Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Chief of Union Pacifio Bays Ho Radical
Changes Will Be Made.
Mctnlirr of ttasirrn llroUcrnjte I'lrni
1'nss ThniiiRli Omnlin from the
Wet nml n. Ilrh-f foil
(prfnrr l llrlil.
President lloraco O. Hurt of the Union
J'aclnr, ha1 a brief conferenco at the L'nlon
station Thursday afternoon with Lewis
llclnichelmcr nnd Mr. WallberK, of tho llrm
of Kuhn, I.oeb & Co., of Now York, but tho
Import of tho conversation was not inado
Thin firm In ono that In figuring prom
inently In flnaiiceerliiK tho now deal be
tween thn Union and Southern 1'aclflc.
Tho two gentlemen were Journeylnit from
Han Francisco to Now York and wcro met
by Air. Hurt, who had dispatches from
them. It in ccrtnln that their western
trip Is In somo wny connected with noma
of tho railroad deal8 that aro at present
being; consummated, but they declined to
mako public tho nnturo of their errand.
After tho New Yorkers had left tho city,
President Hurt said to Tlio Hen that ho had
no dfslro to appear In an unfriendly manner
toward tho prcn of tho city, but that he
bad nnthlnK now to rIvo out at prcacnt
In regard to tho deals concerning which tho
questions aro bcliiK asked. That, and tho
fact that ho ban been to busy glnco his re
turn, ban prorcptud bin denial of Interviews.
Truth nuil Humor Mixed.
"Hut, Mr. Hurt, tho public hint been un
able to plrk out tho truth from tho many
Htnrlen which havo goiio out concornltiB
tho Union 1'aclllc."
' You havo rrail tho reports which wcro
sent out from New York, havo you not?"
queried Mr. Hurt. "Heyond thoso thcro Is
nnthlnK that I enn tell you In regard to
tho deal between tho Union and thu South
ern Pacific."
"Dons that mean, then, that tho Union
1'arlllc nnd the Central J'aclflo will prac
tically bo. nierKcd Into ono system with
common otllcera?"
"No, tho two roads will bo operated sep
arately, just no before It simply means
that a doner relation of Interest has been
entered Into."
"Wo nro to understand, thon, Mr. Hurt,
that all of thin talk about the removal of
tho headquarters from Omaha Is foolish
n.ctts?" "Yes, thcro Is nothing whatever In that
at nil."
"Hut how about tho changes In tho ofll
clnl staff? Will tho management of the
road remain vested in the officers an ar
ranged at present?"
Ktlmvn of .o (.'limiKrn.
"Certainly, so far as I know, there Is no
talk of nny changes In that direction. Wo
aro perfectly willing to glvo out nows when.
thcro Is any to glvo out, but tho prema
tura publication of Homo of tho things
that havo been mentioned In the press may
prove a boomerang and eventually causo
tho abandonment of tho plv.ns."
"Concerning tho reports In regard to tho
shops and thn now hcadqunrtera building
which wcro published during your visit In
New York, havo thoso questions been de
cided yet?"
"No, wo havo not yet decided whethor
thoso buildings will bo erected. Thoso mat
ters aro still being considered."
"If that in the oano, thcro is n proba
bility that tho buildings will not bo erected
this spring, Is thero' not?"
' "Yes, It In very doubtful now If the com
pnny will dccldo to erect tho shops this
sprint. Tho matter Ib still under con
sideration." At Mr. Hurt's Instance, a party of officials
In this city nindo u tour through tho local
shops yesterday morning, but Mr. Hurt's
private secretary stated that tho trip had
nothing to do with tho proposed now shops.
thn lieRt nt milhnrltv Hint flporce Mould
ami othr parties connected with the Hnrrl-
man syndicate art tniiuy in inn coniroi m
the Denver & Illo Orando railroad. (Jould
and bis associates will bo made directors
nt the next annual meeting. Gould, llarrl
man, Rockefeller and company will un
doubtedly before long also ner.nrn control
nf tho Hlo Grande Western and Colorado &
Southern. It is also Known uiey are uuying
stock of tho 8t. JouIh Sc. Han Francisco
mmi with n view of ron trolllnc thin tiron-
erty. With these acquisitions tho Oould-Harrlman-Hockefeller
combination will con
trol all tlio principal ronus in tno sown
ntunrr K?:roiiT oh i:.yti:.sio.v.
