Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Bnmortd Eetiromeut of the Burlington'i
Qenoral Buperintendtnt.
It 31 r. Jlculpr I.rnvr I lie lltirllnuton
Servlei- it .Mriitin n (irnerul
HlilriliiK f Other I'unl
tlona, It I llollevcd.
Tho rumor ban boon quietly floating
nrouml for smno days thnt J. 1). Healer,
general superintendent of tbo llurllnRton,
vlth headquarters In Chicago, Is about to
retire. Nono of tbo otllclals of the road In
thin city admit liuowlcdfio of It, though they
lmvo heard tho report. .Mr. Hosier has been
In tho service many years, and bis son, W.
G. Hester, has Rrown up In tho business
und now holds n high position on one of tho
eastern roads.
Mr. Hester docs not need to ilrnend on
the salary which ho has been drawing for
Lis support, and besides ho Is getting to
thnt point In life, where hl3 ago lennds color
to tho rumor.
Should this provo true, It nddn ono more
position to tbo speculation which has fol
lowed tbo election of Gcorrjo H. Harris to
tho presidency of the road. If W. C. Hrown
Is not chosen vlco president It will cause
considerable surprise, for ho Is supposed to
Jjo tho next In line.
Mny Co mi III no I'iikIIIoii.
Then, again, nnothcr theory Is that there
will never bo another genernl superintend
nt for tbo Uurllngton, but that tho com
pany will follow tho tendency of tbc times
and tho gcnorul manager will nssumo some
of tho duties that lmvo devolved on the
general superintendent.
It Is not expected that any change In tho
nniclals of tho nurltngton who aro resl
ilcnts of this city will follow tbo changes
in tbo bead afllces. Superintendent Levy
of tho Iowa division mny bo cnllcd to take
tho plnro of tho general manager, pro
Mr. Hrown Is advanced. Superln
tendent F. 0. Itlco of the IlllnolB lines Is
nlso In line. If ono of thtno men go up
a tohlftlng of the division superintendents
may result.
l'nM'iiK'r Iti'iiri'Ni-iiliitl wn Kiimikc
In Mely I let I lie- r it t ii it.
Tho recent mooting of tho Transcon
tinental I'dsscngcr association In Chicago
had several knotty problems before It, but
thn ono which caino tho nearest to causing
iv break was left without solution.
It concerns such cheap rata business ns
tho colonist fares to tho west and north
west. Homo of tho olllclala woro desirous
of having nil of tbo business pass n certain
iiolut In ono day. To do this It would be
necessary to sell tho tickets under that
rnto In Omaha on ono day, In Chicago tho
day before and thus gaugo tho business bo
thnt nil of thoso taking ndvantago of tbo
reduction would land In Omaha on Tues
day. This plan was proposed in tbo meet
ing, but tho urgument was raised ngnlnst
It that this would bring about tho selling
of tickets on the rates all over tho country
on different days and would result In a
confusion which It was desired to avoid.
Tho discussion over this matter beenmo
Tory warm and bad tho most threatening
Jook of any of tho Itoms before the man
agers. It was finally decided, howover, to
leavo the business on tbo present bas'ls and
tho colonist rates will bo sold on Tuesdays
ns heretofore.
Tho plan of encouraging members of the
Kpworth league to work up largo delega
tions to tho San Francisco convention by
tbo liberal use of free transportation was
nlso discouraged and the members of the
nssoclatlon got together on un agreement
that no freo transportation should bo given
nway In connection with this travel. Tho
rnto Is nn extremely low ono and the rail
roads will depend upon tbo Interest In tho
convention, tho ndvuntnges of tho trip and
.tbo bustling qualities of tho traveling pas
senger agents to work up the business.
U.L'.HirAf I) I IMAM) POII I,..M)H.
llemnrknlilc .Mm cnn-iit In Wrnteru
A Kr leu 1 1 n nil Itcnotiri'i-H.
