THE OMAHA DATLY 7M3E: MOXDAV, FEJVRT'ARY 1S, 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these rnlutnm rrlll lie tnUen nnlll 'Z ni. for the -enliiK edition and nnlll H ill) p. in. for morn I n k nnd Sunday edition. Rate, 1 l-2o n vrord first Insertion, 1e n vrord thereafter. Nothing taken inr less thnn Una for the first limer t'nn. These nil vertlacnienU must ha rm conaecnf Ively. Advertiser, hy rrqneatlni; n nnm lirreil check, ran hnve answers ail. dressed to a nnmhered letter In care f The Her, Answer no nddres.ed will lie delivered on presentation of taa heck only. WASTED SITUATIONS. KXPKRT accountant. Holbrook, Brown blk A C45 COMPETENT oung bookkeeper, now em ployed, wishes change of location nnd Is "eking similar employment. Can read and write Oerman. J 31, Bee. A-gll-W WANTED SI A I. E HELP. WANTED, we have steady work for a tew gcod hustlers of Rood habits and appear ance. C F. A J a us Co., 1601 Howard tJt. II Vj) BARBER trade taught thoroughly In hrt tlmo; catalogue & particulate Irec. est ern Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. 1335 MEN or women to sell Roods to city Oood pay and steady employment, lux cnbaugn & Co., Wore block, Omnht. WANTED, canvassers. 1620 Douglas Si. GOOD nil around blacksmith; mint be pood plow man. A. F. Swaruou. Bertha, Neb. R-iSl 21' WANTED, experienced harness mnUers on Might nnd heavy work. Apply to tho Waterloo Saddlery Co., Waterloo, Iowa. H-M3l 22 MO LEU Barber College, 1023 Farnnm 8t . new branch of tho Moler System of Cot legen, estnbllshrd In New York. Chicago, St. Ixitils, Mluneapo'.ls nnd Hnn Francisco, the only Institution of the kind In Omaha; every fnclllty for teaching the work; con stant pructlce; expert Instructions, lec tures, diplomas, complete outfit of tools tiresented each student: waces Saturdavs: positions guaranteed. Prepare now for spring rusn. iicauuruiiy illustrated cata logue mailed free. Call or write today. B MiykV-'.-J IVANTEN Ten MOi harness makerx. with factory experience preferred. Tho Askew Saddlery Co. 213 Delaware, Kansas City, WANTED, two first-class experienced life Insurance men as usslstants, nlso men of ability who want to engage In the life lnsuranco nusiness: good contract.''. II. r Mlsselwltz, Manager, 214-6 Bee Bldg. Il-MTM IS WANTED, bright man for permanent no sltlon, advertising and traveling In Ne braska: IfiO monthly nnd all expenses to start; advancement: self-nddrensed cnvel opo for particulars. Chas. Phillips, 3iS Dearborn, cincngo. II eio 16' WANTED KEM A l,E II EI, I. WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7. C-SS7 fO girls wanted. Canadian ottlcc, 1522 Douglas C 55H YOUNO lady to learn massage; permanent position for right party. Apply 220 Bee uiug. u LADIES desiring pleasant easy home work paying a handsome Income should ad dress with stamp. Standard Remedy Co., r lint, alien. t-Ms; is WANTED, lady cook. J5 per week, girl for general work. VI per week. Washing ton Hotel, Lincoln. Neb. C .MM5 13 CilRL. competnent for general housework, Apply 1203 Farnam st.. V. S. Bank bid?. C-.MS-V1 IS EXPERIENCED dressmaker wanted. 1ft20 Douglas St. C MSll IS WANTED, experienced button hole ope rator, also experienced operators on pants. Apply to Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods co inctory v.m anu nowaru sis. C-MT69 IS WANTED Girl for general housework; goou wages, ivj nouin ssin si. C 612-16 FOIl RENT HOUSES. JF yon want your houses well rented place tiicm wun uenuwu jv. usjj ALWAYS moving II. H. goods, pianos, ortlce. 13UHi Farnam St. Tel 155i or ssi. D-fS? HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho cltvT Brennan-Lovc Co.. 320 So.'lStli St. D-J61 HOUSES, stores. Bemls. Paxton block. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-863 HOUSES, etCF. D. Wcad. 1524 Douglns." D-S6I HOUSES and flats. RIngwalt. Barkerlilk B-SGi HOUSES wanted. Wallace. Brown Blk! D-S34 NEW 7-room brick, strictly modern. ea3t ireni, .(in ana si. .Mary h ave., j. Hemis Pexton block. t .170 BTURGES, MARTIN CO., 517 N. Y. Life. ' D-DS1 F2S tlth. near Farnam: ten-room modern house complete In every respect: ten minutes walk of center of city: reasonable rent Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th and Doug las StB. D S72 FOR RENT. S room house, nice yard nnd 2123 CHARLES, nice small cntlnire. "rltv water, freshly papered and painted, within rasj- wanting uismnre 1 . I", SHOPS; rent ii to gooa tenant who will take care of mo properly. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sis. D 839 SIM JACICSON ST.. 6 rooms, city water. IS ioui, 1 rooms, cuy water, i. 3407 Decntur St.. 6 rooms. 110. 2203 Locust st.. 7 rooms, modern except fur once, nne repair, .). 1611 S. 28th st . 7 roomx. n heautv. 824 N. t'.'d St.. 7 rooms, all modern, onli- 120 1509 Emmet st., 7 rooms, city water, large ynrd. 2, 2, Grant st.. , rooms, city water Inside newly papered and painted, J15. 41CS I.nfnyette nve., s rooms .all modern very nne. k uavk OTHFiRS. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. First Floor New York Life Bide. , D-MM2 IS FOR It ENT FIT It N 1 Sit IC II ROO.MS. BTEAM heated rooms at The Thurslon. t E 173 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, i;-!74 FOR RENT, n nicely furnished front room nlihln wnlklnc dUtance of nrtnir. eentleman only: US3 of bjlh nn.l tel.! phone; no other roomers. Addreis n 16, net. r. ittuj HOUSEKEEPING rooms. VI up. 2J St, Mary's, E-M!) Marl I FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, maw and wife, 31D North 17th St. 7 WELL Furnished rooms: nil modem con venlences. I'rlvato family. .1 44. nee. E MS" 19 FURNISHED IIOOJIS AND HOARD, GLENCAIRN, transients, U 2i dy. 1C0U Dou LARGE front narkirs with board: nls nmller room; reasonable rates. The Rose, iTj itarney. ijiwi The Merrlam, good winter home, 23 5: Dodge . v UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-S77 124 N. I3D ST., new managemeiu, new fur uuure, goou uuuru. r .101? i ONE large front room, one small room both su nulled with good closets, excel lent board; prices reasonable.' 