Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Etaic Teiohon' Asiooi&tlon Plana to See
That All Children Attend Echool.
Meitniire nmlmieil to Tnle H I'lnre
in Kndomed by Hnpe rlntemleiit
Foirlfr mill li MUely to
lleeoino a Lnvr.
LINCOLN, Feb, 7. (Special.) The com
mittee on public schools of the State
Teachers' nssoclatton met In conference
with representatives of private and pa
rochlal schools this morning and prepared
a bill providing for the compulsory cdtica
tlon of children of school age. Tho mcas
uro Is designed to take tho place of an
existing law adopted by tho last legislature,
but which has failed In Its purpose. SU'
perlntendcnt Fowler has Indorsed the meas
ure nnd It Is probable that It will become
n law
The bill recommended by tho committee
provides for the compulsory education of
children, for tho employment of truant
ofTlccrs, for the proper education of such
children an cannot bo taught In tho usual
public, prlvato or parochial scboole, for the
nroncr enumeration of tenons of school
age, for the punishment of persons vlo
latlng any of the provisions contained,
All persons having legal or actual con
trol of any child of not less than 7 nor
moro thnn 11 years of nge aro required by
tho terms of tho proposed measure to
cause) such child or children to attend tho
public or day schools for a period equal
to two-thirds the number of weeks of the
echool term. This provision does not npply,
however, to any cases where tho child Is
Instructed In somo prlvnto or parochial
school, or to any cases where tho child Is
Instructed at homo or elsewhero for
similar porlod by a person compotcnt to
give Instruction In tho studies required to
bo taught In tho public schools, or to nny
caso whero n child has completed ' the
studies required for graduation from tho
idghth grade. Children phynlcally or men
tally weak and those who rcsldo moro than
two miles dlitant from tho nearest school
are also exemptod from tho requirement.
The bill also makes tho following pro
Action ! Trunnt Ofllcrra,
"Any truant officer, who, from personal
knowledge or through Information or com
plaint from any resident or teachor In tho
district where ho acts, bcllovlng that any
persons having legal or actual control of
nny child or children subject to the pro
visions thereof, shall Immediately Investl
gnlo tho case and give written notlco to
tho person having such control that the
requirement of this act must be compiled
with, nnd if within ono week after such
written notlco Ih given the persons having
control of thu child shall not have com
piled with tho provisions tho truant of
fleer shall fllo complaint against such per
Knn In some court of Jurisdiction.
"Hoards of Education in cities may, In
their discretion, establish and conduct npo
:lnl Bcliooln for tho instruction of children
who cannot profitably or properly bo cared
tor In tho usual, schools. Any child of
school ago who Is habitually truant or in
corrigible, or whose conduct Is such that
ho cannot with profit to himself or in Jus
tire to tho othur members of tho school bo
retnlncd, tnay, upon complaint, be required
by tho superintendent of tho city school
to attend a special school until such time
rs his habits and conduct become such
as to mako It advisable and proper for him
to be received ugaln into thtnusual school
"Any persons whir shall, with Intent to
evndo any of tho provisions of this act,
willfully mako any falso statement concern
Ing any child or children under his con
trol and subject to the provisions of this
net, shall bo deemed guilty of a mis
f AND ' 1
These tre twin evils which work
itilous mischief In the human body.
They sip the strength, destroy energy
and Impoverish the blood. Ass result
cl these sllments, the system gradu
ally becomes disordered and the con
stitution weikened so tint the body
loses vitality and Is unfit to stand the
strain of hard or continuous labor;
thus, the victim offers a shining maik
for kidney disease, lung trouble or the
life-crushing malarial fever.
An easy and certain means of
warding off this condition ts within the
reach of every one.
the System Regulator, Is the remedy!
A few doses whenever the digestion Is
disturbed, or when the bowels fail to
move regularly, will remove the diffc
culty and stimulate the vital organs
to better and more complete ftf
foimance of their duties. With vigor
and regulnity in the stomach, liver,
kidneys and honels, there can be no
It" of sti.'ngth cr enjrgy, the blood
wni be puro and nounshlnj, and the
capacity of the bJy for woik thereby
maintained at the honest standard.
Send for bottle to-day, Keep it
always In the house. A half wine
glassful when the stomach feels
bloated, when the breath Is bad, or
the bowels constipated, will quickly
restoie the feeling of vigor and cheer
fulness. r,
demeanor and, upon conviction, shall be
punished by a tine of not less than l and
not more than J 10."
InI of f'ntixen -lieiltile1 for HeitrliiK
nt llir- I'phriinr)- Sltllnu.
LINCOLN, Feb, 7. (Special.) The fol
lowing cases have been assigned for hear-
r.g at the next s'ttlng of the supreme
court whlrh begins Kebtuary 19:
No. SIM. Chamberlain niralnst IJutler.
