10 TUB OMAHA DA1LV HETC: " V 15 D X E S D A V , "FEinUTA"nY , 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Oati the Only Bedeemlng Feature of the Day's Dull Market. BUYING ORDERS MAKE IT A FEATURE Light llrmnml IHscoiirngcs Holder if WltPiil Corn mill Provision Hot It Close Lower llstlmnted Receipts Toinnrron. CHICAGO. Teh. R. With the exception of oat. th I'-iiilIritr speculative markets of the Hoard of Trade were ilull today. The very Unlit demand discouraged holders of wheat nnd Hint market declined r. Corn closed ii shade lower find oats u shodo up. Provisions at tlio close were 2''5c low T. Wheat was dull to thn point of stngnu tlon all day. May Marled out Ufi'ie higher nt 76Hc to 75M'754c merely beeius" Llv crpool, which 1ms been Indlrfercnt allko to our declines and our advances, failed to reflect the drop lure yesterday .ind le cnuso northwestern fresh nrrlvnH were moderate. The market quickly touched 75'4e. Soon, however, drihlctH of long stuff cninci out. Home for Now York, Home for tho foreign account nnd moro from local fculper May gradually wanted off to 75o, where something of a surprise was In Htoro for the talent. Selling on Mop-Ins ord tm had been expected nt that point, hut In Htead of thefe tho majority of eommls-don houses had Hinall purchases to make. This Meadld tho market for a few mlnut", hut the close whs heavy. c under tho previous close, at 741ie. The chance of fentltnent afte- the opening was shown to a degree by tno way export engagements: of 3.1 loadH wcic iKiiored. although r"pors of thn prospect! m closing of certain Min neapolis Hour ti Ills were on hand at that tlmn an ii cnunier Irritant. Consul Mayer nt Ilunnns Ayros reported that Argentina, crop prospectH Indirnted an exportable stir jiIiim of only lO.OOO.tyi bu. nnd that tho weather In that countr is unfavorable to tho crop. Seaboard eIeurun"os2.!9,WO bu. In wheat ami Hour were disappointingly Hinall. I'rlmary receipts aggregated 4ll.io bu.. compared with 4I0.ooi) bu. the like ilsy last year, Local receipts were 30 cars, oiio of contract grade, while Minneapolis f nd Duliith reported 2.83 cars, against 200 last week and 103 a year ago. Corn suffered from neglect, but neverthe less maintained a llrm front. Unlit counter acceptances nnd moderate receipts 40.1 cars combined with tho poor grading wero responsible for the steadiness. May sold between 39'ic nnd 35'.(,c und closed a shado lower at IIOUc. Oats were slightly lower and firm, the fon turn of the trade being tho largo num ber of buying orders around 25c. The mar. ket opened n. shade up, on an active gen oral demand. A bid of 2T.i$o for 10,000 bu., however, brought out not only thn amount wanted, however, but ho much more that It looked as If the wholo crop was for sale. Tho secret of tho market's strength lay In thn active cash demand. May sold between 25Ue and 25',4c and closed a slmdo higher at 2.-,e. Heci'lpts were 238 cars. Provisions wero Hat. Tho opening was 2',ic lower under tho Influence of hoavv hog receipts and a drop In prices ut the 'stock yards. A little rise caused n small rally curly, but prices settled back later, packers having taken advantage of the slight bulgo to toll. May pork closed 2'.io lower at $13.97'4; May lard Cc down nt J7.I7U, and May ribs 2'4'fi6c down ut $0.971j. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 20 cars; corn, 200 curs; oats, 100 cars; hogs, 3S,om) head. The leading futures ranged ns follows: Wheat Feb. Mar. May Corn Feb. Mar. May Oats Feb. May May Lurd Feb. Mar. May Itlbs- Feb. May I Open. High. Low. Close. Ycs'y. 7275(73 73 72i 72K 72i?7i T3 73-W,s 7314 71?6 71'f, 7514 37'i 3716 37i; 3716 371& .I7T Xi; 37T 3S 38 SOUIiNi 39; 21) I 39s39lMi,i 24',, 2U 5 Hi, ZiH "Jij, 25-fi !ZA 25;n8 25U0?i 13 77'6 13 SO 13 97'6 II 05 13 93 13 975 14 W 7 3716 7 1216 7 40 7 43 7 50 7 6216 7 4716 7 4716 7 6216 G 871 fi 50 C 97'(j 7 0216 0 9716 9714 7 0216 No. 2. Cash quotations worn ns follows: FLOFR Dull: winter natents. MfWKS.Sfl. straights, $3.2U?i3.65: clears. JJ.70W3.30; spring nrui:iMin. i..iu; pnienis, Jj-Wo J.S'J; Htralghts, $3,101(3.40; bakers, $2.20fJ2.00. WIIHAT-No, 3 spring, C3fl73e; No. 2 red. 741175140. ('ORN No. 2. 37"ic: No. 2 yellow, 37eiTT "'(UTS-No. 2, 25Ufiffilio; No. 2 white, 27if? 2S'sc; No. 3 while, 27Jf2.Sc. RYE No. 2. Hie. IIAlHiKY l-'nlr to choice malting, rMfitllc. HKKUK-N'n. 1 Hun. Jl.Gi); No. 1 northwest ern, Jl.fi'J; prime timothy, Ji.co; clover, con tract grade. $11.231111.40. I'UOVIHIONS Moss pork, per bbl.. J13.S0 ribs sides (looscM Jii.X.Vfi7.1,ri. l)rv snliorl shoulders (boxed), JB.2oiSB.50. Short clear sides (boxed). J7.151J7.20. WIIISKY-Ou basis of high wines, per 'Hill.. 4I..I. HIJOA US-Cut loaf. Jfi.29; granulated, J3.72; confectioners' A. $3.59; off A. J3.I4. 1'Vdlowlng are the receipts nnd shipments lur lining . Articles. Itecelpts. Shipments. .Kiour. DDIs ;t2,iXK) 29,oot) Wheat, bu 93,() 41,000 Corn, bu 3S0.INK) 154,00.) Oats, bu 423,000 M.000 Hye, lm 11,000 4,no,i Hurley, bu fis.ooo 10,tM On the Produce exchange today the but lor market was Inactive; creameries, Hfj'.'lc dairies. lUifilSo. Cheese, dull at lO'.itdlc. i.KK", mill, ill-nil, jol'. m:w Ytiitic ;i:m;iiai, MAititivr. ItlllltlltlllllH Vnrloun if I bo l)n j- tin Ciiinuiodltlei. NKW "VOHK. Keb. r..-KI.Orit-neoilta 21,5 b bbls.; exports. 19,0!J bbls.; market dull and lower with wheat; winter p.it- ,..r, WJlT'" 1 KlUIIKIllS, .f.U7f : ft , . M I ,1 n.iuitrn nn , .... 1 u t ll.-.. . . .... . , i .... .... ,.,-,, in. ,..,irii wiiiinr oxlriis, J2.50fi2.S..; Minnesota bakers, J3.(MMf ,(.2o; winter low grades. J2.43H2.r0. Hyv Hour, quiet; fair to good J2.S'ift3.15: cholco '" I'iJ:, Buckwheat flour, dull, "I'CKU IlKAT-Steady at fi2ftfi2';o, c. I. f., COHNMKAI-Sleadv: vnllmv city 91c: Hrandywlne, $2.l0'n2.l5. m K-Sloaily; No. 2 western, fiO'sc f. o. l afloat; state rye. 5BJ?57c. c. I. f. IIAltl.HY Dull: feeding. 3S1(5Ie. c I. f.. new- joi-k: malting, tOJitilo, c. I. f.. Now Ittni'W ?,,A,Tr,Ji,,1: western, i;3f(72c. IIKAT-Itccelpts, 32,400 bu.; exporis. OS,. Is.l bu. hpnt, weak; No. 2 red, 7'jiAo. f. o n. ai oai; ao, i nortliern, Uuluth. MV. f. o. b litlna' : No. 1 hard. Duliith. s'iu r .. 1. nlloat. Options opened steady on Kngllsli cables and small northwest receipts, but developed subsequent weakness that InMed in hid. lel'ulallvc iriuie, poor iliil. side suiiport, weak cimtliienial nmrkots, riiinii iii'iiiiiiiten unii snori selling enntrib Uted to the hcuvincHS. Closeil l..i..,. .'l'"L M"V. WijJiMUse closeil nt 79'jc; July, 7l''((79c. closed at 7!le. CORN Itecelnls. 