Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1901, Page 2, Image 4

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Telephones 6I8-691,
. t. v.
Special . . .
Deo, Feb. 3, 1001.
New Material for Walking or
Rainy Day Skirts.
distinctive and with the
tamp of newness and
style on every yard, and now marked
at a price for real vaue giving, has never been
equalled by us before,
56-Inch Wide, Sponged and Shrunk, Special Price $1 a Yard,
....,-.. i ..n.t.M,v in nrlrn. serviceable In wear, never sold for less
" " than $T "yard T juU the retired weight to make up without lining.
arht9 ran ranrtsn kid olovbi a.ti mcoaui rATTHMi.
Thompson, Beldeh &.Co.
tnetTm'zitu'a supply wo coul.l buy In'n bill providing for the redemption of real
ho umm r tlmo hen coal U low and on estate sold under execution or on a decree.
v ll a c the Mate many , It give-, the ordinal owner six mon h.' ex-
thousands of dollars every year."
Neir llimil Tnx lllll.
Th house today passed a meaiure
elusive right to redeem and after that any
creditor holding a lien may redeem within
nlno months.
n - ftnlilrltrA'a mniuirri was
which, If It bocotucs a law, will have the ' nlr0ljucc,j today nt his request by Senator
effect of revolutionizing tne worn 01 chi- jJirln jt provides for tho issuance Dy
log for and repairing roads In all counties r!lc, or tne metropolitan class of ccrtlfl
under township organization. It provides catc8 o indebtedness In anticipation of tax
that all road taxes must be paid In actual cocclonB,
cash and repeals that section of tho ex i Another bill by Senator Haldrlge, and
lstlng law which gives tho taxpayer t" , introduced by Senator Martin, amends tho
option of working out his own tax. , rovenue law so that no property of any
"Tho bill will no far-reaching In effect," fcnoo( rciK0Ua or charitable Institution
said Representative Mlskell, the Intro- wncn snn b0 rented shall be subject to
ducor of tho measure, "and I bellevo that (nxnton If tho total amount of tho rents
It will result In doing more to Improve the rcccVC,j from such property shall be Used
condition of. Nebraska than all of the laws tor ln0 U8e an,j benefit of such school, ro
now on tho statute books. Tho measure nK0UB or chnrltablc Institution.
wn introduced at the request of the No- A j0nt resolution was Introduced by Hal
bra ska County Commissioners' ansocia- jrlgo providing for nlno Judges of the su
tlou. In fact It was endorsed by all mem- prpme court.
bors of that association. Various propost- Addltltninl Appointment...
tlons have been submitted from tlmo to ...... ,
time looking toward tho payment of road On recommendation of the governing
taxes In actual rash, but tho objection has hoard of the various women s homes Oov
always been offered that there are many "nor Dietrich today reappointed the fol
farmers who are better ablo to work out tho lowing officers at tho OlrlB Industrial homo
tax than pay the amount In essh. Wo hav-f at Mllford: Miss Nellie Heed, matron;
overcomo this difficulty by providing In thy Miss I1 MeEntco, teacher; Mrs. Jcsslo
bill that the taxpayer may bo employed , Kent, assistant.
and may receive an amount equal to his1 Dr. Halloy I,. Ewlng was reappointed
own tax. but he .mist first pay tho money nsslstnnt physician at tho Asylum for In
Into tho county treasury and all work must , curable Insane at Hastings.
bo done under tho direction and super-
up tho refrain on this point within tho
last few days with some very pertinent
questions. Tho Syracuse Journal, pub
lished nt the home of Senator Arends, de
voles more than n column to a discussion
of the candidacy of Mr. Currle, and, among
other things, has this to say:
Wo bellevo It the duty of every state to
send her two ablest, cleanest men to th"
senate, men who nrc statesmen In he
broadest sense; not men with nn nx to
K ldit,p " of c'(,n" who wish o
raid the public treasury for their Interest
and henctit. Mr. Purr r Im" tin
reputation fc-t great ability ; he n !k
very fair suite senator. bit the nation
never needed her great men more than Vh"
r,0J?V.t,.R'm .,n,1"' ,T,le ""Hon demands
that Nebraska send her best. The people
have asked a change from populism and
Allen, but hey ask that the state step for
ward. Kansas did (he same and her leu's-
n '' t'fl Cl.PC,lM? .n ,nn" ''"
Nebraska d"? ' brnd ,nnd' W,wt wl
turl' iL"!"1, 'W nl hnm" "na
ture lands of rnster county; wo believe
Itim..,Vi . in lnnc"t. reliable man, but we
deny that he Is a statesman or n mnn of
great ability. Ills ambition appears to be,
J"',, " reprrprnt this great state In the
to. but to secure npproprlatlnns to
born artesian wells In the western plains
o provide water for his stock. These are
the only reason" that have yet been set
forth by hose who advocate his election.
Jm... . '"J"? muc" nf nnmtenr statesman
ship, men who vote for measures from per
!m .I'JS0.1 n?H "I u,p moment without eon--Jf.r!n5
U,eT erfrc'. unon the future of tho
'!,rJ "" 11,0 Mnpotif.. Aliens and
Tlllmnns. who wept over Cuba and shouted
for Spanish gore, then sottcht to tie tho
hands of the nntlon ond rejert the conse-
l'nl.eJI.u".of ,1,V'"r for w'icn they wero
largely responsible.
In tho name of tho people nf Otoe eountv.
of the great state of Nebraskn-ln the
nnme of the nation, for Its present and fu
ture welfare, the Journal asks the county
representatives. In the present legislature,
to drop personal feeling, or personal friend
snip, to Ignore pledges mnde for personal
gain or political rewnrd. and to east their
votes for men who are best qualllted to rep
resent the state In the councils of the na
tion. You nnd each of you have n nlce In se
lecting the men who ore to guide the na
tion In the beginning of Its lournov In the
new ccnturv The people ask that you se
lect onlV those that nre worthv nnrl rroll
qunlllled: men whoso knowledge extends
neyonil tne iirawlns room, tho oillce or the
pasture lands of the western plains; that
jimi win i iin'ii who, in mi new era or na
tional life and the dawn of ti new ronnirv
shall be ns worthy as they whom former
generations have sent to the council rhnm.
bers of the nation In her hours of jtreotcst
Whether tho men who represent Otoe
county In tbo legislature will heed thU ad-
Ico remains tD bo seen. Most of our active
republicans believe that they will. They
realize that the future of tho party In this
country nnd In tho state depends largely
upon tho outcome of tho senatorial contest.
