30 THE OMAITA DAILY 1JEE: FATTTttDAV, V V Ti U XT AT? V n. 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn's 8trongth BniUini Wheat Dupite Diioonraging Influoncci. WEEK'S DULLEST DAY IN OATS MARKET Provisions Quiet Except In Lnrd'a Communion Ilanxn llrniiwid, Ittit Close n Simile Knsle n 10! Cnrs of Cum Tomorrow. CHICAGO, Feb. 8.-Dlscouraglnij In fluenceu operated ngalnst tho wheat market early, but a partial recovery took 'plnca later, In sympathy with tho corn strength and on cheerful seaboard export new, Miiy closing ""(&o lower. Horn closed Ho higher. Oats clcred unchanged and provisions a hudo carter. During tho first half hour In tho wheat pit business was active and the market de cidedly weak under a drop at Liverpool of ttflld, whllo Argcntlno shipments last week wero 1,269,000 bu., ncco'rdlng to Hoard of Trado flguros. Longr) offered heavily. Mny opened with an Initial loss of HflTic nt Wi'tf 7!io and was soon pounded down to 74'ie. Thon tho tone becamo Ktoadler, whllo the strength displayed In corn hud Its efforts among shorts. A few exporters nlso re ported bids In lino with llio market, nnd these Intluences gradually forced a reaction to 74SW74H''. loiter tho ncaboard claimed tS loads taken for export and May rallied to 744c, cloning steady, a fow minutes later, jf14o down at 74"174"-ic. St. Louis was a seller during tho day, and the sales of rno local bull who had been getting long on May over 75o wcro estimated at l.ooo.ooo bu. Mln fioapolls was also a seller, which was (iilto In keeping with tho announcement that about half the milling capacity of that c'.ty vould bo missing next week. Primary re ceipts aggregated 4&S,V) bu., compared with Cfl.OOO bu. last year. Minneapolis and Duluth claimed a total of 351 cars, against 311 Inst week, and 411 tho corrcrpondlng day a year ngo. Local fresh arrivals numbered 33 cars, none of which wcro eroded contract. Sea board clearance In wheat and Hour equalled H62.0O0 bll Corn was moderately active nnd firm. Tho opening was easier In sympathy with wheat, but commission houses came to tho support of the market. Light receipts. 180 caw, and tho prediction of unfavorable weather, broil Rlit a good commission houso demand, as well oo a fair Investment demand. May sold belwocn 3Sii738Hc nnd 33c and closed He higher at 39c. It was Klvon as news tr m central Illinois th.it fanners' cribs wcro full of corn, which could not bo moved to market as desired becauso of Inability to Been re earn. Tho dullest day In weeks was experienced In oats, but tho tono was Btrady In tym )athy with wheat and becauso of tho per sistent strength of the cash market Ro oclpts wcro 124 cars. May Hold between 23H ff25tio orul 25"c and closed unchanged at Provisions wcro dull. Tho market opened easy In sympathy with wheat and corn. Tho only resemblance to activity which tho market showed occurred In lard, which was sold by commlftdon houses. Pork nnd ribs wero abandoned nearly all day. Tho closo was Steady. May pork closed un changed at $14; May lard, 24c lower nt $7.60, nnd May ribs, 2!4o lower at J7.B2V4- Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 45 cars: corn, 406 cars; oats, 275 cars; hogs, 13, 000 head. , Tho leading futures ranged as follows: points following a drop of 2s fid In London to 17 is Gd and closed weaK nt ..wy3.vo. Tin was without Important change anil ex- lenenccil a slow mine, nut rioseu sionuy n tone nt $26.I5fi26 30. while at I-ondon u dei line of 10s to 122 2s fid was noted. Lead ruled dull on the basis or t.3i',&, at i.onoon, however, the market was weaK and zs ti loivrr to llV, 2s fid. Lake rotiuer. though not showing any particular change, had n weak undertone, wmi seuers ni w -or Lake Hutierlor and I1B.C2U for castltig nnd electrolytic. Dorrcstlo Iron markets wero (inlet nnd unchanged. Pic Iron warrants. $9.60ffl0.50; northern foundry, 115.O0G16.riO; soiithTii foundry, $14.50fT15.75; soft south ern, I13.WUU.iB, OMAHA WHOLESALE .MARKETS. Conditions of Trnde nnd (luotii t lon on Staple nnd I'niiey Proline!, EflOS-IIorolpts, light; good stock, 16c. LIVE POl'LTRY-Hens. Cc; snrlng chick- ens, fie; toostcr:, 3fJlc; ducks, GfjO'ic; geee, Artlcles. Open.j IIIgh. Low. Close. Yos'y. Wheat Feb. Mnr. May Mar. May Oats Feb. May Pork Fob. May Lard Feb. Mar. May May 72W 72H 72H 72H 73 72S 73073H KH 7$ftJ 73Wfi' 37V. 3fi?i 371,4 S7i 3714 37i 37"4 SS;i(?4 89 3SHO?I 39 8SH 2-IW 24i 24S 24H 24 25UfHl 254 2CHSW 25U3? 25UfWi 13 SO 18 80 13 97H 14 00 13 97V4 14 00 11 00 7 42H 7 46 7 45 7 CO 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 624 C 9214 6 MH 7 02V4 7 00 7 00 7 02tf 7 05 No. 2, CixhIi quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull: winter patents. $3.60013 80: tralghts, J3.20ifT3.B5; clears. J2.70f3.S0; spring vpcciais. Ji.-wi.isu; tiaienis, jj.iii'u-w; tralehts. J3.10H3.40: bakers. J2.20O2.C0 t WI115AT No. 3 spring, C9H071c; No. 2 red, (OItN-No. 2, 37Hc; No. 2 yellow, 37Hc OATH No. 2, 23Ho; No. 3 white, 27(327io ItYU-Nii. 2. file. BAItLEY Good feeding, 4Sflolc: fair to choice malting. W3((jic. 8HI2DS-NO. 1 Max, $1.OV01.GI; No. 1 north western, $l.C0l.Gi; prima timothy, $1.50. Clover, contrnct crado. S11.239P11.GO. IMtOVISIONS-Mess pork, per libl., J13.S0 (E13.83. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 7.40ifl'7.42Mi. Short rltm sides (IoohoL 0.S5fiT'7.1O. Dry salted tdioulders (boxed). G.26y6.B0. Short clear tides (boxed), J7.1Bfl(7.2o. AVIIISICV On basis of high wines, per gnl.. J1.27. SUOA Itfl-Cut loaf, 6.29c; granulated, c.izc: contuciionerb j, u.uw; on a, d.mc. Following ar tho receipts nnd shipments for today: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 37,000 40,000 Wheat, bu 40.000 1.000 Corn, bu 182.000 lOl.OOfl Oats, bu 241.000 112,000 live, bu 3,000 10,000 Uarley, bu 23,000 2,000 On the I'roduco exchange today the but ter marKot was nrm; creameries. mi2lc; ilnlrlcs, llHtfflSc. Cheese, dull at lOHGUfic. J'Kgs, QUici; iresu, la'uiaisc. NUW YHIllC 3I2.Vi:ilAI, MAItKF.T, luotntloii of the liny on Vnrlona Cuiiiiuodltli'K, NRW YORK. Feb. 8,-FLOlIR-RccoIntH 10,280 bbls.; shipments, 15,302 bbls.; held at om ugures, uiu continued weaK and Inac tlvo: winter straights, $3.40: winter nat cnts, $3.O.r.(U'4.00; Minnesota patents, J4.0Oiir 4.25: winter extras. J2.BOra2.S3: Minnesota bakers $3.0ivji3.25; winter low grades, $2.46ff i(yo iiiiur, mm; nur in gnou, J-.suii.i.ib; choice to fancy. J3.20fi3.B5. Iluckwheat Hour, easy at J2.10tt2.20. HJ01CWIIHAT-Dull, 62QC2!4e, c. 1. f New York. CORNMKAL Steady; yellow western, 00c; city. 9lo; llrandywlne. J2.40cj2.45. Kyi-; miiii; x'o. western, fioHc f. o b. afloat; state, Ef.tffi7c, o. 1, f.. New York. I1AHLKY Oulot: fcedlnir. HSIiMe. ,v I f JCew York; malting, COaolc, c. I. f., Now II A it LEY MALT Dull: western, C5CT72C WHI-JAT Receipts. 14,100 bu.: exports H7.232 bu.; spot Hto.tdy; No. 2 red, SUUo f. o n, nuoai; ino. -i reci, ,so elevator; no. northern, Uuluth, SGHc f. o. b. atloat: No hard. Duluth. MlUc f. o. b. afloat. OntlmiH opcneil much lower and weaki because of oeansu canies unit large iregeutme ship ments, which prompted locals to unloading Hiibsediieut continued heaviness was In. teiihllled by fairly large northwest recelnts moro snow west, depression In outside markets and further short selling. A lliml rally on large weekly clearances left tho closo steady at -o net decline; March ed nt iVfco; May, T95nio, closed nt close VOVtc: July, 7STMiTU',o. closed at 7JUc. CORN Receipts, 50,550 bu,; exports, 56.149 bu,; spot firm; No, 2, 47e elevntoT and 465io t o, b. afloat. Option market opened easy with wheat on cables, but recovered the loss on later demands from shorts, bad wtrimier wc nun suiiiii .rxeiuill() snip lnents: closed firm nt '.c net iidvnnrn- Mm- 41WN4ic, closed at 4Iic; July, 43i54lci clotil III lo-.e. OATS Receipts, B3,2Ti0 bu.: exnorts. 