B THE OMAHA DATTT TIFAZ'. M(!)AY, PEllKUATCV 11, 1001. ROAD DEPENDS UPON BILL ProtpecU of Building Omaha Northern to Sioux Oity Am Bright. CONGRESS IS ASKED FOR MORE TIME If Hie Mfnanre I'nmieii fii-niHn Mny lrm" with lli- Oprtilnir ' Sjirlnn ('oinimiiy Jlnln litln Secrecy. A bill Is nor pcndltiR In congress upon which It Is said tho futc of thu projected Omaha Northern railway depends. The fcrlRlnal tlrao Kranted for tho construction of this road from Omaha to Sioux City In Nebraska, through tho Winnebago and tho Omaha Indian reservations, expires March 28 of this year. Tho new bill provides for tho extension of tho tlmo two years from that dato and It Is said that there in no opposition to Its passage. From good authority It Is learned that tho company has purchased tho right of way across tho reservation, but tho active construction nf tho lino hinges on the pas sag" of tho bill. Tor somo tlmo prophecies liavn been frequent that "dirt would bo llyliiR within thirty iluys," but tho ground Is still Intact along tho right of way. How ever, ono of tho ofllccrs of tho company, who lives In this rlty, said yesterday after noon that It Is his understanding that If this bill passes tho work will bo com minced at once and pushed rapidly to tho end. All OpiKixltlnii Overcome As tho bill has como from tho houso commlttco on Indian affairs with a favorablo report, showing that tho only opposition It mot there that from tho Northwestern rnllroad has been overcome, tho offlclnls bcllevo that the legislation on tho subject Is merely n matter of tho convenience of tho legislators. U'lille tho building of this road has been In tho wind for some time, tho promoters have ho far maintained strict secrecy as to tho posslhlo connections which would bo como nppnrcnt If tho road should bo estab lished, It Is understood tlmt tho board of officers known to tho public stands for financial Interests which up to this time lmvj chosen to remain In tho background. Again, tho capacity In which the officers stand makes the obtaining of definite In formation as to thu building of tho road next to lmpo8slblo at present. It Is said that when tho men behind tho throne glvo tho word tho work will begin nlmost Im mediately thereafter. Tutting It another way, tho news as to whether tho roads Is to be built Is not expected until a few days beforo tho actlvo work commences. This word Is expected In tho spring or early summer. A. S, Churchill Is I ho president of the company, as It has been organized, and rhll K. Winter Is the secretary. llcilucril ("out of ItiillilliiK. Slnco Mr. Winter's appointment to a gov ernment position his brother, Charles K. Winter, has been performing such duties as havo devolved upon the secretary. Theso havo been light, as thoro have been no meetings. K. P. Reynolds, n railroad con tractor, residing nt Wymore, Is tho as sistant to tho president, Tho capitaliza tion of the company Is $3,7."0,000. Ono of tho main things that has been n lined nt In tho mapping of tho line has been n minimum cost of operation. This has been carried so far that It 1b said thn company has planned tho expenditures of $10,000, which could havo been avoided by a I per cent curve. Tho maximum curve, ns tho route has been laid out, will bo only 3 per cent and the steepest grade Is twenty ono feet to tho mile, while thero nro other roada bctwen Omaha nnd Sioux City that havo a grado of sixty-six foot to tho mile. Tho reduction In tho cost of railroad steel since last year has reduced tho con struction cost of tho road about $50,000, making tho cost to build It this year about $2,500,000. This Is another item which has como forward to strengthen tho report that tho prospects for tho building of tho road arn brighter now than over beforo. LOOKING TO THE PACIFIC Current Spronliit Ion ltelnttve to the llu rlltiKtoii' WcNtcm Outlet. Thn extension of tho Darlington's lines from Ruornsey to Salt Lake Is not such an assured fuct as It seemed to bo a fow weeks ago and Insldo Information now has It that tho extension awaits tho settle ment of tho Burlington's connections