30 CHARLES M. HAYS IN Jreiident of the Southern Ptoifio Mafcei Flying Viiit. CALLS AT UNION PACIFIC HEADQUARTERS I,ocnl Onirlnln tirrrt llir Vrtcrn JlnRiinlr n fiilon Stntlon 1'rroltlciit llnjn on HI Way In I Ik: Hunt. Charles M. Hays, president of the South ern Pacific railroad, visited Omaha about nn hour Wednesday afternoon on his way tast In his private car Sunset, lie was met at the depot by a party of Union Pnclfir officials of this city, who paid him a social call and escorted him to tho company's headquarters. These were IMward Dickin son, sencral manager; J. A. Munroe. general traffic manaKer; Thomas M. Orr of President Durt's onico and Everett H. IluckltiKham. uperlntendtnl of transportation. ft. W. llaxter, tho superintendent of this division, met President HayH In the. western part of tho stato and accompanied him to this city. Those at tho eonferenco elato positively that It was purely a social call and that no business matters were discussed. Tho local officials merely paid their respects to the president of tho road which has recently come Into closer relations with the Union Pacific Mr. Hays Is roIiik first to Chicago, but did not dlvtllgo tho mission on which he Is bent, fie Is travellnK leisurely "i'1 appar ently Is In no hurry to reach a mooting. I'rmlilcnt liny" In I'lenm-tl. In speaking of his trip over tho Union raclflc Mr. Hays referred good-humoredly to the new combination by tho Harrlman transaction and complimented the, officials on tho conditions ho found. Ho spoko of thn track Improvement which Is In progress, nuggestlng that It Is an ndmlrahlo lino to be allied with. President Hays Is one of tho most re markable railroad men in tho country and hnB risen rapidly to his present high post ton. Less than a ncoro of years ngo ho wan a "f clerk In tho office of tho 'Frisco rond at St. l.ouls. His next step was to the ext-cutivo department of tho Wabash whero ho remained until called to tho lrailerslilt) of tho Grand Trunk. In that position ho bccaiuo one of tho most prom Jnent railroad men In Canada and his west rrn pui.li wns pcrcoptlbly folt along tho Canadian lines, from there ho was called n few months ago to tho presidency of tho Southern Pacific, and It Is said that under lila management tho road Is taking many forward steps and coming into closer rela tions with tho other sections of tho great transcontinental systems. OMAHA INVESTORS ARE WISE Tlirv Tin Tlii'lr Knltli to Union I'nclllt! Stock mill Win. Omaha Investors have mado n big profit out of tho present boom In Union Pacific BtockH which has followed tho purchaBO of tho Southern Paclllc stock by that road An a rulo Omaha Investors on tho Hoard of Trade Incline moro to groin nnd produco, but a few months ago an exception was mado In favor of Union Paclllc stock. As n general rulo the orders for purchaso did not come from speculators, but tho bulk of tho stock sold In tho city was purchased by officers and clerks In tho railroad offices. One of thn local dealers received on order Jrom nn Interior Nebraska point for tho purchaso of sovoral hundred shares of stock when It was quoted at 78. The bulk of tho ' Omaha holdings was purchased around that figure. Yesterday Union Pacific common stock opened at Oltfc, running up to 05 nnd a fraction, then declining to PI. Tho next rally carried it to 9714. tho highest point over renched by tho stock of this railroad company slnco It was first listed, Con norvatlvo dealers expect It to reuch par, Although Heveral very conservative persons We Eat Too Much A Prominent New York Specialist Says Hundreds of People Kill Themselves by Over-Eating and Not Paying Enough Attention to the Food They Oat and to the Condition of TheirBowels. When Interviewed last week ono of tho New York BpeclallstB inndo tho following tatemont: "Etcryouo eats too much. Tho habitual eating of moro wholeaumo food than tho stomach can digest Irritates nud excites the