THE OMAHA DAELT BEE: TUESDAY, EEBBTTAIIY 10, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL I Corn Fit ii a SpeotioU of Aotlrilj and May Breaki Lover. VHEAT YIELDS TALM TO LARGER MARKET Old Hare Aotlve Trnde, rrlth IIo.Ty Covering; of Short nnd t'nlnndln Longi Provlnloim JInlil Up ItemnrUablr Well. CHICAGO, Feb. H.-Tho corn pit fur nished n. apcctaclo of excited nctlvlty to day. The Jlny option, after nn ndvanco early, broko under lluuldntlon of enormous lots by long nnd closed lower. Other markets were affected sympathetic ally, wheat closing ttllHc, oats ho and pro visions 24'374c depressed. Corn held unditputed sway on the Hoard of Trade- throughout tlin entire reunion. The volumo of business was heavy the first two hours of the day. The May option opened !4o higher at 4l',ic to 41ic. Thera was nothing particularly striking either In tho crop situation or In tho statistical re ports, but shorts were clamorous In tholr demands. Heverul million buiiholi changed hands at tho oponltu: figures, and ufter touching 41HllUc the market was mid t ilenly bid up to 41c. It seemed us if ' everybody whh a would-bo purchaser, and- denly the markot began to crumble. Where j i few mlnuteg before seorccly any corn ; vras to be had, millions of bushels were for i utile. Ono speculator was credited with I netting rid of 5,000,000 tin. nnd others wcro not far hohlnd. May declined to 40'IW0Hc. and closed at 40)ic, a net loss of HijTic. Owing to tho ixccinhn pressuro the market showed re markable strength, llecclpts wcro 413 cars, two of contract sradn. , , Wheat yielded tho palm to corn without a protest and followed the lamer market with nreat docility. Tho pit most of tho eosulon was half deserted. May oponcd un changed to Wc hlirhcr at 754c to 75Hr 76ic, Influenced chletly by tho opening strength, although steady cables and mod erato northwest receipts wero contributory factor. Home commission houses buying, coupled with covering by nervous shorts, caused on early advanco to 757c. Tim corn break later caused a reaction to 75c, and the cloro wus easy, sMfV4o lower ut 7W 76tc Tho market had somo support on tho decline, but prominent bulls for tha most part wero not Interested. The de crease in the visible, 812.000 bu., was ex pected. The amount of wheat and flour on ocean passage Is now tho largest over known nt tho season by 2.500,000 bu. Ex porters reported twenty-flvo loadH taken for foreign shipment and Heaboard clear ances In wheat nnd flour wero equal to 407,000 bu. Primary receipts wcro Cfll.OOO bu., compared with 914,000 bu. lost year. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 4!5 cars, 026 lat week nnd 723 a year ago. Local receipts wero llfty-elght cars, nono of which graded contract. An actlvo trade was done In oats, and s was tho case In tho corn market thero was heavy covering of shorts and unload ing of longs. About 2,000.000 bu. of long oats camo out, according to a rough esti mate. Tho markot followed the corn lead, May sold between 26-Jo and 25',4o and closed in lower at 25V4c. ....... Provisions wero not able to withstand tho locil receipts of hogs, which were 14.000 head In excess of tho number estlmato.1 Saturday, and tho swift change In tho pre vlously bullish condition of tho corn mar ket. Transactions wero not Important. May pork sold between $14.07 and J13.07M, and closed 12'4o lower at.H4.02H; May lard between J7.47H and $7.42(4. closing 7Wfl0a down at $7.32ft. and May ribs between 7.v7 and $7.teA. with tho closo 7V4o do pressed nt J7.02&. . Kstlmated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, f.5 enry. corn, W0 cars; oats, KS cars; hogs, 85.000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows; i .Artlclcs.l Open. High. Low. Close. Safy. Wheat Feb. Mar. May Corn Fob. Mar. May Oats Fob. May 5nrk Fob. May X,nrd Mar. May July Illhs Feb. May Sept. 73t(,W 3?OV4 756 74 7514 sai 39i 38V4 Sit 41140U 24i 2o?i 13 93 11 15 7 45 7 B2',4 7 55 7 0714 7 10 7 2214 S.J 13 8214 14 0214! 6 9714 7 02'4 7 16 rash nuotatlons were as follows: FLOUIt-Steady: wlntor patents, J3.60JJ .S0: straights, $3.205jn.fiO; clenrs, $2.C0t?3.3O; spring specials, J4.axft4.30: patents. I3.50fi 8.70: stralchts. 3.00fl3.30; bakers, $3.:o2.50. WHEAT No. 3 spring, 6SQ74c; No. 2 red, 7414117514c. COIIN No. 2, 884c; No. 2 yellow, 3Sic. OATS No. 2, 2514(iT25Hc; No. 2 white, 2S3 tSHc: No. 3 white, 27?2Sc. UVK-No. 2, RKSBlMc. BAULKY Common, 4Cc; fair to choice malting. 49W5SC SEEDS Flax. No. 1. $1.61; No. 1 north western. $1.64. 1'rlmo timothy, $1.35, Clover, contract grade. Jll.00ftll.15. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl $13.85 013.90. Lnrd. per 100 lbs.. $7.35Q7.37!4. Short ribs sides (loosel, $6.95(87.15. Dry salted nhouldem (boxed), 0.25j0.50. Short clear Bides (boxed), $7.307.10. WIIISKY-Ilnsls of high wines, $1.27. SUQAHS-Cut loaf, 6.29c; granulated, B.72c; confectioners' A, B.GOc. The following aro the receipts and ship ments today: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 42,000 29,000 Wheat, bu 49,000 r.1.000 Corn, bu 287.000 100,000 Oats, bu 33tf,000 173,000 Ityo. bu 4,000 Barley, bu 31.000 9,000 On tho Produce exchango today the but ter market was quiet; creameries, 14Q22c; datrlrs. llAfil8c. Cheese, fnlrlv octlvo ut 10ifill?ic Eggs, quiet; fresh, 1561614c. SBW YOIIIC jem:hai. maiikkt. Qnotntlona of tlir Dnr on Vnrlons tynmntiHlltlen. NEW YORK. Feb. lS.-FLOIJn-neceiptft, 80,838 bbls.; exports, 33,875 bbls.; dull ugaln and easier, with top grade shaded a lit t lo to conform to tho drop on wheat. Hvo flour was dull; winter straights, $3.45fi3.50; Minnesota patents, $4.1Offi.30; Minnesota bakers, $3.00S3.35; winter patents, $3.6.Vif 4.00; winter extras. $2,604(2.85; winter low grades. $2.45f2.60. Ilye Hour, quiet; fair to good, $2.S03.15; choice to fancy, $3.20ya.65 IJuckwlieat flour, easy at $2.10n2,15. UUCKWHEAT-Dull at COt62c. c. , f New York. COttNMEAI-Qulot ; yellow western, D0a: City. Die: Brandywlne, $2.402,45. niii-omany! ivo, 3 western, 61c. f. o. b.. afloat; state, 6fT57c. c. I. f., carlots, BARLEY Qulot: feedltiB, 48it61c, c Uew York: malting, Coq65c. c. I. f II ( III L.iP . k.n.'..Tti. "'iiuim .uai-uuii; wesieru, BssfiZc. wnuAj uecemts. :n.Mio h mnnn. J99.120 bu.; snot, weak; No. 2 red, 80'ic. f. o. b.. nfloat; No. 3 red, 78ic. elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth. S6',4c. f. o. b afloat; No. 1 hard, Duluth. 90c. f. o. b alloat, Op tions oncned steadv nml fn- vanced on tho prospect for a fair vlslblo buppijt ururuntr. j neir subsequent OC tlons. however, wero morn hnnriah in utm. Jng with a Bharp break In corn and bur densome offerings for both nccounts; closed t liUHo net decline. March. 79W79i4c, closed 79c; May, ?J 9-lUWS0-c, closed 79Tfo: June. 79HS79T4c.' closed 701ic. ' ' CORN Receipts, 139,4ri bu.; exports, J9S.335 bu.: sj)ot, weak; No. 2, 4S'4c. ele vator, and 47Hc, r. o. b nfloat. Options market advanced rapidly for a tlmo this morning on small country offerings and small contract arrivals, but later gave way to a determined bear attack, ruling heavy nil tho nfternonn undor liquidation. Closed weak and 14c net lower. May, tcg-mic, closed 46a: July. 45Uff46c. closed 45ic. OATS-Receipts, 92,400 bu.: exports, 15, 890 bu.; fcpot, quiet; No. 2, 30Wu; No, 3. 