Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1901, Page 6, Image 18

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Kcliniiiry 10, 1001
Bird's-Eye View of
They contain all the cities and almost ell
thu people, and everything that makes New
Zealand thu live, wide-awake, prosperous
country that It Is today.
Tho North Island Is about as long as from
Now York to Pittsburg, but a large purt of
It Is hilly und It has some plains which are
(Copyright, 1901, by Frank O. Carpenter.) Tho latitude of Wellington Is Just about covered with pumlco sand und thereby un
WELLINOTON, Now Zealand, Dee. 27, that of Now York, and your surroundings "tod for tillage or pasturugo. It Is largely
1900. (Special Correspondence of Tho Hoe.) nro often dreary nnd somber. 1 found It volcanic. Ono part of It has hot sprlngn
During tho coming year Australnsla Is to u great change from tho smooth seas of und geysers somewhat like those of Yellow
be one of the world's chief nows centers, iho tropics, In which I had been traveling, stone park. It has several actlvo volcanoes
The Australian colonics huvo already gone Tho clear skies and their golden stars and within the lust live years there have
Into federation, Now Zealand Is preparing seemed to have been plated with lead and been serious eruptions. Tho mountain of
to Join to Its government those of tho Tonga tho heavy clouds which hung down from Tongurlro has three craters, each of which
anil FIJI Islands and wo may soon havo them were angry and full of wind. vomit forth steam and vupor charged with
several Independent republics away down j0Vt. tM0 menmer rolled! We had ladder- Ks and acids. Tho Uuapehu Is 0,000 feet
heru In the Smith Pacific ocean, far below niu rui.H 0M n10 table to hold the dishes lls oudlng In a cruter luke, which Is often
tho equator, and almost on tlio other tddo Ht every meal and had to lift our soup coated with steam.
of tho world. So far tho pooplu manlfe-it no pateB to our chins, balancing the steam- Mount Egmont la a volcano which reminds
Intention of breaking uwny from old Kng- nK liquid to tho movement of the boat, mo much of tho Kujlyuma of Japan. It Is
land, but tho ropes which bind thorn to It Ono night n buxom young woman, who was a perfect cono, about 2,000 feet higher than
nro llttlo more than ropes of sand and tho strikingly decollete, sat opposite me at tho Mount Wushlngton. It Is thirty miles In
control of tho queen Is nominal rather than table. Thu ship gave a sudden lurch and diameter ut the base and It rises out of one
real. Kaeh colony has a sort of a wooden her soup went down outside. Another girl of tho most fertile districts of New Zeuland.
governor, to whom It pays from $2.'i,000 up- lost her colfco In my lap. My pajamas At Its base lies New Plymouth, a town of
swung to and fro from the hooks In my about 5,000 people. The laud Is cultivated
cabin, so that it mado mo almost seasick to close up to tho meuutuln. The soil Is a rich
watch them, as I walked tho deck 1 had loum, so good for grass raising that It easily
to bend this way and that to keep my commands $100 per acre und upward. It Is
Tho people. In fact, aro running this part balnnce, nnd when I sat the dock steward used for dairying, the butter mude being
of the world Australia and Now Zealand tied mo to tho rail outside tho saloon wall oxnorted to Eurono und tho I'hlllnnlnes.
wiinl to net as a llgurehead. Each main
tains a separate tariff against the old coun
try and nono will tolcrnlo the least Inter
ference by the queen In Its domestic nffatrB.