Btomach and causes ninny stomach troubles, such as gastritis, gastric catarrh, dyspep- ela and indigestion. Of course Micro are j othor causes for thVso diseases, such ns tho use of alcohol, tho cxcebslvu uso of tea or i coffee, eating at Irregular hours, ontlng too I rapidly and imperfectly chewing the food. Nlnoty per cent of tho population. at this I country suffer from Btomach trouble and ' 76 per cent of the ninety Buffer from In digestion, if anyone has that uncomfortable feeling In tho stomach, u headache or n fooling of repression, ho should nt onco take a tcaspoonful of CaBcarlne, which will move bis bowels and relievo him at once, If any- ono suffers from Indigestion and gns on the stomach, ho should take Cascarlno, tho gentle nnd pleaulng laxative, which I uso In jny practice nnd which Is recommended by thousand of people who havo used It. It you cannot sleep nt night, If you nro rest less aud havo palpatatlon of tho heart, which usually leads ono to belleva ho has heart dleeaso when In reality It Is nothing moro tbnn accumulation of gas In tho Btomach. you should tako a teuspoonful of Cnscarlne before retiring and after continuing for a week you will find ypu arc troubled no moro and can sleep well nnd sound. If your tongue Is coated and you find a , bad taBto In your mouth your stomach Is out of order and requires Cascarlno to put It in snapo. ion must not eat too much nd you must havo your niepla regular aud eat well-cooked food. There aro mnuy remedies, dlgestlvo ferments, digestive tab lets, mlnernl waters and thousands ot other to-called cures, but all havo to be taken constantly in order to do any good nnd nfter using for a timo becomo worthless. Cas carlno U Bupcrlor to nil others, It stlmu lates tho liver, moves from tho stomach nil Impurities, and ncta ns a tonlo on tho whole system. Mothers should bo careful sot to uso nny other laxative for tho children and the bouse-wlfo who has n bottlo close nt hnnd ready to uso wiien necessary will find It la tno mosi economical ining sno ever bought. When you ask for Cascarlno at your drugglBt's bo sure you get Caacarino (which comes In blue and white wrappers) nnd not cheap tablets or pills, Insist on Cascarlno nnd If your druggist hasn't iuk him to get It for you ot his Jobber. It havo closed out their holdings at tho top figure. Tho men who closed out, however. were carrying but small quantities and tno men who have Invested comparatively largo amounts are still holding. CROWE NOT IN WEST SIDE Mini it llli 1'IrKiIm "ell in .-tin the Kliliinpi-r. Xny Chief Iliiiuiliiir. The story brought from Carroll county, Iowa, by a country merchant, to tho effect that Pat Crowe, fully armed and defiant, had been seen In hiding In tho homo of a far mer living near West Side, la., Is discred ited by Chief Donahue. Tho story Is to tho effect Mint tho Crowe family formerly lived near West Side, and that he has many sympathizers In that section. One day the merchant, who Is said to bo of unquestioned veracity, called at the homo of a farmer named Mitchell nnd, onterlng the house suddenly, camo face to face with the man for whose copturo thero Is outstanding a handsome reward. "I recognized him as Pat Crowo at once," said tho merchant, "having known him when ho was a resident of this section, but I don't think ho recognized me. Ho had two big revolvers In his belt. So soon as 1 entorcd ho turned his back to mo and I didn't get n Bccond look nt his face. 1 would take my oath, however, that that man wan Pat Crowe." WJicn this matter was brought lo the attention of Chief Donahue he said. There's nothing In tho theory that Pat Crowo Is In West Side, la. Wo Investi gated that matter thoroughly two weeks ngo. Tho detectives I sent out thero found tho man tho Carroll county merchant evi dently Baw, but bo was not Pat Crowo. Ho was a criminal, however, and Is evi dently wanted In sonio other city for somo other crime." Tho