The Omaha Daily Bee. OMAHA, riUDAY atOlttUXG, FEBKUAHY 8, 1001-TEJS PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ICSTABLISIIED JUXE JO, J87J. Queen of the Netherlands Takes Unto Her self Duke for a Husbind. CEREMONY PLAIN AND DEMOCRATIC Coitlj Gowns tnd Ehowj Uniform! Give Rich Oolor to the Eccno. DUKE HENRY TAKES A NEW TITLE Her Majeitj'i Consort is How Princo Hoin rich of the Netherlands. ALL HOLLAND ENJOYS A HOLIDAY rupiilnr lelelirnllnn I- I tM f n I n .1 llpllef Tlml tl.P WpiIiHiiht I" !,. Mnlcli linriipc Itpjoli'pft. FOREIGN ENVOYS UNANIMOUS IIpiipIipiI n llei'lslon He nliliim'iit uf liulltr ill-.. THE HAGIE. Keb. -7.Quecn Whel minas mnrrlnge to Duke Henry of Meek- .... I CM rlneon. W llO tOllBV bOCIltnC Princo llelnrlch "f the Netherlands, was huge family affair. All Holland that could cumo to Tho Hagun to participate. Thoso who stayed at their homo In other cities celebrated with parades, decorations mid banquets. . Novcr wan seen a nioro beautiful ami happy wedding. Th popular belief Is that It Is a lovn match, llko that of Victoria ami inert, ami this gives a romantic color n to the event which Is generally lacking In rojal marriages. Tho ceremonies were tho samo slmplo wnl uurltunllstlc rites of tho Reformed church by which tho humblest of queen 1 -holmlna's subjects aro married Tin; whole uplrlt of thn nff.ilr was plain nnd demo cratic, although the coMly gowns and Jewels nnd tho showy uniforms, high oincinis 01 bo klliRflnm. tho nnny and the navy, anil 'djoprcsontatlvcs of tho people in Parliament nnd municipalities ftirnlMhed a reRal stage setting. Tho vencrablo pintor admlnlHtered to thn brldo and groom n caution that their hlRh positions would not Bhleld them from the common HiirfcrlnRii and sorrows of humanity. .In it I.IUp Other llrldp. dueen Wllholmlna mndo a very winning nml human bride. She blushed and became confiiHcd over the ceremonial with the rlns . all brides aro supposed to do, while I her happiness nnd pride over tho enthu "asm of her people wero tdalnly deeper than a mero matter of form. l'rlnco llelnrlch was an awkward but stalwart and manly figure. Hither ho win forgetful, or badly trained lu the part, for tho pastor bud to rIvo hi in two or three hints as to how to carry himself. Those IttliiK near cnniiRh to hear tho responses describe him as saying. "Jab, nieln herr." when ho should simply havo replied "Jab." The hcpiio, as tho royal couple stood with clasped hands beforo thn chaplain In a circle, of brltlluntl) nrraynd personage, In- dudlnR their relatives and people com posing the highest families of Holland and thn nclRhbortiiR (Jernian principalities, was vomliirfully gorgeoiiH, the masses of varie gated coloring rendering more effective tho blue, gold ami white banked up against the wnlls of tho church. Tho building It self Is n cnthedral In size, but Is as plain as a Quaker meeting houso lu lu furnish lncs. On lpnpp All Slnir mil Dance. Tonight tho populaco Is like a multitude of happy children. Thousands nro swarming through tho principal streets, which nre nearly Impassablo, blowing horns. Hinging tho nntlonal hymn, following tho bands, smashing hats nnd lanterns. Aged house wives with tholr husbands from tho prov lures nro Jotulng bunds with stylish city folk nnd dancing to thn music of street organs. There Is considerable mild hilarity Inspired by wino, but no offensive drunk enness. Sailors, llshormeii and farmers (wear their usual quaint costumes nnd n f few soldiers nro mixing with thn crowds. M this hour, R p. in., there Is a rush from every direction toward tho Hallnvold cn tranco to tho Hosch, where n display of fireworks Is In progress. On nil tho prin cipal streets nro lllumlnnted portraits of tho queen, l'rlnco llelnrlch, tho queen dow nger ami Duchess Maria, as well as- tho national arms, A notonorthy feature of the holiday sea son Is tho cntlro absence of extortion on stho part of bo(els and shopkeepers nnd the iMarm-hcarteil hospitality with which ail ' Grangers are received In equally observ able. Tho Journals rented tho former Aus trian legation, ono of tho handsomest houses In tho city, and mndo It a club for foreign rorresponde'.its, who havo been re clplents of universal kindness. to; ill I n in 1 1 I'njp. tli lllll. Tho entire expense of tho wedding will bo liorno by tho royal family without nny gov ernment appropriation. They amount to overal hundred thousund guilders. Tho Court Gazette publishes n decree signed by (ho queen announcing that the princo of tho Netherlands will have a seat lu tho advisory state council. Tho marrlugo was n series of brilliantly colored pictures. Hut the severe simplicity or tne Dutch form of marriage, which was followed to the letter In tho civil contract bolorti tho minister of Justice. Dr. I'. W. A t'nrt van drr Minion, and the old-fash lonrd religious service in Grooto Kerke gnvo it a iiemocratic spirit. A happier surrounding no bride eor had Tho weather was cold, crisp nnd Insnlrlt lng. Hundreds of country people, nil happy iinu prosperous molting, many or them wear iiik uii- khiu costumes which inelr ances tors had worn centuries before, cheered tho big Btnto carriage, with red and white llv erleil pontlllor.a. and the waiting escort of twelve noblemen In maroon nnd black, wh were aligned, six on each side, sitting their horses proudly with hands at attention. Tho procession, as a spectacle, was not noteworthy. Fifty Dutch hussars rode ahead, then