8 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FEIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1001. 'COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat is a Nerroni, HeiStatiog, Irregular Affair, Pall of Whimi. tORN MAKES STILL ANOTHER HIGH MARK Oat I'nlrlr Hcllvr nml Close Sllshtly MlKlirr Provision Utile Firm, TlioiiRh Itnllirr Dull nnil 'AnrriiTT. CHICAao, Feb. H.-Whcat behnved In an tonexpllcnhlo way todny, closlm: c lower, iftrr a nervous, Irregular session, Corn es tablished unothcr high murk for the crop Mid closed 4e over yesterday, Onts were ic up nnd provisions UlVBCOc Improved. At any ntUKo of tho speculative play In wheat It wan extremely dliricult to discern tho Impulses governing the market. H was a iiervous, hesitating, Irregular nffnlr, Koiicrnlly dull, but full of unaccountable Whims. The profundity of even the exports Was taxed to tho limit nnd their "advlco" on tho proper mnnner of playing thn mar ket was ornculous nnd vague. The market yesterday advanced Iji the face of bearish news; today It declined on ndvlces which on tho surface looked emphatically bullish. May fipened n shade higher to n shnde lower at "fie to 75Tk and under the Influenca of advances at l,lverpool nnd on tho con tinent advanced early on a small trade to iS'ic. On tho advanco trade became very dull and a llttlo foreign selling added to local liquidation sent May off to "Mic Tho corn strength later frightened some wheat phorts, whoiio covering caused n rally to 76lc. Longs, owing to tho nervous, uncer tain nppenraneo of tho market, thought It ndvlsablo to secure prollts. May conse fluently turned heavy and closed at tho bottom, So under yesterdny, nt "SHiJfnVHc. I'rlrnary receipts wore 449,000 bu,, compared with 479,000 hu. a year ago, this comparison being onn of the bullish factors Ignored by the market, Minneapolis and Dulllth re ported a total of 311 cars, against 2S9 last week and Mo the corresponding day last year. Fresh nrrlvnls hero numbered 61 cars, 1 of which graded contract. Kxportcrs reported 10 loods taken for foreign ship ment. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour were equal to 3O2.000 bu. Thero was & better domestic Hour demand reported, but half tho Minneapolis mills wore closed nd tho cash demuuil was slow. Wheat for July delivery wns still sold rather freely anil tho discount under May widened to Corn was very firm but extremely dull up trt noon. After that It became suddenly active nnd aggressively strong. Tho mar ket adhered to Its recent dally habit of making a now high prlco for thn crop. Tho closing spurt was duo to covering by shorts mado timid by the absence of country sell ing, moderato receipts, higher cables and the continued poor grade of corn received here. May sold between KlUiftlWc nnd 4ic and closed y&so higher nt lOUft li)(ic. lie celpts were 320 earn. Tho clearances, 8iV),. 0V) bu.. were a material benefit to tho mar ket, although tho shipping business wns slow. Oats wcro fairly active and firm, the corn strength, a good cash demand nnd mod erato receipts being the supporting fnctors. May sold between 2r-iift25?io and 25.4c nnd closed He higher nt 25Vc. ltecclpts were 306 cars. Trovlslons ruled llrm, though rather dull nnd nnrrow. Tho demand, mostly for pork, was started by tho strength of thn hog mnrki't and tho paco was maintained later with the nsslstanco of tho corn strength. Slay pork sold between J14.12U and $14.35 nnd closed 20c higher nt H4.32H; May lard, between 7.6T nnd J7.60, closing 2l4o higher at $7.6,H. nnd May ribs, between $7.10 and $7.17!jfg7.20. with tho close 7!4o higher nt Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 30 5; .00rns 225 cnra! "if. 235 cars; hogs, 30.000 head. Tho leading futures rtinged as follows: Artlclej. Open.l High. iJowT CloscTYcs'y! Wheat Feb. Mar. May Corn Feb. Mar. May Oats Feb. May I Fork Feb. May I.ard- Feb. Mar, May Jtlbs- Fob. May Sept. 74 73H TCH 73't 74iOV; . 74H 74WH 74', 74 76T4tK6 76U 75H 7&H 75'ff76 31 3Si SS ,38U 3S 3SW 39 33W 39 39'ttfi")i 40H 39HSj! 0ff K 39' 24S 24i 24H 241.4 24 H 25H 23'4 23U-i 2GH 253 14 1214 13 92U 14 12 14 35 14 12!4 14 32$ 14 12 7 60 7 471 V47VJ 7 6214 7 47H 7 60 7 47(5 7 65 7 CO 7 65 7 57!4 7 65 7 1214 7 OS 7 10 7 20 7 10 7 17 H 7 10 7 2214 1 30 7 2214 7 30 7 224 No. 2. Cash nuotntlons wore as follows: FT.Oim Dull and unchnnged. WHKAT No. 3 spring, &Sfj73V4c; No. Ted. 74V4f(7(!o. COItN-No. 2, 3S?ic: No. 2 yollow. ISHc OAT8-N0. 2, 25HW2S,l4c: No. 2 while, 27?i I vtc: ino. .1 wnuo, Zi'u-l',iC. nil'; o. i, uic. HAHLKY Clooil feeding, 44c: fair to choice miiltlnir. 52fS5!lc. S15KDS No. 1 flax. $1.05; Nn. 1 northwest ern, $l.l: prime timothy, $1,50; clover, con tract grade, $11.0Ofril.l5. PHOVISION8-MesH pork, per bbl $14 12V4 diiD.u;. per luu 10s., tl.iiWUl.bi). anort ribs sldea (loose), $7.1017.30. llry salted shoulders (boxed). $fi.250.E0. Short clear SJiies inoj.-euj. jj.3ay7.. WHISKY-Unsis of high wines. $1.27. SUGAItS-Cut loaf. ti.29e; .granulated, d isc; cnnicciioners j, u.unc. Tho following nro tho .receipts nnd ship ments todny: Articles. Itecolnts. Shlmnonts, Flour, bills 26,010 31,(00 Wheat, bu 65.000 M.000 Corn, bl 229.0O) 150.010 Oats, bu 253,000 !i,000 Ityo. tui K.oon llarley, bu., 26.00i) 10,000 On tho Produce exchange todnv the but. ter market wns active; creameries. 14fI21c dairies. llHClSc. Cheese, nctlve, at lOVif? ii?iC. lisKKs, nun ; at niunt, cases included, IPC. CVKW YOUIC C.lvMCItAI, SIAHKKT. Clnotnt Ions of the liny oil Vnrlnna CnmniiiilltloM. NKW YOUIC. Feb. 14,-FLOUn-Hecelpts, 3R.444 bbls.: exports, 9.5SS bbls.j tlrmly held, with buyers operntlng more conlldentlvj winter straights. tt.451J3.60: Minnesota nat. ents, $4.1(Vf?t,30; Minnesota bakers. $3.00 I 3.ju; winter low graues, w.i.Vff.'.w, ityo I flour, steady, fair to good, $3.10t!3.15; choice I to fnncv, $:i.20I?3.E5. lluckwheat flour, quiet f at $2.i(vn2.20. HWCKW HKAT Dull at WJZlc, c, I. f New York. COItNMKAI Firm: vellnvv wpatrrn 0o. 1 city. 92c: Hrandywlne, $2.4(Vfi2.45. ' HYK Firm; No. 2 western, 61c, f. o. b afloat: stnte, 5lVfi'67c, c. 1. f., cnrlots. HAHLBY-Qulpt: feedlns, lSlfilc, c. I. f hw- iur; niaiiing, iiiiruac, JlAltLFY MALT Dull: western. V)1l72c. iVHKAT Hecelpts, 37.800 bu.; exports, 47, W7 bu. Snot, stendv: Nn. " roil. TflUr- rtn. vntor: No. I nurthorn. Dulutli. K714C, f. o 11.. afloat: Nn. 1 Imnl nitlntli ftfta! t 1. afloat. Options had a Arm o'nenlng on' tho pronounced strenrth of French murketH and covering, nner which ttiey ruled stendy on iv nuiaii iiiiiiL, uiuniiy H'ing ueipeu iy corn In tho last half hour, general ronllzlnn caused n sharp break. Closed ensy at I4ffi "ncjii'i uri iiiiu, .iiitrcu. I'Jvt'dKU l-juc, closed "l l5S- lll. Wl .J-HI'INIIfC. ciosei at SOiiC , COUN llocelpts. 179.400 bu.: exports. SS, 777 Ml. BPOt. Strong: Nil. 2. 4SU,e. i.Ib vntor and 4Sc, f, o. b afloat. Option market was sienny 10 nrni nil nay ami rnlrly nctlve. Small receipts and heavy clearances proved nn offset to moro ltbcrnl country offerings, shorts buying freely In tho last half hour. Closed very Arm at lifTHo net advance. way, m-winc, cioscu at 4c; July, 44l4if45c, closed nt 45c. OATS Receipts, 117.600 bu.; oxnorts. 