February JO, 11)01. TILE ILLUSTRATED HE IS. TAXING ALIEN CORPORATIONS New Story About The Foioigu Life Insurnnco Companies in Nebraska Escape THEIR DUE PROPORTION OF TAXES Will ! In Oilier Stnle from Tuo to Three I'cr Cent In Paid DIOII I' I'V III I II I1IM Colli e.cil. Two years ago tlio legislature passed the law known ns tho Weaver bill, which com pulled foreign life Insurance companies do ing business In Nebraska to pay a part of tliu expenses of maintaining I lie stutu gov ernment. Unfortunately, the act was declared tin coiiHtltuili nal upon lechnlcnl grounds. The merits of tho iucuhuic wore not before the court. The right to tax foreign corpora tions doing bmlncss in the state Ih un questloni d. The failuri' of the Weaver law lost to the state approximately $2WI.00() of legit I nmte rivcnui'. This $i0ii,(inn has been paid by citizens of Nebraska who are at the mime lime contributing $l,."i(m.oim a year to the inRlutenauce and support of the. alien life Insurance companies, which, under the Weaver bill, should havo paid $100,000 j early for tho privilege of collecting Jl.fiOU.OOO. Nchruskn life Insurance, companies doing bushiest In Colorado pay a tax of 3 per cent and those doing business In Iowa pay 2 per cent. In other states similar provi sions of law exist. The loeaj llfo associa tions pay their local taxes and la nddltlou are compelled to pay for the privilege of doing business elsewhere. The lax Imposed Is Justillahle. There Is no good reason why corporations of eastern states should be permitted to transact busi ness for profit within our state and escape entirely the burdens which citizens of tho statu (tigaged In tho samo business are forced to bear. In a recent decision of tho supreme court ot our state, In the celebrated case of State vs. Standard Oil Company, tho following rulo Is laid down: "Foreign corporations do business here, not by right, but by comity, and the state may at pleasure re voke the privilege which It has granted such corporations." It follows, therefore, that tho stato has the solo and exclusive right to fix tho terms and conditions upon which any foreign corpora tion shall be permitted to do business within Its jurisdiction. Tho state of Iowa Is now one of the greatest life Insurance states In tho union. It has a larger number of young niul suc cessful growing llfo companies than any other state In the American union. Iowa fosters tho homo organizations by her leg islation, and while fair to foreign corpora tions, sho gives them no advantage over the domestic companies. She Imposes n tax of 2 per cent upon the net premiums ( f fc n lull llf nssnchit Ions c.aino c sunn u v.a m - riunufacturcrs and Importers 19 Barclay Street, n. V. J- . . . This beautiful and ornamental gold plated Passion Cross, inched In glass glob;, stands 12 Inches high; will express the same, on le ceipt of $2.00. Catholic men wanted to take agency. Headquarter for SHRINES, STATUARY, MISSION CROSSES, lUc. Z "HAVE ROOT PRINT IT" 1 n. i RlOOt Hriirter BOOK BINDER BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER OMAHA Mr, WliiNlnw'N mtflitiiK Syrup has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MM LIONS nf MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETHING with PER FEPT StTCESS IT SOOTHER the CHILI), SOFTENS the Ol'MS ALLAYS nil PAIN. CURES WIND OOT.TC nnd Is the best rem edy for DIARRHOEA Sold hv Druggists In every part of the world. H sure and ask for "Mm. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" and take no other kind. Twenty-five oents a bottle. Abraham Lincoln Mnhlou Su lumber, private lu Company II. Ninety-third 1'ctinsylvatita, relates tho fol lowing Incident about Abraham Lincoln: Whllo tho Ninety-third regiment of Penn sylvania volunteers was passing through WashhiRtqn in review, In January, ISO:', among tho thousands who lined Pennsyl vania avenue was a small group of un usually largo men surrounding one who towered above all of them. This man IT" found Mr. Lincoln writing at a table, lie recalled me at once, gave us u cordial greeting, showed us around the building and presented us to the Invited guests of the day. When lie Invited mo to dine there I lost courage and made up my mind to decline. Mr. Lincoln Insisted and said "I will glvo you a seat on my right hand as my particular guest." 1 confessed that I was afraid and ashamed to sit with such I Kl " """"" " 1 ' Photographic Art Studies These arc- tho works of tho Tonneson Sisters of Chicago, and there Is probably no more capable photographic nrtlsts lu the world than these enthusiastic young women There aro twelve subjects from which to choose, of which we reprod.icn eight These pictures aro handsome enough for anyone's drawing room and may be used effectively untrained, or will look splendidly with a stmpto.dark frame. How to Get Them These pictures aro mounted on handsome black raw silk stock mounts, 12x15 Inches, tho photographs aro 7x9 Inches. These have never been sold at tho art store for less than one dollar. Ily securing an Immense iiuantlly of them wo are able to offer thorn With a Coupon for 10 Cents. When ordering Btato tho name of the subject, and If they are to bo mailed enclose four cents additional for postage nnd packing. ART DUI'AIITJIIWT, THE BKE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 17th mid Fariiani Sts. NORTH PLATTE RIVER IN