Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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mixoh mi:ntio..
Davis sells gloss.
Davis sells drugs.
Btockort sells carpats nnd rugs.
Fine Missouri oak. Gilbert Ilios.
Gas fixtures and globes at Withy's.
Fine A. IJ. C. beer, Neumnyer's hotel.
Wollman. sclentmc optician, 409 H'd'y.
Bchmldt's photos Ktinrnnteed to please.
Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens.
W. J. Hostotter, dentist, Hnldwln block.
Leffert, Jeweler, optician, 236 Uroadway.
Drink Hudwelser beer. U Hosrnfeld. nt
Mrs. M, Jensen of Vine street Is seriously
HI with Krlp,
Picture framing. C. 13. Alexander & Co.,
Ki Uroadwuy.
Mrs. John ritZRerald of Illtift street 1b
visiting friends In Denver,
W. V. Oraff, undertaker and dlslnfcctor,
101 South Main street Phone COG.
(Jet your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry, 721 Uroadwuy. '1'hono 157.
Min. George Matlock of Laramie, Wyo.,
Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cobb,
For rent, two modern residences In heart
of city. I mill Ira of W, I Kearney,
Mrs. Jj. Bmlth 1ms gone to l.os Angeles
to pass the remainder of tho winter.
County Treasurer Arnd will hear the Wil
liam I'lumtnur "tax ferret" case today.
Horn To Assistant County Attorney and
Mrs. Clem V. Kimball, yesterday, a son.
Miss Anna V. Kenton of Dcs Moines Is
visiting friends und relatives In this city.
Morgan & Kliin. uphotsturlng. furniture
repairing, mattress making. 122 S. Main st.
Edward Walker of Tostevln street has
Kon (i to Mungum, O. T., on a business trip.
Horn-To Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Horey. Fif
teenth avenue nnd High street, n daughter
Mrs. M. C. Itassntt Is kept to her rooms
In tho Grand Hotel annex with congestion
of the lungs.
G. W, I'otts of the rnllway mall service
In kept to his bed with grip nt his home,
716 Willow avenue.
O. II. Marsh, county superintendent of
schools of Mills county, yesterday visited
friends In Council muffs.
I'at Ilunlphun, who broku quurnntlno nt
Weston, Ib still occupying un upstairs room
all by himself ut the city Jail.
Bdwln I. Muthls, who has been vlsltlnt;
his parents Jiero the last week, returned
yesterday to Hot Bprlngx, S. I),
Ilev, Ij. Oroh of Omaha will speak to
night at tho birthday reception given In
Bt. John's English Lutheran church.
1 A wan' nd In Tho Hen will bring results.
Tho same nttcntlon given to a want nd In
Council Muffs ns nt tho Omaha olllcc.
Mrs. C. F. Ilrock nnd daughter Fanny of
North Platte, Neb,, are guests of Mr,
llrock'n Mister, Miss Hlnk of Avenue K.
Shorldmi coal, once tried always used,
Rmokeless, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur.
Trice $5, JS.CO. Fenlon & Foley, solo agents,
U. B. Grant commandery No. 44 will give
a dancing party In tho Merrlam block next
Saturday evening, February 9. Good music.
Mrs. F. IN Urndlcy. president of tho
Flower mission, sent n largo box of out
flowers yesterday afternoon to tho patients
At tho pesthouse,
Mrs. II. A. Thornburgh of Portland, Ore.,
is guest of her sister. Mrs. W. F. Thorno,
S302 Avenuo II. Mrs. Thorno Is nlso enter
taining her mother, Mrs. A. 0. Duvls.
By mlstako Donald nnd Marlon Mncrao
liavo been reorted to bo among' the chil
dren suffering from measles. It should
havo been Donald and Marlon Annls.
F. A. Illxby, former chief of police, who
recently removed with his family to Hardy,
Nob., has returned to this city nnd has
taken up his residence nt Mornlngsldo.
Tho caso nicalnst Charles Lancdon. ar
rested for creating a disturbance at a dance
Monday night In n Uroadway hall, was dis
missed In police court yesterday morning
for wnnt of prosecution.
Krnest 13. Mnrsh, nn employe of the
Ilarle-IIuas Drug company, fell on tho side
wulk on Main street und Seventh uvenuo
Wednesday night und suffered u fracture
of his left leg Just ubovo tho nnklo,
Mrs. L. L. Shattuck died nt her home In
Nelson, Neb., Wednesday. Mrs. Bhuttuck
wus formerly Miss Mary v. Keatley of this
city, daughter of Colonel John II. Keatley.
Bho leaves a husband nnd two children.
Two publto concerts will bo given nt the
Conservatory of Music, 110 Uroadway, Feb
ruary 9, at 2 nnd S p. m, by "Little Llzzto
Drake," a pupil of tho school. Parents In
terested In musical education of children
und students uru cspoclully Invited. Ad
mission free.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Phebo A. Berry will
be this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
homo of her daughter, Mrs, R, It. Fonda,
217 Bluff street. Hev. Gcorgo 13. Wnlk, rec
tor of Bt. Paul's Kplscopal church, will
conduct the services and uurlnl will bo In
Falrvlow cemetery.