6,260 bu. Spot, steady: No. 2. SOlia; No. 3, 30o No. 2 White, 8343Uo: No. 3 white, 32,Sc ..nt.iv iiiiacii ..v-a.f.,,, u'l.o.7svi, ll.L'n WI1UO 3136c Options, dull but rather Arm. HOI'S Quiet; stnte, common to choice, 1900 cron. 17i20o: H99 crop. Ittffl5c: old nMi 24f6c; l'nclllc coast. 1900 crop, 17019c; 1S99 cron. lignite; 010 oiuh, .(uc. HIDES Firm: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs lSHC19c; California. 21, to.25 lbs., 19c; Texn drv. 24 to 30 lbs.. 15c. ' LIJATIIF.U-Steady; hemlock sole, nuenos Ayres, iigm io nenvywcignis, zvuac; nclrt wvoi2ViC WOOL Dull; domestic fleece, 21Q20c Texas, JMfiye. TALLOW-Dull; city, 4Mf4Tic; pountry PHOVISIONP-Heef. steady; family. $'1.00 ffl2.oo; mess, w.inKuy.Bii: neet niims, jis.msj. 19.00: iincket. $10.POffl0.60. Cut meats, steadv: pickled bellies. $7.624(99.:: plcklod shoul ders. $6.00fl6.25; pickled hams. $9.0O9.5O1 I.urd, llrm; western meumeu, i,mi; rennea tlrmer; continent, w; aouin America, enmpound. $5.60415.6214. l'ork. Arm: family $15.noW15,60; short clear, $H.75B110.75; mess, $lS.7utl4 u. ni'TTRii KecclDts. 3.905 iikEs.: Arm fresh creamery, 16ii2214c; June creamery. IMfwo: rnc.ory, nwioc. PIIRKRE lleceluts. 1.451 nkgs.t Arm fancy, lwrge. fall made, lU4llljo; fancy, small, rail made, ii.wiic. , EaaS-Secclpts, 0,056 phs,; weak; west em. at mark, l319',ic: southern, nt mark, lSil9c. 1'OtMrnV Alive, active: fowls. 11c: chickens. 9c; turkeys. MflOc; geese, $1.12 1.02 per pair. Dressed, steady: turkeys, liy, lze; ciilcKens. niic; iowis, ssuwe. HI'flA 11 lintv. alemlv: fnlr rpllnlnr. 3C! centrifuge 1. OG test. Iic: molasses sugar, 3Vic; teflned, quiet; crushed, 6c; poW- ereu, o.O'c; granuiaieu, o.ovc. Jill ivBirnuy. MOI,AHHK8-Steady. MKTAI.S Conlldencn was more apparent today than for some time past; this feature, owover, oniy in un, nuo largely 10 uro envv shipments from this country, nnd nt tho closo the London nnd New York prices vero on a parity, the close at i.onuon no ne on tho liasls of 122 2sGd for spot nnd futures 117 154. Tho local Bnot price was $2fi.62'4 bid, but future prices were castor, Tho Ixmdon copper market was unsettled, closing unchanged nt 71 Ds for spot nnd 71 liis rut for rutures, Tlie local suuanon as morn or less In a nominal condition. hero being no quotations. Tho nominal main wns 117 for I-nkn Hunerlor nnd $10.60 for casting and electrolytic at the close. can was null and unciinngen ni i..fis ana t London the market was weak nnd closed nt 14 ISs 9d. Spelter In tho locnl market was a shade steadier, wltn prices partially higher at tt.POtM.Q0. Domestic Iron markets wcro of an unimportant chnrnctor, prices remaining unchanged all around. At Glasgow the closo wns at 64s 7d and at Mld dlesborounh 46s 7V4d. OMAHA WIIOt.KSAt.C MAUKKTS. CondKlnns of Trnde nnd ((nqtntlnna ti Staple mid I nncy rrodnctn. . KGOS nccelpts, Increasing) good stock weak, at 14fil4Me. I.IVB I'Ot;LTnY-Hens. 6H97c; yojng taggy and old roosters, 33 6c; ducks, 614 87c; gecso, 6(07c; turkeys, 6'47!4c. FltESH DRESSED POULTIlY-Hens, 714 dSc: roosters, 4i6e; ducks, Sl4j9c; geese, SlVfiOo: turkevs, tifJlOe. uahr-Ainnaru iiucks, per rtnz.. si.ooJ 60: teal, S1.50-JT1.75: mixed. J1.B01T1.75: Jack- rabbits. $t.5M1.75: cottontails, 9iV'R$1.10. HrTTEIl-Common to fair. IPUc: eho ce. 13WI4o: teparatnr, 22c, FKESH OYSTEUS First grade, solid packed. New York counts, per can, 3sc; ex tra selects, 32c; standards. 25c: medium. 20c. Second grade, slack filled, Now York counts, per can. 30c; extra selects, 26c; standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., $1.25. . . FIIOSEN FKISHII Finn mack bass. 10c: white bass. 10c: bluetlsh, lie; bullheads, 10c; blun fins. 7c: cntllsh. 12c: end. 9c: croonle. 10c! clscocs, 8c; halibut, lie; herring, 4f 6c: haddock. 9c: mackerel. 20c; perch, 6i 7c: plc:cerel, 7c; pike, 9c; red snapper, 10c; nlmon. 14c: sunllan. be: smelts. iuc: trout. 10c; whltensh, sc. I'HJfiONts L,ive, per uoz., i. VEALS-Cholce, PfTlOc. HAY I'rlrn minted bv Omaha Wholesnl Hay Dealers' association: Cholco upland. 5 DO: No. 1 upi.ilin, ; meiiium. j.u; coarse, llvn straw. $5.60. Theso nrlces are for hay of good color and quality. Demand rnir. ueceipis, t cars. OATH No. 3 wiute, ZTC. COP.N Vo. 3, 32c. ' IJRAN-$14.6C. VEGETABLES. PATISNIPS-Pcr bu.. 60c. TUrtNIPS "or bu. basket. 40a , HEETS-Per bu.. 40c. CAIUIOTS-Pcr bu.. 40o. LETTt'CI2-rPr dor- '0??43c. RADISH ICS Pet iron., Sic. PA HS LEY Per doz., 35c. JJEANS Wax. per 1-3 bu. basket. $1: string, ROc. potatoes 1'er uu.. wH65c: Idaho, nor 11., ROc. HW15KT i'OTATUI'.S rer blJl.. $2. CAHHAOE Hollnnd seed, lHBJc. TOMATOES-Cnllfomla. ncr fi-basket crate, $4.50. ONIONS Native, tier bu.. $1: Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c. CELEUY-Cnllfornla, as to size, 60g75c: Kalamazoo, 25f30c. CAULIFLOWEIt-Californla. Dcr crate. $3. FHUITS GltAPES-Malaga, per keg. $6.60(39.00. California Ilellflowers, per box, $1.60. CRANUKHRIES Ilell and Ilucle. tlO car bbl.; Jerseys, per Ibl.. $9; per crate, $3.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California seedlings. I2.r3ia 2.60; navels, $2.7&B3.25; Mexicans, $2.50; lorlilns. LEMONS California, extra fnncv. 13.50; choice, $3. HANANAS Per bunch, according to size. i2.002.oi-. FIGS California, new cartons. 80c: lav. ers, 7Cc: Imported, por lb., 1316c. DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 6c per lb.; Halloween, 5Hc ner lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES No. 1 ereen. 6c! No. 2 ereen. Be; No.. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted. 6ci.No. 1 vnnl calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 tn ir, lbs., 6c; dry hides, Rfll3o; sheep pelts, 25 UV., I.u.ou IIIUCO, fi,ilUi(..M. NriTR1nfTl1ali wnlrtntd IK 1Q. ni -K, 1 ..... 1,1- llrlR. npr In Ifl. n mnn, a nnw IV. 1c&-VIa raw peanuts, por lb.. DUc: roasted, 6i4f 714c; Brazils, 13c; pecans, 10l2c. St. I.i) ii l Grnlii anil Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Fob. 14.-WHEAT-Loweri ,0, 2 lll??,ht elevator, 72c: track. 75c; uv. 73if?73;c: Ju v. 7M:a7i. x? ' hard. 7l7iUc: ' ' CORN Hlcher: Nn. 2 rnh 3?!.. t.n.i 3S?i30c: May. 3SWo: .Tulv. aso ' ' ' o Ala Strong; No. 2 cush, 2614c; track, hi e iirm: &3c b ti. FLOUR Oulot und stendv: nntents t.1 KR7i .to. t'Aiiu uiiicv uiiii Hirnii-niR. x:i 'irn.i do clear. $2.70412.90. SEEDS Timothy, stendy to Arm at $4.25 70! prime worth moro. Flax, hlirhnr nf LI HN.MKAI Nlpmlv nl I fir. RRAN Firm nnd hlirher: snelterl ot track. 71lMj72c. HAY Timothy. dull at $10.00fT12.00; pral- wjiiHiy ateauy at $1.27. IRON COTTONtlES-$1.2o. HAGGINO-77)ic HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing. $14.50. Lard, higher nt $7.30. Dry salt meats (boxed), quiet Mnd firmer; prime extra aiiiiriH, ii.iivs; cicur rms. ji.Xo; clear sides, $7.37'. Itacon (boxed), Arm; extra shorts, i.n,73, Yv-..i nun, fa.ivvi UlUIir Slues, (O.fcO. nuv, i alb-i.eiui, steady: Jl.so. Soolter. unchanged: $3.70 bid. j'lJUUTJiy-ijiiiet; clilcliens. 7Hc; ti nna. iu.'.'v,, iiuuh.i, o'ac: geese, tc, ltl'TTER-Stcady; creamery, dairy. 12&I5c. - 152lc; EOGS-Steadv: 15c. RBCEIPTS-Flour. 7,000 bbls.; wheat. 28, 000 bu.r corn. M.OOO bu.: oats. 30.000 bu. niiii.Mij, is-1 lour, 'ji.wxj bbls.; wheat. . AUV 1... . ....... . rUy .... . . . . ... ."w uu., Linn, in, uu,; ouis, y(,iw UU, Liverpool (irnln nnd Prndnrn Market. 1. 1 VElll'OOli, Feb. 14.-WHEAT-Spot. dull: No. 1 California. 