TV sfL -jfi
'iwrSPirf S" II. s LL lilTfW
Bvr lit lfl?n
Is to bo seen everywhere. This Is a treo
which reaches a height of twenty feot. It
nlng round the harbor, some of them built
1 1 ii oil land reclaimed from Mm Htm. Its
Last year 200,000 cans wore sent away und 8trulgbt up wltliout a branch to tho chief buildings are of wood and It has tho
mo inow riyinouiii people ion mo mo top whoro lt blossoms out In green tassels distinct
tloii of having one government bulld-
prouuci win increase rigui uiong. ,,.. .. tmin, T1(, npnnin cr.ii it tho cnbbnco itnr which Is said to bo tho lnnrcst wooden
The New Zonlnndors call their country truo structuro In tho world. Its wharves aro of
tho Switzerland of the South Pacific. It is
And then tho ferns! New Zealand has wood, but they nro big enough to nccommn-
an evergreen land, u land of trees, Mowers, clwUf.h t0 cstnbllsh ferneries for nil crca- date the hit gent steam vessels
imims uuu ui tvmiuuiiui n.nuiui ueauues. U()I1 vou Ilnd places where there aro acres
In tho center of the North Island Is Luke of lhcUh nllu8 of Uu.mi Somo of tbo dcop
Tuupo. us largo as Lake Geneva, surrounded ek,I18 uld BorgC8 nro wullcd wlth them,
by mountains clad with perpetual snow. Thoy nro or nll ulnd8i somo Brcnt true8 anJ
Now Plymouth has u buy whoso approaches ()lhors n8 flll0 ns a nmi,ion.s har. Thoro 8
uro as beautiful as those of tho harbor of ono fern whIch uscd by tho nntivcs f0P
Ulo do Janeiro. Ono of tho striking features boddlnR nnd nnothcr which Is half fern, half
of tho Hlo bay is tho Sugar Loaf ut tho v0i ,t cll,nb3 lho lofte8t tree, colling Its
entrance, u bald gray rock, 1.200 feet high, wlro.liUo Bte,g about the branches. The
rlBlng nlmost slrnlght up from the wuter. 8tcnl8 nru l0U(,h onoUKh for ropcs. Tlley
Tho bay of Plymouth has three sugar loafs, ,milIItn their coll nfter bolng pulled off
which stand us sentinels In tho ocean bo- ,, lt ,8 sald tlmt aolno of tho pcoplo bavo
foro it; they are grent cones of earth and uset, tllum for mauing spring mattresses,
rock. You sail between tho outer two in Thlnk of 8u,cpB 0 fcrn beds, upon fern
coming In nnd rest under lho shadow of tho sprin(;s nnd yo imV0 ono of tho posslblll-
third at tho wooden wharves as your boat ti,, of ?.,. Zealand!
lies at anchor.
.mv '.en In nil AIIN.
Tho Middle Island Is even more pic
turesque than tho country north of Cook
Alps, which Intersect the Island, reaching
n height of more than 12,000 feet In Mount
Cook. Tho snow lino Is lower than in
may bo culled lho worklngman'H continent, to keep mo from sliding down to tho edge Switzerland, nnd tho scenery is said to sur
They uro tho Edward Ilellumy lands of tho of tho bont. Tho spray dashed over every- pnSB jn beauty that of tho Alps. Many of
present, tho center of nll sorls of now ox- thing, nnd, ns u New Zealand girl said, tn0 New Zenland peaks nro covered with
porlmenlB as to government control in u was real nu-asiyi perpetual snow, nnd there are great gla
I'm rms, I'lielorles nml 31 1 nt'M.
I don't want to discuss Industrial New
Zealand in this letter. It is enough to say
that both Islands havo much good land. I
Hero uro the famous New Zealand saw a piece of tho Canterbury plains which
a good authority told mo produced ninety
bushels of wheat to tho aero and I have
traveled through sections whero thirty,
forty and fifty bushels nro not uncommon.
Somo of tho land produces 100 bushels of
oats to the aero and much of It turnips by
tho ton. It has millions of acres sown with
socloty und labor. During tho puBt year I Still, tho Bouthern ocenn is grand. Stand cler8 on botn B,de8 tho ranR0 desccndnB n English grasses nnd lt Is, on tho whole, ns
have traveled unite extensively through witli mo on tho Mokola and tnko a look ut
thorn nnd everywhere I find tho olght-hour It off tho const of Now Zeulund in tho
law and tho weekly hnlf holiday. Every- midst of n ritorm. Tho sen, green from Its
whore In Australia tho worklngmon nro to shallow depth, Is rolling In vast waves to
some extent tho halnnco of power, but In nnd fro. It 1b a seething, foaming mns3.
New Zealand thoy bonst they own tho There nro whlto caps everywhere. Wo are
country and that thoy will eventually down mounting nnd falling upon sea green hills
tho cnpltallstB. Thoy renlly huvo control spotted with foam nnd in places blnnketcd
of tho government nnd nro formulntlng nil with while. Grent billows uro chasing one
sorts of now schemes to tax tho rich and nnothcr llko rnco horses over the roads of
reduce them to tho lovel of tho poor. Tho the Ben. Thoy roar ns they run with u
govornmenlB own tho mllrouds, the telo- "lso llko tho foiling of ninny wuters.
graphs nnd telephones und there uro tho3o Tho thunder Is thnt of u thousand Nl-
who hopo thoy will eventually become tho agarus.
ownern of the conl mines, irold mlncB nnd Now the waves meet nnd tho foam diiBhes
places to within n few feet of sea level, nenr n garden ns any temperate country
They corao out of the snows right down south of tho equator. It U a land of coal
Into tho evergreen forests nnd ran lie easily mines nnd gold mines, ns well as of factories
Trip to ! '.I'liliinil,
Hut llrst let mo tell you something about
New Zealand. To most of you It Is a dead
land In a dead part of tho globe. To ono
on tho ground It Is much alive and moving
along on tho lightning express of our so
called civilization.
Tho country Ib not bo fur uwny, after all.