Ofllrlnl Uipret (n See V. pnimlnn nf
Unlniiy 1,1111; In ftrnr l utiirr.
Local officials of thn Omaha, Kansas City
& Eastern railroad aro much Interested In
tho proposed extension of their line from
Qulncy, III., to Cincinnati by means of
logical conpcctlonn and extensions,
"Thero Is no doubt In my mind, said
Harry E. Mooren, city passenger agent of
tho Qulncy route, "but that something of
this kind will bo done somo tlmo In tho
near future.
"It can easily bo appreciated how Im
portant would bo n direct connection be
tween Omaha nml Cincinnati. Tho rich
territory through which such n lino would
extend would Insuro Its successful opera-
Ion, Tho Interest which Mr. dates has In
tho Omaha & St. Louis nnd Omaha, Kansas
Ity & Kastcrn properties nnd his well-
established reputation as an
in business affairs indicates that tho policy
which made him so successful nn n steel
magnate will be pursued by him In railroad
affairs. Tho present plan Is ono of much
importance nnd will not bo accomplished In
a great hurry, but I confidently bellcvo that
something of this kind will ultimately bo
l.'nlnn I'nclfln (Irtx Into Tneomn,
TACOMA, Wash.. Teh. II. It Is stated
positively that President Mohlcr of tho
Oregon Railway nnd Navigation company,
netlng for tho Union Pnclfle, hns bought the
Northern 1'aclflc Interest In tho old graded
right-of-wny between I'ortlnnd and Tacoma,
which was Jointly owned with tho Oreat
Northern. Tho snlo was mado originally to
i. Ocrtlngor of the Portland, Vancouver &
Yakima line and by Ocrtlngor was trans
ferred to Mohlcr. Tho entrance of tho
Union Pnclflo to Puget sound over Its own
tracks will mako a connection direct with
San Francisco nnd wilt placo thin territory
on tho line of another transcontinental
sn:nn,i.i:i iimnim .shop.-.
V I'lunonx Minn In the Cm rtillton
lintel, HiiKlinore, Mnr In ml.
Thn barber shop In tho Carrollton hotel,
Haltlmoro, sterilizes everything It uses .In
tho shop. Tho sterilizing Is done by heat.
Tho towels, tho razors, tho strops, tho
snap, tho combs nnd brushes nro all ntcrll-
zed beforo being used on a customer.
Whero thcro Is no sterilization, havo the
barber use Ncwbro'H Horplcldc. It kills tho
dandruff germ, nnd It in tin antiseptic for
tho scalp, and for tho faco after shaving.
All leading barbers everywhere appreclato
these potent facts about Hcrplcldo nnd they
uno It. "Destroy tho cause, you rcmovo
tho effect." "
iiuvi.vt- ui iiKWicii .t mo ;hiamji:
llnrrlmiiii ,S iiillt'iitc C'orlcliiK Up 1,-iat
Outlet to ruulllu Cliuat.
According to yesterday's dispatches tho
Denver & Hlo Urando railroad has passed
into tho hands of n syndicate headed by
George Gould and other parties who aro
closely allied with tho Harrlman syndicate,
which recently purchased a controlling In
terest In tho Southern Pacific and brought
It Into closer alliance with the Union Pa
cific. It Is said that at tho next annual
meeting Gould and his associates will be-
coraa directors of the road. Theso men
are said to havo almost reached tho placo
whero they will sccurb control of tho Hlo
Grando Western nnd tho Colorado Southern
and aro buying stock In tho St. Louis &
San Kranclsca r.-ts.
This Is one more step In tho consolidation
or tho westorn ronds, and by this reported
purchase of tho Wo Grando roads tho syn
dicnto secures tho control of tho situation
west of Denver. The two Hlo Grando roads
formed tho connecting link between Denver
and Oeden. With tho Central Pacific and
tho Union Pacific working In clono alliance
and tho Harrlman syndicate In control.
with the Denver & Wo Grando and the Wo
Grando Western In control of a syndicate,
In which Harrlman la at IcaBt ono of tho
leading men, tho question arises as to what
Is to becomo of tho business from tho other
The Hurllngton hns Its connection through
Hillings with tho Great Northern for the
north Paclflo' coasts cities, but to nil ap
pearnncea Is rut off from an outlet to the
California points. This brings to tho front
the story of tho building of tho lino from
tho western terminus Into California. Tho
Bee Monday morning told of tho situation
thero, and that tho extension from Guernsey
to Bait Lake In waiting for tho completion
of thn survey of tho lino from Salt Lnko to
Los Angeles.
