Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Corn Relisqniibsi Lcadirsutp Afttr Holding
It for Week,
flat Fnlrly Arlhr Within Xitrrovr
llnngc Smnll llnir ItrcrtiitR mill
Ntrrngtli of (Jrnln Mnrkrtsj (,'nunc
I'rovlnlotiM lo Ailvmice.
CHICAGO, TVb. 20.-1 nllurntlal local mcc
ulatorn wero notlvo HUpportrrs of the wliiU
mnrkct today und the close wan firm, May
sfl'ic higher. Corn wnn comparatively
rnilot nnd clowl Utc Improved. O.ils at
tho cloo wero Uc better nnd provMotm ti
10c to 1214c up.
Indifference of tlic Liverpool market snvo
rim to expectation of lower price hero,
but tho tup of tho gong found offerings
valued somewhat higher than they wero lit
the cloe yesterday. May openeil unchanged
to i if higher nt 75M175HC. Tho first batch
of buying orders being Katlsfled the mnrkct
beenmo fiulet but firm on inoderatu lurth
wcMern receipts nnd the fact that largo,
nrcnit of the winter wheal belt Is without
now protection. There w,i even n bit of
gopnlp concerning thi Hesxlnn fly In Nc
brnaltn, but It In rather early for that in
rect to bo much of n factor In fixing the
prlco of wheat, The bears derived Home
comfort from an itnoltlclal estimate giving
Houlh Australia nn exportable surplus of
P.M7.000 bllBliels. This Is a liberal lucrea-e
from other estimates and those who sold
short on the Information had reason to re
gret It later, when buying by leading
opcrntors nnd Kcaboard advices of n letter
export slluntlou caused a sharp bulge to
TCe, A proilt-taklug movement greeted
the advance, hut tho close was strong, May
Vft'jo over yesterday nt 76MifV. Kxport
rrs reported 22 cnrloaclH taken for forclKli
shipment, while seaboard clearancea In
wheat and flour were equal to J32.niu
bushels. Primary receipts aggregated 11.
Cm bushels, eompnred with tM,(Y) the corre
pondlng iiny last year. Minneapolis nnd
Iiuluth reported 243 cars, ngalnst (S17 last
week nnd Ml a year ago, Ilccelptrt here
were 3S cars, 1 of which was graded on
tract Corn relinquished the leadership on
rhnnge after the first hour's trade, having
held It undisputed for a wee.k. May opened
4c bight r at 40MOie under the Influence
of light receipts. The crowd, led by an In
fluential trniler, fraught freely and Mny,
having dropped to 4nic, reacted to 4ny,e.
Tho mnrket became unlet on this advance
nnd rimnlned In that condition to the end.
"Wheat strength helped to mistnln prices
during tho Intter half of tho session. The
close was "io higher at 40ic. Hecelpts were
475 cars, and of these but 2 cars wero equal
to contract requirement.
Oats wero fairly active within n nnrrow
range. Tho wheat and com strength wero
Influential. May sold .between 2.'fr2fHc
and 25io and closed 'c higher nt 23?c. He
celpts wero 170 enrs.
Tho undertone of the provisions market
whs strong, although generally quiet. Hog
receipts were smaller than hnd been esti
mated nnd this, combined with a good cash
demand nnd the strength of tho grain mar
kets, resulted In nn advance, which wns
firmly held. May pork sold between J14.07J4
nnd $14.15 nnd closed lOfclZe higher nt JH. ,10
(int.nlii Mny lard between $7.47'A and fl.blH
7.65. closing 10c up nt J7.u2H'fr7.tS, und May
ribs between 17.07ViQ7.l0, with tho closo 5c
Improved at $7.10.
Estimated receipts tomorrow: A heat. 43
cars: corn, 255 cars; oats, 185 cars; hogs. 20,
W head. , ..... , .
Tliero will be, no session of the Hoard of
Trndo Friday. Washington's birthday.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Opcn. High. I Low. Close.l Yes'y.
73 74 y 73Ti
UYt 74S 7m
7676 70-n 75?, 7
""S3 33'i ""39"
WVJiBtt 40- 40
"ii'io" "iTis" 'itoili
"i'iiii "i'ri" "74714
7 624 1 W 7 52l
"i'io" "7i6" "7 074
7 20 7 22',-s 7 20
74ti 7.WfM
13 82V4
14 12H!
7 M
7 65
7 CO
7 or
7 10
7 1314
13 80
14 00
7 40
7 43
7 60
Now York. $1.2081.76; Long Island, $1.60
1.87H; .lerey sweets, $1.7512.50. . . . .
rKANt'TH-Hteaily; fancy hand-picked,
4Mjfie; other domestic, 5c.
I'ortrHY-AUve. weak; fowls. Uc;
chickens, tie, turkeys, MjIO'jc Dreascd,
steady, tnirhiinge.l.
ruhHSIC-Itecelnts, l.liO jikgs.J llrm!
fancy, large, fall mnde, lUjlllic; fancy,
small, fall made, 12c.
IiOOS-Hecclpts, 7.vo pkgs.: tlrm! west
ern, at mnrk, 17V(J17-4c; southern, nt mark,
MMTAI.S Tin In the local market
started In a somewhnt depressed condition
ns the result of unfnvornblo Information
from London, where prices went off about
1 6s to 121 17s Cd for spot. Later, how
ever, .1 reaction set In and prices recovered
the early loss oil n good general ih mand.
Bales .were madn at 2fi.!K) and 2ij.93 for spot
delivery, closing 2ti.!) bid nnd $li nsked.
Kuturo deliveries were weak and lower;
MhtcIi nt $M..T5tt2."5 and Mny nt $28,000
2.2i). Trading In theso tiosltlons wns fairly
nctlvc. On the oilier linnd. however, tbe
general Hit rem.ilns In 11 llsllcsi condition,
(topper In Iondou declined Bs to a2 na,
but locally n dull nnd featureless mnrket
prevailed, with prices nominally quoted lit
the closo $17 for Lake Superior and $16.02-4
for casting nnd electrolytic. Lend ruled
dull at $l.374, desptto a furth r loss ut Lou
don, the closo being weak ut X14 15s. Spel
ter wns also quiet, though buyera and sel
lers tc nearer together than for some
tlmo past. Closing prlccn wero W.OiHt"'
4.02',4. Iron continues dull, with an easy
undertono prevalent, with no material
chnngu In- prices. At (Jlasgow tho closo
wns nt 7d and Mlddlesborough 4bs Hid.
Conditions of Trmlc mill Unotixtlnn
(III Mil pie nil (I I'lini'J' iTiranur,
weak at tHfl4',4c.
Increasing; good stock
ery, 234c; fancy western prints, 23c; fancy
nearby prints, 21c.
KOOS Firm. 4c higher; fresh nearby,
17c; fresh western, 17c; fresh southwestern,
17c; fresh southern, lfie.
I'll UKsn-Cnchangcd.
Toledo (Irnln mill Heed.
TOI.nno. O., Feb. :o.-WHKAT-Hlgher
nnd dull; No. 2 cash, 70Uc; Mny, 81!c; July,
CORN Dull but strong; cash and May,
OATS-D11II; cash, 2To.
RYB Quiet; cash, 52'.
CLOVF-KSKKU-Uull; prlmo cash, $6.95;
March, 10.93.
Mlmieniiolts Wlient, I'lonr nmt llriin.
76c; Mny, 754Cj July, 75V4','i75iC. On track:
No, 1 hnrd, ificj No. 1 northern, 71c; fo. 2
northern, f!745J0',ic.
7 00
7 03
7 17
No. 2.
Cash quotations worn ns follows:
FLOUR Dull and steady; winter pntents,
J3.tWii3.S0; straights, $3.20i)3.CO; clears. J2.60
ii3.30: spring specials, St.20tT4.30; patents,
J3.6flfl3.70; straights, $3.001f3.30; bakers, $2.20
WH1JAT No. 3 spring, C372c; No. 2 red,
CORN No. 2, 33Wc: No. 2 yellow. 39'Jc.
OATS No. 2. 25i'SC6c; No. 2 white, 27ic;
'o. 3 white. 27yg'.'Sc.
r RYU No. 2 62c.
HARLKY Fair to choice malting, CCGOSc.
HIJRDS No. 1 flax. J1.60; No. northwest
ern, $1.61: prlmo timothy, $1.35. Clover, con
tract grade, JU.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., J13.93
iT14.00. Lard, per 100 lbs.. J7.4S07.47ii. Short
ribs sides (loose). J7.00iR7.2O. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). J6.25(36.60. Short clear
Bides (boxed). J7.15JT7.05.
WHISKY Hauls of high wines, $1.27.
SUGARS Cut loaf. C.29c; granulated,
6.72c; confectioners' A, 5.69c; off A, 6.42c.
The following nro tho receipts nnd ship
ments toaay:
Flour, bbls
'Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Rye, bu
Iinrlcy, bu
On tho Produce exchange today the but.
ter market was nctlvo: creameries, 14j22c
dairies, 10618c. Cheese, fairly active a,t
J0iin?c. uggs, acticve; iresn, ibc.
Receipts. Shipments.
