THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Till US DAT", ITKKIIUAKV 21, 1001. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL mivoh .un.vrio.v. Da1s Belts glafs, Davis sells drug. Btockort sella carpets and rugs. Klne Missouri oak. Gilbert Uros. Gas fixtures nnd globes nt Hlxby's. Pino A H C beer, Ncurnayer's hotel. Wollman, sclentinc optician, 403 H'wny. Schmltlt's photon Buarantecd to ploose. Mooro'fi stock food kills worms, fattens, XV. J. Hosletter, dentist, lluldwln block, I.efTert, Jeweler, optlclun, 230 Uroadw.ty. Drink Hudwclser beer, I,. Iloscnfeld, ngt. Wanted, competent girl for Knneral house work, 32U Oakland avenue, Horn, to Mr, and Mrs. P. K. Kcean of Garner township, a duughtrr. Mrs. lloraco Kvcrett Is home from a visit with relatives nt Fayette, Mo. Horn, to Mr, nnd Mrs. Hen Orahl of South First street, Inst evening, a son. HomcthliiK new for Kndakcrs nt C. IS. Alexander & Co.'r, 333 Drondwny. V. y Ornfr, undertaker and dlslnfeotor, 101 South Main street. 'IMione S0C. (let your work done at tho popular UurIo laundry, 724 Hroadway. 'I'hono 157, For rent, modern residence In heart of city, by W. I Kerney, 231 Main street. Morgan & Klein, upholstering, furnlttiro repairing, mattress making. 122 S. Main st. Harmony chapter No. 25. Order "f tho Kastern Star, will meet tonight In Masonic hall. Attend tho chlckcnpln dinner nnd oyster supper ut tho Hono building Friday, Feb ruary 2f, Mrs. G. Tj. Gorman of Fourth avenuo lm3 been called to Vail, la., by tho rcrlous Ill ness of her sister, N. P. and J. C. Anderson have- taken out a hutldlnir permit for a two-story brick block at 3'X Urondwny. I.lly ('.imp Aid society will meet at tho home of Mrs. t Smith. 119 Harrison street, Friday afternoon nt 2:30. Mr, nnd Mrs. J. C. lilgley of Itnudolph, Nob., nro guests of Mr, und Mrs. Ocar Albert), Kast Plerco Ktrcct. A want ad In Tho lleo will btlng results. Tho same attention Klven ti a want ud In Council UluffH as ut tho Omaha ofllcs. Justice Ferrlcr performed the mnrrlaco ceremony1 yesterday mnrnintr for XV. C. Davcy and Sophia Krautr., both of Omaha. Sheridan coal, onco tried nlwnys used. Rmokelcss, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur. Prlco 5, $6.50. Ftmlon & Foley, sole ugents. N. A. VanClenvo and Mary M. Cornell iron, both of Crescent City. Iiu, wcro mar ried in this city yesterday morning by Jus tlco Hryant. Hhadukiam temple, Drnmntlo Ordor Knights of Khornsimn. will glvo an enter tnlnment thl evening for tho members nnd their fumilles. Chnrles Tudor and Pearl Miner, both of viiciiivuiju, in., were married in mis cliy osterday nfternoon by Justice Hryant nt iniru in street Lost, two Kngllsli setter pups: initio, lemon and white; female, black and white, iteward. for return of same to O. Keellno, 018 8outh Seventh street. Howard Ilasmussen of 1300 Kast llroad way reported the theft of two dozen chick ens from his premises Tuesday night to tlu pollco yesterday morning. Members of Unity lodge, Daughters of Jlcbeccn. will meet Friday afternoon at 2:30 w ih hom.e, I1,, hisses Mnry nnd Mnggla McMIUen, 17w) Ninth avenue. Tho public schools will bo dismissed Fri day afternoon In observance of Washing ton ft birthday. Patriotic exercises will be In nil tho building in the morning. Tho committee having tho matter in charge has secured Uroadwny Methodist church In which to hold tho biennlnl con vention of tho Iowa Federation of Woman's Clubs. 1j. Wade, a boarder at the Hock Island house. Ninth street nnd Twelfth avenue, complained to tho pollco yesterday that n, sneak thief had stolen an overcoat, coat and cap from his room. Mrs. 12. F, Watts, who was tnken sud denly 111 last Tuesday at the homo of Mrs . 8. Cnss, Washington avenue, is con siderably improved and wan able to be about tho house yesterday. Josoph Hubbard and Kmmet Gnrslde, tho runawuy boys arrested Tuesdny night, were taken back to Dlnnohnrd, la., yesterday morning by the father of the, Hubbard boy, Tho lads were glad to(go home. Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. S. Fnes nro homo from a visit to relatives in Minnesota nnd will leavo March C for Uussln, whero Mr, F.ien will take charge of an agency for tho Mc Cormlck Harvesting Machine company. Tho striko declnred by tho union car penters on the residence of Dr. II. IS. Car ter on 8outh First street has been amicably nrranged and declnred on. A noniinlo-i man who was put to work painting window frames wna tho cuuso of tho trouble. Fred llarter, C. Jacques and J. Well, ar rested Tuesday night while stealing coal In tho yards of tho Illinois Central rnllroud, admitted their guilt In pollco court vestcr dny morning and pleaded poverty. Judgn Aylesworth suspended sentence during good behavior, as ouch had a family to support, but wurned them If they wero brought be fore him again ho would not deal so lightly with them. N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 250. Davis soils paint. Gravel roofing. A. II. Heed, 511 Hi-oad'y. Heal Entitle Transfers. Tho following transfers were filed yester day In tho abstract, tltlo and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 rearl street: The Tootle estate to Council Illuffs City Waterworks company,' part sw 'i noK 2S-75-41, w (1 600 Jerry 0. Vollstcdt nnd wife to Henry Vnllstedt. Jr.. undlvJJ lots 14 to 18, block 18, Walnut, q. c. d 1 louchlm Stuhr and wife to Charles Btuhr, wii nwVi and w of creek eVi nwty lot 27 and nott ne4i 23-77-41, w. (1 k 7.C.0O name to iiugo Hltilir. n1, en'i nnd nYt swi lot 22, nnd n 17 acres e',4 nwU 