TITE OMAITA DAILY T?EE: WEPyJBSDAY, FEBHrAKY , 1001. BULLET IN WHITE'S LUNGS Bid Man Oomes Quickly to Grief in a Gloon at licrriman, Nebraska, WITH HALFBREED TRIES TO TAKE SALOON Hurl C'tmplilor nt Drink Miser mill I'luiirlxlii-n ltcviilvor Till Hull from .fnlnt Kcpper I,n IIIiii l.nvv. OOUBON", Not)., Feb. 5. (Special Tele gram.) Tho little town of Merrlmnti, twenty-lho miles enst of Oordon, was Bbakcn up this mornlne nbout 3 o'clock by the shooting ol Jim to'lilte. who has li-on holding ftfrth In this vicinity tor some time. Jim White and I.ouls I'rovo. a h.ilf breed Indian, entered Jack Hornes" saloon and immcdntely ntteinpted to run tho bar tender, Mnn Kern, out and take possesion White and I'rovo began the trouble by throwing cuspidors nt Korn, ehasltu; him behind the bar, brandishing their revolvers and ultcrlriK vllo threats. Kern did not propose to have thrin take possession In that way nnd came out shcotlnR. The first Bhot passed through White's lungs. It Is reported that White killed three men In Montana, for which lie had to leave there, rnd be has been rcRanlcd as a dnn- Kerens person. He terrorized the citizens of Oordon two years nRO by defying tho authorities nnd standing tho city marshal off with his gun. Tho latest reports claim White Is still alive, but falling fast, Ills chances for re cocry being very fragile. Win Ilt'lli'viii-'x Honor-,. IlKM.rcVUK, Neb.. Keb. 5. (Special.) - The third annual oratorical contest of tho Hcllcvuc College Oratorical association was at the collcgo auditorium last evening. There were live contestants and tho sub Jccts were: "Manhood Transcendent," C. r. Kochler; "A Hetter Vision the Insplra tlon of Progress," Florence Lee; "Democ racy, tho Friend of llrothcrhood," J. F Kerr: "Our Country's Destiny," T. It. Cooper; "The World's Inspiration," Allco Morgan. To Miss Lee was awarded the honor of representing Ilcllevuo collcgo at tho stato contests to bo held In March at Crete, Neb. IlcsldoB tho honor of representing her college Miss Leo won tho first prlzo offered by the association, J. F. Kerr second nnd Miss Morgan third. IIiihIim-h fur tin- Court. DAKOTA CITY, Neb.. Feb. C (Special.) Tho aprlng term of district court for Dakota county will open In this placo next Monday with Judge Ouy T. Oraves pre slf.lng. Among tho principal criminal cases nre. William Temple, charged with horse Rteallng, now confined In tho county jail; Nicholas Hyan, charged with nssault with Intent to kill by Artie Unrt, and a number of cases against John N. I'eyson and Jntnes C Ulddle, charged with selling liquors without a license. I'rlxonrr Hum l!liiiiiiir'l. DAKOTA CITY. Neb., Feb. 5. (Special.) Sheriff Sides found a wagon on C. 13 Slovens' premises loaded with hogs that ho suspected had died of cholera. Ho placed Stevens under arrest, but allowed him tho privilege of remaining nt homo over night with the understanding that he would ap pear In Judge Elmer's court the next morn ing But Stovens disappeared before tho appointed hour. Ntnt" IN'iiltriit lit ryliiiiriiiitltiMl. LINCOLN, Fob. u. (Special Telegram.) Dccauso of tho existence of smallpox In tho vicinity Warden Hopkins nnd Physician EdwnrdH tonsht qimraijtlnetl the stato penitentiary. No convicts will be ro.l...'. at tho pilson until the .quarantine is raised. linvu Mini I'lotirlNlicN it Knife. LHXINOTON. Neb., Fob. 5. (Special Tel egram.) Tho hherllf found a man on the street this morning carrying a largo knlfo r INDIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION and acting strangely. Ho gave his name ns Fred Simons and said his folks wcro all murdered In Iowa, Ho is believed to bo Insane. His father, who lives at Dcs Moines, la., has been sent for nnd will bo here tomorrow morning to take him home. STATE AGAINST UNION PACIHC On Motion of Attorney (irnernl the ."nprrinc Court Continue. It fur April Ilffirlnic. LINCOLN, Feb. C (Special.) On motion of Attorney Oencral Trout tho supreme court this afternoon continued tho caso of tho state against the Union Pacific Hall road company, for hearing at the first sit ting In April. Following are the proceed ings of the supremo court today: William I). McCarthy admitted to prac tice. I.lcht ncnlnst Kuan, r.inieal from tlrnnt: hrnrlng on motions passed to Feb ruary yj. .Mnruin savings tmtiK igaum Williams, appeal from I ouglas; dl.uv.'-l by appellant. I'ence against fllllo Hard ware tompiiny, appeal from Chase: nisi order of dlmlnl made absolute. Fnvni- ors and Mprciintits Insurance company against I3iiiy, appeal from Lnncm;r; leave to ntipfl nut to amend brief. Svvls.irt against Udilrrt, error from Aditm?, sub mitted on motion tor cost immi. TrirKcy against Missouri, Kansas S.: Texas T, 'it company; error from Lancaster: dlsmlawd by stipulation. Hargndlne MeKltrlek 1) y flood" company lunlnst Krug, appeal frum Ilnx Ilulte: submitted mi rolvirltur on m tlon to 'iiiasli bill of exceptions. 