8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: EltJDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Strong at First but Forced Down. Lator is NOMINALLY ACTIVE TRADE IN CORN Uata Are Sternly nnil I'nlrly Flnericrtlo, Closing- n Slmdo HIrIici. Prn Tlnlona Open I'lrni, lint Drop Off I.nter. CHICAGO, Fob. 21. Wheat wns strong arly today, but was forced down later and May closed at Ufl'ic lower. Com closed HQUo and oats a shade higher, Provisions closed a shade to 6'j7V4c depressed, Wheat opened strong, May c higher nt 76j07ftic, Liverpool and Antwerp both lending encouroKoment In ndvanres equal to tha bulao Jiero yesterday. Reports of u brighter export outlook were not substan tiated, however, and this was a factor In the closing decline. At tho opening offer ings wcro light and It took no great nmount of buying to send tho morkct from 76Mc, which It touched early, to 7CHc. Lorn? wheat camo out freely and tho market dropped to 75c. Covering because or tint holiday tomorrow caused a reaction to .6 C7C!ic, hut reneweil prcssurn forced tho market back to 75Hc, and tho close was easy, May UftNc lower nt 1o3tf. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour were equal to 269.0W bit. 1'rlmary receipts were 430.WO bu. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 351 cars, nealnst 311 last week, while local fresh ar rivals wcro 45 cars, one of contract grade. The crop was reported In good condition, olthough lacking snow condition In many areas. Tbero was a fairly active trade In corn and the market for that cereal ruled strong. Country offerings were light, nnd to tho small contract stocks tho day's fresh arriv als added but little. Firm cables added to tho bullishness of the situation. The com mission houso demand was persistent, out side orders predominating. Toward tho end of the session thero was somo liquidation to even up, pending the holiday tomorrow, but thn close was strong. May sold be tween 40y,'if40c and 414c and closed HSlMc higher at Hit ISe. Hecelpts wcro 272 cars, Oats wero steady and fairly active. May old between W,'n'2jo and 2jTic and closed a. shade higher at MHOfisaie. Hecelpts wcro 183 cars. Provisions opened llrm becausu of strength In tho hog market and In sym pathy with wheat nnd corn, but dropped off later becausu of thu dullness of trade, May pork sold between S14.17H and $14.05 and closed MtVAc lower nt 114.05: May lard be tween $7.65 nnd J7.K5, closing a shudo down ut $7.G2',4, and May ribs between $7.0o 7.07W and $7.10, with tho closo dopresEed at $7.07. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 41 cars; corn, 3S5 cars; oats, 205 cars; Iiol'J, E9.000 head. The lending futures rnnged ns follows: Arttcles. Open.j Illgh.j Low. Close.l Ycs'y. Wheat Feb. Mch. May Mch. May Outs Feb. May Tork Feb. May Lard Mch. May July Itllu Fob. May Sept. 74H 73ft74 73Tlf74 74S 74, 74 4CH74 tV 76U0 7H4 75 'Mi 39 39H 39 3SH 40tt?t 41ft lOtti 40iH!i ..... 21Wfl4 2u?i'S?i 25U 155404 25hW- 13 90 'ii'iin 'iivijj ii'od" os 7 47(4 7 C5 7 65 7 0 7 B2W 7 57ii 7 02 7 10 7 10 7 03 7 07V4 7 20 7 22 7 20 7 20 74U 74 ro av 40H 24H 25H 13 SIV4 14 12 7 DO 7 55 7 60 7 05 7 10 7 22 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: FLOUR Dull and steady: winter patents, K.WMW, strnlghts, $3.20B3.G0; clears, J2.C0 413.30; spring specials, $l.20il!.30; patents, J3.5Mf3.70; straights, $3.00(33.30; bakers, $2.20 -2. 50. WHEAT-No, 3 spring, C9S'73o; No. 2 red, 75a7Gc. CORN No. 2. 39io: No. 2 yellow. 39ic OATS No. 2, 25141i-6c: No. 2 white, 27 e28Hc; No. 3 white, 27Utf2Sc. ItVK-No. 2. 52c. I1AHLBY Fair to choice malting. 52iff59c. HEEDS-No. 1 flax, Sl.62iTl.Cl: No. 1 north-m-stern. $1.85. Prlmo timothy, $1.40. .Clover, contract grade. $11. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $13.90 013.95. Lard, per 100 lbs., $7.45ff7.47. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.007.20. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), J6.25tj6.50. Short clear Bides (boxed). $7.4007.0). WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.27. SUGARS Cut loaf, 0.29c; granulated, C.72c; confectlonejs' A, 6.59c; oft A, 5.42c. Tho following aro tho receipts, and ship ments today: Articles. Hecelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 21,000 61.000 Whent, bu 2,000 03.000 Corn, bu 231.000 133,000 Oats, bu, 241,000 220,000 Ityc. bu 5,000 1,000 Barley, bu !. 21,000 13,000 On tho Produce nxchango today the but tcr market was octlvo; creameries, 14Jf22c; dairies, 10018c. Cheese, fairly actlvo at 10VilJ'U?ic. Ecgs, ncticvo; fresh, lCc. N15W YOniC tiENEIl.YI. MARKET Quotation of thn l)ny on Varloua Com modifies. NEW YORK, Feb. 21. FLOUR-Recelpts. 24,09 bbls.: exports, 8,839 bbls.; dull and about steady; winter straights, $3.45(83.50; Minnesota patents, J1.104.30; Minnesota bakers, $3,W(f3.35; winter patents, S3.K5 4.00; winter extras. $2.5002.83; winter low grades, $2.4502-00. Rye Hour, qulpt: fair to good. S2.801iM.15: choice to fancv. S3.204J3.55. Buckwheat Hour, quiet nt $2.1002.16. BUCKWIIBAT-Dull at 004jU2c, c. 1. f., New York. CORNMBAL Dull; yellow western, 90c; olly.Jllc: Hriindywlne, $2.4002.43. RY Steady; No, 2 western, Glc, f. o. b., afloat; state, 60(&57e, c. I. f., carlots. HARLEY-DulI; feeding, 48061c, c. 1. f New York: malting, GUTCSc. HARLEY MALT Dull: western. 63072c. Wll BAT Receipts, 40.S00 bu.; exports, 6,993 bu. Spot, quiet; No. 2 red, SOOiC f. o. b., aflont; No. 2 rod, 79V4c, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 87Vc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Duluth, 91c, f. o. b., attoat, Optlnna opened firm on better cnbles than iwpocted, ndvancod a llttlo on covering, but finally recede finder an adjustment of long ac counts for tho holiday, supplemented by sninll seaboard clearances and a light ex port demand. Closed easy, Oc net de cline. March. 79U079c: closed, 79c: May, 79 9-16OS0Hc; closed, 80c; July, 79?iUS0 l-10c; closed. 79c. CORN Receipts, 153.070 bu.; exports. 111,. 232 hu. Spot, firm; No. 2, 49c, olovator, nnd 47!4c, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened firm on a good speculative demand and ruled generally steady all day. helped liy export rumors, firmer cnbles, small receipts nnd covering. Closed steady at Vic net advance. March, 46OW&o! closed, 45c; July. 45V40 46 11-lBo: closed, 45c. OATS Hecelpts, 37,800 bu.; exports, 11.631 bu Spot, llrmer; No. 2, 31c: No. 3, 30c; No. 3 white, 33e: No. 3 white, 32c: track mixed western, 30O3lc; track white, 31036c. Options, slow, but steady, HAY Steady, shipping, 77O0c; good to cholco, 92trtJC HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice. 100 crop. Wkifo; 1899. 11015c: old olds. 2 6c; Pacfflo Jftist. 19oO crop, 17019c; 1899. llffl 15c; old oldi, 20 Oc. HIDKS-lnrro: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs M9i WW!.1 to 13 lbs-19c: Te LBATHBR Firm; hemlock sola, lluinoa Ayres. light to hoavywelghtM, 24K2Jc: ncld 23Ufl34Wc, " TALLOW' Quiet; city ($2 per pkg.), 4ic; countjry (pkgs. froe), 4405Uc. n.uui iijcbb. ucei nums, 1a uOir 19.00: packet, $9,50010.59; extra IndH mesa. $11.00016.00. Cut moats, steady; pickled bel lies, $7.tO0.60; plckleil shoulders, $0,000 6.25; pickled hams'. $9.0000.50. Lard, dull; western steamed, $7,00: refined, quiet; con ttnent, $7.90: South America, $7.75: com pound. $5.5005.63. Pork, stendy; family. fi5.0O515.M; short clear, JI4.75016.f3o: mess $14.00914.75. RICE Steady: domestic, fair to extra, 3fi Bt'TTl-;R-Rocelit8. 