12 TIIK OIMAI.A DAILY liJElC: SUNDAY, FEBKUAHY J 7, 1901. IN lA(M I .N CJ IIP Tilt: T VII, OH .M ADII. . rrr C'ltilli 'ntiiiuc(i of Hit- I'nol Drcnil.- I, out lo llil. NKW YORK. I'cb. 15. The tallor-mndo cown Is a nilsnomor; except for the sport ing habit there l no such thing as a tnllor-mndc costume. As this first spring of tho new century develops Its fashions, the compact, dark-lined, manly little toilet of ycre Is more and more lost to sight under strange fallals and fancy furbelows that nover were n part of the tnllor-made suit proper. Let any reader who doubts this state ment cast her critical eye over the four wlnsomo little frocks that ihe capable art ist has given In every detail, but tho color, this week. There Is no cutting animad versions at this Munrtettc, becaunu the mill THE WAY SPR1NU WAISTCOATS WILL. HE WORN", of fashion can grind out nothing moro chaste In conception nnd detailed feature. Study No. 1 Is absolutely fresh from the studio of nn artist who dresses tho women whose clothes nru almost like a famous con fectioner's bon-bons, "fresh every hour." Tho goods Is lizard green French broad cloth, and the skirt with edges of tho bolero coat Is "enhanced," ns tho technical dressmakers say, with a flat light green satin finished braid that looks In truth like a heavy fold of satin. Sensibly cuough Is the coat cut very short, affording thereby n liberal, display of territory, covered by a snug waistcoat of heavy pale green nrmuro silk picked out In dark green knots. A double row of beautiful antique silver but tons glitter on tho waistcoat, and In their design they are huj. mlnluturo reproduc tions of the four largo enrved silver but tons showing on lapels nnd cuffs. Abovo lho waistcoat a yoke and .collar of heavy cream colored Dutcll Inccols laid over tho light green silk lining, and these s.imo ma terials form tho long, close undorslecves. A Don Cnrlos hat, composed of lizard green chcnlllo worcn with satin straw, one long black ostrich plume, nnd n big golden hearted rose laid agalust tho hair, Is the fitting crown to this ideal spring costume. t'lllirlCN (UlN-I-Hlt'OVCM. Equally Interesting, picturesque and con clusive as proofs of tho truth of the argu ment put forth nt the beginning of this nrtlcln nrn tho two gracious tollota of tho double-column sketch. Tho gown to the left Illustrates tho charm of tho Charles II iinderslcevu. Indeed, tho wholo gown Is significant of the restoration period, when enped rcdlngotes were worn nnd flounces for tho wrist were eight to ten Inches deep, flawing from under a prodi gious cuff. Two copies of this model were displayed by the obliging dressmaker, who confessed that one was mndo for 'tho daughter of a millionaire, tho other for a pretty young matron of very moderate menus. The first was a pastel brown ladles' cloth trimmed with dull mocha brown satin ribbons, a wldo collar of heavy, specially tinted Vene tian point, threaded with sliver. Mocha brown needlework outlined tho coat's edge nnd tho skirt's grams nnd tho vest nnd nndersleevcs were of Very deep cream liberty tissue. The less expensive costume was In sailor bluo summer cloth, trimmed with a high clear shado of green, cream laco and cream chiffon. Tho hat for tho second study had n rucho brim of cream crlu and a crown of closely-massed pluk roses, for It Is nmaztng to soo tho Impatience with which tho milliners herald lho spring. Vel vet and felt shnpes weru cast aBlde tho end) of Jnnuary, and nothing hut tulle, chiffon, mohair nnd ecru Is now seen on heads that are held high, A pure white mohair lint, stiffened with gold braid and bright with rosy garden queens, will flit nbout cheerily In a snowy landscape, Its wearer on calling bent nnd wrapped In furs to the tip of her pink nnno. A Harmon)- In I'lirplrr:. Tho companion frock to tho one Just