THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, EEDHfAKY 15. 1001. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES c- ' 1 ' ' Advertisements tor these rolomm will be ontll 1U m. for the ftrnlnc edition and until a p. m. j for rooming anil Snuday edition. i ' Rate., J l-2e n word Mr.t Insertion.! 1i ord Ifaerenffer. YnlhtHv i.l 1 for less than 25c for the Drat liner- ' t'on. These? adrertlaenenta annet be ' low price, for rash, somewhere bet Far es n consecutively. I n.m and XI won and 16th and 3th. state Advertlseis. br rrnn . ., - ! ttered cheek, can bare ana era ad- dressed to a numbered letter In rare f The Bee. Ana era ao addreaaed wilt be delivered oa preaeatatloa of tha beck only. WAMED- SITl'ATIONJ. EXPERT accountant Holbrook, Brown blk A-M5 COMPETENT young bookkeeper, now em ployed, wishes change of location and 1 seeking ilmllar employment Can read and write German. J 31, Bee A-fll-IO WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED. w hare steady work for a tew gcod hustler of good habits and appear ance. C F. Ada ns Co.. 19&S Howard St. 11 V5i HARDER trad taught thoroughly In sb- time; catalogue & particular free, West ern Barbers' Inatltute. Omaha. Neb..., B 5 MEN or women to sell goods lo city '.r5e. Good pay arid ateadr employment. Hlx enbaugb. & Co.. Ware block, Omaha. B-M'U Maris WANTED, canvassers. ICO Douglas St B M7'S0 OOOD all around blacksmith, must be rood plow man. A. F Hwanson. Bertha, Neb. B-iSl 3U WHOLESALE rrocery house wants 1 steadr mn for traveling salesmen, sal ary. 3- and expenses; previous experi ence, unneceasary; state age. reference, imall capital required. Merchants Gro cery Co .-511 Junction Bide, Kansas City, Uo. B M619 It . . . WANTED-Man of rood business ability to take half interest in real estate Dusiness Small capital required. Address. J , Bee WASTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED, 350 girls. 1534 Dodge Tel. $T. C-WT I) girls wanted. Canadian offlce, 112 Douglas C SSI YOUNG lady to leam massage; permanent position for right party. Apply ) Bee Biag. v; WANTED, a young woman with some busi ness experience to manage a business; no capital required. Address, stating experi ence and references. J 30. Bee. tf WANTED, a young woman phyr!c:an to taKe jenarge or a sanitarium, aaress j Bee tf WANTED Girl for general housework. good wages, South 3th St. ron itcxT not'5ns. IF you want your houses well rented place ALWAYS moving If. H. coodT Pianos. Oface, 1SH'4 'Farnam Sn Tel lSJi .r D S5J - HOUSED for' rent ift all part of tho city. p-m HOUSES, store-. Betnls. Paxton block. D-Sg SEE HENRY B. PAYNE.. 1 N. Y. LIFE. . . d sa HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, IK4 Douglas. 'D-SSI HOUSES" and flats. ' Ringwalt. Barker Blk B-W HQUsSE.wA.mtd, .AVJ;4ct. BrQWn Rlki D S3S NEW T-room brick, strictly modem, east frcnt, 37th and St Mary s ave., 3S. Bemls imon diock. D CfU Hth. near Farnam; ten-room modern house- cfjxnDieie in evcrj- reanrci: ten mftitit. walk of center of city: reasonable rent Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th and Doug las Sts. P IT TURGES, MARTIN CO.. 517 N. Y. Life. D-SS1 FCJ ELEGANT 6-room apartment In the Wi nona. t'ayne-Knox to. D-M351 FOR RENT. 3 room houe. nice yard and NINE-ROOM modern house, larv. shads trees, barn, thoroughly desirable. In every way; will be .vacant Feb. U: rent. ?5ATvr-!.?Aif. AND TRCST ;i.,st-, and Dcuglaa Sts. D-; j; r-r-j iu ii irimiu wnn reierence FOR "RENT, modern six-room pntt... 1 porcelain oatn ana furnace, rth Ave. and . . - . . . ' -v.... I i ii.m. i.imuur .ii i?o. am AVf. D 603 f ROOMS modem, 2703 Howard St. Hamll- ' Ton orc.s. ounaers, grounu noor Bf. lllc'g in, n.?. JJ JlSjT Ji FOIt RENT (5 acres. 53d and Dodre atreeta. tvrn (,WV. from Dundee car line: good 7-room house, large barn and sheds; very desirable su burban home:, land suitable for cardenlru- or dairy purposes: will lease 3 years, 34 per xsonin. House, W14 Cass st. S-room modern. 333.50. nouse. ivi, isortnmn st . s rooms, jn. House. 1133 South 16th at. 3 rooms, .. Store. 1433 South 16th St.. 315. OEORGE & COMPANY. 1G01 FARNAM ST. J D M633 17 FOR RENT. S-room cottage. 317 Capitol ve. inquire oi v. u. trussetl. care JI. E. amitn ac to. D MS31 17 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. BTEA'M heated rooms at The Thurston. ' E-173 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. ' ' "7 E-S74 FOR RENT, '.nicely furnished front room: within " walttlnr distance of gentleman only: uss of bath and tele- pofine, no oiner roomers. Aaaress H 16. ee. K 11763 HOUSEKEEPING room. 36 up. ZX3 St JJry fa jjjpa Mtrl t FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, iuu euu ht. i9 orm i,m si. E-305 UIT of front rooms, furnished, all modern conveniences, li. n. win et, E 101 15 MUUSEKEKIUNG. back parlor and -cnen. 4 ooiwi mn at. li MiSi jj Pl'RNISIIED ROOMS AND HOARD. OLENCAIRN, transients, It 35 day. ir Doug t c c t . J I uakoe front parlors with board; also mailer room, reasonable rates. The Rose, - r iiisj The Mfrriaxn , good winter home. Zi & Dodg r IT UTOPIA, 1731 Davenport St. F-T77 5.1 N. 33D ST., new management, new fur- niture. gooa ooaro. t n FOR RENT yNKCRNISnED ROOMS. FOR housekeeping, also barn. 3034 Et Mary's ave. G M37 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by TheJBee at 316 Farnam St. It has four stories, and a basement which was formerly uacd aa Tbe Bee.nreaa room. Thla will Ue Tented very reaaonably. If tntereated apply at once to C. C. Rose- 'ier, secrciary, room iw, uee uuiiaing. - i i -ti rOR RENT Store. In first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply R. C, Peters S, v-o.. ground noor. nee uiag. i X WANTED TO RENT. MODERN nine-room Tipuse; southern part i city. Ada! essr J uee.