Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Davis aclls clans.
Davis sells drugs.
Btockert sella enrpetn anrl rugs.
Fine Missouri oak. Gilbert Bros.
CJas fixtures and sloben at Ulxby's.
Fine A. U. C. beer, Neumaycr's hotel.
Wollmnn, sclcntinc optician, 09 H'd'y.
Schmidt's photos guaranteed to please.
Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens.
V. J, Hostettcr, dentist, llaldwln block.
Lcffert, Jeweler, optician, 236 Uroadway,
Drink Dudwelser Veer, L. Iloscnfeld, ngt
Hnnd-palntcd Valentines. O. K. Alexander
ff ro., 333 nrondwny.
Mrs, L. Whitney Is homo from a visit with
relatives at Wuhoo, Neb.
W. F. Graff, undertaker and dlslnfector,
Wt South Main street. 'Phone t06.
. Get your work done at tho popular Eagle
In itidry. 721 Uroadway. 'Phone 157.
For rent, two modern residences In heart
of city. Inquire of W. I.. Kearney.
Mrs. B. A. Hohulllnn (if Fremont. Neb., Is
tlirs Kiicst of her mother. Mrs. A H. Ponder.
Mornn &. Kliln, upholatcrlnK. furniture
repairing, mnttress maklnir. 122 8. Main st.
.Mis. niflln U. WiRtf Is entertalnliiK Mrs.
DotiKlnx Graves and Mrs. Munch Wlllhitn.i
of Moston, Mhhs.
Dr. and Mrs. K. I. Woodbury will leavo
today for'l.os Aimnles, Col., to pass tho re
mainder of tho wlntur.
Miss licssln Ashley of Macedonia Is visit
liiK tho family of her brother, Frederick
Ashley, list I'lerce. street.
A want ad In Tho lice will brine results.
The same nttentlon Klven to' a want ad In
Council llluffs ns at the Omaha tiffloe.
.Mr. mid Mrs. Fred Davis uro In San Frnn
Cisco. Tin-' will sail from thero Wednos
day forn tlireo months' trip to llouolu'ii.
Sherldnn coal, once tried always used.
Smokeless, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur
Price $5, Ij.EO. Fenlon & Foley, solo agents.
Mrs. Ilobeeca H. McClln'.ock was In tho
city yesterday, en route from Noda. Island
of Hainan, china, to her homo nt Fort
Charles T. Onircr ha some city and farm
property for sain very rhisap nml somo nlro
houses to rent at 41!) Uroadway, American
Express olllce,
Tho funeral of Patrick MclCnnna will be
tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 from Ht. Frauds
Xuvlor'H church. Uurlnl will be In tho
i athollc cemetery.
If. K. Willcrt of Auburn, la., his filed a
voluntary petition In bankruptcy In the
federal court here. nWii" lo ue relieved of
debts amounting to J0S1.13.
A piano for salo at Ilnurlcliis' Music
Ilouso for txi a lino Instrument for tho
monoy. 335 Tlrosdway. Council llluffs, where
the orxan stands upon the. building.
General MuunKvr Dlmmock of tho motor
company went to Chicago lust evening to
iirrungo for additional machinery at the.
power house. Ho will meet President Wells.
While east thev will buy three electric
IminchrB ti( bo placed on Liiko Manawa this
N. V. Plumbing Co., tolephone 250.
lllnlTs AVnnU Ilnvls, Too.
Charley Davis, under arrest In Omnlm
on tho c liar bo of breaking Into and rob
bing a saloon, is wanted In this city on
a chargo of cnmmlttlui; a burglary at the
Second avenuo school house, a few weeks
ngo. Among tho articles stolen from tho
school houso wero llfty-two pairs of scis
sors, used In tho kindergarten department.
Forty polrs of theso shears wero found In
Davis' houso In Omaha.
Davis was arrested In Council llluffs threo
years ago by Ofllcors Weir and Plnnell at
tho request of tho Omaha authorities, llo
was wanted across tho rlvor for robbery
and his trial resulted In his getting a threo
years' Htm ten re In tho penitentiary, but ho
secured his release after serving eighteen
Gravel rooting. A. II. Reed, 6U Droad'y.
Ilertlilek Ctiiti'n Munlonl.
Tho program to bo carried out at the
musical of tho Derthlck club tonight In
Royal Arcanum hall has beon arranged by
Miss Ilrldenstoln nnd Is ns follows:
Sketch of Urieg and Jonsen
Mrs. Montgomery.
(a) Air do Danse R. do Vllbac
(b) Andnnto and Rondo Bolim
Mlspes Hell.
Tho Magic Hong Meyer Ilclmund
Mr. Lewis.
(a) Tho Lonely Traveler
(b) Pocme Hrotlque Grieg
Mrs. Blxby.
Wedding March Mendelssohn
Miss Reach and Miss Mueller.
Violin Solo Selected Grieg
Mr. Stcckelberg.
First Movement. Op. 7 Grieg
Miss Mueller.
(a) Ttrldul Song Jensen
(b) Columblno Minuet.. Delahuye
Miss Grass and Miss Warner.
Hum Heady for Trial.
Attorney Ross said yesterday that James
F. nurns, president of tho Portlnnd .Gold
Mining compuny of Colorado, was ready
Buy tlmo after May 1 to have tho suit
brought against him In the district court
hero by Jnmos Doylo tried. It Is uncertain,
however, how soon Doylo will bo prepared
to go Into court, oh his principal nttorney,
J. C. Hughes of Denver, Is seriously .111.
In November, 1898, Doylo secured Judgmont
by default against Hums for 717,02!, but
tho Judgment was later set asldo and tho
suit ordered tried on Its merits.