13dwnrd- against Ilurk. appeal from Douglas; p.is' il lo i curuary i:i Harrison against irr, anneal from Lancaster: nisi order of dis missal made absolute Central Loan n"tl Trust company against Wilcox, iipinMl from York: dUtnWspil hv nnnclbint. Ma- goon against Itrgnlor Schoup Crockery C omrtanv: error from Lancaster: iiismisscu by plaintiff. Jackson against Phillips; ap peal from Johnson; submitted on motions to quasn mil or exceptions to ainrm or dis miss. Hlce against Marker; appeal from r , .. . i. . t v.. 1 1. ., .. ii t.inn n ...... 1 1..., Lfllimiiin, UL'lllIl Ul Otllllllll I . iVI.l., subRi'stcil and order of revivor In name of William T. Chambers, executor. Cornell Fnlvcrslty against Chapmnn; aiipeal from Jefferson; dismissed by appellant, Lexing ton Hank nenlnst Aulile: nnoal from Dtw- son. dismissed on stipulation. Tntum ncnlnst Stato: error from Iluffulo; sun- mltti'd on request for ball, pending con "drratlnn of motion for rehearing. St. Joseph Plow Company against Murks; error from (Intro: submitted on motions to ounsh bill of exceptions nnd to dismiss. Stcnger against Carrlg; nppeal from Platte; ad vanced. Falcs against Oulzcn; nppenl from r- unr (l'nileil on stlnulatlnn. Hale against Jones; nppeal from Sheridan; hear Unr on motion to dismiss continued on stip ulation to February 19. Trent against Lyon; nppeal from Madison; dismissed by appel lant. Caullleld ngalnst Omaha; nppeal from Douglas; order on appellant to servo and mo nnciH in iniriy iiuyr; nimuirwo inm. .Marine savings is.inK against rnuinon; i tipnl from nniizlns: ludcmont of dismissal with directions to district court according to stipulation, Carnahan against Puff; ap ical from Dawson; dismissed by nppellant. Connor against UecKer: error from Lioug l.is; no order on motion to ndvance. Has mussen asalnst Swnn; appeal from Doug las; order on nnnellant to tllo cost bond li' stantor; dismissed nisi. State ex rel Attor ney Oencral against Clraln Orowers' Mutual Hall Association; original; submitted on motion of nlnlntlff for order of reference. Hoffmnn ngalnst Nelson: error from Knox; ndvanced with leave to plaintiff to Hie briefs In thirty days; defendant thirty days thereafter. Smith against Neufeld; nppeal from Hamilton; submitted on motion to ad vance. Conkllng ngalnst Wertz; appeal from Douglas; order on nppellant to me cost bond in one day; dismissed nisi, iity of Fairmont aualnat Snado: error from Kin more; dismissed by plaintiff. Collyer against Cianster; appeal from Douglas; mo tlon to quash bill of exceptions sustained. Weltzhelmer against Fisher; nppeal from Webster; ordei on appellant to servo and Din briefs 111 thirty dnvs: dismissed nisi. Anhelser-Husch Hrewlng Association against liter; error from Snllne; advanced Statu against .NctirasKa savings ami la chaiiKO Hank; appeal from Douglas; sub mltted on motion to advance. Appearnnco of Frank Irvine, attorney, wlthilrawn In two nimniil riiMex nf Meeker nuulnst Wald- ron, from Cass county. Armstrong ngalnst Mnver. Nn. HScvt: error from Lancaster leavo to plaintiff to file therein briefs (lied in tirst case. Tho following causes wcro submitted on briefs: Alexander aualnat Culbertsou Irri gation nnd Water Power Company; error from Hitchcock. Hlnlr State Hank ngalnst Hunn; appeal from WashliiKton. Gardner against iiurk: appeal from Hlalnc. Jeromo ngalnst State; error from Dodge. Howell IhhI Stiitn: error from Xomnha. . Tne following causes wcro argued and submitted: Ourske against Kelpln, nppeal from Douglas, nurns against scnooi uui trlct No. IS, Hock County; nppeal from Hock. Chicago, Burlington & Qulucy Hall road Company against Yost; error from York. I'lnKlinm againsi i-uiKiinm; error from Otoe. , The following cnusea were coniinueii, in o imt upon thu call when ordered by nt ornev cencrul: State against Missouri Pa cific Hallroad Company; original. State aeialnst Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific Hallroad Company; original, niaio nKnnim I'nlon Pacific Hallroad Company; continued to April 1 Olson againsi Lamb; passed to February 19. llusch against State; passed to February 19. UenlKii Tlielr Cnninilnslaiis. LINCOLN. Feb. 5. (Special Telegram.) Hov D. W. Morlarty, chaplain of tho First regiment, nnd First Lieutenant Sydenham, Company A, Second regiment, havo re signed their commissions. Cnll for Stato 'Wnrrnnts. LINCOLN, Fob. C (Special Telegram.) Stato Treasurer Stuefcr today Issued a call for Btato warrants registered up to fi2,a:0, amounting to f 45.000. They will bo payablo February 11. These ite twin evils which work tctlous mischief In the human body. They sap the strength, destroy energy and Impoverish the blood. Asa result of these ailments, the' system gradu ally becomes disordered and the con stitution weakened so that the body loses vitality and is unfit to stand the strata ol hard or continuous labor; thus, the victim offers a shining mark lor kidney disease, lung trouble or the life-crushing malarial fever. An easy and certain means of warding off this condition is within the reach ol every one. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS the System Regulatoi, lj the remedy. A few doses whenever the digestion Is disturbed, or when the bowels (ail to move regularly, will remove the diffi culty and stimulate the vital organs to a better and more complete per formance of their du:'es. With vicor and regularity In the si -T.ach, liver, kidneys and kouels, there wn be no Iom of strength or energy, the blood win be pure and nourishing, and the capacity of the body for work thereby maintained at the highest standard. bend for a bottle to-day. Keep It always in the house, A half wine glassful when the stomach feels bloated, when the breath is bad, or the bowels constipated, will quickly restore the feeling of vigor and cheerfulness. DRUGGISTS SELL IT AT $1.00. PER DOTTLE. MOVE SOUTH DAKOTA CAPITOL EepretenUtitei of Several Towns Gather in Pierre for Ctucui on the Projot. CREAMERY- LICENSE BILL IS CRIPPLED Mini 1 1 Iloj's Cniinon Crncker Ambition I'IikIh I'c-sv SyniiiiitliUi-rs .No Fellow 1'eellnn for HiikIInIi. of tattle. An experiment made by tho Ore- PUllslQAI U1X 1 Vlti IHW1 gon Navigation company, operating In that t vVlvUuJrtL DL'OlitUOo UulL state, has proven a success and will be un- 1 doubtcdly adopted In this section. This 1 company employed It. C. Judson ns their Industrial agent and his work has been suc cessful. He found that thcro arc Ave grasses nnd two alfalfas that will grow on the rango without Irrigation. Andrew Carnegie Disposes of His Great Bteel Interest to Morgan Syndicate. PIEHHK. S. D., Feb. 5. (Special Tele gram.) Tlio house apportionment commit too met In thu house chamber this morning and after a long discussion over several different plans adopted a resolutlou nsK- inc alt members who had prepared mils on the subject to Introduce them In regular form and allow them to come before tuo committee, when they would be used as a basis for a bill. Heprcscntntlvcs from several towns nro hero to work up a capttol removal senti ment. If they find tho sentiment strong enough, they will attempt by caucus to settle which town Is In tho lead, nnd all settle on that one. In the house today committees reported against attaching llcadlo county to the Fourth Judicial circuit and against an ex hibit ut tho Buffalo exhibition. A favorablo report was returned on tho senate resolu tion for an Investigating committee, after amending It to Includo the Soldiers' home. Tho principal bills Introduced were to de- lino specillcally tho powers of organized townships, ami three different apportion ment bills, two lixlng a senate of forty-flvo and a house of ninoty-thrce, olio a scnato of forty-ono and a bouso of eighty-three. The food and dairy commissioner bill wns then taken up, and after being riddled by amendments was passed In a demoral ized condition, leaving in tho provision re quiring a llcrnai; for tho operation of a creamery, but striking out tho provisions for tho Issuance of such a license. A bill" wns Introduced providing for tho uxpenso of tho enro of lnsano patients where there Is a question what county to charge It against, nnd a bill making sher iffs collectors of personal proporty taxes. This was opposed by Ooddard, Porter, Law son and Heath, and supported by Price, Seward, McDougall and Davles. In tin .Semite. Tho principal scnato bills Introduced nro those limiting tho tlmo to five years for beginning n suit on county and township warrants and bonds, requiring tho open ing of nil section lines as highways, and regulating nppeals from Justice courts to circuit court. Tho Judiciary commlttco reported n sub stitute for tho original bill to give power to tho governor to remove certain consti tutional officers not subject to Impeachment, tho substltuo giving lilm nbsoluto power of rcrnovnl of all appolntlvo stato olllcors without giving his causo for action. Tho scnato passed a number of bills which had boon hanging on tho calendar, principal among them being: Providing for tho creation of election precincts In cities, particularly applying to Urooklngs; legaliz ing tho Incorporation of Hovillo; lixlng tho terms of court In tho L'lghth Judicial, cir cuit; changing tho form of allldavit required for tho order of publishing summons, nud making tho affidavit unassailable; govern ing orders of Judgments; permitting cities to bond to refund bonded Indebtedness. Stoddard, Loomls nud Sweet had u lively tilt over tho bill provcntlng tho manu facture and sale of cannon crackers and ntrguns, Sweet championing the causo of tho small boy, while tho others took the poltIon that there was too much dnngcr of maiming persons nnd destruction of property In both tho cracker and tho cun. nud tho bill wns finally