Til 13 OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, PEBIU'A'RY 7, 1001. 0 SENATE HAS NIGHT SESSION Jonei of Ailunua AtUcii Innovation in Batage Btjle. BRANDS IT SCHEME TO HELP SUBSIDY BILL Srnnlnr Alitrlrli In HMily IMnrrn llr- Iionnlliltltr "it llniicnilH nnil Their I'nsiirltc- rillliustcr IliK 'I'uotlc. WASHINGTON, Feb. C Hcglnnlng nt 8 o'clock this evening tho first of n Bcrlcs of night sessions wan held to discuss tho ship subsidy bill. Tho entlro session w.ib dovoted to a continuous round of Intel lectual pyrotechnics. Practically every ciuoatlon thnt hns been or Is likely to bo beforo the senato wan discussed, but Ilttlo tlmo wns devoted to tho pending measure Notablo speeches wcro mailo by Mr. Jones of Arkunsas nnd Mr. Aldrlch of Ithodu Uland. Tho Arkansas senator was passion- nto In his denunciation of tho methods of tho majority to forco tho ship subsidy bill to an Issue, and Mr. Aldrlch'H response was tiulto as vigorous In Us defense. I'rom a snectncular point of view tho session wns Interesting, and tho sharp col lonulcs and isnappy speeches wero hugely enjoyed by thoso on tho floor and by tho largo crowds In tho galleries. Important Hill l'nsrd. Two Important measures wcro disposed of by tho senate today, tho military acad cmy bill ami tho war revenuo reduction measure, Tho former was under considers tlon less than an hour. Tho only change mado In It was tho strengthening of tho provision against hazing at West l'otnt During the remainder of tho afternoon sea slou tho. war revenuo reduction bill was beforo -tho scu.itej. An effort was mado to redneo the tax on bank checks and to pro vldo that telegraph and express companies should bear tho burden of tho tax on mes sages and packages Bent. The flnanco com mittee's nmendment lovylng a tax on trans actions In so-called "buckot shops," modi fying tho tax on cigars and cigarettes and providing for n rebate on unbroken pack ages of tobacco, In addition to sover.il oth era of 11 minor charnctor, wero adopted An amendment substituting an Income tax for the war revenue, offered by Mr. Morgan of Alubama, was rojectcd by n party vote 21 to 23. Hills wero also passed netting apart a tract of lnnd near Central City, Colo., for a cemetery for Odd Follows; appropriating $50,000 for tho preparation of a stto nnd tho erection of n pedestal for n statue of tho late Major General dcorgo 11. McClel lan In Washington city; authorizing the Arizona Water company to construct a power plant on tho l'lma Indian reservation In Maricopa county, Arizona; providing for tho construction of a bridge' ncross tho Yalobusha river, Grenada county, Missis sippi. Authorizing the Olnssport Hrldge com pany to construct and maintain a bridge across tho Monongahcla river at I'ortvuo, Allegheny county, l'n. Consideration of tho military academy bill was then rebumed. the pending ques tion being tho nmendment offered by Mr. Allen of Nebraska providing that cadets upon entering tho academy should take an oath not to engage in hazing nnu It found guilty of hazing bo dismissed from tho academy and not be cllglblo thereafter to hold a position either In tho army or In the navy of tho United States. Mr. Scwell of New Jersey, In charge of tho bill, opposed tho nmendment, main tiinlng that thu provision against hazing lu tho bill was suinclent. In supporting tho amendment Mr. Allen BRserted that tho brutal prnctlco of assault ing another who wns his Junior had been rarrlocl to n ridiculous extent at tho mill. tury academy nnd ho bolloved It would nover bo broken up until the most rigid measures were taken In good faith to put an onu to it. Mr. Allen withdrew his nmemlmnnt nn.i offered eomo amendments making stronger ino pnrnscoiogy ot the commlttco's amend ment relating to hazing. As agreed to tho Hazing paragraph rends na follows: That tho superintendent of tho military academy shall mako mich rules, to lio up. proved by tho secretary of war, ns will olToutUnlly prevent tho iirnotlen nf hnrlm- and any cadet found guilty of participating In or encouraging nny surh uci shall form ally bo expelled from the nendomv and will not thereafter on appointed to tho corps or eligible for a command in tho army or mo navy. Tho bill as amended was then passed Mr. Aldrlch of Ilhodo Island called up tho war revenuo reduction bill and It was read. Mr. Aldrlch said no written report upon tho revenuo bill hnd bcon submitted, but ho would explain tho commltteo's action after ho bad perfected tho measure. The first amendment added to tho words "promissory notes" (providing tor the re peal of tho stnmp tax on such Instruments) tho words ' and any renowal thereof." Tho second modified tho paragraph re moving tho stamp tax on bonds, making I read as follows: "Bonds of every dcscrlp tlon, not Including, however, tho bonds pro vlded for lu tho first paragraph of schedule, A ot said act, or bonds for Indemnifying nny person or persons, firm or corporation who shall havo becomo bouud or engaged as surety for tho payment of nny sum o money, or for tho duo execution or per formanco of tho duties of any ofllco or posi tion nnd to account for monoy received by vlrtuo thereof." Tho amendments wero agreed to. Tho next amendment Included "perfumery nnd cosmetics" In tho section providing for a penalty for failure to ufflx stamps to mo dlclnnl and proprietary preparations. It was ngrocd to, as wero other amendments, n.i follows: Providing for a rebate on un broken packages ot cigars nnd tobacco; au thorizing tho cancellation ot stamps on for- Easy Colds Arc you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? WouUJ you feel relieved if you , could raise something? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus in the morning ? Then you should always 'keep on hand a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral If you have a weak throat, you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one is always the harder to cure. Three dies: 25c, 50c., $1X0. It jour drugglit cannot mpr'T Tou. i'n.1 ui one dollar and we "III fiprrn large )xttl to you, II crtarxes prepaid, lie 'ire and nt ui your naareat npmi offlc. Addreu, J.O. AYKU Co., Lowsll, )1i. mentcd liquors by perforation, reducing by one-half tho tax upon foreign bills of ex change; for the appointment of a compe tent perion to Becure the enforcement of tho tax Imposed upon legacies and distribu tive shares of personal property; providing that the purchaser of nn uncompounded medlclnnl drug upon which tho tax nlrendy has been paid shall not bo required to pay further tax. Tho amendment of the committee fixing tho tax upon transactions In stocks through so-called "bucketshops" was agreed to. wltli an nmendment offered by Mr. Mason providing that a tax of 2 cents (Instead of 1 cent) "on each $100 In laluo of tho mer chandlso covered or pretended to bo covered." A committee nmendment modifying the tax on cigars and cigarettes, In accordance with tho proposition made previously by Mr. Piatt of Connecticut, was agreed to. Tnxntloii nf Life liiMirnni'F Compniilfs, .Mr. Allison offered nn nmendment ex- cmptlnK from tho tnx levied upon life In surance companies "any post mortem as sessment association organized and con ducted solely for tho members thereof." In response to nn Inquiry by Mr. Jones ot Arkansas, Mr. Allison said tho amendment would not apply to nny of the recognized life Insurance companies, mutual or otherwise. Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts urged that tho taxation ot Ufa Insurance, companies prac tically was Indefensible, and In some senses vicious. Mr. Aldrlch In reply declared that tho four or flvo great llfo Insurance compnnlcs In New York had assets greater than halt tho aggregnte banking capital of the United States, They, ho said, wcro doing a bank ing and guaranty business nnd wcro Justly and properly subject to taxation. Mr. Chilton said thnt many ot tho so callcd mutual companies wero really great investment companies, and as such wero often controlling factors in financial nf fairs. Mr. Allison said It wns not truo that In many of these so-called mutual rompanles the persons assured sharo tho profits of tho companies In which they held policies. Others, ho said, divide only n portion of their earnings, the result being vast accu mulations which wore not to bo paid out to persons now Insured. This accumulation becomes n surplus for Investment, lie thought such companies should pay taxes. Tho fraternal companies chargo not moro than half bb much as tho so-called mutual companies, and for this reason, he Bald, had been granted exemption. Mr. Chnndlcr declared that nearly all In- Btirnnco companies nro mutual to a greator or less extent, nnd that In tho courso of tlmo all tho surplus of nny of tho compa nies gocB to tho bcncflclnrles of policy holders. Ho did not believe thnt any llfo Insuranco company should be taxed. Tho Allison amendment was agreed to. Tnx mi llncUft Shop. Mr. Aldrlch, explaining tho effect of tho bill, said that according to tho calculations of tho commltteo the reductions of tho revenues mado by tho hill amount to $39.- 800.000, This calculation did not. however. tnko into nccount tho effect of the nmend ment for taxing "bucket shops," which tho senato today had incorporated In tho bill. Ho had been Informed that thero are 25.000 of thoso bucket Bhops In tho United Stutes. If each ono of them should pay $100 the government would dcrlvo $100,000,000 from mat source. Mr. Cockroll 'nqulred what the difference was botween tho pending substitute nnd tho original bill. Mr. Aldrldh replied that Iho house had ndoptcd the policy ot lopping off entirely a largo numoer or tlio speclnl taxes. The plan of tho senate committee had been to reuueo rather than to tnko off tho taxes entirely, ulthough lu somo Instances tho taxes nau been removed. Mr. Turley of Tennesseo suggested that It would havo been well had the committee presented a proposition to tax tolcirrnnh and express companies, as dcsnlle their great wealth they had escaped tho tax under tno original law. Mr. Aldrlch said it was well understood when tho origlnnl bill was passed that tho tax on telegraph messages was to be raid by tho sender. Ho had been assured by tho Western Union Telegraph company that by tho low rato of Its tolls to the government It waa now contributing from J1C0.000 to $300,000 a year. If required to pay one-half of tho tax It would be Impossible for tho