THE OMAHA riAILT TIFT:: ATTRr VT. FEBRUARY S3. 1001. .Men's $2 Pants $1.19 pair M pant? T-ad f all w - ! BOSTON Hen's and Ladies' Umbrellas 29c Mens and ladies' Umbrella8, :i. wood and steel rods, natural lew. .Scotch tw BRAND&1S&S0NS. a. ! '-a a. - x : ai-y iaod as, us extra '29c t a .v -a-r a: . . . . YOUR LAST CHANCE TODAY SATURDAY For Your Choice of all the Fine, New, UptoDatc MEN'S SHOES made by ! J jj :-' , i n i r-- r i j am H 1. awl KIBI I mm mm .a :Q J&l PUV'V' 'WflC 33 MM??. Men's Suits at $5 They are worth from $10 to $15 Today we place on sale the most fortunate clothing purchase ever made. A Xew Ycrk manufacture- "ho makes black clay worsted suits exclusively found at the end of the season that a number of small lots and sample suits had accumulated- We made him an c Ser f r the en. j?t aad c3rd is at s'a x Ciuottslr !vr price t:t as te eu lb black clay worsted suits for Sc. 00. Tir ec ic -i.:a xsd hearx eirhis i-2- 14 to 44. aad trc guar antes every thread to b all wool. Ia cooscUoa w.ti ? a'-wc? lt we will c ta ? faacy all wool -worsted suits worth S12-50, and aae caa. raee and cheviot?, and ! rJ ricanii. worth 510.00 Z 5 - .'a- to xfzd tlj si sa:- v- T X T- - t-7 re st Hanan & Son and (HANAN ) "bh - H- YO Thompson Bros. that retail all over the United States for five and six dollars pair 3rd Week of Selling the Well known Omaha Stock of KELLEY-STIGER SHOES 29c, 39c, 59c, 75c, 89c, 98c, 51.50, M.98, 2.50 and 3.00 This gives you choice cf iLf en'ir- Ktly. Stiger & Co. stock of shoes, absolutely without reserve. It cuts . he pn-e of every shoe In this entire stock to just about half: -where tht qaantiri hare been sold down the price is "ft; j tiaa ixlf. All tiese ii-J are witiout exce;rt;as of is aa- Tides lad xs gwyi styles as stcaey vUi ;orecx !ar daU ti .savst. llriot ercrr laer ta Ooib te-j irw c4 X-h-ii irt. Ties- rtiiirtji . rates'. rj' xa Sslaat' iie-i ir i r-ywjtxc -rale eoid c t- crs; sic- i oj isd saw; barja-as el i '.j---- Tir'i: you Tit x iw er ;;r cr czfzri t- tcr -il ei -xr cr i-s f - a ir-- i a! bc-M- -ir. jrs cxa ar ties xt Bca- a ir? f:r t: atcx: re-ia i a.t f- Suj-r 4 Co s ?rr aril a Ladies' fancy Hosiery 6c Lai taacy ics .err .2 ti rXr tU-'s xad uc i- ja.' xad eiilirss's pii;-n Brii aester nk texss x: xt nbbei all sale Sx'arixr jxtr ladles' rats' xad nea 1 ii '3 ported be. Ji tirrxa ;lx-a ktaek xa4 roteJ, xad txaej- eo'laa x! 12 xbrefl xsort3au xt 12ic, iSc and 25c. SI. 50 Ladies' Kid Gloves 49c Pair. Ladies fine imported Gloves made of French kid, in black and colors, all sires, worth up to $1.50 a pair, every pair per- AQc feet, sale price... "-v am E""sf ToAvrels-d Toweling On Sale In Basement. Saturday We bought from oae of the largest manufacturers of towels in the east, their entire season's accumulation of crash tow eliatrs and Turkish towels. We viX sell aii the Ts.