10 THE OMAHA DALLY BEE; THUHSDAV, FEBRUARY 14, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CoTering hj Bhorta and Ptnoitj of Offeiingi Adtanoe Whtat. CORN PAYS SOME DEFERENCE TO WHEAT Dnt Frnturelem nnd Trnite Nenrly Alt I.ocnl Pro vIMiins Arc Hull und Confined o I.ocnl Interest. CHICAOO, Fob. Ml-Coverlng by shorts ana 1110 paucity or offerings resulted In nn odvanca In wheat today, May closing c higher. Corn cloned Ho lower, oats tin changed and provisions unchanged to 214c up. Following tho opening depression, which ecoincd In perfect consonance with tho Jiown and statistics of tlia day, tho wheat market behaved In an extremely bullish mannor Speculative students paired off tho continental strength against Liver pool's falluro to respond to advances on this side, nnd laid tho rest to a covering movement. May wheat opened '40140 to HU'Kc lower at 75c to 75Ua Commission houses bought on a falny liberal n?ale, tneanwhllo selling July at a discount of lje under May. On tho advance local ghortn enran Into tho market and In bidding for tightly held wheat sent tho prlco up to 75ifS6T4c. In this rally sympathy with tho corn market was Influential. Tlio world's Vlslhlo showed an Incrcaso of 1,700,0V) mi., iiiid occasioned selling from both bulls and iV.nrs-'..unlcr wtilcli tho market rcucted to 7&M(7&!iO. Again lii(Ulry was lenewod, only to Ilnil that llttlo was for sale. May V-os forced sharply to 76o and the chuo yu strong He over Monday at 7o!40i6c. Jxicnt receipts wcro 76 cars, ono of con tract grado slnco Monday, whllo Mlnneap oils and Duluth for the same period re ported 637 cars, against 269 last week and JW 11 year ago today. Primary receipts aggregated for two days 872,000 bu., mm pareil with 645,0f) bu. lust year. Exporters reported llftecu loads taken. Seaboard clearanres in wheat and Hour were equal to 357,000 bu. since Monday. Corn paid somo deferenco to tho opening wheat easiness, Country acceptances wero more liberal, but seaboard clearances since Monday wcro enormous 1, 447,ooo bu. and tho cash Inquiry was good. Receipts wcro 4!i cars. May sold between WbW.)'. al the opening nnd 39fte a new record for the option nnd closed He down at 33He. Thu market eased orf on realizing sales. Oats wero dull and featureless, with tho tnido nearly all local. May sold between IoVjJCHc and 25140 and -closed unchanged nt '&''. Kecelpts wero 461 cars. Provisions ruled dull but steady, trade being conllncd to local Interests. The open ing was a shade easier because of heavy hog receipts and lower prices nt tho yards, but tho market steadied later In sympathy with the grain markets. May pork cloe I unchanged at $1I.I2'4, Mny lard 2140 higher at $7.65 and May ribs unchanged at $7.10. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 61 cars: corn, 205 cars: oats, 300 'cars; hogs, 88,nu) bead. Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: ! Open. I Hull. I Low. Close. IMon'y. t 73' i 734 73U 73J1I 73 73Si 74S 73i 7lA, 73 U "3 0tj, 76 75 75Ti07675'J01! 38 33 3S 3S'i a'j 3S4 3Slfc 3SH 33f?- 30?(,11!4; 3)-J, 394 2IH 2HS 21". 21 2IU 25? 25H ZSUSfi 23 'J51 13 92', 13 9214 14 10 II 15 11 03 H 1214 14 1214 7 4214 7 4714 7 4214 7 474 7 43 - 7 4714 7 474 7 6214 7 65 7 50 7 65 7 02 7(V. I 7 02Va 7 0714 7 10 7 05 7 10 I 7 1U 7 1714 7 2214 7 17(4 7 22141 "Wheat Feb. Mch. May Corn Feb. Mch. May Oats Fob. May May Lard Feb. Mch. May Illhs- Fob. May Sept. Cash quotations wero as follows: Fl.nim Dull and unchanged. WHKAT-No. 3 spring, 611407214c: No. 2 ted. 724'&7(!V4o. CORN No. 2, SS'Jc: No. 2 yellow, ZVAc. OAT8-N0. 2, 25V4ff25e: No. 2 white, 27i G2S'4e: No. 3 white, 2702314c. RYH-No. 2. 6lc. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 13060c. SEEDS-No. 1 (lax, $1.64; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.65. I'rlmo timothy, $4.60. Clover, contract grade. $11.00011.15. PROVIKIONS-Mess pork, per hbl $13.93 (014.00. Lard, per 1C0 lbs., $7.421407.45. Short ribs sldon Goose). $7. 000 7.20. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $6.2506.60. Short clear uldos (boxed). $7.2507.40. WHISKY-Dnsls of high wines, $1.27. SFGARS-Cut loaf. 6.29c; granulated, 6.72o; confectioners' A, 5.59c. Tho following uro tho receipts and ship ments today: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 106.0CO PI OX) Wheat, bu 132,000 116.000 Corn, bu ;79,00o sai.Oo) Oatn, bu $5.8,000 355,000 Rye. bu 12,000 3.00) Barley, bu 127,OiO 33,000 On tho Produce exchange today tho but ter market was active; creameries, 11021c; dairies, 1U4''lSi Cheese, active, at Mli0 llc. Eggs, dull; fresh, 1814c (NEW YOIIIC GENERAL M.AIIKKT. (ItioliitliTnn of tin- liny on VnrloiiH (.'oninindltli-a. NEW YORK. Feb. 13. FLOUR-Rccolpts, 30,151 bbls.; exports, 12,983 bbls.; flrmor and u trillo moret active on tho rise In wheat; winter patents, $3.0504.00; winter straights, $3.4O03.M; Minnesota patents, $1.0004.23; winter extras. $2.6O0'2.8."; Minnesota bakers, $3.0003.35; winter low grades, $2.1502.60. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $3.1003.15; choice to fancy. $3,201(3.55. Huckwhcat flour, dull lit $2.10il 2.10. BUCKWHEAT-Qulct nt 60062c, c. I. f., Now York. CORNMEAL Firm: yellow western, 93c; city. 91c; Hrandywlne, $2.4002.45. RYE Steody: No. 2 western, CO-lic. f. o. b nlloat: rtate, 6C,T(57c, c. I. f., oarlots. UARIKY Quiet! feeding. 48ijolc, c. I. f., New York: malting, filihCSc. HARLHY MALT Dull; western, G5Q72C. WIIKAT Receipts. 90,900 bu.; exports, 1S9.493 bu. Spot, nrm; No. 2 red, Sic, f. o. b., nfloat, nnd S2V4C elevator; No. t hard, Du luth, POVjoi, f. o. b., nlloat. Options opened steady unit nt onco expanded Into posltlvo strength, which lasted, with a few excep tions, all day. Closed strong at He nut ndvanco. Mnrch, 797jc, closed at 79?so; May, 79 lMBSiBOHo; closed lit SOc; July, 70 5-1GH SOc, closed at 8O0 CORN Receipts. 79.2S3 bu.; exports, SS.3GI liu. Spot, linn; No. 2, 48V4c, elevator, anil 47Uc, f. o. b afloat. Option market was strong nnd more nctlve all day, Influenced by a bullish cash outlook and scare of Mnrch shorts, big clearances, firm English cables and prospects for smaller receipts, Closed strong and higher. March, 48G48Vic, closed at 48c; May, 45c. closed ut 45Uc; July, l4iM4ftc, closed at ll'ic OATS Receipts, 142.S00 bu.; exports, 3,540 bu. Spot, dull; No. 2, 30V4c; No. 3. 30c; No. 3 white, 32V4c: track white, 31G35V4c; No. 2 white, SStfiiUUc; track mixed western, SOW B1V4C Options, slow but llrmly held In sym pathy with corn. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1900 crop, 17jC0e; H99 crop, llftlSu: old olds, 2JfGc; Pacific coast, 1900 crop, 17019c; 1SW crop. lHflSo; old olds, 2Q0c. UIDUS-Stcady; Qalveston. 20 to 25 lbs., J8i,i&19o; California. 21 to 25 lbs,, 19c; Texas lry. 24 to 30 lbs., 15c. LKATHICIt Steady: hemlock sole. Uuenos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 2IQ25c; ncld, 23l4r24l4c. WOOI-Qulct; domestic tleeco, 2VU26c; PROVISIONS Reef, steady; beef hams, 18.&0Jfl9.OO: packet. tQ.Wj XO.W; city, extra India mess, JH.001JlC.0rt. Cut meats, steady; pickled shoulders, CJt'GUe; pickled hams, 9iOV4c. T,ard, steady; western steamed, $i.80; refined, stendy; continent, $7.95; South America, J8.G0: cqmiuiund. $5.