Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1901, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY J5K: M DAY, FJ.BRUA1.Y 10. 1001.
lute bare had .inder discussion the sues
tlen of either repairing the present hwi'd-
tag at a probetMe rest ot 11.000 or ot mov
lftr. te mere soluble quarter At aseet
f beW last week tt til decided te IMVf
and the jirtfrtr oa Obte street wax pur
chased This property frontage
1 feet m Ohio street aad ran back to
K JIr The bear has ten reoas. M
tnllt la ISM and it In a good Mate art jwes
erratso It ha i-nm decMcd to remodel the tartM
log erttt a modern brick adults, all
of welch Mil cvt afeest HM
Ehix'r Their Ttzej Yxlt tit
Leaden Wail.
j Mini Bloigria Appiiet Tit ft: Tti t
1 "William BIooq.
Complication of nlt Lead the
.mr of llloom and nloom
crrrn Into Conrt and the
' lln.l I ot rt.
Have Been Wrecked on the Rock of
Sexual Vice.
searchlight Tnrnrtl I pon Itecord
Certain KlrLcri Reveals nn In
IfrrftlBi Condition of De
linquent Tun,
1 T
During tbe last (tk the local fustoa
wm bu kicked s a great hullabaloo
about the Ux rate aad has ax 4 a number
of Interview with people on tic raatter of
the levr. Setae ot these people hare beet
vtry rigorous to their deaaaetatlM of the
icsaacll for fixing lie levy at the rate it
AM. A Httle taveotlgatlen Into tbe stand
lac of a !e of the loudest of theft kickers
shcra r tbe character ef the objection Tbe
fl!o-1cr are fowad te ke dltqttf r.: in
their tax psrnml! fer the years aad
actuals neatloae.
W. S. Popptetcm
Kenslar city tiin, delinquent . t 4,t.71
Special assessment, defuaqueat (.(SW
Special assessments, due but hot
dettmtaent 2.oSlSi
TotaL roapleton
. . ..IK.TU.U
Heal istatn. Jm
C J Prarti-
No rltr foottd 1b bis Dirae.
V. It. rterdraa
Pr?onal. lsrT-HS-lJ
No realty.
Martin Lanpoo
Personal tax. HM-J-i-S-ST-Ie-tt-iyfl.
No r-ltr.
John D War
Prsoaal tax. J5J-jyo. . .
No raltj.
Sdward P Staitb
Pr5onl. lK3l--M--r;--liO
Real astatr. 10
Frank Heller-
Peronal. U'O
No realty
1. .1. Qolnbr
No personal or real estate.
J P Butler
No raltr
WlllUin Nee
Personal, l.W---W-s-K.--J
No alty.
W. H. CHnnlnthira
No peirosal or real estate.
George B. StryVer
PertKinaU IiS7-9--J.ii
IS. Si
No rltr
8. P. Wilson
Pays no personal or realty tar.
Asoellrd Cbnrltle Headquarter on
?t Mnry' Arnnr In Charar
of an Aarent.
The reorcanlied Associated Charities is
now ready for work, harlnc established
headquarters at 1S16 St Mary's atenue.
where the acect is to be found The or
(aalxatloB has issued a circular stating
that itt objert is to serre as a burets of
lnforcatlon for the charity work of the
city. The agent la eharse of the work is
M. H. Bccbe. who can be reached by tele
phone No. 1TIS Mr. Beebe is authorized
to sol frit subsrriptloas for tbe main
tenance ot the work. Any clothing which
may be sent to the store. 151 St. Mary's
trenue, wil! be distributed either directly
or through tbe other local channels. The
circular siTes a corrected list of the of
ficers of the Associated Charities, hlch
is as follows:
Board of trustees: C. W. Lynoaa. Morris
Levy, C. S. Stebfcins, John Rush. E. M.
MorKsan. Rer. Hubert E. Herrias. Thoaas
Kllpatrick. Floyd M. Smith.
Executive committee Thomas Kllpatrick.
president; Floyd M. Smith, secretary; Fred
AT. Keysor, treasurer. Rer. Deaa Fair, Rev.
Father Fitipatrtck. Rer. T. V. Moore.
Injunction fait of Cdnaril Iliitrnitrr
Aarlnt County Attorney and
Others la Heard.
Tbe hearing in the case of Edward Roe
"ater against George W. Shields, I. J.
Duaa, Miles Mitchell and others, la vbieh
the petitioner seeks an Injunction to put a
stop to persecution by the filing of numer
ous complaints against him In the South
Omaha police court, was argued yesterday.