JoliiiMdii, aw,, Trmnpin nguinst Hammond,
i.hi.1 .mill . I'm, unilgm l-oumy ngainni
Dennett. Douglas. 9114. MerrlF agalnt Ne-
iraska Hn nus am Exch-uiac imtiK. uoua-
las; 911.".. (ireen against llellman. Douglas:
9110. Houghton against Smith. Lancaster!
&I17. Omaha Lmw and Tni't Company
ngalnst Douglas County, uojgin: tiwi,
l-Uilt,- luminal Klmpppr. I .jinrnnler . 'JI23. N'n
tloiial Life Insurance Company ngalnst Dul
ler. Lancaster; 11074. State against Stand ird
Oil Company, original; 11342. Stengrr
agnlnst Carrlg, Platte; 11171, Dobson ngalnst
male, cnerry; lira, ame ex rei Attorney
General against Argo Manufacturing Coin-
lany, original; 11673. Oltton ngatnst Muni),
Lancaster. 11727. Smith ngalnst N'eUfeld.
Hamilton; 117.V, Sofleld against State, Cus
ter: 11779. Hush against State. Dundy; 11790.
State ex re' Dullard against Norrls, orig
inal; 11M2, State against Nebraska Savings
and Exchange Hank, Douglas; 91M, Hajden
ngalnst Huff, Lancaster; 112SS, Ilnrker
nealnst Whaler. Douglas: 114CT. Common-
weaitn .Mil ui u i fire insurance lommny
against Hnyden, Uouglns; 11S0S, Holt
ngalnst Slate, Ilnyrt; 11817, State ngalnst
He denbriind. Dawson. Motions will not be
considered unless filed at least two days uc.
tore mey are to ue nearu.
Y. M.
Nelirnakn Stnle Asmiolnt Ioii'k Three
liny MortltiK Open with I'riimWe.
HASTINGS, Neb., Feb, 7. (Special Tele
gram.) The twenty-first annual conven
tlon of tho Young Men's Christian associa
tion of Nebraska began a three days' ses
slon here tonight. There aro already nParly
200 delegates In attendance nnd the num
ber promises to be doubled by tomorrow.
The sessions of the convention are being
held In tho Presbyterian church. The
music Is In charge of tho Omaha Male
quartet, composed of Fred L. Willis, W. J.
Stevens, W. II. Overton and W. B. Johnson.
Tho convention was opened tonight with
song services, led by M. A. Wolf, general
secretary of Grand Island, A splendid ad
dress was delivered by C. C. Mlchener, In
ternational secretary from Chicago.
Strniitt'a I'ntr In .lury'n IIiiikIs.
KEARNEY. Neb., Feb. 7. (Special Tolo-
gram.) Tho case against Lester Strong,
tried a second time for alleged assault on
Miss Hansen, Is In the hands of tho Jury.
Doputy Warden Welsh of tho stato peni
tentiary of Lincoln testified that when
Strong was lodged In tho penitentiary he
broke down and confessed to tho crime nnd
said ho would have pleadod guilty had it
no been, for his mother. The attorneys for
tho defenso made n mighty effort to have
Welsh's testimony thrown out, but Judge
Sullivan ruled that as tho prisoner had
made n voluntary confession tho ovldenco'
wns admlssabto. Strong when placed on
the witness stand dented that ho had mads
a confession to Welsh. The Jury retired at
4 o'clock this nfternoon.
I'rlrn nnil Andrew Tnllc.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.)
During nearly nit day yesterday standing
room In the court houso was tested, the
occasion bolng tho Second day of the an
nual session of the Johnson County Farm
ers' Institute. Dr. A. T. PcterB. stato
veterinarian, wns present and delivered
two splendid talks. He spoke of the corn
stalk disease and he advises treatment by
Immunizing. Chancellor E. II. Androws
of tho State university entertained In a
royal manner in a gcncrnl talk along the
line of social Importanco of rural Interests,
He was born on a farm and lived thero
until manhood was reached. Tho session
closed tonight.
.1. T. Mnrer. Superintendent.
LINCOLN, Feb. 7. (Special.) Oovernor
Dietrich today .appointed J. T. Morey of
Kearney for superintendent of tho State
Homo for Blind at Nebraska City. Mr.
Morey has been superintendent of schools
of Kearney county soveral years, and was
formorly connected with tho Perkins Homo
for mind at Hoston, Mass. He was strongly
endorsed and waa choson becauso of his
especial fitness for tho position.
A requisition was granted for Alcxandor
Crawford, now under arrest in Council
1) luffs and wanted In Omaha to answer to
the chargo of burglary.
'Vnnltr Cnrictn' AVnnt.