&0W5.G24. Pork, steady; family, $15,00j 15.50; Bhort clear, $14.7tW10.rlO: mess, $13.75014.60. HUTTBK IlecolptH, 13.055 pkgs.,: ilrm; fresh creamery. Hi(ff22c; June creamery, lZtf 18o; factory, ItWHc. CIIIiKSK-Recelpts, 2,917 pkgs.: flrmi fancy, largo, fall mnde, UUillHic; fancy, small, fnll made, ll12o. FOaa-Rccclpts, 18,297 pkgs.; unsettled; western, "t mark, 19HWic; southern, at marki J9'(f 1914c . , TALLOW Irregular; city, IttiNUc; coun try. 4i'i(5l4e. Olua'RY-Allve. firm; fowls, 11c; chick ens. 9c; turkeys, SdTlOc. Dressed, steady; turkeys, llffflPie: chickens. 9tfl0c. MKTALS Weakness In tho English metal market to somo extent checked business In local and western circles, but fnllod to ap preciably Inlluence prices. From opening to closing business was slow, with buyers nnd sellers In nearly all departments waiting further developments abroad boforo making radical steps In either direction. In London tin declined 12s 6d, closing at .JC122 2s 6d for spot nnd 117 12s M for futures. Copper In London declined 10s. spot closing at 71 J0s3d. Iron abroad also eased a trllle. The quotation In Glasgow was cabled at 51s ul and In Mlddlesborough as 46s 7Hd. In the local market pig Iron warrants were quoted ut $9.6W10.5t, easy In tone, this being un changed from tho close of Monday. North crn foimdry was rated nt $15.0Ottl6.50 nnd southern foundry ut SH.60ftl5.75, with south ern soft nuoted nt 113. OO-fi 15.75. Lake connr ruled dull and unchanged at $17. Tin was firm nnd 10 nolnts hteher at $26.45. Lead was dull nnd unchanged nt $i.37K and spel ter uuii at lormcr quotations 01 .!.iraa.itj. OMAHA VHOI.IiSAI,rj 31AMKUTS. Comlltlnns nf Trade nnit Qtiotntlons on Ntniilp mill I'nticr I'roilueln. KOOS Receipts, light; good stock, IE i.IVH POI'LTRY- Hens. (Hffl7e: vo-jnr staggy and old roosters, 3B6': ducks, "Vic; geese, oijic; lurneys, 0V4y14C. FRKSH DRKSSKD POULTRY-Hons, 7H tlia roosters, 4&6c; ducks, 8i439c; geese, sUfOci turkevs. 9W10c. GAME Mallard ducks, per doz.. $3.00 r.iblilt". J1.601fl.76: cottontails, 90cG$1.10. Ill'TTER-Common to fair, llic; choice, iSyUC, eeparator, 22c. FRKSII OYSTERS - First grade. Rolld packed, New York counts, per can, 3Sc: ex tra selects, 32c; standards. 25c: medium. 20c. Second grade, slack ailed, New York counts, per can, 30c; extra selects, 26c; standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., $1.26. FROZEN FRESH FISH-Illack bass, 10c; white bays, 10c; blutlsh, lie; bullheads, 10c; blue fins, 7c; catfish, 120; cod, 9c; cropple, 10c; clscnes, 8c; halibut, lit: herring, ill 6c; haddock, 9c: mackerel. 20a; porch, 6'f 7c: pickerel, 7c: pike, 9c; red snapper, 10c: salmon, 14c: sunflsh, 6c; smelts, loo; trout, 10c: whlten.in, sc. PIOEONS-Llve, per do., 90c. VEALS-Choice, 9f?10c. HAY-Prlco quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' nsioclatlon: Ohofco upland, $S.6fi; No. 1 upland, W medium. $7.60; coarse, $7. Ryo strnw, $5.60. Theso prices aro for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts. 2 cars. OATH No. 3 white, Zic. CORN-No. 3, 32e. URAN-$14 6C. VEGETABLES. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 60c. TURNIPS-Per bu, basket, 40a. UEETS-Por bu.. 40c. 1 CARROTS Per bu., 40a LETTt'CE I'T 'Jor... "3343c. RADISHES, Per doe., rfOc. PARSLEY Per doz., 35c. PEANS-Wax, per 1-3 bu. basket, $1: string, Mic. POTATOES Per bu 600650; Idaho, per bu.. SOc. HWKF.T POTATOES-Per bbl., $2. CAHHAGE Hollnnd sed, li2c. TOMATOES-Cnllfornla, per 6-basket crate, $1.50. ONIONS Native, per bu $1; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c. CELERY-Cnltfornla. as to sire, 6075c; Kalamazoo, 25if3oc. CAULIFLOWER-Callfornla, per crate, $3. FRUITS GRAPES Malaga, per keg, $8.60-39.00. APPLES Per bbl., $3: eastern, 13.505p3.75; California Rellllowors, per box, $1.60. CRANIIERRIES-Uell and Uuglc, $10 per bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., $9; per crate, $3.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California eedlliiKS. 12.2.Vfl 2.M: navels. $2.7583.25; Mexicans, $2.60; Florldns. $3.25. LEMONS California, extra fancv. $3.50; choice, $3. DANA NAS Per buncb. nccordlntr to slin. $2.00'ff2.60. I' K.S al fornla. new cartons. 8oe: lnv. ers, 75c; Imported, per lb.. 13515c. DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 60 per lb,; Halloween, 614c ncr lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES No. 1 croon, Cc: No. 2 green, 6c: No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c: No. 1 veal ....i,, .1 ku iM iin,, OU, lU. Vfill Call, 14 lO 1ST lbs., 6c: dry hides, 8fff13e; sheep pelts, 26 75c: horse hides, $1.60ft2.2n. M'TS-English walnut", per lb., 13c; fil berts, per lb,, 13c; nlmonds, per lb., lEir20c: raw p-anuts, per lb.. 65'4c: roasted, suff 7Hc: Brazils, 13c; pecans, 10S12c. St. I.oiiIh (irnln nml rrorUloni. ST. I.niflS Vnh 11 MMtir ITTII.I... . ; - rod, cash, elevator, 73c; track, 7414 u-41-, .liuj. 1110; .liny, iokC. I'DIIM llli-liaf. . .... -I. Oil.. . 3SHUmc: May, 3S?,c; July. S814c. o.MVJ-8;I.lKher..No;.:: cas'1' 26c ! track. "r.tl--D:ci - wnue, .'sue. RYE-Hlgher; 52jT62'4c FI.OIMl Olllnt niitniila tn r.rtrrn TR . . fimcy and ntrnlKht, 53.20fr3.40i clenrt $2.70 ordinary; prime worth more. Flax, higher at l.Ul bid. CORNMEAL-Steady at $2.05. 11RAN Scarce and higher; sacked, cast track. 1 15772c. rloIrllVoIooV" t,mothy' WO-WWllOO! pral- 1l'irioi . - iuni-nicnny ai i.jf. IRON COTTONTIES-$l. IJAGOINO-7(&7ic. HEMP TWINE 9c. I'HOVIttlnN'HIVirlr (lr,,. IU1.1 iii.i Ij.r, lr.ir , IT o?ii fl-r. .!.' (hoxoa), Htcaay; extrn phortH. $7.12; cloar nun, i.fcui cieur siaes, J7.ai. Uacon sides. $8.25. ' MK TA r.Pflil. ulrnnc t! on ChaH.- nominal. $3.70. I'OULTUY-StcaJy; chickens, 714c: tur keys. 5fS!4c; young, ,6!c; ducks, 8c; geese. 5c. .J;!?1-"111': creamery, Hfilc; dairy, EGGS Lower; IGUe REf'RIPTRI.'Inllr 0(W1 . .l . rn 000 bu.: com. 186,000 bii.; oats, 110,000. ' ' ,.? UvMf'INlH-1 lnllr' 16.000 bbls.; wheat, 115,000 bu.; corn, 125,000 bu.; oats, 07,000 bu. Liverpool tirnln find Prmliico Mnrkrt. 'V. Viiiil V0.'-,.,1'0"' 13 WHEAT-Spot. dull: No. 1 Cal fornln. du "Url- M V western, 6s ll4d: No. 1 northern, spring, t'l1 ,fulures- llrm! March, 5s Ulid; May, COUN Snot, firm! Amnrlnnn 3s 1014d; American mixed, old, -3s ' llVid; 'U,,l!,ri0.H',.",llcii Jt'.,,bruar'' 3h Wii'1! .March, I'HUVisiUNH-Heef. easy; extra India moss. GIs 9d. Pork, ilnll! nr m mmi i.iii. tri. 6ts 3d. Iliims. hnrt nil. 1i tn IP, tl.u steady at 4ls Gd. Bacon. Cumberland cut, 45s; short ribs, firm at 42s; long clear mid dles, light, steady, at 41s; long clear mid- uirn, iipiivv, nrm, in ius; snort clear backs, llrm, at 3Ss 6d; clonr bellies, firm, at 43s. oiiuiiKiurs, square, urm, at 3iS. I.ard, prime western steamed. 3Ss 6d; American refined. In palls, firm, at 39s Oil. i 'ma 8 (.nnnciiiin, us so. HOPS At London (I'aelfln pnnsn .lon.li- 4Tf5 15s. FLOUR St. Louis fntmv wlnlp alnrfv 8s 6d. UUTTER Dull: f nest United fitntes Ms- good United States, 79s. CHEESE Quiet ! American fines whlf-. 60sGd: American finest colored, filled. iAui.uY-rnmc cuy, ami, .astxi; Aus tralian. In Iondnu, easy, 27s. ueccipts or wnent during tno iaRt threo days, 215,000 contain, Including 191,000 cen- iiiis .mericnn, Receipts of American corn during the last threo days, 48,500 centals, Kaiinni CH- (irnln nnd Provision. If AVS1U riTV T.-..I. 11 H'lfr" a m t 6il4c; cash, No, 2 hard. 6SHif69c; No. 3, 67UTl6Sc: No. 2 red. 70fi70Un! Nn 9 rAOTOo ('OIlTv: Mnv. S7Ul.l7l.n ra.h o mixed, 36V4c: No. 2' white. 37c: No. 3. 37c. OATS-No. 2 white, 2714c. RYE-No, 2, 4814c. HAY fhnln Hmnlliv r.rtM 1 M . V.AtnA pralrlo. Ss'.iO.SO. " vu"'w' wv in r i liit Ttjumery, lififsoc: oalry. iRc. 1 sas stock, 1614c doz., loss off, enses ro- LU1111.