Tho situation of the Hurllngton now bo
comes one of tho most Interesting features
of tho chess game, tho latest rnovo of tho
eonsolldatlonlsts apparently cutting It off
from tho coast and making tho building of
the new lino ono of nbsoluto necessity.
While tho friends of thlB progressive road
have no fears for its future, the move that
It will mako to prevent a checkmate Is a
question of unusual Interest.
Hut tho syndicate Is not satisfied with
tho direct western route. The telegraphic
newn asserts with considerable authority
that tho Colorado & Southern Is about to
pass under Its control. This is tho line from
Denver Into Texas. Then It Is said the
members of the nyndlcnto aro buying up
tho stock of the 'Frisco road, tho principal
line from St. Louis to the southwest, Its
branches tapping tho rich mineral nnd
farming lands of Missouri, Arkansas, Indian
Territory. Oklahoma nnd Texas.
Theso reported purchases placo tho Har
rlman syndicate In control of two trunk
lines across the country and all of the
largo north and south lines west of the
Alleghantes, They have one transcontl
nental line from New York to tho Taclflo
coast by way of Chicago, Omaha and
Ogten nnd one by way of the southern
routa from Chicago over tno Illinois ien
tral and the Southern raclflc. Then the
Illinois Central, tho Port Arthur route nnd
tho Colorado & Southern, the three groat
north and south lines ana tno many ainea
aiut and west roads, nbout control mo in
fnrvitnlnr country nnd glvo tho syndicate a
prestige around which It would bo hard for
tho other ronds to pass.
iiMntlTB to the deal mentioned In the
foregoing the Chicago Trlbuno of yesterday
tavs !
.i.i..-u ira.i,inii .Torfmv does not con
firm the report, the Tribune can state upon
Chief Donnlinr Imtiirn t'l 1 1 tiinttint
A Kill nut tin All-Mclit
Dun re.
Chief Donahue has Issued nn ultimatum
that Saturday night dances must stop
promptly at midnight and that public
dances will not bo allowed to occur on
Sunday. Tho chief says that all those who
vlolato tho now regulations will havo to go
to Jail, So much complaint has been mado
of tho disorderly character of sbme Satur
day night and Sunday dances that It has
been necessary to detail from threo to five
officers to look after them and the present
force Is too small to longer continue this
unnecessary work. The now order of things
goes into effect next Saturday night.
"When I was prostrated with grip and
my heart and nerves wero In bad shape.
Dr. Miles' Nervlno nnd Heart Cure gave
me now life and health." Mrs. Qco. Colle,
Elgin, 111.
AituouMi'fMiientn of the Tlieiitern.
Tonight during tho performance of tho
Victoria Hurlesquers nt tho Trocadero, the
returns of thu Jcffrles-Huhlln fight will
bo announced from tbo stage round by
Tho engagement of the Victorias closes
with tomorrow night's performance.
Commencing with Sunday matlneo iBham's
famous Octoroons, tho largest aggregation
of colored talent, present "King Hastus.'
Thin company carries upwnrd of 40 peoplo
and a carload of special scenery.
Opening nt Hoyd's with a matlneo Sun
day, Hoyt's masterpiece, "A Holo In tho
Ground," will be with us until Wednesday
night. Along with tho best company thnt
has ever appeared In a Hoyt farco tho
performance will offer ns attractions new
scenery, brilliant electrical effects, new nnd
catchy music and u richness of costuming
that Is unusual In farco comedy.
Wanted Mini far JU.'OO I'onUlon.
An established and responsible business
concern of Omahn wants to employ a first
class man 30 to 40 years old to take the
genoral agency for Its business In n good
territory. This position requires thn best
business ability nnd experience and absolute
Integrity. It also requires tact and exe
cutive ability and good Judgment In cm-
ploying men. Only applications from sue
cessful men who aro In earnest will be con
sldercd. This position will pay about $2,500
per year and expenses, if filled sntlstau
torlly. Glvo age, past experience, present
business, references, Incomo declred and ad
dress J 25 Heo ofllce.
Govirnor Diatrich and Staff to Participate
in Presidential Inaugnration.
Chief KxfpiiIIvf nml the Members of
lilt Mtnff An to .Inurnrr to
(lip .Nntlonnl Cnpltnl In
n .Mpcolnl t'nr.