30e; No. 3 white, 33o; No. 3 white, 33c; track mixed, western. awjJiiio; inicK, white, tlQ3SMc. Options wero quiet and barely HAY Steady; shipping, 77HQ60cj rood to choice, 92V4at5c. 1900 crop. lTfl'SOo; 1899, l!tfl5c; old olds, id 60; Pacftlo coast, 1900 crop, 175719c; 1899, 110 jac; 01a oiuo, u;v.-. 1I1DES Steady: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs,, 18ttftl9o; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry 24 to 30 lbs., 15c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock sole, Huonos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 24tf25oj acid, TALLOW Firm; city (2 per pkg.), 4T40 In, nnnnlrv lr,tL'. frCC). DflbHC. PROVISIONS-Ueef. quiet; family, $11.50 6112 00: mess, W.WWV.du; uefi iiuum, ,io.ou(u' rt-.OO: packet. $10. W10 6b; ;xtra lfa me?. lies, JJ.tiSUw.o"; "i"'. J '..:i.f. 78; 74 7MTVJ 74,, 74U 73?4'u,',4 Wi&i 76T4 75 ""403; ""39 41HSH ?i 40UGtt 24N. 24T4 24i 2BQ25i 2514 25?i 'ii' itp.i 'ii oni 'ii'im 749 7 40 7 37 7 47 7 471,4 7 42V? 7 47H 7 4715 7 4714 7 00 7 00 o 074 7 05 7 07V4 7 02V4 7 1714 7 1714 7 15 6.25: PlcKleU liams, iy.ivyv.w. ..-...,, western steamed. $7.'i0: rellned. quiet; con tlnent I7.S8: South America, $8.(5; com Sdl IBJMI8,621L PorU. steady; family, $15.00315.50; short clear, $14.76316.60; meesi, $13.76'rfl4.n0. , . Ill'TTUR-Recelnts, 8,947 pkg.! steady! fresh creamery, iwK3c; Juno creomerj'i 15 ra20c; factory, llCTl&c CHEESE Receipts, 1,152 PRS.: rnnrket unsettled; fancy large, fall made, llUVieS fancy small, full made, 12e. EaOS-Recelpts, 8,771 pkgs.j steady; west ern, nt mark, 1614c; southern, at mark, 15I'Ot'I.TRY Live, weak; fowls, lie; chick ens, 9c; turkes, 9fll0c; dressed, quiet and steady. . I'OTATOES Hteidy ; Jerseys, $1.2o1?l.i5; New York, $l..-oyi.75; I)ng Island, $1.60 1.87'4J Jersey sweets, $1.754rt2.50. Rk'E-Qufot; domestic, lair to extra, 3Ti ifffii.c: JaiiMti, 4?jlV. . PEANUTS Quiet; fancy hand-picked, iU Qici other domestic, 5c. METALS Huslncss In tin In the local metal market whs again fairly actlvo In a speculative way, with the feeling quite firm at an advance of about 10 points Tho strength was In part duo to favorablo In formation from London nnd tho largo fhlp ments frcm tlds country. Further advance, however, whm nrrested .by expectations of heavy arrivals of tin within tho next week Tho closo here was firm nt $27.00t7-'7.n:., whllo at London final prices wero JC123 10s for spot The rest of tho general list dls played little If any Important developments, with trading chiefly of a hand-to-mouth character. Copper remains in. a small, nom inal condition, closing nt $17.00 for Luke Su perior nnd $16.62',t for casting and electro lytic. Lead, though not quotnbly lower, had nn easy undertone an the result of de pression nt London, whom prices elojod nt 14 17s 6d and the Increase In stocks here. Tho close was dull at Jl.37',4. Spelter ruled quiet nf $.1.97Hfl4.00, whllo domestic Iron markets exhibited a weak undertone, but prices, however, remain practically un changed nt $9.l310.50 for pig Iron war rants: northern foundry, $15.00) 16.50; south ern foundry, $ll.60gi3.i5, nnd soft south ern, $l3.0Of( 15.75. At Glasgow the closo was ut 64s 7d and nt Mlddlesborough 46s 71id. OMAHA WHOLESALE- MARKETS. Condition of Trade nnd (Inotntlona nn Staple nnd Fancy Produce. KOaS Receipts Increasing; good stock weak nt 14tfl414e. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 6Uft7c; young, staggy nnd old roosters, 3136c; ducks, 614 4i"c; geese, 6!yif7c: turkeys, eVsHc, FRESH DRESSED POULTRY Hens, 714 ff?c: roosters, 4fci;c: ducks, i!4S9c; geese, BVilOc; turkoys, 9fil0c. OAME Mallard ducks, per doz.. $3.00ft 3.50; teal, $1.605fl,75; mixed, $1,504(1.75: Jack rabbits, $1.251.60; cottontails, 90cR$1.10. IJUTTER Common to fair, ll4c; choice, 13U14c; separator, 22c. FRESH OYSTERS First grade, solid packed, New York counts, per can, 38c: ex tra selects. 32c; standards, 25c; medium, 20c. Second grade, slack filled, New York counts, per can, 30c; extra, selects, 26c; stundards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., $1.25. FROZEN FRESH FISII-Black bass. 10c; whlto bass, 10c; blueflslt, Ho; bullheads, 10c; uiue 11119, 7c; catusn, lie; coa, va; croppie juc; ciscoes, bc; nnntiut, lie: nernng, 4i 6a: haddock. So: mackerel. 20c: nercli. 61 7c: plckerol, 7c; pike, 9i5; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 14c; sunflsh, 6c; smelts, 10c; trout, wo; wnitensn. c PIOEONS Live, per doz., $1. VEALS-Cholce. 9S10c. HAY Price quoted by Omnha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Cholco upland, $S.5o: No. 1 upland, $8; medium, $7.60; coarso, 17. Rye straw, $5.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 20 can. OATS No. 3 white, 27c CORN No. 3, 32c. I1RAN-$.M.60. VEGETABLES. PAR9NIPS-Per. bu., 60t. 1 TURNIPS-Fer bu. basket, 40a. HEETS-Pcr bu.. 40c. CARROTS Per bu., 40c. LETTUCE Per bu., 40?N5c. RADISHES Per dox.. .too. I'ARSLEY Per doz., 35c. UEANS-Wax, por 1-3 bu. basket, $1; string, soc. POTATOES-Pcr bu., 60Rc; Idaho, per bu., nc. , SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl., $2. CAHHAGE Holland seed, liS2c. TOMATOES California, por 0-basket crate, $1,611, ONIONS Native, per bu $1; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c. CELERY-Cnllfornla, as to size, E075o; Kalnmazoo, 2Mt30c. CAULIFLOWER-Cnllfomla, per crate, $3. FRUITS. GRAPES Malaga, por keg. $6.5039.00. APPLES Per bbl.. $3: eastern. 13.EMI3.7V California Itellflowcrs, per box, $1.50. uuArsuHKuius iicii ami uugie, $10 per bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., $9; per crate, $3.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California seedlings, $2,250 .60: navels. $2.75iff3.25: Mexican. 12fii Florlil.'UH. $3.25, LEMONS California, extra fnnnv. t.t.Rn. choice, $3. HANANAS Per bunch, according to Blze. $2.0Wj2.60. nuss California, new cartons, 80c: lay ers, 76o; Imported, per lb., 13S?15c. DATES Persian. In GO-lb. boxes. S'jlrs. En per lb,; Halloween, 614c per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. IIIDES-No. 1 green, 6i; No. 2 green, Bo; No. 1 salted, 7c; No, 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs,. 80; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs.. 6c: drv hides. S'iiiSa: slipnn nnlta "V,e 7oo: horso hides, $1.605f2.25. VTtTJ f.-,..llut. .1. .n.. ... . w . j ..nhiiciii HiHiium, jicr iu., jo: Al berts, per lb 13c; almonds, per lb., lSQCOc; law peanuts, per lb., 65i4c: roasted, CHU St. Louln Crnln nnd 1'rorlsloiia. ST. I.fllTISf. !Wl IRWITOA'l'Tn.,.r. No. 3 red, cash, elevator, 7214c: track, 74W .514c: May. 7314c; July, 72',4'U72&4c: No. 2 hard. 7uH.ffi71ic. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 3S7c; track, SajilfOc; May. 3S?i3Sic; July, 3838140. in uower; io. i casu, zuc; track. 26Ufi2654o: May, 261Jc; July 23?ic; No. 2 white, 2S1T2S14C. Jivis Klrm, 52U0214C T.M.OtTTI I!lir)mniTD,l . nnl.i.1. M V.fl i: . extra fancy and straight, $3.203.40; clear, $2.70(32.00; low grades, $2.20fif2.60; ai'iiiua-umoiny, nrm nt i.40if4.65; tlax, nomlnnlly lower at $1.61. CORNMEAL Stead v nt J2.0T.. 13 RAN Strong; sacked lots, east track, HA"V Firm for best ciades: tlmothv. 12.00: prairie. $8.00Q9.5O. WHISKY Steady at $1.27. 