chief added that thero Is nothing new for publication In tho Cudahy kid nnplng case. HOLT COUNTY PROSPERITY J. K. Ilrnnkn of Atkinson Tnlkn of Cniiillllitii nt II In llunie. J. K. Hrooks of Atkinson, Neb., Is at the Merchants. Speaking of conditions in his homo county (Holt) ho referred to the Im proved condition of tho farming community nnd tho consequent advance In farm lands. "In tho last few months," said Mr. llrooks, "tho prlco of farm land has advanced from fiO to 200 per cent. Iast week two farms of 160 acres cneh sold for $L',000 each. A year ngo thoy would havo brought but $1,600. and two years ago they were going begging at $1,000, Lnnd In tho county now runs from $5 to $15 per acre, nnd hay land Is much in demand, uood bottom laud is now In de mand nt $12 per acre, whero last year It brought but $S. Th people of the county nro mucn interested In tho change In tho gnmo laws and generally want a law which will make it Impossible for tho pot-hunters to drive tho gamo out of tho country. This fnll wo had moro camo than In ten years before, and this Is tho result of the efforts of tho people. What wo want Is a game warden who will do for ii salary that which wo navo been doing for nothing. In a con eral way Atkinson was nover in better con dition than at present. New houses nrn being built on every hand and business la Keeping paco with tho Improvements." TIIIO IIAIll llltl.MII. llr.-c.U DiiiiilrulT, Which ('lumen Fnll Iiik llnlr mill rinnlb llnliliirn. Prof. Unnn, Hamburg, Oermany, European authority on skin dlseanes, says that dand- ruir is as contagious as any other malevo lent disease and that one ebmmon sourco of tho spread of dnndruff is tho uso of tho snmo nair Drusii by dllforent persons. Tho way to avoid catching dandruff or anv ntlier dlBcaso from nnother's brush Is to Insist on tlio use of Ncwbro's Herplclde. It not only Kills tuo dandruff germ, but It Is also nn antiseptic that will prevent tho caching of nny disease whatever through contagion of nnother's brush. FRATERNAL INSURANCE LAW I'niilliiK lllll llcfc.rr l.rirlHlntiiro In Iiiclellnl ti-lj- 1'ont poneil. John T. Yates, sovereign clerk of tho Woodmen of tho World. hnB returned from Lincoln, whero ho has been for several days ill tho interests of a frnternnl Inanrnnrn bill. Tho sovereign clerk did not return with colora Hying, hh tho bill wns in definitely postponed, which. In tho onlnion of Its friends, means that It Is killed unless something unexpected happens. hpcaklng of tho future nctlon of the friends of tho measure, Mr. Yates said that It had practically tho unanimous endorse ment of tho fraternal insurance congress, a body composed of all of tho fraternal In surance companies operating In tho stnte; mat tno chief opposition was from one member of tho congress which opposed tho law on tho ground that It would mean Its exclusion for Nebraska when In fact It would mean tho admission of tho dis tinctively Nebraska companies Into the stato of Illinois, u stato from which they aro now barred. It Is within tho bounds of probability that the fraternal congress will hold a special meeting nt Lincoln for tho purposo of Im pressing on tho legislature tho necessity of inning runner nctlon on tho bill at this session. "Orlp robbed mo ot ray seep nnd I was nearly craz with neuralgia and headache. Dr. Miles' Pain Pills and Nervine curtd me." Mrs. Pearl Hush. Holland. Mich. AiiiiiHini'cmrnt of (ho Tlicntcr. To tho lovers of comedy vaudeville comedy this week's bill nt tho Crelghton Orpheum Is of especial Interest, being ono that consists almost cntlroly of pure, clean cut comedy. Lottn Gladstone with her mimicry and Infectious laugh Is suro to pleaso anil nightly Bets tho house In nn uproar. Tho Hawthorne Bisters, In their dainty Japanese, romance, offer nn act that Is delightful in ItB simplicity nnd beauty ot scenery. "Old Jed Prouty." Rljhard Ooldcn'a beau tiful picture ot simple, homely New