Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Declarss Hlmiolf Not Quiltj When
Arraigned In Countj Court.
'Allrneit Klilnnper Apprnri Without
Ciiiiiik-I Mini Im ,Vimv n I'rlnonrr
In (lie "Siilltnrj" Oil if
County .lull.
.Iimephlnr rtroimkl File II T Answer
lit tin- Complaint of John
Josephine Vetrouskl, the 17-year-old girl
who promised to marry SO-year-oId John
Kudzolr anil received a house and tot from
hlin for the promise, sajs the Interference
of Jullu Socha, Kudzolr' daughter, was the
only thins that prevented the wedding.
Kudzolr haa a suit In the district court
to annul tho deed bv which hn ponveved
the house and lot to Miss Vetrouskl, and i
yesterday the girl filed her answer to his
complaint. She admits that on January S ,
James Callahan, with his small gray ! old man Kudzolr asked her to marry him
eyes closed half the tlmo and shifting I and she promised to do so, provided he
uneasily while open, stood before JudgM ; would give her a house and lot. She admits
Vlnsonhaler In the county court yester
day and heard County Attorney Shields read
the complnlnta charging htm with being a
principal In tho Cudahy kidnaping. He en
tered a plea of not guilty to each of the
three complaints and assented to the court's
designation of next Monday morning as the
time for a preliminary hearing.
Callahan was brought from the city jail
In the police patrol wagon by Deputy
Sheriff Jones, with whom ho shared a pair
of cold steel bracelet!. A large crowd of
curious people had gathered in the court
room and In the corridors, and when the
deputy entered the west end door with his
distinguished prisoner nundrcds of necks
were stretched like rubber In order to make
the little man who is said to have partlcl-
listed in the big crime the cynosure of all
eyes. Callahan was brought through the
corridor In a hurry, seeming almost a drvarf
alongside the big deputy, nud In less than
'hnlf a minute after entering tho building
he was seated at tho attorney's table In
front of tho bar of Justice.
lnoiilinler ('nll tlirj Cnnr.
''Htate of Nebrankn against James Calla
han" called the court.
Callahan sprang from his seat and ap
proached tho bench.
"Havo you made any arrangements for
counsel" abked Judge Vlnsonhaler.
"No. your honor." answered the prisoner.
"I havo had no chance to get an attorney.
Thoy have had mc locked up slnco Saturday
and hVB not allowed mc to see anybody."
"Do yott Intend to engage counsel?"
"I don't know yet, but If they glvo me a
j'hanrn to consult with my friends I think
I will bo able to get n lawyer."
County Attorney Shields then road the
complaint charging Callahan with falto Im
prisonment and to this tho man at tho bar
promptly said "Not guilty." To the com
plaint of. robbery, which VR3 read next, and
to the chnrgo of grand larceny, which was
last, tho prisoner entered similar pleas.
During the reading of., tho complaints
charging htm with having perpetrated one
of tho most dastardly crimes ever com
mitted In this state Callahan stood calmly
further than on February ". the property
wa3 deeded to hrr by Kudzolr and she had
the deed carefully recorded. She denies,
however, that she mnr repudiated her
promlso to marry the aged lover, and in
sists that she Is ready and willing to make
good her promlie at any time. She avers
It Is no fault of hers that, sho Is not today
tne bride of Kudjolr, and asserts that he
ItYfllVC MM RV UK WW ft Pleased the Identifications furnished!
HllUtlO II 1J1 Dl II1J NALIl, by Mr. and Mrs. Wittum. as they are, If
, possible, more positive than any that ba .e ,
preceded, and as both will make good wit. I
Mn. Georr F. Wittum Identifies Callahan ne"' 'or h tate- not "My b shaken I
p rui tun by cross-examination i
u a i nqusaier 01 atiroio uuo . .
- tint Clilrf Dunnliur
Tlilnkn Ant.