-'eisfe tvelis T the tori, is h-arr xi Mht -fcrht. Mexefaed xai ncWehrf Baa y y-vie4 aearly a jard xiie rxl U use of tfce itc? fea.-aiss we have Ctt osSeretl O a., oc sal tenia? it, rant ' 5 All the cotton crash All the towels in this toweling, heavy crash and purchase, all kinds and all twilled toweling, we will grade, go in three lots at sell in two lots at, yard, each, 2lc and 31c 2ic, 31c, 5c Special Sale of Art Squares "SW ( los-d out from the mill all their sr-a.ll lots and samples of Ingrain Art Squares. There wt-rv 400 in th lt and we pla e thm rn sale tomorrow at absolutelythe lowest prices ever heard of. Tbe granhe are all extra heavy, and no better wearing: or grain rug is made. They come in bamloine medallion and oriental d-signs. On sale in three lots, according to size:: 21 1 QQ for Art Squares (tOQC for Art Squares O Oft for Art Squares M'size 7 ft 6 in. by & ftP xVnfse.t M50 size 9x12 feet. Included in this purchase were about 50 rolls of Ingrain Carpets which we place on sale today at the following extraordinary low prices. We will sell today all the Ingrainl Extra heavy all wool Ingrain Qp Carpet that generally sell at 25c yd at A Carpet, at, "yard kJz7- All the Ingrain Carpet that general- S n The best grade of extra super In- SQn ly sell at 59c to 5'3o yard, go" at W grain Carpet at, yard kJz These are all new patterns and absolutely sound and perfect. Mill End Sale of We will offer 5 GO pieces cf strictly ail silk black taffeta ribbon, up to 6 inches wide, that would sell 1 0r regularly at 30c yard, for today only, yard 2" Also in this sale we include a special lot of mill ends of a.1 kiida l pLais xad laser, wide aad aarew r- boor. at. rxrd. 3oCy OCj Two Specials in Waists S2J0 French Flannel W aists 9Sc An elegant lot of ladies' high grade French Flannel Waists, made up in the newest styles, very hand some patterns, O ft r1 2.50 values, price -Ow S7.50 All Silk Waists. S2.93 A grand lot of ladies' high cost silk and satin dress waists, made up in the new est styles, $7.50 values FRANCIS MAY ME EAST Liz far x Ciaart. U3CELY TQ SUCCEED EUSTlS OF CHICAGO t- Bamar nu Eutrra at Bmrllaff Cn 7llu Well F.iiilril, bat Lxi I C.aflrmjitUa Is Ls(Ub(. TV? pHlMt(7 tix: Jt Frxrds atxr trxrr.d i 1m c;rxl ai.;rr xfeaey s: :i itaxllXfM jtxi k at ii Vtssacri nt tb Uic 4tnoBsi f ii eaax:s lis Mtnxl tx tie irstee Waji tie kmt lxzx lx. aarata It t xx. tku Xr w c tie ix4 C lie jUMirr ScxiU at t rexi. xad tt x a- tecerxl xMactr if't J d4Jrr rr tia mkx ad tX ifi Us i itaa4s ia Uee. The rixare r ta ekaa?4 errrs Mt at tic taxt ca te-tmctee U it ia? x ftnni )UHxpc trxe auitr 14 tixt P ? BSiKta id ta be tie aa. Mr Bvscts Is a lsm ;mcx! HHU?r