Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaha Daily Bee.
run oFt'ivui, n.ihtm:
K., Kdllor
W X KIT 8011.101 IIIIIMWIUIlU ll,1(l ..I,.,.. ..t.l. I .1... I . ...1.1 -.1 .. .. . . ... . . ...
Vl.lir.i.L-.. l,.l ,1lir.... C...... .. 1 1 .., ...... u in nnicn me oiuoini UCKCl sunn oc
iM'Itrilfkll lias lllltl II (llffelClU form milled ilti. iirnwiin,.' f r..llnf nrlntp.l. tn.,..i i. .nm i. ...
HI III ti . I w r MVII I " - U Milt mutt lb 11 I III I 1 V IUI imiiui iiouriy eiery imi jcnis if K. iIMV ,.VUL, ,1,,, o..!.,,.,, imlr,, .... tho voter to "split" his ticket, this hill
"c ..usiruiinn system nns neon tlctiuiiIciit tnxlng powers Iiiih proved of 8 "PSRica rather to encourngc tlio Indo
TKHMH DP HMtlHfttltTrnM. " IL eiieil. IICIIIIT IIIU IllierilllOIIN IV 111 VlllltllL'K f.l til.. tn .,,......, If l.n. "'"."c,v",! "l luu UMIIUl. II IS ISM
Dally Up wit,,. o,.n.i. n. v.,r. have been In tho direction of liniimvo- .. i .... .. : miuc.a lnnt the b"' passed would prac
indHundSy . ,,.,., ,,.,..,...,1 ,,,,lltl, In .'.'...1 . . . m, l.vl " ''V ,IK l"ml u Uy "'"franchise 30,000 negroes and 18,000
4iiu?nraiLri nn nn ..... 2.iin i " - ' i murm t'liiiiiiinnim. ii rum.. iu nut inuI i w miipa.
Hltn.l... V fZ l... ....Illl.... I ..!(.. ..... .I-....I.... I . 1 ...v.v ... .,,, (,ira.i
r. .. ""r uu ieiir....
uniuruay lice. Oho Ypnr.
11111 IHiimnu situation, me ooniusion ri.ilS0I, wliv .,. ....,. , .,
""'ui utt uup. i inn vnrt r ............ i..aj i i t...... . t. . .... i
Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.., l.uo I "rising nom uie impiem: Changes lias 1)calod (I ,lt. responsibility for the tax
Omaha: The Uco Ujlldlng.
,p'1' Omaha: City Hall Uulldln. Twen-
-."'" mreetn.
J-oun.-ll UlufTo: io 1'eorl Street.
Chicago. 16)0 L'nlty Uulldlng.
jew .yorlti Temple Court,
waghlngton: CJl Fourteenth Street.
Commniilioii.i.. ..i ......
'Pr'al 1 matter nhould bo nddrensed: Omaha
-vci i-anonai uepartment.
.'. r I n k Culm.
boi'ii tnnrkiMl mid hi xoiih' ttiNtnticoH .................. .t ... . . ' Vork livening lo.t.
... i '....iv.i-iiiiiiiuii umiiii in a MiiL'ii' i u. . .,.. . .
uiinti.L-fif.iH i. .11 uio kiiiih; uiiiu it win thor tr. It Iiiim nnt I....... nriv.n. i ipi,J ....: ....7. ".."T.,.', ."V . .
... . .1 ............i.. j. ii ,iuuu in iv run n Tnrnini nil r.iiinin. nitn
tmuu.wl I uuueii states mnllPS lllinn I'lm.l! Thin la nun
urnl ih'fccts thnt ivqulro reinody nmt proof more that they are tmtlt to govern
llmt IcKlfilatloii corroctiiiK them Is tk" rvxctissiuxs t'UOM CUUA. memscjves. it is tantamount to tho of-
maiitk'i! without ' toinud to nolltleal Tlit-ro Is k..mi.. ..m..,iu,.' n,t t.0C8e Imow" 10 'Uplomats a the mlse en
... . ..... ... ,ug.iviimicum u. uu- ... i.uoi lll Ull' I'tllMIIIH US to lllo Coll- this reflUMl nf Ihn ,1nt,!,. ,,,..'
tw. ifittii.rnllv r-i.iwwwlnt tlmi il.. ..ninlnl ....v... ..u iu ruo n ionimi ami oinciai letter
he fceiiumllj cmcedc that the olllrhil ,.t.,,0Mi ,m ,H ,H.,i,llB ,u tllL. ,,lvseul eg RettlnR forth tho "demands" which the
hnllot as now Vreserlbod prpncutH suv- Mature ,i should he iiasHed. United States mattes upon Cuba I This Is one
im:i: aiivicu to run i,i:it,ATt uK. statu i:nrroits tamc politics.
iiavij cmsis ty cni.vA.
Dakota City KorIo (rep.): Should the Pender llepubllcnn (rep.): Every day's
Nebraska legislature concludo to pass a delay In choosing senators at Lincoln Is
law establishing n state purchasing board lessening tho chance for the continuation
thrnncli ulinm rvervlhltir iinnl In ll.n I of rentibllrnn Biinrpmrim' In Vl,ral
I A . ...... . , I t . ... ... .. . . . I tlllfllfltnrfl nf it.l.i- . . . . ... .
IIIIILTUIIL .IlHL.ll.L.UI.H Hill... lid Illl min RP(. I .IcttU UL'liril TPIIlIirKH 111 II1.1 M1KT fPflfl. I . .. t .mill I II 11 I linilPI .11. PKllm.
It would result In an enormous saving to a staunch republicans as nrc to bo found 8,nnfcs ,v' they accept tho Chinese pro
tho state, n saving of over $100,000. Mere anywhere that If this deadlock were not I10!,n's rsardlng punishment virtually
Is where they can make a memorable, rec- broken soon nnd two Rood rentibllrnn nmounta to on ultimatum. Tim rhino.,.
ord, for It would be tho means of lnati- elected to tho senato that they would not fovornmcnt ,s '"formed that It will liavo
guratlng some economical reforms In tho vote tho republican ticket In tho future. , ' lfi"1 ""s 10 consider tho matter, and
management or tne state. York Times (rep.): It Is worth men-
Schuyler Sun (rep.): Tho Omaha Dec tinning under tho circumstances that Sec-
sties up tho situation right when It says rotary of Stnte Marsh Is turning tlio fees
that tho bill creating a supremo court com- received from tho Marks nnd tlrands com
mission nf nlnn niptnhpra tvlil, titilfiHA nf mlsnlnn Inln flm .
2,6C0 each and $1,000 for stenographic as- Ing remarkable that a state olacer should aK"'" ,0 nn uc,lto atage. According to the
slstance means to much of t burden upon ho honest anil obey tho law, but Mr. l'orter r?),"r '. oI''Htlon Is designed to last
tho taxpayers and that tho summoning to went out of the ofllce of secretn
Another Wnr Clituil of I.nmc Olmrii.
iiiiik l.uuiiilnK ,! die Orient.