92.C!S lm nvimrii o.? . 12l. Spot. M.-uily N... 47e, elevator, nnd 4iiio. f. ii. I), nlloat. The option market wits moderately active ami stonily during the day on higher cables and light country olTerlugs and heavy seaboard clearances; closeil steady at Uc net advance. Miy. 44 ll-lW(4i 13-lBc. closed at ilfiv; July clo.-ed nt HHo. ATS Itecelpts, I5.S00 bu.; exports, 3.6C0 A. Spot, steady; No. 2, aoe; No. ;i. l'0o; J'n. 2 white. 32,ll32iao; No. 3 while. 31N"; track western, 30ji3lV'; track white, 314f 13c, Options dull but steady. IIOl'S Irregular: state, common to choice. 1! crop, 17020c; ISDil lljjl&e; old, SliOc: Pacific coast, 1900 crop; 17'ji19c; 1SU3. IIAfir.n' ,lil ''irtn 1II151CS l''lrm; (lalveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. ISfcM9o; California. 21 to 23 lbs., iPc; Texas, iry. 24 to :io lbs., 15c. UKATIUJH-Steadyi hemlock sole, Iiuenns Aires, light to heavy weights, 24023c; neld, 69l246c. WOOI Dull; domestic fleece, 24U2Cc; Texas. 15(fil9c. PItOVlSIONS-Ileef. dull; family. JU.001? 12.00; mess, Jlt.(i0iii9 50; beef hams. IW'yfl 12.00; packet, JIO.OOfflO.50; city extra. India mess, J14.0iijnB.0i). Cut moats, ete:vly: pickled bellies. J7.K2UjiS.75; pickle 1 boul ders. V.75fG.OO: plckfod hnms. JS.tflffO M. l.nrd, firm; western steamed, $7.75; reilned, Jlrm; continent, J7.:l: South America, tfO; compound, J5.50Ii5.fi2'';. Pork, Btoaily; faill lly, $I5.ooit 15.75; short clear. Jl3.t5j?16.5): moss. Jl.i.25j 11.50. IH'TTICH-Hecelpts. S.623 pkgs. ; firm; fresh creamery, lCl21He; Juno creamery, 15tilHc factory. 110114c. CIlliKSK-Hocelpts, 3.42S pkgs.; firm; fancy largo, fall mndo, UUilUHoj fancy sinnll fall mndo, lb6il2c. ' naOS Hccclpls, 9,100 pkgs.j firm, west cm, at mark, 21c; southern, nt mark, IP'. i 4f20V6c TALLOW-Wenki city, 5c; country. nH MHTAt.S The local metal market wns Irregular und generally easy today. Spec- u! itUe ili.illngs. however, were very meiiST and business was of a hiind-tn-moulh cher actor Tin In London ruled unchanged "t .t.122 17s Gd, but hicullv tin was n limit 2 points lower, chiefly due to a lack of de mnnd nnd th" large arrivals of late. The close was at J2l.2Mj2).5o. Trading was slow. Copper was weak, reflecting a lower 'nar ket abroad, where prices went off about 5s. Iluelness, however, was very slack here and the basis of operations was unchanged at J17.90 for Lake Superior and J1G.62W for easting electrolytic, but sellers could bo found readily at theju llgurcs. Spelter wns weak nnd 5 points Inwir, Prices abroad were 5s lower at Xis. The local market closed weak, with little trading noted, at tho decline. In domestic Iron markets little disposition was manifested to buy, prices ruling unchanged. Kngllsli markets worn llrmer, but failed to Influence the local situation At (llasgow the close was 54s and nt Mlddlcsborough 47s Sd. POrintY-A!lve. llrm. fowls, lie; chick ens, 9c; turkeys, 01" I'.c Dressed, slow; tur keys, WJlO'ic; chickens 9il0c; fowls, 9'6C OMAHA WllOl.r.fvVl.l: MAHK I'TS. Coiidlttiins of Trmlo nnd lluotntlniis 1111 Mlnplo und fancy I'roilnco. i:nOS-Ilecepts. light; good stock, lCc. MVK POlMritY-lietif. SHBGc. spring chickens. 6i.llBc; roosters, 3yfc; ducks, 6'ii G'Ac, geese. ti'i1l7c: turkeys. GTf7c. l'ltKSII DHKSSKD I'DPl.TriY-Hens. 7c: roosters. 5fr"e; ducks. 7'4itSc; g-ese, sitSHc; spring chickens, per lb., 7c; turkeys, Uc. OAMK Mallard ducks, per doz.. J3.0Oi 3.C0; tenl. Ji.Wtfn 5; mixed. $1,60571.75: Jack rabbits. 51.23511.50; cottontnlls. 75cOtl. HUTTnit-Common to fair, liaUHc; cholci1. 13llo; seiiarator. 23c. KlllCSH OYSTKHS - l'lrst grade, solid packed, New York counts, per can. 3Sc; ex tra selects, 32c; standards, 2ac: medium, 20c. Second grade, slnck filled, New York counts, per can, 30c; extra selects. 2Goj standurds 20c; bulk standards, per gal., Jl.ffi KKOXKN rilKSH FISH-nlnck bass, 10c; white bass, 10c; blueflsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c; hi in. fins, 7c; cntflsh, 12c; cod. 9c: cropple. lOe: ciscnes. So: linllliut. lie; herrlnir. 44i fio; hnddoek, P; mackerel, 20c; perch, 5(p 7c: iilckerel, 7c; pike, 9c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, lie; Hiinilsh, 6c; smelts, 10c; trout, iuo; wniieusn, sc. riuh'osH-l,lvc, per aoz., ooc. VHALS-Cholce. 9jfl0c. HAY Price ounteil hv Omnhn Wholesale Hnv Dealers iiKNorlnilnti! Chnfrn unland. Js; No. 1 upinnd, J7.50; medium, J7: coarse. riw. iijc siraw. yj.w. inese prices uih for hnv ot tmml entur nnd nunlltv. Demand fair, ltecolpts. 1 car. OATS-No .i white, iCs. COllN-No. 3, 32c. HHAN-JH.60. VKC3RTAnr,ES. PAHSNIPS-Por bu 60c. TUIINMPS-Per bu. basket. 40c. IIKKTS-Por Oil., 40c. CA ftHOTS Per bu 40c. I,i:TTIJCK-I'er doz.. 40ff!5c. HADISIIKS-Pc- doz.. 35c. PAHSI.UY-I'er doz.. 53c. I1I:aNS Wax. nor 1-3 tu. basket. SI: string, ) . potatoes Per bu,, cogcoc; Idaho, per bit., soc BnKET POTATO ICS Per bbl., $2. CAlllIAOIJ-Holland seed, lic. TOJIATOICS - California, nor 4-baskot crate. $2 ONIONS Nnt ve. tier bu.. Jl; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c. CISI.KIIY-Callfornln, as to etze, 45075c; Kalamazoo. 2.di30- CAULIFLOWKIt Cal forn a. ncr crate. J3. FIIUITS. nilAPICS-Malaga. per keg, SG.50Q9.00. APPI,KS I'er hlil . 12.R0! enstcrn. J3.2KJ 3.50; California He'lflowers, per box, J1.50. ui(iiii';i(i;ii:s lien anil isugic, iu jicr bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., J9; per crato, J3.2j. TROPICA KKUIT5. OUANCKS California seedlings. $2.23 S2.50; navels. J2.75G3.23; Mexicans, J2.59; f'lorlrtas, $3.25. I,H.MONS-Ca forn a. extra fancy. J3.&0 cholco, $3. HANANAS Per bunch, according 10 Bize, J2.0012.50. FlOS-Ca forn a. new cartons, soc: layers. 75e; Imported, per lb., tSjflSc. DATKS Persian. In GO-lli. boxes. Salrs, 5c per lb.; Halloween, 6Vsc per II). MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES No. 1 irrecn. Gc: No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, Gc; No. 1 veal call. S to 12 lbs., gc; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 13 lbs., lie; dry hides, SSI 13c; shrcp pelts, 2.iij,oc; horse hides, J1.50r2.2o. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 13c: tll bcrts, per lb , 13c; almonds, per Ib lMj20e; raw peanuts, per lb., 5(E5V6c; roasted, 66jJ Y'.ic; jiruzus. iuc; pecans, lujiiuc. Hi. I.otilt lira 1 11 mill lro visions, ST. LOIMS, Fob. C.-WHEAT-Lower: No. 2 red cash, truck. 73'.41i74Hc: Jlnv. 73Uc: July. 72ic: No. 2 hard, 7H6fi71c. coiiiv strong: no. 2 cash. 37c: track. 