LINCOLN, Feb. 7. (Special.) A commlt
teo representing the cadets of the State
university appeared beforo tho senate com
mittee on military affairs nfter adjourn
mcnt this nftornoon for the purpose of In
teresting tho commlttco In legislation de
sired by their organization. Tho cadets
would like to havo legislation enacted
ennbllng tho otato to provide tho cadets of
tho university with uniforms, Krag-Jorgen
son rlflcB nnd other paraphernalia. Under
tho present law there Is no provision made
for tho state to furnish these things. Thero
ore at present 331 endcts.
Ilnin the finite lllvrr.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.)
Tho n. & M. crows ore at work building
a dam across tho north channel of tho
Platte river whore their rullroad bridge
crosses, which will ultimately permit the
removal of a 300-foot span of covered
bridge. Last year a cable was laid across
the channel lu the hope that dehrls would
bo caught and an obstruction caused; this
railing, piles aro now being driven nnd
willows sunk among them, below which a
dirt filling will bo made to effectually closo
tne cnannoi.
Tnrkles n Ciiiniillcntnl Cnne.
WEST POINT, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special. )
Judge Ouy T. Graves of Pender this morn
J ing opened an adjourned form of tho dls
trlct court of Cuming county for tho pur
iiunn m irymg ine enso or retor Kcxraanu
( against J. E. Turner, n banker of Rancroft,
, v. iierein tno piniuim seeHs to Havo n war
ranty deed by wtflch he convoyed his valu
1 ablo farm to Turnor. reformed and declared
. .to be a mortgage. The case Is exceedingly
complicated nnd will most probably tnko
up tne time of tho court for some days.
In SirenilliiK In CoIiiiiiImiii,
COLUMHUS. Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.)
, This city now has n genuine smallpox pcaro
, nnd a well-filled pesthouso. One new caso
I was added yesterday, making three which
I tho city has quarantined Just north of town
using inn townsiup nan. Tno last caso,
that of Dr. Slater, la within ono block of
tho High school, nnd it Is possible that the
school may bo closed. The authorities have
tucrcased tho pollco force to seo that tho
qunrnntluo laws nro strictly obeyed.
MnrliriiBPi Filed nnil Iteleiikeil,
COLl'MIU'S, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.)
Following Is a copy of the mortgage In
debtedness record for Platte county for
the month of January. 1901t Thirty form
mortgages filed, worth $13,510.05;. snmo re
leased (17. aggregating Jfir,,l'j. 13, Soven
city mortgauen filed. J2.C73.S0; snmo re
leased S, 1,900. Thft chattel record shows
72 mortgages filed, J19.3Sl.60; snmo released
P2, J12,17i5.71. No deeds In foreclosure filed
during tho month.
Involve .Severn! Million,
LINCOLN, Feb. 7 (Special Telegram.)
A motion to quash bill of exceptions was
filed In the supreme court this afternoon by
the attorneys for the appellees in the cele
brated Mills will contest case from Falls
City. The action Involves several million
dollars and a favorable ruling on the mo
tion would be a big victory for tho several
contesting heirs, who appealed from the de
cision of the district court.
Hitvnl rlK)iluir nt State.
LINCOLN. Feb. 7. (Special Telegram.)
The Royal Neighbors of America have
elected the following state officers; Oracle,
Mrs. E. II, Wllber, Beatrice; vice orado,
Mrs, II. M. Chldcster, Aurora; chancellor,
Mrs Andrews, Table Rocki marshal, Miss j
Huttcrfleld, Humboldt; Inner sentinel, Mrs.
Ilurgess, South Dakota.
TeriiniKeli Mmhoiik l'.iitprtnlii.
TECUMSEH Neb., Feb, 7. (Special. )
Tccumseh lodge of Masons had a social
In Its hall last evening, nt which were
present nearly 200 guests. Music was by
tho Mandolin club, Mrs. I). K. Scavcr and
Mr. Harry Phelps, and a short talk on
Masonry was by Judge S. P. Davidson. P.
S. Easterday gave a humorous recitation.
O. I). Dennett was presiding ofllcer. Supper
wns served.
In JloCntTrey'n Oiu Ilium'.
COLU.MHUS. Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.)
Charles McCaffrey, wbo was fatally Injured
at Millard this morning, was very well
known In this city, this having been his
homo for many years. He had been work
ing for tho Union Pacific the last twenty
years nnd had been conductor for nearly
ten years. He haB a brother nnd sister
residing here.
To Improve Lincoln Anrltitu.
LINCOLN. Feb. 7 (Special.) Tho senate
committee on public lnnds and buildings;
which Investigated tho Lincoln asylum last
Monday, has submitted a report, which was
introduced in tho senate today. The re
port advises repairs in tho old building
and recommends additional appropriation
for the now wing and 14.000 for furniture.
Ilenrlnu for nileiiiitli.
