Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Fiosptot tot Combined Headquarter! of
Entire Union raciiio System.
ScrtuliiRl)- AWIl Antliriitlnntnt .Story
In Hint NimvIjc ..Arinlrril Ontriil
J'licUli- In to ll" Directed
"It ' from Tlilfi City.
Omaha railroad circles are Inclined to
giro credenco to tho Htory sent oul from
CblcuKO tlmt Omnha Is to bo thu licadquar
tors for tho cntlro Union J'ncMc system.
It now becomes evident that New York Is
tho destination of President Charles M.
Hays of tho Southern Pacific, who passed
through this city Wednesday evening, and
that President Hurt of-tho Union Pacific
is wnlllns in Now York for n conferenco
with him.
Tho reported odvnnco of President Hurt
to tho plnco of chairman of the board of
tho combined system Is recelvod with con
Idcrablo enthusiasm here, though nobody
will confirm tho rumor. In that plnco he
would control tho attain) ot tho combina
tion, succeeding In ofllco B. II. Harrlraan,
the principally Interested pnrty in tho now
'Micro In ll'non for JScIIpvIiiw.
Hut tho nddltlonal report that tho head
quartern of tho combination is to bo In
Omaha is atrcnRtbcned by the recently an
nounced Intention of spending upward of
11,000,000 In rebuilding tho shops In this
city and equipping them with all of tho
latest Improved machinery. In the samo
connection Is tho other rumor which has
been floating around for some tlmo and now
comes from a seml-authorltutlvo sourco that
tho Union Paclllo will have now headquar
ters In this city. This rumor Is strength
ened by tho others and Is practically ac
cepted ns n fact. Tho absence from tho
city, however, of President Hurt. Chief Bn
Klneer Ilerry and J. II. McConncll, superin
tendent of inotlvo power and construction,
prevents u confirmation of theso reports.
Theso men nro In Now York and theso plans
will bo considered In tho conferenco In
oilier IIiiiiiIn Ar Alert.
Thn other roads nro watching the move
ments of tho now combination very closely
nnd talk of other deals Is In tho air. The
current press dispatches claim that a
combination of tho Pennsylvania, tho Mil
waukeo nnd tho Northern Pacific Is In prog
ress of formation. That would glvo another
transcontinental system. Tho Ilurllngton
has very close Interests with tho Penn
ylvanla nnd at tho samo tlmo Is rapidly
opening up new fields In tho went, tho lino
already hnvlng reached Guernsey, Wyo.
Speculation Is rlfo ns to tho further route,
for It Is almost an nccoptcd fact that tho
Intention of tho ofllelals Is to push tho road
on through to tho const. Tho through
trains nro now sent over tho Central Pa
cific, which has como In on tho Union Pa
cific combination.
Tho local officials of tho rpads concerned
sro not In n position to give out nny nows
on nny of the dcnla and say that everything
is In tho air yet.
Southern 1 'in-1 Hi; Stock I'urcliiiae to
He AcimiiiiiiIImIkmI liy Uniting
910,000,000 Worth.
NEW YORK, Feb. 8. It was learned today
on good authority that tho Union Pacific
company's purchaso of Southern Pacific
Ktcck Is to bo financed by un Issuo of $10,
000,000 of Union Pacific -1 per cent ten-year
convertible gold bonds underwritten by
Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Thoy can be converted
nt tho option of tho holder Into tho common
stock of tho railroad company nt nny tlmo
boforo Mny 1, 1906, and nro redeemahlo on
ivny Interest day after that date at llitfcp
tlon of tho company nt a premium ot 2V4
per cent. Tho bonds will bo offered to
stockholders for subscription nt par.
Ah uhntrman at tho board of directors of
tho Union Pacific railroad IS. II. Unrrlman
has raado public a loiter addi ccscd to Kuhn,
l.oob & Co., In which ho stated that the
Union Pacific bonds nro to bear Interest
from May, 1901, payable semi-annually,
nil nro to form part of a total authorized
issuo of $100,000,000 of bonds, bearing In
terest nt a rnto not exceeding l per cent,
nnd not less than 3 per cent yearly. Thu
bonds will bo secured by certain collateral
in tho company's treasury, as well ns by
n first mortgago on about 1,300 miles of
road forming a part ot tho Union Pacific
company's system not now mortgaged.
