THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TTE DX ESP A V, FERTCrARY Cu 1001. o TelcjihcDOs SIS-691. Special New Handsome, unmistakable style on every at a price for real value giving, has never been equalled by us before, 56-lncli Wide, Sponged and Slirunk, Special Price $1 a Yard. Stylish In appearance, satisfactory In price. 1 'JuZl ImJ" than $1.25 a yard. Just tlio required weight to ranko up without lining. ME CLOSE SATLHDAYS AT O V. M. Ammm ran roman kid glovbi ato weOAUi rAT-rwiuii. Thompson, Beldeh St Co. lilt ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRV GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA. Y. M. U A. BVILDIHO. 00. ,."." veAt.. .UDnV wc could buy In a bill providing for the redemption of real tl.ou.anaa of dollar, every year creditor holding a lien may redeem within XrT Hoiwl Inx Hill. nm moMh The house today passed a measure , 0qo o 8otmt0r Haldrlge's measures was which, If It becomes a law. will have the ntr0,luci,,i today at his request by Senator effect of revolutionizing the work of car- jlBrtn, jt provides for the Issuance by log for and repairing roads In all counties rillc, nf the metropolitan class of certltl under township organization. It provides catca of indebtedness In anticipation of tax that all roud taxes must be paid In actual coucet0nB. cash and repealB that section of tho ex-1 Ant)thcr bill by Senator Daldrlge. and lstlng la?; which glvea tho taxpayer the , introdticcd by Senator Martin, amends tho option of working out his own tax. .revenue law so that no property of any "Tho bill will no far-reaching In effect," hc. religious or charitable institution mid Representative Miskell, the Intro- whlcM gnn to rented shall be subject to ducor of tho measure, "and 1 believe that ttxxntlon. If tho total amount of the rents It will result In doing more to Improve tho rpreiVpii from such property shall be used condition of. Nebraska thun ull of the lawn now on tho statute books. The measure was Introduced at tho request of the No- braska County CommlisloncrB' aiisocln- tlon. In fact It was endorsed by all mem- bcrs of that association. Various proposl-j (Innn Vtnl.rt A All tl II m 1 1 t l fmttt tltm lfl n,. innkiMD' inunr.i ih.. nnvmetit of road taxes lu actual rash, but tho objection has i,., tTnr,i n,ni nre mniiv farmers who nro better ablo to work out tho la. II,, nv lli nmnlint In Wn liavf overcome thU dlltlculty by providing In thy ikn invhiuar mn v lin nmtilnvnd ,n rnu n nmimnt. muni to his' own tax. but he .nust first pay tho money Into tho county treasury nnd all work must bo dono under the direction and super vision of authorities." Following Is the full text of tho bill: tn counties under township organization tho township road tax nnd the county road tax shall be paid In cash. All moneys paid Into tho town treasury from the several roud districts In discharge of road tax. and all moneys paid Into the town treasury from the several road districts in discharge of labor tax, shall constitute a town roml fdnf., which shall bo nt the disposal of tho town board for the bent-lit of the road dis tricts of tho town for roud purpofcs. Pro vlrted that one-half of ull moneys paid into tint tr.wn trcosiiry from the several road district lu discharge of road and labor tax BiiaU constitute a district road Mml and Khali tc rp nded by the town board In tho road district from which Is woh collected, ror lilt following purposm; First For tho construction and repair of bridges and culverts und making fireguards muii nnotnTr"pe7so'ns engaged Tn locating or altering any county road If tho road bo dually established nnd altered, as herein before provided. I'lllli-For worlt nnd repalrH on roads. Section 2 That section :, chapter Ixxvlll, Compiled Stututes of Nebraska for 18yj, be. and the same hereby Is, amended to reud an 1 allows: "Section 92-Tho town board shall have power upon receiving a petition signed by at least two-thirds of the qualified electors of any district, to order that any money coming Into the town treasury In discharge of labor tax may be expended lu any other district In such township under the direc tion of tho overseer thereof, and In such cueet such overseer shall pay all money In IiIh hands to the overseer of the district in which mich money Is ordered to bo ex ponded and take his receipt fur tho same." bee. 3 That section 93, chapter ixxvlll, Compiled Ktllt.ltca nt NTelirnMtin tnr 1V1Q l,n ' ;nd tho same hereby Is, amended to read uh ioiiuws; "Section 93-1 1 shall be tho duty of each overseer of roads to give at least three days nottco to all persons residing In his uisinci name to pay lunor tax, either "per sonally or by writing, left at their usual plucO iOf 'iibodo of th tlmo when between the first day of April nnd the ilrst day of November In each y.or, and tho place where they may nppoar mid pay their labor iuk, mm wiin wnai iinp'oinentH, r, 4 That section SM. chapter Ixxvlll, I'omplled Statutes of Nebraska for 1K)9, be, and the same hereby Is, amended to read as fnllnwMi "Heel Ion W The overseer shall ullow all perinns who may appear In pursuance of such rolleo the same allowance aB lu conn tics no, under township organization, as provided lu section 79 of this act, und tho rertlllcate thereof Rhall he received by the treastnor lu discharge of tho labor tax of such person. Provided, that any porsou not notlllod by tho overseer to labor upon tho roadH as hereinbefore provided, shall bo discharged from the payment of such labor tax." Sec. 6 That Fectlon , chapter Ixxvlll, Complied