Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Senators to Debate Exhiaitirelj Armj Ap
propri&tiou Bill' Fropoicu 1 futures.
Is I'repnred for Hip I'lnnl MrtiKKle
with the Upper llriliicli, Whlrh
Promises (n lip 1 n
trntc WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. Tho army ap
propriation bill will receive the attention
of the enato during tho enrly part ot tho
preiont, weel;, and when It In disponed of
another nnnrorirlfttlon will be taken tip. tt
la probablo that tho crmy bill will be dc
bated at length, especially upon the Philip
Dine amendment, nnd tho amendment rclat
In to Cuba, If tho latter Is Introduced us
la proponed. These amendments, or either
of them, quite certainly will ho mado the
basis of a number of speeches, as iney win
crve to open up the entire question of the
relation-! of tho United Stales to mo m
nds, which this country camo Into control
of throuch tho war with Spain.
It Is hoped that tbo sundry civil bill will bo
reported by tbe tlmo the nrmy bill Is dM'
posed of, so that It may bo taken up next
If It la not In sbapo to bo considered by
that tlmo, the river and harbor bill prob
ably will receive attention. Tho gcticrul
deficiency Is likely to be the last of tho op
proprlatlon bills acted upon.
Conference ltciurlM tn Hp Slnrie.
Coufercncoreporla will bo mado from
tlmo to tlmo durlnt; tho week; some of
these will cicato conolderablo discussion.
Tho conferees on the war rccnuo reduction
bill expect to mako tholr report durlnu
tho week. Of tho appropriation bills only
two, tho pension and tho urgent deficiency,
hnvo been slgncil by tho president. Iloth
houses lavo paused the IcKlslatlvo, Indian,
District ot Columbia, naval, agricultural,
fortifications, postolflco nnd diplomatic
hills, and they are In varying Htntcs of
conference. Tho army hill nnd tho river
and harbor bill, and tho general deficiency
bills still remain entirely unacted upon by
tho senate.
It Is. not yet believed that much general
legislation will be accomplished during thtr
wcek, but ft great many prlvnto bills will be
pasted, Tho probabilities aro nil against
getting up to tho Nicaragua rnnal bill.
Tho senato will continue to meet at It
o'clock, each day and probably will sit every
night of the week.
House lifts Decks (.'Ipnrril,
Tho last week of this congress In tho
house will bo mainly occupied with con
ference reports on tlio appropriation blls
ind tho other numerous measures now being
fought over by tho managers of tho two
Tho last of tho general appropriation bills
went ib tho sennto on Thursday and tlm
house hns Its decks pretty well cleared
for the final contests with tho senate.
Borao of theso struggles probably will bo
exceedingly fierce, but when It comes down
to actual vork the house, although a largo
and unwieldy body, ordinarily can disposo
of business under Its rules with much
greater celerity thnn the senate.
Tho last six days of tho session aro sus
pension days nnd It Is always possibles to
bring the houso to a vote on any proposi
tion under a motion to suspend the rules,
wblclj provide for only twenty minutes' do
bato upon a' side.
Tho tlmo has practically gono by for the
passage of now bills, although an attempt
doubtless will bo mado to sccuro action
on tho bills to promoto tho efficiency ot tha
revenue cujter sprvlco tnnd to creuto u
tandardfilng bureau.- Heyond theso and n'
few small bills ot local importance no effort
will bo mado to put through any bills. Tbo
traders know thai It would be a waste of
tlmo to send any further general legisla
tion to the senato at this stago of tho ses
sion and their efforts will bo directed to
clearing up matters In dispute bctweon tho
two houses. It probably will bo necessary
to hold night sessions during tho latter
part of tho week and both houses will sit
next Sunday,
Henntora Confer mill Formulate PI nil
l'liahllilC Cuban .Mutter TltruuKli
lit Once.
WASHINGTON', Feb. 24. There have been
evernl conferences today of sonators look
ing to nn amlcnblo understanding on the
Cuban question so that an extra session may
bo avoided. As a result It Is tonight prob
ablo that an amendment dealing wllth our
relations with Cuba, wilt be 'presented In
the senato to morrow, when tho army ap
propriation bill Is taken up. The amend
ment will bo ou tho lines outlined by the
Associated Press last night.
Tbo exact phraseology of tho amendment,
It Is said. baB not been definitely settled as
yot, but tha conferences have mado. 'It likely
that tho opposing parties will get, together.
,"My stomach was affected by grip and I
sould eat nothing but crackers nnd milk,
t began taking Or. Miles' Nervine and Fain
Pills 'and the troublo disappeared." Mrs.
I, Llndsey, Montrose, Minn.
Kepriitnnoe of Woman Urlnua Uvea,
paile to a Climax In Grant!
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Feb. 21. (Spe
slal.) Mrs. Castlo and Oliver A. Thom
lon, tho Minneapolis eloping parties, who
topped In their flight to California here,
hnvo roturned to Minneapolis, Mrs. Castle,
being accompanied back by her sister, Mrs.
Nick Lahann, Jr. Tho couplo Indicated that
they left the afternoon train hero becauso
It had no sleeper and that they would wait
.until ln tho evening, whon they could take
a train carrying n sleoper. In the mean
time, Mr. Lahnnu appeared on the scone
nnd the trip was at once given up. It
waa thought that Mr. Lahan had been noti
fied by parties In Minneapolis to bo on the
It appears, however, that when thoy left
tho train here, or oven beforo, Mrs. Castle
became repentant. For, upon nrrlvel here,
before Mr. Lahann appeared on the scono,
Hoot3s Pills
Do not crlpo nor Irritate tho alimen
tary nana). They net geiftly ye!
promptly, clcanso effectually and
Oivo &&mfoit
FrcMBt at Bm offle w mail
coupon with tea cento and gt
your choice ot Photographic Art
Studies. When ordering by mall
add fair ceata for postage.