S. B. Faes, who has been soveutcen years
In the employ of the McCormlck Harvesting
Machine company, will lcavn In u faw days
to assume charge of tho compuny's agency
nt Odessa, ItUNsIn, Tho position Is Impor
tant and comes to Mr. Faes In the line of
promotion. Ho will bo accompanied by Mrs.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John N. Baldwin will loavo
today for Now York, whero Mr, Baldwin
will sneak at one of tho prominent clubs ut
the Lincoln anniversary celebration, From
Now York Mrs. Baldwin will go to Wash
ington to attend tho national meeting of
the Daughters of the American Revolution
lis a delcgato from tho Council 11 1 u IT a
Mensles has broken out among tho chil
dren 'attending tho kindergarten nt tho
jiioomcr school seven new cases wero ro-
lorted to tho Board of Health yesterduy:
Itaymond Burnle. 800 South Sixth street:
Thomas Treynor, 7J4 South Seventh street;
Eleanor IUggs, 717 Fifth uvenuo; Wiltlo
ciarK, Boutn uiguiit street; frame uincer,
C33 Willow avenue: Harry Dent. Seventh
nvonuo and Ninth street; Cecil Wltitt, 30
Boutn I'ourtn street.
Georco Kowe, whoso right nnmo Is said to
be William Myer, Is being held at tho city
Jail pending Investigation. Ho wns arrested
'lucsnay evening nt tne Transfer depot ns
n suspicious character. Circumstances lod
tho otllcers to believe lia was nwultlnir a
chanco to work some unsophisticated
stranger on tho check racket, ns ono mndo
out for $175 was found on lilni. Ho claims
to be from Sioux City and tho authorities
mere nave Doen written to,
William Klrbv of Keir Creek fllml im In
formation yestordnv nualnst two brothers
named Sherlock charging them with the
theft of a set of doublo harness from his
promises. Tho men nro under arrest nt
Itockport, Mo., and tho stolen hnrness Is
said to have been found with them. Unless
inoy consent to waive such formality requi
sition papers will bo asked for for their re
turn. The brothers worked In tho vicinity
of Klrby's fnrm nnd after tho disappear
ance of the harness thuv were traced tn Mil.
ver City, then to Tafklo, Mo., nnd tlnully
iu ivuujiiiui i, wncro inoy were urresteu.
N. Y, Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
Gravel roofing, A. H. need. 641 nroad'y.
A Good Shoe
Is n shoo
Unit looks nice,
wciirfi well mill
tits perfectly.
TIipsp nro tho
kind of shoos
we sell.
Look for the Bear.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and lowu. Jamei N, unsndy, r
lit) oiain oi., council iiiuiih.
Funeral Director
(Buccerisor to W, S, Kstep)
M PiaUlL STIUiUr. 'Phone 07,
Queition of County Control Oomi Up Before
tho Board Today.
Proposition In to Ilr Submitted to the
Voters nt tin Co inline Hlec
tlou und Is IitUcly
to Cnrry.
County Superintendent O. J. McManus hns
called a mooting of the county Board of
Education for this afternoon In his offlco
In tho court house to make provisions for
submitting to tho electors of Pottnwattamlo
county nt the annual school election March
11 tho question of county uniformity of
school text books. Tho county Board of
Education consists of the county superin
tendent of schools, tho members of tho
Ilonrd of Supervisors nnd tho county
Pottawattamlo county is ono of thlrty
threo counties in tho state which will adopt
text books and give five-year contracts for
'tho supplying of tho samo this spring. The
present contracts cxplro nt that time. Tho
Iown law prevents frequent changes of
text books, but in many of the districts
In this county tho schools are using text
books which nro now considered antiquated
and not tho best adapted for tho needs
of tho pupils.
A Inrgc number of counties throughout
tho stnto adopted five yenrs ngo uniformity
of text hooks ami Superintendent McManus
is of tho opinion that tho proposition
which will bo submitted at tho coming
school election throughout tho county will
In tho event of tho county adopting uni
formity of text books, tho contract for
supplying them will bo n largo one. Many
of the school book publishing houses nro
In tho Held nnd havo had their representa
tives out skirmishing for several months.
Tho awarding of the contracts Is In tho
hands of tho county Board of Education.
A representative of ono of the big book
Iioubvs who Is hern looking tho field over
said yesterday: "The contracts for tho
text books for thn county schools means
n merry war this your among tho publish
ing houses, and tho competition will bo
unusunlly sharp because of tho fact that
so many school bopk houses havo como
Into tho field tho lust flvo years. Thero
la not, ns Is generally supposed, n trust
or combination In tho school book busi
ness, unless the American Book company
might bo termed ono. But tho Amerlcnn
Book company Is not now what It was in
tended to bo. It was formed with tbo pur
pose of swallowing up tho school book
business of the country and was formed
twolve years ago by tho consolidation of
four of tho largest houses In the country.
It swallowed up a number of its smaller
competitors, but It could not gobble all
of them. During tho Inst flvo years at
least twenty different concerns havo coino
Into tho business, and a combination of
all tho companlos Is no longer possible.
Thoro will be at loast twenty houses look
ing for tho contract hore."
The board nllowcd County Superintendent
McManus $C0O in addition to his salary, tho
same to bo In full compensation for clerk
hire and traveling cxponses. Under tho
aw tho county superintendent of schools Is
ullowcd $4 for every day ho Is ongaged. Tho
records show that ho draws from $100 to
$108 n month.
Tho board having learned that tho road
hnd not been established, graded or mado
ready for travel, rescinded Its action of or
dering tho erection of a bridge over Honey
Creek In Hock ford township.
N. J. Peters wus appointed constable in
Boomer township nnd Henry Smith, lustlco
of tho peace In Grovo township to All va
cnrclcs. Tho board failed to complete its work and
will be In session again today.
DoLong will print it right.
I13Pi;Tll3 LOOK TO SllKItlKl'.