The court took the case under advise
ment, announcing that the decision will
probably be made next Saturday.
Child Savins: Eatabliihnirut Will o
Into .New Quarlrr on Ohio
ine cnua Saving Institute is to be
moved from Its present quarters at Elgb
ircuia iireti ana at. Jiary s avenue to a
building on Ohio street at the head of
fctghte-eath street.
For some tine the directors of the lcsil-
.v music- J-ackace of thr Pyramid Pile
Care la sufficient to Cure.
This tray seem a broad statement -shea
it is remembered that few diseases are so
uuuoc iu itmii) cure as piles, some
physicians going so far aa to sa: that a
pamruj surgical operation is the only per
manrnt cure, but th manj and rcmarka
Wo cures made by the Pyramid Pile Cure
in the past few years have proven that
furrieal operations are no longer neces
ssry. and that it Is, by far the safest and
most reliable remedy yet discovered for
this common and often dangerous trouble.
The harmless acids and healing oils con
tained la the Pyramid Pile Cure cause the
Mood vessels to eoatnet to a natural coa
d'tlea and the little tumors are absorbed
tad the cure is made without pain, Incon
venience or detention from business.
Dr. Williams, a prominent orificial sur
geon says. "It Is the duty of every surgeon
to avoid an operation It possible to nr.
la any other way and after many trials with
the Pyramid Pile Cure 1 unhesitatingly
recommend It in preference to an opera
tion." Mr. Phil Owens of South Omaha writes
that after suffering two years from aa ag
gravated case of itching aad protruding
piles he was cured by a single 50 cent pack
age of the Pyramid Pile Cure purchased
from a local druggist, he says 'I fully
eipected the trouble would return, bat am
happy to say ior the past year aad a half
have been entirely free from the disease
and I can not speak too warmly in favor
of the Pyramid Pile Cure."
A bill clerk in one ot the large wholesale
hoores of St- Louts says- My occupation
as billing clerk was so confining and se
dentary that it finally brought oa aa aggra
vated attack of rectal trouble, which my
phyalclaa diagnosed as itching and pro
trrdtng piles and recommended a salve
which he prepared and which gave me some
relief for a tew hours after using and than
the trouble would come back aa bad as ever
one of the other clerks advised me to try
the Pyramid Pile Cure and I now feel like
thanking him every day for recommend
ing it as a single W cent package cured me
aad I have had no trace of piles since
something over six months.''
Hundreds of pile sufferers, viho had al
asurt decided to undergo the pain and
danger ot an relation, have ten aston
ished ta find that the Pyramid Pile Cur
hKh can be purchased at any drug store
s far safer, better and more effective
than an operation could possibly be
Clrrumatanres Comlilnc to Render It
t iflrn When Ihr Minn
A score or ore ot Wiillita F Allen s
frlead were callta? hlai op by telephone
Saturday to ask If he had takes a sleigh
ride ret tail season. It kept blai by
explaining that be hadn't ro&cMered It
rerlotMlr Vis tbe twelfth an ealted
blai tip be becan te realise that he wit
belac taade the rtetta of a practleai Joke. I
a4 tbeoeeforth bte aiwer was "Mr et.
ter is at yoor dlspowl. Coae up Bi book I
There is a story behind all this that dates
from tbe time Mr. Allen bought the ctter.
ten years ace. So tar as he tas recall It
has been mted d arise this decode enly three
times, sad the paint hasn't -ben worn
oS Its iron shoes.
The first time be had occasion to ate It
he found it equipped with a pair of shafts,
and neither of his horses had been broken
to drive stnl.
The next time there war pood sleishlac
te l&qutred for the cutter and foend the
hostler had taken It to the blacksmith
shop te be repaired It was Sunday and
the shop aa locked.
At another time a coat of palst recently
applied t sot yet dry.
Just now. he ever. Mr Allen has a new
and rather novel reason for leavtag his
estter to the mice and piceeas of hi? hay
toft. He mast either leave it there or
knock cmt a jlde of the barn. Lift fin
r be had some alterations ssade ia tbe
btttMini;, tmt didn't notice until the first
snow storm of this seaoc that tbe work
men had clooed all means of ecress to bis
handsome sleigh with its bcmlshed panels
and gracetvlly curved dashboard. It is
now la the loft, with two bales of hay
Jodeed between Its runners and a third
ensconced upon the seat, and there it is
likely to stay
e era
Itoomrr (iet Am as from n
1'arnani Mrrti LodKlnc llone
Before Health Hoard Act,
Agnes Collins smallpox patient at a Far
nam street lodging house, was removed to
the emergency hospital late Friday night.
cut lae aitempt of the Board of Health to
capture all of the regular roomers in the
hoase was frustrated by aa outsider. ho.
hearing of the existence of the disease ia
the house. Informed some of tbe roomers.