The lee nillshlRg CuiMy
sho took a rig to drlvo out to th home
of her sister. The latter was surprised to
see her sister and shocked when Mrs.
Castle confessed what she bad done, Even
had Mrs. Castlq not been willing to aban
don tho- flight nnd return to her husband,
Mr. I.ahann and wife would have Insisted
upon It nnd oven had. the pair arrested.
Thomson at the tlmo seemed witling to
go back, but again would hesitate and re
mark that he couldn't. Mr. nnd Mrs. I.ahann
brought no pleasure to. bear upon him
to return, hut made It plain to their sister
that sho must return at onco or wait hei'o
until tho arrival ot her husband.
Tho pair decided yesterday morning to
return to their homes and to mako assur
ance doubly sure Mrs. Lahann accompanied
her sister to her home. Castle la a railroad
man. Tho woman haa five children.
Hcptitilicnns Will Select t'niididnles
fur I'll)- Ufllcea on Tnvs-iln-
LINCOLN. Feb, 24. (special.) Ilenub-
llcan primaries for tbo selection of cam
dates for municipal offices will be held un
der tho Lincoln nomination system on next
ruc3dny afternoon. Tho oftlcea to bo Oiled
nre mayor, city clerk, city treasurer nnd
ono councilman from each ward, and, with
one or two exceptions, nil present. Incum
bents ato candidates for re-election.
Interest centers In tho fight for tho may
orallty nomination. Mayor II. J, Wlnnett,
now acrvlng his first term. Is opposed by
V. II. Woodward, Vho has throo times been
defeated for tho nomination. City Treasurer
Allkcn has served three terms and la tint n
candidate for rc-olectlon, and for this oulco
tliero aro only two candidates now In the
field Louis Helmer nnd Dcctnan C. Fox. The
nsplrauts for city clerk nre Thomas C,
I'ratt, now sorvlng his first torm In that
omce, and A. K. Moellcr.
Society folks of this city will assist next
Friday and Saturday In n carnival of na
tions nt tho Lincoln Auditorium. Tho af
fair will ho for tho purposotif raising funds
to no used by tho City Improvement as
sociation In beautifying tho city's stroets.
Tho features ot tho carnival will bo tha
dooms of various nations and a market
whero most anything In tho food lno may
bo purchased. Tbo booths nnd committees
in charge aro as follows:
Colonial Mr. M. 11. Wtdrh nii.l 'Mro It
T. Vnn nrunt.
I'liiteil mutes Hooth-Dr. and Mr. C. F.
Lndd: Qunker sections-Mrs. John . Hor
ton. Mrs. Mark Tlllon nnd Mrs. W. F.
Kfillnv Imlhitt uAlliiii Mf .....i nr.... r .....
Marshall. Mrs. T. W. 'Clrimth, Miss Mabel
xirit-n unu uincrs.
riiiiipptne Miss Hartley.
Clrcat Ilrllnin y. I?. Unrim
111 Hcotch section by Mr. und Mrs. l'Irlo.
French-Mrs. F. M. Fling. Mm. J. II, Mc
Murtry nnd Mrs. II. P. TCntnpx u Imwlnro
with many nsslstnnts.
wsrman iintiyn fliyer.
Simnlsh Mrs. Oiln Hnetnr nml MIA Itntm,
Japanese Miss Mno Hurr.
Holland Mrn. Wlllnrd Kimball nhd Mrs.
IJ. F. llnllcy.
Swedish Sirs. A. IT. K,
Uarr. '
Turklsli-MrH. K. L. Hlnman.
Tho Lincoln lodgo of KIks Is rchoar&lne
for a performance of "A Night In Dohomla,"
wnicn win do given at the Oliver theater on
tho evening cf March 7. Tho lodge will be
nsslsted by several Elks from Omaha nnd
Dcs Moines.
Kleotlnn nt firnnd Island.
GRAND ISLAND. Neh.. l.Vli 9i On.
cltil.) At tho coming municipal election
there will bo elected n mayor, city- clerk,
treasurer, police Judge, four councllmen-nt-largo
nnd four members of tho Hoard of
llducntlon, ono of theso being to .'Ml (he
Vncnncy caused bv tbo denth nt it. i. Hnr.
rlsou. Tho candidates for mayor so ;ur
mentioned are AV. II. Piatt, tho present In
cumbent: John Alexnnilpr nml lib it
Glover. None of these candidates. aire yet
in mc iiciu. fsv 'inr inoro in no
prospect o' any Issues being lought out.
(Contlnfted from First Page.)
Orand Rnplds city attorney Is the outcome,
uccoruing io a statoment by ono of tho at
torneys In tho case, Involves a $1,000,000
contract. Which It wan nrnnnnmV in l In
connection with a new system of water
worKs ror arnnd Ilnplds. Darton, It Is said,
was n bidder for tho contract. According
to tho stntomont of tho lawyer, tho $50,000
In question, was to be used' by Salsbury In
furthering tbo Interests nt tl.o contrncctar.