Chlcneo Kpp.imI
Tho formal declaration of tho foreign
f It remains obstinate In Its present posi
tion diplomatic negotiation, win i, . ..
standstill. This fact.
threatened raid of Count ion Wnldersco In
western China, brings tho Chinese crisis
iry of stiito ,", ' , ' """ ""- " irusning pun- i . i..n i.. ...1...1 n,.. I.. ii .i . i ..ii .. mi . .' ........ ....... "W, . inn ins hi ui. rtucr uiose uie assistance of the supremo court sue h with near y $1,000 of theso fees stlcklnc to " "ia win no glad to come
b"ite J " 1 "dl 7 ? !, " ! "T C0,1","ll,L, '" with l Khtft, secret conferences with the com- f tho district Judges as could pare the his fingers! It Is ,ho difference between 'V"'
Py. Omaha. orn and try If jioHslhle to xeeure a lml- Cuttii lias under eoiisltleratloii seveial ,1U,U ot tabano, to have the blunder- time would do Just as well and be much tho way republicans nnd populists do public . , Blmllnr rn'tl Jlrocted against any civil-
, Itl2.MlTTA.VCi;s. , lot that will not have to he roarransed propositions to he embraced In a treaty , 1Jt',ll0WS uress n wish that he should more economical. A commission of sit business, that's nil. liEe,, 10Wt'r tor failure to accept an ultl-
rayme S iuSMwxwnl'. "' ' the next IcRlHlnttire. with the new repuhlle, Instead of bol.. wfii in",,!!'," I,m'8C,l"" n""!" !f ;V,"'S mcmbcn woultl certainly seem large sianton Picket (rep.): it Is to be hoped T""? .""i"''! b,, "1 Ct 0f war' nnd ,f U
.' Y ? of K?tern exchanges, not Hccepiea. t in a iiu 01 uiu eiuiuoii urn- i nese iiroposiunim provide Tor sit- "'Pioniacy ir such blunt and open methods t seu iie,iin,11 , ,,,,, i: , .. .. " ,.,. ,: -i-,.ir,, 7i, .,VJ- u. ... ac,lml wnri ,t , h .
ujvnuBin&a COMPANY ch,ncry and the object of every elec- perv.s.on by ,he m.ted States of into LZaCt ''ZlSS Z WilHtm suro i 7' wh,iP "St 5
. .p.iri... ,n . . . r. . . . , -- - - i
ii,7 ii. . 4 zsciiuck. Becroinr.v oi
invJ Vi"1 compuny. heme duly
."m.. i".mt ,nL' actual number of
r.'J?i. t0 cPle-i of Tlio Dolly. :
4'.vcnlnir ami Mutuinv n .,rir,i.i .ti
Th" and have It honestly recorded and ex- not undertake to
(IWUllltl I " ' -.'fctiii'i n- o
full nnd ocuted. It Is not for tlio law to mlnlcm! by Hpnln prior to tla Intorvontion 0f Ml8cornlblo thnt the Cuban politicians who
I.. .i . . . .
I .... . . . . I ! - - I IIIU IlnllH I II I ft I fi f 11 n f I rt fthit linitla ...ti
pay the debt Incurred There arc some gratifying Indications ?' "un uxpayers. ogniicl ability nnd characters unassailable. t0 tho ""f IUUJL". "
jfeniMg aiTu Sunday itee printed .luring the p trick the voter Into registering HI the Vnltcil States, that Cuba shall lease " u8 lDe , . ' , V. C0"'
"nth of January, isol, was us follows: preference for a candidate he does not or sell to this country such co .llnir ? "a b,clnB '0-fcK;
S:;;:::::::."SK!2S t,( or 10 11 n 80,t of ,ottory' 01 ,,,m" ",ul,u- S S'' Si'Sniuon'rir:!
ao.itao 19 i!0.i!0 whether Jie hits or misses with his cross tho United Stales shall think m . Intlons to exist hereafter between cubr.
...uit.nso,y IO
.,..mi,7u inark the nnmes he w8hcs to vote, sary for the protection of the Interests aml ,no L'nllcil states as a decent nppre-
h;.1" " tl- to h,epanyca,, of this country, and that .he United X,J'J"t ,lVU!LCW -Vo .naTh.
23 8oji UTB " 11 u ULKUl ol ,l,uuu 11 HHicr sitiivs snail exercise supervision of Cn- Interest, of nil , ; , J ''"R o
21 ao.iBii or Harder for one party to Have a ban laws relatliiK to sanitation In order mnnd. The statement mn.i.. t v n,B itnvn,,,. ?ns custodians, s
atyi to place on It than others, but rather to to protect this country from epidemics Nnclon of the minimum concessions that arc lrst-BCcon d and third
28 llU.iaO ,,l,. nil ,,,, nil ...I.. I r..rll.i, ...1,1 I.,..,-.. I llnl.l.. ... . illln In ll.n 1TI..I !.. 1 . . POSSIUI SOinO Of the
I 1 - ' - w. ...... -. ...... ' . I ' ... ... iM i ; I 1111 I -. , ......... ...... " II. 1 1 IIU1 ,
. (-,.. aui imu ttim v ii j i iu iK unit, i mi l ii i ii in Pii iv in mini in inn 111) Irt n M.I I .
Bhould tharacterlre n body of statesmen there Is no necessity, thero can be no ex- i . , not,"',,I'rcnt "t theso raids
and loyal citizens, nnd It Is hardly pos- cue, for the selecting of any other class ?,1 h?vo 1!n,, oll,,' crtect ,llBn
slblo that tho present session will be an Dignity Is ono of tho considered virtues of , ' ' "K "l? nBH-MKn wntlmen'
Improvement on tho past. Then It will bo tho supreme tribunal of any state, nnd that L,, 1" . i , ? " V1C olllcr
that the bills which lmvo been put to sleep dignity should not bo lowered In Nebraska il" ',' ', ,,"t th? r,or,,'s" ln ch,na
to allay suspicion will boh up and bo by the appointing of assistants Inferior to ,"'".,1 .1 "f enforcing compll
crowded through. Extra pay grabs will tho court Itself, cither In point rf ability , , . ,, 0!Vr" am' W c
lin inniln nml ll.n mn.i ..m. . . . . ' HO Kept busy In flit I IO Olicratlons nn Innir a.
w bv.. .-... b...iuuiK iu. . u- iiiurui cmiracier. ' 1
Vt .... 41 R
:8!!"!!!!!!!!i!0 i80 I nu vo'L,r y choose between thctn.