1HO.N tJori'ONTIES-Steady at $1.25. IIAGOING-Qulet at l&Ttic HEMP TWINE-Unchunged nt 9c. PROVISIONS Pork. steadv: tnhhlnir $11.50. Lard, lower nt $7.22'4. Dry meats, dull: boxed lots, extra shorts, $7,121; clear ribs. $7.25; clear sides, $7.374. Bacon, dull; boxed lots, extra khorts, $7.8714; clear METALS I .end. strong: $4.2034.2214, Spelter, firm at $3.8714. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 7c; tur keys, 6c; young, Cc; ducks, 814c; geese, BfiCVjC. HUTTtsit Hteaciy; creamery, I0K210: dairy. 12flCc. ' EGGH Steady at 14'4c RECEIPTS-Flour. 11.000 bbls.: wheat. 65,000 int.; corn, 101.C00 bu.; oats. 34,000 bu. Hiur.Mii.-v. is f lour, jj.vji) upis.: wheat, 4S.O0O bu.; com, 70.0CK) bu.; oats, 65,000 bu. Liverpool (irnlii nml l'ro Inlonii, LIVERPOOL. Feb. 18. WHEAT Snot. dull; No. 1 California, fis 2Hd; No. 2 red, western, winter. 5s mid: No. 1 northern. spring, 6s 3d, Futures wcro quiet; March, 6s UW: May, 6s fid. fours spot, American mixed, naw, 3a lllid; American mixed, old, firm at is Hid, Future wero quiet: February, 3s 10?4d; March. 3s KM: May, 3s 9'4d. PROVIf lU.NH-ncer, easy; extra India mess. Cln9d. Pork, dull: nrlmn mesa ern. 61s 3d. Hums, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs.. firm, us an. uncon, nrm: Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 45s; short ribs. 16 to 21 lbs., firm. 12s; long clear middles, light, steady, 42m fid: lonir clear middles, hcavv. firm. Jtn 6d: short clear backs, firm, S8s9d: clear bellies, Arm, 45. Shoulders, square, strong, 11 to 13 lbs.. 37s 6d. Lnrd, stendy, prlmo western sieamni, mhiiu, .American reuneil. In palhi, firm, 39s 3d. PI1AS Canadian, unlet. &s 8d. HOPSAt Ixindon (Pnclllo coast), steady, 4!iri:5 IBs FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter, nteady, Sa fill. Hl'TTER Dull; finest United States, 90s; 0011 I'uiieti minus, ton. CHEESE tlulet: Amcrlcnn finest white, 60s: American tlnest colored, 51s. TALLOW Prlmo city, quiet, 25s 3d; Aus trnltan, In London, easy, 27s. Tho Imports of whent Into Liverpool last week wero: From Atlantic ports, 74,100 quarters; raciuo pons, none; oiner ports, 8,000 quarters. Tho imnorts of corn Into LIvernnnI frnm Atlantic ports last week wero 33,000 quar- a. Knnsnn City Cm In nnd I'mrlalonii. .KANSAS CITY, Feb. 18. WHEAT May, 6T,6,o; cnsli, No. 2 hard, eWBCOc: No. 3. a7T6Se; No. 2 red, 71c; No. 3, 68370c. CORN-May, 3740; vnMi. No. 2 mixed, auTtmain, nu. . Willie, JlrtC JNO, 3, 3(C. DATS No! 2 white. 27c. RYE No. 2. 4Sc. IlAY Choice timothy, $10.60U.OO; choice prairie. J8.6Ofl9.00. RUTTER-Creamer', 17ST20c; dairy, fancy, JXIGS-Iyiwer; fresh Missouri and Kan sas Mtocrf. 13c dozen, loss nit. enam rn turned; now whltewood cases included, He more. RECEIPTS-Whcat, 9S.00O bu.; corn, SI.OOO DU.; OUIK. dU.I.IJ on. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 44,000 bu.; corn. v,uu uu.i oais, d.ium nn. .MliinrannlU Wlient, Flnnr and Ilran MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 18.-WHEAT-Cash, 7Sftc; Muy, iijkc; juiy, TitfTio. on tracts; No. 1 hard, 7BHc; No, 1 northern, 7SHe; No. 2 northern, 67Ufl3S,c FLOUR Quiet; first patents, $4.05fl4.15: second patents, $3.854.00: first clears, $:.P -H3.00; second clears. $1 90ft2.M. . BRAN-ltl bulk, $11.76(ai2.0O. flrnlti Aslinre mill Aflont. NEW YORK. loh. U Tlin nf the Vlslblo sunnlv of erulii In atnrn nnd afloat on Saturday, February 16, as com plied by the New York Produce exchange, Is ns follows: Wheal, 67,682,000 bu., a decreaso of 812.0CO bu. Corn. 17.03l.oM hit., nn Inrrenun nf S!M.0Ofl bU. ' Oats, 10,302,000 bu on Increase of 12,000 bu Rye. 1,174,000 Int., n decrease of 31,0n0 bu. Harlev. 1.GC9.000 bu.. a decrease nf 119.000 bu. Toledo Ornlii unit Herd. TOLEDO. O.. Vrh. 1K.WU RAT Dull nnd lower: cash, 79c; May. 8014c; July, 7814c. CORN Moderately actlvo and lower; cash, 41c; May, 41c. ua -is Mteauy; casn, Z7c; May, mw. RYIJ-B214C CLOVER 8EED-1S99 prime, $6.70; March, .10. , I'lillndelpliln llnttcr nnd Eicc. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 18. BUTTER Firm: fancy western creamery. 23!4c: fancy western prints, 23c; rnncy nearby, 24c, EGOS Steady; fresh nearby nnd western, 18c; fresh southwestern, li!4c; fresh south ern, 17c. (. iir.KtsK Htenuy. t I'eorlit Mnrftet. PEORIA. Feb. 18.-CORN-Flrm: No. 2. 38Jic, 6ATS-nrm; No. 2 white, 27!iQ27i4c, billed through. WHISK Y-On tho basis of $1.27 for fin ished goods. Mllitniikrc (Irnlti Market, MILWAUKEE. Fob. 18. WHEAT Lower: No. 1 northern. 76M-e: No. 2 north ern, 711j'(i73'4c. jivf; Hieauy; no. i, kjc. HARLEY 23o lowir: No. 2. 8c: samDle. 40Q63C Dnlnth Grain MnrUet. mtT.llTIl u.u ii.itrin.iitTi.yi..l. v 1 hard, 71Hc; No. 1 northern, 72c; No. 2 northern, "iflflSHc; May, 75'!o; July, 76ic. . uii. mw; May, ;a?c OATSrtliCc. MOVK.IIEM'S OK STOCKS AJfll llJXDS. Active Hprcutntlve Llntililntlou Is Order of the Day In Stocks. NEW YORK. Feb. 18. Todav wan one of nctlvo spei'tilatlvo liquidation In the stock market. Tho bears took a very nctlvo part In tho day's proceedings both by short sell ing and by manipulation for tho decline, offering prices down freely nnd boldly. Thero whh not much nvldenco of deter mined support except by the sympathetic Influcnro of the persistent strength of a few Individual stocks. Resides the extra ordinary movement In tho steel stocks there was decided strength shown by tho now Toledo, St. Louis & Western stocks, St. Louis & San Francisco second pre ferred. Illinois Central, Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling preferred, Amalgamated Cop MTf and Consolidated Gas. Thero was evl qTonco of continued nctlvlty on tho part i a bull pool In Burlington, and tho other grangers showed somo sympathy at ono time. There was somo support nt Inter vals also by sympathy with Delawuro & Hudson, which was extremely erratic all day. It sold down 2 onlntn nml thou cut 31i over Saturday. There was a down ward plunge In the period of general Weak ness of 8 points, und tho final rally left tho net loss on S?i. In steel stocks it wns clear enough that speculators were nt- lempiing lo adjust prices to the supposed terms of oxchango of tho existing securl tics Into tho stock of tho new combina tion. Tho taDO made It nrpttv clour flint In tho present condition of the plan of com- uiuuuuii mo preiurren siocks aro intended tp benefit In tho exchango far moro than the common stocks. Tho llrst class wero all extraordinary buoyant and the com mon stocks showed signs of demoraliza tion. Hoon nreferred ndviitinoil ut mm Hum 714u nnd other gains by tho preferred stocks wero 7 by Tin Plate, 4i by Federal Steel. 