tho company Is organized. When I had been liotllled that tho work of securing members had pro ceeded far ruough so that examinations might begin I asked Dr. Priestley, tho sur geon general of tho guard, to recommend a physician to make the examination. Ho suggested Dr. Etnmert, who is nn eminent surgeon. I never once thought that ho might bo nn adherent of th? political party which opposed Governor Shaw'8 election. bellcvo Dr. Priestley never thought of that. "Tho first I knew of nny trouble at At lantic was when tho editor of tho Tele grnm camo hero ami said tho appolrtmeiit of Emmtrt wus causing trouble politically. I explained to him that no, person In At lantic has recommended anyone, nor had they expressed a wish for any particular doctor to mnko tho examinations. 1 of- fcred to appoint un assistant who Bhnuld mnko tho cxnmlnntlons in fact and asked him to recommend a person. He, sent In two nnmcs and Dr. L. (!. Campbell wus rp pointed. Now Campbell writes a long Ici er to Governor Shnw, complaining that Enimert Is a democrat, whllo most of the members of iho eompnny aro republicans. Ho IntlmatoH that unless his appointment s withdrawn thero will bo no company or ganized. I have written him, stating that tho governor had nothing to do with tho appointment, that tho appointment was mado by myself on rccommcndatloti of the Burgeon and that tho governor probably had only Incidental knowledge thnt a company was bolng nrgnnlzcd. "It now transpires that thn real trouble s nn attempt to bring up the old iiuiirrel In tho Fifty-firHt regiment. Dr. Priestley wafl a candidate, for president of tho Stntu Medical society and was opposed because ho recommended tho commissioning of the doctors In the mllltla regiment ns they hail been In tho volunteer service. Thero nro n number of other towns very anxious to have tho now company, and in view of the trouble nt Atlnntlc nro mnklng steps to scctiro It. Tho Wintcrsct coiupnny Is now ready to bo mustered In and will bo In n fow weeks." ConnnlN In Itelnrn Home. Colonel Joseph Elborck, votcran editor of this city, has received word that his hoii-Iii-law, S. C. McFarlund, United Stntes con sul at Nottingham, England, is soon to re turn homo with his family, having secured n leavo of nbsenco from his iosU Mr. Me- Fnrland was for many yearn editor nnd pro prietor of tho Times-Republican nt Mur- shalltown, but slnco his appointment ns consul nt Nottingham has not been homo. Ho has written ho will sail for the United States on April f. It Is also expected that Albert W. Swalm, United Stutcs consul nt Montovldco, will return homo In tho spring on leave of ab sence. Mrr Swalm was for many years editor of tho Herald at Oskaloosa. Tho ex act dato of Mr. Swalm's departuro for homo Is not known. Converted Trump Confesses. Tho usual winter series of religious re vival meetings held In this city has resulted in many conversions and ono has been thu moans of making n confession. A tramp, who gives tho niimo of Tony Vnn dor Gast, becamo converted at ono of tho meetings and wroto n letter to one John Hall of Co llar Rapids, making a confession that ho is tho man who Btolo Hall's watch last year at a firemen's tournament. There was no clue to tho theft, but n few weeks ago a tramp'nrrlvcd In Cedar Rapids and hunted up Hall and told him that ho knew where the watch was, Tho tramp said ho had afterwards sold It in Newton for $5. In vestlgatlon showed thnt tho watch had actually been sold In Nowton nnd It wna recovered. Now Tony Vnn der Gast writes Hall that It was ho who told him of tho location of tho watch and confessing that he Btolo the watch, but pleads for forglvo ness, saying ho has becomo converted nnd will lend a better life. Tho converted tramp will not be prosecuted. Ilrcnk tint ttnaraiitliie, Two women broko tho qunrantlno under which thoy were subjected becauso of n smallpox patient In their houso and roamed about tho city nearly all last night. Thoy slipped out of n window after they had mndo n pretense ot going to bed. Early this morning both wero found drunk by tho polleo nnd taken to tho city Jail. Thero it was discovered they had been living In n houso with a smallpox patient for ten dnys, nnd ns a result tho city Jail and en tiro city hall wcro placed under quaran tine, police court was dismissed nnd tho city building fumigated. Inasmuch au tho womon wcro at largo for soveral hours' and