These are not hard conditions. I'u
"."o ler ordinary- circumstances tho dllll- doubtedly It would he to Ihe advantage Z i " of guaranUe swhTclf w
f. r!u'0 '" now met with would not exist, of Cuba to comply with them. Hut It to bo adopted anTcmbSed ln U.
" ' because they arise out of fusion, which Is to be apprehended that a majority law of the republic whoso organlz
lula hio.osa is un iiouoriuui ponueni conuition. xne 01 cuDans will object to them as Im
o u returneu copies.... iu.uit fact of rusioit must, However, be rec- posing too groat 11 limitation upon
Net total tales , Hiio.oos ognlzed and the law so framed that their Independence. A dlsnnti-h from
ci uany average... ao 770 the candidate nominated three tlmea by llavanit states that thu, niembers of the
sii.serihPrt in , " , "rr.. . 11 mmng unuer inree tiiuereni constitutional convention unanlmoiislv
beforo mo this 3ist day of January. A. D. names has no Improper advantage over agreed that there should be some form
nn Intelligent understanding of tho sltua'
tlon and might bo accepted ns a basis for
111 have.
ganlzatlon Is
under consideration.
A JI.V'I lll.MO.MAI, .MKASt ltH.
I'roiiosnlN (n l'lne lliu'ln-lot'H of I'orty
il ml fur Heller .Spinsters.
Indianapolis Press.
Ill be carried on ' by
upcrnumcrnrlefl and
supernumeraries, and
off th
foro tho
nf tho money chnngcrs In the tcmplo nt
tllP PfTinrPHU ,1.,.'.. ft. n...l hM ........ ...
Wayno Republican: Tho llepubllcau Is to remain pIiii.i7
!n.y.t,riidi3J lh0 "Ve.rUB0 poll'l1clanR a"d Abovo 1,11 B '' obvious danger of pre
believes It like a good many other party mklng n piolracted wnr. In whin, fierm.nv
llv Antnn nf tlin innmliaia toll! nn I
" .- ...v- v i ((si mucin "ill liiii J nnimfn r r Iti. n..... nH.l i. - II I
o pencils nnd blotters that have been i ,. , - . ". . " """ rr(,s"'y confirmed ally, Great
for by tho state. It would be n Ood- "",', u , 1 . . , ? T "r""1"' wo",a ,nko tllc opposed to
If Carrie Nation with n bam? of well ."Al C" r l.K Chlna' The "concert'' of the powers may
Sioux Indians would walk In .nd 7rw
tho darned things ten days be- " ,,.?.,, , " 'm" r Vr" " rora.Vllcnuon- 0,11 11 14 nt ""c'V to do so.
time is up. Or. If the worthy who i' ..." ..'""'"''u ' ."""V ,no interclii of tho world's peace and
a whin of cords nn,l tl, i.i,M " "l. '. . "V . ,l ,R ol,r '""" tho open door the I'nlted States, more
Mini, in 1.IIU II ft,UUl IIIU1J3 U
Minn nvnr nnw vUnttXA it.. .
i ...... . ... . I ' " """i oiiwmiu vi u un uiiuuBL ill lire
Jerusalem could re-enact tho episode tho U " ' " und th Is shnn ' yrV Zt nX, VC,,t ,h '"" -' rerilous tactics
iinn.ii.. ..-O..I.1 prises around this shop. o nro not snyln, ronM,i i,. ,,., nm , .
York Ilepubllcan: Tho bill before tho :" I.' ""r., V.7T:UL".:"" ra,a" 10,0 Interior do not
I , . .... I IVOUUH IL Will UJ UI1U fUH"
M hiamimy io purciiano ai juwcoin n perma
Wl' IK ll Ilin ITflltlnnn fna u(ntin t 1
8 Stent With Ihn Lest nf llin pen. . 7... . .. 7. " "--iki
i a i i i nniir ritii rnr iim a n(.. r,i M i . ... " v hhmiuu ii a iih zt-iii wfiirn i nitnr vim
") Notary Public. " imiemor ..0,.....a,ea oy ii imr.y ol relations showing the gratitude of Un. inirnTi. n-Ti 7 .V: ' I a wide ranco of nosslbllltv In the mntmr nf I lns "ersoDU' am' shows In promoting them Rives
ll0L,f,t U'U,UK11 with ltseir to Ily Its col- (uha to this country, but these rein- matrimony, by enacting that a man re- Prvl,llnK public Improvement, nt state ex- BB Th P, , groun' fr f'10 1,,c8llon ttl'c,ll,r nt "
I hat senatorial deadlock will resume " holilly without a tripartite mas- lions must not endanger the sovereignty matnlng unmarried until he is 40 years old ,,cnHC' York ought to have n good market .?,.., ir.nmir..; A.7 'f.. o"" Inlerested powers Is sincerely
activity tomorrow. cuerade. of ll.e republic. There appears to be a ,aa' l ninrry thereafter without paying ?mnrc. and If It bo proper for tho state to n ltB J JewKod the Ihn ZIp 1. , l"tf?lrn,ct n,,J .""""vlnis
If these considerations are kept In verv pronounced onposltlon to nlIo lnlr ho atato the auni of $100. He declares Lincoln a air ground there Is no reason "ttt u h.i a 0w the Integrity of the Chlne.o empire.
u 1 " I't Orowe Is not yet ready ,nd when the proposed legislation for the' U, Ited H U 1 e 7o l nerV tt S ha'hl m no b,lt lhnt conJlt,on" here TrJuTu- iT" " market 8,qU,,r0 "'" "" urn over t theh ' repub?wn au2 CUKUKNT hoioii.
to yieh. .nurels as a letter write, . ,,,,scd olllc.a, ballot up for ac with foreign 7t STiSff: Irm. aLb, XZI iSJ -cap Tribune: at's about m ,i
ic seems iiuite probaDle, therefore, nnj 0t.cr8 of hlBHv.clwiTi.,i nntinn. "'o state general fund for tho payment of Bc'nK. i no enormous amount
Another enterprise that would 1111 a 'BK or LUWIlS. that these propositions, should congress seem destined to meef It sXr or" 5':.. A nP . -f l- b tMe .h' 11 J", 1B!5LB ""2 Ina.lVo'r
nun oiiun aiecves, iow-necK oress ami
gaiter boots.
Inn.- fnlt t in i i 'I'horo Iu lint nm. mnm .f tlio SllDlll t them, will Unt Im ni'.-..iit...l l.v Younir men and vnnmr wnmnn nrn iinniin,. ronm come to i one to enjoy tho Hno park . .. 7 .
