lliJi OMAHA DAILY BEE: MO X DAT. PEBBfAHY U, 1001. SPECIALNOTjCES Advert! eementa for these rolimni will b Ukrn until 12 in. for the tf nlm edition and nnlll H 30 p. ci. fnr morning and andar edition. Rates, 1 l-3c a word Hrat Insertion, lr a word thereafter. .Nothing taken fnr lea than SfJe for the flnt Inter t on. Tkfif advertisements matt be rtn consecutively. .dvertlsrrs.br requesting a num bered check, can have anarrera ad dressed to a numbered letter In care f The nee. Aninrn ao addressed will be delivered oa preaentatloa of tna beck only. WAMED-SITl ATION. EXPERT arcou&tar.t Holbrsok, Brown b.k A-4S . POSITION wanted n (.Ic'hlnc store bv .cj'-r man. five year exrlen'-e. Irs--t.aes references, l, Bcj, Blair. Neb A-M5M U H'.iMnn-mai.c help. "WANTED we have steady work for a tew frA hustlers of cood habits and sppar. a e C F Al- Bi Co.. W Howard S BARBER trade taught thoroughly In shirt tin, atalnrue ft particular free. Weit ern Barbers Institute. Omaha. Neb 14 XtK or women to tell goods to city .rJ Good t'y atari steady employment, lllf enbaugh & Co.. Ware block Omaha B-Mii: MarU WANTED, canrasters lO Douglas St I "WNTED flrst-'las hort ordr cook foi r-stauran' T J Evan. Boi Jvl air- , pAClFIC Storage and Warehouse Co . Jli b jry. Neb B Md iu joneSi -eBeral storage and forwarding. TEN harness makers. Apply Bardes Sad dry Co . Sioux Cltv, la. B MIB It EOI.r' ITf'RS wanted, familiar with bsriW- iig arj loan work, ladles1 or mn: reier- i no, good par for workers. Addr- J $. ' Bee B-MK V WE WANT men to learn barber trade We teach the work thnrcna-htv and oractically In ' months by rtnng th student ca- I-l!lomaj are awarded by cur boar! jfter a thorough examination that allows rad- tiates to wotk In any 4ate In the union i AVe truarantee t make you a nrt-eli barber and fi'nlh positions for eah craduate Our catAlorue will be trailed , fre- by vrltlfiff to Moler Barber c..iiece. , 143 FaratRi l. Orniiu B MSI II BLACKSMITH wanted: good plowman anl I tM shoer. eool wage t larindi Car- I rlase Worka. Oarlnda. la. B Miv 11 J CANVASSERS for "Life and RIgn of Qaeen Victoria Including lives of King I K.darrf VII and Quen Alexandra.- b i Murat Halstesul and A J Munson. Only ' 11 M. 10 years In preparation Our offer js.'.u premium with each tooK to aoieriisc us for future business. Is sweeping the countrv Canvassers now cleartng 13 to IS) dally. Profound Interest, enormous demand, sales amazing Good territory ' still open. Outfits free. The Dominion i Co . Dept. X. Chicago B M3-T8 IT 1 WATED FCMAIX HELP. GOOD Ctrl for general housework, family of thrte: good wages. 1U4 So Slst St. C W6 WANTED. ?S) girls. UT4 Dodge. "el ST C 4S7 II rtrlt nntd Canadian oflte li? rWiulas i C 1 TOl'NO lady to learn massage: permanent , position for right party. Apply Sri Bee, fe'dc " ' C S ' 1 WANTED. ladles to learn halrdresslng. I manicuring and facial massage: prepare , for summer sea-n and resort positions. splendid openings; good pay: positions cuaranteed: I lu weeks completes; best time to begin. Call or write for partlcu- lars JfoIrs Halrdresslng College, 1CJ Farnam, Omaha. C XH 11 COMPETENT girl for small family. W Parker St. C S WANTED,' hOitisekeepef" far a widower. 5t children. In countrr. John Pitch. Have lock. Neb. C-M-TS 11 WANTED, experienced operators on shirts. pants wl overalls, llyrne & iummr Dry" Gocds Co. Factory, lith and Howkrd sts. C-MSK 11 I COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. W M. Rogers, rrtft Farnam C-M33 WANTED, a young woman with some bust- j nesji experience to manage a business, no I capital required Address, stating expert- j ence and references. J 3). Be- tf WANTED, a young woman physician to i take charge of a aanltarium. Address J 54, t Bee. tf FOR nilVT-HOUSES. IF you want your houses well rented place them with Benawa k Co. D SM ALWAYS moving H. H. goods. IMaaos. Offlce. 1S11H Farnam St. Tel Sa or 3. D SS) HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennan-Love Co.. 33i So. Hth St. D-Ml HOUSES, stores. Bernis. Paxton block. D MS SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 01 N. Y. LIFE. D :63 HOUSES, etc- F. D. Wead,- IMl Douglas. D m HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk HOUSES wanted. Watlace. Brown Blk. D 34 NEW T-room brick, strictly modern, east I , 57th and St. Mary s iv.. i BemiV frcnt. Paxton block. Hth. near Farnam. ten-room modern house complete In every respect, ten minutes walk of center of city: reasonable .-ert Omaha Loan & Trust Co, Hth and Doug las Sts D 875 STLRGES. MARTIN CO., SIT N. Y. Life D-sSl F33 SMI SEWARD ST . new five-room cottage; rood bam and cltr water: rent ti? vi Omaha Loan & Trust Co.. Hth 4- Douglas i d-&3 ' ; ELEGANT -room apartment In the Wl-' noaa. ra-ne,Knox Co D MJSl I FOR RENT, new -room modern cottaee- i wett Farnam car line. Th O. F. Davis , Co. D MxJ u 154 S. 31TH ST.. 7-room. modern, east front house. C. J. H Sherwood. 307 N Y Ufe. D MS5) 11 I.ROOM modem house In Hanscom Place M. J Kennard & Son. Iia.jn Brow n block D-MK4 IF YOl )U want your houses wel rente.! ruTT- GOLMA co.-oniy perfect ac with Bentiey Hif S-SB.5&.S l &bS51! P-M--)-!! opposite Hayden s. U-rsz them Ufe. FOR HE.T FIRXISHKD ROOMS. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston I E2 ; DEWEY European hotel. Uth and FarnarrT 1 ; E-?7I F- J?KNJ:ivin,"1illf.urn,,hed,front room; . gentleman only; uss of bath and tele- gnone; no otner romen. f irllv 'l'C HOUSEKEEPING rooms, J. up J55 st ' Mary's. E MSs) Mtrl 1 3 FURNISHED rooms for hmiaekeenin, mart and wife. JIJ North 17th St. - w . , , FRONT room with alcove, suitable for two Kenuersen; aesiranie iov aiton i-X) s. 5uth street. E-S) 15 SUIT if front rooms, furnished, all modern convetdtneea. 