SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for theae column Trill he triltrn until 111 in. for the renin edition nnd until 8:110 u. in, tor morning nntl Sunday edition. Rntei, 1 J-So n nord Hrt Insertion, its rrarrl therenftrr. Nothing tnken for tesa tli ii it Su for the Mr at Inscr 1'on. Theie advertisement! ninst bt ran eonnccntl vely. Advertlaers, by reimeatliiR a nam' liererl check, enn hnvc niKncm nd 4resed to h numbered letter In care f The Ilee. Anavrera ao nddreaaed will be delivered on vreaentatloa. of tls hcok only. WAVrilB-siTIJATIONS. EXPERT accountant. Holbrook, Brown bl -V JI3 blk LADY who has completed tlio bookkeeping course in the Hryimt A Htruttun Corre spondence Cnllpgc of Buffalo, New York, desires 11 position hs bookkeeper1. Adi'resrt I'. O, Box 115, Ilrook, Neb. .M19j 2S WANTEB-MAI.E HELP. WANTED, we have steady work for .1 tew geod hustlers of Rood habits nnd appear ance. O. P. A'Jama Co., 1605 Howard St. B-SSi I1ARBRH trade taught thoroughly In abort tlmu; catalogue St particulars free. Weat rn Barbers' Institute, Omaha, I . B-80C, MEN or women to sC.i goods to city '.rale. Good paynnd steady employment, Hlx cnbaugh & Co., Ware bluck, Omaha. B-M12 Mart5 WANTED, canvassers. 1620 Douglas St. B-M7M MEN to learn barber trade. Wo can offer better Inducements now than any other season. It will nay you to firepan nt once for spring rush; only eight week re quired. Our course consists of everything required of it first-class barber, Including lectures on hair nnd skin diseases. OJr collfgo Is oowly i-riulppcd with modern furnltnro of special design, ' nnd every facility for successful training. Stlldnnts are, allowed Saturday nnd Hundny work In simps while- learning, und can earn from WO to i 15 before graduating. Complete outfit of tools presentid to each one. Steady positions guaranteed graduates. Call or write for -beautifully Illustrated rntnloguo, giving' nil particulars; mailed fteo: AInler Barber College, 1G2.'1 Furnuni U, Omaha. II-JIW9 MS' WANTED Mini who thoroughly under stands bag nnd burlap business ivh man ager for eastern p'ttiit: also man as salrs- man. Address, K 18, Dee. U-191-2C WANTED Young man to do newspaper work; must bo stenographer; stnte salary. Address, K 19, Beo. B 189 SALESMEN for"IlldpatirHlstory:"saiary nnd commission: Iowa and Nebraska. A. It. Halcom, Dcs Molneo, In. R M10U 2S SALESMEN for cigars; ne.w plnn, quick sales, good business, big money. Con sumers' Cigar Co., 634 8. 7th St., St. Louis. IS- WANTEU-I'HJULK HUM. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. . C-S57 19 girls wanted, Canadian otnci:. 1322 Dougfus O S58 YOUNO lady to learn niasiflgn; permanent position for right party. Appiy 220 Hee Bldg,. C--4J COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family, 2130 Hlnncy St. C MSi'J WANTED, ladles to learn halrdrosslng. mnnlcurtng and facial massago; 1 weeks completes, positions guaranteed; great ilcmar.d for our graduates for resort, city itnd country towns. Cull or wrlto for particulars. Meier's Ilalrdrt-Pf Ing College, 16Z1 Furtinm, Oinnhn. -C M931 Ml WANTED lady having had experience In appointing ugents-to act as gVneriil agent for nice light lino paying salary and 'com mission Address K 10, Hee C M102 26 WANTKD, experienced dressmaker, Apply, at 1020 Dougfus St. I,. WlncbeTg. - 1 - C-175 2J" t "' VOll HUNT-HOUSES. IP you w'ant' your houses well rented place." them with Bcnawa & Co. D S5a ALWAYS moving If. II. goods, Pianos! Ofllce, 151P.4 Paniam St. Tel 1CM or R63 1 D SS0 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho cltv Brennun-LovoiCo.,,320 So. -13th St. , ' ' ' D-S61 HOUSES, stores. Bemls. Paxton block. - n-od SEE "HENRYB. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE , D-sia ' HQpSES." etc. P, D. Wead, 15.N Douglas HOUSES' dnd flats, ningwalt, Barker Blk . j f, B SC3 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown Blk D-SM SEW 7-room brick, strictly modern.' h3t . frcnt. 27th and St. Mary s ave.. ?33. Bemls Paxton. block. . D-70 3T URGES, MA'UTIN CO.. 617 N. Y. I lfe D-9Sl'P2j Hth, hear Parnam: ten-room modern housed complete lu every respect; ten minutes' walk of center of city: reasonable rent. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., liith and Dous lau Sta. D-8T1 r - NINE-BOOM modern' nouse, largo grounds shado trees, barn, thoroughly desirable In every way; rent. $40 to an Al tenant with references. OMAHA LOAN AND TltUST CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. bis'V EM'HNISHED house. 11 r6om. wellTocated, full of boarders and roomers: rents low a pod opening. See me Monday. J. TI Jolinson.- Sll N. Y. Life. D-M1B2 PUH .IlKNT-lUm.MSHIill HIIUM9, BTEAM'hcafed rooms nt The Thurston. - E-l-73 DEWEY" Europedn" hotel. 3th and' Pnrnnm. " v 1C-!7I HorSEKlOEPlNO rooms, jr. up. 2fl'j st. Mary's. , E-MH90 Mnrl SINGLE room for ii gentremnn. l!W!Caiu ' v iq-171 Mart' Pl)HM.Slli: llOIIMS AX1) IIOAUI). HLENCAIRN, trangnta, W 25 day 1699 Doug P-875 LABOE front parlors with board: also smiitler room; rcusor.nblo rates. Tho nose. 2020 Harnoy. F MB91 The Mercian!, good winter home. 23 & Dodge ' F-87D UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. . "f-877 621 N, 23b ST., now management, new fur nititre, good board. P-MRrvS't"' ONE Qilarge fronf-rmim. one smithensi room: cclleut board; prices reasonable. J07 ex So. 34th St i' :ti3 t poh iti;.T-irM'iJH.MSiii;i) hioms. POB housekeeping, also barn. 2024 St. Mary's ave, . G M37i l'tllt Hi:.T-HTltKM AM) (U PlCf.S. FOB BENT The building formerly occu pled by Tho Ileo at 910 Farnam St. It has luur stories and a basement which was formerly used aa Tho Bee press room. Tills "will be 'rented very reasonably. If Interested atfply at opce to C, C, Hose, vator, secretary, room 10c, Bee Building, , 1261 POB BENT Store, In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply It. C, Peters & Co., ground floor, Beo Bide. 1263 STORK room for rent, first-dugs' location for gen.ls'- furnishing goods or shoe otore. ,i.l w si., . umuiiu. 