Two sales of land wero closed yesterday
by tho Union l'nclflc by which tho tltlo of
67,000 acres" in Carbon county, Wyoming,
changed hands. To tho Itlvora company of
Ilawllns goes 23,000, and to Fred Kindt of
ItawllnH goes tho balance, 34,000 acres. In
both Instances tbo land will bo used for
grazing, principally for sheep.
Tho deals wero closed by tbo special
ngont of tho Union l'nclflc, C. 13. Wantlund,
who says business Is booming in tbo west.
In Colorado and Wyoming tho colonlBts nre
flocking In and tho country Is being taken
up rapidly. Ho said that tho railroads could
easily And a Justification for tho low rates
that lmvo been established In tho move
inonts that aro now on foot in tho western
Htntes. It Is a healthy growth by n good
clnss of cltlions, nnrt thoy nro moving In
with tho determination of applying tbo
latest methods to tho development of tho
country. Most of thorn nro peoplo who
como from the mlddlo wo3t; who havo made
u success of farming und tho cnttlo bustuesf
In Iowa, NcbniHka and neighboring stales
und nro moving out Into new Holds.
These two sales nro unusually largo ones
find tho purchasers aro largo owners In that
ountry. They nro In tho business for n
profit and havo picked out two flno tracts.
lnrlliiitloii SurvcyorN at Work.
A party of Uurllngton surveyors which Is
at work In tho western part of tho statu Is
.causing no end of speculation as to the pur
pose of tho work It Is doing, Tbo lino
wn which It is now nt work was started
,ln tho vicinity of Pnmbrldgo on tbo Uepub
jltcim Valloy lino and run north, so that
this week tho party is In tho vicinity of
'Curtis on tho HoUlreKe-Choyenn line. So
far as can bo learned tho next Important
point In tho lino will bo North riatte, for
tt is snlrt that Hurlliigton has had Its eyes
on that plnco for somo tlmo and the present
lino Is In that direction.
Wanted, n trained nurso to toko charge of
n sanitarium; must havo experience, a good
education nnd good business ability. Ad
dress J CO, caro Ilco ofllco.
m:covi:im: puom kii
Mrs. B. I. Masters, nt her homo In Moni
tor, Ind., used Dr. Miles' Nervine nnd Pills
to cure after effects of grip.
Mrs. A. K. Lopccr, In tho llttlo town of
Modrlla, Minn., used Dr. Miles' Pain a
und Ncrvo and Liver I'llla and was well In
iv few days.
President McKlnloy Is slowly recovering
from grip nnd Us after offects,
George J. Flaunery was relieved of tho
awful pains In tho head In fifteen minutes
by tho use of Dr. Miles' Piin Pills. Now
ho Is rapidly recovering at his homo lu
Buffalo, N. Y.
Speaker Henderson Is again In the chair
In tho houso of representatives after a se
Tere attack of grip.
J. C. Helfrey, foreman at tha Westing
houso fnctory In Kast Pittsburg, had a se
Tero attack of grip, but ho used Dr. Miles'
Nervlno and Pain Pills and was soon back
In his place.
Rev, O, Body was In a serious condition
nt his homo In fit. Paris, 0 but Dr. Miles'
Nervlno nnd Nervo nnd Liver Pills pulled
bltn through nil rlshU
novro. stoiii: Au.t. ij.mjs.
'I'll Ik Prlilit)' Ileiiiiuint Snlr hi Con-
nt'i'tliiii with Our .11111 Kml Mnlr
lCc for COc nil wool French flannel.
J 4c for fiOc all wool dress goods.
25c for Jl nil wool dress goods.
39c for $1-25 nil wool dress goods,
irc for CSc swivel silk.
39c for 85o nil wool chatlls.
Today n grand lot of high rost inv
ported sllk-strlpcd dimities, dotted mous
nel tit do sole, crinkled silks, lawns and In
fact mill ends and remnants of nil the
highest grndo wash goods shown this sea
son, go on bargain squaro nt 39c yard,
2Cc for 75c black nnd colored silks,
49c for tl fancy and plain taffetas.
