Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1901, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone 654.
You Can Read Our Ads With Prof
for Summer
Gowns and
Shirt Waists
Tho Lorraine
Mfg. Co., Biun
mer dress goods
for 1901 are bo
yond compari
eon. Tho stylo,
toxturo, color,
inga and dainty
grace of .these exquisite weaves
surpass oven tho products of
world-famous foreign looms.
You will find nothing else for summer
wear no beautiful and nt tho Bamo
time ao acrvlceablo rts Lorrnine
Egyptian Tlnsues, Lorraine Embroid
ered Pineapple Tissues.
Tke prlco In 25c a yard.
New Belts There
is a
variety, belts
may bo an inch
and a half wide
or an men
they are an or-
'dinary straight
bolt, or thoy
may bo cut to
lit tlio curves
of tho new
straight front waists, most of
the bolts have ribbon or che
nille streamers, ending in gilt
, Hem nro some descriptions:
Black patent Leather circular belts, 1J
Inches wide, In back, tapering to 1,
Inch In front, COc each.
AGHXTi ran
Thompson, Belden & CD.
Campaigning in Africa on the "Blow but
Sure" Principle.
Cnlilnrl Minuter l'ntlcntly Wait for
l'rcarnt Tnctlca to llcnr Fruit
n They Dili In
LONDON, Feb. 16. Tho hopes that the
turning point of the war In South Africa
la within Bight, now permeating the edi
torials nnd Inspiring the rnnrkcts, aro prob
ably doomed to disappointment. Tho pa
cification of the Boers, if accomplished,
will bo a Blow matter, which decisive cn
engagemonU can affect but little. The War
offlco has no communications from General
Kitchener such aa settlod forever tho fu
ture of tho Soudan.
Tho heads of Orent Britain's War depart
ment Wtnow no moro than tho public, ex
cept that tho stem, laconic commander of
tho troops In South Africa Is busily en
gaged In BystematlzlnR bin huge forces for
an extended cnmpalgn. In him they trust
implicitly and no nmount of taciturnity
makes their faith waver, though they read
with regret tho reports that the Boers nre
likely to bo soon snuffed out by one or sev
eral engagements. During the months
General Kitchener haB had tbo command in
South Africa ho has been npplylng his en
erRles to preparing for ovents six months
hence rathor than dealing with the emer
gencies of tho present.
Tho secretary of state for war, Sir Wll
Reminded of
An Old Favorite.
Nearly everybody lins rend Doctor
Holmes' poem cm "The Wonderful Ono Hobs
Shay," which, ns you will remember, was
so well built that when It went to pieces
' it went to pieces nil at once, n if it had
been to the mill nnd ground
i I wan reminded of that poem when Mr,
J. B. Kmerton, a well-known citizen ana
business man of Auburn, Maine, told mo,
about a year ago, Unit ho had then rocently
suffered from a complication of troubles
Although he had previously been a well
lie had been suddenly nltllcted, according
tn his own statement, with clyBpopsIa com
' plicated with liver nnd kidney ailments, nnd
you know whero thero nro such ailments
Ihero nro biliousness, constipation, back
ache, nnd what not. But ho had suffered
chiefly from dyspepsia
Uo had had severe pains In tils stomach
which grew worse nnd becamo bo bad he
did not feel llko doing anything except
caring for himself,
And yet when I saw him last spring
which was not long after ho had been so
nltllcted, he wns In the best of health, nnd
he told mo that as soon as he u
his mind that ho had dyspepsia and that
his liver and kidneys needed stimulating
and toning, bo began taking Hood's Bar
xaparllla, nnd' that It proved to be Just
what was needed for lt,eurod him.
This did not surprise 'me, because I knew
what Hood'H Sarsapnrllla had done for
others likewise or similarly ninicted. 1
gives strength nnd activity to the stomach,
, liver and kidneys, nnd Iiuh an unecuialed
record of pcrmnnent cures of dyspepsia
and liver ana Kidney complaints.
it nets on nil tho vital organs through
the blood, which It cleanses nnd makes
rich nnd abundant, nml Is the medicine, as
Mr, Emerlon says, that not only relieves
and cures, but makes one strong" nnd
hearty. All druggists
Present at Bee offlc or mall
coupon with ten centa and get
your choice of Photographic Art
Studies. When orderinjc bjr mall
add four cent ior pontage.
The Bee Publishing Company
Gray and Brown Suede circular Belts, 1
COc each.
Mack Satin Straight Units, a little over
1'4 Inches wide, with rosette nnd five
ribbon Btrenmers, ending with Rllt
spikes, M OO, Jl.Iiu nnd (1.75 each.
Black Velvet Belts, with velvet ribbon
ends, 75c each.
Folded Hatln Belts In Black, with black
and gilt buckles, 1.00 each.
Gilt nnd Sliver Belts at 60c and $1.00
Corsets Our cor
set de
partment is one of
the most popular
in the store. Our
aim is to give com
plete satisfaction'.
For early spring
wo can safely say
we have tho finest
and most complete
lino of corsets ever
shown in Omaha.
Materials, workmanship and shape. All
the standard makes, "Strnlcht fronts"
In different models, Girdles In pretty
fancy shades.