207 South 3tth st. K-MS29 22 MCKKI, l'LATINti, OMAHA PLATING CO., U Bldg, Tel. 21M. FOR HHNT-lNriRNISHED ROOM. FOR housekeeping, also barn. Wit St Marv's nve. O MSTS I'Oll RENT STORE'S MI OFFICE. FOR RENT The building formerly ornu pled by Tho Bee at 916 Farnain St. It lias four stories and a basement which wa formerly used an The Bee press room. Tills will be rented very reasonably. If Interested appl at once to C. C. Rose voter, secretury, room 100, Bee Building, FOR RENT-Storc, In first-class location: rem reasonnuie. Apply it. I'ciers t Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. I 16-1 A (HINTS WANTED. AGENTS on salary cr commission. The grcmesr agents hp ler ever prouueeu; every ner ot peri nnd Ink buys It on sight; 200 to 5y per cent profit; one agent's sales nmoutucu to wu in fix unvr; nnoiner in In tr o hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X IB. I.a Crosse. Wis. J-M6S5-1V AGENTS to sell the celebrated M. & M. nr.eJ I . P, arc pressure) Inmps; extensive territory; libera, contracts; morn bril liant than electric urc; V cent per hour William Parkinson, MadKon. Neb., state ngent. ' J M73.S 21 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED. board nnd room, gentleman and wiih mm nioiner; private inmuy pre ferred; terms must bo reasonable. Ad dress J 49, Be Office. K-MC32 IS MODERN nine-room house: southern part oi city, auureen, .i 3;, uec. n ii its- SIN OR HEVEN-HOOM modern house In sown omaiia east of Twenty-rourtn I'treet preferred. Address A. D., Box 17, Deo office, South Omaha. K STOR Af! E. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912- 914 Jones, rcivcrni storage anu lorwaraing. -S7K OM. Van Stor. Co., ElUiFarn. Tel?. 1359-SS3. Si WANTED TO BtY. WANTED, a good second-hand typewriter cicsk. Aaaress .m. u. uarrcit. .Maaisou, Neb. N M591 19 WANTED, to buy. tobacro tags. Address II. vetten, 1012 Chicago at. - juw i 'OR SALE FtllN'ITt'HE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. ifci. .i:i. sew i: zunanu lurmture ooucni, sold, exchanged. O S8J FOR SALE Two oak office bookcases, ono walnut parlor bookcase, nt 201(1 Pacific St. O-M0S7-1S OH SALIIOHSLS, VEHICLES, ETC. FOR SALE, light omnibus, 12 pos'enjers. goou us new, K.v. iiarry trosi, utii anu Leavenworth. P 461 POIl HA I.E MISCELLANEOUS. HARD and soft foundation piling: hog fences ana cnunmg, vn uougias. y DIIAND safo cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam. VI J SAFES; buy, sell oxe'ge. Schwartz. 114 S. 13. W vll HERTFORD & CO., 16th and Hworth. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING. Q-S33 TIMOTHY hay and all kinds feed and coal. Monroe & to. y w INCUBATORS, fiend to the Sure Hatch Incubator Co., Clay Center, Neb., for a handsome free catalogue. Q 441 FOR SALE. 36 secondhand chairs. in good condition, 25 cents eacn. App.y Bee Business office. Q VII CI.A1H VO ANTS. IEBREW seer nnd clairvoyant, consult him 10 to 4 p. m., 7 to P. 1014 Howard st. S M791 19' MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th. S SSS MME.GYLMER. genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge 5 w ZENO, clairvoyant and healer, 1915 Farnnm. a MS19 S3 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MABEL GRAY, 317& N. 16th St.. flat E. T M45S F-1S MISS MAE LESLIE, 619 S. IGth. 2d floor. T-MK4-F-2S ELITE parlors, 615 South 16th, second floor. m vt ,M MME. AMES. 1615 Howard, 2d Moor, room 1; tnermai uatns. r msis 21 PERSONAL. NEW piano of standard make for sale cheap by reliable private party on ftcrount or leaving cuy. .uuress, j ee. U-M691-:o PRIVATE home beforo and during confine. ment; naoies auopieu. .Mrs. uur.iet, 2U20 Burdette. U S90 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but tonsj mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., lb. uougias. u K31 SUPPLIES for all machines: machines for rent, wniro sewing aiacmne, i20 Doug Ins. Tel. 23.11. U-S92 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no rain, no dunger: send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 832 N. x. Life Building, Omaha. U M4U F-1S PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nnd during confinement; babies adopted. 2.W6 uruui oi. u ctyi V1AVI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 348 Bre Bldg. U-S94 M. GOLDMAN fc CO.-Only perfect ac- cordeon pieaung piaiu in me west. Mall orders solicited. Suite 200 Douglas Block, opposite Hayden's. U 797 TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric batns, rpr mores oniy; sKiiied women massage operators; finest equipped baths In the city. Renstrom Bath Company. Rooms 216 to 220. Bee Bldg. U-S96 LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costtimer. 101 earnam. 11 S37 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous hair removed by olectrlclty. R. 12 Frenier block. U-W WE RENT sewing machines for 75c per weeK: we repair anu sen neeaies aim at tachments for any machine made. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor 15th & Harney. Pnonc ltB. U-M123 M2 A BOX of Re-No-May powder Is not a luxury wnen 11 nuurus ou u cure una secures the comfort and happiness of your room-mate. UM213 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. SIONEY to loan on improved Omaha rea! estate. Brennau-Love Co., 2C9 .South 13th W-S9S LOANS on laitern Nebraska and western Iowj farms at 3 per cent: Borrowers can nav SluO or an multlule: any interest date; no ilic. Urernan-Lovo Co., .TOi, S. 13th St . wmaha, Neb. V-0l PRlVATI'.'money, 5, 5tv, 6 per cent; no de lay Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W S9 WANTED City loans, bonds and George & Company, 1601 Furnam street W-9.2 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved clt) property and farms. