Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisement for Ihric column
rrlll Ii? tnUrn until Vi tn, for the
trnlnc edition nml until S an p. to.
(or morning nml Sunday rilltltm.
Itntea, 1 l-'Ja n word first Intf rllnn,
Ic n word thereafter. Nothing; Inkrn
tnr leu Mum for tin- Ilr.t Inscr-
t'nn. These ndrertUrmonti inunt .be
rn rnnset-titlvely.
AflvertUrr, by renet In K num.
fcrreil check, enn hnvr nnnirpn nd
'""'l o n numbered letter In enre
f The Iter. Atmvrers so nddrecd vrlll
bp delivered on presentation of tb
heck only.
EXPERT accountant. Holbrool;, Bruwn blk
A -115
ANTED, e have stendv work for a tow
Kcod hustlers of good h'lblts and lupcar
ance. C V. Adns Co.. tiuward St.
- .
HARDER trad taupht thcrouRhly In h-Tt i
time, catalogue ft particulars free. Went- ;
rn Barbers- Institute. Omaha. Sea ,
. - I
MKN or women to s'..i coods to city -r3.
Oood pay and steady employment, ins
enbaugh & Co., Ware block, omaht.
B M'U Mart
WANTED, canvatsers. 1C20 Douglas St.
MEN to l-arn ImrbVr trado. We ran offer
better Inducements now than any other
season. It will nav you to prepare at once
for sprliiK rush; only eight weeko re
quired. Our course pnlta of everything
reailred or n (lrst-elasa barber. Including
le tures on hair and akin disease. Oir
college le newly eo,ulppl with modern
rurnniire or special uesign, anu everv
farl'ltv for Hiirreaeful training. (5tud'ntn
are allowed Batunlay ami Sunday work In
hops white learning, and cam earn from
110 to $15 before graduating. Complete
out tit of tools presented to each one.
Steady pnltlon guaranteed graduates.
Call or wrlto for benutlfully Illustrated
catalogue, giving all particulars: mallrd
free. Moler Barber College, 1J2S Famam
at , Omaha. R-JtSSO Ml.
WANTED, practical miller with capital to
work on salary or take nn Interest In a
new TO-burrel plnnslfter mill In Nebraska.
Also want good engineer. Germans pre
ferred. Address K 4, llee. H MMB-S6
w a.ti:ii Ft: ji a i.n it elp.
WANTED. 200 glrla. IS2I Dodge. Tel. ST6.
13 girls wanted. Canadian omc?. US Douglas
TOUNO lndy to lca.rn masjfige; permanent
position for right party. Apply 2?) lite
llldg. C-'X:
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
small family. 2130 Hlnney St. C MSM
WANTED, ladles to learn halrdrc-sslntr.
manicuring and facial massage: I w'k.
completes, positions guaranteed: great
demand for our graduates for reortit.
rlty and country towns. Call or wrlto for
particulars. Holer llalrdrestlng t'ollrgo,
IGZt Farnam, Omaha. C MMl MI-
WANTED, out. pants and overall ope
rators; also 10 girls wanted. Apply to
pvrno & Hammer Dry Goods Co.. fac
tory 12th and Howard sts. C-M1I7 IS
WANTED, lady having had experience In
appointing agents to not as general agent
for nice licht liner navinir salary anil com
mission. Address IC 10. lioe. C M102 T6
WANTED, experienced dressmaker. Apply
at 10W Douglas st. L. Wlneberg.
C-tT3 K
HOl'SEKEEPEIt with little girl, woman
rook, tor ranch, family cooks. hou
girls. 5.00. Canadian Ofllce, 15: Douglas.
C-M.O0 21'
FOR hu.nt uousi:,.
IF you want your houses well rented place,
them whh Ilenuwa .Co. D KW
ALWAYS moVIng II. H. goods. Pianos.
Office, 1311H Farnam St. Tel 153a or (3.
MOU8ES for rent In all parts of tho city.
Urennan-Love Co.. W So. 13th St. ,
HOUSE?, itores. Dctnts, Paxton block.
D 6C3
HOUSES, etc F. D. Wcad. IZU Dougla.
HOUSES and fints. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk
HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown hlk
NEW 7-room brick, strictly modern, east
frcnt. 27th and St. Mary s avc. fii. Hemls
Pexton block. D-7i
BY URGES. MARTIN CO.. 517 N. Y. Life.
, D-9SI FJ
I(th, near Fnrnam; ten-room modern h'-ue-iomplete
1 every respect; ten minutes'
walk of center of city: reasonable -ent,
Omaha Loan & Trust Co.. lath and Doug
lac Sts. D-ST2
FOR RENT. S room hou.e, nice yard and
stable. 261j Charles St. D
NINE-ROOM modern house, large grounds
shade trees, barn, thoroughly rieslnblc. In
every way; rent, $40 to an Al tenant -with
CO., 16lh and Douglas Sts. D S20
FURNISHED house. 11 rooms, well located,'
uu ui umiiiciH uuu rwmers; rents low
n good opening. See me Mondnv. J. J
Johnson. SU N. Y. Life . D-MIC2
FOR RENT I't ll.blli;il 111)0311.
STEALS heated rooms at The Thurston.
DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam,
HOUSEKEEPING- rooms, up. 26j st.
. t. .mivj atari'
t FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping,
man nnd wife. 215 North 17th St.
TWO nicely furnished rooms In modern
house, y blocks from P. O. $5 and $10;
references exchanged. K 9, Bee.
E-M9.S3 25
SINGLE room for a gentleman. Wll Cap
ital av. E 171 Mart'
GLENCA1RN. transients, $1 25 day. IPS Doug
' F-S75
LARGE front parlors with board; alo
tfmullct' room; rates. The Rose,
"020 Harney. F-M191
Tho Merrlam, go6d winter home. & Dodge
' F-S76
UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F S77
MABEL GRAY, 317H N. Uth St,, flat E
F-M Ml MjrlS'
121 N. 23D ST.. now management, new fur
niture, good board. F MSM C7
ONE large front roam, one southeast room,
excellent board; prices reasonable j"7
So. 24th St. F-W3 1
FOR housekeeping, also barn. 2021 St,
Mary's avc. G M375
FOR RENT The building formerly occu
pied by Th Bee at 91G Farnam St. It has
four I'turlus and a bunement which was
formerly Jed as The lie" press room.
ThU will be rented very reunonably. If
liuemsted apply nt once to C. c. .Rose
vater. sec'tar, room 100. Bee Bulldjng.
I il
FOR RENT Store, In first-class location;
rent reaionable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co.. ground floor. Beo Bldg. I 2w
STORK room for rent; Drst-clasa location
for gents' furnishing goods or shoe ..tore.