Pile for the amusement of city prisoners, rifty-slxth congress. Iu that brief time the Cubans at least in tho form pre- t '" C"!C7T o Z iTiZV'Z ti lZ ?'cJ very pretty part In 'the loading
,1'r l ch business to be done In " ' neu uy me senate committee. .Tho inte friendship ha .row un thuh bca,lt,cs of 8,n,L ' Rrountl. There are TZ.u ... C.hro?1?. unno. a"y'um- 8
ii non. rat Crowe wants his letters order to clear tlie tables of everything ""., reiauiig io tne Spanish childhood and rlnons into matrh, nnv tw 0lner ,owns " tho state similarly situated. ..,, " ,' w"" '"K KU,uro ,0f mn,
lo not know each other's characters well f"0,1' nM ,1 .thom nro "'mllarly situs
nnswerod he should be more careful to absolutely esseutlal to the support of debt
give hii
laws, will
patients and, If tho butter wero good thero
i . o .i Iu. . .1.1. ...(... i ...... .. ..!, .. . ....... Ann mere Will bo nn ilnnanr thnt tlm mnniv v .u m .un me lunuuiuon
"io immunise uiuiress lllltl street kuu'iuihcuu ouu'iiu ui iiiu iipjiiu- u.'jtiu.-u iu, imiiiuuiniiy uiui mii auuui inirusung mcir ,. , ... , . V
.1.... I.llln ..... l... ...l .,.... I IVipini.p Wi. 1.,.,... I,,.,....,.r.. i..i...i uapilinc.S to ench other. Knrlnt Intprrniirai. I . ",r' irum inusi oi
in i.ii.i'i. ... z jti iv i.v ii.iv.i i..'u.i . "- .... ..... iiLiviuiuit; iiuillll.ll I. . . - - - "It nptn if
.... . Mm mnrn rmnnpn In.tnml - I ..l-lll. 41
......V'.. .....I. ..... J v-fc J .'U ..u. I . . .w J.VJ...l.l. I . . . I
and the outlook Is that some of them out. the Importance of congress taking dSn7m"r,n"f- Instcf f havlnK a hnIf
-1 . I DUflllin ilf Tim Olnln Iflll lin nnmr.nll.l ln
Omnha people visiting other cities are will not be nassed until the verv Inst U Philn and explicit statement of the ,'. ', -.C.S- ???!u "7!! aelf-di-feiwe. to move tho mnitm L..ii.ii,,L.
fast being forced to the conclusion that bour of tho session, though this would concessions and conditions desired by them by the dozen. And Increased numbers. ,0,Yor.k' or 0ranK Island, or Kenrncy. In
.nn fllM-Ml mini 1M III leUVO UIO ! VII 11- n,.t li nn i.vtriuiri imrv,.r nil,.,. f... till! Ull IOIl Slllti.u fp..m r'nl.,. instead Of Ipnil nir tn ..rpnlpr pn.n nf ol,r.ln.. " " " " irum IIIU
allies at home. ti... ..,.,1.1.1 ..r Miu..t i.i,.n i.r ...... ..rn and IL Is lM-ntirvini' t.. ,.,,. brings confusion, hesitation and doubt.
-" w.. ww.... . w...ww.,. o ..W. . -
that 1 here s 11 i.i-i.i.n..t r .i.iu . .' " w" '"J " uiuiringo is noi
until July. And this Is the wny the creat
Ul 11-.. ...
the Lincoln crowd keeps on the ., ' T.u lm,vo Dt'on rcform"R tho poll
Puck: Jerold You are going tile pacn
that kills, old ehiip! Thcro H only one end
to this sort of thing, you know!
1 lurold VV-whasshft t?
Jerold Some girl wl'.l he mnrrylng you
to reform you, old elmpj depend Upon it!
..... ... ,v ,w.m1(, uw ,,. unmmorc American: I.lttlo Kreddle
tics of IscbraBka since they stepped Into Pleasp. Mr. Druggist, imnn wants n bottle
aster of wholesale npproprlation.
of liniment nml inntnmn wnritu n ln.iil,. nt
china cement, right away.
DrtiKglHt All right. What's wrong?
Freddie Mamma, lilt papa with tho sugar
bowl. 1
t I 1. .... ...1.1..1. .1
117 z zW i-,..e havep'.rin1
straps Just Ihe same, although he will
call himself a brigadier general Instead
of an adjutant general
General Joe 'Wheeler hns announced that
ho will bo a candidate for congress In his
Sriuth Omnha Is preparing for Us an
nual spring municipal election. Omnha
opening ol the session would lie on- iniucaieii mac iney want to be olllcinlly tho rural-districts. Tho bachelor Is not
ni'ti'd will L'n iivi.i In tin. tii.vt i'iiiiM-iwM. Informed ns i II wllll t t llf u ritiri ttwittf condomncil to a tllncv nnd pnmfnrtlp
. . a .w, . .-w.,-,.. I r,v.V..w.V.H.I . . . I nU ,1ll.ll It.. 1.1 . .. ...
The houso has. as usual, made the thinks It should be cranted and cm. learning nousc. ,tnoro to mako shift ns best '""... "m r.ignin Aiaoama.
1.1. It- li.i.l 4 K.iiiu.iiiliiil I ljkOU Iu !i.i UKi.'.n.o ..iii.n 1. mXi
,L ..... , Y,""''" "",,,tuu"u u"luuniJ hvomnn and nobody but himself to darn minister to nrcece, is a splendid oarsman rcnubllcan offlcTni.
business before the holidayH llinn had for tsuch Intornintlon. . Uocks and sovv'oi? buttons, rir a mmierntn and in 1876. durlnc his senior venr t n, . ? Lp".w 5n" Sj
I,.. u ,.r. ... "7. ..-n .w. 7.. . .." . .. is a rnuroau
Columbus Telegram (dera.): Nino out of
ten populists nnd democrats In Nebraska
have always been honest In their offortH to
drlvo tho railroads .out of tho governing
business In Nebraska. This class of popu
lists nmt flumnrrnlu u'o...i.l !. .nt. ......
If th ,.win.n. ., .. : , ' " " 7.1 hroakfnst foods for dinner.
- - .. .... v......... 11.1. ,., pvuiuann
last fall It would mean that tho railroads
Philadelphia Ilcrord: "So the pool h
Ilnnni'lally enibarrasHed?"
1 snouni say ho. Why. ho actually has
Puck: "Here's vinr Lpnllli. vnnm- muni
would again bo In control. Tho prediction Jvhc.,r, 111,1 J'"1' lcnnl 10 Play 'poker, nny-
Lnn Lppn fi.lniln.l in ihn Inh.i. nn 1 1 . I how
ho con with poqr,faro, an uncertain washer- Charles S. Francis, tho now United States n7" r ,. ":"lvr-."T0 T "-t cpllege."
I I 1 1 .... I " ..v.iii,n kv J 111 II t Ii 1UUUU 11
been done by any previous house iu
sum ho cah haVo apartments luxuriously noil, won tho slnglo scull championship In known tnhL toiisointmn that It has to K" the same length of time. It has since Although It has secured an agree- fitted up, with fight, heat and bath. Tho the Intercolleglato regattH.
