Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1901, Page 8, Image 9

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miaou sii:vrni..
Davis polls kIhm.
Ttavl.t Bcllfl druse.
Btookert sell. cnrpols nnd rtiK.
l'lni! MIcKoiiri imk. (lllbcrt Hros.
On tlx turn mid globe t Ilxlys.
rim- A II brer, Netimnyer's hotel.
AVollmiiti, filrntllK- optician, VO H'wuy.
hYhmldl's photo KtlulalltPinl to i!ia.
Moore's stock foml kllt'i worms, fattens.
AV J. Hosteller, dentist. Baldwin block.
Iicffort. Jeweler, optician. 21 Hrondw.iy.
J A. Hmiivv. auctioneer, Hwiiy. opp. ! U.
Drink Iludwolsrr brer. U. Ilosenfehl. nKt.
AA.mteil, competent Klrl for general hou?o
ork, On k in net avenue.
Mrs II. II. Crniuliilt has K"e to Tnpek.i,
Jinn , on n visit to relative"
HomethlliK new for Kodrtkers nt I r it Co 'h, .10 HroHdwiiy.
Mm. W. .1 lliitbiihiy of Knit I'leren street
In UsIIIiir friends nt Kennedy. I".
V CiriilT, undertaker nml dlsliKe-Mor,
JOt Mouth Mnjn Ktiel. 'Phono ,W.
(let vour work done nt 'lie popuW I'.'iK'o
laundry, 71 llromlwny. - iionu U.
Tor lent, modern residence In heart o.
city hy w: I.. ICeruey, 231 Mall. street.
Mor?.in Klein, upholsterlm?. fnrn Itiirc
repairing, intittreHM mining. IK S, Mnfi
A want ml In The Hen will bring ri'MiU".
Tim pnitie ulleiillon given to 11 n 1 it .id in
Council muff iim t tho Om.iha otllco.
Korrsters' lliusel camp. Modem Woodmen
of America, diitiee Monday MfiiliK.
ninrv 23. Hughes' hull. Admission 2o cents.
Sheridan once tried always tiijil.
Smokeless, no ion, clinkers nor eitlphur.
J'rlA. K. V,.Vi. IVnlon & Koley. sole agents.
William nnd Maud ltlikmmi, lfjfi Tenth
cvei c were reported to the Hoatd ot
Health yesterday us suffering from seurlet
fevir ... .
AV. AVlllllICi) of limn" streei. who em
ered nnolher Severn hemorrhage of h(.
tings Thursday, wiw much Improved e.
Memi.eM of t'. H. Grant ootiipnti-. KfiljsHt
of Pvthlus, uri! to incut tonight In C nstlo
luitT"iii the Mcrrlam block, on business of
W II. Hodge left hist night for t'hlrngo.
He hMH been dispatcher II the onice of Hli
iMTlntendent Clark of the lllllinlH ontral
the hint right months.
II 8. HtorM, division Kiiperlntendent, nnd
V., JoneH. iniinter mechanic, of tho ChloiiKo.
IlurlliiKlon & tlulncy road, were In thlH city
jeHtcriluy from rreHton.
In 8t I'liul'a KplHcopal church durlnpt
I-nt tlicro will he xervtceH every I rldiiy
evenhiK nd on Tuendiiyx, WednesdiiyH nml
ThiirHiiayR nt l:3i In the ufternoon.
Mm. W'ymiin nnd children of DeH MolneM
nre vIbIHik Mm. Wymiin'H pareiitH, Mr. nnd
Mm, W W. Viillm:e of Hluff Htrcet. elirnute
to TexiiK, where they will make their home.
The member of the bar havlliK Htlcceeded
In rccurliiK u te'ephone In tho illslrlct court
room are now seeking to huvn tho county
boiird place one In tho Btiperlor court room.
I. ThorilHon. IIvIiib near the Henley brick
yards, complained to the police yesterday
mornhiK that his henroost had been raided
Thursday nlKht nnd thirty Unlit Hrnhma
chickens stolen.
Mrs. Kredcrlca Voss of Mlndcn wus com
mitted to .St. Hcrnurd's hospital yesterday
by tho lusnulty board, Sho was committed
there last .In no. but released In charKe of
liur husband In September.
Thorn Interested In kltchcngartrn work
nro to meet tills mornhiK nt lt):) nt the As
sociated Charities' bulidliiK. Tenth street
nnd Avenue 1), Mrs. McKiirlaud of Omaha
ivlll laltu uhiirKc of tho c'iiss.
William II. Collins of Harrison county, a
tiller of tho soli, has ll!od a voluntary peti
tion In bankruptcy In the Culled Htittes
district court here. I In has liabilities iiKKre-
ndttiiK V,tiK of which he seeks to bo re
eved. Captain J, C. Merry, nsilstanl General
pnsseiiKur iiKent of the l!llnols Central rail
way, wns In this city yesterday looking
over the company's new city ticket otllco on
Ilroiidway. lie left In tho evening for Fort
Sir. nnd Mm. Henry IT. Vnn Urunt have
pone to Culver, Ind to visit their son,
Harry, nt the military academy. Krom
there they will o to U'lishlnBtou for the
liui.iRiinitlon and will visit other polnta In
tho eiml.
AMlllnm Million has commenced suit in the
district court to quiet his title to lot 6,
b oek ifi, Maniiwii Park. Tho I.nke Manawn
Jliitlwny company nnd eluht others nre
iiiunrd as defendants, an clnlmlnR Intorcst
In tho property.