N. II. Straight front made- of fancy
materials In blue and pink, at 12.00
New fancy
Silks for
Shirt Waists
Every day
adds to the
of the
stock. All
tho new lace stripe effects on
taffeta ground are here more
Ham Broderlck, and his fellow cabinet min
isters believe tho sarao resistless progress
which comes only by the perfection of every
minor detail of tho machinery will event
ually reward General Kitchener's patlcnco,
as It did In the Soudan. But In private
conversation they frankly confess that It
Is utterly Imnosslblo to speculate on the
time which must elapse before tho end Is
achieved and it is quite wrong to attribute
undue importance to Isolated British vic
tories. Even tho capturo of Dewet, they
now think, would Anly In a small degree
hasten the pacification of the extended ter
ritory, which Is In such a hostile condition.
When the republics become In fact, Instead
of in name colonies of Great Britain, Gen
cnal Kitchener will be the man who will
get the credit and on whom the rewards
will bo heaped.
Hoynlty to Illdo In I,nmry,
Elaborato preparations nre being made
for tho colonial tour of the duke and
duchess of Cornwall and York. Tho steamer
Ophlr is being fitted out with tho greatest
f luxury. Her deck cabins have been re
moved nnd Bulto of royal apartments have
been substituted. Accommodations for
600 persons nre being provided. Besides
tho largo royal suite there will be repre
sentatives of the admiralty and urmy. Tne
navy officers and crow will number 200, se
lected from tho royal yachts and the navy.
Tho chancellor of the exchequer, Sir M.
IIIcks-Bcacb, Is taking measures to clr
umvent the Immense clearings of dutiable
goods In bond, chiefly liquors, tea and to
bacco, which Is making In anticipation of
tncrcusid duties. It is estimated that 2,
000,000 In duties havo been paid within the
last few days.
A member of Lloyds tells the papers that
Mr. J. I'lerpont Morgan's life Is being In
sured by Investors Interested In bis proj
ects, with London companies. About 10,-
000 was written nt less than 10 per cent. So
far as known the custom ot insuring finan
ciers, ns the queen's life was insured, is
growing. Probably Mr. Cecil Rhodes repre
sents more policies written In England than
any capitalist living, though tho nmount Is
less now than It was a few years ago when
the African schemes depended more on his
New lUink II Thorn fiupMslngr.
An "English Woman's Love Letters" Is
croatlng u sensation In London comparablo
only with tho "Trilby" voguo In America.
Tho weeklies and comic papers contain,
columns or comments, parodies nnd specu
Intlons ns to the authorships. Ono week
rumor credits tho late Osc'nr Wilde with
being tho writer of tho book, but tbo pub
lisher, John Murray, denies It. Tho nend-
emy claims that John Housmnn Is respon
slble for the work. Housman, who Is n
minor dramatist and reviewer, does un
deny thin. Nevertheless, literary people
refuso to bcllevn him to bo the author. -
An Hem In the civil list, 15,000 for the
king's buck hounds, iirottses tho most In-
tonso opposition In many quarters, Tho
Humanitarian league has memorialized tho
king In opposition, declaring that tho
growth of Immune sentiment has rendered
the sport ns obnoxious to the more refined
spirit ot tho present ago aa bull and bear
baiting wrro In tho last century. They
suRgest that Instead of hunting unlmala
which are liberated In u mutilated state In
facilitate their capture, drag hunting be in
stituted. Theatrical Affair...
Theatrical stock, which wns depressed
by the fortnight of mourning, is rlslug on
the prospects that the king will give tin
Impetus to the revival of old-tlmo gaieties
ns soon as tho official period of mourning
has oxplred. Several new theaters nre
projected or building.
Manager Lowenfeld tomorrow will give a
house warming at the Apollo thenter, which
will ho opened with Lederer's "Hello of
Bohemia" company. Thero will he
notable gathering ot actors, nuthors nnd
critics. Tho promised event of the week
is George Alexanders production of Had
don Chambers' "Tho Awakening." "The
Twelfth Night" continues to draw nt Tree's
theater. The staging is exceedingly rich,
almost equal to Daly's best Shakespearean
lloer Prisoner! Karnne,
prisoners who escaped from the Island ot
Ceylon have arrived at a Crimean port on
board the Russian steamer to which they
ewam while lu the harbor of Colombo.
Among them is a nephew of President 8teyn
and a brother-in-law of General Dotbn, thr
Roer commander-in-chief.
,w Ministry In Spain,
MADRID, Feb. 16. The general feeling
Is that the cabinet crisis will bo post
poned until next week and that Senor 811-
vela will be asked to form a new ministry.
nee, Feb. 17, 1901.
it to Yourself
.delicate in texture and charm
ing in color than over at 75c,
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 a yard.
Tho variety of styles and weaves of
the now Foulard Silks which wo are
showing for Spring nnd Summer has
never been equaled.
One of the best ways to judge Black
Dross Goods Is to como nnd sco the
many new and handsomo Dress ma-
terlals we havo to show you, ranging
in prices from 23c to J4.00 n yard.
Today wo specially mention n few ot
mo reaii) nt: Him bij.ibii
exclusive fabrics, shown only here.
New Vcnotlati, new Vlgourcux, new
Suitings, new Chovlots, new Venetian
Suitings, new Striped Wool Crepe for
Waists, uow Novelties for Waists.
Trimming Specials
On Monday
morning we will
place on sale a
small lot ol nar
row silk a n d
mohair colored
gimps that were
15c, 20c and 25o
a yard.
Your choice of those
gimps at 5c a yard.
Two lots of choice colored bead gimps
to go at 10c and 15c n yard.
These goods nro especially sultablo for
Children's school dresses.