37'..ti37J;c: Mnv. SSc: July. 3Si2c UATiir-i'irm. no. - ensn, o?ic; irncK, .u;i SfMje; .May, .ojo; no. . wnito, as?ic. ixi.' T.'i. .. r.lrt IV 1 I' I" II III 1IL Ull. KI.OPH Quiet and steady: natents. S3.55 (113.70; extra rancy ami siraigius, w.:u'ua.w; clour. J2.704l2.90. SEEDS Timothy. Arm: nvernge. JI.S3W i TO wltli tirlttii, u'nrth mnrn Plnr. tnti'ttr at 51.G7. COHN.MEA I Steady at K.03, IlllAN Htrnnir: sncked. east track. 69c HAY" Timothy, easy. JS.50W12.60: prairie. strong, ji.ioy iu.uo. v111siV Hieauy 01 i..(. 1 HON COTTONT I ES J1.2C. HAOCiINO 71t7c. HEMl' TWINE-9C. PItOVISIONS-Porlc. Arm: Jobbing. $14.50. Lord, lower at $7.2214. Dry salt meats (boxed), firm; extra shorts, $7.124; clear ribs, $7.23: clear sides, $7.3716. nacon (boxed), firmer; extra shorts, $7.87'.6; clear rllis, sU2?; clear sines, s.;j. METALS Lead: Nominal at J4.17Hffl4.20. Spelter: Weak at $3.S0. POI'I.THY Plrm; chickens, 7'.4c; turkeys. Dific; young, ic; iiucks, ssjc; geeso, dc. IlUTTEIl Steady; creamery, 1522c; dairy iiiic. ErjOS- Hlgher nt 17Uc. UECi:iPTS-Klour. 9,0fli bbls,; wheat, 50, 000 b;i.: corn. iU.OOO bu.: oats. 32.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour, 21.WO bbls.; wheat, 110,000 du.; corn, zh.uuo nil.; oais, m,ux mi. I.Ioriool (irnln mill Pro vIsIoiin, LIVHIIPOOL, IVb. B.-WH HAT Spot. No. 1 California, steady. Gs3V.d: No. 2 red west ern, winter, firm, 6a No. I northern spring, firm, fis 4d, Futures, quiet; March, Gs Ud; Miiv, os inn. COIIN Suot. uulot: Amerloun now. 3s 3d Futures, steady; February, 3s97id; March, 2s 11x1. PROVISIONS Ueef, extra India mess G5s Lard, reilned. In nails, quiet. 39s 5d western, In tierces, quiet, SSh 3d. llacon, c'oar bellies, quiet. 41s. HOPS At Ixindon, Paelllc coast, 190i)crop, steady, ifiii j;i lis. HI'TTEU -aood I'nlted States, Sis 2d. l'MAS-Canadian. 6s Sd. RECEIPTS- Wheat, during the last threo days, ir.7.000 centals, Including 157,000 Amer ican. American corn, during the last threo days, 303.GOO centals. Weather line. Kiiiiniim Clly (irnln nnd Provision, KANSAS CITY, Feb. 5. W 1 1 E AT M a y. BTjio; casn, no. z nam, txwtfwc; rio, j, C,iMifi7c: No. 2 red. 70il70Uc: No. 3. G79c. (OUN Jlay. SG'ic: cash. No. 2 mixed. 33'ic: No. 2 White, 37c; No. 3, 3tiv4C OATS-No. 2 white, :ri?ifj27,ic llVK-Nn 2. 47U.J748C. IIAY-Cholco timothy, $10.60011.00; cholco prairie. Si.601l0.00. lll'TTER'-Crcaniery, 17Q20c; dairy, fancy, IGc. IXiC.S Higher; fresh Missouri nnd Kan hus stock. IGUie dozen, loss oft. cases re turned; new whltowood cases Included, Ma more. RECEIPTS-Wheat. G3.G00 bu.; corn, 40,fA) bu.; oats, 9.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 21,000 bu.; corn 33,000 bu.; oats, O.ooo bu. I'blliiilolnlila Produce Inrkot, PHILADELPHIA, Fob. n.-UHTTER- Market 'ic lower; fancy western creamery i-c; ranev wcsiern prims, z.-c; inncy nearuy nrlnts. SIo. l.;fl(iS-Flrin: fresh nearby. 22c: lrefh western, 22e; fresh southwestern, 22c; fresh southern, 23c. CHEESE-Dull and weak: New York full creamery, fancy small. ll3jc: New York full creamery, fair to choice, loisyn'c, Mlniicniinll" Wlii'iil, I'lonr 11 ml llrmi MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 6.-WHEAT-Cnsh 74V6c; May, 74He; Ju'y, 75'W753ic. On track: No. 1 hard. "R'te; No. 1 northern, 744c; No 2 northern. 7!(T72c. FI.Ol'R-Qll et; rt natents. JI.0L,(ff4.1R second patents. IJ.S.WI.M; llrst clears, J2.00jf a.i; second clears, 11 :nis,ui, I1RAN-In bulk, $U.25flll.M. Tnloilo (irnln mill Seed. TOLEDO. O.. Foil. 5-WIIKAT-Dull nnd lower: cash. ic; jiny, mc; July. 79c. CORN Actlvo nnd strong; ensh, S9'.4c .May, wo, OATS-Strong; cash, 27c. ltYEr,21,e. CLOVEHSHHD Active; t99 prime. $fi.75 March. 57.20. Slllwnnltpc (irnln Market, MILWAFKEE. Feb 5 -WHEAT-St'ndy No. 1 northern. 75i45j7Gc; No. 2 northern 72H.M74C. UYE-Steadv: No. 1. 52Ue. IIARLVJY-Stendy; No. 2, GOc; sample. 43jy biC. l'eorlu Mnrkot, PEORIA, 111.. Fob. D.-CORN-Qulet; No, !. 37c. OATS Firm; No. 2 while. 2G;27c, billed through. WHISKY-O11 tho bnBla of $1.27 for 111! Isheil goons, Evniiiirntoil mid Dried Fruits, NEW YORK, Fob. 6. EVAPORATED APPLKS Trading In the market for evap. oratOU apples continues of u hand-to-mouth order, prlmo ponds receive the mo"! ot tentlon and tho market holds steady at current prices, state, roniniop. .OjilV. prime, 4'4c, choice, 5'fiGc, fsncy, G!7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FltflTS-Mnrket ruled quiet and unchanged at a'iMSVfco per lb. for prunes, as to size nnd quality. Ap ricots, Royal, 7a4lil2c; Moor Park, Mitil5c. reaches, peeeicu, livisc, unpceieii, oviuiuc. II11I1HI1 (irnln .Mitrkct. DfLPTH. Feb. 5,-WHEAT-No. 1 hard. 5'lc; No. 1 northern, 73'c; May, 76'.kc: July, 7;'4i0, OATS 26',4f( 26C. MOViniH.VTS OF STOCKS AM) IIOM)S. Dnj's .Mnrkrt In Very Active mill Mucus llitte Vnrleil t'nroer, NEW YORK. Feb. S.-Todnv's market was very actlvo and ended the day gen erally higher, but prices of stocks went through many variations In the course of tho trading. The market was extremely spotty throughout, but the constant crop ping out of new nnd aggressive points of strength served to overcome the disposition tsell on tho part of the timid holders of long stock as well ns by tho bear traders, who were dlsnosed to nKcresslvo tactics early In tho day. Tho opening bulge In prices met with a uecliieiiiy discouraging iccentlon nnd some of the leadinir stocks on the list were carried below last night's level, under the heavy burden cf profit- inKing sales anil operations iy me nenrs. Yesterday's leaders In the speculative ad vance. Including Louisville ft Nashville. Atchison, Fnlnn Paelllc and Rock Island, were all carried below Inst night's level anil the drooping tendency or Hoatnern rncllic became moro manifest. With weakness In theso completo stocks nfter yesterday's buying In tliem for speculation the whole market necessarily made some rosnonsc nnd the earlier gains clFcwhero wero largely curtailed. 