Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1901, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Iir.tifcsc to
"trtttnlGsifiw Ksrt Dee
7siVd EUtM it Pltipd
Fsriltr Agjrwiic it Pxmt,
Continue to Frotct AtiUK Appllra- ! . I'trtWm MrKlulry -end Alhr ' Fcre-att frr N-br-ska Fair
N ortor 1 Whm!
Continue to Protest Against Applica
tion of Military Law to
sen lattnuM tit Otitr Ferwi.
Jttalater Cbl the Department that
Pre Report of Court' Refusal
to Punish Certain Offend
rn Are True.
ST PETERSBURG. Frb 15. Os Satur-
4 IT Us atalster of the Interior. M Stpta
guiae. ordered the suppression for three
sth of the Ncvestt Daja. a Moscow
jpr, which had violated the prhlb4-
galstt the pnUlestlea of ttalverlty
VBaaaH A aa-at tni 1 1 Van V-- ItattMavA
U Op petti f ' aotT7rtr.t the nevpper that the prebl-
, title a is effective.
I New hti been received here tht SM
t ttudtat hare bees arrested la Moscow.
DEUCATE presumably the whole asseably which ob
strccted tie lectures aaeag the atcdestt
Eighteen ttudent were arretted her, bat
Pending a di
eter, they ere
Bririii eecrsurj ef Ferric: if tin En 5o
Ixferrutita of "Wtldente'i Pits. j
- - i - s re satseqaently released.
John Dillon tiring" Up Old Matter of
Secretary' PrlvlleRr When Hnne
Demand Information of Del
Irate ."e;otlatlon.
LONDON Feb. 1? Lord Craxi- '
borne, the nnd-r secretary of state
for foreign affairs replying to ' a
aaertlen la the H- of 'renmos today. I
j ferblddea to re-eater the university. Slx
teea additional arrests irere ssbsecBently
The fereitry Institute, nearer, held a
aeetlng end declared th- ctltte eleed
aatll the seatBte agaisrt the student i
thould b- revoked aad milnsrr ltw re- j
The Isstltate cf Railway Erlrrr?. by j
a tote cf IJ4 against l'"0. deeltred lor ob- I
ftrarUoa. The MUltarr aad Medteal tad- (
ear (ttideau tutu with tse pertsiB of
Geaeral Kvsropatkin. the tainUter of ar. j
the lttr iraratac thea that he conkl cot I
prereat the eperattoa of allttarr l" 'f h
trBetleaarr trtlr were adepled. Of iht
tW who trtzt pretfst the areolae fair
IS? favord obftractloa.
TTASHINGTOK, Feb. it The Valta
Etttet cereraaeat U facial erltra ilwa- I
tlea la Chlaa, owlat to the asaouaceseat ,
ef the acUca of Held Marahal roa Wilder
... v. nff.naira ru r.Jrs Geaeral i
Chaffee haa beta lartted to Jola la the adopted ex?retla creat dlK-eateat wjth
ea. which li to be aotrtllieC oa siroir. lara m
larrer cal than aar-hlac atteapted la r-arriiy. .
Chlaa ftaee the war btjaa. The ceaeril i o0irriio aa0i ir.o m .j
ltferaed the War departaeat ofaclalt that kl reVt. Fnnheraore. the aeettac de
e Tute depanaeat had be.S adrl.ed of are It, coarietl.a that the at
.t . I other Uittttrtloas odd rieh eqnallr if a-
aaid that so far at the pareraaeat waa
aaare a poaer was roateapliUsc as ex
pedttioa lato th latcrtor of Chlaa. If m
the Brltnh coaaander woJ4 renlre fresh
HU rtfatal to atnaer c,aesttoc rotxera
lac wtteh notice had sot prerWmilr bea
St tea care r John MUea. lrlh aatloaal
lft. the c hi ace to sots aa aCJouraaeat
of the boe la order to debate the tb
5ect. 3tr. IHltan dedare4 that the asder
ecreurr of the ForHfa ofSce had been ;
tauxxled and that.hU refartl wit a breach
of prirtlece.
Sir WMllaa Veraoa Harert. liberal;
Sir Hearr Caapbell-FWaaeraRa. the Bo
rn 1 leader, aBd Joha Redaoad aad otben t
Rofutioa were. "PPonea jtr inuoo-
ir. bu:nr. la te:eaiac ia coorte b: i
Lard Craa borae. aid It bad t-era lsHlatod
by the noTeraaeat after earefol cndera
tloa. The practice of croif -exaralalcc the
wader tecretarr mi daacerout. attd onM
Ilanrh nf oralnntlon to the
t nlted Mate. enate.
tVASHIN'GTON" Feb. Ji. Tke yresaieat
todtj- aect the feNo1ar aoral&ttjoos to the
teaate: i
Aray of the VcHed Stale Baitaeer
Corps Flrit lleteaaat5 to l- cantata
Joha ?. SemeJl. Jaaes F. Mcfti4oe, Jar J
Morrow Ordaacee De;artaet Cantata to be si-
I )or Aoorew H RsH. Rogers Mralc.
t.i ii?.lci.aL I. . . .v i
?lcmt. Corp Cart to iar
Gourde P. Schrttea. WUMaa A GUfrford,
Je?k . MaxSeW '
aralry Captain to be aior Daniel j
C. PearaoB, Second. Herbert F Tntberty
eTi He tin pit liforctt t Ltw is Inpctip
ti Cczsterrailkg Dstj.
DellrTe Raiilan ?1lnlter honld
Take Different Action. Other
Conntrle aa-ar I 'In
Marly Tariffed.
Temperature nt Omnha tetterdnyt
Hoar. Ilea;. Hoar. Dec.
.'. a. m ..... . M 1 f. m 3t
n aw m 21 '- . m ..... . tin
T n. m t2 St p. m
s n. )a St 4 p. m .11
K o. nt ..... . r.ll 5 p. m S4
l(a.m S il r. m
11 a. m...... 30 T . tn...... "o
IS tn ....... . 34 P. ra ..... .