We have also gathered together all the
rcmnnnts of wider and choicer trim-
mlngs and will offer them at wry low
ri ' , .... , ' .,. .,,, ,,
Please romcmber to como early that you
may sccuro a first choice.
The class of goods wo handle aro too
well known to need moro than n
Chief of Toptkn Blnecoatl Files Oblige with
v. ,i.,,-pil
Sny.d There U n Cmmnlrncy to lre-
veut Harmony Amonu' the OHlc'ci's
, Mcuiiwhilc tho Nulooim
IU'iiiiiln CIonviI.
TOPEKA, Feb. 10. Chief of Police Stah,l
today filed chnrgetf with tho city council
against Police Judgo Magaw and asked fori
his removal from oQlce.
Tho chief charges tho pollco Judge with
collusion with the Jolntists nnd conspiring
to prevent harmony in tho pollco force.
Topeka Joints yet remain closed, but
the vigilance committee Is rarofully watch-
in,', tho situation. Most ot the ministers
of tho city will preach special sermons on
tho Joint situation. iu-h..i..i.i.sI. mil.
rrvMi.i-A w... f.i. ,o .n... u.... i
tlons commltteo today lecalled Representa
tive Hutlor'n resubmission bill from the
cnlendar, where it had previously been re
torted, with n recommendation for con
sideration by the committee of the whole.
This time the committee declined to dodge
.1, , ... it.iti. ii...., ...... l
the Issue. 'With a negatlvo of but two otcs
they returned tho resolution to tho house
with a recommendation for passage. Tho
hill will' nt-nlmlilv rnmi. nn In th linimn
Dill will pioDatily como up in tne nouso
early next week. It is not believed that It
will carry.
AWl II n kIi ii (iam Dry.
WELLINGTON, Kan., Feb. 16. All the
Jolntlstu In this city obeyed tho demand
made upon them by the tempernuce muss
meeting early in tho week by quilting busi
ness th)3 evening. The town lu absolutely
dry tonight.
Sen relien Wlchlln for Cnrrle.
WICHITA. Kan.. Feb. 16.-Sherlft Sim
mons of this county searched Wichita today
for Mrs. Nation, having beard that she was
here, with a warrant charging her with In-
cl ins a riot during her previous visit. Up
till 1 o'clock he was unable to ilnd her. It
In rcportel, that, the nrrlvoJ here this morn
ing1 pud that she was sequestered by her
friends to avoid being arrested,
Cold M'nlei' for Tenine'runre Crowd.
DELOIT, Kan., Feb. 1C There was a
free-for-all light hero this, afternoon, re-
..nun 111 iuw iiruus uiu uiu I'lumuK '
H!H I.. . 1. .. t 1 1 .. , I.
inojomiB. mo temperance men nnu women
luslHted on making nil Inspection of tho
1' " u ,Iler or regiiruing
wuamt, u.... uvou uukiicu. uiu iiiaiui iii-
lowen inrco or lour to enter n joint nt a
tlmo nnd sent nn olllccr to sco that no
damage wns done. Tho Investigating com-
mlttca was followed by n large crowd,
Scon nn nlarm of fire was Eounded and a
hoEocart dashed up and commenced throw-
Inn wator on the crowd. Somo men at
tempts! to cut (ho hose, but wete preventol
by a display of rovolvcrs. After several
bad been hurt some arrests were made and
quiet was ri'btoted,
Mrx, Kruncilj Attorney AhI.n llnrly
Trlnl lit Prove I uuoceilee
.MlmilMK llrnlher l.oentetl.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 16,-Mrs. Lulu
Prince-Kenned, who has been In Jail since
tho shooting of her husband, was arraigned
beforo Judso Wnfford in the criminal court
today and pleaded not guilty. Tho prose
cuting attorney began reading tho Indict
ment, returned yesterday, when the pris
oner's attorney Interjected:
"We waive reading of tho Indictment nna
wish to enter n plea of not guilty. We
rcu)d ask your honor to tet tho day ot
trial as early ns possible."
The trial was set for tho April t'eim, tho
exact dato to bo nnnounccd Inter. Mrs, Ken
nedy appeared cheerful during the pro
ceedings. Sho was returned to her cell In
the county Jail.
CARROLLTON, Mo Feb. 16. Albert
Prince, the much-sought brother of Lulu
Prince-Kennedy, Is In this city. He fays
ho will go to Kansas City voluntarily.
3lnnlell'N Uomeatlii Trouble.
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 16.- Robert H.
Mantel!, nctor, today wna required to fur
nish $'io bnll for his nppearance In court
In n writ of habeas corpus Instituted by
Miss Rtnmii Dehrens, his sister-in-law,
MIsh Ilehrens haB been endeavoring to se
cure possession uf Hthel Robinson, tho 8-year-old
child of Mmitell'ij wife, the late
t'luirlotte Ilehren.
Impoici Increased Duties on Certain Ex
tinilTe American Importi.
Additional TnrllT la fin Incrrnsp of
Thirty I'r Cent an Amerlcnn
Ilnr.lwnte, Iron, Steel nml
BT. PETERSBURG, Feb. 16.-M. D.Wltte.
niinnner 01 nnance, nan msuca n uecrce
regarding the application ot tho increased
""n to certain imporiB irom mo unucu
States. Tho decreo Is based upon the first
Z"" " . 1 T,
fMtlve a forln,8bt a(tor u," promulgation.
jn doing this. M. DeW tte has proved h i
ability to hit quick nnd hard. He was evi
dently prepared for reprisals beforo Scc-
reUry aaRe too) flnn, actoni M.
scnt ,0 ,n0 gcnatB Wcdncsd(iy for
Uon nn ordln(lnce icvyins 30 per
for publlca
cent In
creased duty on tho most Important Ameri
can Imports Into Russia. Tho otdlnnnco
was published today In tbo Official Messen
for and becomes effective March 1. This
action Is greatly regretted In American cir
cles, who anticipate much harm therefrom.