de scribed Is In every senso a spring toilet.. Amethyst colored covert cloth Is the ex cellent goods of which It Is built, and this Is garnished with broad black silk moss braid finishing, either edge of wido orna-' mental bands of pierced and embroidered silk that shows through Its florlnted do slgn n black taffeta lining. Hclow this ornrmental bnnd tho skirt takes on a flounce-llko fullness, which is stiffened with stltchlngs In heavy black silk twist, rnlest lilac crepe do chlno forms tho front of tho waist, over which tho short coat, toatquo Is fastoncd by violet velvet straps cnught with tiny amethyst buckles. A lint of stitched cream-colored sill;, crowned with a. huge- dauble-potnled pansy of purple panno, sIiowb one of tho ecccntrlo shapes that tho latest French chapenux are as suming. To tho really expert dressmaker all things ro' possible. She will piny tho most amaz ing pranks with tho deMgns of gowns, at tempt tho most daring combinations, and yet hold truo to the ffllth of her profes sion, which commands that grace and nov elty shall move hnnd In hand. Now, could all precedent, as to tho proper lines for the s "Strong and hearty mnw nt fimuia r limn v(ht jbbbbbbbbb ino joy ot a new arrival in the Jnmily is usu ally overcast by the shadow of the pain and dis comfort the expectant mother must bear. If bho knew of nnd used "MOTHER'S FRIEND," tills would be nil dispelled. Toll yourfricnus about it, as being a simple liniment, -xpluslvcl' for external use. that relaxes the muscles so that pain and sufleringare II will t MM by eipiesl , paid on receipt o( 'pile. 1.0O per .. haurhl it mivmtlble i)rua:iUu. lliH,k. " Moluti. hood." muled iret. conulnln ttatiUa adnca lu iputt mot . to. npm gUi I tolj Ar rr Tffa2 BllADKIKI'D IlKfJULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ha, 'UVlUt't rinM" THE DOMAIN Of WOMAN, feminine form divine, seemingly be more boldly cast aside than In the fourth gown of the series that Illustrates this text? And yet there Is no doubt that the result is n feather In the cap of the Parisian nr tlst who designed It. He has used black peau do cygne, r sill: as rich and thick as satin, but softer In tono and quality, for the princess slip upon which n beautiful cloudy gray broadcloth Is hung. Oray silk heavily worked In black and silver threads decor ates the hips, shoulders and forms the revers for cuffn and coat. I Violet fur tln Drnfl (liieni. Hccausc of Queen Victoria's death thero has emanated from sympathetic Paris n fashion for wearing countless variations of purple and violet In combination with black and white. Wondrous black and white foulards are slashed open laterally at knees and hips to admit broad-waved cntve deux of black chantllly, to show beneath ilch violet taffeta under robes. Violet cloth gowns ni braided In black nnd white and worn with Binart black taffctn coats, while violet straws, wreathed only with blue, white and rich purple violets, minus their green foliage, will be tho most popu lar combination for use with the blact: nnd white foulards and gray cheviot serges. Looking forward one can easily see how enthusiastically women will greet tho charming (lowered bareges with which the merchants tiro alluringly draping their show windows. Novelty lovers declare that the bareges arc destined to tnko tho place of the challlcs, though ho far we have only seen tho newcomers In pale colors, deli cately flowered over with clematis, lilac nnd small, bright blossoms, that suggest gaidcn parties and gatuo ribbons rather than the nll-around ocrvlce for which foulards nnd challtes are dear to the fem inine heart. If tho shopkeepers can read tho signs and omens of dross aright we are going to bo liberally festooned with ribbons luter on. Striped and (towered and frlugcd and bullion-braided ribbons, velvet ribbons, batlsto