WYO.M1N13 -SOUTHWEST OF CASPER. was gaunt and pale, with n serious eastu of countenance and stooping shoulders. He wore i high silk hat and u black frock coat which lilted him Indlllerently. As I marched past the group this man extended a long arm and called out: "Hub! Hub!" Captain Arthur of my company, U, saw that the tall man was addressing me and without telling mo who he was told me to leave the rank and go to him. Ills per sonality was a source of interested conjec ture to me. That he was president never entered my head. With a friendly smile he took my hand and said: "Excuse my rudeness; It was Jealousy on my part that made me call you out to size you up. How tall are you and what Is your age and weight?" "I am C feet G',& Inches," I said; "in my seventeenth year and weigh lit." pounds." Then bo produced a black-covered memorandum hook and put down tho Ilgures In It. Perhaps It struck him then that I did not know him. Ho Introduced himself In this most characteristic way: "I am Old Abe," and continued: "This gentleman, my son, Is Vice President Hamlin." Tho other gentlemen In the party were General Cameron and Governor Curtln of Pennsylvania. President Lincoln noted In his memorandum book the height of each of us, nnd added up tho Ilgures, remark ing: "It will ho a good while, I guess, before as small a party as this can show as big a total of Inches." Th' SI-l'MiterN, Here Is the entry as he put it down lu his book; Miihlon Scliaaber. li. Olid Penii. V.(i ft. (, In. Abraham Lincoln fi ft. I In. Hannibal Hamlin C ft. 2' In. General Cameron G ft. 1 In, Governor Curtln of Penn G ft. 2 In. elegantly dressed company lu my shabby clothes, when tho president characteristic ally replied: "It's not tho clothing that makes tin man, my son, It's the heart. I think more of a man dressed In blue for love of his country than for those gay visitors, whose chief business In these trying times Is simply to dress for receptions." I, however, declined, stating I would enjoy my benn soup nnd hardtack better than the reception dinner. The president took both my hands lu his nnd gave mo a parting blcsBlng nnd dismissed me, saying: "If you He around Washington In the futuro call again." It was always my great regret In life that I did not dine with the martyred president 3t ft. 1 in. In tho conversation that followed Presi dent Lincoln gave mo quite a Utile advice, Indicating what my habits in life should bo and oven my diet. I remember that ho advised mo against pio and particularly warned mo against liquors. When lying down to Bleep ho told mo that I should rest tho head lower than the chest, to expand my lungs, nnd added: "I am afraid you won't stnnd the service." As I was taking my leave I happened to think of the orders about stragglers nnd nsked Mr. Lincoln to give me a pass, so that tho patrolmen wouldn't gather mo Into the guard house. He at onco pulled out his memorandum book again, toro ou' n blank sheet, and. turning his back to the boisterous wind, wrote theso words: "Pass the soldier on bis wny to camp. "Ry request of Abe Lincoln." Afterwnrd I was wounded In battlo, my knapsack was captured, and tho momonto which I had treasured In It was lost. When the president bade goodbye ho put his hands over my shoulders nnd said with tho kindliest tono: "Goodbye my son. God bless you I Come soon nnd dlno with mo." (nl In on Ilia I'ri'Nlileiit. Somo tlmo later I went to Washington with Sergennt Fritz of Company R to ex chnngo clothes drawn by mo which wero too Short for mo. and. remnnihnrlncr tho I president's Invitation, I went to tho White Houso, taking my companion nlong. We -z a 18 River 4 AunriU-il Colli 1 ill u PnrlN I:iionUIoii. Used In H, S. Ma rlno Hospitals. A lino Old Ken tucky Whiskey, absolutely pure, ripened In U. S. Govt bonded ware house. Relieves w o r t cases of La Grippe or If tnken In time Is n sure proventn tlvo. At nil llrst-class bars nnd hotels. Family trado tup plled by CHICAGO I. MM OH IIOtiSE. ion n. niiii si. M. WOLLSTEIN & CO. (Incorporated.) DISTRIHUTOR.H, nei1 Kai So. 13th Street. UHiaHl! i" DOLOItES. THE ROSE HUSKING TIME HACCHANTE. EASTERTIDE THE NEW I1AIIY PEARL HANDLE KNIFE ISTff'tli"!" ''"ymiiiilOlrlHonnp'tthl I'lKkit Knlfn lOVfiliitrlv i I'l-i... r..- ...in.... ....i.. i IMITPft f ,T .tlt I . I f l. I .....I II..... .... ...T..I. 1 I litaintiU i i iiIkii mx. Wiliiiliiiliiviinil wi li !iu m-iiii nil1 iiiiih'ih ny nun i m,.iiiiiii.m urn 7f7' wild m'ihI ns tlio iiiimiv8l.ct mill tp I'fA n'lul jnti tlilx t-trontr n 1 ilnnihli lwku I US' I L'..ir,... i. int. i ....t . . i- l fl- l 11111.. n nit ,i iu, nun- iiiiikii nil ,in i ni.-uil'H, I I cm I jll.llllll'.l It'll HI1MIVITI Hill UIILfLHIIII V' V liliillvuininilcil..iK'i(iHtlicniiiv AiIiIiiiji V NATIONAL MEDICINE CO.,KnlfeDcpt 99A:icwllaven,Conn. Dr, Hollem's Patent Muscle Kneader Something now In fnclnl mnssago, giving a mnro porfeut massago for face, neck, bust, etc., thnn human hands can accom plish. Particulars with n lOo sample of Dr. Hollem's unrivalled skin food (not n hair grower), In plnln sealed envelopo FREE1 HOLLEM MFG. CO. SIOUX CITV, IOWA. HUDDLES. OUR PET CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present at Dee Office or mall this coupon with 10c and got your choice of Photo graphic Art Studies. When ordering by mall add 4c for postage. ART DEPARTMENT, HICK IMJIIMHIIINU CO,, OMAHA.