Statutes of Nebraska for U9'J, be nnd the same hereby Is, amended to read as follows: "Section 9fi Kach overseer shall, at all time required bv the town board, make a settlement of his ucounts showing the amount of money coining Into his hands as s:ich overseer nnd how tho same has been o.M.rnded. In such settlement ho shall be nPowcd the same amount for similar serv Icoi of overseern In counties not under township organization, as provided In sec tion 2, which sum shall lie paid out of any mom y belonging to his district, and If there bo not tminclrnt money belonging to hl:i district with which to pay said over seer, ho may bo paid out of tho township road mill, or for nny bu'unce due him, ho IliaV r, cetve from the tnivti twvir.l ..... tlni'A which may bo received in payment of his own labor tax fur any succeeding . ... To I'liiilxh I'lrelmuM. Senator Cummins today offered a bill in ine senate for a law to provldo a new offl rlul, to bo known as state prosecutur. He Is to be appointed by tho governor and his especial duty shall be to examine Into all rases of alloged Incendiary fires and prose cute suspected persons. Ills salary Is to be $1,500 per year. Senator Hansom Introduced by request To assist digestion, relieve illatre after eating or drinking too heartll to prevent constipation, tako Mold tvpnhc" on fintv CUT OUT THIS COUPON Pretent t Be offlc or mall coupon with ten cent and get yonr choice of Photoirraphlc Art Studlea. When onlorlni; by mall add four cents for postage. AKT DEPARTMENT, The Bee Publishing Company OMAHA, NEB. Dee, Feb. 3, 1001. . . . Material for Walking or Rainy Day Skirts. distinctive and with the stamp of newness and yard, and now marked lOTM AMU UUUM" (or tno U8e anj hpncflt of such school, re- K0U8 or charitable Institution, A j0nt resolution was Introducod by Ual jrlge providing for nlno Judges of tho su prcmc court. Aililltlonnl Appointment. On recommendation of the governing board of the various women's homes (lov ernor Dietrich today reappointed the fol lowing officers at the Girls' Industrial homo at Mllford. .M1SB IMCIIle ItCCO, matron; Ml"" Ida MeKntce, teacher; Kfllt, nSBlfltfttU Mrs. Jessie Dr. Halloy h. Kwlng was reappointed assistant physician at tho Asylum for In- , cranio insane at Hastings, STARTS IN THE SAME OLD WAY MxttTiitli Ilnllnt for Srnntor Shnivii Sit Sim of Choice CniiKplcunnM Absence of .Members. LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. C (Special Tele gram.) The large number of absentees was tho most noticeable feature of tho sixteenth ballot for united States sonator today. Tho vote In detail was: Allen Merge Crounso .. Curilo .... Iliilner .... Murlati ... Hitchcock lllnshaw , Melklcjohn ... Jinnin Itosewnter ... Thompson, V. Thompson, W. ... 7 ... IS . . 5 ... 1 K.. II. van nuson.... J.oomlH, Geo.. Ransom ... 18 ... 9 Melk.eiohn erle '-i) M,0m,,son Me k ejohn. McVkhnf hompson, Croanse. ter. Cr;sV,XPi0,,C,,eklej0l,n-Cjirrle-Klnffi'-cVi',1;' Fvlirf- I T'mpsoncurr. Ko lerDlV.?M,'lk'p1''' C.a Ic g) -Klnkald Melkle'lohn rn-l) ' p hoinpHon Hosewa nter. Hnr -Ik-:.'.'.. "u'"P0'' ''"Tie iV1,0,'."T"rr" Morlnn. In m'il ?i"J,h,""lan- Ciurrle. owT n ,T """Pson. Currle. Mis'iell-Thompson, Hinshaw Newcli-Martln. Currle. G 0 Cuminc-Martln. Rosewnier w?'se!S0Wat ScMir'ae"''"1' .sliiVt'n&Ji:?,0"'," Spencer-Thompson, Melklejoh S eele-IUiiHhaw. Melklejohli. Stelnmeyer-D. li. Thompson. HI Swaiisou Hlnsliiiw. M,.iui.,i,,i, Ilnshaw. Tefft IJ. K. Tlinmn.m, ni..U.. Tromnen-D. 10, Thompson. Cnrr o." ?IS'ieeM ! 1 1 nBh,n. Wl -Mel k lejoh n t hi Ilnlner. Hnxeu'nier J anHoBklrk-Tliompson. Currle. Warner-U. R, Thomps6n. ,Mc kle Wenzl-Martln McCarthy.' H .I'inore-Haliicr, llosewater. '''-Hinshaw, RUsewater. .Vllk'nson-Currle. Melkle jolui. John. . . .,,, iiumin mer, Ailrllfl. Mr. Ipcaker-U, K. Thom-n V'Tin or tuiireii! v ;;ueVhffe"r. Caln-AtaVlnTAVdkcjoTn .. .iiuii-junsiiiw, Crounse. i SrSffi"'- J?: Tbompso-n. Currle McCovr 8,m'..?I 'iIeJn 1 ! r se' L'icderieii n""" rcporls of "lining committees nVnli-'lStl"0.11 .rect!lvt,1' n recommendation Oweni. Harris, Hnthorn SENTIMENT IN OTOE COUNTY,, iMMiiiiiet Tiirinvluir to Mop nml .11 i-n of Alilllly Kleetcd iin I lilted Stated ,Seuntor. NI311RASKA CITY. Neb.. Peb. r. tstna. Hnl ln-h. ....... . . . .t-iiiuuriiu ueamocK nas become qulto n topic of speculation and discussion here. During tho first wock of the ballot lug nobody secmod surprised at the random voting by tho republican members from Otoe. Everybody understood that tho voto cast mr vanuuscn by Senator AdaniB was sirictiy complimentary, and nobody ap peared particularly startled bv the eomnii. raents showered upon othor nsplrants, Hut aB the days went by people began to In quire what was the meaning of the ap- hm.i-ui. unanimity of tne dclexatlon for ouuo oenaior uurrltf. At first It was given out by Intlmato friends that tho honors be stowed on Mr. Currle were In recognition of his dovotlon to tho lato Senator Hayward n tho senatorial contest two years ago, but ns the balloting went from ,iay ,0 (lny thomsolves why the members from Otoo had not also seen fit t0 similarly honor the nvny,"e,lKh,t,,ller e,nlne,,t iraskans who Btayod by Hayward on that occasion. Some of tho loyal supporters of the late senator nre members of the nrr.,n i.i., , 7.. !,,: p, V '"I'uo'icans: jicu n, lu"u"'h uiiib wcro placed on tim aonPeisy:' 1 uAnte: ?:zia nv ,Hoi,8e ro" -2- b- - Hoyd. Calkins, Hunter. Ollls, " Schl Stock.' latlfB to ,ho ls8l'ao of licenses to BtBnm VanJ.grltt. Zimmerman lurio,,. lULK' engineers; 21B, by Hall, to authori7n i