1 tiiM . - a on nth "Wanted, AflRNTS. dealers to soli Carrie Nation souvehlr hatchets; something now: big prollts: price, fiOa dozen; samplo 10c. Join's Kocuan Mfg. Co., Davenport, Iowa. J-M8S1 26 "VICTORIA. Queen and Empress," a com. pletrt biography nnd history of her tlnio; four years hi preparation; agents wanted; extra, terms, freight paid, credit given, outfit now ready, sent free; it great op portunity, wrlto today, Zlegler Co., 621 faonon UlUg, Chicago. J-M2W28" AdU.VriT WAXTEII. WANTED, agents of ability to sell our new 20th Century Combined Life nnd Accident Policy. Very popular, easy to write douhln tho ordinary amount of business: old line company: capital 1200,. (W, Address Conservative Life Insurant Company, Masonic Temple Denver, Colo. WANTED TO III2T. TWO furnished rooms wanted, with whole .oino table hoard for man. wife and 1-year-old boy; seek permanent home In de sirable locality. Address Walter 1. Clarke, care Bee, K 133 25 BOARD and room In prlvnto family, man and wife; references. Address K s. Bee, K-905 23' stoiiaoi:. OM. Van Stor. Co.. lJll',4Farn. Tels. 1S39.86X -879 PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912 9li Junes, rencral storage and forwarding. -S?8 I'O It 1A I.E-F'c'It M IX It B. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New & 2dhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged, ' O 880 PIIRMTl RE'and fixtures of 60 rooms In it brick block centrally located and. full of roomers. A chunco to make big money. Don't let this slip. J. II. Johnson 841 N. Y. Life. O-M'.W poii nam:- 11 ok si:, vkiiici.es, etc. UP-TO-DATE reliable bifggles. runabouts' and vehicles.. It. Frosts, lttn & Leavn'tn P-161 POIt UAI.E Misci;i,i,ANi:ot's. HARD an'd oft foundation piling, liog fences nnd cribbing, 901 Douglas. Q 882 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. Q-SS3 SAFES; buy, sell exe'ge. Schwartz, .114 S. 13. Q--SSI HERTFORD & CO., ICth nnd tlworth. PUUN1TUIIE & UPHOLSTERING. .Q-S85 TIMOTHY hay and all Inrfs iced and coaL Monroe Co. Q 8S6 INCUBATOLS. Srnd to the Sure Hatch' Incubator Co., Clay Ccntur, Neb for a handsome frco catalogue. Q 441 . FOR SALE, u pair of beadtlful domestl cated young nntelopes 9 months old. Ap ply to Mrs. J.C Donohoe, 1620 N. 21st St., Ornnha. ' Q-M944-26 FINE bay horse and Simpson hand-made , phaeton, cheap for cssh. K 10, Bee. ' -17 26 FOR SALE, lot shelving nnd counters, warehouse- scale, M pairs Insldo blinds, showcase. Ino.ulro 1318 Fnrnuni. . Q-M203 26 SEED" fiWEETS. Theo. Williams, Benson, Neb. QM-201 M25 CI.A1KVOVANTS. MRS. PR1TZ, medium. 819 North .16th. S-SS3 .1 MME.GYLMER. genuine palmist. 1603 Dodro S-889 1 MABEL GRAY, SITJi N. 15th St;. Hat E. I" M831 Mar24 KEKO, clairvoyant nnJ hr.lor, 1913 Farnam. S 1SS-M-2 t:i,i:cTit ic r n ioatment. MISS MAE LESLIE, 619 S. 16th, LM Minor. T-M854-F28 ELITE parlors, 61S South ICth, second floor; - T tot M8 MME. AMES, 1613 Howard, 2d floor, room 1. T 187 M-24 . TERMINAL). . PRIVATE home before and during' confine., ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 1W20 Burdette, U-S90 , FRENCH accordion pleating; iVdry.rlra'liut-' tonBj mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1524 Douglas. J UVS?1 SUPPLIES' for all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine', lO Doug las. .Tel. 2331. " ' U-492 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement; babies adopted. 23C6 Grant St. U-S93 VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 348 Bee Bldg. U-891 M. GOLDMAN & CO. Only perfect ao cordcon pleating plant in the west." Mall orders solicited.' Suite 200 'Douglas Block, opposite Hayden's. U J97 TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric baths, for ladles only; skilled women massago operators; finest equipped baths in tne cuy. itensirom uain ompany, Rooms 216 to 220, Bee Bldg. L1EBEN, 'theatrical, masquerade costumer. 1018 Farnam. n ViV DR. ROY, chiropodist: corns & superfluous, hair removeu by electricity. R. .12 Prenzor' block. U-J WE RENT ao,wlng mactilnen for TSc per week; we repair and. sell needles and at. taehments for any machine made. Neb Cycle Co., Cor 15th & Harney. Pnone lia. U-M123 MS A BOX of Rc-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when It affords you a cure und' secures the comfort and happiness of yonr room-mate. U--M212 RUPTURE cured; no kr.lfo, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y, Life Building, Omaha. U-854 M19 INFORMATION WANTED Tho under signed desires to obtain U'e present post otllco address of Lara P. redorsen, who landed at Portland, Me., on the 23d day pf November, 1900, from the British steam Bhlp "Numldlan." Any Information ns to his present whereabouts will bo appre ciated by BenJnmln Thompson, S! Ex change St., Portland, Me. U M8W 28" ALTIIA Dancing club ut Germanla Hall Suturday evcnlns, .March 2nd, CHICKPR1NG upclBht. plnpo. W6.S; hi iiceT lent condition; cash or 'easy payments, Sehinoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. Telephone 1623. t U-3197S M-2 RHEUMAVISM. paralysis, goitre, femalii diseases, consumption, g'audutar swell ings, ob'sltyj stomach and kidney troubles, chronl't diseases cured by Thyroid Lymph KCincaies. vonHiuiniion alio oooaiet rree, Thyr-wd Lymph Co.. 101 Hon Bldg., Omaha; 91-t V Surr block, Lincoln, Neb. lc-UH M-21 ' YOUNG buslncso man. Just located In city, wishes to meet rellned young lady; object, friendship. Address K 22, Bee. l' M204 27 5IONEY TO LOAN RHA1, ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcunau-Lovo Co., 309 South 12th, W-S98 LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa farms nt 5 per cent: borrowers can pay WOO or any multiple; any Interest date: no delay. Brcnnau-Lovo Co.. 300 8, 13th St., Omaha, Neb, " V-01 PRIVATE money, 0, 614, 6. per cent; no de lay, aarvln Bros., 1613 Parnam. W 89 WANTED--City loans, bonds and warrants. Gejrgu & Company, I60I Parnam street. - W-902 (1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Parnam Smith & Co., 1820 Farnam. W 900 WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. ,c. .Peters. & Co., 170J . C II-. Ill 1 . . . an.. i'uriiuiu 01., ucv mug. w WJ MONEY to loan on.furm and' city property; lowest rates. O. P. Davis Co., 1503 Farnam. W-904 MONEY to loan at S and 514 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Molfcle, 401 8. 