Mrs. W, l- Thome of Aveuttn 11, nceom
panled liy her mother, Mrs. Davis, and her
Mster, Mrs. ThornburR of WnshltiKton, will
retirn this mornlnt? from a visit with
frlendH at lied Oak, HiiHtlnRs nnd othvr
jiolnts In western Iowa.
Charles V. lnReiHoll was nrresteil last
n Rht on complaint of his wife, who chnrRed
h 111 with niaklliK threats. Ho gave, ball for
Ills iippearnnce In jiollco court this morning
jnd told the olllcers his slster-ln-liuv was at
the bottom of tho troiibk,.
The Wllbur-Klrwlu Opera company, fifty
troiiK, wilt hold the boards at the Uohany
theater for one week, beKlnuliiK next Hun
J'. n B it. l or tho openliiR opera "Halt!
J'aslia ' hiiH been chosen. It Is said to bo a
del Bhtful little opera, full of pretty muslo
and Rood comedy, nnd Rives the. comimnv
r.very opportunity to do Rood work. Kacii
year the compnny comes stronger, and Mlsa
Klrwln Ih hiiio lo tltul somn novelty. Thin
tltno a big doublo roinpany, nn opera com
pany perfect In singers, comedians, cos
tumes. marches and other do:alli, lORethor
with rnshlonablo vauduvKle. IneludhiR tho
rensntlon of the century, "The Girl with thu
Auburn Locks." It ls"lhe hlRhest .Vl -ed
net on the vu tdevllln stage and jiroduced
by special llceiiHn from J. .1. Murdock. There
will ho 11 chiuiRO of opera at each perform-
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telophone 2J0.
IfolotiR'B stationery cpartment la right.
XrlirnsUn City KiiIIminIiirI Mhiin Out
Another llnsc Mull C'lreuK.
Will Zlnk, base, ball enthusiast of Ne
braska City, hns wrltton to Harry M. Hrown
of this city stlKRcstlnR that Instead of a
trl-clty lenguo one bo formed comprising
tho towns of Council Illuffs, Omaha, Ne
braska city, Mncoln, IMattstnouth. Illalr.
Missouri Valley nnd South Omaha. As a
nnmo for tho lenguo ho BiiRgftts It bo
called tho Missouri Illver association.
7.lnk Ih an old base ball player and wns
with Tcrre llauto Inst senson for a while.
Ills proposition does not meet with favor
among the local base ball men, who bellevo
It would bo too cumborsome and that bet
ter results would bn obtained bv adhering
to the original plun of a trl-clty lenguo
comprising Omnhn. South Omaha and Coun
ell Illuffs.
Ti.inco tonight nt Hughcihnll.
Burning Up
Hints what you do when
'nu buy poor shoe Did you
over wear 11 pair of
They aro nice fitting well
wearing and 11 shoo thut will
bo easy on your feet. You get
full value for your money
when you buy shoes nt it storo
tlmt guarantees satisfaction.
Thut plnco U
Look for the Bear.
Negotiated in IC.ntcrn Nebraska
fwl, lw, Jatnen N. Casady. r..
l2ti Main St.. Council muffs.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W O Kntep)
Contolidation of t'chool Districts it Urged
by State Advisjrj Oammittce.
I'riiKri'isIt c Clllxens llrmniiil I'll I n
Mot; nml the Aiithorlllei
I'lirpone to, (.rntlf)-
Tho ronssildatlnn of school districts by
making tho township the unit of organiza
tion Is being urged by the state school
advisory committee, of which County Su
perintendent O. J. McMnmm of thin city
Is n member. This committee was ap
pointed for tho purposn of suggesting to
school directors throughout the stnto
changes that would Improve tho presont plnn
of school organization and formulating
practical plans for carrying them out. He
sides l'rof. McManus, the committee l
composed of l'rof. B. C, Mllle, county su
perintendent, of Independence, nnd Prof.
It. V. Vcneman, county superintendent, of
Uoone, Stnto Superintendent It. C. Ter
rell Is nu ex-ofllclo member of the com
mittee. The first matter to bo taken up by tho
committee Is tho consolidation of Hchool'
districts nnd tho establishment of town
ship high schools. Under tho plan pro
posal tho ontlro township Is regarded as a
single school district, with three or flvo
directors chosen from tho township at largo
at tho rcgulnr school election nnd one
secretary nnd ono treasurer. Tho arbitrary
lines winch now divide communities Into
eubdlitrlcts and rurnl Independent bcIioo!
districts will bo nbollshcd, anil tho power
to establish schools, employ teachers, ndopt
text books, proscribe courses of study and
detcrmlno whero children shall attend
school Is vested In a single board chnrgod
with the supervision of all schools nnd
school property belonging to tho township.
Instead of nine different sets of directors,
as In now tho ciibo in conircsslonal town
ships divided Into rural IndVpcndent school
districts, there would bo but ono nnd the
commttteo suggests that tho simplicity of
such an organization must be apparent
to all Interested In tho schools. i
f.riMTS In I'ublle Kim or.
In a circular which tho committee has
prepared nnd Is now sending out to nil the
school directors throughout the state, It
hns this to say regarding the township
high school:
"Tho township high school Is growing In
public favor, but Its estnbllshment Is not
possible, unless the township bocomes the
unit. Thirteen of these schools nro now
In existence nnd others must bo provided
if wo aro to lift tho rural school to tho
place now demanded by tho progresstvo
citizens throughout tho stnte. In all cases
township high schools are managed by tho
same board that In charged with the caro
of other public schools of the corporation.