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1J20 Farnnm. W 900 WANTED City and farm loans; also bond and warrants. It. C. Peters fi: Co., Farnam St., Bee R!dg. W 90J MONEY to lean on farm and city property lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam W-9l MONEY to loan at and tu per cent 01 Omahu property. W. B. Melkle, 401 8. 15th ' 'XC PRIVATE money to loan. J. HTsherwood 939 N V Life. W 90j FIVE per cent money. Bemls. Paxton bHck w-w; PRIVATE money. F D, Wead. 1324 Dtuglaa W-'Jlu 6 AND 54 per cent loans. W H. Thomas First National Bunk building. Tel, 16IS. W-909 JIOMIV TO LOAN CHATTELS. s A L O A N S 1. R Y LOWEST RATES IX CITY. WE POSt TlVEIjY WILL NOT BE UNDERRATED. RAILROAD MEN RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTPNTIOV REBATE OIVENIF LOAN IS PAID BEFORE DUE. WHY GIVE A CHATTEL MORTGAGE WHEN YOt CAN GET MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE? STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. EMPLOY ERS NEED NOT KNOW CALL AND RE CONVINCED. AMERICAN LOAN tO.. ItUOM cni, BEE BUILDING A i i MONEY TODAY. , Loans mado 111 amounts from 110 to J20 on household furniture, pianos, horses, car riages, etc., without removal, or on your 8-A-L-A-R-Y without, security. All or 11 part of Ihrt mone) may be paid back the ilrst month or no part of It need bo paid back for several month". Esch payment made reduces the cost accordingly. Lm plovers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. People who need money nre Invited to call anjt get my terms and compare them wltn what others offer. Loans of other com panies may be transferred to me. No charge for papers. All btislnesr strictly confidential. Quick sorvlco and lowest rates guaranteed, J. W. TAYLOR. G23 Paxton Blk., top lloor, northeast corner 16th and Farnam. Entranqo on 16th St. Tel. 743. X-911 ... , DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan JI0.C0 nnd up on furniture, pianos, horses ami other chattels. SALARY LOANS , , without mortgago to people holding permanent positions. You can get the money In a few hours after making ap plication and tnke 1. 2, 3, 4. S, 6 months or more In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It ono day longer than you keep It. We charge nothing for papers and we glva you the full amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours; our terms are thu r&!lst: our business Is eontldentlat and our motto Is "Try to Please." Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 229j. (Established 1S92.) 316 South K'hjgj'j SALARY LOANS. . , If you nre employed by a responsible firm wo wIP loan you sums from 110 to $100 on your note at much oheapei and eaBler rates than elsowhere. Of this we are positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. NotUng deducted from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 3f8. Paxton Block. X 911 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, .lew elry. horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 H. 13. X--918 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 440 Board Trade bldg. X-791 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R S, Barker bjk. CHATTEL A Salary loans. Joe II. Pleas ants, 51 Barker Bllt. X-M504-F19' SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha Credit Co., 526 New York Life Eldg. X-220 BUSINESS CHANCES. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash, will earn $2 and upward weekly each. Earl Clark &. Co., Furnl turo Manufacturers, Chicago, 111, Y-920 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carriage business In south central Ne braska. For further particulars address Box 603, West Liberty, la. Y-M731 IP YOU have Idle money see C. R. Glover, Y-M551 FOR SALE, hllllnrd lm'.: with seven tables In operation, doing good business, f re- mont Cider Co., Fremont, Neb. Y-M5S1 1S MONEY made In oil slock: thousands ate getting rich: grasp the opportunny to day; for full particulars, Mt. Hamilton Land and Oil Co.. Rea Bldg.. B. Fan Jose, Cnl. Y-MG0J23 $423 BUYS a Jewelry business In a live town in Jietirosua: a gooa ooening tor u young man of small means. Aooress . J.. Box 434. Wilbcr. Neb. jY M633 IS FOR SALE, a good newspaper In a pros perous Nebraska town; no competition: cleared Jl.flOO.OO in 1900. Best of reason for selllns. Address J 4.".. Bee. Y-M727 19 PLACE your COLLECTIONS nnd LEGAL matters with .ew nnow-v-iiurcn 1.0., 405 N. Y. L.. Omaha. Associate attorneys everywhere. Y S10 24 FOR EXCHANGE. A FINE $.C0 Imported magic lantern, as good as new, only used n short time; suit able for lectures, churches or loduo enter tainments; a bargain. Address F 63, Rea ofllce. -173 WILL trade stoves and furniture for riorse. 501 N. 10th St. 7, M752 M 1-lfi FOR S 1LE REAL ESTATE. 9-ROOM modern house, south front, paved Hireei, nione sioewniK, one oiock iroui Hanscom oark. $2.00 C-room modern cottage, 241h ave.. 7 blocks west or court nouse, ?2,oou. cottaEfS North lSlh street. S1.500 for both. South front lots In Binls park, $400; east front, $2(0, Will build for you. 6-room cottano. north. $750: terms easv. 6-room cottage, Cass, bet. 16th nnd 17th. Cheap. R-room cottage. Crelghton Heights. $750. two 6-room nottases, xn ami California, 4J.OO, ui num. GEO. E. GIBSON. 1609 FARNAM ST. RE M 738 IS SPECIAL BARGAIN In vacant lot, S. 23th, near woolwortli. size 50x150, east front, paved street, clear title. 31,030. Beveral vacant lots near Hanscom park very cheap. 