Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1901, Image 2

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
39, J87J. OMAITA. TUESDAY MOttTtfTXtt. Ti'KimTT A T?V o; innin-VY 1 a m?u orvrru j"iriiv
I 7 w ..... .. 1 . JL . V .1 X il VI 1J 1J VVi J
' :
Tedwal Party in Philippines Mistrusted by
Hatha Catholics.
Tather McKinnon Predict! That Pali Will
i -I
Befuit Party Members,
Pmident of the Organization Pleated to
Hare the Issue Forced.
tt&clunluii of Church Mrnihcrn
fur Pnlltlcnl Hrnnoim Would He
n Folly Tlmt Few AVould
MANILA, Feb. 23. Rev. Fother McKin
non, who wns formerly private secretory to
Mgr. Chuppello and who is now pastor of
tho Ermtta . Cntholle church, Informed n
representative of tho Associated Press to
day that there were upwards of SOO native
prtcatn In tho Philippines opposed to tho
federal party, and that thec would refuse
to administer tho sacrament to federalists,
because they believed thn federal party to
he merely a cloak for tho Protestant at
tempts to weaken tho power of the church
of Rome.
Ho referred to tho federal party as "rest
ing on nn Insecure foundation and destined
to crumble soon," and asserted that the
Methodist und Presbyterian missionaries
were using unfair means to Induce Fili
pinos to leave tho Cnthollo faith. He as
sailed thn character of Honor Iluencamlno
and other evangelical lenders and contended
that only by securing the co-operation nnd
good will of the padres could the Americans
make permanent progress In the Philip
pines. Tavern llna Xo Fcnr.
Senor Tavern, president of tho federal
pArty, when tho views of Father McKlnnon
were brought to his attention, roplled:
"So much tho better, as It will bring the
matter to an Issue'
When os'ited whether the members of I ho
party would not loavo It If they learned
that membership Involved their church
standing, Senor Tavora roplled: "Tboy
probably would If that were true, but I be
lieve only a small proportion of the priests
would cxcludo people from their church
privileges for such a reason. Wo Filipinos
did not make an Issue of separation of
church and state. This was decreed by the
United States constitution. Nothing elsn
Is tolerated under American ooverolgnty.
Whether federalists approve or otherwise,
they cannot bo loyalists and yet opposo
that doctrine.
Tell of lll.lntrKrnllon.
"If tho (jatholjo authorities nro not will
ing to accept iC'thny aro not patriotic.
Tho federal party may disintegrate after
civil government Is generally established
In the Philippines, but the principles of
peace under American sovereignty will not
Senor Tavera asserted that tho federalists
who had relatives and friends among thu
prominent Insurgent leaders were endeavor
ing by correspondence to Induce them to
mirremier, although thus far without result,
Rome employers of natlvo labor ullcgo
that tho natives aro gathered by t.ho fed
eralists Wholesale, without any explanation
of tho principles to which they are sub
scribing. Ordinarily tho natives aro easily
led by" their accustomed leaders, but tho
movement for peace with tho United States
has authority and great moment, rind It Is
now generally understood nnd approved by
the natives.
MANILA, Feb. Chapln In Fitzgerald
administered the oath of allegiance to 200
lloranos at a church In Vlgnn. February
22, and n parish priest, at Knntu Catallua
administered a similar oath to TOO natives,
February 24.
Lieutenant West, with a detachment f
thn crW of the gunboat Luguntv de lluy,
attacked 200 Insurgents under Cahellos near
Cavlnlh, province of Lngun. After a-hurd
light of forty minutes, tho Insurgents wcro
dispersed, losing six killed and fourteen
captured, A dotnehment of tho Forty-seventh
Volunteers encountered u body of In
surgents In the province of Albay, killing
clghtetn nnd aubsequently another body
killing nine. Tho Americans had no
A squad of the Eighteenth United Stntes
Infantry surprised a band of ladrones at
Moosln. Island of Panay, killing six. Tho
Americans raptured flvo rifles.
I.mdliia; Publishers! Mn .rrceinrnt
.nt to llo Any .More
CHICAGO, Feb. 2s7 Tho Post today say3:
heading publishers of the country nt lost
llave reached a dcttnita agreement upon
the question of proventlng demoralizing
outs In book prices nnd their plan Is to be
come operative on all books published after
May 1. Tho Publishers' nsnoclatlon hns
been agitating this matter since last sum
mer nnd tho report of Its special commltteo
for reform, which Is comprehensive and
far-reaching, has Just been adopted and the
tdgnaturos of all tho leading publishers ob
tained lo the ngreement.
This ogroemcnt, according lo tho Post,
Include a reduction of 25 per cent In the
price of copyright books, llotall dealers
will bo protected from competition with
publishers' by tho latter agreeing to sell
their own publications at retail prlcccs.
To enforco the reforms tho publishers havo
agreed to maintain prices and central nfn
res aro to bo established by tho association
to carry out Its plans.
Italy's HrprcsenlHtlvc In PrWIii In.
fnriua Government nf the Oilier
Mltle of the L'ntr,
HOME, Feb. 25, An ofllclal communique
relating to tho occupation of ground for
merly belonging to tho Chinese Imperial
customs In order to' provide accommodations
for tho legations says:
"It was decided last November to occupy
land as compensation together with thu
other Jegattcns and excluslvo of tho ground
belonlng to Sir Hobert Hart. Russia, the
United States and Belgium occupied prem
ises other than thoso used by tho customs
officials or owned by tho government. Tho
German legation owned Its building.