It Is now only eighteen days from Son
Francisco, only about forty duyu from Lon
don nod it has lines of nlcumcrs connecting
It with nil parts or tho globe. It hua regular
vessels which go to London by the Capo of
Good Hopo, others which steam there by tho
Suez canal and others still which make tho
trip via South America, passing through tho
Straits of Magellan. You can go on tho Pe
ninsular & Oriental line from Wellington to
London, taking tho Union steamship Hue to
Sydney, for $2(10 ami upwind, or there nnd
hack for $350. Tho trip Is around thu bottom
of Australia, thence to Ceylon. Aden, tho
Suez canal und across the Mediterranean to
Gibraltar and on to London.
Via South America the cost Is about the
same, und you will cull ut Puuta Arenas
on tho Straits of Magellan, Montevideo and
up In a spray which catches tho sun und
turns It to rainbows. Tho sun is low nnd
the rainbows extend nt right nngles out
from tho ship. Thoy nro so close Hint you
can nlmost wash your lingers In them.
Thoy como nnd they go, a hundred different
rainbows In ns many minutes. They dance
in nnd dnnco out. Thoy rldo, ns It were,
on the crests of tho waters, only to shine,
disappear und glvo plnco lo others. How
lho ship struggles and pants! Tho foghorn
blows contlnunlly. Wo nro hours In mak
ing a few miles nnd nro tossed nbout all
night by tho storm. In tho morning It
clears nnd wo soon find oursolves nt nnchor
in tho Hay of Wellington, with the cnpltal
of Now Zealand beforo us.
lllrl'H-i: o VltMV f Now '.enliinil.
Wellington Is a good placo from which to
tnko a blrd's-oyo view of Now Zealand. It
Is in about tho contor of tho country on
Cook strait, nt tho southorn ond of the
North island.
New Zealand la mndo up of thrco Islnnds.
As they lie on tho ranp they mako alto
gether a great boot turned upsldo down
with Its toe toward Australia nnd with n
break at the Instep In Cook strait. Tho
P' ....
New Century Waists
PRICE $5.00
Made In all colors of line silk taffet
with line tucks and hemstitching front ui
back. paiiiiu sleeve ami crust collar best.
waist milium in no i K. i fi ut'i s uie emu e
ing from every section when' The ISeo elr-
ulute.H. Don't you want one? It enn be
milile with u IMshop sleeve like our style
Nn '2 If desired.
scaled. Many of tho peaks aro untrodden
by man and many glaciers are yet un
named. Some nro of enormous extent.
Tho Tasmnn glacier Is elghtoen miles long,
200 feet thick, and, on tho average, more
thnn a mile wide. It covers nn area of
13,000 acres. Tho Murchlson glacier and
the Godley glacier nro each ten miles In
length nnd ench has nn urea of more than
5,000 acres.
In tho summer theso Now Zealand moun
tains aro full of travelers and explorers.
nnd shops, which nro moro or loss suc
cessful. WIki tlie Sew .eiiliinilerN Are.
I would Bay, nowevor, thnt tho country Is
protty well filled up and there aro fow op
portunities for outsiders. Thcso pcoplo oo
llovo In New Zealand for tho New Zcalnnd
ers. Away down In their souls I doubt
whether thoy enro for Immigration, and of
recent years tho government has not been
putting a premium upon It. It is especially
Rio do Jnnelro. nnd yon can. If you will. N"r(l Ishind. in which Auckland and Wol- Tbu tourBt nRenlB ot Europo 80nd parties nnxloU8 t0 kcon out tho Chlneso and lt now
extend your Journoy from London on 'ington ro. romis tno iooi, mo juiuuio ,0 New Zcnlalldi and ti10 people of Australia enarges ovory unineso immigrant nn ndrais-
around tho world by crossing tho Atlantic Island, which contnlns tho highest moun- como t0 tbl8 Sw!lzorluIld of tbo Sulllll sea3 slon tax of $500. Tho result Is tho Chlneso
to Now York, thence to San Krnncisco nnd a'l hV 8t ngrlculturnl land, Is tho jU8l n8 wo B0 t0 tbo Switzerland of Europo. do not como and tDoro aro now on'y nbout
theuco to Now Zealand. This whole trip nnd Stewart Island, tho llttlo pntch at Tll0 government Itself Is tho chief oxcur- 3'000 ot tnom ln tno colony,
costs $C25. ho bottom, Is tho loop nt tno ond of tho Blol, nBent, u Prints Illustrated guide Tno populntlon all told Is n llttlo less
Tho Messagerlcs nnd tho North Germnn Bni) by which the boot is pulled on. bool(s nm, 8ells tlcn nt C08ti You can got than 800,000, of whom only 40,000 nro Maoris