27-7i-41, w. d 7, 005 Diinio to wiiiutm tminr, sjj nU neu seU und seU netf lot 2S, and s 10 acres set4 nw'i 27-77-44, w. 1 7,W Same io Gustnv Stuhr, sw'i swU 22-77-41, w. d 1,600 Fannlo T. Todd to John W. Petersen, part outlot I. Neola, nnd others, w. d 050 J. L. Caldwell to John Itodwell. lot 1, Auditor's subdlv nwU scU U-75-40, w. d 3,200 Uernnr.l J." McOlnty to J. K. McGlnty, undlvVi of nU 22-77-42. w. d COC J. II F. McGee and wlfo to H. C. Jen sen, part accretions in township 76- ' 44, . e. d 40 George XV. Gallup nnd wlfo to John N. Gallup, s R ncrrs of n 24 acrea ne'4 swV, 17-76-39, w. d.. 30) Jerry U. Vollstcdt nnd wlfo et a I to niuford Chambllss, part ne'i sw',4 a-77-38, w. d , 175 Total twelve transfers U0.777 Burning Up Money! That's what you do when you buy poor shoe Did you ever wear a pair of HANAN SHOES? They nro nice llttlng, well wearing nnd a shoe that will bo easy on your feet. You got full valuo for your money when you buy shoes nt a store that guarantees satisfaction. That place Is SARGENT Look for tho Boar. FARM LOANS Negotiated in Eastern Nebraska ana town. James N, Casady. Jr., 12S Main St.. Council Bluffs. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor to W. C Kltep) It flOAllL STUEliT. 'l'houe 07. BLUFFS. TO INSURE THE SCHOOLS Voteri Will Bo Atked to Authorize That Important Step. LESSON FROM ROCK ISLAND'S FIRE Council II I ii IT s Is l'i a lis Mtitlt mi llontlcil J)rll' nnd Conltl .Vol Ite l.tilld If I! Iff HullilltiKs Iltimed. At tho school eloctlo'n next month the olectors of tho Independent school district of Council IllufTs will be asked to voto upon tho proposition to Insuro against tiro was school buildings of tho city. This was de cided upon nt an Informal meeting of tho Hoard of Education yesterday morning nfter It had learned of the destruction by firo of tho High school building at Hock Island, III., recently erected at a cost of 190,000, and which was Insured for $45,000. Papers containing no account of the flro wero sent to tho members of tho board by Prof. II. I). Haydon, formerly superintend out of schools hero, nnd now filling a simi lar position at Hock Island. The possibility of such n flro occurring hero nwnkened some of tho members of tho board to tho danger of not having tho schools insured, nnd at an Informal gath ering It was decided to submit the proposi tion to tho electors at tho school election March 11. While the exact amount In which tho buildings will be Insured has not been determined, It 1 agreed among tho members that tho district ought to carry from $100,000 to $150,000 on tho principal bulldlncs. The new High school Is being erected aL a cost of J 55.000. nnd in the event nf It J bolng burned down, tho district would bo absolutely tinnblo to replace It with an other building, unless It was well Insured. When tho bonds In tho sum of $f.0,00C for tho erection of tho now High school wero Issued, It brought the Indebtedness of tho district up to the legal limit and no moro bonds could be Issued. The same would bo truo If any of tho larger schools, such as tho Washington avonue, Dloomer, TwentliiU avenuo and Eighth etrcut buildings, wero destroyed by flro, Tho board would bo without funds or tho means of securing funds to rcplaco these buildings. Any of tho Bmallor buildings could probably be re built from tho money In tho schoolhouso fund. Up to six years ngo, the schools wero In sured against fire, but some of tho mem bers of tho bonrd at that ttmo were of tho opinion that It was a useless exponso and tho question was submitted to tho electors with tho result that they voted that tho district should carry Its own Insurance. At that time, however, tho Indebtedness of the district was well below the legal limit and had any building been consumed by Are, bonds could have been Issued In a sufficient amount to replace it. Hate on School In Low. The members of the bonrd In favor of In suring tho school bulldlnga point to tho fact that tho cost Is comparatively small In contrast to tho results obtained In caso of a conflagration. Tho rate for flro lnsurancs on school buildings Is low nnd It i'i es timated would not exceed 60 cents per $100. Thus, If tho schools of tho district wore Insured for an aggregate amount or $150,000, tho yearly expenso would not ex ceed $900. i ' The only Insuranco at prtsent carried by tho district Is on the boilers In tho largo buildings heated by utenm. This Insurant-.) la carried principally from the fact that it also carries with It a regular Inspection of boilers. Tho cost of this boiler Insurance Is In tho neighborhood of $100 a year. Member Hess, who has always been op posed to the district carrying Its own In surance, snld yesterday: "As soon as I lenrned of tho destruction by flro of tho handsome High school building at Hock Island, I realized that this district would bo In a bad predicament In tho event of any ono of our largo schools being destroyed. Wo could not rcplaco the building, as we would have no funds and we cannot Issue any more bonds, no matter how urgont tho need, na tho Indebtedness of tho district since the Issuance of tho now High school bonds Is up to the limit allowed by law. I am In favor of placing nt least $45,000 or $50,000 Insurance on our now High school nnd nay $2t,000 on tho Washington avenue school and about $20,000 on tho Dloomer building, and tho others In proportion. Tho smaller buildings we might replace In case they wero destroyed by flre. I bellevo It would bo the best and safest policy for the board to insuro the schools