1 lie siooi siocxs snowed them selves not so yielding us those In other por tion! or til'' list. When the rorco or the sell Inu mcvement hail oxnended Itself tho re covery In the Htoel stocks was an Importnnt limuenco on 1110 mnrKoi. inlying wns milted to insiders nnd there was n recur- rer.co of recent rumors of n comlnc whole- sa'o consolidation of the great corporations in the trade. The opening rise In the south- westerns was noi so wiii maintained, al though Missouri Pacific made a strong re- cocrv later, rising to 9lTs, and the Wabash Hteuiltlcs were very largely bought. It was rumored that Chicago Ar eastern Illinois hnl passed to the control of tho Missouri P.iclllc or St. l,ouls Southwestern and the lately prevalent rumors of a uonernl con- sc'idatfon of the Southwestern railway sys tems stui rcturneri their rorm in tun specj lntlon. Clilcnno & Eastern Illinois rose 6'i nnd the preferred 14. A spurt of 3' In 11 oncco uuout mid-day was a icaiurc. There was u very large number of stocks which advanced sharply under the prcvall- ig lmnresslon that iibsnriitlon of such rendc l.y tho larger railroad systems Is the order of the day. Hotltlng Volley rose 4'4; Hocking Valley preferred, 3'; Peru Mar quette, 5; Minneapolis A: St. Louis. 2&; Evansvlllo & Terro Haute, 6; Lnko Mrlo Ai Western, 2, and quite un extended list from 1 to 2 points, The most Importnnt movement of the day was In tho later dealings, when the coalers und Pennsylvania showed ag gressive after symptoms of heaviness early In tho day on a statement thnt the divi dend on Rending first preferred would not bu Increased for tho present. The move ment seemed to be based on rumors us 10 tho disposition of Lohlgh Valley, different nconlo assigning It to Lacknwanun, Erlo and Reading. Gains on tho movement were 3 ror LacKawannn, 3 ror Delaware : nun son, rrom 1 to 2 for other members of tho group. The movement In Pennsylvania was not explained, dui 11 resuiieu in uu ad vance of 4 points. Union Paelllc nnd South ern Pacific also stircoded In throwing off their denresslon. thn former advancing to 91 nnd the latter to tS, through heavy offerings In both cases. A flurry to 3 per ceni in uie call money rate vie not much heeded, nl- ll'ough 11 cans nttention 10 me inci mui Inst week's enormous Incursion into the re el ve forces bv won of tho loan expan sion of over J30.000.ori0 was a reality to be iccifoited with. The reaction lit sterling ex change und the Imirosslon that mi outward gold movement to London Is averted for tho present, owing 10 me iiecune in uie monevrato thei3 helped to offset the effect r; the firmer lone of the local money mur ker. The absorption ot middle and lower grndo bom's continued ii"V heavy and at advanc ing nrleoH. Total nrJes. uar value. J7.710.OOO. I.'n.ted Stntcs 3s ci'vnnccd ' per cent on the lanl cull. The following nrr tne closing prices on the New York Stock exchanne: Atchison do ind Hnltlinoro & O. Can. Pacific .... Cun. Southern . Ches. & Ohio... Chlcugo (J. W ('., 11. A: ii. Chicago 1. & L.. 2Si4 do pfd 9.' Chicago & N. W..174 5P4 do pfd 30 t-9 W. & L. E 12V6 8216 do 2d pfd 29'4 90 Wis. Central 1716 tSVi Third Avenue ....120 40?4 H. A: O. pfd SC'A Piv National Tube .. ui'l ..1I7?, do pfd l(v, II. 1. ,V 1' l.fn C. C. A- St. L. 77H Colo. Southern .. ll' do 1st pru 1. do 2d nfd ITU Del. & Illldsoii.. 13314 Del. L. A: W IS Den. & It. G ;1T.V6! do dui vi4 t;rio ..! do 1st nfd uvt Gt. Nor. pfd 193 1IOCK1I1K joai .... J 11 Hocking Valley.. 4SW Illinois Central... 129' Iowa contrul .... 201s do nfd 51 w !,. K. ti w n'Vi do Dfd Ill Lake Shorn 220 Louis. Ai Nnsh... 93V4 .Manhattan L ....119'fi Met. St. Ry 101'i Mex. Central .... 1PJ, do pfd... Mo. Pnclllo 91V1 Mooiie iv liuio.,.. ievj M., K. & T 21H (10 Did w N. J. Central.... 152 N. Y. Central. ...145s Nor. & West do Dfd No. Pncltlc . do Dfd Ontario Ai W O. It. A; N. . Mo Dfd.... Pennsylvania Reading do 1st (ltd do 2d nfd Rio a. W do pfd St. L. & S. F.... do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd St. L. S. W do Dfd St. Paul do nfd "St. P. Ai O So. Paelllc So. Railway do inn 70 Tox. it Paelllc... 'XV I'll nil Pun i n.lV do Dfd Xf.'s. wuliasli 11 Adams Express.. .155 .m. wxpress i.vi V. S. ExnrosH 53 Wells-Fargo Ex.. 140 Am. Cot. Oil... do nfd Am. Malting ... do pfd Amer. S. & It. . . do pfd Amer. Sjilrlts , do pfu Amer. S. II do pfd Amer. S. Ai W.. do pfd Am. Tin Plate.. do pfd Am. Tobacco .., do pfd Ann. Mln. Co... Hrk. Ran. Tr... Colo. F. & I Con. Tobacco ... do pfd Federal Steel .. do nfd ii'jiit, itiieciric .., 107',i Glucose Sugnr do prd Int'n'l Paper .. do pfd Laclede Gas ... Nat. niscult ... do pfd National Lend do nfd National Steel do prd. 436, S4Ji L?l'' "1.4 . 231,, . 12 . 7li .150'fe 431S Ui f3 30Vj . !) 416 . 25 . oo'.6 . 99l O '. 17 . 30' i . 70 . 49 . 93 . 594 17't .110 . 1M . 9ii . 61 K, . 77i .191 . 4916 . 1'B . 21 . 70 . 7N6 29' . XIU . IS'? 11 '.s 92 A N. Y. A. Drake.. 101 No. American Paelllc Const .. do 1st pfd.. . . do 2d nfd Pacific Mall .... People's (las ... Pressed S. C... in net 32Th Pullman P. ('.. Mi Stand. R. Ai T.. r.fi' Sugar 25 I do pfd raVTenn. C. & I. 132U I' 6 . K7 . Ii.'! . 43i .102a; Si'. . ill .199 r2?i .110 fifili S. Leather.... 1'! .1'ilU do nfd.... .12S U. S. Rubber . 17V do pfd 'sUostorn Pnlon... Amnl. Copper ... Republic 1. Ai S. do nfd P. C. C. ,i St. 4H 19 5114 Slid W6 15', fio. GO',4 AtCll. gCIl do ndJ. s l'-1r Can. So. 2s 110 C. Ai O. 4',is lOB't do 6s r.l C. Ai N. W. c. 7s.. 1394 do S. F. deb. 6s. 1.1 Chlcngo Tor. 4s.. PC'i Colo. So. 4s Mljl D. At It. u. 4S....103 Erie gon. Is 81 P W. Sr D. C Is. K2U Qen. E ectrlc 5s..l69 la. Central is....iib I Cons., money ... do account ... Atchison Can. Pacific .... St. Paul Illinois Central. Loulsvllln P. Dfd N. V. Central. . todnv were llrm Cnn.idlan Pacific and locals were in good demand and banks wero harder, especially Deiitschland, on nntlcl tuition of the balance sheet being rnvorable. Exchange on Londnni 20in 49'il'fK for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 2'4 Dor cent; threo months' bills, it' per cent, PARIS. Feb Three per cent rentes. 102f 17ie for the account, exchange on !n don, 25f 17'sc for checks; Spanish 4s, 72.074, .Vetv York .Money Mnrkrt.' NEW YOtlkV Feb. 6.-MONEY-On cnli. steady nt 2JJ3 per cent; prlmo mercantile paper, 31(4 pcT cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier, with nclual business In bankers' bills at Jl.SVi for demand and nt J4.StSft4.S4 for sixty days; posted rates, Sl.SS'-stjI.tg; commercial bills, Sl.MMH.SPi, silver Certificates, biumc; uar, uic; Mexican dollars, 4716C. PONDS Government. strong: state. steady; railroad, strong. Ths closing prices on cones loosy ar as follows: L". S. ref. 2s, roB.103H N. Y. C. Is I06i do Coupon ,lluf N. j, u. g. Afl....IZSi do 3s, reg 110'4-No. Paelllc 3s.... 71 do coupon 110'ii do 4s tn,V, do now 4s. reg.l37'i N Y C & S L 4s.. 109 do coupon 137'i'N. & W. c. 4s....l0Pjj do old 4s, rcg..U36 Ore. Nnv. Is 109 do coupon 113li do 4s m do 5s, reg lhv, O. S. L. fi rcr do coupon 110'.4i 110 consol 5s. ...11614 D. of C. 3s, G3s..,123 Rending gen. 4s.. I'.