Eng land life, comes to llod's theater Sundny night nnd will bo repeated nt a special bargain lnntlnco Monday afternoon and again Monday nlght. Tho matlneo Mon any is uuo to tno rnuuro or tho company to reach Omaha In time for tho usual matt nco on Sunday. ,Ninv Itiiiuiliiur I in-mlii) ii ml I'rhln.iK, From Chlcngo to Jacksonvlllo and St Augustine without change nn olegant new Pullman train of dining, sleeping nnd ob sorvatlon cars. Its name The Chicago & Florida Special. The route Pennsylvania Short Lines via Cincinnati. Leaving tlmo 12 noon, from Chicago Union station. Tuesdays nnd Fridays. For tickets nnd reservations apply to H. R. Dering, A. O. P. Agt.. 24S South Clark st., Chicago. lOnrniie liy AIiiiohI n Mlrnclr. KASTON, Pa . Feb, 7. -The U'higli Valley milk niul paper train from New York was wrecked ai urcen s nriuge. New Jersey. four miles below here, early todoy. The train was running sixty .miles an hour uml when It npnroached the brldgv, a Btriieture 120 feet high, the mnln rod strap of the locomotivo broke, dropping the big steel rods that connect the driving wheels and throwing the engine nnd every ono of the ten cars In the train off tho rails. The locomotivo anil several or the cars went bumping over the ties of the bridge, threat ening every moment to go over tho side nf tho structure. The eiiKlno nnd curs crossed the structure nnd ran 3io yards on the ties lieroro coming to a sinnusui:. All or tno enrs were moro or less uamngea NO ono was injureu. BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Wt Tk Pride in Announcing a Remnunt Bile Today Beyond Doubt the GRANDEST REMNANT SALE WE EVER HELD I'hl Snlr In (tic f nrprlxlne Itrsnlt of n Cull Month' I'crnotinl lltiyliiR by Mr, llrnpln from Unstern Im porter, .Mriniifnotnrcrs nnit WHOLESAI-EItS. He suro to tell your friends ami neighbors nbout this salo for tomorow. No remnant sale ever held In the city could bo compared with this In any way, shape or form. It s simply the grentest nnd most remarkable remnant salo circumstances ever allowed. 250 YE Alt U KOIt 75C FRENCH FLANNELS. Tlicso nro tho highest grado French flan nels manufactured, they como in remnants of ono yard and over, but you can get enough to match for wnlsts nnd tea gowns, and they go tomorrow nt 23c ynrd. 63C SW1VEI, SILK 1GC YAHl). 10,000 yards of tho finest quality corded and polka dot swivel wash silks, all new patterns, In short lengths, nnd thousands of yards of fancy silk striped gingham nnd silk striped eropn wash goods, all worth 05c yard, In waist lengths, nt lRc yard. 35C MERCERIZED FOULAIID 10C YARD. A new wash fabric for this senon, made to sell for GOc. These are exact reproduc tions of tho highest class foulard silk, It Is Impossible to tell ono from the other; they look Just like silk nnd go In mill remnants at 10c ynrd. 85C SATIN STRIPED CHALLIS, 39C Threo moro cases of nil wool chains, n great many of them satin-striped, the new ect designs nnd regular Sue goods; they como In lengths from two to three yards, and many pieces to match, all go at 30c yard tomorrow. 25C DIMITIES, 10C YARD. Tomorrow nnothcr lot of the highest grado corded nnd dotted dimities, every ynrd guaranteed worth 25c, they run In lengths from two to six yards, nnd match up, on front bargain suuaro at 10c yard. $1.00 DRESS OOODS, 25C YARD. Tomorrow we place on snlo for tho first time an elegant lot of nil wool hcnrlcttn In plain colors and fancy wenves, they run In long lengths nnd go nt 2!c yard. DOC 11LACK OOODS, f.C EACH. To closo out all of our Imported sample ends of black goods, a great many that match nnd that have been selling up to ROc ynrd, wq closo them out tomorrow nt uo each piece. $1.00 SILK FOULARD, 39C. 300 yards of elegant now foulards In 214 yard lengths, enough to mako a waist or cntlro dress, go at 39u ynrd, IILACK SILKS, HOC AND C!)C YARD. A manufacturer's entire lot of Bamplo end3 of black silk running 1 nnd 1H yards, enough to match up for skirt or waist, worth $1.50, go In two lots nt 60c and 69c yd. All tho waist lengtha nnd skirt lengths and remnants of silks, worth up to $2.00 yard, go at 25c, 39c and 69c yard. SILK PIECES AT CC. 10C, 15C AND 25C EACH. Tomorrow the greatest lot of silk pieces thnt we have over shown; they aro all In tho nowest and lntest designs, and go ac cording to size of pleco nt 5c, 10c, 15c nnd 25c each. REMNANT SALE IN HASEMENT. 