passed. Tho nonate passed tho houso bill providing for a Stato Hoard of Agriculturo of seven to bo appointed by tho governor, carrying an appropriation of $3,000 a year for two years, but not until Stoddard had secured his amendment requiring proof that no liquor had been sold or gambling allowed on tho grounds before tho amount was paid. The adverso report of tho commlttco to tho hout-o resolution of sympathy with tho English people brought on a tilt, hut tho resolut.op was adopted, nnd there will bo no official sympathy. A civil scrvlco examination will bo held nt Flandreau S. D., March 19 and 20 for tho position of music teacher at tho In dlnn school at that plnco. SIOUX FALLS IN HARD LUCK South DiiUntii City .ot In a Position to Ai-copt riirni-Klo'M (ilft I'mlcr ConilltliniM iiiiiimI. "Women fo I.olilty for It, CHEYENNE, Wyo Feb. 0. (Special.) As a result of the mass meeting at the First Methodist church a largo number of heretofore apparently disinterested per sons Joined the temperance crusade and It Is expected that the crusaders will num ber several hundred. Tho plan of cam paign Is to present a strong antl-gambling LIU to the state legislature, now In ses sion, nnd bring pressure to havo It passed. The proposed law abolishes tho gambling license and forbids, under severe penalty, games of chance of any kind within the state. It Is understood that a number of leading women engaged In church work will go to the legislative halls and per sonally urge tho passage of tho bill among tho members. iiilril 1,1-uUlntor Ciillcil. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Fob. 5.-(SpeclaI.) Tho sudden death of Stato Sonntor 11. O. Hnlch of Albany county nt his homo In Laramie yesterday caused a shock to his fellow members of the sixth stato legisla ture, now In session. Approprlato resolu tions will bo adopted by tho legislature and committees will bo appointed to at tend tho funeral. This Is tho third death that has occurred among members of this legislature. The others wcro Hon. Arthur Richardson, member of the houso from Laramie county, and Hon. Ed S. White, member of the houso from Nntrona county. Iliikotn .Mnrlitt- Driilerx. YANKTON, S. I)., Feb. T.. (Special.) Tho Dakota Marble Dealers' association will meet at the Plcrco hotel, this city, to morrow. Tho organization comprises twenty firms of tho stato and Is afilllntcd with tho national association. AMOUNT INVOLVED AT LEAST $85,000,000 Ciilitiiln VniMlenliiirn In HI. HURON, S. D., Feb. C (Spcclal.)-Cap-tain J. S. Vnndcnburg, ono of tho early pioneers of this section of tho state, Is seriously 111 of pneumonia nt his homo In this city. Pnrrlinser Is (looted nn Sn;lnR tbpt .Mine Wm Mil ill- to Secure nn A ntiriinoc of Hiiilnrlnir Pence In This llrancli of Industry. NEW YORK, Feb. 5. Tho Tribune to morrow will say: Negotiations tor the sale of Andrew Car negie's controlling Interest In the stock of tho Carceglo company wcro brought to a successful conclusion on Monday, J. Pler pont Morgan and his associates being the purchasers. Tho terms cannot be at pres ent announced, but the deal Is n collossal one, rivalling tho recent change of control of the Southern Pacific when that prop erty passed Into tho hands of Union Pa cific Interests. Mr. Carnegie had nearly CI per cent of tho $160,000,000 of tho Car negie company. This stock has not been listed on any stock exchange, but $1,500 was recently paid for n $1,000 share In tho Carnegie company. Assuming that Mr. . Carnegie has dis posed of his holdings at par ho will re ceive fully $S5.000,000 for his Interest, while nt tho samo time he will retain his 53 or D4 per cent In the $160,000,000 bond issuo of tho Cnrneglo company. Tho object aimed at by Mr. Morgan nnd tho Interests allied with him when treating with Mr. Carnegie was tho assurances of nn enduring pcaco in tho steel industry In tho United States nnd this condldtlon Is now believed to havo been obtained. "Wnlioo Firm SHI Out. WAHOO, Neb., Feb. 0. (Special.) Jo seph & Orafe, general merchandise, today sold out to Smith, IluKIn & Andersons. The now firm Is composed of Victor Smith of Colon, T. P, Anderson and Charles Hul tln of this city, former clerk of tho old firm, and A, L. Anderson, with Mayer Llros. nt Lincoln. Ton TlmtiMinil from Hiirllnirton, LINCOLN, Feb. C (Special Telegram.) A Jury In the federal court this afternoon gave Ralph Hurgcr, a farmer living near St. Paul, Nob., a $10,000 verdict against the Hurllngtpn railroad for damnges In flicted by ono of tho defendant's trains In 1S93. T"ii lli-lovr Zero. NORTH LOUP, Neb., Feb. 5. (Special.) Snow fell hero Sundny to tho depth of three Inches and 11 is snowing again to day. Tho mercury fell to ten bolow zero. This Is tho first snow of tho winter nud nlso tho coldest weather. Flftt-pn IIi-Iotv 7.