came a handful of court ofll clnls, with tho grand master of cere monies on horseback, then a coach with ihn queen and Dukn Henry. Their mothers' coach rami) nfter, then tho chief mllltniy occupants of the palace, tho governor of the city, tho two udjutnnts on horseback, nnd, fV lastly, a group of fifty mounted artillery I tnen, 'V I'ioimI". lllot'L llu V, Tho progress whh slow, because tho pro cession was frequently obliged to hnlt while (ho cheering populaco made way. Green nnd orange decorations, with thousands of Dutch flags hauglug across tho strootagavo thn route n brllllunt appearance. Tho cos tuming of the crowds was equnlly highly colored. Tho windows and housetops wero all filled, and tho house yards and door wro occupied by many spectators. All the (lands were druped. As tho young pcoplo passed through the utreets such orderly good-natured crowd vero never before seen. I'ollcemen and HEHLIN. KcinBISflBakVcrnment has re ceived the foltoultwnMMumm von Schwnrlzenstcln. GenifflHHf "t Pekln. "At a meeting of tho iSL envoys on Tuesday, after their confertWe with tho Chinese plenipotentiaries, a unanimous de cision was reached regarding the questions of punishments." The Cologne Volks Heitutig, the lending centrist organ unnotiuces that Illshop Anier of tho province of Shan Tung. Who passed h)ond tho neutral zone on Novomher 13 under tho protection of tin' troops of the vlicroy. wrote back to TbIiir Tal that a part of the missionaries should return, tho vice roy having promised them protection and nlso settlement for the damage dono to property of native Christians. Tho llcrllner TnRchlnlt. referring to the ppparent secret support given to the Chi litse government by a cortnln power, says: "This power tun only bo tho United States or Russia. Germany will not order tho withdrawn! of her troops upon a mere promise of Indemnity." The China correspondent of the Krouz .eltutiR continues his description of the English trnons: "Tho English and Kant India troops," ho says, "are n mob of thieves, plundering everywhere. Tho llrltlsh olllcers associate Inn lit tin with other nationalities, though when they do their behavior Is perfect. They hive ennd relations with the Hermans, nut bad with tho French. iMy Impression of tho French troops Is unfavorable. They aro smnll. weakly nnd pale, nnd their officers I rent thorn brutally." (Icnernl von l'odbtelskl, the Imperial nnslnmsler ccncrnl. announced during to day's discussion in tho budget committee of the Helchstng thnt all the harbors of tho gulf of I'o Chi M wero frozen. FINANCING BY UNION PACIFIC Pln for New Acquisition h Agreed On by the Execntife Committee. CENTRAL OUT OF SOUTHERN SYSTEM lllrntors Do Not Wnnl t ."""- Dlrrel Harden, Ho Will Issue llrlii'iiltire llnmls. Mmirpil !' I lie SMiieli I'liroliniod. NKW VOUK. Feb. 7. -(Special Telegram.) A plan for financing tho acquisition of ... . . , u.. in,, I'll controlling micresis in mu cllle on behalf of the L'nlon IViclflc was to-lay aRtced upon by tho executive comuiuieo oi tho l'nlon Pacific, which will mnae nu ou.- clal announcement tomorrow. Seml-oniclnl admissions made tonlRht aro directly In line with what has already been published In Tho lice. The cejurai rnr m win i, inUrn out of tho Southern Pacific BMom and nnncxed separately to the Vnlon Puclllc. The directors no not wnni iu v .mnn nnv direct burden on behalf of tho ttnlon Paclllc, so will Issua dehenturo bonds secured by the Southern I'nclllc stock pur i,nP,l. ihn bonds being redeemable at par at the company's option or exchangeable for ONLY COMPENSATE THE BEAR t'oMiiietent VntlHirlty Kiitcm IJeiilul f IIiinsIii'n AII.-kc'I linnioiliTnlP DiMiiiinil tiilnn. ST. PKTBItSnt'HO. Feb. 7 A competent authority has nuthorlzed tho Associa;en Press to publish Russia s denial or mo story thnt the czar s Rovernmeni m n- mandlng 30,000.non taels as tno price ior restoring Monchurla to China. This Is entirely false. Russia, like tho other powers, saiu tno Associated Press correspondent's Inform ant, "Is asking compensation for damnges sustained nnd expenses Incurred. Hut I venture tho prediction that tho wholo world will acknowledge when the facta can no properly divulged that Russia's demands are extremely inodernto compared with those of tho other powers. This story (tho published report) Is dun to lovo of sensa tion and desire to Inspire tho powers with suspicions ngalust Russia. What wo want above money Is to live peacefully with our neighbors nnd havo a tranquil opportunity to construct our railroads." Tho tendon Times' Shanghai letter, com plaining of the conduct of the Russian soldiery In Manchuria and charging roo bery and acts of violence toward travelers, Is characteliied i.s a falsehood. No official Information cun be obtained hero concerning Count W'aldorsec's nbnn donmenl of proposals, becauso such new.i must come from Pekln, hut the aforesaid authority declares that Russia Is acting In accordance with her orlulnal program. RECOMMEND WYOMING MEN Senntoi-M nn it ('ipiiKrroiinnti't'rKe Their Appointment nn OlllrprKjJii Hpb nlnr Arm'. WASHINGTON. Feb. -.