Friends of tho Grand IlnDldn
ho took tho money out of tho original vault.
wnoro it naa Deon deposited In escrow by
Harton and himself, and deposited It In
another tnult of his own. "meroiv ,
matter of self-protection," ho says. Tho
dox in tho vault Is said to have bcon rented
In tbo nanin of William U'nn.ia n.,.1 i, ,..
owlnj; to this fact that tho Indictment was
reiurneci against "ono Salisbury, alias Wil
liam Woods."
Lawyer W. H. Pn rPOl lv1l linn ma.
talnod by Salsbury, 'stated tonight that'hls
chhui wouiu stanu trial under tho Indict
ment nnd that tomorrow ho would be rendy
to go into the criminal court and give bond
In any required sum for his appearance for
Superintendent MeGUlrn nt ihn ,ltn,-,.
agency having tho enso In hand for Mr.
warton, was rotlcent when questioned as
to tho caso. tonight, but Intimated that
tho J50.000 involved wnn nn lnncri. in
sesslon of Salsbury.
Tho Record tomorrow will anv. i'oi.,-
bury brought with him from Grand Rapids
$50,000 in bills, which he borrowed, It Is
said, from several persons after detectives
had told him tho nnturn nt thoir- ,-iu n
that city. On his arrival here this monoy
was shown to the complainant In the caso,
cut was rotained In tbe possession of Salls-
nury. ino original $50,000 was denoHitei
by Darton In a safety deposit vault In this
"ThQ DUrnOSO Of Salnhllrv hnrrna'lni.
tho monoy after ho knew ha wn. to i,
brought back to Chicago, Is said to havo
oeen to nave tne money to show or return
If circumstances demanded. None of tho
parties to the case would mako n state
ment Ot tile results of tho nll.ilnv nn.
forence. Attorney Forrest, counsel for Sals-
ury, saia:
" 'There Is nothing to gay nbout the case
except that It Is a wholo Jot ot notfilng.
Salisbury will go from this hotel, whero he
(s practically In custody,, straight to the
ofllco of tho stnto'a attorney In tho morn
ing. As bstwoen tho portlea Involved, there
Is nothing nettled.'
"Stnto s Attorney uenecn said:
" 'Thero will bo no nuashlne nt thn in.
dlctmcnt. The four witnesses who appeared
beforo the grand Jury gave evidence suffi
cient, as I thought, to warant the Indict
ment. The caso will be prosecuted re
gardless ot any agreement which may be
reached by tho parties, and any talk of
adjustment out of courlo Is unwarranted.' "
Says lie Hope to l)lclonc the Whale
Slury Wllliln n l)uy or
Gliy C. Barton returnml from Pli Inarm
Sunday. IIo wag asked about tho report
that the money, which nun Rniuhnr-v
accused of approprlstlng had been restored.
uispuicnes piuco ine emf.uut at, and
state that It was Mr, Barton's money. He
saia last evening;
"I reirct that T rnnnnt rim (h fni.
In this case today; tho situation at this
tlmo U a.dellcate one; within a day or two
I hope n be able to tell the whole story, I
appreciate t!ie consideration shown me by
1UC JllltO,
Uncle Sam's People Flock to See McKfnloy
Utart on Btconu Term.
JelTprniin'o llealnnlnir Wn Not
.Minlenl ni Trnilttliiu Sn Wnnli
liiKtcin I)lplii I.eMN Po nip
Th nn Any of 111 Hitd'ctMors.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. (Speclql.)
.Marcn 4, lsoi, ioo years ago, President
.TAfTprunn tvtifl lnitnaiii.iit m.I .i U'n.hlnitljin
after tho removal of the government to this
city rrom Philadelphia a year previous
It has always been n tradition thAt Jeffer
son Insisted ution nn iiiieprniiinnlntm In-
n Ileum! Inn Willi n Inlnl nlminnn fit Hnnili
nna wun me retention ot nil tno simplicity
ot tho colonial period. According to tho
siory generally believed, Jefferson tin-
nucneu nis riding norso In front of his
lodfflniTS nnil rnrln nlmnnt linnllfmtln.t tn Ihn
capltol to tako tho path of ofllce. A Btudy
oi me newspapers,, However, docs not con
firm the traditional account of tho demo
cratic manner In which Mr. Jefferson mado
his way to nnd from tho capltol. March
1, 1S01, at noon, In accordance with tho
Slltnmonft frmtl Ihn nrnflhlnnt.nlnnt nnn
gross met to honor the first Inauguration
nem in wnstilngton. "Tho scene wns tho
same as exhibited upon former occasions."
At 12 o'clock Thomas Jefferson, nttended
by a number of his follow citizens, among
them members of congress, repaired to the
capltol. As ho entered n salute was given
him by tho nrtlllory. On making his ap
pearance ,lu tho senato chamber ho was
conducted to tho presiding officer's chair.
Vlco President nurr wns seated on his
right, Chief Justice John Marshall on his
left. After tho delivery of his Inaugural
address tho chief Justice administered tho
oath of ofllce. Later Jefferson was escorted
to his lodglnss, although tho "president's
nalneo" wnn lit hln ,llannnl. Thn rmnnlmlni
of the dny was dovoted to purposes of
lesuvuy nnu a general illumination took
placo at night. Kx-I'rcsldent Adams was
not present.
In a general way tho Inauguration of
tho present day do not differ materially
from tho ceremonies which nttended the
Inauguration of President Washington nnd
Ills successors. Tho only marked dlffcr
onco may bo Bought In tho fact that tho
United States hns grown to bo ono of tho
most populous civilised countries In tho
world nnd tho Inaugural ceremonies r.pread
over a larger stago through tho natural
accretion of numbers, combined with tho
remarkable facilities of travel and com
munications which nro afforded by modem
l'l rut Itiniiunrntlon.