11& S. th St E ll IS NICELY furnished rooms for rent I40J Ja kson St.. 5d floor E 45 11 LARUE front room, also smaller room, gas, batit. furnace heat, private family J si. Bee E-S44 15 l'lHMSIIi:i HOO.ls A XI) HOARD. GLENCAIRN. transients. IL5f day. 1C9 Doug F STi I.ARGF. front parlors with board: also mailer room; reasonable rates. The Rose, S?3 Harne. F-MBl Ft HNI.i:i ROOMS AMI HO UU. !"ae Mefnani cool wtn'er home SfoVDodt-e "T'PIA 111 Daie,port St F '77 Kl.fXlA.XT larre steam-heated front rooms. I with board if" Capitol Art. F-MWl-tf : Si N 3D m nw nMur!miit. n w far i nltur. rood board F-MH5 14 ' kok rent t nfir.ni.iif.I) HOO. ! F)R housekeeping, also bars. S0I4 St iiary s ave . FO'R t on modern. unfurnished, for light housekeeping St Douglas til! G-MJI I"' FOIl HOT STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Th buiidira; formerly oecu- pied by The Bee at lt Farnam 8t It has , four slorts and a basement which was formerl ased as The Bee press room. This wilt be rented very reasonably, if ir.terested app'y at once to C C. Rose- i Tater. secretary room l Bee BufMlnr FOR RENT Store. In Srtt-class location. 1 rent reasonable Apply R. C Peters & i-n rtauivri ewr Wee nHr I 4 WANTED TO It EAT. WANTED To rent raodrn T or room detached hojse. close m. with barn rom for horse and carnare, reference ei-fhanc-ed. Address. L T Y unt. Care Rarlne Wagon and Carriage Co. K-M4M-1T WANTED. ! or 5 furnished rooms for light housekeeptna In good nelchborhood. J . Be K Mi STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1.114 Farn. Tell. lK-. -T wATnn to iitv. WANT to buy a or 7-roorn houe rea sonably near to school and car Mae. north part of town preferred Address J H. Bee. N-MStS 11 WANTED, to bur 'ot and house about ten rooms, must b low prce. for cash: ora where Lt Farnam and Matoa aid lath and .THh. state location and price. AS dres j u. Be. N-MSC U FOR AI.I Ft'lt.MTl'IlE, Mitr-ini I'l nvm nr in ut rvjr. Ttl New '& Mhand furniture bourhti ' so.o. exnangec U- FOR VU.l - -IIORSKS. VEHICLE-. ETC. IT HAS b-n a gc-od old wagon It Harrv ! p-.i- ! - i FOIl .VU.i: MISCELL.EOL'5. j HARD and soft foundation piling: hog fence and cribbing, Wl Douglas. Q yr I IDHAND safe cheap Derlght. Ul Farnam. q ya SAFES; buy. sell excge. Schwartz. 114 S. 11 Q-SS4 HERTFORD & CO., lith and llworth. FURNITURE i UPHOLSTERING Q SJ5 TIMOTHY hay and all kinds feed and coal. Monroe & Co. Q-S .., : 77TT INCUBATORS Send to the Sure Hatch Incubator Co , Clay Center, Neb., for a handsome free catalogue. Q (41 , c . . - ,. ; : "OP. SALE. U secondhand wo'vdon chairs, ? good condition. cents each. AtP.y Bee Business pace. Q-44 -. , , . . . . . , r TTT V. h . ?l?P.'ansnt Bantam. Buff Lertiorn and White Wvn. I dotte Cockrells. also Barr! Plvmouth I Rock cock. Inquire at 5TS4 Caldwell. Q-M4S1 Is PIANO BROKER Any piano you want: old Instruments In exchange: mu! close out at once, cash or time payment ac- , cepted. J IS. Bee Q M5 11 1 rxn SALE, a pair of atrong hobbs or nin- t nr. suitable for slelKh or carriage. aUo , double sleigh Apply or. N 15th st. Q-MM FOR SALE, pure 15 to 14-Inch Missouri ' river Ice, In carload lots. Kelrle Ice Co . 712 N. Y Ufe bWg . Oro.ha J-MW5 U CL4IRVO! ATS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 513 North Hth -US MME.GYLMER, genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge -a ZENO. clairvoyant and healer. UlS Farnam. S MM) 1 ELECTRIC TREAT VI KiT. MABEL GRAY. I1TU N. lith St.. flat E. T M4Sg F-li MISS MAE LESLIE, C.S S. Uth. Sd floor. T MC4 F-5S ELITE rarlors. CIS South lith, second floor T fM MS MME AMES. liU Howard, 5d floor, room 1. thermal baths. T M 5 if PURSOXAL. I I PRIVATE heme before and during confine- i raent. babies adopted. Mrs. Burget. JJ50 i Burdette. U KM FRENCH accordion pleating: lory rim but- tons; mail oroers. omana I'leatlng Co.. ' 1S54 Douglas. L-S31 ! SLp?LI,ES.,V,rta" ,mach,Inf2; aei!!Pt for fnt- wjh,i2u&!W,n ICS Doug. Us. TeL 5334. RUPTURE cured, no knife, no pain, no danger, send for circulars. Empire Rap ture Cure. ST N. Y. Ufe Building. Omaha. U-MUI-F-1S PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement, babies adopted. 53S Grant St. U S3! VIAVI-Woman s way to health; rational, j wholesome home treatment. 3 Bee Bldg. 1 ' BUY from the manufacturer. Burkley En- vetope Co.. Omaha. LTM4-F.1$ DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns superfluous hair rtmoveo by electricity. R. 15 Frenzer block. U W TbTthVSrlahde,Mon"y JgJft C-S?S 1 -JroelA.o ni 7LS,mtn maasage operators, finest equipped baths ihe riti nenstrom Raih ' ln the city. Renstrom Bath Company. Rooms 51 to 550. Bee Bids. U LIEBEN. theatrical, masquerade costume: lots Farnam. U-JS7 M. GOLDMAN CO.-Only perfect . WE RENT sewing mac.jlr.es for 5c per veek; we repair end sell needles auJ at tachments for any machine made. Neb. frl Oo fnr tllh jt- Hi nv Pnsr.e 1S U MIS M3 I A BOX rf P.e-No-May Powder Is not a ! ItiTur-v when it affanls veu 3 pure an 1 secures the comfort and happiness of 1 your room-mate. U-M515 genuine bargains In standard Instruments m Schraoller A Mueller the ,AA H9hl. ptane nouse. mt Farnam St. Phone la. U MS14 It , w ANTED bv -ctdower of &. a wife of If i SLJTv t "it",,T e5 ""-"w Ai orrsa r.. I.. Box 3. Lincoln. Seb U-M474-U JIOXEY TO I.O.VX-IIUAI. K-TATU, MONEY to loan on jmproted Omaha r-a ' estate. brtnnan-Low Co . X south 1st h. W-a PRIVATE money, i U. t per cent- no de lay. Garvin Bros., ifu Farnam. Virt ., , ., , . , ; and upward to loan on improvec city VjeTUr tTm$. u Farnam Smith i .v-9 v - ui.iu. -.VJ 1 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lewa farms at S per cent: borrowers can pay IH or aay multiple; any Interest date, no delay. Brest n-Love Co.. any 3. IJth St.. Omaha. Neb. W "Wl WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. George . Company, li-4 Farnam atret- mokv to i.ow hi: u bjhtb. WANTED CH- and farm loans, alio bonds ard warrants R C Peters k "t . 