Whllo all would llko to sco tho deadlock
broken, they would doploro tho election of
men who could not maintain tho standard
Nebraska has created for Itself In tho sen-
to of the nation.
After spending three days at their homes
thcro Is no doubt that tho delegation Is
fairly familiar with tho prevailing senti
ment and tho people hero confidently look
for n change of favorites nnd a steppage
of bouquet throwing.
erlmo to threaten to accuse, passed the
house by u vote of "6 to 5.
House Illlls Iiitroduerd.
Tho follor.inn were Introduced In the
house today.
If. It. 30. by Cnln-For nn net to 11
vldo the state of Nebraska Into senatorial
and representative districts, for the appor
tionment of senators and representatives,
and to repeal section 2 of chapter v of the
Compiled Statutes of Nebraskn of
If: it. , i,v uni-For nn act to amend
sections 17J and 11U of chapter xvlll, enti
tled "Perversion of Piddle Justice." of the
Criminal Code of the Compiled Statutes of
Nebraska of ism, and to repcnl said orig
inal sections. . .
II. It. m. bv Chl-An act to provide for
a public school teachers' retirement fund
In cities of Kii.nno ur more Inhabitants In
me suite or Nebraskn.
Juries In counties hnvlng over CO.OOO popu
lation, had been signed by the governor.
The following resolution, received from
the Slnto Hoard of Agriculture, was re
ferred to the committee, on agriculture
Alii for ((unity I'lilr.
Whereas, Kfforts are made at each ses
sion of the stntc legislature to have re
peated section 12 of chapter II of the Com
piled Statltes, relating to "Aid for the
Countv Kilr." Now, therefore, be It
Hesdlved, That we, the members of the
Nebraska Slate Hoard of Agriculture, In
annual meeting assembled, heartily en
dorse the provisions of the present law,
nnd believe that tho repeal of the law
would be detrimental to the best Interests
of nnd stock raising through
out the stnte. . . ,
We the members of the State Hoard of
Agriculture, seeing the liceil or more gen
Eenion of Big Trotting Circuit Will Open
on July 9.
vlilon of authorities."
Following Is tho full text of tho bill:
In counties under township organization
tho township road tax and tho county road
tux shall be paid In rash. All moneys paid
Into tho town treasury from the several
road districts In discharge of road tax, and
nil moneys paid Into the town treasury
from the several road districts In discharge
of labor tax, snail constitute a town roan
Sixteenth llnllot for Senator Shown
No S1ki of Choice Co imp I (Mi nun
Absent! nf .Member.
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. C (Special Tele
gram.) The large number of absentees was
fUnf., which shall be nt the disposal of the tho most noticeable feature of tho slxteonth
fnvvn l.rmril fur tho lu'lli'llt nf till! rmU (IIm
trlcts of tho town for mud purpotes. Pro
vided that one-half of all moncyh paid Into
tlw tewn treasury from the several road
districts In discharge of roud and labor tax
mm'! constitute a district roud fund and
Hhall Ic fp. nded by the town board In the
road district from which Is wna collected,
for I he following purpose:
First For tho construction and repair of
bridges tlnd culverts nnd making llrtirdards
Along the 'Itle of roads. . , '
Second For the payment ordumnges of
right-of-way of any puble road.
Third For payment ot wages of overseers
nd fcr necessary tools.
Fonrth-For the payment of wages of
commissioners of mails, surveyor, chain
man and other persons engaged In locating
or altering nny county road If the road bo
llnally established nnd uttered, ns herein
before provided,
Flllli For work nnd repalrH on roads.
Section 2 That section I)'.', chapter Ixxvlll,
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 18s, be,
and the snmo hereby Is, amended to read an
f""Bcctl'on 92-Tho town board shall have
power upon receiving a petition signed by
nt least two-thirds of the qualtlled electors
of nny district, to order that any money
coming Into tho town treasury In discharge
of labor tax may be expended In any other
district In such township under tho direc
tion of tho overseer thereof, and In such
i-Hcet such overseer sha'.l pny all money In
his hands to the overseer of the district In
which such money Is ordered to bu ex
ponded and take his receipt for tho same.
See. 3-That section 93. chapter Ixxvlll.
Compiled Stnt.ltes of Nebraska for 1SU9, bo,
and tho same hereby Is, amended to read us
"Section 03 It shall be tho duty of each
overseer of rouds to give at least three
days' notlco to nil persons residing In his
district liable to pay lubor tax, either "per
sonally or by writing, left at their usual
place of 'abodo of th tlmo when between
the first day of April and the llrst day of
November In each yiur, und tho iilaco
where they may appear nnd pay their labor
tax, and with what Implements.
go,. 4 That section 91, chapter Ixxvlll,
Complied Statutes of Nebraska for 1S99. be,
and tho same hereby Is, amended to read us
follows! , ,, .,
"Section M The overseer shall ullow all
iieritdis who may uppenr In pursuance of
such rollee tho same allowance ob In conn
tics no', under township organization, as
provided In section 79 of this act, and tho
certificate thereof shall be received by tho
treaslnor In discharge of tho labor tax of
such person. Provided, that nny person not
notified by the overseer to labor upon tho
roads bb hereinbefore provided, shall be
discharged from tho payment of such labor
lux "
Sec. rThnt section 9H. chapter Ixxvlll,
Complied Statutes of Nebraska for 1S99, be
und.the same hereby Is, nmended to read ns
'""Section 9-Kaeh overseer shall, nt all
time required by the town board, make u
settlement of his neounts showing the
nmount of money coming Into his hands ns
Stch overseer nnd how the same has been
expended. In such settlement he shall be
n'l'owcd the samo amount for similar serv
,.rmni in eountlcs not under
township organization, us provided in sec
ton which sum shall be pa . I out of any
nu-niv belonging to his district, and If
Ibere'bo not sulllelent money belonging to
L'i. ,iiii wiilnli to imv sad over-
seer, ho may bo paid out of tbo township
road I ond. or for anv ba'ance duo him, ho
may r.icelvo from the town board a cer
tiriiV which may bo received In payment
of hi own labor tux for any succeeding
5',r To PnnliOi Klrtill.