COc for $1.C0 silk remnants.
Today wo placo on sale for the first
tlmo tho finest lots of pieces of silks and
satins that wo have ever shown; they go
at Cc, 10c, 15c nnd 25c each, according to
To close out all tho Imported samplo ends
of flno dress goods and a bin lot of sample
pieces of corduroy wo put all on sale In ono
lot at 10c each.
Mill ends of lOo percale, 2V4c yard.
Mill ends of 12',Jo black sateen, Cc yard.
40c morccrlzcd sateens at 15c yard,
7c prints, black and white fnnclcs, 3o yd.
Mill ends of 6c muslins, 2 ',4c yard.
Mill ends of 12Uo drapery serlm, ytc yard.
lKo chambray ginghams at 6io yard;
theso como In long remnants.
25c Imported ginghams and percales In
long mill remnants at 84c yard.
Mill ends of 25c India linen, fancy, plain
nnd luce-striped, 10c yard.
40c drapery ticking, denim, etc, In long
remnants, 124c yard,
$1.60 grade drapery velours, 39c yard.
15c shirting nnd denims, long mill ends,
5c yard.
16c plnln nnd fancy lawns, CHc ynrd.
40c drnpory madras and Swisses, 15c yard.
J. ti. Ilrandols ft Sons, Proprietors.
Onmlia Pulillc School Crlcbrntr
Crent Mnn'n IVntal
Washington's birthday was celebrated In
all ho public schools of Omaha yesterday
afternoon. Today will bo vacation, so tho
immortal Washington wns honored vester
day In song nnd story. In mnny of tho
schools elaborato decorations were roado and
tbo parents wero invited to nttend the ex
At tho High school nn Interesting program
was rendered In ono of tho large recitation
rooms. Tho walls wero decorated with flags
nnd portrults of Washington and other he
roes of tho revolution.
Miss Anna Carter oponed the program
with n recltutlon. "Black-Evcd Hohel."
Edwin Heaford read an essay oh "Washing
ton ns a Statesman." An oration on Wash
ington was delivered by Miss Marlon Haines
nnd tho program closed with the reading
of "Old Qlory" by Miss Mary Hlgglns.
"My heart was badly affected hT nn .
tnck of crlD nnd I suffered lnte nun furnnv
until I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
It mado me n well man." S. D. Homan,
Irasburg, Vt.
Hlnh .School Athlrtlc Aaaoclatlon
Takrn Till Mrtlmtl of ItntnluR
Pnnda for Spring- Sleet.
A vaudeville tiroerum was rlvon nt .
High school yesterday br thn momhoro
of the athletic association. Several musical
numbers were given by tho High School
Ilnnjo club and the Foot Hall quartet. Tho
FInnoy brothers contributed a very credlta
blo ncrobatlc turn. Two sketches, "Tho
Coon ami tho Actor," nnd "Tramps' Ban
quet." proved to be very nmtialnir. Ti.nn-
Altschuler gave on original monologue and
nn oration was delivered by Walter Stand
oven. A compotltivo drill was hold between
the comnanles of thn Hlch noh nnl hntlnllnn
and tho program concluded with a ple-
ratlng contest. The proceeds of the enter
tainment will bo used In preparation for the
spring Held meet.
'flrlD mnde mn very vpnb nnrt nariM
with tightness of chest and headache. Dr.
Miles' Pain Pills nnd Nervlno gave me quick
relief." Mrs. Clarlnda Butler. W. Wheel
ing, O.
City Trcnmirrr Knennnlrri Ntrreo-
1-prd K i oil nr or Tax lle
HiKluenta. "A woman who hasn't sly rhllH ran VAtllrl
bo n curiosity In Omaha CAtv T
v U I 1 I
Hennlng remarked yesterday morning, as an
angry woman uouea out or Ills office.