It p. m ..... . 2?
Fallot 7it: Itiurdiy 5oubli Orly far
Herbert Fittest Go Aitti Tctlsr; c: ttt
Llsei Lcr.r Ip LtidDows.
First. Ltrther E. Hare. Ssata. Firtt
1 lieateaaat to be captains t- Car
ter. Fifth , Hrrr O Tront. Sf-o1
i A rtlilery Capaln to b ai)or Walter
I Howe. Peter Leary. jr.. T. C
Rlebjfroad. Raairay P. FoU. First licu-
teaaatt to b captain r. T Mnat-bfr. T
Many elarakn and Iowa Conrfrnl
latultrd In llarber Ills I'ro
Je?t Perfeeted.
: pencil phmpanipq r.nMRiNPi
; ww,r..o,ww - rusWMSTS GET ,ST0 ANOTHER SXASl
WASHINOTOK. Feb If 1 peklai: to
day of htc recent order 'iolac a cotmtfr
ralltsr dnty en Rrlaa ecr. Secretary
i Cace rd
"It 1 not, a qnestloa of what the aasn
factnrera dtt.- ca- think oacht to be. It
i..- Z , tWo or Ulrt --e-t cerea. ( VURSE HOPE OF ELECTING A SENATOR
.v. v t. k. . M,.K- f U- i co3paie naT- ceea perjeetf-a aaw me new
. . ' " "w .. ' .. ! corporation ill be broacht lato IWnc la r
tb la. not to naWe ' 'J. . . Il - .
nnifrs f rri i ivnpisr m win &e cap
AKRO.V. O. Feb. !. The paa cf 0. C.
! Barber tad bl sMtwiate latereted la the I
: KiscritT FirtT Ulsiwt e I l
Tewtrd Frsttrrist; Einsesj.
a Mott. Onctare V S. SteTeot. Rtebaond
P. Dari. BrneK Hindi. Wkx HoM.
Georce F Laadera.
It Mm h. Sereateenlh. Fteat Ueweaanta ! ff teneraf apnrUwr. te a body c
, worn to enfore
l of R.; .r to par . cnt.ralllaj - "
doty i btved oa tb depart aeiif anpre- t
'aeDttoa of the taw aad of tb fau The !
to be capta'tw-Joha S. Swotaer. Foarth. '"V by coarre to .ear aad
H C Witttaa. Tweatteti: Oenrre D. "r Werntloe dlon'ed tio.. of
preeins. carmac on i f 1 Ufi Cfcl.-te r Carpeater. ChaHe B Tay
tla-.lon and aicnt eadaaeer the latereH of . Je. v g tru,,,-, Frri jt &,,rt 4
la atMttoa to the tor3c Sl.oM la
boads wilt K Jad to ma for tweaty
year at t prr cnt tcterest. It 1 etl
aated that the ontnat of th ooBsbtaed
aUI w-Ull be aboct MW barrel, or naif ;
of tbe oatnot of ti AsaerWa Cereal rota
paay. known the oatnat tratt The '
roacera wnirh are to the new roabraatloa !
t-rter, of Rowtaa racar air take the r , " . ma i eri
JMr,ae '.fTrT'" ..e:. ' ,w. n .itw Ha.ratae Oatae.l roopaay,
" - . 1 . . - - - - I b.t.
McOUL Lol il. Onttrk. Dirtd t. Fort?.- "n V
and Arthar J Mattbewa. Second Wentea- I PT-el If aade It Me. with : thetn to coa-
.1 0-...0 V. v .llonnn o an a V 4nv iWtt 1 TT-nar
ant to be first tlMtteaaal -Hcrtrt J " '"' " V.-. .. Peerta I1L. 5Uai rttr miliar tomoaar Herr D F. Lsnr Marrr K ttroar.a tBe areaue TBI I our vaw, pro-
Drlnvlnn nfflcletitlr lr(m to Hrln
Ahnnt n Factional UliUlon
In the Hank the
I'nMrr t.
Oayr Sixteenth, wmtaa F. Grote. Bisk
leea-b. V illlaa H. H. Chapaa:
to be eaptata
law and of fact crtnrtsc oat of the adala-
Twenty- ,'r',l of catoa laaa. Onr owa
ien take their rrleTaaee tbre. the la-
Herge n . . . . .
Cronnt? .
Dietrich M. . ,
Mnscatiao. la . H R. Heath i Son Fort ! "m"!rr
Dodre. la Nebraska CUr Cere! Mill. N- ; iu,"hroclI-!
braika City. Neb.. Steward & V rri tan j in,mT, ,,7!
Pecria I1L. ?Voax Pity Milllac totspaay. I HurrlnKton ',
It Is learned that Prcf Melakoff. the
u. v.. v- vrrfrr th. eeiesrateo aiioriaa. wao was xaaen ivo
rratalated the late nnder secretary. Mr. I
Brodertck. on his refaal to reply to qae
Uoax sot placed a paper.
Ilonae Turn. It Dunn.
I afVl. l. a ( If V. V . . . rra-ht. ll-ftl.
Thl Geraan aoreacat Ha cauaeo cca- '-ir,' " "w
alderable aaateaect G-aeral erase win . .
be told that he 1 sot to participate In
i u. v. . Ka- Vn4cr the
Aaerlcaa force. U eer 'T
aware taat toe uauea :m P"""'! BCCTnOE nillCT 111 UinDin '
arpoeely deprlred the Aaerlean coauateat I n tJ I unt. yuiti ill mnumu tioase taea cinaea a xoiiows i-or i
a Chlaa ef 'its offeatlre allitary character 1 . the sJournaeat. aralast. 14?.
Cnblnet Kxpeeted to Meet ednedoy
and AbolUh Jlartlnl Law
In Capital. , the throne at the opealar of Parltaaest was
rcsaaed. said coaaerrial interest was
MADRID. Feb. 11 The raralral fete la ' Great Britain's pr'artpal latereet la Chlaa.
the proriace hare paised off without dls- There had bea sreat delay la the ettle-
aeat of aSalrs la Chlaa. but saca crir
Stanx I.Iit . Ii Dirtd OIlTer. Joltet lit i KI.Lild
.erretnrr i-ipmnnnon. ! rUlfbarr-Wishbnrn coapaay s ataeal Melklejohn .
