Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Mf.MIU .Mt:.NTI0..
Davlx sella bIam.
Davis sells drugs.
Btockrt noils carpets nnd rugs.
Flno Mlrsourl onk, Gilbert Ilros.
Gnu fixture, nnd Blobcs nt nlxby'n.
l'lno ABC beer, Niiiimnycr'n hotel.
Wotlman, scientific optician, 409 U'way.
HchmliltH photos Kilaranteed to piers-.
Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens,
W. J. Itostrttrr, dPiUlst. Hnldwln block.
I,efTcrt, Jowcler, optlrtait, 35 lJ-oadu.ll'.
Drink Hudwclsor beer. h. Honcnfrld. net.
Myrtle lodgo So. 12, Degree of Honor, will
meet tonight,
C, B. Alexander & C'q, give fin art exhibit
at Walnut today.
Wanted, competent girl for general hotir-.
work, aw Onklnnil avenue.
Miss Mriy l.unklcy has ns her guest Mrs,
Fred Itenwlek of Kansas City.
W, V. Graff, undertnker and dlslnfoetor,
101 South Main street. 'Phone S0.
Oct your work done nt the popular Kaglo
laundry, 724 Hrondwny. 'I'hono 167.
Miss Kathrlr.e Stearns of Kssex, la., Ii
a guest of Mrs. Harriet F. Grlswold.
For rent, modern residence In heart o!
city, by W. I Kerney, 231 Main street.
Judge George. Corson nan gone to western
Colorado on on extended business trip.
Mrs. 11. C. Granger has gono to Minne
apolis on u visit to relatives unil friends.
Morgan & Klein, upholstering, furnlturo
repairing, mattress ninklng. 122 9. Main st.
Dr. and Mrs, Witt of Logan, la., uro
Kuests of Mrs. S. Mlchaclseii of Washington
Attend tho chlckenplo dinner and oyster
supper nt Chrlstlon tubornacle Friday, Feb
ruary 22.
Mrs. O. H, llrown of Tonlh avenue has
been called to Auburn, N. Y by tho death
of her father.
Superintendent Clifford nnd family loft
lust evening for a short visit with relatives
nt Dcs Moines.
A want ad In The Heo will bring results.
Tho same attention given to a want ud In
Council muffs as at tho Omaha ofllce.
J. A. Know, auctioneer, ll'way, npp. P. O.
Hmlth & Bradley will bo closed this nfter
noon on account of Its being a legal holiday.
Sheridan coal, once tried always ued.
Smokeless, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur,
l'rlco J5, J3.G0. Fonloti & Foley, solo agents.
Herbert llrown. WW South Klghth street,
wits reported to tho Hoard of Health yester
day as suffering from membrnneouH croup.
Chauncey Dwlght Graul of llarlou, In.,
lias tiled a petition of voluntary bankruptcy
In tho federal court here. His liabilities ag
gregato $I,4UU.
Council llluffs oerle No. 101. Frdternnl
Order of Kaglcs, will entertain Its members
nt a luncheon this evening nfter tho regular
session In Grand Army of tho Hepubllc hall.
The case against Fred Juhl, charged with
assaulting Miss Virginia Neale, u waitress
In the llovero hotel, wuh dismissed yester
day In Justice Hryanl'H court for want of
At a meeting of Council camp. Woodmen
of tho World, thin evening the delegates
who havo returned from the stato camp at
aillwaukeu will bo given n reception. Thero
will ulso be work In tho protection degree.
Thomas Buchanan, nged 21 years, died
from hamorrhago of tho lungs Tuesday
night at his mother's home In Ncoln, la.
Tho funeral will lie this afternoon and tho
services will bo conducted by llev. H, A!ex
nder of tho Presbyterian church.
Frank Mains, tho young telegraph opera
tor arrested Wednesday night for thohcft
of a rovolver belonging to J. C. Jenkins, u
boarder nt the Tretinoin llouso, admitted his
guilt In police court yesterday morning nnil
was sentenced to llfteen dnyn In tho county
A ult of clothes stolen from the room. of
William Hogers, keeper of a Broadway
laloon, was recovered yesterday by tho
Kollce. Tho suit had been sold to a second
ami goods denier by a former employe of
a aiain nircei liveryman, who has since left
A grand concert, the first of a scrleH of
e ntcrtitlnmcntH arranged for tho Congrugn
tlonal church, will be given next Thursday
evening. Miss Shaw, tho brilliant" Voting
pianist of Lincoln; Mrs. ICelthley, r tino
rontrnlto, and Mr. Walter Young, organist
Bf Omaha, are on tho program.
Tho suit of l.ou Skelton, administrator of
the estate of Freddlo Sko'ton, against thu
Union Purine Hallway company, wns trans
ferred from tho district to tho federal court
yesterday. Freddie Skelton was run over
ind killed at Albright December 2ti. 1S0S.
Uu Skelton, thu boy's father, sues for 15,-
Drs. D. Macrae nnd V. U Treynnr at
tended the meeting of tho Southwestern
Iowa Medlenl society In Creston yesterday.
Dr. Macrao Is tlrst vlco president of the so
ciety and Dr. Treynor presented a paper
living some of his observations uiion tho re
cent epidemic of smallpox in this city and
Mrs. Clara Hvelyn Bonhiun filed suit for
divorce In the district court yesterday from
John William Honham, to whom she was
married at Carson. In., on October 7, 18S5.