Well-informed Americans do not bellcvo
tho supreme. Vourt wilt sustain tho claim
that '"j pays n bounty on sugar, di
rect! 71" Erectly, and regard the action
take "Mity, though not unexpected. It
Is bJ'thal littlo barm would havo re
sullcfl Russian Interests If tho action
of thfiourt had been awaited.
N fleriiiiin l'rem. Kxnltnnt.
Th erman press, naturally, has taken
ther-" M. Hcrtlum caudens, believing the
mcalJVV transfer American commorce
to Go, ,iany. Tho ordlnanco requires that
tho articles affected bo accompanied, upon
Importation, by u certificate of origin. The
ordinance affects tho articles named In
paragraphs 150, 151, 102, 163, 161 and 1G7
of the second part. Including all sorts of
lron Bnu Blecl Roas unu" "u"
castings to sewing machines. Locomobiles
w'lu complicated threshers attached and
steam plows and fire engines nro excepted.
"""o "cunrtnirnt .o.inen.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. Count Casslnl,
tb Russian ambassador, this attornoon re
ceived a cablegram from tho Russian For
eign oftleo confirming tho report of the lii
suo of tho decreo Imposing Increased dutloa
on certain American Imports Into Russia,
and, took steps to Inform the State depart
ment accordingly.
It is realized that a grave crisis has boan
reached in tho trade relations be'tween the
United States and Russia. The Immediate
offect ot tho Russian decreo, when It be
comes operativo on March 1, will bo to In
crease, by 60 per cent, tho duties on Amer-
Uods already nJojr two separate "reduc-
iiuud, (Jul ut'UL uciuk iuavu uu iiwui inn
general nnd 20 per cent from the conven
tional duties. The articles referred to In
tho Russian docree nre machinery and tools
oi every tunu, innnuinciurcs nnu prouucin
of cast iron and steel. Roughly stated,
tho United States Is tald to have exported
Goons oc mis uesiripiion to uu&sia iaai
llnty la Prohibitory.
The addition of CO per cent to the duty
will, it Is thought, provo practically pro
hibitory. The action taken today means
that tho Russian government will not con
cern Itself with a test enso nor await the
1 Irsuo of such a case.
However, there Is an expectation that the
American Importers of Russian sugar will
make tho fight In their own Interest. Some
cargoes ot Russian sugar are now afloat
and on tho way to the United States, whero
ut least one Is duo to arrive in tho next
ten days. It is not doubted that the con-
clnnocs in tho United States will, rather
than pay tho countervailing duty, which
would make it impossible to compete with
other sugar, mako up a test case. If tho
Issuo favors the Russian side, then the ob
noxious decree win no amended, though it
is not denied that tho Russian government
feels offended
The text of the Russian order is as fol
An order of the Russian minister of
finance direct additional tnrlff of SO per
cent net Imposed upon articles Included 111
pnrngruphB 160. l'.l, 1ft.'. 1S3. 1CI and section
t, .1, i. i i t r , . . . . ... ,
uini.iiMiiiunh i.iiii., iiiiwii juuci iuuii
i ,'n rtl wn rt. Iron? Eteel. boilers, pipes,
fcirslngs, casting, tools, ga nnd water
meters uynumos, bcwiiik maclilnes; para-
Brnpll Ml Of tho RUHSlall tnrlff laws when
,,unn flrtciPS nre ()f American manufacture,
ThlB Includes motors and machinery of all
l'rlvlleuc of KstnlillnhliiK Conllnn
StiitloiiN There Proves n DIvldliiK
Wrlie In Mentlnient.
HAVANA, Feb. 18, The Cuban constltu
tlonal convention held n secret session last
Ing several hours this attornoon, consider
ing tho question of the future relations
between the United states and the republic
of Cuba. Tho commission which met Gov
ernor General Wood offered no formal ro
port, hut asked thut the matter bo con
sldered In committee of the whole. A ma
Jorlty of the dnlegates favored tho grant
Ing to the United States of the right to
maintain naval stations In Cuba nnd
large number favored leaving tho relations
between tho United Stales and Cuba for th
futuro republic to settle
Tnc ,.lRllt or tllc united Slates to Intr
vcno Bt nnv tImo for Ul0 prcseijt prcservn
tlon ot poaco ;VRB nlao the subject of
. rniiir it minus nn. Tho miPH onp. nf men
latlng loans and foreign relations developed
no deposition.
Senor Glberga presented n formal report
of the resolutions ndoptcd b' tho demo
cratic party at n meeting Inst night, al
lowing the United States to Intervene with
reference to all loans nnd treatl03, for tho
preservation of peace: to kcop an nnny
here. If necessary, and to maintain naval
stations and providing furthermore lint If
these concessions are not satisfactory that
Wliy to .Correct Children' Tnlr.