9-room modern house, good bnrn, lot 6oxl32, paved street, south rront, close in, clear title. $1,750. Northwest corner 27th nnd I streets, South umaiia, j ion, enr.n i7xi, eBat tront. Price tor both. $1,275. A few cottagen on payments. S acres for sale or rent. 5 acres to trade for house and lot. 100 acres, Improved, for houte and lot. J II. SHERWOOD. 937 N. Y. LIFE. M743 H CHOICE INVESTMENTS. J3.750-S. W. Cor. 21th and Davenport, R4'.4x 11, .' nouses, nne mace tor 1 nais. jl.dOO 74x142, 2 cottages, rent $10; 7 blocks from rourt houce. $2,500132x142. N. E. Cor. 27th nnd Chicago. $4,2v-N. 19th boulevard, rental value y5. $1,100 Cor. lot. 2 cottages, rentnl $15. $1,000 Largo vacant lot, Park ave., facing GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Block. RE-621 16 FARMS, large and small Let mo know what you want. William Nelson, 601 3. 10th. RE M941 3TURGES. MARTIN CO., 517 N. Y. t.tfe. RE-951 v2H SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C'Jl N. Y. LIFR RE 922 HOUSES, lots, farina. lands, loans; also lire Insurance, Bemls, Paxton Blk. RE 923 CHAS. E WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St. RE-923 RANCH AND 1AI;M Kinds for sale bv the Union Pacific Rxtlrond company. B. A. McAllaster land coi,unl5sloner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. P.E-921 PROPERTY bought sold; mone loaned; rents collected. L. L. Johruou Co A Ho, 13th -it. RE-102 F:0 CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; 32'i-foot east front In NeUon's addition. M J. ICcnnard & Son, 210 Brown block. , RE-921 - jj0M fJuXrTa"u ns 300- 2922 Grant, rents $5. '730 Cottage and lot. Monmouth Park. 1.2io 716 So. 40th. rents $12.50. 1,20-S3'6 I.a r lm ore, 8-r. house, 2 lols, l.txh-1009 So, 31st, good cottage, :2,5fi0 C-r. cottage, modern, bnrn, near High school, paved street. V,0 CotUgu near 24th and St. M.iry's ave, 1EOROE G. WALLACE, Brown Block. RE 5T 16 Itl IIBEIl STAMPS BADGES, medals. Om Tel, 2535. Pl't Co,, Bte Bldt. -W7 MEDICAL. LADIES otit of health, find prompt relief Box 23.', Omiha, Neb. CotitlJeiiUm -927 LADIES. E(0 reward for an obstlnnle. In.ia- nanuins, annnrmal caso suiipression. any cause, old. Dr. Jackson's Vegetable IV-' male Medicine fnlls In relieve In "4 linnrs I inale .Medicine falls to relieve In n hours without pnln or los of work. Express 13 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. ... .i 1 epi. uee. GONOVA Is a Frenh treatment for male and female, for the posltlv cure of Gon orrhoea. Gleet, Unnatural Discharges, In flammations, Irritations and Ulcerations of thi mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In one week; 3 per package or two for So. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. 111. American OiTlce. retail, wholesale, Myers. Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full line of rubber goods. PATENTS. 1N' f.i,"'OHK GOT AN IDEA ' We handle patents, copyrights and trad-! mirk; vou givo us the bars Idea and we will 'a the rest; modern (quipped mnrhin shop find foundry In connection: Official Gazette od flic; guide book free. Mason. Fenwlck A Lawrence, patent lawyer. M Howard fit.: Tel. 1(19, Omaha. J. I". Cronln, repr. INVESTORS, we ask no fee until the naient is prortirefl; it we rail, wo get no fee; Advice free. Sues & Co., Patent Law yers. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. lying dls tance telephone 1 623; 41S-M a r. 1 3 SHORTHAND AND TVI'EWHITINtl. A C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES' College, court reporter, principal. uee tJiug. yju NEB. Business & Shorthand college. Boyd'j uneatcr. uii GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug. ?J3 nui. C.IAN HARES. FOR SALE. 15 fine Belgian hares, out of Im ported stock, prize winners, at reasonable figures; have h few at (1 ach. Come early and have your pick. Inquire upstairs. 1443 South 16th St., one block south of William at. M-761 23 EXPERT ACCOtTANT. LESSONS evening. Rathbun. In bookkeeping. It. 15, Com. Nat. etc., dav or Bank. O. R. -731 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 513 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson. D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. -933 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school, Klrksville, Mo., 604 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. -131 niCYCLES. WHY ride a dusty old wheel when L. Flesclier makes them look good as new for almost nothing. 1622 Capitol nve. M-633 LOST. LOST or stolen, Friday. St. Bernard pup, about 6 months old; white and tan eolor, white feet nnd face. Return to 1610 N, 27th st. nnd receive reward. No questions asked. S. A. Wallace. Lost-M74S CRESCENT rcnrfpln. contains seven dia monds, between Boyd's and 24lh and Har ney. Reward of $10 If returned to 2323 Harney. Lost 613 16 WALL PAPER CLEANING. C. MIDDLEMIST. experienced cleanc. leave orders with Lewis Henderson, florist, 1319 Farnain street, 'Phone 1258. 1 707-22' INCUBATORS AND BROODERS. INCUBATORS and brooders; cataloguo free. Write Burr Incubator Co.. B 2, Omaha, Neb. Factory nt 28th & Drivcr.port 179 BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenvorth. 93S PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Doi:g:as, 936 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. 040 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere, bin. 1505 Farnam. Teleuhons P. :s4. H. Phll- DU LAUNDRY. OMAHA Stetin Laundry; ehlrta. 7c; collars. 2c; cuffb. 4c. 1730 Leavenwortli. Tel. 317. 912 CARPENTERS AND .lOlinERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochlltreu. 2flti nnd Lake Sts, 3,0 ACCORDION PLEATINCL AUUJiiuiu.N pleating, cueaiicsi, uesi, naicK-, est. Mrs a. aiar:t. s. a. i.or. i,tn and Farnam. -943 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED Julia Vaughn. 