Tift-: OMAHA DAILY JM3E: TI'UDAY, IMSWiTAHY 2,'3, mOK KENNEDY TO BE TRIED AGAIN Jurj Diugreoi in Becond Trial of Famom Now York Cue. FOR MURDER OF DOLLY REYNOLDS Afler Tnenty-Tliree Hour Mie 1'ore mnii Sny He (.'uiihoI p I'rr- tinileil from II Im I'ihIIIiiii for Conviction, NEW YOltK, Feb. 22. Tho Jury In tho second trlivl of Dr. Siimuol J. Kennedy, under Indictment for tho murder of Dolly Reynolds, today (Unagreed nnd the ncctised In again In the Tombs, In tho cell formerly occupied by Ilolnnd 1). Mollneau.x. Tho Jury enmo In Ht 2X, They had been out twenty-threo hours nnd flvo minutes, Imd been up practically nil night nnd wero bo tired that several of them wero hardly nolo to walk. The forcmani Jnmcs Klaber, replied to tho usual questions: "I can spenk for my self only. I am unnblo to apeak for the other. I cannot be persuaded from my position." The foreman's Htntnmcnt was taken as benrlng out rumors that (he Jury had been eleven for acquittal nnd ono for conviction. Judgo firman discharged tho Jury with a warning not to dlscloso what had hap pened In tho Jury room. Mr. Mclntyre then arose nnd on behalf of the people, announced that Dr. Ken nedy would havo to stand for another arid a third trial. Justice Firman's warning stopped tho usual sources of Information ns to the bsllols taken by tho Jury, but there Is good authority for tho statement that tlje Jury took many ballots nnd stood nil night eight to four for conviction; that on the last ballot ono Jurymnn went over to Dr. Kennedy's eldo nnd that tho result was n final voto of seven to five for conviction. MrS Mclntyro snld that nfter tho trial that any motion to admit Kennedy to ball would hp opposed by the district nttor-ney. HIS LESSON IN LEGERDEMAIN, Ariiij- ClerU'n I'reeorloim Sun Co men Out Winner In Denioiintrn-tliin. T. r. Mahoney, chief transportation clerk, U. S. A., has recently acquired the art of palming, and tnkca groat pleasuro In ex ercising his new accomplishment. It Is suld that ho can mako a silver dollar disappear with wonderful facility. Thursday, pre paratory to practicing It upon his 14-ycar-old son, Iloljcrl, ho stealthily dropped a coin In tho boy's coat pocket, nnd then tho demands of business temporarily diverted his attention from tbo Incident. It w3 ncarjy an hour later when he was nt leisure to return to the subject of palm Inn. Taking another dollar from his pocket be colled tho youth to him. , "flob," ho said. "Do you sen this dollar"1 Itoh Bald- ho could seo n dollar ns far as anyone' of hi.? ago, "Well, now watch mo make It disappear." Tho senior Mnhoney went through with a few wlerd, Hermuncsquo p.-.sscs und the dollar was gone. Tho other seemed not a little mystified. "Now, you'll find It In your coat pocket," said the juggler. "Not on your facial expression." "Hot you tho price of a pair of Bkntes." Tho wager was made, nnd tho father felt for tho coin. It wnsn't there, "Oh, you mean that dollar?" the lad asked with bland Innocence. "Why, me and Troup's kbl blew that In an hour .ngojtor cartridges." ; ':.:. "Troup's kid" Is Hob's chum. FIRE ALARMS COME FAST Department Cnlleil Out Three Time Within tin Hour nnil n llnlf. Threo llro alarms wero turned In yesterday morning between 8:30 and 10 o'clock. Nono of tho blazes amounted to much, nil hav ing been extinguished In tholr 'luclplcncy and before tho arrival of tho engines. Tho first was In a ticket broKef's blllco op South Tenth street occupied by William Vouwlo. Tho blazo woh started from a de fective chimney nnd tbo ilomtige was slight. A half hour later a blaze was discovered In tho' residence of Herbert A. Uoud, 307 North Twenty-fifth street. The flames re sulted from tho cureless handling of a can dle, which. Isnlteil n lace curtain. The dam age was nominal. The third flro occurred nt tho resldenco'of WlnfleJd S. Wcslej'. 