February 17, 1001. THE 1 IjLUSTR AT15T) BEE. -'iB Queen Alexandra Mistress of Windsor One of Queen Alexandra's important sixty leather-bound volumoa or catalogues occupations Is the government of her new In which Is the Inventory of all the fur- household, which numbers just under 1.000 iiIsIiIiiks of Windsor eastlo-chlim, glass persons. Queen Victoria was In every sense sliver, drnpcrles and furnlturo of tho 700 mistress and bend of her household. All apartments. This Inventory was made by housekeepliiK questions were settled by the order of Queen Victoria, nnd In accordance royal mistress herself, who personally cr- with her Idens. Like a good housewife the dered the meals, and even kept an eye on queen was fully aware of the Individual the household linen, the smallest details of merit and the places where they ought to domestic economy not being regarded as be kept, of hundreds of her possessions, beneath her notice. To this watchfulness although there were, of course, thousands was due the fact that the queen's was con- of which she had no reckoning, sldorcd tho best regulated household In the The most costly dinner service In the entire kingdom. world Is at Windsor castle. It Is of solid The new queen will not shirk her domestic gold and valued at 800,000. Of the numor- dutles, although they may be In a degree ous services of plato and china but three Irksome nnd worrying. are ever in use. In tho crimson drawing No servant Is ever dismissed from the room ls 'Pt a magnificent collection of palaces, and to this Is attributed tho free- blna. dom of gossip about royal domestic ar- , , rangements. When a marriage occurs, the rillC OtClUirlCV ROSS couple aru usually provided with a small post, carrying with It a residence. Most Kx-Mnyor John llrlcst of Trenton, N. J., of tho royal lodges are occupied by couples makes In tho New York Sun a statement of who have served royalty for many years. what be knows about the kidnaping of Char Tim only additions to the royal household ley Hobs. Ho was brought Into tho case since the time of Henry VIII are two steam because It was believed at Ural that the boy apparatus men. It will hardly bo credited wub hidden lu or about Trenton and tho that even now It Is the lord steward who police wanted Mr. Urlcst'B help In searching still orders tho tires to be laid, but the for him. Most of his knowledge of the easo lord chamberlain alone who can cause them camo from the Philadelphia detectives. Mr to be lighted! A servant In receipt of 00 Priest Bays: a year arranges all the candles waxlltter "Tho secret as to who tho kidnapers wort Is bis olllclnl title but two others a first vvaB conllned to tho heads of the Phlladol- nnd second lamp lighter nt a salary of phla and New York police departments and 100 each, ore required to light them, as both supposed that they were on a boat well as the lamps, while It costs 402 to plying either on tho Delaware and Harltaa have the table laid by live functionaries, or tho Pennsylvania canul, tho letters being would lmvu buon 8Ullt 1101110 "r I'hued mints of tho empress. Tho llgurea were haps om o a month, and never anylhlng In whoso olllclal title Is tablu deckers. Their posted from Trenton, Bristol, Now ltruns- where he could havo reached there on a big sun, whose ras weio made oi tMU middle of the day Finally I got enough sole duty Is to lay the dinner cloth and wick and Newark tending to conllrm thai William Masher was a man of ability. ti beat and hcavioBt golu. Hun and clocks money to go to Texas, but when I got there see that the plates, dishes and cutlery are theory. Ho bad children of his own whom ho loved "r still there, but tho goluen ins won. j f(lllm mJ. imsband had come to San Fran fairly set forth. The salary of the chief "Tho detectives felt so certain that they ' r whom bo bad striven hard to earn tukeii away. CIHC() Th ,,0,,,, for WMI)m ,, wor,, butler, who looks after the wine, is .100 would have the kidnapers within a few honest dollars, but poverty bad been tho "Near iho Lotus lake of the imperial Texas, however, were extremely good to a year. days and receive the credit and reward that "" ' "'" nu nu who sain uini muu u mnmi n. use nmi a ,e and helpd me to get to this city. The There and the n Till 1m,. ...... .w Dii-i,itii utiu in iiih). uuing nun . ; " . , , 1,1 ii.... ...hi i i it . 