t 70 HBOMAHA DALLY BEE: TIIUBSBAV, "FUJUIIVAUY 21. 1001. SERIES OF WEEKLY SHOWS Promotion Commlttis Will Hcto Charge of Progrim at Industrial Exhibit. CATS, DOGS, BABIES AND WHEELS IN IT I'rlir-. Will l!o OrTcrril for llrnl 'I'll I ii In AIkhi- Miicfj NIiimiii At (In- Auditorium Kiilr. JTb auditorium committee) has decided Upon flvo weeks of pet stock shows nnd other dlsplnys In connection with tho ln dustrlnl exhibit ntid thn belief In thnt tho dlsplnya they luive now planned will bo among tho most nttrnctlvo features of the show. Dors, cats, poultry, bicycles and .tables furnish the basis of tho plans nnd 'each will lako up a week of tho exhibition. Tho rommllteo 1ms decided to offer a tempting lot of prizes In each class, Tho details of theso exhibitions or con tests have not yot been completed, but the main fetitiircs wro concluded yesterday. Hvery endeavor will bo mado to draw out the best In tho kennels, henneries, nurseries nnd blcyclo bouses In thn city and Bur rounding country Mid the best bicycle riders available will be brought hero to entertain thn visitors ilur.ng tho w.ok that that de partment holds i!p boards. All of the ex hibitions of this ilnss will bo on thn first floor of tho building, except tho wheelmen, for whom tho cntlro fourth floor will bo tilven over. Tho manufactures lrnvo taken nn nctlvo Interest in this part of tho show and havo promised somo good attractions. If tho plans carry tho visitors can sco thero. wheels of all descriptions from tho old trl cyclo of years ago to llm latest model of a. luotorrycle. As for dogs, cats or babies, though thero Is no anticipation of mixing them, as a week will be given to each. Tho commit tee hopes to attract tho finest array tho country ran affordi Omaha is to bo espe cially favored, of course, but according to present plans tho competition Is open to tho world. A real good dog show, a fluo display of cata or n. competition between babies In tho arms of their proud mothers, cither ono will furnleh un evening's amusement. These nn merely ndjuncts to tho main Industrial exhibit and tho entrances of com peting Individuals to each and all will bo free. Tho expectation Is that tbrco prizes llrst, second and third will be given and that they will bo of Hufflclnnt vnluo to mako cntranco to tho competition an nttractlvo Inducement to nny ono who controls prop erty coming under tho various heads. 'NEW YORK COMES TO OMAHA Dfftnlintliiit Iiinlrtmlnr' .ApprnlK to Nti iarliitcnlciit I'oiirmn for Infor mation. The famo of tho commercial department of tho Omaha High school has spread to VNcw York City and tho new High School of Commerce, which is to bo established In that city, will bo fashioned after tho four year course which Is now being offered in i thn Omnha schools. 1 Superintendent I'enrso has received n let ter irom Joim ji. v. mini 01 tno depart ment of superintendence of tho borough of Manhattan nnd Bronx asking for tho course of study which has been outlined In tho Omaha commercial department. Mr. Hunt speaks of tho Omaha department nB one of tho well-known commorclnl departments which offer n four-year courso, nnd says !' that ho lias boon advised thnt tho Omaha school authorities can glvo him much val uable Information concerning all sorts ut I commorclnl work. , In discussing high schools which nro de- ! voted entirely to commercial courses Su perintendent I'enrso said: "It seems to mc that It Is n mistake to establish special jiichools In which all tho pupllB dovoto thom iBclves to commercial 'work, becnuso much of jtho work In any high school Is tho samo tthnt must bo offered to commercial stu dents. Tho equipment for teaching com mercial branches is not ns cxpcnslvo as tho apparatus required In chemistry nnd other Bdentlflc work. "Tho opinion seems to prevail that It Is A'ory nxpunslvo to provide commercial work In a school. On tho contrary, It is aulte In expensive. Wo havo only ono extra teacher, Jlr. Van Matro, who has tho shorthand nnd typewriting nnd commercial mathomntlcs. Tho Oermnn, Kngllsh and science are taught iy tho