"Sir Robert Hart did not oppose, but
simply osked for compensation, which was
spontaneously granted. Marquis tialvado
llsgglo, (Italian Minister In Pekin), made
ruro that tho Und necessary for the Italian
legation did not belong, to Sir Robert Hart,
it to tho Chlueuo customs."
South Dntinln House Committee AVatit
Hoard of 12m
hu liners.
PIERRE. S. I).. Feb. 25. fSnerlnt T.1.
ft'... I'i '"uso bills Introduced today
were; To provmtli for Inventories and ac
counting of stjifon, nerty owned and used
by stnto lntltT .wdnK for caro nni,
preservation of tSKiJsAMItary reservo
ni old tort Qi8ecion;-nRfM1n jnwg B0V
crnlng the Yankton I n TiJBk flkU 1 nnniii.
Tivnp io ii)0 nospiioi m SVKkcd tho
.. i.-t ... irBMBHOK "I'l""
general urrnv'PUWV.'V'P
a communication was rccclveuT J ho
secretary of state calling attention Jr tho
tact that tho permanent houso Journal of
tho session of 1S9D hnd never been tiled In
his office. Ooddard moved tho appointment
of a commltteo of threo to Investigate tho
matter and toport to tho houso nnd the
chair appointed Ooddard, Parmley and Mar
tin. Tho Mibllc health commltteo renorted
against creating a board of cmbalmers, and
nn adverse report was filed on the bill to
sink nn artesian well on tho stato lands In
Fall River county, whllo a fnvornble re
port was filed on bill to abolish days of
grace. A favorable report on tho bill to
establish county Insane nsylums was killed,
27 to 14.
(Irmiil l.nrccuy of Mvc Stock.
The houso passed houso bills to maho tho
stealing of Uvo stock of tho value of $10
grand larceny, nnd n non-resident executor
or administrator to bring actions In the
courts of tho state.
Tho house passed scuuto Joint resolutions
memorializing congress to remove sandbar
at the mouth of JameH river, memorializing
congress to Increase annual allowance for
children In Indian schools to $208 per year,
senutc bill to provldo for the caro of home
less children and tho general educational
gill, which was amended to rcstoro tho
word "International" In defining dictionar
ies which was struck out by tho senate and
then Mopped discussion of tho bill. This
called out strong protests from Lawson
and Oroxs, but all debate was stopped by
n previous question nnd tho bill wus passed
after reconsideration to strike out tto
emergency clause and tho Slncho motion
applied to It, Thoso favoring thn bill were
accused of being bought by the book trust
nnd after this charge had boen mado direct
by Lnwson, Koch demanded his proof. Tho
houso general appropriation bill ns pre
sented carries $1,009,354 for the biennial
period ns ngalnst $913,900 as represented
two years ago.
I. nut lln- nf (Jrnce.
This was tho last day for the Introduc
tion of bills In the uonato and a long list
was pushed In. They were to upproprlata
$15,000 to purchase 2.000 sets of Orantham's
code, providing that no property shall be
exempt from levy nnd execution for board
und lodging, ii maximum rato Insurance bill
on real cBtnto risks, empowering tho board
of county commissioners to issue funding
warrants, appropriating $15,000 for n girls'
dormitory at tho deaf and dumb school,
appropriating $45,000 for tho completion of
tho rear center building at Yankton hospi
tal, $1,G00 for deficiency In maintenance and
$4,000 deficiency In fuel, abolishing tho
board of railroad commissioners and as
signing their duties to attorney general,
providing for extension of cemetery boun
daries, to prevent the adulcratlon of Intoxi
cating liquors and providing punishment for
same, appropriating $1,600 expenses "of crim
inal prosecutions In unorganized counties
nttnehed to Stanley, requiring all property
to be listed for' taxation under oath and
allowing exemptions for debts on monies
and credits.
Tho ecnato passed a bill authorizing the
stato board nf assessment to lovy ono mill
deficiency tax, and Hurko's "scavenger"
hill to clear up delinquent tnxes, a hill
based on tho Minnesota law for the samo
purpose Tho uonato passed houso bill to
create state dairy commissioner with
nnieiidments, on reconsideration. The com
mltteo reported adversely on n bill requir
ing physical culture to bo taught in schools
and nfter several members hud been Inter
viewed by lndy lobbyists tho commltteo
changed Its recommendation and It was so
reported. Senator Johnfcon, populist, In
troduced nn nntl-shlp subsidy resolution.
Movement of Ocean Vessel Ken. lin.
I Ai uinsguw Arrivco Asiorni, irom rsew
At Alcximdrla Arrived Augusto Vic
toria, from New York, via ports.
At aibraliar Sailed llobeiizollcrn, from
Genoa nmlNiipleH, for New York.
At Naples Arrived Fucrnt Hlsmarnk,
from New York, for Genoa,
At Liverpool Arrived Ilelgenland, from
At Antwerp Arrived Kensington, from
New York, via Southampton,
At Sydney, N. S. V.-Holled-Mlowera,
from Hrlsbane, Honolulu and Vancouver.
Disreputable Methods of a Fusion Fake
Evor since tho openlug of the present
session of tho Nebraska general assembly
the Omaha World-Herald has dolly regalod
Its readers with some of t)io most remarkable
llctlon ever published. It hns been dono
uuder the pretense of giving tho news con
nected with the senatorial contest, but so
llttlo news hart- be,m offered that the dafly
screed has been found worthiest as a per
veyor of Information. As a column through
which vain linnglnlags could be foisted
upon thn public for tho purpose of dccolvlng
as many as possible (is to tho real conditions
at Lincoln thn nffalr has been a success.