6s 25d; No. 2 red western, winter. 5s 1KA: Nn. 1 nnrih.rn BW'.nB,,,G!l 3lJ' .5ture quiet; March, 5s lld: May. 6s Lid. CORN Snot, llrm: AmftHcan mlrml nam 3s 10id; American mixed, old, 3s Mid. Fu tures i qulot: FobruarySs 10',4d; March,'3H I'lfl IVmil IMS! Uonr Anno ..1 T.it- mess. 64s 9d. Pork, dull: nrmn mo.i i.J.. uu, na un. iimiin, niurri Kill, 11 IO 10 ll)fl.. 45s; short ribs. Arm at 42s;' long clear ml.U d es, light, steady, at 41s; long clear mld- iiim, m-uvi, i nn, in ivs; snort clear backs. Arm, at 3Ss (Ul; clear bellies, Arm, at I5s! miouiiiurn, miimrti, nrm; u io 1J lbs., ;t7s 6(1 Lnrd, prlmo western steamed, .ISs 6d; PEAS Canadian, oulot at 5s M. HOPS-At Indon (Pacific coast), steady 4TT515s. FLOUR St. Louis fancv wlninr .i..,i,. c fi.i Ill'TTKR-DulI; flnest United States. 93s cood I'nlteil Htntes. 79s. CHEESE-Qulot: Amcrlcnn flnest wnit. oviKii iiitTiritn iiiii:i coioreu, tils bu. taijuih iTirao cny, nun, sssbd; Alls IIUIIUIl, III l-IIIUUH, C1U, mtli. Kuimns City (irnln nnd Pro vlilnniu KANSAS CITY. Feb. 14 WllFATnro.. 67c: cash, No. 2 hard. 69ft69i4c; No. 3. 67U No. 2 spring, 69c. CORN No. 3. 37Uc: cash. No. If ir,l,i U" i,. , ..Vf. m I. I II IV. JiU 11U, ill UllT. OA'lS-No. 2 white, 27c iiTiv io. -. inc. HAY Choice timothv. $10.50vfJll.ftO' Jillllllf. fn.uijlii.iv. mi I I Jiiit uairv. Jbc: crenmerv. lTWin,. EGGS Lower; fresh Missouri and Kansas mucK, iou iiiizuii, loss ou, cases returned new whltewood enses Included. Un mnro RECEIPTS-Wheat, 3S.40O bu.; corn, 29,600 Ull, . I Ml IR, till. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 26,000 bu.; corn to,lVU llll,, 1IIUB, J,UUU Ull, Phllnileliililii llntler nnd Kurnn. PHILADELPHIA. .Feb. 14,-nUTTER- iriiii iiiiiej- wesiern creumery, Ho; fancy 4p 1 ' ' ,a'lu nenruy prints, lA.irM-steniiy; fresh nearby, 21c; fresh western, 21c; fresh southwestern, 21c; fresh OUU I lift II, ii'U, , CHEESE-Stcady. Tnlrdn lirnln mill Seeil. TOLEDO, Pel.. H.-WHEAT-Dull. lower CORN Active, strong; cash, 40!4c; May nYK8oflia,ly! cnsn' Mn'. MN $7.20; Murch, $7.25. MlnnrnnnlU -Vlient. Flonr kiiiI flrsn MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 14. WHEAT uaen, ic; niay. .ac: July. ,bWdZW. On track: No. 1 hard. 76c: No. 1 northern, . II'a. X7 1 .... ....... . . n-4v;, .-.v., iiiiiinerii, none, FLOUR-Dull; Ant pattU3t3, HKJT4.1i; second patents, $3.8504.00; flrst clears, $2.M 3.00; second clears, $l.rJU2.00, ijii.. in nuiK, u.iB'i(i;.w. I'eorln .Market, PEORIA. Feb. 14 -CORN Firm! No. 3. 37iC oats Firm; No. 2 white, 27c. bliieo through. winsivY-On tho basis of H1.27 for nn shed goods. MlluiinUre (Irnln Jlnrket. MfT.ll'A Itirr-t. t.-t. .i tttft.-A'r r,ill No, 1 northern, 75HS7'kJi No. 2 northern, 721T ii. RYK-Pteady; No. 1. 63c. HAItLEY Stead v: Nn. 2. 60c: snmole. 401? 6614c. , .MOVI3M15XTS l. MTdCKS AMI MO.VDS. AVnllltiR- for Terms of StepI Merger Cnusrs A put by In Trndlnir. NEW YORIf. Feb. 14. There was a markcl relaxation today of the pressure to sell stocks which carried prices down ward yesterday and prices showed some re covery. Tho recovery did not set In until the market had been further tested by the nears, causing general declines below yes terday's level. In rnnsnntience tho net changes of the dny are as a rule small, but mosiiy gains, l.oniiou aavanceu prices oo- roro tne opening Here, but turnei sellers after nercelvlne tho drift of sentiment In New York and sold a few thousand shares ou balance. Thero was no manifest causo for the recovery, nlthough a few usually obscure stocks showed aggressive strength, but tho fact was very evident that the urgent pressure of speculative liquidation was relaxed. Tho bears who Bold yesterday covered their contrncta In cousenUelice. This probably accounted In great part for ino snow or firmness in tno mnrKoi. j ne bears have received too many severe les sons In tho lust few months not to have become rather timid and especially In the face of tho possibilities constantly hinted t or runner important financial uevciop- ments. In yesterday's decllno much win made of tho fact that the stocks generally Included In tho Interests of tlw prominent financier who has borne tho most Im portant part In tho recent consolidations wcro unuormiy weak and tins was niicgen to bo duo to tho coining departure of this financier on his annual vacation trip to Europe. As though In renlv to those con siderations tho stocks thus Involved wero all supported todny, Including Fedcrul Steel, tho Erles. tho Rendlngs, Northern Pacific and National Tube. The sham re covery In tho steol stocks served ns un admonition tn those who have counted upon a ureaK in ine group, 'i tie announcement or me Terms or tne steel merger are ne- llnt...! tr lo t I ...... , 1,,,. ,1,. m.Iw.Ia speculative world Is profoundly puzzled as to what the terms will be uiid tho exact period when they will bo published. With turn development Hanging over tun muritot there was more or less apnthy In the trad ing. Thero wns nn sign of resumption nt tho heavy buying by banking Interests which bus so often been In -evidence, previ ous to tho recent consolidations. Pore Mnrnuette rose St. Louis Sc. San Fran cisco 2i nnd the second preferred 414, Chi cago Qrent Western preferred 3 nnd a num. tier or minor stocks a considerable amount on persisting rumors of consolidation. .acknwannn roso an oxtremo 314 and Dcln- woro & Hudson 414 over Inst night. General Klectrlc was conspicuous for nn extreme advance of 16 points over last night, with a reaction of 314. Tho local traction stocks, Sugar nnd Tobacco, wero conspicuously strong nt times nnd rsortli American was forced un 2 points. Atchison wns lifted above 67. Nono of theso gains wero fully held and the tone of the market was rather heavy at tho closo and tho volume of deal ings verv mnterlallv curtailed. A number of newly listed securities wero dealt In for tno first time, including stocxs or American Agricultural Chemical conmanv. tho Cruci ble Steel company and tho Toledo, St. Louis &-. Western Railroad company, the. quota tions of each being advanced over tho opening prices. Indications contlnun for a hnrder money market, the subtrcasury today taking $207, 000 from tho routine operations In spite of heavy disbursements for pensions. Sterling exchange was lower In spite of the contin ued active demand for money in London. There was less doing In railroad bonis and prices continued to move Irregularly. Total sales, par value, $4,045,000. United States now 4s and 6s advanced U per cent eacht last call. Tn rouowing are me closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison . 56S1 . 8f . 9114 . ' . 56?i . 11 . 20ft' .139 . 3lW . : .110 .172 Wabash 18'4, do Dfd do pfd 31 U Wheel. & L. E... nil Baltimore & O Canadian Pac. Canada So do 2d pfd Wis. CentrnI . ... .fv'k ... 1ST, .. 120 ... 87 .. 67T4 ,..10.V.i ...100 ...IMS Ches. Sc Ohio.. Chicago G. W. C. 11. Am Q Chi. Ind. & L. Third Avenuo H. & O. nfd.... National Tube do nfd do lUd.v...... Adams Kx American Ex.. Chi. & E. 111... C. & N. W n.. n. I. & P.. U. S. Ex .. 66 ..123Si Wells-Fargo Ex.1. is C. C. C. & St. L. Amer. Cot. Oil... 2914 Colorado So do nfd 871 do 1st pfd 45 in' Amer. Malting .. 4V$ 11(1 .1 iiiu iJH Del. & Hudson... 