2721 Q at., S. Omaha. I-MIH i
AGENTS, dealers to fell Carrie Nation
souvenir hatchets, something new: big
roflts. price, toe doren. sample 1'W Jones
Icen.u. Mffc- Co . Djvcnpo I'-wa
J-Ml N
I TV.D fupMh1 room wanted, with whole-
mn table board ror man. wife ami
JMr-nH boy; ek trnwinem home In o
si ruble locality. Addrem Walter I. Clark,
rare Bee. K-l A'
-T- --------
BOARD and room In private family, mm
and wire; references. Addres K S. Bee.
FURNISHED house by elderly lady. Would
knpp house for or board owner. Adore
K i. Wee. IC-.01
OM. Van Stor. Co.. lSllViFarn. Tela. 1S-8J1
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., ill
814 Jones, reneral storage and forwarding.
( WANTED TO lit V.
LARGE office cafe, standing deck, roll top
desks, chairs, table?, ct Address J. t.
red. exchanied.
Tel. 2Wv. New it Wlmnd furniture bounht.
.,t.,tN,Tl RE an(. nxlre o w rooms ,
a brick block rrntrallv lorated alMl full
of n-omers. A chatico t make big uvmey,
Drm't let this slip. J. 1, Johnson, Jtl N.
Y. Life. 0-M.5I
Foil sAi.i-nousFM, vr.uici.r.5, i:tc.
UP-TO-DATE reliable buggies, runabouts
nml vehicles. 11. Frosts, nth & Lenven'th
rntt; Miscut.i.A.i:ois.
HARD and mtt foundation piling: hog
fences and cribbing, 941 Douglas. Q iSl
2DIIANC safe cheap. Derl.h!, 1110 Farnam.
SAFES; buy, sell exe'ge. Schwartx. lit S. 13,
HERTFORD & CO., ICth and llworth.
TIMoTIIT bay And all -Iniis teed and coal
Monroo .t Co. Q 8SS
INCUllATOr.S. 8-nd to the Sure Hatch
Incubator Co., Clay Center, Neb., for a
handsome tree catalogue, Q 141
FOR SALE. O.oflO to 12.000 feet second-hand
lumber, as good an new. Inquire or .
M dines, care Lee-Olas-Andreesen Hnrd
waro Co. Telephone 121. . Q MH77 2J
FOR SALE, n pair of beautiful domestl'
cnted youn antelopow ! mnrths old. Ap
ply to Mrs. J. C. Donohoe. 161 N. 21st St..
Omaha. Q-MM4-2G
FINE bay horse anil Slmpon hnnd-mnde
phaeton, cheup for cash. K lfl. Bee.
Q-176 2C
MRS. FRITZ, medium.
9 North ICth.-
MME. GYLMER, genulnepalmtlt. 1C05 Dodge
S St9
:i.i:cTitio treat.mot.
MISS MAE LESLIE, G19 S. Hth. 2d floor.
ELITE parlors. 615 South ltlth. second floor.
.T 404 ,M5
PRIVATE home before and during confine
ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, i-Ci
Burdette. U &50
FP.ENCII accordion pleating; ivory rim but
tons; mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co.,
ins o.
1521 Douglas.
SUPPLIES for all machines: machines for
rent. White Sowing Machine, lOJO Doug
las. Tel. 2331. U-SDJ
PRIVATE honpltal for ladles before and
during conllnement; babies adopted. ' 23C6
Grant St. U-S93
V1AVI Woman's way to health; rational,
wholesome home treatment. Hi Bcc Bldg.
' U-S9t
M. GOLDSIAN & CO. Only perfect ac
cordcon pleating plant In the west. Mall
orders eollclted. Suite 2u0 Douglas Block,
opposltb Hayden's. U 7S7
TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric
baths, for ladles only; skilled women
massage operators; finest equipped baths
In the city. Renstrom Bath Company,
Rooms 216 to 220. Bee Bldg, U- S?C
LIEBEN, theatrical, masqucrado costumer.
1018 Farnam. U W
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous
hair removeu by electricity. R. 12 Frcnrer
blcrck. U-S3j
WE RENT sewing machines for 73c per
veek; we reDalr and sell needles nnd at
tachments for any mnchlne made. Neb.
Cycle Co.. Cor 15th iz Harney. Phor.e IMS.
A BOX of Re-No-May Powder Is not a
luxury when It affords you a euro and
secures tho comfort and happlnesn ot
your room-mate. U--M212
RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no
danger; sond for circulars. Empire Rup
ture Curo, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha.
U-S54 Ml!)
RHEUMATISM, paralysis, goitre, female
diseases, consumption, glandular awcll
Ings, obesity, stomach and kidney troubles
and nil cronlc diseases cured by Thyroid
Lymph remedies. Consultation and book
let free. Thyroid Lymph Co.. main office
101 Bee, bldg., Omaha; 94-5-0 Burr blk,
Uncoln, Neb. s U-1SI M2t
signed desires to obtain the prmont post-,
olnce auaross oi L.ars i-. i-euersen. wno
landed at Portland. .Me., on the 23d day of
November. 19"'. from the British steam
ship "Numldlan." Any Information as to
hta present whereabouts will be appre
ciated by Benjamin Thompson. SS Ex
change st.. Portlnnd. Me. U-MS SS
ALTHA Dancing club nt Germanla
Saturday evening, .Marcn -no.
CHICKERING upright piano, $lttf; In excel
lent condition; cash or easy payments.
Schmoller & Mueller, 111-! Farnam St.
Telephone 16i5. U M97S M-S
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Lovo Co., S09 South 13th.
i OANS on eastern Nebraska and western
Iowa farms nt 6 per cent; borrowers can
nay $100 or any multiple; any Interest
date; no delay. Brennun-Lovo Co.. J-J0
s" 13th St., Omaha. Neb. W-Ul
PRIVATE money, 5, E'j, 6 per cent; no tie
lay. Uarvln Bros.. 1611 Furnam. W-439
WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants.
George & Company, 1601 Farnamytreet.
ft 000 and upward to loan on Improved city
nronerty and farms. W. Furnam Smith &
Co.. 1320 Furnam. W-900
WANTED City and farm loans; alio bonds
and warrants. It. C. Peters & Co., 1702
Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. VV 903
MONEY to lonn on farm und city property;
lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1WG Farnam.
MONEY to loan at 5 and W.4 per cent on
Oinalia property. W. B. Melule, 401 S. 15th.
W 906
PRIVATE money to loan.
X3 N Y. Life.