The result is that instead of twenty-ene or
more persons being tied, op there knder the
quarantine, but eighteen are held.
Dr. Ralph has been watchlnr the c o?
the Collins woman for two or three dars and
Friday evening focad that It had dereloped
beyond a doubt He made arrangements
to have the quarantine established about 10
o clock that evening, hoping that all of the
roomers would be in. Those that were
caught villi be held firmly until it is dear
that no more cases are colnr to derelnn
from this exposure.
Frost Dltea and Chilblains
quickly cured by Banner Salve, the mot
healing remedy in the world. Myers-Dil-loa
Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store,
bouifi umiix
James Splerel of Kearnev Is at the Tier
V. C. Brooks of Beatrice Is at the Her
P. N. Gonxalex of Jerei. Snain. l .t the
Ilcr Grand.
R. IV. Grant of Beatrice was at the Mil.
lard yesterday
James Bell of David Cltr. Neb . I. an
Oraaiia visitor
Rome Miller of the I!er Grand left Sstur.
day for Honolulu.
Mr. and Mrs. TV. R. Klnc af Grand Island
are at the Her Grand.
J J. Bothwell of Pullman, Neb . Is a
g-uest of the Murray.
Miss Bettlaa. Gerard of New Tork ! a
guest of Mr. ana irs. Sharer of th Her
GeaenJ Passenger Agent Cosvdev of th
Denver 4: Rio Grande 1 at the II- r
James D Draper. Fort Madison, Ia and
W. W Alt, Hyannls. Neb , are reglstertd"
at the Murray.
Judee F. G. Baker of Kearnev and Judge
J S. Wooley of Grand Island are registered
at the Merchants.
Thomas Flynn. cloak manager aad buyer
fer Hayden Bros., left vesterday on an
eastern business trip.
Dr J. N Garner. Internal revenue agent
In chargt of the offW at Omaha, has re
turned frem a trip through the west
P. Monaghan. Topeka. Kan.. J. M. Wil
son. Dourlas, Wyo., W T McBride. Wel
lington, Kan , are guests at the Millard.
Nebraskans at the Merchants: D Laflin
of Lincoln. A, O Perry of Atkinson. Ed
Henderson of Hastings, T S Stevens of
Blair and C C Denny cf Tetania h.
Among the arrival at the Millard hotel
yesterdny were- Mr aad Mrs. J M. Wll
son. Douglts. Wyo . Mr and Mrs G. G.
Wright. Idaho Falls ldsho. Mr and Mrs.
Geore T OdelL Salt Lake City W R.
Herbert and family New Tork. R W
Grant Batrtce
In the 1'nitesl States . ourt Satjrdav the
case -it Perley A San bora against the
Mutual Life Insurance company was dis
missed The Swedish Gymnastic and iv ial club
will give a roarquerade ball Saturday even
ing In Germanla hall Nineteenth and Har
ney streets.
Civil service, examination will be held
next month at Omaha for eligible for the
position of music teacher at the Flandreau
Indian arency. in South Dakota, which pjys
a salary of 10 ptr annum.
Dr. K L Rohu. ou ph;i.ian of the
Methodist hospital, ha reported to the po
lice that three of his cases have been miss
ing since the fire of Friday night, tme was
quite large and filled with clothing, while
the others contained surgical instruments.
The police have been notified that two
boys, whose identities are unknown, stole
thirty pounds of bra from tbe Junk yard
of W Steinberg 1U ebster street Sus.
plcien points to two lads who were seen
carrying heavv sacks of brass In that
vicinity last night
Mrs. Anna Y L&moreaux aged vears.
wife of E. W Lmareaux. died Friday
afternoon at her name. Avenue H and
Tenth strret. after an fine s from the grip.
The funeral will be held this afternoon
st I o clock at the residence and the burial
will be In Forest Lawn cemett-ry.
George T Nicholson, custodian of the
Masonic temple ws kgred upon to flU
the vacancy in the Hoard of Education
causes oy ine resignation or Ur Frederick
F Teal at n Informal meeting of all the
mcitrs of tbe board Friday afternoon.
The ejection wi!1 probablv occur at the
next ref-uinr mnnp ot me Poard.