ribbons, satin-edged, silk mohnlr ribbons, glace taffeta ribbon, and charm ing gauzy ribbons, velvet-edged, are Just a few of the varieties gathered under the head of spring stock, and the women nre buying with avidity. MARY UKAX. A IIIVAI, IX TIIH riKI.II. Ilenv lho Doctur'n Wife Simtnliiicl II In Itepiilntlon. Our heroine Is the wife of n doctor. They were murrlcd three months ago, relates the Detroit Freo Press, and for a long while prior to that event it had been Impressed upon her by dally lessons that she must help her husband In all his undertakings, for ho had his professional nnme to mnko nnd his fortuno to build. Recently he hod an Imperattvo call to his old homo In West Virginia ami must bo gono nt least four days. He left his little practice In tho hnnds of a friend, but did not consider thn remote contingency of new patients, Tho first night of his nbsenco there wns a great banging and ringing nt tho door. Sho slipped Into a wrapper, hurried down and boldly admitted one big man support ing nnothor. "Piscncd," announced the supporter, "doped, knocked out, or suthln'. Whcro's tho doc?" "I'm the doctor," sho said, without mov ing n muscle, and when the spokesman turned to leave wljh his charge, vowing that he wouldn't havn "no woman doctor," sho firmly told him to puTthat mau right on the loungo. There was no time to lose, though sho knew that both were drunk, nnd tho only difference was in the degree of intoxication. Her "bossy" ways pre vailed; she gave the patient n pint of siz zling mustard tea, and when ho was bet ter ndmlnlstered n liberal prescription of whisky containing n spoonful of red pepper. Ho thought It great and wanted his chum to have some, but accepted n curt refusal, swore that she had Baved his life and paid her $7 Instead of the $3 sho asked. She went out nnd bought patent medicine for the grip, put It In unlabeled packages and had n great run as a successful spu- clnllst. Sho vaccinated eight school chil dren, took a case of chronic dyspepsia, bandaged a sprained wrist for nn old wo man nnd delighted n venerablo victim of the gout by giving him sherry wino to "first tone up his system." When tho doctor enmo homo he wns frightened, Jealous nnd do llght'ed. cop.vriiY COLl, VHS. llt'llKl'Ifiil Sl)lf of ,etk Dt'cxhliiti; for Suninirr OntliiK". Today every shlrtwnlsted woman dresses hor nock to plen3o herself, llefore the coun try migration begins high silk ur.d linen stock of endless varieties will play tlwlr valuable part, to bo tubstltuted by charming flat neck decorations In the easy privacy of tho country. Nearly nil tho high collars are made of wuBh goods, linen, for example, In tho most tender and artistic shades of rasa and green and buff and bluo, nnd thoy nre stitched Mjl embroidered and fretted with lace, and eventually innds Into surprisingly pretty and valuable acceisorles of tho tollot. Two ex amples of the choker variety aro sketched In tho group of pretty shirtwaist "flxln's." Ono is a turquolre bluo linen scarf Lpecklcd in small embroidered black dots nnd folded nbout a high stitched utock of cream colored linen, The other Is a stitched red linen hoy, is it, rr31fe 2 ywui unknown. FOUR STYLES OF SPRING COLLARS. winged fttiv k with n hlnck ntln scarf folded about Its base, knotted on (ho bust nnd finished with red embroidered points. The winged stoelci lieve outlived their winter vogi'c nnd will grnco tunny fair throats slialght thrctish the summer. Ths cxnmple given here Is trimmed by the new code y it li tiny pearl buttons sewed on the upper edge of the two outstanding .ing. Turning from these tnll oddities we will find true summer comfort In tho lace and linen lampshade and sailor colors. On a hot dny n tight, toll neckband Is n gilev-' ous yoke to bcur, but n lampshade shaped TWO BEFURI1EL0WEI) TAILOR MADE