1 nn unused room upon one occasion she no- 1110 uiinul nuductors would Have been ar- joying ami which no coveieu. no nan no wv.,o muu nm, um mu snmnm iu.t.p n. sWUx her during iuy stay here. IIHAH OI' UTTI.K .MoMtoK f PICTUUUSQl'U NOUTIIWKSTHUN NMMt ASK A I A K.MONKIJX HKDS, AT COl'NTY NYoN Slot e arc sixty housemaids at Windsor tlr Identity was kept a close secret among they bad always been poor, and he took U or ticitry, with clocks of various diuicii woman with whom I am stopping now Is ic late queen know the name of each tl''im-lvea. Had the mutter been made as that means to secure money to secure some "'""a- l'"ey wur struck by a nammer and Bstor of tm, nind-hearled stranger lu er special lino of dutv (lolim Inio PUhllc as was tho Cudahy atTalr at Omaha f tho luxuries of life that others were en- Pjoducod a moat barniouloua concert. The Texas, nnd she has promised that she will ' ""ti null ... . . . I.. ..I.... .....1 ...I.I..I. I I .. I l .. Illlf t'lflll.'M it I'll ill. if.. Ulill lull III.. UI.1..II..H . ... ... .... tlccd a cabinet that had not been dusted restt'u within a few daya by the police olll- Idea of doing barm to the boy, but thought 0110(1 uru t"koii olT. that day. Sho promptly wrote the nival nu- cors of Nuwork, Jersey City or Ilayonne. that ho would be ransomed within a very 'On tho other shore of tho Lotus lake was tograph In tho dust and beneath 'it tho Tllclr thuory thal tho kidnapers were on n short time. t" 1'rlvate mansion of the emperor, slue Dewey, the Mascot name of tho particular maid whose dutv It bout wna correct, but It was not the kind "Douglas was only a weak man in 1110 umpress uowagor Kept lilui pritonoi. was to dust tho room. ot 11 boat thuy wcru looking for, as It after- Mosher's hands and was under bis buIiJoc- lllu umpoior'a apartmenta consisteii ot tnroo m.. .... . . . .' ... ward tnrnnil nut. linn. The inlxtnlii. of tin, ili't m't I vim u-nu In looms reception room, bed room uild me kuciiou ia ruietl over uy a clief. wboae .7 . . . . . . . in,.',.i.v. r..n ..f ,....i., i i, i '""i uewey, oi company m, iiiiy-iirsi salary la 700 a year. Under tho chef are " nm ana josepn uoug.as ne kiu a oi noai me umn apers were on an.. " rLZ. , V regiment. Iowa Infantry. United States t'liiseives uie names aim 1 lhu ",u viiliiiitimrH. u-nu .I.muI abductors. Full and "''I't'rial ramlly. On Saturday evening, February il, l'.Mlt. the sad news went around In Hed dale, la . that "Dewey," of Company M, I'lfty-llrst cooks, who are oil duty about m'ro tho auductor8- T'"3' 1111,1 1)t't-' Peddlers In keeping within the t a time. Then there aro two ""'J, c"f ffd l,'nn an '"'"I' 18,0nr0 1,1 descriptions of the ks. two rmiHtliiL' rnni, ni,,..t I'lilluU u I ph ia. with a branch store In Tron- general publicity at four master a fortnight at assistant cooks, two roasting cooks, about the start would have "iho emperor's bed waa hero not Kivini,., ., i. i.i, , ton In charge of other partlea The wagon resulted In their capture and the reatora- "'" lla 1" China, but a real uleep- nifiMa inn v,.,.,.,o'f "i7" J. ... ... . was one that had been used In the business. Hon of the boy to bis loving and almost '"K B0'"' 11 couuh covered with dark brown, v..v jvmum ui m nutuuu mm UIU rri. ... i - .. i . nt i . . . . . . , clerk of tho kitchen, who keeps the accounts i,"v U'UUK'"- vaai iuy irom v.ei niamowu u. uruKcu-neariei. parenis . .. . Trentllll nvnr Inn Inu'nr Tlnlnwnrn liplili.i "fin tin. .ili.ht nf and does the carving. Ho receives 300 a year. Tho confectioners get 300 and 250 each. The chef has a amull room act apart on one sldo of tho kitchen; tho others work In tho one room, and one can Imagine that tho entire scene, with Us mingled noises, tho rush of feet, tho hum of voices, tho clatter of pots and pans, tho many dif ferent odors Hint rlso In a cloud to tho oak roof, Is like another edition of Walpurgls nacht. At tho moment when dinner la being served there Is a coustunt stream of stal wart pantrymen bringing lu tho grand, golden dishes, tureens and sauco boats. Out at another door llock tho footmen bearing tho sauio dishes, daintily dressed and served. Tho functionary who receives tho lowest salary Is tho ratcatchor. Ho must eko out un oxlstenco on 75 a year. Ho Is tho only servant whoso salary is provided outsldo the civil list, and ovory session tho House of Commons, In commltteo of supply, consider thlB voto and gravely agreo to It. Tho royal washing costs 2,000 yearly, and Is done at a plcturcsquo building near HIchmoud park, called tho royal laundry. Tho linen la carried to and from tho laundry In cedar boxes, bearing brass plates In scribed with tho different names, for ex ample: "Tho King, 1;" "Tho Queen, 2," "Princess Victoria." Tho boxes carrying tho household linen aro marked with tho Initials of tho palace, as "W. C," or "U. P." Primrose soap, slightly scented and quite freo from alkalies, Is used, and Is ex tremely costly. Queen Alexandra's body linen is oxqulsltely lino nnd severely plain, and sho never wears a llannel petticoat after It haa been washed Trenton over tho lower Delaware brldgo and nue had bay On the night of December 11, heavy Bilk, which wua torn otf to tho edge ..0 t X t. .it. . i 1875 l,lu to'i ttvorymiiiB pinageui utiiurs, volunteers, was dead. For tho laat few mouths, relates tho Ued Oak FxprcsH, he haa been stopping at the Depot hotel, tho noise anil commotion of tho "Q" yards being more suited to Ills martial tastes than tho peaceful calm of tho Johnson house. It was II rat supposed through Ilridgo street to Hamilton ave- Mosber and Douglas broke Into tho house 1-''"-ies, tablea were made of u very hard. . d ,"... 1 , , '! , and across tho state to a yacht they of Judge Van Ilrunt at Day ltldge. L. I., valuable dark brown wood, adorned by l, Xutlon lead bis friends to fear h prepared for tho purpose on Harltan nnd were discovered. Mosber was shot and carvings. They were broken. u s vl'i of foul murder Who or The detectives had the right parties, killed. As Douglas lay on Iho grass p.a, V'wllchtuon wS .rdoU'! "of M-h? nlndy ZuL Kmi It Is Impossible now to say.' Worth the Hi tort Mrs. Hobecca Steinberg, after pursuing SORTING MAIL AT POSTOFF1C1S. bated rival or took It purposely In a lit of despondency over the Inactivity of civil lire will never bo known. Ills friend and comrade, Hob, was unable to be with him during his last hours. Dewy Joined Company M at Camp Ric her truant husband from her home in Uua- Kinloy, Dos Moines, at the urgent Invlta- slau Poland to New York, then to Texas t Ion of Comrade Jelfora. lie was a dog of and llnally to San Francisco, camo up with unsweivlng patriotism and unquestioned him lu tho latter city a few das ago and hiyalty to duty. No better soldier followed will endeavor to compel him to support ""K over tho seas than Dewey, their child. Her story la a pitiful tale of a 110 ' now every buglo call and ovory word noblo woman's sacrlllco for her child and f command. In fact, at ono time ho her grim determination to make the lather "'i''ly devoured