It Is Interest lug, thoroforo, to cast a
glanco backward to the ceremonies which
attended tho Inauguration of tho first presi
dent. It wns resolved by congress, convened at
Now York In old Federal hall, April 29,
1"8!, "to attend tho Installation of tho
president cf tho United States nt12 o'clock
tomorrow In the senato room, niul after
ward to attend him to divine service nt
St. Paul's church." Accordingly, General
Washington, seated ( In a carrlago with
Colonel Humphreys, his alda-do-cnmp, nnd
Tflhtna T.nnr. hla nrlvnla annrsitnvi. wnn
escorted from Governor Clinton's rcsldcnco
to congress Hnll with military and civic
honors. "To the end that thp oath of of
llco may bo ndmlnlstcred' In tho most pub
lic manner," Vlco President Adams, sjworn
In Anrll nA rnmlttnlnl-niiiiAMil "U'n..lit-
... -.I'--- I .v...aHWv.a ........ 1. II USIUUft-
ton to ''tho outer milleri'V'Tnt 1'nr hnlno fnr".
mally deceived by both houses ot congress'.'
unanconor Hooert R, Llvlpgston then ad-
ministered tho oath of nfllrn nflnr whlnh
President Washington returned to tho sen
ato chamber and delivered bis Inaugural
addro3s. Shortly afterward tho wholo as
sembly attended him to St. Paul's church,'
whero prayers wero read by Bishop Pro
vost. ' The (lav was elvcn un tn rnlnlnliiira nml
at night thcro was a brilliant display ot
General Webb, Colonel Smith, Lieutenant
Colonel Fish, Lloutonnnt Colonel Franks,
Major L'Enfnnt, Major .Bleccker nnd Mr.
Livingston served na assistants to tho' sen
ate and houso committee on the inaugural
March . 1793. In rcsnonso to summons i, iii,.,, in ruspunsa io summons, I
congress nssemDieu in inacpendenco hall,
Philadelphia, whero President Wnshlug-
ton was sworn Into nfllnn hv .Inrtirn Wllllnm
dishing of tho riupromo court, after which
tho 'president letlrod "as ho had come,
without pomp or ceremony."
Iitcrrnxliiir .Mnitiilttule.
The program this year will not differ ma
terially from the Inauguration of four years
ago and eight years ago, except Insofar
as tha development ot tbo country Insures
tho Increasing magnitude, of tho event.
Tho president, lu a carriage, will bo
escorted by n military and civic parade
from tho Whlto Houso to tho capltol,
where ho will tako the oath ot office, administered-'
by the chief Justlco of the
supreme court. This will bo March 4, noon.
Tho, escort will consist of United States
regular, tho surviving 'veterans under
General Sickles, tho cadeta of the
military and naval academies, mili
tary organizations, flambeau and clvlo soci
eties and political marching clubs, be
sides visiting governors ot states and
tholr staffs. Many .of those tn lino will
represent tho organized military forces
of states, Pennsylvania alono promising tho
attendance of 9,000 men. Mllltla troops
will come from stntrs as far remote as
Matno and Illnlols nnd there will ho pres
ent a battalion of Porto Rlcans. About
twenty governors will participate.
After taking tho oath of offlco tho
president will iliako a public address from
a platform on tho. cast stops of the capl
tol. He will then re-enter his carriage
nml ha escnrtod to thn nnenlnl mvlmvlnf.
stand nt tho, corner of tho Whlto Houso
Ktouiiub, nui-re uiu jiuiuuu will me past
In line with banners flying 'and bands
playing One hundred bands will be In
lino and about three hours w!l be con
sumed In marching past.
Tho administering of tho oath will not
differ In any respect from the usuul form
of this solemn ceremony.
itr.covKiiins I'liu.M on i p.
Mrs. E. I. Masters, at her home In Monl
tor, Ind., used Dr. Miles' Nervine and Pills
to cure after effects ot grip.
Mrs. Ai If. Lopcer, In the little town of
Modella, Minn., used Dr. ..Miles' Pain Pills
and Nerve nnd Liver Pills and was well In
a few days,
President McKlnley Is slowly recovering
from grip und Its after effects.
GoorKo J. l'lanncry wns relieved ot the
awful pains In tho head In fifteen minutes
by tho uso nf Dr. Miles' pain Pills. Now
ho Is rapidly recovering at his home In
nuffalo, N. Y.
'Speaker Henderson Is again In the chair
In tho house ot representatives after a se
vere attack ot grip.
J, C Helfrey, foreman at tbe Westing
house factory In East Pittsburg, had a so
vero attack of grip, but he used Dr. Miles'
Nervlne and Pain Pills and was soon back
In his place.'
" Rev. C. Dody was In a serious condition
at his home In St. Paris, O., but Dr.iMllfs',
Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills pulled
blm through all right. "
wm w www wmwamw
"I'mler the lleil Itolie"
Two performances wero given Sunday at
the lloyd of Edward Hose's dramatisation
iu Diauicy j, vvcynian s romaniic story nnu
. i ..i .. .. . ... . .
mc uize oi Doin ntmiences proven mai hi
thotleh thin l onmrtlilnir llkn thn flflli ann
son tho piece has been seen In Omnhn It
hn. In.l .. . . , .1 ..... .1 .... I I . . .