The i-ollcsf are now tookmc for tbe owner
of the forty-one pairs of scissor that have
been fouad as a result ot the arrest of
Charley Davis while attempting to rob the
aloon of Joseph Pesdlrtz Thursday nigh'
The officers went t . the home of Joe Dav.j
where Charley ha been nvir.g. and found
the ictsr coiceled there While they
have no doubt but that they are stolen
property they have been unable to '.oeate
the place of th theft
The .'fficers of tbe Conservative Savlncs At
Loanassccialk-n rt-por; over new accsufs
oprned wth their company since the first
of the ar The reason for this Is taat
accounts may be cpened with them at Any
time without expense, after which any
amount may be deposited at any time
First mortgvgea on real estate aecure all
fund placed with this company Beside
this, they have never paid less than t
,vr ce-'!
Aiiliaa BioMB hai me Maria Boo
Creea for Sir: back rest a4 M!m Bioom
cree ba cm batk at hita with a suf
for Ki.m -for breoefe of proratec She
nar be aa4e Jote to her tystoaa.tleaHr fr
sloe reart and freqoeatlr jrole4 to
marrr ber. bvt whe the reatw to hist
to blaa that ahe wa reaor to aaae tbe dar
be bad poobpoohed tbe loea. Mrtss t!wt
be hai beea Joking I; was his ctaftom. he
said, to make MaMlf agrete to bis tea-
eoBU1.. lBlt ... ocrnplH bis
f, nrcet. srtr Elpb-
tee-nth. for several taoeths without paying
bias for tbe privilege. Her complaint U that
he oecwpie-l a i orner ia her heart for nine
Jong yars. which, at a reasonable rental
of s:.TM a year. weM amount to SSS.O"?
This, she says. Is due and uapaJd.
Cliancr of .Namr Helred.
Miss Bteomcreen has long waniei to
etUainate the final syllable of her name
Bloom was all right, tmt Bioemgreea was
objectionable, as suggesting a vegetable j
and etymological monstrosity. So when
William Bloom came along and, as she al-
l5f. made googoo eyes at her. her road j
to happiness teemed strews vita btos-
soot. She sailed uri his salt, sat his )
suit tor JUT bas a rent is it that meets i
her unqualified distest. It be wants to i
court brr la that war. she soys, she will j
do a little courting herself Mean bile Is j
the Btooagreen ronservatoov are said to be 1
several very Sowery declarations of love.
The svtt for house rent has bees trie J
before Judge VtnooahaJcr the result being
in favor of Bloom Tbe su-t for heart rat !
bar Just beea filed in the district corrt aad i
wj' not be tried for severa! weeks. - I
OUUInunil rMUIrlU CftntllrlUO i
Matenient for Year Undine June SU.
IIKW, Made Public In w
NEW YORK. Feb. S The pamphlet re
pert ot the Southern Pacific company and
proprietary compaales for the fiscal year
ended June 1S00. has beea Issued. The
report shows the total mileage of the road
operated as "Hi. vhieh is aa Increase of
ITe aalles over that ot the year previous
The results of operations of all lines, not
including the Houston & Texas Central, aad
subsidiary lines in Texas, are as folio s
Grots earnings: Proprietary and leased
lines. 55.S0.4: iacrease. .e$.:i. Other
income. :.147Tle. incroase. To
tal gross earslags. ISs.lZS.HO, laerease, $1 -
Operating expenses- Proprietary aad
leased lines. JiV.lST.6S5. increase. JS.JM.ITO.
Interest, taxes and rent. etc.. $:.677.CS1: la
crease. .S6.S1J. Net earntags, 7.X5,i:i,
laerease. i:.77i.4S.
Addltloas and betterments. jj,534.7&0, la
crease. SS94.3&S.
Surplus. J3.91S.CJI. Increase. Ji.171.06i.
The transportation receipts and operating
expenses of all the lines operated compared
with previous year show.
Receipts Rail lines. $60,517.10?. Increase,
17.713.S44. Steamships, t3,163,J; Increase.
J3.717. Total gross earnings, jes.930,414.
Increase, jS,S07,:ei. Expeases, rail lines,
JS5.MS.S74: increase, J4.fC9.736. Steamships.
j:.4W.116: Increase. JC&S.&4. Net cars
ings. j:;,511.614: Increase. ji,5S7.S7L
Missouri Pacific Gets cn Line.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. S The annouaceaeat is
authorized by Vice President Warner of the
Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain railroad,
who has Just returned from New York,
that the New Orleans Northwestern, a
line 110 miles la leagth. exteadlng from
Bastrop. La., to Natche:. Miss., has been
acquired by the Gould interests and win be
made a part ot the St. Louis Iron -Mountain
railroad system, considerably shortening tee
route between Sk Louis aad New Orleaas
This llae coaaects with the Iroa Mouataln
system at Colllnon. La..: with the Yazoo
i Mississippi Valley liae at Natchez.