tho "army blue book." Ho of that child piovldo for It. suffered uncomplainingly tho horrors of sea "I waa married to Samuel Steinberg lu Hlckness during the long ocean voyage and Namseu, ltusslan Poland, lu IS'Jl," said tho 110,0 with patience Iho tiresome guard duty deserted wife. "1 waa a poor girl, 17 years ,lt (:ivllc, but when the word of command old, and aa Steinberg bad a splendid govern- was given he chased tho Filipino capital ment position my parents persuaded me to "vur "' r,,',' awamps of Luzon with the marry him. I waa hardly married a .veek," Bamo zrHt with which ho followed a lleelug oontlniiLd Mrs. Steinberg, "when my hua- Jnckrnbblt over the golf links of the Pro band began to neglect me. Ho would ro- bMIo. To every boy lu Company M ho was a main away from homo and come home In '-onlldant and a liiend. He cheered and tho early morning hours after having spent ""lerlnlned them through tho long days In tho night lu gambling. Finally ho camo to ramp; he comforted I hem through the mo and said It was Imperative that ho leave lo,10,y hours on outpost. lie returned 10 our native land that ho had ai'int ail his "'h "I'Uvo land battle scarred ami worn, money and that ho would go to New York to lmvl,K '""t ''o and the use of ono leg beglu llfo over again. 1 begged him not to ,,,,, "u'vlco. He Joined the reorganized go, but ho lualated, and I gave him tho few Coil"H'y M nnd has never missed a drill. Jewels I had that he might raise some 1,ut n,H L'nnlno heart has ceased to beat, money. I put blm up a lunch and rode with "1b "Plrlted bark Is silenced. him forty miles to tho point where ho took 11 wlln n fllK f genuine sorrow tho train. Tbnrn lin liluumi inn ..,,,,,11,,. .....i thai tho boys of Comnanv M hi.v n inui I II .!. ...... I... .....I I . . . . . " """""J ... . ... . ' Tim mvni i,ni,aoiw,i,i nu.a i .1... n,:lK l"u "" " ..u nun oeen caiiieu, wounueu uiuo promiseu to send for me aa soon as lin was K"iinye 10 hub unuglity little comrado. to 132 000 a vear in snlarles wi.ih, n 1)0,1 1 a.'"1 1 10 kWnnpors kept them so by duntli. ho said: 'Wo stolo Charley noss.' able. I never heard from him from that lf 1,1 1,10 Kn-nt unknown then. Is a canine gate II 1 111111- ii iKer. Tho ultra private apartments of Queen go o 172,6K la year in Timid to "the ,1(L;!1C8ltln tolr Icttors In the 'Ireuton post- I o was urged to say more, being assured day to this. I do not love 1.1m any more," Pradlse we are sure our ...Hilary hero Is er. the baker and the candlest ck " lco a''(1 "'e-cities near It. lint MMher wan deud, but bo would not Bald Mn. Dtolnbiirg, In coucluiluu. ,;. "Iready putting a gang of "Hookies" ," and tho othor tradespeople who feed 'oiil'l-'' Douglas no doubt kopt believe It nnd died before bo could again can 17 I do not want blm to como back lo ''""""Kb the old manual from "company al- embera of tho household Charley IUss on that boat while- thoy sailed rI'on bis lips." ,no. i only wallt ,, t() Hl.plort ol. cMul: lentlon" to "dismissed." around Newark, Harltan and New York bays and adjacent waters anil up the Hudson in)nnnrn nr wiiuicnt wiiinit a tim nuuui ,,,,,..., . , . , UlUCHJCllL-a. JIIUIU11U ua DL'VLIIU iiuiu iny Vandalism in Pekin i nuui 111 inai ijuiuun ui iuu casiio own as mo victoria Tower, and aro nn- ii wi I rn I 11 n iiiiiiii m v i.iiiiii1 r np niii. go unobserved by anyone, except those immcdlato attendance. The suito of "Till. CW.1.I.W. t ..... l, . . ' . ......o ... .ue , ui un, nni.ur.ui pu.aces ai lemul gruudiiiother. When ICttu was a Pekln,' says the correapondent of a Cer- year and a half old her ...other decided to Tho child for whom Mrs. Sli.lnlir.fi. ""t ,1H " ur Dewey hero below, mnml mauds support Is a llttlo girl. Etta, f, wan tanH- tu'" 1110 white and lower Old Olory old, who Is living in Namsea with bor ma- 0',r tl,,H liravo 1,11,0 four-legged dofemler of tho Hag. 00 ,"!i,ur' "w"b thortiiiKh and comploto. start on a quest for the man who deserted IllV n)lllri'; Timnlv Ilinf ., The walls, oven when tho Oermans arrived, then., and left for Now Var T , x J ' UOUIU S HlUCl' lllllt worn nniit v Imfn 'Pl ....... 