imk f tie kxstara 1ihm. xa -aatte ie : ex. reri ilr FriKH w iiirMT xt pretest K U l;nUod tia( ta tfte tie es- UbJii&caea af ti aa k vfU t Mr. Casus. laiusr xx ta Ixl o&ees T tie Et?. ttaftaa tidtti -to tkrww xzr ttcbt e Tie zzxuer ti rrjr ixriss ras la x&rv tma 'TL:eas. Onarotz b fxt at ts xtaaiisisBest -af -ie afice of ?x&eccr trx2' juaajr or tie Bsr'tasan a. -ni easneded 'iat xi ija-'e ?iMb 'i-it Mr TTxai -V :i -rxaxietrwi a tie "XrfX- J Vj THE FURE V J C iSee is;-rea jrnswv: j ehidrea e-rB wae3:tiswea'.sei. Ga-0 ( . S"7 ties br--":ter rcs, rser ! ckrr ia:EiaeiLizaj- . -t traate Goao-O ie aare th better ai it taatcn his catlee- iexdijttirters. His -ork. x tie Tesiera end ot tie liae iaj bees at x atta eixraeter xa tie ieaty besteesx tilt tie rocd iaj doae xad is aow imtzf tj t ?xstd aa aaOeed Ttti ti iiier aficiaJa. His m eat terriaxTT is awre exeaare tsxs tiat of tie raxd ic nTtaau xa4 Xava. Vat ti cxtn yteid x bettar bsstaesa tiaa tie eerx states. Tie roeeaaaar af Mr Frxscls x tie erest U tats eaaaje vUl racaalT b Ar-Jwr a. Scata. ire arst xxatsusi reseial u seacr tgeac B a ae-xt tx Use zmi to tiwa?ki7 ti iTfcir -ixi tie bsta9s at tie oSee. In tie sxave eacac(la kt ts ; rBxble tiac II tiese fiu?n xre aii I tixt Tie a2ce at xsetmaat geaerxl ' tr xet ta tiu emcarr wfl: reaixte ti cxat tar x ts it tent at lie atir rtaf rsreeatj -riM call Jar tie ex?ea41tare at xkout tSM.oal! br tie eaca 9XST, kt x 'ill ?lxce tie Elkiara xaa! tie Xartiir-Mtera tm. a4sairaU saae ts ixadV tiei; Sasti Osxax bwaesc. THREATENS OMAHA TRADE DfPROVEME.T! ARE EVTEAflVE. I ftaidr to Califarala. A r4 tke taarists a CatUaraU ixs ae hmW tie adTertistac daartaot a tie ratox. Piriit It M camaJete. tvsss xesntt bxtar-rartac aaeerataj: tie titles, eacaties ii tie Kate it lirre x3d ixe!i af tBtrat iraiei ifcoold be rutted. Tie statistics ire tie kuest aatxtexbie. t a dues bea bue ma lie last eeasws. ; Tbe baiet la tfce ih af tke artaaxrr. ' faMer xxrf ta aa.a4aaeir Ulaacrxtr4 wsU ae cats. It eaaiTUB au af Cattfarata ta.4 vasurx states xa4 af tie 'varix. tbe kttur jfca tag tb Csjaa Pxetae' ceca. tlaes wttk xH a tke marW. Jtectn it Tru rdrt. .EFFECTS L0C.L MANL!fACTU23S ALSO Cause in CXa19ea tlaa I hit Werlc t Vtlitntiir of EA.trrm Muzfu lirrn M Jabbers la Wfttrn Trade. at CeaeraJ Xlmirr BMwrll Talks Expaa.lan ( III. Kaarf. &rserxl Maaxtvr Gears T BW-reg af ti SlrJaara trmed rraa rbneaca tbaa aacass? xad eaaraed tie reaact af tie ua prae:ats viari its rsad to ta axke a Seati Q-ihi, .Kert4iz.f f ala estaaate Jk cast af tie tCBravecieEt tMB irnl ante SH.m. Tits -ciO toetarfe ti eac strarcMe af x taorteec-traek dtxzacxl rxrd. x tarteea-stx!l e&ssae bswse. x eaxl bae xad tie otier eq9aet af x Irstlxis Tirt Tie rxsac tar tie -a-arlc ts tie atat ae cessttr