12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WJEDNKSDAV, TRHltrAHY 0. 1001. DECISION IN BARBER CASE Jndgo Xejtor Aanonnws Findings in Ttdions Litigation. COMPLICATED WRANGLE IN THE COURTS JViimrronn 1'hnnrn Hntrr Into llio t'nnr nnit tl" Opinion of (lie Court In n Voluminous Dociiiik' lit. Judge Keysor yesterday morning rend from tho bench thollndlngs of the court In the case of tho Homo Klro Insurance company ngalnst Charles J. Uarbcr, James L. Lovctt, James A. Woodman, George v. u. ucynuma . nnd John J. O'Connor, In which transactions nmountlnK to moro than $100,000 lu tho ag- cregato were Involved. On tho principal cause, by which the 'company sought to recover from Ilarber nnd his friends tho nmount lost by It on tho collateral loans made to them, the court llnds practically In favor of the de fendants, holding Ilarber for tho sum of $6,601. Against thlB tho court finds that 'Jiarbor Is entitled to recover $768 on his nilnry account. I'Jn ill nun "f : Court. Tho court finds substantially ns follows on tho principal point of tho case: The stockholders of tho plulntirf company iTvcro divided luto two factions, one headed 'by Uarber and tho other by Hamilton. Tho Hamilton faction, which held 607 shares of Btock, gavo tho llnrbcr faction, which awned only 237 share's, tho altcrnatlvo of buying tho C07 shnrcs or submitting to an flection of a board of directors that would tust Ilarber from his position of sccrotnry mil genorul manager. Harbor, Lovctt and Itoynolds agreed among themselves to pur chaso tho 007 shares und thus kcop tho com pany In their own control, and for the pur oso of making tho purchusa It was under stood that they would procure tho money 'temporarily on their notes nnd tako up tho notes with money borrowed from tho plain tiff company utter securing control. Rey nolds borrowed $2,500 from tho Fremont I National bank, Ilarber und Lovctt borrowed $21,000 from thu Commercial National bank of Omabn und Ilarber raised $6,920, mak ing tip tho sum of $30,420 necessary to pur chaso the stock of thu Hamilton faction. On January 21, 1S92, Ilarber and his friends bought tho stock of tho Hamilton faction nud paid for It with a check on tho Commercial National bank. Hamilton resigned as treasurer nnd Ilarber, being elected In his place, received tho ensh on hand of tho company, amounting to $33, 7S2.S5. I.onn In f'KOI Intnl. On February 1, 1892, Harbor, Lovett nnd Itoynolds borrowed $30,420 from tho plaintiff ' .. ' . ' company, giving real cstnto nnd other se curltles, nnd paid their personal Indebted Hess to tho Commercial National and Pro inont National banks. Theso mortgngo lonns mado by the de fendants to themselves from tho company wcro mado In good faith, tho real estate Hecurlty being of fair valuo therefor at tho tlmo tho loans wcro made. All of said mortgage loans havo been paid In full either by cash or by eonveynnco of property to the company, except tho Interest on tho Ilarber loan, amounting to $1,510, which Is now duo nnd unpaid Tho court finds that Harbor did no, act In good faith as nn officer of tho company In tho Raff transaction nnd ho Is liable for tho loss to tho company, amounting to $5,091. BUDGET OF ROUTINE WORK aixccntlte Committee of Coiiinir relnl Club Hold Men. mIoii. i . At the meeting of tho executive coraralttco nf tho Commercial club yesterday afternoon, n communication was re ceived from tho citizens of South Omaha asking the club to Join In'nn effort to havo a brldgo built over tho Platte, river so that Cuss county farm ers will havo direct communication with Omaha and South Omaha. Tho matter was referred without discussion to tho rctnll committee. President Allen of tho Nebraska Ileet Sugar association addressed tho committee on tho tmportanco of tho industry to tho late. Among othor things ho said that tho Krowlng of bents would bring a larger pop ulation Into tho stato than tho cultivation of