Governor Dietrich nnd his staff will leave
for Washington, I). (, Thursday afternoon,
February 28, to pnrtlclpnto In tho presiden
tial Inauguration ceremonies. General
Manager Holdrego of tho Hurllngton has
offered the party tho use of a special car,
which will bo attached to Hurllngton train
No. 2 at Lincoln nnd will leavo Omaha at
4:05 p. m.
Tho South Platto members of tho staff
will Join tho governor at Lincoln and the
North Platto delegation will Join tho party
at Omaha. From Chicago they will Journey
to Washington over tho Pennsylvania line,
arriving Saturday, March 2, at 1 p. m. While
In Washington Governor Dietrich nnd his
party will havo ninrtera at tho Hotel
Hnlclgh. No arrangements have been made
for tho return trip, but It Is probablo that
tho ntnfT will not nttcmpt to return In a
Mnyiir Miinrrn Ik AHIvr.
Mayor Frank K, Mooren han returned from
Lincoln, whero ho wan consulting with other
members of tho staff relative to tho Wash
Ington trip. Colonel Dills, Adjutant Gen
eral Harry and Colonel Moores wcro named
ns a committee to nrrnngo n routo for the
parly nnd tho Itinerary mentioned above
wan decided upon.
It wan tho original intention of tho staff
to meet tho governor In Washington. Mem
bers of tho staff expected to go to Wash
ington over any route they chose, but It
was finally decided that there would be
less confusion if thn officers made the trip
In a party and remained together until after
tbo Inauguration ceremonies.
I-'alturo to get low rates wilt prevent tho
Nebraska delegation to Washington from
being as largo an might bo wished. The
Thurston Wiles and many other organiza
tions planned on going, but satisfactory
arrangements could not bo mado for trans
portation nnd the trip hns been abandoned.
Wnshlngton railroad authorities will not
nllow sleeping cars to bo used while they
nro sidetracked In tho yards. This makes
It necessary for nil parties to secure hotel
accommodations whlln In Washington.
Itceeivc.i Appointment nn Stntlonnry
KiiKliirrr In tlir Army llead
iiunrtcrn IlulldlnK.
The appointment of William Gerrlty to be
stationary engineer at the army hcadquar
tera building. Fifteenth and Dodge streets,
arrived yesterday, and Mr. Gerrlty haB
entered upon his si:: months' probation. Ho
will have chargo of tho heating and lighting
plants In that building. The appolntmont
comes from thd ofllco of the secretary of
war, Mr. Gerrlty having been recommended
by tho civil sorvico commission. If his work
proven satisfactory during his six months'
probation his appointment will bo mado
Mr. Gerrlty was formerly engineer In The
Heo building.
Auk tlir Airrntn, Thry Will
Explain tho advantages of the Pennsyl
vanla Short Lines, Any ticket ngent of
railways selling through Chicago will fur
nlsh tickets over theso short lines to Pitts
burg and tho east, or to Columbus, In
dlnnapolls, Louisville and Cincinnati and
beyond. If you prefer to buy tickets In
Chicago, got thorn at No. 248 South Clark
St. H. H. Dcrlng, A. O. P. Agt.. Is lo
cated at that address and will havo them
ready for you If you write or wire him.
On to WhkUIiikIoii.
Half rates via Hlg Four and C. & O. Ity,
Account McKlnlcy's Inauguration, Round
trip tickets on salo March 1, 2 and 3, good
'for return March 8. For full particulars,
'address nny agent Hlg Four Routo or War
ren J. Lynch, G. P. & T. .. Cincinnati,
Velvet Candy
Our window Is full of HILDRKTH'S VBL
VET MOLASSES CANDY. The finest mado
one-quarter pound, 10c; half pound, ICc;
ono pound, 25c.
60c, Hlrncy Catarrh Cure 30c
11.00 Llsterlne (Lambert's) tilci
(joe Morrow's JCIn-ne-oldB 40o
UXs Doun's Kidney Pills 40c
50c AJax Tablets 40o
Aiiegreiu t miooi n i-uocoiaies we
Ko Hav'n Hair Health 40c
ro Slncum's OzoJoll ,.. i......... 40c
fjOo Cascarctn , 40c
DOo Tarrant'B, Seltzer Aporlent 40o
D0o Cutlcurn Snlve 46a
11.00 Hovlnliia (Largo Size) ?&u
Mn Ilromo Seltzer 40o
CjOo Ilobbs' Sparagun l'llls iOc
fZ.w t nicnesier h ungusn rennyroyni
Wrlto for Catalogue
.."J 1.75
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go
In New Storo at 16th and Dodge.