15th. W-906 PRIVATE money ro loan. J. 11, Sherwood. 939 N. Y. Life. W-903 PIVE per cent money. Bcmls, Paxton block, W-'JOT PRIVATE money. P. D. Wead, 1524 DojglaT w-010 6 AND GU per cent loans. W. H, Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 1641. W 909 NICKEL I'!..VU.C1. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee BlOg. Tel. Mti -535 THIS 'OMAHA DAILY BEE; TUESDAY, 1EBHUAHY 20, 1001. SIOXEY TO I.OAN-OIIATTEL.1. MONEY TODAY. Loans made In .tmouuts from $10 to $350 on household furniture, pianos, horses, car riages, etc., without removal, or on your S-A-Ii-A-R-Y without security. All cr a part of the money may bo paid back the first month or no part of It need be paid back for several months. Each naymint made reduces the cost accordingly.. Em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business rtiatlons. People who need money are invited to call and get tny terais and compare them with what others offer. Loans of other com panies may be transferred to me. No charge for papers. All business strictly confidential quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 633 Paxton Blk., top floor, northeast coiner 16th and Parnam. Entranqo on 16th St. Tel. 746. X-1U R A L LOANS R LOWEST RATE3 IN CITY. WB POSt TIVELY WILL NOT BE UNDERRATED. RAILROAD MEN RECEIVE SPECIAL REBATE GIVEN IP LOAN IS PAID WHY GIVE "P'c'HATTEL- MORTGAGE WHEN YOU CAN GET MONEY ON ,.,, YOUR PLAIN NOTE?..,,,,, STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. EMPLOY ERS NEED NOT KNOW. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. , AMERICAN LOAN CO.. , ROOM 601, BEE BUILDING. f DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan $10.00 nnd Up on furniture, pianos, horses and other chattels. SALARY LOANS , wltnout mortgage to peoplo holding permanent positions. You can get the r money In n few hours after making ap plication nnd take 1. 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 months or more In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one. day longer than you keep it. We chargo nothtnit for papers and we give you the full amount In cash. Thero are no lower rates than ours; our terms are the easiest; our business Is confidential and our motto Is "Try to Please." Omaha Mortgago Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 229j. (Lstabllshcd 1892.) 206 South 16th St. ' SALARY LOANS. If you are employed by n responsible firm we wll' lonn you sums from $10 to $100 on your note ut much chenpe) and easier in (eft thun elsewhere. Of this wo are positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. Nothing deducted from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Rcllablo Credit Co., room 203. Paxton Block. X 914 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 440 Board Trade bldg. C 791 MONEY Idaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. P. Reed, 319 H. 13. X-918 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R 8, Barker blk. X-H9 SALARY loans at reduced rate. Omaha Credit Co., 520 New York Llfo Bldg. X-320 BUSINESS CHANCES. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 25 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks. Cigars or cash; will earn $2 und upward weekly each. Earl Clark & Co., Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. Y-920 FOR SALE, .agricultural Implement nnd carriage business In south central Ne braska. For further particulars addresa Box 603. -West Liberty, la. Y-M731 r OR SALE, my entire line of dry goods and , groceries nmountlng to nbout $5,000 In a good, lively town, doing n good business; reason for selling, don't like Indoor work. Address J 64, Bee. T MR39 2S WANTED, lady of highest respectability will pay $100 lor assistance in organizing company lp Omaha; ordinary women please do not answer. IC 1, Bee ofllce. Y-M884 26' BOOK stnro and news stand, good location In Ida Grove. Ia.: $1,200 stock; must' sell soon, account sickness; cheap for' cash. Address. Box 70 Ida, Gro-e, Iowa. , . c .,'!,' , , YM97261 FURNITURE ;qf 7-room flat, line location, completely equipped, fell best class room ers: extra opportunity, to mako money, .I.H. Johnson, 841 N. V. Life. -M155 FURNITURE of 42 rooms, elegantly and completely equipped, full of flrst-clnss roomers nnd boarders; no better location In city. If you want n paying business Invcstlgnterthls Immediately. J. II. John son. 841 N. Y. Life. Y-M151 WILL take long lease on Ipck stable If built, centrally located, and pay good rent. Address J 65, Bee. Y 831 DRUG STORE for sale, located In south- . . k.i.i.a i ....... i in.i to $3,000. Address I 21, Ben. Y-M193 2 POIt EXCHANGE. A FINE $83.00 Imparted mania lantern, as good as new. only used a short time; suit able for lectures, churches or lodge enter tainments; a bargain. Address P 63, Beo ofllce. SJ 179 WILL trade stoves and furniture for horse. 801 N. 16th St. Z M732 Ma-10 FOII SALE HEAL ESTATE. SNAP $5,700 line business, lot 2 blocks touth depot. 10th at. Inquire' 1411 Vinton. RE S30-M13 240 acres rich, black bottom laud 10 miles from South Omaha, 0 acres timber, fine blue grass pasture. M60 acres In corn; yielded last year 65 bushels per acre; good house. 8 rooms, barn 40x100 feet, brick milk house, other outbuildings, wind mill, running water, all kinds small fruit, rail road station U mile away. This Is a bar galiv and will be sold soon. For further particulars write or cull upon R. C, Peters & Co., 1702 Parnam St., Hee, Bldg. HE-181 26 D20 ACRES, 6i miles south of Ewlng, roll ing but not hilly, good Improvements, 120 acres broke: ran all be broke; 4 acres grove, some fruit. Price, $2,400. The Byron Reed Co,, 212 S. lttli st. RE-M149 20 HERE IS A SNAP! Kostern man owns 22 lots In Omoha, 7 of which cost him $10,600. Ho now Instructs us to offer the bunch at $2,600. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14lh St. RE-M14.1 I HAVE Just bought and offer for sale next week tho following 8-room houses, with largo lot, 100-fect front In ronnectlon with each, ns follow.: At 2.126 Emmett st., price $1,450; 2032 Emmett st,, price $1,350: 20f9 Emmett st., price $1,300. unly 2 min utes' walk from tho 24th st, cur Hue, These are very cheap and If you want one look nt thrni nt once. A. P. Tukey. Hoard of Trade. RE-M146 2ii HOUSES, lots, farms, tands. loans; also flr: Insurance. Remls. Paxton Blk. RE 923 DON'T YOU want to buy Umtac at47th and Sewnrd 2 blocks from car line, only $.100: easy terms. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. llth.st. RE-M150 26 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. P.E-925 STURGES. MARTIN CO., 617 N. Y. Life. RE-931 F2J RANCH AND FARM lands for sals by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAlIaster land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-921 CHEAPEST lot In city -if Omaha6;(J.foot east front In Nelson's addition. M. J. Keunard & Son, 210 Brown block. RE-931 FOR SALE On easy terms, 70-ocro farm undet high stute of cultivation, adjoin ing town of Shelton, Neb. For full par ticulars address Lock Box 23. Shelton, Neb, No trades, RE-S37 28 SEE HENRY 11, PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-9'."! FARM LANDS. Write Spotswood & Veatcli, Moscow, Idaho, ior list oi lurm inuas in me iu minis i'a- lotiso country. RK-MI90 4 FOR SALE, 440 acres 14 miles from Mos cow. Idaho: all under cultivation, 8 ncrcs hearing orchard, good buildings, well wa tend. 225 acres In tame grass; on of tho best, farms In the Palousc country; price, $10 'per norc. Address Spotswood & Ventch, Moscow, Idaho, RE Ml 97 4 FOR SALE, 6.7) acres, all under cultivation, 14 acres orchard, 200 acres meadow nnd largo barn, living springs on every 80- acre tract, 4 miles from railroad; If de sired will sell with farm 100 head cattle, Mi head horses, harness and farm ma chinery. Address Spotswood & Veatch, Moscow, Idaho. RE-M19S 4 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential -927 LADIES, $.0 reward for an obstinate, long standing, abnormnl caso suppression, any cause, old. Dr. Jackson's Vegetabln Fe male Medicine fulls to relieve In 24 hours without pain ot loss of worlL Express $.1 C. O. D. Dr. Jackson Remedy Co., 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. Dept. ileo. VIRTlAMA cures Impotenci resulting from Indiscretions or debility, lves vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations of youth, health, fitting for success, happiness In business; profes sional, social, married life;; $2, or 3 for $5. Bent nnywhero prepaid on receipt of price. Tho KIdd Drug Co., Elgin. Ill, American Office, retail, wholesale, Myors Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha: M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drug Co.i Council Bluffx. Pull linn rubber good. LADIES! Chichester's English ronnyroyal Pills are the best; safe, rellabln; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chlchetter Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. PATENTS. IN". ENTORS GOT AN IDEA We handle patents, copyrights and trade marks; ynu give us the bars Idea and wo will do the rest! modern equipped machine shop nnd foundry In connection; Official Gazette on (lie; guide book free. Mason, Fonwlck A I-nwrehco, patent lawyers, 141.6 Howard St.! Tel. 1419, Omaha. J. P. Cronlu, repr. -m INVENTORS, we ask no feo until the patent Is procured; If we fall, wo get no fee: advice free. Sues & Co., Patent Law yers. Bee Hide, Omaha, Neb. Long dis tance telephone 1623. 41S-.Mar.15' WALL PAPER CLEAN tin, CJ. MIDDLEMIST, experienced cleaner; 'nhone 1238: leave orders with Lewis Hen derson, florist, 1519 Farnam street. " Hi2-Mar3' OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Institute. 616 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1(64; Allco Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. . -933 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo., 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1397. -134 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. -92!) BOYLES' College, court reporter, principal. Beo Bids. -930 NEB. Business & Shorthand college, Boyd's Theater. 931 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug. -932 EXPERT ACCOUTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., dav or evening. R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank.' G. R. Rathbun. 734 LOST. LITTLE black dog, brown dols over eyes. Flndor plcuso notify H. H. Yost. Missouri Valley, Ia and receive liberal reward. Lost-190-25' LOST, ono tn'.l 4-ycar-old hay horso and one small brown mule; hold nnd notify Theo, Williams, Benson, Neb. Lost-M202-27' BELGIAN HARES. FOR 8ALE, 25 line Belgian hares, out of Im ported stock, prize winner.), at reasonable figures; have u few at $1 each. Come early and have your pick, lnqulro upstairs. 144.1 South 16th st., one block south of William st. 108 M2' INCUBATORS AND BROODERS. INCUBATORS nnd brooders; catalogue free. Write Burr Incubator Co.. B 2, Omaha, Neb. Factory at 3th & Davenport t if 4T RUIIUEIt STAMPS. ' BADGES, medals. Om. P147 Co., Bee Bldg, Tel MT -637 BIRDS AM) TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bhd Store. 1603 Leavenvorth. -928 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; al busMess contldentlal, 1S01 DoUg:as. -936 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331, M. S. Walklln, 2111 CUmlng St. 940 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tlckots everywhere. P. II. Phll bln. 1503 Farnam. Telophono 784. 941 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steim Luundvy; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffb, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. - -943 STAMMERING AN'D STUTTERING. CURED Julia Vaughn. 420 Ratnge Bldg. -939 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating. cheapest, beat. quick est. Mrs. a. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th ant nd farnam. -913 CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Luko Sts. . 370 BICYCLES.' WHY not get your wheel enameled be fore the rush? Tel. 814 and we will call for your wheel. 1622 Capitol Ave. C.'1'i FARMS FOR PENT. SO ACRES, well Improved. Ringgold county, Iowa, at $200 cash. P. D. Wonti, 1621' Douglas. M-191 26 POSTOFPICB NOTICE. Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at nny time. Foreign malls for the week ending March 2, 1801. will c.Iosn (PROMPTLY In all cases) nt the General Posto(Mc6 as fol lows: PARCELS POBT MAILS close ONE HOUR earlier than closing time ahown below. Parcels Post Malls for aernmny cjnso nt 5 p. in. on February 25, per , s, Lahn. via Bremen, nnd March 1, per s. a, Columbia, via Hamburg. Regular and Supplementary Malls closn.at Foreign Branch half hour Inter than clos ing tlma shown below. Truim-At Innt Ic Mnlla, WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. in. for EUROPE, per n, s. New York, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must lie directed "per s, s. New York"); nt 9:30 n. m. (supplemen tary II a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s, Oceanic, via yueenstown; (it 10 n. in. for BELGIUM. P'T s, s. Frlesland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Frlesland"). THURSDAY At 7 n... in. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA und LORENZO MAR yi'EZ. per s. h, La Gascogne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Uurojie must be directed "per b, s, La Gascogne"). SATURDAY-At 6:30 ii. m. for EUROPE, Cer n. s, Columbia, via Plymouth, Cher ourg nnd Hamburg (mall for Ireland must b directed "per s. s. Columbia"); ut 7:30 n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Rotterdam (mull must bo directed "per b. s. Rotterdum"): at 10 a. in for SCOTLAND direct, per a, s. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per k, s. Ethi opia"); nt 11 n. m. for ITALY', per s, s. Trave, via Nup!es (mail must be directed "per b. s, Trave"): at 10:30 a, m, (supple mentary 13 m.) for EUROPE, per V. s. Etrurla, via Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER, BTC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After tho closing of tho Supplementary Trims-Atlantic Malls named above, ad ditional supplementary mails are opened mi tho piers of the Amorlcan, English, French and German stcams, und re- POSTO F F I C I i N)TICI). main open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of utcuincr, Mnlla for South nnd Central America, Weat Indies, IMc. WEDNESDAY At S n. m. for BERMUDA, her s, s. Trinidad: nt 9:30 a. m, for IN A. GUA nnd HAITI, per s, s. l.ailenburg; at l?.m:.,fot" CUBA, YUCATAN. CAM PECHE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, pir s. s, Segurnnca, via Huvatia nnd Progreso (mall for other parts of Mexico "must be directed "per s, s. Segurnnca"); nt 12;30 P. in. (supplementary 1 p. in.) for NAS HALV ,p"r s. s. Antllla (mall must bo dl rpfted "per s. s. Antllla')! ut 11 p. in. Tor JAMAICA, per s. s. Admlrul Sampson, frnm ltill..,1l..l.l THURSDAY At 12 tn, (supplementary p. Ill, ior iMABHAL , Ul'AiS I ...Ml' .and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Saratoga. FRIDAY At "11 p. m. for NASSAU, per ."nrner from Miami, Fla. SATURDAY-At 9 u. m, for PORTO RICO, per s. s. San Juan, via San Juan; at 9 it, in. (supplementary rf.39 n. in.) for OUR -CU) nnd VENEZUELA, via Curncno, per f. s, Hlldur (moll for Snviuillla and Cnrthnceim must be dlrrrted "per s. s, Hlldur")! nt 9:30 n. m. (supplementary lu ii. m) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX, LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS, Hhd DEMERARA. per f. s, Fouttlbolle; nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, per w. s. Morro Castle, via Hnvnnn; at 10 n, m. for HAITI, per ;. s. Prlns Maurlts (mall for Curacao, euesiuela. Trinidad, British and Dutch Galium must be directed "per s. s. Prlns Maurlts): nt 10 a. m. for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, HAVAN1LLA. CARTHAGENA ami GHEYTOWN, per s. s, Alene (mall for Costa Bleu must bo di rected "per s. s. Alene"). Mnlls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney nnd Ihcticn by steamer, close ut this office dally nt h:n) p. in. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Mulls for Mlquelon, by mil t) Boston nnd thence by stcuiuer, closu at this bfllce dally nt 0:30 p, in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tuiupa, Flu,, and thenco by steamer, closo ut this oflloc dally, oxcopt Monda, ut "i! u. in. (tho connecting closes are on H.mduy, Wednes day and Friday), Mnl's tor Cuba, bv rail to Miami, 'Flo., mid thenco by steamer, close ut this ollllcu every Monday and Fri day nt "11 p. in, Mulls for Mexico Clly, overlnnd, unless specially uddresscd for dispatch by steamer, close ut this ofllce dally nt H30 p. in. nnd It p. in. Malls for Costn. lllcn. Belize, Puerto Cortex und Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans mid thence by steamer, close nt this ofllco dally nt "1:30 p. in. (connecting closo here Mondays Ior Belize. Puerto Cortcz and Guutcmtilu and Tuesdnys for Cosla Hlcn), "Registered mall c'.oscs ut 6 p. in. previous day. Trniiapnclllo .Hulls. Malls for Hawaii, Japnn, China nnd Philip pine Islands, via Han Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to Mnrch "2d, Inclu sive, for dlspntch per s. s, Coptic, Malls for Australia (except Wet Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe). Now Zenlund, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, Ma Sun Francisco, close here dallv ut t'.:30 p. m, nfter Pcbruarv "9th nnd up to March "2d, Inclusive, or on urrlwt. of s. s. Lucunlu, duo ut New York March 2d, for dispatch per s. s. Sierra. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and Now Zealand, which goes via San 1' rauclHeo), and FIJI Islands, via VaD-'cver, close hero dally at 0:30 p, m. iv ',j 'fnrch "2d, Inclusive, for dispatch -er h. h. Warrlmoo (supplement ary malts, via Seattle, close at 6:30 p. in. March "3d: mall must bo directed "per s. s. Warrlmoo"). Mulls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, closo here, dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to March "10, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Amor lea Muru. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hero dully ut 0:30 p. in. up to March "11 for dispatch per s. h. Murlposn. Malls for China, and Japan, via Vancouver, closo', hero dally nt 0:30 p, m. up to March "19, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe). Now Zea land, FIJI, Samoa, and Unwiill. via San Frnnclsco.