-11, ,iw viuicwuuu cases inciuueu, J0 more. RECEIPTS-Wheat. 62,000 bu.; corn, 32, 000 bu.; oats. 15.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 140,000 bu.: corn, 20,800 bu.; oats, 11,000 bu. Mlmiciinoll TVhcnl, I'lonr mill llrnn. MINNKAPOLIH. Fh. 13 -WIIRAT- Cash, 74; Mny. 75c; July, 7514Q767iiC. On track: No. 1 hard, 76ic; No, 1 northern. 74c; No, 2 northern, G9g2c. FLOUR First patents, $4.061.15; second paienis, w.kwu-.ou: first clears, $2.903.00; second clears, $l,90iT2.OO, IIUA.-N 111 UUIK, JU,6U(S11.7S. Toledo Crnln mill Need, TOLEDO, Feb, 13. - WHEAT - Dull nnd higher; cash. 79?4c; May, 7Uic; July, 797ic CORN Aetlvo and firm: cash. 40r Miiv. 4&7iC. DATS-Sleady; cash, 27c; May, 2C4c RYE-52i,4c. CLOVER SEED-Steadv: 1899 nrime. $6.70; cosh, $7.20; March, $7.25. Plillnilrlnlila Hotter nnd Kkks. PIllI.AllI.'I.mil A S'i. n ntTT"T'i7'r Firm; fancy western creamery, 2214e; iiniLj weniern prima, mc; tancy nearDy prints. 21c. . i'-nrcgniiiAt i.ni DiAfi,i... adi. nnnMi... 91n frrtuVl U'nHloNI 1n fraah .irM.tti..f..l....i 2lc; fresh western, 2lo. Peoria .Inrket. PEORIA, Feb. 13.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 3, 37y:c. OATS Firm! Nn. n wtillo Rlt CTMlir. billed through.' -. WIllHIvY On lh hniiln nf 1 T1 fnr finished goods, IIMrniikre (irhtn Market. MILWAUKEE, Feb. 13.-WHEAT-Qulet: 074e norlhenl' W"60! No. 2 northern, 7114 HYE-Hlgher; No. 1. 530531ic. .rJf?I'Ki-Stcail'! No- 2. 690c; snmple, iVti 5C14C. Dllllltli OrHln 1.. DULUTIL Feb. 13.-WHEAT-Cash. No """'jfFJ1' i1691'4i 'ay. 76Hc; July, 77(ic OATS-26liH)2Ce. 'offer Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 1J.-COFFEE Tho market for futures opened steudy, with prices 10 points higher, duo to local cover ing nnd foreign demand, following Inner cnuies. 'i neroAiier ruieu moaerately active, but n shado easier, Havre falling to hold tho advance reported nt the opening. The lirazlllun movement was still steady, with miDiic support ami spot demand deucieiu. Tho market closed barely steady, with prices net unchanged to 6 nnlnta net hither Total sales, 6,500 bags, Including February and aiarcn at &.ooc; Mny and juno, 5.oc; September, 6.80c: October, 6.85c; December, 6c. Spot Rio. nulet; No. 7, Invoice, 7c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 8U1214c. MOVB.MHXTS IN STOCKS AND llOXDS. Sprpnlntlvr I.lriiildntlonn Are the Or der nf the liny Slight Decline. NEW YORK, Feb. 13.-Speculatlvo llqul datlon was the order of tho day today on tho stock market nnd townrd the close of tho day the selling became urgent In somo of tho stocks which have been highly ma nipulated In the progress of the extended advance. The depletion of margins nnd tho covering of stoploss orders were evi dently rosponslblo for somo of the heavy offerings of stock which were tumbled upon tho market In growing volume ns the de clines In prices proceeded. Generally spenk Ing there wns n feeling in speculative cir cles thnt "tho good nows was all out," to use a favorlto Wall street phrase. Tho fact that tho day's news did not bring any an nouncement of n now glgnntlc combination in prospect or In courso of achievement probably had much to do with this feeling. The highly seasoned faro to which tho Wall street palato has been accustomed lenves the speculation rather flat without Its ac customed "bracer" of a llnnnclal consolida tion rutin nK ut) Into tho millions. Tho disinclination to look for further Important developments In tho Immediate future was empnasizcd ny tno current reports or con templated winter vocation trips by several of tho capitalists who havo been foremost figures In tho crent financial nrotccts which havo recently dazzled the speculatlvo world. There has been dally nnd even hourly ex pectation uuii tno details or tno tlnnuciai plan for effectlnir a mercer of tho steel combinations would bo officially given to tho public. The delay In giving out this information has been trying to tho nerves of some of tho speculators long of tho steel stocks and they sought relief today more than on previous occasions slnco tho pro jected merger became known by unloading tneir Holdings. Tnc repented reuurra wnien tho benrs havo received havo made them very timid and there wns not much evi dence of a demand to cover short accounts even nt considerable declines. Thero wns undoubtedly largo short selling today, how ever, In tho belief that an extended period of reaction had been fairly Inaugurated, a Doner wnlcli lias been Indulged In many times beforo In the courso of tho recent ex- traordlnnry market. rue course-or affairs in tno money mnrKet gave substantial ground for npprchenslon on tho Dart of the sneculators denendent on lonns for carrying their holdings. It Is evident that the recent enormous extension of credits for financing railroad combina tions has much curtailed tho futuro re sources of the money market. Tho reflux oc runus rrnm circulation is distinctly less with tho growing activity of business re quirements Incident to the spring trade. ino nusenco or American suuscriptions or any Imnortnnt volumo to the new Ilrltlsh loan excites comment. It Is duo In part to tno easier conditions or tno rorelgn monoy market, which resulted In n. price for tho loan unattructlvo to American Investors. but there can bo no doubt that tho nar rowed surplus resources of tho New ork market also hnd to do with preventing Amorlcan bids for tho loan. Tho rate of sterling exchange makes It evident that any considerable subscriptions for Ameri can account to tho exchequer bonds would havo necessitated gold exports. The Janu ary figures of exports of agricultural prod ucts, showing nn Inercnso of nearly $20,000.- OoO over those of the preceding January, mnKo tins condition tno moro extraordi nary. It Is believed that tho return of se curities (luring tho last few months has been In much largor volumo than any of tho usually accepted statistics indicate. London wns a hirco speculative buyer of stocks here this morning, especlnlly of Atchison nnd Norfolk & AVestern. but the heavy profit taking overcame tho London buying and swept nearly everything in tno market below Monday's level. Western Union nnd St. Louis & San Francisco sec ond preferred wcro conspicuously strong nnu retained smnn gains, 'ino most ncuio weakness wns shown by Sugar, Missouri Pacific, tho stool stocks, Tobacco and the grangers nnd Pacifies generally. The mar ket closed under pressure nnd near tho lowest. Ilonds weru weak In nvmoathv with stocks. Totnl sales, par value, $5,35o.000. i no commercial Advertiser h i.onuon financial cablecram savs: The stock mur- ket showed brisk trailing today, with a very cheerful tone. With this went the expression of rather vague anticipations of some sort of favorable announcement In the klnir's sneech of tomorrow, but so far as 1 could learn It apparently was only n enso of tho wish fathering tho thought. Tho American demand wns much busier again. In tho enrly hours prices were strong on tho demand for Atchison nnd Heading issues, nut n lot or selling orders from New York fell like a wet blanket on the market, causing a dull close. The Im ports of gold yesterday amounted to 90,000, nil In bars. Tho bank bought 6.000 In Lisbon todav and took from tho open mar ket 22,000 In bars. Resides theso additions 120.000 arrived from J';gypt. 'ino imports for tho wrelt nmount to 426.000. Thero Is a very sharp demand for money, the bank having compieto coniroi or tno mnraei. Cull monoy ranged from 4 to 5 per cent; time lonns. 