168(4 no 2l nru (IO pid ZiVi Amer. S. & It.... 67't Del. l.. ac w jj Denver & R. G.. 41H Amer. Spirits . do pfd Amer. S. Hoop do pfd Amer. S. & W do nfd... do pfd 8S14 17 3f)V4 76 62T4 93H Erie 29".'. do 1st nfd Ri'i Ot. Nor. pfd 189'i Hocking Coal ... Wi Hocking Vnllev.. 47li Amer. Tin Plate. filH Illinois central ..law do nru jowa uenirai .... m Amer. Tobacco. ..117 do nfd 60 do pfd 140 Lnke Erlo & W.. 43 Anac. Mln. Co... 45 do nfd 110 nrooklvn R. T, Lako Rhoro 220 L. St N 9174 Colo. Fuel & I, Con. Tobacco . . 45'4 . 464 . M . 61 T4 . 81 .2101 . 47i . 94U . 2.1', . 73 Manhattan L 117T4 do pfd Met. St. Ry 163 Federal Steel . Mex. CentrnI .... 17. do nfd Minn. & St. L.... 8I14 Gen. Electric . Glucose Sugar do nfd low Mo. PnclAo R9 Mobile Ohio... 75; do nfd Inter. Pnper . M.. K. & T, 201 do pru Lao.ledo Gas .. do Pfd 65't I N. J. Central ....152'4 XT 1- r'r.,! t rn 1 1 ni' Natlonnl Illscult. rrU do pfd 82 National Lead .. 17 Norfolk Sz W 47 do nfd 811 do nfd R.vi; Nn. PnclAo K37i National 8tcel .. 4CT4 do pfd 87 Ontario W..., 3.",'5 do nfd 97 N. Y. Air Hrako.15 No. American ... 2?U PnclAo Coast .... 62 ore. uv. & Nav.. 42 do nfd 76 Pennsylvania ...lWV. do 1st prd 87 dn 2d nfd 6' Reading 33H lo 1st mil 7ei4 Pacific Mnll 42 People's Gas .... 11(211 do ?d nfd 441i Rln O. "W 75 t'resseti a. (Jar... .w, do pfd 77',j Pullman P. Car. .197 do pfd 9t St. L. & B. F .r. do 1st nfd. R2HI 64 U ir.... 26U! Kfitil S. R. & T 4'4 do 2d v.fd Sugar 136 St. L. SoutllW ao nru nu do nfd 661 Tonn. ConI & I.. C.IK St. Paul 149i U. 8. Leather ... 13 no nra ui do pru T5 St. P. & Omaha.. 125 U. S. Rubber .... 201 Bo. Pacific do nfd 61 So. Railway .j... 2?T! do nfd 751: Western Union.. 94 Amal. Connor ... 90 Tex. & Pacific .. J9U Republic I. & 8. 1614 Union Pacific 941 (in pru 11 P. C. C. & St. L. 67 do pra..... Xrrr York Money Market. vrnnf vnmr 1 1 mnvm r 1 1 44.. iv.v.x. v.i, n, niui, 1 un rv 1 1 . steady at 2flCV4 per cent; prlmo mercantile pnner. 4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Ho.iv v. with actual business In bnnkors' bills nt S4.R71if? 4.87 for demand nnd nt $4.x.njwi.raH for slxtv uavs; posiea rates. ji,iaiim,vi and $4.RRH'Hi-N': commercial bills. $1.834.31. SILVER-Certlflcntes, 62iS63c; bar, 60ic: Meiclc.in dollars, 4714c ROND8 Government, strong; satc, Inac tive; nilironii, irregular. Tno closing prices on uonns louay are i follows: U. 8. rof. 2s, reg.ior.tfl do coupon 10.V; N. J. C. gen. 5S..130H rn, j-acinc 3s,,.. dn 4s 10XW do 3s. rog 1101 do coupon .I1UW.N Y C & 8 L 4s.. 109U do new 4s, reg.137'. N. & W. con. 4s.102U do coupon .13i-V do old 4s. reg..U3'C do coupon US' do 6s. reg v.lio." do coupon II"; D. of C. 3 65s.. ..123 Atch. gen. 4s 103W do adj. 4s 93U Cnnnda 80. 2s....1lft'4' dies. & O. 4V4s.107ti uregon isav. is,.ina do 4s 101 Oregon S. L. 6s.. 197V. do coiisol 6s 11614 'tending gen, 4s.. 94'j Rio O. W. Is ino nt t, ft r m c. r,s.U6i; St L & 8 F e..6s.1?9J It. Psul consillH.185 S. P. C. & P. ls.,11RU rill 5s. do R 12014 "o. Pacific 4m n.Ui C. & N. W. c. 7s. 133H do S. F deb. fs.l'i Chicago Ter. 4s,. 97' Coin. 80. 4s 66i n . II. O. Is !0?H Ol. llllMWHy os, ,,in . II. & T. M 61 Tex. & Pacific ls.118 110 zs - .v n. Erie general 4s.., 84i F. W. & D. C. Is. 831 Gen. Electric 6s,. 161V. la. Central ls....116i L. & N. unl. 4s.. .101. M K. & T. 2s... 7U Union Pac. 4s,... 106 , tlUllll H Jill. do 2s 1101 iWest Phoro 4S. ,,114i Vl'la. . . 1 nna. ' is, vniiviii4 m,f i:' Va. Centuries ... 96 N, v, fcnirai is.i'ji Offered. Sew York Mlnlnir sltooks. NEW YORK. Feb, 14.-The following are quotations 011 mining siocks; Ai'ams Con 20 Alice 15 Hreeco W Hninswlck Con.. 23 ComBtock Tun.., 4 Con. Cil. Vn.170 Deadwood Terra. 52 Horn Silver UK Iron Silver 65 Leadville Con.... 6, Mttlo Chief .. lutarlo inhtr Phoenix otosl ... 15 ...650 ,.. 81 ... 9 ... 6 ... 15 ...106 Savago Merra Nevada Hmall Hopes IVS Mllllluuill 415 Rank ClrarlnB. NEW YORK. Feb. H.-Clearlngs, $282,730,- Bi. hillnmi 1UHT2.1SI. BOBTON. Feb. 14.-Clearlngs, $25,COJ, l' halsnces. $2,141,422. ST. IXIUK, Feb. 14.-Clearlngs, $6,780,111; balances, $1,662,603; money. Mrf per cent! Now York exchange, 10c discount bid, p.tr asked. CINCINNATI, Feb. 14. -Clearings. $3,192, 950; New York exchange, 10fl5c premium; money. 06 per cent. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 14.-Clcarlngs, $18,723,011; balances, $1,963,35. DALTIMORE. Feb. 14,-ClearIngs, $3,610, 017! balances, $145,953. CHICAGO, Feb. 14.-Clearlngs. J2S.111.533: bnlonccs, $3,0S8.9S4; posted exchange, JleftB' 4.8S14! New York exchange, par. llostun Stock (Inotntlons, HOSTON, Feb. 14.-Call loans, 2',4lf3'4 per cent; time loans, 334 per ceni. uiuciai closing; A.. T. & S. F... do pfd , Amer. Sugar .... do prd Amer. Tel lloston & Alb'y., Huston Elevated lloston & Mo C, 11. Q , Dominion Coal.., do pfd Federal Steel .... do pfd.... ..... Fitchburg pfd..., Gen, Electric ... do pfd Ed. Elcc. Ill Mex. CentrnI N. E. G. C Old Dominion ... Rubber Union Pad Ho .., , C6i &SU , 136 V, H8V1 ,162 ,254 ,16814 ,191 ,13S'J , 33 109U I'nlnn Land . 3 93i 101 67 13 19V4 90(i 324 S1H SfV) 25 20 fio 87 4914 175 336 34i 1 60U West End Atchison 4S N. E. G. & C. 5s, Adventuro Ilinghnm M. Co, Amal. Copper ... lloston A Mont.. Itnftn & Hnntnn.. Cnlllniet & Hen.. (Vntennlnl Friuiklln Kl ill Humboldt Osceola Parrot Qulncy Santa Fe Cop.... Tamarack 211 ,162 24ft 1"? Utah Mining .... Winona Wolverines IH London Stock LONDON, Feb. 14.-4 Qnntntlnni. p. m. Closing: Cons,, money.... do account ... Atchison Canadian Pnc... St. Paul Illinois Central. Louisville Union Pnc. pfd.. N. Y. Central .. . 97ti Erie .1. 2914 7? 7 !) 39?; . no isi pin . 67 Pennsylvania ... . 93'4 Reading .153HiNo, Paclllc pfd. .132 Grand Trunk ... . 93vAnnconda . 90 llland Mines .... .147 Ux-dlvldend. UAH SILVER-Dull, 27 15-16l per ounce. MONEY lj(5 per cent. The rnto of dis count In the opon market for short bills Is 3'4 per cent; for three months' bills, 3 13-16'(f 314 per cent. l'nrolgn Flnnnclnl. LONDON, Feb. ll.-Money wns Increased todny In spite of considerable preparations beforehand on the Stock exchange Dis counts wero easier nnd Inactive. The otP look Is uncertnln. It Is believed moro gold must ba obtained before tho position Is in sured. Tho Stock exchange wns engaged In tho completion of the settlement. Tho movements wero mostly Irregular. Consols nnd high-class securities wero firmer on tlie Idea that money will soon be easier. Americans relapsed In response to Wall street to below parity, but later hardened. Near tho closo they wero easier. Trunk lines reacted. Knlllrs Improved, tho war nows having n good effect. Gold premiums are quoted: Huenos Ayres, 130.90; Madrid, 37.30; Rnmo. 6.70. The amount of bullion withdrawn from tho Hank of England on balance todny was 22,000. Spanish 4s closed nf. 70.62V4. PARIS. Feb. 14.-Prices wero llrm on the bourso todny owing to the buoyancy of In ternationals, Russians and Brazilians wero In strong deiunnd. Turks were a special at traction on rumors of an Increase In tho Interest. Shortly before the close rentes wero ensler on rumors thnt tho health of tho premier, M. Wnlderk-Rousscau, had become worse. Industrials were quieter. Rio tintns were heavy. Dolleers showed an Important rlso on American buying. KuAlrs wero Arm on American buying. Three per cent rentes. 102f 3214c for tho account. Ex chungo on London. 