Miss., m-ith the Queen Crescent at Ray
vllle; with steamers on the Mississippi
river at Vidalla. La. and Natchez. Miss..
and with steamers oa the Tensas river at
Lleutrnant Dixon Reports to Head
quarters that Ills Troop Is Nun
Helping the Marshal.
Lieutenant Henry B. Dixoc. m command
ot Troop A of tbe Eighth cavalry, sutioaed
in the Creek Indiaa reservatioa. reported
to headquarters yesterday afteraooa that
tbe trouble with the Creeks was all over
and that tbe troops are so longer needed
on the groend except for tbe purpose ot
asiistlng the United States marshal, a ho
Is now arresting some of tbe persons for
merly engaged in the trouble.
He reported that at present he is furnish
ing a detail of troops to make arrests where
requested by the civil authorities and that
so far they had arrested about thirty In
Quarantine on Child al Ine Institute
Will Ilr liaised It No rn
t ases Uev elop.
Saturday afternoon two of the children
who contracted smallpox at the Child Sav
ing institute ere retursed to that place
tram th Emergency hospital. This Ieav;s
only two children and one adult from the
tsstitute at tbe bespiul No sew rases are
reported and unlese iymptoms are devel
oped ia some of the l&mates before Thurs
day tbe quarantine upoa the Institute will
lie raised
Only urvlvor Mad with 1'rlnhi.
KANSAS CITY Feb ( -A s;c4ai to the
Star from Muskogee 1 T . says- In the
country between Coweta and Cboska
twenty mile northwest of here, smallpox i
assuming an aUrming nature Five mem
btrs of the Lawrence tamU) nar Coweta,
were f und dead nd uf the tao remain,
ing member ore was unconscious, while
the other was nearly mad from fright
There is scarcely a borne in that neigh
borhood where some members of the family
are not fighting smallpox
INSTRVMF NTS p'aced on record SatJr
day. Febnurv' ",Jr
Warranty Deeds.
Fasrie Ra:rorhek end husbaad to
Man L Itasgorshek. lot :I. block X
Hawtnorne add. j j
J. G. Megoath to L. II Kuhas. true
tee. Sot H. Windsor Place extension 1
Pot ter-S boles company to Sarah
Shavir. lots 1. : and X. block S. Rose
Hin w
Heirs of M. S Cook to Carstea Ron
wr. w neV,. s1- sv'i tt, se ret
5-i-i: ysa
Quit Claim Deeds.
E W Freeman to A H. Moriieek. s
3e ff-et lot (, Wick 75, South Omahi j
T H. McCague receiver, to F E
Gamble. !o :i Hascall & R.'s mh
dlv. lot 1. block Z. Redlek's sabilv
In RedicV's add. w K1 feet af U lat
t, Wpck 1. Park Place ... .
Total number ef transfers
Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both Medicine and
Electricity in Our Electromedical Treatment.
I mate uu eitravaaant aoertlon when I ur that million l men have been wrecked oa the rock ot e man! v Icr. The trouble l not o
taneh that they net dlrf. lint rather that they allon It to Rrow morse through neglect or Iroproaer treatment. Thl fact la reponllile In man;
n for nlne-trntli of thr anffrrl nc
Vnu should rcmetnhrr that eul dlirsifi are never at a standstill. elthrr can sou make an; compromise with them. Klther yon mast
control them or the? nlll control on and render son atterl; nnfll for thr ordinary dntles and pleasures uf life.
Specifics and Free smp1r. Trial I'reatments and the like don't care complaints of this kind, as any one tvIio has tried them knows.
Hut If jon have Varicocele. Mrl otore, t'ontajclons tllood Poison, Nfn o-enal Drhlllty or any assoclaate disease or weakness, yon ow- It to your
self to tally and freely Investigate raj treatment. .My master) of these maladies Is complete. I hecan a special study of them soon altr ajrado
atlac from rollecr. now nearly a q narter of n crntnrj aso, and rinrlntr all of the years since then they have been my study and persistent prac
tice, treat nothing- else.