4 tier cent, whllo tho bank lent largely at 5 per cent. Tho exchequer bond allotments aro regarded as very disap pointing. The applications for them nt thu rato of 97 2s received 83 per cent of tho nmount they usked for. The average rea lized for tho government is only 97 6s4d. The following aro tne closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison . M4 . 8S . 91 . soys 57 . 41 . 1914 .ns . 31 . fiS .10714 .171 .123 75?i . ) . 4514 . 19I .15314 .191 . 42 Wnbafih , do pfd Wheel. & L. E.. do 2d pfd Wis. Central Third Avenuo ... n. & O. pfd National Tube ., do pfd Adams Ex Amerlcnn Ex U. S. Ex Wells-Fargo Ex. Amor. Cot. Oil... do pfd Amcr. Malting... do pfd Amer. 8. & R..., do pfd Amcr. Spirits .... do pfd Amer. S. Hoop,,, do u!tl Amer. 8. & W.., do pfd , Amer. Tin Plato. do pfd Amer. Tobacco.,, do pfd Anne. Mln. Co.,, Rrooklvn R. T.., Colo, Fuel & I.., Con, Tobacco .., do pfd Federal Steel .., do pfd Gen. Electric ... Glucose Sugnr ., do pfd Inter. Papor do pfd Lacledo Gas National Hlscult dn nfil , 17-i 31 , 1414 31 't 1814 ,121 , 17 105 163 ,15 6714 140 , 30 XV) 4-j P o ' 17 29i 75V. 60 931J 61 91 ,115 140 4514 7614 45'J . ' 96 COT do tifd Unltimoro & O. Canadian Pac Canada So Ches. & Onm... Chicago G. W.. u.. u. fit u Chi. Ind. &-L... do Dfd Chi. & E. 111.... C. Sc N. W C. R. 1. & P.... u. u. t at I. Colorado So.... do 1st pro do 2d Dfd Del. & Hudson Del. L. & W.... Denver & R. O.. (To nfd Erl do 1st Dfd.... . 0.1 .191 . 16 Ot. Nor. pfd... Hocking Coal .. "n"k'ng Vallev., Illinois Central.. 461i 128W uwii L'nntrui ... do pfd . bo . 43 .112 .220 Lnko Erlo & W. do pfd Lako Shore ... L. & N 9,?7 .1171! .16HJ . u-; Manhattan L. . Met. St. Ry.... Mex. Central . 801 Minn, ti St. L... . 71 .106 . mk . 73(4 . 20V. 19W 4774 91 , 23 73 76 , 3R1 90 17 87 46!f 9.-.1J 153 21 , 52 , 87 02 13 ,imf as 7P 19i 5 ,1367 119V (VP :g , 891 92 16" 62 6."" do nfd Mo. Pacific niouiie t onio.. M., K. & T no nfd . 55H .143 .152i N. Y. Central .. N. J. Central... Norfolk & W... (National Lend ., do nfd do pfd National Steel .. do pfd N, Y. Air Brako, No. American ... Pacific Coast .... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed S. Car... do pfd Pullman P. Car., S, R, & T Sugar do pfd Tenn. Coal & I., U. 8. Leather..., do pfd U. 8. Rubber .... do pfd Western Union.., Amal. Copper ... Republic I. & S., do pfd P. C. C. & St. L, No, Pacific mi? do nfd . 8714 Ontario & W.... Oro. Rv. & Nov 32 42 76 do Dfd Pennsylvania ... H8T4' . 32V : . 321; . 81V, . 2C1?I . E6'i 149V, .190 Reading do 1st ind do 2d nfd Rio G. W do Dfd St. L. & S. F do 1st pfd do 2d nfd St. Ij. Southw... do nfd St. Paul do Dfd St. P. & Omaha 125 So. Pacific So. Railway .... . 22Ri! . 7RVi do pfd Tox. & Pacific. Union Paclllu . 29H . 9IH do pfd . 8714 London Stock Qnntn tlnns, LONDON, Fob. 13.-4 p. m,-C!os!ng: Cons., money., 96 15-16 Erie toy no accouui ..J i-ju no jst pid CSV Atchison 691;1 Pennsylvania, ... 70' Canadian Pac,.,. 9IU. Reading ny oi. i'bui iMwuiMo. i-ao. prn mow Illinois Central ..132U Grand Trunk .... 7 Louisville 95Anacondtt fi Union Pnc. pfd.. 90! Rand Mines 29, M V Pnnlpnl HQ RAR 8ILVI3R Dull at 2Sd per ounce. discount In tho open market for short bills 1'' -cni-i "i mrcH inuuiiia mils, 3T4S4 per cent. Hank I'leiirlnitH. ROSTON. Feb. 13. Clenrinirs. UK CIS cor. balances, $1,879,192. NEW YORK. Feb. 13.-Clcarlngs, $370, 9S2.261: balances, $9,474,777. I'liu-iAUi.t'iiiA, e'en. 13. Clear nc3. $19,375,205: balances, $2,081,562. b ' BALTIMORE. Feb. 13,-Cleurlngs, $3,907, 053; balances, $40S,549. ' ' New York exchange, 10c discount bid, par CHICAOO, Feb. 13.-Clcarlnes, $30,24,1,350; balances. $3,02.1.952; posted exchangs, $1.8514 f?4.89; New York exchange, lOo discount. , ST. LOUIS, Feb. 13.-Clenrlngs, $6,S5l,612; balances. $1,279,077; money, 6Ji7 per cent; v uii.inAii, reu, jo. i.irKi nigs. ovj, money, atju per cent; ixew sorx ex chance, pnr to 10c premium. Xerv York Money Mnrliet. WISH' vnti t.- t.-v. 11 ninMtivnn nail Bteody nt 2T2h per cent! prime mercantile iMtiieri i per ccni. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier, with actual business In bankers', bills nt $4.8714 fi4.8S for demand and nt $4.MV484.834 for sixty unys; posted rates, i.N)r4i.ta; com morclal bills. li.tti!M.8iU. SILVER- Certificates, 62S3c; bar, 60T4c; Mexican dollars. 47Uc. UONDS Governments, steady; state, In active; railroad, inactive. The closing prices on bond today art at ioiiowi: U. S. ref. 2s, rog do coupon do 3s. reg do coupon do new 4s, reg do coupon . do old 4s, reg,, do coupon do 6s, reg. do coupon D. of C. 3 G5S Atoh, gen. Is do adj. 4s Canada Ho. 2s.... 1lV,li N. Y. Central Is. .10714 n. J. (J. g. rs... .123 1101 .110 ,13714 137tt 113ll No. Pacific 3s.... 1 do 4s .10514 N Y C Sl B L 4s. l'"!4 N. & w. con. 4s Oregon Nav. Is, do 4s.... Oregon B. L. 6s. do consol 6s... Reading gen. 4s. Rio G. W. 1 109 103 128 iiiot;1 11614 ,12.1 1034 92 110 107 122 133 (4 ,124 100 St L & I M c. 5s 8t L & 8 F g. 6s .U6J4 C. & Q. 414s St. Paul consols ,185 ,118'4 ,120 V4 , 90i 116 , 62 116 93 ,10611 ,118H 111 ,114 , 8914 , 96 HO IIS C. & N. W. c. 7s.. do S. F. deb. K 8. P. C. & P. Is., do 5s So. Pacific 4s.... Chicago Tor. 4s., f)7 Ro. Railway 5s... (.010, ho. 4s D. R. G. 4s. .. 86'i K R. & T. Cs...., 103i4Tex. & P. Is Krlo Kcnernl 4... 84 do 2s F. W. & D. C. 1. 8314' Union, Pac. 4s... Wnbnsh Is Gen. Electric 6s.. 16H4 111. central is..., L. & N. mil. 4s... M., K. & T. 2s... 1161 100.W do 2s . 1, , w fni niiuio is.., 7.4WWIS. CentroJ Is. 97'4 Vo. Centuries .. UO 13 lloston Stnek Qnotntlnus. ROSTON, Feb. 13.-Call loans, 2140314 per cent; tlmo loans, 30-1 per cent. Ofllclal closing: A., T. & S. F.. do pfd Amer. Sugar do Dfd 55 , 87 ,13614 ,11814 ,162 251 ,168 ,1'l.i 138 , 36 109 M , 80 142 19814 ,160 245 17 , 12 .14 1! West End Wcstlngh. Elcc. . Atchison 4s N. E. G. & C. 5s Adventure Bingham M. Co. A Dial. Copper .. Atlantic Boston & Mont. Butto & Boston, Cal. & Hecla ... Contcnnlal Franklin 93 , 6514 ,101 , 6714 , HU , 19 , 90 28 ,321 , 82 ,858 , 24 , 2C , 50 , S6 49V4 1 1 , 7 .335 :36 , 6a Amer. Tel , Boston & Alb'y., Boston Elevnlml Boston & Mo....! r... it. x, o Dominion Coal..",, uo pru Federal Steel .... do pfd Fltchburc nfil Humboldt Gen. Electric .... Osceola Parrot , Quincy Santa Fo Cop... Tamarack Utah Mining ... Winona Wolverines , do pfd , Cd. Eire. Ill . Mex. Central .... N. k. n. jc. c Olrl lnrnlnlnn Rubber , 20(41 Union Pacific ... Union Land Nenr Vork Mlnlnir Stocks. NEW YORK, Feb. 13. Tho followl wing are ijuuiuiiuna on Liming siocks: Adams Con 20 Alice 45 Little Chief .... Ontario . 14 .600 . 90 . 9 . 5 . 15 . 13 . 60 .415 Breoce 200 .Ophlr Brunswick Con... 31 Phoenix Potosl Corustock Tun... 4 Con. Cal. Va..l63 Savage Dendwood Terra. 63 Hlerra Nevada.. Small Hopes ... Standard norn tuivcr lis Iron Silver ivt Lcadvillo Con.... U Foreign Flnnnclnl. LONDON. Feb. 13. Tho demand fnr money today wns irnnrt nnd Ihe nnnnlv wn small, being almost entirely dependent on tho Dank of England, which charges 5 per cent fnr lonns of a few days. Discounts wero slightly easier. In consequent of the scarcity of bills and continued continental Inquiry. Ruslness on tho stock exchange was restricted throughout the dny. Consols iiiiruencii on ino exchequer bonds results, Which tiro liked, nnd nrn nnntofl nt 0:1: Amerlcnns opened Irregulnr and were after ward fairly steady. Grank Trunks wero In better demand. K n f lira wero fractionally Improved, being supported by big houses. Hunan araiitu onm wero allotted today nt Is3 31-S2d. Tho amount nf bnllfnn inlitn Into the Rank of England on bnlance today was 142,000. Gold premiums aro quoted as follows: Buenos Ayres, 130.80; Madrid, 36.90; Lisbon, 42. PARIS. Fob. '13. rtlinlneHH rnmm.nrnrl good on the bourse today, but realizations nffected It somewhnt. Consols wcro firm. Spnnlsll 4S recovered nn nnri,hnq llrn. Lilians lmproveiTMp the rlBe In the rnte ot 1-AuiiitnKt.