She alleges her hliHbnud deserted her In
July, 1893, and asks for tho custody of tholr
four minor sons,, whoso ages range from G
to J3 years,
Tho Wllbur-Klrwln Opera company has
always deemed It advisable to muke Its
initial uppenranco In n city with some of tho
lighter operas, and having won public favor
to then get together and glvo tho patrons
i Wi1 u" opportunity of seeing what a
cleer!' organized company can do In tho
wny of a surprise.
Fred Francis wos arrested vesterdav on
a charge of assault and battury preferred
against him by Arthur Southwell. Thoy had
iYJVu1', SatV,ri',l; '''K''1 Vvor 11 RnmVnf bil
liards In n Broadway saloon and Frnncls is
allpKed to havo bitten a. pleco out of South
w.eiL" t'hfel' . n".10'" Bkvo ball and will
Wednesday." B fr JU8t,C Uryant
N. V. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
Ilollilit)- llmim.
Tho publlo library will bo closed today
on account of It being Washington's birth
day. These hours will provall nt the postofflco
today: Stamp window, general dollvery
window nnd money order division will bo
oreu from 8 to 11 o. m.
Carriers will make but ono delivery,
leaving the office about 9 a. m. Thero will
bo a collection In tho business part of the
city In tho afternoon, tho carrier leaving
the office about 1 o'clock.
Dnlong's stationery department Is right.
Thuwlnur Out it IMpe,
Tho flro department wns cnlled at 9
o'clock last night to tho rcsidonce of Cap
tain James McCabe. Mornlngsldo. An at
tempt to thaw out a pipe leading from tho
water tank to tho house started a blare
The damago wns Inconsiderable.
Burning Up
That's what you do when
you buy poor shoes Did you
ever wear a pair of
They nro nice fitting, well
wearing and n shoe that will
bo easy on .your feet. You get
full value for your money
when you buy shoes nt a storo
that guarantees satisfaction.
That place Is
Look for the Bear.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Casady. ir..
120 Main St., Council Bluffs.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W, C Estep)
gtf I'liVm, STKUUT. 'J'houe 07,
Omaha Man Who Lotes Oaia Againit
Former Sheriff Morgan,
'IV ii Tlioiianml Dolliirs Dninnaira
Nnnitlit for Alleuril I'nlse Arrest
mill Imprisonment Officer
Turn a flip Tnlilrs.
Herman Goldstein of Omaha, whose suit
against former Sheriff Morgan, over tho
Adams shoe slock was decided against
him Wednesday after a trial lasting three
days, was mado defendant yesterday In a
$10,000 damage suit instituted In the dis
trict court by Adamn for alleged false ar
rest and Imprisonment.
13. 13. Adams was formerly In the shoe
business on Broadway and In tho fall of
1898 sold his stock of boots and shoes to
Goldstein. Goldstein claimed that' Adams
represented to him that tho stock waB
freo from all claims and on this under
standing commenced to remove It to Omaha.
Tho stock was loaded Into a big moving
van, but was attached by Sheriff Morgan
at tho east end of the brldgo over tho Mis
souri. Tho attachment was mado to seo
euro a claim, of Lots Jensen for (C00. Gold
stein was compolled to replovln tho goods
and put up a .12,000 delivery bond. It wan
this bond which was Involved In tho suit
which was decided against blm Wednes
day In tho district court.
When Goldstein learned of tho attach
ment of the stock, he filed a complaint In
Omaha ngalnst Adams, charging htm with
obtaining money under false pretenses.
1 Tho police hero received a telephone mos-
sngo from Omaha to nrrest Adams and ho
was taken Into custody, Adams' attorney
succeeded In preventing him being locked
up nnd nn understanding wns reached that
Adams would appear In court In Omaha
the next day. For somo reason or othor
Adams did not cross tho river nnd tho
. police hero woro again notified, to place
him under nrrest. No furthor arrest, how
ever, was made and tho prosecution wns
finally abandoned. When taken Into cus
tody on the llrst message from across the
river, 'Adams was detained nt tho city Jail
for a few hours, but was not placed In a
cell. For this ho now seeks $10,000 of
Goldstein's money. Notlco of tho suit was
served on Goldstein while In this city
Davis noils paint.
Hut Jury DcoIiIcm In Spile of HI l'lea
That He In Xot Guilty. '
Dame Fortune smiled kindly on William
Sonimcra In" the district court yesterday
nnd despite his willingness to servo twelve
mouths In the county Jnll for attempting
to steal, eight pairs of trousers from the
clothing storo of M. Marcus, tho Jury ac
quitted him of tho charge on which he was
tried and he left tho court room a free
Sommers on January 2 enterpd Marcus'
store, oh Broadway, and while the clerk's
bnck was turned tried to 'get away with
eight pairs of nether garments. A young
bum oi mo pioprietor, however, had been
keeping an eye on the stranger and noticed
him gather up tho clothes and before Som
mers could reach the street had hold him
up at the end of a rovolver. Sommers was
Indicted on a charge of breaking and enter
Ing. After tho Jury was Impaneled yester
day morning Attorney Aylesworth. who had
been assigned by the court to defend Som
mers. proposed to County Attornoy Kill
pack that his client would plead guilty to
larceny fron a building nnd take ono year
in tho county Jail. Tho county attorney
declined to nccept the plea and tho trial
wns proceeded with,
In making his opening address to the
Jury Attorney Aylesworth said that his
client had not committed tho crime of
breaking nnd entering and that nn indict
ment for bucIi an offense should never have
been brought. His client, however, was
willing to enter a plen of guilty It the
county attorney would gunrantco that the
punishment to bo administered to him
would bo tho samo ns If tho Indictment
had been on tho churizo of Inreenv (mm -.
building, namely, not to oxceed ono year
In tho county Jail.