LINCOLN, Feb. 7. (Special.) Tho senate
committee on medical societies has set next
Wednesday evening as the time for con
sidering the ostcopnth bill, which an offort
Is being mado to have pass tho legislature,
and It Is expected that a large crowd will
bo present. Tho measure ts being opposed
by tho medical societies of the stato.
Piles of People
testify to the merit of Hanner Salvo In
curing plies. It Is guaranteed. Myers-
Dillon Drug Co.. Omnha; Dillon's drug
store. South Omaha.
I'reiiiont Woman Pound Dent,
FREMONT, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special. )-
Mrs. Thomas McMahon of Elkhorn town
ship, six miles enst of this city, was found
dead In bed yesterday morning. Death waa
probably caused by heart disease. Sho
leaves a husband, who Is a farmer of that
township, nnd thrco small children. She
was about 40 years otd.
Front llltrn nml Clitllilnlnn
quickly cured b- Hanner Salvo, tho most
healing remedy In the world. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store,
South Omaha.
To Improve HnntliiKn' Anylnm.
LINCOLN, Feb. 7. (Special Telegram.)
Tho senato commlttno on public lands and
buildings will tomorrow submit to the
senate Its report nnd recommendations for
the state asylum nt Hastings. Tho report
will contain rccoramemlntlona for extensive
"Grip made mo very weak and nervous,
with tightness of chest and headache Dr.
Miles' Pain Pills and Nervine gave me quick
relief." Mrs. Clarlnda Ilutler, W. Wheel
Ing, O.
Fnrniern' Inntltiitc Clones.
HUMHOLDT, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.)
Tho ninth nnnual Farmers' Institute wns
closed vlth tho election of these officers:
Presldont, F. A. Hummel; vice president.
J. O. Shroycr; secretary, E. L. Nlms; treas
urcr, N. C. Campbell; lady president, Mrs,
F. A. Hummel.
"After Buffering for two months from
sovcro attack of grip I found quick relief
and a lasting cure by using Dr. Miles' Nerv
Inc. Pain Pills nnd Heart Cure." Harry
Abbott. Cincinnati, Ohio.
f.niulilliiK Device" llnvr to Go.
KENNARD, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.)
Complying with Instructions of tho village
board tho president ordered the town mar
shal to removo nil gambling devices. Tho
order has been executed, creating consld
crable excitement here.
Fatal delays aro caused by experimenting
with cough nnd cold cures. Foley's Honey
and Tnr will prevent n cold from resulting
In pncumcnln. Myers-Dllon Drug Co.,
Omnha; Dillon's drug store. South Omaha.
SiiIooiin Clone DiirliiK Itevlvnl MePtlntr,
ST. PAUL. Neb., Fob. 7. (Special.) Tho
saloons uro Included among tho buslnoss
houses that close oventngs during tho pres
cnt revival meotlnrs nt tho Methodls
church In this city.
"I nad been in bed thrco weeks with grip
when my husbnnd brought mo Dr. Miles'
Nervine, Pain Pills and Nervo and Liver
Pills. I was cured." Mrs. J. Relnler,
Franklin, Ind.
Hun Will Shine Aunltt on Nelirnnltn
nnd South Dnkotn nnd Xnrlh
wenterly Wlndn Will lllow.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Forecast for
Friday nnd Saturday:
For Nebraska Clearing nnd much colder
Friday; Saturday fair; northwesterly winds.
For Iown and Missouri Snow nnd much
colder, with cold wave In northwest por
tions of Missouri; Snturdny fair In western,
clcnrlng In eastern portion; northwesterly
For North Dakota Fair Friday and prob
ably Saturday, northerly winds.
For South Dakota Clearing and much
colder Friday; Snturday fair; northerly
For Wyoming Snow Friday; colder in
western portion; Saturday fair; northerly
For KnnsaH Snow nnd much rolder Fri
day; cold wnvo; Saturday fair and continued
cold; northwesterly winds.
For Colorado Snow Friday; colder;
Saturday fair; northerly winds.
I.oi'ill Iteeord.
OMAHA, Feb. 7 Olllclnl record of temper
ature and precipitation compared with (he
corresponding day of the Inst three yearn:
yy is. not
Maximum temperaturo .. 2S 37 7 H
Minimum temiieratun ..2) S II ;':t
Mt'in timneruturo i I is
Preclpltntlon T T M .0)
Record of tempuruturu and precipitation
nt Omaha for this day nnd slnco March 1,
Normal temperaturo 24
Excoss oi diiliiency fur the day 0
'lotnl oxcph.1 since March 1 13.Y!