In order to show how absolutely false theso
fakes havo been Tho Deo has mado a col
lection of them nnd hero tho reader can
leurn what tho World-Herald said would
happen ami cotnparo its absurd statements
and wild guesses with what actually did
'DotiulUN Delegation Hendy to He
volt." World-Herald, Jonunry 3: "Rosewatcr
has not tho strength In his own delegation
ho Is genernlly supposed to have. Throo
of these republicans certnlnly, and proba
bly four, will not stay by him forever.
When they havo supported him through
sevornl tedious ballots they will feel that
they hnve discharged their duties and will
go to Bomrnno else."
'DoimliiM DclCKIttlon Split III the .Mid
dle." World-Herald, January 12; "It Ib claimed
positively tonight that four of tho repub
lican members from Douglas county havo
promised to sign tho caucus call, whenever
their signing It will make the sixty votes
necessary to make It effective These four,
It Is said, aro only awaiting their oppor
tunty to break away from Rosownter, who,
they nre already convinced, can never bo
Sure to lleaerl Honey t Week."
World-Herald, January 20: "That trouble
Is piling up In front of Mr, Rose
water much moro serlouB than ho antici
pates Is certain, Tho World-Herald Is In
formed tonight, on the best and most re
llnblo authority, that five of tho eight re
publican members from Douglas county have
determined to desert Mr. Rosownter at thi
end of next week, unless In tho meantime
ho shall demonstrate by a materially in
creased vnto that ho has n chance of elec
tion or a republican henatorial caucus Is
convened, It Is said that when tho dele
gation leaves Kosewattr It will bo divided,
(or a ballot or two, between Mercer, Judgu
Fire Tbouiand Dollar.' Bail Required in
Ony 0. Barton Gate.
Admits Tli nt flip ttKO.OOO la In the
Ilnud of Rightful Owners
DciiiM-11 Iimlntn on IllKld
CIIICAOO, Feb. 23. Under n capias Is
sued on a new Indictment by tho Cook
county grand Jury Lnnt K. Salsbury was
formally placed under arrest today on a
charge of embezzling $50,000 placed In es
crow two weeks ago ns part of an alleged
fund to bo used In securing a $4,000,000 con
tract fOr tho construction of municipal
water works at Grand Rapids, Mich., where
ho Is city attorney. Ho was released on
bonds of $5,000, after havng been In custody
only a few hours In the office of Chief Dep
uty Sheriff Kunz and never getting closer to
the county Jail than within sight of Its
Irownlng portals as ho approached the crim
inal court building on the way from thn
quarters in which ho has been technically
a prisoner for more than forty hours.
It was announced by Palsbury's attor
neys that he had left tonight on n lata train
for his homo In Grand Rapids. Before Sals
bury had departed n statement was Is
sued by tho attorney of Guy C. Barton, the
Omaha millionaire contractor, from whom
thn $50,000 had been obtained. In this
statement Attorney L. K. Crofoot, tho
Omaha representative of Mr. Barton, refers
to tho $50,000 as n portion of a fund needed
In the water works deal "for legal and pro
motion expenses."
Prefers Aol to Prosecute.
lie asserts that "under tho circumstances
Mr. Dm ton would personally much prefo
not to bo instrumental In continuing tho
prosecution, but' that tho case Is In tho
hand b of Stato's Attorney Dcneen and will
hnvo to take the usual course."
What Is rcgardod os n loophole for the de
fense of Salsbury, Is outlined In o reference
In tho Crofoot statement setting forth thnt
I.. 12. Loss, the Chicago promoter, who ne
gotiated thn waterworks deal with Salsbury,
asserted that tho money was to bo held In
"common ownership" after It had passod
out of tho hands of Mr llarton's son and
had found Its way Into tho safety deposit
vault, from which, It Is alleged, Salsbury
afterward surreptitiously removed It.
All speculation as to whether tho $50,000
had really been returned to tho Dartnns
was set at rest by Attorney Crofoot's writ
ten declaration that It was restored to
representatives of the rightful owners by
Salsbury when the latter arrived In this
city from Michigan Saturday night.
Grnnil Itniilds to litvrntlaate.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Feb. 25. The
Grand Rapids common council will tonight
tako steps toward officially Investigating
tho alleged water works deal which has re
sulted In tho Indictment of City Attorney
L. K. Salsbury by tho grand Jury In Chi
cago, for the alleged embezzlement of $50,
000. It Is said here that Salsbury Is only
ono of several local persons who aro In
volved' in tho matter.
MnifRle Hnel nf Pneblo, Hnpposed to
Ilnve lleen Stolen, Is Found
PUEBLO, Colo., Feb. 23. Tho body of
Maggto Hocl, the young woman who mys
teriously disappeared December 23, and who
was supposed to havo been kidnaped, waR
found In the Arkansas, river below this
city this morning. Tho girl's right arm was
shattered, and this fact In conjunction with
other circumstances connected with the dis
appearance, led to tho belief that she was
MlnneniinlU Sfwspspfr Mnn, Con
victed of MntiHlnuKhter In First
Decree, In Sentenced.
MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 25. Frank H. Ham
ilton, convicted of manslaughter In tho first
degree, was brought into court after regu
lar hours, at 3:30 this afternoon. It was
hoped In this way to escape curious crowds.
Judge Brooks sentenced the prisoner to
soven years nt hard labor In the state peni
tentiary nt Stillwater.
Raker and C. J. Greene, although It Is ex
pected speedily to get together In support
of somo ono Omaha man qualified and fitted
to bo United States senator."