by tie U'ttarz isd tie NaniTeat. era far aare i leaaiite rxa uri tie xe Jar tke Xartiwestera ta set Sraci tie Caaaa PxaZr trxelu ta tjve yard. Tbe Nrti w-ra ia4 tie MATaaUee eater Saaii Oaxxka by tie Cataa Pxta trxexa. Tie teaca vsH taratsi tie aassaee. ua tv rrt ti-se trxekx xa tie w rxrd. Ti-r- aa rstesttes af baaMtar sacae. beyae axt in seeded kx xar ta aate Wt xeearfaa; ta tie. itxtetaeat af tie reaersA ausir Tbe slut fcsexaed it MtswMwri ViUer farafa xH tixt ts r-pUrrt ix tixt darnrtiaa. Wberevar tier ta x rri sseiia ia the xhse af x fesxtr yirl Saf essenesirr rk xaa tar licit repoars t ears anst be xaaT taas TtU ie ae xt S-tb Oexxix Tie sa-ttei jtxrd ts af tie strV kaaTs xs tia dtxsacal rrsatraa ar nesj liaat- rxrd Tats aae vsU axae Saajrtee trxeks xQ tie sxoe teasjli xad x trxak wt nes. side af tb yxri -B-m esaaf-t mM af tae i-ttti trxexx. It wxx liT- BtdaeaTs asaWwxaaUac that tie trxsams: is t be date by Chastam Brax af Mbaaexxasti. wtciaajt sastcascrxataci. Tbe atier vork vaQ be aace dtreecly hr the eopaay Tie crxdaxfr sttes tie re asorxJ af 609 -rxris af eari. Tbis w-a i aew tf--t iacse, 'it aT yard xal x.1 att to acff d lid. DE3TVSR. ra IT W g. ?tt b b" iaiatd rearal sur-nj-taa-at af tie ?Wt Wan t IVcr City nXfeaxd by PresaaVsBt TrjaxassU ta saxeeeal I T. Qad. restraed sLr Seatt iaa beeat tar x aaax br af y-sn sriateaeBt af x airtatex act the ait Caaarada i Sxatx Fe. Fraa Chleaa eaaxes i rtpart -rilci U . t-iT-d -r.zi. merest by tie Osxox Ja-b-n xad asxaesactarers. Tie itorr ts tc the eret that taere ts betas errxatied la th Wiaaty City a eaeaaasxtbaa ta aascral exriaxd ibspss'Sts ta tie -vest xad aarii. aaat wax taa aaeet af eatrrte; iato aao xetatlaa with Mbart rlyer esrj ta tie ! Jftar eiTsa r 1 taJ x?wt it r-r "-n, f. ijv WaNxah s tsE. wm ta ti ,tkt testeraay vtarft-iir. bu way hasns rraex a faaury awaw l ta rraaat nas mczrtTi at th Wnaayia, -a si n has bm haacf ra St Louts T but few mT 3aars Crorker at ta ar a.-iai ioid er af that senck of the sVwhera Paelae bSr A traasr v- The run: Parifle xaa! ' aewadestt wt the wiray. wta 9x4a rhrowii tata -n Monday awraasur la t fftrxse ear EaaUjia. .aila f ta fmat rc Narttwtra its tT fa.a r.n. xaaMtai aaatrt :ted borxi I- w . rr lb ijr.saa assart T. hn ar - itt to sacral A- J Via Kwrj waa Faawd scau of xa Tsafe -aiLaa'St. 3tr Javirasesa haa a Carrta aT the Savorr Lhv- J U FhsOaapt xavtecajsr sr--iar frevsftt a " Xwt f.w ta jea,n -. Hfi.- kt tawr tbw tr -A the i'iamlu SM irai '...! r, xmre k.a fraax tlw icuvial osr.