To put them under a separate board would
be as unreasonable ns It Is to have from
two to nine boards managing tho schools
of a township divided Into rural independ
ent districts. Tho establishment of town
ship high schools is far ndvoncod pupils
only nnd not Intended to Interfere with
rural schools now provided, but to Incite
pupils In them to remain longer that they
may complete a prescribed course of study.
These schools 'will serve a high purpose
by connoctlng tho country school with the
higher Institutions."
II Vol.- of thr electors.
Section 2S00 of tho code provides that
townships which have been divided Into
rurnl Independent districts may ho erected
Into a school township by a vote of tho
electors, to bo tnken upon the wrltton re
quest of one-third of tho legnl electors re
siding In the township.
Tho committee recommends that In order
that pupils may have cqunl school privi
leges with those In school townships, steps
bo tnken to unite rurnl Independent dis
tricts Inot school townships, In accord
ance with section 2800.
Kvor slnco County Superintendent Mc
Mnnus was elected to ofilco he hns lost no
opportunity In urging the consolidation of
tho country school districts nnd the esr
tnhllshmcnt of township high, schools'; The,
subject has been discussed nt every ope
of tho district meetings organized by him'
throughout Pottawattamie county and tho
plan has been Indorsed by tho teachers
throughout the county generally. Some op
position has been met on tho part of the
district school dlroctora, as tho consoli
dation of the township would mean fower
offices to go around.
In the country districts a schooj, director
Is a person of no small Importance.'iCounty
1 Superintendent McManus Is of tho opinion
, that tho people generally throughout tho
county favor tho township high school nnd
tho I'onsolldntlon of tho school districts
nnd ho believes that both will be effected
Davis sells paint.
Gravel roofing. A. II, Itrcd, iHl Hrond'y.
Dnnco tonight nt Hughes' hall.
They Are llrnvtn for Term of I'eilernl
Court OprnliiK Miireli I a.
Clerk McArthur and Jury Commissioner
t). II. Lucas havo drawn the grnnii and
petit Jurloa for tho term of federal court
which opens in th'.s city March 12.
Formerly the Jurors were drawn from all
over tho district, but this limn tbev
drawn only from tho western division of
the southern district. This change Is due
to tho establishment 0f u federal court
nt Crrston. These nro tho Juries:
Oram! Jury Wllllnm Strieker. Oldeon;
Fred (iuthrlo, Carroll; A. I.. Phillips, Hur
llngton; W. F. Uauawny. Qlenwood; O, II.
Johnson. Fort Madison; I F. Mulltns,
Wlotu; Samuel Salts, Hrookvlllc; Asmus
Hoysen, Oray; W. S. Swift, Florls; A. J.
Munchy, I-cnox; Archlo Vprmnzon,
Charleston; A. J. Anthony. Dunlap; J, A.
Sparks, Clarlnda; II. K. Wiley, West Lib
erty; Jerome Turner, Hnrlnn; I). C. Olffard,
Prnlrlo Cltv; Fred Korschgen. Summit
vllle; H. W, Clayton, OsUnlooha; Thomas
Loekman. Albla; Joseph i:. Wonrks, Dea
Moines; C. H, Coy, Carson; W. I: Moore,
Hod Oak.
Petit Jury Henry Pnlmer, Hod Oak; L.
P. Lou. (Ireeu Mountain; F. O, Holl, Cor
nlug; F. W. Myers. Denlson; A. F. Orcon
wnld. Audobon; Wnrrcn Hough. Crescent;
A. II. McDermld, Cunihorlaiul; j. nn J,
Curran, Hurltngion; R, T. Allen. Agency;
J. P. Young. Hedrlck; (J, K, Dunn. Musca
tine; Alexander Mand's. Corydnn; Wll
Ham Ilutton, Atlantic; C. A. qibbs, Orecn.
field; J. V, Hnvburn. Nowtop; J. S, Del
Inmy. Knoxvllle; J. v. Cherrv. Creston;
Charles Porter. Orlnnelt; J, E. Frumtn.
Shelby; O. W. Hradly, Bedford: O. N.
Fornuson. Cirson: John W. Chaffee, Her
wlk; John Klllott, Centervllie; Ira Noble,
wioruon: c. 11. rowers, Indlanoln; ThomoB
Campbell. Mount Ayrt Henry Wagers, Ot
tunica; W. ll Jlouston. Wyman; John A.
Lech, Orrenflold; F. W. Estcs, Sidney.
Tho grand Jury Is notified to report at
10 o'clock on tho morning of March 12, and
tho petit Jury nt 2 o'clock In the after
noon of tho ssmc dny. Next Tuesday Is
tho last day for filing notices for the
lMiiily Sheriff Iti-porta In Delnll lie
stills of Ills Int esllKiitlon.
William A. CJroncwcg, who fills tho doublo
position of deputy sheriff and city milk In
spector, completed yesterday an exhaustive
report of tho dairy nnd milk conditions ex
isting In Council muffs and vicinity for tho
bureau of nnlmal Industry of tho United
Stntes Department of Agriculture. Tho sta
tistic havo been compiled from reports
mado by nil tho dairies nnd milk dealers In
or In tho Immedlnto vicinity of Council
Tho report shows tho following slntlstlcs:
Amount of milk used dnlly In city, I'OO gal
lons; ninount of skim milk used, f.O gallons;
amount of crenm used, SM gallons; thero
nro six stores In tho city which sell milk and
Ihlrty-ono wagons employed In peddling
milk to consumers; tho longest distance
that milk Is shipped from Int.i tho city Is
seven mllos; one-third of tho milk consumed
In tho city Is shipped In by railroad.