3.91 lm.: snot llrm: No. 2. :Wic: No. :i. sor-; N.n 2 whlto, 33c; No. 3 white. 320; track, mixed wesiern, jnuuMtu; iraca, wnue, ilifSb'AQ, Options quiet but steadily held, HOI'S Steady; state, common to choice, luuu crop, ii.ii.uu; iiauoc; oiu. -uc; l'a. cltlc coast, 1900 crop, 17a 19c; 1S99, H5jl5c: old SJifie. HIDES Firm; ualveston, 20 to 25 lbs 38H19c; California, 21 to 25 lbs,, 19c; Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs.. 15c. LKATHEU Steady; hemlock sole, lluenos Ai res, iigiu to neavy wciguts, .lyvsc; ac d 3Uti2lHc. WOOl Steady; domestic fleece, ?4ff2Co Texas. 15iil9e. I'UOVISIONS-Reef, steady; family. Jll.OO W12.00; mess, J9.(KV(il.50j beef hams, JlU9(j js.w: pacKei, jiu.wyju.tiu; city extra, India mess, jh.uuuiu.w. i;ui ments, steady lilcliled bellies, IS.fi2HJiil.0O: pickles mIiouI ders. V5.75Ji6.00; pickled hams, J9.Mif9 in, jaru, Hicnuy; western steamed, fj.w. re lined, steady; continent. $7.'.Ci: South Anier lea. JS.CO: comitnund. $5.B0((T5.C2W. I'ork quiet; family, $15.00M5.50; short clear, $11.75 Uib.tyi; mess, n.i. umiii.w, TALLOW-dlull and easy; city, 4OtHc country. -'m?c. I1UTTKR KioelntR. 8.O60 tikgs.: steady fresh creamery, lfi-n.2c; Juno creanury, 15 Me; fnetorv. lltfillkc. CllEESK-Fancy, large, fall made, llii llW. raney, smaii, tan mane, jiki.-c. METALS Cable advices from Loudon In dlcntlng lower prices on nearly all metals served to create a depressing Influence In local clrclcH generally, uui, nowevor, trnu. Intr wn on narrow lines, with speculation almost entirely dormant. Spelter loot 2H ttirki.vs. fiflTe MlErfll DRESSED POITLTRY Hens. 7H C(Se; roosters, fySCc; ducks, 8c s gecfo, SHWSc; pring chickens, per id.. .VjHsc; turKoys, a it loo. ciAMl-; Mnnnru uucks, per wz., wvf RO: tpnl. it Rr',1 75: mixed. Jl.BOfll.75: Jack- rabbits, J1.2J? l.BO; cottontails. 7fcfii-L 111 TTIJIt-common to iair, iiun'.ia; holce, l.ifiUo, seiiarator, 23c. FRESH OYSTERS I-"lrst grade, solid packed. New York counts, per can, :c: ex ts. 32c: standards. 2oc; medium, 20c. Second grade, slack tilled, New York count, per can, sue; exirn nuiccia, iuu, standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., "'FROZEN FRESH FtBH-Rlnck bass, 10c; whlto bats, 10c; blueflsh, lie; bullhendi, 10c; bluo flns, fc; cntllsh, 12c; cod, 8c; cropple, 10c; clseoes, 8c; halibut, 11c: herring. 4$ fic; haddock, 9e,; mackerel. 20c; perch, Bit c: pickerel, ic; pmc, act rou onuimr, iv.-, salmon, lie: sunilsh, Be; smelts, ioc; trout, 10c; whltefHh, Sc. , PIOI-IONH Live, per aoz., iw. VEALS-Cholce, MjlOc. Tiivtirim nimtfwl hv Omaha wholesale. tin,- nnnif.ni' nsnnelatlon : Choice upland. js; No. 1 upland, J7.B0: medium, J7: coarse, $0.60. Ryo straw. $5.60. These prices are for hay or good color ami iiuuiuj. uuiuuuu fair. Receipts, 7 cars. OATS No. :i wnue, a CORN-No. 3, 32c. BRAN-JHOO. VEGETABLES. PARSNIPS-Per bit.. 60c. Tl'RNIPS Per bu. basket, 40a. REETS Per bu.. 40c. CARROTS Per bu., 40o LETTUCE Per iloz., 49S4oC RADISHES Per doit., 35c. PARSLEY-Per dor.., 35c. PEAN8 Wax, per 1-3 bu. basket, $1; tnn.g. 80c. b'l.. 80C. , ... , . SWEET rui A IUl'.D-i'or uui., t. CARBAOE Holland seed, ldf2c. TOMATOES California, per 4-basket crate $'1 ONioNS-Nallve. per bu.. $li Colorado yCELERY-Caltfornia, as to size, 60375c ; Kalamazoo, 25K30C. CAUIjUrLUWtill -ailIorni, per cren, GRAPRa-Mnlnga, per keg, J6.COff9.00. AI'l'liKH-1 er noi., o: i-nan-ui, California llellflowers, per box, -60. nit . Hell and Uncle. J10 ner bbl.: Jerseys, per bbl., J9: per crate, $3.25, ddi., -bi Tno,,,CAIj iui'ITS. ORANOES-CalirorniB eeu ungs, l.fcO: naveli. $2.75113.25; Mexicans, $2.50; Florldas. $3.23. . . LEMONS cailiornia, oxxra lancy, .i.ou; choice, $3. . .... BANANAS Per Duncn, nccoraing to size, 2.00fl2.60. viflH trnllfornla. new cartonrf. SOo: lay ers. 75c: Imported, per lb.. DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 6c per lb.; Halloween. fiic per id, MIBCELIjANKUUS. No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, Cc; No. 1 -eal rnlf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides, SflI3c; sheep pelts, 25tfj 5c: horse limes. 11.nn12.ra. N u 1 a 111 g lis n wainiim. per id., ijc: 111- berts, per lb,, l3o; almonds, per lb., lSiflOo: raw peanuts, per lb., 5f(oHe: roasted, 6H 7Hc; Brazils, 13c; pecant, 10tfl2c. St. Louts firuln nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 8. WIIEAT-Lower: No. A 1 1. n1....ntnK "01 t .. nil- 0f 71 ?I May, 73Hc: July, 72Hc; No. 2 hard, 70fi70Hc. UU11.N-Higher; no. z ensn, nusil,W track. 37-1i'aic; May, 37Tc; July, 38c. uats i-irm; no. z casn. 2.40; tracK, 6fi'2rlHc; May. 25Hy2Cc: No, 2 white, 28Hc. RYll-Qulet at BlflfilHc. FLOUR More active In export lines at close prices: patents. J3.55fi3.73; extra fancy and straights, $3.204T3.40; clear, $2,7012.90. SEEDS-Tlmothy, In demand and firm but unchanged nt $4.2yi-l.70 ror average ro- ceints: prima worth more; tmx. lower at $1.58. coknmi-jai. Bteauy at .oo. BRAN Strung; sacked, east track, 70o. HAY Quiet: timothy. J9.0013.00: nralrle. $7.0!9.00. WJtiHKY .steady nt 11.27. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.23. BAC.niNO-7ia7c. HEMP TWINE-90. PROVISIONS-Drv salt meats fboxed). eaBler; extra shorts, $7.12H; clear ribs, $7.25; clear sides, $7.37'4. Bacon (boxed), easier; extra shorts, $7.S"H; clear ribs, $S.12H; clear sineH, i'uru, nrm; jouoing, iii.w, Lnrd, quiet nt $7.25. MI3TALH Lcnu: Nominal at J4.17WUI.Z0. Spelter: Weak at $3.80. POl'LTRY-Steady; chickens, 7Ho; turkeys. 6Sic; young, 7Hc; ducks, Sc; geese. Be. BUTTER Steadv: creamery. 15S?22c: dairy. 125ilCc. I-;(HH Lower at luftc. RECEIPTS-Flour. 5.000 bbls.: wheat. 31.- 000 bu.; corn. 100,000 bu.; oats, 53,000 bu. Hiui'MKNTS l-lour. 10.000 bbls.: wheat. to.uw uu.j corn, ii.',wo on.; oats, as.wu uu. Kniins City fSrnln nnd Provlnlons. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 8. WHEAT May. f.f,e: cash. No. 2 hard, 67ff57Hc: No. 3, CCSfiWVic: No. 2 red. 63ic: No. 3. CSWc: No. 2 spring, tic: no. j, uoc iijkn .May. su)i.Ri'c; casn, no. mixed. 35io; No. 2 white. 37c; No. 3, 36?c OATS-No. 2 white. 270'27'ic. Ill i-; NO. 2. I IMl K. HAY Choice timothy. $10.BMf 11.00: cholco prairie, tv.nuvi iu.w. uu i l i-.ii 1 reamerv, oniry, 111c EOGS Lower: fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock. 16','jC doz.. loss off. cases re turned; new white wood caees included, ac more. RECEIPTO wheat. C9.000 bu.: corn. 37.W0 du.: oats, uu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 34,400 bu.: corn. 8.000 bu.; onts, 7.000 bu, litveriiool (irnln nnd I'rovlaloim. dull; No, 1 California, fis2Ud; No. 2 red western winter. Billed; no. 1 northern spring, fis3d. Futures, uteady; March, Li Uil: May. Cs. luii.N-h pot, quiet; American mixea, now, 3s9Hi: American mixed, old, 3s lOVid. Futures, nulet: February, l'a Olid: March. 3s DM; May. 3s 9d. r uv s u.nh-licet, exir. lmua mesa. easy, filslld. Pork, prlmo mess weitnrn, dull. C4i 3d. Bacon. Cumberland eut, stronir. 43s: lotur clear middles. Ilcht. steady, -tflH cd: long clear middles heavy, te.-xuy. sua; clear neiiies, sienuy, us bo, Recelnts of wheat during the last three days, 167,000 centals, Including 1B5.000 Amnr lean. Receipts of corn during tho last threo days, 2is,7uu centnis. I'lillmlelnlilii Produce Mnrtirt, PHILADELPHIA. Feb. S.