.... 65.000 49.000
.... 89,000 S4.000
....508.000 119.000
....528,000 280,000
.... 7,000 7,000
.... 68.C0O 31,000
of the Tiny
on Vnrlon
t.tvtfl nnm.'i'll Vttens. Ufi7c: Vnllllg.
atnggy and old roosters, 3ylc: ducks, 6i
7c; geese, fi,,4?(7c; turkeys, 8V4HT7H
. roosters, (Jttic; ducks, 8V4Q9c: geesa,
fc'i''i9c; turkeys. 9'il0c. .
(lAMK- Mallard ducks, per doz., $3.0f
3.50; teal, J1.W1.75; mixed. S1.&9Q1.75: Jack
rabbits. S1.2.VfM..Vi; cottontnlls. '."ictiJI.10.
Ht'TTKR-ltommon to fair, 124c; choice,
ISfillc; separator. 22c.
FRKS1I OYSTI3RS-Flrst frradc, solid
packed. New York counts, per can, 3Sc: ex
tra selects, 32c; standards, 25c: medium,
20c. Second guide, sluck filled, New York
counts, per can, 3c; extra selects, 2Cc;
stnudards, 20e; bulk standards, per gal.,
FRO.HN FRKSIt FISH-Hlack bass, 10c;
whlto basa, 10c; bluellsl-, Uc; bullheads, 10c;
bluo litis, 7c; catllsh, 12c; coil, lie; cropple.
10c; clscoes. 8c; halibut, lie; herring, 4M
fie; haddock, 9c; mackerel, 20c; perch, 50
7c; pickerel, 7c; Dike, Dc; red snnpper, 10c;
salmon, lie; sunltsh, 6c; smelts, luc; trout,
We; whltellsh, 8c,
1M(3 ICON'S-Live, per doz., $1.
VKALS-Cholce, flfllOc.
HAY--rrlco quoted by Omnha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland,
$S.50: No. 1 upland, $8; medium, J7.60; coarse,
7. Ryo straw, J5.60. Thoso prices nro for
hoy of good cotor nnd qunllty. Iicmn.nd
fair. No choice hay on the market. Re
ceipts, 4 cars.
OATS-No. 3 whlto, 27c,
CORN-No. 3. Kc.
V 13Q KT A D LE S.
SIMNACH-I'er bu. box, 75c.
CUCUMUURS-Hot house, per doz., $1.60
I'AHSNIPS-I'cr. bu.. 60.
TURNIPS-Pcr bu. basket. 40o.
HUKTS I'er bu.. 40c,
CARROTS Per bu., 40J.
LI3TTIJCK Per bu. 40t?c.
RAUISHKS-Per doz.. ;c.
l'ARSLHY Per doz., S5c.
POTATO KS-Per bu., 60p'55c; Idaho, per
bu.. 80c.
SWKKT POTATOES Per bbl.. $2.
CAHHAOIi Holland seed, liUCc.
TOMATOUS California, per C-basket
crate. Jl.bu.
ONIONS-Natlve. per bu $1; Colorado
yellow, per iu , .'C.
Knlnmazoo. LoUns
CAULlFLOWlCR-Cnllfornln, per crate,
STRAWHKRRIICS Florida, per qt., 40c.
GRAPICS-Malngn, per keg, J0.609.00.
APPLKS Per bbl., Jl; Washington, pox
bu. box, 31. V).
CICVNHHRRIKS-Hell nnd Hug'.e. J9 per
bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., J8.50: per crate, J3.23,
ORANGF.S California seedlings, J2.OOG1
J2.25; navels, J2.7ofj3.23.
LEMONS-Callfornla, extra fnncy, $3.25;
choice, J2.73.
HAN AN AS Per bunch, nccordtng to nUe,
Fioa caiirornia, new cartons, 750; lay
ers, fijc; Imported, per lb., 13tfl5c.
UATKS Persian, in WMti. boxeu, s-.ilrs, f
per lb.; Halloween. 5Uc, per lb.
HIDES No. 1 green. 60: No. 2 green. 60:
No. 1 salted, 7c; No, 2 salted, 60; No. 1 veal
calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15
lba.. 6c: dry hides. SG13c: sheen nclts. 23if8
7uc: horso hides, $l.b02.25.
NUTS Eng s 1 walnuts, ner lb.. lSn: ill-
berts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb., 1S(Jj20c;
raw peanuts, per lb.. SflSVic: roasted, 0V4
'Ac Jiraziis, 13c; pecans, lwnsc: cocoanuts.
each 4V4c
HW15KT CIDKIt Per bbl.. Jl.50: ner 14
HONEi Colorado, per 24-sectton case, $4,
St, I. lulls (irnln mill Irn vlsloni.
ST. LOl'IS. Feb. 20. WHEAT niL-her:
No. 2 red cash, elevator, 73Vlc; track, 7m&
5Hc: S ov. 74'474lic: Julv. 73lio; K.n. 2
hard. 714j7H4c.
CORN II gher: No. 2 cash. 39e: track.
39Hc; May. 39c; July, 39!4c
oath 1 Uglier: No. 3 casli. 26c: traok.
miWiit'i May. 26Vlc: July. 25V;c: No. 2
whlto. 2SH'J?2Si'.
itits nrm. bic.
FLOUR-Oulet: natents. J3.6533.75: extra
fancy and straight. J3.20W3.40; clear, $2.70'J(
:ow graues, si.Lvay.wi.
SI5ELJS Tltnotliy. steady at J4. 2534. 40 fcr
average receipts; primo wortn J4.5S; flax,
cuitNJiiJAfv Steady at J2.03.
I1RAN Firm: sacked, east track. 7214c.
HAY Timothy, weak at J8.50ifl2.E0! tiral
rle. steady nt J5.50g9.00.
w iiinivi Mieauy at il.ZJ.
PROVIHIONH-I'ork. stesdv: (nhhtn
J14.50. Lard, lower at $7.22'4. Dry inTt
iiieum, niettuy; ouxtil lois, exira snorts
12'v. clear ribs. J7.25: clear sides. $7 stu
ill iiivi , uu.c-.i niin. CAIItt BIlOrlB,
, 1 ' . all... ID ,A,I . , .
l(.ori uirui nun, Clear HHieH, 9S.S.
METALS Lend, better and firm; $4.2214
4.23. Spulter. lower and weak; J3.RO80.S2V4.
wwic; tur
as to size, 60075c;
NEW YORK. Feb. 20.-FLOI.'R-Receipti.
14.227 bbls.; exports, 42.6W bbls.: more nc-
Itlvo and steadier with wheat. Rvu
Hour was dull; winter straights. J3.45O3.50:
Minnesota patents, $4.tOfH,30; Minnesota
bakers. J3.0033.3j; winter patents, J3.63
,w; winter rsinia.; winter low
grades. J2.15ir2.60. Ryo flour, dull; fair to
good, K.Burgu.iD; cnoico 10 rnucy. W..W3.65
buckwheat flour, quiet at J2.10irf2.15.
UI'CKWHEAT-DUU at 60i62c, C I. f..
New York.
CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western, 90o;
city. Bic: Urandywine, $2. 40412. 45.
RYE Steady: No. 2 western, 61c. f, o. b.,
aftont: stato, 66Q57c, c. 1. f., carlnts.
RAItLHY Steady; feeding, 4Sfl61o, c. I. f.,
HARLKY MALT-D11II; western, C5U72c
WHEAT Receipts, 33,000 bu.: exports.
4R.000 bu Spot, tlrm; No. 2 red. 31c, f. 11. b..
afloat; No. 2 red. 79V4c, elevator; No. 1
northern Duluth, 87V4c, f. o. b.. afloat: No.
1 hard Duluth. OHlc. f. o. b atloat. Options
opened steady and In face of very cold
weather west wero Inclined to yield at
first under local bear pressuro, but later
In tho day rallied substantially on reports
of Hessian fly In Nebraska, sympathy with
'corn and covering, closed tlrm nt "-io net
advance: March, 79?ftr79 U-I60; closed, 78&c;
Mny, i9TQ80 7-16c; closed, 80Hc; July closed,
' CORN -Receipts, 215,475 bu.; exports, 321.
420 bu. Spot, stendy; No. 2. 4Slic. clevntor.
und 4'iUc f. o. b ntlont. Option market
oponcd steady, eased oft with wheat, but
..vpnlimllv dnvoloned strenirtb iicnln roi
lieavy clearances, covering, outside buying
nnd small country offerings. Closed r.tendy
nt Vie nei "u1v",,.V,U.,1;"ly ,1''r(f4!' -ic
olnaAil. Il'.llc: JlllV. (.I'lmS.C: closed.
OATS Receipts. 8S.J0O bu.; exports. 15.0W
bu, Spot, dull; No. 2. 36J4o; No. 3. 30c: No.
o nhii R5e! track white. Sllfi35Un! Vn
white, 32U033c; track mixed weatern, 30Jr
Steady; shipping, 77HQ$0c; good to
8IH0. Options, dint iiui steauy,
li A 1 Mieauy i
Oinlee. 92U!l95c.
iioi'S onlet: state, common to elmin.
1900 crop. nuICOoj m, HOIBo; ; old olds, 2lf
6c; Pacific coast. 1900 crop, 17019c; 1899, 11
15C. old oios. .njw.:.
iimir!SFlrm! Galveston. 20 to 2 Dm
18H419c: California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas
flry. 24 to SO lbs.. 15c.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock sole. Hucnon
Ayres, light to heavyweights 24tf25o; ncld,
per ihki)i
TAI.UU V Vjuiei ; ciiv i
country (nggs. tree), ijviojtc
PROVISIONS-Rfef. dull:
i-i nn. mr. Ix.60if9.00: beef
hams. J18.50f!