1? Farnam St Be BMg AV 8 MONET to Join on farsa and cit) property; Ih-mi rates, o F Dari Co . 1C Pimm yy-y.-i MONET to loan at t and S. per rent en omasa property. W. B. Meikle, T1 S. Uth. W-SJ PRIVATE raoo-y to Wan tm N T. Life. J. If. Sherwood, W-ti FIVE per cent raosey. Beml. Paxton .Mock. '. ! PRIVATE money. F D Wead. 1C4 DojclaT , w-n 5 AVn SJ. tr rent loans. W. It. Tho-nas First National Bank building. Tl 1S W-W EAPERT ACCOtTA.NT. LE3SNS In bookkeeptne. etc . dar or erenlnr R. IS, Com. Nat. Bark. O. R. Rathban TM JIO.NHV TO LOA.- IATTKL. .fn.. v , .... fi . f-J. tia m wi on - aos made in amounts from Jit to -w on household furniture, nlanos. horse, car riages. etc. without removal, or on c-jr S-A-L-A-R-T without seCilitv All cr a part of the money may be paid back the first month or no part of It need be paid bark for several months. Each paytojnt made red ace; the cost accr-rdinf I i.m- pioyers ani neighMrs know absolutel) nothing of ojr business relations. People . whe Ded money are l.ivtd to call and ' v - uaiiiara thefB With what others offer. Loans of other com- panles may be transferred to roe. No charee for papers. All buslnei strict confldentul uulck service and lowest i ratea guaranteea. I J . V . ..ML.OE- a Paxton Blk top floor, northeast .corner ltMh and farnam. Entramje on Wh St Tel. T4S. S-A-UA-R-Y - L-O-A-N-S. We loan 11 to ll' upon noe. NO SECt'RITY or MORTGAGE required Rebate w hen Kan is paid before due. Iay weekly, semi-monthly or monthly WB GUARANTEE lowest rate. WE Ol'ARANTEE a easy payments. Room 14 Bee Bulkuns AMERICAN LOAN CO X-46- MONEY loand salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security, easy payments. Tolnaan. 4r Board Trade bide. :c-t MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F Reed, fi S. It x-ni : MONEY loaned an pianos, furniture, horses, cows. Jewelry. HmS Green. R i. Barker blk. A JUl clATTEU 4 SatarT ).. Jo H Plea X-MbM-FlJ ". ' fW. UIIV. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan S1.0 and up on furniture, pianos, horses and other chattels. SALARY LOANS without mortgage to people Sowing permanent positions. You can g;t the money in a few hours after making ap plication and take 1. J. X. 4. i, f months or more In which to pay It back, and you r.eed not pay for It one day longer than jou keep It. We chares nothing far papers and ne give you the full amount In cash. There are ao lower ratee than ours: our terms are the easiest; our business Is cosadentsal and tur motto is 'Try to Please." Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. : Board of Trade Bids. Tel. 53. (Established 1SST) South Hth St. x-m: qit mr imv; ' t . . w,. . ... e 1 imiJ? t?... , ?n..?,nr,0iMtaifci?Srl2 XSUJtcStt,'MJrly rates than elsewhere. Of this we are positive. Absolutely no charges for paper? Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit ' Co . room WS. Paxton Block. X-K4 ' SALARY loans at reduced rates Omaha Credit Co LS New York Life Bide. x-.r BIMXESS CHAACUS. IIS CASH or easy payments bays 3 strictly cigar? or ceh. wii: earn i- and upward weekly each- Earl Curk & Co., Fural- tare Manufacturers. Chicago, HI Y-S FOR SALE, agricultural implement and' carriace business In south central Ne braska. For further particulars address Box 3. West Liberty, la. Y-M73 FOR SALE, a 14-room boarding house. '. b-st location In the city, full cf first-class ' roomers; will pay to investigate. Address H 45. Bee oace. Y 7 ll FOR SALE, brick yard Servoss. Beemer. Neb. Inquire N. W. Y MS45 11 FOR SALE, bakery and Ice cream bnsl-1 ness. must be said. Muller, "S-l Leaven- worth. T MB 15- j GROCERY stock and fixtures, clean stock, j best location In city, invoices Jl.y.f to 15.C0.W Address Box 3K. Norfolk. Neb. Y-M47S-15 FOR SALE, good stock general merchan dise and fixtures. J1J0. very cheap. Ad dress 11J Pine St . Lincoln, Neb Y lSS-1 FOR SALE A new. clean stock of goods In the best stand in Buttle Creek. Neb . consisting of groceris. dry goods, boots, shoes and bats: will Invoice about tl.GM Bad health cause of telling. Address at once or call on J. A. Hoover. Battle Creek. Neb. Y-M4U-11 mp 4 t . V. Furniture, nueensware anH china stock, locate-l In a central Nebraska town of l.tsu; good location; good trade. rood reason for selling. Address. J 1. ' Bee. Y MSST 15 I ! IF YOU have Idle money see C. R. Glover. I 401 N. Y K Y-MSSl i R.4.CKET s tore for sale In a live Nebraska i town: nice clean stock; best 'ocatlsn: ' good reason for selling. For particulars ! address J 55. Bee. Y MS53 1 i LARGE muslin and of cloth sign patn'inc ' establishment wants good man to handle I their advertising signs on rommi-slon i Address f A. B . 'are Nelson, Chesraan l & Co . Chicago Y MS44 11 FOR E.CHAGn. A fi'F, rew orflid ifthortlflerr,.IiV i JgS? t" Zut ehm&Z cr"od tain lents. a harrain. Address V c R.- omce z-irs WILL horses trade stoves and Src-3M N Hth St furniture for Z-11-14 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. MS N. Y L. Bldg TeL 14: Alice Johnson. D O... ladief dept.; rM r Jnhnion rStetlnaThi.t GA E" Johnson. OsteopathUt. Mgr. 1 -533 ' M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school. J KlrksrlUe. Mo . OH Paxton Blk. TeL 13i7 ' -J4 ! FOR 4I.E REAL lT VTE. I SPECIAL BARGAIN In vacant lot. S 5Jth I near Woolworth. size SOxlJ .east front' paved street, clear title, tl.Ci). ' Several vacant lots near Hanscom park ' 1 SI ITp. . Vroom modem noue. rood barn. t driTt-e paved street, south front, cloae In. clear title. H.TiA. Northwest corner 57th and I sts.. South Omaha. 