Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1901, Image 13

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Curious Occupations
Followed by Many
February 17, 1001.
Thero nro uinuy professions In everyday la when a mala In kept to cnre for nothing
life which are curious enough lu them
selves, hut which tho average person ac
cepts as a matter of course on account of
seeing them every day. There aro nlso
Humorous professions In exlstencu about
which the averugo person knows little or
cibo than the two Ill-tempered pugs or surly
poodles that tho profession may he called
The professional attendant lu a Turkish
hath house Is no longer a novelty, hut It was
left for an enterprising horseman uf
nothing, and yet these callings furnish oc- Chicago to Invent the custom of giving
eupatlon for many people who have made Turkish baths to horses. This genius
a science out of their occupation. established u complete equine batn houso
A few years ago the professional golf near the Hawthorne track last summer,
Instructor was almost unknown In this and, by clanging $3 a bath, he expected tu
country, and the profession of Instructor or reap a fortune tu a short time. There were
Instructress lu whist or other card games a number of horses at tho truck which were
wus confined to a very few persons, Now behind lu their training, and the inventor
both of these callings aru common enough ligured out that by subjecting them to the
In every huge community and excite no sweating and steaming process of tho
curiosity. The sanio Is truo of those per- 'lurklsh hath he could reduce their surplus
sons who have taken advantage of any pre- tat und save u good deal of time for their
vailing fad In which they were adepts to owners. There wus some Haw in his reason
impart their learning tu other persons who lug, however, and tho bath house fulled
were willing to pay for It. .Many women through lack of patronuge.
have made a respectable Income by teach- liu the number of pencil-sharpening
lug some new kind of fancy work or cio- machines on the market It would look us li
ehetlng, and this calling Is quite old and there were Utile room for a mun who makes
well known in this country, but of recent his living by sharpening leud pencils tor
years the art has been less pructlced than church meetings, political conventions und
formerly. And these professions are but n the like, yet u Chicago man makes a coin
few of many which now excite no comment, fortuble competency iu this way. He is
To llnd eulllngs which are really novol mostly employed by ladles of tho women's
and practically unknown on this side of tho rights poisuuslon, who require a number of
water, It is only necessary to choose a pencils for their numerous meetings aud
few from l'arls. Among those which may have not developed the art of sharpening
bo mentioned as orlclnal with that city Is hum tiKiiioelvcs. 'Ihe women, moreover, do
tho calling of the man who prepares un- not wish to go to tho expense of paying
ripe fruit for market. Tho prlco paid in several dollais in u lump sum tor a pencil- Irom lMum uj H0 u,0 years Mieiit iu the
the Parisian market for fruit early in tho sharpening machine, llguring out that it Is muua IUU far ,uro protltiiblu to them lu
season Is sulllclently extravagant to Justify eiauper to pay the man $1 every week for uvory way umt, H tlu case among the gold
care being taken In Its preparation which the same olllco. miners.
would not bo prolltublu In this country. Tho United Kingdom has over one-tenth
Tho earlier tho fruit Is on the market the 1 1 ntlliri! mil 11(1 Workers of all the subterranean workers iu the
world. They are mainly engaged lu the
According to a recent computation mudu uoul aud Iron mines of western and central
lu n'ruucu. thero are -Uii.UUU uersous of England and south Scotland aud lu tho
Fruit which Is of necessity nlucked reon l.nth hoxch who sound their lives orucurluu tin mines of Cornwall. Many of tho Iron
for shipping purposes also comes under his n-uin tuo eartu suen ludispeusaulo products ""d coal mines havo now reached greut
Washington's Tombs
Three Burial Places
better It pays, and tho Parisian trader Is
not slow to recognize tho fact,
(iftllnu Fruit ICcnil lor .Market.