4: 10 Rainse Btdg. -939 PORTO Pop-alar Tours RICO Feb. 10. .March i. lllns- tratrd program: day. all .xpeuses. $19H. Raymond & Whllcomb,l03Adams St. .Chicago CO VEHN.MENT NCTIC1 CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE. Omaha. Neb.. Februarj 14, 1901. Sealed proposals. In trlpllcute. subject to tho usual conditions, will be received here until 2 o'clock p. m., February 13. 1901. and then opened. In the presence of attending bid ders, for twenty-live (25) cavalry horses--10 for Fort Reno, 8 for Fort Sill. 6 for Fort Riley; nnd thirty-one (31i artillery horses for Fort Riley. U. S. reserves right to re ject any or all proposuls, or any part thereof. Blank forms for bidding nnd cir cular giving full information and require ments will be furnished on application to this office. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals for Horses" and addressed to F. H. HATHA WAY. Chief Q. M. F16-1S-22-23 M LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notlco Is hereby given that the regulur annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held , at the nfflco of said company in Lincoln. .-v-u,, ui ii i, ciuciv u. jij., uii uiv qui uay ui March, A. D. 1901. By order of the Board of Directors. Lincoln, Neb,. February 4, lfoi, C. H. MORRILL. President A. B. MINOR. Secretary. F5d30t RAILWAY TIME TABLE. UNION PACiriC-"THE OVER Is It I "lonte" General Offices. N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnain hUtets, City Ticket Office. 32J rui:iiu Hmsh ioiiiione, win. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. 1 eiepnvoc, vw. icAve, Arrive, a 7:30 pm The Overland Limited.. a 8:C0 am The Chicago-Portland Special a "0 am The Fast Mall a :30 am The Mall and Exptess,.all:23 pm Lincoln. Beatrice and n 7:30 pm a -:23 pm 1:25 pm Stromiburg Express. .b 4:03 pm b:30 pro The Atlantic Express... Grand Island L.icai h S:30 nm a 6:50 am a Dally, b Dallv except Sunday o am WABASH RAILROAn.. Ticket Omce. 1413 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. De. not. Tenth and Marcy sts Telephone. a. Leave. Arrli- 6t. I-ouIa "Cannon Ball" Kijreu a 5:15 pm a 1:20 am I I II II.W TIME TUII.ES. FREMONT, ELK HORN MlM'.nrt V'jlly Railroad - ' The N jrthwetetn Line'' -General JlUces. t'nlied Slater Njtlonal Bank Bids . . W. Corner n.l I'ftrtfaln SIS. Ticket Ullke, 14n Karnam St. Tel S61. De- pot, 15th and Sts. Tel. 143S, lo. Arrive. 1 it. Black Hills, Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3.00 pm Wyoming. Casper nnd Douglas . .. ... ...d 30 pm Hnsunits. Vor, David C ity, Superior Geneva. Lxeter anu sewrd ..b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont t 7:30 am Lincoln. Wahoo and . t remont b 7:30 nin a 5.0) pm e P:00 pm b 5:00 pm bl0:23 am b 10:23 am i remont Local c 7:30 am r Dally b Dallv eeept Sunday, o Sun day only, d 'lally except Saturday. Dally except Manual. CHICAGO A NORTH western Railway 'Ths Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ortlce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone. Ml Depot, Tenth ami Marcy Sts. Telephone M. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago SpO' a 7:00 am all:30 pre a am Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm t.Rstorn Express. De Moines, M&r3haIltown, r nanus una Chicago .. al0:55 am Eastern Special, Chi- rago r.nd a 4;sj Dm Fan Mail, Chicago to a 4:03 pm a 4:(6 pm n 2:43 ptm n S .1,11 a 8:3u am a 1:3 j pm Onmha-i hp ago L'l'd a 7:43 pm Cedar Rap, as rasie'tiiVr a Dally. BIOl'X CITY Ac PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Offices, United States National Bank Bulldtnu. S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd tAirn.-im Hla Tllr Ofilcc. 14J1 Farnam St. Telephone 561, De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Tclepnone G2. r. , Leave Arrive. Twin City Express i fl:55 am nl0:23 pm I w.ii tit;. Limited , a 7..'3 pm il.V1.iuim Sioux City Loc-U u $.00 am a 3:50 pm a Daily. CHICAGO. ST PAUL.. Minneapolis & Omnha Railway "The North western Line" General Ofllccs. Nebraska Dlvl slon, 15th and Webster Sis. City Ticket Office. Telephone, Cel. Depot, nnd Webster Sts. Leave, a CM am Arrive, a 9:10 pm nJLiO am Twin CHy I'BKsej'ssr umuna ai-son,.cir Blouv City & Norfh- cast Nebraska a 3:45 pm a Dally. BURLINGTON & MIS eourl River Railroad "The Burlington Route General Ottlces, North west Corner Tenth and Furunm Streets. Ticket Olllco 1502 Fnrnam Street. Telephone, 250, Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 12S. i.eave, . Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a $:10 am a 7:33 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo rado. Utah. Caltfornlu.a 4:2S pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln & D'aek Hills, a 9 00 pm n. 6:45 am Montana ruget Sjund..a 9.00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fntt Mall b 3.00 pm a 9:17 am Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a S:40 am bll :53am Denver. Colorado, Utah ana California a J. 15 am South Bend, Louisville, Plattf rnnjth b 3:35 om bll:05 am Ft. Oroo:c. I'tnttsmouth and Pacific Junction.. a. 7:00 pm a 6:20 am Bellevue, FJattsmouth and Pacific Junction. ,al2:10 am a Dally, b Dally e:;cct)t Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Oulncv Rallrnnd "Th Burlington Routo" Ticket umce lot's t arnam street. Telephone. 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason street. Telephone, 12s. Leave. ArrK Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am a!0:15 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm n 7M5 am Chicago Local Eaprcsj.n n:30 am a :C5 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall 2:5 pm a uiuiy. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO reph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 250. Depot, Tenth anu Vinson sircis. Tele phone. 12$ Leare. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:20 am a 6:25 pm Kansas City Night Ex..ain:39 pm a C;15 am St. Louis Flyer for t Joseph unu ht LouIs..a 5:10 pm all:15 a a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- - ucnerai unices and aickbi unices, southeast Corner 14th and Douglas ci3 icicpuone, jvi. uepot. Leave. Ariive. Kf. T.ntils nnd Kansas cuy JSxntcsM aiviuu am a a nm K. C, St, L Express. ..alOuO pm a 6:15 am Leave from 13'n and Webster Streets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4.10 pm al0:45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. .H1CAGO. ROCIC ISL end & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route" City Ticket Ofllce. 1323 Far n?m Telephone. -M. Dopot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Tele- -.o,LcaV8' Arrive. EAST. Des Moines and Daven port Local a 7:25 nm bll:35 am Chicago Express bll:l5 am a '() am Des Moines Local pn, . D Chicago Fast Express., a -d0 pm a 1:23 nm Des Moines, Rock Xs " nnd t-nd Chlcago..ii 7:40 pm a 9:35 pm Lincoln, Colorado Spss., Denver. Pue'ola and yc!it. - v, , v J- 1;30 pm a 4:15 pra Coloindo,. Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:30 am a Dally b Dally -xrept Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE Cl St Paul Rallway-Clty Ticket Office. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone, 2S4 Depot. Tenth and Mason Stieets, Telephone. C2). Leave. Arrlv Chicago Limited Ex. ...a 0:W pm a 8:03 um Chicago Xc Omaha Ex..b7:l3am b 3:10 pm a Dally, b DalU- except Sunday. OMAHA ifi'l. LOUIS RAIL, road -Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Routo" Ticket Of flee. 1415 Farnam St. Tolo ihone. 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy btrcets. Telephone. C29. Leave. Arrive. dt. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:L pm a $:20 am Kanns City and Qulncy Loral a 7:09 am a 9:00pm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-CIty Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Stmt. Telephone, 213. Depot. Tenth ami Marcy Street . Leave. Arri. Chlraen ExnrfS . a :ou am all:29 pm , a 7:45 pin u fM .tin St. b 7:00 am b 9:40 pra a 7:45 pm a 8:VJ am from b 4:30 pm a 5:15 aro 'rjm Chicago Limited ., Mlnntanolis and Paul J2xnrcBS ... Minneapolis and Paul 1 imlted .... Fort Dodge Local Council Bluffs .., Fort Dodye Local Council mum a 6 O) um a Dully, b Dallv txceut Sunday, NO DELAY ON CHALLENGER ProitrresK So it III il 'I'll nt La u ii eh l'u',IIiln Eni'ly In April. la (t.Yp.. iig',.. by Pices Publishing Co. ULAFCIOW, Feb. 17. (New Yoik World Cablegram -Special Telegram,) The report of the delay In tho construction nf the challenger Is unfounded. The keel is bronze, in sections, and bolted together. Lead was run Into these sections and tb keel plntrs and frames were attached. Progress U no rapid that a launch Is pos sible early In April, Clyde yachtsmen as sume that the New York Yacht club's du clalon on a firing start Is negatived. 1 101 Farnnm St 15th A IMtLWAUtia i x wzyvx J WOMAN'S REGARD FOR TRUTH Judge Waterman of Obic&go Baiiet Interfiling- Queition, in HE GOES ON RECORD AGAINST FEMININITY .Indues of Hie I. urn I Courts, In Nenrly r.ioiy Instiitipc, liiillnntly Hull? to Defense of Woiiilin'n Vernell) . Is woman less truthful than man" If she more likely to bo swayed by prejudice? Is she more apt to fancy true that which aha would like to have title? In which Is the aenso of Imagination tho more fully developed man or woman? In short, H I possible for womau to tell the trutn. tire whole truth and nothing hut tho truth? Theso are rmesllons Mvhicb. lawyer m Omaha aud all parts of tho United Status havo been discussing ulnce Judgo Waterman of Chicago expressed the opinion that women arc not rrllable wltncsst s and the victims of Inianlnatlon. Judge Waterman had the temerity to give expression to these views in grnntlug a new trial In n casu which hinged on the testimony of two women. .Mrs. i:iln,bcth Smith brought action oealnst Karl Eltel to reiover damages on account of his failure to purchase a certain amount of securities In accordance with an alleged contract. Eitel .denied tho contract and introduced a written document to sup port his testimony. Two women witnesses sworo that such n contract was made. De cision was given lu favor of the plaintiff. but tho Judge granted n new trial. Tho reasons for ills action were summed up In the following statement' "Tho decision was based largely upon tho testimony of women. Tho cvldenco of one written document In of more weight than the oral testimony of a dozen wit nesses, particularly where women aro con cerned as witnesses. Though women nre undoubtedly upon a higher moral plane than men. they nro not as reliable upon tho witness stand. It seems thnt women nre of a inoro Imaginative nature, and, though It la no doubt unintentional, they como to bcllevo as truo what they at first only Imagined nnd maintnln tholr belief In spite of all argument against It." Relative to tho question which has arisen from Judge Waterman's decision the local Judiciary fciid sovcral representative women ot Omaha havo expressed opinions as follows: Mrs. Gcorgo W. Hoobltr I see no reason why women aro not as good witnesses as men. In fact. I think thoy nre more apt to tell tho truth. They aro less given to dodg ing questions which they do not care to answer. Women tno woria over aro more pious than men. They are free from many of tho shnrp practices which men lenrn In tho business world. Only last week I hap pened to hear testimony lu a case which was being tried In an Omaha court. A man nnd his wlfo testified In the case. The man's memory failed htm on points which tho attorneys were very anxious to Investi gate. It was almost Impossible to eet him to tell anything. When tho wife was put on the stand she told In a straightforward way all that she knew about the matter. A short tlmo tgo I had my first experience on the witness stand and can readily under stand