-. v rencn rauroaus wero nrm. kio tlntos recovered. DoBeers wero In great de mand. Knfllrs wero strong In consequence of American buying. At tho closo tho mar ket was generally cheerful. Threo per cent rentes, 102f 40c for tho account. Ex chango on London. 25f 22c for checks. Span ish 4s, 71.65. BERLIN. Fob. 13,-On tho bourse today governments nnd Americans were firm. Trnnsvnal railroads rose substantially In sympathy with the ndvnnco In Kafllrs, Locals were Irregular, closing Arm on bear covering. Exchange on London, 20m50pfgs for checks. Imports nml Exports. WASHINGTON. Feb. 13.-Tho monthly statement of tho Imports nnd exports of thn lfflltml Htrttwl frtr .Tnnnapi, innl lua..n.l - - ........ .... inaui-u by tho buronii of statistics, shows ns to- iun; AiercnunniFe, imports, Jt&,100,ia4, 01 which $27,373,451 was free of duty; decrease from January, 1900, $5,700,000; merchandise, mftmrtn. 51?J! f?VI fl-l. Inr.utn tiRrwniA Gold, Imports, $1,161,012; Incrense, $2,100,001); gold, exports. $8,221,159: Increase, $2,6i)0,0oo. Sliver. Imports, $3,169,034: Increase. $1,000, onn; sliver, exports, $4,790,239; Increajc, $200, 0CHJ, Cotton Mnrkel, NEW YORK. Feb. 13.-The cotton mar ket developed posltlvo weakness today In tho nbsence of any public Interest to over come the moro or loss general adverse con ditions. CnblcH were disappointing, with Liverpool showing a decline of l-32d In spot prices nnd a decline of 1140314 points In futures. In addition to tho bearish foreign nows influences In this country wcro against the market; seml-wcekly stocks showed some increase In tho absence of demand, with receipts still large, This wns an offset to port receipts, which continue light. Under theso conditions the local mnrket opened nt a decllno of 37 points nnd gave way 4fi8 points further. Liquida tion wns quite active; othorwlso tho market was quiet. Tho decllno was arrested by profit taking by tho shorts on tho Idon that during tho later period qf depression tho market had become oversold. Tho market closed easy at a net decline of 7(5124 points. Spot. l-16c lower; middling uplands, 9 9-16c; middling gulf, 913-16o: snles, 1,150 bales. Fu tures closed eaBy; February, 9.06c: March, 9.09c; April, 9.0lc; May, 9,03c; July, 9.03c; August, 8.67c; September, 8.15c; October, 7.95c ; Novombor, 7.84c; December. 7.81c. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 13. COTTON 8pot, moderate business nnd prices l-32d lower; American middling fair, 5 25-32d: good mid dling, 514d: low middling. 5 3-16i; middling, 5Hd: good ordinary. 5 15-16d: ordinary, 4 ll-16d; sales. 8,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation nnd export and Included 7,030 Amorlcan; receipts, 4,000 bales, all Amerlcnn, Futures opened quiet nnd closed steady; American middling, 1, m. c, Feb ruary, 5 19-64d. buyers; February and March, 5 15-6405 16-6ld, buyers; March nnd April, 5 13.6ltiT. 14-64d. buyers; April and May, 511-64115 12-tfld, buyers: May and Juno, 5 10-64d, sellers; Juno nnd July, 6 7-61 5 8-64d, buyers; July nnd August, 5 5-6ld, sellers; August nnd September. 4 56-0ld, sellers; September, 4 56-6ld. sollers; Octo ber, g. o. c, 4 31-6lff! 32-GU1, buyers; Octo her nnd November, g. o. c, 4 24-6104 25-64d, buyers. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 13. - COTTON Steudy; sales, 1,650 bales; ordinary, 7K,c; good ordlnnry, 7c; low middling, 8c; mid dling, 9 3-16c; good middling, 914o; middling fair. 915-10c; receipts, 5,861 bales; stock, 371.714 bales. Futures, steady; February. 9.02c asked: Mnrch, 9.03179.01c: April, 8.99(fj 9.01c; May, 8.9808.99c; Juno. 8.96ftS.9So; July, 8.91i?I8.93c; August, 8.50fl8.64c; September, 17.9708.00; October, $7.7007.71. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 13,-COTTON-Dull und l-16c lower: middling, 9 3-16c: no sales re ported; receipts. 2,068 bales; shipments, 2,463 bales; stock, 72,622 bales. GALVESTON, Tex;, Feb. 13.-COTTON Quiet at 9 5-16c. Dry (ioimIs Mnrket, NEW YORK. Feb. 13,-DRY OOODS Thero wns a largo attendance of buyers today and business shows nn Increase on tho spot, with moro orders coming forward. Tho tone wns not chnnged materially. Staple cottons on hand easy to buy; prints, In fair demand; ginghams nulot; print cloths quiet; men's wear woolens In fnlr demand for staples, fancies quiet and Ir regular; dress goods dull and unchanged. .Hiignr Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 13.-8UGAR-Qulet: open kettle, 31404c; open kettle, cen trifugal, 404 5-16a: centrifugal, yellow, 4i0 4c; seconds, 204c. Molasses, open ket tle, 20fl30c: centrifugal, 8H'20ci syrup. 20030c. NEW YORK, Feb. 13.-8UaAR-Raw, steady; refined, quiet. Molasses, steady, nil Mnrkul. NEW YORK, Feb. 13. OILS-Standard, HUiiuwtl! I' UUi mi v (iM lin, t itiTi -v i n mi i m.. ii i.iv i.iiruuii. ruu. ia. -jiuo i urpcniuic spirits, quiet ut 28a 6d. n.iains.tavu; cuiiuiiBi-t-u, mcuuy, jrinui crime, 274c; prime yellow, 3003014c Petroleum, steady. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, quiet. t nvnn.' l .-,., . 19 nil a 1 I ...... ,, , .. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oho!c4) Oattle Brought About Steady Prlcii Common Kind Blow and Lower. HOGS FIVE TO SEVEN AND A HALF LOWER Sheep Itecelpt Light and Demand Ilrlno- In Good Shnpe Market Ruled Active nnd Just Abont Steady vrlth Yesterday. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 13. Receipts were! Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 3.321 Official Monday .... Ofllclal Tuesday ... Ofllclal Wednesday 2.S6I 8,897 9.613 5,168 2,670 h.Qt3 1.SCI io"!i U.V41 11,187 Threo days this week.... 10.702 24,630 8amo days last week.... 8,180 22,379 Bamo days week before.. 6.023 20,100 Bamo threo weeks ago... 7,5."3 27.6W Sumo four weeks ago.... 10,049 22.001 Same days last year 8.404 17,682 10.49!) 11,672 8.208 25.568 Average prlco paid for hogs for the pust several days, with comparisons: 1901. 1900.1899.1S93.1837.1S9.1895, Jan. 2S... 5 2214 3 68 3 62 3 27 4 10 3 S7 29... 5 2SH 4 62 3 64 3 27 3 93 3 85 30... 5 23 4 54 3 70 3 29 3 91 3 60 31... 5 1714 4 56 3 64 3 66 3 98 3 68 I. ... 6 22 4 67 3 61 3 CI 3 27 4 03 3 61 2.... 6 2J14 4 68 3 61 3 63 3 19 3 63 3.... 4 62 3 69 3 73 3 20 4 03 4.... 5 31 3 69 3 72 3 25 3 9S 3 68 5.... 6 23 4 66 3 72 3 21 3 93 3 76 6.... 6 2lU 4 70 3 56 3 19 4 00 3 82 7.... G 28U 4 68 3 66 3 75 4 01 3 96 8.... 5 29 4 75 3 66 3 71 3 23 3 93 4 07 0..., 5 25 4 84 3 70 3 71 3 27 3 90 10. . . 4 80 3 71 3 76 3 27 3 89 II. .. 5 324 3 65 3 77 3 23 3 84 3 69 12... 6 3014 4 79 I 3 81 3 28 3 89 3 75 13... 6 25 4 82) 3 C8 3 80 8 93 3 86 Jan. Jan. Jan. Fob. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Fob. Fob. Feb. Feb. Feb. Indicates Sunday. Tho ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cnttln. Hoes. Sh'n. H'r's. v.-., ill. & Bt. p. liy... 4 O. & St. L. Ry 1 Missouri Pacific Ry... 9 23 4 11 9 27 :l 11 n 26 23 union rnciuc system. 