Davis sells paint.
Dentil of Henry OK, Sr.
Henry Ott, sr., died yesterday morning at
his home, 631 Washington avenue, aged 04
years. His wife, six Bona and one daughtor
survive: him. The children ore: Ed H., at
present In Hot Springs, Ark., for his health;
Charles, on board United States ship Phila
delphia, nt present In Peru; Harry, In St.
Louis; Frank, In Iloone, la.; Henry, John
and Mamlo of this city.
DeLong will print It right.
City I'.lrctlon nt Grliinell.
GRINNELL, In.. Fob. 10. (Special.) Re
publicans aro commencing to talk of avail
able candidates for tho coming election of
piayor. Several candidates aro mentioned,
among them Hon. D. S. Horrlson. Mr. Mor
rison Is n member of tho firm of Mor
rison. Mcintosh & Co. It Is likely a city
convention attended by dolegatos from tho
wards will nominate, rather than the usual
nmss convention.
and damp feet are an
Impossibility with a
pair of
Incased In our
Look for the Bear.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Casady, jr
UK Mum St.. council mum.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W O Kstep)
atj rmill. STIlliUT. 'Phone
Othir People Beiidei Property Ownera Are
Concerned This Deal.
Anyone Wanting a Uny'a Hntttlntr or
Other ilrcrratlon on the Water
Will lie nbllwrd lo Pay Toll
(o the .Motor Compnii).
Other persons besides the property
owners nt Manawa nro directly Interested
In the action of the Hoard of Supervisors
vacating all tho public thoroughfares to
the lake at the Instance of tho motor com
pany. Lake Manawa has always been n
favorlto resort for the hunters and fishers
of Council llluffs and vicinity, but now
they will be unable to resell the lake un
less through tho company's grounds or by
trespassing on someone's property. Tho
action of the hoard, unless reversed by the
courts, will give tho motor company prac
tically a monopoly of tho boat houses on
tho lake, except so far as the members
of the lloat club are concerned.
A well-known local sportsman, discussing
tho situation yesterday, said: "Tho action
of the supervisors In closing all tho roads
to the lake front Is an outrago and noth
ing less. I hnvo been In tho habit for
years of going to Lako Manawa to take
n pop nt the ducks, but now I will ho ob
liged to pay toll to tho motor company
nml hire nno of their boats If I want to go
shooting or fishing nnd thero are scores
of men like myself who will be In tho same
boat. While I am willing to admit that
somo of the so-called streets might have
been vncated without hurting anyone, It
does not seem right that tho main road
lending to tho lake at the old boat land
ing, which Is outside the present enclosure,
should have been vacated. I earnestly
hopo that some of tho property owners
Interested will take tho case to tho dis
trict court, ns I bcllevo If they will do
so tho courts will turn down tho action
of tho county board. For mysolf, I cannot
see where the Board of Supervisors gets tho
authority to take away from the public
tho right to use and enjoy thoroughfares
which have been laid out for Its benefit."
Charles II. Hannan, who owns n lot which
he cannot now reach except by dropping
onto It from the skies, says that tho mat
ter will bo certainly tnken to tho district
court on appeal.
Tho day following the action of the
board tho motor company put n force of
men at work and a high board fonco has
been erected, so that tho public cunnot
reach the lako except through Its grounds
and by paying It toll.
A fact that was not made public Is that
Ucnjamln Marks, who owns considerable
property around Lako Manawa, got tho
board to vacato a portion of tho public
road along the lako front Immediately ad
Joining the motor company's property.
This was dono by tho board several weeks
befnro It took similar action at tho re
quest of the motor company.
Mnyor Strenuously Objects In Pro
posed lno Wnrrnnto 1'roceiMllimn.
Another secret session of tho city coun
cil In comniltteo of tho whole Is slated for
t)ils evening, when tho question of com
mencing quo warranto proceedings against
tho motor company will havo another
It Is possible that City Solicitor Wads
worth will hnvo his opinion preparod In
time to submit to tho nldennon tonight, as
ho has been working on It several days.
Four of tho nldr-men aro In favor of em
ploying A. S. Hazelton, former city nttorney,
at n feo of $500 to assist Mr. Wadsworth,
although tho latter has not applied for any
help. Tho other four memberH'of the coun
cil nro opposed to Involving the city In this
expense and they havo Mayor Jennings on
their side.
Mayor Jennings Is not at all pleased with
this talk of Instituting quo warranto pro
ceedings against tho motor company, ns he
fnlls to sco what benefit tho city will derive
from such nn action. Tho aldermen who
nro pushing tho matter admit they do not
want tho trocks off Main street and this
being tho case tho mayor says ho falls to
sco clearly what they nee driving nt. If
such proceedings were begun tho case could
not bo finished during tho llfo of this coun
cil and tho .mayor Is opposed to handing
down a legacy In tho shnpo of expensive liti
gation to tho next city administration.
It Is doubtful, nccordlng to the opinion of
leading attorneys, If tho city can bring quo
wnrrnnto proceeedtngs ugatnst tho motor
company nnd if riuch nn action is com
menced It Is moro than likely that some
tnxpayer will havo to bo secured to' act ns
a iigiironead in tno proceedings, ijuo war
ranto proceedings hava to bo brought In tho
namo of tho state and It the county attorney
on being npplled to refuses to commence
Biich action on tho grounds that ho does not
bellevo there Is sufiiclcnt cause the court
may bo applied to und on permission being
granted proceedings can then be brought In
tho Diimo of tho state ex rol, whoever ap
pears plaintiff. Tho laws of Iowa do not
provide for any city being plaintiff In such
In the event of such proceadlags being
decided In favor of tho city the motor com
pany would undoubtedly take the caso to
tho supreme court nnd It would be two or
threo years beforo tho matter would be
finally settled. For this reason, If for no
other, Mayor Jennings Is opposed to Involv
ing tho city In lengthy and costly litigation
when the benefits to be derived arc doubt
ful. Costly lllniiiler nt ortli Knirllsh.