at Salt Lake. It wbb supposed that tho con tract for tho Guernsey-Salt Lako lino would bo signed within a few weeks and thut construction would bo commenced as 'oon us practicable. Tho understanding now Is that If tho lino from Salt Lako to I.os Angeles Is not built tho Guernsey-Salt Lako lino will fall also. Ono Important proposition has been brought to tho surface In tho western ex tensions of tho Burlington, and that Is tho coal supply. If tho projected lines' nro built ncross Wyoming thoy will bo tho trunk of a system of feeders which will tnp tho rich coal Holds of that state. Con firmation has como to tho effect that when tho operations aro onco started It means tho building of a network of lines In .Wyoming. It has long been an open secret that tho Burlington had In mind an Independent connection to tho coast. Kb union with tho Northern Pacific nt Hillings has been as satisfactory ns Is posslhlo with such con nections, oven as was Its recent arrange ment for exchnngo of business at Ogden, Hut tho absorption of the Central Pacific by tho Union Pacific shows how uncertain that sort of nn outlet is, and tho Burlington folks realize now moro keenly than over tho necessity of having a lino of their own to tidewater on tho west. Persons familiar with railroad maneuvers In tho west wagged their heads when tho Guernsey line was projected, and when tho Alliance-Denver cut-off followed thoy found much to con firm tho rumor that tho Ilurllngton had Its oyo on tho coast. The occupancy of tho Sweetwater pass In western Wyoming Js a key movo In this gamo, and It Is known that tho Burlington has had a lino looked TO CUIlli TUB till I P. AttTlon of n Fannin rtiyalclan, First and foremost, RUST. Tako caro nf yourself. Your already wenkoned nerves want rest and must havo It. If tho attack Is severe, go to bed and remain there. Moro fatalities result from neglect ot this precaution than from any other cause Knt sparingly. Tour digestive organs are In no condition to tako care of large quan tities ot food. Drink plenty of pure, cold water. It al lays tho fover, stimulates the kldneyB to action nnd opens up the pores ot the skin. Keep the bowols open with Dr. Miles' Norvo nnd Liver Pills. Take threo doses of Dr. Miles' Nervine per day, and If you cannot sleep take an extra dose at bedtime. To further control tho fever nnd to overcome the peculiar itches nnd pains ot grip, uso Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. They net quickly and olfectually and no bad effects result from their use. Theso remedies havo boen thoroughly tested 'moro than n million times and their effi ciency la thoroughly established. They never full to glvo relief, Dr. Miles' Remedies can bo found at any drug storo, and they aro sold on a positive guarantee that first bottle or package bene fits or muniy refunded. up through this gap. There Is no reason to think, however, that It Is essential to tho general plan for building to tho coast that the Clark lino from Salt Lako to Los Angeles bo built. At present tho Ilurllng ton gets to Salt Lako over tho Illo Grando Western, and It has both tho Midland and tho Denver & Illo Grando out of Denver to connect It with tho Illo Grando Western, so that even If tho Clark line Is built, tho Ilurllngton Is well fixed for Salt Lnke busi ness. But to get to the coast Is another proposition. Idaho, Montana and eastern Oregon and Washington offer n much more Inviting field for railroad construction than do the sagebrush nnd sand deserts of western Utah and Nevada and It Is reasonable to suppose that the Burlington's lino from Guernsey to tho coast will be across tho country that bids fair to develop Into n region whero thero will be somo local business. Away back In the '80s, beforo tho Klkhorn had yet reached Caspar, a corps of sur veyors went over tho route through the Sweetwater pass for tho Klkhorn. Before tho work of construction was commenced the close trafllc arrnngement between the Northwestern and Union Pacific systems was arranged, and the Northwestern pco plo havo never slnco felt tho need of an