Senator Cummins today offered a bill In
the scnato for a law to provldo n new offl
rial, to bo known ns statu prosecutor. He
Is to be appointed by tho governor and his
especial duty shall be to examine Into all
rases of alloged incendiary Arcs and prose
cuto suspected persons. Ills salary Is to
be $1,600 per year.
Senator Hansom Introduced by request
ballot for United States senator today. Tho
voto In detail was
Allen ss
Herge b
Crotinso 7
Currlo jr,
JIulner 5
llurlun t
Hitchcock 18
lllnshnw a
Klnkald 5
Vote In
Thompson, V. K.
Thomoson. W. H
van uustm 1
I.nomls, Cleo ,. II
Hansom 2
McCarthy 1
job rcpuuucun voto was:
Allcn-D. K. Thompson. Currle.
Andrewa-Thompson, Crounse.
".-hub urrie, van uusen.
i iimirung 11,
K. Thompson. Me lk el
jiecK:y-, 1;. Thompson,,lurrle.
Hoe he-U. K. Thompson, Melklejohn.
llerlet 1) 1 Tti.imnonn f -lblnlnl,M
Aftieir miner
To assist digestion, relieve dlstre
after eatliu: or drinking too heartll
to prevent constlputlon, tako
(!oM iiverwilte-i '" "nil
Present at Dee office or mall
coupon with ten cents and get
your choice of Photo-rraphlc Art
Studies. When onlorlnR by mall
add four cents for postage.
The Bee Publishing Company
Uclsnor Miikii.iirr?.' I Itnumi w
Hroderlck-Illnshaw, Melklejohn.
M..111.11 1 or Furnas-li. Thompson
Hi own of Oloe Hulner, Crounse.
linrtf-h-ICInknld, Hosewntcr.
(.iiln-.Murtln, Melklejohn.
Cnrncer Martin, Hosowuter. I
Crlssey-Thompson. Melklejohn.
Crounse Harlan, Currle.
Currle Klnknld. Crounse.
lMgar I). K, Thompson, Currle.
IJvar Halncr, Melkleuhn.
.""ler-U. 13. Thoinpson, Melklejohn.
I rledrlch-Hnlner, Currlo.
Oallcglj Klnknld Melklejohn.
C.uwne Melklejohn, Klnknld.
Hall D. U. Thompson Itosewnter.
iiiir.mi u. r Tliompsnri. 'urrle.
1 lurrls Thomnso'i. r..irrt
Hathorn-Currie, Morlnn.
HILbert Thompson. Melklejohn.
1 lorton Klnkald. MellcVtnlin.
Ifumphrey I). K. Thompson. Afelklejohn
ji iineoii u. rnompson, itosewatur.
Jo.ivet nt Crounse, Melkietohn,
l.nillri-I), K, Thompson, Currle.
I one D, R. Thompson. Currle,
I.owe-IJ. K. Thompson, Melklejohn.
Marshull Illnshuw, Currle.
Murtln Illnshiw, Crounse.
MoCargar 1). K. Thompson, Currle.
McCarthy Hlnshnw. Melklejohn.
McCoy Martin, l.vxewnter.
Ah ad D. K. Thompson, Ilosewater.
Mondcnhnll Illnshaw, Hosewater.
Miskell Thompson. Hlnshnw.
Mockett D. J3. Thompson. Melklejohn.
Mullen Currle, Hosewnter.
Newell Martin, Currle.
Oleson of Cunilnc Martin. Hosewntcr.
Olson of Phelps 1), 13. Thompson, Melkle
O'Neill I) .13, Thompson, Hosewater.
Hohwer Illnshuw, Crounse.
fciat.dui. Thompson. Melklejohn.
Scott Martin, Currle.
Shell!. orn Thompson, Melklolohn,
Smlthberger Martin, Melklejohn.
Spencer Thompson, Melklejohn.
Steele Hlnshnw. Melklejohn.
Stelnmeyer D. U. Thompson. HIiiBhaw.
Swnnson Hlnshnw, Melklejohn.
Teftt D. K. Thompson, Hosewater.
Trompon D. 13. Thompson. Currlo.
Tweed Illnshuw, Melklejohn.
I'hl Ilntner, Hosewater.
VunHosklrk Thompson. Currle.
Wnrner U, 13. Thompson, -Melklejohn.
Wenzl-Mnrtln, McCarthy.
Wl.i'moro Hairier, Hosewater.
'l'c.x -Illnshuw, Hosewater.
Wilkinson Currle, Melklejohn.
A oiii'G Hosewater. Mirtlri,
Mr. STpeaker U. 13. Thom'iion, nosewator,
A' mi or puireo; 11 luirig!, urcoericK
Owens. Harris. Hnthorn. Marshall Humph
. M.........I .....tAl,ltf Knf.lll.llftm.. II,.,. II
CoDkspy, Edmondson, nishwlllit, ilnnks(
Thompson. Pelslgor, Webber, Anderson,
Hoyd, Cnlklns, Hunter. Ollls, Schtnstock,
VnnJ'grllt, Zimmerman fusion.
People Wnnl ltoumiet Throwing
.Stop mill len nf Ability lllectcil
in I lilted State Seiuitora.