Does It not occur to yon. then, that I am t-ttrr prepared to rotnhnt and conquer disease and weakness peculiar to men than thr senerit
practitioner, who. Instead of concen tratlnit his faculties on a slnicle class of diseases, scatters them over the entire field of medicine and surserj f
I do not treat all
Whaler maj t f
rausf f Vari'ocele. its
injuri-js efTett Is well
known It depress,
thc ra.nd weakens th
body ra-ks the nrvous
yysttm and ultlnat-lv
; iaa to a complete loss rrxuai powr o.titiJi;T-p i m:ectei witn fypnliiuc vt
, If ou are a vktlm of th iire disease rjs 1 teil )u so frankiy and show
you n nrre" of trratiWc it "fou'wtll
then nnt srr ruler whr I hive nnsittre'v
euivd more than cs of Varicocele
during the past II months Vnder my
treatment the patient Improves from the
very bertnnlDc All pain Instantly ceases,
Soreness and swelling a. '-kly subside
The pools of stagnant HoM are forced
from the dilated veins, which rapidly as-
me thlr nnrraal site. trecth and
soundness. All indications of dlseoee and
weakness vanish eernp4te!v and in their
stead come the pride, tbe power and the
pleasure of perfect health and restored
On tu -unt cf its
frlrhtfu1 hldeojsness
Contaeious Blooi Pol-
son is commonly called
the v:rg of venereal
It may be either heredltarr or
ccrtraetei' Orre the svstem is tairted
with it
the disease mav manifest Itself
In the form of Scrofula. E:t.i, Rheuma-
tic pairs st.S or swollen -.nts. eruptions
or copper-colored spot? or face or body,
little ulcers In the rnn.rh or on the
f-ngrue, sere thrfsat, swell'- tonsils, fan-
State Electro - Medical
Street Traffic Partially Suspended
Numerous Accidents Due
to Mora.
CHICAGO. Feb. Serea laches of snow
fell la Chicago duriag the storm which
started yesterday afteraooa and which
raged uatil this morclag. resulting ia aa
almost complete tieup ot many of the
'cross-town ear lines and seriously Inter
rupting the suburban trala service oa all
roads. So bllailag was the fiae saow drivea
by a northeast wind, which at times
reached a velocity of over forty miles an
hour, thst many accidents resulted. Oae
man was killed and another faulty Injured !
j 5TjtI,r
as a result of the storm. Andrew J. i
a railway switenmas. was run
down aad lasuatly killed by a Grand Trunk
engine Switzer was facing the storm and
did cot heir the hell. Alvin Carlson was
alo ma down and badly mangled while real X-State 111 JSeW 1 OTiC, 111-
inf petting air brakes oa a Like Shore cludin; tbe Equitable Building
passenger train, the bowling wind drowning ! T. "
the sound of the stanlag whistle- j L lilted States, State, City
Oa the South Side elevated railway a and Railroad Bonds and other invet
colllsioa occurred oc a curve at Sixty-third ) market value over cost
street which derailed two cars aad caused i 1
a panic among the passengers, which re- Loans secured bv Bonds and
The storm was geaeral over the west
ead southwest aad trains on ill roads cen
tering la Chicago ere from flfteea miautes
to two hours late Reports early today
showed heavy snow extending from Duluth
down the Mississippi valley to St. Louis,
and eastward the storm was covering Ohio
with snow. South of St. Louis It was rain-
ing hard
In Chicago the new raow, coming oa top
of the toot that tell last Saturday and
Sunday, formed drifts la tbe suburbs that
here for several years.
The death list resultlag from the storm
was increased to three early today. Vic
tor Coroaa was found dee.4 oa the tracks
ef the Illinois Central railroad. He is
supposed to have been struck by a stiberbaa
train. Mias Ida Greea, aa elderly wemaa.
was found unconscious in a snowdrift and
died before medical assistance oould be
The deep clinging saow interfered greatly
with the fire department, it being ipol
ble for the horses to haul tbe heavy ap
paratus quickly through the deep drifts.
Ocean Mramrrs Hover In Dock al
Nrvt York, Afraid tu Attriupt
Passu sr.
NEW YORK Feb. S The tao f.ora.
which set in about o'doek this morning
it Interfering with the movement of out
going ocean steamers. The Canard liner
Locanla. hlch left her docks shortly be
fore Id o'clock, anchored off quarantine
tbe air being so thick that Capuin Duiton
did set care to run the risk of losing his
way while goiag down the channel. At
Saady Hook the wind was blowing from the
north aad the saow was so thick that it
as itapesiible tor the marine observer U
stake out the ship channel. Tbe Lucanla
Is the only steamer that has ventured out
irem dock thus tar today.
William Penw Relics sold.
LONDON. Feb -A collection of auto-
graph letters and documents ef William
Pfcn including his will, written by him
sedf in ITSi. were rold at suction today
j for 36 guineas. The collection was par.