why people become confused on the stand. The questioning of skillful lawyers Is enough to make one nervous. Women are of a more highly strung nervous tem perament than men and It may be contended that they aro more excitable. However, 1 believe that the average man gets excited when lawyers flro questions at him. I have great faith In tho Judgment and piety of womankind, If I were to be tried for some great crime I should prefer to havo my fato entrusted to a Jury of six women ana six men than to ono mado up entirely of men. In my opinion, It Is unfair to say that men arc better witnesses than women, it is a sex discrimination which cannot bo sup ported with reason. NutliliiK Wrong: iltli Women. Mrs. Campbell Fair Although I have never had any experience In court and do not know what sort of witnesses women make I see no reason why their testimony should bo any less reliable than that of men. Women are as truthful as men. They aro better Judges of human nature, and I have always noticed that they arrive at conclusions more rnpldly and with as great accuracy es men. llakri Judge Fore nnil Aft. Miss Mary Falrbrother A man who gave Buch a charge to a Jury has neither a Judl rial nor legal mind. He evidently Judges tho sex by one woman he thinks ho knows. There are women end men of the sort he describes it Is not a matter of eex, hut ot mentality, and the fact that all of the schemes for perpetual motion have been evolved by men would lead one to think that the faculty of seeing thlngB as you wish to see. regardless ot facts, Is a masculine u.ual lty to a greater degreo than It Is feminine. If tho Judge knows his business, really, he would know that when cvldenco Is ad mltted and the witness unlmpeached, It must bo taken as given and considered by the Jury, even if tho witness Is a lunatic The time to establish the witness' compe tency Is before, or at tho tlmo tho testi mony Is offered, not after It has been ac cepted. Opinions aro not evidence, and as facts are, nnd facts alone. It does not mat ter about opinions ex:ept when one Is nn expert. Tho Judge certainly got things cllgbtly mllxed nud supposed tho court was a session of the Philosophical society. 11ns No Opinion to Offer. Judge C. T. Dickinson Tho veracity of women as witnesses Is a question that 1 do not care to discuss. Champion of Women. Judgo Jacob Fawcett V.'hcn the teitl mony of a woman conflicts with that of i man I will give preference to tho woman's word, excepting whero a womau gives evl dence In a case In which her husband's good name, liberty or llfo Is Involved. A wife will go a great deal further from the truth to protect a husband than a husband will go to protect a wife. Women some times testify falsely while under a strain ot excitement but this Is unintentional on their part and when It occura In my court I always tnko palus to straighten out the ttory of tho excited witness. Frequently women do not understand business and legal parlance, and, not wanting to heray their lKno.vnco, they answer questions that they do not understand nnd In that way they get Into court records v.lth falso statements Summing up the wholo question, I will say that women aro more truthful than men not only In rourt, but In every day life. Women Aro Extrfiutols, Judgo W. W. SlabaugliAs a general proposition women nro more truthful than men. and at the snmo tlmo they are more willing to sacrifice the truth In an endeavor to snvo what U dear to them, Take woman and put her on the witness stand to testify lu a caso whom her son's liberty Is at stake and tho mother's love will get the better of truth every time. Women aro naturally extremists not conservatlv like men. When she tindertakea to do right she goes the limit and that Is why there are so many more women than thero are men actively engaged In charitable nnd philanthropic work. Whon she goes wrong she goes to the extremo In thnt direction social conamons uo not allow bad women the same opportunities to he good at timet that the had men enjoy. When wo speak of the good women, however, we must admit that they adhere to the truth hotter than do tbt food men. If a woman gives false tcstltiir-ny ! l hrrause sh, wants to reach a onnrluslon that is dear io her heart, while :t man generally bear false witness to reach I a conclusion dear to his pocketbeok. tun nn Is I'li'lini'le. J JuJfa Yt W. Ive-.-nt...f t ( frtiA that women aro not as tfood witneises ns men, tv;t I do not ajtrea rtlth Jiulto Wntcrman'a Mattmen' that the te'n reony of women Is dammed br their Imagination and tho like lihood of their faiuyltig thnt things which th:' hatn mly imagined ro realty true. The tutmber of women who ajtpear In court is limited ar.d only a small per tent of fe male witnesses are really rrpMsenlatlto women. On the wlinevj stand women aro mere e.tcttnble than mn. In cno nn at torney Intimates to a woman that aho Is lying flu- is liable to loco her temper and give way to linger In rush a manner that her testimony will ho damaged. And theu most women wnnt to talk too much on th stand. Tho Insist on etplalnlng things In detail. Hut 1 do not Leltere that the fail ure ot tho avtritRC woman to be a good wit ness can be charged to anything but her lark of builness experience and hor unfit -mlllarlly with courts. It certainly should not be said that women do not desire to tell the truth. In my opinion there are some women and some men who go on the stand with the tntentlou ot falsifying. The percentage) of women who Intentionally give falso testimony U probably as great as th" rcrcentaee of malo witnetses who willfully lie nn the ntand. I believe that there aru cry few persons who deliberately He lu court. I ngree with Judge Waterman's stntoment that ono written document Is worth more In evidence than the