Conference, of HurlliiKtoii OhTclnl
.in 111 to IIimc tlmt Object
in Vleu.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Feb. 8. It Is said upon
good nuthorlty tbut tho real object ot
tho conferenco of Chicago, Ilurllngton &
Qulncy head ofllelals in St, Joseph during
tho last two days waB to perfect plans for
tho absorption by that road ot tho St.
Joseph & dram! Island. It has been known
for several months that stock In th'o Grand
Island was being bought up by tho Ilur
llngton and tho announcement that tho road
will pass under tho control of tho ofllelals
of the Ilurllngton Hystcm Is expected nt an
Html work tlocs not hurt a well
woman. It is the weak woinnn, suf
fering from diseases peculiar to iter
sex, who breaks down under the daily
strain of household duties. I'or dis
eases of the, delicate womanly organs
Dr. Tierce's l'avorite Prescription is
the standard remedy. Over half a
million womtn owe health and hap
piness to Dr. Pierce's treatment.
"No tongue count express the pain Hint I
endmed before I commenced luUng Dr,
Pierce's medicine." write Mrs. Mollie Col.
nte, of Randolph, Charlotte Co.. Vo. "I
was not able to do onvtlilnr nt nil. Coulil
not est anything except bread nnd tea or if
i uiu i ne lonoi tny neau nun to It seenieil
it would kill me; but now I can eat u lit.
tie of almost anything I want and can do
u sum ay wpiK a wen ns any oouy can.
Am better than I have been for years. I
think your medicine 1m the bet tlint ever
wanuade for it is the only thing that ever
did me any Rood. I tried uiauy other kinds
put none dirt me any gooU but your' favorite
I'refccriptlou' und 'Golden Medical DUcov.
cry. 1 can uever praise them too highly."
early date. The Kansas City and Omaha
branch of the Grand Island has been In the
hnnds of the Ilurllngton for nearly a ypar.
Tho conference was attended by General
Mnnagcr Dupuy of the Grand Islnnd.
Officials of tho Chicago, Ilurllngton &
Qulncy railroad In Chicago refuse to either
cenfirm or douy the report telegraphed from
St. Jotoph, Mo., that plans were being per
fected for tho absorption of tho St. Joseph
& Grand Island road by the Durllngton.
Tho announcement to that effect, they say,
Is news to tbem.
IliirlliiRtnn Hold n Confer
ence nt St, Joftli.
Colorado train servlco was the main topic
of discussion at a meeting of tho Ilurllngton
officials In St. Joseph Thursday and the re
ports from thcro Indicate that there may
bo some radical changes In the servlco about
June 1. O. W. Holdrege, general manager
of the Ilurllngton & Missouri Itlvcr lines In
Nebraska, was In attendance on tho meet
ing. Others at the conferenco were; Vice
President Hnrrls nnd Gcncrnl Manager
Hrown of Chicago and tho superintendents
of tho Iowa and Nebraska divisions ot the
system. Mr. Holdrego Is homo from the
meeting, but nothing Is being given out ns
to the plans In mind.
I'ronil of Itn Itun.
The Ilurllngton officials arc proud of a run
that vius made tho other day on tho west
Illinois nnd tho oust Iowa divisions. First,
77, ono of the fast freights. left Galesburg
nt 4:10 and arrived In Ilur'ington at fi:13,
making the fast mnll's (! ior tho forty
seven miles. Train No, u ot tho pas
sengers running on a good schedule, came
out of Galcsburg twenty-Ova minutes behind
tho freight nnd tho difference vns tho samo
when tho freight rt .ched Ottumwn, although
tho latter had been delayed twenty-two
minutes nt Ilurllngton anil ten minutes In
Mount Pleasant. Tho time from Oalesburg
to Ottumwa was three hours and forty-five
minutes, whllo it usually takes freight
trains six hours to como thnt distance.
f.'olonido ItonilM .Vol Wntiteil.
