Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Murder in the Second Degree the Verdict
Eendered by Jury.
Gives An Sinn tlml Hp l'vrn llcnrs the
Dell vernnon Which Consigns
lllm tn Prison for
Severn! Ycnrs.
COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb. 21. (Special Tel-
tram. J Shortly after court convened this
morning the bailiff announced that the Jury
In the Oentlemnn caso had agreed upon a
verdict. The defendant was brought up
from Jail and the attorneys were sum-
tnoncd. When the Jury filed In and took
thelr places there was little or nothing In
their faces to Indicate what was tn store.
Judge Hollenbeck asked them If they had
agreed upon a verdict and Foreman Uu
dolpS C. Muellor repllsd that they had.
The verdict was handed to Clerk
Orunther, who read:
TVe. the Jury duly empnnellod nnd sworn
In the above entitled cause, do find and
ay that the defendant, Nicholas J. Gen
tleman, Is guilty of murder In the second
degreo In manner nnd form as charged in
the Informntlon.
lU'DOLI'H C. MUBI.LEH. rnreman
The Jury was then polled, each answering
In a firm voice that this was their verdict.
If Ocntloman heard the verdict there was
no outward show to Indlcato It, Ho main
tained the samo Indifference to his sur
roundings that has marked his demeanor
throughout the trial.
Greeley Center Man Chosen at the
TVrhrnskn. .Vnllnnnl Cnnril
LINCOLN, Feb. 21. (Special Telegram.)
Tho Nebraska National guard election to
day resulted In favor of I'. It. Harry of
Greeley Center for brigadier general and
Harry L. Archer of Ueatrlco for lieutenant
colonel of the First rcglmont. Tho former
Rill fill a position that has remained va-
cr.nt slnco Nebraska's two regiments were
mustered Into tho national service nnd tho
latter will succeed Colonel Julius N. Kll-
lan, who will becomo adjutant genoral
March 1.
Tho vote for brigadier general was prac
tically unanimous In favor of Darry, for
of sevcnty-nlno votes cast ho received all
tut flvo, which wore divided between Cap
tain Hodglns of Oraaha and cx-I)rlgadler
General Colby of Beatrice, neither of whom
was nn avowed candidate, but was given
votes ns complimentary marks of esteem.
For colonel of tho First regiment Archer
received twenty-four votes, whllo Captain
Talbot, his nearest competitor, polled
seven votes.
After the result of the eloctlon was an
nounced Governor Dietrich signed commls-
slcns for the two officers and congratulated
both on their success.
r. II. Barry served six years as adjutant
general of the Nebraska National guard
nnd tho newly-elected colonol has been con
nected with tho stato militia for an equal
length of tlmo. Ho was captain of ono of
tho First regiment's companies during the
J'hlllpplne campaign and on reorganization
Was mndo lieutenant colonel.
Grand Island Want Reimbursement.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Feb. 21. (Spe
cial. ) Tho city council last evening passed
a resolution Instructing tho city attornoy
to draw up an act for presentation to Hall
county's delegation In tho legislature
asking for reimbursement by the state of
14,0.00, niqney It. bos. spent lnt stamping out
smallpox In the city. The resolution pre
sents the facts that, owing to Orand Island
being a division point on the Union Pa
cific and the terminal of several roads, tho
dlseaso was brought' to this city from other
parts of the state, nnd that It having used
eery means and stopped at no expenditure
to wipe out tho disease, It should be reim
bursed tor the money actually expended
for strict quarantine regulations, the build
ing of an emergency hospital, etc. In tho
list two months tho Board of Health has
met an nvorage of four times n week and
every dotal! of tho contagion was carefully
looked to, with tho result that tho dlseaso
1b practically stamped out.
Improving Fair Grounds at Albion,
ALBION. Nob., Fob. 21. (Special.) Tho
Fair association of Albion owns $10,000
worth of proporty and now has $400 tn Its
treasury. At the last meeting of tho board
of directors tho sccrotary was Instructed
to have built a new' hog house, now office
for tho secrotnry and board of directors,
new ticket office, new, band stand and
women's resting placo and new paint put
on nil buildings and increased premiums In
some of tho classes. The board Is propar
Ing for tho largest exhibition evor held
here, The dates set for the next fair aro
Bepterabor 25, 26 and 27.
Gnvel for Theodore Hoosevelt.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special Tele-
gram.) Thoodoro Roosevelt, on his as
cendency to tho vico presidency March 4
will be given by Dr. Fred Brother of this
city a beautiful osage orange gavel fitted
1th n handle of clear nsh which Is covered
bv a silver band with the following In
scription: "This 'wood grew on the land
of tho first entry under the homestead act.
