12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATUIfDAV, VEBUfART 20, 1001. NERVY GIRL ROUTS BURGLAR Mln Elizabeth Van Pant, Stenographer, Has Eicitlng Experience. YOUNG WOMAN MAINTAINS EQUILIBRIUM She SprnUn Cnlml)' to (lie ltnmlnr .Mini, (.Inrrn nt Hint .lust n 1,11 tlr nml Then He .M&kea III litlt. "Tho Ettfjuotto of IJurRllns. or Robbery . as a Klnp Art." la the subject of a treatise which Mlfs Elliabeth Van Hunt, City At torney qoviu'M'H stcnonraphor, Is thinking of writing apropos of an experience sho had Thursday flight with an uninvited callor. The burglar's only violation of the rule? of pollto society wag tho striking of a match on a door caslnB, and tho striking of that match was tho cause of his undo Inf. A robber with good manners and a woman who retained her voice In tho pres enro of (i dark-skinned thief armed with a BUlphur match havo never gone on record previous to this time. Miss Van Sant not only retained her olee, but slio used It In inviting tho man to makn his exit and did not give tho cue In a tono that aroused any of the other In mates of tho hoiuo or called the neighbors to tho stago of action. Ilurulnr Strlkr Mnlch. A slight nolso aroused Miss Van Sant. who has apartments on tho first floor of her homo at 29fi0 pewey avenue. She thought that somo member of tho family was stirring about tho house and was about to fall asleep when sho heard a match strike. In tho Van Sant homo matches are unknown. Electric buttons tako tho place of thu moro prlmitlvii method of making flro and Miss Van Sant knew at onco that u stranger had ventured Into their home. Her conclusion was correct. In a mo ment a crouching llgurn entered tho open door of her bedroom. Ily tho dim light of tho match sho could distinguish the face of n young man ubout 20 years of age. Mo wore no hat, shoes or coat and no mask concealed his smooth-shaven face. In .tot I'rlchteiietl. "I whs not frlghtcued, strange as that statement may sound," Miss Van Sant ex plained. In telling of her experience. "My only thought was that tho man would get my watch and somo sliver spoons which I prlno very highly. I sat upright In bed and stared at the man. For soveral seconds wo glared at each other. Ho did not flinch nml I did not feci tho slightest fear of tho man. I had nlwayu supposed that a burglar would bo a terriblo creature, but this one looked very much like hundreds of men one sees every day. " T!ot out of here!' I exclaimed. "Tho man backed out of the room, but I rould tell by tho movement of his feet that ho Htopped In the sitting room. " '(let clear out of tho house,' I ordered, Impatiently. Tho man did not budge and I bernmo very Indignant. " 'You havo no right In here and I want you to go out tho way you came,' was the order that scut tlio man through tho sitting room window, by whlrh ho entered. "Kroin thu window In ray room I saw the man lower hlniBulf to tho ground. Ill de liberately put on tho shota which ho had left outsldo tho window, pulled on his coat and set his hat on his hi-nd with palnf'il slowness. After pulling tho window down carefully tin turned to the north and walked out of tho lot. Iliirulnr Ih Con-tlilr rnte. "There was not the slightest hasto in any nf tho man's movements, llo was so con siderate that I could scarcely realize that ho was a robber. After ho had left I turned on tho light nnd made an examination nt the home. Everything was In good order and the only trace of the robber was a board he hud set against tho house for a step. "I went back to bed thinking that he had stolen nothing. In passing through the sit ting room tho fellow went through the pockets of a coat that was hanging on a chair. Ho took a purso which contained a number of papers, but there was nothing in It of valuo nnd ho was considerate enough to Iciivo It on tho porch. "ThU man was the first burglar I over had any experience with and ho caused mo to completely revise my conception of a housebreaker. If nil robbers aro as obedi ent as that fellow tho world Is living In terror of a very tractablo class of men." Cnmcnrluc nt All Drttitwlata. Cures Biliousness, Constipation and Dys pepsia, or