5 lots, each erixlDO. east front . price for both. St 57. A few cottage on payments. J II. SHERWOOD. SC7 N. Y. LIFE K'i-MHl 11 , BENTLEY 4- HOUCHIN. N. V. Life ' ' 1 Rg MlV-U AVE H--vE south and -st front Jots, city 1 r&cn- - -. w vu n.sK-vn tnoniniy nanaeali. 7-room house, fall lot. north. ). C-room bouse, full lot. west, !. S-roorn house. Crelghtoo Hdrbts. YT (-room house. Walnut 11111. itt. i-ruom house, ma am Miami. !.(' Trm eaay Monthly payments GEO E GIBSON, m Farnam Sereer RE-MIOT-li SEE HENRV B. PAYNE, Ct N. Y LIFE RE HOUSES. Vots. farms. lands, leant: also flre insnriBce. uemis. j-axton ai. fZi FARMS. large and small. Ij-t me know that you want- William Nelson, sol 3. Ivth. RE MU Fort su.i: re 4i. rTTK. CHAS E WILLIAMSON UW FirnanTit I RE- J RANCH AND FARM UrJ for sale by TiZ ' I VrJor. Pa;i3c Railroad cotnpar.v B A I M-Allaster land rinml.-lonr. Union Pacific Headquarters. Omaha. Neb. -RE-U1 ' HOISK to tajre Wallace. Brown bTt RS- ' FOR sp-v-nlator? or those who contemplate . bjlldlnc rojr chance now In northeast corner at and Partse Sis . for which onn-r win xc yi a t?i iv - price, r Tl 1T..J . K. , T-. I. . Tl I" D Wad. )!( Douglas. RE K-1J ST f HOES. MARTIN CO. SIT N T. Ufe RE rt F2 TRACKAGE PROPERTY. HALF BIKJK .NUKTH SILE IWRP. BbfWEEX VFT AND 2D PTS AT A OREAT BARGAIN IF SOLD THIS WEEK BEST TRACK- ' AGE PROPERTV IN THE CITY WILT. SELL PART OF IT. BEMIS PAXTON . BLOCK. nE-lia . CHEAPEST Vet In dtr of Omaha. CVfoot ! east front In Nelson's addition M. J ' Kennird t Sob. Jit Brewn block. RE SC4 . I AM authorized by the owner to offer fori sale for the next five days at tlSsl the .-feot lot and S-roots modrn dwelling. I ok finish down stairs, at No 4-K5 Seward ' t This L a barcaln. house rot to build l itfTtX If not SOU will eipend tl(.' In re- pairs and rale price to . O M.Vat- ! linger. Bee Bkdg. RE-ni B , . ... ,7- i REAL BARGAIN:? IN REALT I l. - rnoTt houe. lot CxUt on Charles, be- , tween Sd and 3d. modern except furnao- ! A Tl SHafW Beautiful boaae. Mth arJ Brom-n sts . S rpotn. lot oOxttT. good barn. wll. etc. Two j-room houses, kit 5xlJ4. on I4th north . Sulding ttM. 4-room hue. lot xl7. on Seward, weft of 'room hotie. lot 40x11. on h sr . between Farnam and Douglas. !1.S. 4-room htue. lot SxlM. on 5)th av . be twee- I Arbor and catellar sts. !. A one-torv brick toTe bulWIac. lot "AxltS. UK Cuming st. A ccnuliw bargain i It T. block JC city, with one r om nod on s-wrn hou Will n one or ' both. S4-acre farm la eastern Kansas under rul I tivatlon !2 pr acre, or.wt;: exhimre for Omaha property. ' arree of land. ell Improve 1. in Van ! Burea county. Iowa SS per acre. Must ) b oid In a few days. j I have alo se-tral other farms ard sorae ! additional bamlns In city pr pertv ) 5e me before the prices aavar.ee CHRIS BOYER. 2d and umiair Ttl yC RE MX HOI'SES. lot. farm. loans a.so fire in surance. Bentley tc Houchl- -n N Y. Life. RE M 11 MEDICAL. LaDIES out of health find prompt relief. Box JC Omaha. Neb Conriieittal -7T, GONOVA Is a Frenh treatment for male and female, for the positive ere of Gon orrhoea, Gleet, Unnatural Discharges. In flammations. Irritations and Ulcerations of hb raucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases tn cne week. S3 per package or two for Snt any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin. 111. American Offl -t, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omana; M. A Dillon, S-uth Omaha. Darts Drug Co . Council Bluffs. Full iir.t tf rubber goods. PATENT. IN. I.NTORS GOT AN 1DE-4, We hindle patents, copyrlichts aa-1 trade marks, y-u l've Ui ban Idea and we will Va th rest: modern equipped macKne shop r.n,d -sundry in connection. OSc:a. Gaxett on book free. Maor.. Fenwlek A Lawrence, patent lawyer. 14..J Howarl . . T .-. .v., j p (.( Ttl " m r- 4-ronln.ep.. ivvrvrnpi patent i prt we ask no fee until the nrocured: If we fall, wa ret no fee: advice free. Sues i- Co . Patent Law yers. Bee Bid; . Omaha, Neb Long 'lis tance telephone lt"2. lU-Mar.li snoRTHAn am) rrpnwniTio. A C VAN S ANTS SchOvJ. TIT N r. Life -923 BO YLES' College, court rvperter. principal, Bee BWg ' 1 "OS NEB. Business JL-Shorthand college. Boyd'z Theater ni GREGG Shorthand. On. C. Col.. 14 Doug. 'j A.cin 'ciioou THE winter tern, of Mormd's Dancts-t school begins this week Adults, Tueviay and Friday. S p. m. . 15 lessons, gentlemen, Ja: ladles. $5. Private lessons day and tvening. M 555 Fll U!l US. MAKING. DRESSMAKING taught thoroughly. Mc Dowell system, highest award at Pari The McDowell School P.5-SH Karbach blk MK1 1 INCUBATORS AM) BROODERS. INCUBATORS and brooders; catalogue free. Write Burr Incubator Co.. U Z. Omaha. Neb. Factory at 5Sth & Davenport BICYCLE. START buying your blcyues now. n down. 11 ptr Krft. L. Flescher. 1C5 Capitol Ave M CC UIRDs .tD TAXIDERMY. STOCKS Bird Store 1433 Leavenworth S3S PAW.M1HOKERS. EAGLE Loan Offiie. r-Uab e. accommoilat Ins. all busluess ccnfldential. tin. Doug"as. w WATCH REP IRIXG. O. SANDERS, room 54, BarkerBlock. iTAMMEKIXG AM) sTl TTER1XG. CURED Julia Vaughn. 439 Ramge Bklg. FIRMTIRE HEPAIRI.VG. TEL. 1331 M S Walklln. 3111 Cuming SL M TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere P. H. Phll bln U6 Farnam Tele;h n 7W. SU LAl'XDR 1. OMAHA Steim Laundry shirts Tt . co!lar. 5c. cuff, ic 17S) Leaveuworth. Tel. S47 -S43 CAHPKXTERS AM) JORnCRS ALL kinds of oarpnr work and repairing promptly at-.ended to J T Ochiltree. th and Lake Sts. 370 ACCORDION PI.KTIG. j ACCORDION pleating. cheapest,beat,qulck- est rs a . .Mar, s t. tor. i;th and Farnam. US I,0T. LOST. HK In bill in bustne-s district eat of wth street 1W reward for return to Bee efnee Lost 4B Rinnnit T.ii,f. BADGES, medals. Om. PI t Co,, Tfi . Bee B'Jr sr MIKKL PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO . Bee Bldg. Te, i . ; PORTO Popular Tours J RICO I eb. 16. March 2 lllo.. frated prorrau. 