25 f 23c for checks. Span ish 4s closed nt 71.75. The weekly state ment of tho Unnk "of Franco shows tho following changes: Notes In circulation, decreused 67,8iio,ooOf: trensury accounts cur rent, Increased 7,125,000f; gold In hand, In creased 3,300,(in0f ; bills discounted, decreased 62.056.000f: sliver In hand decreased 2,625,00Of. RERUN, Feb. 14. Internationals were quiet on tho bourse today. Americans were easier In sympathy with Now York. Locals fluctuated Irregularly on the report that tho coke syndicate would further reduce tho March output 6 to 10 per cent. Hanks were fairly maintained. Exchange on London, 20m 4914pfgs for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 214 per cent; three-months' bills. 314 per cent. MADRID, Feb. 14.-Spnntsh 4s closed to day nt 77.70. Gold was quoted at 37.60. Ctiiu'MInn of (he Treasury. WASHINGTON.. Feb. 14. Tndav's lnte. ment of the treasury balances In tho gen. eral fund, exclusive, of tho $150,000,000 gold reservo In the division of redomntlnn. shows: Available, cash balance, $143,a5,65j; ,.nl.i ott: out cia . ' ' ' hi'iui rf,Hi,oi,.. I Ileroril Hnle on Stock Exrhnnsr. NEW YORK. Feb. 14 A senf nn tho Stock exchange Is reported to have rold for $51,000 to Homo ncrsnn whnnn niinin the ofllclals of tho exchange have not divulged. This is tho highest price on record. Coffer Market. NEW YORK. Feb. ll-POPrrR-Thd mnrkot for cofteo futures opened steady at a decllno of 5 points under struggling room and foreign selling, prompted bv lower markets nbroad and heavy receipts In the crop country. Tho market rallied stilt later on covering and demand from reac tionists nnd on a belief that the trade here was over short and long Interest about eliminated. Trading wns slow all dny. busi ness being of a professional origin. Tho market closed with a steady tono and prices unchanged to 5 points higher. Total sales reached 15.-750 bags, Including: Feb ruary. 5.60c: March. 5.50c: Mav. C.65c: No. 7 Rio, 7ttc Kvnpnnited nnil llrleil Frnlts. NEW YORIC Feb. 1 4. EVA PO RAT ED APPLES Tho export Inquiry wns a llttlo more active today ami tho market for eva porated apples holds quite steady, espe cially for cholco varieties, but prices remain unchanged: common. 3iJi4;c; prime, 4V(tP cnoico, btt'iMic; rancy. 6WTc. lALIFOUNIA DRIED FRUITS-Oulet and unchanged nt 3ifiSV4c, ns to sUo and quality. Apricots, Royal, 714012c; Moor Park, SliftlSo. Peaches, peeled, HlSc; un pcclcdj GiiiilOe. OH .Mnrkpt. LONDON. Feb. 14.-OILS Calcnttn. tin. seed, spot, 49s; Unseed, 25s 6d. Turpentine spirits, 2Ss 4Ud. OIL CITY. J'a., Feb. 14.OIL3-Credtt balances. $1.25;' certlllcates, no bid; ship ments, 7S.578 bbls.: average, 86.711 bbls.; runs, 92.9S1 bbls.; average, 82,146 bbls. SiiKnr Market. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 14.-SUO ATI yuiot; open Kettle, 3iiWc; open Kettle cen trifugal, 4fH6-16c; centrifugal yollow. 4ViJj' 4c; seconds, 2?if4c, Molasses, steady; open kettle, none; centrifugal, 839c. Syrup, none. Wool Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 14. AV'OOL Dull, nnni lnal; medium grades. 13JC0c; light line. 13tf jd'j, neuvy iiue, iirjiuc; iuu wusnea, layiso CIllCAfiO I.IVB STOCK MARKET, Cntllp Steady to I. oner Hots Open Active, t.'Iose Wfnli-Shcfp Stendy. CHICAGO, Feb. 14.-CATTLE-Recelnts 12,000 head, liicfudlng 200 head Texaiis; cholco steers, tteady. others weak, IfrlflSo iiiwer; uuicners' stocg ana Texans, sternly to 10c lower; good to prlmo steers, 84 6.00: poor to- medium. $3.40ff4.SO; stnekTs nun iceoers. n.lioVt.W. cows. 32 55.14.15; heifers, $2.6001.33; canners, $1.8&&'2.50; bulls. $2.40l.25: calves. $ Toxas.fed steers. $1.0OH4.70; Texas grass steers, $3.3)0 o.y.i; 1 rxiiK ijuum, ..inri o.w. HOOS-Recelpts today. 39.0OO head; to morrow, ss.wo Head, estimated: left over, 2,000 had; opened nctlve. closing weak; iup, io.Do-, mixea anil mucuors, .i.Mt!),ijvi good to ch'nlco heavy, $o331i6.60; rough heavy. tf.2o?j6.30; light, $5.253.35; bulk of saies, fn.uS'uu.is. SHEEP AND LAMHS-lteceipts, 16.000 nena; titenny to 10c lower; good to choice wetnera. J3.doit4.60; riilr to cnoico mixed $3.60i4.00: western sheep, $3.6041)1.60: Texas sheep, f2.5OR3.0O: nntivo lambs, $4.2506.30; western iniiius, )waJ.r, SI. Lou In ,lv Stock Mnrki.t. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 14,-CATTLE-Recclpts. 2,100 heed, Including 1.200 hend Tnxnns; market weak to 10c lower for natives, steady but active for Texans: nntlva ship ping and export steers, $.00fl5.80: dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $l.2ol(u.30; stoars under 1.000 lbs.. S3.25tff4.65: stonkcrs and feeders, 2.40fl..65; oovs and heifers, 2.f0j 4.75; canners. $!.25f?2.75; bulls. $2.7&iC3.?0; TexnB and Indlnn t.teers, J3.S0IJ4.60; cows and he fern. $2.4003.65. llonS-Recclnts. 8.400 head: market strong, 5o higher: pigs nnd lights, $5.l5fl 5.30: packers, $5.2505.37i4; butchers, $5.35 5.42V4. PffnEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 700 head; mnrkot stendy: native muttons, $4.0004.60; lambs. $4.6016.35; culls and bucks, $3.0034.10; BtOCKCri, ,.'.D. Knnsns City Live niock .Mnrkrt. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 14. CATTLE Re celnls. 7.500 hend natives. l.SOO head Tex nns: stockers and fecdors, steady; beef steers nnd cows. 10t?15c lower: natlvn beef steers, $4 50ti5.60; stockers and fendem. $3.75 514.75: western-fed steers. $4.2501.90; Texans nnd Indian steers, $3.754.w: cows, (wm 4.25: hellers. $3.5034.60; cnnners, $3.S5fJ3.85 hulls. 1.1 MKT J !W. nnlvfK tR.OOt.RO. HOGS Herein ts. 15.000 head. market strnne: tnn. $5.4.214! hulk of sales. t"..2V4ft 5.40; heavy. $G.305!4234; mixed packers, .$5.30 nt.iu; ucni, pigs, n.nwuo.w. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.600 head: market 10c. hlrher: western lambs $4.903S.20; western wethers, $4.154.45: west- ern yenrungs, n.wjjt.w; ewes, ij.wuh.w cutis, $i.was.2s. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steers Vtry Slow tnd Oomlderably Lower Oows Held About Steady, HOGS ACTIVE AND A BIG NICKEL HIGHER Sheep Market SIott nnd While Rttcs nnd Wether UrmiBlit Close to Stendy Prices Lambs Sold Abont 11 Dime I.oiver, SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 14. Oniclal Monday 2.864 3,97 3,221 Oftlrlnl Tii.,1.,,. t tu 11 r.J r, Ofllclol Wednesday 21780 11H 2,16 nin.1.1 ... , " n . . n !C uinuiui anursnay 9,i"i i.iui Four days this week 13.014 35,016 13,961 Same days last weok... .10,211 28,4 12.(83 Samo days weok before.. 9,021 2S.619 li),929 Same threo weeks ago... 9.9J4 33.5S0 13.30J Samo four weeks ago, ...11,774 31.135 10,780 Samo days last year 10,141 23,196 30.205 Ave.ragc price paid lor hogs tor the punt several days, with comparisons: I 190T.ll90oT1839TlS9371897.18f6.1895. Jan, Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. 2R... 29... 30... 31... 5 22 41 6 23i, 5 25S 6 1714 6 22 6 2J4 3 63 3 62 3 27 4 10 3 7 4 62 3 61 3 27 3 93 3 85 4 64 3 70 3 29 3 91 3 60 4 65 3 64 3 66 3 88 3 68 4 61 3 64 3 64 3 27 4 03 3 64 4 68 3643633 19 365 4 62 3 69 3 73 3 20 4 03 3 69 3 72 3 25 3 9? 3 68 4 66 3 72 3 21 3 93 3 76 70 3 66 3 19 4 00 3 83 4 68 3 66 3 75 4 01 3 96 4 75 3 66 3 71 3 23 3 93 4 07 4 84 3 70 3 71 3 27 3 90 4 80 3 71 3 78 3 27 3 89 3 65 3 77 3 23 3 S4 3 69 4 79 3 81 3 28 3 89 3 75 4 82 3 68 3 30 8 93 3 86 4 75 3 5 3 S3 3 95 3 82 r 1..,, Feb. 2. Feb. 3 Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4.... 