1 TV- auoA,Do-n Van raatloasl tBanltaf Aaf 4I1 .o..UH.nV. .-.1 u..o-a U4..u1.a . Alorlan
naueas and pent lb. y If'J'?- McC Little, .'oha G. Molr aad Frederick 1 iwjatrle la rejrard to tat recent aetloa tad ; Mian. . Northwestern Cereal roajpany. Mln-
iatltade la f.reTra aVa. Vnnltted in this I be se3t -bUSU.ny a, tol- ' ne.tll. Minn.
ooaatry A fomra aabawatter bad con- unm n CCCU I lkC VI IIRDIWn ! , ia,u ..t ! n r- v'' , v.. , .v.
f f U U ana In l ln Ian III lolll on WlnWIUHIlW I 11 aA.' f to4 iril'i V too V. V. . U i i M tJ4 4.-7 lnji Ual 9t adt
I rur cri "'f '-"".rr; i board of dlre-tr an4 1- r. Miles trearer
Cedar Falls Mill coapasr
I .Martin ... .
I Knrnairr
and withdrew it frca the control ef Cocat
roa Walderaee la order to hatea peaca
aecotlatioas and preres ao far as It eosll.
tba cxatistjaaee of alhtarr aoTeaeats
acalatt the Chlceee. which wereat cate
cnaoeesjary and baaeful la their effect opoa
tb. aoreaeat So. oor tOTtrajacat order,
ot v.r ctanred lit nollcT. cannot do , The laptrdal, ca the actherity of a , atrst be expected la dealiar with the Chi
otherwise thaa eatss Geaeral Chaffe to , alaistcr. says that Wednesday's eablaet ! cfi. A to the eoestloa of tadeaalty Lord
refrain froa any partldpatloa In hostile i eoractl will abolish aartlal law is. Madrid j Craaborae said the Eritish alaistcr at
allitary xaaTeaeats, so a the present and re-establish eoastitntloasj rwtraatles. Pekis, Sir Eraet Satow, bad ba la
peacefnl coadlUoca continue. j The cocacll will race-, acxla Thrday tracte4 to rather toeether the claim that
Bet aaotber rery seriocs polat cader cca-' aad debate cam at affair. Flaally, Friday, were to be aide- Referrlac to the railroad
lde-atlon is not whether Chaffee shall lota ) Geaeral Atcamca. the premier, will sub- ' dispute. Lord Craabome said that Russia
the Geraan aoTeaeat, but wbther It Is 1 alt to the trseea repeat the retlcaatioa cf had snared tb irrertr-aest that the occa
or not the dnty of our rorsraaeat to I the cabinet and lnfcra her that it will be i patlon of the Pekln-Shaa Hal Kwaa rail
eariy i wi
r..r-.i inreraaent frca aadertaklac this ' date, in order to pass the bndcet. This te
a . a. Was t a t
American intervention In Cnhn Xot ' f, fu; ..w.r,.i Af fM, r.f tb A coaplte list of the officer Frank P.
to Be .Mentioned In the 1'oratal ; Km star Jaw and rcntatV-ns upon t prW ! Sawyer. Mascatine. Ia . president: Jay Mor-
f that rcraaodMy fr hope cMUtBptJon lott , ricf. VTeSiieat . Henry L. Uttle,
Rj-fU this d-partaeot has arrlrd at the Mile. Akron. f trearer. Darid Oliver.
HAV.CC.V. Feb. 15. The tpecial eoaalt-
Thomp'.an. W
i. ir:. sr. 4. s. 2U.
. . . .vi r.t 45 32
... 4 X ti 3 3 0
. . . 5 n 7 4 4 S
... 1- 11 1 IS Is 13
, t
... s r. 4 4 4 n
... 1 1 3 2 2 U
, ... 14 S3 r.l . . 45 111
.... lit 14 14 14 IS lO
.... 3 4 4 4 4
, ... 23 3" 31 31 2T 2
. . . . I 1.1 1 1 t
, ... : lit V
. . . . IK 10 15 IT. IS IT.
I. li. 31 34 33 3.1 30 2
tto 2 fl T T T Itotl
LINCOLN. Feb. . (Speolsl Tei-craa-l
The aeaatarial ballot ia Jot at sesrton to
day was absolatrly devoid of sltratScancc.
The larce saaber of absentee as-d paiia
cut down the coiaaa of eaca eaadsdate aad
ti only ehaace of censeaaenee was that
Lord Cranborae. wh-n the debate oa the tee appointed br the Cuban Coasttmional ; roaeln'ton that Rnse4a ladlwlr P '. ir Jollet. 111. secretary I of Beklr from Carrie ta Melklclohn. a a
address ia reply to the kln-"s speech froa i conTeatlcn to draw up a preposition de- j " " ' L ?r' . ' ; ti. irt ' The jmrrhasiar price for the rariotis allls . resalt of rressare froa the latter'a fritada
anlag the fntare relation betwea tbe re- l 3T jr aoi ronseouexKly that It ; is to be finred en a basis of it per rfat of in Seward coaafy. With the short volt
public of Caba aaa the talted state waa was try datr tracr the uw tn proriaiat the net earolas ef the past two years. Metkleloha showed ap only oae less thaa
In conferei-re all day with tbe ether aea
bers of the conreatlos ta as endearor to
get the opinion cf tbe sajority as to
what aetlea should be takea r-cxrilac tbe
suggestions effered by GcTersor General
Wood Satarday.
The question of aartl stations ts still
tbe chief arebject of eoatroTersy Prob
ably the coaalttee will submit a report
leaving out any reference to thia matter , l ntlUd under "the aot farored natlcn
... .tj t-i-r v. -4v. v. : clane" in our treaty of eoaaerce aad
... nc-rton -snta RuS5 of U.
sate to mien-en- in tie rreserxaiion o: allejratlon of dincSElratiop appears
order. This Is cot f red by "he treaty of u, b unfoanded in iexr of the fact that
for the
aeseuaeot of addition1 duties, which was
done by ftepartraetit 'trruiar ro ci ieo
ran rr 14. . . !