-(Special Tele gram.) Senators Warren and Clark nnd Representative Momlcll of Wyoming, have recommended for appointment as" tfUcer In the regular nrmy under the .new reor ganization net. all tho Wyoming men now In the volunteer service. Ther are; Lieu tenant I.. I.. Dletrlck. CheyonnoJ Lieutenant Charles H. Hurrltt. Iluffalo; Captain (Icarge 11. Shnnton. Laramie: Captain Thomas MIU ler lluiTalo, Cnptnln Loren Checver, Sherl dun; Captain Ira L. Fredendall, Cheyenne. Of these olllcers Dletrlck. Hurrltt, Miller and Checver aro lu tho Philippines, shau ton Is In Cuba, and Fredendall' In China. The recommendation for appointment Is non-partisan, several of the orfjoers having been prominent democratic politicians In Wyoming before enlisting. 4 llnl MirhiUN Srtiilliirliiiii. Tho Hot Springs sanitarium measure, which is on the house calendar, Imvlng passed tho senate at tho last .session, ro celved a black eye from Speaker Henderson today which will In all probability prevent Its consideration. Representatives (tamblo nnd Rurko called upon tho speaker this nft ernoon and urged upon him permission to bring up thn bill. Speaker Henderson said l'nlon Pacific stock nt par within a limited It wnB out of tho question; that tho ap i.rrlml ti Is nlso said that two HOiunern in ui'i iiiimmi uiiib were oi sucn viisi cinirac 1 . . , I AH I. .1.1 . 1 . 1 .1 I),, ,.1(1,. hnnclu mav 1)0 CXCUangCM iui uii'- ici nun m- ruum mil ii-inin niv vuiiim.ici.i- I'nlon Pacific. ,'on tn tnrnauro nt this session. Gamble i!i..,i Pnninn was a market leaner again mm nurso presseu mm nam, uuv mo today. Hoth common ami prcierrcu r-".- n uimuimv. violently. Over 125,000 of common was boiii. Hpiinoii fr oiiiiiisltliin. Tho henvlest buyer wns John nates, aii lt j,, un,PrHt00( ,lnt ,, ren opposition his brokers wero on tho lloor. lie "P""1 Is not so much to the appropriation which 40,000. Other heavy buyers were: Keech, 10 ml carrc9$ir)o,OAO-but that Rcprc Loew & Co., Jacob Field, A. Houseman. gcn(lU1Vu cntinon, wutchdog of the trens- Wllllam Oliver, Wasscrmau liros., .. a. i ur-. proposes to allow no other national Mi.pinir iinlln Sialltr. and Clarke, UodRC Itnniit In liu hull It in nn n linln li. ItnllnV- & Co. lt Is aald thnt a largo amount of nK tM(lt lltn pnrticular pet, tho Danville stock wns purchased by the Interests re- ,oln0i wm bo injrp, thereby. Captain cently In control of tno houmern "f"- M-nlmer. who has labored during tho last two years, In season nnd out, to secure the pas sago of this measure, is considerably cut up over Spcnker Henderson's refusal to permit tho bill to be called up. Ho stated tonight that Congressman Cannon had told Mr Oamblo that If ho would allow the bill to go over nt the last session of congress ho would not stand In thn way of Its consider.!. WASHINGTON. Fob. 7. The senate had tlon nt the present Besslon. Hut it Is said both day nnd night sessions toiay. ai tonight that promises uro iiku pie crus the day session tho pension hill appro- with statesmen, Hcemingty, ami unless some prlattng $114,000,000 wns passed after a few unlooked for change occurs tho bill will minutes consideration. Tho ship subsidy havo to bo taken up nt tho Flfty-soventh Mil was then taken up, and Messrs. Mo- congress. It Is proposid to attempt to Lnurln and Morgan, both democrats, maue piuco an amendment in the sundry civil nin speeches on It. Mr. McLaurln announced covering tno main rcntures or tne dim nun hU Intention to sunnort the 1)111 ana .Mr. carrying mo Baiuo iiipruprini,iuu, rii imii. Mortmn oDDOsed It in vigorous language, point oi orcior win noi no againsi ino mean Hq nolrn.l Mr. Alllsnn for an estimate of I ure .ho nnnrnnrlatlonB for the present Besslon .lii.lKi- In Court of Cliilms. nnd tho latter replied that ho thought the Senntor Allen has succeeded In placing uccregato would bo about 760,000,000. Mr. upon tho omnibus bill, which recently passed Halo expressed tho opinion mai ine ngurvH would bo nearly $800,000,000. l"g the number of Judges of tho Vourt o An umAncimont hv Mr. Aldrlch was claims from llvo to eight and making ni adopted providing thnt vessels of eighteen appropriation therefor. This position gives Lnnlu n,1 nvor shall receive a BUhSldy O H " Cllllllio .u iuifhKl- wiurmire n i fi.m , rnl ner eross ton. Attempt to wouiii go ino wny oi mousnmifl. oi ouicr a 1 muiiaiirrui rliirlmr ihn ilnulnc ilnifl nt rnn act on another amenciraent lanen ror warn. ...v.....v uu v. .... ...... nf n nnnnim. nnd the senate at 11:10 grias, NiTE WITH THE KNIGHTS lite Hundred Enthneiaitio Citizens IftTor an Ak-Sar-Ben Auditorium. 0ME OFFERED IN THE NEW BUILDING and this lint of brokers indlcntes that MORGAN OPPOSES SUBSIDY Alnlnuiwt SrniltiiP SPPIIK" r '" llmirs, I)pelnrliir Hip MPiisure I iicin(lliitl"iii'l. LIPT0N WILL RACE THIS YEAR lli-ulli of Huron Viotorln Hp iiiohI IVrxilllilctl IIIiiispK ti Wllhilrmv ClinlleiiKP. o'clock adjourned. hp lliinilrril nml I'lfty Tlimisnnil Inrn In Coiinlfd on for Mnrcli 1 lloiisp-to-lliip !o- ( lU'ltntlon. Hour. Urn. Hour. I'1 ." ii, in V!0 I p. in II n. in ISO - li. in 7 n. n 'J I it i. ni H n. in 21 I p. in II n. in r ii ill Ill n, n Vlt II i, ill II II. ii - I 7 p. in iS IU in p. mi II ji, in i CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska. dealing: Colder. Tptiiirrntiirp nt Oniiitui rsterdnj-l iipui as FIVE ARE SCALDED TO DEATH Vcuttirii'x MpiiiiiiiIim Hurst" oni.hpir P'lrnl i hkp Kooil 'limp , , A rim ml tlio Horn. ,''' SAN FRANCISCO Ib.' f?i-rrhp,nfv stunner Vcuturn. which nrmdi,lieicFTfjday from Phllndeliihla. brlllcH IIiNsh Tjf' fib' ncnldlng to death of five of Its occxv "VH tho iniitrv nr iiin itiiiftm nine riaillL.JUI uw . ir .if ..i . burstlnc of one of tho stcamplpcs,rm-tne vojngc The killed nre. A' 0i:0ll(li: W. HOUR, Junior Mrtne'gM aged 2l5i nutlvo of South