. u n.nj- occ in three tuu holiday recess done fairly well In ment for reduced passenger rates, the T"m ,au,'ur' 18 rcunnie and reasonably
(lovernor Dietrich's
oil room. Kvorybody
jy "At college, eh? Well. J'll never say un
. oilier Word ng'ltn a college eddleatlon ns
lung us Ir livol
forwarding legislation. Iu the senate. HulTalo exposition is not yet out of the ",'nn n U""." " ." 1
.. 1 1 . I.. 1 C . , . " " " w.uii.iii UIKI IIIUUU
on uiu cuiuniiy, imihiuusm huh .uruggco n ""ui" iiiieuieueii (iiwsen- Ing. Excellent restaurants a
Tho outgoing fusion olllclals who over"
stocked the Hastings Insane nsylum
with 12,000 pounds of butter must have
neon practicing n butter cure on the
1 . .
.wos uiis is true, no sensible republican Smart Set: llrowncHtnnc-Sny. old man.
Will llenv thn pnnrtrn. Ami ll.n .ham. nt 1. I I linv..n't .ami tt .i.....i.... r :
y Dr. F. J. Furnlval, tho distinguished Kng- Is that a few men posing ns populists and wlfo !" n.vo Pr ,.nrP0 wph". You haven't
n llsh scholar, lyho celebrated his seventy- democrats aro playing the part of door- "UUJi'nT. J,".t.,.'lyiw ,,,,VB y1"7 .
I- flflh birthday 'the other day. rows fifteen keepers In the rallrdad ol" room. emo. Il'y''Io'oke'V m"y,, 9" 8 "l h,,me-
i ti i.u i.,..,.. ,..,..,,uwiv,. .mi.,w. slnn ,iniii.r tl... u ,i t,i, .n oi, ,.,,...,..... . I" :.' . ... .. ""'""r,t'' l- ".ib nuu popuiisiB snouiU Drnn.i tiiese rail
..i. ."v.. w t,ww.. ..w,e. vuu. . w. I...U.... r. .v..w.u .... .v. .". "i'- ...uh.u ii.u .wi U uiiuiiiiiiir wun Lenny loos, pari in u race nna won It, I road cattle.
tering on the part or tne opponents oi piicaiiou oi uio uinorontuii allowed lie- u" mm woum jusuiy marriage is
republican measures. This has been tween thorn on regular business.
Ilrowne-Htone No.
thought of It.
by Jove! Never
conspicuously the case In respect to the favored lines want Ihe same conces-
They breed confusion nnd
....l i . . .. . I w.,..., ,wv wiunn ui w-lllliurilice I ,.'""r'.. .it. iu lull illUUHK WIO I 111 IllllPI llllltl I'rpHH!
lliu .'7; " "i uiiiversuy, io wnom tho Ilorlln Academy t'ommon herd. Fuslonlsts lost control of 5ur mnmiim, Kthol?
Caller Where is
modern conveniences.
of Sp.lplli-n linn iunrili.1 ti. ..-... I Vnhrti. lin I.tliol (who ha. l)Pl'tl Wntchlllir flip nrpn.
Hnw nbnnt llm tru. ....... .. " ""' i"i"uu -'""V." '"'' nrallltin nf rhurrv nlnl-Whr 3,.'.' ' .
ship subsidy bill, but there was aUo slons on excursion trntllc, which their changes of tho times loiui toward h unbuttoning a lot of wherries.
i i ... I. . . . I i i.. i i i.. l i t .ii i j . I t .1 .i . . . ----- I vniw utiuK iuiti jvuiviii I v i i ii iii umi imu iniiur iiuiiiiciii corno. i ..-
noss v roKer is Keeping very mum 111 unnecessary uuu injurious ueiuy in w.....i-ii.wi mu iiul ihiusou io grant, in-nuenre as miy as tney lo toward that of and Prof. Vlrehnw. rnllnns. i.nt ... Life: C'iibl.erlv-OI.1 man. ln vm. p....
1 . .. .... .... .. ..1 1.1. i. . .1 141. PL. . . I T v Vnl-VIll 111,1. JIIV I I ... - . T . . I "
ms retreat over In Kngland. He dls- passing the army mil. The tieiay ol aim uus oosiructiou may cause a re- - '" . can i nn apartments ror A conditional clft nf unnnn hB ,, populist or democrat In tho nay of nolltleal "V.YJLyn.V"nV V " 5.9 ,r J.?.". rn Il(,r?
covered what a mistake It Is to talk leglslntion In the senate again calls at- opening of the entire question. Every Ie" f. . , Ai , ,,l,s. c.nn. mado to Worcester (Mnss.) academy by corporation should not bo permitted to bu on i get down n stnek of unpaid bills "mi
too much during the late presidential tentlon to the necessity of u change of great exposition lias proved that linan- .,., .... for,.P,v , " ", Z '" , "ester w. Klngsley of Cnmbrldgo, who has "'IV"161'' 0!"co vncro "e ' disgrncc his "'r-
cumpaign. rules in that liouy. cnu success tiepenus largely on tne CO- dono In tho fnrtorv. but mn.i nf u i ,m r".".7' "io acanemy, " imiianapollH Press: "Ho in nr irnin- m
It now appears probable that not the operation of the railroads to mako it d... by Woman, "she does notta7. X Z CU" thTllr.' "Wn" wWd m "r'
Wo are anxiously waiting for the re- least Imiwrtant of tho measures of the accessible to the public and Huffalo avo a homo to And employment. More- . .. . ' .. 1 ,rp08e.8- . . railroad tools in our own nnrtv. in . '.'.Ami fwat will yes do fwln sho takes to
of that committee on holdui. lob- Usl,,... thnt k1ul.iib revenue under will do well to look close to this lm- .vor' tm tho80 tllnt "o educated, many sn- 1"?" ilT.," P."IC8a,on . " that we may prevent tho dlsnrnco of thn nC" " ni,lc" ,ho "et'" '"on her
Ists. it should make Interesting the army revenue bill, will fall, owlm: nortaut feature of the enterprise. "T'L "V,CDT... .f . c'np!oy,,.,cnt :h,,vo statue to tho memo of nr. wniinm n i ! 'arty ln futuro- "?J' won't. ' Didn't oi used to be iickm'
1 WW has been thor- , the snarl between the two houses : n,i .r7hr tho physician to Queen Blboth. .imrcn .titc .-r -r.,r- . . r-. X. C iarTrW7-at'u'- wo tnrt'
i i I ....... ... i, , ii nim uuih ,.. ., . . . ... I il I I r I. .....r. m t ir wbBi.i
oughly plowed
I " w (..uivauiuiia, .1 IIU lilt vo I . ., . . . ...
caused by the action of the senate ln 'te reconciliation ot former Governors tho training nnd ability sho has no dim- . u . . am la.caae. ot the new town hall
i ... ...... .... i ..ti.. i.. i.. . i . ..... i ni i,n rnPHipp. in vninn n fv t n iaa imn
entirely recasting the bill passed by tlio uoyo ami iiiayer lonns an incident i earning an imiepcnuent livelihood. a"rt "V " or the Kxportlnir u it
I lose Inmates of the :,ehrasku pen- ,use The bill Is in conference, but worth more than passing notice ns an- A.nJu 11 1 probnbl th!t -Ner lnlopcndonco an., ,' . . , ni , , LcmiN ah other, in vaie i Chicago post.