17 C. & N. W. Ry 4 F.. E. & M. V. R. R.. 40 8. C. & P. Ry 1 a, st. p.. m. & o io II. &. M. R. R. R 12 C. B. St Q. Ry 10 C, R. I. & P. Ry., E. 3 C R. I. & P. Ry., W. 2 Illinois Central 7 Total receipts 119 161 11 The disposition of the day's recolntn wns mb iuiiuwh, eacn ouyer purcnasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. nuttl Un,.c slin Omahu Packing Co 293 1.425 2M O. II. Hammond Co 205 1,149 Swift and Comnnnv 499 1.971 2,810 2,920 1,281 230 Cudnhy Packing Co 424 Armour & Co 538 Armour, from Sioux City R. Becker & Degan 2 Vansant & Co 99 1.320 509 J. L. Carey 42 Lobman & Co 73 W. I. Stephen 14 Hill & Huntzlnger 92 Huston ft Co 15 Livingstone & Schallcr 136 Hamilton & Rothschild.... 91 I). F. Hobblck 66 A. S. Mawhlnney 1 Other buyers 363 608 Totals 2,915 11,656 2,922 CATTLE Them was nnl n hnnvv run of cUttln today, but as bearish reports wero rocetved from other points packers were Inclined to pound tho market horo a trifle. As sellers were generally holding for yes terday o prices the market was rather slow. ueer steers or good quality that suueu tho buyers could b minted lust about stoady. Packers, however, did not seem to bo very anxious for supplies this morn ing, and as a result they did not tuke hold with much Hfo und bids were generally a llttlo lower on the common and half fat stuff. Tho eattln kent movlnir to thn scales, however, anu while tho market was slow tho general run of sales did not look bo much different from yesterday. The cow market held un In cood snanc. particularly on tho better grades. Packers took hold fairly well and tho moro do strablo bunches wero soon out of first hands. Tho medium kinds wero rather draggy nnd prices wcro a llttlo lower than yesterday on that class of cattle. Canners sold In about yesterday's notches, Bulls wero slow salo this morning, and buyers did not wnnt them unless thi' could get them for less money than the paid yesterday. In most cases tho decllno would bo covered by 6c or 10c. Veal cnlws of cood quality sold readily at steady prices. There were not many iccoers on sine todny. nnd ns a result tho better grades sold about steady. Yard traders still have a good many on hand, and for that reason they are slow about taking hold of the common cattle. rnc demand rrom tno rnnntrv nn fnr this week has not been (rood. Common cattle today wero slow and lower, Representatlvo safes: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1 4UU i VI Zii i1 .1U 2 710 3 63 20 1094 4 35 1 920 3 5 4 1115 4 .15 12 1010 3 85 12 1123 4 25 52 937 4 CO 20 1077 4 25 3 1IZ3 IV 1"JJ ill 5 1010 4 00 18 1311 4 23 22 1062 4 00 4 1143 4 SO 4 HSU 4 ( u VJl 1 .'U R 902 4 00 27 1131 4 S3 4 895 4 W 18 107.1 4.35 7 641 4 00 32 1227 4 35 7 1112 4 10 16 1157 4 40 33 933 4 10 10, ,..1115 4 40 4 1USU 1 lU iV 11U" 4 VI 1 1120 1 10 4 1007 4 .V) 2 933 4 10 8 1192 4 60 1 830 4 10 2 1330 4 60 14 976 4 15 9 117S 4 60 23 1000 4 15 19 1291 4 63 13 1UJ8 4 19 It) 1.1U 4 (,j 5 1UWJ 4 m i.m, 4 2 1210 4 20 38 1309 4 75 19 955 4 0 IS 1352 4 75 2 iliU 4 z.1 m in 4 rn 1 1130 4 31 1238 4 90 TEXAS STErcns. .... 794 3 35 33 1143 3 SI .,..1070 3 M BTEERB AND HEIFEK3, 910 4 05 2.1 U,li 4 23 COWS. ... 670 ... 918 ... 957 ... 812 ... 866 ... 910 ...1030 ...1015 ...10S0 ... 850 ... 977 ...1120 ... 965 ... 925 2 25 16 ...1010 ...1150 ...116) ... 967 ...1011 ... 9S0 ...1131 ...1123 ...12ft) ...1110 ...1120 3 "0 3 20 3 20 3 20 8 20 3 23 3 23 3 23 3 23 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 33 3 33 3 33 3 35 3 33 3 35 3 33 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 45 3 50 3 60 3 50 3 55 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 .1 75 3 85 3 85 3 90 4 23 2 40 2 60 2 60 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 63 2 a 2 63 2 63 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 55 2 75 2 Y5 2 80 2 85 2 85 1... 3... 4... 9... 4... 17... 3... 1... 2... 4... 8... 1... 1060 1260 1160 1100 1. 2.... 1105 ....... 916 ..I. ...1023 1076 1120 1140 1050 1010 1020 990 836 1046 16.... 8. 90.1 3.... 3.... 1.... 3.... 4 46 11 3 5 1 1 8 ....114: ....1111 ....1750 ....1046 ....1122 ....1270 .... 950 .... 891 .... 924 ....1177 ....10S5 ....1146 ....1290 ....1220 ....109(1 ....1073 ....1000 ....1115 ....1120 ....1110 ....1075 ....1453 .... 991 ....1136 1. 2 90 2 90 2 80 2 90 2 90 2 93 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 09 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 (0 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 13 3 13 3 15 3 16 3 15 1... 3... 5... 6 14 8 3 5 3 39 13 1 20 12 1 3 7 S 1 10... ....1013 ....1037 ....1085 ....1030 .... 922 ....1075 3... IS... V.'.'. 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 6 2 1 1 .KM ,....1020 ,....1320 ....1230 ,....1153 1200 .... 870 1086 1000 ,....1200 890 1282 ,....1070 .....1079 .... 933 ....1030 990 ....ItCO ....1240 ....1000 ....1150 ....1020 ....1214 ...1110 ...1150 ...1222 ...1086 ...1095 ...1125 ...1080 ...1320 ...1430 ...1260 ...1510 ...1105 ...1000 ...1340 6 0 1 2 2 17 1 1 1 1 12 I 10 3 8 4 4 2 3 1 1 1 5 9 3 15 2 3 20 HEIFERS. .. 840 ..1140 .. 680 .,1000 .. 640 .. 970 .. 792 .. 990 .. 861 ,.1000 . 990 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 20 3 25 3 30 3 10 3 40 3 10 3 40 1. 1180 1931 865 758 1036 1112 1020 ......1250 610 ,....1180 1961 3 60 .1 65 8 6.1 3 CO 3 70 3 75 3 80 3 91 4 23 3 50 3 53 3 53 17.. 6.. 4., 6.. 2.. 1.. 1... 3... 1... 8... 4... 9... 4..., 9... 861 3 40 865 HEIFERS. COWS AND 11... 897 4 35 BULLS. 11::: 1... 3... .... 620 .... 600 ....1590 ....1073 1480 1.. , 900 ,1270 ,1260 ,1190 , 920 ,1670 , 7.10 , 020 ,1570 3 25 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 35 3 38 3 35 .1 40 3 59 2 50 2 60 2 65 2 85 2 85 2 90 2 95 3 00 1 1 1 1 2 1 1, 1 1.. 1 1580 1 1490 1 880 1 1370 3 00 3 W 3 03 8 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 20 3 2J 3 6 S 1 ..1430 1.... 1S50 3 55 3 fO 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 C5 3 65 3 80 J 90 4 00 16 5 00 1... .1190 3 lIIIK'.'. )......,. .1605 ,.1700 ,.1570 .1470 .1040 .2010 . 730 .1640 ,. 930 1 .....H50 1 1....... 1 1 ..1100 ..1350 ..1680 .. 730 CALVES. 6. 1. 1. 1. 310 360 80 22") 120 120 236 170 7 00 7 CO 7 IS 7 V S 50 ' V 4 fO 7 00 7 tiO 1. 1 180 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1... 1... 1... 2... 13... 7... lUtO 2 2t 950 2 CO 770 2 75 645 3 . m s oo STOCK 10. i l0 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 50 1.. 1.. 13., 4.. 720 930 e 430 CALVES. 307 3 '.li 310 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 1.. 600 3 no 2 b'M 4 (0 1 2 , 630 735 735 , 680 896 760 612 , 613 , 51S . 740 . 870 855 . 4S0 2 W 2 90 2 90 3 W) 3 60 3 60 3 lo 3 75 3 f3 3 90 4 00 4 00 8 14 8 , 14 4 61 4 46 8 4 , II 33 17 810 4 00 t 10 4 10 15 4 20 4 2) 4 23 4 25 4 35 .1 M 3 75 4 25 4 30 .. 7W .. 660 .. CIO .. 760 90.5 .. 675 ..1133 .. 615 .. 723 .. 816 . . 022 .. 417 77 1 , 17 1 4 II 12 is!!;""; 2 4 5 4 00 4 00 701 HOGS- TtlAtVt H'na n IIKannl 4ttn r 0 1mtTfl hero today, nnd, In sympathy with tho ten dency pf prices elsewhere, the mnrket oponed lower. Packers started out bidding from $..20 to $5.25, but failed to get tho hogs nnd raised their hands to $5.221406.27y4. or about 60714a lower than yesterday's gen eral market. Tho lonir strlnir sold ut $3.25 with tho heavier lions uolnir at S5.274. nnd as high as $5.30 wnn nnld. Tim lluhtur weights sold from $5.2214 down. It was a fairly actlva mnrknt ut thrum iirlrrH nml thn uuui ui i iiu nogs were soiu in rainy goou season. k There wero'nonn ton mnnv lines on sain to supply the demand, and, as a result, tho closo was good and strong. Tho most of the Sales nn llln ln.f nml norn nl 6.2714 and everything hnd changed hands In kuuu neason. iieprcsoniativo sales: 0 1 1 1. 