- closo hero dally nt 6:30 p. m, after Mnrch "3' and up to March "23, In clusive, or n r rrlval of s. s. Etrurla, duo nt New Yen March 23, for dispatch per K. s. Sonoma. Transpacific malls nre forwarded to port of miniiiK uiiiiy una me nciieuiiiH or closing is arranged on tho presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. "Registered mall closes nt 6 p. in. provlous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Poslofflcc, New York. N. Y., March 21, 1901. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFF1CE- umaiin. Neb.. February 23, lui. Healed proposals will bo received hero und ut offices of quartermasters at stations named, unin - p. in., central time. Ainrcu zd, ww, for furnishing wood, coal nnd cniiitoat dur ing the fiscal vear cndlnu Juno 30. 1902. at Omaha 'Qt M. depot. Forts Crook, Robinson ami iiour;irn, isen,; .lerrcrson uurracits, Mo.: Forts Leavenworth and Rlloy, Kan., Logan H. Rents, Ark.; Reno und Sill. Oklu. Proposals for delivery ut other points will bo entertained. U. 8. reserves rlaht to re ject or ucccpt nny or all proposals, or any pun inereor, juiorinnuon rurnisiieu on ap plication hero or to quartermasters nt sta tions named. Envelopes containing pro posals should bo marked "Proposals for ," pud addressed to undersigned or quartermasters at stations ubovo named. F. H. HATHAWAY, C. Q. M. F23-25-26-27M22-23M CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFF1CE Omaha, Neb,, February 18. 19U1. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, subject to tho usual condltiqus, will be received hero until 2 o'clock p, in.. February 28, 1901, and then opened In tho preseuco of attending bid ders, for- four hundred and twenty-eight (428) Cavalry Horses for delivery at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, U. S, reserves right to reject any or nil proposals, or any part thereof. Blank forms for bid ding and circular giving full Information and requirements will b furnished on ap plication to this ofllce. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Horses," und addressed to F. II. HATHAWAY, Chief Q. M. F-19-20-20-27M CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. OMAHA, Neb.. Jan. 30. I901.-Sealed pro posals, lu triplicate, will be received hero until 2 o'clock p. m.. .March 1, 1901, und then .opened for furnishing type, prcscs, et;., and all materlul and labor of every description that may bo required for print. mi? nt iienuaourioi's uennrEmrnt or inn Mfi-iourl. during ilwal year commonolnx July 1, 1501. Circular giving full Inform.i tioii, with rorms -ior miming, win uo fur nished on application. The U. S. re.urvJS right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes containing proposals to bo marked "I'n-pot-nlt ior printing," and a- eased to LUuteimnt Colonel F. II. HATHAWAY, C. Q. M, F1 .. 26-27 M WANTED for U. S. army, nble-bndleil tin mwrrrsd mon, between ages of 21 and ?3i citizens, of tho United States, of rood chnrnv'ter. and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Recruits specially desired for xervlno In Philippines, For Information apply to Recruiting o.'ll cer, Cor. 16th und Dodge sts,, Omnhu, Neb, LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The annual meeting ot stockholders In The Beo Publishing Company will bo held at thulr ofllce, corner 17th nnd Pnrnnm streets In the city of Omaha on Monday, March '4tll, 1901. By order of the president, Omaha, Neb.. February 18th. 1901. Geo. U. Tzschuck, Secretary. Feb. 10-t-m-&-e. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platto Lund compuny will be held at the ofllce of said company In Lincoln, Neb., at 11 o'clock n. m., on tho 6th day of March. A. D. 1901. By order of tho Board of Directors. Lincoln, Neb., February 4, 1901. C. II. MORRILL. President. A. B. MINOR, Secretary. , PadSOt PORTO Popular Tours RICO -March lllus- iratctl lirosr'mn: '-'4 (!ay, all txpeiMcs, HON. Raymond & Whltcoinb.'ioa Adams St. .Chicago RAILWAY TIME TABLE. CHICAGO NORTH, western Railway "Tha Northweatern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 661 Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone m, 1 .... ... . (.. wayci lillivv, Daylight Chicago Spo. clad -.,,!..-. a 7:00 am all:30 pat Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pin a d:40 am juomeB, iarsnumowri. CmAnr Rnrtnn timl r -. ...,al0:55 am a 4:05 pro Eastern Special, Chi cago. and :a... a 4:63 pm a 4:06 pro Faat Mall. Chicago to Omaha .. n 3:45 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd,.,a 7:43 pm n 8:iw urn Peat Mall .. n 8:30 am Ceoir Rap. as t'assenger a 6:J0 pm a DUv, RII,WVV TIME TABLES. FREMONT, ELKHOHN A Missouri Valley Railroad - "The Northwestern Lino" General Oftlces. United States National Bank Bldg.. S. W. Corner 1'it'Mitli nitil l.-firoatn sift. Ticket utlicc, 1401 Parnam St. Tel. 561. Da pot, 15th and Wbbiter Sts. Tel. 1438. . Leava. Arrive. Black Illlls. Dead wood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm ,a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and . Dougius d 3:00 pm e 0:00 pm Hasuiihs, Yor, David City. Superior. Geneva, .Fieter una 2 c wrd ...b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pro orrolk, Vcrdlgre and Fremont o 7:10 am bl0:23 am Lincoln, Wuhoo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o Sun day only, d Daily except Saturday. Dally except Monday. SIOUX C1TT PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" Genera! Oftlces, United Statea National Bunk Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnuni Sts. Ticket omce. 1431 Parnam St. Telephone 661. De pot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Sts, Tclcpnono 629. I.envc Arrive. Twin Cltv Express s "Wi nm al0:25 pro Twin City l imited ,.n 7:63 pm a 8,15 am 6loux City Local a 8:00 am a 3:50 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. ST PAUL,, Minneapolis A Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Ofllces. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster Sts. City Ticket Ofllco. 