Presented to Vice President Roosevelt by
Fred Brother, M. D., Beatrice, Neb., Febru
ary 22, 1901."
Farmer Attempts Suicide.
FA1RBURY, Nob., Feb. 21. (Special,)
M. C. Rldor, a farmer living a few miles
from here, attempted suicide yesterday by
cutting his throat with a pockotknlfe. Med
ical aid was promptly summoned and it is
thought he will recover. Rider Is a Veteran
of tho civil war and Is In good circum
stances financially. The reason for his con
duct Is unknown.
Public Mertlug of A. O. U. W.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special, Tele
gram.) Tho Ancient Order of United Work
men will hold a public meeting In the audi
torium Tuesday night to make the public
must first possess that all Important
Is absolutely pure In every sense of
the word. Its all-round goodness and
genuine beer purity has gained for
"Blatz a most amiable hold on beer
drinkers everywhere. Shall we send
you a caaeT
Tonic for the Weak,
Val. Blatz Brewing Co., Milwaukee.
1412 llouglaa Street. Tel, 1081.
acquainted with the object and benefits of
the order. Deputy O. II, Vandyke of Lin
coln and Frank Farrcll will deliver ad-dresses.
I.ilti! Is Found Utility of Arson.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) The Jury In the Lutr arson case
brought In a verdict of guilty, as charged,
at 11:45 o'clock this morning after being
out all night and taking seventeen ballots.
Judge Hardy, tho attorney for the defend
ant, will file papers Monday asking for a
new trial. In the meantime Lutr will re
main at the county Jail. Owing to the fact
that tomorrow Is a legal holiday, Judge
Letton adjourned court until next Monday.
Proposed Xnvr .Mnll Hontrs.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special.)
C. E. Llewellyn, Inspector of mall routes
for this district, Is hero looking over the
proposed lines of free delivery. Tho Indi
cations aro that five routes will bo favorably
reported upon and this will likely servo to
discontinue tho Mlddlcburg. hdon and llrat-
ton postofTlccs.
Middle Ponnd r.nlltr.
DAKOTA C1TV, Neb.. Feb. 21. (Special.)
The second case tried at this term of
district court against J. C. niddlo for selling
liquors Illegally resulted In the Jury re
turning a verdict of guilty, being out about
two hours. Another case against niddlo
on a similar charge Is now In progress.
film! of Archer's Promotion.
EEATItlCE. Neb.. Feb. 21. (Special Tele"-
hsrom.J - Llcutonant Colonel Harry Archer of
Company C, Nebraska Nntlonal guard, was
elected colonel at Lincoln lato this even
ing. This In tho homo of Company C and
Lieutenant Archer's promotion gives unan
imous satisfaction.
limine Change nt Ashland.
ASHLAND, Nob., Feb. 21. (Special.)
S. It. McLeran, who has boen In tho lumber
business In Ashland for the last nlno years,
sold his yards this week to the Edwards &
Brandtord Lumber company. J. W.'
ton of Wahoo has been appointed local
manager for the company at Ashland.
Judge Hastings a Candidate.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special Tele.
gram.) Judgo Hastings of Wllbor was at
tending court hero otday. Tho Judge Is
mentioned ns a candidate for supreme court
commissioner, if the bill now pending in
the legislature becomes n law.
neaver City Out of Quarantine.
BEAVER CITV. Neb., Feb. 21. (Special
Telegram.) Mayor Phelps raised tho small'
pox quarantlno today. Tho churches and
lodges will resume business at tho old
stand at once, while the city schools will
reopen next week.
Horse Killed In nnnniTay.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special.)
A team driven by Harry Moore ran" away
Wednesday afternoon and struck nn electric
light pole. One horse was killed and Mr.
Mooro was picked up unconscious, but not
seriously hurt.
Ileitln Ilnylnn; Horn.
NEBRASKA CITY, Nob., Feb. 21. (SpO'
clal Telegram.) Tho now packing firm, tho
Morton-Qregson Packing company, com
monced buying hogs today. The plant will
be In full operation tho first of next week.
For Washington nnd Lincoln.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Fob. 21. (Special.)
-Exercises commemorative of the lives and
good deeds of Washington and Lincoln
were held In all grades In the Plattsmouth
schools this afternoon.
Annnal Conference neglns at Eman
uel Church In This City This
The Swodlsh Lutheran church of Ne
braska will hold Us annual conference In
Omaha from February 22 until March 3.