frequented resorts In tho city It is regarded aB certain that they havo scattered tho dlseaso far am wide. There aro a number nt tho county Jail, and now that tho city Jail baB been exposed tho authorities nro In a qunndary what to do with prlsonors, aa thoy feel they have no right to compel anyono to go Into a smallpox hospital for safekeeping. Hate for the Hue nnipineiit. Adjutant General Newman of tho Grand Army of tho Republic, Department of Iowa today received Information thnt tho rail roads have granted tho asktd-for reduction ot rates to the annual encampment of the department ut Dubuque Juno I to 0, The rates npply to Iowa points only and nro a hnlf rate for all fares above $2 and n on and one-third ruto for less distances, I Is believed thnt tho encampment at Dubiiqu will bo ono of tho largest ever hold. Th department has hold two encampments n Dubuque In other years. Now corporations filed with the secretary of state today: Union Cattle company o Sioux City, capital $10,000; James F. Rooge, president; J, G, Ilooge, secrotary; J. Crockott, vice president. Dcdham Savings bank of Dcdham, Carroll county, cnpltu $10,000; president, J. G, Caton; vice prcut dent, A. J. Ayrhart; cashlor, Lyman Caton Keneflck Construction company of Clinton capital $1CO,000; William Kcnellck, E, W Doynton nnd P, H. Eashe, Incorporators Ozark Tlo nnd Timber company of Clinton capital $50,000; prnsident, J. J. Bnggcrt vlco president, William Keneflck; srerc, tary, P. II. Eashc. Tho Aetna saving?, bun of Oelweln has Increased Its capital stock from $35,000 to $50,000. "After suffering for two months froin severe attack of grip I found quick relluf and a lasting cure by using Dr Miles' N'erv Ino, Pain Pills nnd Heart Cuie." Hurry Abbott, Cincinnati, O. Pres. Woman's A Woman Who Has Been. Honored By Her Sex Gives Va liable Advice. Rose E. Parker Recommends Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy to the Sick. mm k"lfh V-rV ",W 1M "a j 4 L . . . ROSE E. l'ARKKK, PKKSIDKXT WOMAN'S RELIEF COUPS. When n person who lias been sick for a long- time und almost gives tip all hope of bcitiK' cured or relieved from the tortures of ill health, nt lust llnils n medicine, which banishes all disease nnd pnin and restores them to good health, they are so happy that they wish every one to know of thn remedy which hart done so much for them. They know perfectly well how they were ailing, and what their feelings were in regard to their nilliction. They nlso know that if others tied tho same medicine that they too would be restored to health. At this season, especially, when everybody needs a spring tonic, they should tnlto this grand medicine, .Dr. Greene's Nervura, and put their system in such a con dition that they can ward off attacks of disease which are lurking about, nnd which, if they once gsin a foothold, lead on to chronic complaints. Nothing is able to cope with disease nnd banish, it from the human system like Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. Headaches and sleeplessness always give unmistakable signs of disease. Multitudes of. men and women suffer in this way, and do not llnd relief be causo they do not get tho right treatment. DrASrccna's Nervura blood anil nerve remedy corrects deranged nerves honestly aud thoroughly. It cures nervous ailments and chronic complaints. Hosts of people in every commu nity have been cured bv this grand medicine. We publish herewith a letter from Uoso K. Parker of William Downs Woman's 1'clicf Corps, 1!10 South 7th St., MinucnpolU. She says : Dr. Greene's well known remedy wns highly recommended to me some time ago, when suffering with bad health. I had bad headaches, and ' restless nights, and only those who have been similarly afflicted know how grateful I feel toward Dr. Greene's Nervura. After using four bottles I was completely restored to good health. During the last five months I have had neither ache nor pain, and I give Dr. Greene's Medicine the credit for curing me. Dr. Greene can always count on me asa friend of his famous remedy." What stronger testimony could you want than this ? Every word and every lino tells you that this wonderful remedy will cure disease. When such strong proof is offered to you, is thero any reason for you to hesitate ? Hear in mind also that if you aro discouraged about the state of your health, you can get free medical advice by consulting Dr. Greene either