in an ag gregate amount of from $125,000 to $150,000 Tho expense would not be great and our financial condition, in my opinion, demands It." Illnse AVnnla it I'nrtlnn. Albort Illnze, who escaped from the county Jail August 14, 1S9S, Is said to bo anxious to return to the city, provided his chances for securing n pardon were good. Hlazo had been bound over to the grand Jury on a charge of burglary when he and threo other prisoners managed to saw their way ono Sunday night out of the county bastllc. John S. Morgan was sheriff at tho tlrao nnd his son was acting Jailer. Although tho alarm waB given In a fow minutes nfter tho prisoners had effected their escapo not ono of them was recap tured. A man who declined to give bis name, but admitted ho lived In Omaha, called at tho qounty Jail nnd asked Jailor Martin what could be done toward Securing Blaze a par don. Hlazo Is thought to bo In Nebraska, and from what Jailer Martin learned Is do ing well, but Is afraid to roturn to this city, whero his mother lives; unless ho Is granted a pardon In advance. .Votes of the IIIrIi .School. The Junior class of the High school, with a membership of 66, organized yesterday nfternoon by electing theso officers: Pres ident, CharlcB Campbell: vlco president, Helen Wallacp; secretary, Maude Hart; treasurer, Norman Fuller. The class Is al ready arranging for tho reception to tho seniors commencement week. Tho Athlotlu association has decided to petition tho Hoard of. Education to employ a male teacher qualified to give athletic in struction, ami tt-at n gymnasium bo fitted up In the new High bcIioo! building. Tho next meeting of tho Girls' Literary REC0MMENOEO BY PHYSICIANS. Pond's Extract Over fifty years a household remedy for Hums, Hprains, Wounds, IlruUea, Coughs, Colds and nil accidents lia ble to ooonrln every home. CAUTIONTherel$only end Pond's Extract. Ba lire you get tho geiiulni, told only in italitJ bottles In bull wrappers. - society will bo Friday, March 1, when the subject will bo, "Ilesolved, That Ignorance Is tho Hoot of All Evil." Tho contest for the prizes offered by tbc local branch of tho Daughters of the Ameri can Hovolutlon to the pupils of tho High school for the best essay on "The Revolu tion" was closed Monday. Flvo pupils sub mitted essays. The result will be nnnounced next week. SlinillFF B.NTITI.KH TO POSSIJSXIO.V. Jury Ho Derlitea In Case of Goldstein Aliatnst Morrtnn. Tho caso of Itcrmnn Goldstein against John S. Morgan, shsrlff, which occupied tho nttentlon of Judge Thornell and a Jury In the district court for three days, was brought to a closo last evening, when the Jury, after being out but a short time, brought, In a verdict for tho defendant, fix ing tho value of tho stock of shoes at $1,600, and that tho sheriff was entitled to immediate possession of the goods. Sheriff Morgrn, fo secure claims of Lars Jensen nnd the First National bank, at tached the shoe stock of E. E. Adams, which Goldstein claimed to have purchased and was removing to Omaha. Goldstein replev ied tho goods, putting up a delivery bond of $2,000. This morning Judgo Thornell will take up tho criminal calendar, tho first caso to bo tried being that against William So:n mcrs, charged with attempting to carry off eight pairs of trousers from Marcus' cloth ing store In January. M. J. HIgglns, who waB Indicted In Sep tember on tho charges of bigamy and adultery, has filed a motion for n further continuance on tho grounds that ho Is con flued to his bed nt Kansas City as tho re sult of an accident and further that hie at torney, Emmet Tlnley, Is unablo to bo In court, being away on his wedding Journey. To I)lilrllinli Motor .Honey. City Engineer Etnyre, In accordanco with tho Instructions of tho city council, Is pro paring n plat of tho proporty on South Main street abutting tho paving which tho motor company has paid for. In addition to mak ing nn estimate of tho amount duo on each parcel or lot tho engineer will bo com polled to secure nn abstract showing tho present owners of tho property. When this Is obtained tho city engineer will prepnro a schedulo showing how much each person Is entitled to of the $1,999.40 deposited by tho motor company. Tho city engineer ex pects to liavo his report ready for the meeting of tho council next Monday night. As soon as tho report Is accepted City Treasurer True will commence tho dis tribution of tho money. I'ottnwntlfiiiile I'rolillilloiilslN, Tho prohibitionists of Pottawattamie county will hold n convention In Oakland March 4, at 2 p. in., for tho election of delegates to tho next stato convention, to place In nomination a county ticket nnd for the transaction of such other business as may properly como before the gathering. As'a side feature, the Inaugural address of John G. Woolley, former prohibition cnndl daet for president, and an address of O. W. Sfownrt, chairman of the national oxecutlvj committee, will bo delivered before tho convention. Following the convention n meeting will bo hold in tho ovenlng, ut which thtr i will bo a number of speakers In tho cause and good music. For Urnllnir n llonril III 1 1. If tho charges against J. II. Green, alias Bennett, the man who Impersonated C. XV. Sprnguc, the representative of a Philadel phia company, fall to stick In Omaha ho will, bo brought to this city and prosecuted. C. J. Aunls, chief clerk of tile Grand hotel, filed nn Information In the superior court yesterday, charging Green with beating a bonrd bill. Green Is said to have several aliases. In addition to being known as