3.780 pkgs.; strong; fresh creamery, li5i23c; Juno creamery, 150 joui luuuiry, lo.ff'ioc. CUKESE-Recelpts, 15.850 pkgs.: large, fall made. 110llc: small, fall made, 12c. EOaS Rocelpts, 9,005 pkgs.; easy; south ern, at mark. 17c. POTATOES Steady; Jerseys. $1.2501.75; New York. $l.60Ol 75; lne Island, $1,500 Jfrty ivcih, I.TydZ.OO. PBANM;Ti3-8toady; fancy hand-picked, 741Lill llllllll ullllluaiK;, DC, , POL'LTRY Alive. lrriculnr! tnvclm. 10Un Dressed, dull nnd weak: turkeys. n011e: rouNiuiK ufiit'Kciin. p'liii'c; inwis, METALS A falrlv actlvn IiiikImpx wn noted for plff tin In tho local market nnd a steady undertone prevailed throughout the session, inougn prices wero not materially changed Sales of cighty-flvo tons spot, February and March, were mucin at f-i with tbi tlnnl quotations on tho basis of $26.90027,00 and tone steudy. At London an advanco of 12s 6d to 123 10s was recortixl for spot and futures at 117 10s. Copper remains dull and nominally quoted at $17 for Iako Superior and $1.62 for easting and electrolytic. The close at 1ondon was wrnk nt 71 for spot nnd 71 lis 3d for fu tjres. Lead nnd spelter both were Innctlve and quoted nt the close $l.370 3.97 and $1.02, respectively. Domestic iron market! were ngnin without change, with n ten dency, however, toward lower values. Prices at tho close were; Pig Iron warrants, $9,500 10.50; northern foundrv, $15.uuOlt;&0; south ern foundry, $14.6001f.7oi soft southern, $13.00 015.75. At Olasgow Iron wnrrants closed at 64s 5d and at Mlddlesboroligh 46s 3d. O.M.tll.l WIIOLKMAI.t MARKETS. Condition of Trndi- nnd Clnotntlnnn on Mnplc mill I'nnr)- Proiliicr, EGOS Receipts Increasing; good stock WAV Mr. , LIVE POl'LTRY liens, 7c: young, staggy and old roosters. 3ifGc; ducks, 6 0'7c; gecsn, OV77c: turkeys, 7i7c. FRESH DRESSED POl'LTRY-ltens. 8c; roosters, 4ffGe; ducks, 809c; geese, 809c; turkeys. Off 10c. OAME-Mallard ducks, per doz., $3,610 3.50; teal, $1.5001.75; mixed, $1.5901.: Jack rnhults. $i.2,Vfi.M: cottontails, McOJl.10. BUTTER Common to fair, 12c; choice, 13014c; separator, 22c. FRESH OYSTERS First grade, solid packed. New York counts, per can, 3Sc; ex tra selects. 32c; standards, 25c; medium, 20c. Second grndo. slack filled, New York counts, per can. 3oc; extra selects, 20c; standards, 20c; bulk standnrds, per gal., $1.25. FROZEN FRESH FISH-Black bass, 10c; whlto bass.viOc; bitiellsit, lie; bullheads, 10c; blue fins, "c; catHsh, 12c; cod, 'Jc; cropple, lw; clscoes, 8c; hallbit, 11c: herring, 4J 6c; haddock, 9c; mackerel, 20c; nerch, 5'' 7c: pickerel, 7c; Pike, 0c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 14c; minllili, Ec; smelts, trout, 10c; whlteflsh. 8c. PIGEONS- Live, per doz., $1. VEALS-Chofce, OfllOc. HAY- Prlco quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Cholen .inlnn.1 $S.60; No. 1 tiplnnd, $8; medium, $7.50; coarse. i. Rye straw, $5.50. Theso Drlces aro for nay 01 gooti co:or anu duality. iem,ml fair. N,o cholco hoy on tho market. Re ceipts. 4 cars. OATS-No. 3 whlto, 27c, CORN-No. 3, 32c. BRAN-$.'I.50. VEGETABLES. SPINACH-Per bu. box, 90cO$1.00. I'fCl'.MBBRS Hot house, tier dor... 11. M 2.00. lis to slzo. PARSNIPS -Per. bu.. 6O0. TI'RNIPS-Pcr bu. basket, 40c. BEETS- Per bu., 40c. CARRUTS-Pcr 1)11.. 40u. LETT! 'CE Per bu. 40S5c RADISIIES-Per doz.. Sac. PAHSI.EY-Per doz., .TV POTATOES Per bit.. OMT.'uV" THnlin bu wic. ' " ' " " ia - I IJU & U 1 IIIJ1., 4m, CABBAOIC Holland soed. lWliMc. TOMATOES ''allfornla. nor n. ONMONS-Native. per bu.. $1; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c. i tii.i'iin i niiiornia, as to, size, 60075c; Knlatnazon, 15020.:. CAULIFLOWER California, tier rrntn $3. BEANS Wax, per bu., $3.60; string, per 1)11., $3.23. EGO PLANTS Per bu. box, $3. PEPPERS-Pcr bu. box, $2.50. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per qt.. 40o. unrtrr.ii maiaga APPLES Per bu. box. Sl.GO. CRANBERRIBS-Boll nnd Buglo. $9 per bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl,, $8.50; per crate, $3.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California seedlings, $2.001t !.25; navels, $2.7503.25. LEMONS California, extra fnnrv choice. $2.75. BANANAS Per bunch, according to Blze. $2.0002.60, FIUS California, new enrtons, 75c; lay ers, 05c: Imported, per lb., 13015c. DATES Persian, In CO-lb. boxes, S'llrs, fa per lb.; Halloween, 6c per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. , HIDES No. 1 green, 6c: No. 2 green, 6c: No. 1 saUod, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veoi calf, S to 12 lbs., Sc; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 -basket aga, per keg. $0.6003.00. bbl., $1; Washington, per ius., w; ury niuos, tyuc; snccp pelts, 25M 7oc; horso hides, $l.h0O2.25. NUTS English walnuts, per lb.. 13c; HI hfrts. nor ill.. 13,-; nltnnnrl nnf is idAri. raw peanuts, per lb., 505c; roasted, 6ii 7c: Brazils, 13c; pecans, 10O12c; cocoanuts, cuch 4e. SWEET CIDER Per bbl., $4,50; per bbl., $2.7.. HONEY Colorado, per 24-sectlon case, $1. .St, I.ouln Urn 1 11 mill Prorlslona, ST. LOUIS, FJb. 21. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 72ftc: track. 76 Wic: Mav. r.SlirilHc: Julv. 727An; n'o. hard, 71072c. corn I'lrni: No. 2 ensh. 39c; track, S9c; May, :o; July, 39tc OATS-FIrm: No. 2 cash. 26c; track, 260 20Jic; May, 20Hc; July, 25o; No. 2 whlKe, ISc. ItYE Steady nt 62c. FLOUR Slow but flrmir! natmif trSM 3.. 5; extra fancy and straight, $3.2003.40; clear. $2.7002.90: low grades, $2.2002.50. SEEDS Timothy, steady at $1,250-1.40 for ayerago receipts; prlmo worth $4.65; flax, higher nt $1.60. CORNMBAL Steady at $2.05. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 74c. HAY Timothy. $9.00012.00: nralrle. ntpnriv at $3,600.25. WHIHlvY $1.27. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.20. HEMP TWINE 9c. BAGGING 7074c. PROVISIONS-Pork. stnrtvt Inhhln. $14.60. Lard, lower at $7.22. Dry fait meats, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts, $7.12; cleur ribs. $7.25; clear sides, $7.37. Bacon, steady: boxed lots, extra shorts. .u,-;3, v.,.-.,, mud, o.i.72i cieur Blues, METALS Tad: Steady at $4.2204.25. Spelter: Dull at $3.8003.82. POULTRY I'Trmor: phlnlcenn 7ff?i7Un. keys. 607c: ducks, 9c; geese, 6.05c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 10O22o: dairy. 13017c. i:t,(.:s Higher at 16c. RECEIPTS Flour. 5.000 bbls whnt. 97 . 0d) bu.: com. 00,000 bu,; oats. 40.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 12.000 bbls uht 47,000 bu.; corn, 02.W) bu.; oats, 26.000 bu. Liverpool Oral 11 ami Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 21 WIIRAT-Snnt dull; No. 2 red western winter, esllUd; No. 1 Callfomln, 6s 2d; No. 1 northern' spring, fja 2d. Futures, firm; March, 5s llftd; May, Gs cl. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new. 3sl0id; American mixed, old, 3s lld. Fu. JulyS,3s10d,: JIarch 38l0J; Ma''' 3s9?d; 1 ,tuXIS'PNfr"Veer' cnsy: extra India mess, 02s 3d. Pork, easy; prime mess west ern, C3s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., firm. 44s 9d. Bacon, quiet; Cumberland cut, 20 to 20 lbs., 44s 3d; short ribs. 16 to 24 lbs., firm, 42a; long clear mlddlos, heavv, firm, 41s 6d; short clear backs, dull. SSs3d; clear bellies, quiet, 41s. Shoulders square, steady, 11 to 13 lbs., 37s 3d. Lard quiet: prlmo western steamed, 38s Cd: Amerlcnn refined, In palls, qulot, 33s Gd. i-i,o uiuuuun, quiei, b9 ad. J.l?ArM Lonao (PaclHc coast), steady, 4ff5 15b FLOUP.-St. Louis fancy winter, steady, ds Od. BUTTER Dull; finest United States, 90s: good United States, 76s. CHEESE Oulot: American fir.pnt whit, 50s; American finest colored, 61s. lALLuiv-rnmo city, quiet, 23s 3d: Aus trallau, In London, easy, 27j. Kiiiinnm City tirnlu nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 21. WHEAT May, 0GTiO67c; cash, No. 2 hard. 6309c; No. 3. 676c; No, 2 red, 70071c; No. 3, 67C9c. CORN May, .WiWT'ic; cash, No. 2 mixed, 3Gc; No. 2 white, 37',o: No. 3, 37c, OATS No. 2 white, 27c. RYE No. 2, 49c. HAY Cholco timothy, $10.60; choice prairie. $8.5009.00. . BUTTER-Creamery, 17020c; dairy, fanoy, 16c. 1 EGGS Higher; fresh Missouri and Kan 8bb stock, llc dozen, loss' off, canes re turned; now whltewood cases Included, c nioro. t RECEIPTS-Wheat. 46,100. bu.; corn, 35,200 bu.: oats, 8.000 bu. - SHIPMENTS-Wheat, G7.20O bu.; corn, 19,200 bu.; oats, 7,000 bu. Phllnilf-liililit lluttrr nnil Ktsgm. PHILADELPHIA, 'Feb. 21. BUTTER Firm: prints, Ol0 higher; fancy western creamery, 23c; fanoy western prints, 23c; fancy nenrby prints, 25c. EGGS Firm, 2o higher; fresh nearby, 19c; fresh western, 19c; fresh southwestern, 19c; fresh southern, 17c. ' CHEESE-Stendy; New York full creams, fancy small. lBic; tCw York full creams, fair to choice, 10Oll?c Tolrilo (irnlii 11 ml Seed. TOLEDO, O.. Feb. 21.-WHEAT-Actlve and lower: cash, 79o: May. Sic; July, 79o. CORN-Qulet and llrm; cash, 40tfc; May, 4G'iC OATS-Stendy and dull; cash, 27c; May, " RYE-52'4e. CLOVERSEED-Actlvo and lower; 1893 prime, $6.30; March, $6.90. Mlln linker Ornln Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 21. - WHEAT - $C,!&X;'"- 1 nr'licrn, 70cj No. 2 northern, ilW73e. BARLEY-Dui:; No. 2, 5705Sc; sample, 40 Peorln Slnrkrt. PEORIA. Feb. 21.-CORN-Flrm; No. 2. !-f?TMFilr.T: N5' 2 wl,,,e' "He, track; 27tiC. billed throuKh. ' WHISKY On tho basis of $1,27 for fin ished goods, Mlniipniiolla Grain Starket. MINNBAPOLIS. Feb. 21. WHEAT Cash. 73Q7Sc; May, 74HJ4c; July, 76cj on track, No, 1 hard, 754c; No. 1 northern, 73',c; No. 2 northern. ts;o9c. FLOUR First patents, $l.uV;rl.l5: second pntonts, $3.8SO10; llrst clears, $i.9ui(;!."0; second clears, $1.9002.00, BRAN Hlgiicr; In bulk, $12.25012.50. Ilnliitli (irnln Market, , DULUTH. Feb. 21-WI1EAT-Cash, No. 1 hard. 75Uc; No. 1 northern, 73Vic; No, 3 northern, ta"or'c; May, 70l; July, 76340. CORN-37c; May, a'tc. OATS 2GUO 26c. MUVK.Mi:.T.S l. N'lOL'K.H AMI IIOMI.i. Slinrp t ptiirn In Slccl Itcili-enis Jlnr ki't from t'liltitercvlliiK l)iil(ne, NEW YORK, Feb 21. -Thu sharp upturn In tho steel stocks, which gained force rapidly toward thn close of the market, was the only thing that redeemed the market from uninteresting dullness today. Steel Plato and National Steel sluwed tho most pronounced strength In this recovery, the former rising 6. over lust night nnd the latter 4U from thei early lower point. The outstanding' short Interests, which had grown quite largo In the stocks of the steel compunles, hail 11 largo part of this nulck rally. Tho report that the so-culled Mnor properties of the steel group were standing out for a largo share in the securities of th- new company was iui Influence In thn rise, tho supposition of thu speculators being that they were likely to get whnt tli-y claimed. But thn other steel stocks were not much behind In tho movement, Fed eral Steel rallying .i'i from the low.'r point: Steel and wlro 3V nnd Tennessee Coal 3. Whether tho movements accurately forecast any act nil developments in the steul merger negotiations can on'y be told when tho results are given to the public. Details were closely guarded up to tho tlmo of the closing of the market, but It Is thu general supposition that the plan of the steel company, so far 11.1 It Is to have olll elal nnnounccment, will be given before trading Is res.imed on Monday. Actual In formation on these detnlls Is so vuguo that the shorts In the steel stocks wcro over come with timidity and hastened to close their contrncts before tho coming three holidays. The same influence was at work on other parts of the list. Weakness of the market begun to change tn recovery when support whs manifest in the steel stocks, The weakness was quite acute nt ono time, tho steel stocks leading the decline, as lliey did thn recovery, Many of the prominent railroad stocks were down between 1 nnd 2 points, tho grangers. Pacifies, Southwest ems nnd somo of tho coalers being con spicuous. B.irllngton, Kansas & Texas pre ferrcd, Erin second preferred and Rock Island were notably weak. These stocks were nil conspicuous In the rally nlso. A number of Important rnllrond stocks were lifted n point nbove last night. Thero was a very largo demand for the Southern rail way stocks and tho Wabash securities. Thero whs a vuguo expectation of somo news to come concerning the Southern rail way, but nothing definite was unnounced. Rumors to the effect that a community of Interests with tho Seaboard Air lino was contemplated met with disclaimers. The Southern railway stocks each advanced 2s. Tho continued ease of the money imir kut was an InHuencu In driving tho shorts to cover, ns It was expected that thero might bo a flurry In money Incidental to the demand to curry over until next Mon day, The bank reports gains of cash from tho Interior since last Friday nnd their ac count with tho subtreasury about balances. But tho general conviction Is that furMier largo loans have been mado In the further ance of largo financial projects and that the weekly bank statement will show a fur ther contraction of tho surplus, Tho bond market was dull and Irregular, except for an acute demand for Wabash debentures. Total sales, par value, $3,410,000. United States refunding 2s advanced nnd tho old 4.s utul Gs U per cent on tho last call. The lollowlng aro tho closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd Bnltlmoro & O. Canadian Pac. .. Canada So dies. & Ohio.... Chicago G. W... C. B. & Q Chi. Ind. ( I.... do pfd Chi. E. Ill C. & N. W C R. I. & P.... C. C. C. & St. L Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson... Dol. L. & W Denver & R. O., do pfd Crli) do 1st pfd , Gt, Nor. pfd Hocking Coal ... Hocking Valley., Illinois Central., Iowa Central .... do pfd , Lake Brio & W., do pfd Lake Shoro L. & N Manhattan L. .. Met. St, Ry Mcx. Central Minn. & St. L... do pfd Mo. Pacific Mobllo & Ohio.., M., K. & T do pfd N. J. Central .., NkY. Central ... Norfolk & W.... do pfd No. Pacific do pfd Ontario & W Ore. Ry. & Nnv do pfd Pennsylvania .... Rending do 1st pfd do 2d pfd , Rio G. W do pfd , St. L. & 8. F... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. South w... do pfd St. Paul do pfd St. P. & Omaha So. Pacific So. Railway .... do pfd Tex. & PaclHc. Union Pacific .. do pfd , 5T.T: . ss . 4W . 601,5 . 43 . 19 ,144?, . 