any other vegctablo ndaptcd to this cli mate. In outlining his Ideas on tho sub- Jcct ho said that ho believed that the proper way to go about thu cultivation of bectB was for tho comnanv dcslrlni? tn unpnim in tho business to secure hv niirohnen nt. in hh large a body of land ns posslblo nnd then to orcct buildings upon It for tho oc- cupanry of tho families who nro to work in tho fields. Tho larco noimlntinn mmiii Increases tho trado of nil merchants lu a way that no other Industry can. Tho Art Workers' society asked nnd re. celvod thn Indorsement of tho club in Its nttompt to establish Itsolf In tho cltv. W. S. Poppleton, of tho commlttoo whlnh visited tho council on tho subject of tho tax levy, reported progress nnd stated that thero would bo another meeting tonight In tho council clmmbor at which all Interested citizens uro Invited to bo present, lln fur. thcr stated that it Is tho understanding nt tho committee thut tho levy will bo iixeu ni ji mills for nil city and school purposes for tho coming year. A mectlug tonight nt tho club rooms was announced to discuss tho frnnchlso of tho ciecirio roan to i-remont. I had grin threo months-. ennM nni s lcep; puln all over nnd headache very bad. ( Dr. Miles' Norvlno, Pain Pills nnd Liver 'b mauu mo well." airs. E. C. Bowlby, Waterloo, Ind. Olwi Nethernole'n llln (MM. NRW YORK. Feb. fi.-MIss Olga Nether Bole, tnn nrtreHH. 1m ucrlnnuK. in ...m. Krln nt tho Hoffman houso in this city, nnd I uur in uuvicp ot nor pny&iciun will rest nil of. this week. Thero wero somo vltv nl ...... " .V11'" 5Wn&t" inc!n ii:iuri were miicn exuggeraieu. Her llni. jMijniL-uui I'liiiru iiiiniig mo nay. out onlil thnt It would not bo necessary for him to return r.nd Into last night shu was resting ONE WAY OUT A Resident of Omaha Shows the Way. Only ono way to euro a bad back, Liniment and plasters mny relieve It, Thoy won't euro It. Buckacho means nick kidneys. Doan's Kfdney Pills euro all kidney Ills. Omaha people provo this. Read n caso of It. Mr. Joseph Donner of U07 S. 13th street. ays: "I enn glvo Doan's Kidney Pills tho best recommend of any medlclno I over used. Beforo getting them at Kubn & Co's drug storo I could not bend my back and sometimes hnd to lay off work two or three days. My kidneys were weak nnd their action much too frequent, grently disturbing my rest nights. 1 tried a good many medi cines but nono helped mo until I began to uso Doun'u Kidney Pills, They cured me." For salo by all dealers. Prlco CO cents.. Kostcr-Mllburn Co,, Buffalo, N. Y., sole ngents for tho United States. Remember the mime. Doim's, and tako no eagle eye of a woman JKrnnk llonnry In Iilrnlincd llolil, llml I'tirne .H n ti t c li r . Prank Ilooncy wns yesterday Afternoon identified as the man who on September 1900, snatched a pockctbook from tho hand of Mrs. Joo Kwnsnlcwskl, 2927 South Twenty-eighth street. The man coiled at the house nnd , asked for n cup of coffee. When ho had drunk tho coffeo ho turned to Mrs. Kwasnlcwskl and, with his revolver In his hand, demanded her money. At tho same tlmo ho snatched tho pockctbook she held nnrl rnn. Thn mirno rnntnlnpd it 120 cold jtooncy Was nrrcstcd Monday night for workng t10 roorainK gnmo on muny people ,n iMa VcnllJ. Tno pollCo claim they absolute proof of more than a scoro of .. committed by Kooney In this vl- clnlty by this method, but they prefer to hold him on the other charge, which be comes highway robbery. A son of Mrs. Kwasnlcwskl was at the station this after noon and Identified Konucy as tho mun who took tho money. He was then taken to tho residence by the officers for the pur poso of Identification by Mrs. Kwasnlcwskl. Intrri'MInu NiMt from llnrnun, When wo heard several weeks ago that W. C. Schutz, vice president of the P. II. Klco Mercantile Cigar company, was going to Havana on his annual purchasing tour to mukn selections of fine Havana to bacco for tho Mercantile cigar?, we re quested him to make a nolo of Items which might Interest our readers nnd we ore glad to Impart somo of them In this Item. 