Hp In to l'ny Tliein nnd I.nnic Stnudlnir
l utility Dispute In Nettled,
Under a new arrangement mado yester
day with Sheriff Cousins by tho Board of
Supervisors his deputies will now have to
look to him instead of to the county for
their pay. Tho matter of tho doputles'
salaries hns been more or less a bono of
contention between Sheriff CouslnB nnd tho
board ever slnco tho former was elected to
tho ofllco, but It Is thought that tho agree
ment entered Into yesterday will now dis
pose of tho matter satisfactorily to all con
cerned. Tho law provides that tho salaries
of tho sheriff and his deputies shall only
Do paid provided tho fees of tho offlco are
Whllo tho sheriff's odlco has enrned about
fees sulllclent to pay tho salaries, all of
these fees have not been collected and tho
county hns held that the fees collected and
not those earned must be sufficient to pay
tho salaries before tho auditor can drnw a
warrant In favor of the Bherlff or any of his
doputles, The county holding to this Inter
pretation of tho law has resulted In soveral
of tho deputies receiving no Balary since
last July, except thoso who draw n per diem
aa court bailiffs. In order to remedy this
stnto of nffalrs Sheriff Cousins yesterday
submitted tho following proposition to the
"In view of thn fact thnt tho fees of the
ofllco earned nnd collected, togothor with
tho bailiffs' fees now allowed my deputies.
do not amount to n sum sulllclent In thn
aggregate to pay the salaries of this office I
deslro to submit to the board for Its con
sideration tho fallowing proposition:
"If tho board will allow me tho fees
earned In this office during my term and
pay tho bailiffs' salaries as is now dono I
will tnko tho snmo In full consideration of
nnd will pay nil salaries now bolng paid
this ofllco by tho board, Biicb amount of
fees to be retained by me Bhall not exceed In
total amount tho sum allowed by statuto
to bo paid thin ofllco."
Thn board accepted this proposition nnd
agreed to allow tho shorlff to retain all fees
earned during his present term, provided
thoy did not exceed tho amount now being
paid him nnd his deputies. In caso tho fees
exceed tho salaries tho shorlff Is to turn
the balance over to tho county. This ar
rangement hn to recclvo tho sanction of
the deputies, so that they will walvo any
tuturo claim they might havo on the county.
Under the arrangement tho Bherlff Is to de
potlt with tho county trcasuror, after de
ducting his own salary as allowed by law,
all fees and then draw the amounts out on
warrant from tho auditor, The deputies
signified their willingness to agroo to the
arrangement, as, they now see some pros
pect of receiving their pny.
Howell's Antl-Kawt cures coughs, colds.
Iteeorder Trle.n to fntcli l'n.
County Iteeorder Smith has put eight
clerks at work to bring tho work of the
olllcc up to date. It having been allowed to
get behind pending the settlement of his
claim fcr clerk hire, the recorder having
discharged his two assistants until he know
whether the county would pay him their
salaries or not. About 400 instruments nc
cumulated during this time, nnd It will tako
tho forco now at work nt least a week to
place them on record, The oITlco is also be.
hind In nil other departments of work.
Davis sells paint.
JuiIkp Thornell Accedes to Itrqueat of
lolni l.lnclor In Itnnk Cnsc.
Judge Thornell handed down his decision
yesterday granting John Llnder's petition
of Intervention In tho Officer & Puscy re
ceivership matter. Llnder had J 10,000 on
deposit In tho bank nnd osked that suf
ficient of this might be set olT ngnlnst
$2,600 worth of notes which he had in
dorsed for other parties.
Creditors whoso claims were given prefer
ence are expected to ask Judgo Thornell
to make an order within n day or so in
structing tho receivers to pny them In full.
Under tho recent order raado by Judge
Thornell profcrrctl creditors wore to bo
paid nt onco llko other creditors tho 25
per cent dividend. Some havo not drawn
their dividend, preferring to wnlt until
their claims shall bo paid In full.
Tho Jury In tho caso of William Branx
against Drogo Bros, brought in n verdict
yesterday for tho plaintiff In tho sura of
181. Branz sued for the vnluo of a horso
which ho had pastured with tho defendants
and which became sick and died.
Judgo, Thornell commenced tho trial yes
terday of the suit of Austin Wlghtman and
wlfo against tho estato of E. W. Wight
man, deceased. The plaintiffs sue to re
cover about $1,400 which they claim to huvo
expended on the caro of n brother of tho
lato W. P. Wlghtman at his request.
Tho trial of tho suit of Maria Cllno
against A. C. Ellsworth occupied tho ontlre
of yesterday In Judge Whcclor's court and
was not completed when court adjourned
for tho day.
Crliiilnnl Docket on Alignment.
County Attornoy Klllpnck hopes to be
nblo to bring tho criminal docket on as
signment next wook. Thero la a large num
ber of cases to bo tried this term.
A motion for n continuance In tho case
of J. L. Caldwell ngnlnst John S. Morgan
has been fllml on the grounds that Morgan
Is Btlll too ill to nppenr In court. Tho
suit Is duo to tho alleged falluro of Mor
gan whllo sheriff to collect aomo notes.
Henry Salzblum commenced suit for dl
vorco In the district court yesterday
against Eva Snlzblum. Tho parties livo In
Noolo, Ia but tho troubles between them
wero not mndo public, ns tho papors In tho
Biilt wero withdrawn by tho attorney for
tho plnlntlff on consont of tho court.
G, A. B. dnnco nt O. A. II. hall Saturday
night. Admission 25c.
Vim In to trie Ntrrct.
