THE OMAHA BAIL.T BEE: MOZSDAV, FEBKTATt'T IS, TOOL COMMUNITY OF INTERESTS Peculiar Desipmtion of Railroad Combina tions Recently Made in tha Weit, GOULD AND SCHIFF IN DENVER BOARD Thlr Election Promote Still Furflier the 4n-CrUIil "Coinmunltr of Oitii nrnlilp" of Wfilcrn Hnll ronil I'ropnrf leu. A community of Interests In tho latest dernntlon of what is to result from the recont western combination In railroad cir cled. That Is tho term used by President Hornco 0. Hurt In a statement to Tho Bee. Ho applied It to tho now relations between tho Union and tho Southern Paclllc, Haying that tho effect would bo "to establish a closer community of Interests." A Now York financier, discussing the en trance of Goorgo J. Gould Into tho di rectory of tho Denver & Hlo Grande, foro soos a posslblo "community of ownership" In that road, and other Indications of the past week point In ths -samo dlroctlon. Ho carries tho Idea a llttlo further than did I'rcKldent Hurt and suggests n possibility which tho public Is not prepared to ncoept. Tho slfcnillcanco of tho Gould election Is stated to bo tho connection of tho Denver .: Ho Or an do with tho Gould system nt Pueblo, thus saving to tho Missouri Pacific tbs western connection. Tho recent election of Jacob H. Schlff. who is prominently Identified with tho Union Pacific, to a place In tho Donvor & Rio Grando board Is an other incident tending to tho establish ment of tho community of ownership. "It preaently somo representative of tho Bur lington or Rock Island, or both, should be oleetcd to tho Denver board It would be como apparent that the Denver & Rio Grando and tho Rio Grando Western prop erties worn tn bo held under u community of ownorship lu order to provldn a western outlet for tho sevotal roads which now con nect with tho Denver & Rio Grando and re gard It lis their Paclflo outlet." Tho rumors concerning nn alliance be tween the Burlington and tho Union Pacific in regard to Joint arrangements for tratllo west of Denver aro In tho same lino, though thoy nro so antagonistic to tho past attitude of theso two roads toward each other that It Is hard to credit tho rumors. At the samo time tho condition of tho Bur Ungton Is not such that it will bo desirous of building to tho northwest and opening up a country which is practically now, as would bo tho caso If an alllanco of somo kind of a western outlet was not effected, To somo this term of "community of lnterert," or "community of ownership," as It is being used by railroad raon nud financiers, Is significant of tho tendency In tho business, especially when It Is consid ered In conjunction with tho combinations and rumors of combinations with which tho country Is filled. covrmuiicT.s opkkhai. meniai,, C'onl Operation In Wyoming llUclnun Intercut or Hurt tnKtou. Notwithstanding tho ofllclal denial of tho filing by tho Burlington on 14.000 acres of coul lands near Rawlins, Wyo., W. L. Wntorrann, who has been at tho head of tho llltoman (la.) coal Interests, and has man ngod tho Burlington's coal interests In that state, left last woek for Knwllns with n forco of men who will sink a shaft on tho now fields. It Is said that tho Wapello Coal company has purchased botween nlno and ten thou sand aores of tho coal fields north of Rnw llns. Whllo tho Wapello comDanv mnln. tains n eoparato organization, it Is Bald mat practically nil of tho output Is taken by tho Burlington and that It Is in sub stance a Burllnuton comnnnv. Theao fields aro along tho lino of the proposed uiaonsion from Guornsoy, nnd the opening of tho mines ndds to tho strength