A telegram to The Uee received late
Thursday afternoon from St. Paul, Minn ,
says two men are under arrest there,
charged with complicity In the Cudahy kid
naping case. They arc known as Patrick
Hussey and John P. Lane, alias Tory, and,
the message says, wcro arrested upon a
warrant sworn out by a detectlvo named
John .M.. Haum. The arrests were made
Wednesday night, but were kept secret until
Chief Donahue says that ho know noth
ing of the two men who arn said to be under
arrest, but that he haa had somo corre
spondence with Daura. Ho turned to a
letter bearing date of February 19, writ
Ttro err U lttirr Apprnr t pon the
Mceiic In llrlmlf of tlif State lira.
Wit til til Itrnmlu tmhnUeii i
In Her JiiilRtiient,
The strongeit Identification of Callahan
thus far as one of the Cudahy kidnapers
was that of Mrs. George P. Wittum, who
yesterday picked him out of a line of
rlvo prisoners as they marched by her at
the city Jail. .
Two days ago her husband, Attorney
(Jeorgo P Wittum, had Identified Callahan
under similar circumstances.
The Identification made by Mrs. Wittum
Is considered especially good, as various
means were employed to cuntuse her and ;
Is the party in default on tho marriage LUilkc. her Judgment, but she remained Arm en al ,3t' 'al. in wnich Baum says he
proposition. ta her (loclson ,hal Caiiahan wa, the man ! k"? "10 mm "ho kidnaped young Cudahy
Miss Vetrouskl alleges that had. it not she sow In the neighborhood of the Melrose I ?"rt l5now', whero he can put h,! hanJ on I
been for the intnrtnniinn nt innii. fli-.t ,,. , i. . .i... .1 j. ' tnem at a moment's notice." though thu
against the old man by his daughter. Julia I mg the two weeks Immediately pro.eding ,?ree mta arn ln dlterent BUtes.
to the abduction. I "? Roe" on "l som'' len5ta ruining a pun
be arrested "slmul-
Socha. tho contract hr which ntu, wo.
become hln wlf in rnnii.i.rniinn nt nna i m - ...i m M'i., u - im n-v.ii.. neroo they may
house and lot would have been completed yard' avenue, within a few hundred yards t Uneuo,l5r aU at onoe." and suggests that
long ago. As it Is. she Is wllllns to marry I of the house ln whloh young Cudahy was a c"fln 8Um of monpV e advanced to J
mm, out not to give back the property
"Why Smith l.rft lliinir"
For the second tlmo since George 11
Broadhurst penned this amusing bit of far.
cicai nonsense, two years ago, u company ,uv heforn the kldnaolnc.
of average merit tried last night to raako 12 and 1 o'clock In tho afternoon
held prisoner. Tbelr attention was at
tracted to Callahan then by reason of his
' uncouth appearanre. They regarded him as
a suspicious character and scrutinized him
closely whenever he showed himself ln the
! vicinity. Having taken special notice of
I him on these occasions they wore able to
Identify him positively.
ill I.nut Apiirnrnncr.
"The last time I saw hlm,"'sald Mr. Wit
tum, "was on Monday. December IT, thu
It was botween
I hap-
pay his traveling and hotel expenses. The .
tetter was signed "Jobn -L Baum. 923 Main
street, SL Paul. '
"I answered this letter ' said the chief,
"telling him that anything be could do
to help us in the apprehension of the
criminals would bo greatly appreciated, but
suggested that the reward offered for the
arrest of the proper parties ought to bo
enough to warrant him In paying his own
expenses. I received no reply to this letter
"I think the chances are very much
against his hartng the right men. The
probabilities are he Is some visionary
Clear 10 an aUUlcnce not the largest and nwnml fn hn hnm rlar I wna ultMnu
by no means tho smallest that has sat ln at tho front window when my wlfo came In ' J'0,,aJ an with ambitions to become a de
Boyd's theater this season. Just why Smith ! from the yard and called my attention to n j tfct'T'" and has reckoned without his host"
deserted the family hearth, and whethor
It was successful In explaining tho matter
or not It did furnish two hours ahd a half
of aceeptnblo amusement.
Last season tho original London com
pany was soen here, and while this one
as a wholo Is hardly up to Its standard
It Is In every way capnble of getting about
all tho laughH out of the piece thero are
In It.
Dean Raymond mako an acceptable sub
stitute for Maclyn Arbucle ns John Smith,
and May Thompson as Lavlnla Daly, mem
ber of tho Cook Ladles' union, looked and
acted quite as brisk as Annie Yeamans.