'St nil 11 In r Kicry .crvo to Hold Ills
World-Herald, January 24: "Rosewatcr's
most strenuous effortH are being directed
to holding his own delegation In line. It is
understood"" that Uhl and Mullen aro tho
only two who aro unwavering In their sup
port nnd determined to stick to tbo end.
To hold McCoy ho has promised to niakn
him collector of customs, to succeed Cadet
Taylor, whllo Mead he has promised tha
Job of United States marshal."
After making such dlro predictions of de
snrtlou every other day the Lincoln fakir
caps tho climax of brazen misrepresentation
by tbo following screed dated February 22:
"t'nneeiiuu t nlile Wcnkeulna;,"
World-Herald, February 22: "The serene
aud confident Mr. Rosewatcr made a dis
covery today and his prompt consequent
nctlon furnished about the only bit of fresh
gossip to give a semblance of life and an
imation to tho senatorial lobby.
"Mr. Rosewater's dUcovery was that an
unaccountable weakening In fealty and
hopefulness seemed to havo developed in
his delegation and among his strikers, and
the result waB tbo prompt and uncere
monious firing of his two chief 'spotters,'
Messrs. Anderson nnd Vardl of Omaha, and
of a leading member of his lobby, yclept
Howard, n real estate man, also from
Omaha, together with the dropping from the
pay roll of somo halt a dozen other boost
ers, whose names aro not a matter of public
record. ,
"With n striking exhibition of commend
able thrift, Mr. Rosewater lopped off tbo
'barnacles' with their back wages unpaid,
and the roar they put up la tho lobby
served speedily to herald tho news abroad
that there was trouble and lots of it In
tho tent of tho Omaha candidate.
"It develops that Mr. Rosewater's
grlevanco against his workers lies In the
fact that a number of llttlo circum
stances of lato have led him to question
tho loyalty of threo or four of tbo mem
bers of tbo Douglas delegation. In pur
suing his Investigations he carefully cross
questioned his spotters nnd other workers
as to the personal history for the past
week of tho members In question, and his
employes were careless enough to carry
to the men undor suspicion tho news that
their chief 'had his doubts,'
"This caused a flare-up in tho delegation,
i denial for otoe county
ehrnsknns Mnxt Pnj- rinpp I'pnn
Old Itonil liy Order of the
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho supreme court of "the United
States today dented the application of at
torneys representing Otoo county, Nc
braeka, In a suit ngalnst John Martin Clapp
for n writ of certiorari. John Mnrtln Clapp
brought an action ngalnst Otoe county In
the circuit court of Nebraska upon thirty
bonds of $1,000 each, Issued by tho county
commissioners. The trial was had, stipu
lation having been filed waiving a Jury and
the court mado timings of facts and conclu
sions of taw In the case and rendered Judg
ment for tho defenddnt. The plaintiff rc
J moved the case to tho circuit court of ap
peals, which, after hearing the .case, re
versed tho Judgment and remanded It to
tho circuit court of Nebraska with direc
tions to enter Judgment f6r the plaintiff.
Governor Dietrich In Hniltlte.
Governor Dietrich, according to the order
Issued today, will ride on borsebick on In
auguration day Instead of In a carriage, as
previously arranged. Mounts to tho num
ber of twenty havo been engaged for Ne
bra3kans, who will arrive hero Sunday aft
ernoon. Equipments for mounts will bo
brought from Nebraska, horses being pro
vided by a denier at Falls Church, Vn.
For n llonne Count' Hoy.
Plcrson D. Smith of St. Edmund, Doonu
county, Is In Washington In tho interest
of his son, who Is a first year classman at
Annapolis. Young Smith stood especially
high In a numbor of his studies, but failed
to reach tho passing mark In arithmetic.
Mr. Smith called upon the secretary of tho
navy today with Senators Thurston nnd
Allen and Congressman Robinson. Noth
ing definite was learned, but the. secretary
agreed to look Into tho matter.
Congressman Nevlllo, his wife nnd his
secretary. Rod Smith, left for Tipton, Ga.,
last night for the benefit of Judge Neville's
Captain W. II. Woodward or Lincoln,
who has a position In the Interior depart
ment, Is Interested in a company to ralso
tho Maine, for which the company agrees
to pay 'tho United States a certain sum
from the proceeds realized. f
Mercer Abandons Hope.
Chairman Mercer of the houso committee
on public buildings and grounds said this
evening that bo. had abandoned hopo of
securing any action' on tho omnibus hill,
which provides Increased appropriations
for Salt Lake, Cheyenne, Dolse 'and other
cities. Tho senate declined to consider
tho bill as nn amendment to tho sundry
civil appropriation act and this, accord
ing to Mr. Mercer, means defeat of tho
proposition to secure moro money for tho
public buildings already, authorized nt this
Moll DrnU Mcrcllenaly with Mnn Sus
pected of Flrlnir III Mother'
NEW YORK; Feb. 25. An excited mob
In Matawan, 'N. J., last night hanged
Charles Herbert, a resident oflho placo, in
an offort to make him confess that ho had
sui ted a fire which desttoji.-tL.jhc "business
portion of' tho town January., 27. Herbert
protested his Innocence, He was strung up
u second time, and when lowered again as
sarted that ho was riot guilty. This time
tho' torture ceased and the mnn was taken'
to Jail.