money refunded. Price fiO cents, nook explaining cnuso and euro mailed froo. Ilea Ilros. & Co., Minneapolis. Minn. Merchants In other lines of business are anxious to secure the establishment of a new dry goods store nt Keokuk, la. Great opportunity for live man with $25,000 capital. If Chicago laundry-customers are not re ceiving attention will 'phono 205 or 691 and give address they will bo attended to promptly. '- MIxNlnnitry Amiiiic Chippewa. ASHLAND, Wis., Feb. 22. r.ev. Henry Illntchford, sixty-nine years a 1'resbyterlau missionary nmong tho Chippewa Indians of the Lake Superior region, Is dead at Odanah, at tho ago of 03. $185 BUTH A BEAUTIFUL CiriCKBRWQ UPIUUHT PIANO, $168 I South Omaha News 1 Houio roll ltfi, otherwise known as the South Omaha charter, has boen reported from tho committee on cities nnd towns nnd Is now on tho general file. It will be con sidered In committed of the whole In the house somo tlino within the next ten days, and then tho bill will go to tho senate. Those who arc In a position to know assert that It will bo four or five weeks beforo tho bill reaches tho governor. Councilman Ed Johnston assisted the com mittee In arranging the amendments and In preparing the committee report. The amendments cover twenty-one pages of typewritten paper and number seventy-five amendments. Somo of the changes are Im material, but fjnltn a number of Improve ments aro noted In tho altered charter. For Instance, railroads will bo compelled to re pair 1,200 foot of viaduct approaches In stead of 800 feet. This will mnko the re pairs to the L street viaduct fall entirely upon the railroads Instead of partially on tho city, as at present. It Is understood that tho railroad companies agreed to this proposition nnd further nssorted that no fight would bo made. The city Ih to bo di vided Into six wards, and councllmon nro to be elected by wards, instead of at large, as was nt first propoied. It was agreed to elim inate the excise board nnd leave the control of tho flro nnd police departments In tho honds of tho mayor. In the matter of Im peaching an olllceholdcr, tho provision al lowing seven freeholders to bring charges was cut out. A pari: commission composed of Ave members will be appointed by tho Judges of tho district-court In cose tho char ter goes through. Mr. Johnston Is of tho opinion thnt there will be no general elec tion lu tho spring. I'reimrliiK tor Klrotlim. Next Tuesday ovonlng the members of the republican city central committee, will meet nt the office of A. H. Mtmlock 111 tho Olasgow block, for tho purpose of making some arrangements for the spring election. Four members of tho council nnd threo members of tho Hoard of Education nro to he elected In tho spring. Unless tho char ter provides otherwise four councllmon will bo elected by wards In April, but the nominees for members of the Hoard of Education aro voted on nt large. Unless signs change materially within n fow days C. C. Clifton will bo nominated by tho republicans from tho First ward nnd without doubt I'ntrlck Tralnor will again go before his constituents In the Third ward for ro-cloctlon. As Fltle Is now located In Lincoln1, ho will not again bo a candtdato, so tho Second ward will bo left open for somo good republican. It will bo the rame in the Fourth ward. Johnston's term expires, nnd although ho Is a democrat, It will tako a very popular republican to beat him In caso he "decides to stand for a ro-cloctlon. As for members of the Hoard of Educa tion, the republicans hope to elect threo members to replnce those whoso terms ex pire It will not bo a hard matter to do this, as Roberts and Hrcnnan nro classed as obstructionists, while Loechnor Is, to a great extent, with tho administration. It Is asserted that nctihcr Roberts or nrennan has n ghost of a show, but Locchncr can, It Is said, be re-elected If ho wnnts to enter tho race. By nominat ing good men tho republicans can easily elect three members and thus again secure control of the board, which has been demo cratic for somo tlmo past. Will buy n, brand new upriabt olano, fully guaranteed, with an ltnt tlrapo ana stool to matali, at the small