Independent lino to Salt Lako or any other point west of Caspar. With tho Burlington tho situation Is different. Kvcnts have forced upon tho management of that road tho fact that Its western outlet can bo cut off nt nny tlmo by unfriendly connections, nnd that to be safe It must havo an Inde pendent line. MR. BURT'S PARTY RETURNS l-lnttlnccr lloirj, tlimrvcr, Ilecllucn to llcvrnl .Mnttprn Connlitcrril In llnntcrn Conference, President Hurt of tho Union Pacific Is ex pected home from tho east this morning. Ho was In Chicago Sunday and tho under standing hero W8H that he would leave thoro last night for his homo In this city. Mrs. Burt, Chief Knglnoer Berry, J. II, Millard and Miss Millard, who woro of tho party that went to New York City, nrrived In the city Sunday morning In tho prlvnto car No. 100. When asked last night as to the result of tho conferenco In New York Mr. Berry wns non-communlcntlvo nnd said that foi the present ho wns not at liberty to speak con cerning tho matters that camo up there. It Irf't'ommonly understood that tho plans for tho new shops nnd headquarters building, which the company Is to construct hero, woro before tho board of directors, but Mr. ncrry refused to say what action, If any, was taken along this line. W. II. Kelly, who Is also In the east, was expected back Sundny, but word was re ceived from him that ho did not Intend to return for n week or ten days. A l'dlliiHor ot the (irlp. An attack ot the grip Is often followed by n persistent cough which to many proves a nreat annoyance. Chamberlain's Cough remedy has been extensively used and with good success for tho relief nnd cure of this cough. Many cases havo been cured after all else had failed to give any permanent relief. For snlc by all drugclsts, On Friday evening, February 15, Kip llnger'n Junior Military band will give a ball at Metropolitan hall. This Is tho band, It will bo remembered, that marched In alt the parades last fall and gave, their services without charge. Tho ball Is given to raise money to pay for their uniforms. AiiuatiiicciueiilM nf the Tlicntcrfl. Richard Oolden's "Old Jed Prouty" will be given at a mntlneo this afternoon and will closo Its engagement tonight. Tues day evening "Theodora" will open at tho Boyd with a company headed by Mrs. Clar ence M. Bruno and Including Melbourno McDowell, Clarenco M. Bruno and John Sturgoon, with 100 others. Tho thrilling feature of this Sardou creatlou Is tho four liorso Roman standing race executed by Mrs. Brune. Wonderfully Chenp Trip. TO CALIFORNIA, MONTANA AND PUGET SOUND, via tho BURLINGTON. On February 12, 19 and 26, tho Burlington will Bell tickets from Omaha nt tho follow ing low rates: San Francisco and Los Angeles, $25. Ogden and Salt Lako City, $23. Butte and Helena, $23. Portland and Seattle, $2S. Uncommonly low rates to hundreds of other points west and northwest. TIcketB. 1502 Farnam street, and nt Bur lington Btatlon, 10th and Mason streets. JOHNSON GETS A SCARE UnuVrtnkpn to Put ii 1'rlnoncr Thraiigh Hip Swcut llnx iv Hli Startling- Iteniiltx, Dctectlvo John D. A. Johnson, had an ex perience Sunday afternoon at tho police sta tion, which Is said to havo almost fright ened him out of a year's growth. A young man had been arrested with n dozen razors In his pockets and It was desired to learn something of him. Johnson took him Into tho sweat box, nnd sharply asked him. "Whero are you from, young man, where do you live?" Tho prisoner gave Johnson n stony stare, his face becamo livid, tho muscles of tho mouth twitched violently nn.l ha muttered, "B b b bancroft," as he fell In a heap on tho door. Johnson left tho room nt a bound and Jumped Into tho Jail offlco with tho startling Intelligence, that tho prisoner had died suddenly. Tho pollco surgeon wns hastily summoned and after an hour of hard work tho young man, who had merely suffered a periodical at tack of epilepsy, was resting easily. How over, Johnson could not bo Induced to go near him again to continue the sweating process. W. L. Yancy, Paducah, Ky writes: "I had a severe case of kidney dlseaso and threo of the