6.... 6.,.. 7.... 8..., 9.... 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 6 31' 6 23ii 6 21 14 6 28Vi 6 29 5 25U 6 3214 0 Ol4 5 30T4 Tho oniclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Bh'p. H'r'a. C, M. ft St. P. Ry... 1 16 O. & St. K Ry.. . 1 '. ' . 3 .'21 . 23 '. "0 . 5 . fi . 1 2 3 15 12 r 6 18 14 23 Missouri Pacific HyV.'..' Union Paclflc system. C. N. W. Ry. F., K. & M. V. R. R.. C.. St. P., M. & O. ity. H. & M. R. R. R ., C, H. & y. Ry C It. I. i p cast.... C. R. I. & P., west.... Illinois Central Totnl receipts 98 m 11 Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was as ronows, each buyer purchasing tlie num. ber of head Indicated: Duyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 153 1.417 1,015 0. H. Hammond Coi 231 Swift and Company 46? Cudahy Packing Co 672 Armour & Co 214 Armour & Co.. Sioux City .... It. Heckor & Degan 5 .Vansnnl Co 110 J. L. Carey 17 W. I. Stephen 20 Hill & Huntzlncer 22 Huston & Co 8 Livingstone & Schnller... 74 L. F. IIusz 57 11. F. Hobblck 10 A. S. Mawhlnncy 1 Other buyers 272 17 1,972 2,400 2,3)1 75S 29i) 91 1.346 110 Totals 2,234 9,913 1,675 CATTLE Thero was a fairly good run of cattle here today for this tlmo of the week, and as unfavorable reports were received from other points the tendency of prices was downward. Trading was rather slow, and as a result It was late before tho yards were cleared. There wore about 30 cars of steers on sale, and whilo the choicest heavy cattlo did not sell much different from yesterday bids on the less desirable kinds were nil of a dlmo lower. Sellers found It a dliricult matter to dispose of some of the common and half fat stuff, and-ln some cases they were calling bids 10tfl5c lower, or 15(ff25e lower for the week. . itini,. . .nr. i&'niiM rnver the receipts of cows this morning, and buyers took hold In fairly good snape ana uougni ino cuiiic nt not far from yesterdays prices, ine good cattle found ready snle at good steady prices, DUt me murnei on m: nicum... kinds seemed to be a little iinoven. Some were culling It steady, and others a little lower. Cnnners did not show mucn cnange. Hulls wero slow saie 1111s morning mm lower. In sympnthy with tno iiecnno on steers. Veal calves brougnt sieaay prices. Tho trade on siock enmo hub vcijt diu today, as yard traders did not want any thing but tho very best. Cholco heavy weight cattle brought nractlqally steady prices, and tho snme could bo said of light Mockers of good quality and color which have not been fed corn. The common kinds, however, wcro hard to move today, nnd wero a little lower than yesterday. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STKISllB, No. Av. .... 6S0 ..,.1110 ...745 .... 810 .... 940 .... 731 .... 9S2 .... 950 ....1258 ....1035 .... 866 ....Ull .... 995 ....1000 ....1112 ....1015 ....1161 .... 967 ....1105 .... 933 .... 973 ....1190 ....1100 ....1110 ....1079 ....1097 ,...10S6 I'r. 3 25 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 50 3 70 3 75 3 90 4 00 3 93 4 (0 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 0'i 4 05 4 10 4 10 No. 28...., 6.... 16.... 6.... 10.... 4.... 8.... 24.... 19 9 1.... 14.... 22 19'.'.'.'. 16.... 19.... 88.... 20.... 20.... IS.... 6.... 8.... 10.... 1.... 33.... 15.... 20.... 20.... Av. Pr. 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 1163 903 1096 1126 1114 975 5"..'.'.! 7 10 1 0 4 .1092 ' 4 23 23 6 2 3 1000 4 25 4 30 1010 1040 1021 10S5 1123 1126 1118 1269 1250 10O4 1123 , 1111 1153 1137 1540 1152 1157 1323 1385 4 V) 4 SO 4 30 4 35 4 35 4 35 4 33 4 3" 4 40 4 00 4 40 4 45 4 45 4 60 4 50 4 60 5 00 5 05 4 40 4 45 3 15 3 35 3 0 3 40 3 16 3 15 3 15 3 70 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 83 3 35 3 35 3 40 3 10 3 40 3 40 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 55 3 60 3 70 3-70 3 85 3 25 3 30 3 35 3 35 3 45 3 55 3 65 3 75 , 1 00 25.... 4 23...., 5.... 4.... 15.... 22.... 10 6.... 13.... 4 10 4 15 23.... 4.... 7.... 15...., 7.... 6.... 15..,. 19.... 21.... .1161 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ...1032 4 20 S.. 1184 ...1060 4 30 13 1211 Luiva, 1.... 6.... 3.... 2!!!! 1.... 8.... .... 700 .... 983 .... 913 ,...1062 .... 820 ,,..1030 ....1082 .... 970 .... 851 .... 730 .... 815 .... 680 ....1010 .... 890 ....1005 ....1240 ....1095 ....865 ....1091 .... 910 ....1120 ....1230 ....1085 ....1085 ....1088 ....1190 ,...1000 ....1360 ....1050 ....1210 ....1150 ....1050 ....1050 ....1340 ....1110 ....1197 ....1081 ....1025 ....1020 ....1203 1 60 11.. . 992 .1200 .1420 .10S8 .1140 .1077 .1370 . 990 ,10S0 2 10 2 85 2 85 3 00 2 41 2 10 2 50 2 60 2.63 2 55 2 75 2 75 2 76 2 0 2 85 2 85 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 95 2 95 3 00 3 0) 3 00 3 0.) 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 2 30 2 50 2 75 2 80 3 05 3 13 3 20 3 "5 3 25 Li.'.'.'.'.' 10 e'.i!'.:.'! ....10S2 ....1290 .... 880 ....1020 ....1320 .,..1017 ....1183 ....1212 ....1350 ..,.1160 ....1025 .,,,1180 ....1165 ...-.1134 ....1450 .... 933 .... 985 .... 823 ....1020 ....1270 ....1410 ....1390 . . . .1070 ....1200 ....1300 ....1194 ....1033 ....1063 ....109S ....10S4 .... 993 ....1198 ....1205 ....1044 ....1185 ....1210 i... 1.... 1.... 1.... 17.... 3.... 4.... 1.... 4.... 19.... 1.... 8.... 7..,, 1.... 3.... si!'.! 1.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 9.... 1.... 7i!ii 3.... 3.... 17i!ii 4.... 15.... 4.... 6.... 4.... 1.... 21.... 7.... n 4!"! 1.... 8 10 2. ... 3'.'.'.'.'.'. 3 6 3 ...1006 ...1037 10 1091 1111 1124 1303 613 820 923 7 10 3 4 10 HEIFERS. 2 65 12 2 S5 14 5 30 21 3 50 1 3.. 1.. 3.. 15.. 854 , 912 924 3 53 3 65 3 75 4 00 3 60 3 60 3 65 8 63 3 75 3 75 3 80 3 .85 3 91 4 00 '4 00 3 35 3 35 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 10 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 55 3 65 3 70 5 75 3 80 3 80 3 80 4 00 1027 ..10S0 COWS AND HEIFERS. 9 4 1 1 .. 1 3 , mi::j::::: 6 26 1 .. 701 .. 912 .. 680 ,. 800 .. 830 .. 960 .. 80S ., 960 .. 956 ,...814 .. SK0 3 10 3 OO 3 00 3 00 3 23 3 25 3 10 3 45 3 50 3 50 7. .... M0 .... 924 .... 955 .... 993 .... 845 .... 810 ...,1002 ,...1112 ....1225 ....1000 .... 950 ....1140 .... 940 ...,1160 ...,1660 .... 930 ....1680 ....1010 ....1610 ....1760 ....1735 ....1320 ..,.1428 ....1460 41... O iS;;; 64... ii.. 19... 4... O 1 '.'.. 3 55 1. DULLS. 1340 1220 1215 1130 1250 455 1430 930 1020 1200 1450 1580 1210 1020 790 1210 1180 2 60 1 2 75 2 85 S 00 3 00 3 13' 3 16 3 20 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 30 3 35 1.... 1.... 1..., 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 9... 1..., 9.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 39iii 1730 1010 1620 1062 1870 1.., 12.., 1.. 1 1 1400 1 1340 1 320 3 35 1 .2010 CALVES. SOU 2,,., 155 7 00 1 D0 6-0O 1 200 IW 1 270 6 50 STAGS. 1 1770 3 1 1030 3 90 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 880 3 20 1 V vi io 1 1000 3 2.5 STOCK CALVES. , 1.. 370 3 no 1 RiO 4 fO STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3S.... 6,... 6.... 14.'.".'. 5.... 10 2 76 Vi WH 3 So ... 640 3 HI . . . 463 3 CO ...690 3 00 ... 677 3 00 ... 800 3 00 ... 630 3 25 ... 743 3 50 ... 874 3 55 . . . ar. a r.x 36 4S4 3 S5 6 VW 3 DO 19 1033 3 90 6 792 16 76) 1 820 2 ,. 