It 1 t" b regretted that tbe RuU.n 1
rninlFter of finance ehotld hare considered
this action in th U;ht of a dlcriranaU'c
on our part araiast the Russian cooaerce. j
as tati in our recent dally press, ar.d i
hare withdrawn froa our laports Into Rus- !
sia the prlvileire of th- constltational tariff
of that ccntrv to watch the Valted States
i,. .it .-nt-t ts dissuade the . advisable to coaveae the Cortes at aa early I way was only teaporary. aad that the a
teriajs wotua oe resicrea at vae eaa oi ta fans. ana. aoreover. it wdujo pe a stur oa m" 'u, r i,
,v. . ,v. fntr rr.-r.T.-r., , i countrte-. such as France. Germany. Btl-
1 adait th- posslbllltr
r'nairmiaiK ruiiikvi. uivrnDV i.rini Th. cMKtim to
vv,,n.,w wn-wu . departaent J. reyersed by.tent
Bine Book- Ret-orda the eaottatlona I light, but the delegate do nt wish to- gtve j jrtlja additional duty would rightly b re-
caapalgn. pioceacre lacuiiaie icniura oi
The Chinese goveraaeat is uafortuaately a Sllvela alalstry. which will tbea be coa
delayiag lb peace aeg otlatloaa ta an ' siltuted.
exatperaucg rasnion ana i ooi rrryuLw, j
ia proper spirit to tie effort oi ins Liutea
State gcreraaeat. Word has Just coae froa
Minister Conger which ccSras the press
advice rrlttlre to tbe Chlseae dedlaatloa
1c -neoeo to the deaaad of tbe nlnltter
In,, tbe. atutr cf rslUl puaiahaeat oi th
iMderi lasplleated la the Bcaer aoveaeaU
Concer Telia the Plan.
Mr. Corger's message touching tb rob-
J act of punlshaents gavo It t M under
Fifteen Deaths Reported. Theifk
("enthor 11 aw Moderated 5oaae
RniBP'i Henrr Snowfa'l. -
PARI?. Feb. 1!. Th weather 1 lets coH
here and ta. this rtctcity today, tbeugh ct
eral deaths were recorded during tb sight.
r4-t,r TV. tirl rv . .tr s r sufclectea
cf a necessity for i to additional duties under sa.W section S and
that unices the aoore stated roncicsion o:
Between Crest Britain and China
Record I nar Rnsala.
LONDON. Feb. IX A Wue boeV ia t"
lrced coatalaiac 4M (Urpatchea dealin
it cod that the Chinese goveraaeat haa , i-c?. the rivers in the extreme south b- i
.agreed to exile Pnnres Taan and Laa with- ! tar frozen, while several feet ef snow have
out capital sentences, to recommenced ul- J fallen In tbe departaeat of the Vosge and
their adherence to aa arraaireaeat lnvolv- 1 garded by the other bounty-paying ooun
lag a pecic rpecalatlon as :e ami its- rTi".. discrltniriatloa against tbea
ticas. Many sar that if tb- Tailed State . a that uJSn a proper presenta
COTrrnasexft wtshea sxral la Cuba' tlon f tb- mailer xo th Russian gov-m-4.
. v. M . -w-m K. m.nt br our rieoartneat -f State the re-
wjta te cisturDances ia t Eiaa ana cover- "J""1- t--r. -r , ,nr,. c reroked
lag tb- period froa June 29 to September capiraa taat tae linn r-.iir mi
30. Tb- essential features of most ' th iaitlatlve. is act dispesed to atke
l. jkt . - i . a fnfT".n1 r
bat rigorous cold ccnUaaes la the prov-Jul "
elde to Prince Cbwang. dtatb for Tu Hlea
and Cboa Cbl Choa, laprlsonaeat aad d
graditlcn of Tunx Nien. and some pualsh
aeat not yet deteralned for Cbl Hsu and
Hsa Chang Tu. It Is said that an edict al
ready haa been Issued to esecute those sen
tences. A visit from tbe Japanese minister to the
State department served to give color to
out at the various capitals
Lord Sallibury on July 16 cabled Mr J.
B. Wblubead. secretary of the British lega
tion at Tokio, that tb- Japaaese charge
d'aSaires bad informed bia that Japaa ia
ceaseqaeace cf Great Britala's friendly a-
- 1 A . . - i . .
Switxerlaad 1 also srfferiag froa the se- - lu vaa we
vere weather aad saow covers the nertb- f ore mJ A. soon as Rusau
era part of Italy A dispatch frca Rcae ' tM !ronl JtAlt. Cocat Laas-r.r-.
.- M,it! ..nwf.ll tv. Jcr2. the Russian fcrflgn alnlster. pointed
Cllon Leader In pokane vrlth a Blow
Recent Denunciation from
tbe Pnlplu
; Thompson, but. as already anted, this wa
M'INTURFF l,rtfct UralSciacr.
' T. f.H. nf rr-K,-.tirr. rlrr-.t.A
during the day were as numerous as last
week, that of aa alliaace betweea Tboap-
sa aad Melkleleha appareatly bariag tbe
call Several scggettlens were veatared as
the proper scheme with which to break tbe
deadlock tn the eattoas. bat all of them
SPOKANE, With., Feb. IB- (Special Tel-
erraa.) Henry S. Woods, leader of the
choir, struck Rer MelaturJf bishop cf the coateaplated the self-eHaiaatloa ef one
People's L'nlted cbureb of Oaaba and Spo
kane, in the pistor's study, iust before
last evenlnr's rrtees. He wa arrested
later aad today was fined Tl in police
court after a night in the city JaiL
"Dr. Mclntarff publicly denounced ae
froa tbe pulpit ia hi mora lag prayer as a
liar, a thief and a disgrace to the church."
said Woods. "I coacluded to ask the doctor
for aa apology
" 1 will reader yon no apology. was my
only satisfaction. 'I did aot say half enough
about ou.'