-BUTTElt- I-'Irm. "ffile hlcher: fancy western cream cry, 22V4c; fancy western prints, 23c; fancy nfnrnv nrinis. nc. EGGS Steady; fresh nenrby, 22c; frosh western, 22c; fresh southwestern, 22c; trash Bouthern. 21c CHEESE Unehnnged; New York full creams, fancy Hinnu, ii?c; New iorK, ran- to cholco lOHWHc. MliiiirniioliM "Whrnt, l-'lonr nnd llrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 8.-AVHEAT-Cnsh 74iie: May. 7t;e: July. 75lc. On track: No. 1 hard. 76'S,e: No. 1 northern. 74?tc: No. 2 northern. 70'fff771,c. l-'I.uuit i' irst iiatenis, i.uu'-i.iu; second patents, s3.iuQr1.uu; urst clears, i-.wtjj.uu second clears. Jl.905i2.flO. BU AN In bulk, $tl.BOU.75. Toledo lirnlii nnd Seed, TOLEDO, Feb, R.-WIIEAT-Caslu 73Hc; iay, Mi'yc; juiy, (.--(.c. CORN-Cash, 39Hc: May. 3339ic. OATS-Cash, 27c; May, 26Hc. RYE 52 He. CLO VERSEED 1S59 prime, J6.S0; cash, J7.20; .March, i.:'i. I'rorln tlnrkrt PEORIA, Feb. S.-COHN-Inactlve; No. 3, OATS-Innctlve; No, 2 white, 26Hc, billed thro.iKh. VHlSKY-On tho basis of J1.27 for fin ished goods, tlcularly brisk. Prices remain unchanged, but tending upward. State common wero quoted nt 3V(M?ic; choice, BHttic; fancy, tI7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Market dull, but about steady at unchangeo prices. Prunes, 3H't'8Hc per lb., as to size and quality. Apricots, Royal, 7-'UsHc. Peaches, peeled, ay lie. MOVKME.VrS OF STOCKS AMI BONUS. t'nts nnd Host Arc Let Loose Among Wnll Street Speculators. NEW YORK, Feb. 8. There was a con siderable falling off In tho volume of deal ings In stocks today, and tho decline would have been much more marked had It not been for tho bringing forward Into activity of a horde of low-priced stocks of tho class denominated among tho brokers ns "cats and dogs." It Is characteristic of a long bull movement that It should eventu ally reach Into tho drrirs of tho list and tlr un thn sediment of tho market. Tho theory Is that the generally higher range of values attained In tho general market i.ntltlen thn lnw.nrlpfil storks to some ln- crcaso In valuation, even without special uevciopment in tnc nnnirs or the proper ties. The bidding up of theso stocks Is also a lavorlto devlco by bull operators to sustain tho market for tho purpose. or realising in the higher-priced stocks which have already enjoyed their ndvimce. So lnr as the railroad department of the stock mnrket was concerned this was clearly what was uolnir on tudnv. As a matter or fact, combination rumors wero circulated regarding tho railroads whoso slocks tiro selling below 40, as has become tho fashion In connection with bull movements, but sotno of tho stocks wero bid up without neclllc rumors on tho general principle hut nnv rnllroiul la nvalTatile for 11 com bination nowadays. Tho most clearly de fined rumors applied to tho Wabash se curities and the group of railroads operat ing In Colorndo. These madci Wabash ft connecting link to bo absorbed by Lacka wanna and to tnko In tho Gould southwest ern railroads In tho formation of 11 dtw through railroad system from the east to thn Riiiithwestern irillf iiorts. Tho rumor of n. projected consolidation In tho several rniiroaii lines tooit on various lorms, sniuu of which wcro authoritatively denied. Tho gains In this class of railroad stocks ran all tho way from 1 to 5 points, St. Joseph & Grand Island firsts iriilnlnir 5 and W a- bnjdi common 4i. All of tho securities of both ronds wcro affected In a less degree and there wero gains besides In the Colo rado & Southern stocks. Denver & Hto Grnnde, Fort Worth & Rio Grande, the Chicago, IndlnnapollH t Loulsvlllo stocks, i'eoria t eastern, Texas e I'acinc, Norm America, Kannwha. & Michigan and Michi gan Central. Tho rest of tho railroads wero singularly sluggish all tiny ami imre was only n handful of stocks that got us much as a point away from last night at any time. Union Pacific was never more thnn 1H nbova In.-u night and was at one time 1H below. Tho fluctuations were hesl tntlng nt nil times, The only news of tho day concerning tho stock wns the tinder writing at par of a bond Issuo to finance tho Southern Pnclllc purchase. The latter stock also showed some strength. Tho steel stocks mndo a great show of strength Just ut the opening. Tin Plato Jumped nearly j points, eteei ami wire "t Federal Bteel only Hi. Some of tho ad vances, however, wero fully maintained, except f ederal atcci, nnd 1110 imianco oi o group dropped 10 comparatively smaii onorltons. Tho belief continued strong n V11ll street that tho nlan for a Joint control of tho steel properties Is making progress. But tho stocks did not reflect clearly any news. Sugar had an advunco of 3U. rno movement or casn rrom tno interior by mall nnd exprchs Is expected to be .inf llclcnt to offset a loss of over Jl.000.000 to the subtreasury on nccount of tho licnvy customs payment. There havo apparently neun largo special movements or ninus or nenrby cities nnd from Sun Francisco, ni though New York exchange ut Chicago hud declined to 30e discount. Nobody ven tures nn estimate of what tho loan Item will disclose, In view of the largo financial transactions which havo occurred during tho week. There wns a continuance of the activity of the bond market today, but there wcro reactions on prollt-tnklug at some points. Wabash debenture Us advanced 6 points and tho As 254. Total sales, par value, JS.400,000. t'nlted States bonds wero all un changed on tho last call. Ttie ronoOTing are the Closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: M 1 1 11 , Lr on llrnln Mnrt,.1. MILWAUKEE, Feb. 8. WHEAT-Lower No, 1 northern, 74y"5c; No. 2 northern RYE 1 Uglier; No. 1. We. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 5SS0o; sampli 45flCliUc Uuluth (irnln Market DULUTH, Feb, 8, Wl I EAT No. 1 hard, 75c: No. 1 northern, 73c; No. 2 northern, 66 69c: No. 3 spring, MUGGle; Mny, No, 1 liurilieril, lue, uiuy, lUTfti:, OATP-!4fl2tHc. CORN 36HC, I'.i iipornteil unit Dried l-'riitt. NEW YORK, Feb. R. EVAPORATED APPLES Owing to a light supply of eva porated apples op hand tho market hold quno nrpi, inougu demand was not par Atchison do Dill Baltimore & O... Can. Pnclllc Can. Southern .. Ches. &. Ohio.... Chicago O. W... C. B. & Q Chicago I. & L.. do pfd Chicago & E, I.. Chlcogo & N. ' C. R. 1. & I'.... C. C. C. ft St. L, Colo. Southern .. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson.. Del. L. & W Den. & R. G do t)fd... Erlo do 1st nfd Gt. Nor. pfd I locking coal ... uocKing vniiey., Illinois Central.. Iowa Central .... do nfd L, E. & W do ptil Lako Shore LouIh, & Nash,.. Manhattan L .... Met. St. Ry Mex. Cantral .... Minn. & St. L.., do pfd Mo. Pncltlo Mobile & Ohio... M.. K. & T do pfd , N. J. Central..., N. Y. Central... Nor. & West do nfd No. Pacific do nfd Ontnrlo A- W O. R. & N do pfd Pennsylvania ... Reading do 1st pru do 2d nfd R. G. W do nfd St. L. & S. F... do 1st pfd do 2d nfd St. L. S. V do nrd. St. Paul do nfd St. I'. & Omaha. So, Pacific So. Railway do pfd Tex. & Pacific. union Pnclllc ... do pfd ssji' 91 H 90Jt 140? 21 P3 i7a AVnbasli do pfd W. & L. E.... do 2irpfd..., Wis. Central . Third Avenue B. & O. pfd.. National Tube do nfd Adams Express. Am. Express U. 8. Exnress 125?;Wells.Fiirgo Ex.. 11 uim, 1,01. uu , SyS do pfd , 43U Am. Malting ..... do nfd Amer. S. &. 11..., do nfd Amer. Spirits ... do nfd Amer, S. H do pfd Amer. 8. & W... 20(1 151 196H ir SOU 68 ' 192',i . 10 4Si 130 i'li BIH -II 113 ,220 9?i 118?i' 163H , IS , 71Vj .102 , 91 Til, . 