snmo instructors who have classes ,tnadn up of pupils who nro taking other courses, "In another year wo will probably need nn additional Instructor who Is propared to teach tho history of commerce nnd slm? dlar subjects. Typowrltors and somo In expensive ofttco furniture nro all tho equip ,inent necessary for the uso of tho depart ment. With comparatively slight outlay any high school which has a competent 'corps of Instructors can instituto a coin--mcrclal department which Is capablo of 'doing efficient work. "Where tho work Is scattered over four years nnd glvon with othor brnnches nec essary to equip students for business life 'tho cost of tho special Instruction Is re duced to n minimum. Cities will soon como to a realization of tho fact that commercial departments do not require special schools nnd a largo cxpendtturo of money," DENIES SWORN STATEMENT tnnrt (!. .Smart Hitltl to Ilnvn Con- fmsctl MnkliiRT l'ulno Allltlvlt. ' Has Stuart G. called"' himself ft Har? Tho question may bo answered In tho nfflnnatlvo If tho slgnnturo to a paper tiled with tho clerk of tho district court Vestonlay U gonulne. If tho slgnnturo Is not gonulno tho Smart dlvbrco case Is likely to (develop n livoly sensation. Severn! weeks ago Mrs. Marguerito Smart began suit for divorce, alleging that her husband had treated her cruelly. A week jago tho dofendant, Stuurt O. Smnrt, fllod nn nffldavlt In which ho charged that his wlfo had nt various tlmos been found In the company of other men and hnd Jieglocted to proporly enro for her llttlo daughter. The statoment fllod yesterday stitch purported to bo signed by Smart, declares that tho allegations mndo In tho Affidavit of n week ago aro untrue. A peculiar point Is that tho slgnaturo of tho defendant on the nffldavlt docs not compnro In ohlrography 'with that on tho unsworn statement. Tho paper filed yestorday with tho name of Smart signed to it Is designated us n con fession, It states that on Fobruary 14 Smart was "Incapacltnted, nngry nnd uot in condition to mnke an nffldavlt" nnd that the ircflecttous upon his wlfo's good name .and character made In the affidavit nro un ttrue. It also confesses that tho sworn charge that Mrs. Smart has neglected to nroporly caro for her daughter Is untrue, , Tho case Is further complicated by tho fact .that on February 14 nbout ton ftffl- davlts of neighbors of tho Smarts wero filed to subBtuntlato the charges made In 'the nffldavlt of tho husband. As thn case 'now stands thero nro nearly a dozen affi davits containing charges against Mrs. 'Smart, which aro declared to ba untrue by tho alleged confession or Her litistmtin. Smart la a travelog man and, his wife and child live at 033 North Twenty-fifth venue. Cnril if Thank". We deslro to thank our many friends and i,.i,nrB of Florence for tne numerous 'favors and kludnoases shown us during our I late bereavement. MK. AND M113. J. P. ANDERSON. WILL BEGIN CONSTRUCTION Omnlm .t Northern Will Slnrt to Illlllil nn Moon nn Hitrnnlon Hill I'moir CuinrPM, Dispatches from Washington show that tho Omaha & Northern railway Is advanc ing toward tho place whero construction can begin. Tho bill for the extension of tho time In which the road must bo built has been passed by tho senate nnd now lies on tho speaker's desk of the house await ing his endorsement beforo It goes before the house for consideration. Tho officials of tho road believe that the matter Is so arranged that when the bill onco comes before the house, tho congress men will make quick work of It nnd grnnt tho desired extension of two years. Tho Eastern Nebraska & Oulf railroad, which has nlso been desirous of building through tho Indian rescrvatldn of eastern Nebrnska, has also ashed for an extension of the time In which Its work must bo com pleted, but tho secretary of the Interior yesterday reported adversely to the ex tension bill nnd reported that this road has not yet paid tho Indians for the right of wny. , The president of the Omaha & Northern railway yesterday said that the state ment thnt they had paid for the right of wny