-ro. CORDON, Neb., Fdb. ' 5. (Special Tele gram.) Tho first snow this winter fell to day, there being ono Inch on the ground Tho thermometer registers fifteen degrees below zro. m NclirnnWn nml Nrlirrtxknn-,. Among the new Industries which Crnvv ford Is expecting with tho opening of spring Is a brickyard. The Tekamah Journnl issued a fine Illus trated number containing the proceedings of the farmer's Institute. Uroken How people nre discussing tho art visuhlllty of dropping politics in the cltv election this spring and It is meeting with favor. Howells Is one of the towns which hns numerous projected Improvements for tho coming senson. the latfit being a brick block and an electric light plant. North Plntto sportsmen object to the pro vision of tho new game law. which limits the number of geese which a man may legally kill In one day to live. The ma loritv of men who po out with a gun would bn supremely thnnkful If they could kill that many. Tho threshing machine has taken a lay off In tho business of amputating hands nnd arms for men who nro careless and the corn pholler I" not one, two, three with the shredder In that line. Erlck Ohlln of Urnuy isianii i.- wit- "i m1' nnfni victims, i A smnn l)ny hiii mi ii tiiiiijiui in i-mii mi Ira ml Nland to 1111 a sack with black diamonds The train stnrtrd suddenly anil took the bov along. He wns down the road two stations before he could get off nnd holm: out of money, was forced to walk home. l.-i.riit vming women nf Iturr Oak have 1 formed a Hnchelor drls' club and had their I i..iiir.iu nrlnti'd lii thi' paper.'. The crlrlf In i rival town Insist that thorn Is onlv cme V'liiw In linrr unK i"r every nine j:iriH ami tlio "Pncholor" soclctv Is forced to make tli best of the situation. nartv composed of six families has ar rived at Valentino In mover's wagons. The partv HtnrU'ti irom I'muma niiiiuu, .mi v minor 1 and has been on tho road over sIp.t The inftlibers len unerry county n y, ar or two ago to see lortuue in me northwest territory, but found wading thro ivh Know nlno months In the year too monotonous. Prof. See. n noted scientist, hns given it na lils nolnlnn that this old world will last for at least a.i).frt) years yet. This Is i-nmfnrtlns. an It will nllnvv tlmo for P. I). Casper of the Pavld City Press and Colonel Challls of the l'lynteH Dispatch to settle their uiinrrcl over the county printing nnd which of tho two Is the dominant factor In Hutler county popocratli' pontics. Tim Seilgiuvli-k nf the York Times Is b coming considerable of a philosopher In his later years. Tim has the advantage of most men who tako up that lino in that hr i-elilom strikes a dolorous note. Even when hp t'ikpt nccasliin to iiinu tni'ii the nreten- Hons of some Inltntfif ono he does It In mirh n kindlv wav Hint It Is like the moil orn methods of extracting teeth warranted to be painless. A correspondent In a n.irwell paper tells the prlio story of Ufa In the early days. A ranchman who lived on the head of the Loup sent a mnn nnd team down to tho not thmentn for a load of corn nnd the man ..tnvtn.l Iv.iolr with llftv htluholH nf riim nnd n nuiintltv of provisions. Tho llrst nlsht nut he vvas snowed In nnd before ho got to tho ranch had oaten up nil the provisions for mankind nnd the team had eaten all but nvo bushels or me corn, iscxi. SIOUX FALLS, S. D Feb. 0. Andrew Cnrneglo has, through Senator Pottigrew, mnde n prolfer of a $2.1,000 donation to tho city of Sioux Falls for a public library building, but tho conditions nro such that It Is doubtful If It can bo accepted. A couplo of years ago W. H. Lyon gave to tho city a magnificent stone building for library purposes and to accept tho Carnegie gift means tho abandonment of tho Lyon building. If Mr. Carneglo will donnto $25, 000 for books for tho library, it will bo accepted. i:-Connty Clerk llimkrnpt. DAKOTA CITY. Neb., Feb. G. (Special.) Ex-County Clerk James P. Twohlg, nnd formerly of tho Citizens' bank of South Sioux City, has filed a petltldn In bank ruptcy beforo C. J. Joy, refcreo In bank ruptcy of Sioux City. "I was In bed five weeks with tho grip nerves shattered, stomach' and liver badly deranged. Wns cured with Dr. Miles' Nerv ine and Nerve nnd Llvpr Pills." V. C. Walker, Hallsville, O. LIFTS BOYCOTT AGAINST SUN TypoKrnphlrnl Union llnkn Unronill tlomil Surrender to New York Vptv spnpor. NEW YORK, Feb. C Typographical union No. 6 has decided by formal vote to withdraw the boycott ngalnBt tho New York Sun and to tako no further hostllo steps against that paper, oniclal notice that tho strlko has been called oft nnd the boycott lifted vvas delivered to tho Sun today. Thin action of tho union wns un solicited by tho Sun and was unattended by nny conditions. RAILROAD OPENS ECUADOR Consul Points Out Opt-nlnu for Anieiii-nii Kiitorprlxo In that Country. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. C Perry M. DeLeon, United Stntes consul general to Guayaquil, Ecuador, Is In this city enrouto. to Washington. Ho Is pn a leave of absence ultll May and his tlmo until then will bo spent mostly at Washington and In Georgia, where his home Is. Tho consul general, speaking of tho com mercial possibilities of Ecuador, said: "Ecuador presents a splendid field for American enterprise. Until this year the vvholo country has been radically shut to all business ventures, but tho recent com pletion of tho railroad from Guayaquil to Quito, tho capital, has opened a territory over 300,000 miles In length nnd Inhabited by more than 1,500,000 people. Tills rail road has been built by an American syndi cate. It cuts completely through tho Andes mountains and cost $30,000,000. The gov ernment encourages Amcricnns by compell ing tho teaching of English In tho public schools. Tho wholo South American coun try is on tho vergo of a great Industrial and commercial boom, and this country hould tako advantage of It. ' llnr ANNooliitlon (lutlliioN IMiiiim. PIERRE. S. I)., Feb. ."..-(Special Tele gram.) T,ho Har association met this morning to outline a program for tho meet ing. C. H. Dillon of Yankton acted as presi dent and S. K. Grlgsby of Sioux Falls as secretary. On motion tho chair appointed ns n progrnm committee, besides himself, Colonel I. Crawford of Huron and I. W. Godner of Pierre. Tho association Is deeply Interested In tho codification bill, which comes up ns a special order In lite houso tomorrow, and appointed as a com mlttco to look after tho btll Mersrs, Hanoy, Erlfkson, Sterling, Plckler, Crawford and Grlgsby. Moat of tho prominent attorneys of the state nro here, among them Hon. Iinrtlctt Tripp, who today addressed both houses, his subject being John Marshall, and who tonight dellevered nn address on Austria Hungary. Stato Treasurer Srhaniher today called In all outstanding warrants against the statu, n total of $18" ,000. Shy of II ii tin lo Kv pox I tin ii. HURON, S. II. , Feb. 5. (Special.) Sen timent expressed by many members of tho legislature here on Monday, on thoir re turn to Pierro from n Sunday visit with their families, warrant tho statement that if South Dakota Is represented nt the Pan American exposition In Iluffalo tho ex pense of such exhibit will havo to bo borno by prlvato Individuals. About half tho mmjlx-rs favor a small appropriation nnd Colonel Rucker. representing tho exposl tlon, Is doing his utmost to Induce tho luglslnturo to act favorably on tho proposi tion when it Is again presented, possibly the present week. Tho cost uf erecting corn palaco on tho exposition grounds getting tho exhibit of agricultural and min eral products Into shape, would not ex ceed $25,000, and this sum, a few bollovo should ho appropriated by tho state. Ilooooilliiu; tlio ItiinuoH, RAPID CITY, S. D., Feb. 5. (Special.) At tho coming meeting of the Western South Dakota Cattle Growers' ossocl ation in this city ono of the most importnnt questions to come up for discussion will be tho re-seeding of tho Hlack Hills and eastern Wyoming ranges In mnny parts of the ranges the natlv grass has been killed off by overcrowding Whon I wai prostrated with grip and my heart and nerves wcro in bad shape, Dr. MI'es' Nervlno and Heart Cure gave n now llfo and health." Mrs. lico. oone, Elgin, 111. Clnroiiep Forbes Wins. VFMIMU8 Tenn.. Feb. 5. Clarenco ?!f.r" ',U,.i,i', wnn from Kid (larlleld of Chicago In tho fourth round of what vvas to liavo neon a iwt'iii-i"jii "tt" ' ii,, tho Phoenix Athletic club hen, tonight. forbes wns never in iruimm, imiu u - ook tho count tnrco ninra. MovomontM of Ooonn VohnoIh Fob. .1. At New York Arrivou lymric, irom T.lvprimnl. Salled-Taurlc, tor Liverpool; Anchnrln, for Glasgow. At Houlogne-Sur-Mor - Arrived - Rotter dam, from Now York, for Rotterdam and prpcccue.i. ..,1-0.lI.nl nntarlo. dt Tnim n: v.. and Hnlifnx. N. S. J'IXXUfflvb. 4-Sarmat.an, from Uoston. .,u...nr At Ulnrannr iirm ,iuii,-n.in., from New York, for Naples and Genoa. St Thonran Arrived - Cruising yacht Prlnzcsseu Victoria Lulse, from New iorK, CtC. ,.1,1 T.-l. 1 Mnn. At I long uong -mil - mouthfhlre, for Portland, fire. At Plymouth - Sailed - Pretoria, from Hamburg, tor .-sevv un. C'oiiiIiik to Sot Clip HlUTH, NEW YORK, Feb. 5.-The Trlbuno to- morrow will say; Tlio iliiKo or Cornwall will bo present at the America s cun races which begin off Sandv Hook on August 20. It wns part of his progrum to como hero from Canada on his way back from Aus tralia, nnd It has been olllclally announced that tho queen's death will not alter the provlous plans, HiMviirtl In lllt'linrilsoii Cnno. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb. 5. -Tho county court of Andrew- county today offered $.V-0 reward ror evidence mat .win loan to mo nrrest nf tho man who tired the shot on Christmas evo that caused the death of Mllllonalro Merchant Frank Richardson nt Savannah. Seven .Inrnrs for ICeniieily. NEW YORK, Feb. 5. Tho second trial of Dr. Samuel J. Kennedy for the murder of Dolly Reynolds nt tho Grand Central sta tion on August 15, IMS, vvas resumed beforo Justlco Fiirsmun In tho supreme court today. Seven Jurors wcro selected during the day. lovvit Mini fiotm (iooil Plnco. INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 5. Trustees of the University of Indianapolis today selected .Tnmen A. Hohhack. dean of the law school. Mr. Rollback was formerly professor of law In tho I'nlvonlty of Iowa and remained In that position from 18IB to ltsim. "(.'IknIo'' I.oftn Hun Over. NEW YORK, Fob'. B.-Cecllln Lofttis, otherwise known as "Clssln" Loftus, was seriously Injured this evening by bolng knocked down nnd run over by a horso nnd wagon at Slxty-llrst street and Lexington avenue. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Wciliiomlny Will Ho Fiilr mill Thorn. liny I'rolmlily So, with "Winds Variable, WASHINGTON, Fob. 5. Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: For Nebraska Fair Wednesday and prob ably Thursday; varlablo winds. For Iowa Fair Wednesday and probably Thursday; varlablo winds. For Missouri Rain or snow In southern, fair In northern portion Wednesday; Thursday, probably rain or snow; north to east winds, I.oonl Itrconl. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER HUREAU, OMAHA. Feb. 5. OUlcial record of tomper nturo nnd preclpltntlon compared with tho corresponding day of tho last three years: inoi. lsoo. isrr.1. imm. Maximum tomporcturo.... 19 .is if. ni Minimum temperature-.... s is I J Mean tomperaturo It 21 ti 2:1 Precipitation 00 .no .00 .00 Record of tempcrnturo and precipitation at Omaha foa this day. and slnco March 1, 1900: Normal temperiituro 21 Dcllclency for the day lo Total excess slnco Mnrch 1 ISlis Normal precipitation 02 Inch Deficiency for tho day 02 Inch Total ulnco March 1 30. S9 inches Excess since March 1 29 Inch rioilclnncv for cor. period. 1900.... 4 .80 Inches Delleleney-for cor. period, 1S99.... 4.-P! inches Reports front SiiiiIoiin nt 7 1' M. CONGRESSMAN HOWARD, Of National Reputation arc the Men Who Recommend Pemna to Fellow Sufferers, A Remarkable Cuse Reported From the State of New York. CONGRESSMAN HOWARD OF ALABAMA. House of Representatives, I Washington, Feb. 4, 181)0. J The Fcruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen "I have taken Per tina now for two weeks, ami find I am very much relieved. I feel that my cure will be permanent. I have also taken it for la grippe, and I take pleasure in recommending I'eruna as an excellent remedy to all fellow sunerers." M.W. Howard. Congressman Howard's home ad dress is Fort Payne, Ala. . MOST pcoplo think that catarrh disease confined to tho head Is n and noso. Nothing Is farther from tho truth. It may bo that tho noso and throat Is tho oftcnest affected by catarrh, but if this is so It Is so only becnuso theso parts nro more exposed to tho vicissitudes of tho cllmnto than tho other parts of tho body. Every orgarj, overy duct, every cavity of tho human body is liable to catnrrh. A multttudo of ailments depend on catarrh. This Is true winter and Hummer. Catarrh causes many cases of chronic dlsense, vvhoro tho victim has not tho slightest suspicion that catarrh hns anything to do with it. Tho following letter which gives tho ex perience of Mr. A. C. Lockhart Is n caso In point: Mr. A. C. I.ockhnrt, West Henrietta, N. V., Ilox C8, In a letter written to I)r. Hart man says tho following of Heruna: "About fifteen years ngo I commenced to bo ailing, and consulted n physician. Ho pronounced my trouble a species of dyspep stomach. "I seldom hnd 0. passage of tho bowels naturally. I consulted nnother physician with no better results. Tho dlseaso kept growing on mo, until I hnd exhausted tho ability of sixteen of Rochester's best physi cians. Tho last physician advised mo to glvo up my work ami go south, after ho had treated mo for ono year. "I vvas given n thorough examination with tho X-ray. They could not oven determine what my trouble was. Somo o f your testimonials In tho Rochester papers seemed to mo worthy of consideration, and I made up my mind to try n bot tle of l'crunn. He foro tho bottlo was half gono I noticed n chango for tho hotter. I am now on tho fifth bottle, and havo not nn ocho or pain nny vvhorc. My bow els movo regular ly every day, and I havo taken on 18 pounds of flesh. I havo recommended l'crunn to a great , many, nnd they recommend It very highly, I havo told sev eral people that If thoy would tako a bottlo of Hcruna, and could then candidly say that It had not benelltcd them, I would pay for tho medicines." A. C. Lockhart. If you do not derive nromnt and Hntlxfnc. sla, and nuviscu mc, aucr no nan ireaicu i"J h-buiib uuui mo use oi l-oruna, wruo mo about Blx months, to get a leavo of nt oncn to Dr. Hnrtman, giving u full state absence from my business and go Into tho mcnt of your caso