J. II. Sherwood,
FIVE per cent money. Bcmls, Paxton block.
' W-W7
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas.
TaND 6H t-er cent loans. W. II. Thoma.
First National Bank building. Tel 16(1
'stents, copyrights and trad-t tnnrlu. you
give us the bars Idea and wo will 'o the
rtt. modern tqulpiied machine ship nnd
foundry In connection; Official Oszatfe on
(He; guide book free. Mason. Fenwlck A
Lawrence, oatent luwyern. I(v8 Ilo.vur.;
S-..: Tel 14t3. Omaha. J. P Cronin, repv.
1NV ENTORH. we ask no fee until the
iiatent ts procured. If we fall, wo get no
ice: hdvlce,frfe. Sues Co.. Patent Law telephone I63.
I.oans made In amounts from 518 to 1210 on
nousenew furniture, piano, horses, car- i
liagea. etc., without removal, or on your
8-A-L-A-H-Y w'thout security All cr u
po.-t of the monej may bo paid back the
first month or no fart of It need be paid
bask for several months. Each payment
made reduces the cost accordingly. , Em
ployer and neighbor know absolutely
nothing of our business relations. People
who need inuney are t.-.v:td to can anu
Bt my terjis and compare them with
what others offer. Loans of other com-
tKinl, mnv li tanafi,rrpit ttl trie. NO
charge 'or papers. All buslnese strictly i
confidential Quick service and lowest
rates guaranteed.
-J i-axinn uik., top lloor, nortneasi chuit
in nnu i-crnam. t;ntran;o on ran fk
m t . ' -v- nil
Tel. ;t;
why giveHPchattel' MORTGAGE
We loan liaOO and up on furniture,
pianos, horses and other chattels.
wltnout mortgaga to people holding
permanent positions. You can. get the
money in n few hours after making ap
plication and take 1. 2, 3. 4. 8, 6 months
or more In which to pay It back, and
you need not pay for It one day longer
than you keep It. We charge nothing
for papers and we give you the full
amount In cash. There are no lower
rates than ours: our terms are tne
easiest; our business Is confidential and
our motto Is "Try to Please."
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., .
119 Board of Trado Bids. Tel. 229;.
(Established 1SS2.) SCO South ISth St.
If you are employed by n responsible firm
we win loan you sums from J10 to J100 on
your note at much cheapei and easier
rates than elsewhere. Of this we are
positive. AboIutoly no charges for papers.
Notrlng deducted from amount desired.
Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit
Co., room SOS. Paxton Blcck X-914
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible concern
upon their names without security; easy
navment. Tulman. 4(4 Board Trade bldg.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 31,9 ft 11
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, .horses,
cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R S, Barker blk.
SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha
Credit Co., 526 New York Llfa Bldr.
$159 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly
lawful (nickel) Blot machines for drinks,
cigars or cath; will earn $2 and upward
weekly each. Earl Clark & Co., Furni
ture Manufacturers, Chicago, 111.
FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and
carriage bjslness In south central Ne
braska. For further particulars address
Box 003. Went Liberty, la. Y-M731
FOR SALE, my entire line of dry goods and
groceries amounting to nbout $a.0. In n
- good, lively town, doing n good business;
reason for selling, don't like Indoor work.
Address J 61. Bee. Y MS63 2s
WANTED, lndy of highest respectability
will pay $10) tor assistance In organizing
company In Omaha; ordinary women
please do not answer. K 1, Bee office.
Y-MSM 26
BOOK store and new stand, good locution
In Ida Grove, la.; $1.2.) stock; must sell
soon, account glckuei; cheap for cash.
Address Box 70, Ida Grove, Iowa.
. YM 974-23
FURNITURE of 7-room flat, tine location,
completely equipped, full best class room
er!: extra opportunity to make money.
J. H. Johnson. Ml X. V. Life. Y-M1SS
FURNITURE of 42 room, elegantly and
completely equipped, full of first-class
roomers nnd boarders; no better location
in city. If you want a paying business
Investigate this Immediately. J. H. John
son. S41 N. Y. Life. Y-M154
A FINE tSo.OO Imparted mngle- lantern, as
good as new, only used a short time: suit
ab!c for lectures, churches or lodge enter
tainments; a barguln. Address F St, Bee
office. Z-179
WILL trade stoves and furniture for r.jrse.
Ml N. 16th st. Z-M752 Ma-lS
FOR SALE. Real Estate.
23d and Emmet Sts., 5 rooms, $700.00;
monthly payments.
31th and Emmet Sts., 5 rooms, J'50.00;
monthly payments.
31st and Maple Sts., 7 rooms, $300.W;
monthly puyments.
5th nnd Franklin Sts., S rooms. $9u0.0); easy
25th and Van Camp Ave., 3 room, SW).0J;
small payment.
14th and Jayne Sts., 3 rooms. $Yi0; monthly.
Cd and Hamilton Sts., 6 rooms, $1.10).CU;
small payments.
1st and Center Sts., 3 room, $3MW;
monthly pavmentH.
30th and Chicago Sts., 6 rooms, $1,4C0.W;
25th nnd Burdette Sis.. 6 rooms, $1,40X0);
16th and Oak Sts.. 5 rooms, $!.KO.00.
)th and Boulevard Ave., 2 houses, full
lot, ?l.wu.iv.
)2th nnd Center Sts.. 10 rooms, J1,DO).00.
41st and Dodge, new, modern, 6 room.
$300 cash; balanco monthly.
30th nnd Marcy Sts., 10 room, modern.
$4.W0.00; ensy payments.
2 ncres. with 7-room houe. fruit, etc..
West Side. $1,650.00.
2Sd and Boyd St., 5 rooms, full lot. $."00.00:
monthly tmyments.
9th. near Rlvervlew Park. 5 rooms, full lot.
t..RJ.iJ, mommy.
Atlas St., near Rlvervlew park, 5 room
ftill lot $W).a); monthly
5019 Rnncroft St.. 5 rooms. $000.00: monthly
Full lot nnd four house In South Omaha. rents ror per montn.
The O. IT Duvls Company. 1C Farnam St.
RE-399 23
FOR SALE Choice farm of SO acres, Ave
miles of west i-iains; goon improvements;
SO acres tn cultivation, 20 In timber; tine
10-acro npp'e orchard and other fruit. In
bearing: 25 ncres In wheat., good terma; SltS
per acre; no trade. Address. Box J1S,
West Plulns, Howell County. Mo.
SNAP $5,700 fine buslnesa lot 2 blocks
touth depot, 10th St. Inqulro 1411 Vinton.