Last night 11 dwelling occupied by Her
bert's mother caught flro and after the
flames were extinguished It wns discovered
that the stairway In tho house hod been
soaked with korosene. Suspicion pointed
to Herbert and his arrest and torturo fol
Ilenehew Ilelnx Patrolled In Hope of
HecovcrliiR- More of the lllo'n
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 25. Today has
developed nothing new regarding the
wreck of tho steamer Rio do Janeiro. Tho
beaches aro being patrolled constantly nnd
tho surface of tho bay Is being carefullj;
scanned for' bodies of victims of the disas
ter or for llotsam of a valuable nature, but
so far tho efforts of the watchers havo
not beon greatly rewarded. It is tho
general opinion that few, If any, bodies
from tho wreck will be recovered before
the end of tho week.
the angry protestations of tho members
mado the watchman on tho tower very
uncomfortable and very wroth nnd ho pro
ceeded to gtvo vent to bis angry passions
by slashing Into tho pay roll.
"Ono of tho men fired declared to tho
lobby tonight that ho had been In Lin
coln for eight weeks, nt Mr. Rnsewater'a
request, had received from him but $.1 dur
ing that time and was munificently re
warded with another $5 today, when In
formed that his services would no longer
bo required, Others declared they had been
treated almost as shabbily and the combined
wall they put up kept the lobby, entertained
throughout tho evening.
"As for Mr. Rosewater, it is evident
that ho is not feeling bo 'confident nnd
serene' as ho professed to be a couple of
weeks ago. Ho appears nervous and dis
traught, and Is visibly aging under tho
strain of fighting tho field with an un
willing and sullen army at his back."
Purpose of the Ileports.
All theso reports aro roanlfastly con
cocted for one purpose, and that is to cro
ate the Impression that the Douglas delega
tion was from the outset anxious to desert
their colors and break faith with their con
stituents, wben as n matter of fact thero
never has been a moro loyal delegation sent
out of Omaha and Douglas county. Thero
has never been a day or on hour In which
nny member of his delegation has wavered
In his allegiance or Intimated any Intention
to go over to any other candidate. On tho
contrary, every member has resented tho
Imputation of disloyalty as a reflection upon
his Integrity. At no stage during tbo last
six weeks has Mr. Rosewater given himself
the least concern about tho delegation. Tho
story about tho discharge of the spotters
and strikers Is a brazen falsehood. No
spotters or lobbyists have been employed
by Mr. Rosewater during tho wholo sena
torial campaign. Anderson and Vardell, the
men mentioned by the World-Herald, are not
known to him. The only person under pay
who has spent any time at bis headquarters
was Mr. Campbell, who for moro than
twenty years has been on the pay roll of
Tho Deo In the counting room and as trav
eling solicitor. Mr. Campbell, however, haa
not been nt Lincoln for more than two
weeks, and the Incident described by tho
World-Herald novor occurred, but Is ma
licious fiction without a scintilla of fact to
support It.
Aliened Hired l.iililiy.
This Is not tho first time that the fake
mill ha fabricated slanders, aa will be
Shaft No. 1 at Diamondville Reported to Be
in Flamei.
Messnue In Received nt llo lie
.Muiierlntenilent fuUIn of the
OrcKon Short I.lne
It it 1 1 way.
DOISE, Idaho, Fob. 23. A mcago haa
Just been received by Superintendent Cul
vln of the Oregon Short Line rallwny, stat
ing that mlno No. 1. nt Dlamondvllle, Wyo.,
Is on lire, between tho sixth and seventh
lovcls. It Is thought that tho lives of thirty
or forty men nro In danger.
SALT LAKE, CITY, Utah, Feb. 25. A spe
cial to tho Tribune from Kcmmcrcr, Wyo.,
A disastrous flro in tho Ulamondvnlc coal
mlno No. 1 late this evening was attended
with serious doss of life nnd great destruc
tion of property. There were seventy
miners and fifteen horses entombed, but
ono miraculous escapo was made, however,
by John Anderson, wjio wns working near
the mouth of tho levrf when ho realized tho
mine was on lire. With some difficulty ho
renrhed tho main lead and by throwing a
heavy overcoat over his head and shoul
ders he pushed his way through the llames
nnd reached tho main lead completely ex
hausted and terribly burned, but will re
cover. Ho wns taken out by friends.
i:rri't ni iichcuc I'nii.
All efforts to resnuo thoso further back
havo failed', as tho flames drovo the res
cuers buck. That all havo perished is
without question. Tho scenes around the
mlno wcro heartrending. Mothers, wives
and sweethearts weeping nnd tenrlng their
hair In tcrrlbla agony and nil effort to
calm them of no avail. Tho loss of prop
erty will reach nn enormous figure, onl
as tho ofllclnls ore very reticent th
amount and nnmcs of those Imprisoned nre
unobtainable nt a lato hour. Tho causo
of tho Are Is at present unknown. Tits
mine has been pugged nt tho alxth level,
about two miles from the mouth.
Impicst Over llenth of Mllwood Ilnr
Uceper'K Wife In Mndc n Color
less Proceeding.
LEAVENWORTH, Knn., Feb. 25. Tho In
quest over tho killing of Mrs. Rosa Hudson,
In tho Joint raid nt Millwood Inst Monday,
was hold today and tho coroner's Jury re
turned a verdict to thu effect that she came
to her death from a gunshot wound nt the
hand of persons unknown to the Jury. No
attempt was made to Investigate thoso who
comprised tho raiding mob or who did nny
of the shooting in tho Joint.
John Hudson, the husband; Michael Lock
ner, the brother of the murdered woman,
.Matthew Gocns nnd Dr. W. E. Adams, were
the only wltnesBcs.put on the stand nnd they
were asked only questions that uhow thu
Mrs. Hudson is dead and that uho wrm
killed by. a gunshot. Tho Jury wns out only
a few minutes In reaching verdict.