"After Buttering for two months from a
eevcro attack of grip I found quick relief
and a lasting euro by using Dr. Miles' Nerv
Inc. Pain Pills nnd Heart Cure." Harry
Abbott, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Wnnderfnlly Cheap Trip.
On February 12, 19 and 26, tho Rurllngton
will soil tickets from Omaha at tho follow
ing low rates:
Snn Francisco nnd Los Angeles, $25.
Ogden nud Salt Lako City, 123.
Hutto nnd Helena, $23.
Portland and Seattle, $28.
Uncommonly low rates to hundrods of
other points west and northwest.
Tickets, 1502 Farnam street, and nt Bur
lington stntlon, 10th and Mason streets.
for the Xutliuinl Crrnmery Under
milker' Annoelntlou.
Half fare to St. Paul nnd Minneapolis
via tho "Northwestern Line" Feb. 18 and
19. Tho only lino with double dally train
service and operating cafo-observatlon cars,
City offices, 1401 and 1403 Fnrnam St.
Attention, NflKlil'nm.
Members of Beech camp 1454, Modorn
Woodmen of America, nro requested to as
semble at 219 North Twenty-third street
on Friday at 1:30 p. m. to attend tho
funeral of Neighbor M. J. Pottor.
Hgyptlan Lotus Cream Is tho best prep
aration In tho market for chapped hands
rough skin or cracked lips. It In wonder
fully healing, clears the complexion when
used properly, helps to make thn skin soft
and fresh nnd fair. It'n splendid after
shaving stops the smarting.
Cramer's Kidney Cure 7So
Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills. ...11.00
Mennen s Tnlcum Powder 12c
Wine nf Cnrdul 75c
leaner s j.iver j-iiih iso
Ayer's Hair Vliror 7Sn
Duffy's Mnlt "Whiskey tDo
S. H, S 75c
Syrup of Figs ,ii)o
Miles' Nrrvlno 75c
Malted Milk 40c
Pierce's Favorite Prescription 7Rc
Doan's Pills 40c
Undo Sain'H Tobacco Curo eoc
CP II A 17 CCD cur price DRUGGIST
a. W. Cor. ltttb ail Ckloao Its.
The Grenlesl .Suit Mule I'.tpr Held
Taken I'lnrn nliirdn)'l I'rli. Ill,
We made nnotber sensational clothing
purchase. It's the entlro stock of a New
York manufacturer of lino stilts. Although
thin wan not n very largo purchase there
being only 1,100 suits In the lot we bought
them so remarkably cheap that
SATURDAY, Fcbrunry 16,
wo will havo the most sensational clothing
sale ever held In Omaha.
In this stock wcro 200 strictly all-wool
black clay worsted suits, satin lined, They
would sell regular at $15, nnd go In this
sale at $5.00.
Also nn elegant line of fancy striped
worsteds, all-wool cheviots, ftno ranslmcres
and. oxford vlcunns worth from $10 to $16,
alt go at $5 Saturday.
Ho sure and attend this sale.
Some of tho goods are now exhibited in
tho show window.
J. L. Hrnndels & Sons, Proprietors.
Well Knnrrn ltnllrond Mnn Ktulren
After Ilrlrf nnd Apparently
HIlRht tllnrnn.
M. J. Potter, night agent at the Hurllng
ton freight house, died suddenly Wednes
day evening at 6 o'clock at his home, 219
North Twenty-third street. Mr. Potter's
death wan entirely unexpected. Tucsdny
night ho was at his offlco nnd late In tho
night complained of feeling ill. Ho went
homo, thinking that n day or two of rest
would bring recuperation. Instead, his con
dition grew gradually more serious and In
less than twenty-four hours from thn tlmo
ho first felt Blck tho end camo. Mr. Potter
has been a sufferer from Brlght's disease for
many years and It was to this thnt his death
wan due. The Immedlato causo was
uraeralc poisoning.
Mr. Potter'n death wan a matter of deep
regret to hln many friends in social nnd
railroad circles In this city. Ho had been
connected with the Burlington for a num
ber of years and occupied a responsible posi
tion. He leaves a wife nnd family as his
nearest relatives, and their grief In his
sudden dcmlso Is shared by a great many
friends and acquaintances. Th funcrnl will
bo held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from
Trinity cathedral.
rnrnmnnla Cnn He Prevented.