Thero nro nvo dnlrlcs outsldo of tho city
limits which send milk Into tho city.
Wllhlng the city limits there nre twenty
two herds of cattle, numbering nbout 300
The report shows that the milk sold In the
city Is examined by Inspector (ironoweg
from threo to four times every month under
tho Hnbcock system of testing. Samples of
milk nre tnken from tho lullkmcn without
previous notice and nro required by the
Hnbcock test to reach a standard of 3 per
cent lot milk nnd 15 per cent for crenm.
About CO per rent of tho dealers aro now
using patonted bottles In whlrh to carry
milk About one-thlrd of tho Inctenl fluid
consumed by tho people of Council Uluffs In
None of tho dnlrles or herds hnvo been In
spected during the Inst year nnd Inspector
Oronoweg recommends in his report that
nil cows should bo Inspected monthly.
Dnnco tonight nt Hugncs' hall.
nv.Mi Hitnii to thi: imhctmijxt.
Cnsr ut the Slnlo Aunluxt Clilenuo fc
Xnrtlm extern.
The enso of the Stnte
&. Northwestern Hallway company has been
set for trial nt this term of district court
nnd yesterday tho attorneys for tho rall
wny company fllcd 11 domurrer to tho In
dictment. An indictment wns returned
ngnlnst tho Northwestern Hallway company
In December. 189S. for obHtrilrMtie 11 iiiiMIi.
highway In (lamer township. It Is charged
tnat 1110 railroad had fenced in n highway
that had been n imbllc thoroinrhrnrn tnr nn.
ward of sixteen years. On tho other hand,
1110 rniiroad company Insists that it simply
fenced In Its right-of-wny to protect Itti
property nt tho tlmo tho Illinois Ccntrnl
built Its truck nlongsldo. A high grado
built by tho Illinois Central now lies bo
tween tho fenco of tho Northwestern nnd
w'hnt Is claimed ns a public thoroughfare.
In Its domurrer tho railway company al
leges that tho Indictment does not allege
facts which constitute nn offenso under
tho laws of Iown. It further alleges that
tho Indictment fnlls to describe tho public
highway nlleged to havo been obstructed.
Tho ense ngalnst Dan O'Connoll, charged
with breaking Into Ilnlph Williams' coal
yard and stealing n quantity of coal was
given to tho Jury about 4:30 o'clock yester
day. afternoon. I.ate lost night no verdict
had been returned.
A Jury was Impaneled In tho enso ngalnst
Kd Hodon, charged with slashing James
Hughes In tho thigh with n knlfo last March
on South Malu street.
In the cnBo of Thomns D. Thompson
ngnlnst tho Woman's Christian nssoclatiou
tho plaintiff filed yesterday a motion for a
new trial. Tho plaintiff in tho caso of
Herman Goldstein against John S. Morgan,
sheriff, also filed a motion for a new trial.
hi:puih,icax piikcixct CAirtusus.
I)eleKnle. Are Sele. te.l In the Sehool
Convention ttt Wviliirniliiy.
Republican precinct caucuses wero held
last night to select delegates to tho school
convention Wcdncsdny. In the Fourth
wnrd tho caucuses failed for want of quo
rums In both precincts. These delegates
woro reported.
First Wurd, First Precinct W. C. Dickey.
0. P. Groom. C. A. Mnucr, D. A. Helsler.
C. W. Atwood. J. M. Murphy, C. A. Mor
gnn. .First Wnrd, Second Precinct Itlchnrd
Green, O. II. Scott. W. S. Halrd. E. 11. Oardl
ner, D. L. Keller, H. S. Jones, S. U. Sny
der, W. A. Gronowcg.
Second Ward, First Precinct D. G. Mor
gan, C. S. Hubbard, J. AW Hlanclmrd. T.
T. Snow. C. A. Tlbblts, Spencer Smith. J.
H. Sweet, J. J, Steadman.
Second Ward, Second Precinct J. AW
Ferrler, Theodore Gultnr, O. G. Halrd, P.
H. AVInd. F. T. True, J. H. Pace, AW S.
Wllklns, John Olson.
Third AVard. First Precinct AW M.
Frodorick, A. H, Nicholas, G. U. Miles, II.
n, Jennings, I,. M, Shubort. E. n. Fonda.
H. E. O'Hnnlcy, II. J. Palmer.
Third AVnrd, Second Precinct L. E.
Hrldonstoln. J. M. Ousler, I. Chernlss, Clydo
Goss, M. P. Schmidt, AW H. A'nn Hrunt,
II. M. Goss.
Fifth Wnrd, First Precinct C. Konlg
machcr, S. F. Shuart, James Hoon, F. E,
Honglnnd, I. N. Fllcklnger. G. II. Acker. A.
Mitchell, It, A. Pnchman, E. P. Fitch.
1 Fifth Ward, Second Precinct John Saor,
Thomas Smith, Hugh Miller. Chris Jensen,
John Anderson. Chris I.oseth.
Crenlnr.' In Skirl Ik Silent.
Officer John Smith, who Is acting ns night
Jnller until u successor Is nppolnted to
Hilly Matlock, wns tho victim of a cruel
Joko lost night at tho hands of tho night
force. A noise wns henrd at tho Jnll door
nnd Sergeant Hurko went to Invoitlgatp.
Ho returned In u fow seconds, calling upon
Smith to get his coat on In n hurry and
go after a deaf and dumb girl who had got
nway from Captain Denny. In as few
words ns posslblo Hurko explained that tho
girl hnd run nway from tho School for tho
Deaf nnd whon (nst seen was crossing the
brldgo nt tho font of Hrynnt street.