21? , &7 152 , son1 do pfd... Tl Am do Am. do Ana. Brk. Colo. Con. do In Plato.. prd Tobacco .. pfd Mln, Co... Rap. Tr... F. & I.... Tobacco .. pfd. Federal Steel do nfd Gen. Electric Glucoso Sugar. -do prd Infn'l Paper ., do pfd Laclede Gas .., Nat. Biscuit .., do pfd National Lend 1 do nfd 85-(, National Steel . rc-ii uu 11111 , MX N. Y. Air Brake. , 42 No. American .. , 76 , Pacific Coast ... ,149 do 1st pfd , 33Hl do 2d nfd , 75(s Pacific Mail .... , 44UPeople's Gas ... . 63 Pressed S. C . 93 do pfd . 32H,PnlIman P. C... . 81 'Stand. R. & T... , 59 Sugar . 2.'HI do pfd . 65?iiTenn. C. & I .163 U. 8. Leather... .19QH do pfd .123 U. S. Rubber.... . 4iii do pfd . 23H Western Union. . 76?(Amal. Cupper .. . 30VHRenubllo I. & S. . Kfilt do pfd . 8?? P. C. C. & St. 1. . 10H 1 , 1:1' , 33 , 16 ,120 , S7U , ,101 .155 ,1S5 , 51 110 , 30 , 88 & , Oi? . 99U o ', 17 . 31i , 76 , Bin , 91 . fit 91 .117- ,140 . 46 . 78i . 49 . 46U , 96 H . 52'i . IMi .193 . 4S . SI'.i . 22 3SU P1H 18 87H 47H 94 If .157 SI MH . 87 . 63 . 42 .101 . SS-'i . 77 .19S . 4 .110 .119 . fit :8& . 2CH . 62 . ffiVi. . 91?4 . 10 . 62 ,. 60 high-class securities. Americans opened weak, with nn appreciable reaction, but were steadier nt noon. The strength of X nlon Pnclllc was maintained. St. Paul and Northern Pacific wero the features. At tho close Americans wero llrm. Grand Trunks were Hut on disappointing divi dends. Kallirs wero fairly steady, being supported by professionals. Bar silver, steady nt 27 15-16d per ounce, tlold pre miums nre quoted ns follows! Buenos Avres, 131.50; Madrid, 36.B1; Rome, 5.98; Lisbon, 41. Spanish 4s, 71. PARIS, Feb. 8. The tono was good throughout on the bourse todny. Rio tlntos attracted much attention, hardening appar ently on American advices, Internntlon.tls wero firm. Certain Industrials Improved, except Thomson-Houston, which wns weaker, but recovered toward the end of the day. KalUrs hardened considerably nnd closed strong. Rio tlntos wero further advancing at the close. Spanish railroads wero In great demand. Three per cent rentr.i, 102r 300 for the nccount; exchnnge on London, 25f VMc for checks; Spanish 4s closed nt 72.17H. BERLIN. i.b.' 8.-Home funds nnd In ternationals were llrm on the bourse today. Americans and Canadian Pnclllcs were steady. Mines were animated on bear cov ering. Banks were favorable, owing to tho large transactions at Chnrlottenburg, Exchnnge on London, 20m 49pfg for checks. Discount rates: short bills, 2H I'cr cent; threo months' bills, 3 per cent. BOMBAY, Feb. 8. The rate of discount of tho Bank of Bombay was Increased from ifos per cent today. Ilostiiii Stock Quotation. BOSTON, Feb. S.-Call loans. 2HEf3H per cent; time loans, 3HC4 per cent. Oiflclal closing: A., T. & 8. P.... do pfd Amer. Sugar .... do nfd Am. Tclephono , Boston & Al Boston Sc Me.... C B. & Q Dominion Conl.. do pfd Federal 8teel ... do pfd , Fltchburg pfd .. Gen. Electric ... do pfd Mex. Central ... Old Colon v Old Dominion .. Rubber Union Paclllc ... Union Land .... West End . 63V . 8H .1404 .119 .163 ,254(4 .194 ,108 , 52 . KOU ,14ti I West. Electric . t h'snn 4s N. E. O. & C. 5s, Adventure Blng. Mln. Co... Amal. Copper ... Atlantic Rnston & Mont. Butte & Boston. Cal. & Hrcla Centennial Frnnklln Jt 195H Osceola lfii rnrrot rHyulncy 2ip' Hantn Fo Cop. .134 Tnmnrack 20 Utnh Mining . D." Winona 2VlWolverlncs ... 934 . re .102 . 6S1 . 10H 1 S3 . 914 . 29(4 .324 . 81 .foo . :'54 . 19 . . 87 . 4W .173 . 6?4 .338 . 34 U 6r . 49Vi Xpw Yorlf Mlnlnur Stocks. NEW YORK. Feb. S.-Tho following are quotations on mining stocks- Adams Con 20 Alice 41 B-"ece 2(0 Brunswick Con... 6 1 mst.ick Tun... 4 Con. Cal. & Va,.140 D ad wood Tcrrn, P(- Horn Silver 110 Iron Silver ti Leadvlllo Con.... 6 Little Chief .. Ontnrlo Oiihlr .1 I'd nix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard .. 14 ..623 .. 67 .. S .. 6 .. 14 .. II .. CO . 400 London Slock (luotnllons. LONDON, Feb. 8.-4 p. m.-CIosIng; Consols, money no account... Atchison Can. Pacific .... St. Paul Illinois Central... 133 Louisville pi u: P. pfd VI n. v. central.... lis 96 96 BM, 9." 157' Erlo do 1st pfd.... Pennsylvania .. Bending No. Pacific nfd. Ornnd Trunk ., Annconda Hand Mines ... 1 30H CS :p : , 9 3SH BAR KILVER-Qulct. 27"d per ounce. JIONEY-3IJ3H per cent. Tho rat of dis count In the open market for short bills s 3?4 per cent; for three month3" bills, iK per cent. limit. Cleiirliitrn nnd Eielinnge. OMAHA C Mnnlr ftonrlnm n,ln.. $891,991; corresponding day last year, JS3S, 326; Incrense. $36,563. , CHICAGO. Feb. S.-Clearlngs, J21.413.911; bnlnnces. J2.707.0fi0; posted exchange, J4.85H S4.SSH: New York exchnnge. 30c discount. balnnces, Jl.113,211; money. 506 per cent; now ionc exchange, par bid, 10c premium nsked. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 8. Clearings, J15.9SI.70I: balances. J2,'430,244. CINCINNATI. Feb. S.-Clenrlngs, J2.960. 500; New York exchnnge, 10c premium; money. 3fIC per cent. ROSTON. Feb. 8.-Clenrings, J21,459,872; balances. J1.7X),007. tsteu- rnmr wii s r-ioni. t en . 499; balances, J9.S72.447.- ' ' ' Co tVARtn ..U....-.U.W., . .n. 01 4VF1.111J o mull: mnnt ir Ilia (pmi.Mf., li.t. ...... ,H , V. w..v w. ..., . VHfM. J U,I.UIIl.VI III llir RCIl ernl fund. cxclusWef the $150,000,000 gold reserve, in tne ,. division or redemption, show: Avn liable cash balance, $143,9,467; gold, $71,510,130. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET nndlttnn of'' t lie Trramirr, I1NGTON. Feb. 8. Today's state- Eeef Steers Sold Steady to Ten Lower and the &s.me ii True of Cotji. HOGS BRING ABOUT YESTERDAY'S Fn.CES Owing- to Light Receipts of Sheep Puckers Pnld Slroiiir Prices, Par ticularly for Errea, but Heavy I.nuiba Slow anil Loner, 4,325 4,itm r.io 1,341 , SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. S. Receipts wore: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. on c al Monday 1,387 3.W0 s.'.uS umciai Tuesday 3,6u0 Ouiclal Weuiiesday 3,19.1 Ofl cla Thursday 2,031 Ofllclal Friday 1,50 Fll'n ila(.u l,lM if "ni -.111? 11 V7 Samo days last week... K,W1 35.10S 16,(32 Same days week before.. U.S5I 43.3SI 13,618 Samo threo weeks ago, ..12,691 3",69J U.b!M Samo four weeks ugo... .10,743 39,171 lo.oW Samo days last year 12,193 21,895 17,156 Average price paid for hogs for tho past several days, with comparisons: , I 1001." lfX.1899.Tli9s7lS07.IKoO. 1M". 1 1420 1 1000 4 322 1 280 1 150 1 100 6 . ... jJ 1 lu- 3 sn l 3 !M 2 CALVES. 5 fi 6 25 6 50 6 50 6 75 1 . :.. i.. i.. L. 5.. 49.. I.. 3... 2... V.'.', 1... 2... 1... 5... 3... 1.. 1... 1... 1... 3... 1... STAGS. .. 570 ..1640 .. 190 .. 150 .. 10) .. 110 .. 133 .. 220 3 50 3 53 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 IVdO 3 1365 3 10 STOCIC COWS ftiO 1 i.i 510 2 25 930 2 J) 666 3 mi STOCK CALVES. ' 'BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS, 1 H60 3 60 AND HEIFERS. 2 . . i.m J Al 3 873 3 30 6 861 3 75 . ... lijO .... 825 .... V, .... 8V) .... 723 ....1125 ....1055 .... 470 ....1100 90 .... MW . . . . 8S .... ra.i 750 3 3.1 3 50 3 M 3 f.0 3 73 3 in 3 80 3 90 4 HO I v) I 05 I 10 1 10 3.. 8 23 3 6 11 2 1 , 2 8 3 , 1 1 ..KjJ .... 731 .... tU .... 983 .... 780 .,..1000 .... 960 ....1180 .... 870 .... 790 .... 546 .... 610 ... 530 15 4 15 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 25 4 25 4 2.1 4 25 4 50 4 50 Jan. 16... Jan. 16... J0". 17... Jn. is... Jan. lo .. Jan, 20... Jan. 21... Jan. 22. ,,' Jan. 23... Jan, Jan. 25;.. Jan 26... Jan, 27... Jan. 28... Jan. 29.,. Jan 3u... Jan. Ci... i-b. 1;::: Feb. 2.... IVh 1 Feb. 4,;;: Feb. 6.... Feb. 6.... Feb. 7.... Feb. 8.. t 25H 6 21. 6 29U 6 27'I 6 264 5 124 5 ?1' 6 12i 5 IS 6 224' 5 "82 C 253 17V5 D 22 5 25U 6 31M 5 2.H1 6 21111 I' 2841 5 29 I 4 58! 