"I gave him a right hook ra tb- mouth
and seat him hack about tea f-et. Tbe
or mere candidate!, whose consent wa net
to be counted on.
It has been substantially agreed that tbe
legislature will ad)eura Thursday over to
Monday la defereace to Washington's birth
day, which means only a fear days seailca
this week aad gives strength to the opinion
that no end to the senatorial esateet can
be reached la that time.
Tote In the Curn.
The republiccn caucus met tonight with
fifty-right members present. An attempt
was aide to a4cura te tic of the down-
tew a bottle but failed. Tbe raucas pro-
la the Dacpblne. Fifteen degree below
zero ha beea recorded at Grenoble, cap.
ital of tbe Departaeat of Isere.
rarrher In Cnmberland Mln
Move They Are Within One Hon
dre-d Yard of Them.
He Jumped up and came at me hard. Mem
bers of tbe church rushed In aad stopped
the ght,"
A Viewed In 5t. Prtersbnrar.
ET PETERSBURG, Feb. IS. The corre
spondent here of the Associated Press is
informed that the of St. Peters-
Kr.rr rrm rf th. t?ltu4. of tt- RtlSSl& ""
B I people and press as extremely gratlfylag j FALLING WALL
i ana as & pnfuiuuu ui . ?t-c-u; ki- i
, tlement of the commercial differences or
' ia all events as a guaranty agalast worse
eeeded to ballot, trat without material
marks of his teeth are on my fingers now. chance. After tbe first few roll calls In
terest begaa to lag aad tbe scattering
votes to Increase. Toslgbf vote In caucus-
iTboapvm .
! Currie . . .
oat through tb
!a London that the liberatloa of the for-
. j r r. v. T . u .
the story that our gov.rnmeat is casting WRUGER WRITES KING EDWARD ' rJ" t.": ,.'7.',
I ( I solution or to other privileges except per-
Dratta Personal Letter to Enarland' , haps a large money indemalty.
VICTORIA B. C.Feb 15-Cood progress , "gf ftlrelj. afJ9llMteaaXe. eTi.
r"rcbgefcr1he tSdiesof ll 'regarding the reprisal i a. not pro-
Russian charge d affaire. by the explosion in tbe fnioa ainea. Fire. IT think M DeWltle
iUIC KTil u k VUk .UU LUC 1 .'I k . W . . ."V '
trated froa No. S alae te No. . ex-
Firemen Lo- Their Live at an Old
Factor- ia ew Haven,
nler Aaklnar for HI Consideration.
about to ascertain bow far tbe otic
powers, party to tbe Chines- question, will
endorse this proposed caapalgn. It was
i-n-voiM. ts secure exact Inforaation on
this subject. The whole subject, it i aaid. J
,- V - .V ..Kl nU4.. .M- i
. v.-. LONDON, Feb. IS. There 1
aorrow. whea tie course to be pursued by I
the talted Sutes guTeraaeat will be de
teralned. As it i felt to be the part of
socal policy to eadeaTor to check further
military operations upon a helpless people,
it ia probable that the cabinet meeticg
will result in aa eSort by the State d-part-
Thls way ef putting th- matter by the
Toldo cabinet to Russia indicated that
pelling tbe jgas as they proceeded, and at
ltst report were withla 10 yards of the
place where they expect to tad the first
Experts will not express aa oplaicn as
Jipaa"s action algal encroach on fsnda- ; to the cause cf the explosion. Premier j
mental prtaeipl-s by a majority of the Duasmcr aad party left today, leaving tbe ,
powers. t work ef recovering the bodies la the haad i
Is aa cneoa-
rmed rumor here todiy that President
Krager has drafted a personal letter to
King Edward setting forth tbe Boer case
aad asking for his majesty's consideration.
LONDON, Feb. II The foreign office which concern the vital iatcrests of the complete wreck,
here declared tbe statemeat that Mr. Km- ' powers, that It Is urgently necessary to SEATTLE, Wash. Feb. It A special to
ger has asked Great Britain to set forth t avoid any alsunderstcnding cr oaisiion ' the Tlaes froa Cumberland. B. C . says-
tbe rtacUos of a aodicaiioa Is possible. 1
The Americans emphasize the necessity for i
patieat coolness siaee tbe matter mast ad- '
Jast itself cooUy aad in a tolerable mann-r I
whenever th- supreme court ddes, so ,
matter bow tbe decision falls.
Germany Believed to Be Responsible. f
An article la the Boersen Zeitung is par- i
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Feb. IS. Foor
mm were killed aad oae fatally injured In
a fire which destroyed aa uaoorapled fac
tory oa Winchester aveau- this aornrsg.
Martin .
Scattering e e 1 ; 1 6)
After the sixth ballot the caucus ad
journed te tea-arrow sight at I o'clock.
Dlilalnn in Fnsion Rank.
A peculiar sitaatios has develeped is the
; fasten raaks of tbe leglslatare which prom
; lses aa animated factional fight unless
soae xaeans are devised to prevent. The
tustoalsis started oat with practical aaac
, laity that their bouquets picked in the
senatorial 2o?er garden ahold be thrown
Henry Powell, fearfully burned.
The fire was discovered at l M aad tbe at Senator Allen as the popalist aad eitfc-rr
r. --- - " )tv, terra, upon which peace will bs a- whicb might lead to still more daagerous
cure for a dissent froa the Germaa pro- coa.e(1 Sooti A;r1a to be calte uatrue, , conaHjuences.-
graa. U is said unlcuirocally by coa- Qa ih' 1r Lord Salisbury wired
ratRt tutherity , . th otnew . f UCU DUIC WOMAN A WINNER to Mr Whitehead to prcaUe to assist
kat-T T IDI cr m Utl IV V 44 I. ti.av Luica " 44 .eaaoanevon - - .
participate with tbe Germans tn the pro- I
posed expedition, and although It cannot I Ml Itewart of Tennee- Get
arret of Doctor of Philosophy
at Berlin.