circle of yellow cluny, ecru Irish or coarso gray Prussian lace, threaded with ribbons tbat mutch the stripes in one's shirtwaist and fastened up the front with bows of the same, Is n thing of grnce nnd n cool com fort. Hardly less attractive Is a broad sailor of leaf green linen, rolling back from n round, white throat upon white plque clnd shoulders nnd showing n soft liberty sntln ribbon striped green nnd whlto knotted nt the base of tho collar. One of the potent churms of theso new collars la their adaptability to amateur Imitation, nnd their' evolution-or variation by force of amateur Ingenuity. No woman with oyes, appreciative of color nnd fingers capable of threading n needle would think for n moment of buying her shlrtwnlst col lars. First she buys her llneu or lnwn or glnghnm, sets Its color and shrinks Its fiber In n bath ot cold salt water, nnd tho result Is mere simple stitching nnd fitting. Dollies nnd tea cloths havo been evicted from work baskets lo make pluco for scraps of colored cotton, linen nnd silk, to be wrought Into ne?ktlcs that havo little rcady mode lace butterfly wings set In their ends, or lho edges arc doublo hemstitched or peppered with flat French knots. Ono amateur haR originated n highly popular species of tic that Is drnwn In two four-in-hand knots, one nt tho neck, the other on tho bust, nnd tho nrrow-head ends nre pieced nnd filled In with drnwnwork de signs done In coarso yellow llnon thread. CAI'TM A TIN' (5 SHIRTWAISTS. t'uroi'Ki-liilili- l.c.snon Ailinliilslerri lo .Mftiitiliict urci'N, Thero Is no gcnulno shirtwaist weather yet, but womankind In evidently determined to bo equipped for tho plensant season when It does come. Pettlconted purchasers now stand three deep about tho counters where the new cotton blouses nre displayed. Shirt manufacturers have learned to cater to every taste by producing no less than n dozen varieties of this Invaluahlo garment, ranging from tho perfectly plain percale and duck 'o the most uxtravngnntly em broidered nrgandlo and fancifully trimmed ellk madrna garments. There is no tendency to relnaugurato tho use ot tho stiff whlto linen collnr. Contrasting and fanciful nci.k tles hang cheek by Jowl with tho shirts, and no woman can escape the lilnf. Sleuves, ns Is only natural, nro Inclined to the bishop shnpe, to wrist puffs or double cuff effeele, LEADINU MODELS and hoaoms still pouch a little and hang In soft fullness. Last autumn, when the ncw.flnnnal waists were put on the counters, tho women who rushed In to buy turned away In disgust, for tho manufacturer had daringly tried to force a tight fitting shirt. Tho sacrificial tales of tight flannel shlrtwnlsts now forced nt the retail shop, have Impressed the mer chants with n sense of their own helpless ness' in choosing the mode, nnd among tho percale, and toll du nord, nnd brown batiste nnd colored French linen shirts not one bnnquo-hko model l seen. Pretty sailor blouoea uro evidently going to play n part this spring, for dozens of chnrmltig whlto nnd rolored cotton . examples nre being bought up eagerly. A sketch Is given of n coarse steel bluo linen blouse of this varloty, opening over n vest of finely tucked whlto linen mid decorated with big white cut pearl buttons. , A rival to this Is the shirt of soft toll du nord, decorated with collar, cuffs, a tiny OOWNS, SHOWING DEPARTURE FROM THE yoke and broad front band of exceedingly coarso cream linen lace edged with a nar row crenm linen braid, and a third notlcc ably popular model Is mndo of gingham In blue, brown, red or green embroidered In dots of n contrasting color nnd made up with embroidered hnnds that echo the two colors In the material Itself. Tho observant woman who visits thn shirtwaist counter cannot fall to be Impressed with the pres ent predominance of small tucks over gatlipm