4 62 4 48 4 56 4 54 4 4 4 63 4 69, 4 65 4 48 4 55 4 62 4 62 4 54 4 ff 4 6: 4 68 4 62 4 61! 4 7C 1 iwr .-I t-y. 4 75! 3 66 3 62 3 49 3 61 3 61 3 66 3(69 3 66! 3 61 3 60 3 67 3 63 3 68 3 70 3 61 3 64 3 61 3 69 3 69 3 66' I 3 47 3 26 3 69 3 47 3 61 3 54 3 60 3 54 3 67 3 62 3 65 3 72 3 67 3 62 3 64 3 C6 3 61 3 831 3 73 3 72 3 72 3 75 3 71) 3 23 3 23 3 26 3 26 3 261 3 23 3 25 3 33 3 35 3 30 3 27 3 27 3 29 3 27 3 19 3 20 3 23 3 21 3 t6 3 72 3 b2 f 3 90 3 96, 3 91 3 86 3 92 4 UU 4 11 4 10 3 93 3 91 3 981 4 03 4 03 3 981 3 931 4 U J M 3 86 3 85 3 88 3 95 3 W 3 81 3 83 3 79 3 85 5 97 3 85 3 60 3 6,1 3 61 3 65 3 6? 3 16 3 (2 3 I'.i 3 23 3 931 4 07 3 191 4 00 i uj; Ex-dlvldend. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Though business was umitcu hero touny, tno general list was utoady. American stocks wero an excep tion; their movements were very erratic. Prices at the opening wero depressed and In tho llrst hour thern was free selling all around. Then tho market found Its feet nnd Union nnd Southern Pnclllc Issues wcro bid up shandy, steadying tho list. Now lorK prices ns thoy camo in on the cable canned a violent sen-saw toward thn unci and tho close was Irregular, Southern Pa cini's ueing strong, union manes were flat, tho Denver Issues buoyant und tho rest of tho market sagging. eiv York Money Market, NEW YORK. Feb. 8-MONEY-On cnll. steady at lWt- per cent; prlmo mercantile paper. 3yi per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills nt $l.875i 4.87Ts for demand and Jl.81'4 for sixty days; posted rates, Jl.85ti4.85',4 and JI.8SUI.i9; commercial bills. JI.KWfc'I SIU. SILVER-Certlllcaies, (iiytiuc; bar, 6J!ic; Mexican dollars. 47Ua IIONUS Government, steady; state, in acttvo; railroad, Irregular. The closing pllcea uu bonds todny are at follows: U. S. rof. 2s, reg to coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do new 4s. reg do coupon do old 4s, reg., do coupon do 6s, reg do coupon D. of C. 3s, 65s... Atch.- gen. 4s do ndj, 4s Cnnnda Ro, 2s... C. & O. 4143 do 5s t C. & N. W. e. 7s.. do S. F. deb. 5s Chicago Ter. 4s., Colo. So. 4s.,.i..., D. & R, O. 4s.... Erie gen. 4s F. W. H. D, C. is Gen. I-ilec. 6s.... In. Central is,.. I,. & n. uui. 4s.. M K. A T. 2s.. do 4s ,105'i N. Y. C. Is 107 I0.V1 N. J. C. g, 5s..,.128'-i ,U0iI No. Pnclllc 3s.... 7114 ,U0!j do 4s 101M i:j; ,N Y C & S L 4S..10SU n;-4 n. & w. c. 4s.... 102V5 113' Ore. Nnv. Is Kfi 113J do 4s 103'A ,llo, Oregon H, L. 6J..127 .110 do consol 5s... ,11814 .12.1 Rending gen. 4-,, t: ,103i Rio G. W. Is 100 . 92(4 St I, & I M c. 5-4.110 .110 St L & S F g. 6s.129 .1071, St. Paul cons,... 184 ,122 S. P. C. & P. 1s.. 11814 139Vl HO bti I'-'OW; 124 So, Pnclllc 4s 01 f'fi So. Rnllway 6s...llii 86 S. R. & T. 6s 61 103'- Tex. & P. Is 116 841,4 do 2s itt 83 Union Paclllc 4s..10fi?4 .160 Wabash 1b 119S .115U do 2s ...U1 .101West Shoro 4H....114M . 7914 Wis. Central Is.. fSS . Of'i Va. Centuries .... 96 I'll re I 11 Flllliticllll. LONDON, Feb. 8. Money wns In good demand today nnd thero wos 11 smaller supply, owing to repayments of loans to tho Rank of Englnnd and the efforts of tho bank to raise the rate. On the Stock exchange business wns dull, In consequence of tho small volume of business. The forthcoming loan overshadows consols and Coltnit MnrK-rt. NEW YORK, Feb. 8.-COTTON-Hedglng and profit-taking were ropular In local cot ton trado circles today. The mnrket, while steady to him throueh the session, failed to go very far In either direction, nnd at best speculation wns conscrvntlve. The market opened steady, with prices Vai points higher, nnd Improved several points additional Immediately after tho call, on covering, and a momentary flurry of Invest ment support, the latter led by Wall street commission Interests. Hut holders turned to profits and before theso offerings had been absorbed prices wero down some 6117 points. Covering caused n partial rally In tho afternoon, but during tho rest of the session changes were comparatively nar row and business dragged. Tho opening cnbles were nbout ns expected, but Inter advices rellected decided strnncth in tin. English mnrket, with prices 2 points higher than looked for. This llrmness abroad, to gether with smaller port receipts than esti mated, was the basis for tho buying around tho opening. Southern dispatches stated that spot holders were asking higher prices, but for good grndes. Mill reports were dis appointing In that they showed accumu lating stocks of cloths and yarns. At tho closo tho market was nulet. with prices 3 points higher to 4 points net lower. Spot closed dull: middling uplands. 9ic; mid dling gulf, 10c. Futures closed quiet; Feb ruary, 9.3Sc; Mnrch, 9.Ec; April, 9.26c; Mny,, 9.28c; Juno, 9.22c; July. 9.22e; August, 8.83c; September, S.37c; October, 8.15c; November, 8.02c: December, 7.97c. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. S.-COTTON Steady; sales, 6,000 bales; ordlnnry, 714c; good ordinary. 7Ttc; low middling, 8V4c; middling. 9 5-16c: good middling, 9Hc; mid dling fair, 101-lOe, nominal; receipts, 6,114 bales; stock. 367.111 bales, Futures quiet; Februnry. 9.20fty.22c: March, 9.24ffi9.23o; April, 9.22fi9.23c; May. 9.20c; Juno. 9.17ifi9.1So; J ': 9.16fi9.16c; August, 8.76fI8.78c; Septem- T. i.30((('8.32c: October, 7.90fi 7.92c. t cretury Hester's statement nt ihn world's visible supply of cotton shows a total of 5,156,030 bales, against 4,143,689 bales last year. Of this total of American cotton Is 3,251,030 bales, against 3,362,589 bales last year. ST. LOUIS, Feb. S.-COTTON-Qulct; no sales; middling, 9ic; receipts, 2.503 bales; shipments, 3.181 bales; stock. 73.819 bales. LIVERPOOL, Feb, 8.-COTTON-Spot, fair demnnd and -steady; American mid dling, 515-32d. Tho sales of tho day wero 8.000 bales, of which 600 wcro for specula tion and exnort nnd Included 7.40O Amnr. leun; receipts. 10,000 bales, Including 6,500 .American, i-inures openeu and closed quiet; Amcrlcnn middling, I. m. c, February, 5 22-6lfij 23-fild, vnluo; Februnry and March, 619-Old. sellers; March and April. 6 17-OliL sellers; April and May. 5 15-64d, sellers; May and June. 6 13-atd. Hellers: .Turin nnri .lulv. 5 10-Oid, sellers; July and August, 5 7-6W on-uiu. uuvers; August nnu September, 4C9-6U1. sellers: Sentember. 4 63.fild. sellers! October, g. o, c 4S6-6ld, nominal; October uiiu nuvcuiuvr, 1 .j-uiu, uumiuui, Co flee Market. NEW YORK). Eeb. S.-COFFICK-Spot. Rio, quiet; No, 7 Invoice. 7'c. Mild, mar ket milet: Cordova, 8i12Hc The market for Ilruzlllnn futures opened hteadv, with prices unchanged to 5 points hlfhcr, on re newed covering, based on hullli'h accounts from European markets and fears of a further bulgo on outside support, l.n'er the market eased off sharply under liqui dation nnd short selling, brought on by tremendous Rrazlllan port nnd Interior ro celpls, tnme spot demand and fnlluro .f tho "copper" crowd to further bid prlci-i up. The market closed steady, with prions S-TIS points net higher. Total sale.! were ai.wi nags, including: i-euruarv. i;cc: Mnrch, 6,70c; May. 5.85c; July, 5.75c; Sep tember, 5.90c; October, 6.90c; December, 6 Oil und Itonlii. OIL CITY. iPa., Feb. 8,-OILS-Crcdlt bfalances, J1.25; certificates closed. ial of 1,003 bbls. cash. 11.28 j shipments. !oOJ5 bbls.; average, 96.897 bbls,; rutw, 95,037 bbls.; avorng?, 81,121 bb's. N13W YORK, Feb. S.-OILS-Cottouieed. dull; prime crude, 2714c; prlmu yellow, S-Jtf 30V40. Petroleum, firmer; retlncd New York, J7.W; Philadelphia and Ualtlmnre, $7,75; Philadelphia and Hnltlinore. In bulk, J5.20. Ronln, quiet, Turpentine, dull. LONDON, Feb. 8,-OILS-Cnlcutta Un seed, spot, 62s. Llnsjed, 23s 4',&d, Turp-in-tlno spirits, 23s 334d. Dry Gondii, NEW YORK, Feb. 8.