8 He yard for remnants of 23c ginghams lc yard for 10c grade, 40-Inch lawns. IVic yard for remnunta of drnprry scrim 40-Inch India linen, finest grade, 10c yard 2V4c yard for black unci white prints. 12Ho ynrd for 40c drapery ticking. 8V4c yard for 36-Inch Imported percales. 10c yard for remnants of 25c dimities. 6c yard for remnants of piques, percales cretonnes, etc., worth Up to 25c. 6Wo yard for lmltntlon French flannels. 10c yard for finest quality mercerized sateen, black nnd nil colors, long remnants IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Drandels &. Sons, Proprietors ASSERTS UNLAWFUL ARRESTS 'I'tvo Ciinrn In Dlxlrlel Cnnrl for limn listen for AIIckciI Wrongful lie icntlonn by follcc. Two cases In which tho plaintiffs want money for having been locked up In the city Jail are on trial In tho district court In Judge Kcysor's division Oeorgo W Bingham In endeavoring to show to a Jury good and sufilclcnt reasons why Chief o Pollco Donahuo nnd tho bondsmen of th lato Martin White should pay him tho sum of $.1,000. Illughnm assorts thnt on Jan nary 20. 1899. ho was arrested and de tallied as a suspicious character by Dona huo, who was acting under thq order and authority of Mr. Whltn, who was then tho chief of police. In Judge Slabaugh'B court a Jury Is being naked to decide whether or not Patrick Doherty Is entitled to recover $10,000 from Olllcer M. F. Hotchklss nnd his bondsmen for having been arrested as a suspicious chnracter on January 15 of Inst year. IlECOVKniKS KllOSI GRIP. Mrs. E. I. Masters, at her home In Moni tor, Ind., used Dr. Miles' Nervine nnd Pills to euro uftcr effects of grip. Mrs. A. E. Lopeer, In tho little town of Modclla, Minn., i:sed Dr. Miles' Pain Pills and Nerve and Liver Pills and was well in a few days. President McKlnley Is slowly recovering from i;rlp and Its nfter effects. Oeorgo J. Flnnnery was relieved of the awful pains In the head in fifteen minutes by tho us of Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. Now ha Is rapidly recovering at his noma in Buftnlo, N Y. Speaker Henderson la again In the chair In the house of representatives after a se vere attack ot tho grip. J. C. Holfrey, foreman at the Westing house factory 'n East Pittsburg, had a se vero attack of grip, but he used Dr. Miles' Nervine and Pain Pills and was soon back In his place. Rev. C. Body was in a serious condition at his homo In St. Paris, O., but Dr. Miles' Nervine and Nerve rnd Liver Pills pulled him through all right HOT SODA NOW! The Hot Soda Water Reason Is NOW ON. Come In and get a drink ot Hot (inin llnulllon Hot (iliiKcr V.KK NopTR lint Dutch Cocnn Mot Href Ilimlllnn lint Old I'lmhloiiril Ringer Ten Hot Coffer Arulilcn Hot Clirrry Sllnir, Come In and sec our soda experts mix em-they KNOW HOW. You can get Ice Cream Soda too (now) If you wish It. Sherman & McConnel! Drug Go In Now Store at 16th and Dodge. . Y. HUNTS' KCHMSIII.VC.S STOCKS. J. 15. ItotlKchltil. 