Smith wns off In n second nnd In nbout
ten minutes return.ed, lending by tho nrm
n well dressed nnd good looking young
woman. "Is this tho lady?" querrled Smith.
Tho young wnmnn never spoko a word, but
looked around her ns If not clearly under
standing ths sltuntion. Then the night
force, iimible to restrain theinsolves any
longer, hnd to give wav to their merri
ment, and tho "young woman" gnve her
self nwnv. She was the young son ot
roitmnstcr Treynor. who was going to a
innHqucrade itnnce.
Coin I llnii-p Alone linen,
AVafhlngton's blrtlylay was observed as a
I'o'lday generally In "Council Illuffs. Tho
schools were 'closed all dov, as wero tho
banks, Most of tho stores closed at noon.
As district court wns In session tho ofllres
In the county court houo had to keep open.
Flags wcro flying 011 tho federal, county
nnd city buildings nud on nil tho schools.
Mntliiek Off llic Porec.
Hlllv Mntlnck Is no longer u member of
the po'leo fore nnd Mnyor Jennings Is look
ing for a rnan to taVo tho plnco of night
Jallrr at tho cltv hostile. Tho mnyor. nfter
Investigating Officer Matlock's conduct Inst
AVednesday night, decided to dispense with
his services,
Danc'o tonight at Hughes' hall, (
Sccietj of Sons of American Berolntion Hai
Banquet at Dea Moines.
SmnllpoY l)ieiit ercd In Polk County
Jnll Pnt llniin, Convicted of Mnn
almiKli ter, la Sentenced lo
IIlKbt Venra III Prison,
DBS MOINES, Feb. 22. (Spcclnl.) lie
sides tho observance of AVnshlr.Rlon's dny
In tho public schools of tho state., which
obscrvntico Is becoming moro gcnernl than
ever before, thero wns a uotnblo bnnquct
of tho Iowa Stnto society of Sons of ths
American Itcvolutlon In Dcs Moines this
otcnlng, attended by a number of tho mem
bers from various pnrts of tho stnto. Iho
society has shown considerable growth tho
Inst fow years nnd now Is well orgnnlzed
In tho state. Tho chief nddrese at tho
banquet In tho evening was by L. M. Kenn
of Sioux City, one of the candidates for
chnnccllor of tho Ion Law school, who
Is a grcat-grnndson of Thomas Jelferson.
Nino of tho members of tho society wcro
soldiers In the wnr with Spain nnd ono of
tho events of the evening was tho presenta
tlon of the national medal on behalf of tho
stoto society to ono of tho members,
Tho society elected officers as follows
President, W. H. Halley, Dcs Moines; vlco
president, Mcminn Kuapp, Ames, and AW
11, Atmry, Ottumwa; secretary, E. I), llad
ley, Dcs Moines; treasurer. AVIIIard Socor,
Forest City; historian, E. II. Hnzen. Dos
Moines; chaplain, E, 11. Chaso, Ocheyedan
Ono of tho most notnblo meetings of tho
titnto to celebrate tho day was at Algonn,
whero thero was a big banquet of the mem
hers of tho Grnnd Army of tho Republic
In northwestern town, addressed by A. H.
Cummins of Dcs Moines. Mr. Cummins
discussed tho services of Qencral Wnsh
iiigtou In a rather unusual way, contend
ing that his greatest service to his country
was not ns comtnandcr-ln-chlef of tho army
during tho revolution, or even ns president
of tho United Stntes In stnrtlng tho ship of
stnto aright, but In mnklng possible tho
cor.stltutlonnl convention and noting as me
dlntor between the factious, who wero all
nt sen ns to what wns best to bo done to
estnbllsh a nation. Mr. Cummins elo
quently depleted tho Influence exerted by
AWiBhlngton nt that crltlcnl tlmo In the
history of the nntion.
Iteduer . 11 111 tier of Trnohern.
Tho movement ntnong Iowa educators to
riduco the number of tenchcrs nnd tho ex
pense of maintaining the free public schools
by consolidating schools and districts hi
gaining such great headway thnt those who
favor It nro now In hopes a radical reform
enn bo effoctcd within a few years. Tho
present state superintendent hns long been
nn advocato of consolidation of districts
nnd ho and other eminent educators have
been working along that lino. Now Presi
dent Sccrlcy of tho Stnto Normal school Is
out In nn Interview, In which he tnkes
strong ground In favor of consolidation.
President feeerley declares thaCthe present
system Is fully fifty years; behind tho times
nnd thnt it ought to bo rclegnted to tho
garret. Ho ndvocntes' ndoptlon of the town
ship system of consolidating tho rural
schools nnd tho method of having pupils
who live a long dlstaneoifrom school hnuled
to school on contracts. The oxponse would
bo less In this way and grading of the
schools would bo possible. Recently n
leaflet wns published by the department
of education In the Interest of this -movement
and n number of lectures havo been
given In different parts of tho stnte In
favor of consolidation. The fact that In
many counties of tho state the rurnl popu
lation Is actually decreasing by tho moving
of so ninny families to tho towns has fur
thered tho consolidation Idea.
Itulilil .Not (Julltj- of Krnuil.