-Only a moderate amount of business reported on the spot market today, but falr-slred mall orders havo kept transactions up to recent aver age. There has been no chnnge In prices In nny direction. Spot goods are easy to buy, but sellers are still slow In accepting bus iness for forward delivery except at their own prices in Moth, stnples nnd fancies. Linens am quiet here, but foreign markots very strong. Burlaps are In small supply and firm. Indicates Sunday. Iho olllr-lal number of cnrs of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. & St. P. Ry 2 9 O. & St. L. Ry...... 2 Mo. Pucltlc 2 Union Pac. System 7 13 ti C. He N. W. Ry 1 is V., E. & M. V. 11. R 31 32 S. C. &. P. Ry 1 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry 10 3 U. Sc M. R. R. R C 9 C, R. Sc Q. Ry 2 15 K. C. Sc St. J 3 C, R. 1. Sc V., east 3 14 C, 11. I. Sc V., west 3 1 Illinois Central .'. 2 6 Total receipts 72 119 6 The disposition of the day's receipts' was as follows, each buynr purchasing tho num. ber of head indicated: Ruyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 173 1,602 .... G. II. Hammond Co 323 1,169 149 Swift and Company 206 1,897 1.W6 Cudahy Packing Co 178 1,950 2 Armour & Co 445 2,313 1S9 Omnha P. Co.. K. C 71 R. Uecker Sc Degan 35 McCrcHry & Clark 60 11111 Sc Huntzlnger 73 Hamilton Sc Rothschild.. 29 L. F. Husz c U. F. Hobblck 30 Other buyers 133 Totals 1,761 8,837 1.316 CATTLE Conditions wero rtitncr against the selling Interests this morning owing to tho henvy fall of snow, which made tho cattlo appear In bad form, and ulso to the fact that It Is tho last end of tho week, when tho demand on tho part of both pack ers and feeder buyers Is somewhat limited. There wero about 25 cars of beef htei:rs Included In the receipts, nnd packers started out early and bought up some of tho best cn'ttlo at Just about yesterday's prices. Later on. after tho more urgent order-i wore tilled und tho more desirable cattle Mild the market flattened out nnd sellers wire calling It 5fil0c lower, particularly on tho warmed-up and common grades. Trade 011 tho last end was very dull, anil It was hard to move somo of the cattle at any price. Thero wero Just about as many cows as there wero steer on sale, and the mar ket was In prnctlcnlly the same condition, though If anything a llttlo more uneven. Choice stuff, particularly early, brought Just about steady prices, but the market kept getting weaker as tho morning ad vanced, and sellers reported tho medium kinds and ennners about a dlmo lower than yestorduy. Trade was uneven on all classes, and for that reason It was dltllcult 10 tell very much about the market, Tne week Is closing with heavy bulls plow sale and 10815c lower than at the best time this week. Packers do not seem anxious for them nnd will not buy them unless they can get them for less money than they havo been paying. Calves aro selling In practically tho samo notches as yesterday, good ones bringing as high as $7.0). Stags nre unchanged, The slocker and feeder trade wns rather dull today on account of tho storm, which kept country buyers nt homo and made yard traders cautious uuum uujmg. inciu wero only a few on sale, however, so ti.at prices did not show any material change Representative sales: insist1- BTKUiua. m! Pab7i',,loro ,vas a B,,01 stillly of hogs h. D?l?iUl,s '"""ling, but tho demand was !tinr1ISJ m,l'e. nnd as n result toddy's tn?,if.-Jnn7.Jll.,,t nbout " duplicate of yes ihii u. lMT.lY. J" morning 11 few Inf.?,0 Vf'ro b.''l1lng a llttlo stronger, but ihn.r? ellerii had n chance to cut loeso . nfi. .wiercU Ult'lr nds. The bulk of the S2 ?l,ay wcnl nt l5--;M 111111 111 5-5"' t,ie w, 10, ?iMi yK-fay. and as high ns $5.33 5-22 ' . f,T ,,rltm' ht,BS. Tho light stuff i. .V, .. i,".a.rd.to ,novo usual, and was 'rui V", ,,lu lnst' ,uul soll from $3.2i down, i ho market wan not particularly active, but 2ii.v" bDma ,"mo ,llc big end of the re cohits was sold by 9 o'clock. Tho market, however, closed up In bad shape. Provisions came a llttlo lowr mid Chlcatq lower, and as a result packers dropped their bids down to $5.25 anil JV27V4. Sellers were not willing to sell out at thoro figures, and consequently It wns lato be fore anything like a clearance wan made. Representative sales: No. -9.. 83.. 89.. IS.. IS. . 78.. 72.. 70.. 6S.. 62. . . . "8.... 76.... 63... 81... 68... 70... 70... 63... 81... 41... 30... 75... 73... 82... 61... 76... 65. . 81... Al, ....107 ....156 ....106 ...,212 ....183 SI'S !!!!207 ....211 ....189 ....263 217 202 ...241 ...198 ...255 ...199 ...215 ...236 Ml. mi .233 .311 .228 .203 .225 .241 .207 227 !209 03... 60... 67... 17... 63. . . 88... 52... 73... 79... 78... 160. . 83... 70... 76... 81... 79... 77. . . 74... 69... 76... S3... 67... 72... 84... 61... 1.2. . 26... ...229 ...229 ...224 ...388 ...174 ...201 ...232 2'' .".201 . . .239 ...226 ...201 ...239 ...225 ...217 ...217 ...215 ...235 . . .232 010 '.'.'.193 ...251 ...229 . . .206 ...217 .259 80 40 120 80 80 120 80 120 80 40 80 120 1-1. 5 O) 6 124 5 20 5 25 5 25 5 23 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 27W 6 275 6 27, ft 1N',i 27 4 IT. b 30 5 30 5 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 5 M 6 M 6 30 A 30 6 30 6 30 5 20 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 6 30 5 30 5 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 5 30 6 30 E 30 5 30 r iO 6 30 5 30 5 .10 5 30 5 30 5 20 5 30 C 20 r, so r. 30 r, 30 fi 3214 5 32 5 22U r Ti Tlioro n-itM M.i.. ni,A.. .iv or Hluop and Inmbs on snlo today, and na TiaCHtTS fill U'fintnri n fnn, tti. iltiU t stronger prices for somo of tho more de- uiiiiuu, uiiiicues or ewes. There were no w-ethnn? offered with which to make a teat "f,b market. A bunch of ewes on tho California order Pold nt J3.75, nnd another string of western owes brought $3.80. which looked like good strong prices. Limbs, howeyor, did not sell quite ns well, though the llgntwclght bunches brought nbout steady prices. The heavyweight stuff was slow sain and a llttlo lower than yesterday. The demand for the heavyweights Is very limited nnd packers do not reem to want that kind. Quotations: Cholco red wether $1.1551) 4.3..; fair to good wethers, JI.O0TH.15; choice lightweight yearlings, $4.fi.Vf?4.75; fair to good yearlings, JI.2jifiM.65; choice ewes, $3.40 4l3.u; fulr to good ewes, J3.O0Jf3.40: cholco spring lambs, J5.00P5.15: fair to good spring lambs, J4. 7503.00; feeder ewes, J3.23(ff3.60; feeder wethers, $3.50tf3,75; feeder lambs, $4.0004.40. Representative sales: NO. 10 cull ewes 1 coat 19 Colo, fed, Cal. ewos 149 western ewes 2 cull ewes 83 cull owes 41 nntlvo ewes 62 wostern owes 163 owes 68 western Inmbs 210 western lambs 257 Colorado lambs 264 Colorado lambs SIIEIiP- 6 27M, 5 27(4 h 5 5 274 6 27'4 6 iTi'.i h 2" 6 r. 5 27(, 5 2 6 27U 6 27'4 5 2(4 5 274 6 27'A 6 2.'4 5 27i4 6 2714 5 2714 5 27U 6 27M, 5 2714 5 27? C 27'5 C 274 B 2714 5 51. 6 27V4 6 27'$ 6 27' 5 271s R 274 e r, 2714 5 271. 5 27 5 27'A 5 10 5 30 No. Av. Sh, 66 2t.l 160 121 277 120 69 221 ... 64 241 ... 46 190 ... 42 226 ... f-6 218 120 28 257 20 64 234 120 76 222 80 68 219 ... 61 269 SO 76 238 ... 63 257 ... 61 278 ... 39 202 ... 14 408 ... 76 2t6 ... 61 302 80 71 234 ... 62 250 ... 70 256 ... 74. .....238 40 K 235 80 67 269 ... 73 201 ... 83 229 ... 74 225 40 69 267 ... 64...... 265 160 67 211 40 60 266 ... 67 262 ... 71 232 ... 50 335 . . . 68 219 40 63 231 ... 75 247 ... 64 321 ... 