30'i , I" .106 .171 ,12: , 75 . i' , 43 . 18U .105 .193 , 37H , 86T , 28t . 04 ,183 , m , 48 5t! 41 .144 210U1 UPfi ,118 102 1C', , 76 lOGi 86 79 19. 62j, 155 lilt? 45K' , N2ft , 82'i , 31 70 ,118 , 70T4 , 70 , 93 , 31 . 63! ,148i ,188 .12o , 44 , 75 , Pi 1 81 Wabash lG?i do pfd 30 Wheel. & L. B... 14 do 2d pfd 30 Wis. Central .... 18 Third Avenue ...120 R. & O. pfd.... SV.i National Tube .. (Mil do pfd 104 Adams Ex 150 American Bx 1S2 U. S. Bx 67 Wells-Fnrgo Ex. 138 Amer. Cot. Oil... 28 do pfd 85 Amer. Malting .. 4?i do pfd.... 22 Amer. S. & R.... 62&, do pfd 91 Amer. Spirits ... 2 do pfd 17 Amer. S. Hoop.. 2S74 do pfd St Amer. S. & W... 4S; do pfd 95 Amer. Tin Plato. 04 do pfd 9S Amer. Tobacco.. .116 do pfd 110 Anne. Mill. Co... 44 Brooklyn R. T... 75 Colo. Fuel & I... 41; Con. Tobacco .... 43U do pfd , !C Federal Steel ... 47 do pfd 81i Gen. Electrlcu...212 uiucoso augar. . . 4.?i o pro 90 Inter. Pnper 22 do pfd 71 Lacledb Gas 73 Natlonnt Biscuit. ES4 do pfd 2is National "Lead... 101, do pfd 83 National Steel .. 'G4 do pfd 9 N, Y. Air Brake.150 No, Amerlcun 224 Pacific Coast .... 62 do 1st pfd 87 do 2d pfd 62 Pacific Mall 40 Peoplo'a Gas .,..1001 Pressed S. Car... 36'i do pfd 70 Pullman P. Car.. 197 S. R. & T 4 Sugar 134 do pfd 120 Tenn, Coal & I.. 50H u. a. i.eainer ... i.'ti do pfd U. S. Rubber .. do pid Western Union Amal. Conner Republic 1. & S.. do nfd P. C. C. & St. L. 56 7442 IS'i TO 8G?i 90 11 01 Ex-dlv. and Ex-rlghts. Ex-dlv. Tho Commercial Advertiser's Ixindon financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket hero was stagnant today and tho tone was undecided on account of the lnck of any definite news from South Africa und on doubts regarding the settlement of tho Chinese troubles. Tho reduction of tho bank rate to 4 per cent has been too fully dis counted to have any effect now. In tho American department prices dwindled Idly most of tho time. Amerlcnn shares on loyed a slight spurt before tho opening In New York in tho hopo thnt Wall street would turn buyer today, hut when only sell ing orders wero cabled the London murket closed sloppy nnd dull. The bank bought 203.000 of gold bnrs. In spite of tho ex pected reduction of tho bank rate bills were 3?i per cent loduy and business was going to the bank nt 4 per cent. The bank still charges 6 per cent for loans, although the market rate Is 3?iOl per cent. The bunk statement Is very strong, showing that the government has repaid tho bank 2,250,000. The Bank of Bombay has raised Its rate from 8 to 9 per cent. Ne-ir York Money Murket. NEW YORK, Feb. 21,-MONEY-On call, easy at l;fff2 per cent; prlmo mercantile paper, 304 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Irregular, with actual business In bankers' bills nt $4,87 for domand nnd nt $1.83 for sixty days; posted rates. $4.8ti5T4.83 nnd $4.88; commer cial bills. $4.S304.83. SILVER-Certlllcatea, 62003c; bar, 61c; Mexican dollnrs, 48c. BONDS Government, strong; state, In active; railroad, irregular. Tho closing prices on bonds today are ns follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg, do coupon do 3s. rcsr do coupon uo new s, reg, do coupon .. do old 4s, reg., do coupon do Ps, T"" do Bs, coupon,. D, of C ;l 11 Atch. gen. 4s do adj. 48 Canada So. 2s.... Ches. & O. 4s... do 6s ., , C. & N. XV. c. 7a.. do S. F. deb. 69 Shlcasp Ter. 4s., olo. So. 4s D. & R G. 4s ... Brie geiieral 4s,, F. XV. & D. C. Is Oen. Electric 6s,, la. Central Is..., I,. N. unl. 4s.., M.. K. & T. 2s.,,, do. 4s 105i N. Y. C. Is lOSi N. J. C. gen. 5s,. 1104 No.- Paclllc 3s,... UO-I do 4h 13ii N Y, C & S L 4s, i,u4 in, c w. con. 48., HI Orogon Nav. Is.. 114 do 4s ' Oregon S. L. Gs.. Ill do 5s ' ' Rending gen, 4s., 103 R. o, W. Is 9i St L & I M c. 5s, 12(1 120i 110 .121 97 81 JO' St L & H F it. fl "t. Paul consols 6, P. C. & P. Is. do pfd So. PaclHc 4s So. Rnllway,5s,., S. R. & T. Gs...., Tex. & Pac. Is.. C1IA .! (I. . 83 It'nlon PaclHc 4s, lfil!Wnbash Is , 116 1 do 2s .., ini, West Shore 4s..., 77 Wis. Central 4s., 07 Va. Centuries .., 107 nt 71 104 11s 101 109 101 128 lie 93'; m 110 1:9 1S4 118 un 93 11511 im 85 105i 119 10S1A 116'4 88 95 Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gohi reserve "In the division of redemption, shows! Avnllablo cash balance, $145,238,640; gold, $76,829,707. Ilnnk Clrnrlnirn. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 21,-Clearlngs, $21.49.626: balances, $2,806,619. CHICAGO, Feb. 21.-ClearlnB, $19,914,7?5; bnlanres, $1,256,087; posted exchange, SI SSw MS; New York exchange, par. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 21 -Clearings, $6,713,22 bnlnnces, $797,653; money, 5'ttO per cut, New York exchange, par bid, 10c premium asked. CINCINNATI, Feb. 21.-Clearlngs, $3,131. 800; New York exchange, par; money, 3Q6 per cent. BALTIMORE, Feb. 21,-Clcnrlngs, $3,739. 129; bnlnnces. $122,278. BOSTON. Feb. 2i.-Clcnrlngs, $22,905,013; balances, $2,161,106. . . .... NEW YORK, Feb. 2l.-ClenrIngs, $257, 750,780; balances, $16,111,333. Huston i.1oek Oiiolnt lotm. BOSTON, Feb, 21.-Call loans, 303 per cent; titno loans, ail 1 tier ceni. umciai closing: A.. T. & S. F..a do prd Amer. Sugar .... do pfd Amer. Tel Boston Alb'v., Boston Elevated Boston a Me.... r B. ,t Q Dominion Coal.., do pfd Federal Steel .., do iifd Fltchtiurg pfd.... Gen. Electric ... do pfd Eil. Elec. til Mex. Central .... N. E. G. ,fc O Rubber Union Paclllc ... Union Land , (HI W 133 120 161W 2.VI 108 I'll II Pi .5151 47 81 112 212 Ml 245 KU 13 19 89k 3 West End 91 Westlngh. Elec. 67i Atchison 4s 101 N. B. G. & C. 5s. 0S Adventure ....... isyj Bliighani M. Co.. 18 Amul. Copper ... 9o Atlantic 2S Boston & Mont. .321 llutte ft Boston.. 81 Cnl. & llecla.... 8ft) Centennial 23?, Franklin 21 iHumboldt 60 Osceola N Parrot 4S Quincy 173 Snntn Fo-Copper 7 Tamarack 330 Utah Mlnlnir .... M Winona C Wolverines h-, Ex-dlvldcnd. London Stock Quot nt Ions. LONDON, Feb. 21.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: do account.. ';971-10 .iiciitmjii ,. m m, iTaundliin Pac... 92' si. rant ir,i Illinois Central.. 131 Louisville 93 Union Pac. iifd.. 89 N. Y. Central ...HO'.s Brio 27 do 1st pfd 6I Pennsylvania ... 16 92 Reading 15 No. pncinc pra.. ss Grand Trunk .... 6 Anaconda V,i Rand Mines 39 BAR SILVER-DjII, 28d per ounce. MONEY lfH per cent. The rate of dis count In tho open mnrket for short bills Is "KOSTi Per cent; for three months' bills, 3 03-74 per cent. Nciv York Mlnlnix Stocks. NEW YORK, Feb. 21.-The following aro quotations on mining stocks; Adams Con 23 Alice 42 Breece 150 Brunswick Con.. 45 Comstock Tun... 15 Con. Cnl. K- Vn.155 Deadwood Terra. 60 Horn Silver Its Iron Silver 05 Leadvillo Con.... 6 Little Chief Ontnrlo Ophlr Phoenix , I'otosi Savngo , Sierra Novada Small Hopes .., Standard , .. H ..700 .. 70 .. 8 .. 12 .. 10 . 25 .. (-' ..415 1'orelKii Fliuinelnl. LONDON, Feb. 21.