testimony ot a dozen witnesses, regardless of whether the witticstes nro men or women. The memory of the average man or woman Is very treacherous, and a written document s preferable to any amount of oral testi mony. Indue linker's Idnn. Judge Din S. Baker A woman makes a Letter I In r than a man because she can stick to n falso sfory longer and with a greater bowing of sincerity. Generally speaking. however, women nro truthful and their evi dence in court Is regarded as reliable, but there aro some wsravn, Just the samo ns thero ato Rome men, who will commit per jury. 1 don't think a woman Is any raori apt to bo tarried away from tho truth by Imagination than a man Is. They possess uo peculiar faculty that enables thtm 'n maglne that a Ho is tho truth. Sexes Are Ctiunl. Judge Lee S. Estclle Men aud women aro alike In veracity. A good, conscientious woman will r. I ways tell tbo truth and a woman whoso conscience Is seared and gone will Ho Just as readily as a man who Is without conscience. I don't believe woman's Imaginative powers nro as great as man's and for that reason I fall to see how- her veracity could be affected by her Imagina tion. Imaginative genius was exemplified In men like John Bunyon and Dante nnd history never produced n woman to equal them In Imagination. Thero Is such a thing as woman's Intuition a woman can Intui tively reach n conclusion and bo right, while a man can get to a correct conclusion only by reasoning. Tho superior Intuition of women, however, docs not lead them into relating falsehoods, excepting In rare In stances. A woman's nervous system Is moro sensitive than a man's and when she appears In court she Is more easily con fused, but It In her confusion she answers falsely It Is because she has not understood the questions and not because she wants to Be. ViiiKonliiilrr's Miasonrl Clilvuliy. Judge D. M. VInsonhalcr I have not had much experience with women witnesses In the county court, but as far as my experi ence has gone It has given mo a very fa vorablo impression nf the women, I don't recall n single Instance of a woman testify ing falsely In my court. I believe women aro more scrupulous thnn men in truth and honor. I nm from Missouri. Moral Aro Finer. Rev. Mary Glrard Andrews I believe that women usually havo a much keener moral sonse of veracity than have men, but the fact remains that they nre not so explicit In thrlr statements and therefore may be moro easily confused than tho avorago man. But this of course would not bo from any Intention of falsifying on their part. A woman possessing a thoroughly disciplined mind Is Just ns rcllnblo on tho witness stand as a man. Whllo I wns In public work for n number of years I often visited court rooms for tho purpose of boarlng testimony In noted cases end listening to tho pleading of the attorneys, nnd I have heard many straightforward testimonies from women. I noticed, too, that many at torneys take advantage of women's Inex perience In such mattors and confuse them willfully. Tho only time 1 wns over placed upon tho witness stand was when a young girl. It was In an Important civil suit and I had no difficulty whatever In telling the whole truth accurately. Afterward I wui highly complimented by tbo Judge for the clearness of my testimony. rhlciiK" Jndun t.'ufulr. Miss Edith Tobltt Judge Waterman's statement that women are of a more Im aginative nature than men seems to mo to bo unfair. Men and women nre very much allko In point of Imagination. I have reason to bcllevp that there are Just as many extremely imaginative men as women. Although I know but little about courts and tho manner In which people conduct them selves on tho witness ntand, I meet many ruen and women In my dally work and have ru opportunity to read character. Take men and women ot tho same class, who hnve had the same environment nnd educa tion, nnd It will be found that they aro much alike. Tho unfamlliarlty of many women with business methods and the ways of the commercial world may unfit them for glvlug testimony, but I do not believe that they should ho chargod with having moro vivid imaginations than men. "When I wa prostrated with grip and my heart and nerves were In bad shape. Dr. Ml!es' Nervine and Heart Cure gavn me new life and health," Mrs. Geo. Coll, niffis. 111. Colonel W. Thomas Itnrt n. fliilotde. BOISE, Idaho, Fob. 17. Colonel W. Thomas Hart committed sulcldo by Jump ing from a freight train into tho Snako river while the train was crossing a bridge nrnr Huntington, Colonel Hart wns one of tho most widely known mining men and promoters In tho northwest TO CURE THE JIIU Adi lee of a Famous l'liyalolnn. First and foremost, REST. TaVo rare nf yourself. Your already weakened nerves want res', and must have It it the attack Is severe, go to bed and remain there. Moro fatalities result from neglect ot this precaution than from any other cause Eat sparingly, lour digestif e organs aro In no condition to take care ot large quan tities ut food. Drlnlt plenty of pure, cold waiir. jt Rj. lays the fever, stimulates the kidneys to action and opens up the pores of the skin. Keep the bowels open with Dr. Miles' Nerto and Liver Pills. Take throe dotes of Dr. Miles' Nerrlna per day, and If you cannot sleep take an extra dose at bedtime. To further control the fever and to overcomn the peculiar aches and pains of grip, ut Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. They act quickly nnd effectually and no bad effects result from their un. These remedies have been thoroughly tested more than a million times and their sfn clency lo thoroughly estsbllsbel. They never fall to give relief, Dr. Miles' Remedies can be found t any drug store, and they are sold on a porltlva guarantee that first bottle or package bens Sts or money refunded.