NORTH ENGLISH, la., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial. ) A costly blunder was made regard
ing tho extension of tho incorporation of
North English by vnto a yeur ago. Tho
pupors wero not filed with the auditor, as
required by law, and the assessor Is there
fore barred from listing property Included
In tho oxtended territory. It cannot bo
assessed until 1P03, and tho taxes will not
bo available until 1004. The real cstato
alono amounts to J 7,000 and tho amount
of personal property Is unknown.
Suinlliini 'enr Creston,
CRESTON, Ia Feb. 10. (Special.)
(leorgo R. Sheets, president of the Hoard
of Health of Union township, was In Cres
ton yesterday nnd gnvo nn alarming re
port of tho smallpox situation In his town
ship, which, nccordlng to his report, has
ulmost reached tho form of an epidemic.
Ho says twelve new cases havo developed
lately and that tho Importing of nurses
will probably ho necessary. He attrib
utes the spread of the disease to tho viola
tion of the quarantine laws.
lliislnesH Hen! nt Storm I.aUr,
STORM LAKE, Ia Feb. 10, (Special.)
S. C. Uradford has bought tho Intorest of
Lorln Ellis In the Storm Uiko butter tub
and water tank factory. Mr. Ellis Is
about to removo to Kansas with his family.
Hurry Weller Held for Larceny.
CRESTON. Is., Feb. 10. (Special.)
Harry Wcller, brought to Creston from
Peru, Ind., to answer n charge of larceny,
waived examination yesterday In the Jus
tice courts and was bound over to the
grand jury. In default of $1,000 ball he
went to Jail.
She- Is line There Today, After Her
I.ecturp Series In Dee
DES MOINES. Feb. 10. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Nation spoke to 1,000 people
In the Auditorium theater tonight and re
peated her denunciation of saloons. Judge
Noursc, well known as a temperance worker
In Iowa, presided nt tho meeting nnd re
lated the history of temperance movements
here. Mrs. Nation Is to leave In the morn
ing for Muscatine,
Klks to ICiilrrtnln n( the Seventh An
il nn I .MeetliiK nt CrcKtcin.
CHE8TON, In., Feb. 10. (Special.)
The seventh nnnual meeting of the South
western Iowa Medical association will bo
In this city Thursday, February 21. The
Klks will give tho visiting doctors a re
ception In tho evening. J. A. Hawls of
Creston Is president; I). Mcllne of Council
IllulTs, vlco president, F. E. Sampson, sec
retary. Among tho physicians to address
the convention arc: I). F. Flnlason and
K. K. Dorr of Dea Moines, M. F. Wcymnn
of St. Joseph, O. II. Campbell of St. Joseph,
J. E. Summers of Omaha,
Illinium CIiiiiiuck nt VIIIIni'ii.
VILL1SCA, In., Feb. 10. (Special.!
Ilolse & Hallman nro to succeed S. C. Hoise
In the plumbing and windmill business, Tlcn
tt Atkinson nro to succeed Holmes & Son
In tho grocery business, Fori In & Jones are
to succeed Pnrlln Hros. In tho hurdwaro
business. Johnston Hros. have taken C. E.
Keyes' plnco In tho dry goods store, Dunkur
& Wlckcrshelm succeeded Shnenders In tho
laundry. Allard & McCormlck are going to
put In n lino of hardware In tho room form
erly occupied by C. Ilrelsford ns a hard
ware store.
Vllllst'ii It en I ICstntc Cliri-nrx.
VILLtSCA. la., Feb. 10. (Special.) Oer
trudo Smith has sold her homestead nn
Fifth avenue to H. C. Hulllnger, editor of
tho Review; the Spoor property on West
Second street Is now owned by Eugene Vol
land; tho lot Just east has been bought by
(1. Fnrquhar, who will build on It; (J. W
Hoth now owns Mrs. Cornelius' former place
on Fifth street; Colonel Knolls has bought
the Henry Garsldo place; W. II. Unties Is
putting up a house on West Second street.
Vllllscn IIIkIi School Contest.
V1LLISCA, In., Feb. 10. (Special.) At
tho High school contest In the Methodist
church Clydo Jenkins won first honors In
the orntorlcal class and first honors In con
test. Helen Weber won first honors In the
dramatic class and second In contest. Flor
ence McNaughton won first honors In the
humorous class and third In contest. Jen
kins will represent Vllllscn In tho south
west Iowa division contest in this city.
lllown Off n I'liicer.
STORM LAKE, la., Feb. 10. (Special.)
M. Hasko, a farmer in Washington town
ship, blew off tho most of one finger while
blasting rock. Dr. Kcrlln amputated the
remainder of It.
"Grip made mo very weak and nervous,
with tightness of chest and headache. Dr.
Miles' Fain Pills and Nervine quick
relief." Mrs. Clarlnda Duller, W. Wheel
ing. O.
Wife of Traveling Auditor.
STORM LAKE, la., Fob. 10. (Special.)
Mrs. W. R. Comstock, wife of tho traveling
auditor for tho Illinois Central railway, died
In Chicago of pneumonlu. Mr. and Mrs.