-NotwIthstnndlng the reduction In tho Bank of England's rate of discount of from 4 to 4 per cent discounts wero llrmer toduy, This was duo to tlvo con dition of the short loan market, borrowers being entirely dependent upon tho Bank' of England. Money was In good demand. To morrow 2,Iko,(kjo will luivo to bo met on tho last exchequer bond Issue, to olfset which there was 11 distribution of 2.250,000 in tho northwestern dividends. Business on tho Stock exclmngo wus Irregular und Inac tive. Consols wero not affected by the change In tho bank rate, which was dis counted, Americans opened below parity and tho depression progressed. Now York's holiday acted as a check on business. The principal decllno was In Atchison. New lurk Central later improved nnd later closed stendy. Kaillrs were steady and quiet. The weekly statement of tho Bank of England shows tho following changes: Total reserves. Increased, 1,743.000; circu lation, decreased, 229.000; bullion, In creased, 1,514,138; other securities, in creased. 840,000; other deposits, Increased, 1,162,000; public deposits, decreased, 800, 000; notes reserve, Increased, 1718,000: gov ernment securities, decreased, 2,160,1)00. Tho proportion of tho Bank of England's reserve liability ls'62.21 per cent. Last week it was 48.90 per cent. Tho amount of bullion taken into the Bunk of England on balance today was 203,000. Spanish 4s, 71. Gold premiums nro quoted: Buenos Ayres, 130.40: Madrid. 37.35; Rome, 5.45. PARIS. Feb. 21. Transactions on tho bourse today wero restricted and prices wero firm in expectation thaftho lowering of tho English bank rate will cause n re duction of tho German bank rate. Brazil Inns nnd Pnrtugurso wcro In good demand. Do Beera were llrm. Kaffirs wcro Irregular but firmer. In nplta.of tho absence of Trnns vunl news. Tho weekly statement of tho Bank of Franco ushowtt. tho following changes: Notes In clrenlntlnn. ,ir.a. u3,4o0,000 francs; treasury, accounts current, decrease, 27.400,000 francs; gold in hand, ln crease, 3,523.000 frnncs; bills discounted, de crease, 39,875,000 francs; sllvor In hand. In crease, 2.300,000 francs. Three per cent rentes, K2f '30c for tho account; exchange on London, 25f 246 for checks; Spanish 4s, BERLIN, Feb. 2l.-Internatlonals were Arm on tho bourse today. Homo funds wero maintained nnd Canadian Pnninrn i.or.i. ened. Lpcula improved, being stimulated uy mo ueciaruiion 01 tne minister of com morco at yesterday's session of tho Diet that a committee will bo convoked to In vestigate tho need of reform In tho bourso law. Exchange on London, 20m 48pfgs. BOMBAY, Feb. 21Tho rate of discount of tho Bank of Bombay was advanced from 8 to. 9 per cent today. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK, Feb. 21.-COTTON-Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 9 5-IOc; middling gulf, 9 9-lGc: sales, 2,052 bales. Fu tures closed steady; February, 8.92c; March. 8.91c; April, 9.01c; May, 9.01c; June, 9.04c: July, 9.07c: August, 8.74c; September, 8.73c; October, 8.11c; November, 8c; December, 7.99c. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 21.-COTTON Fair demnnd: prices unchanged to l-32d higher; American middling fair, Gid; good mid dling, 5 15-32d; middling, 55-10d; low mid dling, 6d; good ordinary, 4d; ordinary, 4d. Tho sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 600 wero for speculation and ex port and Included 9,700 American; receipts, 18,000 bales, all Amerlcnn. Futures opened quiet and closed barely steady; American middling, 1. m. c, February, 5 16-64 05 17-64d, sellers: Februnry nnd Mnrch. 5 12-tHd, sell ers; March and April, 6 ll-645 12-04d, sell ers: April and May. 6 10-64d, Bellors; May and Juno. 5 8-01O5 9-G4d, buyers; Juno and July. 5 7-Gld, sellers; July nnd August, 5 5-G4d, buyors; August und September. 4 57-Gld. sellers: September, 4 57-6id, sellers; October, g. o. o 4 30-Old, nominal; October and November, 4 29-G4d, nominal. NEW ORLEANS, Fob. 21.-COTTON-Flrm; sales, 6,500 bales; ordinary, 7 l-16c; good ordinary, low middling, 8ic; mid dling. 9c; good middling. 9 7-lOc; middling fair, 9c: receipts, 3.109 bales; stock. 373,820 bales. Futures steady; February. 9.02c bid; March. 9.0709.08c; April. 9.0709.08a; May, 9.0GO9.07c: June, 9.06ft9.O7c: July, 9.00c; Au gust. 8.70i8.71c; September, S.20Q8,22c; Oc tober, 8.S708.89C. ST. LOUIS, Fob. 21.-COTTON-Qulet; middling. 9c; receipts, 2.166 bales; ship ments, 3.248 bales; stock. 73,918 bales. GALVESTON. Feb. 21,-COTTON-Quiet and steady nt 9c, WASHINGTON, Feb. 21,-Dlrcctnr Mer rlam announced today that the Census bureau Is about to publish a. bulletin show ing tho amount of cotton ginned In the United States during tho census year (crop of 1699.) Tho Information was formed upon a special schedule and has enabled tho census office to computo tho cron of 1S99 as 9.044. R.v commercial bales, umountlng to 4,672,093,600 puiinun, t-quivuient 10 n.aiD.asn uaies or un uverago weight of 600 pounds, f'nITna M,,lUl NEW YORK. Feb. 21.-COFFEE-Futuros lower under foreign belling, brought out by itiBUjuwii.wiK jurujjf uu iuurKCL news, rue lurgo crop movement and nbsencn of.publlc was active, but chiefly professional. Ne:ir Mi--vtj iiiu (iitit iw iui m-14 u. mm jj vuruur and reeaeted for tho rest of the session: imvii nuim; n niwi 1'iiicn uuuvu JUSl nlKht'H ligurwi. On tho rnlly copper Inter- w,.,v ituiii. mm uuuuni me near months. Baltltnoro shorts bought on the Int., .iilfimn, T' 1. ...... I ... . n. -, .... ,...-, , ,o iil. lim UIUHR WilU steady, with prices unchanged to 10 points net higher. Total sales reached 01,050 bags, Including: March. 5.95O6.05c: May, 5.95 6.10c: July. tf.05O6.10c: Septembor. 6.05O.16c; October, 6.05O6.1Ec: December, 6.25c. Spot, Rio. steady; No. 7 Invoice, 7Hc. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 80126, Oil nnd Itoslii. OIL CITY. Pa.. Feb. 21.-OILS-Crodlt balances. $1.28; ccrtlHcntes, sales t,m at $1.30; shipments 91,204 bbls.. average 80,765 bbls.: runs 93,239 bbls., average 82,812, LONDON. Feb. 21.-01LS-Turpontl:io spirits, 2Ss 9id. Rosin, American strained, ' LIVERPOOL. Feb..21.-OIL-Cottonseod, dull: Hull refined, spot, quiet. 19s 3d. NEW YORK. Feb. 21. OILK-Cottonneml. llrm. Petroleum, stendy, Rosin, steady; strulned, common to good, $1,65. Turpen tine, llrmer, at 4lOIU4e. Bvaiiornteil nnil llrlei Prnlla. NEW YORK. Fob. 21 EVA PORATED APPLES Caution wns used In the market owing to thn holiday ot hand nnd trading was very slow nt former prices, with the feeling no hotter than steady. The com mon was minted nt 304?ic; prime, 4ii05c; choice. 6OCe; fancy, 07c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Dull nnd featureless. Prunes were quoted at 3 8o per lb., ns to slzo and nunllty. Apri cots, Royal, 7i012c: Moor Park, 8016c. Peaches, peeled, HOISc; impeded, 6O10c, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattls Receipt! Light and fioif Steeri About Steady with Yiiterdaj, HOGS GO UP, BUT CLOSE SLOW AND WEAK Onlr n IV rr Sheep nnd Lambs Offered nnd the Prices Pnld Todny l.oolfeil Just About Stendy iTlth Ycstcrdny. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 21. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, umciai Jionday 2,615 Olflclal Tuesday 2,722 Ofllclal Wednesduy 1,753 Official Thursday 1,920 6.48S 8,819 9.3SI 8,o88 7.3U0 9.2j9 7,145 898 Four days this week,. 9,010 Same days last week.... 13,037 Samo days week before. .10,211 Sumo threo weeks ago.. 9.021 Samo tout weeks ngo. .. 