19.00; packet. $9.5ftHlo.50; extra tnitu mess
iiiwr.nion 'ut meats, sieany: pickico nei
TlVsVJ7.62mrf0.60: pickled shoulders. J6.OO0
(l!5: pickled hams. ja.o&WH.&o. . unru, nrm
western steamed, I7.S0; renned, firm; con
iin J7.95: South America, $8.W: com
nniind. J5.50ffT6.62W. Pork, firm; family
ll5.0Mfl6.50; short clear, JH.i5ffl6.6o; mesi
rilCE--Bteady: domestic, fair to extra, 3'j
wnii,r'n.-nri.liilii. iiKSB.: tun
trrBh creamery. l61T23o; June creamery, 15fj
JOc; fuctorj'. HJfltw.
I'OTATOEH-atcady; Jerseys,
Drend of l iiUnoivn In DepreKNliiK Kmc
(or lit Stock .tlnrkft.
NEW YORK. Feb. 20.-TI10 dread of the
unknown was tho depressing fuetor In Hip
stock market today. Preparations wero
evidently being miido for the Interim of
thr.e consecutlvo holidays by lightning
speclllatlvo leads. Tho possibilities of tho
tlireii days' Interval which were cnnvnscd
by tho speclllatlvo public were- by no means
wholly on tho side of depression, but what
ever developments may evohe they havo
been so thoroughly discounted that tho bill
nnco of vhanco Is considered clearly on tho
sldo of lower prices. Tho spccJlntivo
world septus to hnvo arrived nt tho con
clusion that tho completion of the iletnils
of tho steel merger Is not likely to bo fol
lowed Immediately by a campaign of man
ipulation for higher prices In order to mnke
a market for the new securities. It will bo
remembered that this wns what happened
two years tigo when the nowly-lledged In
dustrials were thrown upon tho world.
Indications seem to point clearly to a do
slro for quiet stock market conditions for
tho present on tho part of tho financial
powers who nro most largely concerned In
tho steel negotiations, ns tliey havo nlso
been In tho recent railroad connections. It
Is not hard to understand why, with colos
sal financial undertakings In embryo those
concerned In them should tleslro most of
all quiet nnd stable conditions, both In tho
money 'mil stock markets. The progress of
negotiations Is Involved in further com
plexity by marked Ituldtty of market prices
tor stocKs itnii uncertain rates for money.
This makes Intelligible tho dcslro of the
llnanclal powers not to further cxclto spec
ulation at this tlmo. Of course any violent
break In prices would be equally Ut vurl-
incH wmi tneir wisnes. 1 no certainty inai
powetful support would bo nccorded to pre
vent a sudden nnd violent decline tends to
,reprens bear activity. It Is evident that
every enori is mailing to preservo tno tran
quillity or 1110 money market by Keeping
available nil possible resources nmt also by
reassuring expressions of opinions as to the
ability of tho money market to meet fu
ture requirements. Nevertheless, tho likeli
hood of another weak bank statement be
tween tho adjournment of tho exchange on
Thursday nnd tho resumption of trading on
Mondny. with tho belief that advantage
will be taken of tho closed stock market to
publish tho plans of tho Bteel merger, wero
two rather ominous possibilities which
sorved to bring a dribbling of stocks on the
market all day. An effort was made dur
ing tho afternoon to turn tho market
against the shorts In the hopo of driving
them to cover, but the effort pro.ved futile
and tho closing was weak, with many
tocks nt tho lowest. There wns a sig
nificant break In tho steel stocks nt tho
last. Steel and Wire, nnd Federnl Steel fall
ing suddenly from 2 to 2-i. There was some
snow or strength in steel and wire pre
ferred, but tho steol stocks were all weak.
Ill tho principle active railroad atocks there
wero at one time declines of 1 to 2 points,
Members of tho granger. Southwestern and
Pacific groups wero notably effected. Dela
wore & Hudson was e.rratlc. The local trac
tion stocks were bid up In tho course of
tho attempt ngalnst tho shorts nnd stocks
nnd a number of smnller railroad companies
wero lifted from 1 to o tiotnts. Pierre Mar
quette, Mobile & Ohio, tho Iowa Central
stocks nnd tho Minneapolis & St. Louis
stocks being conspicuous. General Electric
was forced up ai one tlmo 1. points, nut
closed with a not gtiin of only 7H.
The level of activity in tho market was
lower than for many weeks past, tho day's
business falling to about tho mini 1 Its t tor
uny full day since electron. Honda wero
reactionary In some sympathy with mocks.
Total sales, par value. J.1,433,000. United
States refunding 2s advanced 14 per cent
on tho last call.
Die following nre tho clos Inir nrlcos on
tho New York Stock exchange:
itcthlson 54i
do Did hihi
Baltimore & O... f
Can. Pacillc Mi',4
Can. Soutborn .. DGto
Chcs. & Ohio ?9s
Chicago G. W.... 1S4
u., ij. fi y hj;i
lilcago I. & L.. 2!l'4
do Dfd CTli
Chicago & E. I..inii4!
Chicago & N. W..17P4
U., It. I.
C. C. C. Sc St. L. 73
I63220 ;
POULTRY-Steady chickens. 6'
koys, 6fi6o; ducks, 9c; geese, 6ff
jil'TTElt steady: creamery.
dairy. 13fM7c.
EGGS-Hlgher at 15?ic.
RECEIPTS-Flour. 6.000 bbls.: wheat. 2i
000 bu.; corn. 69,000; oats. 30,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 12.000 bb s
U.WV UU, , IUIII, M,IWI u;i,i UltlB, .11, ew DU,
Liverpool (irnln unit Provisions.
dull: No. 2 western winter. 6u Vn 1
northern spring, fia 2i4d; No. 2 red western
winter, 5 ll'td; futures, steady; Mnrch, Cs
lu'vu iuu, l ll;tl)
CORN Snot, oulot: American tnlxi
3s 10-lid; American mixed, old. 3s tul
tures, quiet; February, S.i 9V4d; Murch, 3s
ilTmu .ilti.t. on ."311,
PROVIPIONS-Hcef, ensy; extra India
mess, ii.h on. rurs, enny; prime mess west
em. 63s. Hnms. short out. 14 to lfl ih
firm. 44s 9d. Hacon. steady: Cumberlnm
cut, 20 to 30 lbs., 44s 9d; short ribs, 16 to 24
ios., nrin. mug cienr miunics. Heavy
tlrm, 41s tin; anon ciear nacics, tlrm. OSs 9d
elenr bellies, steady, 2m 9d. Shoulders
square, steady, ji to ids,, 37s ;;d, Lard
steady; prune western steamed, 3SS Cd
American retlned, in palls, firm, 39s 3d.
l'liAn ununinan, quiet, 11s mi,
HOPS At London (Pacific coasts stn.nlv
4jf JC6 16s
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, steady
3s 6d.
ni'TTER-Dull; finest United States, 90s
good United States. 75s.
CHEESE Unlet: American finest white
60s: American finest colored. 61s.
TAiiLuw-primo city, quiet, 25s 3d; Aus-
iruiiau, ill i.unuun, uuay, us.
Knnsns City (irnln 11 lid Provisions,
67Mf67io: cash, No. 2 hard, eSUGIWuj Wo. 3
triUfOSc: No. 2 red. 70T71tfo; No. 3, 6ST7.i9c
. Wiv.i .....j vi -1 " , ,11 , Lurii, ilil.
mixed. 36'4S36;c: No. 2 white. 37c: Nn
oath no. m wnite, .ic.
RYE No. 2, 6O0.
HAY-Cholco timothy, $10.50; choice
prairie, w.wwiv.uu.
HUTTER Creamery, lTSJ'JOc; dairy, fancy,
EGGS-Hlgher; fresh Missouri nnd Knn
sas stock, 14c, doz., loss off, cases returned
new whltewood cases Included. Wc moro.
RECEIPTS-Wheat, iO.WO bu.; corn, 27,200
nu.; oats, ti.uui du.
SHIPMENTS Wheat, Bti.OOO bu,; com
4,800 bu.; oats, 12,000 bu,
.Mllvrnukrr (irnln Markrl.
Aliii Ai'ivr.iv, rcn. -v.r-iiirii rirm
No, 1 northern, 751t4o; No. 2 northern, 71HT
' RYE Firm: No. 1. fU&GSWc.
HARL13Y Dull; No. 2, SitToScj sample,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Feb. 20,-CORN-Steady; No
OATS-Inactivo; No. 8 white, 27(fJ27ic,
rillliMi inroiign.
l'bltndrlplila Iliiltrr and Krk.
H.25tI1.7SiJ Firm; good demand; fancy western cream
do pfil
W. & L. E
do 2i nfil
Wis. Central ...
Third Avcnuo ..
H. it O. pfil
Nntlonul Tubo .
uu nfd
Adams Express.
Am. express ...
u. a, express. ..
Colo. Southern
do 1st prd
do 2d nfd
Del. & Hudson..
Del. L. & W
Den. & R. G....
do Pfd
do 1st Pfd
Gt. Nor. pfd
Hocking Coal ,.
locking vaiiev.
, 16
. 2S'i
, 13(4
, -(,
, IS
, S
, 614
Wclls-Fargo EX..127
Am. Cot. oil w.