best physicians In southern Keutucky treated mo without success. I was ltduced to try Foloy's Kidney Cure. The first bottle gnvo immediate relief and threo bottles cured mo permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." Myers-Dillon Drug Co,, Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha. The Dlntnncc to Flnrliln Is 32 hours, If measured by tho Chicago & Morula Special, which leaves Chicago Union station 12 noon Tuesdays and Fri days via Pennsylvania Short Lines. This elegant now train of Pullman dining, sleen. lng and observation cars Is only one night on the wny. For special Information about it apply to II. R. Derlne, A. O. P. Agt 218 South Clark st Chicago. I-KSS THAN HALF HATES Vln Omnlm A St. I.ouln H. It. un snlo February 19 to Port Arthur, lieaumont, San Antonio, Lako Charles, Houston and Galveston, Tex, Call at city omce. ltio Farnam street (Paxton hotel block), or write Harry K. Moores, C. P and T. A., Omaha, Neb. St, Vnul ana Itctnrn J 1 0.0(5. On February 18 and 19 tho Illinois Central railroad will sell tickets to St, Paul at rato of $10.65 for tho round trip. The short line and only line from Omaha with buffet-library smoking car. Particu lars at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam street, or address W. II. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha, Half Knrr to SI. I'nul ami Mlnnm poll, Via tho "Northwestern Lino" Fcby. 18 and 19th. Tho only lino with double dally train service and operating cafe-observation cars. City offices 1401 and 1103 Farnam St, BOOKS AND RECORDS INTACT Contents of Vault in Street Oar Barn Found to Be Unharmed. TRANSFER SERVICE IS NOT HAMPERED Xetv C'nrn llicelcl from I'nptorj" Dnllf UiirMlun of -Whether to HpIiiiIIiI In lip Determined .Soon. Tho doors of the big vault In tho ruins of thn Twentieth street car barn were opened Sunday morning nnd tho books nnd papers therein wetc found to be In an ex cellent state of preservation. None were burned or even scorched, but wherever a surface hnd been exposed It received a coating of heavy black. The Insurance poli cies were among tho papers thus affected nnd each had n heavy border on all edges, as If In mourning. All tho books nnd Im portant papers woro removed to the tem porary ofllces of tho company on tho second floor of tho Merchants' National bank build ing nt Thirteenth and Farnnm street. Sev eral comparatively unimportant records wtro left In tho vault nnd may not bo re moved for somo days. Ilpp'n Kullinntp Correct. Tho sniall safe In tho lower office was not opened Sunday, but this will probably be dono Monday or Tuesday. Tho amount of money It contains Is not largo and tho ofllccrs of the company say thero Is no particular hurry about opening It, ns tho money Is undoubtedly safe. Dell II. Goodrich, secretary of the com pany, said: "Tho figures given by Tho Bco $100,000 aro correct. All tho policies worn In tho vault nnd camo out In good condition, though defuced to some extent by a heavy black deposit. The exact amount nf tho loss has not been ascertained, but wo will know this In n fow days. The ofTlco force 1b working overtime In check ing up tho matter. Tho number of cars burned Is approximately forty, though we havo not had tho tlmo to go over tho In volco books carefully. The twenty cars In tho basement, which camo through tho flro uninjured, aro the ones we could havo spared easiest. They nro nil old horse nnd cnblo enrs, of no particular valuo and had been practically abandoned. There was n large amount of various kinds of supplies and materials destroyed, but wo nro unablo to glvo exact figures at present. .cw Cur KxppvlPil. "Of course nit tho officers of the com pany aro highly pleased nt the recovery of tho books and papers In such good shapo. 