Count Laasdorff significantly added , of four experts, who have the company' i tlcuUrly gratifying as aa ladlcatioa that -r i- n'"
Th- Imperial goveraaeat conrider. la 1 fall staff at their dUpos al No. 5 mine was j commercial circle would welcome a settle- cfIeT ty. The fire had gained coa- the democrat, la tbe beginning the under-
view of the threatened events la Chlaa I not badly damaged by fire, but No. ( Is a ' meat not disturbing to American commerce. lrs.ble headway before the department standing was that all the fcswnlsts should
It says. "Germaa Intrigue Is responsible. "a reaccra ice sceae. ur-.ort tne men vote ior senator una lor me snort term
s-eretary Gag could not have dose other- i t3 l ''ort flT minutes the froat end should alternate oa cuccessive days be
srUe." The Rossiya thinks Secretary Gage j TaJI Iell bnicg a number of them. Will- teea tbe two democratic caadidates for
is taking revenge for the closure of the ' 'zc hands set about the rescue and enc- the long term. As the deadlock has bM
ceeoea ta rcaccirg rowejj, wao was near , on. aoweer. tne nope cuwxenea taat event
the end of the wreck. The four dead mea ually some sort of a deal could be worked
were next found.
Japan to the extent of L0O0.O0O If iO.000 ,
be learned that General ChaSeo has yet
recelv-d Instructions to that effect, he un
doubtedly will have them vsry shortly.
It is r-slized to be estreaely desirable
to avoid offending Germaa pride in this
matter, but It Is hoped that by an appeal
to the conservative force cf the empire,
made not by tbe United States government
alone, but with powerful seconds ia the
shape of Russia aad perhaps Japan, the
German goveraaeat will be brcjght to see
that good poller and good faith both will
be best rved by avoiding iaterfertaee
with the peace negotiations at this stage.
The Cdted States government stsnds tead
faatly by the principles laid down in Sec
retly Hay' Ifcttrr of July last, and a it
secured the adhesion ef all the interested
power to that statement cf principle, it
Is hepeful that, by calling attention to
proposed infractions, thess may be pre--vented.
Contemplated Expedition Intended to
Drive .atlro Army Ont of
ChlU.1 Province.
BERLIN. Feb. . The Cologne Gazette
Since the mines were opened for the first
time at noon Sunday after being flooded. ; open port of Vladivostock, No paper posl
cperatioaa for the recovery of the bodies tlvely approves of reprisals.
of the entombed miners have been carried The St. Petersburg bourse is unusually
oa continually. Shifts are working un- depteited and anxious over tbe financial
Dr t men were sent immediately to China, and , ceaslngly. each being down four hour, and situation.
jar. vvcueaeaa reptieo tnai jepaa as not now me parties are wen ia. iorang caca ncr.UL?. rea is. iiaruasisr tae tan
ceasider furthr relnfertemeats oppor- , the gas with big current fass. They have coa trover! t between tbe United Sutes and );o, r
tune. reached tbe divjioa betweea No. 5 and t Russia, the National Zeitung remarks.
Lord Salisbury replying to Count Lam- and expect to reach the bodies by toaor- ' 'Germany bas no cause to regret the latest 1
dorff, said Great Blitaia had sever sug- ' row morning. : phase of the P.usso-Aaericas tarifi; war
BERLIN". Fes. 1? Teeny with elaborate
ccreaonies. Miss Caroline
Memphis, Tenn., wa
gree cf doctor of philosophy
Sliy Ol Df.lll , p.vs. T n 1 1i.V.- C . . m n . I
For the first time all competitors were -'r- r a':,rA.Z. IUII- M.nnfactnrer. Oppo.e Impo.l
eppoaent. being , vrnasM th Hrtti.!, iT,(?.r n , T . ' V. - of Connter, ailing Dnty on
Rnlan ingar.
'arollae 1. Stewart of , My aet,03 tJ JtpiJ. t '' ;
by which oa of the seaatershlp could be
traded ts for fusion stepport of one of th
republicans aad the rivalry between the
supporters ef the three fusion aspirants
K..-r.. ?-wir n mar. In.
rn or Dietrich H oIdler Guard ..-.t ... , .
Hall rrampton In Xebraska ! three distinct facuena. each b-nt on
c,,r- t giving It candidate the preference should
women. Miss Stewarfi eppoaents being M MaeDoaald. then BritUh minister to,
Ta.. C-V. f. .r ur. V a rr fr-r-t r,r.m-r mi4 . I
.. ' ' v" China .'so govmaent. so far as I
rTau nene awir. has agresd to th Russian proposal
the emergency arise. As a aatter ef fact
by Accident, but Relative
Claim Otherwise.
gov-maent, so far as I aa in i, rra, ac. uctip, i . , . . . . . . r--
.ni.i...ti- , .. -i. . rHlCADO. Fea. if Ai a ss-ctai aeet- i aaugsier, tii. --
TO PRESIDENT AND EMPEROR i The Imprests in unofficial circle, bith.o & J. F Doyle s" drug etere on East i the beard ef director, of the UllnoU ' Ther, ha. . teen some citeet terte,
. erto has been that Frsace had agreed. nfteeatb street today and shot Fay Doyle. Manufacturers' asor,aoa heW todsy the ttt -tiT. but . the tro op has ap-
, , .v. .....t..'. ... r a , rmrm. . ieilowtaK w a.p awiwc- r-' . .