1 11 .1. nw iiiai I cnlled upon Jny Oould once to ask him doors of oak, picked out with gold and paneled In Gothic style. A cosy lift, oak, upholstered in crimson, conveys tho queen from tho portico up to hor rooms. In tho nudlenco chamber tho queen receives peo plo with whom It Is her wish to speak, Ing eyes and gossipy neighbors. "Charley Hots died not more than thr months after bis ennturu. from neelei't . . . .. . vnvn tirmi.1., ipl. 1 11.. - .... liomu-HlukoH8 anil disease, nnd Ills little ' M4"w- ,m,um,B uiuuiy uhuukii uny nrtor her arrival In tho hi American ""H " " Wra "l 0W"rl: tn tt ov vnVv n "r : : " Lm nhr" wul. ' -rcU for a rule that would bring me success uny. inu Duuy in 11 uoy auom u.s size ami , .. -- n-i ..h ui nu, i no nrsi place alio struck was mv wnrlt ' mivn i,mu,,mi n,,,., i. i i . iiL'n. dressed In nlnllu-H tun lnrin, fnr 1,1m no lOOKIIlg glasses and Screens, were there, n larirri tnllnrl iiclll 111 ldlll.li.li t 1 .1 .. ...... ' ' ' 1 1,1 if ,.v.. .,.,n I,,;,," n Hedsaml bedding had to be procmd from il.nv T. I Z " ,..",V.:",U,U ""u."' 1,10 """' Krumnmr schools In Now i iiv-i.ll Mti mum i Mb ltllUWtll tr found Heating on tho bay nnd turned over to tho authorities of Jersey City. Mr. Uosa llMMIblllUkU MLVbUXUItbVI 1 IIU OUIIU UI ....... . . . I1IMIH IIIIII IWK 1 II 1 II ( llflll I l,n i.nf.y.i t h. .1 9 it uo.na ih euiereu wirougn two mrgo (louuio .,,, :,, .,.,. ulsowliere not without dllllcultv. li-nr i " ; V ,. " ""'" wiy, m nuecess. -nvery onu who ,wr w.n'rj;;;i,.,d z:2 r :xt:sa:r h.siostle;ndfn,,,!,,t0 , t;cs''wtbr;,wndo: ' S' rS ?ZWt TrJZ 11 "l his los thl d. llm, tho Interior. Sometimes of th innnoy i l o Ll?i ti , un , ro,luoo' 0 1"' frluml. but I felt thai the body o the boy lt wn8 fou)ll 80II)t,tllne8 not Very o on! room 2 i ?' oi .Z !'(a vnH Ecart',,,y of my presence. icu tno Hearts or mil- ln ,ir,,r . u , ,.. ...... """" Pr moniii to Wo had nlniined to mnk either on matters of business or pleasure. ,,on ' mothera and fathers throughout tho wcru smashed or mo ncr In Poland for the mipport ot mark to attract his attention' and as I did Her sitting room, which faces south, Is of nnd 1 am not prepared to say. Hut I fool "Objects too heavy to carry awnv , ' . " .. " " . .8nv.Bd. B.um(-,,L'".1 l" K t" ho, the great financier looked at '.no for a ...... .. . ' '"""i """" boo nun ueai'ii nor lius ham ,.,.,. mi .u if i... .. ... . .. in" nu me nrsi nine. Then I put my Important question. 'What Is your business?' ho asked, as quick aB a Mash. 'I am a schoolmaster,' I replied. 'Then lot other people do tho work.' The advice was to tho point, and has proved Itself Invaluable," great height a fine view . From a wldo oriel window Is Just ns certain that that waa tho end of the broken, nnd only the valuable nans nf lio T.nnir Wollr !, 1!. UllfOrtllllatO b()V B8 I nlll lllllt lin U'nn lflil. I .. .. 1 " park and the Great par There .'a a 7, naped They did not mean to barn, m lw ntoZlaZiwiS Bo'lVtUe"" 'mi-s' "r.1.,",v,nK 80 n"cli out of nincent marble mantel and a fireplace, In but only to hold him, us Pat Crowo did tho so as to make ...us e So. mr Zvl ' Mrf' S ul,ll,urK -M'lnlncd. "I ate which Is burned nothing but beech logs. Cudahy child, until they could get tho ,ded. iV 1 iV.. " ' !,y' U8.ually In a cabinet In this room are kept the ransom money in their hands, and then he two big clocks fonder ,iRi ,, t.7, 1... " ' "'I'l' ,hoon 1 1Va,"-,1 not l" " ' 'i 1- Hulu IIIUL'U lOUU ro- I rarely ate meat, per-