This season- tmil (lllnmrn In lilnvlncr thn
part ot ail do Hcrault, the swashbuckling
oravauo and deullst. Altliough not unllko
me roie or D'Artagnan, in winch lie was
Inst seen here. It seems to fit his capa
bilities ns an actor much better, and his
rendition of It in nralsnworthv. Ills Invn
scones nro particularly effective.
r ranees aaunt, who Is remembered n3
Wllllnra Morris' leading lady two years
OCO. in nlnvlnir Itnnn fin Pnnhnfnrnt. Ml
Gaunt gives to the part n rendition quite
buovo inai or any or ner predoccssors. Ed
ward U. Tllton Is tho sumo blunt, gruff
lleutennnt that ho has always been In the
pare nnu riirnlshea comtnendnbly tho com
edV lllirt nf Ihn nlilnrtnlllMmnl '
askio from Mr. Gllmore, Mian Gaunt and
Mr. Tlltnn. thn nntnnnnv la rnthnt nrilt.
Uary and thn nrnflnntlnn In tint na nnrfnet
In detail an that nlven the nloco dtirlnR
lormer visits to this city.
The engagement elcnen with Innlirhl'H ner.
Viunlevllle nt llir (Irplienni
Tills WCOk'ii nrasrant nf vntnlnvllln nn.
tertnlnment given Its Initial production at
tho Crclghton-Orphcum Sunday afternoon
Is ono of tho best that hns been Been nt
this theater the nresent nennnn. nml Invnrn
of the cleaner fnrm nf thin rlnaa nt nntnr.
ininment will find In It n treat the like
oi wnicn Is forthcoming but a few times
during a scation.
Tho bill Is sufficiently diversified tn nn.
peal to all aeon nnd elnnaon. lii- Intimmn
uocunan s DiiDy clcpbanta please tho chil
dren and enuso their eldent tn lt.rn In
nmazomcnt at the wonderful intelligence
displayed by theso ponderous beasts In
their performance. In lleatrlco Morcland's
I. ....!.. ...
ui-uuiiiui gowns women flnil mnnh tn
ndmlro and tier voenbulnrv nf nnlt nr nvnrim.
slons nmuscB tho men who now und then
onjoy a quiet game. Esmcrnlda's muslcnl
act nnd Wnrrcn's mellow barltono volco
plCaSfl tllOHP of n milRlnnl turn. li-r...
quenters of thp gallery laugh nt Billy Link's
munoiusno nnu roar at Mark Murphy's
Irish wit, and so all are nbln tn find nnmnn.
mont In somo part of tho bill.
Lockhart's baby elephants offer tho most
wondorful animal act ever offered In
vllle. There aro four of them and they
uro noi pui tnrough the conventional drill,
but perform feats that requlro skill, such
as riding a tricycle, with special mndo
pedals for their clumsy reot, nround tho
stage, guiding It with tho trunk. Eight
Iron bottles shaped like nlo bottles nro
placed upright In n row ncrosn the ntnern
and ono of tin elephants walks ncross upon
them and conies back backwards. Besides
those, thov nerform n nmnhni nf Mhnr
qulto as difficult feats. Ono notlceablo tea-
mro or i no act Is that Lockbart Is not
compolled to uso tho whip or any Instru
ment of torturo to romnrl th
through thulr performance. On tho other
nanu, iney no ovorytlilng voluntarily at
command nnd seem to exhibit a real affec
tion ror their master.
Beatrice Morcland linn In hnr n.n.. ,.
"Taming a Husband," ono of tho best
laugh-provoking sketches that hns been
seen hero In many a day, and she keeps
tier auuionco in an uproar during nlmost
tho entire twenty mlnuten nf itn nmi.
It Is from the, nou. ot Michael Morton, who
In thn nllthnr nf omiAMnl . all c?.i.i. n
... ouiviui ui OUi ouillll uun
sell'r Buccesseb. ' Mr. Morton could not
navo round a 'bettor Interpreter for his
comedy than Miss Sloroland.
of faco and flguro adds attrnctlveness to
tho sketch. Miss Morcland's elaborate
gowns aro models of the modiste's art.
A novelty musical act Is offered by Es
meralda, whodo rendition of tho overture
"Scmlramlde," upon tho zylophono, al
though n difficult undertaking.
sho Is an artist in hor line. Two popular
sacrea songs, "Holy City" and "Tho
PalniB," woro oh'cctlvolv nlaved
mernlda'a chimes. The other acts are all
wormy or individual praise.
Mlnco' True mlero
Tho Parisian Belles Burlcsqucrs opened
cb uiiKUKunicni ai Aiiaco b Trocadero
ycsieruay artcrnoon. Tho houso was
packed, matinee and evening, nnd even tho
stnndlnir rnnm ivn tnlnn
standing room wns taken.
Tho program consists of a clover olio of
vnudovlllo and two laughablo burlesques.
Tho acrobatic feats ot Charles Payno and
tho singing by Sarah Morris nre two of tho
best features. Taken In tho aggregate, tho
entlro bill Is fully up to the Mlaco standard.
"I was In bed five weeks with tho grip
nerves shattered, titomach nnd liver badly
deranged. Wns cured with Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine and Nerve, and Liver Pills." D. C,
Walker, Ilallsvlllo, O.