of the report that tho company will soo to it that a supply of fuol i assured boforo tho lino Is pushod west, for tho lack of fuel Is ono of tho drawbacks for railroad extension In Wyoming. Tho fields now to bo tnpped aro considered soias of tho host in tho northwest. the presidents Is preparing a sot of amend ments which the magnates desire to havo Incorporated In tho law. So far the work has been done by correspondence among tho members of tho committee, who nre as follows: Marvin Hughltt of tho Chicago & Northwestern; E. V. Ripley of the Santn Fo; S. M. Pol ton of tho Chicago & Alton; 13. T. Jeffcry of the Denver & RIo Grando; II. G. Burt of tho Union Paclflo; A. J. Ear ling of tho Chicago, Milwaukeo & St. Paul. Itutlronil .olr. A dividend of 12 per slmro on both the f referred and tho common stock of tho 'nloii I'aclllo Is payable after April 1' to nil stockholders of record at the clo?o of business February 23 of this year. Thn stock tratisfo.- books closo at 12 o'clock, February 2.1, and will bo opened again at 10 o'clock tho morning of March 25. A. 8. Dodge, traffic manager of tho Cot ton Belt, has accepted tho position of gen eral tralllo manager of the Memphis sys tem, and will enter upon his new duties March 1, with hoadqunrters In Kansas City. Ho bus been uti Important factor In tho tratne departments of tho southwest ern roads for several years. "I havo used Foley's Honey and Tar cough medicine and think it Is the best in tho world," says Chas. Bender, a news dealer of Krle, Pa Nothing else as good. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, Dillon's drug store, South Omaha, TAKE NO STOCK IN STORY Ill-port dint 1'nt Crowo Siirnt Tneilny MkIiI In Viilrloo Sot IIHIevcil In Oinului. The report that Pat Crowo spent last Tuesday night as tho guest of Editor Isaiah Van Meter of Waterloo, la., is not credited by tho Omahn police. Officer Dan Baldwin thinks he has n solution of the situation. A week ago Baldwin ato a mlnco pie which had been liberally doctored for tho bcncllt of ono of the prisoners at tho city Jail, and since then ho has been "secln' things." In his opinion Editor Van Meter must have got hold of somo such pastry by mistake. Chief Donahue, whllo ho does not concur In Baldwin's view In tho matter of tho pie, doubtB tho Waterloo story, and gives this as his reason: "The fact that Pat is said to havo ap peared Tuesday and nothing was said about it until Saturday looks queer. Yostorday I received a telegram from Fort Apache, Ariz., stating that Pat Crowo had been there for a week and had been positively Identltlcd by means of the pictures nnd descriptions bent out from my office, but escaped Into Old Mexico. Tho two towns ho visited thero wero named and our circulars had been sent to both of them previously, so some thing may turn up down there. I know Pat has been reported In sovcral places at the samo time on previous occasions, but I have somo faith in tho telegram from Fort Apacho and I do not think even tho ubiquitous Pat could bo thero and in Water loo at tho samo time." Witntril Sinn for SlS.noit Position. An established and responsible business concern of Omaha wants to employ a first class man 30 to 40 years old to take the general agency for Its business in a good territory. This position requires tho best business ability and oxporlcucn and absolute Integrity. It also requires tact and exe cutive ability and good Judgment in em ploying men. Only applications from suc cessful men who are In earnest will bo con sidered. This position will pay about $2, GOO per year and expenses, it