A Jewish rabbi, L. Orubcr by name, wns
arrested here on orders from Dubuque, on
a charge of swindling. It was alleged that
ho hnd sold u town lot in n town In Mani
toba to a Dubuque man nnd had received n
smnll pnyment of ensh nnd tho rest In notes,
and thnt Investigation showed he had no
nuthorlty to mako tho saie, henco he was
arrested and taken to IJubuque, but ho ap
peared In court on tho preliminary hearing
nnd demonstrated that ho had power to sell
tho land and thnt It wn a legltlmato trans
action. Gruber claims that ho is engaged In
Inducing Jews to go to) Mnnltobn to settle
on farms and In towns, nnd that he has
been Instrumental In establishing a large
colony there. Ho has been nttneked In n
Jewish pnper In Now York, but seems to
hnve established thnt he Is doing a proper
Smallpox In thr Jnll.
Smallpox has beeu discovered In tho
county Jnll hero and tho place has been
quarantined. A number of cases nro still
under qunrantlno in various parts of tho
city, but tho epidemic has been kept within
bounds nil winter.
.Vetv DniHlflst.
Thirteen of tho forty applicants for
pharmacists' certificates who took the last
examination wero successful In passing It.
Tho list of thoso to ho granted certificates
Is: AW II. Darker, Snnboru; Fred C, Ab
bott, Oolweln; W, H. Hlsslck, Jr., Eau
Clalro; Stove M. Clem, Shenandoah; George
AW Oilman, Fort Dodgo; Amnndus J, Ku
slnn. Acklcy; Willis A. Meyers, Grlnnell-;
F. J. Nichols. Atlnntlc; A. E. Peterson,
Spencer; C. L. Patterson, AVest Sldo; George
J, Shugart, Kherson; U. II. Stover, Marengo.
AVnnt n Hoard Like Intnl.
Three members of tho Minnesota legisla
ture hnvo beeu making an Investigation of
the mnnuer of conducting Iowa state Insti
tutions under tho Hoard of Control law.
with a view to making a report to tho leg
islature for uso In connection with tho bill
Writ ter nttl lAMFU.
WANNEfvs Safe Cube Co,
Nhlcli s pending to establish n similar sys
tem In Mlnnesntn. Tho committee, with
Judgo Klnnc, chairman of tho Iowa board,
went to Clnrltuln today to Inspect tho hos
pital there, and they will visit several of
tho stato Institutions to Icnru of tho prac
tical workings of tho system. Tho oppo
nents of the bill In Minnesota nrn making a
strong point ngalnst It on tho ground thnt
tho efforts of Iho lowd board for economy
results In a lowering of tho standard. This
Is tho chief matter to be Investigated and
thus far tho committee reports thnt they
find no ground for such nn objection.
Xot Itendj- lo AVIIhilrnvr.
A. II. Cummins, ono of tho candidates for
governor, went to Algonn today to deliver
an address nt n Washington day banquet,
nnd boforo going ho mndo emphatic denlnl
of persistent rumors thnt he Is considering
wlthdrannl In tho Interest of United States
Minister Conger, who Is nlso considered n
cnndldato for governor. Mr. Cummins snys
ho hns not snld or dono anything to give
ground for such n rumor.
Court llouae ('onlrnel.
Tho bids of contractors on tho new court
houso for Dallas county havo been opened,
Thero wcro fourteen contractors spoking
tho Job and tho bids ranged all tho way
from $70,000 to JM.OOO, The lowest bidder
was a firm from Grand Itnplda, Mich., but
tho contract will not be let until March
C. Dallas county has had one of tho
poorest court houses In tho stBlo, which
has now been torn down, and tho county
has ordered tho erection of n new ono nt
Adel at n cost of $80,000.
IMuht Vrnrs for MnimliiUBli ter.
Pnt Dunn, convicted of manslaughter nt
Mftrshnlltown, hns been sentenced to eight
years In tho penitentiary by Judgo Cas
well. Dunn wan one of n gang of tramps
engaged In badgering nnd nbuslng an old
colored man nnmod Joseph AA'llllamB last
August, and nn Williams was running to
flfcnpo them ho was shot dead. Thero wns
somo doubt ns to whother It wns Dunn or
romo other person who did tho shooting,
but tho Jury found him guilty of man
slaughter. The court had before, tho trial
refused to permit tho defendant to plead
guilty to mnnslaughter, with an under
standing that tho sentence should bo not
more than flvo years.
Trnrhrrs' Inll(n(c.
Stato Superintendent Harrott hns con
sented to glvo nn address beforo the
Teachers' association of Cass county nt
Atlnntlc Mnrch 8, next. Tho program In
cludes a two dnys' nesslon, with good
papers nnd discussions.
Will Ak for lllulicr Pny.
Tho county auditors at their convention
today decided upon making n demand of
tho next lcgtslaturo for nn Increase of
their salary, claiming they are tho poorest
paid of any county ofllcers. They will
also nsk for changes In tho rnllrood nnd
telegraph assessment law to facilitate
their work. Fred Copo, Des Moines, was
elocted president, and J. F. Ford, AVeb
stcr county, secretary. Tho next annual
meeting will be held In Des Moines.
Miners Itrfnae to Let Pollttoa Inter
fere rrltU Their Con vrntlon
OTTUMAVA, la., Feb. 22. (Special Tolo-
gram.) After listening to n lengthy com
munication from a local socialist society
today, asking that ltB representatives be
allowed to address the convention on so
cialist Issues of tho day, the miners, by
unanimous vote, refused to have nnythtng
to do with them, saying: "Wo aro here
for business and not to mix up in politics."
Tho session was brief. Tho -resolutions
and Hcao committees wcro not ready to
report and tho' convention adjourned until
9 o'clock tomorrow morning. A bnnquut
wns served tho visiting delegates tonlRht
nnd speeches were made by prominent citi
zens and Inbor leaders. The operators will
bo hero Mondny nnd exciting sessions aro
looked for when tho Joint scnlo committees
get together.