NEW YOHK, Fob. 8. Hnports from Den
ver to tho effect thnt the Interests now
In control of tho Union Pacific rullroail
aro to ncqulro possession of tho lending
roads In Colorado could not bo confirmed
hero today. Onn of tho members of tho
Harrlmnn syndicate said that to tho bon
of his knowledge there is no effort on tho
part of tho syndicate to absorb trto Colo
rado roads.
Maltland, Coppel & Co., who control the
Denver & Itlo Grando line, sold thoy .knew
nothing of tho report that that company
had acquired control or seeks control oi the
Itlo Grande Western.
Itullwiiy Ante.
Tho Ilurllngton will add a tourist car to
Itn present servlco between Kansas City
nnd Sun Kranclseo. Tho car Is to bo placed
on train No. 15 Wednesday of each week,
between February 15 and Mny 1.
A new commutation rnto has been estab
lished between Omaha and Fort Crook nnd
Bouth Omaha nnd Fort Crook. In the first
Instance ten rides with u thirty-day limit
nro sold for 91.23 und tho rnto from South
Omnliii Is 75 cents. The tickets are to bo
honored In the hands of the holder nnd
tho signature of tho passenger Is not neces
Vlii Oiiinlui fc St. I.oiiIk It. It.
On salo- February 19 (o Port Arthur,
llcaumont, San Antonio, Lako Charles,
Houston nnd Galveston, Tex. Call at city
office, 1415 Far nam street (Paxton hotel
block), or write Harry E. Moorcs, C. P.
and T. A., Omaha, Nob.
Aniioiinci'iiu-ntn of (lie Theater.
"Old Jed Prouty," tho great-hearted
Yunkeo tavcrnkceper of Iluckston, Mo.,
nnd his simple, honest neighbors, chnractcr
creations of tho talented Klcliprd Golden,
will bo nt Iloyd's theater Suni'ny night to
renew old acquaintances In Omnha. There
will bo n Bpeclal matinee Monday after
noon and tho engagement wl'.l close Monday
fJnm'l nurns, 1318 Farnam. Itcductlon
salo on everything now going on.
St. l'nul nnd Iletnru SJIO.U.;.
On February 18 and 19 tho Illinois
Central railroad will sell tickets to St.
Paul at rate of $10.65 for tho round trip.
Tho short lino and only lino from Omaha
with buffet-library smoking car. Particu
lars nt City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam
strcot. or nddress W. II. Ilrlll, D. P. A.,
O m aim,
.Venrly KverytliliiK In Fuptary Prod
uct Will lie Dlnnlnycd nt
Anilllorluni l!i poult Inn.
The Omaha Auditorium company at tho
closo of tho coming Industrial exposition
will be tho possessor of a largo and varied
stock of merchandise. Under the rules ot
tho exhibition all articles displayed aro to
becomo tho property of tho company, and
when tho exhibition closes the managers
will dccldo upon some method ot disposing
of tho goods to ralso tho greatest amount
of money for tho auditorium. At this time
approximately 100 manufacturers havo an
nounced their Intention of making displays
ot their products. Among the novol fea
tures California sends a consignment of
nntlsoptlc toothpicks. If pestiferous unl
mnls exist In Nebraska after tho Audi
tr.rlum ronvpany has closed Its exhibition It
will not bo tho fault of an Illinois com
pany, which writes that It will display traps
which nro warranted to capture "coons"
nnd all other "varmints" having tho habit
of preying upon chickens and products of
Nebraska farms.
Iteally, thero Is nothing in tho wny ot
manufactured goods capable of being placed
under tho roof of n houso which will not
bo shown In tho exhibit. Tho auditorium
committee Is now considering the wny In
which thoy aro to be disposed of. Some ot
the members of tho organization favor an
auction, others nro Inclined to believe thnt a
drawing would bring In n greater amount
of money, nnd some recommend that the
goods bo offered as premiums to tho pur
chasers ot auditorium stock.
Millinery Specimen Lend o
the Arrmt of Frank.
Ilccauso Frank Delbrldgo carried a
woman's hat under his arm ho Is now in
tho hnnds ot the United States authorities,
charged with passing counterfeit money.