filled satisfac torily. Glvo age, past experience, presont business, references, lncomo desired and ad dress J 25 Beo office. SO 'AITOINTMRXT AX.VOOXCE1), Van Kiirnn'H Mncoomor nt Suit I.nlto City Sot Named Yet, Omaha railroad officials glvo llttlo cro denco to tho report from Salt Lako City that an Omaha man has already left this city to tako tho placo mado vacant by tho allleged embozzlomont of $8,000 by A. J. Van Kuran, local treasurer of tho Orogon Short Lino at Salt Lako City. So far as known no ono loft here Saturday to tako tho position, nor has tho appointment of an Omaha, man boon made. Presidont Horace O. Burt, T. M. Orr and V. D. Brown of tho Union Paclflo and an offiolal of tho Burlington wore soon, but nono of them had hoard anvthlnir nf thn nn. potntroent boyond the news given In tho aispatonss or Sunday morning. If tho ap pointee is to cotno from this city it Is sup posed that ho will bo from tho offices of the Union, Paclflo and tho officers men tioned said they know of no changos hav ing been mado nor of any In contemplation. Van Kuran is undor arrost and owing to uis inaoimy to sccuro bondsmen Is lying in jail. rnioHinicvTs wast j-eoisiatio.y ItnllrnaA Magnates Sat SntUflaA vrltU Interstate Coniinnron I. aw. It is moro than probablo that tho now session of congress will sen nm tfflNin. tlon on tho Intarstato comraeroo law to do nway with somn nf thn nffnnfn nt unregulated competition. Tho working of tho law has not been satisfactory for somo tlmo. Tho railroads aro taking an aotlvo Interest In tha matter and a commltteo of I'EItbU.TALS. Mrs. VS. P. Groan has rsoovarefl from attack of tho grip t Canaseraga, N. Y,, by tho uss of Dr. mhos' rain rills. Among the victims ot ths grip eptdomlo now so prevalent, P. Coyla Is now recov ering at Canton, 0 by tho use ot Dr. Miles' I - ... M Villi W. B. Nlhatls ot flt, Louis, Mo who was flown wun grip, is reponea much Improved. He used vr Allies- Norvino and Pills. Ths friends of Mrs. L. Denlson will h pleased to learn of her recovary from grip at nr uuuio in nj uuy, ion through tha use or ur. amen nervine and Nils. CuVMlv HTH that J. w. TM I. i , a lUQKjny splendid slnoo his recovery from the grip at his home In Des Moines, Iowa, They nil lnn' (tin Dr. Mtlfll' Narvlno ttuui -....4 Y I ProstautlnB Attorney Oharlos L. d Vi'aele, who has passed tha three-sooro mllestono, had a time with tha grip, but when seen at nis noma in Roscommon Mich., tha other Cay ho said Dr. Mils. Nervine was what cured blm. At nearly tbrea score and tan Mrs. Galen Humphrey was flehtlng against odds when tha irrln attacked her. hut h innv r. MUM Nervine and now bar neighbors In U looking. After au Illness of flvo waiks from the grip Mrs Harriott Jrokson Is again about aud looking fine. Bno began taking Dr, ; Miles' Nervine ntter ths fourth wek. Her bout Is tn Bowling Qreen, Mo. FiiNtrr Tlmo .North, Tho Northwestern line, "Twin City Lim ited," now leaves tho Union station, Omaha, at 7:55 p. m. dally, instead of 7:35 p. m., as formerly. Tho arrival tlmo at St. Paul- Minneapolis REMAINS UNCHANGED. Through connections from tho west aro thus assured and a MORE CONVENIENT tlmo of departuro is afforded Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs patrons. Tho -samo magniQoent equipment is retained in service City offices, 1401-1403 Farnam street. Ghetto ISxonrston to Texas. Via Rook Island route. On Fobruary 18 and 19, round trip tlolt- ots will bo sold to Dallas, Fort Worth Waco, Beaumont, Houston, Galveston, San Antonio, etc., for $18.93, eight hours In tlmo saved. Call at city ticket