The sessions will be In the Emanuol Swed
lsh Lutheran church at the corner of Nine
teenth and Cass streets. Rev. F. N.
Swangberg of Oakland Is president of tho
conferenco and about seventy-flvo laymen
and clergymen from different parts of No
braska will attend.
Beginning this evening the ministers
of the conferenco will hold commltteo
meetings until February 26, when tho first
general mooting will be held. Ono of tho
chlof matters to como before the contorenco
Is tho raising of funds for tho construction
of an additional building for tho Luthor
academy at Wahoo. Tho Institution now
has .three buildings and a fourth ono Is
The Emanuel Swodlsh Lutheran church
has made special preparations for the en
tcrtalnment of tho conference. The church
has been repainted and redecorated
throughout. New carpet and furniture have
been provided and the building Is now ono
of the most attractive tn tho city.
'I was given up to die- from heart and
nervous troubles cauBed by grip. Six bot
tles each of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and
Nervine cured mc.M Mrs. John Wollet,
Jefferson, Wis.
Weather Forecaster Pit-dues Such
Conditions, bat Hints Also of
a Lower Temperature.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Forecast for
Friday and Saturday;
For Nebraska Fair Friday and Saturday;
colder Friday In southern portion; north
erly winds, becoming variable.
For Iowa Fair Friday and Saturday;
Colder Friday, except in northeast portion;
northwest winds
For North and South Dakota Fair Fri
day and Saturday; northwest winds.
For Missouri Fair Friday and Saturday;
colder Friday In southern portion; northerly
winds, becoming variable.
For Colorado Generally fair Friday, ex
cept snow In the mountain districts; coldor
In eastern portion; Saturday fair; north
easterly winds.
Local Itecord,
nwwim of run wEvnrrcn. bureau.
miuiA. Feb. 21. Ofllclat record of temper
ature anil preunuiinivw vuiuimivu nun utc
corresDonuiiiE uu ufc 1110 n jhuk;
rfmlmum temperature.... 22 S3 4fi
Minimum temperature.... 1, 21 33 1
ifm tKmneraturo -0 27 Irt
ii-piniiaiioii vv
-"'.' T- 'P rn ,rt
Record of temperature nnd precipitation
at Omalia lOr HUM uJ mm omiiu statin 4,
Vnrinnl temncrnture. 2
Deficiency lor tne iiny
Total excess since March 1 .li.
Normal precipitation " ".''
n.Hnunni' rnr inM (inv ..... ."o
Totnl since oiarcn 1........ ,..........
DlncWororeVlod-im::: i& no es
Deficiency for cor. period, 1WD
4.89 Inches
Henorts from Stations nt
7 I. M.
-ire V. u j
OF WEATHER. : p 3 3
: m : o
: " : ?
: p : 3 :
Omaha, cloudy
North Platte, clear ...
Cheyenne, snowing
Halt Lake City, cloudy
Ilnptd City, clenr
Huron, clear
Wllllston, clear ........
Chicago, snowing
St, Louts, snowing ....
St. Paul. Clenr ,
Davenport, e'ear
Kansas City, snowing ,
Helena, clear
Harve, clear
Hlsmarck, i;rar
T Indlcntcs trace of precipitation. Zero.
i.. a. wi.ati.
Local Forecast OttlcUl.
Appoints Four Men for South DtlcoU State
Fair Board.
limine nonets l.arr to Provide Counsel
for Iiirflitmt CrlmlnuU nnd Kills
the Threshing Machine
Operators' MenNiirc.
I'lEHKE, S, D., Feb. 21. (8peclal Tete-
gram.) Governor Hcrrcld today appointed
ns members of the state fair tioaru, unanr
the provisions of the new law, John Ann
strong of Desmet, for ono yonr; I'rof. U.
Chllcott of Brookings college, for one year;
Thomas Fu lcrton of Mitchell, lor two
years; C. C. Moulton of Fnulkton, for three
years. Tho fifth man will not bo nppolnted
for sovernl days nnd will proDnmy do n
Yankton man.
Houeo bills ; Introduced today wero to
chnngo tho boundaries of the Hfth and
Sixth Judicial circuits, to talto Iicadio rrom
.the former and add It to to the latter; re
quiring road supervisors to fill abandoned
wells nnd other dangerous excavations in
the districts; providing for tho appoint
ment of administrator pendente llto; for
modification and revision of Inws, making
the governor, sccretnry of stnto nnd at
torney general a board of supervisors; pro
viding for tho appointment of two attorneys
to act with tho attorney general for tlml
purpose, and appropriating $13,000. The
house committees reported favorably on
tho scnato bills providing for n selection
of commissioners by vote of tho whole
county, nnd for tho senate oil Inspection
bill, amended In Its provisions In regard o
gasoltno nnd light oils. Tho Ninth Judicial
circuit bill rnmo up ns n special order nnd
Wllmarth usked for a further extension rf
tlmo. This was opposed by Lnwson, Porter
nnd Llndgrcn, but was carried, and the bill
Is up for Thursday of next week.