It Commence In New York with a
Itccomiitlon of the Playara
NEW YOniC. Fob. 21.-The regular ached
ule meeting of the National league will
commenco hero tomorrow. Tho iirst mat
ter to bo considered will bo tho recognl.
luX.0,1. H'ePlayrH' league, which, It In
thought, will avert trouble. At tho lost
meeting of the league the players were re
.fUBtd recognition.
i Ano,,,he,r interesting featuro of tho meet
Ing will bo thn possibility of numerous deaU
be rig consummated. The Now York team
will probably hog many now fncen.
President Charles Zlmmer of tho Protcc
tly association arrived In town today and
Will. Ill inn mi H lit at irvm ..M ...
players claims to tho magnates, dimmer
aays ho has received nn Invltntlon to nppenr
beforo tho league and has accepted it on
bei?n,ttV,f ."-i? nln,' organization.
rZl. ii ""!'" ,,UB Piepnreu mo Relied-
tile, inr the rnm tin uu.ton.. I.... I. i.. . ... .
fill whether tho matter will como up until
...... nu,iuui-r uy uiu magnates.
Mluvln nnd Devlne lleporlea (o Ilnve
MlKneil Content for Yukon
VICTOniA, H. C. Feb. 21,-Tho steamer
Amur lirlnim n...a ,i,n ui....i it" ".'.c'
IT0,, ,8'8"d 5c ?2 J0'- ;.rouna fight
side bet ot 5iitf on March 6.
Cycle It n fen nt Fremiti.
Fn!;SNO. Cal.. Feb. 2t.-Falr woitther
perm tted exce lent racing today on the na.
tlonn racing circuit at tho veledrome. Ono
world s record was broken, Stono doing the
ten-mlle inotor-paccd race In 10:43 l-o, lent.
ing Newklrk. This was 19 seconds fustor
than the previous record, mado by Nelson
at Los Angeles. Lawson of Huffalo again
won tho mile professional race In two heals,
ArluiuUlcN .lk nu Injunction.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 2I.-Arbuekle llros. of
Now lork lmva petitioned Judge Thompson
?i iLu,U,i,1Uu S?tu,t,cs Sourt ror u H'Junotlon
to restrain Btato Food Coiiimlssioner Dlock
burn from tho enforcement of tho statute
v, . vuiiuiii, ui iiijwueriUK
-of coffee grains, to give them tho uppcur
nnco of botler grades, Tho commissioner
",v", 'j "a noi in compliance
with the law to label such articles "com
pound, llr. Heurat (liven Five Hundred.
SPIUNGF1ELD, Mo.. Feb. -I.-Captuln G.
L. Jones, treusurer of the Missouri Con
federate Monument RHSoclatlon, today re.
celved a check for tfOO from Senator Vest,
a gift from Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearrft of Cali
fornia. In a letter accompanying tho gift
Mrs. Hearst refera with satisfaction to nn
earlier gift by her late husband. ex-Henator
Heorst, to th Confederato home In Mis
souri. To I'revant (li Url '
Laxative tlromo-qulnlno removes Uie caui.
Bonrdof Health to Effect Exclusion of All
Infectious Disen'M,
InillmiH Arrive Tlirr- Mlth C'onVit
leniMMitn from l'lillliiliu lltNiltiit
nml Opiii'U Him Arm)- Home
mill .Villi i-M Aliiiitrit.
HONOLULU, Feb. 17. (Correspondence
of tho Assoclnted Press.) Tho transports
Indiana nnd Opack arrived hero on tho
14th, the latter from San Francisco und the
former from Manllu. Tho Indiana has
on board -ICS sick men of vailous regiments,
convalescents from Philippine, iibspltftls.
Thero nro fifteen bodies In her hold. The
Indiana leaves for Han Frnncltico today.
Tho Opack tna'dc tbo trip hero ftom San
Francisco without losing any of the 7S0
horseH and mules on board.
First Mate Schrocder of the schooner
llonolpu wns arrested nt Knhulul, Maul,
InBt week on n charge ot assaulting u sea
man with nn Iron bar. Ho was released
by Judgo McKay ot the district court of
Walkuku on a plea of his attorney that, ns
the alleged offense Vhad beet; committed on'
nn American vessel only n federal court.
having mnrlno Jurisdiction, could try the
caso. As tho only United Stntcs court In
tho territory lu that ot Judgo Estca In
Honolulu, this decision leaves the polled on
the other lelnmls In a quandry.