-, 43 10.1'i n. . is y.u. m i a; 1 m c. tis.uii St L Ai S F g. Gs.128 St. Paul cons... 1st St. I'. C. & P. 1S..1ISU do 5s 120ft. So. Paelllc 4s 90U So. Railway 6s... UG S. R. Ai T. Cs 03 T. Ai P. Is 11654 do 2s JG Union Paelllc 4s10fii, Wabash Is 119 do 2s 110 & N. mil. 4s.. .101 West Shoro 4s. ..114 M.. K. Ai T. 2s... 79'6Wts. Central 4s.. 9 do 4s 97 va. centuries ... 90 Neiv York Mlnlnur Stocks, NEW YORK. Feb. E.-Thn following are quotations on mining stocks' Adams Con 23 llco 43 Hreecc 100 llrunswlck con as Comstock Tun... 4 Con. Cal. Ai Va .150 Dcadwnod Terra. 5f Horn Silver 111! Iron Sliver Gl I.tndvllle Con.... 0 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr .., Phnonlx Potosl Savage S'erra Nevada Small II open . Standard ... 14 ...GOO ... GO ... 9 ... 8 ... 15 .. 15 ... 6b ...415 London Slock Qnntntlnns. LONDON, Feb. 5.-4 p. m. Closing: . 951 . 97 . 65' . 93' .15B' .131 . 9)', . 87 .119 Erie do 1st nfd... ronnHyivnnia Heading .. No. Pacific Grand Trunk Anncondu .. Rand Mines Oil . . 66'i a .... 7514 17U Pfd... !9 IVK Sfi 37W OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Choice Etf Steers and Cow Bluff Etettlj ind Feederi Strong. HOGS SEVEN AND A HALF TO TEN LOWER Clinlcr Wethers nnd I'tvc About Mrmly, but I.niulin mid All tint the Host Ites Solil it III k Illino I, (Mi er. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 5. Itecelpts were: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 1,37 fllllnlKl ma.) .. ' 0 J wiiivtui 1 uiauu o,a Two days this wcekt... 4.SI5 Same days lust week.... 4,8uO Samo days week befoic.. 4,377 Samo three weeks ago.. 7.SJI Samo four weeks ago.... 4.GGI Same days last your G.Ul Average nrleo nnlil fur bops for the past several days, with comparisons: 6,739 S.bW 11401 12.205 IS.1.01 1 .',,"! 11,701 9,307 2.91" 1,2 m J 7.171 6.93 G.lO.i 9.231 s.:i3) Jan. 15... Jan. 16... Jan. 17... Jnn, is... Jan. IS ., Jan. 20... Jan. 21, ,. Jan. 22... Jan. 23... Jan, 2 ... Jan. 25... Jan. 26... Jan. 27... Jan. s... Jan. 29... Jan 3u... Jun. 21, ,. Feb. 1..,. Pob. 2.... Feb. 3.,.. Feb. 4.... Fob. 6.... 6 ?3j. 4 68 u jU4l 1 in 6 20 6 29'i 6 271. 6 23HI 4 4Sl 4 53 I 54 4 4 4 63 6 14V 4 59 5 21 4 65 5 12 4 48 6 18 1 4 3 6 22'6 5 8, 6 25 0 1714 5 22 6 2314 5 31U 5 23'i 4 6: 4 62 4 64 4 f5 4 67 4 fiS 4 62 4 CO 3 52 3 49 3 61 3 64 3 66 3 59 I 3 66 3 61 3 GO 3 67 3 63 3 GS, 3 70 3 61 3 Gl 3 64 3 09 3 69 3I7 3 47 3 61 3 54 3 50 3 51 3 67 3 62 3 63 3 72 3 67 3 G2 3 64 3 66 3 Gl 3 G3 3 73 3 72 3 72 3 2ti 3 231 3 69, 3 bO 3 72 3 fc2 3 23 3 26 : "R 3 90 3 26 3 M6, 3 9"i 4 11 3 Si 3 Hi 3 S.) 3 M 3 23 3 3 33 3 35 3 30 3 27 3 27 3 29 3 91 3 NO 3 9J 4 W 4 11 4 10 3 93 3 91 3 9!i 4 10 3 2 3 191 .1 001 4 031 3 25 3 !l 3 6S 3 21 3 9.t 3 76 3 S3 3 M 3 3 3 79 3 85 3 97 3 S3 3 60 3 tM 3 Gl 3 6 Indicates Sunday. Tho nfiiclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each rood was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C. M. AV St. P. Ry.... fi O. & St. L Ry 3 Mo. Paclllo. Ry 3 union l'nc. system.. 12 C. A N. W. Ry 8 F.. E. & M. V. R. R.. 4G S. C. Ai P. Ry 3 C.i St.P., M. Ar O. Ry. 23 II. Ai M. It. 11, K. , . . 29 C, 11. & Q. Ry G K. C. Ai St. J 5 C, R. 1. Ai P., east.. 9 C. R. I. Ai P., west.. 2 Illinois Central 1 10 1 3 17 9 17 n 7 21 10 24 1 5 "l27 21 'Nominal. Iho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Though business on tho Stock exchange here was restricted today inn tone was cheorrul and prices were pretty strong. Tho American dennrl. ment attracted tho most Interest and for Its shares was strong throughout, in splto of the fact that business was greatly Intcr- leren wun ny 1110 interruption lor threo hours of the cable. This trouble was duo to the storm. Huylng wns very free. Tho Erlo shares and the Atchlsnns wero In creat demand. There was some selling to realize in the southern and i nlon raellle issues. Herlln was buying Canadian Paelllc con fidently all day. Har goM to tho extent of itS.OOO was bought by the bank. Money was easier. Call loans wore down to 3 per cent nnd time money to 31s per cent. Dis counts were 3i(3' per cent. Opinions are divided on tho reduction of tho bank rates, though the belief that gold will bo coming from New York strengthened the expecta tion of 11 cut. HAR SILVER-Slendy nt 78 3-lGd per ounce. MONEY-26173'6 per cent. The rate of discount In thn onen mnrkot for short bills Is 34 nor cent: for three months' bills, 3ff3?. per cent. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Feb. 6. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen oral fund, cxclustvo of tho $150,OnO,O0O gold reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Avnllablo cash balance, $140,529,491; i.i -A r., cifl ... gum, 4iv.u)l,atv. Hunk I'leiirliiKS, OMAHA. Feb. C. Rank clonrlnus for to- day, $871,932; for tho corresponding day last year. $1,035,098; decreuso, $103,140. CHICAGO. Feb. D.-Clenrlngs, $20,710,643; balances, $2,270,007: posted exchange, J4.S3!6 (&4.S3; New York exchange. Bo discount. ST. LUCIH, Feb. 6. C curings. J7.207.G3.V. balances, $1,131,193; money, 5fti! per cent; New iork exchange. 10c discount bid. nar nsked. NEW YORK. Fob. 5. C ear ncs. $231,918.- 734: bnlances. $11,1SS,609. hustu.x, Ken. 6. Clearings, $21,191,592; balances, $1,516,419. UALTIMORE, Feb. 6.-Clcnrlngs. $3.7GS.- 250; balances, $625,SI2. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 6. Clear ngs. $17,440,223; balances, $2,368,615. CINCINNATI, Feb. 5,-Clearlngs, $3,312, 900; New York exchange, 25c premium; monoy, ytlv per cent, IIonIiiii Wool Mnrkrt. ROSTON. Feb. 5.-WOOI-The wool mar ket showed morelltc this week and tho snles snow n liberal Increase, although it cannot bu said that In all theso sales full former prices were paid. Tho bulk of the business was In tho territory grades, with lino staple In scoured selling nt 47frlSc, while thn Htrictlv statiln nrtloln calls for 45fi4Se. Sales In stnplo wools aro so few and so far tietweon that prices aro nnminni. iieniers in Australian wools report a fulr Inquiry nnd some Importing houses have sold good lines tj leading manufacturers. Tho following are tho quotations for leading descriptions: Ohio and Pennsylvania lloeces XX and above. 2S1i29o; No. 1 combing, 2Sfi29c; No. 2 nnd a;-blood, 2t32Uc; 'i-hlood washed, 2(?r use; coarse and nraui wasneu, ynviic; blood unwashed. 