2CfiH4 Douglas street. A defective gas grnto started tho blaze, but It was extinguished without dlfllculty. The damago was about $25, covered by Insurance. DECLARE AGAINST MOBS Clllsena of Wlclilto llrmilvi' tluit Tliey l)o .Not Wont Any .More Violence, WICHITA, Kan., Feb. 22. At a largo mass meeting this afternoon resolutions wore submitted declaring against mob violence In nny direction nnd urging tho mayor to prevent nny breach of the pencoj asking the sheriff to co-operate and pledg ing the services of tho business men of the city In maintaining order, Spoeches wero made by Judge J. 1). Wall, ex-Senator nentley. Itev. A. E. Dubbcr and others. Tho Women's Christian Tem perance union Is holding a prayer meeting nt another hall. Itev. W, E. Gibbon of the naptlst church announced that ho will not participate as n minister in law-enforcing proceedings, but will vote against saloons. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Sm Psc-Slstlle Wrapper Btlow. to taJLe mm smfax. FOR HEADACHE. CARTER'S imt I US FIR IIUINESS. FOR IIUOUINESS. D FOR TORPID LIVER, ef FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR THE COMPLEXION Mmvim uwanuiiaTu. IIIIII1IHUIIIW.SU1 SHAMROCK II IS A SMOOTH UNE Thine Who llnre .Seen It- Hull Con sider It n tlrent I'leee of Me till Work. GLASGOW, Feb. 22. Those who have been permitted to Inspect the hull of the Shamrock It consider Its construction tbus far to bo ono of tho finest pieces of metal work ever turned out In this country. Tho wholo framework- Is composed of bulbed nickel steel, light In sections, but spaced po closely that there nro upward of sixty frames on each side of the keel where the great weight of the lead will be most foil and under tho chain plates, whero the strain of the mainstays are severe. The frames are supplemented by many cross ties so placed as to distribute the strain over a large area. SHOOT IN A DRIVING SNOW .sto'rni Interfere with Three F.vciitn In the Totiriifiittrnt nl Hot flirltiK. HOT 8PHIN08, Ark., Feb. 22.-A driving snowstorm greeted the shooters nt the tournnment. At llrst the event wns n tnlss-aud-out nf fair, In which twenty shooters took part. Tbo pigeons rose well, but the conditions were bad. The contest nnrrnwed down to half n dozen nfter the twelfth bird, which Crosby lost dead out of bounds. After the sixteenth bird Gilbert. Slab, Fanning nnd IlelkfH divided the money. The seven-bird event resulted In u clear score for Fanning. Hleh', I'armelee. Hlnb, Hurtislde. Crosby, Gilbert. Miiokle, llobett son, Ilidkes, Vnmpey nnd Hodges. Untie nmnn, Kimball, Doty and Norton each loht ono denil out or bounds.' The Inst event was nt ten blhls. nt which twenty-three shooters took n band. First money wns won by Jlurnalde, "Tramp" Irwin, Slab. Crosby, Fanning, Gilbert. I'nrmelee, Kimball, Helkes, Ingriibnm. Nor ton, Little, Collins. Parker nnd llogitrdtis each losing ono bird out of bo.inils, WESTERN LEAGUE PROBLEM Slom City .Miiy lime Fnlleti Dovtii on II lrooxl t Ion, Snj l'resl ilent lllckey. CURE SICK HEADACHE. ST. JOSEPH, Mo Feb. 22.-(Speclnl Tele gram.) Regarding the statement iiubllsbed today that Sioux City might not get the last club of the Western league President Thomas J. Hlckey, spenklng of his olllclul action, nnld: ,"Hulen was In Sioux City Wednesday nnd wired mo Inte In the ufternoon that every thing wns nil tight there nml conveying the Intelligence that Slnjx City had conformed to the requirements of thp league. Ah we had ileln.vi'd the matter so long I decided to place thrf Pueblo franchise In that city, nnd such action was taken. From lluten's stale nient to the Associated Press I nm led to believe that tbo Sioux City fnns havo fallen down on their undertaking. If such Is the enso our decision placing the franchise there will bo rescinded and another disposi tion will be made of It. I have received no Mich news from either llulen or Sioux City, however." IN LIEU OF THE BIG FIGHT Sn'iiK-i'fe AxKoelntloii of Cltiolniiiitl Conduct lletielll Klitertnliiiiieiit ivlth Profltiihle Itesulln. CINCINNATI, Feb. 22.