Somo of the members of the Independent
homo rule party aro agitating tho teaching
that Brings
Havana Home
Smoke it at your
Made from leaf
Tell your
PBUHfiOV .t MOOllK, niatrlbntara,
We Cure to
SneclnllNt In lllNeiiHPn nf Irn,
and CuiiniiHIiik I'lij-nlclnn of tlip
Stnlc llleclru.MetlU-nl Iimtltntc,
11108 Fn rim in St., Oiiuilui, .cl.
hi nu
Vio want every man thus nffllcted to honestly Investlgnto our special Klectro.ed
leal nystem of treatment. Wo Invito In pnrtlaulnr all who havo been treated eUewhera
without nuccess; nil whoue cases have been abandoned by family physlclana and no
called experts. Wo will explain- to you why such trentment Iuih not cured you and
will demonstrate to your entlro satisfaction that wo can cur you safely nulcklv
nnd permanently. Our counsel will cost yon nothing, nnd our.churgen for n perroct
euro will not be moro than you will bo willing to pay for benefits conferred Wo will
do by you us wo would want you to do by us If our cases wero reversed. Ctrtulntv
of euro Is what you want. Wo can und will cite you, by permission, somo of the best
cltlzcnH of thl city whom wo have cured nnd mudo happy nnd who will cheerfully
vouch for our financial an well ns professional standing, Wlinl rre linve daue
fur th em we onn do fur yuu,
VArilftflfiFI F Vi"apr "l,r Electro-Medical treatment thlH Insidious disease rapidly
ffAnlUUuELC dlsiippears. Pain cease nlmost lnstuntly. The pools of atuciinint
blood nre driven from tho dllatcdvelns and ull soreness and swelling quickly mibsldes
Kvery linllcutlpn of vnrlcocelo noon vnnlshes nnd In Hh Blend comes the pride the
power nnd tho plcasui'o of perfect licultli und rrilored niniiliood. '
CTiilf!' IIQC 0ur Electro-Medical treatment dissolves tho stricture completely
filll I UnC and rnmoveH every obstruct Ion from the urinary passage. iUIuvh
all liillKmiimtlon, stops every uniiHturnl discharge, redurrB tho proHtnie nlMt'd
cleanses and IipiiIh the bladder and kidneys, Invigorates tho hpxiiiiI organs null re
stores health nnd soundness to every inirl uf the lioilj- iilTeuted li- tin: dUcnae,
suit of our llfo work, and Is Indorsed by the best physicians' In this and forelan coun
tries. It contains no daiitferoits drugs or Injurious medicines of any kind. It coes to
the very bottom of tho disease nnd forces out every partlclo Of impurity. Boon overv
Blgn and symptom disappears completely and forever, The blood, tho tissue, tho tlcsh
tho tfoncs, and tho whole system ds cleansed, purified nnd restored to perfect healtl!
and the patient prepared unow for tho dutle und pleasures of life.
CCVII nCRIIITY Jten, many of
OCAU 'U U EDI LI I I former folly.
lost unless you do something for yourself. There is no tlmo to lose,
nil sexual dlseuses, Is never on the standstill With It you can mak
Klther you must mnster It or It will master you, nnd till yrtnr whole future with
misery und Indescribable woe. Wo have. treated bo muny cuses of this kind that wo
nre as familiar with them us you are with lho very daylight. Onco cured by un
you will never ngaln ho bothered, by emissions, drains, premutureness, small or weak
organs, nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition or othr symptoms which rob
you of vour rminhood and cbsolutely unfit you for study, business, pleuuro or mar
riage. Our treatment for weak men wll correct all of theso evils und restoro vOU i
what nature Intended n halo, healthy, happy man, with uliysleul, inentnl And
Hesiiul jioivcrs cuuinlete,
RFFI FY nKPI5: Many "llm?ntB rt -'l'. orlgliiating from other din.
nCrLXA UldCHdwO eases, Fur llistnnce, sexuul wonkness sometimes corned
from Vurlcocelo or Stricture; innumerable blood and bono dispones often result from
contagious blood taints in tho system, or physlcul uud mentul decllna frequently fol
low Impotenoy.In treutlng diseases of any kind wo nlwnys remove tno oriefn w
euro tho cause. ' fi "u
RnHHr;P.iyiOFHfiF0ne,l,crronal vlSu ls always Tireferred. but If you cannot
UUnnCOr JnUCnUC cnll at our office, wrlto'us your symptoms fully" Our
home treatment by correspondence Is always successful,
J.egnl contract given to all patients to hold for our ngnement. Do not hesltnte
If you cannot call today, wrlto and describe your trouble. Successful treatment by mail
Rcforcnce-Best Hunks unit Loading Husincs Men In this City.
Office Hoiirsi From 8 A. M. to 8 l. M. Sundays, 10 A. M, to 1 l M
Permantly Located at 1308 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB.
Tnousanas nave oralled themselTcs of our generous offorj havo written our speolallsta
on lung and throat diseases plsjn rbput their enso and following Tnelr aoe7now
rejoice In regained health, lixplaln fully as your correspondence 8 1 kept ! conOdentlaL
Dr. Kay's Lunsr Balm
Ouarantead to cure ererT,Cougb,Oold, noarsenes,.Influeni, LaOrlppe, Whooping
Cougn,"Urpup, Catarrh, and all affections of tbe lungs and tnroit. Bafe for all ages anS
S2JL?f.t.,0Ven.or dJ,area ub. 'he stomach. Sold bjr'druMlsta at 10a and 86c., or mallei
on receipt of price, by Dr. B.J. Kay Madloal Co.i SaratORa Springs. N.Y.
of the Hawaiian language, as well as Eng
lish, In the public schools. The Hawaiian
laiiguago Is dying out anil It Is the doslro
of tho natives to preserve It. Tho plan Is
not approved by Superintendent ot Schools
Tho burenii ot Internal revenue hns been
turned over to the new collector, Roy
Chamberlain of Clnrlnda, la. Chnmber
lalti hns kept tho old force ot deputies. It
Is stated that there Is to be n vUorous
campaign against Illicit liquormnklng in the
tounlry districts, of whom tfc;.v nro many,
engage In tho mnnufatcuro ot swipes,
okolthao and other native Intoxicants.
The Board of Health of tho territory has
appointed a commltteo to draft a bill pre
venting the landing on Hawaiian soil of
any person nflllctcd with n contagious or
Infectious disease who Is considered a
menace to the public health. This includes
, To ( lire n Colli In One liny.
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money It It fHlls' to
cin-a. B. W. Grove's signature Is on each
dox. 25c-
t. Joe Cnriirn tern Win.