'In tho first place when Mr. Pred Opp nnd myself reached Havana wo were agree ably surprised to seo how many Improve ments had been mado In tho city. The strcots nro swept dally and kept exceed ingly clean; all houses havo now the best sanitary arrangements nnd tho different parks In thu heart of tho city looked beau tiful nnd could not bo kept In n nicer con dition. Streets that aro not already paved aro being Improved and It nppears as though they aro going to make them last forever. Tho Philadelphia syndicate I stringing Its wires for the electric street rar system nnd already havo a large num ber of beautiful cars which will take tho plnco of tho old horso cars as soon ns tho system Is completed, Thcro arc hardly any changes In tho business establish mcnts; occasionally there nro some signs In thu English Innguagc, but very few American proprietors. Thero seems to be remarkablo Improvements In the pollen force; nil of them aro Cubans nnd wear a nlco blue uniform, caps nnd white gloves A great many Americans go to Huvann, but few of them like the country nnd cllmato well enough to remain. Tho coun try Is slowly recovering from tho effects 1 1. . . t.... i. ...in i. ........ . .. , , . ' . . . .i beforo tho sugar and tobacco plantations will again produco as formerly, on account of lack of money nnd farm help. When tho last war broke out It Is said that over $127 000,000 wcro tnken out of the country by tho Spaniards who returned to Spain, also a number of farm hands returned to their nntls'o country. Thero were some syndl cntes formed for raising tobacco, but It Is claimed their experience so far has been a sad one. Somo of them planted a largo quantity of tobacco last year, but for lack of rain nnd proper care It turned out poorly and this year tho hailstorms In the center sections havo destroyed the entire crop. It Is reported that tho many cigar factories on tho Island lost money owing to tho small crop of tobacco and tho enormous high prices they wcro compelled to pay nnd tho outlook for this year seems less cnoourag lng, ns thcro has been too much rain In tho country. When a person sees tho small quantity of good Havana tobacco In tho market It does not surprise ono to find so many manufacturers in this country using tobacco for wrappers which imitates Ha vnna, but, of course, costs less and makes a much Inferior smoko to a flno Hnvnnn filled cigar, wrapped with fine. Imported Sumatra tobacco. Tho public, however. Is beginning to bo very suspicious of tho so called clear Havana clgnr. Whilst I suc ceeded In procuring tho quantity of to bacco needed for tho manufacture of our Mercantile cigars, It was only after n diligent search through tho market nnd by paying enormous prices for the same. Ow ing to tho partial failure lit- last year's crop and tho loss sustained by tho planters there was considerable loss planted this yenr nnd tho prospects nro that next year tho prices will not bo lower, possibly higher. Thero Is always a Inrgo amount of Havana tobacco raised which Is very poor In quality and does not oven eomparo with our good domestic tobacco. On leav ing Havnna wo found a number of new rules adopted by tho government. Heforo n ticket can bo purchased n doctor's cer- tinrnto uns t0 be obtained, showing also thnt n mrty hns 1)cf,n vaccinated; then tho baggage is inspected beforo it Is placed on board of tho ship nnd during certain soasons of tho year all thos baggage is fumigated." TO ENTERTAIN LUMBER MEN O in nil n Wholesale, mitt Itelnll Ilcal- crn l'rriiHro for Vlnilorn. Tho wholesale and local retail lumber dealers of tho city bold n mooting Monday evening, at which they mado proporatlons for tho entertainment of tho members of tho Nebraskn Retail Lumber Dealers' associa tion, which will meet In Omaha February 