Itentlary wl have to bo a little more ,. , n.v .. , i .. ... ,.tin.r nvninnii. lmw tim ti... or tho necessity of "mnrrylng for a homo" Prof, llllam Iremont Dlackman of the n us I Ho does tho most nnnnylng things
cautions if thev hone to i,Lin ., V. im B nid,caI nru tho d,flurul,CWH "tween , thei example ho s time bildges the ha. more to do with the decadence of matri- c,,alr ot Christian ethics at tho Yale Dlvln- .And makes remarks utiSnriliili:
il. M will ni il! . n t,0.,,tNtl" 11 V1"" the houses that the chances are against deepest chasms. The contest between mony ,han ovcn that ot the lannco tty school will leave the university at the WASHINGTON. Feb. 2t.-(Speclnl.)-Tho mf&xFiXrtaES? 1,0 br",B',,
i n c . , wholesnlo prison mh. comlK to ngreenient. The thesu two men over the possession of end of tho curront academic year. Funds United Stntcs now stands nt the head of the And yet. wheneVr Im's in tho wrong,
delivery lor their benellt. HUi,i)orters of the ship subsidy bill made the executive olllce was one" of the most SI.avkhv i. south (or '"atructlon In this branch" wero given world's exporting nations. Tho complete Th'e'VnTO.
. , a determined effort to get action unoil Wlter recorded in tho annuls of .No- x. fofr " ceria1n, "l!mbf1r of ycar 'nd "suros for tho calendar year, 1900. when TTdldn't meanot uf It." '
Onu set of fuslonlsts constituting the . tl,-tttiinca cuoic io fcci auion upon ,.Kni,i .,n,.rliie l.nv.. Ne,r '"" ' "r foniraeis, s- t tho school, tho tlmo expiring with this compared with those of olher nations,-show
State Hrnnds and Mml s ,,,,,L l),lt tlu! W't bcl,' finally biuska. 1 ut the peisonal aspetltles bine cmiod, smu i Ur iniito,.. year. that our exports of domestic products are That phraso absolves him from nil blame
have actually liLn, in " lb" 011 persistent the mensuro had to bo aban- ''l ' thu sharp edges worn olt by the Philadelphia North American. Captain Edmund G. Murray of Spring- Hunter than tho.o of any other country. Tho v I'naX'hfV'i''houid h. .iiMP.m
nf ., .... I Mn""1" ' nnucipation (lone(1 for iMti con(iroS8. The Nlcuru- succession of subseipient events. Clov- Slavery ban been ro-estnblished In South vnlp, Me., has served as a deputy sheriff toto1 "ports of domestic merchandise from Intent of dcvnMiitio'n; uicim
i UH)rK,"!'K tlio cominls. ....lull lilll vlll iro over for thu voi v ernor Thayer Is fast rounding out his Carolina under a Hjstem of so-called "labor f bis county for twenty-elght years, a the United States In tho calondar year 1900 Ilr'!!'"!:f.rS:,!,lI Horno one's plan,
lo... They are entitled to a brand J j t rfllotted time of life and those who know contracts." Tho Iniquity of tho scheme was longer term. It Is believed, than any other ?r" 1'',BaiS:65"s those from the United Tl"rTHdW&
new mark. mm cunt icason unit action on u wou u .11111l.1,. ,..ti, i,u uv revealed during tho trial of n farmer for nian iu the state ever served. Captain Kingdom, which havo heretoforo led ln tho "I didn't mean to do It."
bo improper Willie tlie Uuy-1'auncerote " "'' r tho murder of n negro and a grand Jury Murray Is also ono of the strongest men raC8 'pr this distinction, wero 11,418,348,000, ..
What the governor of North Cnrollnn trt,,ty lH ul,tU'1' eonslderatlon by thu eareer must rejoice that his last years has been ordered to Investigate tho matter hi tho state. At the age of 14 he was able Rml th0B0 frotn Germany $1,050,611,000. "ft,? ""l&j; "n rJ, jow'sliiuer0 '
paid to tlie Kovernor of Snntii '.i.,ii., Hrltlsh government. There Is uticer- are passed In peace and good will to all. and begin proceedings to break up the to shoulder a barrel of Hour. Additional interest Is given to tho Ho harrows up some woman's soul
:Mt,:;;is7",:;!: -js? irf "JSisas rsssss'rs: ssjnfff'risrtss
cent reunion. conferring larger authority upon the "" 111 o llclal ca aciti lot the nlm6elf a cliaUoli H(,rfi aro fiomo of (ho fun)ty of teHtng the offect q mp'I1'nlte exports of tho United States wero ?497.- A ,jroktn vaso or Bln(lle.
ui.i....r .... Minmwl , ii. ,.,,. liurnose oi loouiug lino uie uuvisaoitlty torms of the contract, whirl, In In nrintp,! 1 phniL i wn. v.n. h..i v.i,i ., uiuho oi uermnuy, jbUi.uati.ouo: those Or frellnitu
iiii.r'i.iv.iii. it u iiiiiviiuiiiv,iii, . j in iiij i- - i ii.tbii i - vij iuuuij. iiuiuiiii; i ti i . . ' i . ... . . " .
ki... ... .... .i.,. 7 of ori;an z nir the waire workers there, form: thn wnrid Mimi. it. nn,i nil ,i, u,i " r rn,,ce n.-.ew. nna tnoso of tho a mismess scnemo nmt is ur
. .... pwu.L-iiiin in. uie w IIS UnctOll mmiiiiuiiiiiiuuii inn, un inu ui-fi uj iu . ... .- - . - ....w Unltnrl' K neilnm Jl nn7 jOT nnn n.,i .,. A HCIinoul great creilletl
... . , . " I . I ' i i .iiiiiiiv.if Inn .r ...... ....... llt....l ...u. 1 ...n n. nll .1...... ... i.. ....i.i . . .. . l. . Irnnn. n-urn nmnvni. n, hn a., h n I ,3 . T . , . v . . u..i.j .nu i .11 !.-... .. ...i in.. .
i umcu .. . .... iillirn iu uu nillijUwl (II 1I1PI ..w, ww., . uiu .vtiiuiu iiiti.uu I flnliA.l Ulnfpa n . .1. ., . I .,tnl nim .linn .lis- Jiruiune.
or of the explosive. .. .. """ "" l" "i mu nm, no nnios, ir you nut Knew It.
iihp I uio unin'ti 4inKtiom second, llermnnv third Am covereu uy tnai ono exetisp!
the Iicnds ol various national assocla-
birthday bamiuet of' newspaper m,l.. secure this legislation, but it. (.iiumit "xatIou of m now- Inlmifl ihm. .Mf 2.