Within the precincts of Mount Vernon, phagus fur the better protection of tho
tho beautiful cBtatu unco ocuup'ed by corpse. When this sarcophagus was
(leorgo Washington und now preserved by brought to the tomb it wus tound to ho too
tlin iifillrtti In lilu inimiiirv nr.. thru., uiw.fu Inrim In tuiMM tlll'lillLfh thn tl'flll lllltll'WILV of
care, nud a recognized piofession is that of as coal, metals and salt, us well as others, depths and the day Is not far distant when wuoro tuo ,lral ,,ri)8ijei illlH been burled, the vault and on examination tho vault
tuo man wno manes it reauy for tnu mar- uKo prociuus stoues, which cannot no i uuum.ui.i..., m u ... Thu lomlj wncll l8 nuw nlL olll t it8uf was discovered to ho so poorly pro
koi. mo metuou is to nrst sweeien una classed umong tlie necessaries, saya tnu .- m ....i...... ....... ... ...
then color tho article to be treated, so as to Now lork Sun. Most of these tollers spend greater depths for mineral,
make it resemble in taste and appeurauco mmr working hours far below the surtaue. Tho United Kingdom has nearly twico as
tho fruit when fully ripened. Tho sweet- mh many years ago the treatment which many miners us thero tiro lu the United
ening Is accomplished by lusertiiiK tho ihniis;ni,i .,f thorn received, und tiurtiou- States. Germany also gives work to moro
visitors as containing tho renin Ins of tected against moisture that its dampness
Washington Is nut that in which tho body
was laid on the duto of his burial, Decem
ber 18, 17'J'J. Twico since then the colllu
has been moved, but never away from
would destroy lu u short tlinu tho texture
of the marble and dufacu the richness und
beauty of tho exterior sculpturing. It was
then determined to build a suitable re
ceptacle for tho sarcophagus on tho right
needle of a hynodermle sitIuko. which has i,..k- h... un....... .hii.iren whu tolled miners than this country employs, ond yet .., .,.,....
been llllcd with a thin solution of glucose, lu lno ucop coal mines lu Ureal Urilalu, be- country turns out u great deal moro Thu oJ fam'Uy vuull ,u wuu, lhis uo,iy uf tho ontranco to tho gate, outside of the
unuer me siun oi tuo piece oi iruu anu in- came a public scandal. Tho adoption ot vu. vm.
Jeetlng a littlo of tho sweet mixture. Tho humaiiu laws led to a change lu the dls- rllu reason why wo obtnln a rar greater
Insertion of the needle Is always made near graceful coudltluns uuder which they Product with a much smaller mining force
the stem, so that the orlllco will escape worked and lived. Tho miners uf the world
notice. have now a pleasant existence compared
If the fruit Is hard It Is gently pinched witu that which they led a few decades ago.
until It assumes tho softness found when in uo pari of tuo world are thero so
fully ripe and Is then ready to he colored, many underground workers, in proportion to
This Is done with a soft brush dipped lu tutal population, us lu tho South African
some harmless coloring mutter of tho ueces- republic. These workers aro in the gold
sary shade and tho fruit Is then set nsldo to mines and practically all are negroes under
dry for tho morket. As every Individual white overseers, 'the worst thing about
is that wo ubu a great deal of improved
mining machinery, so that, though wu pay
tho highest wages, tho cost of mining Is
less In this country than In most European
of Washington was Urst Interred was
situated about three hundred yards to the
south of tho mansion, lu tho sldu of a deep
dell, surrounded by great trees, and was
simply u uurrow excavation lu the bank
of earth, arched over with brick and cov
ered with deep sod. Washington, before
vault. This was accordingly donu.