Nothing was dono nt tho meeting of tho
council committee of tho wholo yesterday
afternoon, as only threo aldermen, Lovett,
Boyer nnd McDonald, oppoared.
Aldormnn Boyer has n matter In hand
which has not met with favor nt tho hnnds
of the other members of tho city council.
The Omaha Browing concern, which ro
ccntly bought tho Nonpareil proporty nt
Scott street nnd Brondwuv. wnntn in h al
lowed to uso three feet of tho street to put
us cuuuing on, instead or taking up tho same
space with au area wny. It Is understood
Alderman Boyer is pushing tho matter am'
has a resolution ready, granting the com
pany this much of tho public street, to pre
sent nt tho next meeting of the city council.
Mayor Jennings will oppose It, nnd sev
eral aldermen seen yesterday said they were
not Inclined to glvo away the city's streets
to any person. Several of tho aldermen
novo neen approached by representatives of
tho brewing company in tho mattr.r.
Ileal Kalatr Trnnnfprn.
Tho following transfers were Mp.t vn.i.r.
day In the abstract, title and loan offlco of
J. W. Squtro, 101 Pearl street:
Executors of J. M. Smith to John C,
omnium-til, lann in sec n-77-39, ex
ecutors' d '. 4,000
Executor of Lucy B. Miles to John B.
Denton, lots 1. 2. 13. 14 nnd etf 3 and
12, block 17. Mncedonln: 2 ncres In
nwU BwVi 23 74-40, executors' d 1,375
Mnmlo C. Puryenr nnd husband to
I.orettn McMnster, eft lot 4 nnd nil
lot 5. blnrk 2. Carter's 2d add, w d.. 6m)
Matilda Clayton nnd husband to
Charles A. Mooro, lot 7, block 1G,
Macedonia, w d , 400
Total, four transfers $6,376
llnr Votes Not to Itelnstiitc.
Charles H. Converse, formorly of tho
Pottawattamlo county bar, who wns dis
barred In December. 1897, recently applied
to tho supromo court to bo reinstated, and
that body referred tho requost back to tho
bar. At n mooting of tho bar Wednesday
at Avocn It wob unanimously decided to
refuse Mr. Convorso's request.
Fire In Hotel.
The flro department was called to tho
Motropolltnn hotel on Broadway shortly
beforo 1 o'clock yesterday morning. A
blazo had started In a storeroom on the
Bococd floor, but had been kept under con
trol by tho use of a chemical extinguisher.
Mattresses, bedtlcks and cots stored In tho
room woro burned.
Private IMiiiio Iteeltnl,
Miss Ilzzlo Drake, 10-year-old daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thnmns It. Drnke, will
glvo n private plnno recital this afternoon
nt the Conservatory of Music before a
number of Invited guests. Although but
10 years of age Miss Dmke has enrned tho
reputation of being nn nccnmpllshe'd per
former on the piano. Bho will give public
recitals Saturday afternoon and evening nt
the snme place.
Mnrrlnice Licenses,
Licenses to wed wero Issued yeiterday to
the following persons:
Nnmo nnd Residence, Ago.
Elmer A, Wood, Omaha u
Sarah A, Bnrtlott, Kansas City, Mo.... 44
Alfred Oliver, Omaha 49
Elzlna Coffey, Omaha. ., , 44
"My heart was badly affected by an at
tack of grip and I suffered Intense ngony
until I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Curs'.
It made me a well man." S. D. Holman,
Irashurg, Vt.
Colnrndo's First Governor,
COLORADO SPHIN08, Colo., Feb. 7
Robert W. Steele, first territorial governor
of Colorado, died at his home In this city
this morning of nn attack of grip.
His wife died Tuesday. Her funeral was
to have been held this afternoon, but hns
been postponed, and a double funeral will
tako placo tomorrow afternoon. Husband
and wife will bo burled In the samo grave.
Mr. Steelo was 81 years of age. Threo
children, two daughters and a son, survive
Cnptnln Vnnderburicli of Ilnron,
HURON, S. D Feb. 7. (Special.) Cap
ta'n John S. Vanderburgh, aged 75 years, on 1
ono of tho enrly settlers of thin section,
died at his homo in this city of pneumonia.
Mr. Vanderburgh was a captain In tho
Tenth Now York heavy artillery, and was
tho pioneer treo-grower of the county.
Dr. I'lora Stnnford,
DEAD WOOD, S. 0., Feb. 7. (Special.)
Dr. Flora Stanford, n leading physician of
this city, died last week and the funeral
will take place today under tha auspices
of the Daughters of Rebekah and the Wo
man's Relief corps, of which lodges the de
ceased was a member. She leavca two sons.
Bepnbllcan Nomination for Governor Seems
Now to Be Coming His Way.
Genernl Good I'ecllnir I" .Manifest nnd
thn Cnndlilnte .Mny He Selected
Moun llyers nnd Cnrtln
DES MOINES. Feb. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho Indications arc now thnt tho
matter of tho nomination for governor on
tho republican state ticket will bo prac
tically disposed of long before the con
vention meets, and that tho spirit of good
fellowship now manifest In nil pnrts of tho
state will rosult In nn agreement with
regard to the candidate to succeed Shaw
within n few weeks. This willingness to
drop nil factional differences and to con
sider tho probablo cnndldntcs on their
merits Is Just now magnifying the boom for
A. B. Cummins and ho will bn tho cnndl
dato It ho will consent to run.