through the reservation Is correct nnd they have compiled with the law In every particular. "Wo are meroly waiting npw for tho ex tension of tho time," ho continued, "and then ns soon as spring opens up wc will begin to build. Wo had somo difficulty in regnnl to terminal facilities In Sioux City, but that tins been straightened out, and we nro rendy to start as soon as the exten sion Is granted. Tho contract for the grading has already been lot to H. P. Rey nolds of Wymoro." PERKINS QUITS PRESIDENCY Illnlirat Oinolul of (lie Ilnrllnston Ilr mIkiim nml Will Herrnfter Iln Director. BOSTON. Feb. 20. C. B. Perkins, presi dent of tho Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy railroad, has resigned and Vlco President George H. Harris has boen chosen presi dent. Mr. Perkins romalns as .director. Ills resignation Is duo to n deslro to bn re Moved of many cares of tho oftlco of presi dent. It Is stated that as a director Mr. Perkins will practically have tho samo Influence and control of tho policy and affairs of tho company ns ho has had for many years. Ho will contlnuo to llvo nt Burlington. Mr. l'rrklita Afllrniti Statement. BUULINGTON, In., Feb. 20. President C. K. Perkins of tho Burlington road was nBked today regnrdlng the Assoclnted Press Rtutomcnt that lie had resigned and that 0. B. Harris had been nppolntcd his suc cessor, Mr. Perkins snld It is truo that Mr. HarriH has been made president of tho Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy road. Mr. PcrklnB will continue, however, to dovoto his tlmo as heretofore to the af fairs of the company and tho management will not bo affected by the change. Mr. Hnrrls had performed many of tho func tions of a president for two or threo years past and Mr. Perkins foil that, ns ho bad held tho olllco for nearly twenty .years and bad lately passed his sixtieth milestone, It was an appropriate tlmo to throw moro work on tho younger men, whllo at tho samo time retaining his Interests In the company nnd remaining upon tho board as tho principal western director. Mr. Per kins will glvo practically his wholo tlmo to tho company's affairs. Ho will contlnuo to live in Burlington and havo his ofllco hero ns heretofore. Itullronil Fllca Ills; Mortgage. CHICAGO, Feb. 20. A special to the Itccord from Mount Vernon, 111., says: At torney Crelghton of East St. Louis has filed with the clerk of the circuit court a mort gage In the sum of $15,000,000, executed by the Southern Hallway company In favor of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank of Chi cago and Noble Q. Butler, as trustee, to securo bonds for tho Ipurchaso of the Air Line road from Louisville to St. Louis. It required JS.517 In revenue stamps to legal ize tho document, and it will cost upward of $2,000 In recording fees. Hnllrnnil lluya Clty'a Holding. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 20. The Call says: It has boen learned that tho pro posed transfer of tho city holdings of the Pacific Improvement -company to the South ern Pacific railroad will shortly be carried out. The property Is estimated to be worth $3,500,000, and a prominent official of the Southern Pacific stated that the road would pay spot cash for the property. i ltnllrond iVotrn. Elmer II. Wood, general freight nirent for tho Union Pacific, went to Chicago last night. It. 1. Ilumnhrev of the Tji1( Hhnrn jc- Michigan Southern Is In tho city culling on tho railroad men. ,V. 13. White of the Burllntrton'a eommls. sary department, Chicago, Is lu the city conferring with tho othclnls. (1. W. Ithodes. assistant sunerlntntiilont of tho Nebraska dtvlslon of the Burlington, was hero this morning on his wny home irOIll WlMLUIiM. J. C. Beam. Jr.. Chtcaco. north west Arn poHsenger ngent for tho Southern railway, wiih in iiiu city luuuy. iie nays mere Is ulwayH something new with his line In theso days of combinations nnd avows thnt It will keep even with any of the syndi cates. It has recently made somo signifi cant purchases. For a cleur comploxlon, bright sparkling eyo nnd vigorous digestion tnke