240 ncres rich, black bottom land 10 mlls
from South Omaha, 60 acres timber, fine
blue grass pasture. Iff) acres In corn;
vlelded last year 65 bushels per acre; good
house. 8 rooms, barn 40xlW feet, brick
milk house, other outbuildings, wind ml'l,
running water, all hind small fruit, rail
road station U mile away. This Is a bar
gain und wilt be sold soon. For further
particulars write or cull upon R. C. PeUrs
& Co.. 1701 Farnam St . Bee Bldg.
320 ACRES, CH miles south of Ewlng. roll
tng but not hilly, good Improvements, 120
acres broke; can nil be broke; 4 acres
grove, some fruit. Price, $2,400. The Byron
Reed Co.. 212 3. 14th st. RE-M149 20
HERE IS A SNAP! Eastern man owns 22
lots In Omaha. 7 of which cost him Jl0,5i.
He now Instructs us to offer the at
J2.500. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 8. 14lh it.
" HE-M14) !
I HAVE Just bought ami offer for sale next
wek the following S-room houses, with
large lot. 100-fect front in connection with
each. n follow-:: At 2520 Emmctt st.,
nrlCB S1.450: 2672 Emmett St.. urlce tl.lBO.
20Q9 Emmctt st.. price $1,3no. Only 2 mln
utH' walk from the 2tth st. car line.
These are very cheap und If yuu want one
look at tlieni at once, ., v. TUKey. Board
of Trade. RE-M146 26
HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire
Insurance. Bcmls. Paxton Blk. RE-923
DON'T YOU want to buy fliat acre at 47th
and Seward 2 blocks from car line, only
liou; easy terms. The Byron Reed Co.,
213 is. inn st. itt.-.Miyi :
j CHAS. E WILLlAilSON. 12C3 Farnam St.
' Rt 815
- .Ti77v""Ti. T;.T '
pii 1.1: mi Mi etati:.
RANCH AND FARM land for Ml by the
Union Pa-iftc itallrmd company. R. A.
.Monaster tana cununisioncr. union
Pacific Headauartcr. Omaha. Neb-
It E-:i
WILL take lone lease on brick stable If I
built centrally locntoi, anu pay goo.1
rent. Address J S3, Bee. Y-Sll
rffXAmal ln In ollv of flm-ili. DU.ful
cast iront in rseison s auomon. M. j.
Kennnrrt Jfc Son. no flrown bloek.
FOR SALE On easy terms. .0-acre farm
tinder high state of cultivation, adjoin
Ing town of Mhclton, Neb. For ftitl pur-
tirulnr addres Lock Box a. Bhelton,
.eo. o trades. iiti-M, is
LADIES out of health find prompt teller.
Box 3.', Om..ha, Ncd. Conndential t
-527 I
LADIES. j:.0n reward for an obstinate. long-1
standinc, abnormal case suppression, nny
estise. iiltl. Or. Jneksnn'n Vesetnble Fo-
male Medicine falls lo relievo In 2 ho irs i
without rain ,t los of work. Exp'cjs 3
C. O. D. Dr, Jackson Remedy Co , 17
Dearborn St., Chicago. Dept. Bee.
M-M r
GONOVA Is a Frenh treatment for male
and temale, for the positive cure of Gon
orrhoea. Gleeti Unnatural Discharges. In
flammations, Irritations And Ulcerations
or h mucous membraneit. An Internal
remedy with Injection combined, war
ranted to cure worst cases In one week;
13 per package or two for t. snt nny
where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug
Co.. Elgin. 111. American Office, retail,
wholesale, Myers-DIIlon Drug Co.. Omana;
It. A Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drug
Co., Council I! luffs. Full line of rubber
C. MIDDLEMIST, experienced cleaner:
'phone 12AS. leave order with Iwls Hen
derson, florist, 1M9 Farnam street.
iir.i.m.vx nAiti:.
FOR SALE, 23 line Belgian hares, out of Itn.
ported stock, prizewinners, at reasonable
figures; have a few at Jl each. Come early
and have your pick. Inquire upstairs.
14(3 South ICth st., otia- block south of
William st -1M M2
JOHNSON Institute. SIS N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel.
1664; Alice Johnt-on. D. O.. ladles' dept.;
Old E. Johnson. Osteopathia, Mgr.
M. E. DONOHUB. D. O.. of Still school,
Klrksvlilc, Mo., Got l'axton lsik. ici. izt,.
A C. VAN a AST A School. 717 N. Y. Life.
BOYLES College, court reporter, principal.
Bee Bldg. -3J)
NRB. Business & Shorthand college, Boyd'j
Theater. -931
GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 14 & Doug.
LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., dav or
evening. i lu, worn, xai. uanic, u. u.
Rathbun 734
WHY not get your wheel enameled be-
rore tr.e rusnv reu sm nnn no win can
for your wheel. i.v.' Capitol Ave. 635
incVbators and imnoDEiis.
INCUBATORS and brooders; catalogua
free, write iiurr tneunator 1.-0.. u z.
Omaha, Neb. Factory at ISth fc Davenport
BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't. Co., Bee Bldg.
Tel 2535. - ST7
STOCIC'3 Bird Store.'
190J Leavcnvorth.
EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat
ing; all busUess confidential, 1301 Douglus.
OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2T.33.
TEL. 1331. M. S. Watklln, 2111 Cuming St.
CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. 11. Phll
bln. 1505 Farnam. TeleDhons 7S4. ?41
OMAHA Steim Laundry: shirts. 7c; collars,
2c; cufft, ic. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 517.
Julia VaUghn, 430 Ramge Bldg,
ACCORDION pleating, cheapest. best. quick
est. Mrs C. Mark, S. K. Cor. 17th and
Farnam. 943
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th
and Lake Sts. 270
PORTO Popular Tours
RICO I'eb. 10. March 2. lllu.
ttated program; C4 tlsy. all .tpr.c!, M9S
Eyir.ond Uhltcomb.lOJAdims St..CnlciQo
Should be read DAILY by all Intercstod, as
changes may occur at any time.
Foreign mans ror tna weex cr.dlng
Marcli 2. 1901. will close (PROMPTLY In
all cases! nt the General Postoffice is fol.
HOUR eailler tnaq closing time howa
below. Parcels Poet Malls fur Germany
close at 5 p. m. on Februnry 35, per s, h
Liihn, via Bremen, nnd Mnrch 1, per s r.
Columbia, via Hamburg.
Regular nnd supplementary .moiih cloe at
Vnrrlun Branch half hour later than clos.
Ing time shown below.
Trans-AtlauUo Jlnll..
TUESDAY At 6.30 a. m. fqr EUROPE, per
s. s. Latin, via Southampton and Bremen
(mall for Ireland must be directed "per
a. a. Lahn").