RT do nfil mi
44i Am. Mulling .... 4i
1K'4 do nfd 9s
lill'i Amer. S. & n mis
.101 do pfd 041!
. 3711 'Am. Spirits .... 2
. 87 Mo pfd 17
. iivimer. . 11...,
Illinois Central... latVij
lowa central ....
do nfd 61V
L. E. & W 41
do nfd 110
Lnko Shoro 210'
Louis. & Nash... Wh
Htnnlmttnn T. Illc
Mot. St. Ry 1 .1025
Alex, uenirai .... Ji.'i
Minn. & St. L.... 33?
uo- piu mi
,1111. I-UCIUC SU',4
Mobile & Ohio... 79
M K. & T lS'i
(10 PIU ill-'.
N. J. Central.... 153V
N. Y. Central. .. .It3(,
Nor. & West
do ofd
No. Pacific ...
do nfd ,
Ontario & W..
O. R. & N
do pfd
Pennsylvania ,
no 1st prd...
do 2d nfd...
R. G. W
do nfd
St. L. & S. F..
1I0 1st fd...
do 2d nfd...
St. L. S. W...
uo prd
.. 8." 4
.. SliJ
.. 86ji
.. 76
.. 9.1
.. 33Ti
UU pill lli'4
St. Paul 147
do pfd 18S&
m. 1: as umana..i2t
So. Pacific
So. Railway ...
do nfd
Tex. & Pacific
Union Pacific ..
uo pfd
do nfd.
Amer. S. & W..
do pfd
Am. Tin Pluto.
uo jira
rtn. Tobacco ..
do pfd
na. All ti. (?n.
Brk. Rap. Tr..
Colo. b & 1
Con. Tobacco ..
do nfd
Federal Steel ..
do pfd
Gen. Electric ..
Olucoso Sugar .
do pfd
Int'n'l Paper ..
do pfd
Laclcdo Gas ...
Nat. Biscuit ...
"Co nfil
National Lead
do pfd
National Steel
do pfd
N. Y. A. Hralte
No. Amorlcun .
Paclflo Coast ..
do 1st pfd....
do 2d pfd....
Paclflo Mall ...
People's Gas ..
Prcsued S. C...
do nfd
Pullman P. O..
Stand. It, & t
do pfd.,..
Tenn. C. & I
u. h. Leather,
do nfd
V. 8. Rubber....
do pfd
Western Union. .
Amul. Copper ....
Republic 1. & S.,
do pfd
P. C. . & St. L,
. . i9
.. 47'i
.. 93Vj
.. 62
.. Stili
.. 43 5.
. . ui
.. 43H
.. (..'.I
.. 931;
. . 104
.. s:i'a
.. J.)4
.. 1 1
.. 99-Ji
.. 3C.l4
.. in
. .is
. 8.S
. 63
. 4
Kafllrs were generally firm, nfler proflt
tnklng. The nmnunt of bullion taken Into
the Hank of England 011 balance today was
75.000. Spanish 4s, 713! Kold premiums nt
Madrid, 37.33, India council bills wero al
lotted today at li3 15-16d.
UERL1N, Feb. 20. -For tho settlement
muni ;. on tho botirso today wns quiet nt
3i per cent. Internationals wero quiet.
Americans responded to Now York's weak
ness. Canadian Pacific were supported
l.ocifls wero calm In view of tho article
published In tho Russian Gazette for Com
mreo nnd Industry pointedly announcing a
tntlff wnr agnPist Germany In the event of
the duty 011 Russlnn grain being raised. Ex
change on London, 2im49pfgs. for checks.
Discount rates: Short bills, 21 per cont;
three months' bills, 3. . .
l'ARIS. Feb. 20. Huslticss opened quiet
on the bourse, but soon Improved. Span
ish 4i were maintained. Hanks were In de
mand, industrial were irreguiax. wo
tlntos wero agitated. Toward the close
Spanish stocks were freely offered. Tbree
per cent rentes, lC2f60o for the account;
exchanco on I-ondon. 25f 24o for checks!
Spunlsh Is, 72.30.
mv York Moner JlsrUel,
KMtt Vntn.- t.-. -MON'KV-On call.
any at l3i2 'ner cent: prlmo mercantile
paper. 3ii'(il4 prr cent. ...
actual business in bankers' bills at $4.87'ff
4.S7U for demand nnd at J4.84K for sixty
duya: posted rates, J4.R3f? 1.85 nnd Ji.sSff
st't; commercial bins, .mii'.m'4-
SILVER-Certinrntes. ORfctttC'c Dar, bw;
Mexican ilnllnts, 4Sc.
HONDS -Government,
weak; atato, inactive. . , .
The closing prices on bondsrtoday nre as
do new 4s, reg.l374
do coupon 137H
do old 4s, reg..ll,T4
do coupon 11144
do 6s, reg iio
do coupon no.
xj. 111 . .1 u)3 rj;i
,tcil. gell. (S...
do mil. 4s
Can, Ho. 2s
C. K- O. 4'.4i..
do 5s
do H, F. det. 5a 1. -4
C. .t N. W. c. 7u . 110
Chicago Tor. 4s.. P7H Ho. Railway 69...II6U
Colo. o. 4s S4i3 S. R. & T. 6s..... 57
D. & R. G. 4s. ...102 ITex. & Pacillc Is. lljtt
Erie gen. 4s S::u do 2s
W. & D. C. Is
Gen. Electric f,s..l67(
nt, .uuirui JR....iii,j
L. Ji- N. linl. 4K...101L
M K. Sc T. 2s.... 7li?4
do 4h 97
Huston Slock Quotations.
HOSTON. Feb. 20. Call loans. 333 per
cent; time loans, 3Yd per cent, urn
A.. T. & S. F 61W
do Pfd S7?i
Amer. Sugar 13.1
do nfd 120
Am. Tolenhone ..161'5
uoston c aid y..u(
Hoston & Mc 191
C B. & Q 143W
Dominion woui... a;
HO Dill ..lU'JV
Federal Steel .... 46il
(HI quo M
Itchbure pfd. ...112
Gen. Electric ....213
do Ufd ISO
3d. b'ec. Ill 213
Mex. Central .
E. G. & C.
Old Colony ....
Old Dominion
Union Pacific .
Cons., money.. .97 ll-16'Erle
110 ncct 9f js-its no
. 01
Hid. "Ex-dividend.
1110 Lommerr n A,l vnrtln' 1
financial cablccram
much restricted on tho stock market hero
today and tho tuno wbh undecided. Tho
only exceptions were Investment nhares.
which wero In good demand 011 tho confi
dent expectation that tho bank rate would
uo lenuceii, American snnrcn wero the
euiusi in mo inarKot. xnero wns very
llttlo speculative Interest either way. nut
Business rrom tno Btnrt wis dull, Prices
sagged until Vinll street opened. On Mules
iiuni iiuw lorn realizing oegan nero among
mt.-ii iiutuciB. nuiiiu ujioriiior.i in londOn
had a rcnort today that .T. lr. !vinrt-nn u
about, to go off on a yachting cruise and
tney interpreted it as meaning that ho Is
unloading or has finished unloading ur.d
that tho boom is over. Tho bank bought
j.iu,vw 111 Bum uniB. ;uonoy was llgllt, lie
snlto tho expected lowerlntr of the liinl,
rato. Call loans were 4 nor rent- ,1Uniints.
'39,Q3i, Tho market Is still compelled to
norrow rrom tno uank, wlilcli has complete
control of tho hltuatlon. It la estimate,
inai ti.uou.wo navo ueen paid to tno gov
ernment irom clearances in nontis in antici
pated increased budget. Tho government
has used this sum to rcnav tho loans It nh.
tiilncd from tho bank. Silver had a apurt
011 uuyiiig tor 1110 inuian government,
Neir York Mlnluv Stocks,
NEW YORJC. Feb. 20.-The following are
quotations on mining aiocas;
Adams Con 20
Alice 43
Hrecce 175
Uruuswlck Con,.. 32
Comstock Tun... 45
Con. Cnl. A Va.165
Deudwood Terra. 60
Horn Silver lia
Iron Silver 63
Leadvlllo Con.... 6
Llttlo Chief ....
Ontario ,
Sierra Nevada
small Hopes
KorrlK'i Financial.
LONDON. Feb. 20. Money was In good
aemann toaay. ino supply was resiricte.i
although Increased by the Bank of Bug
land Having off loans. Discounts wero
fairly steady. The money market Is llttlo
affected ny tno now trensury nlim issue
Huslneos on tho Stock exchange was Inac
tive. Tho tone Improved on tho South
African news. Homo railroads were dull nt
tho conclusion 011 bear covering, Americans
started below pnrity, went nnove and re
lapsed, closlne weak, especially Milwaukee,
firmer; railroad,
u .... ' ... ia-ii v v
do coupon 105 N. J. C. g. 6s WIV4
do 3s. reit UiHjiNo. Pacillc 3s.... .OJi
110 coupon no3;
ii'i 4
do 4 iro',4
N Y C & S Ii 4n..iu
N. & W. c. 4S....10U4
Oregon Nav. Is. .109
do 4 101 ,
O. S. L. 6s 1274
do con. 5s 116
Reading gen. 4s.. 94
R. G. W. 1 Mtt
St L & I M c. 6S.116
St L ft H F g. 6S.129V4
VWiJiSt. Paul consols.181
121'' e. p. c & p. is..tis
J. '- ..i.i iintt.
In tifd.
iPo. Pacific 4s.