Comstock havo made Storm Lako their sum
mer homo threo years. Deceased leaves
threo children.
Wnnlilnnrton Dnrrsu Promises Snow
anil .Much Colder Weather for
Nr brink a Today.
10. Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday:
For Nebraska nnd South Dakota Snow
and much colder Monday; Tuesday fair;
northerly winds.
For Iowa Snow Monday; higher teraper-
nturo In eastern portion; Tuesday fair and
colder; southeasterly winds.
For Missouri Snow or rain -Monday; fair
In western portion; clearing In eastern
portion; colder; southeasterly winds, be
coming northwesterly.
For North Dakota Fair nnd much colder
Monday; Tuesday fair; brisk northerly
For Kansas Snow and colder Monday;
Tuesdo" fair; northerly winds.
For wolorado and Wyoming Snow and
colder Monday; Tuesday fair and continued
cold; northeasterly winds.
For Montana Snow In western; fair In
eastern; colder Monday; Tuesday fair; va
riable winds.
For Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Ar
kansasRain Monday; Tuesday fair and
probably colder; northeasterly, shifting to
northwesterly winds.
For Now Mexico Snow or rain nnd
colder Monday; Tuesday fair; northerly
For Western Texas Fair In western, tain
or snow In northern portion Monday;
colder; Tuesday fair; northwesterly winds.
For Ohio and Inillann Snow or rain Mon
day and probably Tuesday; westerly winds,
becoming fresh northwesterly.
For Illinois Rain In southern, snow and
rising temperature In northern portion
Monday; Tuesday clearing, colder in north
ern portion; fresh southeasterly winds.
I.oi'iil Record.
OMAHA, Feb, 10. Ofllclnl record of tcmpcr
nture nnd preclpltntlon compared with tho
corresponding day of the last threo years:
1M1. IflOO, 1899 1603.
Maximum temperature.... IS 33 S 2S
Minimum temperature... 2 10 la ID
Mean tcmperaturo 14 2. I 21
Precipitation no .00 .05 .2!i
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omnlm for this day and slnco March 1,
Normal temnorature 2t
Deficiency for the day 10
Total excess slnco March 1..
i j. i
ra Inch
0.1 inch
31.1!) Inches
.41 Inch
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
Total slnco March 1
Excess slnco March 1
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900.
Deficiency for cor. period, 1899.
4.6H lucllSH
I. SB Inches
Itrport from Stations nt 7 V
hi a
3 3 c e
Omaha, cloudy
North Platto, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lake City, clear ...
ltapld City, clear
Huron, partly cloudy ....
wrilatnn, clear
Chicago, dear
St. Louts, partly cloudy
Ht. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, cloudy ....
Helena, clear
Havre, dear
Klsmarck, clear .,
Clnlveston, cloudy ,
21 25 .00
22 2!i .()
24 .11 .00
) 32 .00
22 .1? .00
16 28 ,03
t 12 ,01
14 IS .00
34 31 ,00
U 18 .00
12 IK .00
32 32 . 00
34 3f .00
4 10 ,01
8 24 T
52 51 .01
T Indicates trace of preclpltntlon. Zero.
t Local Forecast OHlcUI.
Ezpreu Safe with Tbii Amount ii Lifted
from Tranifer Tmok at Manilla, la.
riiey Are AH Yonnir Fellows I.lvlnu
.nr the Tonn-Nn Part of
the llooty U He
covered, SIOUX CITY, la., Feb. 10. (Special Tele
gram.) A $40,000 haul was made by the
robbers who boldly stolo a United States
Express company's route safe nt ManllU,
In.. Saturday night whllo express nnd bag
gage wero being transferred from a train
on tho Sioux City division of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul rnllwoy to n Chicago
train. Tho express olllrlals will not state
that this sum was lost, but It Is known
that about M 2,000 lu cash was taken on In
Sioux City nnd about $25,000 In drafts and
other valuables.
Threo men were arrested nt 0 o'clock this
morning In tho country near Manilla, after
nn all-night hunt by a citizens' posso under
the direction of the city marshal. The pris
oners nro John Jackson, Charles Hnyrs anil'
John Stovnll, nil young fellows who live 'n
or neir Manilla. The officers who arrested
them declaro that the evidence ngalnst them
Is conclusive. Tim tiall led unmistakably
to their lulr. although no part of tho booty
was found on them. They persist In declar
ing themselves Innocent.
Consummate nerve charactcrlied tho rob
bery. The Sioux City train arrived In Ma
nilla nt S:0."i p. in. nnd Immediately there
after tho express messenger, Jnines W.
Sturtevant of Sioux City, nnd a couple of
beggago rustlers employed nt tho Manilla
Junction, unloaded tho car. plnclng tho
routo safe on a platform truck with other
freight. Tho Omaha train whs an hour or
moro Into and the men climbed Into tho car
to get out of the cold while waiting. About
8:10 o'clock the messenger stepped out
side nnd for the first time noted tho loss
of tho safe.
Safe Carried Off Ilndlly.
The heavy Iron box had been picked up
bodily from tho truck by two men nnd
carried nwny. Usually tho depot platform
Is crowdeil nt trnln time, but tho extreme
cold wonther kept the curious depot
loungers Insldo nnd the men wero not de
tcctcd ns they worked nt tho dark end
of tho'plntform. Tho men carried tho heavy
box about two blocks, where they loaded
It Into a buggy nnd drove away.
A mile nnd n half In the country north
of tho town the box was found several
hours Inter, forced open ami Its valuable
contents gone.