payment of Ji.00 down and $1.00 per WMk, New HTEINWAT. VOSE BTKQER, EMER80N, IVERS AND POND, BTECK, A. B. CHASE AND PACKARD FIANOS, sold on flC monthly payments, at special prices all during thin month. New planoa fot rent. Expert tuning- and repairing promptly don. Self Playing Pianolas old on easy payments. Catalogues, prion and terms furnishes on appli cation. SCHKOLLER ft MUELLER, Tho OUt Reliable I'lnno llotua, plU Kiurnnm Street CUT Uroadrvar. Counelt Ti. laaa. Sn Cnmpnuy Extension. Local Manager Davis of the Omaha Gas company Is planning for Improvements and extensions to be made In tho spring. Al ready about two mllcB of mains nro contem plated and moro may be laid if the business demands It. Pipe has been ordered for two miles of extension and as soon an tho weather will permit the work of Increasing tho service In South. Omaha will be com menced. Now mains will be laid on these streets: Q street, between Twentieth and Twenty- first; on Twenty-first, from Q to S: on S street, between Twentieth nnd Twenty-first; on M street, from Fifteenth to Eighteenth streets; on Fifteenth street, between Mis souri nvenue and N: on Sixteenth street, botween Missouri nvenuo and M street; on E street, from Twenty-seventh to Twenty eighth street, and on Twenty-eighth street, between D and F streets; on M, from Twen ty. Becond to Twenty-fourth street; on Twenty-seventh, from C to D street, and on D between Twenty-sixth nnd Twenty-sev enth streets; on F, from Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth, nnd on Twenty-third, be tween A and n streets. It is tho Intention of the company to also extend Its mnlns Into Corrigan addition. At tho present time the mains stop nt Thirty third nnd Q streets, but the plan Is to carry gas to all parts of Corrigan addition, as this section ts filling up rapidly with home owners. .io,uoo ci.oTii a si rrixu ptritcii ash. Ileiijiinilii nml Cnsiinry (In Iiltltxntlott) 7i!i"i mill 7SI7 llriiniHrnj, .. Y. SELLS STOCK. SOLI) TO BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. ON SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25. Ucnjamln &. Co. aro known nil over the United States to bo one of tho finest manu facturers of ladles' suits and skirts. On account of litigation their; entlro stock was sold at less than halt its actual value. YOUR OPPORTUNITY MONDAY to secure the materials for fine suits, skirts, Jackets or capes at LESS THAN HALF ACTUAL VALUE. As this stock consists of the finest Im ported cheviots, homespuns, plaids, broad cloths, Venetians, zlbelencs, vicunas, ker seys, beavers, oxfords, casslmeres, ploues, clay worsteds, serges and golf skirtings. Alto nn Immenso lot of silks and satins suitable for linings. Remember this snlo Leglns Monday, Feb ruary 25, at DOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Ilrandels & Sons, Proprietors. All tJone Hxhiiuated. Our women renders will bo Interested to know that overy copy of the February De lineator has been sold, nnd that 499,740 copies were printed. While It Is Impossible to obtain a February number now, the March number will be Issued within a few days. Wanted, a trained nurse to tako chargo of a sanitarium; must havo experience, a good education and good business ability. Ad dress J CD, care Hco office. Sam'l Burns' discount salo now going on. Ten per cont off everything. Entire stock of ladles' and men'H finest shoes at leas than half prlci SATURDAY rather than move tho stock to mnko way to mechnnlcs. Wo will offer tho highest grades In tho store nt much less than you aro forced to pay for the ordinary elsewhere. MEN'S SHOES Box onlf, vlcl kid stylish shoes, nil widths nnd sizes -j worth up to $4 salo price ...Jl0 LADIES' SHOES Swell patent leathers worth ;3.f0 and $4.00 -4 f Q go nt la VO MEN'S SHOES Rex calf all -4 sizes worth $3 salo prlco . ...100 LADIES' SHOES Welts and turns-high grade stylish footwear vul- fy fQ lies up to $6 salo prlco AiVO MEN'S SHOES Finest English onamel finest patent leathers $5, nnd $7 shoes to go nt .,, Misses' and children's high grado foot wear less than half prlco. 