Prickly Ash Bitters. It puts the systom.ln perfect order. Announcement" of thn Thcnfera. A notablo revival of tho cakownlk will occur nt the Trocadero this (Friday) ovenlng nnd wo are promised tho genuine nrtlcle, with the following participants: Mr. John Green, or ns ho Is more familiarly known, "Pnp," who will bo nccompanled In graceful stride by tho well-known local high stepper, Miss Lydla Cunningham. This couplo of experts will have as their op ponents Isham's star couple, as yet un named, and tho prize wll be for $25 tu cash and a magnificent cake furnished by Ralduff, and which Is now on exhibition In tho show windows of Browning, King & Co. Besides tho abovo special featuro wilt bo Introduced our local Mclntyro and Heath, Masters Butts nnd Spencer, who for llttlo folks nre big favorites In Omaha, The Octoroons will conclude their week's .en gagement on Saturday night, giving two performances dally. "Why Smith Loft Home," Qeorge II, Rrondhurst's funny farce, will bo given ut Boyd's theater tonight and will continue until Saturday night, uffordlug two nnd a halt hours of laughter bordering on the turbulent. It is In the hands of a com pany of woll-known comedy exponents and will renew tho favor Its former prod tic tlons hero won for It. Knater Time north. The Northwestern line, "Twin City Lim ited," now leaves the Union station, Omaha, at 7:55 p. m. dally, instead of 7:35 p. m,, as formorly. The arrival tlmo at St. Paul Minneapolis REMAINS UNCHANOED. Through connections from the west aro thus assured and a MOHK CONVENIENT tlma of departure Is afforded Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs patrons. Tbo same magnlflquo equipment la retained in service. City offices, H01-1403 Farnam street. On to 'Wnshlngton, Halt rates via Big Four nnd C. t O. Ry. Account McKlnley's Inauguration. Round trip tlckots on sale March 1, 2 and 3, good for return March 8. For full particulars, address any agent Big Four Route or War ren J. Lynch, O. P. T, A., Cincinnati. REAL ESTATE MEN DIFFER Wlds Variation in thn Opinion of Dealers ai to Value of Land. PUBLIC AUCTION SALES MAY CHANGE IT Committer llnrlntr In Chnrge the Itulea for I'nlillo Snlrn of Itcnlt Urt" Informntlon from the KzchniiRF. Tho variation of tho opinions of real cstnto dealers regarding Omaha real estate was shown In tho meeting of the exchango yesterday afternoon, when tho members wero called upon to appraise n certain lot or parcel of ground lying In tho southwest ern part of tho city. About twenty members of tho exchango took part Id the appraisement. Tho figures placed on the land by each party wero added nnd tho general average secured, Tho nvorago price was a trlfje over $21 per foot front, but tho range was from $30 to less than $15. Somo of tho members ex plained that tho difference In the prlco Was on account of n, misunderstanding, but those who had mado extromo figures stood by their prlco when the matter was fully explained. This feature of tho trade Is ono which 11 Is believed will bo chanced bv thn svstem of public auctions which nro to be held as ofteii as posslblo by the exchange. Tho commlttco having In charge the preparation or rules ror tho auction asked for further Instructions at tho meeting and pre cipitated n discussion which consumed tho time of the meeting. Principal Difference. . The chief point of difference was In regard to admitting the public to n participation in uio auctions. A strong fact on desires that the public bo ndmltted, whllo nn equal number bcllevo thnt persons not members of tho exchnngo should bo excluded from bidding. Both factions are willing to admit tho public to tho meeting when property Is sold nnd it is probnblo that the rules will be so nraendod ns to permit purchasers to bo present and nuthorlzo members of tho ex- change to bid for them. Tho legislative commlttco reported that tho legislature had under consideration all bills presented by tho exchange and that each had a fair chanco to pass. Tho ex change went on record ns opposing tho bill to grant county commissioner!! a right to