- iv it- WANTED, good furnlsnW room and board. modern convenlnees private family, for man and wife, willing to pay right price lor.rlght-plsc. puet have answer by St. uru-y a, m , preirr U9 wiiirr ponnjrn, AAaress j a, ue. k ilea li" STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. H3 314 Jones, r-eneral storage and forwarding. Oil VinStor Co . ism, Farn. Tels. 1&43-K3. rri - - WANTED TO BtV. LOT and house about ten room?, mult be' location ana price. Aoartu ": N MOM ! WANTED, a good second-hand typewriter desk. Address M. C Garrett. Madison. Neb, N M591 ! INVALID'S chair which can be used cn street or In house. Address W. Bee office. Council Bluffs. N-M611 In FOB SALE furniture. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel nm. New & rdhsnd furniture bought. so!d, exchanged, O KM FOR SALE, furniture, carpets, stores, con tent 3-room retiaee. nearly new. very cheap. 1C3N. HthSt C iMT FOR !AI,E IIORHE5, VEHICLES F'TC. FOR SALE, light omnibus, 12 paeners, good as new, 3. Harry Frost, lltli nd lea-rtnwprth. P 451 FOR SALE 31 IS CELL AX EOCS. HARD and soft foundation piling: hog fenres and cribbing, Ml Douglas. Q-fSZ 1DHAND safe cheap. Deright, Ulf Farnam. Q SS3 SAFES; buy, sell exe'ge. Schwartx. 114 3. 13. Q JS4 HERTFORD CO., Kth and llworth. FURNITURE ti UPHOLSTERING. Q S85 TIMOTHY hay and all kinds fled and coal. Monroe tc Co. Q 3S6 INCCBATORS. Send to the Sure Hatch Incubator Co., cay center, .seo.. tor a handsome free catalogue. q 441 FOR SALE. 38 secondhand wooden chairs. in good condition, cents eacn. avp y Bee Business oltic. Q 914 FOR SALE, thoroughbred Golden Seabrlght Bantam, nun i-egnorn ana wnite Wyan dotte Cockrells. also Barred Plymouth Rock cock, inquire at nil Caldwell y .Mtij 16" FOR SALE, a patrsof strong bobbs or run- nen, tunaoia tor Fieign or camage; aiso double sleigh. Apply 077 N. 13th si. CLAIRVOl ANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. tl North ltth. H &JS HUE. GYLMER, genuine palmist. 1 Dodge a sss ZENO, clairvoyant and healer. 1515 Farnam. s .MW ID ELECTRIC TRDATHGT. MABEL G RAT, 31TH N. 15th St.. flat E. 1 JltiS t-is- MISS MAE LESLIE, Q3 S. 16th. M floor. T MSS4 Y-ZS ELITE r-rlors, 615 South Kth. second floor. i fJI MS ' MME, AMES, 1515 Howard. Cj floor, room 1; thermal path,. i is- I'EHSONAL. PRIVATE home before and during confine ment, babies aaopieu. Airs, uurget, xst Burdette. U FRENCH accordion pleating lvorj-. rlmtiut tons: mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., WUIm. O OJ. SUPPLIES for alt machines; machines for rent wnite Hewing Aiacmne, iko ooug !as. Tel. 3334. t U-S33 RUPTURE cured: no knife, no i)atn. no1 danger: sena lor circulars, empire Hup ture Cure. 331 N Y. Life Building. Omaha. t illll t-IB PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during connnemeni; Dames anopieu. zzx, Grant at. t 33 VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational. wnoifsomt nome ireaimeni. -u tmt tiiag. L EH BUY from the manufacturer. Burklev En- elope to., umana. u iiiuti c -la DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns -fc superfluous hair removea oy eircincny. iv. i; i-Temer block. u iu TURKISH baths, massage baths electric bains, tor laaicn onij ; imiira women F AK ".H rao1T!i . ?il8 1 te,q, vl1 p fJL 5? i.1?.5 I ""iU?"" UOOms in v. i""" u s LIEBEN. theatrical, masquerade costumer. "ms j.-arnam. U-7 . . nnmuiv m. rrk OnU . -.1 . i. ,i 1 . u- V . . . . t.L.llkL OI.. cordeon pleatin.- plant in the west Mail orders solicited, suite uou uglas Block, opposite Hayden's. t-1-' I TT ' ,x ptr , U 7?7 ta-v: hext sewinc machines tor i5c n; vreK: we repair ana sen neeaies a:u at tachments for any machine made. Neb. Cycle Co.. Cor 15th & Harney. Phone lfa. V-M13 M2 A BOX of Re-No-ltay j'owoer is not a luxury wnen it anoras you a cure, anu secures the comfort and happiness of your room-mate. U MM CAUTION! Beware of fake piano ads; for genuine Dargains in sianaara instruments see Schmoller A Mueller, the old reliable piano house, 1313 Famam St Phone ICS. U-M514 16 HONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha rea! estate, tirenn.n-i.ove 1.0., soutn lJiri. WgS"S LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa tarms at a per cent; norrnwers can pay 1100 or an- 'multiple; 'any Interest date; no delay. Brennan-Lovb Co 300 S. 11th St. Omaha, Neb. V-V1 PRIVATE money, 5,54.6 per centr no de lay, uamp iiroj., u r anura. v s?s WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. George & company, is-i rarnam street W-903 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved, city properiy ana xarms. v r arnam Mmitn & Co., 10 Farnam. W-SM WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, it u. meters & Co., 1701 Farn-m St, Bee Bldg. W P03 MONEY to lean on farm and city property; lowest raies. u. r. uivii uo., jr arnam. W-j4 MONEY to loan at 5 and IHper cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle. 401 S. lsth, PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, jj r v. t.ue. FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton Mock. aV PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 154 Doiglas. iv 5 AND 5H per cent loans, W. H, Thomas, i-irsi raiionai ijan- ouuain.. .jrj. iv. MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY TODAY. Loans made in amounts from 310 to 1350 on nousenold furniture. Dlanos. norses. car riages, etc, without removal, or on your S-A-L-A-R-Y without security. All cr a part of the money may be paid back the first month or no part of It need be paid back for several months. Each payment made reduces the cost accordingly. Em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. Peopl; who need money are tr.vlted to call and get my terxs and compare them with what others offer Loans of other com panies may be transferred to me. No charge for DaDera. All business strictly confidential. Quick service and lowest rates guarantees. " J. W. TAYLOE. 