Sometlme.i chlldicii become willful nnd re
fuse nourishing food, demanding hweets,
candy, Ire cream, etc., m I it lu thi-lr det
riment, it Is u rtreai help in mcIi oases to
have a food that In naturall" Mvcet nnd
nttrnctlve, , case In Philadelphia will Il
lustrate: The daughter of Jin. M. K. Searles, living
lit 1330 Mifflin street, was u dellctto alll'd
from Infancy nnd hud been Indulged In
many things. Hho gradually got thinner
anil moro fretful dally, refusing food other
than sweets, etc., finally contracting
whoonlne courIi which undermined her
health to such nn extent that her intending
physicians agreed that iter cough had de
veloped into bronchial catarrh and tnai
only a Bhort time would enme before con-
Httmptlon would relievo her sufferings.
in despair tho child's nuut was sent for,
ami knowing the wonderful nutritive value
of Grnpe-Nuts food, she prepared Borne nnd
Induced the lltt'e ono to eat It. At the
llrat tnnte she said: "Oh, auntie, this Is
bo nlco I want some more." irom mat
tmo tho child ncquli'd nn nppotlto nnd
began to Improve. She wns fed on Grape
Nuts steadily until now she Ih a perfectly
healthy, strong child, attends the Girls'
Ornmmar School, and is bright and opt
the United States may draw up others
that nre.
Senor Glbergn said that such relations
were advocated by every property holder
and pleaded with tho delegates not to bo
led by political sentiment whero the wcl
fnro of the Island Is nt stake. No vole was
taken nnd a further discussion will be had
on Monday
One of tho delegates, lu tho course ot nn
Interview, Bald that tho convention would
never agree to nllow tho United States to
establish nnd maintain naval stations, as
the people look upon this concession as un
patriotic and a practical giving up ot their
Independence. Tho only way tho Unit id
States can obtain this right, tho delegato
said, would be by Insisting upon tho con
cession, tho responsibility for making which
tho convention does not want to take.
Stn(p' AVItnessei) In Hamilton Trial
lllnpiile Krilinnnii nnd Claim llarbo
Wns Drunk.
MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 1C Owing to tho
funeral of Robert D. Russell today, the
Day-Hamilton murder trial did not begin
until this nfterncon.
Tho defense having rested, tho stato be
gan to introduce ovldenco In rebuttal. This,
as was expected, took tho form of expert
testimony from Drs. C. G. Weston and P.
A. Dtinsmoore, tending to overthrow tho de
ductions ot Dr. Erdmann that tho fatal
blow was delivered from behind tho victim.
Dr. P. A. Dunsmooro was tho first witness
called In rebuttal. Ho doclarcd that all of
Day'o wounds could havo been caused by
tho same blade of the knife, In evidence.
He bollevcd that the fatal blow was deliv
ered from above nnd by a person standing
In front of Day. It wan brought out In
cross-examination that he had novcr soon
the wounds of Day, but relied on Iho data
furnished by Dr. Erdmann, tho defense's ex
pert. Dr. C. (. Weston, former city physician,
also thought the wounds could all have
been mado with tho same knife blade.
Dr. Henry S. Ncltou, formor county cor
onor, mado tbo sensation of the afternoon
when recalled by testifying that A. M.
Barbo, tho traveling man who was the star
witness for tho defense, was intoxicated at
tho ct hotel on tho night of tho homi
Another blow to tho defense's evidence
wnB given by tbo samo witness when he
doclnrcnl that Dr. Murray, who had
claimed to havo kept closo to Hamilton
during nil the time ho was with Officer
Rooney ut tho West hotel so aa to prevent
"headquarters' confession" left Hamil
ton's side for ton minutes at ono time.
Former DoteHlvo Joseph Lawrenco nnd
Joo Rcvcro also testified that Dr. Murray
nail left Hamilton to go Into tho billiard
room nnd wns nway flvo minutes.
Other scattered evldenco was taken and
then tho stato rested nnd tho defense nn
nounced that It would rest with tho under-
tnndlng that Hnckman Nlelson mleht bo
Called Monday morning If necessary. Court
tnon adjourned.
ine case is now expected to go to the
Jury some time Monday.
lentriil PnnKpiiKcr Assoelntlon I.I n on
Will He Care Till Where Their
I'rclttliC r.iifi,
cji.kvkland, O., Feb. 16. The Leader
tomorrow will say: Lines of the Central
Passenger nieoclntlon territory havo de
elded to boycott certain western roads out
sldo of tho Western Passenger rssociatlon
wnicit have refused to withdraw prepaid
oroers irom tno territory east of Chlcjgo,
i no central Passenger association has scv
oral times requested withdrawal of tbeno
orders and the request has been concurred
in by tho Western Passenger association
winch endeavored to obtain the consent o
tho Northern Pacific, the Great Northern
Soo lino and the Cnnodlnn Pacific to enter
the same agreement. Some of these lines
havo refused and tho Central Passenger as
f.ociatlon lines novo decided to route nil
controllable business over lines which hnv
mkon notion friendly to tho Central Pas
iscngcr association on prepaid order. '
Ill in in A. allien.
TECUMSEII, Neb., Fob. It). (Special.)
lllram A. Miles died nt his homo this
morning at 1 of pnotimonla. Mr. Miles
was born In Uoonu county, Illinois, July
1J, IbSo, moved to Nebraskn In 1867 end
to lecumseh in 1ST1. Ho v;as nn old
soldier. The funeral will bo from the
Christian church Sunday afternoon at 2,
conducted by Rev. A. L. ZInk. The Grand
Army of the Republic and Independent Or
dnr of Odd Fellows will net ns escort from
tho house to tho company.
Colonel W. V. Ilnlril.