-In place of tho .leffrlcs-Unhlln fight last Friday night n benefit was given here tonight to the Snen gerfest Athletic association. The highest prices paid' for seats were $230, paid by Mayor Julius Flelschmaun, nml $100 paid bv Mnnnger Wlllluni A. Ilrndy. Muslo bail wns crowded nnd the entertainment netted over $3.00;), . Among tho attractions on tho program wns 1111 exhibition of boxing by Champion Jeffries nnd 'his brother. It wns found tluit no boxing or wrestling events of nny kind could be given In Music bull tinder the terms of the Springer donation, ho that the Jeffries brothers could only make their bows nnd retire, while the German singing societies und others 'proceeded with their parts. M0RNINGSTAR STILL ON TOP rent lllllliirillut I, mil Slen.lj Y'o'iiiik Clin mil 11 11 hy n itnther .iirrov Mnrulii. N'PV YOIUC. Feb. 2.-Tho usual crowd packed Maurice Daly's academy tonight to witness tho llfth series of sou points In the Mnrnliigstnr-lIowlHon billiard match, for n stukO of ' $300. The yo.tng Cnnndlan, Howl son. was tho Hint to get tho balls rolling well nnd 11 tun of forty-nine, accompanied Jiv brilliant n'1-round playing resulted In Ills twentieth Inning. Hut Momlngstar wns equal to tho call nnd enmo back with 11 cluster of seventy-eight buttons two turns Inter, llowlsun played much tho steadier cnnie. but tho scoro was: Mornlngstnr. S00; .WKIIwSo-n. M "ate! HULEN BALKS ON TRANSFER Slon Clly Mint Millie Heller Offer or He Will ot I'lny There. PCKHLO. Colo.. Feb. :2.-Wliltnm Hulen. manager of tho Pueblo Hnse Hall club of tho Western league, has returned from Hloux City. He said that, notwithstanding tho reports to tho contrary, ho hud not entered Into 1111 agreement to transfer his club to Sioux City. "Nor will I do so," he added, "unless they come up with 1111 offer better than has been made so far. It looks verv much ns If tho team would stay In Puebio or Colo rndo Springs." SHOOTS AS HIS FATHER SHOT You 11 b Unrolil .Money of Oiikliinil, S. .1., Wliia Amnlenr Chnmploii- hlp of America. nM.?WJY8RI'f:i Feb- Sa-Harold .Money of Oakland. N. J., a member of the Carteret mm uiufi ot uaruen city, K 1., nnd the youngest son of Captain A. W. Money, the veteran trap shootor. won tho amateur pigeon shooting chnmplonshlp of America from 11 field of seventeen contestants 'on the Carteret Gun cIiiIi'h grounds today, with a score of S3 kills out of a possible 1W. Interiintlniinl Chesa Tournament. MONTE CXHLO, Feb. 22.-JanowskI was n winner once more today In tho twelfth round of the International cboss' tourna ment, dfentlng Scblechter, hls-closest rival, Jnnowskt s score now Is nine games won and two lost, while that of Scblechter Is ejsht games won nnd three and one-half lost. Marshall had an easy victory over Iteggio, while .Marco won from Gunsberg. hen the noon adjournment wns taken tho games between Hlackburn und.Tscblgorin und .Mioses nnd Behove were unllnlshed. Sickness prevented Wlnnwer from playing today and Dldler, who was to have met hlni, profited by forfeit. Grniul Jaliiml Hhonta Well, OHAND ISLAND. Neb., Feb. 22.-(8peclal Telegrnm,)-Nortli Platte nnd Grand Island Gun clubs bad the third of n series of shoots Bt llvo birds, ten birds to each man, this afternoon. Grand Island won, Kl to 87 There wero eloven men on" each team! Grand Island won the other contests, this making tho third straight defeat for North Plntte. High scores were mode by Niels Melson, Gus Glade and Henry Slevers of Grand Island, und F, J. Costlu of North Plutte. Tbo winning club wns bannueted by the losers tonight. ' Woiiilwiiril & .Slnuikllii Snle Clone. LEXINGTON, K.v Fob. 22.