compnny to pay its C per cent dlvldemi. Ho said express companies maintained that If tho tax wero placed upon them It would ausoimeiy uestroy tneir business. Thy mi llnnkfl ami Ilnnlc Check. All nmendment was agreed to providing that tho tax on new banks shall bo com puted from tho tlmo tho Institutions begin business. Mr. Chlltou offered nn nmendmeut reduc ing tho tnx on bonk checks from 2 cents to 1 cent, but it was defeated IS to 42, An amendment offered by Mr. McComai of Maryland was agreed to providing that tho lutcrnal revenuo commissioner should place tho stamps provided for in tho bill on salo at tho postofllces of the country. Mr. Jones of Arkansas moved to eliminate from tho bill tho proposed exemption from tax ot telegraph nnd telephone messages, Ho gavo notice that If tho motion wns ngrccd to ho would offor nn amendment to tax both telegraph nnd tolephono companies upon tholr gross business, so as to compel them to pay tho tax. The motion was re jected 15 to 35. Mr. Morgan of Alabama offered as an amendment to tho measure his proposition for an incomo tax beginning on tho ilret day ot noxt July and running for twenty years, mo amendment placed n tax of 2 per cent upon all Incomes nbovo $1,000 a year. Tho amendment wns in tho form of a substltuto for tho pending bill nnd for tho revenuo law now In operation. Mr. Morgan maintained that It wns tho duty of congress to repeal tho war tax, Inns- much ns tho war to support which It wns enacted long slnco had ended. The nmend ment was voted down 21 to 38. Tho vote was strictly on party lines. Tho bill wnB then paused without division. Mr. Aldrlch then moved that a recess bo taken until S o'clock tonight nnd Mr. Joncr ot Arkansas moved to adjourn. Tho votj on Mr. Jones' motion resulted 15 ayes and 2G noes. Mr. Aldrlch's motion then porvnlled without division nnd n recess was taken at DM5 p. m. until 8 o'clock. Kiel lenient lit MkIiI SckhIdii, When tho senate reconvened at S o'clock with Mr. Chandler of Now Hampshire in tho chair, Mr. Jones of Arkansas remarked, "Ily actual count thero nro Just twelvo re publican senators present. I suggest tho nbtenco of n quorum." At that tlmo eleven democratic senators wero present. Ono at a tlmo senators hur riedly entered the chamber, but when tho rct'ult of the roll call was announced only forty-two had responded to tholr names. Mr. Frye demanded that the roll of ab sent senators bo called. While this call was In progress Bovcral members entered tho chamber, among them Mr. Hnnna, who had risen from a sick bed In order to be present. Finally tho chair announced that n quorum was present. Mr. Frye then called up tho shipping bill and It was laid beforo tho senato, Still standing, ns bo had been slnco tho session opened, Mr. Jones entored a pas slona'to protest against the consideration ot the pending bill nt night sessions. Ho de clared such action Involved n deliberate purpose to break down opposition senators physically and prevent tho passage of tho appropriation bills. The shipping subsidy bill, bo nbserted, was tho most perfectly detestable measuro presented to the Benate for years; so bad In fact, he said, that one of the republican senators had offered nn amendment reducing the period of the bills operations from twenty to nitcen yenrs, thereby preventing tho looting of the United States treasury of $45,000,000. Ho declared that the subsidy bill was a part of a great scheme to plnce all trans portation facilities under ono control. "I believe." ho said, "that this bill proposes to placo our commerce of tho seas under MATCH STOPPED BY POLICE AT MIDNIGHT the control of the men who arc now trying TIT, LIKE GREEKS OF OLD Pom and Roebcr Wrestle for Above n Hour Without Either Scoring Tall. to get tho land transportation routes by the throat. "So help mo high heaven," he shouted passionately, "I will not be n party to this effort to throttle free speech. Wo gave ou notice, If you will have night sessions, that you must have a quorum hero all tho time, ns we do not propoM- to contribute In nny way to a tyrannical effort to sup press frco speech by brute force." Alilrlrli Itlitloulc .tone. Mr. Aldrlch of Ithodo Island said Mr, In All lint Skill nnd Solcnco the Aiui'rlenit I" OtitelitnAOit li.V the I'rrneli ('liiuiiplnn, AVImi Ik I'm Ily ii 1'init Tnller, standing tho radical nctlon taken by Gov ernor NbsIi and other state officials slnco last Saturday, and especially today. Tho sale of seats, the training at tho training nt the itarter of Jeffries. Huhllu, Mnrtlii nnd Child, the work of arranging boxes .and seat at the big hall nnd nil other preparation for the event, one we -k from next Friday night. have been pro ceeding today ns usual. It I evident that everything will be completed nnd In readi ness before n decision by Judge Holder shall bo rendered. The only suspension seems to be In withholding the lithographs and other dlsiduy advertising of the i-Vi-nt. Them w.'ll be rapidly distributed If Judge Hnllister refuses to grant an flijiinctln t Fentin Ijiw.xnn. director and sicptiin 111 both the Musical and the Athletic asso ciation, was the principal witness today W. M. Unmsiiy. who was attorney for the Saengerfest Muslenl association, had a wordy imilllct with l-nwson during tho noon rccrs of court, ltnmsey. ns attorney of tho S.iencerfest as iclntlon. advised against n scheme which was called n lot tery and In which It was proposed to offer the big hall a the first prize. Thl I Inn va dropped and then, when the mtHicni association organized Itself Into an "thietie nsNnrumnn. nn.er roundel uum ,....