4 uay, all expentet. 113 ' C.ytrond a Wbltcomb.103 Ad.rcs StCalcioo fiOVERNMENT .NOTICE-. ' WANTED for I S armr able.U,diHl n. rrrri- 1 men between ages of 51 and Ti I citizens of the I'nited States, of 1 'character and temperate habits, whj cjn specie, reaa and write .ngiun. k ni t f peaiiv oeftresi lor rv)ce in I'Blllpp ns For Information apply to Recmltinr offi cer. Cor. Hth and LKxire MS., Omaha, Neb. F-M I IT OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE To taark-t gardeners and erider of fr . and tecetables Commencing at . cloik a m. Frlda March l. lfH. public bids will be received at toe far of the Board of Pub!!" Wrks room 4 ctty hail birtWMnr. for choice of location of space? ,r tall for market p ir posea In the market piace. as per plans . be seen In tils oOce Omaha. Nb . February 1-Jt BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS ANDREW ROSEWATER Cbalrtaan WILLIAM COBCRN. Secretar; F t-d-lit mA i.nr.Ai. onris. notice of STorKitot.nr.R? ltrjmsM Notice l hereby given that the regular annual raetiag of the stockholders at the South Platte Land company will be held at the na-e of said company In Lincoln Neb . at 11 olock a m . on the fth day of March. A. D 11. By order of the Board of Directors Lit!' olr Neb . February 4. 1WL t- H MORRILL. President A B MINOR. Secrtarv I'OSTOFFICE .tOTICE. Should be read DAILY by a!. Interested, is changes may occur at any time. Poretan mails fur the week mdlnr Feb ruary 1 11. will tlose PROMPTLY In aK cae' at the O-neral PestoOce as follows PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOl'R t-AKi.ir.R than -losing time shomn t-low t-arceis Jians rcr Germany close a' 1 p m ..n Febrjary II per s Ken g'- Louise. . Brernen -t Ffcruar 11 ir s s. Penr.sxlvanla. via Hamburg Regular and Supplementary malls eloss at Forelcn Branch half hour later than closing time shown below. Trans-Atlantic Malls. TUESDAY At a m. for ITALY pr s s Iufrst Bismarck, via Naples mvatl ms b directed "per s s F'rst imr k WEDNESDAY At ' 3 a. m s jpt-leme--tary a. m i for EUROPE. pr s. s. Ur. manic, via Quenstown at JO a. m. sup plemer.'ary i a m. f.c EUROPE p-r s s. Kenelngtoru via Southampton imai. must b directed "per s. s. Kealngt"i THURSDAY At T a. m. far FRANCK SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PR. TUGAU TURKEY. EGYPT. GREKC1 BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUSZ. per . s. La Champagne, t'.a Havre fmai! for other parts of E ;r. pe must he directed i-;r s s La Chani pagne I SATURDAY At 7 jo a m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s Potsdam irri. must be directed "per s s. Pot-iam at S a ra. for ITALY, r-r s s. K. M The resla. via Naples iraail must be directed per s K. I. Tberesta . at lf'-Jfi a sla . at lf'-sc a r- . isupp ementary IS m for EUROPE, peri . i i tnorra. via vueenstown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC -TcL steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The sarre class of maul matter for other parts (.f K imp wi:i not be sent by this ship unless spiai.v uireciea oy net After the closing of the Supplementary Trar.s-Atlantlc Mails named aSore adrfl- iionai supplementary mans are opened c the rifm a h. a m.h., m w - - i . . French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. , i .. rr s. s. Admiral rvwev frc.m Boston at ll p. m. for NASSAU i-er I steamer from Miami. Fla. t WEDNESDAY At J a. m. for INAGUA ami HAITI, per s. Mt. Vernon, at sm a. m. (supplementary W a. m. for CEN TRAL AMERICA texcept Costa Rica and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s . C.ty of Washington, via Colon (mall for Guate- mala mut be directed r-r s. a. City of J aafungton" . at 15 m. for CUBA. YT OA- T-VyAMPECHIi TABASCO 3 i-iiiArAs, per s. s Jneca i: ? u n r- . f.-.F ! i u ir i , - j" ilr - ' " frVhi'lldelpffa -Pw HU-RSDAY-At a. ra for OP.EVAP.V and TRINIDAD, ner . R..r,V, , -7. TH and TRINIDAD, ner s s Grenada nil. a. nl for BRAZIL, per s s. Hague (ma.l 1 for Northern Brazlt Argentine Repibli, l t rug-jay and Paraguay mu-t be direct- "Ter f. s Rarusa 'i. at II ra nur.ni.m.r. 'v-rvtK36 m.'JS-r, .NSSAr GUANTA NAMO and SANTIAGO, per s s Sar- woi-fD. ai ii.j- p. to. (supplementary 1 P SAi L RD.W At S a. m. (supplementary S X) a. m. for VENEZUELA and CURACAO Pr ?. s Maracalbo imall for Savani::& and Carthagena must be directed "per s s Maracalbo . at S a. n for PORTO Rico per s. Ponce, via San Juan: at V a m for BEIIMUDA. per s. s Trinidad. 0 a- m. for CUBA, per s s Morro Cast via Havana, at 1 a. tn (supplementary V for, FORTUNE ISLAND JAMAICA. SA VANILLA CiRTHA- v. .. . . 'Ji.r. 1 i J rr S S .! leghany (mail for Costa Rica must "b, be Mall, for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence bv tn-.e -. ' this oaee dally at C- n. S 7 VfY,.,': ' :'S.H"dA7l. VJnuV and ' oi." '.