A resolution wns passed by both houses
donntlng tho chair refused by ox-Governor
Leo to tho Stato Historical society. Tho
govcrnor'c veto on tho bill to allow tho
uso of abbreviations In tnx lists was bus
tnlncd, with ono voto against It.
Counsel for Crlmlunls.
Tho houso pnsscd tho bill to provide
counsel for Indigent cr'mlnnls nnd fixing nt
torneys fees nt $2.1; killed tho bill to pre
vent tho salo of stocks of goods In fraud of
creditors by voto of 40 to 37, ond defeated
n motion for reconsideration, rne nouse
passed tho sennto bill to fix tho salary of
tho stato veterlnnrlan nt $1,200 per year;
changing tho nnmo of the Aberdeen school
of technology to tho Normal and Industrial
school, and to requlro nil Incidentals funds
rocolved by nny stato Institution to be
turned Into the treasury nnd drawn out by
auditor's warrant.
In tho scLntu a commltteo reportod and
the senate adopted n rulo fixing February
25 as the Inst day for tho Introduction of
bills, unless by consent of two-thirds of
tho renato. Tho appointment of Jacob
Schnaldt of Hutchinson county as n member
of tho Stato Board of Charities nnd Correo
tlons wns confirmed. Senato bills Introduced
wero to rcmovo tho reform school from
Planklnton to lands owned by tho state
near Watertown, nnd npproprlnto $1,500 to
Mrs. T. M. Evans for extra work performod
on tho Soldiers' Homo at Hot Springs In
Tho houso bill to compol threshing ma-
chlno operators to plank bridges before
crossing was killed, after a hot discussion
and an effort to kill the drunkenness cure
bill was defeated by a small majority. Tho
senate passed the Benato bills providing tor
the completion of redemption laws prepared
by tho Stato Bar association fixing rato of
Interest per year at 10 per cent and exempt
ing compounders of medicines from provls
tons of peddlers' license law. The senato
then went Into commltteo of tho wholo on
tho educational bill, which took up tho rest
of tho afternoon, end passed tho bill by
voto of 32 to 9.
Both houses adjourned to Saturday.
Hlnclc Hills Pioneer mid Two Com
pnuloiin Start for Alnskn.
DEADWOOD, S. D.. Fob. 21. (Speclal.)-
Lyman Lamb and Chnrles nnd Herman
Spllker, threo men of Sturgls, left this
morning for tho Yukon territory, Alaska
Lamb was a member ot tho first whlto ex
peditlon which entered tho Blnck Hill
botng In the samo company with tho Into
Mrs. Annie D. Tallent. He has been to
the north before nnd owns some valuable
mining proporty there.
IU-Iiik Kxnmlucd for West Point.
HURON. S. D.. Feb. 21. (Special.) Thlr
teen young men from various parts ot tho
state were hero Tuesdny taking the exam
Inotton for appointment na cudet at West
Point. Tho examination wns by the fae
ulty ot Huron collego nnd was thorough
The physical examination wns by Dr. T,
Wood. Tho applicants wero: John I),
Evans of Gettysburg, Kenneth A. Osborn o
Howard, Romanzo G. Marslnud of Madison
William E. Ladd of Sturgls, Bon Tom Hnr
rlson of Sioux Kails, Otto Ellermnn
Yankton, Douald E. Mcl'herson of Dead
wood, James B. Shouso of Plnnklnton, Sail
ford A. Lyon, Wilbur Atherton, Frank
Horton, Edwnrd O. Lymnn and Thomas
P. Fleming of Huron. Tho successful com
petltor must present himself at Fort Snell
Ing, Minn., March 1 for final examination
James B. Shouso of Planklnton was first
and Sanford A. Lyon ot Huron was second
In tho examination,
Looking I 11 Itural Delivery Iloutes
DEADWOOD, S. D., Feb. 21. (Special.)