Increaso tho levy In cases of counties hav- ng over 125,000 ponulntlon and Instructed tho committee to opposo It In the legisla ture. F. M. Loomls briefly addressed the ex change on tho subject of a commercial newspaper soon to bo started In Omaha. No action was tnkon In tho matter, as nono was desired by tho promoter of the enterprise. What Uoe thnt Mrnnf Such nro thn mipRtlnrm (isnnl In hn streets when approaching a group con templating the handBomo pink nnd blue boxes of tho Ro-No-May powder exhibited n many enow windows. It affords us llUCll DlCaaUro to CXnlaln thn nnonlno, rr tho word Ro-No,May. "Ronomee" Is tho came or an allegorical divinity created by tho undents and often ern artists for embellishing edifices. One can bco four figures In concert with tho regases ornamenting tho Pont Alexandre which spans tho river Sclno in Paris. vew iorK possesses a divinity of tho same irlgln. "Liberty." lllumlnntlnir th u-r.-i,i And Omaha s tho starting point of the Nenomen to travel nvnr thn onitm mii.n,. proclaiming with the sound of tho trumpet tho infallibility of the powder to which she gavo her name. We regret having been compelled to change tho orthography of this name In ordor to procure tho trademark. inow tnat you know the pedigree of the Re-No-May try hor qualities and be con vinced of Its efficiency. A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Bldg. "New Orlenna for the TnnrUtM Is the title of nn Ulnulm toil hnnbl.t i. sucd by the Illinois Central railroad.' de scribing the points of Interest In New Or leans, La. For copy, address W. II. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. No Choice Yet Twenty-eight ballots for Senator and no choice yet. Say, wo'ro getting awful tired of this deadlock and If these "fellows" down ut Lincoln don't get together right soon wo re going to Bend down In Kansas and get Carrie to como up with her llttlo hntchet. It won't tnke her long to break tho lock evon If It's a Yale. Schnfcr's Cough Syrup 20c a Bottle. Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c IJr. Karl Cramer s rennyroyai tills... il.oo Mennen's Taloum Powder.. 12c Wluo of Cardut.-. 75c Carter's Liver Pills 13c Ayer's Hair Vigor 75c Dtiffv'B Malt Whiskey 83c S. S. S 75a Syrup of Figs -Ma Miles' Nervine 73c Mn It oil Milk '. 40c rierce'B Favorite Prescription 75c Doan's Pllla.. 40c Undo Sam's Tobacco Cure toe SCHAEFER CUT PRICE DRUGGIST V W. Car. 10th aad Cfclcaa Sta. Our Methods are practical, progressive and permanent. All our dentists aro graduates and experienced. All work first class. Gold Croirna flf.OO Heat Teeth .8.00 Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 DouglnaSt. THE Rediiceil Rates ( thi WEST S23 to Ogdin Silt Lakt Butts ind Htltna 8EAULB? ' CeM$,o f BUTTE '"THE UNION PACIFIC TIOKITl ON 8ALI New City Ticket Office, 1324 to cake walkjoh prizes Colored fonple" of Omnhn Will fou lest Trlth VisltliifT Oclorooii" for t'nknrrnlk. Honor. The aristocracy of Omnhn's colored popu lation Is more than Interested in a prlzo Cakewalk, which will be held at Mlaco's Trocadero Friday night. Tho contestants will bo John Green nnd Miss Lydla Cun ningham, recognized as the most graceful and artistic cakewalkers In tho city, and two members of tho Octoroon company, playing nt that theater this week. Tho winners of tho contest will receive a prlro of $25, beside a splendid cake, to bo pre pared for the event by ono of Omaha's leading caterers. A preliminary contest will bo Indulged In by Butts nnd Spencer, two Omnha colored youths, and the two youngest members of tho Octoroon com pany. World to nml Thl Year. This Is the recent decision of ono of tho prominent societies of tho world, but tho oxnet day has not yet been fixed upon, nnd, whllo there aro very fow people who bellove this prediction, thero nre thousnnda of others who not only believe, but know that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is the best medlclno to euro dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, blllousdcss or liver and kidney troubles. A fair trial will certainly