- NKW YORK, Feb. 6. ror one hour and seventeen minutes Urncst Ilncbcr, the American champion wrestler, and the French champion, Paul PonB, struggled for supremacy In n roped ring In Mndlson Jones' rcmntks wcro so extraordinary as fciuaro unr.icn tonigni. iney migni nave wii secured. Hnmey tooK radical to require attention. Ho said no public Kne on for nnot ner uour, nut tne arm- o,, s i,, v e ..... . reconvened buslnes now v,ns demanding tho nttcnJoti try order of Police Injector Thompson. Jii'lmi and llamsey wtte ot the senate. No appropriation bills were who declared that he would not allow the ,,ut ,, lho stum, for n,eir respective state. pending. All that tho senators on his side "ui 10 Ko on nuer m. ...ign., sioppeu iu "'"' . Im.,m.t(.n, wnncs was Mayor of tho chamber asked that tho senate should tc" ' nxosl unsatisfactory manner nl ,,Vi";?n: '"li"!, ttliie.l as to the o n proceed In nn orderly manner. "There midnight. .Iltlons tinder which ho rrnntc.l tin permit Is no disposition on th s s do of the c hnm- 10118 nc" ui'i'lr al nc"r, 1 l" ' ,. i iV lie cave n permit her. "said he, "to stllle free speech. No ftago of the contest, but he lacked tho clev- ftf "lI0,l,M1l,tl', ,lV5:i,"ti!irt BwoiiM 1 come such suggestion was ever made and tho urne8S ot ho hiu""" man, who was never ,,,,, th,. mwH of n,,0, i UMiry nirHiin. u i huv ----- oeoootoooocoooooooooof'oaoooH otoeoooeooo Office open continuously from 8 9 u. in to !) p. in. bunJiiVM front 8 o o o 9 o ii. in. to 5 p. in. CHARGES LOW, CONSULTATION FREE The doctor's quick cures and 0 low charges nto the womlorof nil his com poll tor?. senator from Arkansas knows It ns well ""ul u.m.i..D v . iuw .cn., .wv i.-'V"' Y,.,i n,.Ti.n tnn.l most ocr, tnougti uy many years ino oinor ami in A " s V . . tetltled to the as 1. "Wo are perfectly willing to havo every tniro far inferior to tno tug foreigner. pmU ,,0ln.llui for tickets titu snlrt in . .'. . . y. ' mi II.. I.at.t 1,1. nun Tlmt llm I, mil tvil "null,,,. tw,t i,-,,..,i tnlYt- u Mint Ttllllllll HUH to 110 measuro ruiiy nnu freely 'detuned. All we '"" , " " , " ,, ,"f "i:..; rnntrMi nini ii t a t.rlzo tight anil ask ot you is that after full dlscutslon tbe level" there can be no question and the box 'mie njl nJpV!i" not, wllltiB you shall permit a voto to bo taken. Tho P000 wno l11"3 building hnd (lc)c(s for ,,,, performance, but t. r threat ot the senator from Arkniuas Is only the warmest praise for the athletes. one that romo within the pn.Mslons of tin that for tho first tlmo In our history the Xevr TurkUli rcstler ( linlli-iigi-i. ,a fenttirn of the afternoon session wns nil minority proposes to kill a bill by filibuster. Nouroulah. a Turkish wrestler, who Is nl argument between John M ""'"'""P"' Ing. Wo ask you that according to nil most as big as Pons, was Introduced by f,"i,B'rtSSnVr . . ........... . hum nn.vvniilo w i,mu OVtiniVi J UU I 000 tomorrow to bind a mntch between him ruled the objection of Wilson nml cnp oi nnd tho winner of tho big bout tonight. 'Vtho Suoi? tha t have W ."n entered 1'ons entered ino ring wiwi lib im.nniia Mtn provide ror uoiucsis n.nn i -........ . .... , I .. ' ... it.A ... limtlnn rnnsnl! will allow a voto to be taken on tho mcas tire. Thero never has been n measure which met tho unninvnl nf n mntnrltv ,.f thn onnnin that waskllledns you propose to kill this bill, at 10:13 o'clock. Ho received a louslug wel- the attorneys for the Injtmet "ij "! n i r ou can filibuster the measuro to death, if come. Tho Frenchman's friends were bet- '"? X,w i t the event hero on I b- Aft . Art ...... .1.1 ...1. . .1..!.. 11... nlllirtl. Vml u-III 1... hniu.!.!.... . 1 . . . . .... . j..,. imii ui;, viuiin e iiii-iu linn always i.ug iuu 10 uu iuiii. iiu'.r nn... uuw m. riltiry I IB to no II prim: .ikii . been a self-respect on tho part of the and finally offered 2 to 1 that tho American pionslllp. rather than n b'li'K ""'r1,.;' ; minority, which has prevented it from champion would bo beaten. VinT'iTo, en Xrl Tub great effort and abusing tho rules of the senate to kill leu- Hoeber. when ho took his sent In the ring. In i nt, the brutality that vhb pos- islatlon by refusing to consider It or by was greeted with tumultuous cheers by the tide under them, inttii... i A i, I n , . .. i.i.., .... in I u,n,iih ii iu uiuiii, Herman uicmeui, n.iii nui niunur un us . .. ... ..... rtl....lrt Tl, ,.. Il,.,n l,,lr,,.t.l"..ll Olillilinii iiii--. .