-tkrfi of taa satnarssMJtrrs m Si Pm' li nrpnrt rr !.' aVaeaiMa aa - s- la irtMiaxe. aad Sa- 'anoi-. Th axi aseeOsRf wta pr'jaava.T ta kLxa Mta Cst j .lii.iirfBfila of rae Vdrr the Kad a-" kmumi u draa bt haaaui cmns bs coa xt Bard's thtsttxr bhxaia aaadny after", sax ud rsscttasam xaul Uasaay ascac AXber x a)Uactad sC at easier tauxter-rajn are. ne tar hut sach saaecbar racsaaaa cnaa u thai t wait kaara t a be xad the aet That at ia ia be teuerarsted be "aj Oilman m vm Oxmt ia tbe ia.dta; rla wt;: xrx-;i tha test xaisaj iis-r ;xrrsaa The rexavrt -raaJat aac be icpaniat "-r- it aat Bar reeeat xeriaas af tie aiu rrn af tie Tastera Trxak Iiae n'acti tlac wilea eaetrais the tretjht rxtes b twea Otka;a xad St. Laaus xad Ulsseart rraer raraajan saaa'-x Far issa 1 tte ti'e CxSa aux;n bava bec batata; secret aieattaax with exr.era abaters xad. izr. Sictarers sad -siJUa- aew rxtes xad eiust sexuaas. the rst aacica af -abaci tie west era rr. artda rearer xad Jaafcer reeetyed ta the ;r-z af anated txrtTi la iaraser years wiaa; i ehxate xSeet-a Xisacrl nrer rues wis betaa raastKTed tbe axrdes Seated :a Oaxxba xad eacEaac saiatx a-tr-exiied tata easdereaee xad batb sides af tie astestaaa wr areseated betsre eiaares wr dreaded apax Cader tiis system tie a-etera Jaar sad atxaaixrtarer vr ta t aastoaa a prateet taetr baslaesx grille aaw their aaiy r-aurse is ta ia;eal Iraa i (eMa lir-idy ssxae. sad la. reeeat Qaaes tiey bae zK s a saecessfal ta se earme raraa. sderxrtaaa Jrar aaxay years there has be-a a stmjl-beeww-a the eaee-ra xad -aetera labfeers last atxaaWbrt avers mrr the ctetlaa af exr laxd rxtes. Bach esatera sad westers tascaees desire law rartead rites, but tie thxrstirfr af the etxsaiskxiaaa s vait ixs xlvays exaoed x ats-tataa ef taterest. Tie wratara axa detres iaw rites aa wtxt 1c haaria xs sCFitat cxrtaxd )ati. tie cxr ta be SaW with hat aae Mad af raed. Ti saaera )saeer wxarta the taw zxte as attxed ksta. ttaic. Csa. Re-eeatly. ts-:T Tery -ere"r ! ws of be wesf tra ifc.;;er ixs beta resyee'ed xad ut.t salt he ixs beea aile to estabilsi iis icsi aess xad- baXi ap a tnd. tie dt2erte bteeea tie earlacd rite xad tie less tiaa carksad rate r-xrtr!f tt ;ostble Jar bin ta deilrer its gia ta tie r-u.ll nereixat eieijer tiaa its- exjtera eotapetltar Tie esxtera siljjer ixs !ro tta;e ta ttae ea daiTared ta ixre the cxriaxd ial fesa tiaa carSaxd nte -ajaaHi-i FiJta? ta tiU. a ixs started ta haye ti lucactles betwe-a itni?it ear lots xad anaed ear lao etl:l axted. la tits i has bea artare saeaeis fal. xs has beea ttrrz rz tie ease af aa 0aia taxaatacatrer. a-ia lxt naati wxa ;Ued at x eaassdersiie dtaidTiataj by z rbxase la tbe clxsstacxusa wisea ;era-ata the ssupcext af x -r.irrni icrared article lata 'its terr-aary it tie sxae rate xs tie raw axiterixl xad tie ibasatas af &uid lata ia oae tar it cxriexd ntes. Tie eixai- wxa aside wtthoax bis kaaa-leds xad ie baa eadeayared. wttiastt scceess. ta bay- the piasstarxtlaa restared. Tits aae ciaage eaased tie itctat? ta 3jetaae