Dennett he pass?d nt an Omaha hotel bh C. II. Koote. Some of the linen found In his grip hero boro tho Initials "C. II. V." and this lends tho authorities hero to be lieve thnt his right name is Foote. Iti'portu on llrnrvolcnoe. Ilev. Henry DoLong, city and county mis sionary of tho .American Sunday School union, and manager of tho Council III tiffs Ilenovolent association, hns prepared hln report for tho year ending March 1. Uur tho twelve months ho visited 2,776 famllloj, furnished clothing to 2,176 persons, fed 375 persons, furnished employment to 420 per sons, vtnltcd fifty-four Sunday schools and organized two schools. Ho traveled 0,108 miles. His cash report shows that he has $25.15 of tho $102.25 contributed by the mumborB of the Council Illuffs lodge of Elks to bo used among the poor. GreKory n llnrtl Cine Sheriff Cousins, who recently mado a trip to tho penitentiary at Fort Madison, learned that Charles Gregory, the notorious horsr thlof who was sent up from here for twentv years, was proving n most unruly prisoner. He has been frequently Bent to the "blnclc holo" for insubordination and about a week ago he chased the foreman of tho shop where he was working out with a draw knife. If he keeps up his prosont conduct, bo will not shorten his sentenco by any good behavior marks. Society Tnkp Children. Stella Ogan, ngod 14, nnd Jlennlo Ogan, aged 11, the two children whom their mother, Mrs. Ira Mowery, tried to havo sent to tho reform school, wore yestorday turned over to the caro of tho Iowa Chil dren's' Home scclety. The necessary papers turning them over to tho society were signed by Judgo Aylesworth of tho superior court. Ilev. A. W. Lanlngham, agont for tho society, took charge of tho children, For Theft of Revolver. Frnnk Mains, a young man claiming to be n telegraph operator, was taken Into cus tody last night on the chargo of stealing a revolver, tho property of J. C. Jenkins, n roomer nt tho Tromont houso. Mains wna arrested by Officers Claar and Ed Smith as he was about to leave the city for Kan sas City on a Burlington train. Tho re volver was found on him. Cheek lip Comity Ofllees. Members Hansen and Auld of tho Doard of County Supervisors commenced tho work yesterday morning of checking up the county offices, starting with tho county re corder. They are being assisted by John Chlzum, nn export accountant and book keeper. The work Is expected to take sov etal vfeelts. The board has adjourned until Monday. Delong's stationery department Is right. Mnrrliive I.lreimo, Licenses to wed wero Issued yestorday to tho following, persons; Name nnd Residence. Age. XV. C. Dnvoy. Omaha J8 Sophia Kraut z, Omaha 27 N. A. VnnCleave. Crescent. la 27, Mnry M. Cornellson, Crescent, la 20 Fred Grebe. Omaha 4f Annu Kreger, Omuha S8 Charles Tudor, Glenwood, la 27 Pearl Miner, Glenwood, la 20 Nmallpnz l'atleiit nt School. FOHT DODGE, la., Feb. 20. (Special.) A family In East Webster has been permit ting their child to attend a crowded country school, when the lit 1 1 o one's body was badly brokon out with wnallpox. Smallpox had existed In the family before, but It was thought that all danger of tho disease was entirely passed, until tho accidental dis covery by the teacher of the Cutting school, where the child was a pupil, of tho telltale marks on Its body. The family was placed under strict quarantine, but It Is feared tho mischief has been dons. Neirly-Formed Association Hold First An nual Session in Pes Moinci. CIGARETTE COMPANY WILL FIGHT LAW Ilea .llolnrs Denier .llnke llnrsaln Tvllh Urrnt Western for Cheaper lint en Piilillsltern of North rtiMerit lovta lo lleoritnnlxe. DKS MOINES, Feb. 20. (Special.) The first iiunual convention of the Iowa Electri cal association Is In session in Des Moines, with 100 members and Interested persons (.resent. Tho association was formed at n meeting hero n year ago. The membership consists of the various companies operatlug electric plants In Iowa and their represent atives nnd all persons tt.tercstcd directly In the dovolopment of electrical machinery and electric apparatus. President W. J. Greene of Cedar Ilaplds, presided, nnd re ports wcro read by the treasurer, George S.M.'nrson of Iowa City, nnd tho secretary, W. D, Joffcr of Des Moines. The secre tary's report showed that a largo majority of tho vnrlous electric companies In the state had beenmo members during the first year of the association and n Inrgd number of Individuals had applied for membership. Tho program today was short, papers on heating central stations being read by D. F. McGce, lted Oak; C. C. Hammond, Mason City., and C. H. Walsh, Ilurllngton. A discussion of the gasoline lamp led by J. S. ilcllatny. Knoxvllle, doveloped tho fact that the electricians of the stato are greatly exercised over tho advancement made by the Inventors nnd manufacturers of gas oline lamps. Nearly a score of different lamps In which gasoline Is used as an II lumlnnnl havo been Indorsed and approved as safo by tho State Uoard of Health, which has general supervision over tho oil dis tribution In the state and Inspections of oils and the use of oils. The gasoline lnmp Industry is cutting Into the business of tho electric companies, especially In the smaller towns and forcing a lowering of rates In somo places. GreL-u for Coitiljiitor lllsliop. It Is expected by his friends In Iowa thai Ilev. Thomas B. Green of Cedar Haplds will bo made coadjutor bishop ol' Colorado on nccot,nt of the serious Illness of Illshop Spauldlng, and that ultimately ho will bo mado