On tho morning of Saturday, October 7,
1S37, all things being lu readiness fur thu
removal of tho remains of Washington to
their new rusting place, lights wore pro
cured aud tho vault was entered. Mr. Wil
liam Strickland, who assisted at tho re
interment, gives the following account of
ills death, contemplated thu building of a
now vuult, and had selected tho spot whore what then took place:
Reflections Of l 13ilCliel0r u wished It located, but tho end camu "Accompanied by Mnjor Lewis and his
suddenly, tho new vuult had not oven been son wu entered tho vault door. Tho colllu
wur vwv Vrw Tho nvornco woman bcKUii. and tho body wub burled In thu oht containing thu remains of Washington was
piece mis 10 uo iiunuieu in uus maimer u their llfo Is that thu Uoers of tho Transvaal doea a lol ot foolish things Just to Bee If tomb. Hero It remained until an attempted in tuo extremo duck part or ino vauii, anu
can bu seen that It only pays to treat tho baVo uover consented to suppress tho liquor a certain man will care. desecration. A man broke into tho vault, to remove tho ease containing thu lonoen
mosi expensive varieties oi iruu. i-iuiiis, aaloous near tho mines. The Transvual . womnn tnat lB too tendor-hearted to mil was discovered Just us hu wus making receptacle it was round necessary put
peaches and certain varieties of troplcnl government has drawn largo roveuuu from . ... .... .. thiuk tllinK Df DUttinc with a skull und somo hones. Tho rob- "able tho eolllns thai wuro plied up be-
(, n hnhv her had found tho wrong body, for these tween It " the doorway. After clearing
Tho fact that a woman marries a man
at all Is gent-rally proof that alio doosn't
know as much as bo does.
Ucforo a girl Is engaged sho thinks all
tho men are alike; after sho has been mar-
relics formed no part of the remains or
Tho second sepulcher wus made In the
south sldo of thu steep hill, near a small
wooded ravine, on tho site especially
selected by Washington. Tho excavation
was walled in with brick aud arched over
at tho height of eight foot above tho lovel
rruits nro tuose generally prepared. ti,eso saloons by means of a heavy license
Still another profession, this time a tUx. The result Is that most ot tho black
fraudulent one, which oxlsts In France, Is ,UCrs havo Bpent a largo part ot their
tho selling of counterfeit ortolans and pro- earnings In drink and many murders, rob-
parlng them for tho market. Tho ortolan Is berles and other crimes have occurred,
found at Its best in southern Frunoh and Thousands of black men also work in tho
Spain and Is getting scarcer and scarcer ,i0..n iiint.inn.i mimm m Kimhnri.iv. Thn
each year. In consequence they nro hunted most pocullar feature of their employment rlcd a year,, sho thinks they aro all dlf
irucn moro perseveringiy man oeiore anu iB that durini: tho term of their contract ''-"
more and more imitations of tho bird aro thoy are nrlsoners. They live Insldo of a Wen a man gets married, no matter (lf .,. mllI1,i Tlll. ..,. llB1!lf ...,. BUr
being placed upon tho market. As tho or- mrgb compound, surrounded by a high board what a poor thing hu Is, there Is always mull(iuU ,,y a wnn of brickwork twolvo feet
tolan retails lu tho market ut about $1.00 In fonce on which guards aro mounted, as on woman somewhero to wonder whnt ho h,Kh anU Bmir,iL., j f.ont by ,U1 iron Kato.
Amcrtcun money, tho art of counterfeiting tho walls ot Sing Sing prison. Evory mom- uver saw In her. Wiy opuI,K a fow f0l!t In front of tho
thorn is quite a profltablo ono and sparrows tnc thov are marched out to tho mines and As soon na two noonlo havo a babv all Its vault .lnnr.