When tho robbery was discovered
thero was great excitement, nnd no time
was lost In spreading tho alarm. City Mar
sum I'crren nnsiuy nssemmeil n posse
mil vigorous work was begun. Snow lay
thick on tho ground and It did not tako
long to discover tho trucks of two per
sons, who evidently had been carrying somo
heavy object directly from tho truck, as It
stood upon tho depot platform.
The thieves carried thu safo a dlstoncc
of two blocks nnd then loaded It Into n
wagon which had ovldentty been left thore
In waiting. Tho wagon ..was driven about
a mile and a half out lnlo itho country nnd
thero tho safo wns forced open and tho
contents abstracted. Tho men thero aban
doned tho safo and went their way on n
new track. It was not difficult to trace
them, howover, and this morning the three
arrests wero made. All are well known.
Their reputations heretofore havo not been
Iloliliery Plnnneil Deliberately.
Whllo tho robbery undoubtedly wns de
liberately plunnod, as tho horso and wagon
wero In waiting In n convenient spot, It
Is not believed that tho men know they
wero making so rich n Intnl. They had no
means of knowing the contents of tho safe,
only that it was used for carrying valuables.
They found an unusualy favorable oppor
tunity when Sturtevant left tho safo on
tho truck, and had It nqt been for tho
telltnlo tracks In tho snow It Is not likely
that tho arrests would havo been mndo so
Jackson, Stovnll nnd Hayes hnvo been
In tho habit of hanging nbnut tho depot
nt train time, but that was not consid
ered significant, ns It Is tho custom of a
number of townspeople nt Manilla.
Mrs. Jackson, wlfo of John Jackson, also
was arrested, but at n preliminary hearing
held this evening sho was roloascd. The
examination will bo continued tomorrow.
Tho threo prisoners nro In Jnll, having been
unnblo to furnish bonds of $12,000 each.
Tho authorities says the shoes of two
of tho men exactly fit tho tracks in the
snow nt tho depot whero tho safo was car
ried off.
Detective Hurry to Intra.
CHICAGO, Feb, 10,-Detectlvcs of the
i..iucago, Milwaukee, (k St. Paul road and
of tho United States Express company
wore hurried to points In Iowa near the
scene of ilia mysterious express robbery
nt Manilla, tho Junction of tho Sioux City
& Omaha branches.
Tho local officials denied all knowledge
of tho amount socurcd or the details of
the robbery nml nsserted that tho matter
was In tho bands of tho officials of tho
Iowa division.
Tho safe stolen contained currency and
money orders In transit to tho Chicago
office. It wnn nn oblong Iron box weighing
about 400 pounds.
"I waB In bed five weeks with tho grip
nerves shattered, stomach and liver badly
deranged. Was cured with Dr. Miles' Norv
lno and Nervo nnd Liver Pills." D. C.
Walker, Hallsvllle, O.
Mixi.vti ip tiih mimics.
Twin Sisters Tiiuulcd In
.Matrimonial Tle-lio.
n Jolul
Thnt wab n very good story about tho
mixing up of tho twin brides nt tho Hlng
hamtou wedding, relates tho New York
Mall and Kxprcss, and It Is no less likely
to bo true because tho element of prob
ability seems to be lacking. The tale Is
worth repenting, anyhow
The twin sisters 'naked so much alike
that their own purcutH could not tell them
apart; they were dressed exactly alike, and
the wedding ceremonies took plnco simul
taneously, tne clergyman tying tho two
knots Ir qu'ck succession. To mnko the
story hang together. It Is said that the two
girls were really In lovo with the sumo man,
but ona had to give him up to take a sec
ond choice, which sho had done with tho
best gruco possible. Hut at tho critical
moment, jusi ror run aim ur puzzle the by
slanders, the two chanced nlacns.
Now conies tho dispute upon which the
whole Hint turns. The irlrl wlin Im.l r...
llnuulshtd her tlrst choice In favor of he'r
nisier ciiuins nun tue neciaratlon or the
parson that united each couple indlsHolubly
wns mndo without a reversal of tho posi
tions, ind thnt sho was married to the man
to whom tho other twin wus engaged, and
vice veran, This the other twin denies, and
nobody else, neither minister, nor bride-
i?rrinmn nnr wltn.Bcn. :m .All
Tho sequel of tho tale explaining how the
dlsputo whs decided hus been withheld, and
wo nro nepi in suspense inr tue next III
stnllment It anonrentlv mnhex nn nnriin
ular difference to the husbands, who ctuld
not tell their wives upart In any ense, and
It depends upon the good fulth of one of
tho women, who Is under the suspicion of
stealing hor sister's mnrrlago rite, if she
gets tho husband to whom sh was not en
titled bIio deserves to bo disappointed In
inn consequences, nnu 10 long ror tne
chance to swap back without being allowed
to do bo, whllo her sister lives happily with
uiu wrunt. inun.
i.nwiK, tin: siivi.ock.
lichen! nml GrcnteM of London's
Money Lenders.
Hnlf tho peerago of England, and cer
tainty every one of the spendthrift aristo
crats, nre left to mourn Samuel Lewis, tho
dead Shylock, for hardly can they tlnd his
I'ko as a lender of millions.
There was only ono Samuel Lewis among
tho many money lenders who thrive by
high Interest nnd find easy victims In high
places. Lewis was tho real aristocrat or
Ills class. Ho could lord it over the great
men or his country, oven over princes of
the rnvnl lilmMl. u-lul linri filllpll into Ills
hands, 'and could live more luxuriously than
tho best or tliem.