Union Pacific 4s. .I'M
Wnbnsli 1.1 n'.'Vi
do 2s 108 4
West Shorn 4s....H5U
Wis. Central Is.. SSU
Va. Centuries ... 96
Union Land 3
West End 91
Atchison 4s 101
N. E. O. & C. 6s. (Ml
Adventurn 12
Ring. Mln. Co.... 17?i
Amal. Copper ... M
Atlantic 2Vi
Hoston ft Mont,. 324
Huttu & Hoston.. 81
'Cnl. ft Hecla....S30
Light Supply of OnttU and Market Killed
Aotire and Higher.
Liberal Receipts, lint l.nmbs Sold
S(ronner null Ktips nnil Veliers
Held About Stonily nt -terdny'
Hecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Ofttclal Monday i'.bla b.ijn 8,si9
Official Tuesday 2,722 W,;v4 8,6!H
Official Wednesdoy 1,753 i,:H 4.2U9
Threo days this week,. 7,090 23,176 21,616
Same days last weok.... 10,812 2o,o7 11,203
Same clays week bofore.. 8,180 22,3i9 11.9W
Satno threo weeks ago.. 6,023 l"o,PV 10,499
Hamo foir weeks ago.... 7,5o3 27,690 11.672
Samo dayn lust year.... U.2J7 19,99 Wj&
AVi.raM price paid for hogs tor the pt
several days, with comparisons.
1901. 1900.199.188.1897.11896.189S.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 9...
r eo,
13... I
5 22
6 28i,
6 2iS
C 22
6 2.1
6 31Vi
t Z.i4
6 21(4
B 2S'i
5 29
3 25
E 32!
5 25
S 30T4
C 28VT:
5 27
5 22
5 23:
3 63 f 62
4 62 3 0
4 64 3 70
4 (A 3 64 3 66
4 67 3 04 3 64
4 68 3 64 3 63
4 62 3 69 3 73
3 69 3 72
i 66 3 72
4 70 3 5
4 68 3 66 3 75
4 75 3 66 3 71
4 8 ( 3 70 3 71
4 SO 3 71 3 76
3 63 3 77
4 79 I 3 81
4 82 3 68
4 76 3 85 3 83
4 76 3 65 3 89
4 83 8 68 3 89
4 76 3 68 3 81
3 62 3 87
4 S3 3 91
4 78 3 60
3 27
0 a,
3 29
3 27
3 19
3 20
3 25
3 21
3 19
3 23
3 27
3 27
3 25
3 28
3 30
8 36
3 34
3 23l
3 31
3 38
3 35!
4 10
3 93
3 91
3 98
4 03
4 03
3 98'
3 93
4 001
4 01
3 93
3 89
3 81
3 93
3 95
3 32
3 88
3 90
3 81
3 84
3 7
3 85
3 60
3 bS
3 64
3 65
3 6S
3 76
3 82
3 96
4 07
3 90
3 69
3 75
3 86
3 S2
3 75
3 79
3 85
3 85
3 76
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'", U'r's
Indicates Sunday.
. The ofllclnl number of cars of stock
nrougnt in today by each road was:
V., M. & St. P. Ry
.vi o, i-ac. uy
V. P. System
C ft N. V. Ry
F E. ft M. V. Ry..
H. C. ft P. Ry ....
C, St. P., ft O. Ry..
n. & M. R. R. R
C, B. ft Q. Ry ....
C, R. I, ft P., east..
C. R. I. ft P. west..
Illinois Central ....
.. 11
.. 33
.. !Si
Santa Fo oCp.,
Utah Mining ,
DCm Wolverines
.. il
.. 60
.. 86
.. (7
.. 7
.. 33
.. 6
.. 52
London Stork Quotation.
LONDON, Feb. 20.-4 p. m.-Closlng:
Can. Pacific
St. Paul
Illinois Central..
'. P. nfd
N. Y. Central...
57'Pcnnsylvanla ..
152 No. Pacific pfd.
13.1 lOrand Trunk .
sriiRand Mines ....
65 (
BAR SILVER Steady. 28d per ounce.
MONEY 31414 per cent. The rate of dis
count In the open market for short bills ts
ii-ib'itarf per cont; ror tnreo montns bins,
9-16S3r-4 per cent.
Ilnnk Clnrlngs.
CHICAGO. Feb. 20.-Clenrings. 122.337.797:
balances, $1,616,139; poated exchange, $4,850
.88: New ork exchange, par.
ST. LOl'IS. Feb. I'O.wcicurlngs. 56.T3S.190:
balances, 686,514; monoy, 636 per cent; New
York exchange, par bid, 10a premium asked.
NEW YORK. Fet). 20.'-Clearlngs, 1205,096,
141: balances, $16,365,076.
HOSTON. Feb. 20.-C earlngs. 124.217.716:
bn lances, $2,074,4:2.
Philadelphia, rei). 20. Clearings.
$21,401,907: balances. $3,1S),650.
Cincinnati, l'ou. .0. clearings. J3.178.-
930; Now York exchange, par. and 2o pre-
iremium; money, axjo per cent.
Condition of tbe Trensnry.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. Today's state-
ment of the treasury balances In tho gen
eral fund, exclusive of tho $150,000,000 gold
reserve in the division of redemption,
shows: Avallnblo cash balance, $1(5,117,057;
gold, $76,021,930.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 20.-COTTON Today's
market was a restless, emittc affair, with
tlie bears 111 control axs tno opening and at
tho close, while friends of tho staplo were
In possession throughout tho tlmo Inter
vening. Dlsnnuolntment in the Liverpool
rcsponso to last night's sharp uplift here
was general and under soiling for'both ac
counts prices went off 2if0 points on the
call, Tho opening tono was given as steady
lesmto tne lower nnces. Snorts soon took
fright, however, nt tho crop movement,
which fell far short of predictions. More
over, prlvato wires stated that southern
markets wore holding their own on export
demnnd nnd hotter southern mill Inquiry.
Hcforo noon a flight net advance had been
recorded, duo largely to actlvo covering,
though Investment support was a feature
nnd aggressive buying of March by an ex
port house llcures prominently. Soon after
midday mere was a lurtner upward move
ment In values, a net rlso of f7 points at
one time being apparent. Tno additional
strength resulted from estimates for small
rccolptB and fears that Liverpool would
fully respond to any advance which we
might show. Yet Just bofore the close a
wave or proui-ia ting ny room noiuers sent
prices downward rapidly, with tho market
finally easy and net lt?7 points higher.
While tho local spot market was marked
l-16o higher on sales of ICO bales, tho rise
was at 1110 lime wnen ruiuros wore nt
their highest point. Spot closed steady,
l-16o higher; middling uplands, 9 5-16o; mid
dling ituir, 9 9-16c. Sales, 1,100 bales. Fu
tures closed easy; February, 8.80c; March,
8.85c: April, 8.90c; May, 8.93c; June, 8.93o;
July. 8.93c: August. 8.63c; September, 8.21c;
octooer, be: November. 7.93c: December.
quiet and barely steady: American mid
dling, E5-16d; sales. 6,000 bales, of which 600
were for speculation nnd export and In
cluded 5,800 American; receipts, 43,000 boles,
nil American. Futures opened quiet and
closed steady: American middling, 1. m. c,
I' enriinry, u jb-kmi. nuyers: i- enruary nnd
Mnrrll. f 11-Wffti lZ-Gld. sellers: March nnd
Anrll. 5 10-64d. sellers: Arnil and Mav.
." 8-&ld, buyers; May nnd June. 6 6-6405 7-6d,
nuyers; juno and July, bD-wu. sellers; July
and August, ti 2-G(j6 3-64d. sellers; August
and September. 4 54.64Si(4 55-64d, sellers; Sep-
letnnor, ! ih-wwi du-tHd, sellers; October,
g. o, c. 4 33-0lifi4 Sl.fild. sellers; October and
November, 4 26-64ffi4 27-64(1, buyers.
Futures. February, 8.85c; March. 8.93c;
April, 8.81c; May, 8.91c; June, 8.90B8,.92c:
July, S.00fi8.91c; August, S.601TS.57: Septem
ber. 8.14JS.130! October. 7.76!i7 78a: snles.
5,850 bales: steady; ordinary, 7c; good ordi
nary, t 11-ibc; low miuuiing, so-iuc. nominal;
middling, 91-16ci good middling, 9ic; mid
dllng fair, 913-lOc, nominal; receipts, 733
bales: Htock, 371,103 bales.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 20,-COTTON-DulI; mid
dling, 9c; receipt. 1,176 bales; shipments,
899 bales: stock. 75.030 bales.
a nu steauy 11 1 ;vhc.
Total receipts .... 76
The disposition of the day's receints was
ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num-
oer 01 ncna inuicniea:
Omaha Packing Co
G. II. Hammond Co....
Swift nnd Company....
Cudahy Packing Co....
Armour & Co
Armour ft Co., S. City
K. Becker & Degan....
Vnnsant ft Co
Lobman ft Co
W. I. Stephen
Ii. F. Husz
B. F. Hobblck
A. S, Mawhlnney
8. ft S
Other buyers
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
7,218 7,393
Totals 1,701
CATTLE There was a light run of cattla
hero today nnd as the demand on the part
of packers wns In good shape the market
was active and stronger all around. Tho
market on beef steers seemed to be a llttlo
uneven, although the feeling was decidedly
better. In some cases where the cattle Just
happened to suit tho buyers they sold as
much ns a dime higher, but In other cases
sellers were unable to get much better
prices than they did yesterday. It was a
good, active, Btrong market, however, and
everything at all desirable wns sold in
good senson.