Tho preliminary trial will eomo up Fri
day, when n full examination will be made.
1 '
.Gives Itnll nnd Stnrtn for Peoria to
I2dlt a Pnper for One
On y.
TOPEKA. Kan., Feb. 23. Mrs. Nation wob
released from the county Jail last night and
at 5 o'clock this morning left for Peorln
to. act as editor of tho Peoria Journal for
ono day, for which sho Is to ho paid $150.
J. I). McAfee of this city Is Mrs. Notion's
HmplnycM Go Out fleenuse They Old
Not Get Increnc lu
SORANTON, To,, Feb. 25. The SOO em
ployes of the Dolph Cool company at Win
ton, this county, struck today becauso the
company hnd failed to pay tho 10 per cent
Increase In wages to a number of Its miners,
as agreed when tho big strlko of last Oc
tober was settled.
shown by tho following oxtrncts from the
Lincoln correspondent of tho World-Herald
in Its Issue of January 12. This screed was
Intended to create a feeling among tho mem
bers that Rojowatcr keeps a number of spies
and spotters at the capital to get them
within his power, meaning of course to find
them In somo wrong act nnd lo hold a club
over them, when In fact thero have been no
spies of either sex employed.
World-Herald, January 12: "Roscy
himself realizes that ho Is In desperato
straits nnd he. has summoned from Omaha
a regular army of lobbyists, who swarm th
legislative balls, capltol corridors and hotel
lobbies. A numbor nro detailed to spy on
republican members and endeavor to find
tho means, In some way, Qf putting as many
ns posslhlo In Rosowator'H power."
World-Herald, January 20: "Rosewater,
Melklojohn and Thompson nil maintain a
numero and cxpo-slvo lobby, among whom
are found somo of tho most uotorlous char
acters of the halcyon days of republican
corruption, Tho federal brlgado Is as un
scrupulous In Its methods as tho Uurllngtnn
lobby, and tho proprietor of tho Omaha con
tingent, with his heterogenous collection of
gentiles and thugs, mule and female, Is In
no condition to shy rocks nt cither Melkle
John or Thompson."
Anuiult on lieu linker.
Tho dltroputable tactics that havo been
pursued with regard to tho Douglas dele
gation havo been also pursued throughout,
as may be seen from tbo following ex
tracts! World-Herald, January 4, "Despite
Rosewater's undoubtid success, tho old man
Is badly worried over tho nows which comes
to him of tho diabolical machinations of
Judgo Ren Raker. Rosewatcr has had spies
on the Judge's tracks for several dayB, and
has learned enough to convlnco him that
his honor Is In tho senatorial raco with
both feet. Hence the grief.' Then follow
particulars of Raker's machinations.
Other lllareputiihln Tnctic.
World-Herald, January 18. "That Mr,
Rosewater is getting madder every day Is
evident. It is hard work for his chief
guide, counsellor and friend, Judgo Hen
S. Baker,, to restrain him from giving utter
ance to tho torrent of invective which Is
dally trembling on tho tip of his touguo
and tho point of his pen. Frequenters of
tho lobby regard Mr. Rosewater as an
event fraught with interesting nnd highly
entertaining possibilities and feel suro that
before winter wanes ho will open up it
barrel of fireworks. Mr. Rosewater
Forecnst for Ncbrnskn Fair; Colder.
Tcniiicrnttire In Omnlui ; cntcrdnyi
Hour. Dei;. Hour. licit
A 11. I" M'i I 11. m .'ID
(I 11. 111 M a p, in Ill
11. ti !2o :t p. in :t:i
X 11. Ill Ill -I 11. Ill ill
n. m ( n 11. 111 :t:i
10 n. m :n 11 p. in ai
1 I ft. Ill Mi 7 p. Ill :io
1- I '-'7 S p. Ill '27
II p. in UH
Wonderful PUe.n ei - of Gold Is
Reported from the
HONOLULU. Feb. !(, (Via San Fran
cisco, Feb. 23.) A wonderful discovery of
gold is reported In tho Sumo.m Islands,
llluck Kami running as high us $910 i ton
Is snld to havo been found on tho Islnu'd of
Upoln. Captain Rest, formerly of tho
Oceanic Steamship company, who passed
through hero on tho steamer Aorangl, on
bis way to Samoa. Is uuthorlty for tho
statement that u 'company has been formed
nnd an ii00-ton schooner bought to work the
rand nnd carry the product to Sydney. Tho
company consists of Walter Sclby nnd J.
Wuters of Pan Francisco, nnd 11. U. Dear
born of Sydney, under the firm nnmo of tho
hamoan Gold Mining rompnny. Ten tons
of tho gold Hand sent to Sydney is said to
bnvo average.! 47 ounres of pure gold
to tho ton. Nickel nnd tin ore nro nlso
declared to exist In largo quantities In
Samoa. Tho company will send these ores
to Kan Frarclsco.
J. D. Humberg, n teacher, who recently
returned hero from Guam, reports tint
preparations nre being mndn there for 1,600
Filipino prisoners. The natlvos of Guam
huvo deep hatred for tho Filipinos, nnd
do not llko to seo them brought to tho
.Vnllonnl .'oi-cnt, FUh und Gnme Ka
posi! Ion lo Open Tiiilny on
lOliilinrnle Scute.