the taseat sect af seeerai tiacaxad daTian ia O-axha xad detxyed tie exteastos af tie bstsls-tx Xat acly bxs tie exstera etber esdexy red ta ix-e tie dtsflarriaa iet-e-a ftraiit tar bats xad arOaed exr kats eUaal axted. bax tbe exstera ataaatxttarer ixs xt taeted ta brtax tie rxtes ac raw aiaterial a? ta ti rite aa a-aasXxctared rsads. Tie Ciicxro dusxtei xaaauzctsg tie far aioss af x eocaataxUaa to eeatral ear Vat siipcieatt sxrs tixt aiaei at tie sneress af tie eterns depeads apoa tie fraat aus ot free ttarxe by tie rxCwiy ca sxaies. Ia lamer years tiis jrl-riier. wxs rrea by r-aas eeacrtat; ia Ozxia xad atier msscari rtrer ;asts. Tie rssait m taai exstera rssaafxetsrers -rackd si:? la exr leu tt Hissasrl rlrer poiats xad iaid , ie rsoii a ttarxr wa2e tiey -xr- betas J dlstrtbQtet ia sasxiler aatities by tie ; brakers. A eiaace la tie raies af tie nll- r?x4 axates set x stop ta In- starxx;, I xad. tie exstera asertixats re Jareed ta wirebaese tietr raadf. Tie Ciseaza eaa I atr irtar it seers. w-JJ xtteat ta rerwre tie sld arxctxee at tie ex;ease af tie trxas- MUSIC FOR THE EXPOSITION!; electricity Is --- Is Uctef; ta saai iaIvuocs vao ara set ss urji- xs n ISTOlX Tslzx'-:! rixzo Derxtec ta tie JL-iitcrizr: 1LL 2E S01D EHJEiNG TnZ FAJH'S UFI la.trwBieat la Exjt' to Brlac la Sen. Adraaee Crrer Its oraal Retail Prie Ike Llatoa Bays Ple. Tie taauly tixt Veep aa iaad xad ases aMixtaaxUy tie I"brxled Priekly Axi Hatters ts xJwxys x -aeU reralxted firstly. laU Iroa WarV. SAX FRANrtSCXi Feo -EJjat gaits bav4 b. -n laarrtated in the '"arW 5txts ftstrVt -oart ifiait the t asnc Iroa works aa- Edward EaootoersT. seretary af tie '-tar rouaoI t Saa Frxaesseoi. xskta ta ststs af Cuj ta exrh -a.- xad. JT-ct that the Taiaa Iron wwrks had hraushr etsht aoaarysaatha Ho ta4a raoatry OMiT can Wt. xrra ta exa-saca sacst xk-rs frwa taetr a-aa-s t Sxa lYan. uoe Heary T & ' pree-'Setit -f ' Bioe i.-m w. rks u s -l.r -w i-mfia,- ixs aot jpated ij C7ctri-;t xiu, jrtfi. Testeriay. tirac?i A. Heeae. tie n ) V.xTl Ptxaa aosxay af Cikcxa rastrlbeted ta the Oa-xix Aadtrauisaa xsaaeataac far tie iDdastnal erpoittlat x ataaa yxZaed xa JLwl. Wbeo. tie daaxOac arxs Int re eeiyd tie cac-attee was ia daoat xs ta tia dtxpssttkoc to i-e -xd af kt xad tie axa Xfers ax-re sot deetaed laally apaa tie atxtt-r It -R-J5I be exiiitted xt tie eajoei uaa xad ca of ti lexdla? xrttsts of tia rtty xad stxte will reader ataixi aaaafcers asaa u -a. tie eeeaias. If tie reeat alias are earned act tie isatracseat wjl tiea be ytt aa xt ysalte sake ta tie ilci est htdder xad ,t is ezaeeted tiat tier? will be realised iraa Its ill- a ion a ea eaii af its retxH price, xs lew af ties ta ttr lerts are xt preseat awaed ts tie w-st xad the scecesifa! bidder -aiU ao daebe feel Hi