NEI1HASKA CITV, Neb.. Feb, 5, (Spe
clal.) The senatorial dendlock has become
quite a topic of speculation and discussion
here. During tho first week of tho ballot
ing nobody seemed surprised at the random
voting by tho republican members from
Otoe. Everybody understood that tho voto
cast for VanDuscn by Senator Adunis wus
strictly complimentary, and nobody ap
peared particularly startled by tho compli
ments showered upon other aspirants. Hut
as the days went by people began to In
quire whnt was the meaning of the ap
parent unanimity of the delegation for
Stato Sonntor Currle. At first It wns given
out by Intimate friends that tho honors bo
stowed on .Mr. Currle were In recognition
of his devotion to tho lato Senator IUywurd
In tho senatorial contest two years ago,
but as the balloting went from day to day
and week to week people began to ask
thanuolves why the members from Otoo had
not also seen fit to. similarly honor the
thirty-eight other eminent Nebraska ns who
stayed by Ilayward on that occasion. Some
of tho loyal supporters of the lato senator
are members of tho present legislature,
Just as well as Mr. Currle, nnd most, If
not alt, aro considered fully as competent
to occupy a seat In the United States sen
ate. The republican county papers have taken
It. H, itlo, bv t'hl For nn net to ntnend 1 eral knowledgo of agriculture among the
ctlons IS anil t! of elinnter vlll. entitled boys and girls of Neluaska, anil believing
"Hrenklng and Entering Htilldlngs," of the that alt teaching should be In the oruer,
Criminal Code of tho Compiled Statutes of llrst concrete, then abstract, and that na-
Nebrnska of I&99, und to repeal said orlg- lure studies should be Introduced Into our
Innl sections, nnd to repeal section M of county and village schools, respeetruliy iisk
chapter vlll. entitled "Hteakitu nnd Enter- the legislature to make ntich nddltlonul re-
Ing Hulldlngs," of the Criminal Code of qulrements for llrst. second and third
the Compiled Statutes of Nebraskn of 1899. grade and stnte certltlcntes ns will show
If. H. .ill, by Fhl-For nn act to amend tho holders iltness for teaching one or
section 6S of chapter Ixxlll of the Com- more studies in pun agriculture,
piled Statutes of the state of Nebraska, Hesolved. That It 1 the sense of the M
and to repeal said section tVi as now exist- hrusku Slate Hoard of Agriculture, In lin
ing; to provide a penalty for the violation meeting assembled at Lincoln. Jan
of said section fiS as nmended nnd to limit nary. 19.H. that there should be made by
tho time of commencing actions for dam- the slate legislature such appropriations
ages thereunder bv tho obligor. for nn exhibit of the agriculture and nor-
II. H. 312. bv Murruy For 1111 net to tieulture resources of Nebraska at the
amend section' S9 nf nrtlclo I of chapter Patiumerlcnn Exposition, to be held nt Hur-
lxxvll, entitled "Hevcnue," of the Com- fnlo, ns will otnmensurate with the Itnpor-
piled Statutes of tho state of Nebraska tance of Nebraskn as an agricultural dls-
for tho year iyj, and to repeal said orlg- trlct of the country.
Ituil section. Numbers of new bills wero Introduced,
nno nWA om" w for --'ond reading and sen-
In the state of Nebraska, to provide for tho nto flics 9. 6, 7. S, 48 nnd 51, mostly cura-
filing of n statement, nnd n bond for tho tlve nets, wore passed.
Iho'vtflnttan "theo"'' ,,Xl"K vmMm t0r Tho senate (lies reported back from their
If. H. nil, by Humphrey For an act to respective committees with a recommenda-
amend subdivision fi of chapter Ixxlx of tho tlou that they be passed were HI. 171, 03, 2
?m.V,lot 8.t'iu,,,"i "If fbruek'1 ot 1K97, nm' and US, and house roll 4S. Senate file 1 wns
II. It 313i by Vaclav Huresh-For an act rcrefcrred to the committee on agriculture,
to amend xectlnn ID ot chapter xllv of the The senate nt 4 o'clock took nji ndjourn-
S,?mJi,t,cJl fi,;1u,u,r.7.,nt w.'i".!eit,o?;,,Jl,r,riU mint until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
2M Jep'ea1 tZllVXTL hSfofe After adjournment this afternoon a con-
existing. fcrenco of tho republican members of both
II. It. 3lfi by aishwlller-For nn net to th0 nennto and houso was held In the senate
iiim-imi nvi'iinn ;i 01 cilliiiier x.xviii ui inu .,.lni,.
Compiled Statutes of the state of Ne- ennmucr.
brasKa lor the year 1MO, and to repcul said Senile I'MIe liiteniliieeil.
original section ns It now stands, nnd to ,, ,, , ...... , ,
provide for tho payment of constables The following senate files were Introduced
designated or appointed by the Judges of today:
election to preserve order nnd pence at tho o ,. .... villnr An net llmitlnc in
t" or fjoytlojt . "t nil genera rjectlons. ce?ia C;.H Mie authoAt"y " f VimRaS
,,' 'L31'. J,?..,.ll,,'l,"tr,1 VJ.. ". "!! i'.i'.i'v ties to nominate candidates for oillce and
wuu iui uiu fin Ulliieu t'l mutt in tu"
. tiipdii.illf vltiir tho incuiniHMit or nil oMice in
mid .o-sK&ws l ?nrcnr
louse Vole to I3tnlillnli Them
Fifth unit Sixth Coiig;rrNnlminl
LINCOLN, Neb., Fob. C (Special.) By a
voto ot beventy to eighteen tho houso today
passed house roll 37, by Hrodcrick, provid
ing for two state normal schools, 0110 to bo
n tho Fifth congressional district, and the
other to bo In tho Sixth district. Tho Lan
caster county delegation Joined with tho
supporters of tho measure and voted af
firmatively. Many members were opposed
o tho measure, but an unotllclnl canvass
this morning allowed that they wero In tho
minority, and consequently no fight was
mado tthen It was brought up for third
reading this a'ftt'fnoon." As amended by
tho committee of tho whole tho bill provides
for an appropriation of J 100,000 for the
two school buildings.
Tho voto was:
emeraencv therefor.
II. H. 31K, by Hnll-To regulate the Inves
ligation of charges of fraud und corrupt In
llucnco by or upon members of the legisla
ture und candidates for election ot appoint-meir-
by tho legislature or by stuto ofllcers
ttirl thclt agents.
11. It. 319. by Hunter To prevent the giv
ing cf free railroad transportation.
II. R. 320, bv Tanner To amend section 2,
chapter Ixxvlll, Complied Slntlltes of 1S99.
entitled "Hoads," nnd to repeal said orlginnl
II. H. 321, by Fill-Providing for refunding
to various persons tne nmount 01 money
S. F. &W, by Hnnsom An act to provide
for the rdemntlon of real estate sold on
execution or under n decree.
S. F. '.''17, by I.lddell An act to amend nn
act entitled "An act Incorporating metro
polltnn cities nnd delinlng, prescribing and
regulating tho.r duties, powers and gov-
S. F. SOS. by Cummins An net to provldo
for the appointment of n stnte prosecutor,
to dellne his powers und duties nnd to tlx
his I'omtii't'xiitlon.