Normal precipitation U3 Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Totnt fllnce March 1 30. S9 Inches
Excos flnco Mnrcli l.t 23 Inch
Iiot'cU'iicy fur cor. perlol, 1900 ... l.'.d nc .64
Dollclsncy for cor. period, 1S99.. 1.52 inuhca
Iteiioi'ta ii mil Million" lit 7 I' 31,
-a"?? ' ?
. - j a
: i . o
: : S ?
; ; 3 .
Omaha, mowing
North Pluite, Knowing .
Cheyenne. Knowing
Salt Lnlte, snowing
Rapid City, snowing ...
Huron, cloudy
Wllllston. partly cloudy
Chicago, clear
St. Louii, snowing
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
KnnsnH City, snowing .
Helena, cloudy
Hivre, mowing
numnrck, cloudy
Galveston, cloudy
2H t
22 .OS
12 .10
31 i
s1 ia
2! .0)
S .00
Mi T
Hll .III
Jill .01
an t
32 T
IS) .ts
1M T
in .no
W .(.
T Indicates trace of precipitation. Zero,
Local Forecast Ulllclal.
Present Session of South Dakota Legislature
Outstripping Its Predecessors.
llnrlnrr I'lrst llnlf. Tito Vesra Attn,
Only Klulit Went Tlirnimli nn it In
1HII7 Only I'lrr Seeret Cnu
imis I'rouosnl.
PIERRE, S. D., Feb. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho present session shows far more
progress nt tho end of Its first haif than
did Its .Immediate predecessors, having a
credit of twenty bills passed to 'eight two
years ago and five In 1897. uovcrnor Her
llcd today appointed Dyron E. Lovejoy of
Kcdfiold state surveyor.
While tho Watertown capital movo Is
very quiet nn attempt is on tool tor a
Eocret caucus tonight to secure somo sort
of an organization, but the members gen
ernlly arc fighting shy of It.
Tho houso today rejected tho committee
report adverse to Increasing tho number of
tho Hoard of Regents of Education to
seven, with a pnld secretary, ami acceptor
several amendments presented by Warren
to mako tho bill more definite; then, on
third rending, killed the measure. Not a
word was spoken against the bill, but tho
votes were Just ns iKvully ns It they had
been preceded by oratory and after It was
all over tho reason wns found to bo that
Is was considered a 11 luck Hills measure
nnd that tho opponents of tho wolf bounty
bill, wbo v,ero defeated in their fight, had
quietly gotten together on the proposition
and decided to tnko their revenue
Another houso bill which went down In
tho wreck without a word being said against
P. was tho ono to give county judges fees
In Insanity cases. Opponents of the codifi
cation bill
when It waa beforo tho houso
last week practically announced today that
they would support tho measure It It wcro
sent back to tho committee for a few amend-
monts nnd It was recommitted. Tho house
passed tho bills to chango tho tlmo of
election of supremo and circuit Judges to
general election days (but It will take sev-
crnl years to got back Into lino nnd when
tho provisions of tho bill, It cnrrlcd out, aro
completed It will cllmlnnto tho expense of
off-year elections In tho state); to make
mako quit claim deeds absolute tltlo; pro
vldlng for dissolution of cities with less
than 230 population, and memorial to con
grcss asking for a treaty for opening por
tion of Rosebud reservation in Gregory
The houso also passed senato bills to
appropriate 25,000 acres of land to tho Asy
lum for tho Hllnd at Gary, and n resolution
giving to Governor Leo his chair. On tho
Gnry bill tho first call of the house for the
session was ordered, but raised before
absentees had btfen brought In.
llllln Introduced.
Principal bills Introduced were: To
authorize the Stato Hoard of Charities and
Corrections to tnko under their supervision
children's homes; a bill for tho Sioux Falls
Institution requiring city officials to fix
rental rates for telephones, wnter, gas and
electric lights; and a resolution for n con
stltutlonnl amendment allowing tho Incur'
ring of nn nddttlnnal lndcbiedness nt 10
per cent above tho present limitation for
tho purpose of allowing tho ownership of
street railways and light and wnter plants,
Prof. Hanson of tho stato university was
granted tho uso of tho hall of tho house
for tomorrow cvonlng for a lecture.
Tho only hill Introduced In tho sennto
todny was to nuthorlzo railroads to oxtend
or niter their lines of road and to build
branches and extensions nnd mnke altera
tions. Lawson presented a netltlnn
that nn nrmnrtlnnmunt nf ttm axVinnt e.,n.i K
,,. , I,, !.,.. u.. . .
u, luuI.,u:B luBicau oi oy
The senate passed the senato bill requir
ing wasto gates In mill dnms. which waa sup
ported oy sweet In tho interest of tho
residents along tho Jim river. Anothor nt-
tompt on tho wolf bounty wns defeated by
one voio.