1M Hril Ate., .V. V Ilicltlftlvc (Jriitn' l'urlilnliliiK Stork, 110UQHT II Y H08TON STOHtl. ON BAL.B SATURDAY, KEllHUAHY OTH. J. II. Kothschild, 114 Third avenue, be tween Thirteenth nnd Fourteenth streets, New York City, had ono of tho finest nnd best selected stocks In tho locality. This Is ono of tho grandest bargains we ever pur chased. Tho stock Is new and nil goods nro of tho highest grado made. Wo bought It at such n low prlco that wo will bo able to offer you these goods at Just ono-hnlf of whnf (hp- wmiM nai vnti ntupwhere " v FISK, CLARK & FLAOu NECKWEAR. The neckwear of this stock Is all of tho fnrt' laloal m. ahnnfl. nn, nnn. slsts mostly of tho famous Flsk, Clark (c Flagg make. MONARCH SHIRTS. The shirts In this stock consists mostly of white nnd colored laundered shirts of tho well known Monarch brand. FQWNE'S OLOVES. Tho men's dress and driving gloves nro mostly of tho celebrated Fowne's nnd Ad- ler's makes. UNDERWEAR, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY. ETC. These aro nil from the most celebrated makes In tho country. The stock must bo seen to be fully appreciated. Every article will bo sold for about half and less of what they would cost In a gents' furnishing goods store. Remember the salo begins SATURDAY. FEBRUARY P. AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. J. L. Drandels & Sons, Proprietors. St. I'll ill mill llrlurii 910.11.-. On February 18 nnd 19 tho Illinois Central railroad will sell tickets to St. Paul nt rate of $10.05 for the round trip. The short line and only lino from Omahn with buffet-llbrnry smoking car. Particu lars nt City Ticket Office, 1402 Fnrnam street, or address W. II. Drill, D. P. A., Omahn, Cunt of Thanks. The undersigned desire to extend our hcnrtfelt thanks to our mnny friends for their kindness during tho Illness and death of our husbund and father. MRS. DANIEL HROS1US AND FAMILY. Children Like It Itecnuse lt'n pleasant to take. Old peo- plo are pleased with It because It cures them. Homo mothers nlwnys have It In the hnuso because you can't tell how soon thoy might hnvo to give It to tho children. For coughs nnd colds it has no equal. Tho iiaino ot this medicine U Schnefer's Cough Syrup 20c bottle. Cramer's Kidney Cure 73c Dr. Knrl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills.... $1.09 Mention's Talcum Powder 12a Wine of Card ul 75c Carter's Liver Pills 15c Aver'B Hair Vigor 75o i,uu h Mult Whisky 83o S. 9. S 750 Syrup of Figs 30c Miles' Nervine 75c Malted Milk 40o Pierce's Favorlto Prescription 71 o Uonn'H Pills 40o Undo Sam's Tobacco Curo 50c CPU1CCED CUT PRICE ObimCrCIl DRUGGIST . W. Cor. Kith mmA Chlcao 3t. II Prices lower than ever quality better than ever- all amateur photo supplies, fresh, reliable and up-to-date THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO. 1215 Farnam Street, Whoolsalo and retail dealers. iiAwnrii' AT uens Special 5c Bargains for rriday. 2 boxes nrllliantlno Polish 5c. C rolls Toilet Paper 6c. Granite Cups Cc. Dover Egg Healers Cc. Granite Spoons Cc. 2 large boxes Tooth Picks 5c. 10c Potntoo JInshers Cc. 10c Towel Ilncks Cc. 2 Asbestos Mats Cc. 2 Lid Lifters Cc. 2 Basting Spoons Cc. 2 boxes Household Brass Headed Tucks 5c. 1 box Wax Tapers Cc. Pott's Iron Handles Cc. Special cut on Heating Stoves. Cheese McLaren's Imperial 13c. American Club House 10c. Fnncy full Cream 12He Finest Celery Z'&c stalk. Special in Tea and Coffee Oood broken Coffee only IOC Whole Itto Coffeo 10c. HAYDEN'S ECONOMY BARGAIN ROOM m non vards of Dress Goods Remnants, ton, silk and wool, worth 2Cc, COc, 75c, $1.00 Ilomnants of 15o dress goods, Cc. Heronants of 25c dress goods, 10c. Remnants of COc drcHS goods, 25c. Remnants of 73c dress goods. 25c. Remnants of $1.00 dress goods, 25c. Ilomnants of $1.25 dress goods, 25c. WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT, Remnants of 10c dimities, Cc. RomnantH ot 25o dimities, 714c yard. Remnants of 10c percales, Cc yard. Remnants ot 714o prints, 2e yard. FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. Remnants of outing flannol, 5c yard. DOMESTICS. Bo muslin, 3c yard. Remnants of white goods worth 25c, 35c and COo per yard, on salo at 10c yard. MILLS SHEETINGS. 