13 and 14. It was decided to nntertaln tho visitors at a theater party Wednesday night nnd on Thursdoy evening to glvo a recep- tlon In their honor at tho Omaha club, Tho association Is attempting to mnko ar rangcraonts for an excursion to tho south at tho closo of its meeting nnd If theso ar rangements are carried out tho reception arranged for Thursday evening will not bo held A SI I mm tie ml nml I ii nr. Misunderstood symptoms of-dlBeasn lead l.UUiU.T IU llVUb PUMIUlllllJK l!DU WUUII IIIU ro out of order. Foley's Kidney doctors to treat something oUo when tho iuihk uu iieiuni wnrn oiner medicines havo failed. Tako no substitute. TIRED OF THE GALLING YOKE Inntniicca Where Matrimony 1'nlU (n llficrt llnp lilneHA. Marguerite I. Smart, who was married to Stuart Q. Smart at Clarks, Neb., In 1892, sets up u chnrgo of cruel and inhuman treatment against her husband and nsks tho .district court to grant her a divorce, $:00 temporary alimony nnd $150 for counsel fees. Jndgo Kstcllo has Issued an order en Jolulng Smart from going to tho houso of bis wlfo while the suit Is pending. Mary Powell nllogis that her husband, Harry, has deserted her nnd failed to pro vide for her support nnd sho nska the dls trlct court for a divorce. They wero mar ried at Oskaloosa, la,, In 1S93, WALKUP FORCED TO WALK OUT Thnt'a 111 I'lnhit In Aim er to Mm. AVnlkiip'K Divorce Pe tition. Andrew E. Walkup haB filed answer to tho dlvorco petition ot his wife,, lu which ho makes general donlul of all tho charges brought against him and enters counter churges. He nsserts that his wlfo and her mother "wickedly conspired to aud did" 1 drive mm from boino, - . SCHOOLMA'AM RIGS A 'PHONE Under Smallpox Quarantine, Mitt Fearl Matthews Talks with Sweithtart. CASE OF LOVE DEFYING THE LOCKSMITH So ii Hi Oinnha School Trnclier St miles I'rnetlenl lltcotrli-lty nntl Kntnb llnlic Conitnnnlcntloii Aero the Jlrnil I. Inc. Miss Peart Matthews, a teacher In the Hawthorne, gchool, South Omaha, Is the heroine of nn Incident growing out of the recent smallpox scaro In that city, nnd ns a result, sho knows moro nbout tho practi cal application of electricity now than Is required by the school curriculum. Con valescing from u slego of tho malady, cut off from tho outsldo world by n rigid quarantine, sho put In place a telephone, connected It with n wire, and thereafter held hourly converse with the young man with whom sho had been keeping company beforo the armed guard was stationed out sldo her boarding house. Tho young man In the ease, doesn't wnnt his name made public, as ho fears the tele phone company would cbubo him trouble for violating ono of Its rules, so, for the purposo of this narrative ho will be known as John llarcourt. Mr. llarcourt had been calling upon Miss Matthews b.t her boarding house, 1913 Mis souri avenue, regularly three nights every week. Ono day he received a noto from her saying sho was 111 with all the symptoms of smallpox and advising him not to call until after her case had been diagnosed. Iliirretl I'roiii Her llunsc. Tho next time ho attempted to see her ho found nil communication cut off. Tho guard who was patrolling the street In front of the house told him he couldn't go In, as thero was a smallpox patient inside nnd tho premises wero under quarantine. A week passed, during which Mr. Har court's Innllncss was conducive to thought. Ho finally hit upon a scheme. Preliminary to cnrrylng It Into execution ho procured a little handbook entitled "Tho Lineman" at an electrical supply house and began to study up. Then ho negotl nted with thn telephone company for an other 'phono In his office. As tho workmen wero putting It In ho watched them cloRcly and asked many questions. They hnd been out of the office but n few minutes when ho wns engaged In removing It. A handful of cigars paved the way with the quarantlno guard and by 10 o'clock that night tho Instrument had crossed