-A .V ' -"eion. oy rail to M?..' o'iHe..'ni'11 close at L. bv rfi LapJ;rp- u FheS-e vTV...C0rt,Tamta- FU- Atw at . mer;.i.C,!' at ihu 0e or f und-mwedrfecvnrn nf-i'f5 t-.i r. ."V- ""ineMay anj Frldiy Ma,nft.f2r.'v"b-. b' rail to Mrru F.a Malls for Mexico City overland unless peclally addressed for dlswtch bv teatrxr. close at th' ?!5ce dally at 1 i . m. and II p. m. Malls for Costa Rica p. Belize. Puerto Cort and Ouatemai. iT. rail to New Orleans. as- thence br previous day. 1 rans-l'arlnr Malls. Malls for Australia texcept West Australia which is forwarJed via Euronei v.i Zealand. Fiji. Samoa and Hawaii San Francisco, close here dally at 6 30 r tn. after February 3 up to February . inclusive, or on arrival of s. s Umbria due at New York February nj. for di? patch per s s. Ventura. ptne Iwn4. vis Francisco, close here dally at t:30 p. m. up t0 February "14. inclusive, for dispatch per s s NiS pon Maru Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco. c:ose 1 litre dally at 4.5) n. rr. P to February- ' 14 for aispatcn per s Zealandia Malls for Chins ard Jsoan. via Vancouver close here dally at .50 p m. up to Febru ' ar . lncluslie. for Vl.natrh rLt . r" . Empress of .China (registered mall must !e directed "via Vancouver ! , Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip. p4ne Islands, via San Francisco, close htre dally at S so p. m. up to February in. I elusive, for dispatch per s. s Rj0 Jan-lrS Mais for Australia (except West Aust-a'la which Is forwarded via Europe) New Zealand FIJI. Samoa and HawaTvla San Francisco close her dally at 39 p m after February and up to March Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Warrlmoo supplemental-- malls, via Seattle, close at 8 Jp w March J. mall must be directed "p-r s s. Varnmoo'i. 1 Tr,nf.lpcJp,S rrAl1! l' io-rdtd to port of ' sailing dally and the schedule of clos.rg I is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. "Regis. ! tered mall c!oe.- at tv m orevious day I CORNELIUS VAN COTT. I ' .. Post aster Poto. e New Y-rk N Y. February RilLAVAY TIME TABLE. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER "."t, 7.oute"General Offices N Cor. Ninth and Far.. i- rets City Ticket Office, uai 1 Faraero Street. Telephone. 21, , KlVphcni. M n MTey StA I ueavt. Arrive ' J?e y.trVlr'1 HP . a -s an ' pa The Chilasro-Portland " i SDeciai . it'ii-i ! I T. i itail s i-ia.. , . x r i ttn&U aatriScrVnaa,,;S 5S Stromtburg Express. .b : pm 613o rra The Pacific Express.. ..a 4 pm I Tha Atintl Express a (SS am Grand Islano L.ivai ...b S) pm b a ia a Dal v b Dallv .icent snS.r- a WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Office. 14U Farram Street. Telephone. 255. De pot. Tenth and Marcy ata. Telephone, a. Leave. A rri r ! St. Louis "Cannon Ball" ; Expresa a 1:11 pm a Ir30 am I a Dally M..I. for South --.in., . merlea. J riJ I SlS J kB0uf MONDAY At T L n? ftr BERMUDA, per SSfta a 1:4-0 am U:3.B k- '""f IV tnflVe s. s Pretoria, at S a m Mr PORTO Denver. Colorado. Utah f ,h ilrLJ,0rfh. ,iT RICO, per s. s. Mae via San Juan, at and California a CIS an nt? adduced on the trtal ro.ecution a m for ST K1TTS. MARTINIQUE. ' South Be-.d. Louisville. I" "f "''"JPT, !lTSrS Tl- ,-,rv GUADALUPE .via Martinique,. BAHBA- i Plattsmeuth .b 3;3 Mlr05 am ' 'vi"1, TTSr Jf, chilf tuitrfv t DOS ard DEMERARA. per s Uller Tt froo-i Piattamouth . ,hi.th XVImX!SnZi .Jimnlalnr alrain' TUESDAY At l .. m for ST LUCIA. P-c Junction a TrM pm am making of a criminal tw3n , u.i.ii .v. n-r s. s. Aumira iMwev rrc.m - v ' . CAN REPUBLIC r s , ChirX"" uxrugm Uhlcago fcpe- rS DALTAt 'LES1?- r ' Chltag, -VeVtihuled Ex J 4 directed --'r-r i .vT-J.t.i ' mu.V Chlc.gi Lccal Express. a S directed per s. S:lerdale . at -11 r Chicacn limited ... . : to. zor per steamer from Mlam. Fast Mall .. 1 i.i. m,uiui-aui's, viusrs nerr jJOflfav f-t -iv4w BUrr. Puerto Cortet nd Guatemala an.i Mininpoli rnall closi al ?. m n..-in... MinneaDoll It II TIM!" T 4 tll.E. Ms urt Vail Raliroa.1 - "The Northweatarn Line - Of neral Jiw. trited Statea National Bar. Bids . g. W. Corner -r , k TmK Sta Tlckrt . a-e 11 Farnam St. Tel XL D- vai. iiia and Uebater St. Tel. 14is. . . Leata. Arrlr. buck Hii.s. Deadwocd. . a. . . M nm , Wyifnlnc. tiip-r and " Donc'.a d j.c pa c SO P i AV,,BrrVt.i', Eiete"r ana setlVrt b pm b S.) pffl ! Norfclk. Vtrdlcrt and . j t ,Fr!?1',nl . . s T JO am bKS ara ."tu uw iau rremoLt h in hWS am Frerr.-t e T JO am ! Dl f b L'l! r except Sunday e sun- day iy a -ally except Satur'ay. , Da::y ex ept Mortal. A S0RTH- CHICAGO' wette.-n Railway "Th Northwfstem Line" 1 City Ticket Oace. Ml Daylight Chlea ciai ....... Chlcaro Pas Eastern Eip Moices, Atarshai.town. Cednr r.ipidt and Chicago aM:JJ-ara a 4 OS pra r-m r Ziz'. ..... (:a ra i-d na Fast Mai Chicago to Omaha a S:4S rta Omaha .learo Llmlt'd a T:4J om ancm Fast Mali a 1:3) ata t v.eaar i-tapics Passenger a Daily i SJJpm F urT nLoir tIViV .j "atrnai. pr-.petly oris true ted and w'i.; Varcv Tei.?h5ne J "rk and conditioned that .t tie i-arey Sts Telephone a machln.. did not work as repre-MBted. p. sen'rer' Ills 5a a J. IS la "'fT'- r ? .. " P??r ordr -o .... k.. goon otk. wneti. n it couw not be maue t - - ' tee ma. Mne shvuld be put In food repa.- BIOUX CtTT At PACIFIC a.d mi.W to do proper work. Nosotlsuior rta 11 toad "The North- f r repairs continued for some time inl western Lire- General ' repairs belrg made the buyer offered to ?' OfScet, United States r- th- machine, whk h wa reful H-' tlSP' -Bank Building, i uider h' fact and cln-ustances. that a y corner iwe.nn and Farr.am Sts Ticket Oace ltd Farram SL Te.ephont SO. L pot. Tenth ard Marcy Sts. Telephone O. Leave Arrive. n r ty nxprest a am alt Z3 pro Twin C ty LJm'tcd . a '-V pm a I. IS am Sl-.x 4 1 Lcxi .atwam i! pa a Da. y CTIICACO. ST PAUI. Mlrneapollt & Omaha Railway The North trn Line" General OSVees. Nebraska Dlvi. t3n. 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket OSte. 14-T Farnam St Telephone, to. Depot, Uth and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin Cy Passenger . a I JO am a i 1J pm Omaha Pi-sener . all.lt am E.--J. t-.ty ft JJorth- east Vetratka ... .a 3:4 sm . n.n.. ,....riV" ! -h. nuVi.net-n RL,e" stat-ment to an attornev of all tha tac, cUFi vir 1 """In knowledere. or which be .