A meeting of politicians of tho city nnd
stnto was held hero today, attended by
mnny of tho most prominent men In tho
rcpubllcnn party, nnd It wns agreed thnt
nil factional differences ought to bo laid
nslde. The conference called In Mr. Cum
mins and communicated with him In regard
to his willingness to become a candidate
provided It could bo done without stirring
up factional strife. Mr. Cummins has not
yet consented to bo n candidate, hut will
moot his friends later In tho week aud Is
likely nt that tlmo to Indlcato what course
ho will pursue. Ono by one tho others
mentioned In connection with tho office
havo hcon disposed of for various reasons,
II. W. Byers of Harlan had been considered
a possible candidate, but ho refuses to
enter tho fight. George M. Curtis of Clin
ton is in tho samo category- Tho Conger
Idea will not bo taken up unless Cummins
Is definitely out of tho race.
Thoso who desired that Governor Shaw
should bo n cnndldato for a third term
havo not nil given up tho Idcn yet. Tho
ItcBlstcr, which has been closer to Shaw
than nny other paper of tho stnto, today
declares In favor of Insisting that Shaw
shall be tho candidate whether ho consents
or not. Tho Donlson Kovlew. published In
Shaw's homo, however, comes out In favor
of Oeorgo D, Perkins of Sioux City. So
docs tho Sheldon Sun In n county which hns
hlthorto been hostllo to Perkins.
llendliiKr Ofr Nninllpoz.,
Tho Chicago & Northwestern rnllrond has
nni is raiieu n vacolnatlon enr out on the
lines In Iown with a skilled company phy
sician and stops nro ifrode at nil smnll
towns to seo thnt all employes of tho com
pany are vaccinated. Tlisy aro nlso vac
cinating all porsons who aiSt employed In
or about tho depots nnd nro looking nfter
tho matter of cleanliness of cars nnd stn
tlons. The 8tnto Board Tf Health Is in
session today and Is considering the opl
dcmlo of smallpox Iq 4hls state. Somo
of tho physicians rofuue to dlagnoso the
dlseaso ns smnllpox, but sny that It Is
m Imported dlseaso closely resembling tho
lrnallpox. However, It Is not denied that
tho disease Is as dangerous ns smallpox.
The secretary' 'of tho Board of Health has
compiled n tablo showing that thore has
been sraallpoMho last four months in more
w. .t.h ,C0"Dtlc', ot lh0 8tn and
that the epidemic Is on the increaso. Thoro
s also a larger amount of other con
tnglous diseases In tho stnto than In other
Supreme Court IleeUlonn.
Tho Iown supremo court this mornlnir
took a hand In thn 1 V . .a
S,nT'.r.aund ,9Se,1 a straining order
u,0 commencement of work on
the contract whih i,.. v. ... - ..
r3'0:00?.-!" order: how!
, '7' ' "lB "10 county oniclnls to movo
mtedm,mrftr'.qU,arters whlch nro now b'n
? Z T h?U8e- T1, iecWons rendered
w.u luuri wero ns follows:
K. T M. . . .
on Inuunince ml1C?BrSwW'ed!n,y! UC,'n
n.v';32" .ftSf nt Char,M ,
iiwiT. ' ii.'iu iiKuiiisi . iv. Tre c llflr
dismissed. K xmuon potitions; v rlt
MiiHe?iin ?.nn' nl?l,elmt. ngnlnst City of
Tffi" Muscatine county; ulllrmciL
ju la 11, Parmenter ngnlnst city of
coHIrr1t0;"renvl:rPS3id,ln, -"perlSf
W 1 M,Tnyior "Kal"Bt N: Wells, uppel
lnnt, Muhaskn county; modified und
1 11 urn 11 00 Itnte Golni; Ifn.
Owing to tho recent largo flro In this
city Involving u loss of nearly $600,000, and
tho fact that n Inrge nraount of plate glass
was destroyed, tho local Insuranco men
havo received notification that plato glass
will bo insured In this city at an advance
In tho rato of 10 per cent. They havo also
ucvu miormou by tno companies that thero
must bo no cutting of rates, nnd policies
which havo been written nt less than tho
schodulcd rates nro to bo canceled.
Butter mid Khk Denlem.
A meeting of tho Iown Butter nnd Egg
Dealors' association Is being held In Dos
Moines for tho purpose chiefly of consult
ing with representatives of tho fast freight
lines doing business eastward, with a view
to a different classification of shipments of
butter and eggs. At proscnt It 1b Impossible
to Becuro carload rates to the seaboard
for Iown shipments. Tho dealers aro do
raandlng this. II. Rhyncsbcrger of Pella
is prosldont of the ustoelntlon, and there'
Advice of n Kminiui. I'liyalolnn,
First nnd foremost, REST.
Take caro of yoursolf. vour already
weakened nerves want rest nnd must havo
It. If the attack is sevorc, go to bed and
romala there. More fatalities result from
neglect of this precaution than from nny
other cause
Eat sparingly. V our digestive organs are
In no condition to take care of large Quan
tities of food,
Drink plenty of pure, cold water. It al
lays the fever stimulates tho kidneys to
action and opens up the p'ores of the skin
Keep the bowels open with Dr. Miles' Nervo
and Liver Pills.
Take threo doses of Dr. Miles' Nervine
por day, and If you cannot sleep take an
extra doso at bedtime. To further contra!
tho fever anil to overcome the peculiar
aches and pains of grip, use Dr. Miles' Pain
Pills, They net quickly and effectually
and no bad effects result from their uss.
These remedies have been thoroughly tested
more than n million times and their effi
ciency la thoroughly established. Tbby
nover fall to glvo relief,
Dr. Miles' Remedies can be found at any
drug store, and they are sold on a positive
guarnntea that first bottlo or package beno
flta or raonty refunded.