'Slnco wo began tho collection of nprunnnl
taxes in a systematic manner fifty women
have approached me nnd urged thnt a
woman with six children should not be
compelled to pay any taxes.
Some of the women hnvn' crlorl nnrt anm
hnvo Bcolded, but they've nil had six ehil-
dren. They have been of all colors nnd
kinds, but thn samo six children havo been
tno nrgument ndvanced for n remission of
taxes In'evory case. 1 have comn trf i.
llovo that Omahans go In droves of six."
Aiinonncemriita of thr Theaters.
Tonight Is tho night Of tho tile: nakn walk
contest nt tho Trocadero and much Interest
has been aroused over the event, nnd "lon"
Oreen with his dusky Venus, Miss Lydta
uunningnam, nave every confidence In their
ability to win tho prize nnd do not con
sldor tholr opponents mora than ordinary
opposition, dcsplto the fact that Isham's
star coupio nro said to be high stoppers
and winners of long standing nnd high rec
ord. In addition to tho abovo big event,
Masters P,utts and Spencor, our local Mc-
lntyro ana Heath, will appear In dancing
exercises and will show what progress thoy
have mado Blnco their last Omaha appear
ance. Tho regular performance of "King
Itastus" by Isham's Octoroons will be given
as usual tonight In addition to tho spe
cial evonts nud tho company will conclude
their engagement tomorrow night.
Tho largo crowds that havo been In nt
tendanco at the Orphcum this week nnd
their tumultous applause tend to strenghten
tho assertion that thero la a very clever
nnd cntortalnlng progrntn nt that poputar
theater this week. All that have heard
htm say that Master Joe Santley has a
most wonderful voice and range. His sing
ing Is pleasant to hoar and his enunciation
is romnrkably clear. Eugene O'llourke, ably
assisted by Miss Itoso Ilrabam, has a very
clever llttlo comedy In "Parlor A" nnd
always pleases the audience, while John T.
Powers Is n true comedian of more than
averago ability, and In his Tommy Atkins
makeup he always sets the houBo In an
uproar. Last night tho Foresters of camp
No, 120, Modern Woodmen of America,
filled tho house very early, necessitating
tho hanging out of tho 8. n, O. sign. At
the head of next week's bill conies the baby
elephants, which aro bound favorites
with tho children.
"Under the Ited Robe." the splendid ro
mantlo drama by Edward Hose, will como
to Hoyd's theatqr Sunday and Monday,
with Paul Ollmoro nnd Miss Oaunt In the
loading roles. It Is one of tho most suc
cessful of tho series of romance plays In
augurated by tho appearance of "Tho
Prisoner of Zenda," nnd Is favorably known
to Omaha theater patrons.
Work Benches Stage Esquiring Adrico of
Within a Short While tlip Committee
Will Conniiler l'lnim mill Sprein
cntlons l.nokliiK After the
Hinnll Contributor.
Tho auditorium project has now reached
that point at which It becomes ncecssary
to detormlno Its architectural formation.
Ideas as to Its measurements, structural
features and even Its utility, snve In n gen
eral wny, hnvo been nebulus thus far, nnd
the committee feels that now tho tlmo has
come to call Into consultation several repre
sentative architects to aid It In reaching a
doflnlto conclusion on theso points, This
will probably bo dono within tho next week,
Asldo from tho Arm resolution that tho fall
of 1901 will see such a building completed
In tho city: that It will requlro KOO.OOO,
which will hnvo to bo raised by contribu
tions and tho talc of stock, nnd thnt the
building will bo located on Howard Btrect,
between Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth, tho com
mitteo Is nt sen. Whether that building will
bo nothing more than tho walls and roof
which will enclose ono large room, to havo
n seating capacity of 10,000 or moro, with
nn nrcna In the center for bands of music,
exhibitions of stock and other things, or
whether tho edifice will bo so nrranged that
Bmall rooms will surround tho auditorium,
with provision mado for tho housing of tho
paraphernal nnd property of tho Knlghtn
of Ak-Sar-Bcn, with rooms for tho differ
ent compnnlcs of mllltla nnd the Commer
cial club, Is a question which has not been
touched upon In any manner.