-oul 1 rnTlrth J?. ' h"v ascartalned by the exercls of rear vrisn; tre.T. xtA ' dlllr.nce. bearing upon the guilt or Sir"1"1?' 7ftt ,h- a,-cu-d. and In rood faith acts ..pon on. ce 1 j. rtrnam street, v , . ... ... . n.k.L. in . . 1 1 Telephone. ,Buri"??5.',ln Tenth acd ilnaon Streets. Telephone. 13. , . L'npa'n. Hastlncs and I. . McCook ...... a l: am a T-.Ji po i -iS 1,T.1CrASfioV?i i . . -.on r Hiui I J-W la a I? Lincoln & L a K Hlii a -jw pm a . am , r-..-. C-nl. KANSAS CITT. ST. JO- 1 serh 4- Council Bluffs r . M . H .r-v. ten Route" Ticket Office. 1 !SC5 Farnam Street. Tele- , pnene. zw. u-pot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- cso-e. iCarsas Cltr nv r-r . T- .APlv' felgS, St UhpR,.: 52 Jt? ? o. i i. t-t .. . . . : - - si. j-evuj rijrr lor at Jcagh nd fit XaU-a I.X3 p mU:B am ' T rntrir-o rst tv...., Qulncy Rallroad-'TrU I X Proceedings ln n cJon tmflrralri Burlington Route" Tlck-t t sale of real estate under decree o. : or? -OSce 15 Farnam Street, closure examined, found regular and th iMepnone. z. Depot, Tenth and Mason str-ets 1 Telephone, IT, , Leave. Arrive. .00 am r pm arn a prn i.wAia a 5:43 pm , a Daliv. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL- and Pacific Railroad i c. -T Phone. C3 ' " l-ve. Arrive. ' P A CT Des Mclnes and Da'-fn-" pert l-ocal a 7-3 am u Moln JiiT.rL- i - iTmt.,Z" and d LVeS.. ' a 7:40 pra 9:53 B I WEST. Lincoln Cc;crso Spg?.. -nver. PueoU and wst 1-M pr a 4 IS -m Cc crado Oklahoma 4 TV?ti f'n' .i " : Pa am a Dally b Dally -xcest Sunday. r Jfk C . I floe. JW5 Farnam StreeL Telephone. 541, Denor ! mmm T?cdkc t OV SiTr 1 " v1,e7e abiil Ticket Once. 1553 Far. i . ..i t.i.utt.- nil Ti e .xpr-ss oil:la am a-'0am r-orawifao- - :,SilUt TMearnes- o . -. i.i v - ' pm , ... ,j ... i4 onmnlete ln itself ar J Tenth tod Marcy Streets. I the Intention of defrauding other creditor Leave. Arrive. ! 5 A mortgage In the form of " bsohit a TrOO am aU nm I deed, when given by an 've""?Jl Chicago Express umuea . a 7.j nm -. rrr , - " rcs b t:w am b S: 3Q s and St. 5a ! Paul Limited a 7.15 pm a 1:03 am consideration . Fort Dodge Local from 1 x Evidence examined and found to sup Council Bluffs b 4 OO pm a t;lS am Pvrt the ludement. . Fort Dodge icai " a puNo 'jxif National Bank of Commerce Cotjcell Bluff. a 00 am against Klnkeud et aL App-al from Toug- a Dally, b Dai'.v except Sunday. , ias county Affirmed. Oplrlon by faulllvat.. OMAHA a.- SI LOflS RAIL- ' road -Omaha. Kansas city iki 11 inuig ina Qulncy Route" Ticket nr. fire, HIS Farnam St Tele. phone. 352. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone .... - .. Leave, Arrive, Express jl cannon &aii t 5:1S pm a 1:50 am , Kansas City and Qulncy :Mprs t Local ...a 7:00 am a s a Dally CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE n oi riui nauway Cltr ! 4 Where tne evjaeace uiii Ticket Office. U04 Farsaza hearing of objections to an appraisement Street. Telephone, zu. , beauso the valuation l too Vow Is con Depot. Tenth and Mason flktlng. If the finding of the court has sub Etreeu. Telephone, cs stantlai suptort. It will not be disturbed Leave i ... 1 v t John airalnst Conr.ell et al Ar- IMrwada Chlcazo Limited Ex . .a i.iM nm -nr. - Chlcagc 4 Orcaha Ex. b T:U am b 3:49 cm a Dally. b Dali- except Sunday. , MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- ' Omaha charter (chapter x. Session Laws '-General Office ' 1S7. with respect to th ascertainment c' -lek-t Offlces dnnth..1 1 damages before ordering the grading of J X Offices. Southeast , ytlu mandatory arid Indispensable and Corner 14th and Douglas 'omi-iUnce with the requirement is esse: -?ttnnTS W,'' lM DiJOt- UaTVo "t the mayor and council wit Lnlon Station. jurisdiction to levy a grading tax. a vc. Arrive I . ... . . .tA a .-Aid on rro-. : -1 St. LouU and Kansas , Clty Express "2X '-5 P K. C. St- L. Express.. .al0 pm a :i5 am Leave from 15'n and Webster Streets: Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water b 4.19 pm alO:ti am a Dally, b Dahy except Sunday. FROM PIE TO PI. Dainty Waa u Toothsome the Prn. feor Called far More. ' r dear ' said Prof Cophagu. at the '"'e oe -y your pic n ezceiient Give e aaotber piece . . .fr;i, a,,t ..,a n . I ara afraid dear said Mrs Ceptacus. tlrnltllv "that we are eatlee too h.i, nt. think It wou.d be a good thing we we to mak eu,rt D1 ewed fruit take the place of It " I am not amare " returned the nf... 1 ' ,1 V . lapsing into aa attitude adopted on the lecture pianorm, i am aware there Is a popular preJullte against the American brtiele of diet called pie. Tfcls might be overeotne by railing it a tart. Let us In vestigate and see tf it has any rational basis. Pie Is bet the fraction of a degree removed from shortcake, which Is generally accep.ed at a good, wholesome New Eng. a r.i. . ie t-f t sa! l it ;er f - 1 ' 1 .' cn, ui it" iru: If tee re i any doM abavt shor: toweter ! raar be said that ta .'ojadatioa of tkortcake it IdeaUcal lik hat we calt bisect ,from ibe Utla. at lag tlc cooXed. or baked.. tlcalt diCer In r f.A. ..i. .w- .... v... I vi w imr i k t . oi oeias; riiJ tb bakiBC noirder inatd ml tke I iV. Mt A" bfe"1 " Xh tUS 'rr Please pan a another piece t pie But ' sp" t!l ?ffr Irtfcr r - tsr reports Letlle s Weekly, kit con- dittos next ajoraUr salfkt be brleay 4c u - Tl p, SUPREME COURT SYLLABI tejmur ct a! alnjit Phillips KrrT,r r m 4U"' ' Aarme.1 Oplntv ""' - n - .i . J me-i i eomary . r.'l l A harvesting machine wa son on ml warrant that It was nmarte .f to l do g.wVl wrk. It should be rtturne.1 to th )iae whet received, and y tnr -f money ,..e rvte returned t'poti trial t-e machine failed to do good work and an x- ln caiiej, w no partiajiy reawi'ei acre. . tne macnin. nowerer. imiu; ,n satisfactorily do the work fur whleh wa lr.tendd. of which the seller ha 1 otl'- Afier the harvest the buyer gat hi n...s fur the machine and rrtala1 :t with the acrement. as h testlrW. thtt reten'lo.i of the machine tiki n.t t-st'-u ' i buyer fr. m recovering by way of coun''--clalm lr a Mit on the note- darnaice. n- -cause ' f a brearh In the warranty the material workmanship and work Tut ar.teed t. be r-rformel bv such marhlne t. a J,,-.