633 Paxton Blk.. top floor, northeast corner in ana ira.-nam. r.nirunc.e on J'n . j. eu u. -v 3u 8-A-L-A-R-T L-O-A-N-S. We loan (10 to 1101 UDon notes. NO SECURITY or MORTGAGE required, pay weekly, semi-monthly or monthly. WE GUARANTEE lowest rates. tif imiii n Den ion l dbiq aciarr Due. WE GUARANTEE as easy paymenta. Room 4U Bee Building AMERICAN IXJAN CO. X-4Ct 3IONEV TO LOAN CII 4.TTELS. . DO TOt NEED MONEY We lean Jl. and up on tjrr.ltJre, pianos, horses and other rhattelt. SALARY LOANS ... without mortgage to people holding permanent positions Tou can get the money In a few hours after making ap plication and take 1. I. 3. 4. $. t months or more In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep it. We charge nothing for papers and we give you the fun amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours: our term are the easiest; our business Is confidential ana our motto is "Try to Please. ' Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., , 11 Board of Trade Bide. Tel. (Established ltx ) 3 South 16th St. SALART LOANS. If you are employed by a responsible firm we will loan you sums from ll to on your note at much cheaper arjd easier rates th.n elsewhere. Of this we are positive. Abolutely no charges for papers. Nothing deducted from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 303, Paxton Block. X 514 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman. 4K Board Trade bldg. 7C T?l MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- elry. horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, n a 13. j MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows. Jewelry. Duff Green, R 5, Bar .er hue CHATTEL i- Salary loans, ants, M Barker Blk. Joe II. Pleas-X-MW4-F13 SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha Credit Co., New York Life Bldg. X v lUMXKSS CHAXCE5. tlM CASH or easy payments buys 3 strictly lawful (nlckell slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash, will earn II and upward eekly each. Earl Clark & Co, furni ture, Manufacturers, Chicago, III. FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carriage business In south central -Nebraska. For further particulars address Box 603, West Liberty, la. MT31 IF YOU have Idle money see C. It Clover. 4-n N. Y. L. Y-M551 RACKEFstore for sale in a live Nebraska town; nice clean stock; best location, good reaon for selling. For particulars address J r, Bee. Y MSoa 16 FORSALE. billiard hall with seven tables In operation, doing good business. Fre mont Cider Co., Fremont, Neb. Y M5S1 IS WANTED, butcher shop; good location .for right party. Address Box 13, Bcwne. Neb. T"-M-iO 1 MONEY made in oil stock: thousands are getting rich: grasp the opportunity to day; for full particulars. Mt. Hsrnlllon !-and and Oil Co.. Rea Bids . B. ?jn Jose. C " i!! FIRST-CLASS manufacturing enterprise. Fine opportunity. Plant, 3100 cash. Ad dress. J 3, Bee. T 61.-14 FOR EXCHANGE. A FINE JS.VM imparted magic lantern, as good as new. only used a short tlmet'sult able for lectures, churches or lodce enter tainments; a bargain. Address F O. Bee office. Z-lt9 WILL trade stoves and horses. S01-KB N. Kth St. farnlturo for Z-SSl-14 OSTEOPATilV. JOHNSON Institute. 613 N. Y. I Bldg. Tel. 1544; Alice Johnson. D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. S3 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still nchool; Kirksvllle, Mo., SCH I-axton Blk. Tel. 137. S3 FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. CHEAP HOMES. Pay rent to yourself. 3U2i Emmet St.. full lotcotlage a rooms. city water. !. 3713 N 3d St.. i lot. good cottage. 3.V.V S. E. Cor. Sid and Spencer. & room, bath, closet, gas, etc.. at ? valut". iloo. i 1I3 Locurt. good house, l rooms, partly modern, bargain at JJ.KJ. Four houses. So. 19th St, nrar Martha, rent for 3K.W per month; price S3.C). S. W. Cor. Kth and Maple, lot 40xl. house C rooms; price 11,1:4. 317 and 3J19 Dupont St , full lot, two houses, Jl.OuO. 316 Miami St, house 6 rooms can be sold for JKO. KK N. 3Sth St., S rooms, modern, first-class , nn .1 1 . i n h ,- r. nouir, (;uuu t.uniutiuii, .,w-.. I ii T snnt 55f 7 rnnm, hath, clokt r-t. I I1.M0. 117 So. Sth. 7 rooms, modern house, near Farnam St.. 33.VO. Near 3d and Pacific, at end of 33d St. ... i . t.'. r. . . A few lots wesl of 34th St.. near Ames avenue, if sold now. kzm, t,. t l-.rhm Ree R i W. T. Graham. Bee Bldg. RE CS7 14 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 01 N. Y. LIFE. RE-3-" HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemls. Paxton, Blk. RE 933 FARMS, large and small Let me know what you want William Nelson, 601 S. ..., BKWU1 RE M943 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 13C3 Farnam St HE S RANCH AND FARM lands for sale bv the Union l'acinc ttauroaa company, is. a. McAllaster land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-931 A BARGAIN. 9-room houe, bath, gas, tine gns fixtures. large butlers pantry. closets, fine MANTLE and grate, alcoves of front ted room, large attic ceiled, large store room, bam. box stall, room for two carriages. SIGHTLY LOCATION, south and east .fronts, on comer ISth and Parker sts. PAVING ALL PAID, PERMANENT SIDEWALK and LARGE SHADE TREES. Owner going to California and wants to sell at once. Prl'-e, 3i.5A and owner will throw In all carpets, window shades and stoves. R. C Peters Co., 170 Farnam St . Bee Bldg. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. R.E-MOT1 17 PROPERTY bought ft sold: money loaned. rents collected, i.. u. jonnson to.. 3J to. 15th st. RE 103 F30 CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; CH-foot east iront in ,Neion i aacnion. ii. J Kennard & Son, 310 Brown block. RE-934 BTURGES. MARTIN CO.. H7 N. Y. Life. t 3 i 3 I 3 3 3 I 3 SEVEN. ROOM dwelling. Walnut Hill. large rooms and nail, nrst noor: 3 Dea rooms and bath room, second floor; large cemented cellar; south and east front, fine shade trees; lot 50xl3&, street paved, all taxes paid. 3 blocks from street car; house cost over 33.500 to build; property worth 33,500. 1 need some money at once; 11.000 down. I!,0 3 to 5 years takes the property. Buy now and make 35O0 in a few months. Address J 3o, Bee. RE-M615 17 RANCHES AND FARMS FOR SALE AND TRADE. We hav a fine ranch of 1.340 acres deeded lajid i,0Crt acres free range an abundance of living water acres alfalfa; Improve ment first-class; price. 135,(5; will take half In good city property 160 acres near Lincoln; a, fine farm, good Improvements; irO per acre, will take half in good city property 10 acres near Omaha, all in fruit; good house, windmill, etc., for tJ,wn. 5) acres choice land near Omaha, covered with valuable timber, ll.rO. For particulars call or address PAYNE-KNOX CO , 31 ain Floor New York Life Bldg Omaha, RE-M630 17 INCUBATORS AND BROODERS. INCUBATORS and brooders: catalogue free. Write Burr Incubator Co.. B 2. Omaha. Neb. Factory at 3th A- Davenport -475 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING taught thoroughly. Mc Dowell system: highest award at Paris. The McDowell School. 515-516 Karbach blk, -M561 16 I MF.DICM- if LADIKStout of health Jin prompt re: ef box zs:. omina. .Ned icer: a: GONOVA is a Frenh treatment tor ma e and female for the posllhe care of On. orrhnea. Gleet, Unnatural Discharges. In flammations, Irritations and Ulcerations of 'he mucous membranes An Internal remedy with Injection ccmblned wa rantcd to cure worst eaeS jn PPF W,(K, M per package or two for t' Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Dr jg w, Uleln. in American umce, retai who.aVe. Myers-Dillon Dr-.g Co.. bmana; M. A Dlilon, South Omaha. Davis Dr-g OOT,C0Bnc" B1USI- " "ne f rUbbr .ri l,ATi:T5. IN.ENTORS 'ioT AN IDEA' We handle patents, copyrights and trade marks. u Give ms the bars Idea and we. will U rett: modern oulppcd msrhire shin ;r 1 foundry In connection, OnVtai naxette c i file: guide book free. Mason. Fenwlck A Ijiwrence. patent lawyer if H -w r. SL: Tel. 111. Omaha. J. P Cronlr.. rep. - Ji IN. ENTOR.o. t ask no -e8 t.nt 1 the tten is p'oflured If we fall, we et rt fee. ailvice free. Sues A C . Patent Law ers. Bee Rldg., Omaha, Neb. Long . tanre telephone ICS. 41$-MarJ5 SHORTHAND A.M TYI'ISWIIITIXO A C. VAN BANTS School. TIT N T Life. 90 BOYLES' College, court, reporter, princlps.1. Bee Eldg. -330 NEB. Business Shorthand college, Boyd'a Theater. 9S1 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., U & Doug. sr EXPERT ACCOt'TANT. LESSONS in bookkeeping, etc . dav or evening R. 15, Com. Nat Bank. G R. Rathhun ".''4 LOST. LOST. 3140 in bills In business cMstrlct esj' of 15th street, 149 reward for return o Bee office Lost 03 11' CRICENT tcarfpin, contains seven d.a- monds. between Itoyd s; and 34th and Hr- ney Reward of 110 if returned to r3 Harney Lost-13-l , nicvcLr.s, START buying your bicycle- r.ow. K down. ' n t-r ' rlerher CarvStol Ave 11 per week. i lescner. is .ap.ToiAe. BIRDS AXD TAXIDERMY. STOCK"S Dlrd Stcre. 1633 Leivensrorth. j PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, rellib'e a.-commodat- lng. all busUess confldential 1301 Doug a. , -9U : . WATCH REPAIRING. W. O. SANDERS, room t4. Earkr Bio; k. 4- F-1C STAMMERING AND VTl TTEHIXG. CURED Julia Vaughn. 430 Rarage BIJg. JO KLII.MTl RE REPAIRING. TEL. 1X1. M- S. Walklin. 3111 Cuming St TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tlcketi everywhere. P. btn. 1EA5 Farnam. Telenlione T54. H. Phll--Ml LAfXDIlV. OMAHA Steim Laundry, shirts. 7c: collars, Ic; cufft. tc. 17 Janworth. Tel.?64.. CARPENTEI15 ANn .lOHBER. ALL kinds of carpentcrwork and repairing promptly attended to. J, T Ochiltrev. 30th and Iji ke Sts. , 370 , ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating", cheapest. leat.aJlck est Mrs A. C Mark. S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. RUBBER STAMP.. BADGES, medals. Om. Pi t Co., Tel 3S. Bee B'dg. -337 NICKEL PLATING OMAHA PLATING CO Bee BHg. Tel 35. 3 PORTO Popular Tours RICO !b. 16. March 2 Illui- trated prograiu - dsy. all ei;cnet. flSS. Hamond A Whltcomb. 103 Adams St.. Cblcjgo RAILWAY TIME TABLES. FREMONT. ELKHORN A Missouri Valley Railroad 1 "The Northwestern i Line" General .Jmces. SSVsaonal I nlted Bank Bldg . S. W. Corner 1 TT.-.fth and Karnam Sta. Ticket .Office. 1401 St. Tel. KL De- not ISth Bn.i vi. Ti ltfiv 1 Leave. Arrive, t Black Hill!. Deadwood, ' Hot Springs a 5.00 pm a 5:w pm . Wyoming. Casper and ' Dourla . d 30 Dm e 5:00 pm , Hastiut-s. Tor. DaviJ I l!tv. Mm,r!ftr R,)in!l. .... Exeter ana sewrd ...b 3:00 pm b 5K pm Norfolk. Vtrdlgre ana Fremont s 7:30 am bl0:-5 m Lincoln. Wahoo and - Fremont b 73 ain bl0:25 am a Dally, b Dally except bunday. c sun- day only, d Daily except baturdaj. wii- except Moiui. CHICAGO .t NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 Famam tit Telephone. UX Depot. Tenth and Marcy Su. Telephone C9. ucavc. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Pasenger .... a 4:15 pm a i:40 am eastern Express. Des Moines. M.rsballtown. jTednr Rapids und Chicago alOdS am a 4:03 pa Eastern Sf.eclal, Chi- caC3 ani -.a.t a 4:5j pm a 4:05 pm Fast .dan. Chicago to Omaha a 3:45 prm Omaha-Chicago Llmlfd.a 7:t pra a 6:0) pm a!w.?" :. .!. ' am l-?0r.Pla rassenger a saj pm a Daily. lRTr'TTXW Se.terndTi7e General Offices. United State National Bank Butldins, 6. W Corner Twelfth and Famam Sts. Ticket Office. 1491 Famam St Telephone 50. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 0. Leave Arrive. Twin City Express s&S am a!0:35 pm Twin City Urn)).. & 7:3a pm a 5.15 am Eloux City Local a irOO am a 3:50 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. ST PAUL.. Minneapolis St Omaha Railway "The North western Une"-jeneral Offices. Nebraska Dlvl- ion, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Office. 1101 Famam St. Telephone. ICL DeDat 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Pucrtr.,.a C:Mam a 9:10 pm Omaha Pasener .... a)l:10 am Stout fit y & North east Nebraska a 3:45 cm a Dally. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock 111 and Route" City Ticket Office. ICS Far. nam Street Telephone. 43. Depot. Tenth and Matey SU. Tele nhone. C3. . Lflve- Arrive. EAST. Des Moines and Daven port Local .a, 7:35 am bll:3S am Chlcaro Express bll:15 am a-'0am Des Moines Local pm . 1:43 pm Chicago Fast Express .a t pm a 1:35 pm De Moines, P,ock lit and snd Chicago.. ...aU3pm a 9:35 pm WEST. Lltuailn.CcIr-rao Spgs., Denver, -pueola and West -a, 1 JO pm a 4;15 pm Colorado,. Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a 5:30 pm a 1:50 am a Dally. l Dally rxcept Sunday. i - i IMIUVVV TIMIi Tini.E. T.T 1NGTON & MIS- ' 'rt Ither Railroad i ihe Utirllngton Route ' General Ortlce. North. e;t Corner Tenth and i Farnam Streets. Ticket once IMS Karnam Street. Telenhtne. Iljrhngton Station, Tenth , and Msson Streets ieiepnone, i-s. Leave. Arrive. L'r-o!p HasUngs and ' McCock .....a ;4 am 1:8 pa L;-c'n Denter, Colo- . l'in.'1, "' J k'"""'" &.,r.S Tji-idl a 3 W L!r.ncon"Fa?tCuriJU.aa::b S wt-in lteatrlca and rado. I 'ah. 4 lliorma.a i .w i flU ... Kill ( pm a (.43 am cm a 3-17 am Wymre. Beatrice and Lincoln .... (.19 am bU:iSara Denve. Colorado, Utah anr, i-aiuorni- .. Ecuth Bend. Louisville. Plattsmojth b 3:SS cm and (.auiornia a .IS am bll;03 am Ft or. n l'lattsmo-Jth and Pacific Junction a ?:M pm a ISO am Bellevue P attsmouth 1 and Pa:if.s Junction U:10 am ' a DauV b Dal'y exceor F.unday. 1 fcrANRAS CtTT. RT Jfl. seph A: Council BlufTs luKs I nr. Jw '-i.; ' Railroad "The Burllni ton Route" Ticket OTTlc WS Famam Street. Tel chore. Zjii dcdo . Tenth t. Tele, i and Mason Streets. chose. ITs Loare. Arrive. . Kansas C'ty Dsv Ex. .a . am a C:iS pm Kansas i ity Njg',t Ex alftJO pm a : am St. ! Fler for . Jcser'i and St Ijuls .a S.l pm all;li am ' a Da. y CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ' ei uuincy iiauroaa 'Tne Burlington Route" Tleket Office 1501 Farnam Street, lelephone. SO. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Telephone. 12. Leave. Arriv. Dayifght Ch.tago bpe- Ho. ... . - MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- General Offices and Ticket Offices. Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sta Telephone. IX. Depot Union Station. e, yTw .nj Kansas Etc, J" . . .."aio.-OO ILtxpVVisl.'.albllo Leave.. Arrive. -tn :j pra pm a (;is am . Leave from 13'n and i Webster Streetst t?."'. J.ff"; V1V ,.10 nm ...... eeping ater D f .10 pm all ti i m Dany. b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACiriC-'THE OVER, lsnl toute 'General Offices. N E. Cor. Ninth and FarnaS MZtSJ I btreets. City Ticket Office. 114 tlTKn), riiiuiiiirti. .lepnone. jii. Depot Tenth and Marcy Sts. Leave. Arri. The' Limited.. a 4:30 am a 7:30 am The ChlJaeo Portland The 8pec:al a fSnt a cm The Fast Mail s;M am a 3:13 pm The M.-.U and Express.. all;.0 pm a 45 pm Stromsb..rtr Exsress..b 4:03 nm hi;-Jo )Tfce At.nntic Express'." Grand Island I.cai.... h .20 nm h S om a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road -Omaha, Kansas city fc Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of flee. 1415 Famam St Tele phone. 33. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets, Telephone. C3. Leave. Arrive. dt. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:15 pm a S:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 3:TOpn a Daily. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Uailroad-Clty Ticket Of fice, 1103 Farnam Street Telephone. 145. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets,. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express .. Chicago Limited Mlnntapolis and Paul Express .... Minneapolis and ...a 7:00 am all:3 pa ...a 7:45 pm a t:03 urn St ,b 7:00 am b 8:40 pm ...a 7:45 pm a 3:05 am Paul Limited Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs b 4 JO pm a t:15 anj Fort Dodge Local fr-m Council Bluffs a 00 am a Dally, b Dallv except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Office. J415 Farnam Street Telephone. Z De pot. Tenth and Marcy Sta. Telephone. CS. Leave. Arrive. Et Louis "Cannon Ball" Exdtcss 5!" Pm 30 m Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE Cl St Paul Railway City I Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam Street Teiepnone, w, l Depot. Tntn and Mason Etieets. Teiepnone. 63. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ei....j 6Mpm a b:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..b ,:15 am b 3:10 pm a Dally, b Dal!" except Sunday. (iOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROI'OSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE PROP- suWF-n'oiirsJbrFcbry 12. -t-i i im. j l nrr-na tint nm mi"n rv it . r.'l- Mieu proposals. Fuojeci 10 mo uui condltk i. . will be received at this office until 1 o clock a. m . February 33, lwi. at which time nnd nlaee thev will be nubllclv opened, for f jrnlshlng subsistence property, I as follows: Stationery and miscellaneous urticles. Preference win De given to articles of domestic production. Blank pro- bosa! and specifications can be ootalned at this D. B. WILSON. Major 35th In- F-1S-E-14-1I-16-M LEGAL NOTICE. ;;otce j, hereby given that the regular annuai m.-tlng of the btockholdrrs of the t south Platte L.anQ company win be neia at the tjmce or saiu eorapany m i.iti"oin. Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m on the Cth day of March. A D 1W1 By order of the Board of Directors. Lincoln. Neb.. February 4, 1M1. C H. MORRILL. President. A. B. MINOR, Secretary. I FM3Qt POSTOTFICD .TOTICE. I 1 should be read DAILY by al. Interested, aa I changes may occur at any time. I Foreign malls for the week ending Feb- I ruary je. 11, will close (PROMPTLY in alt 1 cases) at the General Postoffice as follows: i jarceLS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR I EARLIER than closing time shown below. parcels Post Malls for Germany close at , s n m on February 13 nsr s. b. Koenltin ,,. vla Bremen, aca Februarj- 15 oer t a. l'e:.nsj ivama, via narauuie- ' foreign Branch' half hour Ta7er than , closing lime shown below. ti.u. ti...ln n rf Ciinrlatnan t ta i e-V alia t -.a m SATURDAY At 30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Potrdam (mall must be directed jer s. t. Potsdam"; at Sa m for ITALY, per s. s. K. M. The resia. via Naples (mall must be directed per s. s. K. M. Theresia"); at 10:30 a. m. (supp'ementary 13 m.) for EUROPE, per e. s. I'mbrla, via Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by hei. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Mills named -Dove add turns I supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American. English, French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mail for Snnth and C rstrat America, Wrat lliillea. Etc. FRIDAY At 13 m for MEXICO, per s. s. Bllverdale. via Tamplco (mall must be directed 'per . s, Sllverdale"): at !! p. ro. for NASSAU, per from Miami. Kla. SATURDAY At S a. m. (supplementary t'tt) a. rn.) lor VENEZUELA and CURACAO, per s. Maroralbo (mail for Savanllla and Carthagena nust be directed "per s. e. Maracalbo"): at a. m for PORTO RICO, per s- t Ponce, via San Juan, at 10 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. c. Trinidad; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s, Morro Castle, via Havana, at 10 a. m. (supplementarj 10:30 a m.J for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SA VANILLA. CARTHA GENA and GREYTOWN. per s. s. Al leghany (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per e. s. Alleghany"! Malls for Newfoundland, by rall to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6.30 p. m. (connecting close t.cre every Monday Wednesday and SaturJa)), ll:ui for Mlqueion, by rail to ? ..w nm miriiib nm i inclusive, rnr aicnmicn ter s a wa mm rh cJ5S wip,;'! l:& pm m (sjpplementary malls. Ma Seattle, close at tr.!tt CMcSI? Llml ed P i pm ' 30 p m -srcn F" mu8t b directed this Fist Ma" . " 50 pm ! i 1 ? ' "Pr s- -rrlmoo". j qp I- 1 IHIWAUKW j CiTfi4fi postoffice .oth n. Pct'or. and thecca by steamer, elott at this offlcfl -ally at t.V p. m. Malls for Cubs, 17 rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this office dafly at S a. m (the rcnnectlng closes are on Sunday, Wed-rsday and Friday Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami. Fla . and thence by steamer. lose at this office every Monday and Friday at H p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at th' cSee dally at 1-30 p. m and 11 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Bellie. Puerto Cortn and Ooatemata. by rail to New Orleans. a- thence by steamer, close at this en Call)- at 1 p m. (connecting closes her- Mordavs fcr Bellte. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala and Tuesday for Costa Klca. "Registered mall closed at S p. m. previous day. 1 rans-l'aclflo lnllt. Malls for Australia texcert West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe) New Samoa, and Hawaii, via San Fram-ls.-o. close here dally at 6 30 p. ! ScluMre. WWffi I toaW lot th Jnduitrl exposition, d-ie at New York February . for dls-' but the matter naa referred to the promo pauh per a s. Ventura. tlon committee for formal ratlflcatlon. t(p?,. Vit.-r;ti i j.VT.ri' r,i. ,... Malls for IISTtail. Japan Chini and Philip- I pine Islands, vra iw- Francl'ro, close here dally at t V) P. m. US lo Februarv ' "".,r.c'""c' ior '-Pcn per s. , -Nip- pott Maru l Mails for Hawaii via San Francisco, close I hre dally at 6 50 p m up to February! 18 for dispatch per s. s. Zealandia Malls for Chi ri I sent-, via Van"Jver. close here dally at 6. p. m up to Febru ary "l. Inclushe, for dispatch per . s Empress of China treglstered mall must Mitls fcr Hawaii. Chins, Japan and Philip- oe airec'ej - unpuirr r1ne Islands, ria San Fnr.cIco. close here daily at C: n. m up to February 2S. in rlislve. for dispatch t-r a s. Rio Janeiro. Malls for Australia (except West .Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe). New Zealand. FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6: a m. after reDruary ' i ana up to March Trans-Paclnc mails are torwardd to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing ts arrangra on ne presumption oi ineirioi uninterrupted owrlcnd trAnslU Heel . a ( I i , ... . . . i. irrru tajuii viu--n . v yiriuui ux CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Pcstmaater Postoffice. New Tork. N Y February lJeOl. CONDITION OF IRON TRADE Pending Blc Deal Caoaea Might Ileal fancy In oma Lines, but Pricea Tend Higher. CLEVELAND, Feb. 14. The Iron Trade , Review this week says. The working out of the Morgan master stroke of high The volunteer committees present re finance at New York Is responsible for some ported the beginning of active work, but hesitancy In the iron trade, but even so the (made no report as to money collected, this volume of trade Is good and there 1. matter being passed over until the next prcmlso of greater activity for the near I meeting of the committee, which will b future. On the heel of the recent buying i held Monday of 1&0.000 tons of bessemer Iron by the 1 I Carnesle company, It is reported that that Interest Is again In the market for a large a :S0 am block of Iron for delivery In the first half of n B or i'. . . the year. Estimates of the amount under Inquiry range from SO.OCO tons to 150,0-30 tons. Merchant furnace men had been quoting higher prices before this Inquiry came Into the market, and l.V at valley furnaces is cow said to be the minimum for standard bessemer. If there has been any purpose on the part of the furnace men to maintain a low market for Iron for its Influence on the price of ore, tbe requirements of the large lntereets would seem to be Interfering with the program, for the bessemer Iron market Is nov likely to go etcher. Next to this Important development in bessemer iron, tho firmness in steel billets is attracting atteatlon. Sales of 10.000 toes of bessemer and 10.000 tons of open hearth billets were mado in the Chicago district, much of this tonnage being at prices above the pool basis. In the PUtsborg district a scarcity of steel billets and sheet cars for the gen eral markeA Is reported and special carbon billets have brought as high as II a ton more than the agreed price. Tbe consump tion of steel Is on a scale uncqualed since the height of the boom in 1&99. New contracts in finished material have not been large In the last week, but the full operation of mills indicates that further buying In Important lines will not be long delayed. At Chicago the expecta tion Is that building requirements will exceed those of any previous year, the final settlement of the stubborn construction trade troubles paving tbe way for a vast . I -1 - ... 4 M M.t. C...M.Hf 1 1 1 a . ,. . , . . , are feeling the initial impulse of what promises to be a record tonnage and witn some of tfiem specifications and new orders are already in excess of shipments. "Falllcg to Sad relief from the gTlp with old methods, I took Dr. Miles' Pain Pills, Nervine and A'erve and Liver Pills and was permanently cured." Gust Egan, Jackson, Mtcb. ! BIG DEAL IN PRU T BUS NESS - . - . .... ...-.. InTolvra All Ref rlgrrntor Lines Extensive Producing Interests. nd SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14. The Chronicle says. A deal has been consummated where by Edwin T. Earl has disposed of Ills In terest in tbe Continental Fruit Express to tbe Fruit Growers' Express, better known as the Armour Car line, which thus suc ceeds to a monopoly of the refrigerator car business In California. Negotiations for the tmnsfer of Earl's fruit Interests to the Porter Brothers company are also said to be In jrogress. The deal also Involves the transfer of about JI.OOO.OOO property In terests. Edwin T. Earl will retire perma nently from tbe car line business. The deal Involves the sale of all the' Earl cars, of which there are 1.633. Georgs B. Robblns of Chicago, general manager of the Armour Car line, is here coniummatlsg tbe big transaction. The Armour Car line, by assuming control of Earl's cars and tbe Continental Frutt Express, or tbe Continental Car line. secures an absolute monopoly of the re frigerator car business In this state, except the handling of tbe southern California orang crop, a small percentage of which will continue, as heretofore, to be handled In Santa Fe refrigerator cars. Negotiations looking to the purchase of the Earl Fruit company's Interests are also under way. Frederick Cox and W. E. Gerber of Sacramento are understood to have the deal In band, and the story goes that they are working In the Interests of the Pcrter Brothers company. James S. Watson of Chicago, president of tbe Porter Brothers company, arrived here a few days ago and It Is said that his visit to the coast is largely for the purpose of expediting the acquisition of the business and accounts of the Earl Fruit company MAD DOG BITES CHILDREN Dashes In( a Chicago School, Wonnda Several and Escapes, CHICAGO, Feb. 14. A brindle bulldog. foaming at the mouth and yelping In the madness of hydrophobia, dashed Into a crowded recitation room of the Koimlnskl school at Fifty-fourth street and Inglesld today and before It was driven out by a policeman called by tbe teaefcert had se verely bitten four of the children end created a panic, in which a number of oth ers were badly trounced. Tbe dog first at tacked a tittle girl. Utlng her In the leg. Amid tbe wild rush for safety three boys attacked tbe brute with a blackboard pointer and were In turn bitten, A police man then appeared and fired four shots at the maddened dog without effect, further than to drive It from tbe building. Tbe dbg, wounded, but not crippled, was chased for nearly a mile through tbe street be fore it finally escaped. AUDITORIUM WORK GOES ON Lsctticn for tl Isdnitrlil Zxpoiitisa ii Eilected. OLD LEE-GLASS-ANDREESEN BUILDING M. .tatllnger Open Contrlbntlon llnrran la lire Unlliilne Free of Charge General Outlook