office 1323 Far nam street. OFFICIAL LINE For thn Nntlonal Creamery llntter ninkcra' Aanoulntlon. Half fare to St. Paul and Minneapolis via tho "Northwestern Lino" Fob. 18 and 19. The only line with doublo dally train service and operating cafo-obscrvatlou cars. City offices, 1401 and 1403 Farnam St. Greatly Iletltioeil nntea. Tuesday, Fobruary 19th, Via ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, To California, $25.00. To Orogon, $28.00. To Washington, $28.00, To Utah, $23.00. Call at city ticket office, 1323 Farnam St. Dividend Notice. Dlvldond No. 6, amounting to 3V4 per cent, will be paid creditors of tho German Savings bank upon presentation ot their re ceiver's certificates at ray office, No. 106 N. 15th streot. THOMAS H. M'CAOUE, Receiver. Omaha, February 15, 1901. HE USES A BORROWED NAME Bu&y Stranger Demositratei Ron to nourish Without "Work. NOW THE POLICE ARE LOOKING FOR HIM WrntiR Mr, Sprnrctie Suooemf nlljr Ini IMrsoti'nten MIkIiI Mr. Surngue nntt rnlnta Tito Torn n Term Ootta Tint on Other 1'coiile'a Cash, This is tho story of a velvety smooth man who buried his own identity for a week, and meanwhile lived In luxurious abandon on the strength of a borrowed cognomen. With a grip stuffed full of dirty collars and kindling wood ho secured the best ot hotel accomodations In Omaha and Council Bluffs and successfully posed m tho high-salaried traveling representative of n Philadelphia wholesale house. All the whllo other people s cash poured Into thib man's pockets as If by tho magic flicker of on Aladdin lamp. Now tho woek of masquerading has endod nnd tho pollco aro looking tor tho Individual who has demonstrated that ho who pos sesses a pleasing address, genuine ada mantine gall and a smart suit of clothing docs not need to soil his hands and weary his brain at work. A tittle less than $500 Is tho estlmato placed upon tho receipts of this Impostor during his brlof engage ment In Omaha. His identity Is u mys tery, but detectives hopo to run him down. Uoy Hi Oncrnte. Hero Is how the swindle was worked; A week ago C. W. Spraguo, representative of tho Nntlonal Cutlery company of Phila delphia, registered nt the Paxton hotel. Whllo waiting nt tho counter for a key to his room n dapper man strode In with lordly air and registered as "J. A. Green, Chicago." Sprnguo and tho now arrival struck up a casual conversation. Subse quently they occupied Beats at tho samo tnble. Green said ho waB also a traveling man nnd tho two talked shop. Spraguo's business affairs nnd tho routo over which ho travels wero mcntlonod, Spraguo salt! ho intended to leave hero a llttlo earlier than schodulo tlmo and that ho would stnrt to Denver tho next day. So whllo Spraguo was whisking out of Omaha, Denver bound on a Pullman, Green was whirling ncross tho river on a motor car. Arriving In Council Bluffs he regis tered nt tho Grand hotel, using tho name of Spraguo. Ho engaged tho best room In tho house nnd ordored tho bellboy about with the nonchalance ot a nabob. "My xnnll, please," queried tho polished traveler. "Nono hero," replied Chief Clerk Annls. "Then girt! mo n telegraph blank," said tho man of borrowed name. How'm Thin for Servr f And this is what ho wroto; "Draft de layed. Wiro $75, waiving identification." Ho sent tho dispatch to tho Phljadelphla cutlery house, signing Sprngue's namo,' aud as soon no tho wires could tick It off thero camo nn order for the money. Then tho occupant ot tho best room In tho hotel crossed back to tho Omaha nldo and drifted into John C. Tlorney's saloon adjoining Mlnco's Trocadcro theater. There