Tbo ongagemont will continue for the bal
ance of tho week, with a matinee Saturday
beforo tho court, displaying no flush of ex- j afternoon.
cltemcnt, and be entered his pleas In a
voice without a tremor. His bearing was
much tho sumo as ono would expect of a
prtsoncr charged with petit larceny.
"Will you be ready for a hearing next
Monday morning?" asked the court.
"I suppose so," said the prisoner with In
difference. Tho court then announced that tho pre
liminary hearing would bo held at 9 o'clock
next Monday morning and asked the
county attorney what amount of ball ho de
sired. Mr. Shields thought Jo.000 In each
rnso would bo sufficient, but the court sug
gested 52,000 Instead. Tho county attorney
cold tho prisoner waa charged with having
fetolen (25,000 and ho thought the ball
should bo proportionately high. Finally
the court fixed tho bend at $2,300 In each
can-, making $7,600 ln all.
Wnnta to Set; Frlciuln.
trtdr15"tlnffktalrpn-rom, the'tourf ro3m
Callahan asked County Attorney Shields If
he would bo permitted to see his friends
after being locked up In Jail for tho pur
pose of making arrangements for counsel
to dafend him. In reply to a question from
thn county attorney the prisoner said he
wanted to sen Ed O'Connell, a young lawyer
of South Omaha. He was assured that he
would be given a proper opportunity to
make arrangements for counsel.
Callahan was taken through the Judge's
office and thn south door of the court house
to the Jail, thus avoiding the crowd In the
corridors. He stopped a moment in the
Judge's room to shake hands with an at
torney, who asked him If his father was
about. Callahan replied that ho had not
seen "the old man" and didn't expect to
' see him.
When he got to tho Jail Callahan seemed
to be pleased with the fact that he was
finally in chargo of Jailor Tom Flynn and
Ills assistant, Jim Swift, both of whom went
to school with him. Whllo Swift was
vearchlng tho prisoner he said:
"Well, Jim, I didn't think ln the old
school days that I'd ever have to 'frisk' you
under such circumstances."
"Don't find much, do you," remarked Cal
lahnn, pleasantly. Thst -ap 1h mine, but
they didn't let mo wear jt whon they took
ray picture tho other day. They put me
under au old derby In order to
make me look like somebody, but I'm Just
plain Jim Callahan, the same as I always
"Bath wouldn't hurt you," suggested
!'I should say not. I've been lying In
that city Jail slnco Saturday and I'm not
any oleanor than the law allows."
Callahan waB sent down stairs to take a
bath, after which he was locked up in the
solitary cell on tbo top tier formerly occu
pied by Murderer Ed Neal.
Callahan has retained Charles W. Haller.
Trout nite nnrt Chllblnlnn
quickly cured b' Banner Salve, the most
healing remedy In the world. Myers-Dll-lon
Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store.
South Omaha.
man who was passing, walking slowly
southward in front of the houso. Ho was
looking In at tho window, and, not being
more than twenty feet away, I bad an ex
cellent opportunity to study his face. I
remember he impressed mo as 'sizing up'
tho place. He had tbo appearanco of one
who takes ln every detail of his surround
ings, and I remarked tu my wlfo au the
tlmo that he was a tough looking character.
I remember, also, that he had his coat off
and was carrying It on his arm, as the day
was quite warm, despite tho fact that it
was tho middle of December. My wlfo
said, 'I have seen blm several times be
fore hanging around here, and he acts sus
picious.' I think she was n llttlo afraid
of blm.