235'2lc. Michigan, Wiscon sin, etc. X Michigan, 22(S23o: No, 1 Michi gan combing, 27di2e; No. 2 Michigan comb ing, 26fi'J7e: U-blood washed, 2lH(27c; coarse washed, 23f)2ik7; fine delaine, 24fj!!3c. Un washed medium, etc. Kentucky und In diana 'l-blood "combing, 23fi24c: -blood, 23 ffi24e; Missouri i4-bloo(l combing. 22(S23o; 3i blnod. 22j23c; braid combing. 20(Ti2tc; lako and Georgia, 22o, Territory, scoured basis Montana, and Wyoming, medium und line, 15f)lGc; scoured, 43ff47c; staple, 47iBC0c; Idaho, lino medium nnd line. 14',6fil6c; scoured. 45ft4Gc; staple. 47(rj50c. AustralUn, scoured basis Spot prices, combing super fine, nominal, 155il7c; good, 67Q70c; average, 64 If 67c. Wool Auction Sales. LONDON, Fob. 5. WOOI Tho number of bales offered nt today's session of the wool auction snles was 13,413 and Included a better hclectlon. There was brisk com petition and crossbreds wero In good de mand, some for America. Tho following Is Iho sulo In detail: New South Wales. 4.MK) bales; scoured, Gi'.lds Id; greasy. 4',6'((10d, Queensland. 1.3m) Inles: scoured, Sdtils 5d; greasy, 5f(10iid. Victoria, 2,000 bales; scoured, 4(Hils G'jd; grensv, 4'filld. South Australia, 100 ba'es: greasy, 75i9d. AVcst Australia, 1,000 nines; scoured. 11'..(1; greasy, 5fi7d. Tasmania. 100 bales; greasy, 7V6?i9d- New '.ealiind. 3,70) bales; scoured, fftUfylH 2irt: grensy. 3iH816d. Capo of Good Hone and Natal. 1.20O bales; scoured, lsfilsP-d; greasy, 4'q6d. ColYoe Mnrket. NEW YORK, Feb. 5.-COFFEE-Steady ; No. 7 invoice, GTrft'o; mild, iiilet; Cordova, Ml 1216c. Futuros opened steady, with prices 5 points lower In sympathy with weakness In the Humburg and Rio mar kets; also under largo Ilrazlllan port and interior receipts, further talk of record breaking niv crop, weight of long cofTee und soiling for short account. The market ruled quiet with a weak undortnno nil day. Spot demand was sluggish and tho public Indifferent. Covering caused a rally near the close. Tho marKel closed stenqv. to. tal miles, 27.500 bgs, Including: March, 5.10c; July, 5.53Jie.ooc; September, 5.70c; Oc tober, 5.75c. Wool .Market. ROSTON, Feh. 5,-WOOI-A better de mand for woo' wns apparent In the mnrkot hero this afternoon and In many cases thn hiiIos show a liberal Increase, although it cannot be said in nil enses that oven former prices wero reached. The bulk of the busi ness transacted wns In tho territory crudes. 'I'lio ranco for cnnil lots of flue medium and lino staple In scoured Is 45fil7e, while tho .,.,.,.. ... l ,.. ..I IC.."!ft II... ....... 1 urieiiy M(iiw ih quuil'il ui i.tjjuw. m .inurrii flci c cs nro slov. 291 1,377 .... 79 1,363 037 1.S09 2,012 42 1.G20 S28 GIG 2,362 1,35s 94 61 1 15 17G 10: 44 1 Gl 77 49 3S 5 !!!! 152 .... 33 Total receipts ....153 The disposition of the dny's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of head Indicated: Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. otnana racKing va G, 11. Hammond Co Swift und Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour Ai Co Omaha P. Co., K. C... O. H. Hammond. K. C. R. Rocker Ai Degan Vansnnt Ai Co Lnbman Ai Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnger Livingstone Ai Schaller.. Hamilton & Rothschild. L. F. Husz II. L. Dennis & Co II. F. Hobblck A. S. Mawhttiticy Other buyers Totals j 3,479 8.531 4.861 CATTLE Receipts this morning wero quite liberal, but tho demand was in fairly irood shanu nnd tho murkut did not show very much chango so far ns 0d stuff was concerned. There wero quite a tew goou steers on sale that packers bought up 111 cood season nt nrnctleiilly steady prices. Tho kinds that are selling from $4.40 to $4.80 did not move any too readily loony unu sellers wero calling that kind of cuttlo a little 'ower thun yestcrdny. They had to tnko oft a nickel In most cases nnd occa sionally 11 dime. Tho liberal supply gave buyers an opportunity to discriminate against the common und hnlf-fat stuff, which mudn It moro difficult to sell that cluss of cattle at steady prices. Tho cow market was In very satisfactory condition today und anything at nil deslr nblo sold rcudlly nt Jjst ubout yestcriluy'9 prices. The choicer grades were of course In tho greatest demand, but even the medium kinds brought right around steudy prices and the sumo was true 01 canners. Hulls, calves and stags nlso sold in yes lerilnv'H notches. Tin. Kiimo ns bns been tho case for some little tlmo there wero only n few feeders on sale, for wmcn more was 11 goun ub mnnd. A cholco load of feeders would bring good, strong prices and sellers hav ing cattle answering to that description had no trouble to dlsposo of them. The common kinds sold today Just about where thnv liuvn noon tor Home lime lime num. Whnt applies to feeder steers mny bo ap plied equally well to sho stuff nnd to stock bulls. Representative sales: UEEF STEERS No. 1.... 1..., 1.... 1.... 8.... 1.... 1.... 1..., 31.... 42..., 12.... 63..., 9... 1... 1... 20... 5... 19... 13... 10... a 1!" 7... 5... 37... 13... 5... 11 1 18 13 12 37 llowton Stock (Imitations. ROSTON, Fob. C.-Call loans, 3ffi per cent; tlmo loans, 3'4 per cent. Otllclul closlnc: A.. T. Ai 8. F 64', do pfd Mi Amer. Sugur ....137 do pfd 119 Am. Telephone... 161 Ronton Ai AI 234 Ronton Elevated. 109 isosion Ai .MO.. C. R & Q Dominion Coal do nfd Federal Steel West End P.Ha West. Electric. J4', Atchison 4s 102 N. E. G. Ai C. 6s. C7 Adventure 9 Ring. Mln. Co.... IS Amnl. Conner ... Wiu liM'-'Atlontlc 23 117 Huston & Mont. .519 33 liutto & Ronton.. n,u UU- Cl. Ai llecla SV) do pfd Gen. Electric ... do pfd Ed. Elee III Mex. Central ... N. E. O. Ai C... Old Colony Old Dominion.., Rubbir fnlnn Pacific .. Union Land ... Ex-dlvldcnd. 31 . 7".Vs .1911, .139 .230 . 16 . 12t .20n . 31'. . 19' . 9' . 216 Centennial 22 lTnnklln 1716 ll'imbnldt 2'. Osceola .'il4 I'arroi 4s Qulnoy ICS Santa Fo Copper. 0 Tamarack 330 1 tah .Mining .... rM, Winona 6iJ Wolverines ....... 49 Foroluii 11 11 11 el 11 1 . LONDON. Feb. 6,-Monoy wan abundant nnd weak todny. Discounts were easy, tho reduction of bunk rntes nt ncrlln nnd Paris believed to be Imminent On tho Stock ex change activity wns confined in Americans. Tho feature was Atchljons. The amo'int of bullion taken Into tho Rank t f England on bnlunco tiviy was jCl-i.Oi"). Gold pro mlums were quoted at Lisbon at 41.50. BERLIN. Feb, 5,-Prtccs on the bourse (III nml Itnsln. NEW YORK, Feb. 3-OILS-Cottonseed, ensv, prime eruile, 27wn 'sc; prime yellow, ;i'.r(i3ic. reiroio-jm, urm; reunod ew Ynilc. $7.70; Philadelphia nnd Rnltlmore, $3.ir.; Philadelphia nnd Raltlmoro, In bulk, $5 15. Rosin, dull; strained, common to kTiind. SI.RV Turnent no. dull. tofHOUc. LONDON. Feb. 5. OILS Linseed. 