1 felt rather dubious nbout the outcomo when I saw tho volume of smoko pouring ftom the vault Saturday. However, It was well built, under our own direction, and wns planned to withstand tho hottest kind of a fire." As stated by President Murphy In The Bee Saturday, nothing definite can be said In regard to rebuilding until nftor a meet ing ot tho board of directors, which will not bo held beforo tho latter part of tho week. In tho meantime tho service on tho Farnam and Harney lines Is tho some as before the fire, though tho Dodgo lino Is somewhat short of extra cars. Another Installment of tho new cars ordered last fall Is expected at nny day. For tho pres ent tho cars of tho threo lines aro being housed at tho Nluutcenth and Twenty-second street bnrns nnd tho train crews re port for work at tho. latter place. A .MlKiinilprstunillnc Misunderstood symptoms of disease lead doctors to treat something clso when tho kidneys arc nut of order. Foley's Kidney Cure will bring you henlth when other medicines have failed. Tako no substitute. IliirKnln Mntliipp nt llnyil'n Today. Richard Golden In "Old Jed Prouty." Prices, 25c nnd 50c for any seat In tho house. When the Wind Blows Cold nnd the snow falls fust you'll bo suro to have chapped face, hands nnd lips and you'll do the right thing by getting u bottlo of our ICgypllun Lotus Cream for thero Is no prepurution made that's nny bolter 10 cents u bottle. Scliueter'M CotikIi Syrup JiOo Crauipr'n Klilnpy Cure . .. 7Ra Ilromn Quinine , iro 1 doz. U-Krnln Unlnlne Cupiulrn 7a 1 tins. ll-Krnln Quinine Cnpmilea Illo 1 diiz. r.-unilu Quinine Capaulea 15c Duffy .Unit AVhlnkey 8fio Lotus Creniu l()c I'nlne'a Celery Compound 750 Wine of Cartlul 7RC Pierce' Prcxcrlptlon , Trio Scott'n Rinulalon 750 Oxomulalnii 7ftn Col In foot Expectorant TBo l'nlmo Tnlilcta fi)o White Illlihtm Hemetly 1.00 S. S. S 7Bo Mnl(cil Milk 40c, 75c, f.1.15 I'lnkliiun'N Compound 75o cruiccco (L'T price oi finer en druggist . W. Cor. leth ui Chlcao It a. Paint Brushes AVe sell all kinds of Paint Brushes prices rango from Be to $1.35. Flat 1-Inch Brush 10c Flat lH-lnch Brush 15c Flat 2-Inch Brush 20o Flat a-lnch nriish, 25c nnd 30c Finn Varnish Brushes 45c Whitewash Brushes, 20c, to 40a Painter's Dusters, onoh f0c and 76c PHnorhanger'H Brushes, 50o and 76c Kxtra lino long white hrtstlo brushes, 4 Inches wide, for painter's use, $1,25, Small Hound Sash Brushes 6c Best quality Sash Brushes, 10c to 15o Look In our window and see the assort ment of Paint Brushes. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, XI1W S. W, Cor. JOtl. nml DimIko LOCATION OMAHA BBlll I J I 1 1 KiiUBaUfl SPICTO GIRLS GET A SLEIGH RIDE Inlltta Wphpii HIvp i:lillillloii of Hnphl nml iiirlllliiK Triiiioll. Till I HO II'.i.h n nturl. nM.1 ln n . n .1 friends, had n thrilling rldo on Sixteenth street Sunday nflcrnoon In n. sleigh behind a runaway horse. As a result Wascn Is under bonds to appear In pollco court to answer to n charge of fast driv ing, tho young women nro on the verge of nervous prostnratlon and a veterinary sur geon Is looking after tho horfc. It was a fiw minutes past o'clock when tho party drovo on (he Sixteenth street viaduct, going north. When about half way across, tho horse, n rather flighty anl.unl, becamo frightened at tho smoke of n pass ing locomotive nnd started to run. He kept on running nt brenkneck speed up Sixteenth street until near Chicago street, whero a policeman stopped him. Wnsen exerted every effort to check tho mad career of the animal, but as ho Is not an athlete and qtllto unused to handling speedy horses, ho accomplished little. The young women .shrieked wildly all tho way up tho street, and thus did much to accelerate the horse's speed. Fortunately they did not Jump out and will recover from their fright. The policeman who stopped tho horso was of tho belief that Wascn tried to glvo an exhibition of fast driving and locked him Up on that charge. Ho was released on bond to appear In pollco court today. The horse wns almost exhausted and In very bad condldtlon. No obstructions wcro en countered In tho mile run and tho sleigh escaped damage. "I had been In bed throe weeks with grip when my husband brought mo Dr. Miles' Nervine, p0n Pills and Nerve and Liver Pills. I was cured." Mrs. J. Hclnler. Franklin, Ind. ON BOTH SIDES OF RIVER Chnrlpy llnvN, AIIpkpiI Hurctar Wiintpil llerp nml In Council HIiiITn. Charley Davis, now at