54, worth 16c, at 12c yard. 6- 4, worth 18c, at 14c yard. 7- 4, worth 20c, at 16c yard. 9- 4, worth 30c, at 20o yard. 10- 4, worth 35c, at 22140 yard, Linen crash, yard, 214c Linen doylies, worth 50c, at 15c dozen HAYDEN BROS RECEPTION TO MR. STEWART XMr Smierlntemlriit I'lrnonn 1 1 J- AVH oiiini'il nt (In Ni'hrnnkn Instllii(c for (ho Denf Mini Dumb. ' A reception wns tendered yodncsdny j night to Superintendent R. E. Stewart at the Nebraska Institute for the Dent nnd I Dumb. Tho 175 pupils of tho school, the nicmbors of tho fnculty and tho trustees gnthercd In tho parlors of tho Institute to bid fnrowcll to Prof. H. E. Dawes and to welcome tho new superintendent. I Short addresses were mndo by Trustees . , , . ,. i .1 .... , -ariiwen, rtiicu mm .iu. '" Johnson, tho new matron, was also called I 11 1) U II lur till Hllilirrn. .illsn UUUU3UU nua ' . , I T 1 ....... .. ' formerly In tho school, but recently she has been employed In the Minnesota School for tho Deaf. Prof. Stewart returns to the Ne braska school after two years of work In tho Iowa Institute. Dr. Hnnchctt has been nppolnted physl clan to tho Institute nnd it Is rumored that other changes will tnko place In a short time. "I wns given up to die from heart nnd nervous troubles caused by grip. Six hot tics each ot Dr. Miles' Heart Curo nnd Norvlno ct.rcd mo." Mrs. John Wollet Jefferson, Wis. Not a Collection of Old Styles hut n criiml (1I.miiI.iv of lilcli nrt hIioo nink lug. Monday coiiti'iictors tuko possession to billd th( annex, hence we shall offer FHIDAV AND HA PrHDAY NKVHH-TO COMl.-AUAIN OENl'INE HAHOAINS. t?:t.llS, tfil.UH. I .IIS, Hll.lltl mill llllMII III tll'. Foster's. Jenness Miller, l'lncreo & Smith t'tz & Duu'h. Eddy. Webster, Harding ,fc Son' indies' lliiest shoes newest stylo heel una toex, nil wnillis unci sizes patent cair, pniciu meal kiii, nox can, vici am. l'.tlS, ?U.ti:i, i)li,IS, JfU.SN, if 1.1 IS unit ilim n lo Use. IlorHh. l'lnirroe Smith. Htnev Adntnw Regents, men h extra Hue shoes all patent leainer lliclilileil. Ifl.dH, tjtl.SIS. If I. IS. 4c, 7le, niul tl ii (o .'lllc. MIssch' anil liilldren'H shoes. Including patent calf, patent Ideal kid, vicl kid, box cair- swenesi lines ever snown. Ifl.lt), .ft. IIS, ifl.lS, DSc, SS,; mill ilotrn lo r,l). Hoys', youths' nnd llttl" gents' shoes, box calf, vlci kid, patent en'f and patent Ideal Kid grand display. THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO, Great Rebuilding Sale. Successors to the Howe, 1515 Douglas St. 1515 SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN R ATES VIA. UNION PACIFIC OMAHA TO CALIFORNIA 25 DOLLARS OMAHA To Ojjden, Salt Lake.Ut S2J.00 To Butte and Helena, Mont 2J.00 To Portland, Ojejfon 28.00 To Spokane, Wash 28.00 To Tacoma and Seattle, Wash. .. . 28.00 TICKETS TO BE ON SALE February 12, 19. 26, Marin 5, 12,19, 26 April 2, 9, 16,23, JO. 1901, City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam Street. Telephtne 316. Union Station 10th and Marcy. Tel 629 Liflvnr&i' I1AT ucms Special Mocha nnd Java Coffee 25c. Gov. Mocha nnd Java Coffeo 3nc, or 3 lbs. for $1.00, First crop Japan Tea, extra fine, 40c. Sun Cured Japan Tea only 3.1c. KngUsh Breakfast Tea -10c. Young Hyson Tea l.'c. First Crop Japan Tea Sittings 20e. Choice Gun Pnuder (fluo drink) 4Ce. Grocery Bargains Best Carolina Itlco 714c Best Japan Head Itlco 8 l-3c. Broken Japan Uleo 414c 3 lbs. Hominy 10c, Pearl Barley Cc. Farina 714c. Spilt Peas 814c. Lentils 014c Sago 7!4o. Tapioca 714c. Italian Prunes 3c. Fish Specials for Friday. Largo Sboro Mackerel Re. Largo Labrador Herring, 3 for 10c. Smoked Fish 10c lb. Finnan Hnddles 10c lb. In all wool, nan wuui nun inhhnihu mi nnd $1.23 per yard. 1 Linen towels, at, each. 214o. Bath towels, at, rnch, 4c. 10-1 Mnrssillles bed bprends, worth $1.60, at 78c each. 20c mercerized satiric, 10c yard. NOTIONS. 