"We watched him that time until ho
passed beyond the house of Henry Malcben
on the corner, which cut off our view. He
was then going toward the Schneldcrwtnd
house, as we call It thougit, I believe. It
Is better known as the Melrose Hill prison
house but wo didn't see hlra enter it, as
the Malchen houso was In the way. That
was tho last tlmo wo ever saw him In tho
neighborhood. A week or o after the
kidnaping 1 learned that the Schneider
wind houso had been located as the ren
dezvous of the bandits, and, of course, that
Members of tbo Omaha Real Estate ex- , recalled very vividly all the details of our
change last night enjoyed the first of a experience with tho mysterious stranger.
series of banquets which will bo ln tho i After ray wife had picked out Callahan
Commercial club rooms at Intorvnls or two . at tho Jail thU morning I tried to shake
in threo months. Thn idrn nf rivinu- th.,. her confidence ln her own ludement. but
dinners Is that tho real estate men may ' fall." resumed Attorney Wittum. "She
necomo moro Intimately acquainted and stood-in tne nan way wmcu leads rrom tne
profit by the discussion of .'Jiifstlons lu cells to tho detectives' room and a line of
Which thcyre interested' -1 five prisoners was marched by her. Calla-
At the close of tho dinner last night thcro 1 nan was the third man In the line. So soon
was a short program of toasts. W 11. 1 as they had passed she told me sho had
Green, president of the' Real Estato ex- Picked out the man and described him. I
change, and ex-President A, P Tukoy spoUo 1 lol(1 Qer sne wa mistaken, that the man
briefly and the latter introduced Erastiib we had seen at Melrose Hill was the second
Benson, the first president of the exchange, man ln 1,ne- Then she asked to have a
who presided as toastmaster. Addrense-i I second look at them.
first of n Merlon of, Ilitiuiurta U
(ilvpn nt the Coiunierclnl
wro mndo as follows: "Ups and Downs
of Omaha," Dr. George L. Miller; "Tht
Right Citizenship," Rev. Dr. A. C. Hirst.
PBBtor of tho First Methodist Episcopal
church; "George Washington as a Rcnl Es
tate Man," Alexander G. Charlton; "A
Real Estate Ideal," G. G. Wallace.
Ills Sliuilllnir linlt.
1 " 'I could tell him by h,ls walk If nothing
else,' she said, 'as be has a peculiar shut
I fling gait, and a kind of a hitch In bis step
j that was almost a limp.'
"Again the prisoners wero marched by
j her and again she designated Callahan ai
i tbo man she btul seen In our neighborhood.
"I had been ln bed three weeks with grip i When I saw that she could not be shaken
when my husband brought me Dr. Miles' 1 In her Identification. I told her that two
Norvlne, Pain Pills and Nerve and Liver days before I bad picked out the same
I'llis. t was cured." Mrs. J. Relnlcr. man."
Franklin, Ind.
Chief Donahue expressed himself as highly
Tnrnn Intn it llllitr .lukr.
Later dispatches from St. Paul say
"Something of a sensation was created
today when an attorney In the police court
demanded the production of Patrick Hus
sey. Tho police Judge was unaware that
such a person was ln custody and upon
the county attorney being sent for. It de
veloped that Hussey hud been taken Into
custody this morning upon a warrant sworn
out by John M. Baum, who was said tu
be a detective from Omaha, charging hlra
with being Implicated ln the abduction of
Edward Cudahy. Jr. Later John E. Layne
waB arrested In Minneapolis on a similar
"It now turns out that Instead of being
an Omaha detective. Baum Is a local ama
teur. It Is ald that Baum's wife left him
some tlmo before the Cudahy kidnaping
and when the detectlvo heard that a wo
man with gold teeth had been In some way
connected with the abduction, he seems
to have Jumped to tho conclusion that it
was no other than his missing wife. By
following various clues the sleuth Anally
evolved what seemed to film a gigantic
conspiracy, which Included In Its raml
flcations a number of men and women,
among them Hussey and Layne. Finally,
when ho had his case well In hand, he went
to County Attorney Kane and, according
to that gentleman's statement, told such a
plnuslble story that 1e felt It nccessnry
to Is9un warrants.
"Hussey Ih a well-known local charac
ter, and It Is said on good authority that
he haa not been out of this city for fifteen
years. Mr. Laynn W n well-known and
highly respected contractor of Minneapolis,
being a member of tho firm of Cosier &
Layne. Both men havn been released, and
tho police officials consider the affair a
huge Joke."
"When I was prostrated with grip and
my heart and nerves were In bad shape.
Dr. Miles' Nervlno and Heart Cure gavo
me new life and health." Mrs. Geo. Colle
Elgin, 111.
nmalin'a Mck .Men,
General C. F Manderson still continues to
There Is no appreciable change In the
condition of Fred Metz. sr. He is neither
better nor worse than he has been for the
past week.