Thursday night Delbrldgo, with two oth
ers, bought n lunch at Nolnnd's restaurant,
Sixteenth and Cass streets, paying tor his
refreshment with an ' alleged counterfeit
A few moments later Officer Ilenfrew
found him carrying a woman's hat and be
cnuso he could not give a satisfactory ac
count ot Its possession nrrested him.
Noland, In reporting tho receipt ot the
counterfeit to the pollco, stated that tho
man who passed It carried a woman's hat
under his arm. Ho later Identified Del
bridge, who will bo given a preliminary ex
amination before Judge Anderson, United
States commissioner today.
Farnnm Street linker Makes fence
vrtth the Sanitary
Albert G. Sundgren, the baker nt 2016
Farnam street, who has had trouble with
tho sanitary officers, has compiled with tho
regulations and his shop has been pro
nounced In n sanitary condition by tho
Hoard of Health. Tho case brought against
him by the sanitary officers was continued
In police court Friday.
Secretory of Commercial Clnli rolnt
Ont Why Money Ouulit to lie
Coined In Thin City.
The proposed establishment of a mint In
Omaha camo rather as a surprise to the
members of tho Commercial club, but when
it was talked over by them several good
reasons for tho location ot such an Institu
tion In this city were found. J. E. Utt, sec
retary of tho club, expressed tho Idea of a
majority of the members when ho said:
"While thero Is little reason to believe
thnt tho bill now pending In cirngrcss will
become a law, there is every reason to hope
thnt nt an early session of congress such a
bill will prevail. When you look at tho
matter It Is seen that thcro are few towns
In tho United States whero a mint could bo
placed with better results. By reason of
Its railroad facilities Omaha reaches h
greater mining region than any other point
In tho country. Denver Is nearer tho
mining region of Colorado, but has no ln
flucnco on the mining country outsldo of
that state. Otnalin really handles n larger
portion of tho wholesale trado of Colorado
than Denver. Wyoming Is tributary to this
city nnd tho recent extensions of tho Bur
lington bring the mining region of Montana
right to our doors. Tho Black Hills coun
try, slnco tho day gold was discovered there,
has depended upon this city for all of Its
supplies and two railroads aro now carrying
oro from thcro to this city.
"Tho reason that tho Omaha smelter is
ono of tho largest In tho world is becauso
of tho situation of tho city with referenco
to tho raining districts of the country. A
mint wna established at San Francisco to
coin Into money tho product of tho Calif
ornia mines, but today Omaha draws
precious mctnls from a larger and richer
territory than Snn Francisco ever reached.
"In nddltlon to Its proximity to the
mines, Omaha Is tho center of a rich agri
cultural country which every year requires
millions of dollars for tho handling of its
crops. Tho location of tho mint at Omaha
would enablo tho fnrmers and merchants to
reach tho sourco of supply of money easier
than at present nnd they would then bo
using tho motnl mined In tho territory con
tiguous to Omaha."
Dandruff, AVIilph In ii Germ I)lene
Kill the tierin.
Falling hair Is caused by dondruff, which
Is a germ disease. Tho germ in burrowing
Into tho root of tho hair, whero It destroys
tho vitality of tho hair, causing the hair to
fall out, digs up tho cuticle In llttlo scales,
called dandruff or scurf. You can't stop tho
falling hair without curing tho dandruff and
you can't cure the dandruff without killing
tho dandruff germ. "Destroy tho cause, you
reraovo tho effect." Newbro's Herplcldo Is
tho only hair preparation that kills tho
dandruff germ. Hcrplclde is also a delight
ful hair dressing.
To California. M ntnna nnd 1'iiRct
.Sound, via the llurllnirton.
On February 12, 19 and 2C tho Burllnton
will sell tickets from Omaha at the follow
ing low rates:
San Francisco nnd Los Angeles, 925.
Ogdcn and Salt Lake City, 923.
Butto and Helena, 923.
Portland and Spokano, 928.
Tacoma and Seattlo, 928.
Victoria and Vancouver, 92S.
Greatly reduced rates to hundreds of
other points, west and northwest.