tho dead lino nnd was within tho proscribed premises, accompanied by n letter of explanation ad dressed to Miss Matthews. .Mnu on 4Iip Hoof. Later In tho night tho dark outlines of a man npneared upon the roof of a vacant house ndjolnlng. The guard comfortably pulling ono of tho cigars saw him nttach a stone to tho end of n long wlro and toss It through tho second-story window of the quarantined house. The apparition on tho roof then disappeared nnd returned to Us homo In another part of the city, but from that chamber window n light shone during tho greater part of tho night. Miss Matthews was anchoring tho Instru mcnt to tho wall and connecting It with the wlro. Tho next morning a conversation opened over that wlro which, during tho next ten days, was interrupted only for meals nnd sleep. Miss Mntthows found tho telcphono n great boon. It dispelled tho ennui of her long convalesccnco and kept her In touch with what was going on In tho outer world And on his part, Mr. Hnrcourt wns well pleased. It couldn't exactly componsato for his trl-wcokly calls, hut It was better than total banishment, and ho mado tho most of It. Miss Matthews has entirely recovered now and tho quarantine Is off, but sho will never havo occasion to regret tho night sho put In mastering tho art of electricity. Frequent CoiikIiIiiu Inflames tho lungs. Foley's Honey and Tnr stops tho coughing nnd heals tho lungs. The ordinary cough medicines which are simply expectorants will not do this, ns they keep tho lungs lrritnted In throwing off thn phlegm. Peler Cooper CIuIi'm Hlectlnn. At Its rccuhir mpottntr Mondnv ewnlnc tho Peter Cooper club elected ofllccrs an m lows: 1j. j. uu nny. nrcs iicnt: k. i. Morrow, vice nrcsluent: Jolin K. ISmlilem secretary; Herman Cohen, treasurer; Dan Way, M-rgcnnt-at-arms; K, K, Thomns, J, O. Yelser. J. J. Points, Sllns Bobbins and Peter Klcwlcz, executivn committee; Ij. Korean. V. H. Iiorton nnil T. (1. Kellogg, membership committee. PHHbONALS. Mrs. E. V. Green has recovered from nn attack ot tho grip at Canaseraga, N. Y., by tho use ot Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. Among the victims of tho grip epidemic now so prevalent, F. Coylo Is now recov ering at Canton, O., by the uso ot er. Miles' Nervlni and Pills. W. E. Nlbolls of St. Louis, Mo who was down with grip, Is reported much Improved. Ho used Dr Miles Nervine and Pills. Tho frlendB ot Mrs. L. Denlson will be pleased to learn ot her recovery from grip at her homo In Bay City, Mich., through tho uso ot Dr. Miles' Nervine and Pills. Everybody says that J. W. Udy Is looking splendid slnco his recovery from tho grip at his homo In Dcs Moines, Iowa. Thoy all know that Dr. Miles' Norvlno was what cured htm. Trosecutlng Attorney Charles L. De Waele, who has passed tho thrco-scoro milestone, had a tlmo with the grip, but when seen nt his nomo In Roscommon, Mich., tho other Cay ho said Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno was what cured him. At nearly three scoro and ten Mrs. Galen Humphrey was fighting against odds when tho grip nttneked her, but sho took Dr. Miles' Nervlno and now her neighbors In Wnreham, Mass., remark on how woll sho Is looking. After nn illness of flvo weeks from the grip Mrs Harriett Jr.ckson Is again about and looking fine. Sho began taking Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno nfter the fourth week. Her homo Is In Bowling Green, Mo. The Things For Chaps. Thero nre lots of preparations mado for nhupped face, hands nnd llps-but thero In nono hotter than Egyptian Lotus Cream. I'bo It once und you'll linn it always. We sell It foi 10 cents a bottle. Schncft-r'a Count! 'Syrun SJOo Crniuer'a Kltlner Cure "5o Ilronin Quinine lBo 1 tins. S.Rriilii aolnlne CananleR 7o 1 tloi. :t-rnln Quinine Cnpaules 10u 1 dm, n-nmln Quinine Capaulei lfio Iluftr'a Malt Whiskey HRo I.otua Cream lOo Palue'a Celery Compound 73o Wine of Cnrtlut 7fto Plerce'a Prescription Too Seott'a Kinnlalun 7So Oiomulalnn , ,- 7Ho Coltafout Kxpectorant 7rio Pa I ni o Tnlileta CiOn Willie lllulion llemedy 1.00 N. H. H. . . 