Tho Deadwood postmaster has received
orders to get data to be forwnrded to th
Postofflco department, pertaining to th
delivery of mall to farmers and rnuchei
living niong tno start route, 'ino same
orders have been sunt to all postmasters
In western South Dakota nnd eastern Wyo
mlng, It Is believed that this Is but
preliminary step toward dally rural de
livery of mall. Tho farmers living albng
tho star routes cun now get their mall
dally by putting up mall boxes.
To My Krlcnils.
I wish to recommend Chamberlain's Cough
Hemcdy. My llttlo girl, Mary, 10 years old,
has had phthisic all her life. Two months
slnco she took a severe cold and I bought
a bottle of this remedy. It not only cured
her of her colld, but cured her of tho
phthisic, too. John Hughes, Ollvor Springs,
Tumi Mr. ITllirlipn la nnu nt Ih. 1 an .1 1 n .
known ns a reliable ond trustworthy mun.
This valuable medicine Is for sale by all
ASHLAND, Neb.. Feb. 21. (Special.)
James Asa Cadwell and Miss Lulu Parka
wero married nt tho home of the bride, four
miles south of Ashland, Wednesday night,
by Itev. C. A. Huyrk of Ashland. Thu
groom was n member of Company II, Third
Nebraska volunteers,
Knli In nun -Sho I to II.
SLOAN, In., Feb. 21. (Special.) T. W.
Robinson nnd Francis E. Sheltan were mar
rlod today at tho home of liio bride's
parents by Rev. C. M. Van Marter.
Fatal delays ure caused by experimenting
with cough nnd cold cures. Foley's Honey
and Tar will prevent n cold from resulting
In pneumtnla. Mycrs-DUon Drug Co.,
Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omabs.
Sirs, ntlon Prepares to Become
Editor of "The Sninnhers'
TOPEKA, Kan.. Feb. 21. Mrs. Carrie
Nation Is to enter politics and to become
the editor of "The Smashers' Mall," a paper
to bo run In behalf 'of negroes. She has
refused tempting offers to lecturo and will
remain In Topeka nnd help elect a ''clean
man" lor mayor nt tho spring election.
These mctters were announced by the
rusader ftom her cell In tho county Jail
today after ono chargo 'against her, that
for smashing the Senato saloon two weeks
ago, hnd been dismissed by Judgo McCabe.
Sho Is still being held on tho chnrgo of
breaking Into Moscr's cold storago plant
on last Sunday. A delegation ot tho Home
Defenders called on Mrs. Nation In her cell
room In the Jail to talk about nominating
city ticket for tho election this spring.
Mrs. Nation, who has decided to become
citizen of Topeka, for at leHt a while,
as enthusiastic. "Wo decided," she said,
to nomlnato n clean man, n man who does
ot drink, smoko or blaspheme, No other
need apply,"
Neuro .folntlst Is (he Publisher.
Tho newspaper that Mrs. Nation Intends
o edit will bo published by "Nick" Chiles,
tho negro Joint keeper who signed ono of
Mrs. Nation's bonds last week, and David
Nation, Mr. Nation's husband, is coming to
Topeka to help his wlfo with the enter
prise. Mr. Nation onco edited n paper In
Warrensburg, Mo.
Mrs. Nation says tho paper will be pub
lished for the special needs of tho negroes.
It will contain news about the tomperanco
causo In Kansas nnd will devoto much
spaco to letters Mrs. Nation rocelves from
er enemies and her sympathizers. Mrs.
Nation will write the editorials.
Mrs. Nation refuses to go on any raoro
lecturo trips. A circus nnd theatrical
man hns advertised that ho has secured
Mrs. Nation for a theatrical trip. Eastern
papers telegraphed inquiries about' this
matter. Mrs. Nation nnnounced that sho
would not allow herself to bo "mado n
fool of for n million dollars n minute."
Win In One Molt.
Judgo McCabu ot tho city court
handed down a decision today in tho
case ngaitst Mrs. Carrie Nation for
smashing tho Senato saloon, discharging
her. Tho enso was submitted on an agrcod
statement of facts. Judgo McCabo held that
Inco Mrs. Nation had no mallco toward
tho proprietors of tho place, Kelly & Lyttle,
and destroyed tho placo In abating n public
nuisance, sho wan not guilty ot malicious
destruction ot property. This does not
ffect tho cases pending against Mrs. Nation
for tho Sunday raid, for which she Is now
In tho county Jail.