nnd various small song birds nro pressed ovcry Di(.ut tuey aro nmrched hack again, rolatlves begin to quarrel ovor what Its Tho body of Washington was moved Into "K"t f tho candles to havo suffered imi
into service tor ino purpose. Insldo tho compound aro tho rude cabins In nanio shall ho; by tho tlmo this is Bottled this tomb iu 1831 and remained thero un- muu m"" ulu uuects oi umo. ino eyu-
Tho ortolan Is generally taken alive and wulcu tj,ey Bicop lui iloro and thero arc they begin to quarrol over which It look disturbed until 18U7 when John Struthers sockets wore largo and deep nnd (ho breadth
fattened for tho market on special kinds of snonB wcre thoy may buy overvthlni: they most llko: bv tho tlmo thov cot this sot. nf Phihwinlnhia nmi nrnanntnii in thn "cross the teiiiples, together with tho fore
warn anu ino counterieiter merely secures require. I.lquor. however. Is kept away tied, thero Is generally another baby. rolatlves of Washington a marble sarco
somo bird of nbout thu same size to sell as
'ho genuluo article, nnd by fattening It on
the passagewiiy, thu easu, which was lo
cayed, was stripped olf and the lead ot the
lid was dlscowrcd to have sunk very con
sldeiably frcm head tu foot, so much uo as
to form a curved line of four to live Inches
lu Its whole length. This settlement of tlu
uielul had perhaps caused the soldering ot
tho Joints to give wny about tho upper or
widest part uf the collln. At tho request ot
Major Lewis this fractured part was I urn id
over on tho lower pnrt of thu lid, exposing
to view a head and breast of largo
dimensions, which appeared by tho dim
the same vnrlety of grain for several weeks
ho manages to impart to Its llesh some
thing ot the same quality as that of the
ortolan. Somo secret method of flavoring
the flesh Is also In vogue, In order to nuike
It moro nearly approach tho tasto of tho
genulno article. Tho ortolan Is, moreover,
of n peculiarly round shnpo and tho Imita
tion requires pressing Into tho necessary
form after It hos been killed nnd dressed
for tho market.
111...- II, !..
To return to our own country, it Is only
ecessary to consider somo of tho profes-
lons existing in Now York to llnd thoso
rnsniii ih iiifisiiv in inn minim in wmntm. ih
cir I u I itk. niiini, .1 v ii i.i H in vn I in. inn
1 barber has, In consequence, sprung Into
.... rTlm .mnnelHlt. rin t I r ltd nllnnml In
u Ul.UU.l.l.J Jl I . no IIJI'U ...
wool of French poodles need constant
'.dug nnd the dog harbor is a scientist
in niiiAn in,,, c, t 1 1 1 1 1 . cfl..i
owners of white poodles wish tholr dogs
blondlned hoforo taking them out for oxer
clso, nnd It Is needless to say that tho oc
cupation is ono to which many women nre
to tho manner born. Tho hair of tho dogs
Is often curled to suit somo caprice of the
owner nnd thero are numerous foibles In
connection with the treatment of the
nnlmals which glvo employment to n largo
number of persons, Somo people keep
Bpcclal attendants for certain treasured
nnlmals, but In the case of show animals
thero Is nothing singular about the fact. It
head, appeared of unusual slzu. Thero wns
uo appcaranro of grave clothes; tho chest
was broad; tho color was dark and hud the
appeurauco of dried llesh and skin adhering
closely to the bones. Wu saw no hair, nor
wns there any offensive odor from the body.
A hand was laid upon tho head and In
stantly removed; tho lead ot tho lid was
restored to Us place; tho body, raised by
six men, wns carried and laid In tho marble
colllu and the ponderous cover being put
on and set In commit. It was scaled from
our sight on Saturday, October 7, 1837."
On tho lid of this marblo sarcophagus
is sculptured tho American shield suspended
ovor our festooned lings. Perched upon tho
superior bar of thu Hhield nnd forming tho
crest Is nn englo with outspread wings. Ilo
low this design and cut In the marblo Is
tho name "Washington."
Tho remnliiB of Mrs. Washington now
rest In a similar sarcophagus of marblo,
plainly sculptured and sltuntcd on the left
of tho gntoway or entrance to tho tomb.
Detroit Journal: It was a beautiful
evening lu Juno. Tho wnterB of tho drill n
ago canal purled nud rippled against tho
plow i.f their gondola, virtually as any other
waters might. Tho occasion Invited con
fidences. "Did you marry your llrst love?" asked
tho guest.
"Yes," replied Holeno, naively, while
her color deepened perceptibly, "my first,
t lilt il. fifth nnd Bovonth, thus far! Of course,
I in not In thu lenst superstitious, but there
certainly Is luck In mid numbers!"
As tho gloom gathered tho gondoliers sang
Italian love ballads, tho abattoirs uhciI
tholr smoke consumers, anil altogether It
was quite llko Venice.