S. F. -JOO. by Hnldrlge For n Joint resolu
tion providing inr nine judges 01 ino su
Vi m ier if lV99 Intsr. pr-scrlbing and regulating their du-
1 - liv' Helsner To nrovldo for tho ties, powers nnd government,
nn oortlmml .Hstrllnitlon of n'l & 21) Mnrtln-An act to amend
o ore paid Into ulo'VXSry of any coun y section 2 of an act to provide n systjjm of
hli 1 l u . "o mulntulned' such high schools. S. F. 212. by Martln-An act empowering
I 1 It 5V. Ill- Calklns-To provldo a cities nf the metropolitan class to issue
iiAi'iltv for 'stomnlnc or marking false or certificates of Inilebtedness for tho purposo
shSr w ght KmsuS 1 on casks, sacks or of proMdlng funds with which to pay war-
packages, or offering for salo such casks, rants or orders upon the treasurer und
sacks or packages so marked, nnd to repeal provioing ur un: nminmr m imuiiik uiem
all acts and parts of nets In conlllct here- ,r Clr. Cnl(l , ne
11. H. S2I. hi Spencer To prevent fraud rako Laxatlvo Dromo Qulnlno Tablets. All
In the sale of fruit, syrup, starch, spice. d , refund tho money If It falls to
vjtretnbles. food, cereals, crackers, oatmeal, "ner .
1 rhees. T and other articles sold cure. E. W. Grove's olgcaturo Is on ca:h
bv mnnufacturcrs and Jobbers In tho gro- box. I5c
,;.rv i.iialm.aii In nrlizlnnl nackaues. and to
,. - -,.. ' ..In,,tin lll.ll.rtnr I
Vo aif acts ami imrlH of '.Vcts hi JOCKEY CLUB ORGANIZES
Cnrnici neruniiii.
Hrown (F'nas).Hunt.
lluresn. Hunter.
Hu mphroy,
Speaker 70.
I)lpor nfj
a Uonsldernlilr Aninnnt
Western Turfmen tiet TiiKi'tlier nnd
Aliree oil Date nml Hole
for Itni'liiK,
Hrown (Cnss). Kavenv. Swnnson.
Cain, Scott, Tanner,
Kellers, Mtielltiorn, fin.
Fuller. Smlthberuer. Wnrlnii.
Orell. Sprecher. Wonzl,
llauKs, HtocKweii, y.lmmermnn-18
Tho houso was cnled to order at 11 o'clock,
one hour later than usual. Petitions wero
rend protesting against tho passago of
houso roll 90, to regulato and govern fra
ternal and beneficiary societies, and aBk
Ing for tho passago of the act to create a
system of traveling libraries. On motion
of Stockwell the chief clerk was authorized
to refer such petitions in tho future to tho
committees having tho bills under con
I'ny II0111I TnxeH In Cnali,
Under the order of third reading of bills
ono measure was passed by tho houso at
tho morning session and sent to tho senate.
It was Introduced by Mlskell, and In brief
requires tho payment ot road taxes in cash
In counties under township organization.
At 11:30 tho senate appeared and Imme
diately the Joint session was formed, at
tho close of which tho houso adjourned to
2:30 p. in.
When tho houso reconvened this nftor
noon tho routine order of business wns re
sumed nnd reports of standing committees
wero first received. On recommendation
the following bills wero placed on tho
general flic: House roll 222, by Hall, re
lating to tho Issuanco ot licenses to steam
engineers; 21E, by Hall, to nuthorlzo tho
governor to appoint a commission to de
termine boundary lino between Iown and
Nobrnskn; C, by Mockett, to place Lancaster
In tho class of counties hnvlng population
of CO.OOO or over; 206, by McCarthy, to
nuthorlzo tho appointment of a commission
to determine boundary lino between Ne
braska nnd South Dakota; 214, by Cnln, to
authorize appointment ot n commission to
termlno boundary lino between Nebraska
and Missouri: 232. 230, 231, 233, by Mc
Carthy, relating to decision of cases by
supremo court. House roll 220, by Fowler,
for tho protection of owners of stallions,
was rccommendd for Indefinite postpone
ment, but on motion of tho author wa3
placed on general fllo. Houso rolls 231, by
McCarthy, relative to disposition of cases
by Bupremo court, nnd 139, by Corneer, au
thorizing tho appointment of commissions
In towns of over 5,000 population to pass
upon qualifications ot horseshncrs, were
Indefinitely postponed.
The commltteo on medicine recommended
houso roll 133, by Hamilton, tn authorlzo
ningnctlc nnd hydropathic healers to prac
tice art ot curing, for Indefinite postpone
ment, but after nn extended discussion tho
measure wns placed on general fllo. Nearly
all of the members of 'ha houso who are
physicians spoko against the bill, but Ham
ilton asked for an opportunity to havo It
considered at somo futuro tin." Ho prom
ised that hv would "make t cpaech for your
whiskers," and on bis motion tho bill was
laid over.
The rommltteo on mines nnd minerals
reported the birth of a baby girl at the
home ot Representative Jamison.
House roll 61, by Mead, roakine It a
of lliinlncHN of n Miscellaneous
LINCOLN, Fob. C. (Special.) Tho senate
worked full tlmo today and succeeded In
disposing of a largo amount of business.
In his prayer tho chaplain asked for do-
vlne guidance In tho selection ot a United
Stntes senator.
Tho committee on agrlculturo reported
011 houso roll 38, a bill for nn act to provldo
vfor mowing or otherwlso destroying weeds
In public roads, tho recommondntlon being
that tho bill should pass. Other bills rec
ommended for passago by the committee
wero: Scnato bill 140, providing for an an
nual convention to be held by tho Stato
Poultry association; also senate fllo 171, a
bill giving tho State Dairymen's association
tho right to flx Its dato for tholr annual
meeting. Scnato fllo 124, a bill similar to
houso roll 3S, was recommended for In
definite postponement.
Tho commltteo on reform schools reported
senate fllo 103, a bill relating to reform
schools, favorably, and recommended for In-
bo passed.
CHICAGO, Feb. C All tho members of
tho Western Jockey club wero present nt
a meeting at which tho club was
formally organized and placed In
operation. Thoso nt the meeting wero:
Lawronco A. Young, Judge O. 0. Perklni
n. Fitzgerald, M. Nathanbon, C. I). Hush
Hobert Anil, S. H. Montgomery and W. F.
bchuitz. Tho following oluccrs were
elected: Lawienco A. Young. Chicago
chairman; Hobert Aull, St. Louis, vice
chairman; Harry Kuhl, Chicago, sccre
tary; James Howard, Chicago, treasurer,
and the following board ot stewards, chosen
to servo two years: Oeorgo O. Perkins
Covington; S. R. Montgomery, Memphis,
Tenn.; Richard Fitzgerald, Chicago; Law
rence A. Young, Chicago. Chosen to
servo one year: Robert Aull, St. Louis
Martin Nnthanson, Chicago; Charles S,
Hush, Now Orleans. These meetings were
scheduled for 1901:
Crescent City Jockey club, ends Murch 10.