ho dis played prodigal disregard for money. No cherry was too red for his cocktail, no velvet was too heavy for his whisky, and cut glass servico was nono too good for him In short, ho wanted tho best. Ho bought high balls, Mamlo Taylors, Mada linen. Cnrrlo Nations, pousso cafes and finally got around to champagno and other brows that chocr and simultaneously Ine briate. Tho mon from Philadelphia looked good to Proprietor Tlcrncy, bo when ho said: "Havo something with me, Mr. Dealer," Ticrnoy snld ho didn't caro if he did. Then It was up to Tlerney to cash a $."0 draft for tho suavo purchaser. Moro drinks followed and tho gay mnsqucrader went out In search of othor victims. In tho rod, lantern district ho raked In additional cash. Tho names of Tlorney's fellow sufforors havo not boon revenled, but it Is said that the game yielded $300, excluslva of Tiernoy and ths Philadelphia house. lluyn for nTiT.rlioilj-. In tho wake of tho Impostor thero was a trail of headaches and shattered nerves, for It Is related that ho bought drinks with lavish hand and Insisted upon everybody becoming saturated with hilarity. Mean- wnuo, tno real Mr. spraguo communicated with his house from Denver and it devel oped that a swindler was making uso of his name. Then there camo a messago from tho Quaker City asking tho police to look out for the wrong for Sprague. But ho had disappeared, Tho expose of the contents of his grip camo at tho lnstanco ot tho Grand hotel atlthorltlen In rnnnrll UlllfC. Wh. .!.(.. v. u . ITMTt, till:,, guest of high degreo failed to settle his t. 1 1 1 . .... ... dui mey looked into nis baggago and found a bundlo of plno sticks nnd scvcrnl pieces of soiled linen. Clerk Annls of tho Grand nnd tho Paxton hotel attaches havo fur nished tho pollco with nn explicit descrip tion of the swindler. Ho is about 30 years old, has aldermanlc rotundity and a ple thoric vocabulary of oily words. "Grip robbed mo of m Bleep and I was nearly craz with neuralgia and headache. Dr. Miles' Pain Pills nnd Nervine cured me." Mrs. Pearl Bush. Holland. Mich. SAYS SHE RILLED A MAN Therefore Robert Ltnon Oomtitntti Him itlf . Policeman and Arristi Her, BUT MABEL'S BULLET FLEW WILD IIOMKSUBKKHS' KXCUItSION.I. Via Mlssnnrl Purl flu Itnllrrn.v. Tuesday, February 19, will sell round trip tickets nt very low rates to points in Okla homa, Kansas, Southwest Missouri, Arkan sas, Texas, etc.; also certain points In south and southeast. For information, call on or address company's agents, S. E. corner 14th and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. F. F. GODFREY. P. & T. A. 1. O. PHILLIPPI, A. G. F. & P. A. Ghlcnsn to Florida In .".il Hour. No chango of cars, only ono night on routo, all modern travel conveniences. The Chicago and Florida Special leaves Chicago Union Station 12:00 o'clock noon via Penn sylvania Short Line, Tuesdays and Fridays. Dining, Sleeping and Observation Cara go through to St. Augustlno, Particular infor mation about (ho now train and tickets to southern winter resorts upon application to H. It. Derlng, A. G. F. Agt., 218 South Clark St., Chicago. To Our Worthy Mayor: Wo congratulate you on tho stand you havo taken In having oltl slgnn taktn down and replaced with new ones, making thoni bright and clean. Now, Ntuntl firm and don't nllow a muslin or clieap sign of any kind on if building in Omnhii. it makes the town look llko u circus poster. Crnmer'n Klilner Cnro 7.o tlrnmo Qntiilno lfto 1 dor. S-srutn lnlnlne Cnii.nulei 7u 1 ilui, 3-grnln Uiiliilne. Cnimulen ltlu 1 dor. n-icrntn Qiilnlno Cnpaule iro Dnlly'a Mnlt