la rartlrulurls Bright. At the meeting of the auditorium comm.' tee yesterday aftrrcoon It was ln(ormlb' decided to secure the building recently ta .,ta hr the Anr.e.on it. ,lon committee for formal ; . , .. The various committees re lection of S'.TSa since the 1 ported the col last report, the - ums Maglng In an , ..... . ... la addition to this a amount from U00 to Jj. mount one of the taem bers of tbe committee reported the collec- tlon of 1109 which was not taken Into con alteration until he Is ready to make a final report. G. M. Nattloger announced that he would, without expense to the committee, open an office In Tbe Bee building at the office of the Omaha Building and Loan association for the collection of all auditorium sub scriptions. Hit offer was accepted. Bedroom Anile Donated. Among the goods donated to tbe com es through the exposition enterprise morning was a full bedroom suit and antlty of other furniture, by an eastern I n.. piif..ii... . . .x..i .., -.4 - ,,., - ., , . . , , . ... quac,llr of rugs, and a third house a lo cuveiiirs oi Tarious tanas. The exhibition committee has under ad vlttment a plan for Increasing tbe exhibits of local houses. By this plan the local house will not be required to donate to tbe committee all of the goods displayed, but will be permitted to commute the same by paying a cash consideration, to be agreed upon between the committee and the ex hibitor Under this plan it Is believed that the exhibition will be made more Interesting and permit the local houses to take space and put articles In place In a manner im- I possible where all roods dlsclaveil were to peccrae the property of the auditorium committee. MANUFACTURING GAS MANTLES Line of Ilualnraa Started In tlmalia lir .M. V. Kelly. I'oi merly of Ilea Jluliira. A new establishment for the manufactur ing of mantles for Incandescent gas lamps has been located In Omaha by M. V. Kelly, formerly of Des Molscs. The office and factory is at 1319V5 Douglas street, and the new firm is cow In operation with four or five men at present employed. This mantle manufactory opens up a new line of business In Omaha. In fact, there are only four or five similar establishments In the entire United States, Jobbing busi ness will be the chief purpose of the firm, although a retail department will be con ducted. The superintendent of the practical work of designing and making the mantles Is a natlv of Buda Pcsth, Hungary, and since his residence of four years In this country has been employed by some of the larger eastern concerns engaged In this line of business. MANDERS0N IS STRONGER Cradual Recovery la Now a Cer taintyFred Mets Not So Well. General Charles F Manderson Is gradu ally Improving In health. He Is reported to be much better than he has been In several days and Ills condition Is de cidedly encouraging to the many Anxious relatives and friends who have been con cerned over bis health. It will be some time, however, before tbe general will hae regained his normal strength, even If future Improvement continues. Fred Metr, sr., is no better. The im provement that was marked a few days since has given place to a critical condi tion such as Mr. Metz was In previous to tbe temporary rally. Ue Is able to take but little nourishment and Is decidedly weak. SUES FOR HEAVY DAMAGES Former Fireman on t'nlnn Pacific Who Saya He Is Crippled for Life. ( Joseph T Smith, a former locomotive fire man on the Union Pacific, has begun suit in the district court to reccver $15,000 damages from the company. He alleges that he was crippled for life while at work on his en gine in September. ISPS. He holds the com pany responsible for tbe accident, becauso he claims to hhve ben thrown down by the shifting; of en Improperly ret apron react ing from tbe locomotive to the tender Smith says the fall broke tbe neck of bis right femur where It esters the hip Joint ELEPHANTS BY THE CRATE Peculiar Idea of an Exprrsa Company aa to the Shlpplnaj of I'acbydenna. A new rate schedule Issued by tbe Pacifle Express company caused a good deal f merriment at army headquarters yesterday rooming on account of the peculiar word ing ot one of the Items. Tbe schedule begins with bread crates, button saws, dogs, drug boxes, and then comes "elephants," which are referred to thus. "Elephants, not crated, three times merchandise rate on actual weight!" The express rate on "crated elephant." unfortunately, is not given. PROPOSED NEW CAR BARN Street Railway Director. Will Dla cnaa It at a Meetlngr to ne Held Soon, Secretary D. H. Goodrich ot tbe Omaha Street Railway company says tbe officers expect to baTe a conference soon with the board of Insurance adjusters which Is now estimating tbe company's lost. Following a settlement of tbe losses a meeting ot tbe board of directors will be held to dlsctni the proposed new car barn. Mr. Goodrich says the facilities of tbe company are not at all crippled and there li no occasion for hasty action. - Thief Touches General Gordon, CHICAGO, Feb. 14. The Record thla morning says: General John B. Gordon, who Is dellverng a course of lectures on tho confederacy, was yesterday robbed of his overcoat, In a pocket of which were passes which entitled the farmer confeder ate general to transportation over all the principal railroads and checks and papers which he values at 34,0W. General Gordon left his overcoat on a. chair In the writing room of his hotel while he added a few touches to a lecture he Is to deliver In Iowa, When he finished writing the coat was gone and a young man whom the general had noticed in the room had dls a r pea red The police are searching for tho I man. ,