Tho senato passed houso bills defining tho
notlco to bo given for road work requiring
non-residents to appoint resident agents in
tho district; fixing tho weight of Htlnlt. at
forty-five pounds to tho bushel, and tho
nouse joint resolution for a constitutional
nmendment providing for making loanB of
scnooi runUB at a premium of 5 per cent.
.Milken I'lenn tint of Court.
PIERRE. S. D.. Feb. 7.-(Sneclal Tele.
gram.) The State Har association and In
vited guests, 100 in number, wero ban-
queted nt the Locko hotel laBt night. Judgo
ii. rinnoy of the supremo court presided as
tOB8tmaster. The nddresB of wolcomo was
made by Judgo Gaffy of the Sixth circuit.
Rcrponses to toasts wore: "The Country
Lawyer," E. C. Erlcson; "Tho Judiciary
committee." Piuio Hall; "A Lengthy Sub
ject." W. E. Henedlct; "nonch nnd Har In
Action," A. W. Hurt; "Any Old Thine."
George I. Crawford; "Real Lawyers," Prof.
C. E. Holmes.
Mltlit Srnntonn Neamsnry.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Feb. 7. (Speclal.)-
In tho lower houso of the legislature
Speaker Atherly Bald that business hus
plied up bo fast that night sessions nre now
a necessity, nnd arrangements will probably
oo rcado at once to work about two hours
each evening. The senate has cleared its
flies and no night sessions will ho held by
tnat noily, nt least not for awhile.
Mnrlile Dciilrm .Med.
YANKTON, S, D., Fob. 7. (Special Telo-
gram.) South Dakota marblo dealors held
their first annual session In this city last
evening and today. Arrangements wero
made looking toward securing reduction In
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
ana cneeriuines soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that It Is not uncommon
(or a child to be born
afflicted vlth weak kid
neys, lithe child urin
ates too often, if the
urine scalds the flesh or If, vhen the child
reaches an age when It should be able to
control the passaee, It Is vet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition nf th
kldneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose,
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
anu Dom neea tne same grat remedy.
i he mild and the Immediate effect of
Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold
by druggists, In fifty- fKL.
cent and nn AnWnr tltlili' T'irvn
sizes. You may have a EiMSPllWiiiSsij
sample bottle by mall "OlUi
iree, aiso pamph et tell- nom or su,.niv,L
Ing all about it. Including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
It Co., Blnghamton. N. Y., be sure and
mention tms paper.
-W KM. ,Wr
S'after grip, what?
freight rates on their goods.
officers elected. T
town, president; J
president; J. O DIUcnbcrger. Vermilion,
treasurer and secretary. Wntertown was
... . . . . . . .
nvicuivu u U1I3 IMilCC 1)1 UlC llt'Al lIierilUK,
to bo held on thd second Tuesday of Feb
ruary, 1902
Mlti'liell 1'nnn llentlr Tliemnelven.
MITCHELL, S. D., Feb. 7. (Special.)
Mitchell will operate n baseball team this
season. D. C. Sneller will have the man
ngomcnt of the team. He arrived home
yesterday from n trip to InCrosso, Wis.,
where ho picked up the greater share of
his playors, nnd the balance he secured In
Iown. The men will report for duty the
latter part of April. Sneller had a consul
tation with Sioux City's magnate. A. 11.
Uoall, concerning the organization of a
circuit to Include several South Dnkotn
towns, nnd ho suggested that Sioux Falls,
Mitchell, Madison, Aberdeen, Flandrenu,
Rock Rapids, Iowa and Sioux City compose
tho circuit. Tho Dnkotn university will
also organize a strong team. For one of
his pitchers Sneller has secured "Homo-
run" Daley of the LnCrojeo team.
Nevernl Inilliinn on Trlnl,
DEADWOOD, S. D Feb. 7. (Special.)
The United States circuit nnd district
courts havo convened in this city, Judgo
J. E. Cnrlnnd of Sioux Falls presiding.
Many cases of great Importanco nro to come
up before tho grand Jury. A great many
Indian cases of different nntures will bo
tried. Thero ore a largo number of In
dians In tho city ns witnesses, Some of
tho cases aro: Red Thunder, John Yellow
Wolf nnd Had Hoy of the Rosebud agency,
for larceny; John Crow Dog, n son of tho
Indian who wns tried hero mnny yenre ago
for tho murder of Spotted Tall, will answer
to tho chargo of horse stealing; Alex Good
Hoy, for larceny; Owen Keeps tho Moun
tnln, also for horso stealing; n Crow In
dian, for tho murder of an Infant.
Kind I). THIei N .Skeleton.
OTTO, Wyo., Feb, 7. (Special.) The
body of a man who Is believed to havo been
D. Tilly of Lawrence, Mass., wns found on
a cicek near tho Montnna line, south of
Hillings. Nothing was left but tho boneB
and pieces of clothing. Tho namo "D. Tilly"
was found on n pair of leather chaps near
tho skeleton. From evidences nt hnnd It Is
believed that Tilly wna killed by lightning
while In camp, an n largo tree nearby shown
the marks of a bolt of lightning.