IcmniuU Imiurilliitc Attention.
The problem Is Intricate, but ono which
requires nlmost lmmedlato solution. Nono
of tho members of tho commlttco feel com
petent to render a decision without tho nd
vloo of tho architects and had there been a
quorum of tho committee present nt the
meeting yesterday It Is probablo that tho
architects would havo been called Into con
sultation early next week. As It is, the mat
ter went over until tho meeting to be held
Tho ccmmlttco baa fixed March 10 as tho
date for tho opening of the industrial ex
position and thero Is llttlo tlmo remaining
In which to complete nrrangements for thnt
event. A full committee meeting will be
called nt nn enrly date to tako final steps
In that matter. Several persons not con
nected with tho committee have formulated
plans for the exposition nnd havo tendered
their services to tho committee. Somo of
theso plnns contemplato a division of tho
funds received from certain exhibits nnd
tho sale of goods and It Is necessary that
these matters bo settled forthwith. For
this reason a meeting will be called to con
sider exposition plans to tho exclusion of
all other subjects.
After Smn.ll Siibaerlptlnns.
Tho question of small subscriptions wob
taken up Informally yesterday afternoon and
It was decided to request of employers to
place In their offices and workshops sub
scription blanks where employes could sub
scribe for stock. It was urged that all em
ployers glvo tho matter their personal at
tention within the next fow- days, ns It
will bo from these small subscriptions that
the desired $150,000 will be raised by
Marcu 1.
Tho subject of tho exposition bricks was
brought up nnd It was informally decided
not to offer them for sale under any
clrcumstnnces until the subscription
reached J160.000. It was decided to
strengthen tho executive committee by
dropping one or two persons who hnvo
failed to take an nctlve interest In the
affair and to substitute for them an equal
number of persons who will work.
Collections of $445 wero reported ns hav
ing been secured since Monday, bringing
tno total up to $123,117.62.
JfeTrhro'a Ilernlcldi Deatrora the
IlnndrnfT (ierut I-crinniiriitly
nnd Cure Ilnldneaa.
Quinine and rura nnd a whole lot of other
things aro pleasant to rub on the scalp
after washing It freo of dandruff, but not
ono preparation of tho general run will
cure dandruff. A Berm causes dandruff
and falling hair. It is necessary to kill
that germ to be permanently cured of
dandruff, and to stop falling hair. New
bro's Hcrplcldo will positively dentroy that
germ, so that there can bo no more dand
ruff and so that the hair will grow luxuri
antly. "Destroy tho cause and you removo
the effect."
l'aatrr Time North,
The Northwestern line, "Twin City Lim
ited," now leaves tho Union station, Omaha,
at 7:&5 p. m. dally, Instead of 7:36 p. m., as
formerly. The arrival time at St. Paul-
Through connections from the west aro thus
assured and a MORE CONVENIENT time
of departure Is afforded Omaha and Coun
cil I) luffs patrons. Tho same magnlnque
equipment Is retained In service.
City offices, 1401-1403 Farnam street.
"New Orlrnna for the Tonrlat"
Is the title ot an Illustrated booklet, Is
sued by tho Illinois Central railroad, de
scribing the points of Intorest In New Or
leans, La. For copy, address W. II. Drill',
D. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
To Ogden. Salt Lake City, Butte,
na, Anaconda, and Missoula
To Ban Francisco, Loo Angeles, Sacra
mento, San Jcxie and many other Cal
ifornia points
Tloksts at I0O2 Farnam St. and at Burlington Station. Tonth and (Vinson Sta.