Carollnn.? . J. WILLIAMS FARRKN, hnii (ifecd 39; native of Ireland. fffi.M'.t 4. DKS.MOND. tlrcmnn,,orrCJ!5;f.0ai.ivo of ircjaud. "Vj j-'1 PAUL HKI1IR. coalpass'jisqd JBnaiive of Germany. . . ' FF.1.1,V(1LASS, 8towai,fg5jd-19j: native of Philadelphia. Tho accident occurred JatjnaryjIS, four dayH nfter the Veuturn leftthe straits of Magellan. At (PIG p. m. thntiday tho stenmer was In latitude 30.tR. BOimi, longi' Hide S7.ll' west. While H.pbb, KaWfcn, Des mond and Holer were working abufil' tho on glno room the main stcamplpo lull be port holler hurstcd. Instantly tho eirjklno room wnr. tilled with scalding steam, -..crho four men could not escape, and to tbcTr cries of nnnnv uern nildeil lhnso of GlasVlTtllo WU3 cnilRht In a small compartmFrt(ii.'af the hollers. When tno oiuer incnmyrs.ui nn--crew were able to reach tho inffrtiury found Construct nn auditorium which will also accommodate tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. Pnlto under one roof tho Audltor.lltm com pany nnd the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ueu. Such wns tho sentiment of GOO-fnlnulSlas- tho citizens who attended Mho' Auditorium mass meeting last night In the Commercial club rooms, t'ntll last night (hero nas been no formal effort to enlist tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Hrn n.i nn organization In tho Auditorium project, but many hpeakers who nddressed tho mass meeting urged that tun noard of Governors should bo offered n homo In the now building. Ilcforo Mnrch 1 tho Auditorium company expects to swell tho subscriptions for the new building to JlRl.000. The amount ul ready subscribed Is $120,000. If tho en thuslasni shown Inst night Is nny Indication of tho public's nttltudo toward tho project tho remaining $30,000 will no doubt bo se cured before February Is ended. Tho city has been divided Into districts and an nctlvo house-to-house canvass will bo in nugurntod. President Sanborn of the 1 Auditorium company presided at tho mnss meeting. Ho reviewed tho growth of tho Auditorium project and explained how lt has developed Into more substantial proportions than even ItH most nrdent supporters had hoped for. H. J. Penfold, T. A. Fry, Walter Jardlno F.dEnr Allen and Fred Motz. Jr.. members of tho Hoard of Governors of the Knights them literally cooked to death!' Tho lle of Ak-Sar-llen, wero Rlrdn seats of honor bodies wero hurled nt sea. ' t ' near the chairman nndwcro loud In their Tho accident dclnyed the Ventura, as It applauso of all references mndo to tho ac- was forced to make port wittrono boiler, rommodatlon of the Knights In tho proposed Kven with that delay, and nnother lu Pos- building. session bay. where It anchored on tho night Hero nro extracts from somo of tho of January IS, the vessel mndo the run from speeches: Philadelphia In thirty-eight days twenty llnlsp .More Minim- nt Oncp. three hours. Tho nctual steaming time was W. R. Uennett-It Is not a question of thlrty-elght days two hours It encou., having nn auditorium. That hat! been set- '"V1 v Jl J 'n f."1'" tied. It is now a question of raising more '"'? ?enlw . 1. f!i " !5.? f MOVING TO A CAUCUS Senatorial Situation Oraduallj Aisamei Something Approaching a Solution. CONFERENCES BETWEEN THE CANDIDATES Mr. Botewater Exprtsies Himself on the Fointt' Under Debate. REAM FURNISHES FOOD FOR LAUGHTER Alleged Fopooratio Bombihell Turns Out to Be llenly a Squib. INVESTIGATING THE HOLDUP LOBBY Mine lu Hip IIoiisp SiiIIIoIpiiI to .spnre Hip Vorlpr nml Will Proliiiblr Cml 'liiplr 0iprntlun llur Iuk I'rp-tpnl Session. -Until. ti- i:t. i i. in. in. it. is. Aiipn it1 -17 ! i :im rn nn iiitp aa a 'a n 7 I 'roil lisp i H 7 R 7 7 7 currip an an an in in a J iinin.T i i i n i n lliirlmi I I I I I t hiioIm-opU 7 a:t is is as ia minima ta 1:1 i:t n 1:1 ia uiiiUniii i i t r ipkii-jiiiiii as a:i an an at) Moiidejniiii . . . . an as a:t an an as Mnrliii j i t .. i i Mnrllii II II 11 ! tl II itiiiiNoiu a 7 itn llopvapr IS lit 17 111 17 III Stilliprliiiiil I iiioiiuiNon, I), IXitn ill ill ill ill itt 'liionniNoii, v. II. i is 7 ii an 1 1 Villi llllapil I I I I I I nnd Sonoma. It wns scheduled to Ball on thn 13th for Honolulu nnd Australia, but will now bo delnved OMAHA DUAL HEADQUARTERS Ultra Hi. KkppiiIIvp Hem! of Sew Iliillronil t'om-liliiHtlon. Suipr"loi of MihikpM' -r. Ml lira D. Houck, speclnl roveniio agent, Is In Washington on his wny south to take up tho suppression of Illicit whisky making. Mr. Houck has been singularly successful In rounding up mooushlners nnd whllo ho does not euro to go among them again he says ho will obey tho orders of his superior. I'rce llurnl Hell pry. Sehator Thurston today recommended tho (Copyright. 1W1. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Fob. 7 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) It now be comes known that Upton wns for somo tlmo seriously considering tho withlrawnl of his challengo for tho America cup for tho present year on nccount of the death of Queen Victoria. Thn Yachting World tntes that on first hearing the news of tho queen's death he made up his mind to with draw tho challengo and postpone tho con test until tho year of mourning bad ox plred. It was pointed out to him, how ever, that In Issuing tho challengo ho had prnctlcally pledged himself to bring the boat to tho starting lino, nnd much trouble and expense already had been Incurred In America in preparing for tho defense. Flnnlly, on reconsidering the matter, nfter consulting thn highest authorities, he de cided he was bound In fairness to carry out tho engagement, nnd accordingly de cided to let tho challenge stand. WANTS THOUSAND DOLLARS CHICAGO. Feb. 7. President Charles M Hays of the Southern Pacific passed through Chicago loday. enroute to New York for a conforonco with tho Morgan-Harrlraan In- establishment of n rural free dullvcry routo terestB, Tho Record tomorrow will Hay: at Kencsnw. Adams county, nnd three nddi "It Is claimed that tho eastern trip of Mr. tlonnl routes nt Hampton and ono nt Grand iinvn haH roferenco to a plan which will island. Ho also fecommonded tbo appoint make him tho common executive head of the nieut of William A. Hreader as pnstmnsler Union and Southern Pacific systems, Preil- nt Abdel, Nuckols county, vlco H. H. Klznr, dent Hurt of tho Union Pacific being cle- resigned vatod to tho chnlrmnnshlp of tho board. In Rural freo delivery will bo established at this wny, lt Is argued, tho greatest em- Corning, Adams county, la., March 1. Tho elency of operation could be secured, vast Bervlco will embrace an area of 118 squnio economics could be Introduced nnn tno an- miles with n population of z.Jlo ami j. money and of doing thnt without delay. Tho Auditorium company nnd tho Knights of Ak-Sur-Hcn nro ono and should occupy llm HfitTifi hnllrllni- An nrmnffimniil shnnlil bo mndo whereby tho two representative WILL OPPOSE SENATE BILL organizations mny ue unueu wiuioui iieiny. E. F. Trofz Tho Auditorium should bo the homo of tho Knights of Ak-Sar-llen nnd Omaha's military organizations. Wn must havo tho auditorium. I can ptcturn a beau tiful building standing as u monument to noblo manhood and womanhood, a building that embodies all that Is best In archltec ture. Tho spirit of tho men behind this project Is tho samo that wins batiles. Thej' havo undertaken a great taBk and have overcount obstacles In a manner that en titles them to tho loyal support of nil citizens. Thouian A. Fry I yish to ,ny that th't bonrd of goxornors of the Knights of Ak- WASH1NOTO members of. the' met this nftctf) action rnhitlvoto' no. doUhlta coneiui lid vnntnges of tho recent deal could bo de veloped to tho utmost. Tho headquarters of both roads, lt Is reported, will bo In Omaha." WILL REDEEM NOTE AT ONCE Union I'BPlilc Itendy to HpHIp of I he (inrprnuiPiit Dpbt In Advance. Part Lucas, L. R. Lucas, J. II. Eldrtdgo nnd H. L. Pickett will bo cnrrlers. A postofllco has been established at Pa cific, Fremont county, Wyo., with George Flick postmaster. I'ONtnuintrr Appointed. TheBO postmasters havo been nppolnted: Nebraska S. D. Richardson, nt Oraflno, Frontier county, vlco J. Wilson, removed. Iowa Daniel Cook, nt Hlsmnrck, Clayton county; C. D. Gustln, at Colonn, Marlon county; K. A. Pickering, nt David, Mitchell county: J. O. Uenson. at Herring, sac Nrnllnnd Yiird Inspector Deninnils It in n Iti-mml for f'nptiirp of I'riinU AlliMi, (Copyright. lft, by Press Publishing t'o.) LONDON. Feb. 7. -(New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Inspector Froest of Scotland Yard has filed a claim with Ambassador Chonte for 200, being tbo reward offered by the New York au thorities for tho capture of Frank Allen who, with two othcis. Ilnlloran nnd Rus sell, escaped from tho Ludlow street Jnll July -I. 1S95. Allen was recently con victed In London under tho name of Sul Uvnu for snatching a bundle of banknotes from u woman at a bank counter. Froest recognized Sullivan as Allen, nnd since has comiuslvciy established his identity. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Tho Union Pa clflo Railroad company has given notice to United States Treasurer Roberts that It Is com,ty. a. K. Northrup, at High Point, Do prepared to anticipate tho payment or .ono I Catur county; C. W. Ilarlow, nt Iveyvllle of Its notes for xj.'Jto.y.ta given in Beuio- dams county, nnd Peter Gocscr, nt West ment or tne government s ciaim against uib pm,Ui Shelby county oompnny nt the time of tho reorganization South Daotuj. o. Johnson, at Hrlsblne, of tho road. Tho note, which hears Inter- sanb0rn county; Lars Larson, at Flint, est at tho rato of 3 per cent., would have Camp,eii county: A. J. Olson, nt Holland, matured In February, 1!H)Z, and hy Us pay- Kingsbury county; N. J. Svenstrup, nt ment now tho company saves the Interest Hooker, Turner county; N. W. Armstrong, und focures tho rclcaso of nn amount of (t jjedns, Sanborn county; M. K. Hlgelow. Centrnl Paclllc bonds deposited ns security. nl u0HWeup Miner county, and H. G. Gcrbcr, There remain unpam rour notes, an ror nt worthing, Lincoln county tuo same llinuiiuin, mutu muiuiu uti-i) ItppiilillPiuis of M'ai,riinl Melius Cmii- in ttl op Illsouiy Ay il tv H cveiuai lio repuouran cairn commltten iiiilate a plan of' revenuo bill, but nM art' reached heyonu tho decision to' 'no'heoncur In tho senato amendments. The action of tho senato. In substituting nn entirely ilew bill for tho bill na Jtjiawed iho house, is iookoii upon as a nisiuici in vasion of tho prerogntlvo of tho house to initiate rovenuo legislation nnd at tho meet ing today somo of tho members favored radical action to sustain what thoy eon shier tho constitutional rights of tho house to original rovenuo legislation. Tho plan was to ignoro the bill In Its present form and to pass nnother eptlroly now 'revenue bill. Hut this was regarded ns entirely too radical. Another proposition, and the ono that met with