--aasee cy a ionaou oeaier. aner a V
rtevess, the United Sutes Dispatch agent
aad purchasing agent for Americas libra
ries, had bid 3S6 guineas The documents
were tbe property of Lady Sudely
diseases, but cure all I treat.
irig t or '.ebrws arv
f.niiJU a .it- j.s-i:ke i.-tay of te Acs'
atd bctie If jru hav ny of the .r
etmi'jir sv-tnr'ms you are "-rdmlly ln-
vlted to consult m lram-diatel If I
find jojr fears ar unfTjtwed. I wi:
ou'ft'i unbjrden roar mind Hut if vour
trutmwl fnr Conts.rl.itjs mr.nA otrnn Is
traj-tira ! 1 1 the resu't nf mr ti'e orV-
and is endorsed bv tht best physicians
of America and Euro; It contains no
Injurious drugs or aancerous medicines
of any kind It goes to" the vry bottom
of the disease and forces out everv par-
tlele of imrurttv S.n every rtco and
s'-mrtom of blxd iolon disappear com-
nletelv and forever The blood, the tissue,
the fleh. the bones and the whole sya-
tern are cleansed purified and restored to
perfect hea;th and the patient prepared
for the duties and pleasures of life
It matters not hoa-
long voj have suffered
fmm stricture, nor how
raanv different doctors
hive dlsarMisted voj
rlLlTlUlLU I will cure you Just as
certainly as yoj come
mo for trtatmer i win not oo r
by dilating or rUttin My treatment is
new entlrey original with me. and per-
fectiy painless.
completely diss
the Stricture and permanently removes
every obtrjctJo-! frota 'he urinar pas-
sage It stops every ur.natural discharge
allays a.) l-ftammaOon reduces the pros-
tate g.a-id when enlarged cleanses and
1308 Farnam Street,
Forty-first Annual
' r0n(ls ailli JLlOrtgageS
Stocks (market value. $31.95S,153.iv)...
! Policy Loans
r?i V-lin. r vt
I KU Lstate OlltSlde Of ew
ork- InelOsUnc U office buildings .
; pni, p.i o T.,,
, La,n V i5a.n Kb auP -1 rat
companies at interest
Balance due from agents . . .
Interest and Rents
(Due n7.7l.9i. Accrued Ui5.ZS.Mt . . . .
Premiums due and in process
of collection
Deferred Premiums
Total Assets $304,595,063.49 1 Disbursements $36,499,126.51
We hereby certify to tbe correctness of the above statemen:
Assurance Fund (or Reserve 235,343, 493.00
All other Liabilities 3, 117,400,4ft
Total Liabilities .... $238,460.8948
Surplus $66,137,170.01 New Assurance $207,086,243.00
We hereby cerUf to the corre.. t&ee
insurance Department, Is l.'X. ;,:
we hav-e exaauned the act-ouatv
VI M. A. v 11LLI.UV JV, J . UL.Ml.Ol, L. t. U 1 - K U i L.A 1 K. .
GAGE B. TARslELL- ond Voe-Pre
JAMBS S. LOP.ING. Registrar
! Loots ruir'raid.
j "eFoelT
Morcottas Hartley.
, Hoary G Mfcrquaad
John A. Stewart.
A J Cassatt.
Robt. T Llnoorn.
J J Astar.
Cage E. Tarli:
Mania Hughtf
Wm H Mclnrvre
Samuel M lr.mar.
Bravton Ives
.vlansor. Trask
Thomas D Jordan.
, C B Alexander.
Geo W Carior..
H. D. NEELY, Manager for Nebraska,
206 and 208 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.
Wm. Henry Brown, Cashier.
I treat men only and cure them to stay cured.
hea! the b.adJer ar 1 kidnevs whAi.
r.ta'ed ar d c.r.gested. Invtpnrates the
exua) organs ard restores health and
va:iJnei to every part of the IkkJv af-
fe -ted by the disease
, .