NEBRASKA ail, Feb 11 At is o dock , lt has beea almost Impossible fcr sever-1
tonight, oa an order from Governor Diet- .ks to cencentrate the solid furies rote
rich. Company C of tbe Nebraska National i otl any slagle caad;date Senator Allen haa
Guard was marched to the court bouse aad ' BOt had all th fusion votes since the fir.t
Director of
bond of America Prraent Two
CTII I lalCICT .. .v.. .,,,u n.. i Reo! ed. That It l? the sens oi tne ooarc
u I ill I il w I w I - - ' - """".of directors of the iutnols aiajiufacturers'
stationed in tie corridor cf the Jail to pre- tt-w days. Last Thursday, by special cow
I vent the lynching of Hall Framptoa. the tesy because of hi presence in peron. all
n-gro. who last night murdered his step- tit fuslonists consented to Tote for W. H
Thompson and tomorrow thty are apt to
pay th- same compliment to M F. Harring
ton, who Is here ta attesdasee upoa tho
supreme court. The oifScalty of keeplat
LINCOLN", Feb. IS A message from Ne
braska City at 1 o'clock this morning says
tbea united, however Is growing greater
aad greater and if "the fuslonists snddeal
.. . ... I . . I J T . . 4 . n VIII ..M.I- a. f w... 7 . . . i. ...... V, . v.
" Decide In fonfeTcne th.t Chin.', here to sa to "hia that! d d care to Tr? rMnt on t m.f ia- qlt. wltb the troops guarding the found tiemse'.ves in the maj.rity temor-
, " . t-nina . ; " " , . itT . nortation cf 7urr frora P.L3li. will -jiid-r Jail. Govcracr Dietrich denies that he or- row ao one woald waat ta stake his repsta-
WASHINGTON. Feb. U -Major CH ; Declination l ,o lire revolver caught is ay coat 1 '"Vutanfe. and the rotatory ' out the troop, and say, whoever did tton on hi. sbUity to predict oa whoa
Ttlrtlra111 I "- ! nS ?X iS?" " tfft - -t- wnhcutborl their choice for United Staus seaator,
crAa'eriVa. ..ed In a bodr at WhHe ! PEKIN Feb. l,rae envoy, j Th e relative. V. ' STEALING CHICAGO'S WATER ifl-A Tl:
House today aad preseated to the presl- tave held a eoaferesce regarding the . that the woman attempted to bot Dey.e Ra.,u iotj.. in to but km.V idA OltALinU IvHIUAllU d TlrMCn. ieadl-g 'usls- asslrants -e s-ui
dent aa album bound la red leather and Chinese reply concerning the punishment ; about a weeV ago sad that tiry wfi! prose- tbe exports from Uvi- lo that country itn-lir the s-ole-tcc ember, of their
containing the son, sung br the society of tie guilty persons namd by the powers.! cute her Th-y had beea keeping company j fft V?1 perln.edet of Continental Pack- '.' '-'-erte. of their
Jl... a. - Tl.a.4. t-1 k.
1 . .k..a T-t.U VI. 1 i. !
at its lat meeting in 1S0C- On be fly leaf
cf ti album are inscribed, la illumisated
letters, the words -WJHiam MeKialej
i Presldeat of tbe United States of America
Tbe reply was considered unsatis factory i aad csarreled.
tad the envoys de-lded to jssist on a coca- t Miss D.v.s w bora aad reared ta Call
' TV t .h. .xoorts from this rauntrr te 1
Russia hate b-en ann-jaJy largely tncrea.
pllance with tielr or-gnal demands.
Coaaemmoratioa of th Fetival la
U-a..K - V T7t J V. a. -' t-tf V" a
TAaldersee-. new expedition 1 intended to , "1r"",rt Tilvii, vr
dread amonc tie Chinese. The German i -J.' Presented to Emperor ;
! nurse. Doyle is 18 yesrs
fcrsia. She came to Kansas City four years Jnr with -very prospect ofso conUcotng
ago aad bas wcrked
lag Company Found Guilty of
Tapping- the Main.
cvtaaisssriat departaeat bas ordered l.Wtt
transport wages to be ready within elgh
teea days.
SHANGHAI. Feb. IS. The Shanghai
Mercury assert that "The allies are pre
paring a acvo that will aruisith Caiaa and
trng her to terms quickly "
Arcordtng to tbe North China Dally
ztews the Germans are planning aa ex
pedition ca the Taag Te Klaag.
Th War cfiJee has received the follow
ing frca Count voa Walderaee
PEKIN. Feb. It Major Geaeral voa
Ketttler haa dltpatcied aa expedition un
der the command of Colcae! HeffmeUter,
frca Paa Ting Fa to Iao Ma ICwan. eighty
Cve kilemettr north of Pas Ting Fu.
Trac-dy .t Great Kail Involve
Woman, a Policeman and
a Corpse.
,n a wholesale drug '"'uViilara CHICAGO. F-b. It-Harry Boore. .a
ss is a provisional .f j-,..r.t of th- law aid if it stands an- l reriatendent of the Ccatlnental Packing
oiu ana promiaent. , jcersea vrtu woric tjre.t r I provistoc company, wa. found guilty t
WUMaa. through the G-rmaa aabassader. , , .Vrwtou Man Fall for f,
an album of rare betcty. said to have! ST. PAUL. Mian.. Feb. 15 A special en X a III f-ollt.ry
cost ILK. This U ta acknowledgement j from Great Fau. Monk, say, Oae man Aet
of the eaperor s eoartesy ta offering a i is dead, a woasa Is dying and a police
prize at the last Saengerfest j officer is seriously wocaded ts a result ef
Tbe ambassador yesterday received a a shooting which took place Sasday
Rudolph Saltb, a railread laborer, en-
HAS ONLY A TEN-DOLLAR BILL 1 Resolved. That a meeting of the aab-rs the ctty mains la the stock yard for th
ot '''.V-V -..4 a flV,, . Ptrklrg company, aitb whwb
i i,i, I be called for aaturday February IS. -t fi . , . 1- , .
i. with l ta" he Grand plrtrv hotel, 'o d- , h is rennected. The value ef tb- wat-r
1 t i!n. inw.B rj'h action as may b- ti-ces-
sary to secure a rehearing or a rer-rsal of
tie" decision.
expedition Start Friday.