PIERRR, S. D., Feb. 16. (Special Telo
gram.) A telegram received here todu
announced the death at Devil's Lake. N
I)., of Colonol W. F. Dalrd ot this city
who left soveral days ngo to visit his son
at that place. Colonel llalrd has boon
for several yoars one ot tho prominent
business men of this city.
t.cnvei Wife nml Two Children.
AUI1URN, Neb.. Feb. 1C (Special.) Wll
llam Knlpe, Jr., died at his home this morn
Ing. Ho leaves a wife nnd two children.
ew lnnuruncc Company ut Pierre
PIERRK, 8. D Feb. 16. (Special Tele
gram.) A mutual Insuranco company ha
ueen organized lu this city, with J. D,
Hilger ns president nnd F. O. King, ex
Insurance commissioner, as secretary.
To Cure n Coin ti, One tiny
l'ake Laxative Eromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho mouoy If It falls to
cure. R. W. Grove's signature Is on ea.-u
box. :5c.
tlonte of the Commercial Club,
nniPAfin. T.Vh 1f!-.'rlin llh,pvniv i,r llin
Cominenlnl club nf this city, which will
make n tour of tho ittrit part of thn
t inted btnir wa , .snnoutueii touiiy.
Tho tnemheiu of tbc nrgniiix.atlon will Iruvo
hero via tho S.intii Fo ivud nnd uo ulico
to Phoenix. Ails. From there tbo tilu will
Include Anil Forlw. tln '.Irinul Ciioyon or
tho I tilorndo, l.os Ansc'f!, I'asiideiui.
San Dleuo. San Franrlscu. H.ilt l.nhf Clt
nnd Denver. Tho ciub liuiudi"!. unions; II
members mnnv of tlto most prnmlneiit Im:!.
iiess men or cnicHgii, it ;s exportuil tnat
llfty of the club will tnkn the trip.
'I'o II ii 1 1 ! Speolnl Slocl;yni'il,
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 1C- Ororpo b-owier.
Son i Co.. pucker, nre to buliil a utoclc
vuidH for the euinpnny h excliudw) un in
cuiiuectlon with Itn nucklng plant hi IIiIh
city, iiio yurilH will liu uicd prtiuipa'H
for the hnndlln;; of Iiork. The fch-mo Aim
deiided upon. It Is mild, by AniJonioti Fow
ler of New Yotk. who ncriulred control ol
tbo compnny last spruig.
Movement of Occnn Vrn'h I'.ili, III,
At i31.;rgnw Arrlvod Luiireiillnti, liom
New Yiiric: Siberian, from Portland.
At Yokolmmu Arrived llouir Konsr
Muru, from San Fntnulrco, via lioiiolulu.
for HoiiK ivoug.
At f-hangbnl Arrived Not man islec.
from Portland.
At Kingston Arrived cruising yacht
Prlnzois'.n Victoria Lulne. from New mrk
At Liverpool Arrivcii-ah ntiort, irom ai
John itml Halifax. Salled-Ktrurla. for New
York: Lucnnlu, for New York; GeoiRlun,
for New York. . ....
At Antwerp Solleil-Southwnrk, for Now
At5' London-Sailed. Feb, 13-Mlnnehaln
for New York; AVyiindoltf, for Nvport
At 'Hamburg Arrived -Graf Wiililorseo,
from New York.
At Havre Sullen Ml liarcoKlie. inr .yw
York. Arrived Isv llretagne, from New
AtNew York Arrived L'AciullBlne. from
Havre. Salle-I-Knif erln .Miirla Theresa,
for Naples, etc: rmbrla, for Liverpool :
Pennsylvania, for Hamburg, via Plymouth
nnd Cherbourg.
At Hong Kong Arrived Tacoma, firm
Tacomit, via Yokohama.
Enoneri it the Cumberland Uiiie Foroed to
Deluge the Shaft.
Twenty Are Whites, Mne .Inpnnrse
nml Thirty-Two t hlnnnicn
Premier Uiinmiiulr lliiatan
Itisr to the SI I ne.
VANCOtlVKR, U. O., Feb. 16. At No.
haft of tho Curabcrlaud mlno, where over
three-scoro miners nro entombed, tho col-
ery management is now fighting fire with
A special dispatch from Union Day late
this nfternoon nays that No. 6 shaft Is
closed. Tiro hce strenms nro pouring
water Into No. (! gutter, constructed to
carry the wator ot an olght-lnch mnln into
the mine whero all the unfoftunato miners
nre still entombod. Pending the flooding.
no further notion can bo taken. All hope
had long elnco been given up that any men
n shaft No. 6 tlll live. Tho flnt continues
to burn flarcely. No man could approach
within 100 fent of tho plnco whero the ex
ploilon occurred nt tho bottom of the
Tho causo of the explosion Is still un-
ntiwn, or at least unannounced. Hon.
JameB Dunsmulr, premier of British Co
lumbia, nnd president und principal owner
n tho Union Colliery company, went over
o Union In his own steamer, Joan, this
fternoon, immediately upon his arrival
from tho east. Tho bont will make a record
trip, going nt its highest possible speed.
Superintendent Milken Itepurl.