While Sommers mado no denial of his at
tempt to steal the clothing, tho stato was
unablo to show that ho had broken Into the
building, nnd tho Jury, after being out but
n few minutes, returned a verdict of ac
quittal. Dan O'Connell, charged with stealing coal
from Ualph Williams' yards last wlntor,
wus plnccd on trial following tho ncqulttal,
of Sommers. Mrfke Smith, who was charged
with being Implicated In tho steMIng of
tho coal, );ns boon brought from the peni
tentiary nt Fort Madison as a witness for
tho state.
Harry Howard, charged with breaking
into the aaloons of Mlko Kempkls, on Main
street, and Jack Pinell, on West llroadwny,
th night of November 25, pleaded guilty
Bnd was sentenced by Judge Thorncll to
two years In tho ponltontlary at Fort Madi
son. Tho two cases against Charles Brown,
charged, with being Implicated with Howard
In tho two robberies, were dismissed on
motion of tho county attorney.
Will Bnbblngton, the- youth who was
caught In Smith & Brndloy's store, on
Hroadway, New Years' night, after having
effected an entrance through a skylight,
pleaded guilty. A strong plea for the
court's leniency had boon mado on his be
half by young Babblngton'a friends, and
Judge .Aylesworth, after giving him some
sound advice, let him off with forty days
In tho county Jail.
John ICvanB, tho Garnor township farmer
who Is charged with murderously assaulting
F. K. Clark, n neighbor, by striking him
over the head with a monkey wrench, will
have his trial on Monday.
Oravel roofing. A. II. Heed, 541 Broad'y.
Ilorae Tlint I Hivnpped 1 Snlit to Have
Inferior Bellow.
Zoph Thomas, n farmer of Washington
township, has. a growing family which on
Sunday evenings ho liked to gather around
htm while thoy sang hymns. Realizing
that every well ordered household should
havo an organ In the front parlor, ho made
a bargain with Mr. Bourlclus to trade a
horse for an organ. The deal was consum
mated and tho organ was Installed In the
front parlor nt tho Thomas homo.
Shortly after the' bargain was closed
Bourlclus complained that the horso was
not sound of wind and limb, as Thomas
had represented, Bourlclus took the ani
mal back to Thomas and commenced suit
In tho superior court for tho value of the
Thomas retaliated by bringing suit In
tho court of Jusllce Davis against Bourl
clus, claiming the latter owed him $24.60
for "keeping, feeding and doctoring" the
Yesterday Bourlclus went before Judge
Aylesworth of the superior court and,
cured a temporary Injunction, restraining
Thomas and Justice Davis from trying the
suit until the case In tho superior court
had first been determined.
19 a'U'I3.VDi:i.
V, . . a .
'") .uniinrif un I ne I'nree rrnuuitf
nn IiiTPfttlKnt Ion.
Night Jailer Billy Matlock has been sus
pt-Ddcd from duty, pending an Investiga
tion ns to his conduct Wednesday night.
Matlock spcjit Wednesday In Omaha and
returned at a lato hour somewhat under
the Influence, It Is alleged. On the car he
made a het with Tony Preston, a colored
dining icar porter, that he would arreBt
him for a "vag." When tho car reached
Bryant street Matlock attempted to place
Preston under arrest. A fight ensued, In
which Matlock Is said to havo struck tho
negro several times over tho head with the
butt end of IiIb revolver.
Up to last night Preston had not filed
any complaint ngalnst Matlock, but it is
known that he had tho assistant county
attorney draw up an Information, Preston
has threatened to suo Matlock and his
bondsmen for damages. Matlock has tho
reputation of bolng a first-class officer nnd
this Is the first time he has been In trouble.
Mayor Jennings said that If on Investiga
tion ho found the case to bo as reported
there would bo a vacancy In the police
Itrnl Estate Transfer.
The followlnir trnnntWn v fllrl v..i..
day In the abstract, title and loan ofllco of
9 , , n . a . ....
j. . aqmre, iui l'eari street:
Uriah White nnd wife to M. 8. allies
r,il',J?pli 8WV 32-76-30, nnd ne nwU
o-iS-M), w. d ,j ( u
August Korgan and wife to Mar
garetha Banerkemper. n 10 ncres
IIWU nw!l 28-74-43, w. d 400
juiin usuucK and wire to John E. Bur-
lirtflpn anil .....I i ne --
.nn'l "trip for rond, w. d 2,'XO
"""u" iiarry ocnmicil, h
CO. feet lot 2, block 1. Knbnnk'B 2d
v:. ' ana nusDanu to diaries
Schmidt, Jr., lot 12, block 30.
Ayocn. w. a 900
J. J-. unrisieiiseu to Morten Jonaseu,
lots 8 and 9, block 20, Howard's add
W. d i , (jyg
Nels Johnson and wife to J. p. Chris
tensen, lot 8, block 20, Howard's add,
w. 1 6W
John Merge n und wife to Joseph Ber
weln. lot 3, block 43, Beers' BUbdlv.
and lot 10. block IB, Bnyliss ,fe
Palmer's add, w. d ., t.n
William D. Welko and wife to John
h.mst, li.Bl ocrea In suction 20-74-42.
w. d i (w
Wllllum lxje and wife to Ernest V. '
Klqpplng. lot 7. Auditor's s.ibdlv: eK
nwU 30-76-43, w. cl -0
,?.nk. H' 9orr .nn(1 w,f 1 Uriah
Mtja J.w? v-' ....