690 7 711 3 1010 3 9) 4 00 4 0) 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 25 10. 1 86) a 55 17 1119 160 3 60 ? 690 3 fij 1 680 3 75 6... ...1014 ...106,8 ...1100 6... 1... 3... 3... 11... 730 ;? 39 j 3 : 843 .853 692 3 75 3 75 4 : 3 SO 6.,. .... 1S0 4 75 I IOC 1HTI,, .... ..J.I.I ' III...... I nt r ...v. vvi.n Itliuillt-i IIIA1UI . ,, nogs hjro today, but. the demand being In ..?.' ,B,nnI'e. the market ruled very active and higher. The first bids wero 24W5c J 1 .r-nml n number of loads sold at $5.27V4 HI1U Jo.uO. After thn firs rnitnd. though. . .... um. unm licavywolghts. Tho hogs hLllW50'1 .hHll(' about ns fast as the buyers could jet to them nnd all but a few loads wero sold by 9 O'clock In tho mnrnlnir. Thn ?,"! w.' 2.lTonX nml active and hogs on, !n,?l,R8t.c.,M. ?i'l.BW'Hc higher. Tho bulk ""mill o..m nnd 5.;4. As will 00 S5 "1. . ,ho ,,,bl of averugo prices, tho market has nearly regained the loss of tho last two days, being only a shade under sales: ...... ..., ,.uuSo cosi, iiepresentauve No. Av 8h. Pr. ... 5 15 80 6 25 Av. ..217 Sh. Pr. 160 6 30 65.. .141 .1,85 .217 .203 .199 .205 .216 ,218 ,,213 .233 .227 .214 .22 62... 67... 68... 100.. 10... 26... 51... 62... 26... 61... 66... 70... ..255 80 b 30 . . R 30 80 80 5 27J4 .269 . .223 40 6 30 ..216 120 5 30 80 'i6 6 27$ 6 22i4 5 274 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 5 Si 6 324 ... n mt ... 5 27V4 120 6 271, SO 6 2714 ... 6 27 4 .. 5 27 J 65 233 76 ,213 2 217 40 11 Ki 6 32'4 6 32 26 306 120 5 27W 63 223 80 6 27 88 17Q r. "llK ... 6 3244 ... 5 32a ... B 32'$ 40 6 S2U ... 6 32i; 40 6 32', 40 6 3214 ... 6 32' ... 6 3214 120 5 32V4 40 5 524 U1......0J 5 .V) 6 30 5 30 6 SO 5 30 5 30 83. 83. SS. 87. 231 201 120 178 217 ... 243 329 71 66 JT23 6 30 6 30 5 30 5 30 6 30 61) 272 40 63 236 64 2.19 76 237 78 225 76 230 81 J36 84 213 49 321 80 ... 6.30 120 6 H.) 80 5 30 40 6 30 40 6 ro SO 6 30 ... 6 30 ... 5 10 ... 6 31 ... 5 30 ... 5 3i) ... 5 30 ... 5 30 ... 5 3.) 40 6 30 80 6 'to 5 32 C 6 32t 5 32(5 6 32v, 6 32H 6 32U . 6 3214 5 3244 r. 3214 5 32i,i 40 200 CI 23S 65 249 64.. 73. . , 66.. 64... 47... 80... 70. ., 79... 66.. 66... 86... 69... 66... 65.., ...231 . . .23 ...221 ...216 ...312 ...209 '. '. iioo ...219 ...241 160 . . .i'BI ... ft 32'4 ...213 ... 5 22i,i ...219 ... R32la ...237 ... 6 321,4 ...233 160 6 32'4 ...216 40 5 32V4 ...231 40 6 3il ...231 ... 5 32$ ...284 ... 53214 5 SO ...206 160 5 30 ...252 120 5 20 ...2S1 5 30 . ...0 ..166 5 30 5 30 40 4 230 5 30 6 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 6 30 61. ..254 ..175 ..214 ..250 ..216 . .232 ..218 46.... 80..,. 65.... 70.... 63.... 80 120 6 30 ... 5 30 SO 6 30 ... 6 30 80 5 30 ... 5 30 80 6 30 ... 6 30 80 6 ti) 82 225 .171 72... 61... 73... 205 ..207 ..212 40... 231 78 228 64 278 40 160 6 30 80 5 33 SHLLP-Thero were only n few sheep on sale this morning and the quality of the receipts as a wholo was rather common. Lambs were slow sale and generally a dlmo lower than yesterday. Top lambs today sold ut $4.90. Thern v0ri nn v,yr., u-ti,r- on sale and those that were offered sold at n!!i.. -fon? s,ly prices, considering quality. The best ones brought $4.20. Ewes nnd wethers could brt quotod dull nnd weak nnd lambs a dime lower.. 1 1 nero was no change notlceablo In tho feeder situation, receipts still being very light. WUOtatlons: Cholco fed wethers, $4.1618) 11 '!.'. " . to K00U wethers, $1.00(4.15; choice iiKiiiwciKiii. yearlings, M.tWiH.75; fair to good yearlings $1.2504.65; cholco lightweight '""-" w.o,n.wi inir 10 goon ewes, w.Zoat lambs, $4.0001.40. Representative Wles I ,.; .v.T ""'"co tneir hands nnd began pay tl&J:J0 .nnrt. 5;2'4. or a big nickel higher illn- lyifrday's general market. As high as Su.3.1 was mii,t tn- 11. h.iiAr ,..11,10. nf A v. Pr. 112 $3 85 116 4 20 108 1 4 20 63 4 30 70 4 75 74 4 85 78 4 85 60 4 00 89 4 73 62 4 75 76 4 75 SO 4 90 90 4 60 99 4 90 4 western ewes 400 western wethers 430 western wothers. m cuii iambs 3 lambs 270 western Inmbs 01 nauvo iambs 1 lamb , 17 western lnmhs S56 western lambs 211 western lnmbs 260 western lambs z (--dorado lambs 492 Colorado lambs St. Joseph l,lv Stnnk Mnrkrt. RniTTir bt inai.-'rm f rt. . , a..- I 1 v rni t ! ''. 11. vo ir- clal.) Tin Jnumal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 800 head; mnrkot steady nl yesterday's close; native's. $l,10O 6.10; Texas and westerns, $3.50fJ5.oO; n0ws and heifers, $2.1004.25; yearlings and calves, $3.5nff.M5. stockers and feeders, $3.Kff4.35; uuun mm &iukp, ..iA!f i.w: veins, z Lot"?! .!"'. HOGS- Receipts. 8.60O hend; market,' nii'iiuy in ivau iiikiht; 1111 graues, ia.XMb. is; bulk of sales. $5.30O5.37',: plg.i. steady. 8HE.EP AND LAMHS Receipts, 1,400 head: market active and strong; Colorado lambs, $5,10. Xriv York Live Stock Mnrkot. NEW YORK. Feb. 14 TlKKV'KRnn. celpts, 7H netid; no tnullng In live cattle; teeilng steady. Cables, stendy; shipments none. Calyes, receipt)". 84 head. Markst weak. Veals. $l.50'n'8.23; little calves, l; bnruyard stock. $3.25. HHKI'JP AND LAMHS RecMptS, 1 111 head; sheep, steady but quiet; lnmbs, slow nnd weak: sheep, $.1.2001. ib; cults, Ui.ib; lambs. $5.76(f?6.30. HOGS RecoMnts. 3.016 bend. nnmlii.nl: Quotations, $5.7006.00 for whole range. Stock tn Slglit. Following are tho recelnts nf thn four prlneplal western markets for Februnry 14: Cattle. Ifnira. Sheen. Boutn umana z.vjz Chicago 12,000 Kansas City 9,300 St. Louis 2,100 9.969 2.758 39,000 16.000 15.000 1.600 8,400 700 Totals ....25,602 72,369 20.95S iiMj Ub'kV IW South Omaha News Membors of Mayor Kelly's official family nro commencing to worry about the over lap, which now appears to bo lnuvltnble. At tho Inst report of the city clerk, the judgment fund cpntnlned only $2,600, and out of this tho sum of $958 was tnKon 10 pay J. M. Toblns for tho construction of tho Becoud ward flro hall. J. H. Wntklus hns a claim In for lumber furnished for sidewalks amounting to about $1,000, and when theso claims nro paid there will bo very llttlo loft In tho Judgment fund. Thero Is still $900 In tho general fund, which amount will bo spent long beforo tho next levy Is available. Of tha $8,313 levied for water purposes this entire nmount has been paid out for hydrant rentals. Tho pollco fund Is now exhausted and ns tho department la costing $1,200 a month It can easily bo seen that there will bo an overlap In this fupd of $7,200. Morq than likely tho salary fund will hold out, as the councllmen look to this fund for their monthly stipend, Thon thero Is tho public fund. The lights now cost tho city on an average of $1,000 a month, and an overlap of not less than $6,000 Is apparent at thU time, Thero Is also a sbortago In tho stroet re pair fund, but somo money will come to this from the county road fund, .Unless somo arrangement Is mado, however, no extensive Improvements on tho streets can be miulo until tho next lovy Is available. Enough money has been paid Into tho so-called "consclenco fund" to pay for tha hose wagon recently ordered, but tha ques tion Is where Is the money to come from for the horses, hose, harness and other equipment" needed. Tho hose for this new wagon, which Ii destined for the Second ward, will cost $800; the team, $250; tho harncsi, and furnishings $300; so