J. FRANCIS, General Pasaotmor Agent, Omaha, Neb.
MUX'S ri lll.ACIC SUIT S A 1.12 S.VTfHD'Y
1,100 Mrn'a Strictly All-Wool Hindi
Clny 'Worntfil Suit" on Snlc
This Is another ono of thoso fortunate
purchnscs thRt hns mado Boston Store
$10, $12,60 & $15 MEN'S BLACK SUITS, $5,
A New York manufacturer who makes
exclusively black clay worsted suits found
nt tho end of the season that n great many
small lots nnd snmple sults.hnd accumlated.
In tho lot wero medium light and heavy
weights. Wo made him nn offer for the
entire lot nnd secured them nt such
ridiculously low price that enables us
offer you theso all wool sultB
This Is tho greatest clothlug bargain you
ever heard of. Sco tho suits in our window
nnd don't fall to secure ono of them
J. L. Brnndels & Sons, Props.
On to 'WiistitiiKton,
Half rates via Big Four nnd C. & O. Ry.
Account McKlnley's Inauguration. Round
trip tickets on sale March 1, 2 nnd 3, good
for return March 8. For full particulars,
address any agent Big Four Route or War
ren J. Lynch, O. P. & T. A.. Cincinnati.
.Mortality Statistics.
Tho following births nnd deaths wero re
ported tc tho city hrnlth commissioner for
tho twenty-four hours ending at noon
Hlrtbs-S. M. Thomas, Thirty-sixth niul
Chnrles, boy.
Deaths Mrs. Anna King, 2tS4 North
Nineteenth avenue, nged 10; Abraham
llogol, ft. Joseph's hospital, nged 6.1; Sarah
V. VatiDuzor. .TO7 Parker, nged 43; O. It.
Hodson, 32uS North Twenty-fourth, ugod ,!0.
Frank Wiekizer
of tho Heo Is tho star reporter "in the
Cudnhy case. Ilo Is a scoocr from 8cooi
ervlllo. That's what turned his hair pre
maturely gray. If Wiekizer hncl patronized
a good drug ntoro his hulr might havo been
Crnmtr'n Kidney Cure 7r,o
Dromo Quinine irio
1 dor. U-grnlu Quinine Cnpnulrs To
1 dnn. .i-urnln Quinine Cuiinutrn lOo
1 ilox. tl-grnlu Quinine Ciipntilrs
Duffy'" Molt WhUkry H.'o
I.ntiiN Crrnm lo
1'nliic'n Celery Componnil 7."o
Winr of Card u I 7,iu
Pierce' l'rrscrlitlun 7."o
Bcott'a Kmulaloii , 7Zo
Oioninlalon ., 7,-u
Coltsfoot Hxpcotornnt 7Bo
Pnlitin Tablet nilo
White ltlbhoii Itemnly J. 00
fl. 9. 9. .................. ..... TCTo
Matted Milk 40c. 7flc, Ifa.l.-.
I'lukbnm'a Compound 7,',e
. W. Car. lOtk ad Cklcao ata.
Friday Cracker Sale
Soda Crackers, Gc.
Tenrl Oysters, Cc.
lluttor Crackers, Cc.
Milk niscults, Co.
fllngcrsnaps, Cc.
Fruit Crackers, 7Hc.
Shredded Wheat, lie.
Teas and Coffees
A bcautlftil present given away with one
pound of nuy of our Teas.
Sun Cured Japan Tea, 25c.
Ilasket Fired Jnpaii Tea, 40c.
Oolong Tea, only' 450."
English Breakfast Tea, 45c.
Mayune Ounpowder. 40c.
Young Hyson, COc. .
Hrokcn Coffee, 10c'
Santos Coffee, n flno drink, 15c.
Special Mocha and Java Coffee, 25c.
Government Mocha nnd Java Coffee,
choice drink, 30c.
Cheese Specials
McLaren's Imperial (club size), 13c.
Fancy Cbolco Swiss. 16c.
A nice full cream, yellow Cheese, 12V4c
Imported Swiss, 2'Jc,
Chandler & Rudd's American Club House,
Butter Sale
Choice Separator Creamery, 21c.