24s Gd; Calcutta Unseed, spot, 73s Gd. Turpentine spirits, 2SH bd. Dry (iouils. NEW YORK. Fob. 5.-DRY GOODS-Ma-terlnl lmnrovement in the mnrket continues quiet. Ilrown cottons tend in buyers' favor for spot goodsi torwani contracts steady; blenched cottons beginning to shiw Irrecn- lnrltv: coarsn eolnren cottons dui and ir regulnr No ehnngo In prints or glnehnm; print cloths dull nnd unaltered; silks quiet at previous prices. Suunr nml MoIihini-n. NEW ORLEANS. Feb 6 -SI'G AR-Qulot ; open Kiimo, li'iff.iTjc: open Koine, centri fugal. 4fi'l6-lCe; yellow. 41ifJ lc; seconds, 2fi4c. Molasses, quiet: open kottlo, 20ff 30e; centrirugni, w(:nc wyrup, .'ihuscc. AmiIImIiIi- Supiillok, NEW YORK. Fob. 5 Tho nvnllnble sun plies Issued weekly bv Rrndstreet's will not bo t.cnt until tomorrow on uccotint of ,l. ...... I . 9 nl.,n,,ma ' lliu I1UII-1 1 -..-ll II, i.:n-bl Hill.-. DiietiirH MiiNt He There, JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.; Feb. 6,-Tho sennto today passed a bill prohibiting non resident physicians from practicing mell ti.A (n tin, ulnlA liv nrnyv. 1Tnd,r 111. bill non-resident physicians must be present at llicir oiiiccs in .Missouri. A v. Pr. 700 $2 00 440 $2 50 1120 3 00 880 3 23 931 3 00 630 3 W 1200 4 00 700 4 00 979 4 10 9X5 4 20 830 4 20 1140 4 20 114G 4 20 920 4 23 910 I 25 900 4 25 1050 4 30 1103 4 30 1000 4 30 1069 4 35 105S 4 33 ......1163 4 40 1163 4 40 9K0 4 40 1177 4 45 1240 4 43 112 4 45 11 S3 4 45 1102 4 45 Ifl'll! i 15 No. 37..., 16. . . 7... 17... 19... 35.. 5.. 13.. 19.. 18.. 19.t 11.: 33.. 20. . 20.. 15.. to 21" 11.. 60,, 15.. 19., 25.. 19.. 40.. 17.. 1.. 1- Av. Pr. ...1024 4 45 ....1280 I 15 ....1093 4 50 904 4 50 ,...1115 4 HI ,...1115 4 60 ....1196 4 60 ....1067 I 55 ....1155 4 fo ,...1225 4 60 ....1091 4 60 ....1329 I W ,...115i; 4 GO ,...1036 4 IT. ....1178 4 ffi ....1187 4 65 ....1192 4 70 ....1102 4 "0 ....1237 4 75 ....1122 4 75 ....1259 4 80 ,...1450 4 CO ....1247 4 85 ....1323 4 85 ....1125 I 90 ....1152 190 ....1475 r. rr. ....1431 5 25 ....1500 6 23 "M 5 '!3 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ...1041 2 85 2 23 4 35 ...1070 2 85 22 995 4 40 ... 9SS 4 15 20 90S 4 40 ...1331 4 23 13 1153 4 65 ... 958 3 t". 15 1239 I Ml ...923 4 23 20 1177 6 20 ...1080 4 10 1..., 1... 1... 1..., 2 6.. 11.. 1.... a ?.!;.'.' 14 Hi;;;! 1..., 490 2 00 101O 2 10 1090 2 10 925 2 10 785 2 15 814 2 25 1190 2 60 ,..,. 935 2 60 ; 925 2 60 1030 2 50 730 1030 1060 920 942 .1010 2 03 ,1000 2 G". 60 IV) CO G COWS. I... 9... 6... li'.!'. 70 3 25 2 85 S3 85 2 85 2 13 85 1000 1143 lO'O 970 1330 1180 1040 900 1330 2 85 1013 2 90 10(5(1 2 85 1039 2 60 1061 2 90 101 2 90 1150 2 90 IHO 2 90 U2S 2 95 1050 3 00 1240 3 00 . .1060 3 f,0 .. 910 3 00 , . 80 3 00 .. 910 3 00 .,1061 3 00 ..1230 3 00 ,.1220 3 1 10 . .1140 3 00 . . 840 3 00 ..1110 3 00 ..11S3 3 00 ..1010 3 00 ..1090 3 00 . . 90 3 00 ..1120 3 00 , . 983 3 10 .,1223 3 10 ,.117"i 3 10 8iii n 10 7.... 3.... 4.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 8.... o ig!;;'. 1.... 9.... 19.... 4.... 1 1 9 1 (j g.'.;i'.".! 1 o 10'. "'.".'.; 1 3 G 1 1 1 o 1".' .'.'.'.'.'.' .' 7 1 52. . 1010 3 15 ,....1131 3 15 926 3 15 1282 3 15 1140 3 20 1010 3 20 1094 3 20 1029 3 20 880 2 25 1220 3 25 1210 3 25 1210 3 26 1330 3 30 10O0 3 30 HUO 3 30 1210 3 31 1115 3 30 1160 3 30 925 3 30 1078 3 I'O 1200 3 30 1000 3 20 1233 3 3". 1230 3 25 891 3 a 1003 3 35 9V) 3 33 9S3 3 40 1100 3 10 1002 3 45 1103 3 1 1010 2 10 112.". 2 60 1015 3 50 1250 2 GO . . 880 3 50 .. 9IG 3 50 ..1310 3 50 ..1180 3.'0 ..1121 3 r.'i ..1033 3 65 , . 980 3 00 ..1200 3 00 .. 9IS 3 05 ..1030 3 70 ..IHKl 3 71) ..1115 3 70 ..1O10 2 73 . . 990 2 7." ,.10i 10 2 75 ..1000 2 75 ..1270 3 75 ..1215 3 75 ..16V) 3 75 . . 030 3 73 17'.'.'."'.'.' ii!"!!!!! 12'.'.'."'.'.! isrrr..ri 5 COWS AND HEIFERS. .11118 . 923 ..410 2 01 . . 810 2 5'i . , 650 3 00 , . 735 3 20 .. 760 3 25 .. 800 3 35 , . itC.1 3 30 .. 820 3 40 .. 491 3 40 .. 186 3 60 .. 102 3 ,7) . . 802 3 60 .,1080 3 ." ..!( 3 33 3 15 19.. 3 "' HEIFERS. ;i 28 9 10 7 10 I 6 . IfiOS 3 65 . 960 .3 t3 1.. 6... 1. .. 816 3 no . . Ml 3 l , , 880 3 60 ..10V. 3 Gl ..1027 3 70 .. 91J 3 -0 . . 842 3 70 .. 9Vi 3 70 .. SO'- 3 70 .. 5VI 3 7. . . 921 3 tu ..1845 3!') ..inoi s f. SIO 4 00 17 o 1 6 1 1 10 24 43 IS ..has ..10S0 .. 9 1... 1... 1... I 1 1 I'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 2 3 IV 1 3D 1 . . CALVES. M75 .1110 . W0 4 10 4 10 4 CO 39) 3 5o 22 330 4 00 5 CO 300 r. m 5 so 280 1 5 50 6 00 1. 1 V.'.'..'. 2 1 SCO G 60 160 6 00 HO IK 6 36 6 36 6 75 120 7 00 .200 6 (l .12(1) 2 35 ..1600 3 10 .1570 3 11 .15S0 3 25 . :w .12t1 .1300 ..I3S0 3 25 .1210 3 ' HULLS. 1. 113 137 ' 00 33 3 35 130.1 .1180 .1270 3 30 . ' n 3 : ..1370 .100. 3 35 3 ID ..lVl 3 40 ..1720 ' I". 1.. 1.. 1.. 3.. O 1. . 990 3 60 ,.1U0 3 60 .1310 3 60 .1250 3 50 .130 .1010 3 60 3 .V, .1320 3 55 .1700 3 55 .1840 3 GO .1450 3 ir. ...1".'V) ...1880 3 tfi 3 65 .1210 3 70 ..1350 3 m ..1320 3 75 ..1710 3 85 STOCK CALVES. 1830 I 00 31" 3 15. I" J 4. ... STOCK COWS AND 410 49" 1 ?:. 1 75 llO 1 l! t". 1 "70 2 10 1.... 1.... IfOO 830 . 970 IN) no GO 3 00 ftVl 3 00 . 855 3 10 I 3 n L . 4 3 heifers. .... j.v , .. 15 .... l fc8,l 60. 700 .t : 3 25 3 25 3 25 10. 11.. 3... 1... 1... 1... 1... STAGS. 01 357 3 25 7V. 3 25 402 3 55 627 3 33 1110 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 712 3 25 , 840 3 55 460 3 60 730 3 50 46". 3 50 i-O 3 1.1 3 75 3 73 3 83 3 8.-, 3 ! 4 00 4 in) 14.. 14.., II.. 31.. 1.. 4.. .. 650 .. 913 .. 661 .. 861 .. 930 .. 624 ..106) .. 800 .. 7S.8 .. 840 .. 915 688 i a. 4 10 4 10 4 15 I 20 . . 9.10 .. 9-J. .. 733 ..1070 .. 612 .. 834 .. 980 .. 742 .. 005 ..110S ..1081 .. 923 .. 623 .. 880 I 20 4 20 I 23 4 25 4 25 I 25 1 :.". 4 30 4 75 4 .V. 4 35 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 45 1... 7..., 67... 16... 48... 6S... 43... 34... 27 718 4 50 IS..-. 396 4 50 46 700 4 GO 1 710 4 f) HOGS Tlfero wna n fnlrlv llliernl slltinlv of hogs hero todny and owing to lower values ut other markets, packers started out hero to not their droves for less money. A few of the packers began bidding $5.2216 and, $3.25 nnd ns high as $5.27'i nnd $5.30 was pain mr somu or tho choicest neuvywcigni hogs, so thnt the murket was 5plO lower than yesterday. Only u few loads changed hands nt those prices nnd then packers lowered their bids to $5.20 and $3.2216, n some Into trains arrived that make the count overrun. Sellers were not willing to ias,e tne prires niTered and ns a result tne market was slow for n time nnd hut llttlo wns done. Later on the provision market showed some strength nnd puckers restored their bids to where they wero in the morn ing nnd bought their hnirs 6til0c lower than yesterday, or about 7!ic lower. In spite ot me wean spot in the middle, when pncKcrs wore bidding 10c lower, everything was sold In good season, Representative sules; No. A v. 20 125 8S 183 .191 ..ISO ..ITS ..153 ..188 ..229 . .203 6 19.S !2 1GS 47 269 64 70. 