WEDNESDAY At 6:30 u. m. for EUROPE,
por ft. New York, via Southampton
(mall for Irelund must be directed "per s.
s. New York"); at 9:3") n. m. (supplemen -
tary 11 a. m.) for EUROPE, per . s.
Oceanic, via Queenstown; at 10 a. ru, for
BELGIUM, per s. e Kriesiand (mail must
b directed "per s. s. Frlesland").
THURSDAY At 7 a, m. for FRANCE
QUEZ. per s. a. La Cascotrne. via Havr
(mall for other parts of Europe must be
directed "per . h La Gascogne").
SATURDAY At 6;3o u. in. for EUROPE,
per s. h. Columbia, via Plymouth, Cher
bourg and Hamburg (mall for ire'md
must be directed "per s. s, Columbia t,
at 7:30 a. m. Kr NETHERUVNDS direct.
Trave, via Naples (mall must be dlrec cd
' per . . Trave"); nt 10:3) a. m. (auppl-
nicniary j- m.j tor r.i uui-f,, per a c,
Etrurla. via Queenstown. ,
takes Printed Matter, commercial Paper
ii nil Kumnlcs for Oermanv ,nlv ti
same class of mall matter for other parts
. - " - ...,, . ... . . ,
. , i in
After the closing of the Supplementary
Tran-Atlantlc Malla nam.-.l nbove. nd-
dltional supplementary malls are f.penc,l
inn piers ui wi ". ..... M'jiin
I Flsnch, and tjerraan .icamcrj, aitu r-
tier h. s. Rotterdam (mull mUHt be il reeled 'hi jjiii i xstno'J
per s. a. Rotterdam"): at 10 n.. m for ' $5? Atrii uc FxDress ' a r,-&n m 1 ChlcagT
SCOTLAND direct, per h. s. Ethiopia , "!?n At V! '"cn EtCT'"h s-m nm 52 i-'hleago
(mull must ne uirecteu -per s. s i t i k biilV U DMiv nt s iiidie Jluimapoiii
onla"t. at U a. m. for ITALY, ner . s Dallj. u Dalli except Sundaj. .. .
main open tintll within Ten Minute of
tlii hour of sailing ot ileamer.
Mnl! fur S'mitli " Crittrnl America,
West Indie. i:to.
MONDAY At ! a. in for HARRADOS,
UAi'fcio utl sAJCTtiH. oer s. e. Capri
TUESDAY At 9:.H a. m. 'uWJf.,!yn,"r
W:a. m.) for CESTRAL A"v!ltl' ,1?,;
cept Costa Rlcai and SOUTH J'ALIrJC
PORTS, per s. s Alllnca. via Colon (mall
for Guatemala must be directed "per s.
s. Alllan.a '). at ::t p. m. for JAM A It A
per s. s. Admiral Dewey, from Boston , at
'U p. m. for NASSAU, per steamer from
Miami. Fkt. ..,.,,.,..
WEDNESDAY At S a. m. fur llKRMt DA.
t.r Trinlriad- ill 9:1U a. m. fur lA-
OUA a'nd HAITI, per s. s. !j2enbu"7."
12 m. for cuua. m.ANi.v v...i
s. Seguranca. via Haanji anfl Progreso
(mall for other pnrN of Mexico must be
illrected 'per . s Seguranca ..
p. m. (supplementary 1 p. n. for NAS
SAU, nor s. . Anttlla (mall must lw dl
rected per s. s. Antllta'K at 11 p. m. for
J A MAR A. per s. . Admiral Snmpson.
from Philadelphia. , ,
THURSDAY At 12 m. "'"I'tiSmSn.
12:) p tn.i for NASSAU. Gl AN TAN AMU
n .t J vti inn t,,r . . Saratoga.
FRIDAY At H p. m. for NASSAU. Pr
steamer from Miami, Fla.
rim l livid .'iimini
ATI' R DAY At ! a. m. for PORTO ITR O.
per s. . San la San Juan; at 9 a.
m. (supplementary 9:n . m for (.1 It -
C U and VENEZUELA, via Curucao. Kr
. r. Hlldur (mall for Savanllla and
ctrthagenn must bo directed "per " J-Hlldur-
i; nt 9.S) a. m. (supplementary i
..... .ft rtit . a UT 1'IHllx
and DEMERARA. per . . Kontabelle: at
m o m fr iM-tt.v. ner k. s Morro Castle.
ln Havann; at 10 a. m. for HAI TI. lor
s. s. Prlns Muurlts. (mall for Curacao.
Venezuela. TrtnUtad. British nnd Piitrh
(Mlano must le directed "per f'j1"
.la'Jrttsi; at 10 a. m. for FORTI NK
. Alenc (mHll for Costa Rlen m'tst be di
rected "per ?. s. Alenc" .
Malls-for Newfoundland, by rail to North
Sydney and thence by steamer. cle at
thl otllce dally at fl: p. m. (connecting
close here every Monday We.lnedp.y and
uninniavi. Malls for Mlauclon. by rail t
Boston anc thence by steamer, close at ,
this office dally at 6 ) p in. Mails for'
Cuba, by run to i-o.-i inrapu, eia. ana
thence by strumer, close at this ollioe
dally, except Momlu). at a. tn. (the
connecting closes are on Sjnday. Wednes
day and Friday). Mnl for Cuba, by rail
to Miami. Fin., and thence by hteamcr.
close at this oilllce every Mondav and Fri
day at "11 p. m .ians tor .iiexi.-o i uy.
Registered mall c:oees at 0 p. tn. previous
da .
Trnnspiicllli' Mali.
Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China and Philip
pine Is'and. via San Francisco, close hero
dally nt 0:3) p. m. up to March "M. inclu
sive, for dispatch per s. a. Coptic.
Malls for Australia lexcept Vet Australia,
which Is forwarded via Europe), New
Zealand. FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii, via San
Francisco, close here dally at 0.30 p. m.
nfter February "9th and up to March "Cd,
Inclusive, ur on nrrlva. of a. s. Lucanla.
due at New York March 2d, for dispatch
per a. s. Sierra
Malls for Australia (except West Australia,
which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, j
fsliimls. v!: Vnu-fvpr. rinse here dally at
invii suyn ,i t-mi ri.imii, iM.. nt I
6:3) p. m. iv 'fanh "id. Inclusive, for
dispatch r-er s. s. Warrlmoo isupplement
nry tnal's, via Seattle. cloe at 6:30 p. m.
March "Jd; mall must be directed 'per
b. s. Wnrrlmoo").