Fresh Country Butter, 14c and 16c.
Good Cooking Butter, 11c.
Fish Prices
Great I.rntrn 1'Uh Hulr.
New No. 1 Lake Huron White Fish, 10c
New May City 'White Fish, "c pound.
Largo Irish Mackerel, lCc pound.
Large Norway Mackerel, 16c pound.
Nlco Family Mackerel, 12c pound.
New Labrador Herring, Sc pound.
Special Meat Sale
Chipped Beet. ISc.
Fancy Narrow Ilreakfnst Bacon,
Fresh Oysters, 26c and 40c,
Best New Bologna, Cc.
Frankfurt Sausage, 7'4c.
12 He
Low Rates and Northwest
Fabruary 19 and 26. March 5, 12, 19 and 26.
; $23
To all points on tho Northern Pacific
Hy. west of Missoula, Including Spo
lcnnc, Seattlo, Tncomo, Portland, na
woll ns Vancouver nnd Victoria, B. O.
To nil points on tho O. It. & N. Co.'s
lines, on tho Spokane Falls & North
ern By. nnd tho Washington & Col
umbia II. B
"This." said tho ilerk. "Is a most wonder
ful linlr lenowcr. It s our OWN PREPAR
ATION." "Well, clvo mo a bottle." mild
tbo balil-heiidi'd mini. "11 it, Buy, como to
think of It, why don't you uso 117 You're
pretty buhl yourself" I enn't Uso It. You
sec, I'M the 'HE FORM I'SINO' clerk. Tim
'uriri' usIiik clerk Is nt lunch. oj should
n TONIC Is so sntlsfnetory in those who
to I use It (tint It Im a matter of llttlo moment
to tticm whether the mini who sold It to
tlmm a tho "before" or "nfler" uslii clerk.
'Tii.. n.n ,,r m'm'..'i a Kin. i.i itAin rnMi'
t'REA.M Is uniformly successful In eradi
cating ihiiidrulT keeping1 the scalp In n
healthy condition - promoting tho growth of
linlr preventing ItH falling and making It
soft and luxuriant In iippcnruuco.
Sh8rmani& McDonnell Orog Go.
Cor. Kith Mini DoiIkc
iticcs lower tnan ever
'quality better than ever
all amateur photo supplies,
t fresh, reliable and up-to-date
1215 I'arnani Street,
Wholesale, uud retail dealers.
-J Br, Kij'iL
MVliiuU ail ICIdcey
nehe, clo. At 1ru(r
pl.sts. or by malt,
II Freo book, a
Vice, etc., ot Dr. li. J. Kay, gur&'aga, N. Y
China Picnic in Onr
China Dept.
China Picnic.
Gas Mantles for any kind of burner, Cc.
Cups und Saucers, lc each.
Plates, lc.
Tumblers, lc.
Sauco Dishes, lc.
Gallon Milk Crocks, 2c.
Chambers, 10c.
I'otnto Dishes, lc.
Largo slzo Crystal Berry Dishes, Cc.
Decorated Cups and Saucers, 2o each.
At Less Thau
Half Price Friday
New Shoes Direct
from the Factory
French-Shrlner & Urner's flno $5.00 man
Ish stylo hand welt shoes for ladles, for
Field, Tharo & McGuIro's flno J4.00 vtcl
kid and velour kid ladles' bIiocb, for J1.96.
C. II. Aborn Son's flno 2.60 and 13.00
vtcl kid ladles' shoes for $1.23.
Georgo F. Daniels & Co.'s fine 11.75 vlcl
kid shoes for misses for 08c.
J I. Benedict & Son's fine 11.50 natent
leather strap Indies' slippers for P8c.
Ladles' 40c croquot rubbers for 23c.
s. w
tpTijn im i in nm iibiii 1 1 iwm m w ,, iii
flfj"'" .'aiMM'y'ViMii " ii ' '. JTJ
a M
I $28
"We cnrr.v nn elegant Hne of medium priced ones, nnd
you can figure on quite u saving in this department.