4 by Steel and Wire, and 24 by 'Republic oiid. i iiuaa utivuiices were curtailed ny tho reaction In the market. Natlonnl Tube led tho decllno In the common stocks of the steel companies, breaking 7 full points nnd closing at the lowest. The losses of the. others wcro partly recovored, but nt ono iimo coiorauo iniei was down 41i, Na- tlnnnl Ktpnl iitul Tn,u,n.,.n ,-.! a iA,iAHi Steel 4. American Hoop 314, Steel nnd J Iro 34 nnd Tin Plate 2i. In tho gonernl list tho reaction rnn all tho way from 1 to 3J4 points, tho wldor losses being among those stocks which have been most manipu lated for an advance, notably tho south westerns. Including Missouri Pacific and Kansas & Texas preferred nnd somo of tho lately developed obscure stocks, such as Kvan8vlllo & Terro Hntitn nml tho North Amerlcnn stock. It was clear enough ..mi. iiuuiuiia uuuuoK iur me money market waa tho Impelling cause of tho liquidation and not any serious doubt yt entertained over general conditions. In fact, tho liquidation did not appear to bo voluntary, but was forced by the uncov ering of stoploss orders on the decline, which the benrs wcro ablo to effect. With i iu limit; oui or margins stocks wero thrown on tho market tn nminni iimUnra and commission houses which wero carry ing them for tho customers. Tim mil innn rato went to 2i per cent during tlin dny. nu mni. iu i;i pur ceni uuriiig tlin Uny. it dropped back to 2 per cent, partly duo tho receipt of u $500,005 credit by ono of to banks for Australian gold arrived at in fcranclsco. Thero is no expectation, III I tho oiiu v runcipco. m nern ih nn ovnnn nowever, tnnt closer conditions on tho money markot will bo escaped In tho nenr uuuiturn cuiiiinuca to express confi dence that there will bo no actual strin gency, but buch largo requirements for credits duo to tho heavy financial transuc- i una in iiroKress remain still to bo met that sentiment over tho money outlook Is nervous. Very heavy bnvlnir of HniiHinm rnm 4s was the feature of tho railroad bond market. The tendency elsewhere wus een erally reactionary. Total sales par value. $3,52.,000. U. S. old 4s advanced i per cent vii inn mat, tun, Tho following nrp tho, closing prices on tho New York Stock exchunge: Atchison 60 Wabash 174 do nfd RSU nntllmoro & O... 90U Wheel. & L. E... ll'4 do 2d pfd: 3i! Wis. Central 1S4 Third Avenue.... 12) H. & O. pfd S7U National Tuba.... M'! Canadian rac... vi Canada Bo ,.. 67 Clies. & Ohio... Chicago O. W. .. 40W .. 1W ..H5?i c, it. c Chi., Ind. & L.. do pfd Chi.. & E. 111... a & n. w no pru 103 Adams Express.. 150 Amor, nmnma.. K". .. 67 ..IDS ..172 U. 8. Kx 57 Wells-Kargo Ex. 131 Amer. Cot. Oil... tntj C. R. I. & P. ...124' ,, Vj., i. oi, i,, io. Colo. Southern... 9l4 U LI III II .X. no jsi pro. do 2d pfd. . 41 Amer, Mulling... . mi uo pro Amer. S. & R... do nfd 21 Blli 17 Del. & Hudson. ..169 iiei. i,. c& v Denver & R. O... 40 do nfd 87 Amer. Spirits .. no mil fc-rio -v.. Amer. Steel Hoou 29 do pfd Kl'j oo pin yi Amer. S. & W.... W do pfd :i?4 Amor. Tin Plato. 63i do pfd 97 iti. jNor. pin r.i Hocking Con I. . 15 Hocking Valley.. 4714 Illinois Central... 13i Iowa Central 2314 Amer. Tobacco... Hijt no pin till Lako Erto & W.. II do pfd 110 Luko Shore 220 do pru Anne. Mln. Co. Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel & I Con. Tobacco.. 1421 in 42. Louis. & Nnsli... PI 14 Manhattan L 116I 4IU do pru Federal Steel. do pfd Gen. Electric. Mot, St. Ry 102V4' 49 .V4 Jlex. Central 17',. Minn, St. L.... 721; do nfd 106 . 20S 4.V.4 91 2214 Glucose Sugar. Missouri Pacific. S6 Mobile & Ohio.... 7.V,4 no pru Interu'l Paper, do nfd M.. K. fi: T 20 do pfd 53 Lncledo (Ins.... 7MII. N. J. Central 153H N, Y. Contral....l4l(i National Ulscult. 3Si do pfd p.",t! Norfolk & West 16?, National Lead 1LH do pfd. 83 ll" 1IKI National Steel.... 41 do pfd S3 N. Y. Air Brake, 1V1 do nfd 86U1 Ontario & West.. 31V uro. ny. e r.av,. do pfd 76 No. American... I'acinc Const IK Pennsylvania ....148 do 1st pfd 8? Reading do 2il n M 67 no Jl inn n. do 2d pfd 424 Pacific Mall 40U I.AAnlA'a I . . . cujito n ..un ,1(HJ',B Pressed S. Car... .WJ ItlO U. W Ill do pfd 93 mi ind .i. St. L. & 8. F ."3T4 Pullman P. Car.. 193 (10 181 pill KI o. II, ft t 41 do 2d pfd... . oi4 Sugar ni(: St. L. SoutllW.... 26(j do pfd.. ., 119 do pfd 56 St. Paul 160 do pfd 190 St. P. & Omaha.123 Southern Pacific, U Ho. Railway.... 22 Tonn, Coal & I. u. H. Leather.. do pfd U. S. Rubber.. 12: ..74 10 do pfd 10 u Western Union... urfi do pfd 744 Texas & Pacific. 2M4 Union Pacific !i.:4 do pfd 87 iiniiii. uopper ... vi 1.UIUOI10 i, u h., M4 Ull llll. ., ut I. C. C. & St. L. 6S Tho Commercial Advertiser's financial cablegram says: Though business on the stock exchungii wns meager here today the iHiiurnuy ui 1110 nsi was siiRiuiy up ana the tono was cheerful. This wus due In irtirt to the hono that we have DeWnt cnr. tiered, partly becauao the street Is count ing on a reduction of the bank rate to 4 ner cent. American shares wern left nn. tlrely to themselves and they fell by their own weight. New York was doing nothing In them to help the movement either way, The weakest spots wero In New York Cen tral, hi, j-aui ntm ino outuern Pacifies. The Bank of England obtained 101.000 from Egypt and 40,000 In bars was found In the open market. All the gold that arrived Is gulng Into tho bank. Tho rumors which I cnDieu on iinuay 01 goia coming rrom Rus, Bla waa aa I heard and reported on Batur day a misapprehension. It was tho gold which atrlved from India Saturday that wns meant. Call loan rates were 3314, although very largo repayments had been mndo to the bnnk. Time money, 5i bills, 3A1,1. Tho fortnightly copper report shows n decrease of 723 tons In stocKii nnd 64S In vlslblo supplies. New York Money Mrket. NEW YORK, Feb. 18.-MONEY-On call, Steady nt 2(2V4 per cent. Prima mercantile paper, ,!'t.4i, per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE; Steady at de cline, with actual business In bankers' bills nt JI.87B 4.8714 for demand and at $4.83T4 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.811404.8514 and $m,,4.8SU. commercial bills. $4.834. i( BILVER-Certltlcatcs, 62QG3c; bar, 61Ho. Mexican dollars, 47?.c. BONDS Government, strong; state, inac tive; railroad, Irregular. The closing prices on bonds today are as follows: U. S, ref. 2s, rey,, do coupon do Ss, rcg do coupon do new 4s, reg, do coupon , . . . do Id 4s, reg., do coupon do Bs, roR do coupon D. of C. 3 Cos..., gen. 4s , do ailj, 4s Canada So. 2s..., C. .t O. 414S. .. do 6s,. , C. & N. W. c. 7s., ,1. U t. .1.1. t- ,105 N. Y. Central Is 107 ,1314 ,70', 105k ,103 192 109 101 1274 1104 91, 100 110 130 1V US 120 934 115(4 60 118 95 10. 1194 ns 115 , ro 96 1031. .N. J. (J, K, us iio; itm. No. Pacific Ss..,. ' do 4s N Y, C & 8 It it N. ft W. c. 4s... Oregon Nav. Is. do 4s Oregon H. L. 6s, do consol 6s..., Reading cen. 4s. Rio O. W. is...., St L & I M c. 6s ut I.AKI,1 17 Hit ir ,1134 iml ,111M, dlOi 123 ,103 . 924 ,1104 106 120-V ,110 ,121 St. Paul consols S. P. C. & P. Is. do nfd So. Pacific 4s.... So. Railway 6s,. Chlcago Tcr. '4s..' I ... I , r, . , 9i 4 H 11. X, T. V (KUdlllu CIO. IH. . D. & R. G, 4s. Erin general 4s.. F. W. & D, C, Ig, Ocn, Electric 6.i. Iowa Ci'iitral Is., L. & N. unl, 4s... M.. K. & T. 2s... do 4s ,101 Tex. & Pacific Is 81 do 2a , , 8.114 Union Pacific 4s Mlli Wabash Is ,116 do 2s 10Oi West Shore 4s..., , 78 Wis. Central Is.. 97 Va. Centuries .., Ronton .Stock Quotation. BOSTON. Feb. 18.-Call loans, 214034 per cent; tlmo loans, 3H per cent. Ofllclnl closing: A.. T. (fe St. F..., do pfd Amer. Stigur do pfd Amer. Telephone, Boston Elevated, Boston & Mo C B. Ai Q Dominion Coal... do pfd Federal Steel..., do pfd Fltchburg pfd.... Gen. Electric do pfd Ed Klec. Ill Mex. Central N. E. O. A; C... Old Colony Old Dominion..., Rubber Union Pacific Union Laud r Mil 13414 ,118 ,161 169 194 1154 31 109 . 49 , 861J 112 ,20? 