(tow stuff showed the greatest Improve,
ment today and won 6310c higher than yes
terday all around and active. For the
week It Is cafo to quote the market a good
15c higher. Light receipts wore doubtless
the cause for the advance to a great ex
tent. Good handy weight heifers are In
exceptionally active demand and are sell
ing at very satisfactory prices. Bulls,
calves and stags also sold a little stronger
There were very few feeders of any kind
here today, but such ns wero offered
brought good strong prices. The demand
from the country yesterday was In good
shape mid yard traders succeeded In un
loading a good many of their cattle. They
bought up quite a few warmed-up cattle
this morning, which helped out tho trade
on that class of cattle. It Is tho cattle
showing quality, however, that buyers want
and the common stuff Is hard to move.
Representative sales:
Coffee Mnrket.
marxel ror correo futures opened firm, w 1
prices 153?20 points higher on a Bcaro of
shorts and heavy buying by the "copper
syndicate" brought out by good response
In answer to yesterday's advance here.
Later the market eased oft partially under
firnui-iaKing, uui again simenea on runner
mprovement abroad nnd fresh nutsldo sup
uort. Shorts were nervous. The markat
closed steady, with prices 10315 points net
nignor. naies, a,iu nags, inciuaing Aiarcn
at 6c: May, 6.05o; July, 6a; September. 6.20a;
ucuiuer,; ucceinucr, o.suc. 01101 1110
firm; No. 7, Invoice, 7c. Mild, quiet; Cor
dova. 8ai2c. '
l'npnrnted nnd Dried Frntt.
APPLES A llttlo more outsldo Interest
was manifested in evaporated apples today.
though chiefly for prlmo goods, and the
leoiing wus quite nrm, wnn, nowevor, no
material change In quotations. State com
mon were stjll quoted at 3ifr44c; choice,
44a"5o: prlmo, 6T6o: fancy, two.
quite steady at old prices. Prunes, 3W
8o per lb., ns to size and quality. Apri
cotw. Royal, 7?iiri2o: Moor Park, 816c
Peaches, peeled, lf&lSo; unpeeled, 6gJ0o;
No. Av. Pi. No. Av. Pr.
1 780 2 90 6 906 4 20
1 680 3 00 40 1070 4 20
1 600 3 00 19 913 4 20
1 6 3 20 14 1076 4 25
1 650 3 -:0 6 1126 4 23
1 850 3 25 12 1042 4 23
6 920 3 25 8 918 4 ?5
2 725 3 60 18 1091 4 23
2 785 8 50 10 1145 4 25
2 870 3 65 3 1193 4 ?5
24 816 3 63 6 1OI0 4 25
5 810 3 75 1 1310 4 25
2 063 3 S3 19 1144 4 20
1 740 3 85 21 1055 4 36
1 730 3 90 7 1211 4 35
7 858 3 00 22 11(0 4 35
3 690 3 90 S5 1171 4 40
1 720 4 00 12 ma 4 40
fi 1005 4 00 10 1818 4 40
7 1P90 4 00 16 1179 4 40
7 1018 4 00 20 1010 4 40
12 030 4 10 2 U40 4 40
fi 978 4 10 11 1096 4 40
8 783 4 10 8 1143 4 40
4 980 4 10 6 10S2 4 45
fi 116S 4 15 14 1418 4 SO
10 976 4 15 7 1275 4 SO
6 910 4 15 II 1331 4 90
21 1"37 4 15
8 633 3 20 8 1031 4 20
6 834 3 80
1. 760 1 60 8 1101 3 30
2 810 1 7o 1 981) 3 30
1 1 15 2 3 30
1 900 2 00 20 1130 3 ?0
1 960 2 50 2 1295 3 ?.s
5 973 2 60 7 1081 3 35
1 J60 2 50 6 1028 3 35
1 900 2 50 19 1080 3 35
1 930 2 60 1 1160 3 35
1 660 2 60 2 1105 3 33
2 1070 2 CO 1 1300 3 40
1 940 2 60 6 104S 3 40
1 1030 2 70 1 1250 3 40
7 817 2 73 1 1230 3 40
1 1040 2 75 2 1060 3 40
2 945 3 80 2 mo 3 40
6 1046 2 80 7 H40 3 45
6 1096 2 85 1 1220 s to
1 1200 2 85 7 1075 3 50
1 890 2 85 1 1280 S 50
5 956 2 90 8 923 3 60
1 1000 2 90 6 1162 3 60
1 1010 8 00 4 1302 S 55
1 1100 3 00 1 1070 3 65
2 820 3 00 3 1090 3 63
1 1170 3 CO 2 119J 3 r,0
1 950 3 CO 2 1375 3 61
1 1170 3 00 2 1180 3 60
3 1046 3 00 2 1110 3 60
I 930 3 00 2 1350 3 60
1 530 3 110 2 875 3 60
1 SS0 3 CO 1 1220 3 CO
3 910 3 00 2 1193 3 60
3 880 3 00 6 1046 3 60
3..., 1163 8 80 2 1190 3 C3
3 1103 3 60 8 976 3 65
3 1016 3 10 1 1210 3 -0
2 1153 S 10 11 1000 3 70
7 1100 8 10 14 1063 . 3 70
2 wllSS 3 10 1 1130 '3 70
1 1210 3 15 15 1061 S 75
2 1135 3 15 1 1300 3 76
8 1226 3 15 2 .....1230 3 75
2 830 8 20 1 1330 8 73
3 906 3 !'fl 18 mt2 3 75
2 1005 3 20 9 1093 3 75
1 1300 3 so 10 ioea 3 so
1 1220 3 23 1 1220 .1 85
3 1215 3 23 1 1410 3 83
II 1093 3 26 6 1210 8 83
1 1190 3 25 10 1153 3 85
3 1026 3 25 6 1118 3 P0
2 1100 3 25 45 1133 3 90
1 (W0 S 25 3 12ri0 g OS
1 1030 3 23 i 1250 8 U
1 1200 3 25 1 1310 4 00
8 1166 3 25 20 1254 4 05
1 . ...;u7i
. 996 3 80 5 923
. 3(8
3 90
... 887
... 67S
... 940
... 65
... 760
... 666
... $60
... 970
3 65
2 61 i 845 3 60
2 60 6 678 3 63
1)1 3 950 S 70
1 60 2 1050 3 76
S 00 1 1130 3 75
8 00 8 m 3 75
3 10 6 1026 3 80
8 15 15 9(0 3 SO
8y25 2 1115 3 85
3 25 1 830 3 85
3 40 11 882 3 90
3 10 1 ,..1000 3 90
3 50 6 9(5 3 9
3 65 3 1033 4 00
3 60 4 880 4 00
3 60 20 965 4 05
3 CO
2 75 1 950 3 40
2 75 2 1520 3 49
1 t 1 1 I
1 ,
1... .
1 1020
1 129i)
1 1330
1 1(50
.. 050
... 810
.. S?U
.. 830
2 M
3 nr.
3 10
S 14
3 15
3 23
3 25
3 Hi
3 :x
3 30
3 S3
8 (0
3 40
1 1370
1 1250
1 1620
1.. 1720
1 1720
2 1560
1 1.VH)
1 1660
1 1660
1 Pi'O
4 00 l
6 50 3
6 75 1
7Co 2
3 70 1..
. 510
. 170
. 183
. 100
. 153
.!:o 1 00
3 10
3 50
3 50
3 60
3 60
:i no
3 II'I
'J cs
2 'i0
3 70
3 7S
:t o
3 85
3 S3
7 00
7 On
7 23
.UW 2 60 2 600
.... 610 2 73 1 6S0
.... rv 3 11) 19 S22
.... 611 3 l 1 830
....220 2 '.'5 2 3o0
....370 2 K) ) 361
390 4 10 1 ran
1 3Jil 2 u 2 M5
1 910 3 60 9 961
1 000 2 50 6 980
tan .' ft I 8 921
COO 3 IK) 17 655
1 620 3 m 4 1030
4 J!H 3 10 1I3S
4., 610 3 75 5 400
10 761 3 75 16 SIS
0 707 3 73 13 977
1 700 .1 S3 9 1C-91
2 820 3 S3
. HOOS-Tliclo was
nero today and ns
.( 00
3 30
3 40
3 40
3 60
4 25
4 25
4 00
4 05
4 i3
4 10
4 10
4 15
I 20
4 Vi
4 33
4 5C
a light run of hogs
11 vomit the mnrket
ruled genernllv 7!e hlcber than vesterday.
It wns not a very active market on tho
start, ns sellers were holding for good,
strong prices and buyers did not like to pay
tho advance. The best heavyweight hogs
wero picked up first mostly nt $5..W4 nnd ns
high as $5.35 was paid. The general run of
hogs, however, sold at J5.30 and tho lighter
weights brought $.27W. or less.