Her One Hundred nnd Third Illrllulnr.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Feb. 7. (Special.)
Mtb. Margaret Strlngham celebrated her
103d birthday nnnlversary Sunday. Sho has
been strong nnd healthy until about throe
monthB ngo, when sho wns taken 111 and has
kept to her bed most of thfo tlmo slnco.
Mrs. Strlngham wbb born In Illinois, where
Bho spent most of her life. Sho afterward
moved to Iowa nnd later came to Sioux
Falls. Sho wns married thrco times and
haB great-great-grandchildren.
Landed Itevolver linen (lie AVorlc.
SPEARFISH. S. D Feb. 7. (Special.)
At tho Homo of Martin Jllbert, a short dls
tanco from this city, an accident occurred
which will result In the death of his 10
ycnr-oiu uaugnicr. a lltllo brother was
playfully pointing at his sister a 22-callber
revolver, whlrh ho supposed was unloaded
and which he Bred, the bullot entering tho
girl s ncad.
College mid 'Vnrnlty llelinte.
MITCHELL, 8. D., Feb. 7. (Special,)
ArrAilPAmitnlil tini'n linnn rnnr1nr1nt fn n
inmi ,ii,nt h.iir..n vnw.. -ii
students nnd tho Dakota unlversltv nr.
nentatlvcs In May
"Falling to find relief from the grip with
old methods, I took Dr. Miles' Pain Pills,
Nervine and Nervo and Liver Pills and was
permanently cured." qust. Egan, Jackson,
Clmlee nt Ilrlenn.
n A, .Mom.. Ken. ,. Today s sent
tnrlnt ballot was; Frank. 2S. MantM. 31
MnglnnlB. 12; P. F. Sullivan of Silver
How, 7; Conrad, 7; Spriggs, 7; Toole, 1.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This ntiestton wines in the familt
very day. Let us answer it to-day. Trj
n delicious nnd healthful dessert. Pre-
Eared in two minutes. No boiling 1 no
.iking I add boiling wnter nnd sst to
cool. Flavors: Lemon Orantre. Knsn-
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
t ynur grocers to-day jocts
Tho Pnn'inuc Pnntnrl Wlllnh
A Vt LIU It J A J, Vf v , , w -
Follows an Attack of this
Mysterious Malady.
Grip Is bad enough wltl. Its aching bones,
Intlamed eyes, painful back and fever. Huts
Its after iffects are perhaps even more to
bo dreaded thnn the misery nttendent on nn
attack of the disease Itself. Tho person
who comes safely through an attack of the
grip, man, woman or child, Is left In a
condition of peculiar debility nnd prostra
tion from which It Is difficult to rally. A
slight cold or cough may find speedy termi
nation lu lung dlseasd. Ordinary exposure
results In pneumonia. The disease seems to
deplete the vitality, undermine tho strength
and effect tho balance of tho mind. It U
ono of tho sad experiences of tho grip,
thnt tho convalescent supposed to he rally
ing well, has been found in n condition of
cbmplcte collapse.
As n result of tho grip tho lungs, nnd
other organs of respiration seem peculiarly
llablo to bo nffected ond consumption may
easily bo tho after consequence of tho mnl
ndy. It needs no argument therefore to
urge tho building up of tho system weak
ened by grip to ennblo It to resist and throw
off these sequent diseases which so fre
quently provo fatal
In actual test Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery has proved Itself peculiarly val
uable not only In the quick euro of tho dl
Bease. but also In rebuilding the body which
grip haB undermined nnd In curing diseases
which aro nrono to fasten on tho enfeebled
system. It strengthens the Btnmach, heals
the lungs, nnd purifies the blood. It puts
th wholo body on n piano of sound and vig
orous health.
"Two ycara ago this month I had an at
tack of grip which left niy throat and lungB
In bad condition," writes Mrs. M. E. Stew
art, of Center, Chickasaw Nation, Ind Tor.
"Tho doctor said I had dlseaso of tho bron
chial tubes, but confessed to my husband
(unknown to mo), that I had consumption
In the first Btago and could never bo cured;
but thankB to God and tp Dr. Pierce, today
I feel well, and am better now than I havo
been for many years. I can do as much
work now as any woman of my age, which
ts forty-sevon. Ono of my neighbor women
advised mo to get Dr. Tierce's Ooldon Med
ical Discovery, so I Bent and got It, and
then I was not satisfied with It alone, hardly
believing It would cure wo, so I wrote to Dr.