168 ,219 West End Westlngh, Elec Atchison 4s N. E. G. & C. 6s. , 60 ,ioiu , 67 13 :JS , 82 ,855 , 24 21 50 87 VA ,m 21 ; bo Adventure ., Al ouez Mln. Co. Amal. Copper..., Atlantic Boston & Mont. Butto & Boston. Cnlumct & Heo. Centennial Frnnklln Humboldt , Osceola Parrot Qulncy Santa Fe Cop..., Tamarack Utah Mining .... winona , Wolverines Nerr York .Mining Stnoka. NEW YORK, Feb. 18. The followlnc are quotations 011 mining stocks: Adams Con 20 Allen 43 Brcece 2u0 Brunswick Con.. 32 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada. Small Hopes... Standard ,.. 15 ..600 .. 75 .. ft .. 12 .. 12 .. 15 .. 60 ..1M Comstock Tun... 4 Con.. Cal. & Va,.16j Doadwood Terra. 50 Horn Silver 110 Iron Sliver ir. Lcadvlllo Con.... 6 London Stock Unntatlona. LONDON, Feb. IS.t p. m.-CTosIng: Consols, money, do nccount , 97' . 974 . 57 , 93 ,1S4U ,1334 . 91 , 90W Erlo 2914 do 1st pfd 66 Pennsylvania .... 76 Reading 1 No. Pacific nfd... 8!) Atchison Can. Pacific St. Paul Illinois Central.. Loulsvillo Grand Trunk ... 7 Annconda 8 Rand Mines 40 i7niou pnc. pfd. N. Y. Central.... 1484 UA,IirKJ.LYJL!!.P-8tca,,y' Per ounce. MONEY IffMlA Tier cent. Thi mln nf ,ll. count In tho open market for Bhort bills Is 3tl3 9-1(1 tier cent; discount for three montns' puis, 316S3 per cent. Foreign Flnnnclnl. T nvnnv wi, 1 - ... 1 " . i. .iiuuuji uo in iuir nc- mnm tnrln.. 1. , . .11 ....... ,. ......... uui viiakruuilin Wttld WCUK owing to tho continued gold nrrlvals. On iuu miH'K exenanco prices wero firm, ex cept In the case of Americans, but business IV'nH UTTinll In n.fn,, anA.L.n T." .. m . flted by tho operations, against Dewet, who un'j hi initu it-'iiuricu cupiiired. iaier, however, they Were below tho best. Amcrl- " 1 Ul It, iciiijne(l III1U wero weak throughout, especially Milwaukee- and New York Central. The amount oi uuuion innen into ttie Bank of England nn liiitntmn tmlui, a rnt iw premium at Rome, 6.521$. BERLIN, Feb. 18.w.internatlonals wero quiet on tho bourse today. Spanish 4s wero atfm H.," AnAn.lHAa n .. 1 . I .. . ...v....,., ... n,;ii.iucn i L'iiui...(i, nomo zunus wero quiet nnd locals wcro generally catdor. Afli.,.a nffnl...l 1... ,1... ... . , . .., u.iut, Uf in,: iiiiauusinciory half-yearly returns. Exchanges on Loudon, 20m 49nfgs for checks. Discount rates: miuri inns, ifi per cent; tnree-montlis' bills, 3 per cent. i'AUiH, l-el). 18. Prices on tho bourse to day opened firm and business wns ani mated. Afterward, on realizations, prices U'lim lrrAiilir ......... i ...nM.t... ..-,t,c-n wriu earner, V TCC offerings caused a reaction In Turks. Span. ia ncm in nuuvo (icmanu. io ttntOS wnri. firm .a ,UA .r.. I.. ..... . . ...... w, .i,u i-iiiuuiiittiHK utiuuue OI copper and the decrease in the visible sup ply. Threo per cent rentes. 102f27o for the account. Spanish 4s, 72.27. .,i...,, i u ii. is. opunisn as closed at 1.50. Gold was quoted at 37.37. Hank Clenrlnga. - ' , . . '. w. virllHll, io.uio.oi.; balunces, $2,8.rf!,SS3. Posted exchange, $4.8a yi-SS. New York exchnnge, 10c premium. wr. i-uuiH. i-'eu. i8.-cicarlngs, $7,093,138: balances, $1,170,450. Money nctlvo at mo per cent. Now York exchango, lOo dis count bid: par asked. CIVCIVWA'PI I.'aI, 10 ll..... -.. cont; Now ork exchange, 10tT25c premium: v; It'll 1111(41 l.tit,ikU. IMIILADELPHIA, Feb. 18,-Clearings $13,182,641: balances. $3,616,820. R l NEW YORK. Fob. 18,-Clearlngs, $120,563, 32.': balances, 18,530.300. bus ru.N Feb. 18,-CIearlngs, $16,068,770; balances, $1,413,000. ."-. Condition of the Treaisrr. WAHITINf.TOV Tl.l. io t.j ..... mcnt of the treasury balances In the gen- ,.... iuiiu, L.u-iuaivu ui ma iov,wiMJm cold rpuorvA In iUa .It.. I.. I .. r i.j' . . . IH.I.-IIUU ui icviciiipiiiiii, shows: Available cash balances, $145,975,852; b"l .V,AU,.tf, Cotton MnrUet, NEW YORK. Feb. 18.-COTTON-Fllend3 of. .VoMon had u trying day on 'change, whllo tho bears scored successes, the equiv alent of which has not been noted In many weeks. Tho featuro of today's operations wan tho. liquidation of March holdings by f linrnllirnlv il atiitni.-nn,l 1 . i. . Hlstcnt fcllliiR' of near mouths by tho benr iiKcicai in general, f rom tne start opera tions were conducted on a liberal scale, with present crop options receiving the bulk of attention. The early English ca bles wero better than looked for, whllo re relpts at tho ports proved barely half those for the snmo day a year ago. There were a few bllYlllK ordrrM'fnp Mnrnli nn.1 1ax In evidence, sent on the theory that a ro- uciiuii innn mo DrcnK or last weeK was In order. The markot opened steady In tono, with nenr mnntha 7 nnliiia lilt-imn n ,,. changed and far months unchanged to 1 point lower. Tho stublllty was of brief duration, as soon nfter the call great blocks of March cotton camo out hurriedly, which started active liquidation of Mny and July. General selling on a Inrgo scalo was soon in xnrco oiiu under tho pressuro prlcos yielded ranldlv. IJv-rnnnl miwi.i weakness hero for a time, but subsequently conformed to tho lower figures and closed well down to the figures current Saturday noon here. At midday prices had I recov ered some on profit-taking by shortB, but later tho market again turned weak under a fresh spurt of general selling nnd nt sonco of demand of any character. The es. tlmates for tomorrow'a receipts nt leading points wero In accordance with general ideas, and snot markets also changed ns expected. Gloomy cotton goods nnd dry goods market accounts helped to create? prejudice against tho market, as did the heaviness In the stock market. Wire and commission houses were liberal sellers all through tho decline. Europe bought at tho niuri, out laier oecame a near-montn seller. At tho close tho market was barely steady, with prices net 3012 points higher. Spot, quiet nnd 1-160 lower; middling upland. !)5-16c; middling gulf. 9 9-16c; sales, 400 oaies, cotton futures closed oarely stendy; February. 8.80c; March, 8.81c: April. 8.80c: May, 8.90e: June, 8.90c; July, 8.93c: August, o.uuc; ofpipmoer, t,m; ucionor, l.Jna; no vemher. 7.88c: December. 7.84o. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 18.-COTTON Easy; saieri. 1,900 bales; ordinary, 7c: good ordinary, 711-16o; low middling, 8 5-16o; l I.Kn. rrnrA m I rit 11 1. n- GK!a. h.1.1 dllng, fair, 9 13-icc. nninlnai; receipts', 9, 3 ID bales; stock, 364.086 bales, litures were steady; tetiruary, Aiarcn, s.sstju.ssc: April, 8.868.S7c: May, 8.66g8.87c; June. 8.84JJ) 8S6c; July, S.84I8.S5c; August, 8. 4703. 43c; September, 7.9707.99c; October, 7.6ffJ7.69c, Wool Murket. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 18.WOOL-Weak and denretsed: medium crudes. UfrlSe: Unlit. tine, 1215c; heavy. iln, 1124o; tub washed, ibQMc OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Libiml BMtlpti it All Frinolpal Folnti tod Bsf BtMrt Eold Lower, HOGS AVERAGE CONSIDERABLY LOWER III nun of Sheep nnd AH Tint Light Trelght Lnnibs nnd Erre Sold Knllr Dime Lower Thnn nt the Close of Lnst Week. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 18. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, Sheep, OfTlclal Monday 2.615 6.4?5 8,819 Same day last week 2.864 3,897 3,224 Same dsy week before.. 1.387 3,930 2.9P1 Samo threo week ago.. 2,102 4,i60 4,113 Same four weeks ngo. .. 1,615 6.4& 3.0(0 Same dHy last year 1,813 2.W7 8.13J Averago price paid tor hogs for tne pt noverai nays, with comparisons; I 1901. 1900.1899.1S93. 1897. 