66 263 40 81 222 40 43 280 120 60 251 40 55 253 ... 75 210 ... 69 235 ... 72 247 SO 61 2C9 40 fl't 255 120 70 210 SO 62 23s' ... 69 233 ... 69 263 ... 63 252 S3'.'.'.'.'.'.197 40 60 213 ... No. 1.... I Z'.'.'. 1.... 1... 1..., 10..., 6..., 23..., 5..., 23..., I 1 12... 13..., 4... 19... 2... 3... 21... 4... 11... 23... 20... 6... 12... 1... 6... 1... 5 14 5 1 7 4 11 n 1".'.'.'.','. 1 1 1 1 1 1 o I!!!.'!! 1 1 3 9 1 1 1 o u'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 3 6 25 1 1 1 1 6 1 10 7 1 4 18 3 21 12 7 Av. .... 650 ....U'83 .... 765 .... 600 ....1090 ....1050 .... 809 .... 900 ....1154 ....1091 ....1013 .... 912 .... 965 ....1120 .... 845 ....1052 .... 950 890 ....1002 .... 917 ....1121 ....H1 8TEI .... 717 .... 933 ....1053 .... 930 .... 913 ....1210 ....1125 ....1090 .... 965 .... 955 ....1061 90S .... iN) 900 ,....1070 ....1075 ,....1121 1176 ... 900 ...1CS0 ...1260 ... 9iT0 ...1052 ...1030 ...1110 ... 950 ...1030 ...1160 ... 775 ...1015 ...110O ...1016 ...1007 ...1010 ...1120 ...C10 ... 910 .,,1110 ..T1230 ... 935 ...1U5 ...1232 ...1136 . 978 . 937 . 900 . 920 . 610 ,. 820 .. 803 .. 780 ,. 980 .1017 ,. 640 ,. 912 .. 917 .. 673 ,.1011 .. 950 .. 791 1... 1... 1... 1... .. 670 ..1280 .. 620 ..1320 .. 900 ..1320 ..1180 ..1C90 ..1460 ..1370 ....1700 ...,1380 ....1060 Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3 00 20 1001 4 40 3 10 4 1045 4 40 3 90 10 1003 4 40 3 90 1 1020 4 40 3 90 3 1080 4 40 4 00 10 1205 4 43 4 00 40 1142 4 45 4 10 10 1149 4 50 4 15 1 1220 4 60 4 20 40 1263 4 55 4 20 1 1050 4 65 4 25 1 1120 4 60 4 26 1 1240 4 00 4 25 20 1310 4 0) 4 25 4 1262 4 60 4 25 11 1122 4 60 4 25 1 1130 4 6) 4 25 29 1000 4 6) 4 30 18 1243 4 70 4 33 3 1300 5 00 4 35 1 199 ) 5 00 4 40 19 1"l 6 00 2RS AND HEIFERS. 4 00 IS 991 4 35 1 10 7 1092 4 60 4 23 S...., j... .1255 4 55 COWS. 2 00 1 1250 3 10 2 33 6 910 3 10 2 40 3 1360 3 10 2 50 2 1273 3 10 2 60 12 1128 3 1 5 2 60 1 990 3 15 2 50 1 1010 3 15 2 TO 2 1130 3 15 2 60 3 1266 3 15 2 6 ) 15 1091 2 20 2 60 1 910 3 25 2 60 3 1196 3 25 2 60 1 12(0 3 23 2 61 3 1265 3 23 2 75 2 1035 3 31 2 73 2 1125 3 35 2 75' 3 980 3 35 2 73 6 1OI0 3 33 2 SO 1 1070 3 40 2 80 10 1176 3 40 2 80 3 1150 3 40 2 80 10 10S5 3 40 2 83 S 1218 3 40 2 85 2 109" 3 40 2 85 2 9D0 3 45 2 85 8 1218 3 13 2 90 1 930 3 13 2 90 1 1200 3 45 2 91 7 1008 3 50 3 00 6 13i 3 60 3 00 1 1120 3 60 3 00 4 ION-.' 3 f,0 3 fO 7 1135 3 50 3 00 6 1308 3 60 3 00 11 1130 3 no 3 00 8 1221 3 55 3 00 16 888 3 00 3 00 13 1110 3 70 3 05 2 11011 3 SO 3 10 1 1300 3 83 k'8 AND HEIFERS. 3 60 11 1005 3 53 3 ro HEIFERB. 3 00 11 822 3 60 3 (O 1 930 3 63 3 10 1 080 3 6i 3 25 1 690 3 65 3 35 33 1040 3 70 3 V, 15 995 3 70 3 40 9 83S 3 70 3 40 20 969 3 75 3 10 15 1178 3 10 3 60 1 1000 3 80 3 50 23 9V) 3 80 3 65 ' 23 1161 3 8 ) 3 60 1 .'...1080 3 83 3 61 2 423 4 00 3 60 BULLS. 2 85 2 1583 3 30 2 85 2 1600 3 30 2 85 1 1630 3 '10 3 00 1 1230 3 30 3 15 1 1410 3 .10 3 20 1 1080 3 30 3 2 1 1600 3 -15 3 21 5 1S96 3 V, 3 25 1 1500 3 10 3 25 1 1460 3 4 3 3 25 2 190 3 15 3 25 1 1610 3 50 3 25 1 1S40 3 60 Ax llS 9) lit 93 90 97 99 150 131 99 100 75 73 Pr. a 25 3 r5 3 75 3 SO $2 50 3 10 3 35 3 75 3 S3 4 SO 4 '5 4 90 4 90 CHICAGO LIVE STOCIC MARKET. Cnttle Sternly to Strong; Hog Closo AVenlier Slieep Firm, CHICAGO, Feb. S.-CATTLE-Recalpts. 2.600 head; mnrket steady to strong, except ennners, weak nnd lower; good to prima steers, $5.00ft6.00: poor to medium. f3.40Tf 4.95: stockers and feeders, slow, J2.73H 4 50; cows, J2.50'f4.15: heifers, J2.701ii.50; cnnner4. Jl.60y2.55; bulls, J2.60j74.25; calves, $l.00fi 6.26; Texas-fed steers, J4.0Mt4.SO: Texan grass utccrs, $3.3051 1.00; Texas bulls, $2.30'r 3.60. HOnS nerrlntH tnrlnv !! fW linn.l- ull- mated tomorrow, 21.000 head; left over, 2,000 neno; opened strong to sc nigner. jinseu weak: top price, $5.45; mixed and hu'c'iers. $5.2006.45; good to cholco heavy, J5.3.VfjX.4i; rough heavy, $5.2W5.:in: light, J5.20-J5.10; bulk of sales, J5.32&fJ6.37U.. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recolpls, 7,000 nenii; sneep. nrm: iiimns, strong to 10c higher; good to choice wethers. JS.SS-gil.SO; fnlr to choice mixed, JS.fOi'fl.OO; wstrn sheep, $3.9O'f4.50; Texas aheep, $2.30-(3.80; nntlvo lambs, Jl.605.30; western lambs, J5.OOJjO.25. ICnnsnn Clly Live- Sioel: Mnrket, KANSAS CITY. Fob, 8. CATTLE Ra celptB, 2,000 head nntlvefl, 100 head Texnns, 60 head calves; beef steers and helfcri, steady to 10 higher; others steady; nn tlvo beef steers, $4.60?5.40; stockers nnd feeders, $3 50fl.80; western-fed steers. Jt.t'(? i.BO; Texas nnd Indian steers, J3.75l,40; oowf. J2.S0tf-t.00: heifers. J3.50fI4.75- 0.U1- ners, $2.25'i2.75; bulls, J3.0Oa74.50; calves, $5 CO I'lOGS-Recelnts. 13.600 bend: market steady to 6c lower; top. J5.4214; bulk of saies, ;i.S)iiti.acv: neavy, jj.ziku.i.4,:: mixed packers. J5.25fj6.35; light, $3.1Ot?6.30; plgc, $4.60fB.O5. SHEEP AND LAMUS-Rocelpts, 203h-nd; market steady; western lambs, S4.S05IS.2O; western wethers, JI.00H4.4O: western year lings. JI.40fl74.S5: ewes. $3.25573.85; culls, $2.60 (&3.00. SI. Louis Live Stool; Market. ST, LOUIS, Feb. 8.-CATTLE R'-celpts, 2.000 head. Including I.4IO head Toxans; market slow but stendv for native; Hto'idy to a shado weaker for Tcxans; nntlvo ship, ping and export steers, JI5fi5S0: dresied beef and butcher steers, J4.0Ofi5.25: steers, under 1,000 lbs.. $3.tBfr4.85: slorkem and feeders, J2.45fi4.65: rows and heifers, 2.(0'j 4.85; ennners. SI 2f.fl2.7S: bidle. J2 a01f3.75; Texns nnd Indlnn steers, J3.6Cffl.60; cows und heifers, J2.45ff3.65, HOGS Receipts, 8,400 hend: market 6e higher: pigs and lights. J5.25'(5.35; puckers, J6.30fi5.40: butchors, J5.40fi5.471. SHEEP AND LAMIIS-flccclpts. 1.000 head; market steady to stronc; nntlvo mut tons, $1.00471.60; lambs, JI.60fj5.60; culls and bucks, K.mSM SI, .losepli Lire Stock Mnrket. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo Feb. S.-(Spe-clal.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Ilecelpts, 1,000 hend; mnrket steady to strong; natives, S4.15fiC.2S: Tnxus and wexlerns. J3.60fi5.15; cowm nnd heifers, J2.15ffl.25; bulls and stngs, J2.10H4.60; year lings and calves, M.fiiV'fl.CS: -locken and feeders. J3 lOfj 1.35; veals J4.25f77.0O. HOGS Receipts, 1.900 head; mnrkit steady to 2Jio higher: all irrndo.s, i,271tff 6.421; hulk of sales, $3.30fi5.35: pigs, steady, SHEEP AND LAM IIS Receipts, 300 head; market Mcady. Stool' In Slirlil. Following nre tho receipts at tho four principal western markets for 1-Vbrunrv 8: ijiiiu-, iik. niii-i-i, 1.5S0 2,500 2.100 2,090 7.712 21.000 13 600 8,400 South Omaha Chicago Knnsas City St. Louis Totals ,imv York Live Slock Murkct. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. CATT LE Re ceipts, 3.893 head: slow and drngglng; steers lower; bulls strong; cows barely steady; steers, JI.Wf6.33; oxen nnd stags, Jl,00fj6.00; 8,180 63,612 1,311 7O"0 200 1.(00 "oiSH bulls. J3.1MH25:' cows, J2.0of3.90; cnbles quoted higher, live cnttle, llffiic, dressed weight; refrigerator beef, 95f9Hc, shipments tomorrow, l.Suo cnttle, 1,292 sheep nnd 9,9id qunrters of beef. . CALVES-Rccelpts, 11: steady; venls, UM US 60; little calves, J4.C-ff-l.60; biirnynid calves, J3 00fTO.6O. , SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recclpts, P.012 head, steady for good grades; medium and common, dull and weak; sheep. J3.O0ff4.65; lambs, J5.0ojir,.!0; Canadian Inmbs, $5.65. HOGS Receipts, 3,796 head; nono for snlo allvfc; nominally weak. SiiKnr nnd .Molnssea, NEW ORLEANS. Tell 8 -St'nAU-Oulet : open kettle. 