-i. to wrestle Qraeco- out of three falls, nn-1 rt frill nnnlll'iil n (l)r. Mcflrerr nt Aue rrotCNtx Auiiliist Mxlit .SvnnIoik. Mr. Teller of Colorado entered his tiro test against holding the senato In session nt night for the purposo of considering n bill the purpose of which ho said was to which put money on iia , ,,.. ,en were then. Introduced Vl ' B -PrlrnV we " somewhat j-Homaii atylo, best two lnV,'r at the' l)et'er Park horse sale today , pin falls only to count Among the sales were a follows: I;""'1'"' anywbero inside the ropos 3:18. tor. m.. ' MS. A T b v n",?: to count. If the match wns not over nt 12 j wiircl, 2:25i."ll. O Herring, Columbus, Neb., loot the Zv ,h , . , -l "o'clock tho man then having a fall to his U-'-i 'rl fJh "e"L ' B.f? credit would bo declared the winner. shlpowucrs. Ho would bo willing, ho said, to attend night sessions or long day ses sions to consider legislation for tho Philip. 1'iiiin Fully ii Font Tailor. When tho men came togtther Pons seeiiKr ru I'..- K,.liliiir Dill II IMiivimite Halph M Morton of 3SM Cnllforiila street u" Id-yrar-old I'harles flmiilrlcli. n of -.1 i. ... . . . ' I . ... ..n.. At .... 1 i(fii ntnn 1THIK If (KHiril'll. mn-v iw.. fc jiiuuH. ii nilgai uo necpBsary. too. to tnko 10 00 noany iwcive mencs inner imui uur- - ; ... i.'nrtllh nntl rtim- from neb was removed to hi borne ne" tried was found to bo not seriously Injured when r, n h " rem Ined eonsclousnesH. Norton was ur- Io.ns rested by Patrolman Heynol.ls and sent to " ' tho cltv jnll. A charge of assault a id imt- 26 Years Experience, 15 Years in Omaha Dr. McGrew trontmont for STRICTURE gives nn nbsoluto euro in Less Than 5 Days without pnin or hindranco from business. A perfect cure is Guaranteed. DR. McGREW CURES VARICOCELE IN LHSS THAN TKN DA Yi wltlmut cutting or Itiss of time from work, lie nlvcs Hot Springs Treatment tor Sypiis AtlU lillliraiHCCH 11 prtiiiiuciii cure nir nn;. a Treatment by Mail-ModioinoH sent everywhere o i o o o 9 O o o o o o o 9 o o 0 fro from gaze. Office Hours -8 n. m. to 9 p. m. umlnys 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. P. O. Box 766 OFFICE OVER 215 SOUTH 14th Sr., BETWEEN FARNAM AND DOUG LAS STREETS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA- o o soirto action In reference, to Cuba, and In her nnd ho Immediately ntsumed the nn- jdj. jitteets Wedneoday nlht. Youim Good- uiui connection no had heard rumlillncs Brensivo, geiuiiK n uriu nouy noiu ir.i.u rich was removed in ...i "that the jillKhted faith of this Rovernment which Hoeber slipped away. Kooher as to Cuba was to bo abandoned." to Krasp the Frenchman's neck, but Ha U'uu tint In fnvn. nt nn n.i .n .A..tnH . I n a nn ihn nlprl nml unnii hltn nnrnfln coiiKress, but In tho Interest of good govern- ring. Then with a quick movement Ileober tery vnn niijde nsalnst hltn and lie woh mi nt he would bo willing to remain hero went on his hands nnd knees to tho floor ! released on bonu, even In extraordinary session. and Tons pounced on him. kneeling over ,.... lir a fow, lleplylng to Mr. Aldrlch Mr. Jones sai l Itocber. rons tried for n neck hold, thou ho ,, ,.., i,,., tnr u tlmo Wednesday the pending bill "might properly be called tried for a half-Nelson, but landed neither. nB,t tmU sl i)Urglar had Invaded Hrownell a Jimmy,' with which It wns proposed to The Frenchman kept kncedlng his hands hull. A telephone messagf vvns re break Into the United States treasury." Into Rocbcr's body and Iloober finally XntSx ftcUvoHl Smmmir and .lor' Ho declared his belief that there wns a stepped away, only to bo caught again tor " ' ' rc F(,nt ,t )n u hurry and tnnde ,n),n.l (T,. . . 1. . Utf M.nn .. 11. Wo,. I v P. i a 1 1 II (? T . I . I '....u I n I Mil nf tllO IirtMnlfU'H. ..v..u.,.u fnwit mi iuu jitirt m ino rcpuu i" nn.i...riowMi .vv. n,.. .. . .rn....r. h i nui iiiiku i 11 the buildings ncnn majority to causo tho fa lure of nn. out or uis noius. i-ons mauo a sniii anu 1 m- u" ? : proprlntlon bills. csaycd a back hammer-lock. This also to""" " vu" .nucu as you want to loot the treasury." irumess. ii-i, i...ri i.eir, he nsscrted. with vohnmpnee. ' dare to placo tho president In tho nttltude of ,., ,hPn tried the strancle hold, but Hllppeii on tho Hldewillt near Two Mil am calling nn extra session of congress to pass Uoobor twisted nml by an adroit movement Effin ... I was on top of tho Frenchman, iioeuer, cause appropriation bills to fall tho presl- nften thls 9hlft of p03lUo. tried the stran dent will call congress Into extraordinary ei iini,i. whirh tlm I'r.mehman oluJed mil session. Then tho subsidy bill enri he .... . u.. . .i-. n , , 1 gut u.l iui llKU... i;iui; uuy utAiviut'a I'mobvii. I Tn,,a anomail Timmtiiaanil wll'l Tlni ,,. ..... . ' llJ'"a ,0, '"o.fPooner bcr's tactics and cleverness In evading his , : ,n 1. rcI,resentatlvcs yesterday 11 1 1 1 1' , 1 ii tm, iuu .MiuruKua canal n il nni 1 1, i.,,.,, ui.i. . . . ' onn nnn thoant.-trust bill ns Important matters of h ""ha Z I o, took It casv for ? " TP.l ?f Z 'T d - . - - 1 ironi mo luuun ii. ..." , half a minute, whllo the presplratlon T, . nrovido for additions to state lllntn nt Deliiv. poured off both of them and then l'ons I. ... ,, nH imnrovements. etc.. nnd fur- Mr. Aldrlch ronorted that thn Snnonnr quickly tried a wing fall, but Roebcr again ,...n..i,in n,at the funds necessary ahnll I'hlllpplnes bill wus beforo tho senato for tooci tho big foreigner. After easy work . S(,curcd by tnx levy. This tax levy will action for the last two weeks. for two minutes Tons secured a half-Nelson amcunt t0 about 7 mills If every approprla- "YVhy did not you pass It, then," de- nml ,rleJ to throw Hoeber, but Roel.er .. . bui n0w beforo the legislature became mnnded Mr. Jones, "you had a majority." 