1401 Farnam St, Telephone, COL Depot, mill sou tvcusier ais. Leave. Arrive. Twin CHy Paioger...a (1:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha l'asen.er nll:i0 am Kloui. City & North east Nebraska a 3:45 cm a Dally. UNION PACTrlC-"THE OVER. Ian! "loute" General Ofllces N E. Cor. Ninth and Parnani hirtots City Ticket Ofllce, 13.' l'ornrm Street. Telephone, 3i(j Depot. Tenth und Marcy sts' Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrlv. The Overland Limited. .n b:20 am The ChlCngo-l'ortland Special a .D nm The Fnst Mall s:50 am The Mall and Expiess .all:35 pm Lincoln, llcntrico nnd a 7:30 pm n 7:30 pm a 3:2j pm u 4:15 pm Stromsburg Express, .b 4:03 pm bl2:30 pm j lie niciuu jxiJrcsa... i,. iim The Atiuutla Express... Grand Island Local. ...b 5:30 pm a Dally, b Dallv except Sunday a 6:50 am b 9:33 am MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL--Guticrnl Ofllces and Ticket Ofllces, Southeast Corner 14th und Douglas Sts, Telephone, 104. Depot. Union Station. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis and Kansas City Express al0:00 am n 6:25 pm K. C, St. L. Express... qlo:50 pm a 6:15 urn Leave from 15' n ,and Webster Streets: Nebraska Loral. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm n 10:45 am Dally, b Dally except Siinduy. CHICAGO. ROCK 18L nnd & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Is. and Route" City Ticket Office. 1323 Far. nam Street. Telephone. 2S. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Tele nhone. M . Leave. Arrive. EAST. Dcs Moines and Daven port Local a 7:11 am blLjr, am Chlc.iKo Expresa 1)11:15 am a''0 am Des Moines Local r vn pm :5 Dm Chicago Fast Express., a t0 pm a 1:25 nm Ds Molnos, Rock 1st v and und Chicago a 7:40 pro a 9:33 pm WEST. ' Lincoln. Colorado 8pgs., Denver, Pue'ula and West a 1:30 pre a 4:15 pm Coloindo,. Oklahoma St Texas Flyer a E:20 pm a 9:50 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. I3URLINGTON St MIS tourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Ofllces, North, west Corner Tenth and Parnam Streets. Ticket Ofllco 1502 Parnam Street. Telephone, 250. Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 12S. Leave. A Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a 8:10 am a 7:33 pm Lincoln, Denver, Colo rado, Utah. Calirornla.a 4:23 pm Lincoln & Black Hills. .a 9:00 pm Montana rugct Hjund..a 9:00 pm Lincoln Fnst Mall b 3:00 pm a 3:00 pro ii 6:45 am a 6:43 am u 9:17 um Wytnore, Beatrice ana Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:55am Dcnvor Colorado, Ulan ana California South Bend. outsvtlle, Plattsmou'.ti b 3 Ft. Orooic. I'luttsmouth a 6:45 am i nm bll:05 am and Pacific Junction.. & 7:00 pm a 8:20 am Bellevue, Plattsmouth and Pacific Junction. .nl2:10 am a Dally, b Dally xcod'. unday. CHICAOO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllce 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason streets. Telephone, 128. Leave. Arrlva. Daylight .Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am n!0:15 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm n 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 9:39 am a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a :45 am Faat Malt a 2:45 pm a Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO. reph Si Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling, ton Route" Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone, 250. Dep.it, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele, phone, 128 .. Leave. Arrive, a 6:2.-. pm a (1:15 am nll:l5 am Kansas City Day Ex. .a 9:20 am Kansas City, Night J2x.,otn;30 pm St. Louis Flyer for t Joseph und St Louis..a 5:10 pm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rnllrond-Clty Ticket Of. flee, 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone. 245, Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arriu. Chicago Limited Mlnntupolis and Paul Express .. Minneapolis and Paul Limited .... Fort Dodge Local Council Bluffs ... Fort Dodge Local St. b 7:00 am St. a 7:45 pm from b 4:30 pm 'rm b 9:40 pm :03 am 8:15 an Council Bluffs a Dally, b Dailv'cxcspt Sunday. .a 6 00 am OMAIIAAS'I. LOUIS RAIL. road-Omoha. Kansas cltv & Eastern Railroad "Tho Qulncy Rnuto"-TIcket Of fice. 1415 Parnam St. Tel vhone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone. , . Leave. Arrlve rft. Louis Cannon Ball UAyirsa ............... Kansai City and Qulncy ciprcaa w.w a v:zo nm 1 .nn I a 7:00 am a 9:O0pra a Daily CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE a bt Paul Railway city Ticket Ofllce, 1501 Parnarn Street. Telephone, 284 Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Stieets. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrlv MmvAum, Chicago Limited Ex...,a 6:ik) pm a 8:05 nm Chicago & Omaha Ex,,b 7:15 am b 3:40 Dm a Dally, b Dalw .tcept Sunday. fe. WABASH RAILROAD TOljjfsl Ticket Olllce. 1415 Parnam .VM Street. Telephone. 322. De. pot, Tenth nnd Marcy Sts Telephone, 029. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express ...a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am Dally. Ms tWE. st; si kiTBv rnsH xaaHZiK moM NCrY Y0RK(ft 1 1 :f M MOBILE I EMI-M0STMLY,X5aaBe' WCCMV I fist SHIPS INCONNtCTIONWmi r ntsoio stHvict THt MoaiiioNKaa. ALONG TI4E NORTH SHORE HAVANA, MATANZAS, CARDENAS, SA0UA, CAf Uvatl, MIEVITAS. aiBARA, Itt BARACOA, n albir aorta. MtlMJION fTKAMSIIIP J.INK-37 WHllim Kew York City. RAYMOND & WIHTCOMB. Union Squur. New York. For Tlckeia, Stateroom Reservation and Uoneral Information of the MO' MCE. apply to Ticket & Ohio It. R. and South- Agent Mobile em Ly liiil 0 LOCAL DEALERS INTERESTED Omtha. Firms Orondiag the Halli of thi Spring Exposition, KNIGHTS OF AK-SAR-BEN WILL CO-OPERATE Pinna I.itlil for Joint Jlcetlnir of Audi torium Committer, Ak - Mnr - Bni Gotrrnnrs nnd Prominent Omnlia Architects .cxt Thursdny, Superintendent Glllnn of the Industrial ci position of tho Auditorium company has in ml o n plan (or the arrangement of the booths In tho building at Thirteenth and Harney streets to ho occupied by tho spring exposition. Tho plans will bo found nt the building and sonlo of tbo spaces hnvn been nsslgncd, but tbo work ot arranging (he division of space will not