IJLS Dr. Kay m Uticure cures all
ULlCUrR female diseuiies. At drug
w"" " w jrUu, II Illustrated book
and advice free. Dr. U. J. Ka,, Saratoga, N. Y.
nro largo number of the representatives
of tho freight lines here.
A meeting of tho Strnwboard and Killer
company, which Is allied with tho nssorla
tlori, was held nnd Joseph Gafford, Bur
lington, elected president; Oeorgo W. Nich
olson, Grand Junction, vice president; nnd
II. C. Bonrdmnti, Novada, secretary and
I n fnnt Hums to Ilenth,
Tho 3-yenr-old son of Mr, nnd Mrs. J. L.
Bmlth of Vnlley Junction wns burned to
death today lu Hb home. The mother had
gone to a neighbor's to see n sick -woman
and left tho child with two other children
n little older. They plnycd with fire, nnd
tho screams of tho baby alarmed n pnsslng
woman, who rushed in to And the little
ono burned so that it died in ten minutes.
Smith Is n railroad man.
Wreck 11 Mine nt flinrltnii,
CHARITON, la., Feb. 7. (Special.) A
dust explosion in one ot tho Cleveland
mines Just west of hero damaged the
shaft bo badly that operations will be
Interrupted soveral days. Moso Davis nnd
Ruce Edwards wero overcome, but not seri
ously injured. A similar explosion thero
threo weeks ngo killed two.
Welter Wnnted for I.nrceny.
CRESTON, la., Feb. 7. (Speclal.)-Hnrry
Weller wns brought to this city yesterday
from Peru, Ind., by Countable Redrup, who
was Bent after him by Oren Ruffcorn, presi
dent of the Big Storo company, who wnnted
Wellor for larceny. Tho Information ac
cused him of appropriating property to tho
nraount of $1,600, Weller was head clerk
In the Ruffcorn department store and, it Is
alleged, whllo in tho employment of the
company the larceny took place. Ho Is out
on $1,000 bonds.
Aired Mnn Attempts Suicide.
ATLANTIC, la., Feb. 7. (Special.) An-
drow Peterson, aged 83 years, attempted to
tako his life yesterday by cutting his throat
with n rnzor. Ho has been In lll-honlth and
had been living with nnothcr mnn nbout his
own ngo nnd their lot wns not tho most
pleasant. Peterson was feeble and Infirm
nnd despondent. Ho was not discovered for
nn hour nnd n half nfter attempting self-
destruction, but today ho Is still alive. It
Is not believed, however, that ho will sur
vive. ltnrxli nnd Towner Decline,
CRESTON. In.. Feb. 7. fSnecInl.1 Hon.
J. I). Hnrsh. former stnta senntnr. nn.l
Judge H. M. Towner nro both snld to havo
declined to mnko tho light for tho guberna
torial nomination. Tho Judge might ask
the ropubllcan stnto convention for tho su
promo Judgeship nomination, but not for
tno governorship.
"My stomarh was nflectcd by grip and I
could eat nothing but crackers and milk.
I began taking Dr. Mllca' Nervlno and Pain
Pills nnd tho trouble disappeared." Mrs.
J. Llndncy, Montrose. Minn.
Wnr htirvlvorK Iteiiiemliercd by tho
Gi'iierul Government.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.-(Spcclal.) Tho
following pensions have been granted:
Issue of January 21:
Nebrankn: Additional Francis Bnylo,
Grand Island. JS. Increase Wonlon J. Wll
klns. York, $17: Hlrnm A. WIiihIow, Cedar
Bluffs, J8; William II. Mclntyre, Lincoln.
$10: Dnvld W. David, York. $10. Original
wldowu, etc. (Special) Alice Wade, Vesta,
Iowa,: Additional Stephen CalklnM.
Thornburg. 10; DeWItt Nash, Dunlnp. $8;
William Blkln, Otrumwn. $10; Andrew J.
Howdyshcll, Ottumwn. $12. Supplemental
(Special) Addison L. Brown, Rlceville, $12.
Increase Jool n. Merchant, Garrison, $8;
John Wesley Ilahn. Trenton, $8: John
Mnrshmnu, Bayard. $10; Lewis C. Lincoln,
Forest City, $10; Wllllum Dolun, Adair, $10.
Original widows, etc. (Reissue) Iomtrn
Godley, Elden, $16; (special accrued Jan
uary 4 Emily A. Williams, Qunsquotrm, Vt.
Mexican war survivors, Increase Allan
Dunlnp, Centerpolnt, $12.
South Dakota: Increase Roswell J. Stan
ley. Vermilion. $12.
North Dakota: Increase Richard A.
Larimer. Ashley, $8.
Montana: Increase William Costln, Bil
lings, $10.
Colorado: Original widows (Special)
Sarah Tlnsdale, Denver, $3.
Issue of January 22:
Nebrnskn: Increase Oscar F. Brown,
Central City. $8; Hermnn F. House, Osceola.
112. Reissue William II. Averv. Lincoln
$10. Original widows (special) Jnno Fnui
els, Omaha, $8.
Iown: Orlglnnl Joseph Furrow. Dysart,
$G; David Vnnorsdol, Klngsley. $6; Kamuel
W. Cook, Macksburg, $; John 8. Porter.
Ccdnr Haplds. $. Additional Mathlas
Mlnchnn, Steamboat Rock. $8. Renewal
CharleH E, Roe. Waterloo. $6.