CHICAGO, Fib. 25. Elaborato prepara
tions hnvo been mado for tho opening nf tho
Natlonnl Forest, Fish nnd Gnmo exposition
at tho Coliseum tomorrow. Undor tho su
pervision of Indlnns, guides and experi
enced sportsmen, tho gigantic structure has
been transformed from nn auditorium Into
a veritable primeval forest. Hundreds of
plno nnd spruce trees hnve been stripped
to cover tho place nnd hundreds of others
hnvp been put in position to make tho scenes
moro natural. Immense tanks havo been
built and in these nenrly every known kind
of tho llnney tribe Is to bo seen.
A panoramu of tho Grand Canyon of Ari
zona is n feature. Every detail hao been
carried out, natural trails of rock and dirt
lending to the crest of tho ridge irom whero
tho view Is obtained.
Tho nvlary contains gnme birds from all
parts of this country nnd abroad. Nej.t
t" this Is a large platform built for athletic
sports. Two performances dally will bo
given. This will also bo tho rule In re
gard at tho lako, whero thero will be water
polo, high diving and swimming exhibi
tions nnd canoo "racing. 'This lahc Is Blxty
by thirty feet and niuo feet deep.
Articles Specify Cupllnl Hlock of Only
Three TIioiiniiiuI wllh Power
to IncrcHMr.
NEW YORK, FebTls-ArtlcIes of Incor
poration of tho United States Steel cor
poration wcro filed today at tho ofllco of
the county clerk of Hudson county, Now
Jersey. ThlB concern Is the gigantic Mor-gan-Carnefrie
combine. Tho agent of tho
new corporation In New Jersey Is tho Hud
son Trust company of CI Nownrk street,
Hoboken. "
Tho objects of tho corporation aro to
mnnufacturo steel, Iron, copper and other
materials and to own, occupy and develop
mines, nnll to own means of transportation.
Thn provision is made that the corporation
rliall not own a railroad in the stato of
New Jersoy.
Tho Incorporators aro Charles C. Cluff,
William J. Curtis and Charles McVengh, all
of Hoboken.
Tho total authorized capital stock in
$3,000, divided Into thirty shares of $100
each. Tho provision Is mado that the
stcck may bo Increased nt any time.
Is a very panicky gcntloman. Ho knows
tho game of politics about as woll as any,
but he is eternally suspicious of evoryono
nud everything. He has but ono manager
In this cpmpalgu, aside from himself. That
gentleman Is Judgo Ren Baker, who hus,
deep In the recesses of his bosom, an am
bition to bo senntor hlmrelf. Mr. naker
does not seem to ho able to comfort the
old man, or to keep him from making bad
breaks, In fact, Judged from a purely
tactical standpoint, tho Rosewatcr campaign
hus hecn a soring of errors. What Mr.
Rosewater ought to do and do at onco Is
to advertise for a campaign manager.
Meanwhile, ho should tiro tho ono hn hus.
Ho would make by it, even If thero Is de
lay in filling tho position."
The CoiTln-Wchster Fllke.
Theso fako reports wero actually believed
by many peoplo In this city, and created
. qulto a stir In Omaha and In certain po
litical quarters, when, as a matter of fact,
no communication bad passed between Gen
eral Cowln and Edward Rosewater for
months prior to tho protended discovery.
Nobody was more surprised at the repott
than General Cowln himself, who had never
heard of a proposed transfer of tho Doug'
Ins delegation.
Not a word bad passed between Rosownter
and Cowln on tho subject.
As to thn Webster htory, the only founda
tion for that was tho mere fact that John
L. Webster nnd Edward Rosewater hnd
shaken hands nt tho Llndell hotel, this
being their first meeting slnco Wnbster'a
Illness, Rosewatcr expressing gratification
at his recovery and Webster returning tho
compliment by a call at his headquarter,
which did not extend over flvo minutes,
whereas tho veracious World-Herald cor
respondent was suro that It lasted more
than threo hours:
World-Herald, January 23: "Negotia
tions nro In progress between Edward Rose
watcr und John L. Webster of Omaha to
dotorrolna the terms on which tho former Is
to withdraw us a candldato for Unltvd
States senator and support the latter for
tho place. Surprising and Inconcclvablo as
this statement may seem, it Is the plain
truth. Tho two distinguished Omahans,
bitter porsonal and political enemies of
many years' standing, havo beon closeted In
conference tho greater part of the afternoon
nnd evening, endeavoring to reach an agree
ment. What Rosewater demands nnd what
Webster Is willing to concedo In payment
(Continued on Third Page.)
Annonncii Hii Intention of Voting for
Thompson Instead of Hinibaw.
His Friindi Hare Mdnly Bean Giving Him
Coraplimentarj Votes.
Election of Two Senators is tht Hopa of All
the Legislators.
PopocrntM lime .o Desire lo Anslst
the ItcpiihllcniiN 1'nlcna It Hp oil
n linn I n of Division of
LINCOLN. 1VI, :. i.u,,lt s
No ballots worn taken ul the icpubllcau
scnaioriui caucus tonight, becauso only
thirty-four nnswercd to tho roll und ad
journment wns hnd until S o'clock tomor
row night. Senator Martin, hownvcr, sclzod
tho occasion to mako n speech on tho har
mony key, announcing that ho was nbout
10 rcunquisn 111s support of Hlushaw, for
whom ho Iihs been voting from tho first,
and to oust his lot with the Thompson fol
lowing. Senntor Mnrtln has been voting for llln
shaw nnd Crminmi mul ihu ,.imnr in
Thompson nnd Crounso Is looked on ns part
of a prearranged effort to forco tho Inst
nnmed combination. It Is reported that
.unriin is to carry with him to Thompson
tho votes of Cain.