8l,UI1 t ot 'l nn'1 'lulckly Jumped to hla a ,aw w)ilch Is one-halt mill higher than "You would not let us," returned Mr. Al- 'coti Rceuer securcu a uacK nouy nou, drlch. "You employed the snmo tactics but Pons broke it as If Roebcr's arms wero then that you nro employing now." mado of kindling wood. Roeber tried Mr. Rncon of Ocorgla resented the state- again, but l'ons shoved him -.gainst a post of tho ring and somo persons hlsseil. Kreiieliiiimi (iiiei to Mnt. Roeber wns very persistent nnd secured 111 Searles & Searles DR. A. t. SKAni.KS. OMAHA. SPECIALIST. Most Successful and Reliable Specialist in Diseases of Men. KThilurc. sivV.fifoo's hiio the city for damages If tho council docs not mako satisfactory settlement. llluli.-r Levy III Wjoiulnii' CIIEYKNN13. "A'yo.. Feb. 6. (Special.) Private Diseases of Any Naturt, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Blood Poison, Kidney and Urinary Trouble, Etc. VftriftACPl A Are you afflicted with Varicocele er Its results Nervous De. IUIIVVVVIH blllty and LostMnnhood7 Are yoj nervous, Irritable nnd despondent? Do you lack your old-tl mn energy and ambition? Arc you suner lntr from Vital Woakness, etc.? Tou need expert treatment Wu treat thous ands of cases where tho ordinary physician treats ono. Why not be cured lo, fore It is too late? W12 CAN CURE YOU TO STAY CURED UNDER WIUT TEN GUARANTEE, We havo yet to so the case of Varlcpcile we con not euro, .1eiliu1i new, never lalis. wl bout cutting, pain or loss of tlmo. Sfr! fit UTfi Our cure dissolves ths Stricture completely and removes every ob structton from the Urinary passages, aluys all Inflammation, stops every unnatural dlach&nre, reduces the rnstatn Gland cleanses and heals the bladder and kidneys, Invigorates the sexual organs, and restores health and soundness to every part of the body affected by tho dlseajie. Syphilitic Blood Poison Our spoclal form of terentment for Syphilis Is practically the result of my life work, and Is Indorsed by the best phslc!ans of this and foreign countries. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines of any kind. It goes to ine very nouom 01 me aisease ana lorces out every narticio or impurny. Boon every sign and symptom of Byphllls disappear completely and forover, and the whole system Is cleansed, purified nnu restored to as healthful ajid ment that tho opponents of the-shin sub sidy bill wero filibustering. Ho suggested to Mr. Spooner that he cnll up the Spooner rniiippincs Din. Tho Wisconsin senator re plied that ho would bo glad to obtain con sideration for the bill, but he was not in charge of it. Mr. Teller said tho president fal"0,.unPr.",M'"vl,h,ClV!! Rovernment body hold. Roeber In ho I-hlllpplnes. "No ruler," ho declared, tt BtranK,0 old a i4o nuii. uiiitmiu-u fiutic'l, IHIU'SH 11 DC WIG cznr of Russia, or perhaps tho sultan of Turkey." Mr. Chandler mado n sarcnstlo talk on tho argumonts of Mr. Jones and Mr. Teller against the ship subsidy bill. Mr. Chandler ot New Hampshire referred sarcastically to Mr. Teller's speech ns "a piotcst and luciil argument ngalnst the ship subsidy bill nnd to tho speech of Mr. Jones, who could eharncterlzi) tho people who wcro advocating the passage 0f the bill only as rotucrs wno proposed to loot tho treasury. "There had been no ground," he said, "for 1110 ctiurgc or Itutnistorlng ngalnst tho mcas uro until flvo days ago, when Mr. Clay ot the highest previous levy In the history of Mm fllnln ' I'lincriil nf Senator lluli'li. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Feb. C tSpcclal Tbc funeral of Senator 11. C. Raich of Lara- le will bo held In that city Frldny after- Koener was very iiumisieni uuu snui , . , , , 1 ,iii miimim another back body hold which Rons broke -n T .t... I nl 1.1 r. w. II a-Jo-rn ond in gett ng nway from another trial IO,,u" , ' , ,.,. Ti, iPiaintnri 3! 10. nnJSte! ""Ilu i"-."" w.., ,, ,.iriniT T.'rldav even ne. It succeeded In fchlftlng to - ( , till Imrl Mm .Vnnnhmnn I uv. ... " "".- . , , , ,, , Thursdny, but re at ves, wno resiue in halt way over when tho big fellow broke i'"'"""'' " ' . pnnpll Wvnm,n .!. .In ,,.1,11. Iho w,...,l nl,.n,1 linn. I1UMUII. nil u u....u. . r. il.C SllUUblt, l.llltu ,,unu .ll.vi.,1. . wt,., . 1--I 1,,,. limn .nrnlr,o,l nn Inn fnr fnllv fl,-., I,,. " . .uiij. iimuniLu v, 1. ,,. .... a ... .. . ........... but failed to get a hold ot any account. For ten minutes each tried to gU In on tho other, but neither succeeded. Occa sionally Roebcr would rush In wildly, only to bo hpun back again like n top. Ten mln- Arliltriitlou IUU Di-renteil. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Feb. fi. (Special.) Tho arbitration bill was defeated In tho state legislature. This hill provided that all labor troubles occurring within the state ana tne wnoic system is cieansen, punneu nnu res pure a condition as before contracting the disease. !?lfil'VQaa6XUaal DfifallltV 0,,r curp wcnk "lnn Ht0P" evrry drRln nervous system, purifies and enriches tho blood, cleanses nnd heals tho bind, der and klndneys, Invigorate! tho liver, revives the spirits, brightens thn Intel lects, und, above and beyond all, restores tha wasted power of sexual manhood. VnOIVIS If fidf IflQIll ne personal visit Is preferred, but If you cannot call 1 u win w iiwHiiiiviii Ht fpy 0nice write mo your symptoms fully Our home treatment Is successful and strictly private. Our counsel Is freo and sacredly conlldentlal. Conanltutlun Free. Treatment b- nmtl Cull 011 or nildrrks, 1111 8. l tfh St. CURES GUARANTEED. CHARGES LOW. Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha. Neb. MAniuAAn nreTA ra cr rfc"CUPiDENE' IVIi-llVrijr JU I VSISilL.TliH greqt Venelfl. utes elapsed before Roeber got a back body ,, ,.,,, ,1V. .innri, nf nrbitra hold on the Frenchman, and ac ually lift- nppontcd by the governor nnd con- ng Rons ho put him 011 hU hands and snot reptesentntlves of labor organl knoes to tho floor. Roeber followed up his .,. ,, '.... a number of llko ndantngo by securing a nan -.Nelson. mnH,,rPB imVe met similar fates. Ituelier Does llrllllnnt Work, Roebcr released In nn Instant and got (leorgla offered tho Nicaragua canal bill as n strangle hold llko a tlnsh. It w.ib the nn amendment and Mr. Tillman of South cleverest kind of scientific work on Roober's Carolina offered ns nn amendment tho nutl- part, but Rons was equally dexterous, as trust bill. These evidently wcro, ho said, ho broko tho Btranglu lnsldo of flvo sec- filibustering methods. Roth Mr. Clay and nds and was on top ot Roeber onco more. Mr. Tillman challenged Mr. Chandler's Rouu tried for a three-quarter Nelson, hut statement. only secured a half-Nelson. Ho strovo hard Mr. Chandler said that ns notice had been to turn Roeber over, but failed to mnvo given that tho bill would bo defeated by him. Uotlt men's bodleB wero m slippery filibustering tho only thing for tho majority nt this tlmo from presplratlon that It was to no was to accept the challenge. dltllcult for Pons to maintain n hold for In a vigorous speech Mr, Clay disclaimed any length of time. Roeber wriggled awny any Intention of filibustering, but demanded from a back body hold nnd Pons tried a broke GRAINY) ' 1 nt rune w fair and full opportunity to discuss tho miature. Den.iM'ii. t lr Tnetli's Criticised, Taking ns his text some remarks made by Mr. Teller regarding tho right of the senato to demand executive department documents nnd other Information Mr. Nelson of Minne sota sharply criticised tho effort to obtain lutormutlon which if mado public would bo employed ngalnst tho government In tho trial of Neely In Cuba. Mr. Tillman of 8outh Carolina protested against the holding ot night sessions, urg ing that nothing would be gained by such unusual Inslstcnco by tho majority. Ho In timated that they would resist forco by force. Mr. Tillman said that as It was "nearly back hammer lock which Roeber away from, regaining his feet. After five minutes of foot work Roeber gained a hold nnd brought lho big French man to the Moor. Then ho secured a hnlf Nclson, but failed to turn Pons over. The men had been wrestling one hour and n rest ot ten minutes was allowed for thorn, In which they might recuperate. Tho men rc sumcd hostilities nt 11:15 o'clock. Each tried and missed n body hold Pons got n neck, or throttle hold, but Roeber wriggled out of It Roebcr got a body hold, but It wns not quite full, and tho Frenchmen turned nnd THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE Do you know that three-quarters of n'l tho world's hcadac'iea nro tho result of ucing tea and coffee ? So physicians say. Quit them and the headaches quit. firain-0 has the coffee taste but no headaches, Allcroccrs; 13c siiclSle. PERFECT MEN. Etfritlrltv. rironerlv nrrlled. Is n rebullJer of ueak nJ stuttered Nervous systems, a maker of pure blood and souna muscies a re storer o( pcrfe, 1 vigor nnd vlt.illty. Therearenotallures II trie risiil cimem is appli ed. I uorkeJ the tesi part ol mv life to perfect my Clec- sent Roebcr to tho floor. Pons then placed trie Delt and know It nlll his hands for a half-Nclson nnd hnd his 'KyiJJ'jfll ngni reaiiy lur mu nu.iugiH noin, oui ne make tnem Mrong ana vig' tlmo for tho ringmaster ot this circus to h.,."f'l"nl MVX bnCk.. 1,an'mcr ,ock' dismiss us" It was almost 11 o'clock ho would not discuss tha subsidy bill. Ho did offer, however, somo remarks upon tho Pblllpplno question. He declared that ho did not bellevo there wns any honest pur poso to ennct legislation for tho Philippines unless Its enactment would present the op portunity for securing conceeslons and fran which Roebcr broko neatly. Pons got a body hold, from which ho attempted .1 back hammer lock, from which Roeber slipped llko an cel. Pons worked In for a doublo Nelson, but got only a half-Nelson. He held this hold, but could not budge Roe ber, who defied his every effort until Po lice Inspector Thompson, watch In hand. orous. as Nature InlendtJ v .. . 1 1,1 V Z, iney sikjuiu 1. 1 u i.ir iu chance. It my Delt tails to cure ou I will refund every cent ou pay lor It. DR. BENNETT'S ELECTRIC BELT Mas saved many a Weak person It will not fall In your case, my lieu is rn mm iiailineasio Jlurry, Kllmni.lne llrnina, Tanrocnr nnm ,i.,,.r...i.. It itojii all linden by day or night. Vrevenisqulcknesiiif dinclmree. whlcl.tC iiiitcliecked len'ls to fcipnrniatorrlitea nnd all the horrors nt Impotenry. 