Leave Murrain Hillll V. n. Arrive Serf
YurlJ 7ir:t .V. .M.
via Lehigh Valley railroad "Exposition
Express." Luxurious sleeping cars.
to the
to Ggden
m Lake
and IhlQWh
m a.
? i Or .
the mn
New City Ticket Office, I324 Farnam,Tel. 3I6, or Union Station. lOth and Marcy, Tel. 629
ork Vva
in fy lub and
Teila on the New Jersay Coast ,Expecti I
Signals to Fly to Spain.
n.,llh,IthnfC0,1,tlneA,al tconKre" ,th0 eilt(l t0 8eek chfaP losings, especially cellence. Including several novel features. !
BHhtn".-, f," Rr?ViUU0"- L'r '.J C.?m.0.,Un."'r th0 .-'vauon Owing to the wld. Interest in domestic
........ ,....R., w. uu U win imu'ifrs aiij, Kepi at tne stations bc enco among the women of Omaha man'
Monday, is attended by a larger number by the Woman's club. As there Is a great of whom are anxious To be preTent at thf
of delegn es. alternates and visitors than demand for such a lodging place. It could meeting, but because of tho punch car,
any previous convention of the society, doubtless bo made self-supporting; If not. system of admUUng guests wouhl be un
Though thero were 800 delegates accredited it could be supported as a part of the able to d. a .The club ha given permls."o,
to the congress, only about 600 are present, charity of the nsaoclatlon. The matter was to admit all he women " who car. Tto alien
with nearly as many alternates, and over referred ',0 a committee who. after Investl- upon the rn o25 cents nt tho doo?
2.000 visitors. The Qrand opera bouse, gallon, will renort unon thn fM.ihiiit. .,t a, " l..0.r-.
not as lavish y decorated a. last year, has wero then called for for tho advancement present deficient nd Inoperative pure food s,aff- le,t
""?0i:ltIi1,f,n"Lmr.lln"!, ''"1rkn,onB the old ladle.. The as- law. with such change.'substltuUons and I
InincN (inllirnltli to (rl In l.lnr with
M kol 11 mi Fcirtl-tli I'nrnllrl 11 nil
I'IukIi Mi'mukp Over tin-Wiivrtiiiii,
MuiituiiH mul Orrtfou Still nt It.
HELENA. Mont., Feb. 21. Thu result of
the votn on senator today wus: Mantle, 02;
Mnglnnls. 3; Frank. 23; Cooper, 7. Coliurn.
2; Conrad,.:; Toole. I; Clancy. 1; Kennedy. 1.
SALHJI. Oro.. Feb. 21 Th senatorial
ballot toilavtwiui; Helle. 23. WlUlams.
Ilertnnnn. 7. Inman (democrat). 28; Hen
nett. 1.
Old Coughs
First you think it is a little
cold, nothing but ;i little hack
ing cough; then a little loss in
"weight; then a harder cough;
then the fever and the night
sweats. Then consumption.
Better stop the disease early.
Better cure your cough today.
lifts that pressure on the chest;
takes away that feeling of suf
focation; heals and makes
Three slice: 25c, 30c., $1.00.
It your ilrunttit cannot lurrlr Tou, ind u on
iinllrni w will jprn a lrn txitt'.e to you,
all prpll lie ut anil sit u ynnr .ipre.t oMce. Adilrti., J. C Avxr. Co,
Luntll, )lui
mKiv ,h. .. " niosi nesirous tor a new build- additions as would mako It practical and
sembly than ever before. Though each ing for carrying on this work and the effective, and then work for Us passage
session has been filled with Interesting women are all of tho opinion that when Thursda morning the substltu to bill was
business,, It has been plainly evident since a new building Is erected it should be nn-.nt.i m, " ,t,
SlindnV tllChL vnn thn ftrnt f1nTirrntlnn omilnna.1 tr,. .