298 Wrlslit Won't WiirU. Joe Wright, colored, has boen sentenced to thirty day an the rock pile for steal ing a set of harness. Wright won't work nnd he told the Judgo as much when sen tence was Imposed. Yesterday tho pris oner was loaded with n ball and chain and tnken to tho rock pile, but he sat around as If nothing was doing and nbsp lutely refused to lift his hand. Ho evi dently thinks that the city proposes to allow him to spend his days In idleness, but Judge King hair the last think coming In this case. The Judge says that when Wright don't work he gets no credit on tho thirty days' sentence. Further, commenc ing today, Mr. Wright will be fed ex clusively on bread and water until ho deigns to nperato a sledgehammer In ac cordance with the Ideas of Special Officer Wolfe, who has charge of tho chain gang. Celebrate III Nutnl rinjr. On Mouday evening South Omaha lodgo No. 148. Independent -Order of Odd Fol lows, will celebrate the sixty-ninth anni versary of Its oldest member, Hon. David Anderson, with n social and fraternal re union. Following the reception will come n muslcale and n banquet. Mr. AnderRon, or "Uncle Dave," as he Is called by those who know him well, will relate his expe riences In tho west In early days and dwell particularly on tho founding of the first Odd Fellows' lodge In Nebraska. V, J. Etter. past master of the lodge, will act on toaatmastor, and It Is expected that all of tho old-timers In Omaha and South Omaha will bo present. Wo Inquest '.Needed. Coroner Swnnson has decided that no Innuest will be held In the ca6o of L. Wll Hams, who died from tho effects of a blow delivered by nccldent nt the Ham mond Packing house about two weeks ago. After fully Inquiring Into tho affair, Mr. Swanson Is of tho opinion that an Inquest will only be an unnecessary cxpenBo on the county. Williams will be burled to day. Mawln City tlolp. Mrs. Frank Clnrk, wlfo of Street Comls sinner Clark. Is 111. Members of tha Home Circle cluh have decided to discontinue meetings through Lent. Mrs. B. J. Corrigan will be burled at S o'ciock this morning in rt. .Mary a reme tcrv. Robert Wilcox of Idn Grove. Ia passed n portion or inn ween nero visiting reia IIVHH. There was n meniltiir of the Anti-Saloon league at the Younx Men'H Christian as sociation nwnis iiini mmiinK. The schools, banks, city ofllres nnd nost office were closed yesterday on account of It being wasningian h mrtnuay. The nodv of Clifford, son of Georso Pres son. Fortieth and H streets, wna sent to Elliott, la,, yesioruay ior uurini. Mrs. Younir, wife of Senator Young of Stanton, iset., nua Mrs. uieHiin, wire or Senator Oleaon of Winner, have been KUeata .1.1. 1. ..f Mr. 11 T.- XVII..,.- nil nicn u. U.IBI m, ii iibw, THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO., Great Rebuilding Sale, IRK! DOUGLAS ST., Snerraiart to Tho IIaitp. Our Methods are practical, progressive and permanent. Alt our dentiits aro graduates and experienced. All work first class. Gold Cromi yft.on IleM Teeth gH.OO Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 DoiiR.UHSt. TESLA'S FIRST MESSAGE FROAl MARS. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. INCOnPOPATED 21,000 OFFICES IN AMERICA, CABLE SE RVICB TO ALL THE WORLD. THOS. T. ECKERT, President nnd General Manager. Receivers No. Tlmo Filed. Check. 1209. 11. C Collect. SEND the following message subject to the c l Tt t orvt terms on tho bnck hereof. rCD. Zl, JUJ. To Nicola Tesla, Earth: Please tell J. L. Brandcis & Sons to save us 100 of those all wool black clay worsted suits they are selling at $5. They are the biggest bargain we ever heard of, MARS. DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SAPOLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. lnEir 13 Sample rlAY UENS Lines 13 Men's and Boys' Clothing The greufest snlo vor known in t ho history of tho groat clothing bnsinoss. Ovof H.OOO garments bought nt 25c on dollar. Snlo begins Saturday, February and continues until all nro sold Kvorything marked at prices that will sell. WF'Uj HELP YUU SAVIO .M OX ICY YOU'LL HIOLP US OA IN SPACE FOR OUR NEW SPKINO STOCK. AHKIV1XO DAILY ?7.r0 to .?") men's sample coats and vests, for 2.S)r. Tho coats are made in round and square sack styles, also frocks, sizes M to .10, mostly .'it, H5, (!, IV.) , -10, .12, and '11 sizes., made from tlnost worsteds, cassnneros and cheviots. Men's $'.) black worsted suits, all reg ular sizes, for .'