7fto Mnltetl Milk 40c, 75c, fll.in Plnkliaiu'a Compound .......... 70a crmcccD CUT price ounAcrcn druggist ft, W. Cvr, lflth a a fiklsaa U, IIOSTO.V STORE DUM.S KMM.I3Y MIOHS Your (holer of the IJnllro Keller, StlKcr fc Co, stock of Finn Shoes. ON SALE NOW At 29c, 39c, f9c, 73c, 89c, PSc, $1.25, $1.59, $1.98 and $2.50. ON BARGAIN SQUARES ON MAIN FLOOR AND IN HASE.MENT. 20 extra salesmen tor this sale. All tho Infants', misses', chld's, boys', youths' nnd little gent's shoes In tho entire Kelley, Stlgcr & Co. shoe stock on sale now at Iloston Store nt Just about half price. All tho ladles' shoes that sold up to $2.00 go nt R9c. All tho $2.00 slippers go nt PSc. All tho ladies' shoes that sold for up to $3.50 go nt $1.98. 53.50 ladles' Ideal kid shoes, $1.59. All Kelley. Stlcer & Co.'s ladles' $3.00 shoes go at $2.50. Roys' enamel shoes, PSe. Men's enemel shoes, $1.50. Men's horded kid shoes, $1.59. Men's $1.00. $3.00 and $0.00 winter tnn shoes, $1.9S. Tho quality of Kelley. Stlgcr'n shoe stork Is so well known In Omaha, especially among tho fine trade, that It needs no other recommendation. Tho fact that wo nro selling the entlro Kelley, Stlgcr & Co. stock or shoes at nbout half prlco Is reason enough for the immense trndo that we nro bound to have for the next ten days, as It was during th0 first three days of this sole. Ro sure to attend this sale. No other shoo snlo over held In town offered the pho- nomonal nnd sensational bargains that we are offering now In (.oiling this Kelley, Stlgcr & Co., stock of shoes. BOSTON' STORK, OMAHA, J. L. Brandcls & Sons, Proprietors. U.VCO.MMO.M.Y I,OW MATHS To Cnlfnrnln, Mnnlnim nntl Pimet Soiiinl via (lie llurlliiKtoii. On February 12, 19 nnd 211 the Burlington will sell tickets from Omaha nt tho fol lowing low rates: San Francisco and Los Angeles, $23. Ojjden and Salt Lake City, $23. Butto and Helena, $23. Portland and Spokane, $2S. Tncoma and Senttle, $28. Victoria and Vancouver, $28. Greatly reduced rates to hundreds of other points, west nnd northwest. Tickets nnd Information nt 1502 Farnam street nnd nt Burlington station, Tenth nnd Mason streets, Annouiif e iiicntt of the Tlientern. Tho Orpheum Is giving to tho people this week a vaudeville comedy bill thut starts with n titter nnd ends with u perfect roar. Tho well known nnd versatile Dlgby Bell In his new monologue, "Tho Informa tion Bureau," is nightly nmuslng the larco audiences. The Sisters Hnwthorne. In their dnlnty Japaneso romance, "Tho Willow Pattern Plate." offer to the patrons n very dainty conception of Japaneso drama. Hugh Stanton and Florence Modena Illustrate In n very graphic manner n satlro on tho bar gnln seekers. Tho regular family matinee will bo given this afternoon. Beginning Thursday evening Robert Downing nnd company will bo at Boyd's theater for threo nights nnd a matinee, presenting nt the opening and nt tho Satur day raatlnco a double bill, Including "Paris In 1703" and "Ingomar, the Barbarian." Friday nnd Saturday nights tho company will present the now comedy romance, "Tho Seventh Commandment," written by Eduard Davis, formerly a clergyman In Onklnnd. Cnl., but now n member of Mr. Dowulng's company. Ajirchcnlie for Mr. Plnlt. NEW YORK. Te. 5.