1183611895, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Fob. Feb, Feb, Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. i 62 3 64 I 3 66 3 64 3 63 3 73 3 72 3 72 1 3 75 3 71 3 71 3 76 3 77 3 811 3 83 3 89 3 27 3 27 3 29 3 27 4 10 3 93 3 91 3 93 4 03 4 03 3 91 3 93 4 00 01 a 17 3 85 3 60 3 68 3 64 36S 3 68 3 76 3 82 3 96 4 07 3 90 3 69 3 75 3 86 3 82 3 75 3 79 3 85 3 19 3 20 3 25 3 21 3 19 3 23 3 93 3 27 3 27 3 89 3 84 3 SD 3 25 8 28 3 30 a 3 3 V0 3 92 3 36 3 34 3 89 3 841 3 25 3 88 3 871 3 31 3 90 Indicates Sunday. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cattlb. Hogs, Sh'p. U'r's, C., M. & St. P ig O. & St. L !.. .. 2 Union Pacific 6 ss C fi N. W 9 0 F., E. & M. V.. ..4... 18 8 2 s. c. & p ;.. 9 5 .. C.. St. P. M. & O...... 11 8 . "i B. M. R sr, J" s 4 C. B. & Q 2 6 .. 1 C. R. I. & p cni,k.. 7 7 . .. c.. r. i. Ac p.. we.. i .. :: Illinois Central 4 3 Total recelnts !M 88 37 T"o disposition of tho day's receipts was ....., ynui uuyer purcnasing ino num er of head ind cated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.... 8; 1,079 1,035 217 401 333 110 '728 132 88 80 19 66 11 47 40 23 Swift an7 Company!'.'.'.!! Cudahy Packing Co 728 1,245 1,144 1,314 85o 153 S.573 2.035 1,3:0 iiiiuur 10 Armour, from Sioux City R. Becker & Degan Vansant & Co : J. l. Carey Iibman & Co . I. Stephen Till A 111... f.l, .... Benton & Underwood!!!! .ivlngslono & Schaller.. lamliton & Rothschild,. 1. F. Hobblck 1. R Other buyers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 290 Tta,s 2,692 6.364 7,373 CATTI.P-.Tli nra Ill . eattln ITmM ;t.."Sy-.""c-i '""..S the tendency of prices vas downward. v.iitiiKo was reported a dlmo lower and Ph5.k" i81".1.'" '? Bet '""'r supplies on that basis nt this point. Sellers wore hold ing for better prices and the markot wa " mm uiukK. A TrW I'fin,! D.nnru .nl.l .1 . . . . . ....... D,i,. vnny lit IlKm around steady prices, as a few of the pack era wanted somp cattle to send to tho housn tho first thing in the morning. After that demand haxl been supplied the trade wan VOfV Olnti' n i . I ..If it.. . . . u .... . V ffc.iji nn iuu -way irom WPHK IO loc lower. Tho fjreatept tlccllno was. of COUMfl. fltl tlin .1 1-1.1 pnV nin lltVU-Ujl tl.lltl CUIJ1II1UII Kinus. Tho ircneral run nf nnttK. Wnrn rlffht around a dime lower. Thn rnu m n rlnl , f,l . I .1 .. i and inn mnro rlr rnhln 1lir1ci nt,l M. .ii. around steady prices. Somo of tho com- iiiuii ki iiih were a uiue weak In spots, but Btlll mlettta fill nHnM.t . ft .... n.uuiiu vuiu very Close .xo toady with Friday. The samo was true If hllllft lllllt UllltA.l thn nnAb.. . 1 . r - ..... j,v.i,i.t, unu vein calves also sold in nhnut nf wnnii'a notches. Tim n t n r. V r n ,1 .1 1 .1 . . v. . mnrll llfn (mini. ', u ,.n.,i . .1 Jlti, , .... - -u.. j,..,. uiiuuin mill lllivil quite a few cattle on hand from lnst week. A.irr.,1 nnu nui iimiiy unuicn came on sai3 nnd tho downwnrd course of fat cattle had a depressing effect upon the feeder trade. Somo sales were made that looked Just about steady, but unless the cattle wero prime uiey were a little lower. This was particularly true of tho cattle that had uti. tvn b ii. .1.7 kuui uu, IVG1U I1UI CUUU enough for killers. Repreientatlvo sales: No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr. 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 20 4 SO 4 30 4 30 4 35 3 35 4 33 4 35 4 33 4 35 4 35 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 50 4 60 4 85 l.v.. 1.... 1.'.'.'.', O 1.'.'.'.' 2.... 2.... 3.... 1.... . . v.v) n 75 ,. 620 00 3..., 14.... 9,... 20.... 26.... 19.... 19.... 10.... 1.... 21.... 20..., 1.... 19.... L... 5.... 1..., 1..., 22..., 14..., 973 1096 1218 , 1120 1123 1128 1152 1260 1870 1341 1444 1050 , 1207 , 1020 1234 1660 1290 ...V.H37 1275 1363 1550 1335 .1010 3 50 960 S (13 910 3 75 1260 3 75 990 3 75 890 3 SO 1070 3 80 1110 .1 85 , lOOu 3 85 981 3 90 10C3 3 95 901 3 95 1211 4 00 1210 4 0) 1250 4 Oil 975 4 00 1143 4 00 24.... 4.... 8.... 8.,.. V.... o 2L".".'. 21.... 10... 10... 1042 4 05 7.. 1137 4 05 1.. 975 4 03 22. (lR 1 ftl 7.., STEERS AND HEIFERS. 12.. ...1031 :o 12.. .1045 4 10 4 10 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 05 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 70 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 35 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 80 3 90 4 00 4 00 17.. ... 901 4 00 7... 1097 1070 ,....1110 910 1120 .....1050 1110 1012 940 1010 1260 1180 1160 1050 970 1040 1020 1180 988 1010 1390 1120 1070 810 840 1250 1175 1190 1140 1185 1150 1055 922 1400 1066 10S6 913 1090 1350 1123 1246 810 1063 1120 946 1UV) 1410 1008 1340 1250 COWB. 1 1 1 9 2 1 1 6 1 3 . 890 . 950 .1040 . 9S0 .1065 . 911) . 560 ,. 842 .1020 . 966 . 9S0 .1115 .1060 ,. 956 . 830 ,. 990 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 20 2 25 2 25 2 20 2 30 2 46 2 60 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 60 3 60 2 00 2 60 2 60 2 65 2 70 2 70 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 F0 2 80 2 80 2 8 2 85 2 85 2 85 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 M 2 90 2 50 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 1 7.... 11.... L... 8...., 4.!!!! 1...., 1...., 1.... 1..., 1.... 1.... 1.... 2.... 6 3.... ..., 1...., L... 1 1 1.... 4.... 1... 2.... 4.... L... O 22!!!! 1 14 13 9...., I....1 1.... 2.... 2.... 1.... 14.... 4.... 20.... 16.... 1 ... 21.... 1 1.'!!.' 1... 25.. 1.. 1.. 2 9.80 1 1010 12 1055 2 955 5 1032 6 1091 1 1190 1 820 1... 2... 2... 13... 3... 1... 1... 1... 2... 1... 1... 1... 6... 8... 8... 1170 , 1090 , 945 1316 1030 970 , 1120 , 1270 , 1100 , 1190 1080 810 1185 1073 1310 4. 945 1 1420 1 1200 i 1065 3 1056 1 1030 2 10SS 1 (Mil 1110 1 4.... 3 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. 4.. 25.. ! 60 19... ..1077 933 810 ... 616 ... 630 ... 845 ... 670 ... 766 ... 940 ...1080 ...1490 ...1470 ...1600 ... 646 ... 780 ...1740 ...1240 ...1030 ...1470 ... 950 ...1780 ...1650 ... 383 3 40 8 .... 96 .... 603 ....1569 ,...1350 .... 1W0 ,...1020 ....1080 ....1890 .... (HO .... 910 ....1036 ... 980 ,..,1380 ,...1800 ,...1200 ,...1100 .... 826 ... 960 ... 950 ,. . 947 ....1370 HEIFERS. 2 3. 3 40 3 40 3 4.1 3 45 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 55 3 65 3 60 3 65 3 75 3 7J 3 75 3 75 3 80 3 91 4 00 4 1 v.'.'.'.', 8 1 1 1 1 1 29 I!!!!! 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 85 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 15 3 15 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 15 3 15 3 20 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 SO 3 35 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 20 i::::-! 1 29 1 8 11 1 3 35 BULLS. 2 1400 1 USO 1.! 620 1 1020 1 1290 2 oO 2 CO 2 75 2 85 1... 1..., 2... ..1330 .,1230 ..1165 .,1665 ...1730 .. 950 ,.. 690 ,..1370 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 35 3 40 3 50 3 60 3 6) ( 75 2 3 m 3 00 2... 9..., 1... 1... 1... 1. .. ...l.'l1' o VI um s nn i!.'!!!!!...is5o 300 . 17m t nr. 3 05 2!!',!!!!!!!i4oo 3 JO 1 min CALVISH, 6 W 1 ISO , 810 28... 5 2214 3 m 29... 5 2SS 4 63 30... 6 26 4 64 3 70 31... 5 17 4 65 Z 64 I. ... 5 22 4 67 3 64 2,... 6 25 4 C8 3 64 3.... 4 62 3 69 4..., 5 31 3" 5.... 6 2314 4 66 6.... 5 21 U 4 70 3 66 7..., 5 28 4 63 3 66 8.... C 29 4 76 3 66 9.... 5 25 4 84 3 70 10... 4 80 3 71 II. .. 6 32 3 65 12... 5 30 4 79 13. . . 6 25i; 4 82 3 68 14... 6 30 4 75 3 So 16... 6 28,4 4 76 3 6) 16... 