J' V V"y jvifo to c'laus Stomp; ' "
aBCV 8;,1....W'-.,I''V:'-V.- ' 730
Ii .1 "I'O to U. A.
Total thirteen transfers
Anaoeliiled Clmrl Ilea.
The Associated Charities will meet Satur
day afternoon at St. Paul's Episcopal
church. Superintendent Clark of the ChlU
Saving Institute In Omaha, will address
the meeting.
The public generally Is solicited for con
tributions to the Associated Charities. Any
ono desiring to give furnishings for the
nursery can notify Mrs. Don Macrao by
telephone. Those desiring to contribute
provisions should nddress or telephone Mrs
Frank P. Bradley. Old 'clothing will he
thankfully recolved at the Creche, at the
corner of Tenth street and Avenue D. All
applications for assistance should be re
ported to the secretarv. Mrs. w Taii..
ton, who will nt onco, give them attention.
Another Mining: Company.
Articles of Incorporation of the Itaven
Consolidated Mining company woro filed in
tho county recorder's efflce here yesterday,
adding one more to the long list of Colo,
rado raining corporations organized under
tho lawH of Iowa. The capital stock Is
placed at $15,000. divided In tn 1 Rnn aha
shares of 1 cent each. ' Th inn.L.
. V w UlUI O
um; iiiiara r. aargcant, If. I,. West and
C. E. Titus, all of Colorado St,Hr-u ti...
with James A. Howzo and J. C. McKenna of
v.nppio ircei.-, rorm the first board of
Kstute of rmni'li ir....inii
Chief of Police Albro rpclv,.,i i,
- . . . .. (UfclCI
ye.ierosy irom is. J. Manning of Bradford.
rnKiiinu, inquiring as to the estato of
Francis Kendall, who died in tnu-n in mo
The writer encloses what purports to bo a
copy oi an advertisement in tho London
Times, dated February C, 1822, and asks
tho chief to recommend
torney in this city. Council BluffB was not
on ino map in 1522.
Orlp Dlacnaapd.
Twenty members wern nrn ici
Ing nt a meeting of th nmih. .. ..
Bluffs Homeopathic Medical society nt tho
w.,. i w. n. ,-. imncnett, on Sixth street.
The subject discussed principally was
Orlp," Several papers on other matters
pertaining to the profession were read.
After tho session refreshments wero served.
Marrlatre l.lcenaea.
Licenses to wed wero Issued to the fol
lowing: Nqme and Residence. Anc
7J-Snow?.rs' Council Bluffs
,u council tiiunrs ;o
V?i lec.K'ok,nlloma City 45
Anja. Ednard, Cameron, Mo, .M
lleimlillcan Cnaeuae.
Tho republicans will hold caucuses to
night at 8 o'clock, In each precinct, to
select delegates to the convention of next
Wednesday, to place In nomination three
candidates for the Board of Education.
"Fnlling to And rollef from the grip with
old methods. I took Dr, Miles' Pain Pills,
Nervlno and Nerve and Liver Pills and was
permanently cured."-Oust, Egan, Jackson,
I.nrcnin Wnnsli, Wanted In Mnny
Iowa Towns, I Cuufflit In
Snllabnry, Mlssonrl.
BLOOMFIELD, la., Feb. 21. (Special Tel
egrara.) Lorenzo Waugh, nlla William
Yates, wanted nt Muscatine, Fredonla,
BloomHold, Columbus Junction nnd other
cities, has been run down by the police at
Salisbury. Mo. He Is to be brought back
to Iowa If tho governor signs requisition
papers. Waugh Is accused of working the
Bchcmo of going. Into a strango city and
announcing himself as a groat uncle of un
limited wealth looking for relatives. He
would, It Is alleged, Ingratiate himself Into
tho confidence of the leading people of the
town and after borrowing money would
suddenly leava town. Waugh's manners
are polished and suave. It la estimated
that ho obtained many dollars In this part
of Iowa.
New lnnrnnee Couiimny nt l.eninr.
LEMABS. Ia.. Fob. 21. (Special.) Tho
German Mutual Hall Insurance company
has been organized, with headquarters In
Lemars. The officers are: President, M.
W. nichoy; vice president, M. Schaefer;
treasurer, E. A. Dalton; secretary, P. J.
Koehler; general manager, A. M. Duns;
directors, M. W. Rlchey, It. J. Koehler, C.
H. Kluckholm, A. M. Duns, M. Schaefer,
E. A. Dalton, Alex Relchman, II. Becker
and W. L. Gund.
Albert 'Wolf Hrrnka a I.m.
AVOCA, la... Feb. 21. (Special.) This
forenoon Albert Wolf, a farmer living near
Avoca, received a broken leg and was badly
bruised about the head and face by bis
team running away.
Large Number of lows. Teaohsri Anxious to
Help Educate the rilipinot.
Pipe Oman l-'netars nt Mnson City In
lie .Moved to Dp Molnr Wen ver
of llnrdlu County Is Cnndldnte
for Supreme Court,
DES MOINES, Feb. 21. (Special,) From
correspondence In the ofllco of the Depart
men of Public Instruction for Iowa It, Is
apparent that n largo number of Iowa
teachers are willing to go to tho Phlllpplneo
to engage In the work of educating the
Filipinos In American ways. Superintend
ent Barrett has recently received a circu
lar giving information as to tho qualified
tlon expected of teachers for the Phlllpplno
service nnd he Is dally receiving letters
ficm teachers In various part of tho stato
making inquiries about tho mntter nnd ex
pusslng n deslro to enter tho Philippine
educational service. It ,1s his belief that
n largo number of qualified teachers will be
engaged from Iowa and that thoy will bo of
gtcat service to the Phlllpplno commis
Hen Mnlne Mlislclnn Killed.