bishop. Hev. Mr. Green hns long been ono of the most prominent men In thf Episcopal church In Iowa and on the death of Dlshop Perry n few years ago he was selected as bishop of Iowa. Somo question was raised as to tho method of bis election and n great scandal waB stirred up over sensational charges of unfairness nnd Ir regularity In the election. Theso charges, however, wero not directed nt him per sonally. As a result a second election was held and Dlshop Morrison selected. It has been understood that Hev. Mr. Green Is a candtdato for bishop whenever the oppor tunity arrives, nnd his Iowa friends be llevo ho will bo selected to go to Colorado. Ilopex lo Annex South Dnkotu, Collector J. XV. Patterson of the northern Iowa revenue district; who Is a candidate for reappointment, writes homo from Wash ington that ho anticipates no trouble. A hard light it being made against him be cause of thy demand, of northwest Iowa for representation In th federal appointments. Mr. Patterson Is also at tho" bond of tho movement to "hnv'l;''1$outli Dakota trans ferred from the Nebraska revenue district to the northern Iowa district. In n letter to an Iowa friend Mr. J'atlerson wrote tho first of the woek from Washington as followf,-. i Every one here tfeems to be for mo, and I don't niitlclpatn tiny trouble whntevnr In being retnined. It looks a little doubtful nbout Htiuth Dakota bolng transferred, but 1 am working hard and It may succeed, Senator Kylo of South Dakota has been to the president wltli'tbe rctiuest that tho two DakntiiH be mado ono district, but I am its sured by the commissioner of Internal rev enue that his scheme Is a failure, as tin) department will allow no moro new dis tricts. Tho commissioner is in favor of my Idea. Tho .secretary of tho treasury told me personally this morning that ho would Indorse my plan when It came before him. Senator Allison Is doing nil in his power to nsslst mo nnd I huvo bright hopes over our prospects, ClKnrette I.leeime Iiijunet lonx, The attorneys for tho American Tobacco company In this state nro preparing to enjoin tax collectors In every county ol the stnto from collecting tho license tax on the snle of cigarettes wherever tho as sessment has been made. Suits nro to bo commenced In nil such counties March I to hold up the tax collectors until m now suit whlrh tho trust will start has gone to tho Bupremo court of tho United States. The cigarette makers wcro beaten In the Bupromn court In tho caso from Tenncssoo and tho law upheld, but they claim to have discovered another way In which they can attack tho Iowa law on constitutional grounds. The law absolutely prohibits the sale of tho cigarettes unless the license fee of $75 a quarter Is paid and they claim this is n violation of tho Interstate com merce rights of the states. For Corporation. Two now mining companies complied with the state laws today, both from Council Dluffs nnd tho papers drawn Idontlcnl. The Navajo Consolidated Mining company of Council Illuffs, capital, $20,000; Incorporat ors, W. P. Sargcant, J. L. ,Mlddaugh, E. D. Marr, Henry 11. Wrny and Harry L. West of Colorado Springs. Tho Magic Gold Min ing company of Council Illuffs, capital, $15, 000; Incorporators, J. XV. Shcafer, N. Lelp helinor, Julius Gump, Edwin Arkell and D. C. Slndllngor, of Colorado Springs. The Incorporation of tho Lester Opera Houso company of I.cster, la., has also been made, capital $26,000; Incorporators, William Jam mer. William Flnck. William Hansen and others. Conference of CliiirlllrN. Tho annual stiito conference of charities and corrections for Ioun Is to bo held In Rod Oak tho first week In April. Miss Charlotte doff, tho secrotnry of the ns,so elation, has Just returned from lted Oak, where she went to confer with the local' members and committees In regard to ar rangomentB nnd tho date. Tho program will bo arranged In n fow days by tho ex ocutlvo committee, Judging from the in terest which hns boon manifested In nil parts of tho stnto the past year tho con ference Is Ukoly to be the best over held. Oilier Aiiiiouneeiiienla line. It Is expected that tho nnouncement of the candidacy of John Herrlott, ex-stato treasurer, will bo mado tomorrow and he will formally enter tho raco for governor. The announcement Is to bo mado In his homo papers In Outhrlo county. Tho an nouncement of tho candidacy of Senator Harrlmau was made In his homo paper, the Hampton Chronicle, which pays him a high compliment. Colonel Palmer of Wash lngton county, railroad commissioner, has Intimated that ho will decide this weok whether or not to announce himself a can didate for governor. Chslrmnn Woaver of tho republican state committee has written hero that ho will be In Dos Moines the latter part of the wnok to confer with members of the commlttco and candidates with regard to tho date for holding tho state convention. It Is now believed that a vory early date will be selected because of the precipitation of tho preliminary campaign far ahead or the usunl time. The efforts of the Des Molues dealers to secure rates which will mako of Des Moines n basing point llko tho cities on tho Mis souri river hnvo resulted In practically (.losing a bargain with tho Great Western railroad by which tho company agrees to make a rate on shipments from tho east substantially the same as river rates hi consideration of nu ngrcoment by which Des Moines men nro to give that road prac tically all their business. At present the rato from St. Louis to Des Moines Is more favorablo than from Chicago and eastern points. As