-Todny wns the closing day of tho Woodward & Shank I'V, eulcH- My. b. m 11 years old. by Allaeuntra. dam Lucia, sold for $310 to J. L. Druln of Hnrdstown, Ky, Premier CouraliiHr Kvenf, LIVEIU'OOL. Feb. 22.ln the- annual coursing race for the Waterloo flip, run at Altyear today. J, . Ulbby's Peer esi Footsteps won. There were slxty-four Henlh of III. He,, )litr, lleaaoiilea. INDIANAPOLIS, Feb, 22. Ht. Hev. Mgr. Uessonles died today nt tie residence of nlshop Clmtnrd of tho Catholic diocese of Indians, whero he had. made his home for years, lie was one of the best" known Catholic clergymen In the west. Ho wns' born In Alsac, France, In 1815. and labored among the Indians In this Btate for ten years, He was vicar general of the dloceso and In 18S4 Pope Leo XIII named him Koman prelate. Ills diamond Jubilee, or sixtieth annlereary 'of his elevation to the" priesthood was celebrated bero uno year ago today by prominent clergymen from all parts of the country, Foreign Ministers Get Menage to That Effect from the Ptnce Oommisiion. TEXT ALONE IS THE MISSING FACTOR On 1 11 K to eiv Voir Oelehrntlona Tel eicrrtiihlc Coitiiiimileiitlnii I" .HT for 11 Wl-eU I'linlaliinentn Itoiinil to Come. PEKIN, Feb. 22. The foreign ministers this morning received n message from tho Chinese peaco commissioners saying tho edicts regarding tho punishments, tire ces sation of examinations and the responsi bility of tho viceroys and governors hove been signed, but the text has not yet ar rived. Owing to the Chinese new year celebrations many of the telegraphic offices aro closed until next week. ALL INTERESTS ARE GUARDED Condition on Which KnRllah lleeelve Chlneae Itnlluny Millie I'lilille. PEKIN, Feb. 22. Among the provUlooi of tho convention under which tho Ilrltlsh assume control of tho Shan Hal Kwan rail road, tho transfer of which wns "begun yes terday and Is to be completed February 2S, Is nn agreement that, In caso special o'r cumstnnccs, such ns tho withdrawal nf troops on the conclusion of pence, shall' cause great demands on tho railway, the regulation of tho order In which the various contingents shall be accommodated shall not bo left to the railway administration, but the decision shall rest with Herman army hedaquarters In the event of the Ilrltlsh military au thorities handing over the railway to the civil authorities, It Is provided that the former shall retain n general supervision of traffic on tho IJne while tho occupation of tho provlnco of Chi LI lasts, and tho military directorate shall consist of n Ilrlt lsh director nnd two deputy directors, re spectively Gorman and Japanese, and the latter ot whom shall hnve chargo of all military affairs. The Ilrltlsh agrco to pay the Russians, Germans nnd Jnpancso for telegraphic and other improvements on the pro'perty Tho Russians will probably band over the Shan Hal Kwan-New Chwang railway to tho Chinese in August. Tho question Is who shall guard the line. POSTPONES THE EXPEDITION niapiiti'li Itecelveil In Ilerlln An iinnnuea Cliiinge In Count AVnlderaee'a Pinna. BERLIN, Feb. 22. It Is announced In a dispatch from Pckln, dated February 21, that Count von Wnldersco has postponed tho expedition ho planned, ns China has conceded tho demands of the powers for tho punishment of guilty officials. Footnote of History, Chicago Tribune: "Your majesty," said his spiritual adviser, respectfully, yet with the boldness belonging of right to his high office, "It Is my solemn duty to tell you that your majosty has sinned In taking another wife." ,"I will ntone!" exclaimed King Henry VIII, deeply penitent. And ho sent out orders nt onco for the destruction of nnothor monastery. Nnea for 11 n Riirlilnm. LONDON. Feb. ' 22. Proceedings hnvp been started In behalf of Viscount Hlnton. who nt one time played nn organ In Lopdon, streets, (o eject tho yoltthful Earl Poulett from Hlnton houso, pending the trial of tho question of his right to the earldom. An Injunction will bo asked for to restrain tho presont occupant of tho family estates from using the title of Earl Poulott. t, St. I.nnla Tnkra n llnllilny. ' ST. LOUIS, Feb. 22. Washington's birth day wns generally observed today. Tho Merchants, Stock and