It wns a slow, Irregular mniket from
stnrt to finish, as there were sevcrnl wcuk
nnd strong places bofore the hogs had
finally nil changed hands. Tho closo wns a
little weaker than tho best time, but still
medium grndes would bring $5.30. The mar
ket as a whole was Just about 7&c higher
than yesterday. Representative sales:
No. Av. Sh, Pr. Nc. Av. Sh. Pr
26 100 ... 4 S3 65 213 ... C 30
23 99 ... 6 HO 63 2IS ... 5 ,H
IS U5 ... 6 '5 73 228 ... 6 30
90 ISO ... 6 25 7S 207 40 6 30
19 205 ... 5 271,4 CO 239 SO 6 30
15 211 TO 6 27i? 3) 273 40 5 30
76 197 SO 5 27U 67 250 ... 5 30
71 191 ... 6 27J? 65 275 160 5 30
60 216 40 6 27',5 IS 2.13 120 5 SO
66 215 SO 6 2il 61 253 2o0 5 ?0
CO 255 SO 6 S3 20.S 40 5 10
71 220 40 5 27V5 I'.l 201 SO 5 30
24 276 ... S ?7W C5 211 ... 6 30
S3 191 ... 5 27(4 45 U11 ... 5 ftl
85 23? 210 5 271 82 221 120 fi 30
t C3 266 20 6.31
'j M 19S ... 6 30
70 229 80 5 30
S4 224 ... 6 324
63 231 ... 6 321
,217 40 6 30 79 245 80 6 32U
64 300 SO fi 32U
74 281 SO 6 3214
Co 247 ... 6 32i
80 192 ... 5 32 4
69 2(5 40 5 32U
4S 367 ... 5 3214
75 239 ... 6 52U
85 206 40 5 20 66 299 ... 6 22'
22 259 ... 5 32Vj
61 268 ... 6
75 223 ... 5 321,
70 246 SO 6 32'4
77 198 ... 6 ?2i5
43 253 ... 5 221";
64 318 ... fi 1214
64 223 ... 6 .".2ti
(1 120 5 30 86 219 40 5 321.1.
67 236 120 6 32W
63 293 80 fi 32',4
64 242 ... fi 3J4
C5 232 ... 6 32K
25 247 ... fi .15
17 309 ... fi 35
62 316 ... fi .".I
87 250 40 B 33
70 2(5 0 5 35
103 183
66 290
75 195
61 23.8
4 211
67 231
fi 27
6 27
6 30
5 30
6 30
6 30
5 3(1
6 3n
5 30
fi 30
6 9)
5 30
5 30
5 30
6 30
6 30
6 30
6 W
5 30
5 30
6 30
5 W
6 30
5 30
5 30
C 30
5 30
6 M
5 20
. . . 11 10
... 5 30
... 5 30
. . . 5 3i)
There wns nnnflini lllinrnl run
of sheep hero today, which makes the sup-
iny ror tno nrat tbree days this week tho
Heaviest for some time nnst. ns fh. rnrelntu
Will show. Tho demand, howevi.r. wn In
good shape, and ewes nnd wethers sold just
ilium meaiiy wnn yesterday. J.amns were
a llttlo stronger In Boots, sales being made
that looked a nickel bluhpr. T.nin in iim
morning, after packers had filled their moro
urgent oroers, tno reeling did not seem to
be qulto ns good nnd tho tendenev was to
buy whnt was left a llttlo lower. Tho saleH
given below will show tho prices at which
tho different weights nre selling.
Quotations: Choice fed wethers, K.15U
4.40; fair to good wethers. J4.nfl4,i5; choice
lightweight yearlings. $4.63(ril.7S! fnlr to
good yearlings, f 1,254m. Hi; choice lightweight
ewes. jj.wnfJ.75, fair to good ewes, $3.25
3.60; choice spring lambs. $4,8015.10; fair to
goou spring inmns, feeder ewoo,
I3.25iff3.60: feeder wethers. J3.SOft3.75! foiMor
lambs, S-I.00g4.40.
1 western ewo
192 western ewes
!17 western w.ethers
43 western wethers
250 Colorado-Wyoming lambs
691 Colorado-Wyoming lambs
25 cull ewes
73 cull ewes
128 western ewes
251 western owes
103 Iown ewes ..-
144 western owes ,
1 lamb ,
672 western wethers ,
3 western wethers
64 western lambs
91 western lambs
806 Colorado-Wyo. lambs .....
!( coiorauo-vyo. iambs ....
99 western ewes
190 western ewes ,
109 western lambs
109 western lambs ,
104 cull Iambs
130 J3 CO
90 3 6.5
97 I 20
SO 4 25
90 4 If)
76 4 90
90 2 00
97 2 25
S3 2 25
99 3 50
IW 3 50
102 3 O
83 3 60
70 4 00
101 4 23
100 4 25
70 4 05
91 4 70
73 4 75
76 4 75
112 3 65
105 I! 03
S3 4 90
SC 4 90
60 4 40
Goad to Cliolee Steers Higher Hogs
and Sheep Ailvmiee,
CHICAGO, Feb. 20. CATTLE Receipts,
11,600 head, including 600 Texons; good to
choice steers, lOJJlDc higher: common
steady; canners strong; butchers' stock
steady; Texnns slow; good to prime steers,
11.9096.00; poor to medium, 13.60tf4.80:
nH,l r..,l... ,. . n-.a.i r.n . nn-a
I2.60fl4.16: heifers, 82.toa4.23; cannors, 11. si
2.60: bulls, slow, 12,5034.25; calves, steady
to strong, l(.fXJpS.85: Texas fed steers. 14.00
6.00; Texas grass steers, $3.3oyi.o; Texas
bulls. 2.6O&3.60.
HOGS Receipts today. 30.000 head: tomor
row, 35,000, estimated; left over, 3.0U0; active
and SQlOo higher; tops, $j,50; mixed nnd
butchers. $5,25M6.47;4; good to choice heavy,
15.40fl5.50; rough heavy, $5.2.V(5.33, light,
J5.23fl5.46: bulk of sales. J5.37Vi'Ko.2U,
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 12,000
head; sheep, 10c higher; fancy wethers, up
to $5; lambs strong to 5c higher; yeurllngs,
up to 15; good to chotco wethers. $4,0Oi71.00:
fair to choice mixed, 13.C0fj-l.10; westorn
Bheen. Sl.OOftl.GO: Texas sheen. J2,501f3,65:
natlvo lambs, 1L50JJ0.25; westorn lamb-j,
.St. I.otiln Live Stock Mnrket.
HT. LOITIS. Feb. 20. CATTLE Receints.
8,900 head. Including 1,200 Texans; mnrket
active and ntrong, with natives a shade
higher; nattvo snipping ami export steers,
J4, 6056,70; dressed beef and butcher steers.
t,"'"U,-", KtlL.ll IV'H 1 - " .
Blockers and feeders. $2.45Jf4.60; cnw.i and
lilfnrfl. 12.00fl4.60: canners. 81.2542.73: bulls.
J2.754J4.10; Texns nnd Indian steers, $3 25'if
4.C5: cows and heifers, J2.40fl3.35.
HOGS Receipts, 7,800 head; market strong
. ... , . .., 1 1 1 1 . . - n.i! IT
alio DO nignrr, piK" mm iiiwim.
packers. $5.354f5.(2: butchers, J5.40fi5.t5
SHEEP AND JA.MIIS Hecelpts, tuuiipiui,
market strong and actlvo; native muttons,
J3.75Ff4.40; Iambs. $1.63(86.25; culls and bucKs,
J3.25Q4.23; western yearlings, $1.85, westorn
sheep, $4.25f4.33;
Kn111.n1. Clly Live Slock Miirkrf.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 20. -CATTLE -Receipts,
6,300 natives, 1.400 Texans. 100 calyea;
best beef -teers, 10ffl5c higher; others
strong and nctlvo: natlvo beef sleers, $4.4()
ffKi.60; stockers and feeders, $3.6j1((.S5; west
ern fed steers, $4.16fjft.S5; TexanH and In
dians, $3.75ftl.S0!
$3.60fjM 7i canners. $2,233.! 90; bulls, 13.15
4.4ft; calves. 16.00(36.60.
JlbGS-Recelpts. 17,000 head; market W
7Wo higher; top. $3.45; bulk of sa es, 15.25ft
filfi- havy $5.35515.(5; mlxod packers, $5.23
m 85: light. J5.10tl6.30: pigs, $l.755.10.
SI I EBP AN D laiuliS-Rerelpts, 3.20)
head; mnrket strong; western lambs, $4.76
6.16: westnni wethers. $4.15fj0.60; western
yearlings, $I.S5fi-l 75; ewes, J3.60fi3.90; culls,
St. Joseph Live Stock Market,
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Feb. 30.
(Special.) Tht Journal quotes:
CATTLE Receipts. 1,000 head; best 10
15c hbrhcr; others strong; natives, Jt.10
6 00: Texas and westerns, $3.60tf6.00; cows
and heifers. $2.10fJ4.30; bulls and-stags. $2.10
4f4.60; yearlings and calves, $3.C0fi4.75; otock
ers nnd foeders, $3.25dJ4.35; veals. $.50tt7.00.
HOOS-Receipts. 6.000 head; market 5fj)
7Vo higher; all grades, $5.25fj5.40; bull: of
sales. $5.27Wi5 Jfi; nigs, steady.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, SOO head;
market strong to 10a higher; lambs, $3.10;
yearlings, $4.75, ,
Xvr York Live Stork Market.