ho complete, until tho end of the week. At tho present time approximately 230 firms and corporations havo signified their Intention of taking space In tho exposition and thu local houses havo not yet been thoroughly cnnvnsseil. Theso persons, how ever, have begun to take nil active In terest In tho matter and tho superintendent finds thnt a third floor will havo to b devoted to tho exposition of goods and. wares. He started out with tho Intention of lining tho first and second floors for tho displays, leaving tho third and fottrth doors for tho uso ot shows and exhibition of various sorts, but portions nt IcaBt of tha third floor will havo to bo used. Month Mninlia Gel In. Among tho local exhibitors the South Oinuha packing houses will ho prominent, as tho majority of tho firms will hava displays, Tho question of charges to bs placed upon the floor spaco to thbso who do not donato goods will be taken up and settled nt tho meeting to ho held to night. At the regular meotlug ot the auditorium rotnmlttco yesterday afternoon President Sanborn reported tho result of tho mooting with tho board of governors of Ak-Sar-llon Suturday evening, rnylng thnt tho hoard heartily endorsed tho plan of a union of forces In tho malntenanen ot tho building and whtlo they could not take official no tion on tho matter nt the present time they believed thnt tho knights would mako their permanent hoa'o In tho auditorium building If room is provided for them. Thursdny, if arrangements tan bo made, there will bo a Joint meeting of tho board of governors ot tho Knights ot Ak-Sar-Bcn and the auditorium corumltteo with tho arch itects of tho city for tho purpose of dls cusMng plans for tho building, and whilo no actton may bo taken, the suggestions ot tered at this meeting will undoubtedly be used as the basis for further considera tion ot the construction DOING TOWN BY GASLIGHT Expedition n lllirlil)' Tinted Success but for Pollen Inter frreiioc. M. Landou, a local employment agent, had n hilarious tluio Sunday night. He in augurated a campaign qt slght-scolug, It Is said, early In tho evening and nfter Imbibing rather freely ot tho brow that cheers and simultaneously Inebriates he started out lti search ot congenial com panions. Ho encountered two young women who looked good to him nnd invited them to Join In his mission ot painting tho town ted. Tho women wcro Marie and Gcrtlo Lelbe key, sisters of tho famous "Painting Bertha," and It did not. tako much peraun slon on tho part of London to gain their consent to accompany him. Mario nnd Gcrtlo thought that they had an easy thing, but tn this thoy were mistaken. Whilo thoy surrounded a round table In a down town tesort nnd dashed oft .cocktails and other intoxlcnntlng fluids Landon confi dentially informed them thnt ho had neg lected lo bring much money with him. Ho pulled out a check book, however, and vountcered to sign his namo to a check of 2." for each of them If they would ad vancu tho fundB necessary to continuance of tho iollllkntlon. This looked lllio easy money to tbo two women and from that time on thoy alter nated In settling tho bills. Their enjoy ment was proceeding nt a lively gait when some ono cut Into tho party and hold a whispered consultation with Mario Lelbu key. Thon Gortlo was called Into tho con ference and tho friend told them that Lan don was a "foxy" boy and that ho had no money In tho bank. Soon afterward a po liceman was encountered nnd Landon was taken into custody. Investigation showed that the chcuks Landon gavo his compan ions wcro worthless, as bo had no money. In tho bank upon which tho check was drawn. DELAY IN CALLAHAN CASE Preliminary llrnrliiir of Allracrt KIH n -per la Continued to .March II. The preliminary hearing of 'James Calla han, which was sot tor yesterday morning, las been adjourned to Wednesday, March 6. Neither tho county attorney nor tho detenso was ready to go on with tbo hearing yes terday morning. During tho last twenty-four hours two now witnesses havo ldontlflod Jim Callahan ns an intlmato associate ot Pat Crowo, and ono ot them says he sow Callahan under clicumstances which would connect him nt least indirectly with the Cudahy kidnaping. TbrEO witnesses nro Henry Eby, marshal ot Fort Crook, and Thomas B. Cooper, 3319 Grand avenue, fathcr-ln-law of B. P. War ren, who at ono tl'uio owned the bay pony used by the bandits. Mr. Coopor says: "I recognize Callahan as one ot tho men who came to my house about ten days beforo the kidnaping and a tlied it I had a pony for Bale. I told them that my son-in-law, Mr. Warren, had such an animal, but that he sold it a fow days before to Daniel Ilurrls. I added that I thought Ilurrls would sell It, nnd directed them to Ilurrls' house, where they went. The man who was with Callahan was tho light complexloned man, who, they tell me, is Pat Crowe. I havo seen his picturo, nnd havo Identified blm also." Marshal Eby of Port Crook tells this story: "I saw Callahan in Port Crook with another man December 12 or 11, a llttlo less than a week batoro tho abduc tion. I took special notice ot him nt the time, an I considered him a suspicious char acter. I couldn't inn Im out wbat his busi ness was, Tho man who was with him I have since Identified as, Pat Crowe, though I didn't know him nt tbo time." Chief Donahue says ho has no confidence In tho report that Pat Crowo Is In Belle vue. "Of courBo," ho adds, "bo is as likely to ho there as any place else, I have causa to believe hu was there a short tlmo beforo tho abduction, but If there Is any good rea son for thinking ho is thero now It hasn't been brought to my attention." Omulin'H Nick Men, General Manderson Is reported much better. Fred Motz, sr., la not making nny progress at present. His condition this morning was tho sumo as yesterday. WurUlnir Overtime. Eight hour laws are Ignored by t'.ioae tlreloss, littlo workers Dr. King's New Llfo Pills,' Millions aro always at work, night and day, curing indigestion, bilious ness, constipation, sick headache and all stomach, liver and bowel complaints, Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only :5c at Kuha A Co.'s drug etort.