thnt It wilt be seen thnt $1,500 will bo needed to equip tho new flro hall after the wagon arrives. Wlhtln tho last dny or two tho city has drawn from tho county treasurer tho 1 per cent reservo available up to 1894, which amounts to nearly $1,600. This sum will bo divided Into various funds and used to pny off a number of small bills. From this tlmo on tho pay of tho city flro department will run behind nt tho rate of $555 a month, which will mako the over lnp In this department $3,330. Some pro vision will mosl likely bo mado as soon as possible to arrange for funds to pay tho flromon nnd policemen In order thnt, tho departments may not bo crippled. Taken altogether It Is estimated thnt tho overlap will amount to not less than $25, 000. at tho dote of the fiscal year. Comity Won Is Settlement. County Clerk Hnvcrly has sent a com munication to the city council of South Omaha In connection with tho claims of tho county against tho city. Ho snys that tho Hoard of County Commlsloncrs detdre that n committee of the council be ap pointed to confer with tho commissioners with a vlow to reaching a sottlemont of tho outstanding claims. This qutfctlon of the nmount South Omaha owes the county comes up semi-annually and ns n general thing little If any at tention Is paid to tho bills rendered by tho county auditor. Tho city, on, tho face of tho claims, owes tho county about $7,000 for feeding prisoners sent to tho county Jail, In defense of Its position, the city holds that thero Is a counter clnlm sufficient to offset any bill tho county may render. It is for tho purpose of holding n conference with a view to arriving at somo conclusion that tho commissioners would Ilka to have a committee nppolnted. Telephone Servloe. ny a deal of hard work tho Nebraska Telcphono company hns practically suc ceeded In putting a stop to complaints about induction on tho lines. When tn Omaha Electric Light company entered South Omnha with Its high voltngo wlrei It caused havoc with tho telephone linos. Work was commenced Immediately to re move telcphono lines from poles In tho vi cinity of tho electric light wires nnd this has now prnctlcnlly been completed. 8omo circuits are yet to ho moved, but thero ts a scarcity of wlro Just now which Is caus ing a slight delay. Mnny subscribers are putting In metallic circuits and tho new directory recently Issued by tho telephone company shows thnt nearly 90 per cent of all subscribers aro now on metallic lines, nnd thus rafo from annoyance by Induction. Proponed Xmv Motor Service. Numerous pcoplo Interested' In tho prog ress of South Omnha nro figuring upon se curing a franchise, for a new motor line. Tho plan ns outlined Is to obtain a franchise in both Omnhas and thus bo In a position to enter Into actlvo compotltlpn with tho com pany now doing business hero and Ih Omaha. Ono plan Is to construct a lino from Sheoly station to tha Live, Stock ex change and mako a low rnto faro from tho end of tbo Omaha lino to tho stock yards. It Is stated thnt such a lino will nccommodato a lnrgo number of peoplo who aro now com pelled to transfer nt Sixteenth nnd Leavon worth streets In order to reach South Omahn. Another line Is proposed north on Eloventh street, Missouri avenue, etc. Contest Over Chnrlrr. Quito a delegation of South Omnha bus iness mon remains at Lincoln In tho Inter est of the proposed charter. Soma mem bers want ono thing nnd others another. For Instance, P. A. Wells, ono of tho attor neys Interested In drafting tho charter, called on Governor Dietrich Wednesday nnd urged thnt an election bo held hero In tho spring. Other members of tho delegation called to protest agnlnst an election. Coun cilman Ed Johnston In still thero fighting for his paving amendments and Incidentally for a proviso calling for a spring election. Mayor Kelly and his friends are, of course, opposed to a spring election, nnd members of tho committee In charge, of tho charter hardly know what to do. Squat (ers' Orilllllllli'i' Sinned, Yesterday Mayor Kelly nttached his signa ture to tho ordlnnnco requiring tho chief of pollco to rcmovo alt buildings found on pub lic streets nnd alleys. This mntter was brought up In tho council last December nnd after a report had been Vondered by the city engineer It went through, taltlng tho regular course. Engineer Heal reports about seventy-five structures of various kinds located on city property. Every ward In 'the. city Is Included. It appears to be tho intention of tho city authorities to havo all buildings re moved from jelty property In order to pre vent tho acquisition of property by ten years undisturbed residence Improvement Contemplated. Local Manager W. E. Dnvls of tho Omaha Gas company stated yesterday that his bus iness here was Increasing to such nn extent thnt tho mnlns would bo considerably ex tended this yenr. Hotween a mils nnd a mile and a half of new mains are under contemplation nnd tbo work of constructing theso will bo commenced as soon ns tho pipe, which Is already ordered, arrives. Under ordinary circumstances the filpo can not reach hero before the frost In out of tho ground and then a largo force of men will bo put to work excavating for tho ex tensions. 'Hint Cooper Strike. Thero was no change In the cooper strike nlttiatton yesterday. In tho early morning pickets selected by the strikers were posted In positions so as to watch tho plnnt, but no demonstration of any kind was made. Mannger Welsh reiterated his statement of tho day beforo last evening by snylng that the plant would remain closed Indefinitely. Members of tho Coopers' union aro meet ing regularly In tho Trades nnd Labor Council chamber and It was Intimated 'that n correct statement of existing affairs would be furnished tho press shortly. .MukIc City (iosslp. Mrs, John J. Ryan Is nhle to be out again nfter a serious Illness, Street Commissioner Clark had men clean ing tho gutters of snowiand Ice yesterday. The vouna hoii nf -Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Connors, Thirty-third nnd R streets, Is sick. W. W. Wilson has decided to give, un his owl wagon lunch car and will remove to St. Paul. John Pinal, wbn cnmmltted suicide bv drinking carbolic acid, was burled In Laurel Hill cemetery yesterday. nhnnter M nf the P. K. O. will meet Sat urday afternoon with Mrs, Chandlor In stead of with Mrs. Mabery. Thn fnnnriil nf Mrs. Annlo Ecan will lie Saturday morning in St. Agnes' church. Burial will bo In St. Mary's cemetery. Sheriff Johnson of Sioux City is expected today to take chargu of "Hroiicho Frank, who was iirrested Wednesday for having violated his pnrolo, SUISTANTIAL INTEREST BEARING INVESTMENTS FOR PEOPLE WHO-SAVE. 4, 5 and 6 Per Cent. Interest FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Railroad and other Slocki ot known talus, li.ti.rth.n r.il Niat morlu.g.., Hailom Uank.or T)ul lil 1 iik Hud Loin AiMoclition. Inrntnienj.. I f urnUh bond, or .look, ol tho hlabMt ,rdj oelri la mount, to .ult. full n.rtlcal&ra will bo lurqllti.d lor tho ..king, lltnk rofor.ncM iilr.n. CHARLES C. AD8IT, !S6 Lo 8llo Street, CHICAGO, ILL. " 1iames"e.Wd& CO Telephone 103P. Omahn. eh. COMMISSION, GRAIN, I'UOVIBIONV and STOCK!, Hoard of Trade. Correspondence: John A, Warren k Co, Direct wire to Chicago and Nw Tor. t 1