!.7fi. . Men's 8.50 lino all wool cussiinerc suits, early spring weights, at o.75. Men's !" stout and slim suits, serges, worsteds anil cassimeres, sizes .'?(! to -1(5, ft iiini .i-..iu in .jiu.Hii line Nanipi; m j suits ot worsteds and cheviots, all regular sizes, to -12. at .".()(). Boys' 2.00 and $l)M line sample pants, sizes 2S to .'52, waist sizes, for Ml 'Joe and si. HO. Men's :i and $f extra line sample pants, mostly small and larg'e sizes such as .'It. 512, X, 3S, JO, .12, -11, -IS. and S30 waist sizes, salo price, $l.f0. Boys' 2.r0 to .") double breasted and vestee iiiee pants suits, sizes I! to J(5 years, on sale at Kc, 1.45 and ?2.m. "ill f 7 . ' i! t at 3.00. iV A fv km Ml ii in i i nt r'l Win, HAYDE BROS Reduoed Rates to thi WEST THE AMERICAN SUMMERLAND $25.00 TO Reduced Rates to the WEST S23 to Ogdin Salt Like Buttt and Helena SEATTLE CALIFORNIA S28 To Portland SpoUns Tieomt and Seattlo Via S.r.OAe, PBUTTE . Gtf pj 6ALT LAKE CITY titirrJl u ft- ? jfjf , J LINCOLN ttiAViJ,woilTM THE OriLY LOS ANGELES SAN DIEQO THE UNION PACIFIC DIRECT LINE TICKETS ON 8AL BACH TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY, MARCH AND APRIL. AT New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam, Tel. 316, or Union Station, 10th and Marcy, Tel. 629 Low Rates and Northwest February 19 and 26. March 5, 12, 19 and 26. To Ogden. Salt Lako City, Butte, Hele na, Anaconda, and MlHsoula To San Francisco, Loa Angeles, Sacra mento, San .Toso ami many other Cal Ifornia point $23 $25 To all points on tlm Northern Pacific Tl.v. woHt of MlRKoula. Including Spo kane, Seattle, Taeoiua, Portland, an well ns Vancouver and Victoria, II. C. To all points ou the O. R. & N. Co.'s lines, on the Spokane Kails & North ern Uy. and the Washington &. Col uuihla It. It $28 $28 TloKeta at IS02 Farnam St. and at Burlington Stallon, Tenth ontt Mason St. J. FRANCIS, Oeneral Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nob. All-Tore-Up The Carpenters The Painters The Phirxvbers The Employes All trying to see who can make the most noise while the great transformation act is going on on the third floor, mak ing (he best cloak store m the west bette?', more room, more cloaks, all aboutinafezo days. In the meantime the business goes on just the same. Come irv ervd mix up with the crowd. i i BHfl HAYDENs HAYDEN 5 Great Lenten Fish Sal. New No. 1 Lako Huron Whlto Fish, 10c rotiuil. New Bay City Whlto KIsh, 7c pound, Largo Irish Mackerel, ICo pound. Largo Norway Mackerel. 16e pound. Nice Family Mackerel, K'c pound. New Labrador Herring, 6c pound. Dried Fruit Specials New York Kvaporatcd Applet), 8 l-3c. California Kvaporated 1'eaclies, 8 l-3c. Imported French l'lums, 12V4c. Nectarines, 12tSc. One pound packugo Seeded Halslns, l'2'.ic Kvaporated lllackberrles, 8 l-3c. Italian Prunes, 3ie. Four Crown Itatslns, 10c. A 10c enn Kaglo Lyo, Cc. 3 caken Friend's Soap, fie. 3-pound can California Tears, "lie (only two cans to a customer. Specials in Cheese Pineapple Cheese, Robert Norton's, 10c. New York Whlto (Herkimer), 36c. McLarn's Imperial, cluh slzo, 13c. A fancy Full Crram, yellow, I2(jc. Kudd's American Club House, 18c. Coffee Sale Choice Drink Santos Coffee, only 15c. l'eabcrry Santos Coffco, only l"V4c. Fine Oolden Hlo Coffee, only 20c. Family Special Java and Mocha, 2."c. Old Gov. Java and Mocha, 3Dc, or threo pounds for $1.00. New Season Tea Sittings, 20c. Fancy Knglish Breakfast, 35c. Ilaxket Fired Japan, 45c. Choice Gunpowder Tea, 45c. Ceylon, Young Hyson und Oolong, 4Sc. Special Candy Sale Cream Wafers, 20c pound. Chocolato Creams, ICo pound. Wo will mako any hind ot candy to order on short notice. Meats and Chickens 5 pound pall Ilcct Lard, 4Sc. 10 pound pall Best Lard, !4c. No. 1 Cnlfornla Hams, "Vie. New Frankfurt Sausage, "Vic Fancy Strip Ilacon. 