Uust as we,, as M, Cur aDrmos T?t TJ ' r conslderpl fully as competent to occupy n scat In the United States sen- fl ft The republican county papers have taken up tho refrain on this point within the ust few days with some very pertinent questions. Tho Syracuse Journal, pub lished nt the home of Senator Arcnds, dc- otcs more than n column to n discussion of the candidacy of Mr. Currle, and, among other things, has this to say: Vt'n bellevo It the din send her two ablest, cleanest men to the senate; men who arc statesmen In tho broadest sense; not men with an ox to gr nd, or the tool of schemers who wish to raid tho public treasury for their Interest nnd t.rneili. . Mr Currle ln reputation lot great ubl Ity; he makes a very f.l r 8Hte sennlnr I, u, ..,." ""'11 ,.,r,''.,',,.nrr Kr'l2.t mp" """"C than she SVri. v " , i "", ' . "anon demands that Nebraska send her lie.i Tt, have asked, n change from liomilHm nmi Allen, but ihey ask that the stnte step for. word. Kansos did the same nnd her leu's luture replied by electing n man who has NebVaska do? Wlmt wl" Mr. ( urrlr tnnv bo nt home on the tins lire lands of Custer riitiniv i..,w.. him to be .ui honest, reliable man. but we denv that he H n statesman or n man of great ability. Ills nmhltlon appears to bo, not to represent this great state In the senate, but to secure appropriations lo born artesian wells In the western plains " mr in mod;, i uese are the only rensnn that have yet been set forth by those who advocate his election W have too much of nmnienr .iniaum,ii ship: men who vote for measures from per- smioi iceuncH or tne moment without ron shlerlng their effect upon the future of the country-such ns tho Masons. Aliens and Tlllmans, who wept over Cuba nnd shouted iur nimtiiKii nore. men soucnt to tie the hands of tho nation and reject the conse jiucnceK of the war for which they wcro 1 P'UIIKIIIP, 111 tho namo of tho neonle nf Dine enimlv of the great stnte of Nebraska In the name of the nation, for Its present nnd fu- mie wiMiiire, me journal nsKs tne county renrescntntives. tn the iirnem irH.igin to droll tiersonnl feellnir. nr nerantinl frlnn.l. ship, to Ignore pledneR made for personal kiiiii or iMiiiiiiiii rewnro. and in casi mcir votes for men who nre best mintltled in run. resent tho mate In tho councils of the na tion. You nnd eneli of you have n voice In se lecting the men who are to guide the na tion In the beginning of Its loiirnev In the new centurv. The penplo ask that you so lect onlV thoso that are worthv nml well qunlllleii: men whose knowledge extends neyonu tne nrawintr room, tlio olllce or the pasture lands of the western plains; that yon select men who. In thl new era of na tional life and the dawn of n new centurv, shall be ns worthy as they whom former generations have sent to the council rhnm bers of the nation In her hours of greatest need. Whether tho men who represent Otoe county In tho legislature will heed this ad vice remains to be seen. Most of our active republicans believe that they will. They rcallzo that the future of tho party In this country and In tho state depends largely upon tho outcome of the senatorial contest. Whllo nil would llko to seo tho deadlock broken, they would doploro tho election of men who could not maintain tho standard Nebraska has created for Itself In tho sen ate of tho nation. After spending three days at their homes there Is no doubt that tho delegation Is fairly familiar with tho prevailing senti ment and tho peoplo hero confidently look for a change of favorites nnd a steppage of bouquet throwing. NEW STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS Holme Vote to I'Xnlillnli Tliein 11 fill nml Sixth Coiinrexuloiinl DlntrlctN. In LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. C (Special.) By a vote of seventy to eighteen tho houso today passed house roll 37, by Drodcrlck, provid ing for two state normal schools, ouo to bo In tho Fifth congressional district, and the otber to bo In the Sixth district. Tho Lan caster county delegation Joined with the supporters of tho measure and voted af firmatively. Many members were opposed to tho measure, but nn iinolllclal canvass this morning showed that they were In tho mnorny.ona consequently no tight was iv 1 '. V. . ,oa 01 100,000 for tl tbe ... niiituui UUIKlllJgS, Tho voto was; Aye: Anderson, Andrews. CSawne. Mendenhnll, Miskell, Jlockctt, Mullen. Murray, Ollls, Olson, PelslKer, Redman, Snndall. Spencer. Stelnmeycr, Tavlor, Tefft. Thomssen, Tweed, Wnrnor, Whltmore, Wilcox. 'Wilkinson, Walker. Speaker 70. nishwlller, n:nifilro"K' Jlllll, Hamilton. Ilowxby, Harris, Hnthorn, Horton, Householder, Ilecher, Heekly, Heothe. Helsner, Hoyd. Hroderlek Hrown (F'nas).llunt Htiresh, Hunter Calkins, Coffee. Cooksey, Coppoc, Corneer. Humphrey, .lamlson, lohnsou, Jordon, Jouvenat, Laflln, Lane, Llchty, Lowe, McCarthy, McCoy, Mead, Crlssey, Crockett, uanisieu, Dlcrs. ICvnus, Fowler. Qallogly, Nay: Hrown tCnu t.- Clllll. " Heotf Swaiisou, Tanner, rid, Waring, AVenzl, Zlmmertnnn.lR i'miio' Shellhom. r I Her. .i. 1,1. Orel!.' S recher" Hanks, Stnckwell The houso was cnled to or.ipr ni 11 one hour later than usual. Petitions wore' read protest nc acntnai n,. . houso ron 90. io regulate g'orTfra ernal and beneficiary societies, and ask ing for tho passago of tho net to ,r,i. TZ""h On motion ... .v...,v-.. vUU inei cierK was authorized to refer such petitions In thf. fni .1... Mn.n.n, 1 .. " v, "u"Vl "uving 1110 mils under slderatlon. ! Itoml Tnxen In Cn-li. TTnrln. 