the Great Western Is not seek ing St, Louis business It Is In a position to make the rate. Tho local dealers ngreo to form a purchasing company, through which the buslncfcs can be transacted, nnd thus tho rato bo secured despite tho ro fusal of the freight bureaus to comply with the demands of the Des Moines dealers. No Prise FIkIiIIiik. Governor Shaw, having lenrned through the newspapers thnt It Is on the program to have a prize fight at Dubuque, has given orders that the law bo strictly enforced against prize fighting nnd nothing of the sort will be nllowed. The law Is lame, but It tho local authorities choose to apply It the fight can be stopped. Pardon for Dnbuqne Man. Governor Shaw today directed tho re lease from the penitentiary of Michael Kcr wln, who was sent from Dubuqua county In 18B5 for tho murder of Mnher nt Twin Springs. Ho recolved a sentence of Bcvcn years on a verdict of manslaughter. Kcr win Is restored to citizenship, his record In tho penitentiary having been an exccllont one. More Publisher lo O run ! Tho newspaper publishers of northwestorn Iowa nnd southwestern Iowa, having formed good associations, a meeting has been called of tho publishers of northeastern Iowa nt Wavcrly to form a now organization. This meeting Is to bo held March 14 and 15, nnd tho association will Include alt newspaper men of tho Third and Fourth congressional districts. ADVANCE GUARD OF MINERS GnllicrlitR lo Meet Mine Owners nl Otto in rr it to Auree Upon Wnire Scnle, OTTUMWA, In., Feb. 20. (Special Tel egram.) The advance guard of miners who nro to conveno In this city tomorrow nB tho representatives of district No. 13 for tho purpose of meeting the mine oper ators of tho same district, hnvo arrived and will during the noxt few days, If In dications nro any criterion, ngreo upon a wage scale for the ensuing year. Presi dent Reese of Albln, who was somo years ago Incarcerated In Jail for disobeying an order of a federal Judge relatlvo to a strike, Is on the ground and has tho situation in hand. Ho says tho miners will undoubtedly ask for a ralso In tho price per ton for mining, but refuses to state tho amount. All Btato offlccrr, as well as many of tho delegates, are here and by tomorrow tho full list will havo arrived. Tho operators will conveno Mopday afternoon and Tues day will meet with tho miners. Conserva tive men say they do not look for a pro tracted struggle, but there Is a notlccablo tension which means, It Is Bald, that tho miners are prepared to fight for that which they consider their rights. J. F. Byrne, a labor loader of this city, who has a stato wldo reputation, says ho looks for no trouble. STRIKE AT NUMA GOAL MINE One Hundred nnd Fifty .Men Itefuse to Work Ilecauae Compelled In .Htnnd Onl In Cold. OTTUMWA, la., Feb. 20. (Special Tele erara.) Ono hundred and flty miners, employes of the Chicago Coal company at Nunia, struck this rooming becauso tho boss Welshman locked out tho check wclghman for the same reason that ho locked miners out of tho weigh house In tho Interval between their arrival at tho mine and time to go to work. Thoy warned tho weigh boss of their Intended nctlon, but no nttentlon was paid to It. The miners are angry and may causo trouble. They claim the brutal trcatmont wns un warranted which compelled them to stand out In the cold. Tho trouble was brought to a head this morning when the weigh boss refuted admlttanco to the check wclghman, who was late In coming to work. Tho miners held a conference, went out and have not yet returned to work. IOWA GUTS IIIGIIIIST NCOUI0, Product of Hxperlmnut Station nl Amea Cnrrlea Off Honor. AMES. la.. Feb. 20. (Special.) Prof. Curtis, director of tho Iowa state experi ment station, received a telegram from G. L. McKay, Instructor In dairying, who Is attending the national dairymen's conven tion nt St. Paul, that tho butler bent from the Iowa State college creamery received the highest score, It being 9S. He also states that It was the largest exhibition of butter ever held. Diamond Jo Sleninliont Company. DUBUQUE, la.. Feb. 20. The annual meeting of the directors of the Diamond Jo Steamboat company was held hero to day. These officers were elected: Presi dent and treaaurer, Joy Morton of Chicago; vice president and superintendent, Captain KUIeen, Dubuque; secretary, Isaac P, Lusk, St, Louts. Board of directors: Joy Mor ton, Captain KUIeen, Fred A. 1)111, Isaac P. Lusk and Harry Clark. Andubon In Have vr IlulldliiB. AUDUBON, la., Feb. 20. (Special.) Chris Henrlcksen hs bought the framo building occupied by M. J. Fabrlclcus' gen eral store and will remove It nt onco and erect a fine twp-story brick, which he will occupy with a general stock. At least two other brick buildings be sldoa this and G. XV, Hoover's will bo built this year. Illlnola Central lo Idzlend It Line. ONAWA, la., Feb. 20. (Special.) People who claim to be posted from high authority say the Illinois Central will oxtend Its lino from Ottawa to a Junction with the Fort Dodge & Omaha railway at or near Loveland, la. The distance Is forty miles and all the way tho road will run paral lel to the Sioux City & Pacific. Dnmeatlo Gone, Gnoda Mlsalnir, FORT DODGE, la., Feb. 20. (Special.) N'elllo Carlson, domestic in tho family of Dr. T. E. Devereaux, a dentist in this city, disappeared last night, and a choice as sortment of silk dresses and laces, the prop erty of her mistress, Is missing, Tho girl had only been In the employ of tho family threo days. Conrt Opens nl l.emnra, LEMARS, la.. Feb. 20. (Special.) February