Colorado: Original John N. Stonebrnker, and Sailors' Home, Monte Vista,
$8. Reissue Thomns II. Smith, Monte
Vista, tn.
Montana: Additional George W, Donald
son, Florence, $8.
Mormon !
mil Uiair lu,
Church "J Uwir Iuiun. Toluv,y
of telf fcUiie, dinlpiilon, cicenei, or
orrlnl. Stimulate! the brain and nerve cenlen. ;oc a lei,
In. Back, Evil paslrasf mlnal Emissions, Lnm lack. Nervous lia
bility, Heodach,UnMln to Marry, 1-099 of fSRft Bern tin. Varicocele),
or uonBijpqtlon, jMpps Qulcknoia of DIs- Irf II charge, Itopi Nr
wnue TMltnlilnir Af EviiltrJZ. lulcui e,e lmmctiie. iiiiDarrviiruf And i-incr t
evet function. Door irel utkoendaut. n cure It It h-tnri. f-TTj ktktoret tmitl. unr1evtlutl
or utncjr rcitmueu, wiut o uoaea. uicuiara uce. AOOTeSS, UltnOP liomeuy uo,i Ban rrnnOIBOO, UOJU
I Don't You
It's Your
Just look around your ofllce! Are your windows 5
clean? Is the gah light dim? Do you come up 5g
in a dinkey, crowded little elevator that doesn't ff
run nights or Sundays, and is run by a fresh "
elevator boy who jars your breakfast every time 5
you ride? If so your ofllce is not in
..The Bee Building..
Hut it ought to be. There is no janitor service 5
like theirs. You have electric light, steam heat
and perfect elevator service. There are no un-
desirable ofuYes in the building. We'll take &
pleasure in showing you them. Jj
R, C. PETERS &.CO., Rental Agents
Ground Floor,
Home Taken Action After Nearly a Week'i
, Diicntiion.
FIkM on I'nrutnnllc Tube Service U
Abandoned to lie Hcnevfed In the
Semite Other Amend
ment it Defeated.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. The postoftlce
appropriation bill, debate on which has
cousumed almost an cnttro week in the
house, was passed today.
Tho debate hovered nbout threo topics
railway mall piy, pneumatic lube service
and special fast mall facilities but it bore
no fruit. The amendment to reduce the
rale of railway mall pay was ruled out on a
point of order, tho amendment to continue
the pneumatic tube service in New York,
Boston and Philadelphia was ubandoticd,
with tho purpose of muklng tho fight in
tlu senate, nnd motions to strike out the
npproprlntlons for spcclnl mail facilities
wero defeated,
The Besslou was opened with n speech by
Mr. Moon of Tennessee agalust tbo special
facilities proposition. He said that if the
people of his district should deliberately
nnd knowingly Instruct him to vote for this
subsidy he would throw down his commis
sion nnd wnlk out of the house, (Applause.)
Mr, Fleming of Georgia, a member of the
Joint poBtal commission, favored certain
modifications and reductions in the rates of
railway malt pay. This closed the general
debate. Tho chair ruled the Joy amend
ment to appropriate $2GS,000 for pneumatic
tube service out ot order on tho ground that
the current law contained n provision
against tho extension or tho scrvlco beyond
Now York, Philadelphia and Boston.
Mr. Sctiddon of Now York withdrew his
amendment to appropriate $225,000 for the
continuation of tho scrvlco In Now York,
Boston nnd Philadelphia. He explained
Inter that he had taken this action to n''old
n posslblo adverse voto In the house, whl'jh
might complicate tha situation when tho
amendment wan offered In tho senate
Mr. Maun then Insisted upon his point ot
order against the amendment of H. C. Smith
of Michigan to reduce railway mall pay and
tho point of order was sustained.
Votlnir 011 Amendments.
Tho flmt voto wns tnkon upon the motion
of Mr. Iiurku of Texas to Btrlko out tho
appropriation ot $193,000 for special mall
facilities botweon Now York nnd Now Or
leans. It was defeated 73 to 123 nnd then
tho motion to strtku out the appropriation
of $2S,000 for special facilities between
Knusa8 City nnd Newton, Knn., was beaten
without division. The opponents of tho
appropriations for special facilities carried
tho light Into tho houie, where thero could
bo a record vote, but wero beaten by volt's
of 60 to 82 and 33 to 79 tho bill was
Tho speaker lnld before tho house certi
fied copios of tho doctoral vote In tho sev
eral states, excepting thoso of Colorado
and Tennessee. Tho voto will bo countod
ut n Joint session of thn houso nnd senate
Fobruary 13. Tho speaker appointed Mr.
Grosvenor of Ohio and Mr. Rtchnrdson of
Tonnosseo to act as tellers on behalf of
tho houso upon that occasion.
Tho senate bill to allow travel pay to
certain ofllcers and men who ro-cnllstcd In
tho Philippines upon their discharge from
tho volunteor servlco waB passed.
Tho military academy bill nnd the bill,
for tho adjudication of tho SpnnlBh war
claims were sent to conference. Confer
ence reports upon the bills providing for
the nbolltlon of grnde crossings in tho Dis
trict ot Columbia and construction of sta
tions by tho Pennsylvania nnd Baltimore &
Ohio railways wero adopted.
Tho house then took up tho diplomatic
nnd consulnr appropriation bill. Mr. llltt,
chairman of tho committee on foreign uf
falrs, explained that the bill carries $1,80?,
808, being $88,830 less than tho estimates
and $37,610 moro than tho current law.
Without action on It the houso at S:2S p, m.