Ushers at New York were small hatch- be conlldently predicted that this will sessions promises vxcursion parties lor 1)ls ngontH. n shall have u rlidit to tw; the United Kingdom second, Germany third Af" covered by that ono
uio ufitus ul viiiioun iiuiiuiiui ussuciu- iwii .uuu un nu ur inn iinci'.in nii.y uvi'iii i .w.. .... juuftw nu 11 icu ami iTnnca iourill, Willi tho figures as fol- ' 1 " " '
tlons which ought to ninke those po- fm nn.l perfor good Un,::(,..s'a'eB'. JMW, United
sltlons more attractive than ever. "orvice. . , - - " - --. . V"Br."V,.!i'.IS'i"'.uu" "cnn"y'. W-
i nu niu... n.i.u inu iiiii. iu iuuiv inu u.i tur w.. . ... .... . i.i uii,vuu, J,4llc,, io..UuU.UUU. All tlieso hit-
I u,. r l;i.a..l.i.r I XII.Dnli.l I.. 1C.I .. ...... .... . .1 . T . . . ... ' .... .uwuw ..n
iuw,..i h. ...icouu.i in .on, nun. uiu iu mo .iiuxicnn uros. t shnn il in rninmhnr, , rlnin n ih.
no snail lmvo the right to work mo under war with Murruv F TiiIpv trl,.rt lnv nrnp ,.,', , ., ,'
the rules nnd regulations of his farm. Y. y. . 1 !".'; 'aw. prac PorlB of domestlo products. Thus, In the
And If 1 should leiivo his farm or run uco ';ew .noxico wui nim, nnu lator quarter century the United States has In-
ets. rresumnbly this was Intended succeed
to represent allegorlcally the proposed The senate has been called In extra
entrance of Mrs. Nntlon Into tlie Jour- session for tho consideration of ex
nallstle arena. ectttlve business and it Is expected that
the president will, In tho latter part
In frnpilug n new ballot law for Xe- of -Nlll'eh, call u special bosslou of the
braska the legislature should not for- Fifty-seventh congress, with particular constitution will bo presented to congress
get Hint It will in nil probability have refereuce to passing upon Cuban nt tho present sesslou. It is reported that
ICxtra NfMHlnii 1'i.rrennt.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Thero is not much chance that Cuba's
to stand the test of the courts and tli'it "M'h'". The Interim between tlie cloa-
the highest coirt of tho stnte as at '"K r tu- present congress and thu
present constituted Is made up of a ussemlillng of the new congress will
majority of Judges elected ns fn. tlieretoro ne oiuy n lew weeks.
uwny no Miiiiu navo uio rigiu u oner iinti iuiuu uri uuu eeuieu uown io legal work creased Its exports from 1ID7 "Bt 737 to 11-
captur e?ur?h"wlfn5 the o fVr " ia the 153,013,659. or 192 per cent; Oermany, from
penses of same. w-Vlcli "mount ho udvincwl , b,e,nch of U:e Bl,pertor ""'rt of Cook county $G07.090.000 to 1,050,11,000, or 73 per cent!
touether with lint' Indebtedness I mnv own thirty-seven years ngo and has hold that thn UhIIpiI idnniinm tm, ti nor .ot aim in
. -. . ...... ...t.nuw..., ..u... .I.VUIil ' ,WU IU
ig touches are being Put " " ever since, a record ap- 11,418,348.000, or 34 per cent, nnd Franco
t, mo uunans navo matio tlons ot ,1)lH mntrMt ot wimo wkoh ?ruc" u'.,n" 01 1118 cnguo and from ?747,48?,000 to 1787.060,000 or
Judge Oary cent.
President McKlnley has already is- When the bill conferring independent W'C!U M8l,.Rnh'ly, lo.nKor ,ha" tho tlm0 111!;,,,
, ,, ,, ' ..iiiiiu.. in ..... . ... which has olapscd since the Havann con- Laborers who work under t
tied his call for thu usual special ses- l"wer upon the Hoard of hduca- von.,,m opencd. If tho Cuban constitution ore confined and guardea In
tho Instrument Is nearly completed, and
that the finishing
upon it. In fact
about as good speed with their charter ubove. ' former partner, Judge Tuley
ns thn Amerlrnnn .lid with thn pimai itnt inn 1 lie sain landlord HliuU uuve the rluht to was n carnenter ln his vouth. mi.... vn.i,.... f. ....i
framed In 17S7. The Philadelphia conven- 0ViVer party and 1 ngret i to cSmuuie work Tho linlser's bedroom In tho Neues pal- Tho following table, compiled from olllclal
tlon was In session about four months, for said assignee, snmo us for tho original ace Is simplicity Itself, It Is rnther a reports, shows the oxports of domestlo mer-
small apartment and the walls nro hung chandlso from tho United Statos. tho United
theSA C.OtltmctR I Ullll fIntVP.rpri hntlfttp. Thn limn IwiilC p .,1 I irlnptlnn. nn.l n.....nno tn, n. I 1.
RI1I..I 11 m fnn lln, u-i,,,l ... ...!..! IIIX-IIIL- llnwi.r llllllll till, ltnnril i.f I.M.W.I.. . . . . " ... . i. . . . n- ..w. ... ww.. uaiuiiuar
" ' " """ o.iwwim hen- ; " - ventlon opencii. n tlio Cuban constitution ore connneti ami guarneu in stockaties llko is of Knglisii mnko, such as might be year from 1875 to 1900:
ulnti 41... ........ 4.. I II . . I IliWI tl'ilu Unl'iii.ii III,. 1i.,.i,,l,.l...... IHI... I . . .. ... . . I ... .... . I. .. . . . I
niwu ui mi. M-uiut- iiiiiiiciuuiciy after """ - ii-kibhiuiio i no id iieaii wun uy congressiberoro next lie- convicts anu u was in nn attempt to es- nougnt nnywnere lor "fo to JG0. Tho bath- United I'nlted
Inauguration to consider .onnmml,.,i I nee opposed Its enactment. It imposed cembor nn extra session will havo to do it. capo from such a stoukado thnt the negro rcom Is nsRiiredly tho most nrlmltlvn ever ear Suites. Kingdom. Oennonv.
....... ...a. w. I ..... ... . . .. . .... . . ' I1C-- . iA. AM .il. .1 ..c- ,(.. 11 .