term of district court convened Tuesday, Judge F. It. (laynor presiding. The criminal docket Is light, thcro being only four cases on the calendar, but there are a largo number of civil cases. lleuii of Horticulture Department. (AMES, Ia Feb. 20. (Special.) Homer Charles 1'rice, assmtunt in horticulture and forestry nt the Stato university of Ohio, has keen secured as head of the department of horticulture at Iowa State college Sura the Illlnola Central, ONAWA, Ia Feb. 20. (Special.) The administrator of tho estate of Midolctln Jlxlden, who was killed by an Illinois Cen tral train last summer, has begun suit ngalnst the company for $1,999. Iltoomtleld ((unruiitlnr, OTTUMWA, la., Feb. 20. (Special Tele gram.) Twenty-five cases of smallpox exist at Bloomfield and tho schools and churchr? are closed. HOW CHINESE MUST DIE Envojri Agros to Oompromito on Exoution of Leaders in Atrocities. STRANGLING AND BEHEADING FAVORED Nome Mil' Do II for I'lieiuselt ea, lint Other Will lie Haecuted III I soul Mnniier In PeUlu, LONDON', Feb. 20. "At their latest meeting," says tho Pcklu correspondent of tho Morning Post, wlrlug yesterduy, "the foreign envoys ngrecd to a compromise. They proposo to permit the Imperial court to commute tho sentences of dccnpltatlon In tho cases of Prlnco Ttian, Duke Lan and General Tung Fit Hslan to life Imprison ment nnd will ngreo to the following pun ishments; "Prlnco Chwnng to bo strangled, Yu llslen to bo decapitated, Chao Shu Sclilo and Ylng Nlen to be permitted to strangle themselves Rnd Chi Hslcn nnd Hsu Chuna Wu to be beheaded In Pckln. "If tho court udvnnccs no now obstacle tho negotiations on tho first point of tho demands of tho powers tnny bo considered closed." Dr. Morrison, wiring to the Times from Pckln yesterday, says: "Tho court has yielded and consented to tho Infliction of tho punishment domnnded, petitioning, how ever, that tho sentences on Chao Shu Schlo and Mng Men may bo strangulation In stead of decapitation. To this the foreign envoys havo agreed. "Tho question, theroforc, Is virtually set tled nnd n rnlson d'olre for tho Tnl Yuen Fit expedition ceases to exist." BERLIN', Feb. 20. Further particulars regarding thp proposed rort mention of tho legations nt Pckln havo been cabled to tho National Zoltung. The legation quarter Is betweon tho Chlng Chang gate, the Tlcn Tsnng gnto nnd tho chief wall of the city. This quartrr will bo enclosed by modern fortifications!, with n tuolvo-foot moat nnd glacis beyond and protected by barbed wlro. Each legation will be further fortified and difended by i heavy gun. Tho chief entrance will bo a gnto In tho Tartar wall, defended by bastions. The nr- tlllery will command tho Tartar and Im perial cities. Tho barracks nro to ncconv modnto 2,000 men nnd In n pinch 5,000 men, PARIS, Feb. 20. No dcflnlto Information could bo procured today regarding the nt tltudo of tho French government toward tho proposed expedition Into tho Interior of China, but ofllclnl feeling seomed to bo un favorable to tho project. Citmllilnte for Penitentiary Witrdeii, SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Feb. 20. (Special.) Captain S. II. Dlxson of this city Is cir culating petitions ns n candidate for the wardenshlp of tho Sioux Falls pcnltentlnry. WOMEN WHO SUFFER, Thousands Everywhere Who Endure Terrible Torture. Death Often Welcomed as a Means of Belief, i. Little Knowledge Would Often Avert Much Agony. Women are tho sufferers of tho human race. Their dcllcato organism Is the cause of frequent and severe pain. Therols no reason why womon shouhl lead a life of such perpetual misery. God did not intend that this should be tho caso. It is enough that women hhouhl suffer in giving birth to children. It Is too much to ask her to suffer at other times, yot many women oxporlence each mouth tortures thnt are second only to tho pains of child birth. What Is the cause of this ? It nearly always can bo found in a disregard of Na ture's laws, Improper food, insufficient ex. erciso or carolestness in other matters of hyglono, all of whloh go to weakon those organs in women that are tho source of such pain and misery, mlsory not only to tha woman horsolf, but to her entire family. What can bo worso than to bo always looking ahead to a time when several days of helplessness will ensue 7 It is Imposslblo to make plans for the future, especially In cases where the monthly porlods aro Irregu lar. There is no knowing when a woman will be able to attend to her ovory-day duties, or will bo prostrated Hat on her back, and the worst part of this trouble Is that such Irregularity und pain goes hand in hand. Women who suffer and are irregular In their porlods oxporlonco much greater hard ships In child boarlng. They nro in much f roator danger during child birth. Worso ban anything else, the progeny of such women are sfckly, dollcato, and undorslzed. Such childron start life at a disadvantage. They aro tho kind that grow Into sickly, norvous, nnd pouvlsh men and women. Why not eliminate all this suiTorlng from your llfo ? You can do It. Dr. Oroono's Norvura blood and nerve remody is tho greatest boon known to women. It does everything that Nature craves for to mako womon well and strong. Dr. Oreene's Nervura does not stop here by any means. It oontlnues in Its good work by strengthening the stomaoh. It invigorates the klduevs. and makes the liver active and healthy. It rogulates the bowels and gives strength to those organs of women that are too irequentiy a source of trouble to them. Ono case of the many that