Tho agreed statement of facts ontcred
into In writing and signed by tho attorneys
for tho stato and defendant wero that
tho defendnnt destroyed tho property de
scribed In tho complaint, which was located
nnd used In a certain placo In tho city of
Topeka, known ns "Tho Senate;" that said
place was a nuisance under tho laws of this
stato; that tho property destroyed was used
In tho courso of carrying on said nuisance,
and that tho destruction by tho defendant
was without malice toward tho owners of
tho destroyed property, Upon this state
mont of facts tho caao was argued on Mon
day and wns takon under advisement by
Judgo McCabo until today. Judgo McCabo
decided that a porson cannot abate n public
nutsanco without that person being ag
grtoved, but upon tho agreed statement ot
fact by tho attorneys for tho state that tho
destruction by tho defendant was without
mallco toward the owners of tho proporty
destroyed, Mrs. Nation' was discharged.
The proprietors of the VBenato " have n
caso pending against the city of Topoka for
$500 damages: , on r
Mr8.Natlon when seon tonight snld she
was much pleased nt tho prospect of pub
lishing tho paper for tho negroes. She
thinks much good will bo thereby accom
plished for the cause of temperance nmong
the negroes nnd that it will also help them
In other ways,
Tho first Issue ot the paper will appear
next Wednesday.
So Ilrelnrrs Currlo's Iliislinnil In Itr-
spousp to nil I cuv 11
DUIJUQUE, la.. Feb. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho following correspondence has
passed between Mrs. J. V. Taylor, ono of
Dubuquo'B most prominent lltornry women
and David Nation, husband of the Knnsas
Dear Sir: I am an old-fnshloned womnn
nnd bollevo It Is miin'H prerogative to wear
tho trousers nna a woman a to ntionu 10
whatever duties sho may tlml fit homo.
The stand your wlfo bus taken, whother
n," IF VffrA T,:rtt?.rr'X?
that Ih tho excuso of tills letter. If you
aro In sympathy with Mrs. Nation, why do
you not accompany your wuo on inesu
smashing tours of hers? In any caso I
am sorry for you, whether you desire It
or not. I know my husband would feel
grateful for nny good reeling wero ho slt
nnti.ri 11 vmi are. I encloso Btnmned en
velope for tho reply, which 1 hope you will
bo good enough to send. Yours very sin
TOPRKA, Feb., 15. Yes, ma'am, my wife
Is lirsl-cinss, aim ino inveuesi woman i
ui.A, unw tint nln, will liavn hnr own WAV.
una I nuvo to lot ner, nnu 1 giory in ner
fUltll 111 UOU. U4 l U .TiAllUiN,
Men with (Icvftiicfs InvoUe Aid
of the District
Lisle Bishop, whllo driving a 'bus for
Pnxton & Sharp on January 24, fell from
the vehicle to tho ground, bruising and
lacerating his face nnd breaking his nose
by tho fall. Ho asserts that he was thrown
from the seat whllo npplylng a dofoctive
brake, for which he holds his oraployers
reenonsible. nnd In tho county court ho
sues them for 11,000 damages.
Edward A. Mitchell has begun suit
against tho city of Omaha for $1,000 dam
ages. Ho sprained his anklo by falling on
n defective sldownlk on JoneB street, be
tween Tenth and Eleventh streets,
Cnseiirlnp nt All DriiKKlsts.
Cures Biliousness, Constipation and Dys-
nensla. or money refunded. Prlco 50 cents.
Dook explaining cause and euro mailed free,
Ilea Rros. & Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
H. L. Richardson of Lincoln Is nt the Mil-
r n 4,.-l.,Mnv nt Ttcntrlcp. In nt (lie Mnr.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. K. Valentino of West
Point nro nt tho ller Grand.
W. K. Annln of Denver, a rural delivery
ngent or tho I'ostoiiico department, is reg
islered at tho ller Grand.
a Werner, il tirnmlneiit merchant of
nnoliiH. N'ch.. Is In t in city buy uu miring
goods or omnlin-s wnoiesaiers.
Nubrusknns nt tlio Merchants: it. u.
u-fiiv. m. Mimcm nnd D. I,. Sylvester. Kro-
mont; J. W. Stump, Vorilon; Charles Ray,
Columbus; .1. I. uinorn, iiiuen; is. ,i. jonn
son, Amt'tf; W. n. HoynouiH, ciinuron.
wtllliim Sutherland, the younx mini who
u-ns I n in ml in n utreet rnr accident tit the
south ond of tho Sixteenth viaduct Tuesdny
livening. Is Htlll unconscious nt St. Josepli'H
nospitni. Jie was wnniy iiriirioiia mom ui
Sheriff Gerllck of Mnnknlo, Minn., lodged
Rimer Tntinev In tho city Jnll Thursday
afternoon for safe keeping. Tappey was ur-
rested at Ureeley, ;wou.. nnu is wunteii in
Mnnkato for burglary. Tlio sheriff nnd his
prisoner departed for that placo Thursday
liarburger, Human & Co., Manufacturers.