Lloyd havo many Inrgo ships running from Tho country looks much llko Italy turned n gUdo t0 imosl nny part 4uw Zealand or aborigines; tho remainder aro nearly nll
Australia to Europe, nnd, In fuel, you enn "I'sldo down nnd It Is not fnr different in for sixpence. Tho government Ib making Brltlsh-born Bubjcets, nbout half of them
get u Btenmer nlmost nny day. As to trips bUo, climate nnd natural conditions. It Is road8 nnd bruiBC8 through tho most pic- 'mvlng been born ln Now Zealand nnd the
nbout tho wild New Zealand const, tho about 1.000 miles long, a llttlo longor than turesquo partB of tho Island nnd Parliament rest ln England, Scotland nnd Ireland. Tho
service is excellent. There nro scores of from New York to Chlcngo, nnd nbout ns rec0ntly voted J250.000 for this nurnose country, In fact, la a llttlo England. Tho
stenmers which movo f i oiu port to port, and wide nt its broadest part ns from Now nlouo. It is now opening up the western houses aro much like English cottages, tho narrow gold braid. When desired tho collar,
you enn go nlmost nny weok to tho Tongas, orn to noston. mo worm isinnu is a COnst of tho Mlddlo Island, n region which uusmcss places aro UKo English shops nnd rovers ami iuiih tun no made oi wnuo buk,
tlio KIJIb and other islnnds of tho South llttlo blggor thnn Ohio nnd tho Middle bns sounds und fjords like thoso of Norway, tho money Ib pounds, shillings and pence. effective evenini wnl"tnl,1K' m 8 a
sens. Islnnd larger than tho combined areas of Long waterways walled by giant mountains, You frequently hear the cockney accont of i
siiiini smith I'ui'iiic Oei'iiii. New York and Massachusetts, or bigger clothed with follago to tho snow lino, ex- London and tho language evorywhero Is S':XI ,H vv ,,lll,l:u"
On tho map Now Zealand looks llko tho than England nnd Wales. Stownrt Islnnd tend Into tho lnnd nnd you sail undor English. I Enclose money order for price of wnlst
llllln linlf.ulatKi. nt Allulrnlln l lu II Is nllllllt hnlf tllO BiZO Of HllOdO Island. It IS U'ntnrfnlla ,'lnnlnra nn,l o.wmu fl,1,a nmlil TllO flffinln nro I llllnlf fnr mnrn n.nn.i. "Ull SlUIO plainly IIIO DUBl. ineilHlirO 1111(1
'" , V , . . '.. ............... " i.. "..- i i.i i. " . " - . VVL' .. . . . , color, also wliother nil
h oiuireiy iiiiicpcinicui ami is i.iuu nines ihj iiiuuiihihiuubi umii miuimhii nuiipnn diiiiiu ui i no grnuuesi oi scenery. u iuao jnuviuuiiu inuu ino innnniianis i wlilto levers.
New Century Waists
PRICE $8.50
Comes in nll colors of ilno silk taffeta
tlio collars, rovers nnd cuffs trimmed with
ono shudo or with
uwny. I camo from Australia to Welling- n low sucep. u ib cnieiiy n summer resori.
(on on tho Mokoln of tho Union stenm- Tho Now Zeoland cllmnto Is warmer than
ship lino, a vessel of about 3,000 tons, as that of Englnnd. It Is moist nnd rainy,
well furnished, ns well kept and as well Jnnunry and February nro tho hottest
miinnged ns nny which stomas up our Groat months nnd July nnd August the coldest.
Lakes. when tho ground Is frequently covered
Tho voyngo, howover, wnB not ns smooth with snow.
4is that of tho Grent Lukes. This southern l.anil of Vileuiioe nml Mot SiirtitKx.
Paelllc Is very much llko the northern At- The Now Zealand thnt we know consists
An Uvcruri'i'ii l.iinii. of Groat Britain. Thoy aro much moro llko Satisfaction Riinrnnteeil or
I havo spoken of Now Zenlnud as an over- tho Americans than tho English, and thoy r,in,,l,, llss express charges.
greon land. It Is so. It hns tho same greon mignt, in ract, bo called tho Yankees of the
you see In Euglnnd and Irolnnd. The fencos southern Pnclfle.
nbout tho houses nro often hedges cut ln riipltiil ut .New .eiilmid.
curious shapes and of n varnished greon. Wellington, for Instance, is moro llko an
Tho leaves are on most of tho trees nil tho Amorlcun town than nn Encllsh ono.
year round. There nre mnny varieties of Already a city of EO.OOO people, It Is grow
green plnrts, Buch ns tho holly. Thoro are Ing llko a green bay treo. It lies In a nest
money re-
hintlc. It Ib wild nnd Btormy at times, of the North Island nnd tho Mlddlo Island, scrub pnlms and tho Now Zenland palm Illy In tho hills, with its business streots run-
Exclusive Dealers In Ladles" Outer
Garments Rendy to Wear.
.'10 DOItil.AS STUIM'.T. OMll.