Whlakey Hfio I.otnN Crenm l()o I'ulne'M Celery Comitoitnil 7,10 Wine of Cnrdul 7ro I'lerce'a 1'rencrlptlon T.'o Scott'a EmiiUlon 7Sa Oinmntalon 7u Coltafoot Kxpeotornnt 7So I'nlmo Tnlilcta riOo White Itluhon Kemetly 1.00 8. S. S T.'o Malted Milk 40c, 7Bo, $.1.1, " Plnkham'a Compound 73o cruiccca CCT price wUnPiCrCIl DRUGGIST C. W. Oar. 10th Ckloao at. Trnnreity of Ilcntlt I'nrk 1 Turned Into Fnroe Comrily liy thr In vent Irii tlon of the ltenl Ulne-oonta. Robert Larson took Mabel Williams Into the pollco station nt 11 o'clock last night. Ho met her In Bemls park and sho told him that fsho had killed a man. Sho got Into nn altercation with n col ored man named Hugh Trent, who, she says, called her n liar, and sho shot at him with a 22-callbcr revolver. Sho was abso lutely suro sho had killed him, so Officer Regleman was sent to Investigate. Ho reported that sho had not even hit Trent. This Is only ono of many of young Larson s arrests. Two years ago ho cap tured a train robber in Council Bluffs tin nldcd 11111I took him Into tho pollco station handcuffed and at tho point of a revolver. Ho had a good deal of trouble over this, which he claims was duo to tho Jealousy of the Council Bluffs police. Fatal delays aro caused by experimenting with t ough nnd cold cures. Foley's Honey and Tar will prevent a cold from resulting In pneurarnia. Myors-Dilon Drug Co,, Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha. l,i:SS Til A. MALI HATES Vln Onmtin & St. I.oula It. It. On Bole Fobruary 19 to Port Arthur, Beaumont, San Antonio, Lako Charles, Houston and Galveston, Tex. Call at city office. 1415 Farnam street (Paxton hotel block), or write Harry E. Moores, C. P. and T. A., Omaha, Neb. St. l'tnil anil Itrtnrn 1(! 10.05. Via Rock Island routo, February lSth and 19th. City tlckot office, 1323 Farnam street. Minora. Wafers by the Case Wo sell 100 kinds of MINERAL WATER. Ask us for tho new ones. Such as Pluto Water from Indiana. Carag.ina Water from Spain. Allouoz Water from Green Bay. Fiporazln Wator from Germany. lluhlnat Sorro Water from Spain. Clchy Water from France. Klfescngvn Water from Germaney. Carlsbad Water from Bohemia, Villi Cabra frgm Franco. GET OUR PRICE If you drink tntnoral water. Write for new catalogue Sherman &McConnell Drug Go. Cor. ICtli and Dottgo, Omaha. Funny thing about women. They always road the Inwt page of a newspaper first. 11 live you noticed? SHERID4N COAL is advertised there best coal mined In Wyoming. Wo sell IIAIiD COAL, lob. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam St. Tel. 127. Low Rates and Northwest February 19 and 26. March 5, 12, 19 and 26. U03IES1C13ICISIIS' isxounsioN. Via Hook Island Ilonfe. Tuesday, February 10th, to nearly every where Tho only 11ns to the now lands In tho Indian Territory, City tloket offict, 1323 Farnam street. It. PahI and Hetnt-n SlO.Od. On February 18 and 10 tho Illinois Central railroad will soil ticket! to St. Paul at rate of 10.65 for tho round trip. The short lino and only lino from Omaha with buffet-library smoking car. Particu lars at City Ticket Office, 1403 Farnam street, or address W, H. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha. CHARGED WITH FORGEffY TrnTollim Mnn Snltl to ITitvo VlnUnw laod Cnnnoll Illnffa Mnrolinnta with Iluil Drnfta, 3, 1, Boono, a traveling salesman for tha W, D, Allison company of Indianapolis, was arrested In Omaha yesterday on a charga ot forgery, jiaid to have been com mitted In Council Bluffs, Tho ohargo against Boono Is that ho obtained money from sovcral Counoll Bluffs business mnn on ordorn against his house which ha was unauthorized to sign. Ho was takon across tho rlvor Immedi ately after his arrest nnd will be detained thoro for hearing, (lit. 03. Round trip to Lake Charles La Beaumont, rort Arthur, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Waoo, Houston, Galveston and Ran Antonio, Texas on sale February 18th and 13th all Infor mation at Omaha & St. Louis office, 1413 Farnam Btreat, (Taxton Hotel block) Omaha, Nob, On to Wnahlnstnn, Halt rates via Big Four and O. A O, Ry, Account MoKlnley's Inauguration. Round trip tickets on sale March 1, 3 and 3. good for return March 8, For full particulars, addras any agent Big Four Routo or War ren J. Lynch, O. P. & T. A., Cincinnati. Automobile Given AwayHow, when and her can ba ascertained at 1621 Farnam St. Wlttmaa'4 Graphophoue Thoatur. ft M a-'feJSsSafciw Lv"-. K'- . jtia A JjM .Attn caa jSif S"',M; t To ORclon, Snlt Lnkn ORy, Hutto, nolo nn, Anaconda, and MlHHoula . , , :23' To Ban Francisco, Lou Anuclcn, Bacrn- mon to, Bnn Jobo and many othor Oal- V $25 norma poinw To nil points on thn NorUiorn rnclflo Ity. wost of MlHsotiln, lndudlnjr, Spo ltnno, Soattlo, Tnroma, Fortliiml, ns woll nn Vnncotivor nnd Victoria, H, O. To nil polntn on tho O. Jl. & N. Co.'s linos, on tho Kpoknno Fnlls & North orn Ry, and tho Washington ft Col umbia n. It $28 $28 Tlokert nt 1803 Pmm St. nnd at Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason Sta. J. PRANOIS, Genaral Paaaengar Asont, Omaha, Neb. Reduced Rates to the WEST THE AMERICAN SUMMERLAftSD $25.00 TO S23 to Ofiden Salt Laka Butte and Helena KaTTLTI CALIFORNIA raKMT- nwa .a ta. Jrjrt "v if 7 ff ? r y 1 j z. ft V Reduced Rates to the WEST $23 To Portland itto;m and br,iV'8 LOS ANOELES san oisqo JSSZ Via THE UNION PACIFIC THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TICKETS ON SAUK EAOH TUMDAY IN FBBRUARY, MARCH AND APRIl AT New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam, Tel. 316, or Union Station, I Oth and Maroy, Tel. 629 CLOTHING I r mmmmmammmmmmaKmkwmmmmmrmmmmmmmm Mankind might be spared much misery if people would cease ex perimenting with themselves. Ono of our old mil i I ordi'r cusUmiuu's who had been Iniding with us for the punt .12 years, writes us that ho wants one of our new spring catalogues that he had boon experimenting last season b.v send ing an order elsewhere, but. ho was through experimenting, and had he not attempted it he would have been spared much misery that the clothes ho or riori'd were not as oataloirue described. They did not lit, did not wear, did not hold their color, did not give satisfaction at any point. Nebraska Clothing is Good Clothing If you come or send to us for clothing, nnd wo fail to please you, t lull's our fault, but if you go elsewhere anil pay more, that's your fault. Clothing that comes from this store is correct. Correct in price, quality, style, til. Send us your name for spring catalogue. I I I aTiTiTTTn-tMMiBj J naaMaMHaWMHan 9lc(5rajfcaefolfi.iMe HAYuFN G drm ft fteFftMIU reat Fish Sale Prepare for Lent Read the prices. J1.75 for 10 lb tubs N'orwny Dloater inaclc-1 ercl, vrry fat nnd lirlplit, 11)., 10c. ' $1.60 for 10-Ib tubs No. 1 Norway niacli- rrol, oxtrainrKo fish, pound, 17',5c. Jl.fpC for 10-Ib. tubs No. 2 Norwny muclt crcl, tho best Norwny ovor sold nt prlco, pound, lfic. $1.45 for 10-lb. (ubfl Spanish blue back mackerel, very fat nnd brlRht, pound 16c. $1.40 for 10-lb. tubs No. 1 Spanish mack erel, fine flavor, nt luc. 1.40 for 10-lb. tubs oxtrn. Irish mackerol, pound lCc. $1.30 for 10-lb, tubs No. 2 sboro mackerel, pound 14c. $1.25 tor 