Fiof, Theodore Khans Consigned to Jail in
Default of Bond.
former Instructor in Khnrns Infirm-
nry (inrulnlirrM the Professor's
I'ersoiint Kffects, N'orr In Hands
at City Jnller.
Troublo Is coming in bunches to Prof.
Theodoro Kharas, 'Who was bound over to
tho district court by Pollco Judgo I.caru
Tbursdoy afternoon on tho chnrgo ot ob
taining money .under falso protenses.
Kharas' bond was placed nt $600 and tho
rangnotio healer bnd tho roprcsontntlvo ot
a local bond company on hand rendy to go
his suroty,
Judgo Learn IntorpoBcd an objection to
tho bond submitted by tho prisoner. Ho
stated that ho did not know wbcthor such
n bond would cover the caso or not and
lntlmnted that ho didn't bnvo n great deal
of faith In tho stability of the company
with which Kharas had arronged for ball.
Ho stated, however, that ho did not caro
to dccldo tho question, so ho left It to
Deputy County Attorney Klmer Thomas.
It didn't tnko tho deputy county attorney
long to dccldo tho matter. "I don't think
this bond compnny is any good," ho do
clarcd, emphatically, "and object to the
rcleaso of Kharas on such n surety. '
llo nil Is A 01 .'.crrptiM'.
As a conseuueuco Judgo I.enrn refused o
accept tho bond nnd Kharas was consigned
to tho custody ot tho police, penaing nis
trial or tho acceptanco of n satisfactory
bond, Before KharaB was shown his cell
h,g poctct8 wcro Boarched and all articles
of personal uso and n small buui of money
wore taken from hlra.
Mrs. Kharas and ono of tho attorneys
representing tho defendnnt wero in con
sultation relative to drawing tne money
Kharas had been relieved of in tho "frisk-
Ini?" nrocess nnd searching somo other
means of securing a bond when a garnishee
summons was served on Captain ller nna
Desk Sergeant Marshall, garnlsheelng tlio
funds In their possession belonging to Kha
ras. This action was brought before County
Judgo Vlnsonhaler by II. M. Marker, a
former nrofcBsor in the KharaB miirmnry,
who has n Judgment of about $500 against
Kharas. Tho summons called for tho ap
pcaranco ot tho pollco officials March -1
and racantimo tho monoy Belonging to
Kharas, amounting to $2o, will bo retained
uy sergennv .noreimii
When tho grip left me my nerves nnd
heart were badly aftecteu; nut i ueguu
taking Dr. Miles' Norvlno and Heart euro
ond was soon all right." Wm. ltoericiit,
Eau Claire, Wis
Therefore He Ileellnea StiKKestlon to
Knter I, nml of I'erennlnl
Judge Vlnsonhaler doesn't propose to take
the advlco of Fred Lowon nnrt go to
warmer plnco with his court. Instead ho
prefers to bring Lewon Into tho court ana
show him how warm It can bo made in its
nresent location.
Lewon has been sued in mo county court
by John Ocandt, nnd upon tno niing oi
Information and n bond uy tno planum
tho Judgo Issued nn attachment to prevont
the. dofeudant from disposing of any of his
nroncrtv whllo tho suit Is pending. Tho
nttnehmant was served on Lowon on Fob
runry 4 and ho Is said to have violated tho
order of the court two days later uy seu
Inc a nnrt of his property. It Is alleged
that when tho constable served the attach
m.nt nn,l tnhl Lowon not to dlsposo of his
rnnr,v hn latter remarked that ho would
. ,,. ..Innonl nlwl (hi! Illllcrn COlllll tttkll
,l ..--". .--" .. .
his court and go to tho eternal fireplace,
Lewon will bo brought Into court to an
ewer a chargo of contempt.
Tills Mny llnte Hud .SoiuetliliiK to
itMIi the .Indue' Leniency
to n Printer.
J. C. Fholns. a printer, was on trial be
forn Pollco Judge Learn on a chargo of
being drunk on tho street.
"I had only two drinks, your honor." he
said, "and I think I was entitled to them.
I had been working hnrd nil day KicKing a
C-ordon Jobber, nnd was"
"How's that?" Interrupted his honor,
"I say I had been kicking a Gordon Job
ber nil day nnd was tired, and"
"I'm glad to hear that."