12'jc Boneless Cottago Hams, 10c Tickled 1'lRH Foot, f.c. Special Jewelry Sale IloRers' 12-dwt. Knives nnd Forks on sal. Saturday at 12.50 per set. Hogors Tea Spoons, 4Do and 69o sot. nogors' Table Spoons, 08c sot. Oood silver plated Tablo Spoon., lOo each: Tea Spoons, 5c. Silver plated Hon Hons, 25o each. "5c Scissors for 25c; 35c Scissors for 10c. Saturday Specials Best Brush Binding, 10c quality for Co yard. ' Best quality Waterproof Binding, lOo goods for Cc. Now Belts, tho only stylo for tho coming season. Grand Ribbon salo Saturday. Great Shoe Sale Saturday Infants' fine 50c Kid Moccasins, slies I to 4, 21c. Child's fine 65c soft sole Kid Shoes, sizes 1 to 4, 39c. Women's 45c Croquet Rubbers, sizes 3 to 8, 23c. Child's 75c Kid Button Shoes, sizes 2 to 6, 49c. Women's tine $2.50 Tlcl kla Laco Shoes, sizes 2H to 8, $1.23. Boys' lino $1.35 satin calf Laco Shoes, sizes U to 2, !IRc. Men's line $3.50 kangaroo welt sole Laco Shoes, 6 to 11, $1.90. MlBses' fine $1.75 kid Lace Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, 'JSc. Women's flno $4.00 vlcl kid welt solo Laco Shes, 3 to S, $1.98. Men's 12.50 satin calf kid lined Lace Shoes, G to 10, $1.48. A Big Purchase of Fine Black Silks. Wo bought tho entire stock of Mack Silks o' ono of tho best known eastern jobbers. This stock com prises some of tho nnost Black Silks that nro mado nnd will enablo us to offer you tho greatest bargains In Black Silk. Monday la tho dny. See Sunday papers for particulars. HAYDEN BROS mm nnut maim 1 Registered A. Mayer Co. nci: nun.mNo, OMAHA, NEB. DO YOUR FEET. PER SPIRE IN WINTER? RE-NO - MAY pink pownriu not only relieves, but positively curei nil diseases of tho feet nnd hands, blops odorous perspiration cured tani der and swollen feet. Endorsed and MISS A. MAYER: In reply to your note I am pleased to say that the tender nd perspiring feet are things ot the pant. About two or three applications of your powder relieved thorn entirely. I ta core than glad to recommend the use of your powder to my friends. Very respectfully, IJR. E. C. HENRY. RE-NO-MA WHITE POWDER removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields are required. PRICE 50 CENTS Nolil Hvrryn liens A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. CONSULTATION VMZK I HOM U to A. When ordering by mall add 6 cents for postage. Satisfactorily Explained. "This," (mid the clerk, "Is n most wondor ful tmlr renowpr. lfn our OWN PHK.I'Alt ATIO.V " "Well, kIvd inn u Imttlo," said tho tiiild-hcndrd num. "Hut, nay, come to think of It, why don't you use It? You're nrutty Imld yourself." 1 can't uko It. Yon hw, I'M the 'ItHFOHR USINO' clerk. Th 'utter usIiik" clo.k Is nt lunch. Yo.i should HUB HIM." HIIICKMAN'8 HITTKIl AI'I'I.i: IIAH'. TONIC In so satisfactory to those who use it that It ts a mutter of little moment to them whether the man who sold It to them Is tho "before" or "nfior" uslnsr clerk, Tho uso of HlTTICft API'LU HAirt TON I P. tonetber with LAVKNDKH HUAMI'OO C'UEAM Is uniformly siicceiisful Iti erndl cntlnt,' (landrurr kcnplnR the cnlp In " bealthy condition promntlnu the nrowth of hair preventltiff Its fulllnu and maklni; It soft und 'uxurtunt In fii)pcarnce Sherman& McGonneli OrogGo. H. W. fur. 10th Hint Undue. niPAN'3 TAUU1.E8 la an effectual cur for the Ills which orlftnat In a bad rtom acta. 10 for Sc. At all drUKilsti. JOHN HOSIER knows ii fjooi tlilnt,'-fi few days hro n asked us what whh bmhI for chapped hands and naturally w roi-onunended Egyptian Lotus Cream. I to bounhl a bot tle anil Inst jiIhIU rntno In to thank us, "Why," said lie, ".My hands wcru hh rough as a pleeo of siind paner. but look nt 'em now. smooth und soft and not a particle sort". It's tho ilnet preparation I ever usel and you bet I'll recommend It to my friends. CrmnrrU Kidney Cure 76u Ilrnmo Uulnlno iBo 1 a in. "J-arnlii Qalnlne Cnpanles 7u 1 i!o. it-uriiln ttalnhin Capaulea 10,, 1 tins, n-arrnln (inlnlne Cnpanlea J On Knffr's Mult Wkitalcejr H6o Lotus Cream l(fa l'nltie's Celerr Compnnnd 73o Wine of Cnrilnl 7no I'lerrc' l'resorlptlon 7au HrnlC Eninlnlon 7Bo Oiioiuiilalon , 70l) Co I in foot Kipftolorant Pnlnio Tnlilvla n White Hlbhiiu IteinedK H. S. S. r Multetl Milk 40o, 7ne. Mil. is Plukham'a Componnd ' - obnAcrcn druggist . W. Car. lQtb mm 4 CkuaLo ats. 1 i