Pierce nnd gave him my symptoms. He re
plied that I had catarrh of tho head, ex
tending to my lungs, and told what would
cure me. I took his advice never neglect
ed It for nnythlng. I have taken soveon
teen bottles of 'Golden Medical Discovery,'
eight vials of Dr. Pierce's Pellets, and ten
packages of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. I
weak parts, nmku men
tlronc vlKorout, ruliuiti
, married men, men imcna-
r to nmrry. hioiiij
1 in Ito a bon aitonlMitnir re
nin I nlcht losses slopped! lower restoicdt 11
nt Miprmmi L. McCnnnells.
inlin A: Cti ami other
UeanCo.nuffuloN V
ilrtMElaif ur nulled rr Jicrv
1 1 i
do not regret that I spent the money paid
for the nudlclnes. I have gnlned twenty
four poundti. Indeed Dr. Pierce's medi
cines have dono wonders for mo. it Is no
use for me tn try to tell my feelings. It
would take tlmo and space, but I was a
skeleton and so peer and so down-hearted I
could net look at one of my llttte,ones with
out shedding tours, thinking that they
would soon be left without n mother."
What makes me strong? Ask yourself
that qu stlnn nnd you will find (hut the an
swer will be, I nut mnde strong by food.
How docs food make us strong? Ily
pasting through the process of digestion
and being converted into nutrition, which
lu the form of blood, nourishes tho body. So
that while blood Is the life of tho body,
food Is tho life of tho blood. Every red
vein and artery of the body
leads like .a scarlet cluo back
tu the stomach. If the body Is
weak, therefore, we must look
to the stomach first for tho
cause of weakness, and then to
tho blood. The same result
of physical weakness will fol
low tho opening of nn artery,
or starvation. You may bleed
to death or stnrvo to doath,
This Ib so well understood
lu tnedlcat prnctlco that tho
first consideration of the
physician In Investigating
disease In tho condi
tion of tho stomach, If tho
stomach ts weak tho body
ean' I bo strong. If the stom
ach Is weak, thnt weakness
will surely llnd nn echo In
somo other organ dependent
on tho stomach for Its nu
trition such ns heart, llvur,
lungB, kidneys, etc. If you
starve n mother, you ntnrvo
tho child nt her breast. If
you starve tho stomach, you
starve tho organs It feeds.
Hut starvation of the body
ran be accomplished even where food Is
plentifully supplied because of the stomach
nnd other arRnus of digestion nnd nutri
tion uro diseased, then the food will not bo
converted Into nutrition or only partly so,
nnd tho body inadequately nourished will
begin to grow weak. The first attempt,
then, In dealing with n weak body Is to
nourish It Into strength. Tho general
method of this ntU-mpt Is to try nnd bring
tho food down to the level of n wenk stom
ach. This Is done by the use of prepared
foods, cod liver oil, mid Its emulsions. Dut
this doesn't euro the disease of the stom
ach or put the organs of nutrition into a
condition to build up the body.
Dr. Plerco's Golden Medical Discovery
deals directly with tho stomach nnd blocd.
It seeks to bring tho stomach up to thn
level of strong henlthful food. When this
g jono t,0 i)0,iy K,ins In strength, puts on
flesh, throws off dlscnsu and enterH on a
new life. That these results follow th
uso of 'Golden Medical Discovery' ts proved
by tho testimony of thousands of weak run
down men and women, and by their cure,
by tho uso of 'Discovery,' of dscases of
lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, etc., which
originated In tho disease of tho stomach
nnd Its allied organs of digestion nnd nu
trition. "Three years ngo I had tho grip," writes
Mrs. Tllllo Llnncy, of Gravel Switch, Ma
rlon Co., Ky. "It settled on my lungs nnd
tho doctor said I hod consumption. I took
six' bottles of 'Golden Medical Discovery,'
and am thankful to say I am entirely well."
Sick peoplo nro invltod lo consult Dr.
Pierce by letter, FREE. All correspond
ence Is strictly prlvato nnd confidential.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Huffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Plerco's Common Senao Medical Ad
visor, containing over n thousand large
pages, Is sent freo on receipt of stamps to
pay oxpenso cf mailing only. Send 31 one
cent stumps for tho cloth bound volumo,
or only 21 stamps for tho book In paper
covers. Addross Dr. R. V. Pierce. Dui
falo, X. Y.
Is Interested and should know
--To TV iUUUl iiiciiuimcinii
mini v to.
The new Vicinal Syrlnte.
jnttcttOH una ?HCiiti.
lfeJt Safest Mc.t Con
venient, itcieanr'i
Ailn our dru:f lit foi It.
ir runnii ui'piy uic
MAIIVKI., sctfiuno
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1 1.M.V arulfMl. II aUrl full
nartlcuUrt sml rtti.imnt lnlubl
!I.HI.. maiivi:i. CO..