-Mempius, rrom April 1 to 2t.
Louisville, from April 29 to May 11.
Latonln. fioni Muv 13 to May '.').
St. Louis Kulr association, from Mav 11
10 juiy
St. i.ouls Fair nssnclatlou, resumes Au
A message from the governor stated that
tho bill relatlnK to tho manner of drawing gust 20 to September 2S. thlrtv duvs.
iitiw iiiui iiu, ii uiii ,tiuy L'f 10 gone 9.
Some Can nnd Sonic Cnn't Drink It,
Somo tlmo ago Mr. E. Porclval Baker
was assigned by tho Oovemment to tho
Chlneso Hureau In San Francisco. Ho Is
a Spanish and Chinese Interpreter, but had
become known as n distinctive case of cot
feo poisoning.
He finally guvo up his position and went
to Los Angeles to die. Ho was carried
to tho train by tho Physician and nt that
tlmo weighed 99 pounds
What coffee poisoning con do for man
It Is difficult to believe without some per
sonal exporleuce. Ho says, "Tho Physl
clan had told mo that mine wns a clear
cristi of coffee poisoning, but I could not
give up tho coffee. I hnd got so bad that
I could keep absolutely nothing on my
stomach for days at a tlmo. Dr. Haydcn
ot this city said to mo ana day, 'Havo you
over tried I'ostum Food, Coffee-' 'Never
Harlem, from Juno 10 tn June 21
Washington park, from June 22 to July 20.
iiuwmorno, irom Juiy to August
Harlem, from Auuust S to Aucust 17.
Hawthorne, from August 19 to August 31
iinricm. rrom sentemuer 2 to Kontem
ber 14.
Hawthorne, from Sentember 111 to Octo
uer i.
Harlem, from October 7 to October ?.
Latonln. from October IS to November 9
"My heart was badly affected by an at
tacu of grip and I suffered Intonso agon
until I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
It made mo a welt man." S. D. Holman
Irashurg. Vt.
resident 11, W. Itiinitnll nnd Other
Ollleer of tin Assoelnt Ion Are
He-r.leetrd to Srrxe the
t'oiiiltiK YtMtr.
CHICAGO, Feb. 5. Delegates from the
nrloi!8 trotting associations composing the
Great Western circuit met here today and
rranged dates for the meetings during tho
otnlng summer. The season opens in Jul,
with n double meeting, and closes In Octo
ber with one. This Is unusual In lh" Oteat
Western circuit, but had to be so arranged
to suit the delegates. Tho dates for the
ouble meetings nro set for cities far apart
and It Is belloved will not conlllct with
the horse owners making the circuit. It is
estimated that at least $200,000 In purses
will be offered by the different associations
during the coming season. Tho dat's ar
ranged by the delegates nnd the purses, hs
estimated, follow:
Term Hnilte. lllll.. Iltnl Mlnnr-mnlla T 1 1 1 v-
', 3. 4 and r; pursn. each.
Pekln. HI., und St. Paul. Julv ! tft It mi. I
12: purse, $rt,0U each.
Davenport. In.. July 16. 17. IS nnd 19-.
purse, Jfi,(u0.
Des Moines, la.. July 2.1, 21, 2.". nnd 2i.
purse. $i!.oii.
luucpeuiieuce, in., .July :w ami :il nnd
Vugtist 1 and 2; purse. Jl'J.SOO.
Fieeport, 111., August 6. 7, S and 9: nurse.
Juliet, III., August 13, It, 15 and 16; purse,
uuicsnurg. ill., August w, 21, 22 and S3,
purse, js.tim.
Dllbiimic, la., August 27. 2S, 29 und 30;
purse, UV.OiA).
Columbus Junction. la.. August 27. 2S. 29
and so; purse. $.i,Ouo.
1 1 a tn 1 111 Minn., sinte rnir, f.opiomuer 2. 3,
, r. r. und 7; purse. $20,ftw.
Mllwnukee. Slate fair. September 9, 10, 11.
12 nnd 13; purse, J10.WO.
Indlnuupolls, Stnte Inlr, September 17, 18,
19 11 nt' 20; purse, ts.Oio.
Kvnnsvine, inn., ieptcinier 21. s,, so nun
: purse, $20,f.
Snrlncneld. 111.. Stnte fair. Sontember 30
nnd October 1, 2, 3. I nnd 5; purse, j:n,0iH).
Torre Untile. Ind.. September SO nnd Octo
ber 1, 2, 3, 4 nnd fi. purse, J12,ono.
Terre Ilnute. Ind . Is the only eltv In the
circuit holding two meets during tho season.
The old olllcers of tho circuit association
were re-elected. They aro: 13. W. Hutidull,
llnmllne, Minn., president, and (leorge II.
Madden, Mendota, III., secretary und trens-
Those present nt tho mcetlnu were: It. F
Jone, Mlnneapo'ls; ('. F. Dullln. Terre
Haute. F. W. Seoly, Pekln. III.; C. T. llan-
coelt, iiutiuqtic. in.; k. v. Kumian, nam
lln". Minn.; Oeorgo II. Madden. Mendola,
111 : If. V. Fuglcy, St. Paul; A. II. Far
well, IndeixMidence, la.; W. II. Hmolllnger.
Oalcsburg; It. S. Johnson. Columbus Junc
tion. In., and 11. L. Akin, Evnusvlllc. Ind.
Cronli e-.liieUoii ContliiKont Ship
(illbcrt on Special Train
Inekson Victorious.
KLCIIN. 111.. Feb. 5. The Croake-Jnckson
nilTn nrnlilhlt.til nf llMvlilri-A liv fiov.
crnor Yates, was pulled off nt Gilberts,
ixuno county, enriy iouay.
A special train with BOO on board reached
that little village soon uftor midnight nnd
adjourned to n hnll. where u ring wns
formed nun tne tigiit commenced, mere
nro no police save the village marshal nnd
there was no Interference. Croako wus
knocked out In the twelfth round.