1. I ' T ll nr,l n.na n 1 1 . . , ... . - ; -...-.. nuo n iihilk . uu ui omul, i,0.re. today und the markot at this point ruled active and stendy. T.. -initio nl,l ns US X.vlO nnri w.th... l,.n,,nl,, tl nf; Thero worn nn rimiM .?i .,i,. BO that tho sales dn not shnw 1111 no ivnil .... ,...M-i. tuning ino quality ot tno oner- 1? "ot 1 s'iecp and Inmbs Into con sideration thn mnrlint Inrlni, ..io rnllu Hieauj. several cars were late In arriv ing, which rather Interferrcd with tho uuii nei There were nnr nrm 1 Mi . -niA ,n make a fair test, but the few offered uiuugni uruciicaiiy steady prices. . .7.ut1,lonB: Cholco fed wolhers, $4,151? 11 u'. . 1 . weiqers. J4. wtjM.15; choice lightweight yearlings, $4.6504.75; fair to Swl.'i5'?14',25'65! cno'ce "Bhtwelght ,W.60Jr-I.OO; fair to good ewes, $3.25 3.60, cholco spring lambs, $4.95(35.10: fair to K,0Lr,nJ? 'ambs' H.73&1.95: feeder ewes. $3.2533.50: Jeoder wethers, $3.6033.75: feeder lambs, $4.00(4.40. Representative sa cs: iXO. 1 western ewe 60 western ewes 1 buck 292 western wethers 261 western lambs 249 Colorado lambs 260 Colorado lambs 229 western ewes 109 western lambs 1 1.1990 1 $60 1 1260 1 1360 1 1400 7 1353 1 1230 3... 1250 no. Ay, Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 59 123 ... 6 05 67 241 80 5 25 11 10S ... 6 05 63 231 120 5 25 67 1.9 80 6 10 71 21S ... 5 25 8.3 103 ... 5 15 60 258 40 5 25 49 205 40 6 15 75 228 ... 5 25 89 183 ... B JO 41 263 80 6 25 73 187 40 6 20 4S 239 ... 6 25 60 300 80 6 2211 76 227 4 0 6 25 1? 251 ... B22U 7.1 228 40 6 23 27S ... 5 22 77 213 80 6 25 81 207 ... 5 221, 61 233 ... 6 25 H 172 ... 6 22U 85 251 160 6 25 70 217 1 20 5 22ti 62 239 ... 6 25 J9 283 80 6 22V4 66 266 40 6 25 1 214 40 6 22l 76 223 80 6 25 30, 235 ... 5 22'4 SO 193 40 6 25 228 ... 5 22l 70 261 40 5 25 9 217 40 6 224 69 241 ... 6 25 87 199 80 6 221? 70 241 ... 6 25 W 213 80 6 2214 75 241 ... 6 75 t 210 120 6 22UJ 73 244 80 6 25 f? 181 ... 6 2214 62 270 40 6 26 1 228 ... 6 22U 63 2S.1 80 5 25 67 244 4 0 6 22 77 224 40 5 23 g 203 ... 5 22ii SO 298 ... 6 25 6 243 120 6 25 86 200 40 6 23 6 230 ... 6 25 67 264 SO 6 25 78 231 40 6 25 66 .295 . . 5 25 '.2 '; 5 21 74 23S 120 5 25 $ 300 40 6 .-5 84 223 80 6 25 : 6 2? 72 233 80 5 23 63 214 ... I 25 66 240 40 5 25 ? 0 ... 6 25 65 250 80 6 2714 1 243 . . . 6 25 61 285 80 6 27yJ ' ,227 140 5 25 90 248 ... 6 2715 61 !253 40 6 25 73 240 ... 5 274 261 ... 6 15 73 287 ... 5 27V, li 222 40 P r:s 69 253 40 6 27l 6j 221 ... 5 Ji 66 292 ... 6 27 62...., .251 40 6 25 75..... 237 ... 5 27 1 ? S!S ... 6 25 62 231 ... 5 271? i2 -23 ... 6 25 62 263 ... 6 27 4 '3 217 80 6 23 71 269 ... 5 ?7i M7 - 25 61 250 ... 5 27 1 W J - 6 23 70 252 ... 6 27 (J 3? 231 80 6 27 70 261 ... 6 271? Si JSg 6 25 67 311 160 R 2714 1W 40 6 25 67 258 ... C '.'TlJ 1 ?17 40 6 2! 79 203 80 5 27Vi l i?2 6 23 66 234 SO 5 2714 AS Sj? 23 66 264 40 6 2714 55 :5 -;i 6 25 ' 56 267 ... 5 2714 2,1 40 5 25 6.1 2C8 ... 6 27$ 5' 215 80 5 2S f,9 289 ... 6 27 i" 2? 5 25 75 235 ... 5 271i ll 20? 89 6 25 63 272 ... 5 ?74 ir. 21' ... 5 23 i; 274 R0 5 27', J" 19; 6 25 f,9 266 SO 5 2714 Sf 2 ... 6 25 62 241 ... 6 2714 li ;52 6 25 60 231 ... 5 27tJ " 3U3 ISO 5 25 CO 244 ... 5 27U 55 23i . 5 25 21 307 ... 6 2714 ij 239 80 5 23 10 277 6 27l M'"SS '.k 5 ZS 69 247 40 5 27'i K 263 4 0 5 25 24 384 ... 5 27'! J? S? ' v23 61 277 200 5 27iJ il & B 25 49 291 80 5 30 iP, 301 320 5 25 61 288 ... 6 30 53 253 SO 5 25 70 251 ... 6 30 Js;::::::? : 61 203 - 580 A v. Pr. 100 $3 00 88 3 15 150 3 25 105 4 20 63 4 70 81 6 10 S3 5 10 99 3 3714 68 4 50 81' $2 50 83 2 50 90 3 01 80 3 CO 120 3 50 120 3 50 103 4 35 90 4 35 103 5 00 85 6 05 J western owes 191 western ewes cull ewes western ewes cull wether ewes western wethers western wethers lambs Colorado lambs n 2C0 1 O 200 197 3 CHICAGO MVU STOCK MARK FIT. Cattle Stonily to l.oiTer Sheep Sternly, I.fimhs Lower. ni(I?Aa,' uF?b' 13. CATTLE Receipts. -1.000 head; cholco steers stendy, others 6 fftlOo lower; butchers' stock, 6100 lower; good to prime steers, $5,0006,00; poor to medium. $3.4OiT4,00; stoekers and feeders, tnKMM' cows- 2.60i:4.16; heifers, $2.60-1.60: canners, weak, $1.901-2.50; bulls, weak, $2.5Vtf4.30; calves, stendv. $l.(XVfffl23; Texas fed steers, $4.00g'4.73; Texos grass steers. $3.30tffl.); Texas bulls, $2.60573.60. HOaS Receipts, 45,000 head; tomorrow. 30.000, estimated: left over, 3,000; mixed, and butchers. f5.20o5.42H; good to cholco henvy, $o.35fl5.4S: rough henvy, $5, 2O05.3O: light, $5.205.3714; bulk of sales. $5.32"4y6.3714. , SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 17,000 head: sheep steady and nctlve; lambs weak to 10c lower for heavy; good to cholco wethers. $3.90'N.60; fair to cholco mixed, $3.604.00; westorn shoup, $3.9001.45; Texas sheep, $2.6003.60: nntlvo Inmbs, $1.2506.30; western lambs, $5.0005.30. Kiiiiniin City l.lvii .Stock Mnrket, KANSAS CITY. Feb. 13. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,300 natives, 1,500 Toxons, 100 calves; beef steers, stonily tn 10c lower; cows, skrong; stockers and feeders, slow; native beef steers, $4.5005.60; stockers and feodors, $3.70 04,75; western-fed steers, $4.25fI5.00t Toxans and Indians. $.1,6504.40; cows. $3,000 4.50; heifers. $3.5001.60; canners, $2.250 2.90; bulls. $3.0001,60; calves. $5.5007.00. HOGS Receipts, 13.800 head; market opened weak ami closed strong; top, $5.42'?; bulk of soles, $5.2714'05;37U: heavy. $5.30 5.42H: mixed, pnokers, $j.2a05.35; light, $5,10 5.30: Digs, $4.6005.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rocelpts. 1.700 head; market strong; western lambs, $1.90 05.15; western wethers, $4,1604.40; western venrllugs, $1.4001.85; ewes, $3.7604.00; culls, $2.7503.50. Xrw York l.lve Slock Mnrket, NEW YORK. Feb, 13.-CATTLE-Ro-eelnts, 3.451 head: steers. Ilrm and higher; bulls stendv. others Btoady to strong; steers, $1.5005.20: stockers, $4.05; bulls. $4 00 01.00; cows. $1.9503.90; tnllends, $1,8001.90. Cables stendv: shipments, 40 sheep nnd 1,800 quarters of beef, CALVES Receipts. 1.892 head; veals In fair request; veals. 4.6008.3714: cholco veals. $8,60: llttlo calves. $4. 0001.60; barnyard stock, $3.2303.76; yearlings, $3; westerns, $3.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rocelpts, 9.086 hend; good sheep, firm, others steady; ambs blither: sheen, $3.2501.75; choice sheep. $(.fW05.OO; lambs, $3.0000.35. HOGS Receipts. 8.631, head; firm at $3,700' 5.90; choice light state hogs, $6. St. .losepb Uvi Stock Mnrkrt. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Jtfo.. Fob. 13.-(8pc-clii.1.) Thn Journnl quotes as follows: CATTLE Receipts. 1.600 head; market nctlve nnd steady: nntlves. $4,1005.10: Tex ana and westerns, J.I. COW 5.00: cows and heif ers, 2.1O04.2O; bulls and stngs, $2.2501.60; yearlings nnd cnlves. $3.r04.63: stockers and feeders. $3.2.'0t.25: venls, $4.6007.00. HOGS BecelptH, 7.300 head: mnrket steady to 5o lower; nil grades, $3.2503.1:14; bulk of sales, JS.27140S.35; pigs, 6310o lower. SHEEP-Hecelpts, l.tfo heei; mitrku steady to loo lower. St. I.o 11 1 I.lrr Stock Mnrket. -ST. LOUIS, Feb: 13, -CATTLE-leceluts, 5,200 head, including 1,600 Texans: market stendy to easy, with natives a shade lowor; nntlvo fhlpping nnd export steers, $5.0.