11, r .. . . -....w ...o uhiit ui mini read n ir ni 1,111. was passed by the houso a ...u muiuuiK Bcsa on ami son! I. . H was introduced by Miskell. nmi i rennlroo .1 . ' " ' " unui ., i""'eui 01 road taxes In cash a. . r ,OWD8M1P organization. At 11:30 tho senate nnneiirn.l hm.i i -----"robion was formed, nt tho close of which tho limu. ,n '., 1' 'In ,m ""juMtm-ii 10 - ' "w I'. ,. When tho houso reconvened u,ia . noon tho routlno order or business was ro- governor to nppolnt a commission to de termine boundary lino between t... .i Nebraska; C, by Mockett. to place Lancaster i'J t,nass of co,lntlr8 living population w. ur over; zw, by .McCarthy, to authorlzo tho appointment of a commission to determine boundary linn hm..,., ... braska nnd South Dakotn: 911 . r i n...l..l . .' '"O" "I'l'oiiunienc or n commission to t(,rnilno boundary lino between Nebraska "u" .'UBBOiiri: .-j;, s;w, 231, 233. by Me UK....,, miaiiiiK lo uccision or eases l,v supremo court. House roll 220, by Fowler. ."i iuu iHuit-ciion ot owners or stallions waa recommended for Indefinite postpone mpnt. bill nn n,nll,n . . , . .,,., lMU nuulor va3 imuui-u on Benerni mo. House rolls 231 bv fePnpthi. pnlnil.. , .,, ... 1 ' o iu iimiu9iuon or cahes u nuiireiuo court, aim i3!i, by Corneer, nu inorizing the nppolntmcnt of commissions In towns of over 5,000 population to pasa upon qualifications of horscshocrs wero iiuii'iiiuiuiy postponed. The committee on medlclno recommendod house roll 133, by Hamilton, n aufhorlxo magnetic and hydropathic healers to prac tleo art of curing, for Indefinite postpone ment, but after an extomlod discussion tho measure was placed on general file. Nearly all of the members of h houso who nre physicians gpoko against tho bill, but Ham ilton asked for an opportunity in i,n,. i. considered nt sonio future tln. Ho prom Ised that h would "make t, apaech ror your whiskers," and on his motion ih hin laid over. The commltteo on mines and minxmi. reported tho birth of n babv eiri , home or Representative Jamison. Jiouse roll 51, by Mead. makins It a crlmo to threaten to accuse, passed the house by u vote of 76 to 5. Iloiisi' llllls Introduced. The following were Introduced in the house today. II. H, 307, by Coin For an act to ill vldo the Mate of Nebraska into senatorial and representative districts, for tho appor. tionmetii nt senators una representatives, and to repeal section 2 of chapter v of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of K'X It: It. 3f. bv Uhl-For an act to amend sections 175 and liM of chapter xvlll, enti tled "Perversion of Public Justice,'- of the Criminal Code of Ihe Complied Statutes of Nebraska of ls:o, and to repeal said orig inal sections. II. It. 309. by t'hl An act to provide for a public school teachers' retirement fund In cities of Kio.ono or more Inhabitants In the mute of Nebraska. It. It. 310, bv Fill For nu net to amend sections 14 and 49 of chapter vlll, entitled "Hrenklng and KnterlnK llulldlngs," of the Criminal Code of the Compiled Statutes of Nelimskn nt IWI nml In reiieal said orllt- lnal sections, and to repewl section f3 of chapter vlll, entitled "Hicakuirf nnd Kilter ing llulldlngs," of the Criminal Code of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of 1SD9, II. It. 311, by FillFor nn net to amend section 6.1 of chapter lxxlll of the Com piled Stntutes of tho state or Nebraska, and to repeal said section iVS as now exist ing; to piovldc a penalty for the violation of said section 05 us amended and to limit tho time of commencing actions for dam ages thereunder bv tho obligor. II. It. 312. by .Murray For an act to amend section 39 of nrtlclo I of chapter lxxvll, entitled "Ilevcniie." of the Com piled Statutes of tho state of Nebraska for tho year issy, and to repeal wild orlg lniil section. II. It. 313, by Walker For an net to de fine mid license merchants doing business In the state of Nebraska, to proMde for tho llllng of a statement, nnd a bond for the payment ot taxes, and Ilxlng penalties for tho violation thereof. II. It. 311, bv Humphrey For an act to amend subdivision fi of chapter Ixxlx of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of 1N7, nnd to reneal said subdivision. II. It. 315, by Vaclav Iluresh For an act to amend stctlou 10 of chapter xllv of the Compiled Statutes of the state of Nebraska of im (ninth edition), entitled "Interest, " and to repeal said section 10 ns heretofore existing. II. It. 31fi. by Olshwlller-For nn net to amend section 21 of chapter xxvlll of the compiled statutes or the .nine 01 ise briHKa for the year 1M'9. and u repeul said original section an It now stands, and to provide for the payment of constables designated or appointed by tho Judges of election to preserve order and peace at tho place of election at all general elections. II. n. 317, by Hlbbert-For an act to pro vldo for the purchnso of land for the Ne braska Institution for Feeble Minded Youth, sltmilefl near the cltv of Heatrlco. Gage county. Nebraska, to appropriate money for such purchase, and to declurc an emergency therefor. II. It. 31K, by llnll-To regulate the Inves tigation or charges of frnitd and corrupt In fluence by or upon members of tho legisla ture and candidates for election 01 appolnt meiii by the legislature or by state olllccrs titi'l theli agents. H. It. 319. by Hunter To prevent tho giv ing or rree rallrnud transportation. 