- k.j .-Iverf Ms rtirht t v Insist or the machine belnc rewnW d .,.. . . v,i ii ..i-n t-i , the contract rescinded under toe rr tlslons. of th st--lal warranty 5 Where the evidence l ronrtlcUBC a vr I dl-t of the Jury ax to asao-int of atuiirea I sustained will rot be -et aetd un1?' I clear! v wrong and unsupported by scfJl , tlent competent eldtK-e , I Where the tue r rot roanpllcatel ; and the amount Involve! I small It i tv- I error for the trial court to limit tv tlm 1 for argument to the Jury by couhwl ' . fifteen minuter on each sloe No .Its Jewen asalnt Haletead Lrr I from Dnuclas Reversed Opinion by Vt. I val. C J Filed February . lf"1 1 Verdict of a Jury on confliciin? ev - dnc will not be disturbed on review. 5 One who. before lntltuttng a cnmirvi nrwcutlon. make a fufl. fair and lKres fAr njaijcj, procutlon. But If he wit1-- holds frcm counsel any mat-rial fact within his kno-wiedce tne aavK recei.ei will afford htm no protection. 1 III- u;4fMua.iv ... r- Uc.u prosecution wfll not be permMted t -, to hu cot,nI b" - ir,tnutinIr t)w rrlmlrutl nrocu:i -i dence and discretion would feel authortiel In acting thereon, S. Th lne4nu-tion Is erroneous wni n .....I.. Hl.-Mnr lllteneniH o. law No Appeal lnti from IKHlClaS. ABna"!. vl-l" 1 bv Holcomb. J Firt-d February . Usl. I 1 Undr section of the cod when real etate to be sold under deree of for;- r l-rvctira r.-t mu arval not for want bidders a nw appraisement 1 authoriie 5. An order of the court vacatlnc and je ting aide the first apr-ralsai so maoe. with An nrdr of tw COur; vianiu. an" ting Ide fherlrM ,.rJT. out ' applH r';T- in?mSr'Vbi and tn no wise affects the rights of th ...t.. A ih. ft inn confirmation prop-riy enterea. ,. .,ri. No VHZ. Nebraska Loan and Bnlldi'-c ioCiuon against Perkins et al. Vr from Douglas count) Revered; '1' ' " ' i.. ,i i- i Vile.! February . If-1". 1 e BC . ter t "c tnereor snould be given the seller " 1 a: pm ' i 'n,, purpose' of section 19. article 11. con a tris .... ..iF.t.v: rkioh declare- that " rw ynail contain more than one -ubje t hirh hall t clearly huik.-m ..... not to prevent comprehensl ..:!.. ..... ...k.. tn nmhihit surrentltlous III-, irui t 1 . . . . . . ,. - H nkvlat the eVllS fIli'W- nV from the practice of Including In bill more than a sinsie suu-rti Indicates the subject of i he essential require - tltutton are met. although umtJata ahstmrt of the s-jen ture is nvk ivu." - bill ,,, f the lerfslature - f Vn titled "An act to enable asjociatlo... of'"perns for raising funds to be Joan M araonir their roeruv rs for tiWfi Jhtm bw i -iwi ubj-ci of teal.Utton ISA statute complete in nii. i -- pugnant to the constitution, thoush It ma ; "oAflt with some other statute. , i Th legislature may not prescribe what , 0Vtructi5n tbe courts shall place up- r. v law The Interpretation of statutes 1. f r ih t-j-lclarv 1 X falls airalnst Musselman et a L A creditor may lawfully accept 1 frum an Insolvent oemor. uji u 7,' HY,S," i'i. 'T S,,he rTurse and wit- a badce Of fraud w. !...--" ,irrRuiancM. Is th- withhowing 01 su an instrument irora tjt ra. ment therein of a faUe awl exaggerated 1 J. Filed February . .w- 1 A decree of foreclosure In so far as it directs a sale of the mortgaged property is . off -t1 tiv a modtflcatKn touching h ; personal liability of one of the d ' Trienpower of an officer under decree of foreclosure Is derlvrd from the dree lts!f and not from the order of sale l"l by the clerk and If such officer has made the sale In accordance with the decree It Is the duty of the court to confirm It. 3. Where there Is one valid appralsemert of property and a sale thereof for more than two-thirds of such appr;lsment It I Another appraisement which was not valid u.i'fm- Dnnlin county. Reversed wlci dTrcU na. opinion by Sullivan. J Fliel February . 1WI . . i Th. nroi-ision of section 11. of th .f""i.ci,iarttles or is void for want of au- thorltv In the treasurer to sell the lien of ! 5?r L V7,r non-navment of which the sale was made Is transferred from the publi. to the purchaser in Meh rase the lien for any Prwr or subsequent taxes afterward paid by the purchaser for the protection of his rishts under the tax sal certificate Is Hkewu-i transferred to him 4 A tax sale certificate based upon a void levy or assessment rives to the person to whom It t Issued no lien upon the prop erty described therein. ..... i. But If the owner of such certificate, l the belief that It 1s valid, pays taxes subse quently levied and which are a Men upc the property described ln the certificate hi t suhi-nrated to the rishts of the public such taxes and entitled to enforce the lien i therefor ttT .Ue b the taxing authorities in leTlr-F special assessment and the land owrer falls to point (Kit or suggest the existence -( C substantial defsct 1b the proeeed- i.r. tn. iuim.nt of th district court re I fusinc to entorce tne iien creai j ny in- statute In favor or in puotic win oe rr- ersed. Fi!ir.g te Sad relief from tbs grip with eld method. I took Dr. Mites' Pais Pills. Nervine asd Nerve and Liver Pills and was permanently cured." Celt. Egan, Jickioc, i Mich.