Tickets and Information nt 1502 Farnam
street, and at Burlington station, Tenth
and Mason streets.
Free Home,
If you desire full Information In regard
to tho Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Wichita
and Caddo reservations in tho Indian Terri
tory, vihlch nro soon to bo opened ror set
tlement, send P0 cents for book with quarter-sectional
illustrated map and full de
scription of the lands t'o
1323 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb.
Speelnl Itnte WnMlilnirton.
Excursion tickets to Washington, D. C,
will bo sold via. Pennsylvania Short Lines
from Chicago March 1, 2 and 3, ac
count Inauguration. No change from
Chicago to tho national capital over this
route. For tickets nnd sleeping car reser
vations nddress II. It. .Dering, A. G. P.
agent, 248 South Clark street, Chicago.
Just think Of It. that's nil It rnsta fnr n
bottlo of Schaefer's Cough Syrup, and tho
beauty of It nil Is that It's n medicine that
can't be beat for coughs, colds, otn. Just
nBk our friend "Doc" what ho thinks about
ii. un, uoc win certainly speaK well of
It, won't you, dearies?
ficltnefer' CohkIi Syrup 20o
Craincr'H Kidney Care 7fSo
It r oino Quinine lfio
1 tins. "-Krnln Quinine Capsule 7u
1 ilm, :i-nrulii Quinine Cnpule Klo
1 dor. B-Kraln Quinine Capinle IDo
Duffy' Mnlt WhUker 8Ro
Lotu Crenm lOo
I'alne' Celery Compound 7!io
Wine of Cnrdul 7Bo
IMerue' I'rencriptlon 7fSo
Scott' Kmulalan 7Co
Oiomulaliin 7fJo
ColtMfont Kxpeotarant 7rio
I'alino Tnhlet , .... ROo
White million Itemedy 1.041
S. 9. S 7lo
Malted 3111k 40c, 7Be, 1)13.15
I'lnkhnm'n Compound 7Ba
Qrmcccn CUT price
. W. Cor. lath ut Ohleaus at.
To Odgen, Bait Lake City, Butto,
Annconda and Mtiwoula
Tn Ran Francisco. Los Anireles.
to, San Jose, and many other
. . "
irvt,ll ,,,..,,....,,,,.,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
Tickets at 1502 Farnam St., and at Burlington Station, Tenth nnd Mason Sts.
J. I'MIAVCIS, (ii;tierul l'nniKer Aurnt, OiiiiiIih, cli.
Modern A'eralnu of Old Story
Mnu Who Warmed the
"Charity sufforcth long nnd Is kind," but
when you steal from charity you nro liable
to get tho worst of it. Tho distinction be
tween such n theft and tho ordinary run of
larceny was brought out In pollco court yes
terday when August Holle was sentenced
to spend thirty days In tho city Jail for tho
theft of a second-hand Jacket from tho store
of tho Associated Charities at 1810 St.
Mary's avenuo. Hollo had called for assist
ance nnd the nttendnnt had given him a
pair of shoes.
Hollo was arraigned Thursday nnd en
tered n plea of not guilty. The caso was
then continued until yestorday and wit
nesses were on hand, but Itolle changed his
plea to guilty. Judge Learn did not pass
over tho matter lightly, but Impressed upon
Hollo tho gravity of his offonso In stealing
from an Institution which Is doing so much
good In tho city. Becauso of this circum
stance he mode tho sentence thirty dnys In
Jail and suggested that some work be mixed
A Follower of the Grip.
An nttack of tho grip is often followed by
8 persistent cough which to many proves a
great annoyance Chamberlain's Cough
remedy has been extensively used nnd with
good success for tho relief and cure of this
cough. Many cases havo been cured after
all olso had failed to give nny permnnent
relief. For salo by all druggists.
(You can sco them In our win
dow) They nro SAMPLES we
bought at LESS THAN HALF
TIIEIH VALUE That'll tho way
wo aro SELLING THEM. Prices
range from
I2c to $1.50
Not a brush" offered nt a price
ono cent In ndvnnce of New York
jobbing' prices most of them 20 to
30 per cent below.