11. R. 320. by Tanncr-To amend section 2, chapter Ixxvlll, Compiled Stntutes or 1S99, entitled "Hoads," nnd to repeal said original Miction. ... ... H. It. 321. by Fhl Providing tor rerundlng to vnrloiiH persons the amount of money advanced by them to pay the expense of returning members of tho First Nebraska lolimtocrs from San FranclBCO to their homci In Nebraska on their return from the war In the Philippine Islands during the summer of U99. II. H. "22, bv Ilelsner To provldo for the proportional distribution of n'l funds here tororo paid Into tho treasury or nny county tie tho maintenance or rree high schoo s Tor nonresident pupils, among the schools whhh !Ui"o maintained such high schools. II. It. 323, by Calkins To provide a penalty ror stamping or marking falsi? or short weight or measure on casks, sacks or packages, or offering for unto such casks, sucks or packages so marked, and to repeal all nets and parts of nets In conlllct herc- ll'.' n. 321. In Spencer To prevent fraud In the sale of fr.ilt. syrup, stnrch, spice, vegetables, food, cereals, crackers, oatmeal, cofTce, tea. cheese and other articles sold bv ninniiracturcrs and Jobbers in the gro rcrv business In orlglnnl packni;cs, and to provide n penalty for the vlo'ntlon thereor. nnd to repeal all acts and partH or actH lu cinlllci herewith. SENATE GRIST IS Clmrncter. HEAVY LINCOLN, Fob. G. (Special.) Tho senate worked full time today and succeeded In disposing of a largo amount of business. In his prayer tho chaplain asked for do vino guidance lu tho selection of a United States Bcnator. Tho committee on agrlculturo reported 011 houso roll 3S. a bill for an net m nr..i.i.. Jor mowing or otherwlso destroying weeds u. imuuu loaus, uio rcconunondatlon belnc that tho bill should pass. Other bills rec ommended for passago by the committee wero: Senato bill 140. nrnvi.iin. mml convention to bo held by tho Stato Poultry association; also sennto file 171 a bill g vlng tho State Dairymen's association tho right to fix Its dato for ihni- meeting. Senato nio 124, a bill fimuar to houso roll 3S. was . ,.. definlto postponement. Uio commltteo on reform sehnnin nn.i..i senate fllo 103. a bill relniin schools, favorably, and recommended ror In- A message from the cover.. the bill relating to tho manner of drawing A COFFEE KILLING. Some Cnn nml Sonic Cun't Brink II. Some tlmo ago Mr. K. Porelvni nt was assigned by tho Govornmnm i .i... ri,l r. . Ul"u "ureau in san Francisco. Ho Is a(Miusn anu uninese Interpreter, but had uuuiuu Known as n distinctive case of cof feo poisoning. He finally gave up his position and went bcics to uio. Ho was carried to tho train by tho Physician and at that nuiu nuiKucd ya pounds. AVhnt ennAA i i . i. i. y,m "... . . .r Lun " ro'' man uiuiuuu to uciievo without some ner sonal oxporlence. Ho says, "Tho Phyd. clan had told mo that nilno was a clear case of coffco poisoning, but I could not give up tho corfee. I had got so had that I could keep absolutolv nnihin n s omach for days at a tlmo. Dr. Hayden of this city said lo mo ono day. 'Have you over tried J'ostum Food, Coffee-' 'NoVor heard of if 8aia ,. ,,e exB,a,ni, .,1,vo.; was a food drink made at Dattlo Creek. Mich., by the Poatum Cereal f!n i ..i an ho said was 'destined to entirely" sup plant coffee, at least with those . t...- nny regard ror their health nr u I -as oo impressed that before leavlnc tho o Ike the Dr.- forced me to promise to glvo Postum a ralr trial. Well to '"ko a long story short, wife mad,, ' . . and she made It right, strictly according '.rt,:e-.t'ons. 1 wns "ved with n delicious uui unu unit nn hour after .lr,ni .... sleeping, tho Ilrst six hours of sleep or un broken rest I had had for i,ir JL F un This was not caused by any drug in the Postum for I know It to bo nbsolutoV ' 1 UUl It WnH rtlln 1 " "" nn . wuieiing errect of tho iquld food on my stomach, and ,,. , T, P.,r In ho se of . uulli lUPII , Ul0llRnt j . z t: ot t d.d :aj , i.V . 1 my 8lnniIch pa ns roturned with such effect as to renulrn the ioc"or at my bedside nearly all night. and has dono for me If Ifoo , , " I havo steadily Improved In health slnco making the change, and now weigh m i ,v I'uitiiiiK mnrn t nan r 11.1 gaining at the rate of over 2 pounds a week I have had absolutely I10 ,roibIo 8,nkn with my atomacb, and It Is over throe months slnco I UVo had n i.n.. nroe ralgln or headache, and I know tha t mv cure Is entirely duo to leaving off coffee and taking Postum Food Coffee. Aof frlendB und the doctors am m L .. '."3 opinion l enclose a list of name 'of r0v ernment offlcials at Washington and San franclsco who are more or less familiar with the case and will verify t, ' "r arc able.'' ' " lucy Juries In counties having over t',0.000 popu lation, had been signed by the governor. The following resolution, received from the Sloto Hoard of Agriculture, was re ferred to the commltteo on ngrleultitrc: Aid for I oil lily l'ulr. Whereas. Kfforts are made at earh ses sion of the state leKlslature to have re pealed section 12 or chapter II or the Com plied Statltes. relating to "Aid for the Countv F'llr." Now, therefore, be It ltcso'lved, That we, tho members of the Nebraska Stato Hoard of Agriculture, In annual meeting nsseinbled, heartily en dorse the provisions of the present law, and believe that tho repeal of the law would bo detrimental to the best Interests or and stock raising through out the sttto. , , Wn the members of the State Hoard or I Agriculture, seeing the need or more gen eral KllOWietlgO Ol IIRTK'UllUll- 1III1UI1K "' bovs and girls or Nebiaska, and believing that all teaching should he In the order. Ilrst concrete, then abstract, and that na ture studies should be Introduced Into our county nnd vllluge schools, respectfully ask the legislature