Thin dlsrano nlways renultn from a cold
or an attack of tho grip tind may be pre
vented by tho timely uh of ChiunbcrlaJn'a
Cough Remedy. That remedy was exten
sively used during tho epidemics of I.n
Grlppo of the paat few years, nnd not a
slnglo caho has ever been reported that did
not recover or that resulted In pneumonia,
which shows It to be a certain preventive
of that dangerous dlsense. Chamborlaln'R
Cough Remedy han gained a world wide
reputation for Its cures of colds nnd grip.
For salo by nil druggists.
Etsi-j Htmnant that Has Accumulated from
1h W. L. Strong Bala.
Grnniler Itnricnlii nnd Mnrr llem
n n ii Ik Drenn timid, .lllkn, Wnnlt
t.'noiN nnd Cotton finnd Tlmn
Were K or I'lnrril on Our
Prices lower than ever-
quality better than ever
all amateur photo supplies,
fresh, reliable andup-to-date
1215 Farnam Street,
Wholesale and retail (ioalcrs,,.
Round trip to Lake Charles La Beaumont,
Port Arthur, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Waco,
Houston, Galveston and Snn Antonio, Texas
on salo February 18th and 19th all Infor
mation nt Omaha & St. Louis office, 1415
Farnam street, (Paxton Hotel block)
Omaha, Neb.
15c for dress goods nnd cloths worth Me.
2i"c for dress goods nnd cloths worth $1.00,
30c for dross goods nnd cloths worth $1.2o.
60o for dress goods and cloths worth $1.50,
An Immense lot of Imported sample ends
of black goods, n great many of them match,
go at Cc each today.
25c for French flannel remnants worth 75c.
39c for all wool challln worth 85c.
15c for swivel silk worth 65e.
lOo for morccrlxed foulards worth 35c.
10c for flno new dimities worth 25c.
15c for silk mounsellnc do sole worth 60c.
26c for heavy corduroy worth $1.00.
SILKS, CC, IOC, 160 AND 250.
Today wo show tho finest and largest
lot of silk pieces 'wo have ever had In our
store nnd they go on bargain squares at 2c,
5c, 10c, 15c nnd 25".
$1.00 silk foulards at 39c,
$1.00 silk remnants nt 39c yard.
$1.25 silk remnants nt 49c yard.
$1.50 silk remnants at 69c ynrd.
15c Ann lawns In mill ends, lc yard.
40-luch lnwnn, lc yard.
Black hcnrlctta sateen, 5c ynrd.
25c fancy corded gingham, 80 yard.
31-ltich percales, 8V4c yard.
23e India linens, 40-Inch wide, 10c yard.
25c fancy white goods, 10c yard.
5u unbleached muslin remnants, 2c yard.
15c chambray gingham, 6',4c yard.
All kinds of print remnants, 2 Vic yard.
15c percales, 5c yard.
15c shirting, 5c. yard.
J. L. Hrandels & Sons, Proprietors.
Vln Oninlin A Nt. I.oala II. It.
On salo February 19 to Port Arthur,
Beaumont, San Antonio, Lako Charles,
Houston and Galveston, Tex. Call at city
office, 1415 Farnam street (Paxton hotel
block), or write Harry E. Moorca, C. P,
and T. A., Omaha, Neb.
St. I'nnl nnd Ilrtnrn JIO.fiB.
On February 18 nnd 19 tho Illinois
Central railroad will sell tickets to St.
Paul at rate of $10.65 for tho round trip
Tho short line and only lino from Omaha
with buffet-library smoking car. Partlcu
lars nt City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam
street, or address W. H. Brill, D. P. A.,
1)1 I'D.
POTTER Mojanet, February 13, 1901, aged
Services' from Trinity cathedral at
p. m Friday, Fcbrunry 15, 1901.
nATuens nATucns
Masterful Clothing Goodness
On January 21, 1901, our New York buyer purchased at auc
tion 13 complete lines of manufacturers' samples at 25c on the
dollar mostly 1001 spring styles.The purchase consists of about
2,208 children's vestee suits, double breasted 2-piece suits and
sailor suits.
Odd Knee Pants, Men's Odd Sample Pants and
Men's Sample Coats and Vests.
For two days only, Friday and Saturday. Feb. loth and 10th,
we will place on sale in our Economy Bargain lioom
(main floor), the entire purchase of boys' Knee Pants
Suits and Odd Knee Pants.