'l!l,llr...clenniiejtr.9 IIvit. llm tl,liiHiiMil thourlnjirv cream o! all Imnurlllca. VDl'IUKNI! strengthens and restores smult weak orcunn. ... , . . .... The reason nullerors am not cured by Doctors Is beeanse 90 per rent aw troubled with Prostatitis. CUl'IDUNK the only known reuieitv to euro without nn operation. MOO testimonial. A written guarantee given and money retnrnoil If Olinxcsdnesnot effect a pcrmajicnt curu. fl.00ubox,(l for5.ou, by mull. Benil for i'iikh i frrular nml lenllinonlnls. AUlretalA.VOli UKUIC'INK CO., 1'. O. Box 3078, Ban Francisco, CaU VOll bALIO UK il VHn.-UlL,1.0M .UIK) CO. 1UTI1 AM) FAUN AM. I Don't You Think Its Your Move? Just look around your oftieo. Are your w.ikIowh clean? Ik the ga& light dim? Do you come up 5 in a dinkey, crowded little elevator that doeHii't 5 run nights or Sundays, and is run by a fresh elevator boy who jars your breakfast every time 5" you ride? If so your ofllco is not in 5 ..The Bee Buildmq;.. i lint, it ought to be. There is no janitor service g like theirs. You have electric light, steam heat g and perfect elevator service. There are no un- desirable oftices in the building. We'll take gj pleasure in showing you them. R, C. PETERS 6l CO., Rental Agents Ground Floor, Bee Building. chlres by capitalists, thus affording them "mPod lnt,0,n,0 rln,B,rl nnnunce'1 !"al beanJ rTre com" rhnnces to loot thn lslnml. n ii w. It was midnight and tho wrestlers had to rareJ with ihem Ithaswift. nored by tho nendlne shlnnlnir hilt in innt stoP Jusl ns Hoeber had slipped away from Hlen cha-nols covered ' poreu ny uio penuing snipping Dill to loot thrpo.oiinrter Nelson Tim mnth wn sponce electrodes whlct.cannot Uirn and tllsteras do tho Un ted States treasury. a three-qunrter Mison. The match was ,ne barc ,(,.,! eietirodes used on all older makes o The senato then ad ournrd. men iieciareu 10 uo u uraw. ino aciuai umo oi mo oouv was one nour nnu seven r-n n iirrne nr nncTnrnnrn teen minmcs, run nttuo ur ruoiurriuco House C'oiisldrrn I'ustnl Aiiprnprlii- PRIZE FIGHT CASES STILL ON tlon Hills I, ouil Score .Vimv York's Sers'lce, Court Still TryliiK' t Ueiildo Status nt l'mposfil JerYrlcN-Hulillii IIiizIhk Match. WASHINOTON. Feb, 6. Without prelim- , 1. .k., !,,,. IA . I-.- Iliair uu.lllin. hmubd iuuii ncill llllu PlVf'lVV im, Ii Tl,ft rt,, . commlttoo of tho whole and resumed con- of tho Jeffrtos-itulilln n'rlze tlcht ciisa. in stderatlon of the postofflco appropriation court brought no Indication as to when tho . ,.i I heurlnir would bo concluded. Thu Htiitn Ih Uil1 I innblntr n m.ut nvhnil.lU1., i,tfnt tn iini' Mr. Cowherd of Missouri favored the ap- that thi two tlirhts ochedule.i for this ex propriation of t25,0O0 for special mall fa- on Kebruary 15 would be a public nulinnro cllltles from Kansas City to Newton. Kan. 2,m The senate amendments to the District nk.i. Tim nromoters of the tiirht nnd of Columbia appropriation bill wero sent their counsel are contesting every tnnvo ir, .nnfnmrFa I muiia u ine e.a.n nun i-i.iiiii 111 ui) nn i -iui to romcrence. I iu:. ntt ii, i.nvi,,,. ,,,.i..ui ,..i,,l c nt .i. .,.(, I"""h 'V-V-,'""V :f .,' nt, tf.tfj suu imuB uujuuiuvTi. i permit oi .Mayor r icihi. iunar.it, noiwiir,- belts. Mv Lleclilc Hell ran be renewed uhen burred out for only jjc, klien otheis burnout they nreworth less. I guarantee my licit to cure all Weaknesses In either sex, Varicocele, reslcte Nerve Vitality and Vlcor, cure Rheumatism In any (orm. Kidney. Liver and Uladder Troubles Constipation, Stomach Dis orders, Oeneial Debility, all female Complaints, etc. Write to dty for m took. "The rinding of the Fountain of Eternal Youth." Sent tree, rostrjld, tor tlieasklng liook will tell you all aboutll Soldonlyby DR. BFNWPtt F'pr.,rir Rclt Co. ItiiiiiiiH IH to -I DoiiKlim lllnok, lIinlKi! mid Kith .. Oninliii, .Veil, HAIR & SCALP Falling hnlrandd&norunii'ef a. ily overcome; Irritated, itching and eruptive sealpi permanent ly cured : the hair preierved, Its brilliancy, beauty and naturnl color fully restored t vnurhnme. I)I!RnATOl.OUI8T WOODUUKV, 10d Stat St. .cor.flonroe, Chicago EVERY WOMAN THE BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS Run via the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Leave Omaha v la Scenic Koute through Coloiado and Utah WEDNESDAYS. FRIDAY5 AND SATURDAYS. hor Information and "Tourist Dictionary" address City Ticket Office, 13J3 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Is Interested ami should know vT about the wonderful r i?J X RSHDUITI W1I1HL1NG t KiMliVI.1. SIMS.AY A The new Vatlnal SyrlnEe. , ' JnjriClon a Mil .liti'ien lest SaltM Mint (.on- Viv.s b v sSt . cj 'C rfo. vcnieiit. ItCleaasca Aik vour dnifilit (01 It it '.nn-il iMilv tho I.Ml III.. !' n t ttirr. l,,ti .tim, f r ntui tr.t.,1 1,,,.., acnlril, t. irl-fi I4rti uiti.in1 r 1 ,ii i.i' 1 UI". .11 All I l. Umim )CGI linri I Hi if , ,f YurU v RKNOV ATOK In- loruteH ond rnnnrates thn avblem, purlllen and enriches tl.o blomlj cures the worst dyspephlu, r nsttputlcn, heodtiolie liver and kidneys, Uftcnndjl utdnigglhts. J'fo R advice surn plo and tiook. Dr II. J. Kuy, .Saratoga. N',Y UmM