to make such additional re quirements for Ilrst. second and third grade nnd state certlllcates uh will show tho holder' lltiless for teaching one or more studies In pure agriculture. Resolved. Thnt It the sense of the Ne braska State Hoard of Agriculture in mi nimi meeting assembled at Lincoln. Jail- ii.i,f 10.11 thill lliet,, Hllnllld be imidc bV tho state legislature such appropriations ror an exhibit or the agriculture and hor ticulture resources or Nebraska, at the Panamerlcnn Kxposltlon. to be held nt Hut falo, ns will commensurate with the Impor tance or Nebraska as an agricultural um trlet or the country. Numbers of new bills wero Introduced, some wero up for second reading and sen nicB P, 6, 7, S. 48 nnd 51, mostly cura tlve nets, wero passed. Tho senate Hies reported back from their respective committees with a rccomnionda tlon that they be passed were HI, 171, 6.", 2 nnd 115, and house roll 48. Senate file 1 was rc-rcfcrrcd to the committee on agriculture. Tho senate nt 4 o'clock took nji ndjourn mmt until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. After adjournment this afternoon n cou- ferenco of the republican members of both tho senntc and house was held In the senate chnmbcr. Senile I'lle" Introduced. The following Semite (lies were Introduced today: S. F. 2fl. bv Mlller-An net limiting, In certain cases, Mie uuthorlty of political par ties to nominate candidates for olllce and disqualifying the Incumbent of nn olllce In enrtiiln ennen. from enntlnnlni; in oltice. S. F. 205, by Ransom Aii act creating landlord's lien mid providing for Its en forcement by attachment. S. F. 200, by Itnnsom An net to provide for the redemption of real estate sold on eYf.piittoii or under n decree. S. F. 207, by Llddell An net to nmend nn net entitled "An act Incorporating metro politan cities nnd dellnlng, prescribing and regulating me.r uuues, powers ami kuy i.rnltieMl . ' S. F. 20S, bv Cummins All net to provldo for the imnolntment of a state nrosccutor. to dcllne his powers and duties nnd to tlx his compensation. S. F. 2(0. by Ilaldrige For n Joint resold linn timvltllni; for nine ludccH of tho SU promo eourt, nnd to repeal snld orlglnnl section. S. 210. tiv Martin An net to amem section 101 f . 1111 act entitled, "An act In corporutlng metropolitan cities nnd delln Ing, prescribing and regulating their du Hex. ranviTH nnd government. S. F. 211. by Mnrtln An act to amend xeetlon 2 of an net tn nrovlde a system o revenue, approved March 1, A. D. 1K79, and to reneal said original section. S. F. 212, by Martin -An act empowering cities of the metropolitan class lo issue certificates of Indebtedness for tho purposo of providing runds with which to pay war rants or orders upon the treasurer und providing t. r the manner of Issuing them To Cure n Cola In One D1.7 Take Laxatlvo tromo Qulnlno Tablets. All druggUts refund tho money If It falls to cure. R. W. Grove's sigcaturo U on ca.'b box. Sc. JOCKEY CLUB ORGANIZES AVrntrrn Tiirfnien !rl Toiti'llier nnd Acrcc 011 Dntcn nml Hilled CHICAOO, Feb. G.-AI1 tho members of tho Western Jockey club we nra... . " ""B t which tho club wa formally orgunlzed aud placed Ii operation. Thoso nt the meeting wero In " a. loung, judge O. O. Perklnv ... . .,, ninantou, C. H. Hush ssm.,,1. i,L "- J,oalBomery and W. F SCllllIf? Thn . , ' "U luuowing oincers wcro v vv.-.,. i.awienco A. Young, Clilcugo, chairman; Robert A..1I. St. Louis, vfee chairman; Harry Kuhl. Chicago, secre tary; James Howard. Chlca mid tho following board of stewards, chosen rLTy twS ypnr8: (JcorRO ' Porklns. ?eni K'?M:, V1- 5,on,Konu.ry. Memphis, Tenn.; Richard Fitzgerald, Chicago; Law rence A. Young. Chicago. Chosen to Martin Nathanson, Chicago; Charles S. Hush, .ow Orleans. Tlior. o.i,.i..i.. " " were "wtuiuii-u iur iyui: tiawtnorne. from August 10 Io ai . n,tnL U 111 illlL'llflT 1. Harlem, rrom September 2 to Ket,i,' September uer n. b Hawthorne, from September IC to Octo- Ifarlem, from October 7 to October "fi I',lt""1' from October as to November 9 "My heart was badly affected by on at tack of grip and I suffered Intens aKony until I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure IraZrs. V?.B raaU,"S- D "lman' CYCLISTS CHOOSE OFFICERS Hl.i llon Meld I HeporlN Si,l.,, nl Valloiiiil AsNnelnllo,, Meetlim in .loiv Viirk N'EU' YOlllf r niK oi ine that chan.H nV r .,,, ,'l r' Hc.iuelico that uccummulatJ In' direct inyC ,"" consideration and much r careful future. concern ror tho i, v.V'rV. JllL,,.!JH' woIv" . n"thB there , .it-,., in ur ,(.n tnrougnout the country. The professional r i ers won In prize money over 1M c?i a, "!!?.l..!1,''L,!!:!'r'!''io .ddltmTi "re! race meets teed"pricem0terS WhU,n of Kimrnn Tho flection of omcers for tho ennui,,,-b'elng-WaH W,,,,0Jt C""st',ri srtjtz Charles K. XlcO iln. 'v' v:'i. . . let fm, ' $fVork' . of leorgo A. Needham, New York- ,?'CL''.. ' .,s,n'!i "... Foegei: 'iVVV'i1."' ,Fe" ); Ncedham, 'j u . a; Humucl Miles, t'hlcago ami eem n V,, "v1 hlcagn; and cental:" 'A' "n""K N ' '... U'-nrd of F. Kelsey, lioston; V. I-:. fiirKeon I nrf'.iin O. It. K ostermun. Hnltlmoru: l?nVry " rN ley JackBonvllle, Fla.; Oeorgo Green! mr Chicago; and. Tom Cooper. nLiK'S resentaiivo or tho A. k. c j 1 Tho old board or control reported that they had deeded to inni. ,,;.!,...'."."