Sherman & McConnel I Drug Go,
con m: it Kith ami noma,.
Chickens and Hams
Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, 8',ic.
No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams, 10c.
Boncloss Cottage Hams, 10c.
Sliced Minced Ham, 10c.
No. 1 California Hams, "Vic
Fresh Crisp Celery, lc.
Salt Pork, 7V4c.
.Fresh Pork Sausage, 7c.
Teas and Coffees
are always1 cheapcr'hero.
Wo sell a good Jlocha nnd Java Sittings
at 10c.
Golden Santos Coffee, only lCc.
Special Family Java and Mocha, 25c.
Best Old aov.',Ja'fnand Mocha, 35c.
Tea Sittings, rio, crop, only 20c.
Sun Dried JapanTca, only 35c.
Now Basket FlmV Japan Tea, 38c.
Ceylon, Young Hyfan and Gunpowder, 48c.
Cut Prices on
Canned Goods
3-pound can Cat. Bartlctt Pears, 12V&C
3-pound enn Cal. Peeled Peaches, 12V4c.
3-pound can Grated Pineapple, 12$c.
3-pound can Pumpkin, Cc.
3-pound can String Beans, 10c.
Can Tomatoes, VAc.
Can Corn, 5c.
Can Lima Beans, 7V4e.
Can String Beans, 5c.
3-pound can Swoct Potatoes, 10c.
Italian prunes, 3c.
Big Fish Sale
New largo and fat1 Norway Mackerel, 12c
New American Mackerel, So each.
New Imported Iseland Herring, 8c pound.
Now imported Labrudor Herring, Co lb.
Family Whlto Fish, 6c. pound.
Fish Salads, 12',c pound.
Astonishing Glove Sale
Tho greatest valuo In fine gloves ever
offored In Omahn. Nearly 400 dozen of the
best makes of kid gloves, mostly In tho
smaljer sizes, will be closed out at 49c.
They are worth fully throe times tho price
and clover buyers1 will take advantage of
this exceptional chanco. They must bo
sold tomorrow to inako room for full lines
ofs sizes In our big now purchases. Just
think of securing a high grodo $1.50 kid
glovo for 49c. See thom Saturday.
Low Rates West and
February 12, 19 and 26, March 5, 12, 19 and
To all nnlntH
Denver and
California f
To all nolnta on
on inn npoKimo
tho Washington
It, It
To Ogden, Salt Lakc.Ut S2J.00
To Butte and Helena, Mont 2J.00
To Portland, 0ejjon 28.00
To Spokane, Wash 23.00
To Tacoma and Seattle, Wash.... 28.00
February 12, 19. 26, March 5, 12, 19. 26
April 2, 9, 16, 23, JO. 1901,
City Ticket Office IJ24 Parnam Street.
Telcphlne 316.
Union Station lOtlt and Marcy. Tel 629
Wo extrnct ono or nil your
teeth with VITALIZED A1H
Leaves no nftcr eftccts
Have your teeth examined.
No charge for examination.
Gold Crowns, $5.00
Gold Fillings, SI. 50 up.
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 UotiRlnsSt.
Shoe Sale
Closing out five big
stocks of fine, 3. 50,
$4 and 5 shoes, at
Sale on
and Leggings
Every pair fitted, every pair warranted.
LADIES' flno $3.00 and $4.00 VicI Kid and
Patent Leather Shoes, tho latest styles and
nil sizes, for Sl.flG.
LADIES' flno heavy Winter Tan Ilussla
Calf, $3.50 laco shoes, the nowest styles,
for $1.90.
MEN'S fine. Kangaroo Welt Sole $3.50 Iaco
Shoes, tho lato stylo Admiral Tip Toes, all
sizes, for $1.96.
MEN'S flno Vlcl Kid and Patent Leather
Welt Solo $1.00 and $5.00 Shoes, on salo
for $1.9G.
HOYS' flno $1.50 nnd $1.75 Laco Shoes for
9So nud $1.23.
LADIES' Rubbers, 23c.
LADIES' Ovorgaltors, 19c.
BOYS' Leggings, 39c.
MISSES' Jersey Leggings, 48c.