most favor, wus to report back tho bill to tho Iioubo tomorrow with a rec- ommendntlon of noon-concurrence, but without a request for n conference. This would rcqulro tho senato to ask for a DISCUSS KAISER'S VISIT (irriiimi piTSiiiiprs IlnvP vnrylnu Virus on Ills Itecopt Ion In l'.nuliiiid. monthj from 1902 (Couttnuvd ou Sccoud Page.) ITALIAN CABINET RESIGNS IvlllU Ylolor I! HI ill mill "I Ik Iel li n IVInIn WIiIpIi I'rpupiil I'pr plpilnu' I'PiiturPK. ROMK, Feb. 7. Signer Saraceo tendered tho resignation of tho cabinet this morn ing. King Victor Kmmanuol will consult with Iho presidents of the senate, the Cham her of Deputies and the various party lead ers todny and tomorrow beforo designating a now premier. He Is confronted with n tnsk of great difficulty, owing to tho chnotlc conditions of tho parliamentary parties. Tho mnjorlt; whlrh defeated the government yesterday, consisted of a transitory coalition of the members of tho right and tho loft, only tho Rudlnt grcup nipportlng tho government, Iho socialists opporilng tho cabinet because they considered it not sufficiently liberal, whllo tho rightists accused it of lacking a coherent policy nnd yielding to the social ists. Tho fall of tho ministry was thus duo to diametrically opposed reasons. Yesterday's coalition disappeared Imme diately after tho vote, the parties being bitterly antagonistic as regards a general policy, so the first parliamentary crisis the UUW king has to solve nppears to be n perfect Gordlan knot. After tho announcement of the resigna tion of tho lahlnet In tho Senato and th1) Chamber, tho Chamber adjourned sine die. It Is considered probable that Slgnor Villa or Slgnor Sarraro will be chosen to form tho new inluUtry. PURDY DENIES THE RUMOR Snjs llnek latnml Ilop Not F.van Con- tpmplntp IltiiiiK Hip SIpxI ran Crntral. CHICAGO, Feb. 7 President Warren O. Purdy of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pa cific railroad today made an absolute denial of tho report circulated on Wnll street that tho Rock Island system had acquired a controlllriK Interest In tho Mexican Central railroad. "There Is nothing at all in thnt report." Bald President Purdy. "No such action Is contemplated." ANOTHER RAILROAD COMBINE Itcpiirl Thill lpiiiiMivniiln, .MIImiiiiUpp mill Northern I'lielflc Mil)' lip t'oiisollilnlpil. CHICAGO. Feb. 7. Tho Tribune tomorrow will say that according to reports received here today a new Mllwnuken k St. Paul deal Is being planned, with President J. J. Hill of tho Great Northern left out. Ac cording to this stoiy the Pennsylvania, Mil waukee & St. Paul and Northern I'acitlc ore to bo merged Into one system. GOULDS ACQUIRE THE "KATY" Assprtloii" to 'nils UltPPt Are MiiiIp on Wnll Slrepl from Spvrml .Sonrpps. NKW YORK. Feb. 7.- Assertions were mnde from sovernl sources In Wall street today that the Goulds havo bought enough stock of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas'rall road to glvo them control. IIiiInp Hip IMvlilrnil Itnlc, ST. LOUIS, Fob, 7 At a meeting of the board of directors of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad company, held hero to. day, It was decided to raise the dividend rato from 2 to 3 per cent on the mcond preferred stttyk. Smith lllll.oln Jlpinorliil. Congressman Onmblo today presented n momorlnl from the South Dakota legislature urging tho establishment of a permnnent military post nt Fort Mead, S. D.; also a memorial urging tho erection of nn Indian school at Kveretts. S. I). Tho Metropolitan National bank of Chi cago was today npproved as n rosorvo agent for tho Hurt (la.) National bank; the Mer chants' Nntlonnl bank of Philadelphia, for tho Iowa Natlonnl bank of Davenport, In.; tho First Natlonnl bank of Chicago, for tho First Natlonnl bank of Sioux City nnd tho First Nntlonnl bank of Hawarden, Ia. Oninlin VorlliiTii Itnllrniiil. C. W. Conkllng of Teknmah Is In tho city In tho Interest of tho passage of tho Omaha Northern railroad bill through tho Omaha nud Winnebago reservation In Thurston county. Tho bill, which Is a sonato meas ure, Is pending in tho committeo on Indian nffalrs. but tho committeo has rather in sisted upon the railroad taking Its rights under tho general extension act passed a year or so ago, rather than permit the pres ent hill to become a law. as it establishes n precedent. Senntor Thurston Introduces a pension bill todny for tho relief of James W. Sa gaser of Nebraska for $30. OiiiiiIio llrnni'li Mint. Tho bill for the establishment of a branch mint at Omaha, whlrh wnB reported to tho house today favorably. Is coupled with a similar measure for tho establishment of n branch mint at Tacoma. Thcro aro grave doubts whether this measure will have con slderatton nt the present session. Senator and Mrs. Thurston returned last night from New York, whero they had been since Monday. CInrenco L. Thurston, son of Senator Thurston, has returned from a visit to Cam bridge. Mass. and will soon lMve for his South Araerrau post. Sar-non 1m heartily In sympathy with tho Auditorium and will do everything possible to bring nbout the erection of tho building. Tho knlglts ir iibout to los their homo nnd must havo other quarters In a short time. Isaac Carpenter Somo of our best cltl zenB nro putting In tholr tlmo gratuitously to secure funds for nn Auditorium. Al ready $120,000 has been subscribed. Thirty thousand dollnrn moro Is necessary beforo work will begin on tho building. It Is tho duty of nil