All Knee Pants Suits
95 and $1.45
Suits which sell regularly for 2.50, $3.50 and up to
$5.00 all sizes, 3 to 10.
Odd Knee Pants
15c and 25c
All wool cassimere, cheviots and corduroys all
sizes, 3 to 10 which regularly sell for 50c and 75c
The Men's aud Youth's
Sample Coats aud Vests
will be on sale in our clothing department, second
floor, for one day only, Saturday, February 10th, at
$2.95 regular $7.50 to $18.00 values. None sold to
clothing dealers. See them in our 10th street window.
Selling the most clothing in Omaha.
V. v
i 1 1 hi.
Saturday, Feb. 16th
For the
first time
in the
of the
This was
never done
Will begin the sale of 1,200 pairs
Hanan & Sons
Thnmncnn Rrnc 7
1 HUllipOUll KJk JtJ
Men's $5, $6, $7 and $8 Shoes at j a pair
While we are
where to begin it is often too
late to act
You've been parleying around for two or
three weeks trying to make up your mind
where to go for your shoes. Many of you
have acted wisely, but we see many of you
wearing thin soles on your shoes. ' Th'is is
a mistake. The grip is only waiting to get
a chance at you. If your shoes need mend
ing, take them to your shoemaker. If you
need a new pair, come here for them, and
save you money, that's the inducement we offer you.
For Men's Box Calf Shoes!
For Men's Enamel Shoes.
For Men's Winter Tan Shoes.
A positive saving of ONE-TLIIKD your shoe money and
every pair guaranteed.
IMill llBI HTBl I III! Ill
Bargain Room
10,000 yards of ynrd wide percalrfl. In
lengths from 2 to 10 yimln, 3G-lncbcs wldo
In dark nnd light colors and always
sold at 25c yard
all will so at t)C
10,000 yards of dimities, some of tho finest
Roods made, that srll at
19c nnd 25c go nt, yard Ow
5,000 yards of 30-Inch flannelettes, or Imi
tation French flannel, In dota and stripes,
nnd Is sold all over at 19c
yard will go nt
10,000 yards of wool dress Roods, In rem
nants of nil kinds of Roods, from 25c to
$1.50 a yard OE2
nil will goat 5c, 10c and uw
600 dress patterns at 98c
$1.5d and
For entire pattern.
Remnants of 10c outlnt;
Remnants of 50c whlto
goods, at
Remnants of 20c
satlne, ynrd
Full standard prints,
Printed Lawns, yard
Kxtra heavy brown
muslin, yard
Hath towels
Turkey red table
linen, ynrd '.
Soft finish, extra fine
bleached muslin, yard
Finest percale made, 36
Inchcs wide, all colors, yard
Silk samples, big lots, at, each lc
2H pes colored pongee, on sale at, yar'd , 9t:
10 pes. plain black China Silk, at, yard 20o
1000 yards fancy silks, all kinds, and all colors,
worth up to, on sale at, yard 4!)e
100 dozen men's colored laundered shirts, with spperatc, col
lars and cuffs. These shirts are all good brands, but slightly
soiled, all on sale at 20c. Worth up to '$1.25.
1 lot of men's shirts and drawers worth up to 75c, go at 25c.
Men's $1.50 and $2.00 sweaters, at 59c.
nnut mark
. Registered
A. Mayer Co.
not only relieves, but positively cure
nil diseases of the feet and hands.
Mops odorous perspiration cure ten
der and swollen feet. Endorsed and
prescribed by lending physicians.
MISS A. MAYER: In reply to your note I am pleased to say that the tendsr
and perspiring feet are things of the past.
About two or three applications of your powder relieved them entirely. I am
more than lad to recommend the use of your powder to my friends.
Very respectfully. UR. B. C. HENRY.
removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields are required.
Sold Everywhere.
A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb.
When ordering by mall add 5 cents for postage.
Nothing does, nothing can, take its place it stands (
alone unique and impregnable
Cheapest, Cleanest, Hottest and best coal
mined in Wyoming. We sell hard coal, too, if
you want'ti.
VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Fornam. Tel. 127 1
Will stop' a cough or a cold at once
Delay and neglect make colds and
coughs dangerous. There is a cough
in every breath these February
days. Do not neglect the remedy.
Antl-Kawf Is "It." For sale by all druvtlsU.
Ko a bottle.