Mails for Hawaii. China, Japan and Phil
ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close
hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. tip to March
10, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. . Amer
ica Muru.
Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco. cloe
hero dallv nt 6:30 p. in. up to March
11 for dispatch per s. a. Mariposa.
Mails for China and Japan, via Vuncouver.
cloe here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to
March !?, Inclusive, for dispatch per
s. s. Empress of India (registered mall
must be directed "via Vancouver").
Malls for Australia (except West Australia
which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zea
land, FIJI, Samoa, and Hnwnll. via San
Francisco, close hero dallv at C;3o p. m.
ufter March "3 and lip to March "21, In
clusive, or on arrival of h. s. Etrurla, dje
at New York March 23, for dispatch per
. s. Sonoma.
Transpacific malls aro forwarded to port of
sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is
arranged on the presumption of their un
interrupted overland transit. Registered
mall closes at U p. in. previous day.
Postoffice. New York. N. Y.. March 21. 1901.
Omaha. Neb.. February 23. 19)1. Sealed
proposals will be received here nnd at
offices of quartermasters nt stations named,
Until 2 p. m . central time, March 23. 19)1.
for furnishing wood, coal and charcoal dur
ing the fiscal year ending Juiu 30, 19 'J, nt
Omaha Q. M. depot. Forts Crook, Robinson
and Niobrara. Neb.: Jefferson Barracks.
Mo.; Forts Leavenworth nnd Riley. Kan ;
Logan H. Rrots, Ark.: Reno and Sill, Okla.
Proposals for delivery nt other points will
l,e entertained. U. S. reserve right to re
ject or accept any or nil proposal, or any
part tnereor. mrormntion rurnisnea on ap
plication hero or to quartermasters at sta
tions named. Envelopes containing pro
posals should be marked ''Proposals for
." end addressed to undersigned or
quartermasters nt stations abovo named.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the regular
annual meeting ot the stockholders of the
South Platte Land company will be held
at the (Office nt said company In Lincoln,
Neb., at 11 o'clock a. in., on the ith day or
March. A. D. 1S01.
By order of the Board of Directors.
Lincoln. Neb.. February 4, 19vl.
C. H. MORRILL. President
A. B. MINOR, Secretary
The annual meeting of stockholders In
The Bee Publishing Company will be held
at their otllce. corner 17th and Farnam
streets In the city of Omaha on Monday.
March 4tli, 1901.. U;- order of the president
Omaha. Neb. February 18th. 1901.
Oeo. B, Tzscluck, Secretary.
Feb. lO-t-m-fc-c.
"n.i5 VAcltte. ,I,'-3l,Ir,?a.'J
rJh: ey
Ticket Office. 1223 Far
nam Street Telephone.
42S. Depot. Tenth and
Marcy Sts. Tele
nhorif. 629.
Iave. Arrive.
Des Moines and Daven
port Local a 7-25 nm bll:XS am
Chicago Express 1)11:13 am a -'0 am
Des Moines Local r v"" pn. . :45 pm
Chicago. Fast Express.. a -vi pm a 1:23 pro
-t , ... I .... T 1 . 1 . ... 1
and nnd Chicago a 7:40
Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.,
pti) a 9:3$ pn
Denver, rueou and
v o'm'i. " p
' Colotado,. Oklahoma 4:
1 eJEa?.FI',err, ,; a
a Daly b Dllv -xceot Si
nm a 9:50 am
ISO tuuiu vjriivtrtl UIUCVS, I
N E. Car. Ninth and Farnam
strict City Ticket Office. 13ji
! Harneni Sticet. Telephone. 216.
? Divot. 'Tenth and Marcy Sts,
1 eiciiivuc, v..
The Ov-rland Limited.. a s:2u am u 7:30 pm
i-1. . l, l T , . Unrtlsnri
Special n f fl am a 7 Do pm
The Fast Mall k :50 am a 3:25 pm
The Mall and Kxpiess .all;35 pm a 4:J pro
U'ncoin. Beatrice ana
- t-.nemi umr n.i
Ticket Offices. Southeast
Corner 14th and Douglas
Sts Telephone, 104. Depot.
Lnlon Stution.
Leave. Arrive.
- a, no Iva
Louis and tvansas
Xf.-WZ nm 2 M
rv ..t oi. - i - hiu
' Leave fiom i.n and
Webster Streets:
.Nebraska l ocal. Via
Weeping Water . b 4 10 pm al0:43 am
a Dally, b Lady excrpt Sunuay.
StaSub - -twmS" "ter St Tel. 145,
f . .5?;. f J" 2"'-f "lack Hills. Deadwood.
i os ui isica. ioiiii-. niriiu Hot S-irlniss VIM om i i;w pm
Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans and Wy0mlni CasniV'ard
thence by steamer, close- at this office I fiofail-' .. .. '"d SM pm e G:00 pm
daily at "1 ) p m. tconnectlng cloo here Hastmus TorVJ iJivii '
Mondays for Belize. Puerto t ortez and nty Puperlor Geneva.
Oimirrnla nml Tuesdnvs for Costa Rlrn). r.' " .j 'i. i.aa t, c-ftrt om
, C n. n .. ww , . , 1 . m nm.A V T. . V.
t -ivivp iv riir m rv 1111 1 c Bvfrv sUm1 ,n ,h m'lu " uow ,e I
jiuujii uiii uL.un iiiLLkjprnt jfme thi M ralf(l8nIn ,tamjJ ni,
. : , At Terravllle l afkllng product for do
. j first time since th mill eloscil lnwn ten
HomtUftic Stock Rues Up to Eight? BoliRM yPflM K0. Tho llomesiahe cotnpany will
and Fromiies More.
ltloli I'ny Mreitl." ot t note iiun I
WlilenliiH llul (Imiilin I'nplmt lllu
Deep I" .North Stnr '1 mi-lllt
I Aclhe Atcnln.
LEAD. S. D.. Feb. 21. (.Sreclal. Home
stake sto-k hitB reached JS0 per share.
The first sale that has been made for sev
eral months was transferred in New York
two week nco. when fifty shares were .
sold for ISO iter share. It Is now believed
that tho stock will steadily cllmh until It
reaches par value, or JIM per share. There
are those who believe that within the next
five years the stoek will go to $130 per
share or more. The dividends that have
teen paid by the ompany for some time
past have been 60 cents per share, and
there Is no reason why the dividends
should not be doubled this season. The
capacity of the mines ha been almost
doubled by the Increase In the flow of wat-r
trom spearnsn creeg nnu wnen tnc nrw
cyanide plants arc in operation. It Is safe
to say that twice as mt:ch bullion will be
gotten as a year ago. So much bullion Is
now being taken out of the mills that the
company has decided to tnnko threo "bul-
Hon" days In the month Instead of two.