wo hear of that Indicates what Dr. Greene's Norvura blood and nerro romedy does comes from Lulu Reynolds, of Rookport, N.Y., who says: "I have boon ill fora long tlmo, and could get no liolp, having employed several doctors, until I got Dr. Greeno's Nervura blood and nerve remody. Now that I have takon a fow bottles nt it, I fool well, and I shall always bloss Dr. Groono for having put suoh a good medicine on the market. I can never say enough in favor of it. Bofore taking it I suffered with heart troublo, female weak ness, and was so nervous that I could not boar to havo anyone cross the floor. I had darting pains all over mo. Once I had St. Vitus' dance. My monstmatlons stopped entirely. In fact, I wont through every thing that flesh Is heir to and lived. Can anyone wonder that I col so thankful for mv hoalth, for I am but li'J years of ago, nud llfo Is as sweet to me as to others, and I had made up my mind that 1 might as woll die as to Hvo In suoh pain. Kvcryone In my neighborhood thinks I was raised from tho dead, as they know what It has done for me. I will be glad to explain to anv lady who wishes to know moro of what Dr. Groono's medlclnedld forme, if shewlll send mo a stamp." Anyone wishing tho advico of this great blood and nerve specialist may have it abso lutely free if they will wrlto to Dr. Greena at hta oillce, 35 W. Mth St., New York City. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A J0V FOREVER DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER, Ilemovf Tun, I'lmple Kieckl... Moth Patelim, jiatn una nkln .111 V'uf. and every O", VICIIll.ll Ull U.BUI, q'L and dents itotee- lion, it na. iiood thr test of t yfuri. and li to liunnlm ws taite It to ht sun 't Is properly mnde. Accept no counter felt of name, Dr. I.. A. 3yre ld to a la dy of the haut-ton la oatlentl! "As you Indies will use thmn. 1 recom mend 'OOUItAl.'D'B C'HRAM' as tho least harmful of all the Ultln preparations." For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers In the U, fl. and Hiiroon. FF.llll. T. 1IOIMCINS, Prop'r, 87 Great Jones St.. N Y used moDih'ir by oTor )0.ouoj4irH. Trlco, at i T 41 ntt Umnri A fnta fnP 1 wimple Mid partlcuUri. Tb Cook Oa X -t 1 f WWII 4 H f t w n we 1 Sold lu Omaha by Kulin & Co., IS & Voug, What is Ovaritis ? A dull, throbbing pnln, accompanied by n M'tiso of. Iciulcrness nuil beat low down In tho side, with nn occaslonnl shooting pnln, Indlcntcs Inllniamatlon. f)n examination it will be found that the ropion of pain shows wmio swell hip;. This Is the first stnpe of ovaritis, lnllnmiuatlon of the ovnry. If the roof of your house leaks, my slater, you havo It Used nt onco ; why not pay tho snmo 'respect to your own body ? o need not, you might not to let yourself go, when one of your owu bcx Mns. Axxa ASTOX. holds out the helping hand io you, nnd will ndvlsti yon without money nnd without price. Mrs. l'inkham's labora tory is ut Lynn. Mass. Write n letter thcro iclliup nil your tiymptoma and Ifet thu bonelit of the greatest experi ence in treating female ills. " I was fiuiTerlni to audi nn extent from ovarlnn trouble that my physi cian thought nu operation would be necessary. "L-yilin E. l'iuklmm'fi Vegetable Com pound havinj? been recommended to me, I decided to try it. After using" several bottles I found that I was eurcd. My entire fystem was toned up, and I aulTercd no more with my ovaries." Jilts. Anna Asrox.Troy, Mo. Washington, D. C. f nnd return $32.25 on snlo Kebnmry liSth, Mnrch 1st nnd L'nil. Tourist rates now on snlo to Arkan sas, I'Moritla, Cuba anil other winter re sorts of the south, Iloincspekef's ex cursions one faro plus ?'J for tho round trip, on sale llrst and third Tuesday each month to many points south. All Information at city ticket oflico, 1415 I'arnatn street, (I'nxtou hotel block) or write Harry E. Moores, O I'. & T. A.. Oiuahii. Neb. You Can Buy Brains at a meat market, or you can Lire other people to think for you, or a nimble fingered girl to write your letters, but do you know a good dictionary is a great help in writing or speak ing correctly? Probably you have a decrepit old dictionary In your ofDca. It Is so tattered and dirty that you aeldom use It. Throw it In the wait basket and get a Standard Dictionary It Is the latest out and scholars very where pronounce It the best. Containing over 100,000 words and having a corps of 310 dltors, specialists and educated men, costing nearly a million dollars before placed before tho public, It ought to be a valuable book. It 1 a valuable book by far the best dictionary before tho English-speaking peoplo. CAM, ON Oil WHITE TUB M ISOBATH BTATIONKIIT OXX 1100 FAKNAM BTItBMT, IN nEQARD TO IT. fientervilie Goal And coal from tho best mlnos In tho country. Also linnLuonl and wood. Prompt delivery is our motto. Transfer Line Between Council Bluffs and Omaha councn Bluffs OfOce. No, 23 North Main St. Tolnphone 128. Omaha Oflico. Ull South 12th Strom. Telephone 1308. Connection miido with South Omahn Transfer. WILLIAM WELCH, BREAD BAKERS WK CAN HI'"I.I, VOU THU BEST FLOUR SOLD IN COl'NCII. UI.UFFfl KOIt $1.10 A SACK BARTEL & MILLER lln- flropom. 100 llruuil wuy. RHEUM'A 17574 Use Red Croio lthumatlm Cur, a prompt and uuro curs for rheumatism in any form.. Curoi sciatica, lumbago, neu ralgia, tout, pains In th back, liunenoia. stilt and swollen joints. The best blood purifier made, A wonderful ramcdy bis cured thousand-!, will ;ure you try it, At drug stores or sent by expretj. prepaid. I'llcn J I 00. lted Cross Drug Co., Council Uluffs, Iowa. ( V