Ashton I). Goodrich, who was killed at an
Illinois Central crossing In Chicago about
midnight last night, wns a Dcs Molncs
boy, whose parents live here and whoso
fame as a musician was mado here. He
was nbout 28 yenrs old nnd hnd lived here
for several years with his parents. Ho had
a flno voice nnd was often heard on con
cert programs and on special occasions.
Tho body will bo burled here.
Ilonu. from Clilnn.
Mrs. J. W. Ilagsdale, wlfo of tho United
States consul at Tlon Tsln, China, arrived
In Des Moines this morning for a visit
with her brother-in-law. She has been In
China for tho Inst four years, was be
sieged at Gordon hall In Tlcn Tsln during
all tho trying times there, nnd remained
with her husband through nil tho dangers
until the 9th day of Decombnr, when bIio
left China for tho United States. Arrived
in San Francisco she Journeyed to her
former home In Santa Rosa, where she re
mained for a time and then came to Dcs
Molncs. Mrs, Ragsdalo will remain In Des
Molncs a couplo of dnys and then Journey
to Washington, D, C, stopping In Dos
Molncs again on her westward returning
Iiintriielor In Mlirnry Work.
The Iowa Library commission today ap
pointed Miss Esther Crawford of Dayton,
O., to bo Instructor In library work In tho
summer school for library training to bi
hold during the summer nt tho Stato uni
versity. Tho school will run from Juno
17 to July 27 as a part of tho university
summer work. Arrangements aro being
mado for a large class In library work at
this Bummer school, which Is u decided
novelty and Is made necessary by reason
of the largo number of public libraries being
established In the state.
Croas-Coiiiitry Electric Line,
The people of Des Molncs are grently In
terested In the proposed electric car lines
to WIntcrset and Indiannla, both of which
are suggested and promoted by tho owners
of tho .street car lines In Dcs Moines. At
Inninuola tho promoters wero at first
treated coldly, aud tho town council re
fused to consider tho franchise nrono-.
attlon, but later tho sentiment changed and
it has now been arranged that the fran
chise shall bo submitted to the voters for
approval. This lino is to be an extension
or tho line to the now nrmy post site,
which Is four miles from the postoinco.
Work on tho lino to the army post site
will commence as soon ns It Is possible to
work tho ground. Tho WIntcrset line Is
to bo nn extension from Valley Junction
nnd runs through n well settled country
far removed from railroads, whoro tho lino
win do welcomed. At Wlntorsot tho nlnn
Is to connect directly with tho proposed lino
from Creston to WIntcrset by way of
Macksburg, which Is being promoted by
umana capitalists. At WIntcrset and
aincKBDurg this proposal has been well
coived, but at Creston somo opposition Is
encountered, although It has been the Hb
sire of Creston people for many yenrs to
securo a new and direct route to Des
Aioines, which this would offer. A tax Is
to be asked In nld of tho road in Winter
set. Macksburg nnd Creston, and If this Is
dono there Is no doubt the lino will bo
constructed this year. It runs nil tho way
through a good farming country and would
bo used for both freight and passenger
Coincidence In Ilcnlli of Brother,
A curious coincidence was rovoaled In
regaru 10 tne death of Rev. J. C. Johnson,
wno uien irom npoplexy Induced by over
feeding In the Marshall COlintV tioor finiimo
The body wbb sent to Knnsns City for
burial, supposedly at tho Instance of a
brother who lived there, to whom a tele-
gnim nan ueen sent. But when tho body
arrived at Kansas City it whb found that
win urumer nau also illod and was burled
tho day before the body arrived from Iowa,
It has since been discovered that they have
another brother living at Davenport.
I'llic O run ii I'ncdiry II-iihi vnl.
Des Moines capitalists havo
controlling Interest In n pipe organ factory
at Mason City and will remove It to Des
Moines at an early da to. The company will
bo Incorporated here, with a capltnl of
Tnxntlou of Hunk Stock.
Tho county nudltors of Iowa aro holding
a meeting In Des Moln
Is sllmly attended. Nearly two-hlrds of
... ..uuuijf uuuuors aro new men, Just en
tered upon their first terms, nnd thoy did
not care to leavo homo unloss there was
something special to do. Not moro than
twentyflvo of tho nlnoty-nlno aro horo at
tho convention. The county nudltors to
day at their Btn,to convention appointed a
commlttco to presont to tho attorney gen
eral tho qvostlon of tho duty of the as
sessors to deduct the lLihllltlo. f ...
holders in bankn from tho face of their
bioukh in assessment matters. They claim
this Bhould not be done, but many holders
of bank Btock practically escapo taxation
by insisting on tho reduction. A leglsla
five committee wns appointed to look nfior
legislation at tho next session.
In Cedar Itniildn Svxt Year.
The state convention of electricians ad
journed today, after re-electing tho old
officers and fixing tho place for tho next
annual meeting at Cedar Rapids In April of
next year. Legislative and other commit
tees were appointed and pnporu read.