Special Bargains in (
Men's heavy Jersoy ribbed shirts and
drawors In blue, brown and ecru; all sizes;
73c values on salo at 39c.
Ono lot ot mon's colored laundered Bhlrts
In all tho now styles nnd colors, worth
$1.00, nt 49c.
Men's flno colored laundered shirts with
separates collars and cuffs, In all the new
snylcs, worth $1.50, at 75c. ,
Mon's $1.50 and $2.00 wool sweaters at
Closing out all tho men's flannel shirts nt
half tho regular prices.
Men's henvy working gloves nt 15c and
26, April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30,
on th Northern Pacific Ttv.
west of Missoula, Including Spokane, Be- IfffeOO
attle, Tncomn, Portland, na well us Van- 9U
Victoria, II. U .,
tho O. IL & N. Co.'s lines
run v rvnrinern n. nun i E'JU
nnd Columbia
Jliver 1 ntrmm w
phis is just the
weatker you nnd wo linvo boen
looking for nro you in shnpo to rocelvo it. '
How about your Shoes?
How ubout your Rubbers?
How about your Gloves?
How about your Cap?
How about your Ulster?
How about your Hose?
How about anything in the wearing nppnrcl line?
yen's neckwear
fop Saturday tho snmo pnt-
lerns snmo styles thnt nro being sold in high prico fur
nishing stores tov OOc nnd 70c you enn get thom hero
for 35c. So Fifteenth Stroot window.
Jhoes for boys
and girls Our shoos for boys nnd girls
nro mndo just as carefully ns thoso for tho grown-up
folks. Thoy are always standard in quality, corroct In
stylo nnd right In price.
30 Valentines
for S Gents.
Do not make any mistake in the number we mean what wo
say HO new Valentines for 5c. This will give you some idea how
we sell Valentines.
This year we have bought tho largest slock of any season,
and as we are the known wholesale and retail dealers in valen
tines of this section, we cannot afford to disappoint the tradt.
and Ave will not. Our stock will be placed on sale for the llrsfc
time Saturday and you will find Valentines in every part of the
Valentines thirty for 5c.
Valentines ten for 5c.
Valentines five for 5c.
Valentines two for 5c.
Agilent ines one for 5c.
Valentines for -Jc, lc, 2c. 3c, lc, 5c, Gc and 10c.
Valentines worUi .?J.0() for $U)0.
Itemeniber we are the headquarters for Valentines, whole
sale and retail.
Grand Book Sale.
On account of the valentine crowds we will hold a special
GUT PUICE HOOK SALE and it will be cut price from start to
The Lipton 12 mo. elegant cloth bound books, over 2(!0 dif
ferent titles, regular 25c books, only 7c. This line contains the
works of the finest authors the world ever produced.
Elizabeth and Her Gorman Garden, 25c.
JJO different 1.50 copyright books, 70c each.
25c paper books, 5c.
One-fourth ream finest Linen Bond I'aper, worth 25c, for 10c.
Special sale on all kinds Stationery and Office Supplies.
New Fancy Ribbons
Just received, the late novelties in Fancy Ribbons. On sale
Saturday, 15c up to $1.00 yard.
'w Am iM n
nut MftRK
A. Mayer Co.
MISS A. MAYER: In reply to your note I am pleased to say that the tender
and perspiring feet nro things of tho past. ,.
About two or tbreo applications of your powder rollbvcd them entirely, I am
more than glad to recommend tho uso of your powder to my friends.
.. very respectfully, DU. 13. C. 1IENHY.
removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields aro required.
Solit .Kvcryw here.
A. MAYER CO., 3J6 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb.
When ordering by mall add S cents tor postage.
Run via the
Leave Omaha
vl Scenic Koute through Colorado and
For Infoimatlon and "Tour lit Dictionary"
addrej City Ticket Office, ijjj Farnam St.
Omaha, Neb.
not only relloves, but positively cures
nil diseases of tho feet and hnnds.
Stops odorous perspiration ourcH ten
der nnd swollen feot. Endorsed nnd
prescribed by leading physicians.
I S. II. Corner fourteenth nuil I)ouil.