15c sntln ribbons, Cc. All sizes hose supporters, worth from 10c to 20c. at Cc. Embroidery, worth Cc Bnd 10c per yard, lc yard. Linen finish thread, lc spool. Knitting cotton, 2e, Mcn'B $1.00 und $1.25 shirts, on salo at 20c. 100 dozen colored laundered shirts, In all the best styles, nil tho leading brnnds, nnd warranted perfect, nil on salo at 29c each. Men's neckwear, for 15c. worth COc. 1 lot of men's neckties. In four-ln-hands. teck and Imperials that were made to sell at 60e. on salo at 15c 1 lot of men's underwear that was made to sell ot COc and 76c on sale at 25c. Men's 35c heavy wool hoso at 15c For Years Clothing Business in about tho samo way as a great many other stores in the country, exeept that our first principles hnvo been carried out very carefully by doing an honest, up right clothing business--"Doing unto others as we wish to be done by." Other stores have started out on these principles, but they fall by the wayside when they see the templing tricks that spring up from day to day and the gol-rieh-quiolc fever strikes them, then they change their motto to "Do others or they'll do you." One mer chant says that "There is no use trying to give the people honest values. They don't appreciate it." Our experi ence is entirely different. The first great mistake some stores make is in untruthful advertising. If your adver tisements are not true you cannot hope to win the people's confidence. We'd be pleased to have you trip us up on any article advertised by us that is not found to be "as advertised." There arc Some Very Good Things in men's winter clothing here for you at prices that will pay you to 'prepare for the next winter's wants. SKK 1'WHNAM STKHHT WINDOW. Annual Clearing Fine Clothing A sale.wilhout profit, a sale to clear up every heavy weight SUIT, OVERCOAT, ULSTER and pair of TROUSERS in the house: a sale at fnr less than wholesale prices: a sale of good honest merchandise and not the cheap trash much and which is really dear at any price. CElOTfM': OF ANY MAX'S SUIT IN TOE HOUSE- Nothing reserved black clays, imported fancy worsteds, line vicunas and all go--the best always go lirst, so come earlv all S27.n(), .?Li.W), 2Lr0 and U0.00 suits j C (TiCi Choice of the house M.kJ KJJ CIIOICE OF ANV M EX'S OVEWCOATS IN THE HOUSE Nothing reserved, patent bea vers.kerseys, vicunas ICS and all go SliL'.fiO to !jtf;".()0 values choice .. lOtUvi Men's 510.00 suits, overcoats and storm ulsters OO Men's $l.r and SIS line suits, overcoats and storm "J f ff ulsters for lVJmVJYJ Men's $.'..r)0 tine trousers at 1.50 Men's $f.r0 very fine trousers for 3.75 Hoys' and children's suits, reefers nnd odd pants for less than HO TENTS on the dollar. HAYDEN BROS. SELLINO THE MOST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. MARK. Registered Co. DING, Mill. V A. Mayer r iir.u nun jp OMAHA, - prescribed by leudliiK physicians. JIISS A. MAYER: In reply to your note I am pleased to Bay that tho tendr and pernplrlng feet nro things or tho p.itt. About two or three applications ot our powder relieved them entirely. I am more than glad to recommend tho uuo of your powder to my friends. Very respectfully, I)H. K. C. HENRY. RE-NO-MA WHITE POWDER removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dreBS shields ore required. PRICE 50 CENTS Solil lit ! here, A. MAYER CO., 3J6 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. LO.NM LTATIOM KltllU I'MtOM - to I. When ordcrlnR by mall add S cents for postage. We are not afraid of criticism. We invite it. Pick all the flaws you can in Sheridan Coal and when you've done, you'll say it's faultless. Hcst coal mined 'in Wyoming. We sell hard coal also. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Fnrimiti St. Tel. 127. Howell's Anti-Kaw we have been irv the HAYDENs Sale of advertised so DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER ? fl-NO-MAY IMNK I'OWDUR not only relieves, tiut positively cutei all dlscnpcs of tho feet und hnnds. Stops oilorouH perspiration cure ten iinr niul Hwollcn feet. Kndorned nnd Will stop a couvjh or a cold at once Delay and neglect make colds and coughs dangerous. There is a cough in every breath these February days. Do not neglect thj remedy. i ii Kawf "It 1'or salt? b ult UruiUu. U u buttle.