Three times a month after March 1 the
company will ship out the gold bricks,
which mCans that the company Is gcttlns
abou' one-third tnoro gold now than before
the costly Improvements ot last season.
It A 1 1,1V A Y TIM E TA 1II.ES.
Missouri valley Railroad
- "The Northwetern
Line" -General Offices,
United States National
Bank Bldg.. S. W Corner
l wcirtn ana rarnnm m
lainrf rii u VprilLr nnil
Fremont d 7:30 am bl0:25 am
Lincoln. Wahoo and . .
Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am
Fremont Local o 7 JO nm
a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun
day only, d Dally except Saturday.
Dally except Marian .
Railway "Th
Northwestern Line"
City Ticket Office, 1401
Farnam St. Telephone.
61 Depot, Tenth and
Marcy Sis. Telephone SX
Leave. Arriva.
ciVl 7:M nm .11:30 pa
r, ...iu.
'-nicago i-assenger a i;u pm u;wara
Eastern Exprens. Des
Moines. Marshnlltown,
Ccdnr Raptds und
Chicago nl0:55 am a 4:05 pm
Eastern Special, Chi
cago nr.d r.zsi a 4:55 pm a 4.C6 pm
Fait .dan. Chicago to
Omaha a 2:43 pa
Omaha-Chicago L'fd...a 7:15 pm n s:i) am
Fast Mall .. a f.Vi am
Ceaar Rapids t-assengsr a C:JJ pm
a Dally.
Railroad "The North
western Line" General
Offices. United , States
National Bank Building.
& W. Corner Twelfth
and Farnam Sts. Ticket
Office. 14)1 Farnam St. Telephone 55L De
pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 69.
Iave Arrive.
Twin City Exprnoa a -:5a am al0:S5 pm
Twin City Limited . ..a 7:55 pm a S:is am
Sioux City Local a S:00 am a 20 pm
a Dally.
Minneapolis & Omaha
Hallway "The North
western Line" General
Offices. Nebraska Divi
sion. Uth and Webster
Sts. City Ticket Office.
1401 Farnam al.
Telephone. 5CL DcnoL
litn snu wensier ais.
Iave. Arrive.
Twin City Pucsir...a r-..V am a 9:10 pm
Omaha Psfscner all:19 ara
Sioux City & North
east Nebraska a 2:45 pm
a Dally.
icurl River Railroad
"The Burlington Route
General Offices, North
west Corner Tenth and
Farnam Btreets. Ticket
Office 1502 Farnam Street.
Toephone72507 Burnngton station, isntn
and ilejon Streets. Telephone. 123.
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln. Hastings and
McCook a S:a am " :35 pm
, r,..A, fnlft.
"rado, Utah, callforrila.a 4.23 pm a 3:00 pm I
Lincoln & B'ack HIIls..a 9:00 pm i. 6:45 am J
, . f - 1 1 1, .",1 nn. .. ft.l- .... I
J.inCUjn i'ljai lan .....w m.w u uui
Wymore, Beatrica und
Lincoln a S:40 am bll :55am
Denver Colorado, Utah
and California a C;t; am
South Bend. ' oulsvllle,
PlattHmoj.r. b 3:55 om bll;05 am
Ft. (jrooK, rmttsmouth
and Pacific Junction. .a 7:00 pm a UrM am
Bellevue. PJattsmouth
and Pacific Junction.. a 12:10 am
a Dally, b Dally txceni -'
& Qulncy Rallroad-"Tha
Burlington Route" Ticket
Office 151'.' Farnam Street.
Telephone. 250. Depot.
Tenth and Mason streets.
Telephone. 12s.
Leave. Arrlva.
Daylight Chicago bpe-
cla, a 7:00 am al0;15 pm
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm n 7:45 am
Chlcaxo Local Exnress.a P..V) am a :0& nm
unicago i.imueu ..
Fast Mall ,
a 7:50 pm a v:45 am
a iu pm
a Daiw.
eph & Council Bluffi
Railroad "Th Burling
ton Routo" Ticket Offlee,
1502 Farnam Street. Tele
phone. 250. Depot, Tenth
and Maion Slrc-is. Tele
phone, 12S
I Kansas City Day Ex. .a 920 am a 6 '!5 nm
I iL'Flyfer :W ' fe SS
AM "4V nuuis..ii a;iu pm amis am
a Dally
road -Omaha. Kansas Cltv
& Eastern RaiIroad-"Thi
Qulncy Route" Tleli.f n
y flee. 1115 Farnam St Tele.
Marcy Streets, Telephone.
Leave. Arriv.
I R. I.ouls Cannon Ball
i Express . . a 5:15 pm a 8:20 aro
1 Kansas city and Qulncy
t.ocnl a i.'f) am a 3:30nm
CBCjc- St Paul Kaltw-iy-Clty
flfnurririm Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam
.it-S .r t Street. Telephone, 231.
Chicago Limited Ex.,,,a 6:u) pm a 8:05 am
I Chicago & Omuha Ex..b 7:i5 am b 3:10 pm
I ajbuj . u ivai!- excepi aunoay.
Kallroad-City Ticket Of
fice. 1402 Farnam Street.
Telephone, 245. Depot,
Tenth and Marcy Streets.
Leave. Arrive.
i ic-:'
Express . 7:00 am all:is nm
Limited ..ft 7;4 pro a s;ui Zni
nnu ou
rcks b 7:00 am b s-m
I tllnnu.innll nnrt HI
, ..Paul Llmlt'd a :45 pm a J:03 nra
tort Dodte Local from
wm., wiuiip .........w ir inn m
Fort Dodgo Local 'r.m
Council Bluffs a 6 00 am
i Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
5:15 um
Ticket Office. 1(15 Farnam
Street Telephone. 322. jje.
iit. Tenth and Marcy Sts.
Telephone, Ga.
Leave. Arriv.
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
Expr s a 5:15 pro a !;a am
a Dallv.
PIWa 1
not have any large amount or improTnucu.s
to make about the mine or mills atter
tin -old DeSmct mill and hoist aro gotten
In working iliapo. This will give the rom
rmny lx stamp mills, and seven hoUtlng
Mammoth Cjnnlde Plnnt.