One More Cnnillilntr,
Announcement Is made that Judge S. M,
Weaver of Hardin county will hn a rnmii.
dato for tho nomination for Judgo of tho
supreme tnirt. Judgo Weaver tccelved the
republican nomination for tho supremo
court at tho tlmo Judso Klnnn wnn olectml
about ten years ago, and wns defeated with
tne rest o' no t'eket nt tho only election
In Iowa in recunt years when thn ileum.
crats won the stato entire, He had been
prominent In the prohibitionist movement
and became famous as the representative
who was carried Into the house chamber
on a cot, where he lay sick, to cast hjs
vote for the prohibitory law and thus placed
Boston IIWUlTnT A W & A oniXTCOll Boston
TT 11 1 X
Remnants of White Embroidery
Insertion, wero sold nt 7o
to 10c, on salo at, a yard
12Un nnd l&c children's black woolen
Mittens, on salo nt,
2ic chlldren'H Oolf Gloves, on
mil In nt. n. nnlr
25c ladles' nit wool Fascinators, rk-
on Halo at, each
Lot of old Corsets of tho It. O.,
Warner's, Thompson's and Brewster
makes, none or thorn worth less
thuii 11.00, on salo nt, a 50c
10c mercerized Cotton Foulards nnd
TnfTota Solids, all good pat-
terns, on salo nt, yard
lSe Persian Flannels, mostly (),-,
light colors, on salo nt, yard
22c Shnpson'fl Fanny Figured Ticking
for drapery pillow covers, tOin
on salo ivt, ix yard 3
ISo Figured Striped Batiste, In threo
colors, nil ono pattern, 31 fi I
Inches wide, on salo at, yard... vifL,
Remnants of Fast Black Hutlnp, 'Jrt
worth 10c, on salo at, yard
Spreads and
SSc Fringed Bedspreads, on 7n
salo at, each
$1.00 Fringed Bedspreads, on QQr
salo at, each (J -s
$1.25 Fringed Bedspreads, on QOr
salo at, each J t
Kip Quilts, on salo 'at, Qr
each "-'
Whitelaw Sa Gardiner
that, law on the Btatuto bocks. Ho Is now
a district Judgo.
DelrKnten Attend from All Over lorvn
unci Northern 311
sourl. OTTU.MWA, ia., Feb. 21. (Special Telo
gram.) The convention of delegates of
district No. 13, United Mine Workers of
America, which comprises all of Iowa and
northern Missouri, began Its annual session
hero today. President J. I'. Ilecse of Albln
called the convention to order, after which
Mayor T. J. Phillips was introduced and
In his welcoming address turned over tho
keys of the city to the visiting minors. Ho
was followed by J. P. Byrne In behalf of
the trades and labor unions of Ottumwn,
with a short address, In which tho hospi
tality of labor circles was nlso extended.
President Ileeso responded on behalf of tho
delegates, after which the delegates got
down to work. Credentials and rules com
mittees were appointed and the convention
adjourned until 2 o'clock.
At the aftcrnocn session the credentials
committee reported all local unions repre
sented, with 125 delegates, and rules gov
erning tho convention woro adopted, Tho
unnual reports of thn officers wero pre
sented nnd referred to tho various com
mittees. Prsldent neeso's report was a complcto
ravlew of tho mining situation during tho
lost year, and showed It hod been for tho
mine workers of this distr.'n In many ways
a profitable one, not from the fact alone of
the Increased price of mining nor tho In
creased employment, but because tho or
ganization does business In a business man
ner. Tomorrow n scala committee will bo
appointed and an address will be delivered
by W. B. Oblcnness, president of tho State
Federation of Labor.
I'rninotnrn of lie Molnea IOIrcti lc I, tun
Full to liuiireaa Creston Council.
CRESTON. Ia Feb. 21. (Special.)
Messrs. Waterman nnd Crawford, who are
promoting tho electric railway from Cres
ton to WIntcrset, mot with a cold recep
tion last night from Creston's city coun
cil. That body would not vote to submit
tho question of a franchise, to the peoplo,
so the promoters will havo to obtain tho
signatures of twenty-five property owners
from each ward, which will forco tho mayor
to call an election. Waterman and his
colleague returned last night from Wlnter
eot nnd Macksburg, where they met with n
cordial reception nnd the city councils of
both towns ordered a vote on tho franchise.
A 5 per cent tax will probably bo naked
for from WIntcrset to Creston aud a .1
per cent tax In WIntcrset. Just what tho
company will expect from tho city of Cres
ton tho promoters did not say. Thoy did
say that tho Nebraska Traction company
was back of the enterprise nnd had plenty
of money; that It wns a duly Incorporated
company. Mr. Waterman told the council
that to construct and equip the road It
would cost about $350,000,
The building of an electric lino from
Creston to WIntcrset has long been agi
tated In this city and favorably considered
at Wlnterset and Macksburg. It Is believed
that J. S. Polk of Des Moines would build
from the capital city to Wlnterset. Thero
Is also another rumor to the effect that
Mount Ayr will put In nn electric light and
water plant and nu effort will bo mado to
get that rlty to put In n plant Inrge enough
to furnish power to operate nn electric
road from that city to Creston.
Vcmv I'fialufllof. for lonn Cllj'.
IOWA dlTV, la., Feb. 21. (Special.)
Postmaster Overholt received a letter to
day from Congrensman h.ino Informing him
that the senuto nnd house of representa
tives of tho United States have directed
tho secretary of the treasury to acqulro a
site nnd contract for the erection of ni
building, Including fireproof vaults, lipnllui;'
and ventllatlnK apparatus, for tho uso audj
accommodation of tho postafllce nnd othor 1
Rovernment oflleei In this city. The cost '
of tho building In not to exceed $100,000.