9,931 Av.rnge prlco paid for hogs tor in pa.il several dayB, with comparlsonsj t 30.323 35,015 28.405 2").t)l'J 33,680 27.127 27,514 13.9'Jl 12.381 13,3' 20, Jan. 28... Jan. 29... Jan. 30... Jan. 31... Feb. 1.... Feb. 2.... Feb. 3.... Feb. 4.... Feb. 6.... Feb. 6.... Feb. 7.... Feb. 8. Feb. 9.... Feb. 10... Feb. 11... Feb. 12... Feb. 13,, . Feb. 14... Feb. 15... Feb. 16... Feb. 17... Feb. 18." Feb. 19... Feb. 20... Feb. 21... J901. 1900.1S99.1MS.1S97.1896J18M 1 6 22 R "4 6 25 5 17V4 a zz 6?oH 6 31 6 23 (i 6 21U S26H B32H 6 30W 6 25i 6 30T41 6 28tl 6 27' 5 22 5 23!, 5 32. 3 6S 4 62 4 62 3 64 4 64 3 70 4 65 3 64 3 66 4 67 3 64 3 64 4 68 3 64 3 63 4 62 3 69 3 73 3 69 3 72 4 66 3 72 4 70 3 66 4 68 3 66 3 75 4 75 3 60 3 71 4 84 3 70 3 71 4 SO 3 71 3 76 3 65 3 77 4 79 3 81 4 82 3 68 4 76 3 6 3 S3 4 75 3 68 3 89 4 83 3 68 3 89 4 76 3 68 3 84 3 52 3 871 4 83 3 91 4 78 3 60 J 4 74 3 47 3 95 3 27 3 27 3 29 3 27 3 19 3 20 3 23 3 21 3 191 I 3 23 3 27 3 3 25 3 28 3 30! 3 36 3 34 3 25 3 31 3 38 3 35 3 7 3 85 3 CO 3 08 3 64 3 65 3 68 J 76 3 82 3 96 4 01 3 90 3 69 3 75 3 86 3 82 3 75 3 79 n Mi 3 001 3 85 3 81 3 So 3 84i 3 76 3 87 3 71 4 10 3 93 3 91 3 98 4 03! 4 03l 3 98 3 93 4 001 4 01 3 93 3 69 3 84 3 891 3 93 3 95 3 92 Indicates Sunday. . Tho oillolal number of cars of utocK brought In toduy by each road was: Rooda. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. U'r's C M. & St. P. Ry 6 O. & St. U Ry 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 2 2 .. 1 Union PaclHc system.... 16 16 .. 1 C. & N. XV. Ry F B. & M. V. R. R... S. C. & P. Ry C. St. P.. M. & O. Ry, U. & M. R. R. R. C, H. & Q. Ry K. C. & 81. J C, R. I. & P., east.... C, R. I. & P., west..., Illinois Central ,16 ! 24 ! io , 8 . a . 2 . 2 . 1 . 6 16 H 20 1 4 20 8 it 93 Total receipts ' Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was as rouows, eacn buyer purcnasing uie num bcr of head Indicated: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co a, 11. Hammond Co.... Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co .-. Omaha Pack. Co., IC O R. Decker & Degan .... W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnger Livingstone & Schaller Hamilton & Rothschild L. F. Husz H. L. Dennis & Co 13. F. Hobblck A. S. Mawhlnncy Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 263 121 SOS 201 435 42 152 38 38 6 14 1 16 1 42 SO 021 931 1,562 1,103 1,876 1.804 88 100 294 2,285 Totals 1,822 6,140 CATTLE Thero was another light run of cattlo here today, but tho market was not as excited as yesterday. Beef steers of good quality, however, moved In good shapo at Just about yesterday's prices. The common and half-fat stuff was rather slow sale, but at the samo time packers bought it up at practically steady prices. Tne warmed-up cattle sold largely to feeder buyers at steady prices, as packers would not pay as mucn as tne iceaer Olivers. Although tho market was not particularly active, anything at nil deslrablo was sold In fairly good season, Tho cow market today did not begin to be as radical as It wus yesterday. Condi tions were rnther unusual yesterday, re ceipts being light and tha demand heavy enough to mako packers pay most any prlco In order to get supplies. Thero were plenty of sales that wero a quarter higher than Monday, but today they did not get ns wild. Prices today, however, can safely bo quoted 1015c higher than Monday, par ticularly on tho good stuff. Bulls, calves and stags brought right around steady prlcetfr As has been the case all the week there wero very few feeders on sale today and prices wcro good and firm. Anything at all deslrablo that has not been fed corn was picked up early nt good strong prices. Tho common kinds wero rathor slow, but about steady and tho warmed-up cuttlo bought for feeders sold in Just about yesterday's notches. She stuff and stock bulls nlso looked about steady today. Representative sales: STEERS. No. 3 1 25 1 1 12 1 1 3 10 4 1 1 8....'.. 1 8 6 29 15 1 1 l...:.. i i i 2 1 2 4 1 3 2 .... 4.'.'"!. 1 1 2 1 16 12 2 1 1 1 1 V. 1 3 4 5 6 BEEF Av. Pi. 3 ou 3 35 S 15 3 60 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 73 3 SO 3 80 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 15 ... 600 ... 900 ...1028 ... 650 ... 970 ... 878 ...1020 ... 810 ... 943 ... 922 . 800 . 850 . 997 . 850 . P86 .1240 No. 5... 17..., 37..., 16... 14... 1... 7... 19,.. 10... 16... 1... 38... 19... Av. 892 ....1274 ....1047 ....1095 ....1115 .... sa) ....1128 ....1143 ..,.1134 ....1051 ,....1220 ....11SS ....1147 ,....1138 ....1310 ...J284 ....1333 1.. 20.. 36.. STEERS TEXAS. ....89 1 4 10 21 1227 STEERS AND HEIFERS. Pr. 4 30 4 35 4 35 4 35 4 35 4 33 4 35 4 33 4 35 4 35 4 50 4 65 4 65 4 05 4 75 4 95 5 05 4 CO ...Uol 40 9. COWS. ..1221 4 45 1 1 2 . . .'.'.".. 1 7 2 V.'.'.'.'.'. 4 1 1 5 1 3 4 1 3 1 3 8 3 13 6 23 1. io'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 3!.'.'.'.'.'! 11 ... 800 ... 700 ...1010 ... 980 ... 900 ... 740 ... 830 ...1050 ... 925 ... 915 ...1000 ... 793 ... 985 ... 930 ... 880 ... 910 ...1025 . . .1000 ... 803 ... 850 ...1035 ...1270 ...1210 ... 940 ...1050 ...1160 ...1020 ...1000 ...1110 ...957 ... 982 . . . 956 ...1150 ...1220 ...1140 ...1145 ... 910 ...1190 '. . . 952 ...1005 ...1070 ...1120 .,. 900 ...1180 ...1092 ...1300 ... 90S ...1007 ...1043 ...1170 ...10) ... 923 ... 990 ...1030 ...1017 ...1080 . ..1174 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 23 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 23 2 45 2 60 2 10 2 60 2 50 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 50 2 05 2 65 2 75 2 75 2 73 2 75 2 80 2 85 2 '83 2 85 2 90 3 30 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 93 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 S 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 35 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 13 1. 3 3 f'.'.'.'.'. 1350 840 977 1370 980 1030 1020 1220 1110 1110 820 1040 1041 1260 1000 1141 1270 1120 1050 976 1135 1203 1029 .....1167 1155 1410 900 10M 1155 914 9S0 1160 2 1370 40 1108 1... 7. 1... 1... 1... 19... !!! 11... 10... 14... o 1!!! 1... 13... 41... V.'.'. 7. 4 1 8 4 3 1 , 6 18 6 10...... 13 33 , 0 1 1 1 s 17 ..1265 ...1165 ...1010 ...1131 ...1300 ...1100 ... 958 ...1200 ...1730 ...1140 ... 983 ...1055 ...130D ...1460 ...1137 .,.1300 ...!2lu ...1050 ...1WI ...103S COWS AND HEIFERS. STEERS AND COW3. . 910 4 m UElflSittt. .. 462 .. 970 ., 730 ., 760 ., 820 .. 91 .. 877 ..1000 ., 936 .. 902 ..1420 '5 3 00 3 25 3 30 3 10 3 45 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 65 1... 10.... o 3;;;'. 1.... 3.... 40.... 4.... 1.... ... 910 ... 800 ...1125 ... 910 ... 460 ...690 ...1000 ... 937 ...1170 1... 1 lllU 3 1313 2 ,.1073 1 1380 1 1400 1,,..-. 1380 1 1480 1 1450 6 1346 1 1350 1 1430 2 50 2 Sy 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 BULLS. ..1270 ..1320 1. I.. 1 1570 10 1634 1 1250 1 1310 2 1600 1610 1 1620 2 lonr, 2 1600 1 .1410 3 15 3 15 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 , 3 20 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 56 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 35 3 V, 3 35 3 35 3 40 3 40 3 45 3 45 3 15 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 55 3 55 3 65 3 m 3 60 3 00 .-. ro 3 60 3 05 3 03 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 7B 3 75 3 80 2 SO 3 80 3 85 3 SO 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 76 3 80 3 85 3 M 4 00 3 40 3 40 3 10 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 50 3 50 3 60 1 1.... 