! mispenBlori or Orlamlo Htevens a d viiin m Katon. ror Improper riding at the Vni'i. burff tracy last July. ni' With reuard to tl, nedy. tho board or appeals reports th a derhilon has recently been ten lied sVis. tnlnlng the dec s on or the boar, of J trol This, the report of "he board of ! pea s explains, wi.h the case of a mi me t nrotest nir nira nst n iinn rJ..i,i:."""rJ,'.r an alleged Interference wit , a referee , nf a meet at Providence. " r 0 nf To Prevent the fin,, Laxative Uromo-Quinlno removes the satue. to July "! l'r "H!foclntl0. fom May U ,,!ll":!.o" '"rk- jUn" k ri j.hv 20. n.-, mnn ji iy i-j to Auuusl I' I arlem. from B to Aopihi ir The li,in,,r,l . . atioun Cvciincr iimmi iC : in session lu this city" today. ffoh SR is''lfr'JnlyiSS ne, ' " '"Jl llF.'- Improve! mute sport nn; Ing pronounced f vV with thn public. The board has encouiiler,. various problems not entirely covered ox',8tte.r". V.!l' ",ul. '.": UlUonY1 ,,'r" ;i(EAT ' WESTERN'S DATES Eemon of Big Trotting Circuit Will Open on July 9. OVER $200,000 WILL BE HUNG UP IN PRIZES l'reldeiit 12, . Hniiitnll nml tuner tlllleer- of llio Assoelut Ion Are ltr-l',lei'tril lo Jirnr Hit CoiiiIiik Yenr. ClllCAdO. Feb. 5. Delegates from the various trotting association composing the Orcat Western circuit met hero today Mid arranged dates for the meetings during the coming summer. Tho season opens In Jul. with n double meeting, nnd closes In Octo ber with one. This Is unusual in th' Gieat Western circuit, but had to bo so arranged lo suit tlio delegates. The dates for the double meetings nro set for cities far apart and It Is believed will not conlllct with the horso owners making the circuit. It Is estimated that at least $200,000 In purses will be ottered by the dllTerent associations during tho coming Benson. Tho dat'B ar ranged by the delegates and the purses, t,s estimated, follow: Term Haute, Ind.. and Minneapolis, July , 3, 4 and 5; purse, $i',.(n-.i cuch. Pekln. 111., and St. Paul. Julv 9. 10. 11 nnd 12; purse, KCmi ouch. )aveiiiort. In.. July 1(3. 17. IS and 19: purse, tti.uuO. Deft Moines, la., July 23, 21, 2.1 and 2t!; purse, Jt!,0. Independence, In., July 30 and 31 and August 1 and 2; purse, JI2,(I00. l' teebort. 111.. u. 7. 8 and 9: nurse. Juliet. 111.. August 13, 11. li) ami lu; purse. $S.IXI. ualcsburi:. ill., August .n, :i. nnd i, purse, LMlbuuuc. la.. AllKllst 27. 2S. 29 and 30; nurse. LUOa). Columbus Junction. in., .Mig'ist .'1, .j and 30; purse. $3,ti0. Ilamllne. Minn., State fair, September 2, 3, 4. P. f, and 7: nurse. S'.'O.OW .Milwaukee, stnte tair, Hepicmner n, ju, ii, 12 nun 13; purse, $10.M0. lndlnuupoll.1. State fair, September 17, IS, 19 am' 20: nurse. IS.OiO. l'ivnusviue, inn., Heptetnuer si, j,, -m ami upringuciu, in., aiaic lair, aepienmer ju aim Uctober 1, ., h. i and r,; purse, jap.ixio. Torre Haute, Ind., September 30 nnd Octo tier 1. 2. 3. 4 nnd !",: nurse. J12.00O. Terre Haute, I ml. . Is the only cltv in ine circuit holding two meets during the sea son. The old olllcers of the circuit association were re-elected. They nre: H. W. Itaudnll. Ilamllne, Minn., president, nnd Cleorge II Madden, Meiidotn, 111., secretary and trens urer. Those nresent nt the meeting wero: R. F Jones, Mlnneapo'ls; C. F. D.illln. Terre Hnute. F. W. Senly, Pekln, III.; C. T. Hnn cock. Dubiiriiie. In.: K. W. Randall, Hum line, Minn.; Cleorge II. Madden. Mendnta. Ill : II. W. Faglcy. St. Paul; A. II. Far well. Indeiiendence. la.: W. II. Smolllncer, dalesburg; R. S. Johnson, Columbus Junc tion, In., and It. L. Akin, Kvnnsvllle, Ind. FIGHTERS EVADE GOVERNOR CronliO-.IiieUdon Con t Inucn t Ship to (illbert on .Sppclnl Traill JncUdon Victorious. KLOIN. III.. Fob. 5. The Crouke-Jnckson prlzo light, proniuited nt lieivuiere nv t.ov ernor Yates, was pulled off at Gilberts Ifnnn rnlintv. earlv todav. A special train with 5(H) on Uonrd reached thnt little village soon after midnight nnd adjourned to n hall, where a ring was rormed and the light commenced. There nro no police save the village marshal and there was no Interference. Croako was knocked out lu tho twelfth round. Woleott's I, nek Turns. OALRNA. Kan.. Feb. G.-Kddle K. Morris or Hnn Francisco Inst night knocked out vniiiic Wnlcott or New York In tho seven leeotli round of what was to have been n twenty-tlve round glove contest. Roth fiviwrjit-hard and Wolcott was the ravorlto JftfEEI te'J !.r".? I'l". "tage'to-the-llooVa'hd I'iikIIInI IIIImoii Mny CINCINNATT. l.'nli r, ,, .. colored pugilist. Is In a semt-conBclous 'con dition today and mny die rrom the rem t of n knockout blow administered by John Krnemer In a boxing contest Inst night the V laco of Rend nir. llll.,in.o struck the door when ho fell and ho lay tin. conscious nenrly two hours, We Eat Too Much A Prominent New York Specialist Says Hundreds of People Kill Themselves by Over-Oatinc- and wot raying Lnough Attention to the Food They Cat and to the Condition of TheirBovvels. When interviewed last week ono of the New York specialists made the following Biiiiemcni : "Kveryono eatB too much. The liahllun eating of more wholesomo food than the stomach can digest Irritates and excites the summon and causes many stomach troubles, n-.v-.i hi, gasiruiB, gastric catnrrh, dyspep slu and lnrlla,fn f ., ,""' cuurso itiero are other causes for these diseases. ,i. ..1 t..., ... . v" " u. ujLunui, mo excessive use of tea o coflce. eat I no- t i rrnnn li, m . ..' ,7 """" "uurs, ruling too iV, ' ""i,l'nociiy chewing (he food. Ninety per cent ot the population of this ' nu,,u', ll0'" Biomuch trouble anil -.--..w... , huh mat uncomfortable fee ng in the stomach, a headache or a ..