Woleott' I. nek Turns.
GALENA. Knn.. Feb, ti. Eddie K. Morris
of San Francisco Inst night knocked out
young Woleott of New York In tho seven
teenth round of what was to have been a
twenty-live round glove contest. Roth
fought naru ami woicott wus me lavorne
up to the fourteenth round, when, after 11
lively mix-up and ti brcak-awAy, the New
Yorker fell from the stugo to the Moor and
Injured his right arm.
IMiKillxt lllloii .Xluy Die.
riN'MNNATI. Feb. 5. Frnnk Hllson. Iho
xnthriKl miL-Hlnt. Is in a scml-consclous con
dition lounv ana may uie ironi 111c rpnuii
of n luiockout blow administered by John
Kraemer in a uoxing coniesi iam nigiu in
the vll aco of Heading, ituson s. neau
struck the door when ho fell and he lay tin
conscious nearly two hours,
There Is
In buying boys clothing is not thouroughly
reliable. The special sale
of boys Suits at $2.00, $2.50,
$2.75 and $3.50 arc all new
goods and made by a house
with a reputation for the best.
N. 13. COHNEll AM) nortsi.A.
II ns pleaie )0u tell other II we don't (ell ui.
Geo. S. Scallv of 7." Nnssutl St . New York.
nays: "For years I have been troubled with
rheumatism nnd dyspepsln und I came to
the conclusion to try your pills. I Imme-
iintriy lounti great reuet irom tueir life,
I feel like a new man since I commenced
taking them, nnd would not now be without
nem. I no drowsy, sleepy reeling I useu to
have ban entirely disappeared Tho dys
jppslR has left me and my rlicuniu tlini I
one entirely. 1 nm satisfied If any one so
iffllctrd will give Rndway's Pills a trial
hev will surolv cure them, for I believe It
all conies from the system being out of
oreer tne liver not doing its worn
Pi Sis
euro all Disorders of the Stomach, Howels,
Kidneys, Hladder, Dizziness. Costlveness,
Piles, Sick Headache. Femule Complaints,
ntltousness, Indigestion, Constipation and
all disorders of the Liver; 2ic per box At
Druggists or by mall. Hndway A Co , M
Elm Stroet, N. Y. He tmre to got "Had
way's" and ate that the name Is on what
you buy.
tllller open continuously from H n.
En. to U . in. Wiindii) from 8 . in
to r, p. in,
Eleetloii Held mill lleiorlN Submitted
It .iitloiutl ANNiieliitlon .Mectlnii
In .Veiv York
NEW YOItK. 1'Vll. r, Tl,n f,,,nnnl ..,
lug of the National Cycling ussoclutlon is
in m.'3niuii in iuih cny touny.
Thu report of the board of control says:
ino past year iuih been extremely sue.
heard ot if said I. He explained that It VnnfUw iL,e.ltor'!.!i!Cyil,!,tl ,"sl;oc'a:
was a food drink made at Hattle Creek. arV'.V,' uns'r !!f.'n!frn7.Vctf1rJpZs
Mich., by the Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., nni
nn ho sold was 'destined to entirely sup
plant coffee, at least with those who have
any regard for their health or Uvea.'
I was do Impressed that beforo leaving
tho olllco tho Dr.- forced me to promise to
glvo Postum a fair trial. Well, to make
a long story short, wlfo made some for me,
and she made it right, strictly according
to directions I was Borvcd with a delicious
cup and liulf nn hour nftor sipping It was
sleeping, tho first six hours of steep or un
broiton reat I had had for half a year,
This was not caused by any drug In the
Postum for I know It to bo absolutely puro.
but It was duo to tho quieting effect of tho
liquid food on my stomach, and food that
I could digest. I persevered In tho use of
Postum lor a wcok, then I thought I would
try Just one cup of coffee, but did so with
tho vosult that my stomach pains roturned
with such effect ns to rcqulro the doctor
at my bedsldo nearly all night. I have
novcr repeated tho experiment with coffee,
for It showed very plainly what It would do
and has dono for mo If I fool with It
In tho handling of cycle racing. Truo It
m 1 1 in l uiu nny in HUBeentlo'e to linnrovo-
wont and It Is only u nnturul sequence
that changes aro required to meet changes
that aeciimmuluto In directing nny legiti
mate snort llndlng pronounced favor with
the public. Tho bonrd has encountered
vurloiM problems not entirely covered In
tho existing rules, but the solutions ur
rlvcd nt have been decided after curoful
consideration and much concern for tho
"During tho last twelve months there
havo been held over 700 nice meets
throughout the country. The professional
rldt'rs won In prize money over JlOO.Onn, and
this sum doee not Include additional re
munerulon received from bicycle manu
facturers nnd extra allowance given by
the meet promoters outtldo of the guaran
teed prices.
Tho election of olllcers for Iho ensuing
yenr wns wlthoit contest, those selected
President, George J. Cooke, New York;
vlen president. ChurliM H. Lenienke, New
ark. N. J; second vlco president. George
Hondee, Springfield, Mass.; secretary,
Charles K. McGulre. New York. Hoard of
appeals: George A. Ncedham, Now York;
Abbott Hansen. Hoston; II S. Fnegel.
Philadelphia; Samuel Miles. Chicago; und
L. M. Hrldgemnn, New York. Hoard of
control: A. O. Nntehelder. New York: H.
F. Kelsey, Hoston; V. 13. Turgeon. Huffalo;
I havo steadily Improved In health since O. H. Klostermun.' Hnltlmoru; Hurry Hurt
mnKing ino cbnnge, and now weigh Ui
pounds, 49 pounds more than I did and nm
gamins at tne rate of over 2 pounds a week.
I havo had absolutely no trouble since then
with my stomach, and It Is ovor throe
montns since i navo had n twlngn of nou-
1 1 - nH V, r, ,1 . . .
miKin i iivuunuup, nun i Know i tint my cure
is entirely nuo to leaving off enffeo nnd
I nlrlni. Undt.iH, I .' I -.. . . .
iiimufe . ututi, r uuu t. uuee. vll of my
meuut. en., uiu nui-iors are ot tne same
opinion I enclose a list of names of Gov.
ernment officials at Washington and San
Francisco who are moro or leu fnmiiin,.
with the'ease and will verify as far as they
joy. Jacksonville, Fin.; George Greeiiburg,
Chlcngo; and Tom Cooper, Detroit; ns rep
resentutlvo of tho A. H. C. I'.