tho city Jail nwalt Ing trial for tho burglary of Joseph Pc dlrtz's saloon at Thirteenth nnd Pacific streets, which wns committed last Thurs day night, Is also wanted nt Council Blulfs for n burglary. After tho arrest his room In tho houso of his brother, Joseph Davis, also nn ex-convict, was searched by tho pollco, who found forty pairs of scissors, several boxes of pencils and a number of penknives In his trunk. Thcso tirtlcles have been Identified ns recently stolen from the school houso nt Twenty-third street nnd Second avenue, Council Bluffs. Tho various articles wero distributed nmong tho differ ent desks, making It necessary to rlflo each In order to get tho plunder, which Is not valuable. Tho police say they havo a strong case ngalnst Davis here, but If It should fall ho will be taken to Council Bluffs. "Grip tobbed mo or my sleep nnd I was nearly craz with neuralgia nnd headache. Dr. Miles' Pain Pills nnd Nervine cured me." Mrs. Pearl Hush. Holland, Mich. HAYDEN s China Dept. Gas or gasoline mini tics wo carry every style and kind an A No. 1 mantle for Be. Knnmcled glass lamps complete- with burner und chimney, fic. Decorated cups and snucers, dinner, tea and plo plates, 5c. Decorated oyster and soup bowls, 5c, Decorated salt nnd pepper shakes, Be. Pino crystal tl-plcce cream sets, 19c. Complete bracket lamp, with reflector. 19c. Wash bowl and pitcher, 24Hc each. Slop Jars, B9c. Butter Fancy separator creamery butter, 20c. Choice country roll butter, 14c. Good cooklug butter, 11c Some Prices that will Interest You in Cheese. Fancy Badger slate choose, 12',4c. Canadian lied Cloud, lCc. Full cream llmberger, 10c. McLaren's Imperial (Jar), 15c. American club houso, 10c. Great Monday Bargains in Fish. No. 1 very fat Spanish mnckcral, lb, 14c. Extra largo Irish mackerol, lb, 15c. KKKK Norsk Herring, 10-lb. pall, $1.10. New Imp. Holland Milch Herring, 10-lb. pall, $1.10. Finnan Hnddlcs (Neal brand), lb, 10c. 3 lbs. Bauer kraut for 10c. Crackers. Fresh crlBp soda crackers, Be. Pearl oyster crackers, Be. Ginger snaps, Be. Lemon nnd vanilla cookies, S?4c Oatmeal crackers, 8c. Animal crackers, SVic Butter crackers, Be. Milk blsqult, Be. Shredded wheat biscuit, 11c. We sell tho sodas, oyster and butter Crackers at $1.00 per box. HAYDEN BROS. REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS -IN- RATES v' THE ONLY DIRECT LINE -TO- CALIFORNIA OREGON WASHINGTON AND OTHER WESTERN POINTS. Omaha to California $25.00 To Oitdrn, Salt LuLr City, t't.. .IfJ.i.OII To Unite und llclcnn, Alonl IfIt.OII To Portland, Orrgiiu i5UK.ni To Npoknnr, Wnuli , . , , , (fl'S.OO To Tneomn nml NrutMr, Wnali . . f'.'S.OO TICKETS TO BE ON SALE February 12, 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 1901. Further Information cheerfully given on application to new city ticket orllce, 1S2I Karnatn 8t,, or telephono 3IG. LOOKING AFTER THE COWS Local Dairy Companies Guarding Agaimt j Unhealthj Milk Supply. , EXAMINE CATTLE FOR TUBERCULOSIS Improper Mnll I'ppiIIhk Sit I tl In lie Wnrklnw Injury In llcultli nf lima nml ,plirukn Milk Prmliicpri. The dairy companies that supply milk to i tho citizens of Omaha have Ju.n completed nn lnestlgntlon Into the condition of the health of tho cows which supply their stock In trade. This examination has been mndo frequently In tho past, but under existing conditions the large" companies find It ndvisablo to keep a veterinary sur geon In tho Held all of tho time. Tho milk sold In Omaha Is bought from n largo number of farmers In enstern Ne braska and western Iowa. Theso farmer have no means of determining tho health of their stock until some symptom nppeurs which requires trcnttnent. Tuberculosis produces no symptom In many cases until tho un I nml Is beyond recovery, and for this reason farmers may unwittingly sell unhealthy milk to the company. To avoid this condition tho companies now Insist that every person selling milk to them submit his herd to nn examination by com puny vctorlmirlnns ns often us that doctor culls. In the last examination by ono of tho companion It was found thnl nut of over 200 