10-lb. tubs No. 3 shorn maokerol, nloo family nlzo, pound 12c. $1.20 for 10-lb. tubs Col. rlyer sock-eyo salmon, blood rod; pound 12Hc. OOo for 10-lb. tubs Col. river (chlnnook) red salmon, pound 10c. $1.25 for 10-lb. tubs Norway eels, small nixes, pound ISc. $1.20 for 10-lb. tubs Miss, rlvar sels, new 1900 pack, pound 12V&C. Imported Russian salmon salad, 2ia pound. Imported Holland herring salad 12,&o pound. Herllner spiced roll herrlnn, 12V4e pound. Tho horrinR nro put up In vinegar nnd highly spiced. Imparted Chrlstlnnla nnchovies 8 l-3e. NOTK All packoRes of fish sold by us aro guaranteed to contain net volcht of fish. All kinds ot smoked nnd canned fish on alo at extromoly low prices. $1.0." for 10-lb. tubs KKKK Norwny liorrlnc, Inro and fat, pound 10c. 93o for 10-lb. tubs KKK Norway herring, pound, 10c. SOo for 10-lb. tuba KKK Iceland herring; new, bright fish, pound, Sc. C5o for 10-lb. tubs I.nbrndor Round shore horrlnK". nono better, pound, "c. RSc for 10-lb. tubs, Labrador Ribbed her ring; extra cood vnluo nt price, pound Oc. $1.10 for 10-lb. tubs Imported Ilollnnd Milch licrrlnR, from riottcrdnm dlroct, lb 10c. 1 $1.10 for 10-lb. tubs Imported Scotch hor rlnR; two to lb., per pound 12o. 1.10 for 10-lb. tubs No. 1 Luko Huron whlto fl9h, larec nnd fat, pound 10c. 00c for 10-lb. tubs No, 1 vrhlto fish, "belly out:" now 1900 pack, pound 10c. 60c for 10-lb tubs Hay City whlto flh. nlcn bright and good flavor, pound To. fi5o for 10-lb., tubs nice family whlta flsh, pound, 6o. Grand bank codfish tn 1 -lb. pressed blocks, Co. Gcorgo's codfish. In 2-lb. blocks, 8V4o lb. Grand bank, wholo strips, lOo lb. Wholo Georgo's "heavy strips," this fish Is snow white, lb., 12c. 3 lbs. now whlto sauerkraut for 10c China Department Gas Mantles, for any kind of Hint, Bo. Decorated Gups and , Snuccro, 2'4o each. Complote Stand Umps, with burner and chimney, Pc. COa docorutod Imported amborln glasses, vasos, 10c. All sizes, decorated platos, Cc. 'imported cut crystal wino glasses, 2a I'lno flint blown tumblors, 2,c, Crystal pugar bowls, Cc. Crystal spoon holdors, Co. Crystal cream pitchers, Co. Cryntnl butter dish, Ca. Decorated ovster nnd roup bowls, Bo. Blop Jnrs, D9c Wash bowls nnd pitchers, 24V4o each. HAYDEN BROS II IlinrU' Astonishing: Bargains in nAY UlIiS spshshoes Direct from The last consignment of the five manufacturers' stock closed out to our buyer direct for spot cash at -10c on the dollar, go on sale Monday. DS.OOl) pairs all in the season's best styles, will sold nt less than half the regular figures, livery pair carefully fitted, no matter how low the price. Thompson Bros.' well known $! and ?5 shoes, in this sale $l.flfi. C. H. Aborn & Sons' finest ?4 ladies' shoes, in this paid for ?1.90. French, Shrincr & Uners' ladies' fine 5.00 shoes, In this sale 2.48. Ladies' best oOc overgaiters, 19c. Specials in the Bargain Room Monday. Lndlos 50c rubbers, 23c. Men's DOe rubbers, 40c. Roys' 1.75 calf lace shoes $1.23. Misses' 1.50 kid lace shoes 08c. Ladies' 2.00 kid lace shoes, 1.23. Men's 1.50 satin calf laco shoes now OSc. Men's 2.25 cnlf leather lined laco shoes, $1.48. Boys' Suit Sale in Bargain Room All the hoys' suits secured by our Now York buyer will be put on the big bargain tables at 05c and 1.45. They nro in all styles doublo breasted, vostee and sailor, in all wool cheviots, ens siniores and worsteds, and sell regularly at 2.50, 3.50 and up to 5.00. 1,000 pairs of odd knee punts In all wool cheviots, cassimeres and corduroy, sold regularly at 50c and 75e, in the bargain room Monday for J 5c and 25c. MYDEN BROS.