Fancy Trimmed ones for 35c
Plain White and Trimmed ones for '. 50c
Plain White and Trimmed ones for 75c
Plain White nnd Trimmed ones for $1.00
The nOe, 75c and $1.00 shirts are made of New York
Mills muslin, fast colored trimmings. Good, long, roomy
night shirts.
Bargain Room
10,000 yards of wool remnants and half
wool remnants of dress goods, worth
up to $1.25 per yard, at Cc, 10c, lGc,..25c
COO dress patterns, 6 to 7 yards each,
nt Sic, 51.00. $1.88, for entire pattern,
P to 13,98
20,000 yards of percale, 3C-lnchcs wldo
In dark and light colors, worth 15c
to 25c per yard, at Be
20,000 yardH of domestics, the 10c and
25c quality, nt, yard 5c
10.000 yards 27-Inch percale 31io
25 cases full standard prints. In dark
and light colors, Cc and 7?5c quality,
at. yard 2$o
Zephyr ginghams, worth J2c yard 6Vic
Art dentms, 40-lnches wide, the 25c
grades, yard 15C
36-Inch Imperial fllkollne, tho 20o grado
at, ynrd 7UC
loc hnaker flannel,
714c brown muslin,
A Big Sale on Silk Remnants
The litfg(sf lot. of silk remimnis ever placed on special Bnlc.
The finest silks ever thrown on n Imrgain counter. Remnants of
black silks, of colored silks, plain silks and fancy silks, worth
51.00. $l.2s jriid 1.50. lengths 1. yard up to 10 yards, all go at 30c
20 pieces of tine silk face velvets, in bright shades, worth 7fic
and $1.00, on sale at, yard 2fic.
A Big Deal in Black
We bought the entire black silk stock of one of the large enst
ern jobbers, and for further particulars, watch papers.
A. Mayer Co.
MISS A. MAYER: In reply to jrour note I am pleased to say that tha tender
and perspiring feet are things of tha past.
About two or three applications of your powder relieved them entirely. I ara
tnore than elad to recommend tbo us of your powder to my friends.
Very respectfully, DR. E. O. HBNRT,
removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields art rtqulred.
Solil K, erywliere.
A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb.
Wben ordering by mall add 6 cents for postage.
We could, llko Mark Twain but wa wont, wo carry only two coals,
there's nothing better
SHERIDAN bet Wyoming coal
You will like our service.
VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam St. Tel. 127.
Night Shirts it seems
wenr longer than dress
shirts. Beyond any doubt
the reason is simply that
night shirts have never
been made to wear out.
Extra heavy twilled crash, 18-lnch, th
lOo quality, yard 6Ho
Extra largo bleached Turkish towels,
worth 18c, eich lOo
Large Tarry cloth tidies, worth 25c,
each .... isq
Wash rags, large size 2c
Extra line satine, worth 26o, yard.... lOo
30 dozen $1.00 shirts, on sale at 13c
Immltatlon French flannel, In all colon,
nnd dots, worth 10c 64o
600 boys' suits, worth J3.60 each, at.... 85 o
600 boys' suits, worth $5, each, on sale
t 11.45
1,000 bolts of ribbon, worth from lOo to
25c, on salo at, yard , , Cc
C.00O yards of embroideries, worth 6o,
"c to 10c, yard lo
125 pieces of 45-lnoh henrletta, worth
49c, on sale at, yurd 29c
'r'l 3c50 pieces of English pcrolas, worth
ynrtl 3?ic 76c, on sale at, yard lie
nnt only relieves, but poltlve!jr eu rec
all dlsrnsea of ths feet and hand.
titopH odorous peraplmtlon curat ten
der and swollen feet. Endorsed nd
Stops the cough which if left alone
might end in consumption. It's neg
lect that kills. Stop the cough at
once. Anti-Kawf 25c a bottle all
Drug Stores.