cows from which milk Is taken only ono wns affected, and this was In u mild degree, It Is said. Tho condemned row was separated from the herd and Its milk Is now being destroyed. In speaking of tho spread of tuberculosis ono of tho owners of cattle said that It was aggravated by brewers' malt, ns It Is fed by dairymen nt present. "Malt, !f treated right. Is a good food nnd a milk producer," said ho, "but when taken fresh from the brewery and fed direct to cnttlo It tends to Injure them. Tho malt should bo heated and fed wunn, nnd not In too great quantities. Thoro Is, however, llttlo danger from Infection, ns all of tho milk sold In the city Is practically sterilized before It Is sold." A DOI HTIMi THOMAS. Ilnil 111" FiiIIIiik Hnlr Stopped nml lliiiidrnfT Cured Without I'll I Hi. H. B Fletcher, Hutto Mont.. Oct. 20, 1S93. enys: "Llko many other people, 1 havo been troubled for years with dnndruft and within the last few mouths my hair came out so badly that I was compelled to havo what I had left clipped very close. A friend recommended Nuwbro's Horplclde. I confess that 1 doubted his story, but I gavu Horplclde a trial; now my hair Is as thick as over und entirely frco from dandruff." "Destroy tho cause, you removo the offoct." At dmgglsts, $1.00. Herplclde Is a delight ful hair dressing for regular uso. 30 Valentines for 5c Tho largest nnd most varied stock ot comic nnd fancy vnleutlncs ever shown In Omaha, will go on snlo ut "The Big Store" Monday. Hayden's aro headquarters for valen tines at wholesale and retail. Valentines nt tl for lc. 2 for lc, lc apiece, 5c apiece, fic npleco and up. Finest fancy valentines, worth $3.00, on sale at $1.00. Vnlcntlnes of all kinds, at all prices. Dealers supplied. Mako your se lections curly. Cut Price Book Sale. "Elizabeth and Her German Garden" 23c (The now book.) .10 new $1.B0 copyright books, 79c each. 25c pnpor books, Sc. One-fourth ream finest linen bond pa per, 'worth 23c, for 10c. Tho Lupton 12-mos. elegant cloth bound books, regularly sold nt 25c, nt onl "Vic. This edition comprises tho works of the world's best authors. New Fancy Ribbons. Just received, tho Intcst novelties In fancy ribbons, on salo Monday at 13c to $1. Sheet Music. Today wo will placo on sale 330 an them books,, ranging In prlco from 75c to $2.00 per copy. All go today nt only 25c per copy. Now Is your chanco to get a set ot anthem books cheap. Also over 200 collections of very lino piano music, by our most celebrated composers, such as Mendelsohn, Chnpln, Handel, Schnrwonka, Schumnnn, Schubert, Moart, Haydn, Bach, Hubensteln nml many others. The nbovo nlbums uro all very lino editions, som" ranging In prlco from 73c, $1.00. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 nnd $2.50 eachall go tomorrow nt only 25c each. Wo alBO havo a lot of piano and organ mothods, vocal nlhumH, voico studies, plnno studies, etc, nt only 25c. Call nnd see tho nice sheet music wo can offer you In vocal and instrumental piano duets, violin nnd plnno, cornet nnd piano, mandolin and guitar, banjo nnd many other arrangements nt only lc per copy. Tho nbovo music wo will havo on snle, Is not cata logued, It being odd selections of different kinds, nomembcr, Hnydens' aro headquar- ters for oil tho very latest and most popular sheet music of tho day, which Is sold at the lowest prices possible. Call or send for catalogue, which Is free. s picto HAYDENs Fruitless Footwear For every iiicinbci' of .vouv I'niiiil.v, from llio little toddler, who must Imve spring heels, lo the ood sturdy ones for the liend of the house. Those for dress ns well, we're direful lo see (lint they must be of proper iiinteriiil, nnd correct in shape nnd lit; wliiie the important point -is always our first principle. use it I ft A. X S-P-E-C-I-A-L Women's and Misses' Alakhns 5oc Women's first quality Storm Rubbers j wc Women's nnd Misses' 3 buckle overshoes (ns long as thoy last) DSc Men's Kuhhers (small slzesi 7 05,. Men's best quality Storm Alnskns POc Men's ono bucklu heavy Arctics $1.00 1 These silks at these prices are IMIPIK .'loo Mlack China Silks, 10 bolts, on sale at 20c 7rc JJlack J'enu Do Soie, L'fi bolts, on sale at r0c l.r0 lack French Poplin, extra special 7)c !?