ns a means of throwing Just the desired fulness into n shirt's bosom. One pretty body depleted hero is com pletely tucked In groups of two on sjceves ns well ns bosom, nnd tho cuffs and collar nro stiffly stitched nnd further decorated with groups of brilliant opalescent pearl buttons. Passing from Ibn stout nnd serviceable colored cotton shirts with their linen laco garnishments, we como to tho exquisite Imported blouses of white lnwn, ns fine as fountain spray, frosted with tho rarest needlework, and set on yokes of tho palest Eky blue, aqua-marine green nnd pastel rose organdie. Yoke nnd body nro put together with bending, nnd then tho ncedloworkod sprays, pctnls and vines nro picked In. Last season the handsomest of the heavier white shirts wero linen, pique or flno naval drill embroidered In dots nnd sprays; this Bprlng n rich whlto but perfectly pliable linen with nlmost n damask glazo on Its surfaco Is tho proper goods. It Is heavily embroidered In n closo and claborato de sign, between lines of the ridgy needlework tho linen Is cut out nnd this superb goods mnkes the proper shirt to wear with beau tiful whlto pique, serge and duclc skirts. T.IIILS I.CAIt.M.Xr. OAnPUNTHY. Ou( of n "Wliolo i'liiNN Only One linn Injured UTNelf iim Yd. Femnln students of tho State Normal school nt Ilnltlmoro who participate In the sloyd class at tho school completely dis prove tho old saying that "a woman cannot drlvo n nail straight." Tho young women of the class not only drlvo nails, but handle saws, planes and other carpenter tools with ii dexterity that would shamo tho awkward- 1 ncs of ninny mon. The wholo system of i education by sloyd teaching means to com j bine Intellect with the handtrnlnlug, and I educators tho world over nro Interested In ! " Tho sloyd room la tho basement of tho FOR WASH FAURICS. Normal school Is really a well-equipped carpenter shop. It contains about n dozen sloyd or carpenter benches, and a complete equipment of nil varieties of carpenter tools Ucturc taking up this part ot tho work the puplla are Instructed to mould certain ob jects, nnd do work In paper folding. This elementary part of the work Is rcnlly very complicated. Working plans nre made of ai the work, Then comes cardboard work forming flgurcB out of pieces of cardboard, repre'cntlng gecmetrlcnl solids. After thlt preliminary work lho pupils nre Introduced to tho enrpentor shop. They dliplny some little nwkwnrdncss nt first, hut soon be come skilful In bundling the tools, and be come Intensely Interested In the work. Only ono girl has Injured herself thin far, nml that happened htcnuso of n shaving alighting nn her nose. She wan so Intcrcatsd In her work that she thoughtlessly brushed nt It with her knlfo nnd cut her nose. The tint tool handled Is a sloyd knife, with an ordinary blade ntout three Inches long. The MANNISH GARMENTS OF THE PAST. first artlclo made Is a glovo mender, requir ing twenty-two steps In tho making, The next article Is n seed slick, Introducing the use of the plane, and requiring eight dif ferent steps. Thus dlfforcnt articles ore made, each Introducing her tools, until the use of nil tho tools Is acquired. The pupils work in both hard and soft woods. All work Is shellacked by the students, who, also, do all gluing nnd use sandpaper spar ingly. Tho tools used Include different sizes and SHOWING THE EFFECTIVE USE OP PER SIAN NEEDLEWORK WITH CLOTH OOWNS. varieties of chisels, saws, planes, hammers, mallets, gouges and bqunrcs. Tho middle tnd senior classes participate In the work. Prof. W. C. A. Hammcl Is tho Instructor, Ho has r.tudled sloyd training uudor Swedish teachers nnd planned tho system at tho Stato Normal school. For forty years Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne has stood tho lest for purity nnd its delicious boquet. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER. llmove Tn, rimp'.M, Frecklo, Moth Tatchea, Kaeh and Fkln dl. uieaif. and even iy, uitmini on Beauty, mid uenoo affec tion. It has atood the teat of f,3 yeara, and It to liarmleea we taiti It to be tare 't ! properly made. Accept no counter feit or miliar name, Dr. I.. A flayra tald to u. la dy of the haul-ton (a nat enm "As you Indlci will use them. I recom mend 'GOUItAUD'B CREAM' a a the least harmful of all tho Skin preparations." For sale by all Drugging una Fancy Goods Dealers In tlie U, B. and Rtirope, KUItl), T. IIOIMCINS, Prop'r, BT Orcnt Jones St.. N. V. DtTBurkhart,sWonderfu! OffeT HO DAYS' iREATMENT B..1C Fcnr.j IK l VEGETABIE WMPOUNO. The wholo world pays tilnute to Dr Rurkhart's Vegetable Compound us the purest, cheapest nnd bent remedy for tlin euro of Rheumatism, Mularla. Stomach and all Kidney Diseases, Catarrh, Tired Keel loir In the Morning. Poor Appetite. Rnur, Hick or Illoated Stomuuh. and La Grippe, 11 days' trial free. All drug;lsts. ML f TS r.-1-TVt OH. W. H. IIIIIKIIAKT, riiivliiuntl, o. A VISIT TO THE By JOAN L. BRIGGS. (ALL RUltlTrt RESERVED.) d'oliiK Uiruiiidi l tie ImhiU;iIh In our liii'KO rlttc. mic Is surprWiMl to tUnl Mich a lnrj?i portion of Hit Inmates women, Mini still lutfjier surprised lo lenrn Unit o many of the women tiro lliere on neeouul of ovatiiin troubles,. These women when tliey nre entered nt the hospital all undergo mi exitinlna tlon, wlileli usually results In an opei'iiHon. -Nearly always the operation Is (itieeessrid fioln nu;(it.al or surreal standpoint, whleh means that the woman lives through u, and after a lon; period eonvaleseenee In restored lo par tial strength, whleh must he jniarded by every menus to avoid c train. In this way the woman who lets her trouble make headway pays the penalty of a dannerotiM operation nnd a lifetime of Impaired usefulness. This Is at the very best, while In many cases thy results are far loss favorable,, and oeeaslonally have a fatal ending. These words are not Intended In any way to reflect on the hospitals, whleh are marvelous in their eompleteuess ami eltlclneey .but are truthful stalo ments eoneornliitf fuels well known In professional elrotes. Ovarian troubles are oertnlnly on the lnerense anions the women of this country. They creep upon thejn. una wares and' Indicate their presence nt llrstVby such Insiillleleiit sIriis that the troubles are sometimes well iiIoiik In development before un mistakable symptoms are shown. Ovarian troubles frequently develop from merino troubles, ami Ihe woman who has unnatural manifestations of any kind should undertake itilcl;l to, discover the cause of her mysterious symptoms. No success In the history of medicine dining (he present century has been more pronounced than that of Lydla IJ.rinkhanrH Vepiable Compound In cur iiiK Ovarian and I'terlne troubles. This Is a fact sii.scepllble of accurate and technical proof. While this medicine Mrs. I'lnUham's Is effective against all the Ills of tho reproductive system of women. Hie p-cat nuinliers of letters from women niinoimcinj; cures of ovarian troubles prove with certainty that It Is peculiarly effective In such cae. Many of tho women who have been completely cured by I.ydla K. IMuk ham'H Vegetable Compound were advised that a hospital operation was their only hope. Letting the trouble run along to this stage Is, however.! very dan gerous, and the earlier the disease Is attacked the quicker the cure and the less the hazard to life and health. It Is dlllieulr to overstate the value of Mrs. IMnkham's Medicine for these troubles, but the letters being constantly printed show how certain Its work Is, yet the printed letters are but few compared with the thousands on tile in Mrs. J'lukhani's library at Lynn. Distrust every mysterious pal very dull ache