703, fi 13,000
20 Years
Hons from the executive, which nl- lt hecausu It could not see that venting Tho indications, indeed, aro that au extra m nun was killed by ins employer, null nttefl up for a modern monarch, nnd It must KoWso-i 'OTC tioooii
ways take the form of nomlnntlnii I., such power In the board was either nee SC88lon ennnot bo averted. had left the stockade before and had been bo remembered that Vllllnm Is the first isn','. W.W. 193 967.9t3.oo,,
' no uiniitions to i""1' " mui iih iiuiu me- fouml at hg homej arrMle(1 by omecrH 0f (Jcrman emperor who takes his bath reg- 1878 723.2S6.S21 938.500 O0O
appointive olllces Hint reiiulre conllruia- essary or wise, but on the contrary bo- ti. SiiiTruKo i Muiyinn.i. the law and taken back to the private ularly csery morning. Apart from the JfLI ?,Hlrt .
Hon. There will be several curs to the lll'vel divided responsibility for the Philadelphia, iteeord. prlson of farmer Ncwoll without tho order sponges, brushes and rotus the room con. im 5n'ur'w iA'tSSi
ground as soon ns the senate recon- ,ax rato would produce Increased taxa-
Tones. Hon and destroy nccountablllty'for It on
the purt of the different taxing bodies.
au extra session oi tne legislature of of any court or nretoxt of trial. When he tains nothlnir but a deen xlnn tnh mh.. hue..
Maryland is to ho hold for the mimosa I mm In nttomntn In r.tnrn n hla linma lm nnrrnu' nt Ihn fnnl .ml n.,,1 r,.lr.t.1 ...l.u. 188.1..
of disfranchising Illlternte voters. Tho ills- was shot down liko an escaping falon. with the color worn off In spots. ' '
11 UllwlllBUlllCTlll lilll VlllUU UUU UCGn nrnnartfrl I Thn tnma r.t ha ,.nnl,.. .lcrn.,1 1... I ia ...... -v- . . I . i , . . ul'.I
........ ..i ... .t.i .11. i , ..I . ...... . i w.... w., .Mv vw.,..MVh n,n..w. v iv i juuii auvht .iiviriuiuii, wno is conunir 1 100"..
I'.Xlierlellei, Will, tnlkl Lnv ilml..i- lw. I mnkim nn illnttnpttnn nf rnpn nnlnw .i I . . li .... ..... ... . . . wuiiiu,,. ,
luture 1ms tnken ..,.tl.. .i.i... . .,. - i a It i.. i .. . Is. therefore, not llabln tn ih m, ......7. ... '"V V. . .."..i . . ' .. . . V'0 ,osi ""eresung lkiH,
w..u,. v...wmun mi: i ..... v..... .inn in'-ii 1,11 uiu niiiiiiii i ' - - w w., u uu iu, u im .uuu a iruniiuwl wuuiu uv I Ilgliren U I30UU1 AiriCan Politics TllO I mil
irmer, sur-
irllamont, ex-
The lower house" of the Illinois legls-'
lure has tnken action endorsing the
eleptlon of United states senators by books coullrms the anticipations then tloD,nl .ctlon, Nyh,lclJ h7s beon TaiS0ii ,esaI tho farner was entitled to employ London King says of him: "Fa viiti. nf .in. ........I.. ...1.1 .... ii i mx.n i i . i.-.. ..... ... . ngninsr similar legislation 111 two or three force to nrovent the oscane of his chattel. vvnr t.r. it mpmhpt. nf in.nt
....... ...... ... imuiuiil HiHl mii.iiiii.ii. . tin Hliutvil-llt.' Ullll. uiu ooillll nthprHlnlpK Tn nntor In oil,,,,. nln.,. ... u . . . . . . 7 .. " . iin-mui, d-
Jhe election of senator In Illinois this on the taxpayers has lifted no small secret ballot wh,lch Is practiced In Penn- permitted to sell themselves Into slavery, ami played It lolh l5
vnnr ,.n o I. ....... ...I. I i. .. .., .I . .... .. .. . . uvlvnnln Din Mnrulnn.l 1.1,1 .1.. ...... ' .. ..... 7 . V " 1 "lu llr ,tr,j
..v.. ul. minimi niiiii.iii ii i-tiu- pun in uiu ueigiiis on uiu lllliinciai " w.hb. uiu luicr even u iney uesireu io io so. umy tuo hater of England that some would havo us
test, yet the legislator see the udvan- safety vhlve, removing the restraint pre- (,nlcss 1,0,bo nUmJ or armless) nny as- Ignorance -of the uegro farm hand has made believe. He has sat In many cablnets-he
tago that direct popular choice would vlously felt on expanding expenditures. ,1"" ' " 1.h h., . .".T il P?. .Ie J ,h.. ;,t0CltB"? W.m to Is the sole survivor of the first ministry of
give. Tho Nebraska legislature should Although the revenue from other tall-t to liV p . TsZ
not fall to take n stand beforo It ad- sources, such as school apportionment, ot voters shall give tho names of tho can- as bad as that which existed hfnr ti. war imnprii ,in,. ... ...
Journs on the question of electing senti- llqnor licenses and police court tines, hns '"'lates. tho ofTlres for which they may it Is the duty of the white people of the with Mr. Ilbodes. too. which Is proof of informed' tho ii
torn by the pvoi.le at i.U ballot, box. lucrciucdrttLUcc Uiuu Ucvivnvd( the tax Sch they may' beiong" but ut m'thVor0 fl!,IiMeapn0.nn,0pltl,,h.1,t n,nn-rt,rnlsh tho', who h,:Joya!ty ,,hp L0,"rnon flaK' Uul ,ho h8t- ln con8e"U(
, w. . i . i ViDiyn mey may tjeiooe, ijui hjk lu the or- dovlstd and estafeilshed it, ild parted their ways." 1 Victoria, the cuj
1896 !6,830,08')
lt97 1.079,834,296
1S9S.., ., 1,23.1,664,828
1899., .. 1,253.466.000
1900.. . 1,453,013,6-VJ
We do not know of any
other hair preparation that has
been used in one family for
twenty years; do you?
But Mrs. Helen Kilkenny,
of New Portland, Me., says
her mother used Aycr's Hair
Vigor that long and always
liked it as a. hair dressing.
You can rely upon it for
Itopping your hair from falling
out, for keeping your scalp
clean and healthy, and for
restoring color to gray hair.
On dollar bottle,
Xo VnHil ItnevM Thl. Vcnr.
D Ell LIN, Feb. 24. Kmperor William has
ellgoland cup commlttco
ence of the death of Queen
cup race Ii off for tbls year, i
If yonr druggist cannot ftipply you, tend
ui ft.oo and we will expreii a bottle to you,
all charges prepaid, ne auie and give ui
your ueareit expre office.
J. C. Ave Co., Lowell, Man.
Eend for our handspme book on The Hail.