-r0 lilaek La .Meteor Taffeta, finest pure dye 1.50 Xonewider Plack Taffeta, the widest taffeta" made, Hl-inch wide, regular $,'1.00 Monday $2.30 100 bolts of line Hlnck Taffeta, good rustling quality an ex tra heavy, actually worth 1.2." to 1.511, on sale only for Monday, at (;),. Colored Sillc for petticoats and linings 50 bolls of tine grade taffeta. 27-inch wide, in all the leading spring colors, regular 9L00 silk, for (J0c Hig Sale Monday on the Famous Enterprise. Sillc Flannels, the new shirt waist material, pieces, in both plain and dots- we show all the very latest shades, also cream and black, some on selvidge, sold regularly at 1, Monday 7"c We show the largest ami finest, stock of new Foulard Silk ever seen in tin? city, pretty foulards at oOc, (i!)c, 7oc, 1, 1.2;", t.;"0. New Plack Grenadine, It-inch wide, sold at 1.50 and 2, about 25 designs on sale OSc The popular Winslow Taffeta Silks, today in greater demand than ever before, it is now a settled fact that Winslow taffeta does wear and many people will have no other but the Wins low. The Leading Oress Goods House of the West. Wo nrp now showliiR nil the Litest new sprliiK dress boo(1h. I'rlostlcj'M Hlnclt takes thn lead for early sprltiR wenr. It Is worn by nil tho royalty of Knropc on account of tho Into Quecn'u death, nnd Is one of the scarcest cloths In Kuropo today. Black Dress Goods. l'rlcstlc.VH Mack Voiles. 42 to -tl-ln.. l."5 Priestley's rruwllus, $1, $l.r,0 to.. $l.r,u I'rlestley'H Wool Satin DiicIh'Mhi', Jl.'Jl lo yard il.GO PrU'Htley'H Nuii'h VcIIIukh, yard, $1, SI. ill nnd iM I'rlestloy'H Wool HuilUs, yard, $1, I.W and il."'J Priestley's ICtainlnes, yard, t, $1.23 nnd SI."' Priestley's Wool Hunting, yard. $1 to il.W) I'rlestley'M Silk Warp .Mnrcnlllta, yd.. 11.75 Priestley's lllnck Wnotlim, yd, $1.50 mid 4 $.' "ill Courtnldt's Crepe do ('henos, yd, $1 Cn to S3 CnurtnUU'H Open Mesh Voiles, yd $1 50 to $U0 A larBi lino of French anil Oenn tu cloths and black novelties on hand, ulso nnuh MARK Hejrislcrcd A. Mayer Co. nin nuii.ni.NG, OMAHA, Mill. - prescribed by leading pnyMciaiu. MISS A. MAVEK: In reply to your noto I am pleased to say that tho tender and persplrlnr, foot nro Mings of tho past. About two or three applications of your powder rellhvcd them entirely. I am more than glad to rucomtnend' tho uso of your powder to my menus, Very respectfully. I) It. U. C. IIENI1Y. RE-NO-MATi WHITE POWDER removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields are roqulred. PRICE 50 CENTS Hold -Jt -ry here. A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. CO.VSUI.TATIO.N I'lllSIJ KIIOM i! lo When ordering by mall add B cents "Blow, Blow Ye Winter Winds" What do you .care? Sheridan Coal Will make you com foi table. It's the hottest, cleanest, cheapest"' and best coal mined in Wyoming. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Fa This woman's welt shoe will stand the tost, wo guarantee it to be the best. If, from reat-onnblo should rip or crack you've k a perJect right to bring it back. $3.50 values for $2.50 Rio Sillr Department for .MONDAY". Colored Dress Goods The in w reversible BuUIiirh, In nil th spriiiR shades, to In- made up without lln Inu's. nt J2.M to $t.W) a yard. Now line of Rolf rlotll, in new wcnvoR and new shades, at fiom 7."c to $4.50 vard. I Freii'di Piuiielli's. IS-lncIi, IiIrIi finish extra welcht, sold up to 11. 50 n yard; ffte. ! Ki'W HrllllHiitlnes, In nil the now pa.-itnl i shades, and also rvenliiR shades, ut 60c, 75o and $1.-1 u yard. Idiallis. All tho new nnd latest Chnllls, In Per sian and silk stripes, ut 45c, 59o nnd GSc I u yard A larRO lino of last year's patterns, In nil shades und silk stripes, nt USc nnd 4jc a j-nrd DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER? RE-NO-MAY PINK I'OWDKU not only relieves, but poiltlvely cures nil diseases of the feet and hands. Stops odorous porsplrntlon curcH ten der und swollen feet. Kndoraed and for prstage. mam. Tel. 127 Ems