ot us to rally to tho support of tho Auditorium. loin IIiiiiiIh In I he Crr. P. K. Her Mr. Dennett's suggestion thnt conferenco If nny was to bo held tho Auditorium bo used by tho Knights of Ak-Snr-Ilen meets with my approval. Tho ground selected for the building is admir ably adapted for n structuro with a base ment, which would be nn excellent pluco for tho Ak-Sar-llen floats. I hope tint Audi torium committee nud Knights of Ak-Sar Hen will Join hands. nrlef addresses wero also mndo by W. S Poppleton, Rev. T. J. Mnckay, J. C. Root, F. W. Kellogg. I. S. Ilascnll, Dr. W. II Christie, John Steolo and K. J. McGIIton At tho conclusion of tho speaking Pros! dent Sanborn explained tho great need of nctlvo solicitation of subscriptions during tho remainder of tho month nnd called for volunteors who uro willing to devoto a few hours each day to furthering the Auditorium project Tho following men agreed to assist In the work and wero mndo chairmen of commit' tees which will begin an nctlvo canvass of tho city: John Steclo, M. Goldsmith, O. S. Henawa, I). V. Shaw, George II. Leo, Henry Hardy. David Cole, I. S. Hascall, Will Stock ham, O. S. Nattlngcr, I. A. Medlar, M. Hcrn- stoln, I). M. Woodland, C. P. Whlto, Albert .Win. C. R. Hlack, J. II. Daniels, J. M. Gil an nnd E. 13. Hryson. A light lunch was served after tho meet HKRLIN. Feb. 7. Tho Cologne Gazotto. reverting today to Kmporor William's vlsli to England, Insists that his respect and lovo for his grnndmothnr alone dictated tho visit, his reception bolng purely per sonal. It acknowledges tho oxlstenco of a "strong Hrltlnh tendency In mnny circles In Gormnny," and assorts thnt "nothing could bo moro disastrous to Germany than tho opposition of Great Hrltaln." FOR BRANCH MINT IN OMAHA IIOIIMP I OIIIIUllIPP Oil I OlMflKP. WpIkIiIi " MPimiire Will I'nvor ii I1 - Itpport Hip lllll. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. (Special Telo ciam.) llio iioubo cnrainmeo ou coinage weights and measures decided to report favorably tho bill establishing n branch mint nt Omnha nnd appropriating nn and half an hour was spent In discus- Mmrcfnr. Sutherland of the Fifth district Blng tho Auditorium informally. An orches- ot Nehrnska was tho member of tho sub rn played during tho evening nnd added P,,mmlttee that took Inltlnl action. much to the successful meeting. HoiiIpIIp TpiiiIpth RfrJkiiiiIIiiii, PORTLAND, Mo., Feb, 7 A special from Augusta savs The resignation ot i-nn crnnumnn f'ft,rlt.u A llnulello as leoresen tatlvo of the Fourth Maine district In lh natlonnl congiess wns received by Governor Hill todav Th resignation Is to talto plauu l-ctiruary CAUGHT AT CASH REGISTER CluirlP)' IIiivIk Siirroiinilpil liy CltlrciiN ii o it Polli'p Two S lin In Tlri-il. Charloy Davis wns raught robbing the cash register In Joseph Pezdlrtz's saloon nt STATES SETTLE BOUNDARIES IIIvInIoii llettrppii Vlrulnlu nml Ten- iipnkpp In In Hip Middle of .Mil In Slrrct, llrlHlol. 1IR1BTOL, Tenn., Feb. 7. Tho legislature of Virginia today accepted from Tennesseo Thirteenth and Pacific streets early this 'ho cession of one-half of Main street In this city nn tho boundary lino between tho two stateB. Tho mnttcr has been in lltl gatlon many yearB. morning nnd arrested Davis broke In a basement window trt effect an entrance and was Been by ('. C Rouzer, an ex-pollceman, who Immediately gave an nlarm to the neighborhood and aroused tho proprietor, who lives near by Citizens hastily armed themselves and but rounded tbo building, whllo Pezdlrtz went to tho front door. He was Just In tlmo to sen Davis rilling tho cash register nnd flrotl ii Rllnt nt htm thrninrh thn L'lnns Tlin liiirelnr mmln n Hash fur thn Iran. CHICAGO. FPU. i -- I IIP rumor auoai miiuy door lending to tho basement and Pcdlrtz to tho effect that tho parking Interests of PACKERS DENY THE RUMOR Sliv 'I'll ere In Mi Irillli III Mor' oi 'on will lil ii 1 lo n or Armour, Sltl nml Mnrrln Ciiiieerii. took another shot at. him, but both went wido of tho mnrk. In thn meantime a call had been rent to the pollen stntlnn ami the patrol wagon was ordered out In a hurry. The officers arrived quickly, though the run was long and hard, and entered tha saloon at onco. When Davis hpard them tramping overhead he called out that ho would surrender If they would promise not to shoot. Ho was taken from the bascmont nnd romoved to tho city Jail, whero tho amount ho had taken from tho cash register I1.C0 was found In a pocket. Tho arrest was mado by Sergeant Hudson, Patrol Con ductor Fahoy, Emergency Ofncor Rolglcmnn and Patrolman Dwyer. Davis six years ngo was arrested In tho act of committing n burglary In a shoo shop near Sixth and Marcy streets. He was con victed nnd scntenred to three years In the penitentiary Ho was pardoned after ho had scrvd but eight months Armour, Swlfl and Nelson Morris wero to bo consolidated, with a capital of $135,000. 