Cotton exchanges nnd tho banks aro closed. Yesterday tho pub lic schools held approprlutQ. exorcises and today observed tho anniversary by, taking a holiday. Two ChlenKO l'rlnterlea. CHICAGO, Feb. 22. Clara F. Bass' six story building at Dearborn and Hnrrlson Rtreetn horned tonleht. Lohh. SIM 000. Tlio principal tenants Wero tho Tltman Printing company anu me v. m. uoucrtson printing company.' .Mortality Stntlslli-s. The followlnir death und births ir reported to the city health comlssloner for tile iweniy-iuur nuura riming ui noon Friday: Death J. II. Low, COS North Seventeenth,' nfjed 60. Ulrths Thomas Gllmore, 1122 South Thir teenth, girl: Henry Wernicke. 823 South Twenty-third, boy; John Kean, 2C20 Hurdette, girl. . BEWARE THE NORTHWESTERS The Weather Milker Intlmnfea That lie Will Mix Them with I'nlr Sklea. ' WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. Weather, fore cast: ' ' , .Nebraska, Ipwa, N,orth and ' South Dakota and Kansas Fair Saturday; and probably Sunday; northwesterly 'winds. Illinois, Missouri and Indiana Fair Saturday and probably Sunday. Colorado and Wyoming Generally fair Saturday aud Sunday except snov in mountain districts; ca?t to northeast winds. ' Montana Fair Saturday and Sunday; va riable winds. Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Arkansas Fair Saturday and Sunday; northerly winds. I.oenl Iteroril. OFFICE OF TUB WKATHEH BUREAU, OMAHA, Feb. 22. Omaha record of temper uture and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the Inst three years! 1901, 1900. 1899. 1898. Maximum temperature,... 2S 42 31 4i Minimum temperature 6 17 2 20 Mean temperature H - 30 18 xi Preclpltntlon 00 00 . 02 no Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this dny anil since Mnrch 1. 1900: Normal temperature 27 Deficiency for the day jj Total excess nlnce Mnrch 1, 1900, Ijflj Normal preclpltntlon n.1 Inch Deficiency for the day Ot Inch Total since March l.... 31,19 Inches Excess since Mnrch 1. 1900 08 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1900 t.OOInchcR Deficiency for cor. period, 199.... 4.9) Indies Ileunrta from Mtntloiia nt 7 1', M, STATIONS AND STATE OF WKATHUH. -.2 3f 3 ; c -i ! " c c t B Omaha, clear .? North Platte, clmir Cheyenne, clear ,.. Bait Lake, partly cloudy;,. Rapid City, clenr Huron, partly cloudy,,.,,,. Wllllston, snowing Chiciie'o, clear ', St, Louis, oleur ;. St. Puul. snowing ,, Davenport, clear Kansas City, clear Helena, clenr Havre, clear , Illsniiirck, cloudy ,,,, Galveston, raining 20 23 Ifl 2ti, HI 1K HI 16 18 2.' I! ISI 12 41 is! 101 10 121 MH .00 -I .IK) 101 10 ,00 0i 70i .04 T Indicates trace of precipitation. - Xer.i , , I- A. WELSH. Local Forecast Oiflclal. HONORABLE GEO. P. BE A FEW PROMINENT OMAHA PEOPLE WHO PRAISE DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR: lion. A. U. Wyman, Kx-trensurer of tho I'nIUd States, Hon. W. A. Paxlon, President Yards Co. Union Stock Hon. A. S. Churchill, Ex-Atlorney-Genernl Rev. Chas. W. SavhUjc, Author of "Tim Wity Mndi. I'luln. ' N. J. Smith, Founder ot "Rescue Home." Chas. D. Thompson, Prop, Chus D. Thomp son Advertising Agency George lleimrod, Ex-Treasurer ot Douglas County. OMAHA'S MOST POPULAR MAYOR STRONGLY RECOMMENDS the remedies which Omaha's nnd Lincoln's prominent nnd Influential men unite In praising, When such words ns the following come from such a mnii, rea sonable doubt vanishes. It Is complete Irrefutable proof that our remedies must be nnd must do Just what wo claim them to be nnd to do. Mayor llemls writes: "I take pleasure in rt'ooiiniiumliny 1 he virtues of t lie remedies prepared by t lie Dr. It. J. Ka.v Medical Co. Uaviu; known of some reinarltable cures in Omalia people effected by the use of Dr. Kay's Kenovator and Dr. Kay's Lunij; Halm. 1 believe tlulf. these real reme dies are worthy of the confidence of the public." These remedies have made an .enviable record here in Omaha and some of the cures