NEW YORK, Feb. 20.-nEEVE8-Re-crlpts,
2,669 head: market slow; steers, weak
to lOo lower; bulls and good rows, steady;
thin cows, steady to Hhode lower: steers,
l4.404jS.20; oxen and stags, $3.75fJ5.00; bulls,
$3.00f(4.15: cows, $1.85'fi.l0: no change In
cables; shipments, 4.29 quarters of beef.
Calves, receipts, 1.677 head; trade slow,
prices generally steady; veals, $1 60tf8 25,
tops, S. 60; little calves, $i; barnyard culves,
$3,0043.60; yearlings, $2.6ofl3.00; no westerns,
iH,tii-iim-ipiB, d,in iienti, nieaiiy; limi
tations. $5:Cni?TA.S,
, SHEEP AND "LAMItS -Receipts. 10.9M
head; sheep steady; choice grades tlrm;
lambs very Mow, but not lower; sheep, J-I.2A
culb,Ui??'!1mS,Wi ,nmb',, ,4"T!ff6"i
Stuck In Mittit.
Following nro the receipts nt the four
principal western tnnrkets for Fehrunry 20:
SoJth Omaha
Knusas City .
St. Louis
Cattle. Hops. Sheep.
1 ?fW ? 'Al I
22.S53 62,101 20,109
Wool .Market,
LONDON. Feb. 20.- WOOL-The nrrlvaH
of woo! for the second series of wool auc
tion sales, scheduled to open on Mnrch 12,
closed today with the following consign
ments: Now South Wales, 45,190 hnlc,
yieenilaml, 17,612 bales; Victoria, 66,614.
South Australia, 11,339 bales; West Aus
tralia. 10,600 bales; New Zealand. 22,313
bales: Capo of Good Hope nud Natal, 22 n.17
bules. The total available for tho sa'es t
218,756 bales, Including 9l,UvU held over fr.1111
the first sirles.
ST. LOl'IS, Fb. 20.-WOOU-i:asv; me
ilium grades. 12fjt9e, light fine l"fj.v
heavy tine, 16tgi2o; tub washed, ISc.
HOSTON, Feb. 20 - WOOI-The American
Wool and Cotton Reporter wl'.l say of tho
wool trade tomorrow: 'rii,. ,-ni 1,..,
.has rather Increased In uctlvitv tin. Inai
week mid a large amount or stock has been
nioved. Ilguro the sales at over 0,MW
lbs., Includeil In which were some go id
shseil lines of territories, scourod nnd me
ilium lleetes, There has boon considerable
liressiiru to sell, nnd 11s n result toiiiinier-
have In most Instance"-been able to serum
wools nt pretty low prices, especially t. rn
tory wools, which nre now sel'lng wry
closo to tho level of values prevnlllin ni
the time when the boom In 1S93 was started
Vu?Ztt:!r tU, WeU 1,1 l''ton nmouniel
to ri.,,.i lbs. domestic and InBiihj lli. ror.
k Inst year The sales since .'miliary
nut to lbs., against as.JiiVo.j
for the corresponding tlmo last year
OH nnd llohln.
OIL flTV, rn, Feb. lU-OII-S-Crrt'lt
balances. JI.2S. cert I eaten, no bid: uhln
incuts. 18.3.t bbls,: average. Vk! 1 bl P
r 1 '-5 f : t ,'-s 1 J .Kf; .V!'-' -: y r n iro . 125,236 bbls.
t-'-,.i(.M.V ,'VI,1 Standard,
$i.8fli.yj. Cottonseed, easy: nrlme crude,
2;c; yellow, 29f?2:i'tc IVrnleuni. linn
Rosin, quiet; stralni'd, common to gom1
$1.6u. Turpentine, steady. tf'SiliiUc.
,nWnVKIlVOCU". Fc,h a'-TI'-l'etrole.iin.
lOf 10c, paid and sellers. Turpontlne spirit
stendv, 29s Sd
LONDON, Feb. 10 OILS-I.lnseed, 21s Cd
Turpentine rplrits. 2Ss 9d.
Dry Cumin Mnrket.
There has been more activity hern of late
with the Jobbing trade, hut no change of
any moment In tho market at first hands.
Prices nro Irregular for brown bleached nnd
colored cottons In stock. Print cloths ruKI
dull todny. with very limited demand at the
reduced prices. Men's wear woolens quiet
and barely steady. Dress goods dull and
Niicnr Mnrket.
OiiIaI itna.i 1nttlA ll'.nj f1. i....i
centrifugal, 4J?4ic; centrifugal yellow, 4i,fji
(?sc; seconds, '(c. Molasses, steady;
open kettle, none; centrifugal, SjJ9e. Syrup,
steady; retlned, quiet.
Holds AgrtliiNt IVhlftky 'I'msl.
CHICAGO, Fob. SO, -A Mieclal to tho
Tlmes-Ilerald from Cincinnati says: .ludgo
Rllfus II, Smith of the ruperlor court has
rendered a decision that Is regarded us Im
portant In Its bearing on trusts. Ellas
Illoek & Sons. Kentucky distillers, shut up
their manufactory under 11 contract with
the Whisky trust by which the Intter
agreed to furnish lllnck & Sons nil their
goods und pay them $1.XI a month In addi
tion. Tho trust became In def.vult for
$10,000 under contract, and milt was brought
to recover. The Whisky trust filed a de
murrer, alleging that tho contract was
Illegal. Tho demurrer Is overrulod. tho
court holding that when a contract, appar
ently Illegal, Is only an Incident to a largo
contract, which Is legal, then the first con
tract will rtand ns a circumstance.
Mnnter Out Volunteer.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 20Tlio Thlrtv-
seventh Infantry, l'. S. V., will bo mun
tered out of ervlco today. Tho mnJo;
poitlon of the regiment returned to thM
city on the transport Sheridan February 7
and will be mustered out nt the Presidio.
The rest, who remained behind with a view
to re-enllstlng. will bo mustered out at .no
snmo tlmo in Manila.
KocrtillN, lur Philippines.
COLl'MHl.'S. O., Feb. 20.-A detnehmetr.
of recruits from the culled Stntce barracks,
numbering 350, left at 9 o'clock this morn
ing in a special train for San Franrlsco,
from whence they will sail to tho Philip
pines. Tho detachment Is In charge cf
Lieutenants llulstcd and Parsllng and
Surgeon Taylor.
l wh.Mli l4'lng In men
atijwiimen who are not
as strung as they shouli
be; when they nre Weak and
have no Lnvrgy or Amntmn,
Vital Torch Is nothing but
nicctrlelty. When you are
f-kk. .here Is not tnouch
niectrlclly In the systsn nni
It must be sunnllcJ. Nature
will not supply It. for. pr-
naps, iiaiuio iu urun iut-
jorci upon. My Electric
ueit ana uirctricn suspen
sory supply the neeJc4 Llec
tridtyanJ ou soon become
strong and vlcorous. I tlve
you n wrlllen guarantee
that myliclt will cure you; If
It falls I ulll refund every
cent you pay ms for It.
Entirely different and must
tu.t be confused with oilier
e'ectrlc bells. It lus soft,
sllkea chamois covered
(ponce electrodes which pre
vent that frightful burning
and blistering caused by all
other bells, which have bare
metal electrodes. My Belt
can bs renewed when burned
out for onlv ?: no other can
be renewed for any price, and when burned out It
worthless. I absolutely guarantee my lilecrtle
Melt to cure Varicose Veins, every form of Weak
r.ess in either sex; restore Vitality; cute Rheumatism
In every form. Kllney. Liver and Bladder Troubles.
Constipation, Stomach, Disorders, Nervous and Gen
eral Debility. 1-ime Uack, all lenmle Complaints, etc.
Write to-day for my book, "The l-lndlng of the
fountain of Eternal Youth," Sent free, postpaid, for
the asking. Hook will tell youall About It. boldonly by
DR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co.
Itiiimia IS to SI Uouiclus Illock,
Oodacc and lUtU Streets. Uinahii, Neb
For years this remedy has been the
standard nerve restorative. Thousands
of happy men owe their newly found
strength to its use.
b'exlue rills replace weakness and
exhaustion with strength and vigor;
the brain becomes clear; the nerves
Mcady and calm; gloomy forebodings
are banished and perfect vitality is ful
ly restored.
If you nre suffering a above, try a
box; you'll be encouraged by its effect
to take the full course of six boxen I
then If you ore not entirety cured, we
will refund your money. This satis
factory offer Is one of the factors of
our success.
$1.00 per box ; 6 boxes (with guaran.
tee to cure or money back), $5 00, mailed
in plain packages. Book free, I'BAl,
Mxnici.vK Co.. Cleveland, Ohio.
old by Kubn Co., Iftth and UouihUt,
tad If. A. Dillon, South Omaha.
Usn DlgU for unnatural
IrrltatloDi or ulctratloni
of in 11 com laembranei,
1'alnlrit, and nut aitrio
gent r poisonous.
14 by DronliU,
1 v
Jfjaw (isroi..a at
BSt I i(rieur.
1 rr.'.Bti rourls.
ITSltHt Ev:: Chiu'cu Co
or sent In plain wraiipsr,
67 iprtM, prrrilr. for
I.O). or a bottles, $..
Circular ''" nu rvpiMt.
Telephone 10110. ttmalut, Xcb.
Hoard of Trade.
Corrnepondence: John A. Warren & Co
Direct wires to Chlcuuo and New York