LONDON. Feb. !. "Count von Walder--e
has prepared hit plan for tbe new ex
pedition," says tie Pekia cerrespoedeet ot
th Morning Poet, " aad It will start next
Friday Tbe powers, except Russia and
rablegraa from Emperor Willi m. authoriz
ing him to receive In his same the
ouvenlr of the Saeagerbund. After the
pre.eatatlcn, the ambastader and the dele
gation drank the health of Emperor Wil
liam. ,
The album is ef Americas manufacture
and a attterpieee ot art. It consists ot
two silver plates, weighing forty peunda.
bound la leather, richly embellished with
scroll tod silver mounting. On th face
cf th first plate Is engraved the Americas
aad German fiags and coats of arms, while
ca th back is a resolution ef thanks far
the caxeror's prize
Oa tie face of ti second plate is la
scribed the song that woa tbe prize at the
last Faeagerfeat and on the back it an
tering a Vocal resort, at an inmate known
as Marie Bell, nhem he shot. Officer Hogan
vas fixed at 1)4. K end Boere will there
for be given a teateace for petit larceny,
tbe punishment tor nhlrh Is a fine not to
-x'-eed tl and Imprisonment not to ex-
George P Eager, a railroad builder at New.
appeared oa the eene Tbe would-be-mur- ton. Mas. Tbe actual figure of liabilities
derer, whea Hegss appeared, cpesed fire 1 tre L4TJ4V The unsecured claim aggrv-
on the officer He fired two shots, both of
which took effect, one ia the leg aad the
ether Just above tbe hip.
As soon as be was wounded Hogan
dropped ec bis knee and opened fire, send
ing five bullets into Smith's body, killing
V 4 .!.. U..a. w-llt 11V. 1
of waur
BOSTON. Feb. IE. A ftllcre for as all-
ues or over, wjm assess wswuii ai hlulii i " ' i o.'ed one year. i Halncr
116 blM. wa shown by tb- voluntary petl- ' . . ' Boor- trial and convlcties w the first I Hariaa
tloa la hankruptcy rjea tnis aiternoon cy -i - . , , 7f,t,jfiEg from a recent exaatnatlon of th
jrrr" .. city water mains la tbe stock yards dis-
City Authorities. , u alti Jt T1B ditcorered that tbe
- " ! rt- had ten illicitly taamed ia r-i-r
gate ll.W(u; . ine pecurra rucn, uu,- i iLA7CAa rvtr n aiwi rnf.
StJ. note aad bills shared by other par- tbe mtadolta player, serreadered today to
tie. IHC14. t the county man b si and wa locked tip wlh
Mr Eager" debt were contracted be- j si fatter and brctier, all of whoa are
twees 1MI aad lt0, prtneipallT is Tense- I being held for complicity with Mr. LuH
see. all ca Bote. This la the beaviert fall
ure recorded ia til district since the bank
rr tut the woriau is fatallv wecntfed , mp'ey art went lsto eCcrt The debts are Later the three male meaber of th .i .-raise.
1 all outla ej. ! family were arraigned, waived the formal' At rladlrUt-Arriv-d-LivonUn
Colonel Murdock III. . ...'-- .f .v. i-Tor xtLc- ti, ' Glasgow and Uverpoo.. via HaMfax.
trtrHm rV ll-rl 11 M Var. Carnestlc 1 Wlllinn. T?? - - fTS.7C.fV.. " ""Si I At Tokehama-Arrived,
- ... . . r-4 ,in r-. nox Etuiu ioa tiiri tvi . u . .t. Tim., m ... t w i -
praee and millions ot gaUons
Movement of Ocean Vessel. Feb. 19.
At New Terk .Krrivd Fumestla. froa
1- ! Prince-Kennedy in tb murder cf PhlUp H Glasgow Sa-Meaaroiae-, for London jirr
r L ...j. At Nwe Arrived, Feo IT Auguste "Jc- joh.
t- Kenneay tm xw Tork.. via Pens, on orien- , Hr
L-trlslator Cast Another Perfunctory
Ballot and the Deadlock
' tands l'at.
' UNCOLN, Teb. IL (E pedal Telegram.
Miay abaesteet cut the tatal, as Joint stsa-
t -araJ ballot today The vet
Allen Hinstaw ji
. Berge Ktekan! 4
Cro i Martin I
Currie . is Morlaa I
Dietrich 1 Jlrlnlejobn ZS
... . Res-water IS
; Tnoapseti, D. E... 3
HarrUirtos i, Thompson, W. H Zi
Hitchcock . . 'il
Vote in Detail.
Tb republican vote was:
Allen D. E Thompson. Currie.
Andrew D E. Tb.oreps. Meialejoha.
Aresds Hleshaw Currie
Armstrong D H rboapson, Melklcjesn.
B-kiy D. E. TiompaiTS, Meiklejnha.
B-ethe D E. Taoapvon. Melldejohn,
Beriet U Tbsmptea UetxirjeAa,
Brow-n of Fuma-D Eraoapeon, Melkit-
deck, postmaster and editor of the wtezUla
r- & V T C T T T5 l vi T I. . T . .
Eagle, is very in at his home His physician to a remiest from Galesburg's pubUe librarr i prelimlsary heartag. This was set for ast- for Hong Kong
prenoances ttra better this morning He J board. Andrew Carnegie writes that he wiH I urday next, wbea atterny for th pii- J:.,?
lb V cited SUtea. have agreed f allow J esgraved rrproductlen of th. rm "i," U1 "k U rtl"' Atoiur- - Arrived - Asciona, froa '
JMlnlstrel, the emperor s prise. znisglvtngs a. to tic rerulk .i0 a yeir to ratals tk pen. 7w icra. . i j
tielr forces to Jola."
Arrived - Nomidian. frm
Brown of Ote-Ha!er. Croonse.
Birwh runsnaj nosewattrr.
"air,- Martti . V4eikl-cn.
faraeer MarUa. ito-ewater
Creuns Hariaa. rcrrie.
Carrie- Kinkatd. Cr-.ase.
Kiga'-D E. Ttjmjison. jrrie.
T ats- llamer Al.-e-b-fc
K-u-e'-ti E T.rorrnscr. MeiVieJoha.
FrteAriti.- Hai--r .rnr
oa. gj-K.txaid. liclkijcaa