It has taken longer to get the new 1,100
ton Cyanide plant ready for workthnn
was nt first expected. Tho plant Is a main-
j moth Rffalr. It will treat 1.100 tons ot tail
ings from the mills per twenty-four hours,
which will save to the company about $40,
000 per month In gold. Owners of stoi k
In the company rarely sell. Only wheu
some cstato Is being closed up or becausu
of bankruptcy, ilo any shares go onto tho
market. So rare have been the sales that
the company has been taken off from the
Stock exchange In New York, until two
necks ago. when the sale of the fifty shares
was recorded. The fact that there Is an ore
reserve for u quarter of a century actually
blocked out and measured up In tho mines
makes the stool, valuable. It has been a
wonderment to many why tho stock has
not long ago gene to par value.
The first cleanup of sold has been made
at tho cyanide plant of the Spcarflsh Min
ing company, at Ragged Top. Something
like 200 ounces of gold was sent this week
to company headquarters at Colorado
Springs, Colo., and It Is stated that such
cleanups will bo a thing of the future at
this plant. This compan Is operating a
200-ton cyanide phut In tho Ragged Top
district, twclvo miles west of this city.
It Is seated that tho nre I so plentiful
around tho mill, that It Is being mined
near tho foundation of the plant, Tho
actual cost of mining the ore- does not ex
ceed CO cents per ton and It Is being treated
at the cyanide plant for less than $t per
ton. Tho oro Is a lime formation and Is
very porous, requiring coarse crushing. It
Is tho Intention of the compnny to enlarge
tho plant to 500 tons per day this spring.
It Is understood that another largo com
pany, composed of Colorado Springs, peo
ple, will soon bo organized for the purposo
ot duplicating lu every respect tho mlno
and plant equipment of the Spearflsh com
pany. This company owns about 350 ncres
of ground. There aro a great many mining
propositions In this Ragged Top district
that are oqually as good as that ot the
Spcnrflsh company.
Good Strike nt .Mary Belle.
Report ot a good strike ot tree milling
oro has come to this city from the Mary
Belle mine, which Is located two miles
west of Rochford, near the Hornblende,
camp. The mine Is owned by Council
Bluffs people. A tunnel was run Into the
hill somo distance, which encountered a
ledgo ot oro said to bo forty feet thick,
which averages $C.S0 per ton gold. It Is
staled that tho owners of the property
will erect a mill at Rochford this season.
The mine Is backed by considerable
Every day's development work on the
Gopher mine, four miles north of Hill City,
shows tho vein of ore to ho larger and
richer. The shaft Is now being sunk to the
200-foot iovel and the mine has the
promise of becoming ono of tho richest
in the Black Hills. It was from this mlno
that ten tons of ore were taken for a
test run at a mill near the mine, the re
sult of the run being $132.10 per ton
gold. Tho mine Is owned by tho Gopher
Mining company of Minneapolis.
At the Uncle Sam mine, on Elk creek,
ten miles southeast of this city, the rich
pay streak that was found nbout a month
ago Is widening out. Miners this week
opened Into a very rich place In the vein,
which beats nil records ot that rich mine.
It la believed that this mlno Is located
on the Homestake ore lode. The rich
pay streak Is not wide, but It Is yielding
tho richest ore that has ever been taken
out of n mine In the northern Black Hills.
The mine Is owned by the Clover Leaf
Mining company.
W. J. Sisk, formerly secretary of the
State University of Vermilion, has ar
rived In the Hills for tho purpose of learn
ing something practical about mining. Ho
Is a graduate of the university. At Key
stone. David Slsk, nn uncle, owns the
Ida Florence mine, which shows consider
able free milling ore In n 400-foot shaft.
Next summer a steam hoisting plant nnd
mill will bo erected at the mine and It
will be In charge of W. J. Slsk. The Ida
Florence mine Is near n property that was
bonded this month to Chicago parties for
Ouinliu Cm pi (nl In North Stnr.
The Omaha people have commenced a
station at the bottom of tho deep shaft in
the North Star mine, northwest of Cus-
ter nine miles. Tho shaft Is about 300 teet
deep and a drift 110 feet long caught an
8-foot ledgo of ore that averages about
$1S per ton gold. The shaft Is now to be
sunk to the 600-foot level. The company
will thoroughly develop the ore ledge be
fore erecting on ore-treating plaut.
George Black, a prospector In Penning
ton county, has sold for cash the Jos
Dollar mine to Chicago capitalists and
one party In Deadwood. This mine Is lo
cated east of the famous Golden Slipper
mine, from which a great deal of $20-ore
has been milled. There Is a ledge on the
Joo Dollar 1.000 feet long, which has an
average value of over $100 per ton gold.
The purchaiers will erect a wh?s Imme
diately nnd two Tremaln mills or mills
of thnt nnttern will be nut in this spring.
Tn6 contractors, who are to furnish C00
. , . - . ... . .
tons or spouumcne ore irum uic i.u
mine, one of the properties of the old Har
ney Peak Tin company, are making regular
deliveries of ore to the cars, It being
shipped to New York Clt. This mine has
a very large ledge of this sort of ore.
which commands a good price for lis
lithla values.
There Is activity again In the 'ivo
Bit district. Tho five Hardin mlr-Tag com
panies have been consoll elated Into the
Redwatcr company nnd there ts a good
prospect that tho orlglnnl plans of the
promoters of this Two Bit deal will be
consummated. Work has been Tesumed at
the Chicago Two Bit shaft, which Is al
ready down 400 feet, and the cntlro Two
Bit district will be cxpllted from this bhaft.
Tho company proposes to carry out the
plan of erecting n big smelter on Hud
water. Plnn to Start Cntlli Itaiiclir.
HURON. S. D., Feb. 21. (Speclal.)--Half a
dozen men arc here from Alton, la., and
vicinity, negotiating for the purchase of
5.000 acre3 of land, on which to establish
eattlo ranches. They are aho buying cattle
to grnzo upon tho lands: two of Ihe party
have already bought 3U0 head, which they
aro feeding In the northwest part of the
county. Several largo tracts of land have
been secured, and If unable to get the fu'l
3,000 acre in n body, they will' buy In as
close proximity as possible. They expect
to connlete contracts wlthlti the next ten
day, when they will return to Iowa, get
their settler, and come btck to at once
begin erecting houses and stock building?
If nml Crushed In Mnuulc.
CHEYENNE, Feb. II. (Special.) Ml.
Sophlo Rollmun, an cmployo of the Chey
enne Steam laundry, was Injured and may
lose her right hand. Shu got her hand
naught lu a giant mangle and before tho
machinery could tie stopped tho band had
bee ironed out flat, the flesh badly burned
and the bones ot the fingers crushed.
"I had grip three months; could not
sleep; pain all over and headache very bad
Dr. Miles' Nervine, Pain Pills and Liver
Pills made me well." Mrs. E. C. Bowlb),
Waterloo, Ind.