-M. T. C. Plntt. wlfo of Senator Plntt, wjih reported nt thn Fifth Avenue hothliiH uot so well toilav lis she was yesterflay nnd thero was some apprehension fclJUlbout her condition. It's no trouble lo paint If you uso Shnr wln-Wllllams' Paint. It's all ready for uso Just stir it up. REMEMBER, a paint mado for EVERY PURPOSE, not ono slap dash mlxturo for all. Half-pint can Family Paint 15c Half-pint can Varnish Stain liTic Half-pint can Screen Paint ir,c Quarter-pint can Enamel Paint 20c ijuaricr-pini can uicycio r.namei ...... .bv Half-pint can Buggy Paint I'.ic Half-pint can Bathtub Enamel r,0c Half-pint can Oil Stain K,c Ono-plnt can flno Varnish iOu Ono-quart bottlo Saunders' Ruby Floor Oil 40c Ono-pound can Shluon Floor Wax .... COc Cnll for Color Cnrtl. Sherman &McConnell Drug Go Jiew litientloii, Kith nntl Unilpe. OMAHA, Mill. Annual HAYDENs Clearing Sale of Fine Clothing A sale without profit, a sale to clear up every heavy weight SUIT, OVERCOAT, ULSTER and pair of TROUSERS in the house; a sale at far less than wholesale pricesj a sale of good honest merchandise and not the cheap trash advertised so much and which is really dear at any price, CHOICE OF ANY MAN'S SIIT IN Til 10 1 lOUSlO -NoMiing re served black clays, imported fancy worsted, line vicunas and all go tho best always go first , so come -j gor early all 27M, $2.", 2l'.fi0 and 20 suits 1) Choice of the house CHOICE OF ANY MEN'S OVEUCOAT.S TN THE HOTSE Nothing reserved patent beavers, kerseys, -g CiC vicunas and all go $22.fi() to SHii.OO values J VKJ choice Men's ? 10.00 sails, overcoats and storm ulsters EJ QQ Men's 15 and $1S lino suits, overcoats and storm -J f (f ulsters for LJ,VJVJ Men's .$3.50 fine trousers at 1.50 Men's ?(5.50 very fine trousers for 3.75 Boy's and children's suits, reefers nnd odd pants for less than 50 CENTS on tho dollar. HAYDEN BROS. SELLING THE .HOST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. CAGE IS FULL OF SUSPECTS ((nnrlrtle of Simpleton Clinrncf er Are TnUen In liy the Police. Tho police arrested four men Monday night nud Tuesday morning who arc sold to bo members of u gang of porch climbers, burglars and general nil nroumi '-goon men. u is supposed they belong to tho rfang that Is working west from tho southern stales and has for the last few weeks been doing the people of Indiana nnd Ohio. Chief Donahue Btnted this morning thnt whllo ho knew In a general way tho work of tho men nnd thnt they nro members of tho profc?slon. ho was unable to locate them exactly ns yet. It Is believed that they wero cap tured before they had opportunity to get In any work In this city. A Trip tn Vim1ilnlon n( l.mv I'nre. May bo mndo Mnreh 1. 2 or 3 via Penn sylvania Short Line from Chicago. On those dates excursion tickets to tho na tlotinl cnpllnl will bo sold on account of the Inauguration. Passengers go through from Chicago to Washington without ehnngo over this rou'e Please nddrcss II. R. Derlng. A O P ngrni. 2IS South Chuk street. Chicago, for full Information. Prices lower than ever j? j quality better than ever all amateur photo supplies, fresh, reliable aud up-to-date THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO. 1215 raniani Street, Wholesale, und rottili tk-nlcrs. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN R ATES VIA." UNION PACIFIC OMAHA TO CALIFORNIA 25 DOLLARS OMAHA To Ofrdcn. Salt l.akc.Ut S2J.0O To Butte and Helena, Monl 2i,Q0 To Portland. Osejtnn 28.00 To Spokane. Wash 2S.00 Tn Tacoma and Seattle, Wash. . . . 2MI0 TICKETS TO DE ONS1LE February 12, 19. 26, Manh 5, 12,19, 26 April 2, 9. 16,23, JO. 1901, City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam Street. Tclcplitnc 316. Union Station lOtli and Marcy. Tel 629 ft -"-J- -:,t: I s " I Ear First ft O irv . the new tKirvgs in "dics- Spring Siits. The firs! inkling of Indies' spring suits arrived .yes terda.v -not enough of them to make a big display. A few of them in our suit window to give you an idea what's the proper tiling for 1001 enough in the de partment, to sell from until the arrival of llrst big shipment. Specia.1 Showing of LADIES' WALKING or GOLF SKIRTS Extra quality (Jolting material tailor stitched proper hang (hey are dilVert'iit. from oilier skirU shown around town- -that's where we excel in skirts they're different - we see to that when we have them made. The Nebraska wouldn't be satisfied with the average made skirls $1.95, $2.95 HAYDENs A Few Sample Bargains