"I hnvo tiBed Foley's Honey and Tar
cough medicine and think It Is the best In
tho world." says Chas. Bonder, a news
dealer of Erie, Pa Nothing else .18 good.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, Dillon's
drug store, South Omaha,
If You Wish
gnud reliable dentnl work nt mod
erate prices we can please yon.
Oar methods are tlie most improv
ed our prices ho low they will
6urprise you.
..Telephone 145.
K. A. Woodbury. D. D. ., Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hols
have been III uve over o vcllt Lv the leidert of the MnimM
curei the wont ciiei In old nl youiiir irlilni fiom eiTtcu
Cures Lost Manhood, lr
6 for la so by mall. BhavaMA4 A written guarantee, to cure
Bee Building. JJ
17c. value ladles' black 19le
fleeced hose at I 31
ZSu value ladles' black stain- tit
less fleeced hose on sail nt I I v
SCo till wool hose 25C
Jnrg iLssortment of indies' em
broidered, hrmstltlchcd, lace edged
an.l Initial handkerchiefs, always
retail nt IUo, now on I Cm
snlo ut IOC
Or two for ttc.
'.'So value) ladles' union suits Ca
on sale at luw
7Su va hi Irulles fine merino E.flf
vests nnd iwuits on sale at UUu
Men's heavy ribbed under- Rfii
wear, worth 75c. on sale at .,OU
Men's silk fleeced under- RQt
wear, worth 11, on salo nt,..U9l
Men's tine till wool tinder- nt
wenr, worth Jl.W. nt IUU
Kxtrn heavy tloeced half IOIm
hose, weru 17c, on sale at,.IA"lt
Ladles' nnd gents' neckties, VRa
wero 6oc nnd 7Sc. on sale at...tww
Curtain Scrims
5c scrims, Q.
on na.: nt OG
lOo scrims,
nn salo nt .06
16c Swisses and scrims, I
at I C
Mofuncy curtains, net, Qc
Women's flno muslin drawers, extra
full cambrlo riilllo, on salo OQm
at, pair C9li
Women's lino 60c and 75o muslin and
cambric drawers, lino embroidery
trimmed, on buIu nt, Q 3a
tier pair 0)C
Women's 76c quality muslin E"wns,
embroidery trimmed, Klin
on saJo ut WWW
Women's $1.13 and fl.ZS frowns, laco
nnd embroidery trimmed, and lncn
trimmed skirts with deep QCm
flounce, nn Halo nt Qvv
Women's tl.VO quality laco nnd em
broidery Rownn. $1.53 nnd 11.76 em
broidery trimmed skirts, f fn
on sale at Iill1'
Indies' plain corset covers, In wood
..?.". 8c 124c
ladles' cotnot covers In embroidery
nnd lace trimmed, full Krench
shaped, on raIo 25C
IoiIIcb' 33c, 60c nnd 75c quality cor
set covers, thrown In 44.
one lot, on sale for .www
I. lno of ladles' corsets In the It. &
O. nnd Wnrner Hros.' best mnkes,
reKUlnr rctull price from CQM
tl to $1.76. on sale for QgC
Uemnnnts of embroidery and icti,
worth 8c to 10c, on salo C
nt, a yard DC
Lino of embroideries In remnants nnd
pleco kooiIs, worth from I f
)2ic to 25c, on snle nt IUC
16c nnd 19t minlltv embrolderv In
pood assortment of pat- 141.
terns, on snlo nt I2C
22c und 23c quality cmbrold- QM
ery, on salo at. yard. Ify
13c nnd 39c quality cmbrold- OCn
ery, on wnle at. yard COw
II, 25 qunlity whlto bed- 00
spreads on salo nt acb
J1.00 quality whlto friiiKod It.
bedspreads on sale nt inij
J2.00 quality white frlnicod I at
bedspreads on snle at ..Itu!
S2.2T, quality white frlnRed CA
bmlspreads on sn'o at lOtf
19c quality lino whlto cam- 10 1m
brio on salo at ItaC
HcKularCOc quality ladles' OCo,
kid Klovss on salo nt
Itcir.ilar II quality Indlen' PA.
kid irlovcn. on sale nt DUw
ItPKUlar W.60 ajid J1.76 qualltv la-
dies' kid and mocha An.
itIovoh nn salo at HOC
Jt.Wi quality men's silk lined kid nnd
mocha Kliives, on sale 89C
11.60 full ulse comforts on I flf
sale at Mill
$1.76 full slto comforts on I QA
salo nt , !
J2.26 and J2.7B quality com- i It
forts on snle nt It Im
Jl.m all wool blankets In O AD
blue, red and black plaids. ..tijfl
Our entire line of children's Jackets,
rnnnlnt? In slies from 4 to 12 yearn,
und prices from JJ.76 to It fifl
J7.). In ono lot. at iU9
Our entire line of ladles' jackets nnd
rapes, rnnglntc In price from t.V75
to 15.00, In ono lot at, 0 OC
each Wiww
A few samples of ladles' capes and
automobiles coats, In black nnd tan,
at 25 per cent off.
Dress Skirts
Indlcs' dress skirts, mostly In nlairt".
worth from $S.() to JJ0.0O, O Crt
on wiln at UiuU
$1.60 quHllty ladles' underskirt" In
black nnd colors, on sale Qf)
$3.23 litiii "IS. 76 linYi'n'f ''b'l'a'ck ntid nol.
orcd underskirts on snle O OC
nt r.iCQ linn of Indies' wrnppers In "tp
dlum und dark colors, on Cflee.
pale at DUC
Bargains in
& Gardiner!
Boston Store
Council Bluffs, la.