I'nrnlyr.eil In I.'oenniollrr Cnl.
MASON CITA', la.. Fob. 22. AVhen freight
No. 31 pulled Into Fox Lako over tho
Northwestern last night a senseless engi
neer was sitting bolt upright on his seat
and an lnxeprlenccd flrcmnn was manag
ing to tho best of his ability tho engine.
rrank Kelly wns the engineer nnd while
midway between Mama and Fox Lako ho
was stricken with a sort of paralysis and
foil senseless. Another cnglno was tele
graphed for hero and wont to finish tho
run. It is thought that this will per
manently unfit Kelly for nn engineer.
Tllr nnd llrlrk .Men In Convention.
HOONB, Ia Feb. 22. (Special.) Tho
Iowa tllo and brick makers nro holding
their nnnunl convention here. Scventy-flve
members nro present. Tho convention
opened nt 2 p. m. yesterday and an address
of welcome waB delivered by Hon. It. F.
Jordan, after which President McHoso de
livered his nnnunl address. In tho even
ing a banquet wns tendered tho visitors
by the Iloone Business Men's association.
Washing Powder
Are You Satisfied
With badly In need of paint? Is It dark
and cheerless? It It dusted? Aro thr win
dows washed? Do thoy ever wash tho gas
globes7 Does a fresh youngster run tho
elevator to suit himself and spoil your
breakfnst? Do you have to walk up If you
want to go to your office at night or on
Sundoy7 AVhen yon are thoroughly dis
gusted, move Into the Pee Ilulldlng and ba
Mti, F. E. Foiter of Algona, la., Brings
Others Into the Oate.
After Iteeltlim the llrtnlla the Womnn
Trim to Tnke llrr Otrn
Life, till! I I'rr
Trtitnl. ALGONA, In., Ieb. 22. Mrs. Foster, wife
of F. E. Foster, who was shot and nearly
killed Saturday night, February 0, by Clar-cnt-o
Itoblnsou, has confessed to having
been Implicated In tho nttcmptcd murder
of her husband and brings others Into the
Tho confession of Mrs. Foster wns mndo
beforo Attorney Frederick M. Curtlss and
Dr. .1. E. Gny. An soon an sho had mndo
tho confession sho attempted suicide, but
was saved.
Clinneellor of t ill verallv of XehrnaUn
llrnena Ilia Alleicliince to
Ilia Country,
IOAVA CITY, ln Feb. 22. (Speclsl.) Tho
last convocation of tho university year
wan held in the opora houso at 10 o'clock
this morning, Chancellor K. Henjamln An
drews of the University of Nebraska de
livered nn address on "Antl-CaJtandrn,
or a Itnp at the Croaker." Hon. 8. F.
Smith, son of tho nuthor of "America,"
wan present, with tho original of tho
hymn. Ho cavo a talk about the national
j hymn and Its author. Chancellor Androws
"Cnssnndrn has como back to earth.
Prophecies of Impending crash aro hoard
on ovory hand. The voice of tho croaker
Is familiar to all as he walks up and
down tho land crying 'woe, woe, woe!'
Now ho blacklists domestic life, declaring
that nuptial vows aro no longer held
sacred; that family dlsclpllno exists no
more; thnt children nre hopelecsly going
to tho devil. Religious life 1 allegod to
bo In a similar bad way. It Is said that
fnlth la thrown aside nnd ridiculed. Un
belief universal, respect for church,
clergy, divine, commands and ordinances
clean gono. AVhat In to become of us
no ono knows, only tho croaker Is suro
that tho coming fato will bo unimaginably
"Cassandra's tones aro tho most lugu
brious when sho speaks of our political
life. Hut hero I rap tho croaker hard. I
call Cassandra down. I expostulate with
tho poeslmlsts ono and all. I say: 'The
conditions may bo quite as forbidding as
tho most despairing of you allege and yet
not procludo Joyous hope. If tho repub
lic's burdens aro not lightened the ropub
lis will go down; but they will bo lightened,
If tho patriotism, courage and common
sense have left tho American people our
government cannot remain frco; but those
qualities havo not left us. Tho earth Is
not going to cave In right away. The
rock beneath us may bo porous, but It
will do to build upon. My country, with
all thy faul'ts, I trust theo still, and I
have faith In thee, not as a mother dead
or dying, but ns a mother living, youth
ful, with promise of indefinite progeny in
noble lives nnd Immortal deeds. Tho na
tion's past, great as It Is, will be sur
passed In splendor by the nation's future.
Let patriots look up nnd renew their oath
of allegiance."
Wrltm He- Would Mkt to Leave Chlnn
nml lie f.orernnr of Iown.
DES MOINES, Feb. 22.-Another cable
message has been received from Major E.
II. Conger, United States minister to China,
In which ho explains to an Iown friend that
his wife and daughter and niece, Miss
Pierce, who wero with him during the
siege, are In such a nervous condition that
he fears to have them remain longer In
He would be glad, he says, If he could
eomo homo and be governor of Iown. hm
ho could not woll leave China, unless for
somo good reason. President McKlnley, It
is sain, has told Major Conger's friends
positively that ho wants Mr. Conger to
stay In China.
llrnkeninn'a Skull (,'rnaheil.
liOONK, la., Feb. 22. (Special.) A'ester
day morning whllo coupling nn engine to
a passenger, train Drakeman Fred Pickering
was caught' between the bumpers nnd his
skull crushed, He Is still olive, but beyond
hope of recovery. Ho leaves a wife and In
fant child.