payta saaaetata tia iccor of exrrytaf XZ tie Irst iao dacated ta tie eaaas xay Tiers is ac daaxtlia to the xadltarSsi ractjxay -aasci is destined ta lad x batae Jt Merrie Eaxad xad x ixartxtiaa laoas' tie titled persaaxs-s af thxt iaad. Soa?a ua xro aa eajtera aixsaXxxtcrer af ?i;es tactrthated sa elexaat aieerseixaaa ts tie exTautkaa eaterprtse ixd it ias bees -.a ehxrrs af CiarV-s H. IVk-as as '& tiis teae. Scsokers a-ia iare sees tie ;t;e iays bea delighted with tt, xad ataay bare bees tie eixJleares berwe-a kocxl rsas xs ts btddisjr wies it saaOd be 19 xt xae tsae. Lixxt a:ea wr tireara aet af tie rasxxx -a-bes itr Flekeas reeeive-i x letter trsa Str Tiataas Llataa taatraetkx; ii ta bad tin ytft la xad sead tt ta itsa. rrfiri le af exyo. Tie pace well ra to Ea laad watibaot x tutor hat tt stxads ta r ra sas Cm it wxN - aae ar tae aaaat stre teces af sieersahxaa wilri has erer tressed tie wate- Warknea be-x tia reaaaxtkao af tie i esitaaa barlatsc yesttrdxr sad exriy aext week Sesserist cades Ottsaa a-ffl re store its oSea to that ssxee. At thxt thate ti wark af xr-xaclar tiw exhlattji wa Vjta xad xlt W i ii. js saxja far -ia eyea-.-.c Mxrti IX I -jt Esrry or arrtoe I T FcC2 -i aeSucr tc ' is:tr;. Wb-n yoo ir ! -jc -sera H aot causes I ic ic-v m ate rystac d r je 3 sjsrie- aTLr triM aot saw . lor yr i Satgrt Jui apa- Hy Ee-rc 1 3tat i- Bccz'fM Scwea- ry ta- Bde4 te- avarr sal i"Oj saoo teraca araa; aai crraiii. Ip'i ti a lei r e3 pMararn hxl mw wl -r. yoiL If a tali I aril rerx-a every crs v pay a far . D3. BLNNETTS ELPCTR1C 3ELT ssar-ly gfwrt tti r .ectr:. text. 5t has s&Tt. ..a cSaxais v jt mrKfol tout -il 3Sstsr2- ajui by ul t vrVKH kre tare 1Kb KTln. My Ea ci" k re-twad V: jraai xat tar anfrr T?r no aRXar us k rsawat jraayxe. aal warn Sfcreoi aa H warairm. 1 jwtiitr?v -imst zy Bacrlc Salt 3 ars Varcne V-rs, evr lara cf W txkrrra aaasr c rataora V'talhT- cara Pi-jaxa rm Casev. LNer and Butiar T'tastn Maasatiax Smaaa Dtssritn. Merxnu aad Can. jt' OtmB-f Laaa aca. U Ftai.ia Os siam. e-x JT-ta (o-tr for tr- boo. -The HaJlns trf f a rjnul ef E-ar-ia. -nrtl. Si f-. r-nrpall. tfr 1aJe!-r Rich mi "no an " Saiian-TS-- BLNNETT Electric Belt Co. Raaaia 1.4 ta 21 Daaajtaa Block. Dodate aad lth atreeta. OaxaaJL. hatk 'aaaBBaf B 'jssssssssssssyBssssssssC r aiful fccrar B e-a.-carta's cwauax EHNYROYAL PILLS t-M- CH1CHE-TEK- CCL?H aaCS,-a tcza cj mti u. m T a 4 m.rMs- T.A. Klur. twin Tn il whwi .aaiaaUM. ul lau. I ' Dm. S - -vcuc 4 t vv b ui -rj.r iw L-i .-. -v t.r-m MuV ItHa'-atu. Saar -V ill... uvu. SWH . , yT IJ tICUrC ;"- J-ea- Atdrae. ! xaa sd-rtce tr-e. Or S.i Ex.. SxrxScTa.N. TC "Man waait but little here balow" SaiJ morbid poet long years ago. I'm proas to doabt that anaia ct When I look at The Bee's srsax 4,Waat Ad" pas.