... ...wv . .r,-.. iiFi"" iuuic cAiuiisivu won iiiuq Qii9 or correction and. vh ft It la nnt what ihn
arrived that the election 1. the all absorb- yet been undertaken. Several plans were women wo" 5 suggest In elUy particular It
Ing feature of tho congress. The report suggested, any ono of which was practical, is mflnl a ' invTovmlMovn thoM
that Mrs. Roebllng had withdrawn from the considering tho sum tho nsiorlnt.nn ,u ... " J " '3.. .?!.. "1" " J?i'
luotituiivuij ui HUB IV1UU. Ill VUri)US l)arS nnii nrlrla nn n.MHInnnl Map n9 ..l.l
'V'' "dW,M Dlona"i f th C0Untr' Wfire l,p,, ""d ,helr raa- to inspection and other regulation by tho
of New ork, Mrs. Fairbanks of ageinent discussed. Th nuliv rr it, i . .. . ,u- " A.
adJl"L l 11 h ?'n8ha ls o Linn :nd hV;eUolTon;inceehVcom.
race and her enforced absence from tho ready has on hand, but one that met with -ubstltution while t does not In any way
congress because of Illness, seemed only special favor was for the maintenance of antagonize tho present bill makes chancea
the thn
"-"""'w . h jrr mm uie women ten mat mere could miss oner of tho advantage and necessity
the iiromlnenrH of their rnnillilntrn whlph h nn -.. .. . .1 . . " ci.cBiiiijr
was particumrly noticeable In the applause' of a hlgh-class Institution where aged peo. offlce I of food Ins .ector
which has greeted each of the women as pie mlht spend their declining years amid
they havo hud occasion to address the surroundings conducive to their happiness. There was a called meeting of the nur-
meetlug or in any way attract attention. While the women renllre the maimltude uf -rv , ,i. fc Mke...,. '
Tho reception to the Daughters of the such an undertaking, other associations tin. nn w.,..rtv mn,nin"
American Revolution at the Corcoran Art have proven them largely .elf-supportlng. ment of a few matters. Since the closing
gallery on Monday evening was one of the Though nothing definitely was decided upon, of the old building a number of children
mokt brilliant functions of the winter and investigation will continue and be reported have been placed ln temporary home"
the women were given another splcnd d at the next meeting. where their board has been paid and the
:, r ' " , , JL i young women societies of the First Con
House, these two belnK the only affairs for The Dundee Woman's club held Its reB- gregatlonal and First Baptist churches and
which tho congress has deviated Its bust- u ar meeting on Wednesday at the hon.i- Unity guild have been supplying clothlug for
nes. sessions, though numerous smaller of Mrs. J. D. Montgomery. Mrs. D. L. John- these children. A number of these children
affairs have geen given in their honor. The son leading. In place of Mrs. W. L. Selby. as are colored and an appeal will be made to
election of the state regents on Thursday announced. Owing to tho light attendance the colored people of the city In their be'
morning passed off as usual. Mrs. Luur.i U. tho business was entirely suspended. Tho half. An Apron guild has recently bean
omen in the north
rs. Mathews, sec-
nnmmllti.A a l
of tho reign, of Henry VIII. A number of ohiirmm ti.i ,.im ...m i '
The board of directors of tho Woman's biographical sketches were read of famoiW to order and the proceeds will be devoted
Chr Utlan association, operating the Old characters of that period, among whom to the work of the nursery committee
Ladles Home, held Its regular meeting on were Sir Thomas Moore, Cardinal Woolsey,
Tuesday morning in the parlors of tho Thomas Cranmer ami Thomas Cromwell. The membership committee of the Youur
oung Mens Christian association. After Readings were given from Shakespeare and Women's .Christian association has decided
tho bua ness of the home had been dls- Miss Muhlbach on Henry VIII and hi. to offer the following premium" for mem.