8T. JOSEPH, Mo.. Feb ;4.-Unton car
penters jnf this city lmve gullied u victory
fn their demandi! from the contriietovs, tha
tatter acceding tn the men every claim Hit
forth. Tho minimum price wr hour Is to
be ,Kl cellt and eight bourn Hliall )k con
sidered a day's work unless tbe men care
to w&rk overtime nt Increitfci! pay.
Movement of Orrnit VeHoel Fell.- UI.
At Now York-Arrlvod Mlnnchnhn, from
London; Pbociieeln, from Hamburg; Irfi
Omiciigiio, from Hnvrel Rottcnhitv, from
Rotterdam nnd Houlogiie,
At .Liverpool Arrived Ottoman, from
Portland,. Me.; Phlladclphtaii, from Now
York, vlu Queeiifiown.
At 'Soiitlmhitiloii Arrived Kounlgen
LuIpo, from New York, for Bremen.
tun' I -in' iii
own fireside
"Hit """"ii
""ni un
5 Cent Cigar
from the famous plantations of Cub.
dealer nothing else will answer.
CLYMER &. CO., Philadelphia
Stay Cured
Varicocele, Stricture, Con
tagious Blood Poison,
Nervous Debility, and All
Reflex Complications and
Associate, Diseases and
Weaknesses of Men by
our tiectro - Medical
Treatment Which Com
bines All the Curative
Powers of Both
cine and Electricity. ,
you nro now reaping tho result of your
Your mnnbood Is fairing nnd will sooit bo
Impoteiicy. llko
Our Hobby
Is Boys' Clothing of the
right sort at the cheap
quality price.
Boy's Suits at $2.00, $2.50,
$2.75 and $3.50 will be our
Hobby untill they all wear
Continental Cloth :s. The in
ducement is a dollar saving.
II ts please ou tll olhen-IUs don't (all ui.
Oltlco open conUniiniiiil' from 8 a. m.
0 p. in, Sutidnya from
8 bi. to fl ii, nt.
(Dr. Mcarew at ace 62.)
In (lie trrntim-nt of nil fumm of Ills
ones nml IJUordrra of .lien Only. Ztl
yeitr oxiierlAticv, 1(1 jpnra In Uiunliit.
A tlermilllMnt ('Urn f?lllirntit,,.,l In I.ku llinn
10 days, without cutting, pain or loss of tlmo.
IMIrlllUI- euml in lean than h duys
OiniUlUllL without pain -jr hlmlruiivo
from business. A nerfecl, und nermuiient
cure guaranteed.
CYPUII K u" Blood Diseases cured
OirniLIO by a treutmunt which Is far
inoro satisfactory and micvcsHful than "Hot
Springs" treatment, and at less than half
the cost. All breaking out and signs of tho
disease disappear at once. A cure that U
cuaranteed for life.
flUfQ Oil nfin eases cured of nervoim
UVLn ZUUUU debility, less of vltnllty
r.d MANHOOD: bashfulne., Gleet uud all
unnatural discharges.
Cures aunrnntved. Conmillatlon Free.
Medicines rent evcrywhote free from
fare. I'. O. Uox '60. Olllco over 215 South
Itn street, between Furn.'iro and Douglas
treets. OMAHA, KI3U,
& HurKcss,
Tel. unu.
Tha Brllll&nt
Under the Red Robe
MR. I'AUl. GlI.MOIli:. Ml.SS KltAMII.
OAUXT nnd llio heat enwt yvt, Kvenlng
prices: 2Jc; 60c, 7Sc, U.00.
Alatlnea Wcdnesilni' '
nlng prices: J5c, 00c, 75c. tl.W. Jl.M.
Ineo prices; 25c. 50c, 75c, $i.(k),
UoycVs Then tor
Thursday Cveniug, March 7, at 8 O'clock.
Sembrich D
Under tho dlrifctlon C. J ailAFF
In Donljiottl's 0iqrn,
V'rlces-Jl.liO. J2.00, S3.M and J3.0) Hont
now on saia nt Muwhln'miv x. iiif.'uv
jewelers, IDth and Douglas streets.
Mats, Wednesday, Saturday. Sunday
sam i.ooickht'.s iiaiiv i;i,i:i'
Sir. mid Mrs. M. .Ill It I'll V,
T,.Li W.lllll3. mid
TOnignt ni.AVCAun.
II ll,li l,l.-K, ai.da.
Wednesday. 10a and 2oc: Uaturdity. 10c and
.'6e. Few front rows rcsorvod, Ux.
Miaco's Trocadero
MATI.VKK TOUAV lllomiil Ulici
Kntlro Week, Including Saturday Mveiilnir,
'Parisian Belles" Gay Burlesquers
Qnlaxy of Ilcautles-' TUK WKJKHD
Rvcnlnir nrlces: loe. 20c. :10c. Hmnlcti f vou
like. Next week Fred mvltt's Hlnr Iliir
iesiiuo Company.
Teacher's Lecture Course
Subfect--"BRIT0N, U0CR AND BLACK."
Date-Monday Evening, February 24.
Place SI. Mary'i Ave. ConCliurch,
TIIH MAN Itoberson In too well known In
umaim to nccu introduction, ins nru
tho most popular cntertnlumonts uf tlm
sort ever Klven. A world-wldo traveler,
u polished onitor,-.
HIS TOl'IC Timely, one In wllkli tho
piiiill' is interfHicu. i;o Knows witut li
Is talklni; about from persoiiul ubrnti-VHllon
V -m7 Bal