effected by their use have actually approached the miraculous! (!eo. V. Ilervey. Agricultural Hditor of the Omaha World-Herald was cured by the use oT Dr. Kny's, Kenovator of one of the worst forms of dyspepsia after sull'ering untold agony and receiv ing no benefit from of Nebraska's best physicians and scores of patent medicines. In the face of such proof no Xebraskan can help being convinced. iio.v. ii:o. P. IIKMIS, Otmthu, Neb., Kx-Mnyor of the city of Omaha. He has been Interested In real ostnto for over thirty venrs, which Is lotiKcr th.tu any other person in the city, lie was inaor from to IsiHj, Mr. llemls has been promt' neittly liletitllled III the proRress nnd growth of the cltj. lie Is now dolUB n lnrito renl estate, loaning nnd lire Insurance busluenH mill is one of the most reliable denlers In his lino liuslness. A FEW PROMINENT OMAHA PEOPLE WHO PRAISE DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR. lion. VV. J. Council, Kx-CoiiKressmnn. Hon. J. C. Smyth, i:-Attorney-Ocnernl. Hon. T. S. Clarkson, Lnto Postmaster. Hon. J. 0. Yciscr, Kx-Member of Leglslaturo Bccchcr lllghy, Onutlm i:-Clty Clerk. City Comp'lr Wcstbcrg. W. R. Roberts, For years Cashier of Clt Uens' Hank Rev. Mary A. Mills, The Noted V. ungellst Kay's Renovator La Grippe quickly cured by taking Dr. Kny's Luiik llnlm freely. It Is prevented by tnklnK Dr. Kay's Hcnovntor I'recly. Cures Constipation, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, SprltiK Diseases, and all or ganic troubles I1UCAUSB Dr. Kay's Hcnovntor, Is tho perfect concentration of nl the properties pronounced best and most widely used as correctors of or Ranlc disorders by every leading hospltnl nnd well known mcdlcnl expert. It clears tho bowels of every particle of foreign and decomposed mnttcr, restores the entire glandular system to Its natural action, tones up the stomach, strengthens tho kidneys, stimulates tho liver and vitalizes and revivifies tho wholo body. Its remarkable Invlgor-otlng Influence braces every nerve, thrills ovcry vein with rich, red rushing blood, builds up II nu flesh nnd vigorous muscle, sharpens your nppetito, fills you with bounding vigor aud glorious health and makes Dr. Kay's Kenovator THE UNEQUALED SPRING MEDICINE. Spring Ills No person con afford to neglect to renovntn bis sys tem In- spring. Dr. Kny's Hcnovntor Invigorates nnd renovntes perfectly. DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR Cost 2J cents for n box of 85 doses, 0 cents for n box of S3 doses, Lnrge liquid, $1. They aro easily swallowed, pleasant, palatable tablets, which net persunslvely nnd gently, but nlwnys effectively on the bowels. Never weaken of sicken, but correct nil troubles of tho stoniuoh, liver nnd bowels. No remedy made cures constipation with s little "fuss" ns Dr. Kny's Henovntor. HKUrJ'H PROOF: W It. Roberts, for years Cashier of the Citizen's ltank of Omnba' (nfter telling of his wonderful euro of dyspepsia) writes: "I found Dr. Kny's Itenovntor Tnblets most plensnnt, with no griping. Ono 15-cent box will convlnco anyone that they surpass tho wholo Iralu of pill h nnd cathartics usually tnken." "tUlIP HAS ,OW TAK 13 X OX A. CXMIS'PAKAllIiY VIUUI.KXT OIIAIIACTHII." IMHorlnl X. V. llernlil. La (iripps Itnges Over tho Entire Country! Dr. Kay's Lung Balm POSITIVELY CUIIES La Grippe! Ono doso Bhouhl bo taken every half hour until 6 or 8 doses, unless sooner rellovod. Dr. Kay's Renovator ALWAYS PREVENTS La Grippe's Torrlblo Aftor Effects! WE, GIVE YOU FREE ADVICE. "Write us all about, your symptoms and our physician will gladly send you personal advice Free of Charge, lie willVlso send you Sample of the remedy and J)r. Kay's Home Treatment, a valuable Boole of treatment of diseaW's, Free. Do not take si substitute no matter who 'fells, you some other remqdy is just as good. Insist upoutrying J)r. Ka3''s Kenovator. It has no equal. If you can't get it at druggists, send the price direct to the Dr. It. j. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, X. Y., and it will be sent prepaid by mail. Dr. Kay's Keno vator: is sold Tablets 25c, 50c and Liquid 1.00. At Druggists. DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. MOORE Cigar Costs the smoker 10c; 2 for 25c; 15c; according to size. "America's Favorite" because of its superior quality. Always uniform. TOM h. h. tlruce & Co., tatrlbnliir. Omnlin, Neb, HONOR COUNTRY'S JATHER Pnlille , Holniaitl"4! ' .y'eleVli'n ihiil .SelioolN In . lilrliuo Nllli ( nerve tli Day, , CHICAGO, Kcb. 12, In accordance with a tlmo-honored custom, Wnshlneton's birth day was commemorated by tho Union League club today by two events ''n't the Auditorium. To completo tho day's pro gram the club will rIvo n banquet t the Auditorium tonight, The Marntiette club will also Klve a dinner during thp ovenltiK, ilurlns w:hlclpnpproprlato speeches 'will he made. Celebrations hold during the day, or scheduled for tho night, by otber clubs and organizations were numerous. Hanks, railroad otrices, the Hoard ofTrade,, t,he Stock exchange anil the majority of the schools wero closed. Addresses wero mndo at the University of Chicagp.Biul at .North western university, Kvnns'i'on. Klvo thou sand children crowded Into the Auditorium durfng tho forenoon, a special program havjng been arronged;for tfienu Th'e ovent of the day was tho big afternoon meeting at the Auditorium, at htch Frederick Har rison, the famous Engllib author nnd philosophical critic, was the chief speaker, ibis topic being "fleorgo Washington." I The railroad offices closed at 1 p. m., hav ing signed n petition to do so, which was, circulated by the Canadian I'acltlc and the , Grand Trunk railways, FIRE RECORD. 1, It fry Hum lit .MfCiiol.', I MO'COOK, Neb., Feb, 22, (Special Tele ' gram.) Joseph S, Mcllrnyer's large llvury Laru and most of Its contents were burned tonight about 10:30 o'clock. Ten horses, , buggies, hnrueBS and two complete house moving outfits wero consumed, The build ing wns owned by J. K. Seeley of Tough , koepsle, N. V. 'Tjio loss is $2,000; Insuranco, $1,000. The contents were insured fcr $2,00). ' which will cover tho entire loss, NERVITA PILLS Reilore Vitality, Lost Vizor and Manhood Cure impolency. .Night Etnilon9, Loss of Mem- nil olfoctsot tclf.ahuse or I excop.t nnd liuliscrction. SAME 3HAPL QUALITIES A nerva tonlo and hlnrid llllltrlnr. TIilr 'tho liluli clow to pule 60 PILLS 50 CTS. Creinuery mill I'rmliiee lliilldlou". Sri'KIUOH, Neb., Feb. 22. (Special Tele I gram.) Guthrie HroV. creamery building I nml the structure of tho Hennlngsen I'ro- duce company wero destroyed by (Ire this afternoon. Guthrie Hros'. lots is $3,000, with no Iniurance. The Ilenulngsen Pro jduce company loses $1,200, do Insurance. cboeks niiiT tettores the 3.0O, with our bankablo K-auraiitnntn.i,i or refund the rnonoy paid. Hem) for circular I and c-pyof our bankablo guarnnto lxnd. Nervita Tablets m," itei,low label) Immediate Results Positively giuriinteed euro for Kom of Power arlcoceln, UndoToloped or Blirunlton Organs, larel. Ixioiiiotor Ataxlu, Nervous I'rmtin. t on, HyeUirla. '(u. Insanity. Paralynln and tlio Ileiults of LicbIvo Use of Tobscco, Opium ir Liquor. Bv roall in iiinln pnnknge. 31.00 u I box, e for $0.00 with our bankable iruar ntee bond to cure in UO daya or rofund money pid. Addres NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A- Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, IU For aale by Kuhn St Co., lBth aud Uouglai Mt flirt n nu Muk nAn u rt...i. f.ri..n filuffi, Iowa. 1111139 mi 11 A M f3. If. n FEMALE BEANS WW R. M W V l iHiuriurunKcii.tii-.r, nlntlnslo mai-i lellereil 4 n rw ily l.U) it Sherman A. McConncil and Kulm 4s Co, druvitli'ti "SmTZnr-a t; C H K j all Kidney ""M'" III l)I.MH. II ml,. nelie, etc. At irus kM, or oj mall, ft I'Vro book. 00 I Vl0, etc.) ol Or, U. J. lUy, fiura--a, H, tj Kldneycura. i