"Your honor has had experience with n
"No; I am shortly to bo succeeded b7
one. You are discharged."
mm mm
Cramer's Kidney Liver Gure
Is due to the fact that those who have used it are
our best advestisers.
If you arc at all skeptical you can have a sample bottle mailed you free
for the asking.
The success that has attended
Cramer's Kidney Cure in the
treatment of kidney troubles is
due to the fact that it is the
acme remedy, has a specific and
positive action on the liver as
well as the kidneys. It allays
the congestion, removes the mi-
lealthy formation, thins the
thickened bile and restores the
organ to its natural activity.
Here arc a feu symptoms of kidney complaint
A severe pain or acho In tho small of the
A tired, exhausted feeling.
An unusual dcslro to urlnnto at night.
An- annoying, scalding or burning sensa
tion whllo urluatlng,
An Inability to mako even ordinary ex
An abundnnco ot palo or sennty urlno.
A desire to urlnnto frequently.
SutYeruil Two Venrs. I
Omaha, Neb., Jan. 10, 1900.
Cramor Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y. :
I firmly hollove that I owo my life to
Cramer's Kldnoy Cure. For two years I
suffered with kidney troublo and could find
no relief nnywhere. I spent hundreds of
dollars on doctors nnd medicines, Somo
would glvo temporary relief and others nono
whatever, I decided to try Cramer's Kid
ney Curo as a last resort and wish 1 had
followed tho advlco of my friends sooner.
It was tho only thing thnt helped me, and
In less than four months It hnd mado a
now man out, of mo. I nm entirely well
and I glvo nil tho prnlso to Cramer's Kld
noy Curo.
Mnnager ot Swift & Co.'s Wholesalo Meat
Market, South Omnha.
Cramer's Kidney Curo U pleasant to tuko. It stimulates tho nppotltn and Induces
sleep and when ono can sleep and cat wall It won't toko long to rcsloro the health.
Free Samples for All Kidney Sufferers.
In order that thoso who wish enn see for themselves tho truth ot tho assertion
that Cramer's Is tho greatest kidney remedy in tho world today. If they will send
their address to tho Cramer Chemical Company, Albany, N. Y., they wll bo sent ab
solutely free of cost, a sample bottls. If you cannot get Cramor's Kidney Cure from
your druggist, send $1.00 to the Western Agent Cramer Chemical Company, "Omaha,"
who will send you a bottle by express prepaid. Insist on having Cramor's Kldnoy
Cure. Take no substitute,
Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y.
Without Cltango
..All lhl best Wnrv nf ihn POCKV
Forfait Information, rcervatlon nnd Itiner
ary "Chlcatfo tu California" address City
Ticket Office, 1323 Fornum St., Omaha,
If 1 had Grip I would
l-v V m T--v aim
use .Dr. Miles' rain nils
and Dr. Miles' Nervine.
Sold at all Druggists.
WHITE DOVE CURE neier full tu ilfiry crav
ing; for itronir drink. Ilia ippctllo for which cnnot
e"t lifter mlnii thl. remedy (liven In nny liquid
wllti or without knowledge-o! patloutt UitelcMi 11 t
Sherman 4c McCunnell and Kutiii A Co., drunKlila
McCord, Brady Co., Distributers.
jfl i
A deposit of red or whlto brick dust or
albumen In tho urine, which Is easily de
tected by letting tho urlno stand for n few
Tho nbovo uro a fow of the principal
symptoms ot this dread malady, In Its first
and second stages. ItB third Htngo Is al
most romplnto exhaustion and leads to thu
straight nnd narrow path of Ilrlght's dis
Thnt Wonderful Moillelne.
Lincoln, Neb., March 0, 1000,
Crnmor Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y. :
I have been n sufferer for years with n
pain In my loft side. My stomach would
not retain food. Had pnlns under my
shoulders. 1 doctored with somo of the
best physicians without gutting any relief.
They pronounced my trouble kidney disease,
and that my llvor waB out of order. I saw
tho advertisement of Cramer's Kidney Cure,
and nftcr taking threo bottles nltogothnr
my troublo has all left and can only glvu
tho credit where It belongs to that won
derful medicine, Cramer's Kldnoy Curo.
Tho Skinuor nam.
m iJr.Kay HUticuro cures nil
IITitLU's femalo dlseusi-n. At drug
w ,!IS m niiiHtraled boon
ond rtdvlco f rno. Dr. II. .1. Kay, Sarulu,N. Y
RIPAN'S TABULRD Is nn effectual cur
for the Ills which orlfMnato In n bad rtom
tell. 10 for 4c. At all druggists.