6.W.' 920 1220 1320 , 1170 , 1000 1150 , 950 2250 1515 .... .1450 ' 1630 1530 1250 280 350 270 190 250 188 105 100 130 3 IS 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 8 25 3 20 3 30 3 30 .1 ,T5 3 40 3 10 3 0 1.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1 1 1 1 CALVES, 4 60 5 IN) 5 00 5 00 5 60 r, 60 0 let li b 7A 160 1870 880 1370 1810 liV) 1650 '.1950 1600 ...1620 ...111') ... 420 ...1500 2 115 90 120 ISO 110 170 100 170 .1 55 3 65 3 55 A 60 3 60 :t w 3 3 70 3 70 3 85 3 95 4 00 4 10 0 75 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 .1270 4 00 STAGS. STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 621 . 4?0 . 743 . 550 . 470 .1040 : 6.. 2 75 2 85 3 00 3 M 3 10 .1.. 4.. 1... 3.'.".' 1... nuU 715 700 745 413 770 1... 1... 6... 6... 1... 1... 1... 3... STOCK CALVES. .. . . 20O 3 Ml ".TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ;t 05 3 15 3 25 3 60 3 50 .1 85 22. . . . 1.... 11,... 18.... 1.... 12.... 1.... 33.... 6... 1 h9i . .P0 .. 0T0 .. 898 .. 030 .. 360 .. 918 .. 513 .. 0IO .. 839 .. 890 .. 822 .. 750 .. 880 . . mis .. 630 . . 909 .. 692 000 2 ;.i in 3 00 2 f) 3 25 :i -a 3 50 3 60 3 63 3 55 3 65 3 rs 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 73 3 75 3 80 3 80 HOUS-iThere was tin .. 913 .. 89? .. H60 .. 910 .. 723 .. 723 .. 850 .. 570 ..10SO .. 020 .. 780 ..1073 .. 670 . . 830 ..1035 .. 880 .. 480 ..1127 very :t SO r. 3 9i 4 00 4 00 4 in) 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 no 4 0) 4 00 4 10 4 15 4 25 4 26 4 85 heavy 37 40 22 I 8 8 4 3 1 3 3 0 3 6 2 4 4 13 Supply Of llnim Uf fn lAilnt tstid tn iiMflf started out 2'406c higher, with tli.i bulk ?,i .ho KW at $5.32VJ and $5.33 As nicii as $5.3,1 was paid for n number of prlmo medium to heavyweights, and $5.42i, was paid for an extra cholco load weighing 401 pounds, hut tbev wero tha best load tbnt luis beon seen here In somo time. Aftor SL'VW .rcw rounds packers began to lower t,hcf. bids nnd trading enmo to a standstill. As tho morning advanced tho market kent Kettlnz worse, and on tho cIojc they wero U' if u,a''ig steany prices wltli ye.itcruay. Sellers were not willing to make th. con cessions, and as a result the last half of tho markot was very slow and dracgy. At noon thero were still sevcrnl loa.ls In first hnnds. for which packors wcro bidding wuiii nutty io w.a.'is. inn marKei us 11 WhOlo todnv nvernires 11 nh.nln stroncor than It did yesterday, with tho long string at $a.32Vi, ngalnst scninuvo salcu: $5.30 yesterday. Reprc Pr. 5 33W 5 32ij 6 32H 6 32 6 32 6 32U 6 32 6 32,4 5 221.4 6 32V4 6 32), 5 32(J 6 32t, 6 32'i 6 TM 6 .12. fi 32ft 5 ,k 6 35 6 35 6 33 5 35 5 35 6 35 5 35 6 35 6 35 5 35 6 35 6 35 6 85 5 35 6 S3 6 35 5 35 6 35 6 35 6 35 5 35 5 ?5 5 35 6 35 C 37H 11 ;ii 542U SHEEP Thero was a big decreae number of Mieep that arrived this morn ing as compared 'with yesterday's receipts, only about six cars being offered. Thero was aulto a strlnc af wethers sold that brought $4,20, which looked to bo JUst about steady, anu somo ewes aiso soiu ui sicauy prices. Taking quality Into consideration there did not seem to bo much change In cither sheep or lambs as compared with yosterday. Tho demand wns sufficient to take everything offered that was nt nil de sirable, nnd the stuff that was carried over from yesterday was also about cleaned up. Tho few feeders thnt changed hands did so on a basis uf about steudy prices. Suotattons: Choice fed wethers, $4,150 ; fair to good wethers. $1.0004.15; choice lightweight yearlings, $1.6504.75: fair to cnori vearllncs. $4.2584. 65: choice llchtweicht ewes, $3.6003.75, fair to good ewes, $3.25 2.60; cholco spring lambs, $4.8005.10; fair to poou spring lamus, ii.woi.nv; iceuer nivnn, (5.2503.50; feeder wethers, $3.S0O3.75; feeder lrjnbs, $1.00G'I.40. Representative sales; AV, IT, No. Av. ah. Pr. No. Av. Sh. 98 174 120 5 2714 47 235 80 87 189 20 fi 30 60 236 ... 64 241 40 5 30 77 210 80 67 247 SO 6 30 67 22S 40 71 214 120 6 30 72 221 ... 77. .....227 ... 6 30 in 231 SO 77 216 ... 6 30 91 209 ... 26 209 ... 5 30 73 232 ... 82 199 160 6 30 05 313 ... 69 251 120 5 30 ' 261 ... 83 200 ... 6 20 61 219 ... 91 20T. ... 6 "0 S6 192 40 85 213 40 G SO 75 219 ... 72 213 80 5 30 44 230 ... 70 204 10 5 30 40 233 40 69 261 SO B 30 60 200 ... 21 240 ... 6 .7) 73 277 SO 24 206 40 6 30 67 2S3 ... 100 158 120 b 30 78 207 40 67 257 240 6 30 48 250 ... 91 185 40 6 30 62 276 40 69 251 40 30 79 244 120 86 213 ... 6 30 63 217 ... 72 243 ... 6 32 4 70 235 ... 62 203 SO 6 S2U 85 206 ... 76 232 ... 6 32 $ 65 211 ... 69 217 ... 6 321.4 143 238 SO 80 218 ... 6 32i 73 215 ... 70 221 160 5 -124 26 220 SO 07 258 ... C 32i 67 735 ... C 235 40 5 32V4 75 213 ... SS 304 ... 5 321,4 70 219 ... 79 265 160 5 32j, 60 266 80 78 241 80 6 S2ii 19 267 ... 50 200 ... 6 225 49. ..,..375 ... 76 204 120 5 S24 69 232 SO 69 243 ... 6 32W "6 230 ... 67 243 ... 6 52U 05 248 ... 69 216 40 B32U 71 217 ... 03 289 240 5 32V4 69 247 ... 11 324 40 6 ?2'4 07 232 80 82 225 100 5 32Z 65 247 80 S6 230 120 5 3?4 75 23S ... 71 200 40 5 324 61 260 ... H .1.1 W JU 'ill. .'IkI ... II 3,V4 68 257 80 C 32V4 57 282 ... 6 374 ?R . lirt K 'Wlf re n-o r. iril 71... ".'.',240 40 5 3316 3s'.'.".!'.4oI In the No. 30 cull ewes 17 cull owes 21 cull owes 91 western ewes .... 191 western ewes .... 00 western ewes .... 654 western yearlings oi nativo iamDs .... 77 western lambs ... 65 cull ewes 71 77 SO 92 89 100 82 75 71 $2 2 25 2 25 3 00 3 25 3 40 4 20 4 65 4 70 $2 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAIIK11T. fleers Steady to Strong lluga Kveii nneep .miKt? auxin .n vimi-i;. CHICAGO. Feb. 21. CATTLE Receipts, 9,000 head, including 200 head Texans; steers, steady to strong; butchers' stock and Tox nns, slow; good to prlmo steers, $1.9005.00; poor to medium. $3.6004.80; stockers and feeders. $2.730'-4,60; cows, $2.6003.50: Jieirers, ti.b'il dinners, ii.ooku-.du; ijuim. 4,wi,c'. calves. $4.0000.60; Texas-fed steers, $4,000 4,90: Texas grass steers, $3.3004,00; Texas bulls. $260(fJ3.90. HOGS Receipts today, 28,000 head; tomor row, 20,000 head; left over, 4,000 head; opened strong to 6c higher; closed advance lost. top, o. !.;'., mixea unu duikhtb, 5.624; good to choice heavy, $5.374rcft.62l4; rough Tieavy, $5.2506.35; light, $5.2S(y5.474, bulk of sales, $5.40O47H. SHBEP AND LAMMS Receipts, 12.000 head: active, eluifle niguer; goou to cnoico wothers, $4.00O'1.60; fnlr to cholco mlxod, $3.0OO4,10; sheep, $4.0004-60: Texns sheep, $2.6003.65; nativo lambs, J4,60O'5,25; western lambs, $5.0000.25. St. I.ouln I.lvr Stock Market, ST. LOUIS. Fob. 21. CATTLE Receipts, r.COO head, Including 700 head Texans; mar ket steady; native shipping nnd export steers, $4.6006.05; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $3.8506.10: steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.60 04.70; Blockers and feedorB, $2.4501,15; cows and heifers, $2.0004.05; canners, $1.2501.76; lull's f nofi 1.00: Texns and Indian steers. $3.40O4.B0; cows nnd heifers, $2.450 3.40. tiUlio Iteceipis, n.oyu neuii, iimmui strong, active: pigs and lights, $3.300 5.40; packers, $5.300 5.40; butchers, $5.4006.60. SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Recclptfl, 1.300 head: market active, but steudy; native muttons. $3.6004.25; lambs. $4.0506.25; culls nnd bucks. $3.0003.75: western sheep, $4,45; Mexlcun sheep, $4,50Q.05. St. .Insrob I.lvr Stock Mnrknt. nA.tin.1 err TnULMIII l.lt "1 -.flnpMn 1.1 nuuill ni. -. - i", Tho Journnl quotes ns follows: CATTLE Receipts, 70O head; mnrket Ternns and westerns. $3.6006.00; cows and heifers. $2.2504.25; bulls and sta??; $2,250 ewund Tfeeders. $3.250 4.35; veals, $4.607.00. HOGS Receipts, 7.80O bond; market 24c higher; all grades, $5.27406.45; bulk of sales, "hiikrp AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 700 head: market Btendy to 10c higher; lambs, $5,10, Xnv York I.lvr Stork Mnrket. NEW YORK, Feb. 2l.