6 27 4 83 3 68 17... 4 76 3 68 18,.. 5 22 8 62 1 . 3. 1 . 1 . 2.. 3.. 1.. . . 310 ft TA . . 293 6 0.1 90 6 50 STOCK COWS Hi'O 2 liO 1 V. 2 AND i) 2 8 80 6 75 .... XA 7 mi 150 7 00 HEIFEltS. .... 34 j A .'S 109.. ! (8 735 3 30 673 2 75 6fw 3 ?0 8 30 3 40 8W 450 3 00 3 10 871 1000 615 3 2.. STOCK CALVES. 32U 2m 1 300 3 75 40) 3 Oil 13 313 4 23 655 3 50 STAGS. 1190 3 76 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ' 6U 16 1 tiiU J SO 4 632 3 SO 14 666 3 SO 8 812 3 85 20 1123 3 t: 1 780 X :) 11 880 3 M 4 P05 3 N 70 M 3 93 2 430 4 0) 6 1123 4 00 2 660 4 00 7 617 4 00 17 1128 4 05 12 1105 4 05 11 916 4 10 7 1275 4 15 39 391 4 13 19 703 4 20 616 . 675 679 640 656 8(3 414 60 62.', . 901 . 640 . 66 ) . 640 . 960 . 616 . 777 . 833 792 2 75 3 10 3 10 3 3 25 3 25 3 75 3 25 3 25 3 45 3 VI 3 60 ;: 3 60 3 65 8 73 3 76 3 75 2... SO. . . , 1..., 3..., 15..., 7..., 12... 30... SO. . . 1... 3... 1... 1... SS... 4... 6... 15... in .1-1 ?-;T"T was n liberal supply of hogs in 1 signt for a Monday and Chicago came .v(f Wl? , cr. il '!l.n 'turday. Packers started S44J1ri91,,dll,1K "uostly $5.20 und J5.22'4. or Mf7c lower. Sellers wero holding for a mLbonJfer. nrlcea ' s iv result tho or.i.e.l1Wl;f,.Blow.m gating started. They n3Ily.i,lHd..t0 ,nko .,ll"8 Prices, however, fi- when tl,ey "''"'IV begun to cut loose ni,nii,0.?Hi wcnt ll!lle "nPllly Somo of tho choicer Iiors sold us high at 15.25. After packers had filled their more urgent orders tlio feeling seemed to be a little weaker SI, . '""..I'.1" .'10K8 'uero l"11' " move nnd sold a little lower than the earlier sales. Representative salcBl No, 95... Av. ...122 ...166 .,.204 ...226 ...208 227 ...31(1 ...210 .223 !..290 ...203 ...217 ...219 .v.196 ...218 ...158 ...231 ...260 ...206 ...284 ...217' ...221 ...245 ,-..249 ...211 ...202 ...281 ...272 ...239 ...280 ...246 Pr. 5 22& 6 121k 6 224 5 22 , 6 22 6 22 6 22 6 22 5 22? 6 22 5 22. 6 225 fi 224 6 22 5 22 6 22 5 22 6 22U 6 22U im ft 2j 70... 36... 67 . 69... 60... 74... 63. . , 87... 79... 72... 79.., 69... 70... 70... 76,.. 73.., 67... 47... 81.. 49... 61.. 78.., 34... 69.. 60... 66... 60... b : 6 : 5 : r 22u r. ?2U 6 22 63.... 73.... 82.... 69.... 6.... 5 224 6 22 5 25 5 25 6 25 5 25 6 23 6 25 5 23 6 25 .211 .213 . .235 ..249 . .203 ..218 ..232 ..210 ..210 95.. 71.. 61.. 63.. 85.. SHEEP Thero wan the biggest run of sheep hero today of tho season and other mamets wera also well supplied, particu larly Chicago. Tho liberal supply In sight mado packers bearish nnd as a result the markot. was slow nnd'lower. It Is a notlce ablu featuro that packers all want the light and handy weight sheep nnd lambs and nay higher prices for that kind than for tho heavyweights. Cholco HghtwelKht lambs sold today at right around steudy prices, but tho heavier weights were prob ably a dime lower. Lightweight ewes also sold In good shape, but the heavy ewes and wethers wero slow and fully a dime lower than tho closo of last week. Thero were only a fow feeders offered today and they sold Just about steady. Quotations: Choice fed wethers, 4.13 4.40; fair to good wethers, t4.O0U4.15; choice lightweight yearlings, 14.6534.75; fair to good yearlings, J4.251M.63; cholco llghtwelglit ewes, J3.60JJ3.75: fair to good ewes, $3.2off 3.60; choice spring lambs. J4.9505.1O; fair to Rood spring lambs, J4.60ff4-90: feeder ewes, J3.25S3.50; feeder wethers, J3.S0O3.75; feeder Iambs, Jl.00if4.40. Representative sales: Sh. Pr, No. Av. Sh ... S.) 12 70 241 200 00 6 17 73 241 ... ... 6 20 78 213 100 40 5 20 67 230 40 ... 5 21) 62 276 SO 40 6 20 77 210 ... 80 6 20 80 213 ... 120 5 20 80 204 40 40 5 20 69 249 40 33) 5 20 66 233 ... 10 5 20 73 247 40 120 . 5 20 62 240 ... 80 5 20 83 209 80 ... 6 20 79 183 40 80 5 20 67 209 80 ... 5 20 73 220 80 SO 6 20 6S 224 ... ... W 20 C8 242 40 ... 6 20 71 274 120 80 6 20 64 220 ... 80 5 20 66 233 120 ... 6 20 71 207 ... 160 6 20 61 317 80 40 6 22 74 217 ... ... 6 22 64 274 ... ... 6 22 76 277 80 ... 5 22 74 203 120 ... 5 224 65 263 ... 80 6 22 15 256 ... 40 6 22'A 10 272 ... 4i) 6 22 52 283 120 240 5 22 78 223 ... 5 22 10 293 ... 40 5 72 60 265 40 40 6 22 60 240 . . . ... 5 224 72 230 . . . ... 6 22 62 281 ... 80 5 22 68 262 ... ... 6 1.2 69 210 ... . . 5 22 63 321 160 No. Av. Pr. 240 Mexican ewes ,87 3 40 239 western ewes 94 3 40 397 western ewes 104 3 55 229 western owes 98 3 65 217 western ewes 103 3 65 151 western ewes 113 ,3 70 35 western ewes 112 3 70 1 cull lamb 90 4 00 120 western lambs... S4 4 85 98 western lambs 85 4 85' 512 Colorado Mexican lambs 74 4 93 3 cull owes 130 2 75 29 South Dakota owes 93 3 60 16 western owes 107 3 0) 199 western wethers 120 4 20 200 western wethers 121 4 25 10 western wethers 131 4 25 10 western wethers SS 4 40 316 South Dakota, yearlings 89 4 50 2gwestern lambs 70 4 75 24vestern lnmbs 95 4 75 269 Colorado lambs 77 4 SO 125 South Dukota lambs 60 4 80 503 Colorado Iambs S3 4 85 250 Colorado lambs 85 1 85 616 Colorado lambs 82 4 90 619 Colorado Iambs 72 4 90 250 Colorado Iambs 90 4 85 CHICAGO LIVE STHCIC MAIIKKT. Cnllle iuii lloirn SIlKhlly I,oTer Sheep Sternly I.mnlis Loner, CHICAGO. Feb. 18.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 18,000 head, Including 300 Texans. flenernlly steady to lOo lower; Texans about steady, good to prime. $4.80(36.00; Rood to medium, J3.405i4.70; stackers and feeders. 13.4014.50; cows. J2.50fi4.10; heifers, J2.504J4.35; canners. JI.75Jf4.25; bulls, J2.60K4.20; calves, U.WV 6.50; Texas-fed steers, $4.0036.05: Texas gross steers, J3.30ij3.90; Texas bulls, J2.60 3.60. HOGS Receipts today. 4S.000 head; to morrow, 33,000 estimated; left over, 4.000; market' 6(&10c lower; top. J5.40: mixed and butchers. J5.20ff5,4O: good to choice heavy, J5.3e.40: rough heavy, J3.15fiu.25; light, J5.15(hi.37; bulk of sales. $5.SO0'5.33. SHEEP Receipts, 22.000 hesd: sheep steady; lambs-shade lower; good to choice wetners, a.yiKa4.ia; rnir to cuoice mixed, J3.60S4.00: western sheep, J3.S0ft4.45; Texas shoop, J2.G0flvS.00:' native lambs, J4.25ifu.20; western lambs, J4.00g3.15. Knnsna City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITV, Feb. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,400 natives, 2,100 Texans, 325 calves, Mnrket steady to lOo lower: natlvo beef steers, J4.40it5.5O; stackers and feeders. J3.50 7i.70: western fed steers, J4. 25174.90; Texas and Indian steers, $3.7504,3.3; fancy grndes, JI.80; cows, J2.S5fil,25; heifers. J3.0Ottl.60; canners, J2.35G'3,76; bulls, J3.0Off-l.30; catves, J5.OOOti.50. HOGS-Rccelpls, 10,000 hend. Market fiW lOo lower; top, J5.3714: bulk of sales, $3.25 6.35; heavy, $5.3i5j.37: mixed and pack ers, J4.30a5.32: light, J5.10Q5.25; pigs, JI.33 Q5.1I5. SHEBP-Recelpts, 3,200 head. Mar steady to 10c lower; western lambs, J4.75ff 5.15; western wethers, Jl. 1594. 35: western yearlings, JI.4OQ4.S0; ewes. $3.25fj'3.90; culls, J2.504f3.25, SI. Lnnls Lire Stoelc .Mnr1el. ST. LOUIS, Fob, 18.-CATTI.I3-Recelpts, 3,500 head, Including 1,800 Texans; mnrket ensy tn lOo lower; natlvo shipping nnd ox port steers, $4.60ff5.70; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, Jl.wfi15.20: steers under 1,000 fmunds, J3.fAIf4.70; stockers nnd feeders, 2.40Q3.60: cows nnd heifers, J2.25'r?4.