$O; dressed beet nnd butcher steers. $4.0003.26; steers under LOW pounds, $3.7534.26 stock or9 n.'VLJ?.':dcrs' .toiM.53. cows and heif ers, $J.00ii4..o; canners, $1.2502.75; Texas nnd Indian steers, $3.5yl.63 cows and heif ers. J2.4jiiJ.53. HOGS-Recelpts, 19.400 head; market Wit 100 l0v?lK8. BP(1 "shts. K 20a.30; pack ers. $5 2306.35; butchers. $5.3J0'3.4t. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 2.4!X1 jl'.'Vj! rknt steady; native muttons, $3.73 E 504 00 ' ,,,60W3,25i 0Ul18 ana buck.. Stock In Sliiht. Following nre the receipts nt the four prlnclpnl western markets for February 13: f - t T n 1'. South Omaha Chicago ...... Kansas City 2.070 iiic. iiuKp, oneep. 11.187 1.661 21.000 7.W0 6,200 45.000 13.80) 19.400 17.01O 1.700 2.40O at. 1,0111s Totals 37,670 89,387 22,764 Wool Mnrket. 8T. LOUIS, Feb. 18.-WOOIDull nnd weak; medium grades, 13020c; light Mite. 'Wfifl! heavy lino, 10013c; tub washed, IS BOSTON, Fob. 13.-WOOL.-Tho American ool and Cotton Reporter will say of tho local wool trado tomorrow: Tho market has .shown considerable activity In thn last week, and thero has lioen a good sized outward movement of tho staple, which Is reflected In tho Bhlptnont nf staples, which nvcrago over 4,00O,(.M) lbs., und In the sales so far as can bo learned, which wc esti mate) at over 4,600.0(V lbs. The business ol tho Inst week has been largely in ten I torlcs, of which somo good-sized lines liV3 been moved by several houses, tho esti mates of theso wools being about 2,000 lbs. A good demand is also noted for line unwashed delnlno and medium fleeces. Tho tono of the market ns far as price nte concerneJ hits) been Irregular nnd unset tled, tho tendency of tho whole being in favor of tho buyer, although actual prk aro not quoted any lower than they wero last week. Thero is reported to have bevii somo weakening In tno west In certain qunrtors. but holders as a rulo nro still llrm and nro talking much higher prion than thoso which rulo nt the seaboard Tho sales In Boston wero 4,281, 800 lbs. do mestlo and 355,000 lbs. foreign, making n total of 4.636.S00 lbs., ngalnst a total of 3,939,400 lbs. for tho previous week and 11 total of 4,433,000 lbs. for tho corresponding week last year. Tho sales slnco Jnnuiirv 1 amount to 18,191,300 lbs,, against 25,351. 60 lbs. for tho corresponding time last year Oil Mnrket. OIL CITY Pft Feb. 13,-OILS-Credlt balances , i.u kki uiiiiue!. 110 tun; Slllll- ments 171,160 bbls., average S7.S3J bbls., runs 187,476 bbls., uverage 81,24.1 bbls PIINSIONS FOll WESTERN VETERANS. War Survivors Itrmiiiitiered bjr the General Government. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. (Speclal.)-The following pensions hnve been grautcJ: Issuo of January 2S: Nebraska: Original James L. Alvlson, Omaha, $12. Original widows, etc.. In rrease (Special act, Jnnuary 31) Fannla M. O'Ltnn, Chndron, $17: (Special accrued, February 1) Emma M. Mnston, Omaha, JS. War with Spnln, Irlgtnnl Lincoln A Stu nrt, Upl.uul, $6. Iowa: Original Iewis A. Day. Clinton. $3. Addltlonal-ailes M. Mothorn. Ean: Poru. $8. Increase Cornelius Nichols, En- sex, $12: Stephen Ilulllnger, Glenwood, $10; John t. Torticrt. uavenport. is: w 11 nam F. Melaon, Tipton, $3. Reissue Jomes R, Murphy. Council Bluff. $17. Original wid ows, etc. Clnra W. Evans. Lansing. $12! Snrnh E. Arthur. Clarlnda. $8: Surah A Schrock, Wnyland, IS; Mattlc E. Crandnll, Red Oak. $8. South Dakota: Renewal nnd increase Rosol P. Kelsov. BrooktPKS. $S. War with Spain, original Benjamin II. Ooss, Can- ton, m. North Dnkotn: original widow (special accrued, January 31) Ktirollne Fischer, Blsmnrclc, $s. Co orai o: increase (Hpcrini net. January 31) Ernest Pltsohner, Denver, $20. Relssun .lames Al. innir, uemi. n; special nci. January 31) Iemley D. Bloom, Central City, $6. Works Woulil-Iln Benedicts. CHICAGO. Feb. 13. A special to the Record from Bloomlngton, III., says: Jllss Elizabeth Kiihurlck, nged 21, wns arrested yesterday, charged with violating tho postal laws, Miss Kaburlck has been re ceiving numerous letters from nit pnrtH of tho united unites, nnu 11 ih uiicgcd uiai sho had been soliciting nnd receiving money nnd jewelry rrom suitors lor ner hnnd with whom she had mndo epistolary acquaintance through a mntrlmonhil aironcv newsnnnor. Miss Kaburlck was hold to ball In $1,000 nnd wns taken to Bprlngflcld. Her home la Carllnvllle, 111. Modern Woodmen nt Wlchlln. WICHITA, Kan.. Feb. 13. About 200 delegates aro In attendance nt the state camp of Modern Woodmen of America Judge Johnson, who Is well known as the democratic national committeeman from Knnsns, has Introduced 11 resolution con demning tho national executive council foi alleged Injustice to himself. Ho wns gen eral attorney for tho nnttonnl ord-jr nnd wns ousted two years ago. He nccusei Heod Consul Northcott nnd other leaders of personal animosity towurd himself. Governor Nnsli to the Tlnies-Stnr. CINCINNATI, O., Fob. 13 -Replylng to a telegraphic Inquiry sent by tho Times-Star today Governor Nash replied: "COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 13, No nowspnpor hns been authorized to sny nnythlng In re gard to my present or future Intention In connection with tho prlzo Relit. AH thnt has been printed hns boon guesswork. I cannot talk nbout theso matters. It would bo injurious lo the public service. PLUMBER SHOP IS SCORCHED Fire Does SHdht DnnintH) to the Ki tnlillaliment of John C, Heed. A fire which stnrted from an unknown causo In tho basement of the Woodmen of the World building nt Fifteenth and How ard stroets at 10:30 yestordny did con siderable damago to the plumbing shop of John C. Reed. An employe wns alone In the shop at tho time and opened thn base ment door when ho Hntclled the smoke. Tho flames spread in a fow minutes all over the uhop and the heat hroko all the large plato glsss windows beforo the arrival of tho department. Tho fixtures and stock were damaged to tho extent of $500, but thn loss was covered by 1.00o Insurance. The Iobb by nro to tho building Is small, tho greatest dnmngo being to the pinto' glass. The building Is coverod by $60,000 lmmrauoe. STRUGGLE WITH INSANE MAN Deputy Sheriff Jones mill Ofllcer llnlilvrin Hnve Thrilling Experience. Deputy Sheriff Jones nnd Emorgcney Ofll cer Baldwin hnd a hard fight Tuesday after noon In arresting Paul Garnctt ou nn In sane warrant nt Sixteenth nnd Hickory streets, where hlu parents keep a cigar Btore. They had complained nbout bin vio lent condition and when the otllrer arrived to sorvo tho warrant they found (Jarnett, who Is a powerful young man, nrmod with a knife, ana it wns oniy niier a terriuiu struggle thnt ho was taken awny. Ho wns brought to tho county Jnll in a earring" and will bo examined by the Hoard ot In sanity Commissioners. NEW DEPUTY APP0INTE0 Tlinmna MoC'IciieKheu of Valley Pre cinct Get Plnoe oil SUerltl'n Stuff Vnented ly Cr.11011. Thomas McClcneEheu was yesterday appointed deputy sheriff to succeed Daniel W. Canon, who resigned to take the Buperlntondency of tho county poor farm and hospital. McCIeneghen comes from vnuey precinct, where he has been a usion leaner ror several years. He Is tho son or n well known farmer of the precinct and Is un married, JAMES E. BOYD & CO,, Telephone 1030. Oiualin, Nob, COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS, lloui'il of Triule. Correspondence: John A. Warren t Co. Direct wires to Chicago and New YorX.