It Is said of him that he rarely had less
than 3,0(X,u0iJ or JC4,i.".ln lent on the se
curity of young noblemen's expectations,
whllo his brain held the knowledge of a
choicer assortment of aristocratic skele
tons than that of any other man In Eng
land. Only a few months ngo the newspapers
contained stories of how Lady Tntton
Sykes hod dealings with Lewis to her sor
row. Tho tin mo of Lord William Ncvlll Is
ono that echoes almost with a throat In the
homes of the London smart set whenever
It Is spoken, and It was from Lewis that
his lordship got the money with which he
hastened his ruin. And the son of the
inurqulH of Qtieeiisberry nlso hud experi
ences of which tho public has heard lu de
tail. These arc only throe uniting n thou
sand. There Is n saying on the race track when
a young peer Is playing high und losing
nil that he "Is going to No. 17 Cork street, "
It tells tho whole story. No. 1" Cork street,
a modest three-story liUl'dllig In n short
street off n iiiuch-frciiuentrd promenade,
was tho headquarters of the money king.
Thoro It was that his business organiza
tion centered, past niiiiiy clerks, and
sometimes only after hours of waiting, his
titled customers, with lauds, diamonds or
futility iixpectntloiis to buck their requests
for rash, would timkn their way.
Quick nnd short they would get their
answer It might b" ready iicq.ilesocnce,
or It might be a curt "Sorry I cannot oblige
you." It might lie a proposal of 10 per
cent Interest, or It might be U "ft or 100 per
cent that would bo demanded.
It Is said. Indeed, thnt Lewis had n groat
card catuJogun of tho members of the nu
bility, their fortunes, their habits, their
relatives and their honesty. On each card
was marked the ainaiitit the mini could bor
row nml the rntu he must pay. so that even
In lowls' nbsonro his clerks could lend his
money after hlti own Ideas.
A high liver was Lewis, n frequenter of
Motito Carlo and tho rnco tracks, certain to
have the best box ill tho theater on every
opening night, certain to be surrounded
with ladles wearing tho finest diamonds the
eye eou'd tlnd on any such occasion
llo was well over SO, hut did not look his
aire. Ills lot black, wuxccl mustache, curlv
hiilr and llttlo hcoilH of eyes did not give
him a. really unpleasant appearance, though
he hud always something of tho nlr of a.
sporting man.
Along with the Htorles of his iinllliichliig
demand of his pound of flesh thero nro
stories, too, or Kliuiuearteiliiess shown by
hlin now and then. An Amerlcnnn actor,
one of the best known on the Htnue. nrfi.n
tells tho story of how, when he had gouo
bankrupt at the games of Monte Carlo.
Lewis camo to h!m, gave him a handful of
oatiKtioteH ojki nam:
'u nwny from hero and stnv nwny. This
gamo Is far too fast for you. Pay me when
you can una never muni tno interest
Thero nro other anecdotes, too. of Lewis'
tearing up tho notes of young men who
coma not pay mm, nut tney are few mid
fnr between. A Hlivlnck be certnlnlv whh.
but his rrlcuds retort for him that lit least
his customers might spare the mime, -causo
of tho reputation borno by somo of
win uiiinr.
HIS .MI2 A MOt sr.ll(ll.l) AVOHI).
A lilt
of CaniiinlKii Clutters- Nnolleil
liy Later Iteiunrlin.
"Your nntno Ih a household word, sena
tor." This was tho remark, relates tho
Saturday Evening Post, mndo In Chicago
to tlio lion. Jonathan P. Dolllvor, the new
United Mutes senator from Iowa, during
tho recent presidential campaign, when n
republican committeeman, anxious to se
e.uro him for a speech, fissured lilm that no
mun was neuer Known or understood in
the city by the lake than tho ircnttenum
from Iowa. "Why. sir, no man Is better
loveu oy our peopio or more lilguly re
garded tluui yo.i," wild tho committeeman,
rising in enthusiasm.
"If that's the case." I-Pllllcd Ihn p,,.nnlnr
"I shall havo to grant your request and
speak again lu Chicago."
"I shall havo to udvertlse you." suggested
tho committeeman. "Of course. I know
your name but. to tie sure, I want to usk
you. I suppose Joseph T. Dolllvor Is right?"
"And my name Is a household word In
Chicago!" responded the senntor.
"Yes. sir!"
"And my Christian namo Joseph?"
"My mistake, senator. 1 niiiiht hnvo
known better. ICh John A. Dolllvor."
"What!" exclaimed the senator, "and mv
nnmo Is n household word lu Chicago!"
"Oh. well." spoko up the committeeman
blundly, "Its my mistake, again. Wb'it Is
your Christian name, anyhow, senator?"
"Its Jonathan, sir. and my name is a
household word In Chicago!"
"My mistake, entirely," npotoglzed tho
committeeman. "You know I am forgetful
nt times. I bellevo you spell your namo
"Hold on! Hold on'" shouted the mnn'o"
"And my name Is a household word In Chi
cago! Well! well! who'd a thought It. I
spell my mime- D-o-l-l-l-v-e-r."
"Of course, of course," soothingly chimed
tho committeeman. "Of course, nobody
knew that better than myself. You nre ex
senator. I believe?"
It was then that Senator Dolllvor wilted
nnd whlsiiervd sndly; "And my name Is a
household word lu Chicago!"