000, was denied tonight by all the packers Inti rested. Iliielntr Goen lo Meet Hinpprnr. nKRLIN, Feb, 7 -Haron von nuelow started for Hamburg this morning He will coufcr with Emperor William at tho palace, MovrllienlN of Oppiiii YpkhpIh Fell. 7. At New York Arrived - Germaiile, from Liverpool nnd Qiieenslown; WeHlernlanil, trom Antwerp; Knenlgnn Louise, from Bremen; Trave. from Hremou mid South ampton: Nomadic, from Liverpool. Hailed La Hretngne. for Havre At Liverpool Arrived Michigan, from At QiieeliHluwn - Arrived, Fob. 8 New England, from Ronton, for Liverpool, nml I,rAt Bremen Arrived Lnhli, from Now AMleiinn -Sailed- Werra, for New York. At Cherbourg - Arrived -- Patricia, from Now York, via Plymouth, for Hamburg. At Madeira Arrived -Augusta Victoria, from New York, for AlglerH, Genoa, etc. At Antwerp Hulled Nederland, for Phlla ,iii, lib. At Rotterdam - Sailed Mausdilill, for Poulogiie .mil New York. At Auckland Hailed- Alnmeda. for SmI ney N H W . Apia. Honolulu mid Han Franrlsco, i I'r' Passed Uuvk, from New York, for Liverpool, LINCOLN. Feb. 7. (Special Telegram.) Tho senatorial ballot In Jojnt session dis closed no material ennnges lociny, annougu two or three transfers between tho differ ent columns took plnce. Tho program mnpped nut by a smnll cntcrlo of fuslonlsts for tho discomfiture of tho republicans by casting a fow fusion votes for republican candidates wan unfolded a llttln further. Henll. tho fuslonlst who had recorded him self for Hlnshnw yesterday, took conven iently sick so that ho was not present to answer his name; but Ream, an other fusion member, assumed tho redo ot patriot In his stead. Ills effort, however, fell short of thn measure But becnuso ho hnd neglected to rehearse his net. Ho sent to tho speaker's desk to bo read a high Hounding explanation, declaring tho tlmo to hnvo arrived whon his duty to tho peoplo was greater than his duty to tho parly nnd tho demand lmpcrntlvn for him to voto for a republican not fettered with cor poration shackles. Tho secretary concluded reading, "I therefor cast my voto for" That was all tho typewritten paper con tained and that was Ream's cuo to como to tho frou'. with the uauu'i o? tho idntu's saviors. Ream atood up nnd called out "Allen nnd Ills hesitation put tho audlenco In greater oxpoctancy, "Allen nnd John" ho stam mered. 'Iho members round nbout began to nilelter, "Allen nnd John .1." Tho Biilcker becamo an nudlblo laugh. "William V. Allen nnd John J. " Tho laugh becamo a regular outburst of uproar. Allen and John J. McCarthy," ho man aged at last lo blurt out with great difficulty. It took several minutes for tho merri ment to Biibsldo nnd the great fusion coup had punctured Itself. Tho remainder ot tho balloting was tnmeticss omnhnslzed. An clfort will bo made, probably tomor row, to shut out written explanations in tho course of tho voto for United States sena tor. An lo Cntii'lKi I'lnnx. Whllo tho committeo to draft rules to govern a republican senatorial caucus has not yet agreed on a report. Its contlnunnco by tho conferenco Instead of discharging It as was dono tbo former committeo means that tho efforts to got together aro not to bo Interrupted. As a matter of fact, tho various Interests represented aro nearer ono another now than over beforo ns a result of conferences thnt havo been going on between tho candidates. Mr. Rosewnter has had Intervlows during tho past twenty-four hours with Mr. Thompson, Senntor Currle, Mr. Hlnshaw nnd Mr. Melklejohn with reference to their mutual Interests nnd It may bo Fnfoly said that they understand each others positions moro thoroughly than ever and a caucus agreement Batlsfactory to all tho candidate Is suro to bo evolved. "Attempts of opposition organs in mis represent mo as tho only, remaining obstaelo to a caucus will not fool nnybody familiar with tho situation," Bald Mr. Rosewnter. "I hnvo been working for a caucus from tho firnt nnd all my supporters huvo signed i caucus cull. What I want, however. Is a caucus that will glvo us two republican Cnlted states senators without fall -a cau cus that can command tho necessary slxty $ncn votes to fill both vacancies and' not leave cither tho long or short term unfilled. In my Judgment to mnko sure of this result requires simultaneous nomination. What Is more to tho point, tho caucus ngreemcnt embodying that provision has been signed by twenty or morn members, Including thn most radical anti-Thompson men, who I doubt can bo Induced to sign nny dllfercnt cnll whether the Douglas county members sign or not. When tho caucus meets It must bo In position to put nn end to thn deadlock by electing two republican sena tors without inviting Its own disruption by falling short or tho necessary slxty-snven or by tho withdrawal of part, of tho mem bership after ono senator Is nominated." l,nlili IxIh on Hip 4a r III I rim. Tho committeo appointed to investigate tho operations nf the hold-up lobby will soon get down to work, but beyond expos ing tho parties engaged lu Iho buslnesi nothing furl her need bo expected. An In vitation was extended publicly In tho hrusi. for all members who had Intioduccd hold-up bills relating lo tho various corporations to como before tho committeo nnd toll whero they got them. Of course, the Invi tation will not bo accepted, hocause to do so would bo tho same as confession ' on tho part of nny member that ho was either a fool or a knave. "Tho affair has been managed so that it is suro to produce a nuke," said a prom inent member of tho house. "I understand tho exposure by ThoiusHcn has been Incu bated for Bomo time, giving plenty of op portunity to frnmo up In ndvnnco. Tho speaker should havo been notified what was coming und had his committee picked out to bo named on tho spot nnd tho committeo at oneu Brut out to Mim- moil tno parlies impncairn hiiii urite mu trunk containing tho other hold-up bills. Wo may bo suro tho lobbyists havo got nway with that bunih of bllh already and will ubo the time accorded them to po