con vince you of Us value. The Great Rebuilding Sale. Como to tho store Thursday wo aro be ing crowded for room mechanics will finish THE ANNEX this wcok. This great salo will closo Bhortly each and every pair In the house will bn forced a A PRICE that will sell them NO JOB LOTS-NO OLD STYLES, so common olsdwhere high nrt shoemaklng displayed bore Thursday. LADIES'AND OUSTS shoes worth $3.00 and $6.00 and, $7.00, closing price $3.18. LADIES' AND GENTS' shoes worth $3.60, $4.00 and $1.50, go at $2.23. Ladles' nnd Gents' shoes, broken lines, values up to $4.50, Bnlo prlco $1.98, $1.68, $.18 and down to 60c. Misses' and Children's shoes at half prlco. Men's and Women's Alaskas 29c. The Rochester Shoe Co. SucccHHors to "THE HOWE." 1515 DOUGLAS STREET. HAYDENs Great Fish Sales Finnan Hnddlcs, lb., 10c. Brick Codfish, lb., Cc. Brick Codfish, lb., 8Vc. Now Norway Mnckerel, lb., I6c. Fish Salads, lb., 12&c. Special in Teas, Coffees First crop of Tea Sittings 20c. Sun dried Japan Ten 35c. Basket fired Japan Tea 40c. English Breakfast, very chotco, 45c, Good broken Coffee 10c. Whole Rio Coffee 15c. . Government Mocha and Java 25c. Modllng Tlqclja nnd Java 35c; 3 lbs. for $1.00. ' Cheese Sale Fancy Western' jReseyJs.Chaesyi2',4'c. A good LlmbcrgoPchfeeTlo'c. ' Fancy Ohio S'wlsg 16o,j, McLaren's Imperial (Jar) 13c. $1.75 solid steel frame Wringers 9Sc 50c wood Wash Tub.. J. 37o $1.00 Folding Board COc 75c Bread Raisers 39c 15c Pott's Iron Holders no 26c Kitchen Meat Saw 12c 95c Granite Tcaklttle J9c 10c Granite Cups 5c 25c Feather Dusters.... 12c 40c Bread Boards 23c So. Scrub Brushes 4c 15c Hatchet 9c China Department Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Creamers and Butter dishes, 5c each. ' Decorated Cups and, Saucers 20 each. Gas Mantles for any kind Of light, 5c. Water Tumblers 2c. HAYDEN BROS AMERICAN SUMMERLAND $25.00 TO CALIFORNIA BAOH TUIIDAY IN FEBRUARY, MARCH AND APRIL AT Farnam, Tel. 316, or Union Station, 10th and Marcy, Tel. 629 Bath Cabinet $6 I Wo fell Until Cnblnots tho best kind for $..()-sen them in our big wlndo HPKOIAL NOTICK; Our customers should wntch our nils, nnd our 1UO WIN DOWS they will nl wny contain Interest ing information-VIKWKO FROM A FINANCIAL HTAND POINT. I $1.(0 Kirk's Dandruff Cure CQC i wo sell for u-rw $1.(0 Coke Dandruff Cure wo sell for.. . . 75c 40c COe Milkweed Cream wo He 1 for uOo Jewsbury Hi Brown's Tooth 40c Paste wo e!l for tc Society Hyglenlguo Soap- 2Qc wo sell for CA3 Mnlted Milk 40C wo sell for WRITH FOR CATALOGUE. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. Cor. 16th find Dodge, Omaha. - , Raising the Ante I what n defective water back In your rungn Is liable to do nt any time, as It Is n grent sourco of danger. If your rnngn or plumbing needs over hauling, nnd defective ptpcM repaired or new ones laid, you will find tho work dono by us to be of thn best, nnd our prices always fair and reason nblc, Una nml Stcnm Fitter. Free 6c Black, 180G Purnum. Iiono 1040. HAYDEN s Grocery Specials 8-lb. Pearl or Flako Hominy 10c. 6-lb. Rolled Oats lOo. One enn Nelson's Cocoa 15c. 3 lb. cans Boston Baked Beans 10c. 3 lb. cans Sweet Potatoes 10c. 3 lb. can Apple Butter 10c. ' A 25c bottlo of Catsup 12c. C lb. pall Jelly 15c. Italian Prunes 3c. 10 lb. Back Wholo Wheat Flour 26c. Special Oyster and Meat Sale Oysters, New York Counts, per qt., 40c. No. 1 Sugar Cured Haras lOVfcc. 10 lb. palls Lard 95c. Chipped Beef 16c. Wclnorwurst 7'c. Standard Oysters, per quart, 25c. Special Thursday a Deep Cut in House Furnishings 25c sot Tablespoon . 13c lOo box Gas Lighters 4c 5c Asbestos Matts 2c 25c Ax Handles 15c 35c Steels 19c 25c UpholBtcrlng Hammer 12a $4.50 Laundry Stovo $2.95 $3.50 GaBsolIno Stovo $2.25 $13.60 No. 8 Cook Stovo $8.95 IF YOU CAN USE A HEATING STOVE WILL MAKE PRICE TO MAKE YOU BUY. 'i Decorated Oatmeal, Oyster or Soup bowls Cc. I 8-Inch Glass Berry dishes, 6c. I Imitation Cut Glass. Wine Glasses 2a. 1 FOR ONE DAY ONLY 100-pleco Decor latcd Dinner Sets, $4.98. Perfect Teeth ndd wonderfully to the nttnctlvenesB of tho female face. Even tho woman si" ."y who cannot lay any claim to beauty 'J wl" flml tnat KooA teeth possesses advantages oeyonu mat or utility. 