NFRVn.RF I II Al M'a ror f ?"
iikiiiw wwiiwrik ar now reapuic toe
rult of vovir for-
er. rojy. tour
manhood Is faiUnx
and w! . ira be Joet unles. VOU do some.
thlnc f r jours!f There is no time to
lose Impotrney. like all sexual diseases,
is never or. the standstill. With it yoj
can make no compromise Either you
must master it or it will roaster you
and flit your whole future with misery
and indescribable woe I nave treated
so many -juves of this kind that I am
as familiar with them as you are with
the very daySch' Once cured by tn.
you wll' never again be bothered with
emissions drains prrmatureness. small
or weak ontans. nervoisnesf. failtnc
memory, loss ot ambition or other eymp-
toms which rob you of your manhood and
absolutely unfit you for study, business,
pleasure or marriaee My treatment for
weak men will correct all these evils and
restore - j to wnai nature intenoeu a
hale, hearty happy mar., with physical
ra-'aJ and sexual powers complete
In curing an ail
ment of any kind I
never fall to remove
ail ref!x complica
tions or associate
dlseasiee. If the cafce
Is Varicocele, the
Omaha, Nebraska.
The Equitable
Life Assurance Society
Of the United States.
Statement, for the Year Ending
Premium Receipts
Interest, Rents, etc
jinking Fund,
Reduction of book values of Bonds
purchased at a premium .
of the above staiemer.t
Trie Reeer as
For r-jpertntendent s certificate see Deiai
J U vatv (.let AiiU4r.
aid Assets of tbe xxt . and oerttfv to the
JAMES 11 HYDE. Vktf.Presaieat.
GEORGE T WILSON Third Vice-Pros.
THOMAS D JORDAN. oroptroller
wjw.vitu vv. u-vjiBLiti, .m. u. ana i,uwakb n ktjs x v. xjlcal Direct rs
Levi P Morton
Wm A. Towei.
D. O. Mills.
Geo J Gould.
Gee T Wlleon
T DeWltt Cujler
K W" Larobrt
H M A.t-xar.ijer
' F de- N'iir'
M E l .ga
Jacob II. Sthiff.
John .toaae.
Chas. S Smith.
Wm. Alexander.
John J McCook.
H C Haarstlck.
David H. Moffat
.etdney D Hipie? .
V P Snyder
Joseph T Low.
Specialist in Diseases of Men,
ar 3 v onsultlng Phvsir.a- (he Plat. E trt-Medc! Insti
tute 1 Farram St Omaha Neb
ir-aeakr.ess t' .: l;saprears If It
Is Strictjre and has developod Into Prr-s-
tatlc Bla1lT o- Kldn affections the
injured nrgvs ar al! restcr-d to a per-
fe tlv healtfifjl 'Edition If It l on.
taclous Blood Pert.. a.-y and all Pkl-
BkK and Botie tuseaees arising fmm
the taint are et re v and trmm
eliminated ft-m the svstfra It It Is
potency aad many alnrelne symptoms
touowing in it train and indicating a
rreroaure decUae ot physical mental an1
sexual power are tMsJ'.y removed ard
rapidly replaced by the vnuthful energv
of robust manhood Hence all resulting
tils and reflex complications, which mav
be property termed associate diseases
and which In fact, are often mere seri
Dus than the original ailment that glres
rise to them all. 1 sav. disappear com
pletely and forever with the cure of the
mala malady
and unreserved
Mo" aes car le
treated successfully at
home One personal visit
Is preferred, but if It is
impossible or inconven
ient for you to rail at our
fflce wrfe us a fu.l
histon ff our case
plainh stallnc
v i ur symptoms Fnvel-
nans having stubKrr . ases to treat are
cordially invited to i-nr.sjit us We make
r.e i harge fer private counsel and give
to each patient a lega' contract backed
by abundant capital, to hold for our prom
ises if yoj cannot cai. to-lay write.
- j
December 31, 1900.
. $45,319, 13S69
. 12,657,992.29
Death Claims $14,800,952.15
Endowments and deferred div- . nr
ldend policies O.UoJ.Uoo. 10
Annuities 66S.923.9S
Surrender Values ' 1,915,443.77
Dividends to Policvbolders. .. 3,451,640.65
Paid Policyholders . $25,965,999.30
Commission?, advertising, pos- - ,,n . ni. . .
tage and exchange J, OW4, OJO. 1 1
All other disbursements 4, 692, 57 1 . 10
Instilment Policies Stated at Their I'ommjted 4 .s
Outstanding Assur
ance $1,116,875,047.00
per it,.- Independent valuation of tbe N
lec Mtetnent.
It G HANN Assistant Aetuar
correct ne of the foregioing statement
Coasmtttee uf
tho Board of Dlroctors.
WILLIAM JI. KetNTYXU. .Fourth Vice-P.
T. Jeffervon Coolidge.
Augast Belraoat.
Sir Wm. C. Van Home.
Thomas T. Eckert.
.V. Van Baotvoord
Jaate II. Duashant
C Ledyard lAsir
Wm 11 HaMwtn Jr,
Thomas S Young