Dunsmulr was handed a telegraphic re
port nddronscd to him from tho Buperlntond-
cut of tho mines at union. This report
reduces (he number of miners counted dead
from Blxty-flve lo sixty-one, and corrects
all previous Information regarding tho po-
itton ot tlto missing shaft, Inasmuch ns It
ntntes thst tho Chinese nro tho chief con
tributions to the roll of death. Tho report
s dated today and says:
After consultutlon I decided to try to get
he nlr from No. i shaft, iislntr No. 6 ai
up-cast. Wo tried that until 4 o'clock tliH
morning1, when It exploded ngaln, not
nenvny. 'men an smu it wotiiu t outer
to flood No. 0 nbovo Its doorhend nt onoo
nnd ufterwtml try to work through from
mo nre. ah nopo or any living wan given
up before wo reached hern, None of us
wno enme up nnd nny nope either, as
near us 1 cntt get nt the number of men
there were twentv whites, iIm Japnneso
nnd thirty-two Chinese below. 1 canr.ot
tell how long It will take to fill the abaft
to tho loof. At the bottom No, 6 fihnft and
works tiro all good. Uoth shnfts aio cov
ered until tho water uots up. There ap
pears to be consldentmo urn m Nn. n.
1. 1st of Men ICmtonieil.
Tho names of the miners who nro now In
No. 8 shaft, with ono name lncklng, nre
as follows:
W. D. WALKER, overman, leaves a
wldow and his daughtsr. sons Georgo and
William killed with hlra.
JOHN WHITE, leaves a widow nnd four
THOMAS LORD, unmarried.
JAMES HALL, unmarried.
DUNCAN MONROE, ienves a widow nnd
largo family.
W. S. NADEN, leaves a widow and largo
PETER I1ARDSON, leaves a widow and
two children.
C. ENO, unmarried.
P. FLECK, mnrrled.
L. SIMCjNDS. married.
D. M. DAVIS, single.
A. M. AFTO. ElnGle.
D. M'GINNIS, rihgle.
JOSEPH ALLISON, driver flrst shift,
GEORGE TURNHULL, tlmberman, leaves
a jidow and two children.
'1'lir Proper Wine to Drink.
NEW YORK. Feb. 16. A distinctive vic
tory haB been achieved by (he IJrothorhood
Wine compnny over all foreign and do
mestlc competitors. The committee of con-
rcBsleurs having In charge tho banquet or
tho American Protective Tariff league,
whlrh was held at tho Waldorf Astoria this
evening, after novcro tests nwarded tho
preference to tho champagne and vintage
wines of the Hrotherhood.
nt Glcnnooil Siirlnit
PIimikc Wolf Hunt In
trnor Roosevelt arrived nt Rifle from
Meeker by stage this afternoon and left
there nt r p. m., by special train over tho
Colorado Midland rallrcnd. He stopped nt
Glcnwood Springs to take a plunge In the
Eulphur pool nnd will reach ibis city to-
moirov morning. He may remain hero for
several da nnd Will possibly go on
wolf hunt over the divide.
Prisoner' Ciicle finvif io WnKhlimton
to Appciil to the Supreme
LEAVENWORTH, Kali., Feb, 16. L. D
Carter, uncle of Obcrllh N. Carter, has
The Oldest and Best
S. S. S. is a combination of roots
and herbs of preat curative powers,
and when taken into the circulation
searches out anA removes nil manner
of poisons from the blood, without
the least shock or harm to the system.
On the contrary, the general health
begins to improve from the first dose,
fur vS. S. S. is not only a blood purifier,
but an excellent tonic, and strength
ens and builds up the constitution
while purging U blood of impuri
ties. S. S. S. cttrc.1 all diseases of a
blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula,
R h c u m a t i s m . Chronic Sores ami
I'lccrs, I'tv.ema, Psoriasis, Salt
Rheum, Herpes ami similar troubles,
and is an infallible cure and the only
antidote for that most horrible tUaease,
Contagious Wood Poison.
A recoid of nearly fifty years of
successful cures is a record to be proud
of. S. S. S. is mote popular today
than ever. It numbers its friends by
the thousands. Our medical corres
pondence is larger than ever in the
history of the medicine. Many write
to thank us for the great good S. S. S.
has done thcin, while others ate seek
ing advice about their cases. All
letters icceive oroinot and careful
attention. Our physicians have made
a life-long ntudyof fllood and Skin Dis
eases, and better understand such cases
than the ordinary practitioner who
makes a specialty of no one disease.
we are tiouig
good to flu ff t in '
humanity throng!
our consulting d
tiartment. and invite
5'ou to write us if you have any blood
or skin trouble. We make no charge
whatever for this service.
started for Washington in behalf of his
nephew and will, It Is tnld, seek nn nppenl
In the supreme court from Judgo Hook's
decision ot ycaterdny refusing tho prisoner
bond pending n decision on his habeas
case. It the supremo court sustains tho de
cision nnd refuses to release C'art?r tho
next move, it is expected, will bo to ask
for a congressional Investigation of tho
entire matter.
The Minnesota
Mm the Honor In Present
... .nn ii ... .
Psycho -Magnetist
(Late of tho Rial Academy ot Oocuit
Ecicnco, London. England )
The professional service of Dr IttusHl
hnve neon secured nt ron ildernhta exwiisa
for and only during the months uf i ulirit
ary. March and Aptll, after which ii re
sttmto bin tour around tho world. All those
who wish to avail iheniBclviM nf lit"
extrnnrillnnry opportunity of consult
ing this pre-eminently greatest of nil living
Occult Sclent lit can now iln so at tbo
iiiiulerute fee of $1.00, fur whleh he will
furnish bis regular J6.C0 Full I. If Itenil-
Aro you In trouble? Jlinl health? Hunt
ness worry? Family OlIllciiltlcH Lentil
complications? Arc you uinuccesisiful? in
doubt about Itiveilnient!"? Aro you uil
hnppv? Does everything rectn to worK
ngnlnst you? Aro your love, doineallo o?
business matter going wrong? I' so,
Vr. IUtssell can ulil you, Endowed with Ills
wonderful 'power by the Altnldhty nnd hu
superior knowledge nnd experlenco in the
realms of Occultism, ho stundt today
without a rival, .......