pofcslbly Brown of Otoo.
vnen asked If his proposed clmngo from
HlnslinW Wns In h cnnilrnml ,,u ...III..
drawal of his own randldney for United
aiaics senator, Mr. Martin said: "I have
never considered myself it candldato for
United States senator nnd havo novcr so
licited nny support as such. The friends
Who hnVO been vntltlir fnr mn linen .In.m a,.
of tholr own nccord and I upprcclato tho
cuiupnmeni. 1 cannot stop uuyono from
VOtlllir for me. I linvn nnl ii'llhilrnun
candidacy, becauso I had put forth uo can
dldacy to withdraw. All I want is to make
SUro Of ClcCtlnc two renuhUrnna In ),
senate at tho earliest possible moment nnd
10 avoia an ennnco or duplicating tho oul
COmo in Oreiron. wlinrn ilnmnnpnii
drawn on to mako tho republican sonutor
wun airaosi an adjournment with no elec
tion ui an,"
Kxnmplc of OrCKou.
Tho breaking; of tho senatorial ilonriln'.ls
In Oreeon formed n innnrnl innln nt .11..
cusslon hero nnd Is regarded as n favoralilo
omen tor tuo eventual election of Ne
braska's senatnrn liefnrn lh, ualr.
In Oregon, it Is pointed out, tho deadlock
tuiiunuea up to tuo very hour of adjourn
ment nnd tho elect Inn ni rnnanm,
the fifty-third ballot. Tho Nebraska legls--
miuro nan tancn naraiy naif that many
ballots nnd has moro limn Iw.nln ,1.
stsslou yet before it In which to get to nn
agreement. At tne samo tlmo. In
View of tho fact that Ore ornn rn.
publicans only secured tholr sena
tor by nn nlllunco with tho domocrats, by
which cloven democratic, vntsn it-am
trlbuted to them, tho trlok does not npppoal
favorably as an examplo, but' tho determina
tion Is expressed moro eninliuiteniiv iiu.n
evor to fill tho two Nebraska, vacancies
wun rcpuoiicnns chosen by republican
legislative votes.
A Plnn lo Prevent Oendlocks,
"You havo struck thn rliriii n.
tho position of tho fualonlstn In thtu
torlnl contest." said a populist, who Is nl-
hiijh on mo insiao, "uicn you say no re
publican can got any fusion votes In ti.
legislature, excopt is n trade for enough
votes to glvo us ono of tho scnatorshlp.
ivu nave ngureu mis all out nnd wo would
rather tako chances nn n ilnnrtlnM in i,
end thnt will leavo tho places vacant and
glvo us 11 go nt them in tho next lrglslaturo
than lo help out two republlcansi on tha
theory that thoy will bo 'hnrraloHs' bscaiiso
wo pick them. Anothor thing you forgot to
mention, however, is this, that wo will neo
to It thero Is no deadlock, should tho cna.
torlai election ro ovor to
Inturo two years from now. Tho statement
is growing noro and I bcllovo will bo soon
all-powerful that the onlv lliltitr r. a i
tho futuro when a scnatorshlp Is at stakn
Is to mako a nomination for United States
senator In our party conventions und go
before tho pooplo on that nomination. That
would put nn-effectivo stop on deadlocks
and dark horses and all that sort of thing
and tho pooplc would chooso a legislature
to elect tho cundldilto for senator who most
commanded thn popular confidence. Just
pasto this pointer In your hat nnd seo If
I am not right whether tho noxt election
of United Stntes senator comes In two years
or In four years,"
New llnllot IIIH Hendy.
The now ballot ball will he Intrnrlnr-. m.
morrow as formulated by vnrlnim m.nh.r.
of tho commltteo who havo not found
among tho various hills nlreudy presented
any ono that ronforms lo their ideas. The
proposea Danot diners In several csentlnls
mini nny ovor tried in Noiirnskn. It Is to
be printed In a slncle column tnnkl
long strip of pnpor about livn Inches wldo
and no candidate's namo Is allowed on It
In moro than ono place. It provides for
straight party voting by a slnglo crocsmnrk
In a circle nt the top and for it group sys
torn whero moro than ono office of the snmo
grado Is to bo filled for example, In choos
ing Judges of tho district court, university
rcce'nts. members nf Dm lni.ian.inr,. n
school board nnd Justices of tho peacoiwhorn
moro man one la to do elected thoso nomi
nated by each party aro grouped with 11
urucKoi ami circle y which all eon be
voted by nnn cross lust nn tviiii inn
dcntlal electors on tho ballot used at tho
last election, on tho other hand, tho now
form annears sneclallv rienlenmi in fm.
tate fusion by requiring the pnrty designa
tions to be set in a bracket opposite tho
name of each randldrtto nominated by moro
than ono party. It. goes further by pro
vidlng for a similar bracket at tho top op
posltn tho clrcln for straight pnrty voting,
so that the fusion parties nro regarded art
two or threo for nominating purposes, but
only one on tho official ballot. What
complications this might lead to nro read
ily concelvnblo nnd will, doubtless, ha
brought out when tho subject lomes up
for action. Another peculiarity of tho
bill Is tho printing of tho party designa
tions opposlta proposed constitutional
nmondments, tho straight p.irty crosses
at thn top to bo counted for or ngulnst
ns tho party ban endorsed or disapproved
In ntntu convention. That this feature Is
a novelty In thn linn of election machinery
goes without tnylng. Tho schedulo nt
tnehed to tho bill presents a startling array
of names.
"We must run somn of our dUtlngiiteht-d
men for ofllco on this ticket," suggested