-ub ui repression, lie s hou 1,1 ui u teasnonnfni ,,f n,...,., . i.i . ""'. "iiicu win move hlB bowels and relieve him ut once, if any one suffers from Indigestion and rub on the stomach, ho should take Cast-urlue the gcntlo and pleasing laxative, which I use in my pracllco and which is recommended by thousands of people who have used it f you cannot sleep ut night, if you are rest less iiud have palpatntlon of tho heurt, which usually leads ono to hellen he lmH heart disease when In reality it is nothing more than accumulation of gas i tn ,,,.,, Villi cmniilil lnL-n . . . . . " ""npuoiiiui or Cascarlne before rnllrln., .! ... . Ill week you will Ilnd you are I,.,i ' - ", iiiier roiiiiniiiMir irt .. nnd can aleep well and sound. It your tonguo Is coated and you find a bad tasto In your mouth your stomach Ib out of order and requires Cuscnrlno to put It In shape. an must not e,.i ,n .' ,. nn.i i ""ii """ Jour meals regular and eat well-cooked rood. There a,o n ! remedies, digestive rer.nents, digestive tab lets, mineral waters and thousands or other so-called curcB. but nil have to be taken constantly In order to do nny Koc,l and after using ror a tlmo become worthless c.sT rnrlrin In fir,,.rl.M 11 .. . v",n atos he liver, moves rrom the stomach all Impurities, nnd acts as a tonic on the whole MothcrB should bo not to use any other laxative ror tho children and the house-wlfo who has a bottle closo at hand ready tn uso when nee hoi.L'!,0. mJn fco"oralca' H'l'lK she over bought. When you aBk for fn.i- your druggist's bo sure you get Cascarlno (which comes In blue nnd while .r and not cheap tablets or pills. Insist on t asrnrlno and If your iimit ..... .. ask him to get It for you of his Jobber. 1 yr?j.inT, t-.wj-;y? There Is Danger In buying boys clothing that is not thouroughly reliable. The special sale of boys Suits at $2.00, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.50 are all new goods and made by a house with a reputation for the best. (CONTINENTAL Glothino K. i:. cohmsii lr.iu Axn not'ci.As. II we please ou tell othon-lle don't tell ui. DYSPEPSIA. Geo. S. Scally of 7: Nassau St , New York, sayB: "For years I have been troubled wmi rheumatism and dyspepsln and I enme to the conclusion to try your pills I Inline- Ilatriy lounil great reuei irom tneir uso: I reel like a new mnn since 1 commenced taking them, nnd would not now be without hem. The drowsy, sleepy feeling I used to hnve hnn entirely disappeared The dyB jppsla has lett ine and my rhcumatlwii l snne entirely I nm satisfied ir any one so .ffllcted will give Rndway's Pills a trial .hey will surely cure them, for I bellevo It all comes from the system being out of order the liver not doing its work." Radway's PiSIs euro all Disorders of the Stomach, Howels. Kidneys, Bladder, Dizziness. Costlveness, Piles, Sick Headache, Female Complaints, ntllousness, Indigestion, Constipation nnd all disorders of the Liver, 2."c per box. At Druggists or by mall Railway A Co., b& Him fitroet, N. Y. He tore to get "Rad way's ' and see that the name Is nn what yon buy. Dr. McGREW Oilier open continuously from M n. m. lu l p. in. SundnjB from H m. m. to ft p. in. CHARGES LOW nfSFi Mcarew at age S2.) TUB MUST SlirCfSsFlfL SPECIALIST In the rrntuieut ul all form, of DIS. AINU BISOltDHIIS 0i JIUV til rears. KASIJH O.M.V. Omni,,. " " - SYPHILIS cured" nf,VgeS and condition wii iiiLiu curcu and every trnr nr disease ,3 thoroughly ellm'atedfrom tho No "DHUAICING OUT" on the skin nr WEAKNESS ft yuunu uihI ,, men. Loss mr uivm 1 Night LostBS. !tlrvSSt.PcblXty- Loa. of uruln and Nervs Power. Uoshr.rir' w8,'uW. bono s "ai;"t.' OVKH ail.OOO CASUS CUHEll. RECTAL DISEASES ,1 o c; ireni,r.u., ,, oi ine rtuium has cured whorn n I ethers had failed. Fissure, Ulcers, Pile.1 nu pil chronic d senses of the rectum im mediate r-llcr and a permanent cur. made without cutting or pain. The cur, I lulck and complete. ' CUIlliS IS UAH A JVTI5I5IJ. CHARGES LOW Constitution Irre. Trvulinrnt liy ninll. Medicines sent tivtrvwi,i.r rr r.m v. . ., . i. . u . uatl. r l,,ni,M rnariu ..... unice iioura: a ii. m.- to a n. m. Sundays 11. m. to b I) m. I O. tnr TBI ?v.LHr ,f ' ??.u,d,..1"ftHV. .,)e'w.-! lrnam unco niPAN'S TAnULEH lii nn eiroertini for the Ills which orlclnnin l, . k. . ch. 10 for 6o. At all druKirUts. .liltlneeM Veilne IMJIIV iii:i,i "The Infoniintlon Hurenu." in,: .mi su i, n vi.i; Tonight I WTIIOIt .Ml sis i ijii.s. "The Willow Pattern Plate." r.'l'tV nml 8:15 MOIIII.VA. A I, unit .11 AM I J i A VIIIMISiiv ...Kti. . ......... ii. . iis i u.;. BOYD'S & Ilurcess, Tel. HMtt, Three Nlghta and Saturday Matlueo ROT? i-' T W lJ TTMT2. ' ,. rti' i , d. i r. COMPANY. Thursday night nnd Saturdiv tuntinxn rouble Irn : Chris Daner'L e Igh ful oo rt comedy. "Paris In 17KI." ono Double act coi foiioweu y .Mario I.ovo I'm beautiful storv "ingomar. the Harbarlaii." ,"u,,,,'"1 iTldtiy and Haturdny nights, a new com. Commaiidment." by iCdiiards Uavls, m i) Kvenlng Prices 55c. Wc, 7Sc and 1,V Matinee Pr ces-ae nn,l Rtv. wiiMiiii u in iijur i cih. riin -w..s...,. Sunday, Monduy Matinee .Mon.lay. hlch nrd Oolden In "OM, JIJD PitOl'TY," VARICOCELE AND'HYDROCELE A PKIUIA.MJ.NT Cl.HH IJtAH l'l'UI'II 1 THAN 10 UAVsJjVui'oi,1" IHiU. piiln or ion. oi ,.,. QUIOKIMT nml MOST SAVvSal CVt Ui c,.,,UH".o., been more successful and far mora atlsfootorv cunrnnteed In I,. -."..I"!." - niuiiv ii ktii urn am isi:mi;ts. dn mill Siituriiav. I hi- l,wr 'opiiliir ICI.01llto.MK. Prices-n veiling' lOe, Ke. W)c. Miitlneen Wednesday 0o and SSo; Haturday ,) " nmi SSc Few front rows resorved, fi5o. Doii'i miss thn big show. uon 1 Wuodward I Managers. MIACO'S TR0CA0ER0 'iy 22.-50 iiati.mji; fonAv-iucro iS; , Wtne, Woman and S ng Next Weck-iKTO.tu HUIuVmhuhs,