In the side, every back ache and feeling of weakness. When any of these or any other puzzling man ifestations show themselves write, minutely about them lo Mrs. Plnkhain and get her free advice. This advice has kept, many a woman from the hospital and saved many lives. It may save yours. It can be relied upon to the ut termost, for It Is the advice, of experience and success. Hospitals are great Institutions, but they are the court of last resort. Avoid tills fearful tiibunul. Take precautions. Follow the example of thous ands of other women who havo been cured of ovarian troubles by Mrs. I'lnk ham. Write to her for advice. Her address Is Lynn, Mass. SISTER: READ have Leucorrhcii (While), displacement or Knlllnp of the Womb. lr ralnful Periods. Tumors or (Irowths, nddivfls AIHS, M. St'MMHHH, N l . S, A., for the l-reo Treatment and Full Information, Thousnnds .nr,. ti,. .....v. i. ... r v. '.. 1 i"iiu ii in pimn wrappers, TO .MO'IHKHS on iAU(iIITUItS I will explain u simple Homo Treatment which Bpeedll nnd effectually euro Leucorrhcn, Oreeu Sickness and I'alnful nr Irregular SPr11- ". y?,l,'".tf ''"H?"- It will Biive you nnxlnty nnd exiwnhe nnd savo your daughter thn humiliation of explnlninir her troubles to others, lMumiinesn nnd health nlwnys result from Itn use, Wherever yen live I en a refer you to well known Indies of your own stnte or county wlin knovr nnd will kIikIIv tell any sufferer that this Homo Treatment rinlly eiire nil .IImciinoiI fiinillUoiiN of our delicate fcniHlo organism, thornURhty trenKlliciiN relnxeil miiHt'lt-N nnd llifiiinrnt which cause displacement, una rankea women well. Wrlto today, ns this offer will not be mndo iiRnln. Address MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 335, Nortra Dame, Ind., U. S. A. THE FAME OF MME. RUPPERT HAS NEVER IlEEN EQUALLED J1Y ANY OTHER COMPLEXION SPECIALIST The most imitated woman in the wor ltJ Thk Discoverer of Face Ulkacii MME. A. RUPPERT'S RiceT3leach Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW- NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. : : : : : Does not cover tip but removes the blemish. ' RaceT3leach BRIGHTENS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES (he COMPLEXION li Improves a. Good Skin and Worlts Wonders wtth a Bad One. ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. clbsotutet) Harmless and cAliuays Successful. 'i Drop In and aik lo have Mme. Ruppcri'a Fact Bleach ihown to you, and hive Ii merit., manner of using ind wonderful reaultt explained, o you will be lilliflcd It Ii whil you need for your complexion. , Wc always carry a full line of Mmc. A. Ruppert's Oray Hair Reitoratlv, Hgyptlnn Halm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic. Oil! nnd hai-o tholr merit rilnlned tn you. ' Ask for Mmc. Ruppert's book, "HOW TO BR BEAUTIFUL." fREE,. ' KUHN lb CO., T"he Reliable Prescription Pharmacists, , SOLE AGENTS. CITY HOSPITAL MY FREE OFFER. MseWords toSufferart From a Woman of Notre Dame, tnd. I will moll, frc- or cIiiii-ro thin nomn treatment with full Instruction)!, nnd thn history of my own ease to any ladv atiffer I Hi; from female, trouble. You ran rurn ynnrielf nt home nltlmnt nlil of .nny till Vnli'lnli. It' 11 III coal you iiothl.iit to irlve. tho treatment u trial, and If ymi itecldo lo contimio it will only cost vou nbout Inrlvi 'enl n w.iok. It will not Interfero with ypur work or occupation, I Unvc nnthliiK to ncli, Tell other suf ferers of it that Is all I ask. It cures nil, youns or old. If you feel a benrlug-dnwn hoii!ii tlon. Henso or Impending evil, pain In the hack or ImwelH, creeping feeling up the eplne, a desire to cry frequently, hot flashes, wearl- ih'bb, iiniui'Mi ni'sire in urinnie, or ir you l'rnruse. scanty or Notre Dame, Ind., la L.ll- 1 v:""y: """" """" - """- For thirty years a successful career