314'iNe; open kettlo centrifugal, 4J4 5-16c; centrifugal, yellow, 4.4tflVic; seconds, 2filc. Molasses, quiet J open kettle, 20fj3oc; centtlfugnl, SfpW, Syrup, Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. lVb. 8 Wntltniill. nntn. lnal; medium grades, 13'20c; heavy line. 10 W13c; light line, lSJTtCc; tub washed, 1SW 2S!4c. DRI'.VKEV COWS l. A FIGHT. SniiKtilnnry llattlc After n Stent on Fermented Cnne. Tho most exciting nffnlr In tho vicinity of Uronson, Fin., of :ate wns the ferocious combat between two of Farmer Hnwklns' Intoxicated cows the other day, causing the death of ono nfter a tight that would put u modern bull light to blush. Hawkins lives four miles from Uronson nnd prides himself upon his line stock. Ho makes lots of cone syrup nlso. In tho grinding season most of the farmers In this country tnuko beer for lnTino consumption from tho "enno skimmings,'' but Hawkins Is a stanch teetotaler und vowed he would give the skimmings to his cows. So ho tilled tho trough full the other afternoon, not drcKmlng uf tho tragic consequence to follow. Soon two of his pet rows enmc up nnd be gan drinking tho liquid, It tasted good, and tho cowh wuhled more. Soon they had on a goodly "Jug" nnd they got belligerent. Onu plungod nt tho other, trying to get possession of the trough. Tho other, with a bellow of defiance, gored her nntagnnlst In the sldo with artistic skill. The other turned tall for a moment, and then cajnii rushing back, pinning tho cow to n post and goring her frightfully. The light then became general. Tho In furiated animals bellowed nnd Plunged at each other and fought with deadly earnest ness. This wns kept up for a half un hour, when one wns knoi ked down In a dying con dltlon, and the other wns Just able to walk around and bdlow triumphantly. The men folks heard tho uproar, ojt did not get to the scene of the wnrfnrn in tlmo to stop It, Mr. Hawkins Is out ono cow, but has lots of experience. The old settlers around them say this U a common occurrenco where cnttlo drink this skimmings, ns It ninlir them fighting drunk and a scrim mn-te follows. In the old timet. It wns one of the boys' sports to get n dro'-o of cattle In nn Inclosuro nnd feed them with cane nklinmlngs and watch tho light that would ff '"Off. A COLOSSAL WARHIIOCSB Which Will Hold .Vcnrly n Hundred .Million Pound of Tolinceo, Liverpool has Just completed tho building of n new tobacco warehouse, which, until Chicago carries out Its characteristic schemo for a block of commercial buildings a mile long, will be tho largest erection of the kind In the world. The new building on tho banks of the Mersey Is a glgnntlc affair, constructed by the Dock bonrd In order to provldo centrnl accommodation for the storage of the tobacco of tho port. Within ten yenrs, snys the London Express, tho tobacco stock of Liverpool has doubled Itself nnd now reaches tho figure of 100,016 hogsheads, against only 39.971 hogsheads In London, tho center of the universe. Hitherto several Immense warehouses havo been utilized for the storage of Liv erpool's bonded tobacco, but tho remark ablo development of tho trade has led to the building, at a cost of 300,0, of the now giant, where the lntest Improvements In the way of machinery and stowngc ac commodation have been introduced, Tho new building Is 723 feet long. 165 feet wide and 180 feet high. It has cellars, a wilder ness of a landing quay and twelve spnclous floors, each capable of holding 4.S) hogs heads. Tho total storage capacity of tho building will bo better appreciated when It Is stated that 90,720,000 pounds of the frngrnnt weed can bo comfortably put away within Its towering wallB. Tim money value of tho idle, when It Is full o ' tr'incco, would make dozens of paupers millionaires. The wnrchouso could hold tho famous St. Gcorgo's hall nnd n few music halls ns woll. It lias thirty-six acres of floor space and constitutes ono of the landmarks of tho city. Capture- n Gnuir of Tlilevra. TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 8. The pollco havo In custody n portion of 11 gang of criminals which has been robbing numerous Tncoma houses und holding up men nightly dur ing tho last four weeks. Included In tho robber band nro two women, who havo confessed their guilt to tho police, giving tho details of n number of robberies. Tlio suspects urn nine In number. Including Charles Wilson, who styles himself "third vice president" of uu orgnnlzed gnng of thieves which he snys Is operating In a number of largo cities of tho middle west. I111II111111 Cnlulien lliiti-hi-t nisrnso. AUUURN. Ind., Feb. 8. Tho Mrs. Nation saloon-smashing crusado 1ms reached In diana. Mm. Tom Crcnl, whoso husband Is foreman ln tho Raltlmorn Sc Ohio shops at Garrett, completely demolished the hand some new pluto glass front of Peter Rehler's snloon. A hatchet was used to do the work and, after breaking the front, Mrs. Creal entered nnd secured a beer bottle, which was tho last weapon UBed. Sho had repeatedly warned Mr. Rehler not to sell to her husband, who was In Jail at the time. llnroiii-s von ICotteler Depnrts. DETROIT, Feb. 8. Unroness von Kotte ler, widow of llnron von ICotteler, tho Ger man minister to China, who wns assassl natcd in Pekln during the Unxer outbreak, has loft her homo here for Now York on her way to Germany. Tho baroness will sail from Now York for tho Medlterrnnean. where she will remain for a short tlmo boforo making her wny slowly up to Rerlln. She Is accompanied by her mnld and a trained nurse. Roll II lilt of 7,Hh). ANDERSON, Ind., Feb. 8.-Nowton Mc Cormlck, a farmer living twelve miles north of this city, drew $7,0i)0 from tho bank yesterday to buy a farm today. He took the money to his homo and ut midnight robbers entered, took tho money, after beating McCormlck Into unconsciousness, fired the houso and escaped. Neighbors discovered the houso burning and rescued McCormlck. PeiiiiH) lvuiilun Will .Meet, Tho thirteenth annual reunion of tho Pennsylnnln club of Omaha will occur at tho Commerclnl club parlors j.rldny evening. February 16. Thero will bo a pro gram of songs, recitations, and speeches, nfter which duncing, will bo Indulged In. There will also bo a brief business session, at which tho ofllcers of tho club for tho ensuing year will bo chosen Mortality Slnllslles. Tho following dent hs and births wero ro ported to tho health commissioner for tho twenty-four hours ending nt noon Friday. Dontlit Wesley Wlgrflngtnn, 2317 arant, aged 56; Wlllnrd Scott Reed, 2530 D.iven- "illVths-I-'ran'WIIlnnl, 2175 South Twon tleth. bov; E. L. Lewis, 2723 North Twenty eighth avenue, girl. THE REALTY MAIIKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record February 8, 1901: Wnrriliily Ileeds. Alex Lackey and wife to Georgo Hoist, lot 11, Missouri Avenue Park extension v i'.-" Joseph Prllchard and wife to Matthew Kaiser, lot 19, block IS, Hiinson Fidelity Trust Co. to Emll Erlcksoit, cV4 lot 4, block "O," Lowes add.. H. V. Hiestand to M. It. Welch, lot 7, Washington squarn J. P. Flnley nnd wlfo to Agnes Lau fenberg. s 40 feet of, w V) feet lot 13, block 79. South Omaha..........- ---. T I! Rcnnlo nnd w fn to John A. A. Mattsoiii H 10 feet of Ma lot 9. block 1 Park Plnco ' rsrn."?0 ck" T Hiisch, lot 12, block 132, South Omnha (ult Cliilin Deeil, J. J. Cavanngh and wlfo to Patrick Mclntyre, lot 2, block 4, corngan piaco Total amount of transfers . JAMES E. LOYD & GO., Telephone lO.'IO. IlinnUa, .Neb, COMMISSION, (illAIN, PROVISIONS nnd STOCKS, llnnril of Trnde. Correspondence: John A. Warren ft Co. Direct wires to Chlcaao and Now York. Friday, 450 123 1.000 2,700 2,000 100 1,000 1,100