Snip of Forest Oatmeal 9111 1.
CRDAIt FALLS. In., Feb. 22. Tho Cedar
Falls Mill company hns sold tho Forest
Oatmeal mill to the newly formed Oreat
AA'estern Cereal company.
Your Office?
300,000 Women
Hmvobaan ran tor od iohaalth
by Lydla C. Plnhham'a Vofjo
table Compound. Tltolr tot'
term are on tllo antiprovo this
mtmtemont to bo a fact, not a
merm boast. Whon a medi
cine ham boon auoaoesful In
curing mo many womon, you
oannot woll may without try
ing It'1 I do not holiovo It
will help mo."
PI 'W. Y
Vegetable Compound
Is a posltlrft cure for nit thoto painful
Ailments of Women.
It will entirely cure tho worst forms of
Female Complaints, all Ovarian troublei,
Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling and
Displacements of thoAVomb, and consequent
Hplnal AA'eakno.'.i, and is peculiarly adapted
to tho Chnnue nf 1Afp.
011r liifdlrln cmrd me of'ter
rlblo female lllnc.
lA Concord Sq.. Hotn, .Mum
It has cured moro cases of Hackacho and
I,eucorrhn;a than any other tttinudy th
world hm ever known, It in almost Inf.illlblo
in such cases. It dissolves and oxpclt
Tumors from the Utorm In an early itau
of development, and checks any tendency
to cancerous humors.
, iuu( I'uainuip i,oinpouno re
tuoTed a Fibroid Tumor from my
wnmb after doctors fsltxd to gWe
relluf. Mas. ll. A. l.oMtuiw,
AVmtdalf, MM.
Bearing-down Feeling
AA'omb troubles, causing jmln, woight, and
harkacho, instantly relieved and perma
nently cured by its use. Under all circum
stances it acts in harmony with the taws
that pororii the femaln sytdem, and Is at
harmless ns water.
llfkacli"ftft ine n?ter UkfilFI
inn ftpcnnti nniiic. lour meiuciii
cured m when doctor" failed.
.Mas, Saiiaii IloMiKiy,
3 Darin lllock, (iorli.nn .St., lxiTrll. .Man.
Supprosied or I'altif ul Menstruations, AVealt
uess of the Stomach, Indigestion, Illoatlng,
Flooding, Nervous I'rostr.itlon, Headache,
ticnerai Dummy.
It U ft crand medicine. 1 am
thsiikful fur thu good It ban done
me. Mm. .1. Av. J,,
TC Carolina Arc,
Jamaica Plain (Ilutton), Mai.
Dizziness, Faintness,
Kztremo Lassitude, "don't caro" and
"want to bo left alono" feollng, excitabil
ity, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness,
flatulency, melancholy, or tho "blues," nnd
backache. These are suro indications of
Female AVeakness, some deraugementof the
I mm troubled with Dliiliie.'t.
Hradachra. Fainttit!!. .Snelltuz
J.lniLx. Your incillclno ourcd inc. ,
ltiickiiirt, Me.
The whole story, however. Is told In mi
lllllltrAteil bonk wlilrh goes with curli bot
tle, the roost roinpletn trrntlae on frniala
culiiptulllt ever published.
loreTg'ht years I aulTereirwIth
womb trouble, and Mas nittrelv
cured by Mrs. Pinklinm's medicine,
.ii m. j it. j .-. k.
Littleton, N. II.
Kidney Complaints
and Iiackache of either fez tho Vegetable
uompound always cures.
The A'metatilo Coin-
Ljdla E. Plnkham's
LUer Pills cure
Sick Headache, 2E&
Sound la sold by all
rugglits or ent by
mall, In form of Pills
or Lozenges, on re
ceipt of 81.00.
Ynu can adilreM Initrlctot confidence.
LIBIA K. riSKilill MKU. CO., Lynn, litis.
7 Nights 3 Matinees--10 Operas
Ilest ever seen for tho money Night prices:
IKc. 25c, 3.r,o, Mc-HAltaAIN MATIN 13 IJS
Wednesday nnd Thursday: 1.000 scntn 10c, a
fow 2'V-HATl'HDA MAT., 15o nnd i.'0o
The first tippoiirunco of tho oldest organi
zation in America
mi l'Koi'i.i:-r.o
Fashlonnbln vnudovlllo between nets, in
cluding the sensation of tho twentieth cen
tury The Girl With the Auburn Locks
8ee, AA'ondor, Marvel,
Change, of opera each performance No
waits between acts Thu prottlPHt girls you
ever saw Tho "Wilbur Mnrrh," it vision of
scintillating brightness In which the girls
drill better than West I'oliiters. Owing to
length of play curtain will rlso at 8 o'clock.
Genterville Coal
And coal from the best mines In tho
country. Alan hard coal and wood.
Prompt delivery is our motto.
Transfer Line Between Council Blufis
and Omaha.
Council Bluffs Office, No. 23 North Main
Bt. Telephone 128.
Omaha Office, Sll South 12th Strot
Telephone 1308.
Connection made with South Omuba
Th Orooers.
10t IlrondrfHTV
Use lied Cro nhiumatlsm Cure, a
prompt and sure cure for rheumatism. in
any form. Cure sclatloa, lumbairo, nu
raliHa, Hout, pains In th back, lamenevs,
stiff and swollen Joints. The best blood
purifier made, A wonderful remedy has
oured thousands, will cure you try It. At
drug stores or sent by expresi, prepaid.
Price 11.00. n Croi Prur Co., Council
Bluffs, Iowa.