Mrs. I'olls' Irons, per not 73c Ornnlto WiihIi IluHlns l)c 2 boxes llrlllnnllno Stovo Paste Tic i'tc Carving Knives 10c Konr-tlo l'nrlor llrooms 17c Oinnlto Sonp Dishes 7c 10c Dust I'ii ns -lc (alvnnlzpl Wntcr 1'nlls 13c Wood WhMi Tubs 37c -'0o W.tuli Hoards 11c Klro Sl.ouh .1- liranllc llustitiK Spoons fx 16-lnrh Kitchen Mrnt Saw 2.1c A good Kindling Hutchct 0c Ono set Knives nnd 1'orUs 37c Special Clearing Cut on Heating Stoves. Meat Specials Honeless I'Ik Pcvl 10c fi-pound palls lust Lard ISc Salt I'orl: N'o. 1 Supir Cured Hams 10 lie HoloKna Sausngu 7!ic Special Dried Fruit Sale Kvaporated California Teaches S&r Inporated Blackberries SUc Uvh por.it eil Ilaspberrles "0c i: vii po rat oil Apricots 12 lie Kronen I'li.ms l-Vfcc Culirnruin Prunes tic Seeded I nlslns, package 12'jc Three-Crown Hatsins S'.Ac New York Uvaporated Apples 10c Teas and Coffees Choice N'ew Tea Slftlngs only 20c llroken .lava and Mocha Slftlngs 10c Golden Santos Coffeo only l.'c Special Knmlly .Mocliu and Java, only. 23c IIchi Madnellng Java and Mocha, worth 40o, only 3.'c Now Season Moynno Ounpoudor Tea.. SSc Sundrled Japan, Celai drink, only 3.'ic Our Spldorlcg Japan Tea 40c Young Hyson, Oolong nnd Ceylon, worth COc, only 48c HAYDEN BROS MARK Registered A. Mayer Co. RIR IJUII.DI.NG, OMAHA, NED. Ik T MISS A. MAYKK; In reply to your noto I am pleased to say that tho tender and persplrlni; feet nro things of tho past. About Uo or three applications of your powder relieved thorn entirely. I am more than glnd to recommend tho uso of your powder to my friends. Very respectfully, DIt. H. C. HENIIY. RE-NO-MAA WHITE POWDER removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields nro required. PRICE SO CENTS Hold KvnryiTliuro. A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building? Omaha, Neb. GO.NSUl.TATION I'HKi: TltOM S to !. When ordering by mall add 0 cents for postage. ' rf you can lell us how wo can serve you hotter, we will take the hint SHERIDAN Host Wyoming foal. PENNSYLVANIA lies! Ilanl foal. '1'liere is nothiiin' holler. Anil our service is perfect. VICTOR WHITE, 1005 Farnam St. Tel. 127. tKe MM , to show MBfe HAYDEN s 370 Cases of Fine Shoes Just Received Added to our already lmmcnso purchases ami on salo Wednesday. Kivo lmmcnso ohoo stocks closed nut liy the largest and best manufacturers in America, direct from tho factory floors for spot oath at 10c on the dollar. The newest, most serviceable and stylish shoes made, lu nil styles nnd sizes, nt tho most sensatlonnlly low prices ever quoted in Oniuha. Kxpert nhno salesmen to wait on you and fit you perfectly, tin matter how big tho crowds. Conic ns early as possible. Children's best Kid Lace Shoes nt PSc. Misses' splendid $2.F0 Vlcl Kid and Ilox Calf Shoes, very stylish, on sale at $1.23. Ladles' lino Vlcl Kid Laeo Shoes, In double or single soles, newest r.tyles, regu lar 11.00 quality; In this great sale only 11.98. Ladles,' hand welt Mannish Shoes, In the celebratei' French. Shrlner & Urner make, as lino a shoo as money can buy, novcr sol 1 for less than $3.00; your choice In this salo for f:. IS. CoreMpondlng vnluca In hoys' and men's flno shoes February Clearing Sale on Cloaks in Full Blast. Ladles' Ilox Coats, In very newest style, new back, worth $15.00, for J1.9S. Ladles' Suits, very newest style, worth $ir..no, for $o.;is. l.aillca' Automobile Cents, about 25 In all, to closo for $S.!)0 each. Ladles' Kur Collarettes, 8Po. Ladles' Silk Waists, worth JC.00, for JS.OR. 2U0 ladles' fJolf Skirts, worth $3.00, for J1.8S. 100 Oolf Skirts, with pleated back, for $2.!)0. 20 Silk Dress Skirts, worth up to ? 10.00, for $20.00 DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER? RE-NO-MAY PINK POWDKR not only rclloves, but poittlvely cures nil diseases of tho feet nnd hands. Htops odorous pcrsplrutlon--ourci ten der nnd swollen foot. Kndorsed and prescribed by leading pliyaicUna. , BUbatllute. tll. u,M "