Tho old bonrd of control reported that
they hud decided to make permanent tho
suspension of Orlando Stevens and William
Eaton, for Improper riding at tho Vnl's
burg trucy Inst July
With regard to the coso of James Ken
nedy, the board of appeals reports thu
a decUlon has recently been reached sub
talnlng tho decision of the board of ion
t.i Tlilu the rennrl of the board of HP-
peals explains, was the case of a manager
protesting against a line reuniting from
an alleged Interference with a referee nf
a meet at rroviuence.
To Prevent tin- t.rlti
Laxative Uromo-Qulnlno removes the ;iu,
We Eat
Too Much
A Prominent New York Specialist
Says Hundreds of People Kill
Themselves by Over-Hating and
Not Paying1 Enough Attention
to the Food They Cat and to
the Condition of TheirBowels.
When Interviewed last week ono of the
New York specialists mado the following
"Everyone eats loo much. Tho habitual
eating of moro wholcsomo food than the
stomuch can digest Irritates and excites tho
stomach and causes many stomach troubles,
such as gastritis, gastric catarrh, dyspep
slu and indigestion. Of course there are
other cniiBcs for these dlscaucs, such as tho
uso of alcohol, tho excessive uso of tea or
coffee, eating ut Irregular hours, eutlng too
rnpldly and Imperfectly chewing the food.
Ninety per cent of tho population of this
country suffer from utomach trouble and
"5 per cent of the ninety suffer from In
digestion, If anyone has that uncomfortable
feeling In the stomach, a headache or a
feeling of repression, he should at once take
u teaspoonfut of Cascarlne, which will move
his bowels und rollovo him at once, ir any
one suffers from Indigestion and gas on tho
stomach, ho should take Cascnrlue, the
gcntlo and pleasing laxative, which I uno in
my practlco and which la recommended by
thousands of people who havo used It. It
you ennnot sleep at night. If you aro rest
less and havo palpatatlon of tho heart, which
usually leads ono to believe he lias heart
disease when In reality It Is nothing more
than accumulation of gas In the stomach,
you should take a teaspoonful of Cascarlne
before retiring and after continuing for a
week you will find you aro troubled no mon
and can sleep well and sound.
It your tonguo Is coated nnd you find a
bad taste In your mouth your stomach b
nut of order and requires CiiBcarlne to put
It In Bhape. You must not ent too much
and you must havo your meals regular and
eat woll-cookcd food. There aro many
remedies, digestive ferments, digestive tab
lets, mineral waters and thousands of other
so-called cures, but all have to be takon
constantly lu order to do any good and after
using for a tlmo becomo worthless, Cas
curlno Is superior to all others. It stimu
lates tho liver, moves from the stomach nil
Impurities, and nets as a tonic on tho wholo
Mothers should bo cnrefttl not to use any
other laxatlvo for the children and the
house-wife who has a bottle closn at hand
ready to uso when necessary will Und It
Is tho most economical thing she over
bought. When you ask for Cascarlne at
your druggist's bo suro you got Cascarlne
(which comes In blue and whlto wrappers)
and not cheap tablets or pills. Insist on
Cascarlne and If your druggist hasn't it
ask him to get It for you of his Jobber,
(Dr. Mcdrew at age 52.)
Tin: most sni'rT.ssrtio
In the trrntmeut ol nil loruia of nis
ONLY. SU yer' exiicrlenee, tS yours
In Oinnlm.
A PlCHMA.MJVl' Ol.lti: t.LAIt AVl'UED
IN LB THAN 10 OA VS without ent-
tlnK. pal ii or lo ol tune. The
that baa yet uern niacovcreu,
CVDUII IQ 1" a" stages and condition!
OirniLIO cured and every trace or tho
iliscuse Is thoroughly eliminated from the
No "BHEAK1NG OUT" on the skin or
fact or nny external appeniances of the
disease whatever A treatment that Is
more succersful and fnr moro satisfactory
than the "Hot Springs" treatment nnd nt
less than HALF THE COST A cure that
Is guaranteed to be permanent for life.
UICAIUCI'O ol young and mlddle-uged
Night Lushes. Nervous Debility, Loss ot
Uruln nnd Nervs Power. Forgetfulni'ss,
Hashfulnesi, Stricture. Gonorrhoea. Gleet.
taseB of the rvutuni has curd where all
ethers had failed Fissure. Ulcers. Piles
anu -II chronic diseases of the rectum. Im
mediate rllef and a permanent cure
made without cutting or pnln. The cure Is
uulck and complete.
Consiiltntloii free. Treatment hy mnll.
Medicines sent evtrywhtre free from gaz.
HIPAN'3 TAnULES Is nn effectual cure
for the Ills which originate In n bad rtom
ich 10 for 6o. At all druggists,
Mutlms WeiliM'suny mm ir;i
lltillY lllvl.l..
"The Informntlon Hureau. TnHJiy,
nn" mi su i. d vi.i:. lonigni
"The Willow I'liticrn
Plate." , ! HSla
i.iri ri i: OLADSTOVC.
Tin r.wr opulnr KI.VODIIO.MIi:,
Prleri Evening' lOn. 2Cc, 50c. Matinees:
Wednesday. 10c and 25e; Saturday, We mid
25c Few front rows reserved, two. Don't
miss the big show.
I Woodward
I Managers.
& HurgcsM,
Tel. lttl.
Three Nights and Saturday Mullueo,
Thursday night and Saturdiv matinee
Double Hill: t'hrls Dnners delightful one
act cijinedy, "Paris In 1713."
Kollowed by Mario Lovell's beuutlful
storv 'Ingomar. tho Harbarlati."
Krluuy and Saturday nights, a now com
edv romanre in four acts. "The Seventh
riiinmandment," by EdunrdH Davis, M. D.
Ev'etling Prices he. 60e 75e nnd II.OV
Mntlnec Prices -26e and 50'
MIACO'S TROCADERO t0'!! today inr, aoc.
i All Week. Including Sslur.
day Evening The Very Limit
Wine, Woman and Song
SO nts
Tho Success of the Hcasoll,
Next Wcek- ICTOHI III Itl.r.MllEHS.