As there are no appropriations thin year
for now buildings, the building cannot bo '
pushed at present. However, the Introduc-
tlon of tho bill places tho people of lowu
City In a position to follow tho hill up be
fore tho committee hereafter nnd make a
showing to get It In when there la an ap
propriation bill going through.
Not n Candidate for Ilencli,
SIOUX CITY, la., Feb. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Craig Wright has Issued a letter
refusing to come out as candidate for
supremo Judge.
"Grip robbed me of my sleep and I wns
nearly crazy with neuralgia and headache.
Dr. Miles' rain Pills and Nervine curod
me," Mn. Pearl Buih, Holland, Mich.
JLwJLjTV TV VJ.2TLJtJL 111 JL-f Jt M m
n.nd i$l Tf. full h,s.Pli Bed oullm. -t it
-.1 III! HillK III n'h liUU
,.uv run size.l lied Oulltx. on
i mi n.ile m. pneh . l.OV
$J.!) and $3.00 full nizcd Bed 1 flff
W'Nii", on salo at, each itMtj
Lot of nlnln i,,,, rnuey Wrltluu
I'nper nnd I.m cl.i. s, iicntlv
lioteil, nt I'llm low price.
Wall Paper
netv mill vell ncleulcil ii,,.l
of Wnll I'nper, In nil tin. hpn
mIiiiiIon mid iiiitteruix, nt
3ic 5c 6c 7ic 10c
I2ic I5c I9c 25c
'cr roll. All work guaranteed.
Hosiery and
In- ladles heavy Fleeced toi r
Hose, only 162 C
25o ladles' heavy Fleeced Hose, Vr
on sale, only, a pair "
Indies' all wool rnshmero oer
Hdkp. on sale. onlv. tin Ir .
50c ladles' fancy polkn dot Hose, In
cnuui, pmi, Diun aiiti muck, in plain
and drop Htltleh, nn salo at, ore
iv pair cJlC
Chlldren'H heavy ribbed Hose, a full
nno or sizes, on inuo at
a pair. Gc. 10 and ItJC
20c nnd .tic liulli'.i'. mlsHes' and chll
ilren a Union Suits, on 1Ctr
salo nt. n suit l5v
Mormon BIShODB' Pills
Church meir iou.,wcf. i'oaiu.eiy
otency, Lost Power, Nlght-Lossei, Spermatorrhoea Insomnia, n Ins
I Back; Evil bealrei, SamlnnT Emissions, t-ama Back, Nervous Ue
lllty, Hendache.Unfltnesn to Marry, lobs of tWJt Bjmn,,
orjant. Stimulates the Ualn anu nerve centeri. oc a lioi. 6 Uii t 50 W mall. al A written guarantee, tocura
u meney reluruljd. with 6 liei. Circular! free. AddrflSti UlShOP Remedy Co., Son FrnnclSOO, Oak
dental Oommittes's Document Receives
Formal Sanotion of IiUnderi.
I('lliif to A III IIIn SlKiiiiluro Inlll
After -tin" Copy for Cun
Itrc'Hx 1 1 nn llei'ii
HAVANA, Fob. 21. Tho Cuban constitu
tion, first submitted by tho central com
irlttoo to tho convention at tho public scj
Blun of .innuary 21 was slsned today. Ono
j copy wns stmt to Governor General Wood
nnd tho other placed nniong tne records
of tho convention. Tho president nnd vlco
presidents signed llrst and tho delegate,!
followed In tho order of tholr seats on tho
lionr of tho convention, tho two secretaries
signing last.
Honor Cisncros created n sensation by
reluslng to sign. Ho said:
"Cuba Is now Independent and 1 bco no
reason for sending this constitution to the
United States for acceptance. Tho United
States government has no right to pass on
It, for It is n distinctly Cuban document
nnd wnB drawn up by this convention, which
has asRUined tho responsibility of estab
lishing tho ropubllc."
Several delegates crowded around hlni
and endeavored to dlssuado him from his
courso, but ho was Immovable. Tho delo
galeB rotlrod. Senor Tamayo remarked'
"Wo aro nil CubaiiB, senor." Senor CIs
ncros replied: "Yes, when tho tlmo coiiicj
to fight thn AmcrlcaiiB, wo will fight them
Subsequently ho said ho would sign tho
copy of tho constitution that had been filed
with tho records of tho convontlon, but
would wait until tho other had boen sent
to Washington In order to avoid any pon
slblllty of his namo being uttnehed to
Senor Capote, president of tho conven
tion, will deliver tho document to General
Wood at tho jialace tomorrow morning.
Gcnernl Wood and his staff will receive
formally tho commission charged with the
duty of presenting tho constitution. The
lnttcr will bo translated and a copy In
Kngllsh will bo sent to Washington with tho
original. Probably tho translation will not
bo ready before Monday.