posed of and arrangements for an appro- court. bersblp. brought In between March and
VbrTM h 0t tb" 0,'" Ud'e8' b,r,h' ... , . "7 Julf' ,he KOvern,aK "nimons an rule To
days inadc, tho time was given over to tho I'hyslology was tho science treated ai be given next week-
discussion of several pioposed plans for the Thursday morning's meeting of the house- All expenses of one delegate to Lako
extension of the work. Among these was hold economics department of the Woman's Geneva, a gymnasium prlvlleee a It m.7
the reopening of tho cottage on tho lot with club, the subject being outlined and set arlne and a l magarlne ny of thesa
the home, for the care of children, until a forth ln a paper by Mrs. C. E. Townsend. premiums may be duplicated 'excentlne the
sultablo building could be erected for con- which was unsually good. The regular Lake Geneva privilege
ducting tho work more extensively. This lesson, a chapter from "Human Nature Th Margaret Fuller Literary of the
,,.uu ..Uu luv uuumuiwuK ui w uuiiuiug r-xpiaineo, was reau Dy airs, Heard and South Branch will hold a llterarv nrotram
were not considered advisable at present brcught forth a genwal discussion. As on Tuesday evenlnc. A dehi J I i..
(Copyright. I'M, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Feb. 21. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) James Gal-
mombor of Tcsla's New York .
London Thursday night for Lis- 1
electrical apparatus to be used I
In connection with tho installation of a !
system of wireless telegraphy across the
nalbralth, beforo leaving, said he was
going to establish a receiving station on
the Spanish coast at tho fortieth parallel
and Tenia, exactly opposite on the New
Jersey roast, will try to set up communication.
runner C'oiiiiolliiinii Held to Dlatrlet
Court fur Alleseil Theft
uf Wuter.
Ernest Stuht. against whom the Omaha
Water company haa tiled a charge of mis
appropriating 1,320,000 gallons of water, ap
peared In the pollco court yesterday after
noon and waived preliminary hearing. Ha
was held to the district court under J600
morning passed oir as usual. .Mrs. uiura ll. tho business was entirely suspended. Tho half. An Apron guild ha
Pound of Lincoln being elected regent of current topics half hour was devoted to a organized among the worn
Nebraska and Mrs. Charles K. Armstrong discussion of curmit literature. Tho reg- part of the city with Mrs
regeut of Iowa. ular lesson Is still confined to tho events retary of the nursery' co
and It waB tuggested that the cottage be the program of the next open meeting is subject will be the feature of tho occasion
fitted up as a temporary lodging place for In charge of this department arrangements The gymnasium classes have irown n
, w.,.vwU. uuiiim iur ii utcupiru oino lime anu me pro- isrite mat the apparatus Is entirely Insuffl
s that come to tho city and are com- gram promises to be one of unusual ex eient for them.
Ailvlrc nf n Knnioun I'll yili'lnn.
First and foromost, REST.
Take rare of yourself. Your ulready
weakened nerves want rest and must have
It. If tho attack la severe, go to bed and
remain there. More fatalities result from
neglect of this precaution than from any
other cavse.
Eat sparingly. Your digestive organs are
In no condition to tulio care of large quan
tities of food,
Drlnl: plenty of pure, cold water. It al
lays the fever, cumulates the kidneys to
action and opens up tho pores of tho kkln.
Keep the bowels open with Dr. Miles' Nrve
and Liver Pills.
Tako three doses of Dr. Miles' Nervlns
per day. and If you cannot sleep tako an
extra doie at bedtime. To further control
the fever and to overcome the peculiar
aches and pains of grip, use nr. Miles' Pain
Pills. They act quickly and effectually
and no bad effects rckult from their use.
These remedies have been thoroughly tested
more than a million times and their effi
ciency la thoroughly established. They
never fall to glvo relief.
Dr Miles' Remedies ran be found at any
drug store, and they are sold on a positive
guarantee that first battle or package bene
fits or moinry refunded.
Constipation, Bloating after eating, Heart
burn, Nervous Weakness, impurities in the
Blood and every disorder in the Kidneys
or Liver Is set right by
It brightens the eye, steadies the nerves,
sweetens the breath, brings color to the
cheek, creates appetite, makes the body
strong and the brain active.
PRICE, $1.00.
Are You Satisfied
With Your Office?
Is It badly in need of paint Is It dark
and cheerless It it dusted? Are the win.
dows waiihed? Do they ever wash tbo gas
globes' Does a fresh youngster run the
elevator to suit himself and spoil your
breakfast" Do you have to walk up if you
want to go to your offlce at night or on
Sunday' When you are thoroughly dts
guated, move into the Bee Building and be