at his ofllce, 3,ri W. Hth St., New York City, or by writing him a letter explaining about your ease Jlo gives you the benefit of his years of experience absolutely free of charge. Jf you aro sick or ailing, do not fail to write or call upon him thia very duy. S6.00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years in Omaha. VARICOCELE iivnnnrn c r .. iiiiiuiii.i ii luicu. ,IIDIUUUUD" nolo, tail., without cutting, pain or losHof time. C YPUII 1 Cciirecl for Wound tbepolnoQ r,,", thoroughly cleansed from the system. Soon every lgn nnd symptom illnappeat-H completely nd forever. No "UKBAKINQ OUT" of thocllsease onthe skin or facn. Treatment conUlnB no dangerous drugs or injurious medicines. WEAK MEN f'Oss or M iNHOoi) from " i"" ,, ' . J censes or Victims to Nkhvoub sexually debility or exhaustion, Wasting Weakness Involuntary I-ossks, with Emily decay in Youno and Middle Ami). ack of vim. vlgcr unit strength, with sexual organs lmunlrtd andwealt. STRICTURE ltadicBlly cured with X new V? !Ta"1 Infallible Home Treat ana iiLbbi ment. Nolnstruments.nopatn, no detention from buslnces. Gonorrhoea, Kidney aud Wsnlrter Troubles. OUKKS UUAItAKTKEl). Consultation Fret. Treatment by Mill. , C'allon or address g s. !4th St. Or. Seaties & Searles.omaha.Neb. THE BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS Run via the GREAT ROCK ISLASSSP ROUTE Leave Omaha via Scenic Route through Colorado and Utah WEDNESDAYS. FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Por Information and "Tourist Dictionary" address City Ticket Office, 1323 I'arnim St. Umalta, Neb, $500 REWARD; Wo will Py tho ahovo reward for any rae of Liver Complaint, Dyiipepslr, Sick Headache, Indigestion, C'oiibtlimlliiu or Costlvciicsi we cannot euro with I.lvcrlta, tho Up-To-Duto Mttle Liver I'M, when tho directions ure strict ly compiled with. TJicy oie purely Vegetable, nndnovr full to itlve satisfaction. liVi lozcs contain ICO I'ilU, 10o boxen contain 40 Pills, 60 boxes contain lfi I'llls. Ilewaroof uib:tltutlona nnd ImltatloiiH. Bunt by mull. Mumps taken. NKItVITA MRDIJAL CO., Cor. Clluton md Jocluion CldMiao. III. Sold hv Foi sale by K11011 Co., 18tli uud Uougliii Bt.. Omaha. Neb.; Geo. H. Davis, Council muffs, Iowa. Mrm. tVmitloiT'a Sootiniiii ftyrnn. Has been useii for over FIFTY YUAIIB hy MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CIIIL UHKN Will LB TKBTHINO, with lER. I' KCT HUCCES3, IT HOOTIIKH the CHILD. HOKTBNB the HUMS, LLAYH nil I'AIN, Cl'RKS WIND COLIC, mid In 'he tieat rem. edy for UlAltllHOKA. Bold by I)ruRelti In ery part or tho world Ho sure nnd ask for 'Wrs. WlnsloxvN Soothlnu Kyrup." and take no other klnu, 'i'wcutyliv) cent luittl. mm Relief Core "A". J . .... . . 7'W. ' .'Ken m 1 ... :v.V2 CHICMCOTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills v..0r!'"' anil Only Ofnuliif. IJirC ,".T rvu.DIH l.BUie., .K I'rU.rUI for ClIllIIIKSTlCieS KNdLISlI In 111: IS ml (Inld uutllllo Uitri fl,l with klue rlbu.11. TuLrna other. Itrfiiia laa(roas Hub.tltaUons and Imlta llwn. Buf or your !rugui. or muI 4r. ta tunr. for I'artlciiUr.. TMllinunlals 04 "Keller for l.4ir,"tn Utttr, br ro. lurnAlall. 10.OUOTrillmocl.il Hol.lbr .11 nru..l.l.. I'kll..,a.l'(..ll I, llUtUB IUi l.r UadlMu Huuorr. I'll 1 1. A.. 1'A. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANUFACTURED BT CALIFORNIA FIG SYURP CO., NOTE TUB NAME. Dohany Theater GEO. S. STEVENSON, Manager. WILBUR-KIRWIN OPERA COMPANY MATINEE TODAY, "SAID PASHA." Mntlnco Prices: BALCONY, 10c. LOWER HOUSE, 20c. For tonight tho bill will bo "Tho Duchess." BREAD BAKERS WE CAN SELL YOU THE B ST FLOUR SUD IN CUL'NCIL HLl'FFS FOR $1.10 A SACK BARTEL & MILLER Tim (iroei-r. H llromUvnu, Centerville Goal Ami coal from tno best mines In tho country. AUo hard coal und wood. Prompt delivery Is our motto. Transfer Lino Between Council Bluffs and Omaha council Dlults Office, No. 23 North Mln St. Telephone 123, Omaha, Ofncn. 311 South 12th StrooU Tolephono 1308. Connection nmdo with South Omnhu Transfor. WILLIAM WELCH, RHEUMArVSM Use Red Cross Rheumatism Curt, a prompt and sure euro for rheumatism In uny form. Cures nclutlca, lumbmo, nsu ralpln, Kout, palm In thn bnclc, lurnenaii, Hllft and swollen joints. The best blood purifier made, A wonderful remedy hat cured thf.usands, will ure you-try it. At drue stores or sent by rxprnas, propild, I'rlco ji co. ltcd Cross Drug Co., Council Bluff, Iowa.