(V), can ners, Jl,25ff2.75": bulls, J2.70it3.67; Texas and Indian steers, J3.35'tf4,G0; cows and heifers, $2,4040.65. HOGS Receipts, 14,000 head. Mnrket 5c lower; pigs nnd lights, J2.2diito.S0; packem, J5.25fl5.35; butchers, J5.405.Wi. SHEEP-Recclpts, 1,500 bend. Market strong: native muttons, J3.,ai4.60; lambs, JI.0O.;i5; h'.icks. J2.50ii3.50; stackers, J2.00fl 3.10; western yearlings, Jf.V5if6.10; western sheep, J4.IOtM.65, SI. Joseph Me Stool Market. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, Feb. 18.-(8peclal.) Tho Journal quotes; t'ATTI.B Jieceipm. iwi iirmi; iiiiiraei steady; natives, J4.0OQ5.OO; Texus and west erns. J3.50fl6.0O; cow and heifers. J2.10if4.25: bulls and stn J2.1Wfl.50: yearllnirs and rnlveH. J3.60il4,7o; stnegers anil feeders. J3.25 vf.nlH. !4.50(i;7.00. HOGS Receipts, 6.700 head: market 6ft7e higher; all grndus. J5.20iJ'3.37; bulk of sales, Jo.WSe.aO; plus, 5c higher. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,300 bead; sheep, steady; lambs, 10o lower; top, 15. Stock In NlRht. Following are the receipts at tho four principal western markets for February 18; Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2.615 6,485 8.819 Chicago 18,000 48,000 22.000 Kansus City 5,600 10,000 3,200 St l.nuis 11, 2 w J,bUU Totals .29,615 78,685 35,619 Srvr York Lire Stock Murkel. NEW YORK. Feb. 18. BEEVES Re ceipts, S.490 head) steers slow nnd 10 cents off; bulla and cows, lOo higher; steers, J4.16i?0.30: bulls, J3.40ifl.25; cows, $1,950 3.90; cables o,ulted live catt!o at ll13o; sheep. 13ifl4c; lambs, 15c; refrigerated beef, 94SilOc per pound: shipments, 3C0 cnttlo nnd 4,013 quarters of beef. CALVES- Receipts, 1,409 head; veals, $1.50 (28.25; yearlings. $2.26fl3.00. BHEE1 AND LAJIUS-Recelpts, 1,125 head; sheep, stendy; lambs. lOfiMSc lower; sheep, $3.00IN,60; lambs, $5.C(ff6.23. HOGS- Hecelpts, 10.100 head. Mnrket lower; common western hogs, J5.60. Coffee .Mnrket, NEW YORK, Feb. lS.-COFFEE-Tho market for coffee futures opened steady In tone, "with prices iiiuhungrd to 6 pollilM higher on IikIu geiivntl buying led by shorts, prompted by fav. rablc udvlces from huropenti markets mid u rather smaller crop movement In Brazil than expected. Ilio market became decidedlv tlrm In tlio nfternoon on a bud untre of shorts, Marted by the oppearanco of largo buying ordira from tho "cooper crowd.' Iito Havre en tiles wero unfavorable, but produced no ef fect upon the market here. Trudlng wna usually nutlvo all dny and nt tho closo tho market wna steady In tone, with prices loff 15 points higher. Total sales, 45ni) bags, Including March nt 6.70c; May, fiSVlOc: July, 6.Kitffi.!me; September, fi (AHjfl.W; Octo ber, r..Wit6.(r.c; December, 6.15lif..2tv Spot Rio, llrm: No. 7, Invoice, i,c. Mild market quiet; Cordova, Mt&c I'vniiiiriited nml Dried Fruit. NEW YORK, Fob, IS. - EVAPORATED APPLES- A moderato demand for export nccount was the principal featuro of Im portance today In the mnrket for evapo rated apples. This Inspired a stendv feel ing throughout tho session, state common. 341N?ic: prime, 4?4lt6c; choice, 6tjoc, fancy, ilifTc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FiUTITB-Innctlv.t but steady; prunes quoted nt 3 iftfc per pound, us to size and quiilltv; apricots, royal, 7!41('12o; Moor park, .M41fl5o; peaches, peeled, 14ft ISc; unpeeled, 6tfl0c. Sngnr nnd Molnsscs MnrUet. NEW YORK, Fob. U.-HUGAR- Raw. steady: fair tetlnliig, 3c; csntrlfttgnl. 94 test, 44c; molnssea sugar, 3'; refined, quiet; crushed, Go; powdered, 6.60c; granu lated. tViw. MOLASSES- Firm; New Orleans open kettle, Bood tn choice, 32tfM0c. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 18. SUOAR Quiet; open kettle, 3,fTI l-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, 49(4 6-lBo; centrifugal yellow, IliWc, seconds, 2jf4c. MOLASSES Steady; open kettle, none, centrifugal, Mf-'Oe; syrup, none. Oil nnd Rosin. NEW YORK. Fob. 18,-OILS-Stanilnrd, Ji, ex-illv. Cottonseed, prlmo crude, 2;fiJ9,c, llrm; rrtlned New ork, J, 41; petroleum Iu bulk, J7.95. Tur pentine, steady, 4OTN0He. OIL CITY, Feb, 18. Credit balances, Jl 23; certificates, uo bids, shipments, 115,905 bnr rcls. average, 83,521 barrels; runs, 130.363 barrels, average, S0.C9.S bnrels. S5.00 MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Oman. VARICOCELE na HYDROCELE cured. Method Dew, never falls, without cutting, pain or lnhs nf tllTie. S YPH I LIS0""'1 lorllfeand thepolson tne system. Soon erery tlan and symptom SIJS'JP???.. rorapl.tely and forever. No "UltEAKIN'Q OUT" of tbodineaso on the skin or lacn. TrAtmnt contains np dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines. WEAK MEN Los8 or M wnooDfrom Ui. ncvtini i v Cf'"or Victims to NEttvoDB otnUALLT Dimtirr or Exhaustion, WASTfSO WlAKNE&S INVOLCNTAIIY LOSSIS. with Kaih.y Decay In Youno and Mi out. a Aqid, tack of vim. vigor and strength, with sexual organs Impaired ucdweak. STRICTURE "a?1,,lllc.,e', wlth new and CLEFT ft i Infallible Home Treat ono UL.fc.fc i mrnt. Noinstruments.nopatn. no detention from bHsine. Uonorrnoea. Kidney and Illadner Tronic . 1 CURIES 41UARANTEE1). Consultation Free. Tri3tmf nt by Mall. Call on or address Q S. 14th St. Or. Searles & Searles.omaha.Neb. s February 18th and 19th $18.95 Routid Trip Luke Charles, Ln., llcaiiinont, Vort Arthur, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Waco Houston, Galveston and San Anto nio, Texas. For all iiiforiniitlon cull nt O. & St. I., oltlee, 1115 Fiirniim St., (i'lixton Hotel block), or write Harry E. Moores, C P. & T. A Lmabn, !. Not in Nature for anyone to nlways feel tired. There U uo need to drag out an exltteucc wlthont munition, Weak nerve ore reponlb1e far lan guor, depression, debility and varico cele. Diseased nerves, whetherdue to over work, over-indulgence or nny other cause, can be made strong as steel by the use of Thevtoneandlnvlcofnte evervoritan of IhePody, soothe and streiiRthen the I nerves end transform broken down I men and women Into strong, ncaltiiy, l.n,n, ,(, 1.,.-l,l'.,1 n-riin. If I you find this Isn't so, you gel your I money iuck. tl.OO per box ; (1 boxes (with guaran tee), $300. Hook free. TCAI. MEDI cink Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Sold by Kuhn A Co., 15th and UOUKUU, nd M. A. IJIllon, Bouth Omaha. COOLS, COMFORTS AN0 ULAIS I IU. tlKT(, tfM. miNf! THF MOST Trw riFn fArc rn twinv t CLOSE SHAVE WITHOUT UNrLtAjAN I IIEiiULTS, AiMil HftnnA.Air- iptll-l !nnWII.-h It-TP I nrnnBrjIlnr.. rcpr;f nleil tn lie vtho isms eatnjr cour ana gensrauy cor.tsln "wond alcohol," a acnut poison. DR. KAf ' S UENOVATOB. Invluorutcn nnd renoratcs the Bystera! purities nnd enriches tho blood; cures tho worst dyspepsia, constipation, heudaclie, liver and kidneys. aSoamUl utdruHglsts. l-'rro Radrlre. sample and hook. Dr. H.J. Kay, Saratoga, NY Ml CURE YOURSELF I t If le it fnr unnatural (llicbarp,lnl)njinllnui, Inlutloni or ulreratlom of iniioom mnnbraiiKi, I'alnlMi. ami not aitrln. ttV OHlMltuCo. Kut or H)lionoui, or tont in pimn rprr, lir eipren, rfjale, for Jl.ol, or 3 bottlfs, ll.Tft. (llciilar nt nu r-nnet. JAKES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone lOIIU, Omnhu, .el. COMMISSION, GnAI.V, 1MIOVIHIONS nnd HTOCKS, llonril of Trade. Correspondencot John A. Warren & Co. Direct wires to Chicago and Naw York BAFTERS SHAVING, ' FXTRACI RixBiimBMiHSKttW mm g Id to ft 4ri. V Mm Outrtiw4 g, J doi t nrlcurt, RiTlTH i 1 i A. ' i