nnd ho will bo pleased to country. I did so nnd got temporary ro- 1 glvo you his valuable advlco gratis, lief. I went back to work again, but was Address Dr Hartman, President of Tho taken with very distressing pains In my Hnrtman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Mr. AV. I'. Peterson, or Morris, III., says: "I was nearly dead with catarrhal dys pepsia and urn now a well man, butter. In fact, than I havo been ror twenty years or more. "Slnco I got cured iy your I'oruinn nave been consulted by a proat mnny people." vv. r. I'oiorson. If I bad Grip I would use Dr. Miles' Pain Pills and Dr. Miles' Nervine. Sold at all Druggists. STATIONS AND STATE OK WKATHER. Omaha, clear North I'latto, cloudy ... Choyunne, clear Salt Uako City, clear .. Rapid City, dear Huron, char Wllllston, clenr Chicago, clear St. l.ouls, clear St. Haul, clear Davenport, clenr Kansas City, clear Ilelenn, clear Havre, clear Hlsmarck. clenr Oalveston, cloudy H K 1 'n SB S : d 1 a u ' c . ' i : 2 n ; n 9 iiili ir, mi .no IS S0 T i rai .) 42 4G .00 i io .nn 11 T 4 -n .no 81 12i .00 201 2I .00 41 41 .00 4l K .( 12 llil .00 4 10' .00 2 2! .'"I 4 Si .00 C2i 5I T mm T lndlcntcs trace of precipitation. - Zero. I,. A. VV JjI.M I, Local Forecast Oillclal. BEFORE DURING AFTER La Grippe TRY World Famous Marian! Tonli FOR BODY AND BRAIN Since, 1803, Endorsed by Modlcal Profession immediate lasting efficacious agreeable At Druaaiste Everywhere. lieuse Substitutes. S5.00 A StiONTH. SPECIALIST in All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years in Omaha. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE ".red. Method new. nevor falls. without cutting, palu or loss m time, QVDUII I C cured for llfo nud the poison 3 I lnill3tu,)roughly cleatis'd from th system, Soon every sign and symptom disappear completely snu forever. No HKKAKINO OUT" of thodlaeftbfi onthnskln or fc. Treatment contains ao dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines. ucv uru l.nss Ol .-manhood irom r. -SSI;. . . J. chii'h or Victims to Nkuvous SEXUALLY iimiitjTV or Hxiiaustion, Wastino Weakness Invoi.i-ntauv I.osss, with Kmu.y Out-ay In Yoino ami Midiii.k Aoin, ack of vim. vigr-r und strength, with sexual organs Imnalrid and w eak. qtcjitiidp Radically cured with A new !; " nml InfHlllblM Home Treat and GLEET nieut. N'llnstruinents.nopaln, no detention from husiiiess Gonorrhoea, Kidney ami Hlii'lcicr Trnudlen ri'HHH JlMltANTHKl. CoiuulUtlofi Frer. Treatment hy Mail. Call on or addrefs IIO S. 14th SI. Dr. Searles & Searles. omaim. Neb. NO CURE, NO PAY. If 5 on havHKinall, weak orirans. Int nu-r or wcukcnirur limine. uiir vacuum Ortrun lievtlopiT will ri'More yon witliout urug nr I'lectilcltY 75.000 in ue. nut one failure not ono returnul noC il.li. fruuil, write for part Ionian, rent p-m-d In ntntn eu Hope LOCAL APPLIANCE CO., 414 Charles Bid;., Denver, Colo. MEN Dr. Kay's Lung Baim cures nvpry k'nd of cnuuh luirrlpp," bronchitis, soro throat croup, whooplni; c iurIi etc. ,'nvf.r Ueranucs the stomach. At Dru flats, I0&25O HoteB Victoria bronlwi), iib Ave. md 27(b Street, htn York. Absolutely FJroproot In tbe cen ter of the h oDoln i and thratie d I M r let Flut elm In t I hi ip- DolntmtnU. Entirely uew Ihiough out European rjr Plan DM. I n eiotnt iwjim.ni. re or en u te. wun or wit tout bath hnt .nrl ,nlH i,i,i and telephone In every room. Cultltve uaeictllcA. FIRST CLASS PUULHAN SLEEPERS ...DAILY IJETWEEN... OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCO Without Change GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Daylight In both directions. DININO. CAR SERVICE THROUnil. ) I1UPFET LIURAR.Y CARS. For,?.U.ln'ormat,on' reecrvutlonsandltlner V,yi, 1CIJ S80 lo California" uddre.s city Ticket Olllce, ijjj I'arnam St., Omaha, CURSE OF DRINK CURED HY WHITE RIBBON REMEDY Can ho given in GInss of Water, Tea or CotToe Without I'ntlunfs KnovvledKo. Whito million Homcdy will euro or do-, slroy tho dlscuscd upputlto for nlcotrjllo stimulants, whether thu patlont Is a con flrmca Inebriate, "u tippler," social drlnkor oi drunkard Impossible for nny ono to havo an np. f.'lLv0 ft.1! alcoholic liquors nttor jhIiik hlte Itlbtion Ilcrncdy Hy mall Jl. Trial packab'0 pee y wrltlnii Mrs, T. C. Monro. I'rcs't V. C T. U. Ventura, California! Sold m Omaha, Nob., by Chun, II. bchaufer. Ibtli and Chlcuk'Q stri'iits. ENNYRCVAL FILLS , rt.-V,A' kit I.Mdlr. .l nrufflai . Illili .n. ;.d ,.,. tii.. .'Hi . J". ! otl.rr. Hern., - "71 '!"""""' ""'Hlullun. nd IiuIIk. IL " v, j.itr iirrfKMi .r di r, m 1.1 ,I "Urllfr fur l.,lf.,-.n l,i,.r, t r. .A' turn Mell. I li.lllio l.nln.ati.i, Sol, I K,. ... ' ,, liimeilrr I I.. n,lol iiowi'.i.is Anfi-Kawf A bail couch Is Just awful, Antl Knwf Is Just tho tlilnK. Kc at tho driiB ston. Kidneycura. .,i .in,. Ulrrua'. Hook ache, efi, At iruir i'l. or liy taull, el I'rro Uxn., Dr. n. J. Kv, Kuru"wfo, N. Y. Ttoc. etc, ol