Splendid ItcNiilU or the Trent men t In
the City or Ilnlth
The report of tho city bacteriologist of
Baltimore, Dr. William Itoynl Stokes, for
tho last year shows that out of 602 cases of
diphtheria treated with antitoxin only
fifty-three deaths occurred, making tho per
centage of mortality 8.M) to the lftu. Out of
seventy-live cases of luryngcal diphtheria
treated with antitoxin forty-eight recov
ered, the percentage ot mortality being only
thlrty-slx. Dr. Stokes says:
"Antitoxin is ono of tho greatest wonders
of medicine. It has taken nil tho terror out
of thn disease and put It down ns less
serious than scarlet fever. Laryngeal diph
theria w'us formerly considered fatal. This
wns beforo Incubation and antitoxin came
Into use. In this city we have reduced the
lercontnge or deaths to .311. Dr. We:ch of
lohns Hopkins university collected data of
the nercuntago of deaths from the bn.
pltuls of this country and Kurope before
antitoxin was introduced, mid found thero
were 41.2 deaths to every l(i cases, lu this
city the percentage wns G1.S7. We began the
distribution of antitoxin to tho poor lu 189S.
Utit ot -io cases in ono year wnero anti
toxin wns used tho denth rate was only 9
or coin a inarveioiiH rciniciion. .Mill
:oxln wns used In Sir, enses whero children
wero, by force of circumstances, with tho
sick person, and only ono case developed.
11 in iiiifiwi nun nun uiu lllllliuxill lie
used at tho earliest possible moment. The
percentage of deaths where Uhed on the
tlrst day Is only 4.ft9. Increasing until it
reaches 60 per cent on tho seventh.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question wises in tho family
very day. Let ur nnswer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pro
tiarcd in two minutes. No boiling ' no
baking I add boiling wator and set to
rool. Flavors: Lemon Orange, Knsp.
berry nnd Strawberry. Get n package
Bt your grocers to-day. 10 cts.
Bronchitis, Chills, Coughs,
Colds, I yspcpsla of what
ever form, quickly cured by
WHISKEY. Atablespoonful
In Kims of wator three tlniOH
a day. All druggUts und
Dcwire of Imitations.
Mra, tCinalaw'a flnomtiiLC Myrup,
Has been used for over KIFTY YEAHH by
MILLIONS of MOTHERS for tholr CHIl'.
CUHEB WIN D COLIC, nnd Ih tho best rem
edy for DIAIUUIOEA. Sold by DruiiKlits In
every part of the world Uo sure and al
for "Mtb. NVInslow'H Soothlnt; Syrup." und
take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a
NERVE BEANS quickly cure
Nrrvuutnraa.allrt'iultaof uliutx,
falllni luanhiMid, ilmlua. luaaea.
Married nipn and nif n Intending
tnarrv aiinuiil lake a lion HaiiinlahlDLr reaultai
amall weak nana ami loat tiower matured, tl.tioat
Btxrinau i. ilcC'UDUcll and Kubn ii Cp drujjtliia
m pit
W mm tm
Empress Dowager Reported to Have Given
Him a Ohanco to Got limy.
Fortified Passes lleyoml Allien Ter
ritory Are Held liy Chinese'
lluirrn Return Secretly
to PeUln.
SHANGHAI. Feb. 10. It Is understood
here the empress dowager, yielding to for
eign pressure, has allowed tho emperor to
resume tho reins of government.
A dispatch from Pckln nsscrts that tho
fortified passes beyond the territory hold
by the nlllcs nre being garrisoned by tho
Chinese and thnt the Hoxcrs ore re-entering
I'ekln secretly.
"My heart was badly affected by nn nt
tack of grip nnd I suffered lutenao ngony
until I begnn taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
It made me n well man." S. D. Holtuan,
Irnsburg, Vt.
Huston l' re Cont Three 1,1'es,
HUSTON, Feb. 10. -Throe persons tlonil,
four olherx hadiy lujuted ami u
loss of Is til.' mi miliary of damage
caued by n tiro that occurred In a four
story brick dwelling on Harrison avenuo
early this morning. Tho dend me. Nora
Hurt, ft yours old. killed by Jumping from
a, second-story window, mid Mrs. Franc m
Riley, a widow. Do years of age, suffocated
by smoke; Mr. Matilda Hurry. a.d J',
n widow, who was badly burned nnd died
There) In n suspicion that the tire In cf
Inceiidlnry origin and two arrest hive
Imm-ii niaile. Itnrrl lvln, aged ;'S, and
his wife, ltertha. aged 5ft.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Used by pooplo of refinement
for over a quarter of a century
Run via tti
Leave Omaha
la Scenic Route through Colotadoi
l or information and "Tourist Dictionary"
addreas City Ticket Office, 1313 Parnam St.
Omaha, Neb.
We, tho undersigned druggists, offer n
reward ot CO cents to nny person who pur
chases of us two 25-cent boxes of Ilaxter's
Mandrako Hitters Tablets, If It falls to
euro constipation, bllllouBness, sick head
ache, Jaundice, loss of appotlto, sour
stomach, dyspepsia, liver complnlnt or any
of tho diseases for which It Is recom
mended. Prlco 23 cents for cither tablets
or liquid. Wo will also refund tho monoy
on ono pnekago of cither If It falls to glvo
$500 REWARD i
Wo will pay tho above reward. for any raso ol
Liver Complaint, l))peptlc, Sick Headacho,
Indigestion. Constipation or Costlvenrss ws
cannot euro with I.lverltii, the Up-To-Dute
Little Liver 1111. when tbe directions nre strict
ly compiled with. They aro purely Vegetiblo,
and never full to glvo FHtlnfnctlon. 'o loxen
contain 100 litis, lOo boxes contain 40 Pills, Bo
boxes coutnlu 15 Pills, llowareof nibstltutlons
und Imitations. Seat by mall. .StumpH taken.