This afternoon General Wood sent n per
sonal letter to Senor Tamayo, chairman of
tho special committee on rotations, outlin
ing tho suggestions received from Score,
tnry Hoot, but pointing out Hint these woro
only expressions of tho opinion of tho ex
ecutive department as to what tho peoplo
of Cuba should desire to havo established
and agreed upon between the United States
and Cuba, and should not be taken as an
official declaration of tho United States,
Duffy's consumption
Bronchitis, Chills, Couohs,
rill ft Cold, Cyspepstt of what-
Ml ever form, itilcldy curod by
tf ll taking DUFPV'S MALT
Mflll WHISKEY. Attthle.pooiiful
ill mi InLlntsof water throo tlmex
Whiskiv Jrfcrv A" dru",,u
iiin newr ( Imitation.
this afternoon.
twe ladles' Kgvpllan Union onr
auiiH, on saio in ,ww
$1.00 ladles' gray I'nlon Suits, fiCir
on Maio in vv
50V Kgyptlnu yarn Vents and qqr
i-auis, on nam in v
$1.25 ladles' wool twill I'nlon 7Er
nuns, on miio in M
fA? ladles' extra heavy fleeced lined
vests nnrt ritntx, on
salo at uyt
T5c ladles' natural wool ribbed Sflr.
vests ana rants, on sale at ..-'"'
$2.0(1 ladles' gray all wool Union Suits.
in. mwe ill, f r 3
each fm3
$-'.50 Indies' I'nlon Suits, on 7t
in. eacn
$1 25 meii's fnlon Suits,
on sale at. each
$..!n men's I'nlon Suits,
on sale at, each
Jl.m men n nllk fleeced I'nder- fiCn
wear, on sain nt. eneh ODC
$1.50 tneii H all wool Under- nn
wear, on sale at, each ivv
50c, RV and 75f men's Under weor.odds
iwm eiiu.i, (mi sum nt, on.-.
$!.() men's flannelette Night- en.
gowns, on sale at. each vw.
50c men's flannelctto Night
gowns, on saio in, cacu.
$1.50 men's Duck Coats, slicker QQr
lined, on sale at, each
50c men's Neckwear, on OC,,
pale at, each ""
23c ladles' Handkerchiefs, on OCe
salo at 15c. 2 lor "
Council Bluffs, Ia.
To Whom it May Concern-
This Is to certify that. I havo Instructed Dr. II. A. Wood
bury In my methods of making and using "Etherlc Solu
tions." After examination I am satisfied that Dr. Woodbury
1c fully competent In every respect nnd can perform any of
tho operations upon sensitive, dentine or exposed nerves
without pain and without Injury. I,. W. COMSTOCK.
..Telephone 145.
H. A. Woodbury. D. D. S., Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel
l'e teen In me o.ct to tcr by the leidart of the Mormon
cure the wortt cuei In oM ana yountf aritinff Irom eifrct.
:-imoklnz. Curm Lost Manhood. Im-
, UJlecu are Innne.lute. E ImparrWor ana (muniy la
nt. e. cure It at luml. KrwS Restore tmatl. undeveloped
$6.00 A MONTH.
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men
12 Years In Omaha.
Method new, never falls,
without cutting, pain or
loss of time.
55 VPMII BCcurrd for llfeandthepotson
""'S'thoroUKhly cleansed from
the system. Soon erery nfgn and symptom
dlnrtppear-i completely nnrt forever. No
"HKKAlvINO OUT" of tho disease on the sliln
or face. Treatment ronulns 20 dangerous
drugs or injurious inedirinen.
WEAK MEN I.oss.oK M '.Nitoon from
st 1 11 v "cesses or Victimsto NKnvous
SEXUALLY Deiiilitv or Exhaustion.
Wasting Wkakness In voluntary Lossra,
with Kuii.y Dkoat In Youno and Minni-n
Aokd. lack of vim. vlgcr and strength, with
sexual organs Inipnlrtd and weak.
STRICTURE Hndlcally cured with Jl new
nri rLPPTmJ Infallible Home Treat
ana uuttT mont. Nolnstrumenis.nopaln,
no detention from business. Gonorrhoea,
Kidney and UliuMsr Troubl.
Comultitlon Free, TrMtment by Mill.
Call on or address g 8. j4th st.
Dr. Searies & Searles.gmaha.Nob.
If ) 011 liavft nrmll, eik organ
lout iioMir or weakmlntv rtmtn,
our Vacuum Ortran Developer will
ifitoro you without nruet nr
flrctrlcltvi 75.000 In Ufa. tiotnn
fall uro 1 not one returned 1 noG.O.I). fraud i writ for
particulars, trnt nealfd In plain cmalop.
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. 4(4 Charles Bldf., Dinvir, Colo,
Colds, Coughs,
Influenza, Bron
chitis, Asthma
and all Diseases
of the Throat
and Lungs.
Cloud j of Medicated Vapor are inhaled through
the mouth and emitted from the nottrili, cleani.
ing and vaporizing all the inflamed and dlteaied
furta which cannot be reached by medicine taken
nto the atnmach.
Jl rraclt?$ Ihrnnrr tpotshfals the raw places
ones In thetratnf dittan acti at abalm and
tonic to tlif triofn svstnn ft.fiO at ilrugqi$tt or
tiU mail Munvon, A'tw York and Philadelphia-
Hotel Victoria!
IVroiulway, fith Ave
nue and 27th fit.
NEW York.
European Plan
In the centre ol the ahop
pliiat and theatre diitrlcu
Absolutely Flrcproot
A Modern Plrst-clait Hotel
'Comnlrte In all Ita anoolnt
mtnli. I'utnlihiiiKt and decoration! new through
out. Accommo-lationa forsooeueali; 150 aultej with
balha. Hot and cold water and telephona In ever
room. Cuisine unexcelled.
Dr. Kay's Lung
ctirei every hind of coueh, la grlppr, hronchltla,
aoro throat, croup, whooping cough, etc. Never
derange the atomuch. At Drig-ato, 10 ft IXft