If there ls anything you wish to know,
nny deidro of your heart ungratlllcd, secK
his counEcl. , , . .
Dr. ISUMell Btands remly to guide you. to
advise you nnd to exert his wonderful
Psychic owcr In your behalf. ll? IteniU
Yonr Life Iroin the Criille to. the
llon't iieinj.
Send dato of birth and sex. nlso six lm
......... i...... rim nml lira
pnriiLiii iiif.iiwii.-, ' .
.niiirn Mnln. iiioiiev or.lerx.
drafts, etc., payable nnd mldicM nil l"t-
ISTITl!TM OF til l l l. l i c.v. ...
MlimcApoll". 31 1 II n.
(Cnf thin nil out u M iiiny not iii-
penr nuuln.)
February 18tii and I9tli
Round Trip
Lake Churlcs, La.. Heutiinont. Fori
Arthur, Ft. Worth. D.iIIhh, Wiico
Houston, Galveston anil San Anto
nlo, Texts.
For nil inforninttoii call nt O. fc SL
L. olllco. lllTi Kiinuiiii St.. (Fnxton
Hotel Mot U). or :lti'
Harry E. Moorcs,
C P. & T. A.. Omaha, Neb.
RIPAN'S TAUUI.EH la nn ,,fr.tu?11.,c"ii
for the Ills which ordinate In ., bad rtonv.
acta. 10 for 5c. At all drugslsts.
Dr, ..! 1'
Itf.nK'. Wll fell Will
I'd I
jruvn'i "
You All About Tt.
Mv Flectrlo Helt Is a guaranteed cuio
folhr f ul'ments for wlileh I recommel.a
it, If It fan io cum
you it does not cost
you a cent. 1 d ii
ibtnl: nny fair-mlridfld
person could aK
more I will take nil
the If Joti urn
Hufferlnc l'rcni Lc-Jt
Vlcor or Lew I'ltall'",
I offer vou ti n mennsr
or a ripicuy rccuvorj
Kleetrleltj. properly
nopili-ii, v.lil ii'
the His nr.d nlinieiit
which may afflict men
und women. oiir
strencth. hc.-ilth. vlt;
nr nnd vltniltv Is gov
erned entlrii by the
Electricity In the r
inn. and If the tiyotein
Is lacklntr Klectri-"lty
vou urn wealt e.ud
ill k. Klcetrlcily nuut
b' wuppllpd bu.'ore V"'
can UKiiln becnuio well
ii in I Htrnnir. 11 v Clee-
irlct belt Is n mijjijly
tbo needed ICIeetr'cl'.
to weak systemi. n . . ... .,
will not fall it ban cured CO.flfln others
and will cure you I t,-iariiuten tho cure,
for I know what mv licit will do
livery mini nml miiiiii.ii houlil
renil my hoolf. Sent free, potinlil,
to miyone.
Is entire! different ntid must not be c(n
fuscd with other to-called wl''f'n; 'J1'
As r reward for rnt t.-.i nri.l Use 11 fy
the lulled titee Oovcrnnitn' hai IIMit
me lb oeuivn use u mi -
"ppnins letrlell. Thrrt , v c
:ro bulls ' I'.st f n , V "inVnf?'
for there nr nun" "
nllkei .immcils-covureil spmiRe tlu-nrodei,
hlrl' ... not burn ami hlliter asilo the
bar., n e a . lei iroDes used on ull other
lakes of belts My belt 'ij be renown,!
" Won burned nit for only when oth
ir" burn "'I Ibev "l" worlhleia. Ablo
l,,.t.iv RU'iranfeil " '-'ire -rlcocele and
IVmHiimw in either "x. rcstoro
t oi Vlitur ni.d Vlta.ltv . bcr.U Louses,
cur" llhc'imiitlHii lr ever-' form. Kidney
j'lver nnd UlH.lder ' r u"ts i;oiiiitli;ntio:i,
Stoma. It nisnrdois, I.amo Hack, all .Fo
maln Complnliil" l
If oii l.l.e nil ..lil-ntyle belt rhl.ih
lniriin nml hllsler iilvus no our-
I'ci.l or l l.iir.iril mil noil cniliint bo
rcneneil, eml it lo tne on linlf-pu)-im
int of one of mine,
l ull u'lti tn.i 1 l.uo written a
iiooli rim lii'.i.iiy ;f th'; r' j iTitaih of
Kternul Vni.tb.' wW h wl.i l. i nil
about It Hooi; Im life, I'Oftti.ld, (or
the ukln. Advli.' without c.)..T, d
lloomi. )K Ii '.'. 1 lilock OmliJe atiJ
HtM"i;i'h fi . uitiJln , Nob.
AVon.en Who i.uck
nml Vlcor Hnve Driia.-;! I hem
u""so So Look Willi
M,.tr.. Tlint They Ilcpnlr -
Cnre-Thc Doctor Glim iintce l.lee
tr cTty Annuel hy HI" Klrotrlo
Pelt o Cure All Atl"""" "'
.i,.,i..ii.k-l ll riii".
5ST. ,
ma a.