NBRVITA MLDIJAL (JO., Cor. Cllntou and
jnclfn" M"ngo. Ill, So'.d br
For salo by Kuliu c Co., 15th mid Douglas
Ht., Omaha. Neb.; Geo. 8. Davis. Council
llluffs, Iowa.
Dr. Kay's Lung Bairn
cures every kind of cough, la grippe, bronchitis,
(,ore throat, croup, whooping cough, etc. Never
deranges tho stomuch. At Druggists. lO&'J&a
Mormon Bishops' Pills l"ve len I" ute ovt 3 ly the trader, ul ttie Monnoa
Church ml Uietr tolioMnrh, fotm.cty cures ttie i,r.t cattt In oll and yuune aritlnc trnai etfecti
cf lelUlmte. illiilp-itlon, eicotet, or clcarctte-tmoklni;. Cures Lost Manhood, lm
potoncy, Lost Povyer, Nlght-Losseo, Spormutorrhooa InoomnUi, Palna
in pad, Eli Doslrei, Somlnol Emission.,. Lnmo. jnoK, Nervous lie
blllty, Handncna, Unfitness to Marry, tpss.of BJT. Sjmisri, Vnrlcocola,
or consilpqtlon, Stops Qulckneia of Olu- DrflJ chnrca. Stops Ner
vous TWllCnlnS Of Cyellda. .llectl ie iiumelmr, ILVAJLfi lmutl vitfor anil latency to.
e.rtv Amnion. Dunr tret tk.iiuiidciit. a cure tt at hamt. IrXTTTl Hetturen niall. iiiultvelntrit
crfflnl, Stlmuhtet the brain and nerve center!, 50c a lox, 6 for 1 1 50 hy mall. aM A written puarnnlee, tocun
at money refunded, with 6 toiet. Circulars free. Addrost, ailshop Romedy Co., Ban Francisco, CaU
Villi Si A 1,1 J lit Jl VlillS-UllXO.N lllttiti CO., 1UT11 AM) li'All.t AA1.
Do You Own
Valuable Papers?
We havo a suito of roomB with n firo and
burglar proof vault. It consiHta of a
waiting room nnd two smalk'r rooms.
Electric light. Hardwood floora.
J.t will bo a pleasure to work in offices
like these. The rent in -$40. We have
another single good sized office with a
vault, only $20.
R. C. Peters & Co. RSS.
Hcwnrc of Imitations 1
It i highly approcl for the very agreeable et
which it itnparti 'to Soups, I'lth, (lame, Hot
and Co'id Meats, Siladt, Welsh Kareblls, etc.
itr.covniuns from chip.
Mrs. B. L Masters, at her homo In Monl-
i tor, Ind., used Dr. Miles' Nervluo nnd Pills
to euro after effects of grip.
Mrs. A. 13. Lopeer, In tho llttlo town of
Modella, Minn., tsed Dr. Miles' Pnln Pills
and Nervo nnd Ltver Pills and was woll In
n. few days,
President McKlnley Is slowly recovorlnx
from grip nd Its after effects.
Oeorge J. Flanncry was relieved of tho
awful pains In the he id In fifteen minutes
by tho us ot Dr. Miles' Pnln Pills. Now
ho Is rapidly recovering at his homo In
lluffalo, N Y.
Speaker Henderson is again In tho chair
In the houso of tepresrntntlve9 after a se
vere attack of tho grip.
J. C. Hclfrey, foreman nt the Westing-
house factory 'n Kast Pittsburg, had n o
vero attack of grip, but ho used Dr. Miles
Nervine and Pain Pills and was soon back
In his place.
Hcv. C. Ilody wns In n serious condition
nt his homo in St. Paris, O., but Dr. Miles'
Nervlno nnd Nervo t nd Liver Pills pulled
him through nil right
Hotel Victoria
BrMdwt;, 51k An. mi 27lh Stmt, New Yoilt.
Absolutely Fireproof
In tbe cut
ter a I thn
nnd theatto
Flint tin
In all Us ip-
ln t
new thtough.
Kootrn iltv.
2 nitejf.LWiiw f. ,
, " re or fn.
ttilte. with or without bath, hot ml mid uitrr
tOHOl W, SWtKtT,rtrt.M.
nd telephone Inevery loom. Ciililne nnnctlle.1.
niPAN'S TAnULKS Is nn effectual cura
for the Ills which originate In n bad rtom
ach. 10 for 6c. At all druggists.
GentervilSe Goal
And coal from tho bast mlno in tho
country. Also luirtl con.1 und wood.
Prompt delivery is our motto.
Transfer Line Between Council Bluffs
and Omaha
council UlufTfl Office, No. 2.1 North Main
St. Tolophono 11!S.
Omnlm Oflico. 311 South 12th Stroot.
Tclophono 1308.
Connection mndo with South Omaha
HAVi: Til 13
Fowler Creamery, lb. 25c
Best Country, lb, , 20c
bartel & mm
10(1 llrouil liy. Council HI it 11m.
Tsn lied Cross Hhcumutlsm Cure, a
prompt und stiro euro for rheumatism In
any form. Cures sclutlcti, lumbago, neu
ralgia, gout, pains In tho back, lameness,
stiff and swollen Joints. Tho best blood
purifier modi. A wonderful remedy bus
cured thousands, will euro you-try It. At
drug stores or sent by oxprcss, prepaid.
I'rlco $1 00. lted Cross Drug Co., Council
IlluffH, Iown.
Tills signature is on erery bottl
JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, A tents. Now Vorlts