4 Wo can make fine whole sots of sin gle teeth with or without plates ns may be desired nnd our work will bo found of n high satisfactory char actor and the prices moderate. BAILEY, the Dentist aiS I'nxtnn Illuak, ' 16th Jt l'nrniini Htn. Phone 1085. I.ndy Attendant. :L1 V THE ONLY DIRECT LINE Reduced Rates to the WEST S28 To Portland Spokane Ticomt and Stattlo Shoe Suggestions. An aero of performance is worth q whole field of promises . You've promised yourself u now pair of kIiocs for the past three weeks. You haven't, kept. ,vour promise, ainl you'll regret it some day. A physician tolls the writer that, one of the host friends of rheumatism is damp or cold feet. Will you send out such an invitation, or will you bolt the door against this terrible affliction, and wear good, thick soled shoes? Prepare to live as though you expected to live a hundred years, but might die tomorrow. Our Line of Women's Worthy Shoes Are genuine health and money savers not any better, perhaps, than other stores can furnish you with, but we do better by you in price. We're satistled with a smal ler profit., This ought to satisfy you. Women's Box Calf Shoes Mado of good quality fino box calf, made for Tho N'eurnska, told by nnd guaranteed by Tho Nebraska nny stylo too, nny alio, AA to Ir regular 33.50 valuoa - e r for ii.aU I 3Mraewta HAYDENs At Less Than Half Price TOMOliliOW All new shoes Special Big Bargains 20c Embroideries, onlv flc vard. A brand new line of beautiful fine goods. 10c Brush Binding, 5c. 10c Water Proof Binding, wih velveteen edge, 5c. Quan tity limited. None to dealers. WANTED 100 men who can wear 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, and 50 waist p'ants, to carry off manufacturer's sample pants, worth 3.50 to 5.00 at 1.50. As long as the quantity lasts, in clothing dept., 2d Floor. HAYDEN BROS. nut MftnK. Registered A. Mayer Co. BLR BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. MISS A. MAYKIt: In reply to your note I am pleased to say that th. tends tnd perHplrlns feet are things of tho past. .... About two or three applications of your powder relUved them entirely. I an .nore than glad to recommend th. us. of.youpowdeto my frUnd. & RE-NO-MAI WHITE POWDER removes all bodily odors. If prr.psrly used no drass shields are required. PRICE 50 CENTS Sold Kveryirhere. A MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. i-V. CONSULTATION rilBlfi I'llOM 3 to 4. When orderlne by mall add C cents for postage. TOir&SCALP j ailing iini nun uauuiuM .du lly overcome; Irritated, Itching and ciuptiTstcnlps permanent ly cured ; the hair preserved, Its brllllsney, beauty and natural rnlnr f ullv re stored atvourhome. bnHriATOLOOIST WOODBURY. OJ sun &.lcor.nonroc, laicaio Dr. Kay s micuro cures all I If If lirA female diseases. At dnif- WHw"' rt. ih. il Illustrated book end advtoe tree. Dr.U. J. ICa. Saratoga, N. V THE SMOKERS PREPER LUXUaBflaHBlMBsiH BECAUSE TIIK JOBBERS' PROFIT IS ADDED TO THE C QfAUTY r. u. nice m. c. co., m ancpactuhbh w. louib, mo. URIull AHB 1 Women's Fine Kid Welt, and well mnde. perfect fitting, comfortable, dreaay and durable, all l:es, from AA to K, ovory pair guaranteed regular $3.50 values, for 2.50 Sell More Fine Shoes direct from the Factory Floors. FHExeir - snmxBR & ur- XER'S fine $5, mannish style, hand welt shoes, for ladies, for. . $2.-lS FIELD-TlIARE&McG UIRE'S fine 1.50 vici kid'and velour kid, ladies' shoes, for 1.9(5 C. II. ABORN & SONS' fine 2.50 and 3 vici kid ladies' shoos for 1.L',' GEO. F. DANIELS & GO'S fine 1.75 vici kid shoes, for misses for fl8c J. I. BENEDICT & SON'S fine 1.50 patent leather, strap, ladies' slippers, for S)Sc LADIES' 40c croquet rubbers, for UUe DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER? RE-NO - m PINK POWDKK not only relieves, but poiltlvely euros ill disease of tho feet and hands. Btons odorous perspiration curea ten der and swollen feet. Endorsed and prescribed by leading phytlclani.