-HEBVF.S-Ro- ceipis, i,i-' 1 1 i iw.,ufc, i-,iifit-D un changed; shipments, 29 head cattlo nnd 50 " "'.'J,' " .,. n i.-... .... t;Al,vr,o n'-";iii"i Mt-uu, luuricu easier for venls: barnyard calves, nominal; common to prime veals. $1.6008.15. I iui in iivn. .,". . .iwtit, iiiniivcv itiiiiii at $0.G.Yi(.yu; cnoico siaie nogs, jij. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,700 head: stendy to strong; sheep, $3.2501.60; lambs. $5.12403-80: choice, $5.90, ' Slock hi SIkIiI, Following aro the recelntn nt tho fmtr principal western markets for February 21: I ,. 17.. tl 1. Cattle, 1,920 9,000 3,600 1,651 7.145 28,000 13.000 8,000 891 12,000 3,(0) 1,300 .10,120 60,745 17,198 South Omaha Chicago , Kansas City . St, Louis Totals Kiinsn Clt; Mve Slock Mnrkrl, KANBAS CITY. Feb. 21.-CATTLE-R.. celnts. 2.600 head natives. 1.000 henri Tevnnn and. 100 head calves; stockers and feeders, sienayj peer steers, anu cows closed weak to 10c lower: native beef steers. $4.4005.55; stockers and feeders, $3.7504.85; western fed steers, $3.8001. SO: Texans nnd Indians, $3., ,.04.50; cows, $3.00O-l.26i heifers, $3.4" 4.6p; canners, $2.25y.'.90; bulls, $3.0OOI.5o, calves, $4.6006.23. HOGS -Receipts, 13,000 head; market 2VJ1 6c higher; top, $5.45; bulk of sales, $S.ftrti 6.40; heavy. $5.3506.40; mixed packers, f..3'ii 5.35: light. $5,101(6.30; pips. $l.tWtf0.10. S1IEBP AND LAMRS-Roeclpts, 3,u head; market stonily; western Iambs, $l.sooi 5.15; western wethers, $4.1504.40; western yenrllngs, $1.3601.80; ewes, $3.fAif3.90; culls, $2.6003.25, Ury (ioods Mnrket. NEW YORK. Feb. 21 DRY UOODS-TI.e market shown no chatiRo today In staplo cotton goods. Tho demand continues nuiet In tho iiggregnto nnd Is , readily met by sellers In all !lnes. Print cloths inactive for narrow goods and easy for wldo odds. Linens Arm und business checked bv prices asked. Burlaps, scarce and ndvnnclng for lightweights. No mnrket tomorrow. Oregon Io Ilnftr mi l)t position, PORTLAND. Ore, Fob. 21.-Artlcles In corporntlng nn exposition which will celebrntn tho ctntemilnt nnnlversnry of tho arrival In Oregon of the Lewis mid Clark expedition In 1805 will bo Hied with tho sec retary of stato at once. The Oregon legis lature will bo nsked to pass n resolution guaranteeing stnto support and also a. resolution asking congreys for an appropria tion for tho exposition, which will bo held In this city during tho summer of 1906. The cnpltal stock of tho corporation Is placed at $300,000, Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 21.-WOOL Weak: me dlum grndes, 12019c; light Hue. 12fll5o, heavy flue, 10012c; tub washed, lST274c TI IB HHAI.TY MAHlCliT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tlr.ns day, February 21: Wnrrniity Dceiln. J. I. Redlck nnd wlfo lo E. S. Redlck, tindlv 1-0 of w 60 fect Ot o 63 feet lot 2, block 139, Omaha. $ 1 C. M. Bridges to H. W. Yates, lot 17. block 1, lllllsldo Reservo 1,400 C. M, Alnsworth nnd htisbnnd to Clin ton Oreutt, nV4 seii lot 11; o4 tieU lot 14: e 65-40 acres of n-U nnU lot 14, nil 111 16-10 L. J. Gordon nnd htisbnnd to B. H. 11.421 4,500 f00 pro 1 600 Cnna iini-t 1,1. ,lr r a V. I .. M , o.l . .1.1 . ....... .,,wii .3 num n u mm... Joseph Koslk nnd wlfo to Alois Pesak. lot 9, block 2, Sullivan's add F. Pesok to Joseph Koslk, lots It nnd 12, block 2, Biinio M. A, Corrlgan to 11. J. Corrlgan, lots 5 nnd 0. block 0, Corrlgnn Place and other property Robert Cook to It. II. Crittenden, lot 1, block 4. Omaha View II. II. Crittenden to F. H. Gorvln, lot 1, block 4, Omaha View (lull Clnlni Herds. Charles Ogden and wlfo to O. XV. Scott, c In ncres of ti4 soU iw!J 3-15- D. L. Allen et ni to Naiicy E. Allen 04 seU 17-10-10 i Joseph McJIniBcy nnd wlfo to J. P. Breen, lots 1, 2, 4 and 5, block 1, Blaltio Place jo Rasmus Puterson nnd wlfo to J. R. . Kootter, lot 18, J. E. Riley's ndd 1 F. A. Yntos to H. AV. Yates, lot 4. block 2; lots 3 and 4. block 4, ltlllsldo add No. 2 i Charles KaMman to Lizzie Oordon, o 48 feet or w 114 feet of s 1274 feet, block Q, Shlnn's 2d ndd 7 E. C. Cass and hiishuml tn a 11 , Burchard, part of block Q, Shlnn's 4U UU 11 5Q Deeds. Sheriff to tho 'Warder, Bushncll & Glossnor company, life estate In soi'i nwU HwiJ. sol ew',4, mv'i swii 15, w4 swli 22-10-10 1 Sheriff to S. n. Burchard, part of block Q, Shlnn's 2d ndd 1.S0O Total amount of transfers .$20,745 JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA OILER AMU aiiir ihuiN WOfU Qrakt, WhSCH & Williams oeoeaaora Wllaoa A Drak. Manufacture boilers, smoke atacki and preechlngs, preiaure, rendering, sheep dip. lard and water tanks, boiler tubei con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought atnd sold. Special nnd prompt attention to repilr In r'tv nr rnnntrx '9th and Plrr DRY GOODS. E. Smith & Go. iVL Importers jnd Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishing Good AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Klcctrlo Wiring Belli and Qt Llthtlng. G. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1510 Howard St. SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Davis & Gowgill Iron Works', MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF MACHINERY. OBNERAL REPAIRING A HPECIALT1 IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. 1B01, inou anal 1HOB Jaokaoa Straat, Omaha, Neb. Tel. R3S. B. Zaljrlskle. Agent. 3. B. Cowgill, Mgr. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Easy Rltlnc Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH CATI8. Send for catalogue. KIMBALL BROS., COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1 1001 th Btuet. TlephBH 141. H. Davis & Son Agents for the nichmoaa Safety Gatea and Fire Doors. Elarator Hydraulic and Hand Elerators. Elerator repairing a specialty. Ltather Vatre Cups for EUvatori, Englnt and Frlntlnc Presssei. GASOLINE ENGINESAND GRAIN ELEVATOR MACHINERY Havid Bradley & Co. J Council Islufl, Iowa Gasoline Engines Vertical, Horizontal and Portable, from ono horso power up, Jobbers of ARrlculturnl Implements and everything in water, steam and cas supplies, JAMES E. BOYD & GO. Telephone lOilll, Oiunliu, St It. COMMISSION, (iHAI.V, PROVISIONS mid STOCKS, Hoard of Trade, Correspondence: John A. Warren & Ca Direct wires to Chlcaco and Now York CHARLES. C. ADSIT 226 La Salle St., Chicago, III. Bonds, Stocks and Investment Securitise IloiiRht and sold for cash and on marglni. Prlvato wlro tn New York, Chicago Jtof. erencesi Continental Nntlonnl Hank. H. bernlan Hanking Association, Royal Trut Company