63. 69. 66. 81.... 62.... I.... 29. . . . 44.... 3.... 61.... 24... 67... 52... 51... 43... 67... 69... GS... 61... 76... 67... 57... 92... GO. . . 71... 76... 73... 82... 66.. 40 80 160 40 80 40 40 20 . . .20.8 ...240 ...251 1 '.7M . .253 . .257 . .316 . .221 ..242 . .231 ..210 ..218 ..220 ..174 . .263 . .233 ..229 240 ..267 120 . .233 ..21S . .249 3 ' '. 1281 ..195 ..241 ..218 . .203 ..212 . .203 .24." Sh. Pr. ... $1 so 120 5 10 160 $5 15 ... 515 ... 5 15 40 5 17'6 ... 5 W 40 6 20 5 20 f. 20 5 20 r. 20 5 2') 5 20 6 20 6 20 5 20 6 20 5 20 5 20 5 2') 5 22U 5 "' 5 22V, 5 5 1. w No. 63 67.... 84.... 61...., 68 61) 79 70...., 90 69...., ai 78 81.... 69.... 15.... 73. . . . 72.... 61...., 69.... 62... . 80.... A V. .298 .277 .154 .348 .231 .238 .233 .257 .2113 .224 .233 .205 .187 .219 .251 .2J .216 .203 .246 .238 13 160 120 10 24 2.15 39 23S 68. 71.. 85.. 50.. 85.. 21.. 79.. 73.. 63.. 93.. ..257 . . .228 . . .209 . . . . . .320 80 ...185 160 . . .234 . . .233 ...216 ...292 ...210 ...237 , . .220 5 m 1. -.Vj 5 22'A 5 ?2',. 5 22 6 22!? VI I) r-M 40 5 2216 49 5 22'4 ... 5 22U 120 6 2216 . . r. "AT. 6 2215 5 22V6 5 22' 5 22'5 5 "2l4 r. 221'. r. V2i5 5 2215 5 22'6 r. ""' 6 22'5 6 22$ li ..''i 80. 65.. 211 .262 .216 .227 Sh. Pr. . . . 5 2214 6 22' 3 r. ?:; 6 ?2lj 5 ?216 6 22U 5 22'i 5 2216 f. 2214 i i. -5 1215 r. 2214 5 22'j, 5 221i 6 22', 5 221,6 5 22'J 6 221!, 6 L21i 5 25 r. 25 r. 25 5 25 6 25 5 23 SO 6 22fA 40 40 80 40 40 40 40 160 80 80 80 81 69 Kit 69 213 42 389 80 80 SO 160 80 5 "M 6 22' I 5 22'". "2K. 67, 69..., 66. . . . 61..., 66..., 73. . . , 68.,., 37..., 21..., GO.... 71..., 60. . . , 61.... 61... 62... 6.8. . . SI... 93... 62... (17... 72. . . 61... 52... 44..., 66.... .211 .258 .289 .236 .290 .218 SHEEP ... 5 22!6" 120 5 22U ft it ---I, 5 2216 5 22',$ 5 22'.i 160 5 22'... ... 6 22'!. ;.'o ..211 ..273 ..258 . .275 ..276 ..231 . .207 ..301 ..252 ..241 ..271 ..201 ..295 . .251 ..228 ..213 ..207 ..280 ..237 ..281 . .265 . .301 ..210 . .247 25 256 51 290 58 238 65 292 160 5 25 6 25 6 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 811 5 25 40 5 25 SO 160 80 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 2. 5 25 5 25 240 5 : 20 5 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 1. 25 5 25 6 25 40 120 13. 50. . 70.. 63.. 62.. 62.. .333 .409 .254 .226 .323 .art good 5 25 6 27' 6 6 27' i 5 2716 5 27'i 5 30 6 30 supply of Thorn was a sheep on sale again today, and ns tho tend ency of prices was downward ut nil points 1110 murKct wus rather weaK here, some cholco wethers brought- $4.30 and $4.35. which looked Just about steady with yes terday nnd with tho close of last week. A prime bunch of ewes brought $3.80. which also looked about steady. Asldo from a few sales of that charncter tho mnrket was lower. All but tho very chuleest owes could safely be quoted u dime lower nnd In some cuscs moro than that. Lambs wero also n big dlmo lower The domain! seemed to bo good shape at tho decline and tho market wjs fairly active on tho bettor grades. The common and undesirable stuff, of course, moved rather slowly. Feeders did not show any quotable chnnge, only a few being offered, which wero picked up nt nbout steady prices. Quotations: Cholco fed wethers. SI.251T 4.10; fair to good wethers, $I.Ooji4.25. choice lightweight yearlings, $l.65fi4.S5; fulr to good yearlings, $l,40Ji4.63; cholco ewes, M 10 f(3.S0; fnlr to good owes, J3.O05.1 40; chilco niiiu 11111111-1, 4.(M,i,i, mil 111 kuiiii rllliK lambs, $l.75f!5.oO; feeder owes, $3.25'i3.5o, feeder wethers, iS.Wi'.t.lu: feeder lambs. $1.0094.40. Representative, sales: G cull owes 219 western owes 120 western owes 110 western owes 12 cull lambs 181 western owes 207 western yearlings.. 267 western lambs 247 western lambs 21.7 western !ambs 2ffl western lambs No. 6i) cull owes 219 western owes 1 cull wethers 18 Iowa owes 363 western ewes 217 western ewes 1 buck in feeding lambs 61 native mixed 26 cull lambs 223 western yearlings.. 49 common lambs .... 12 native lambs 91 nntlvo lambs 83 Iowa lambs 610 western lambs 221 wesurn lambs heavy, $.V3i-l(5. 10, mixed packers, $j.-fi6.. light. $5.15-11' 30: I'lRs. ti 7ofl3.0S. , SHEEP . AND LAMHS-Hceclpl". fcOOO head; market steady; western lambs, 5.35, wr stern wolhers. $l.2&tT4 70: wf stent yearlings, $l.50Xfj.W. ewes, $3.50fll.OO; culls, 2.5oT3. 10. St, Louis Lite Stock Mnrkrt. ST. LOIMS. Feb. 6.-C'ATTl.K-Hccclpt. 3.200 head, including 1,300 bend Texan; mnrket steady; native shipping and export steers. $4.Mijo,80; dressed beef and blitchot steers, $4. 161? 5.10; steers under l.ooo lbs., $3.10 11.75; stoekors nnd feeders, $".45JT4.0".i; cows and heifers. $2,Tf 1.25; canners. $1.2TW"2.io; bulls, $2 1M(4.i; Texas nml Indian steers, $J.6CV4.7o: cows nnd heifers. $2.15ti3.60. HCGS Receipts, I0.IM) head; market lie tlvo. 51110c lower; plgf) and lights. $5.25(3.30; pnekers, $3 30MG.35; butchers, $5.3n'ii3.371i. , SHEEP AND LAMPS- Receipts, 900 head; market strong to HV higher; nntlvo mut tons 3..Vili lambs, $i.5tifKi.(S; culls nml bucks. $2 6ifil.26; stockcrs. $2.75J3.0.'. e Vurk Lit i- Stuck Murket. NEW YORK. Feb. f..HEEVES-Rc-cclpts, 253 head, no sales today; nominally steady; exports. 55n cattle, .Z sheep atul 4.4m) quarters of beef; tomnnow, 12 cattle, 16 sheep and 8.360 quarters of beef Calves, receipts. 86 brad, veals, steady; ordinary to choice, $6. nous 75.. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccelpts, 3.63" head; cheep steady, lambs weak und lower; sheep, J.I. 5ni 4.6o, medium to prlmo lambs, $5.35; nno car. $5.83. HOGS Receipts, 1.670 head; none for silo alive; nominally weak. St. .lusepli Lite Stuck Mnrket. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Fob. 6.-(Spo-clal.) Tho .1 nil run I quotes: CATTLE Receipts. 1.S00 head; mnrkrt tic .live, strong; natives, $1,154(5.40; Texas und westerns, $3.6sio.l3; cows and heifers, $2.15 el 25; bulls and stags. $2 104. 50; yearlings und calves, J.I.OiM.SO: stockers nnd feeders, $3.10f?l.35; von Is, $l.25'(i7.l. HOGS Receipts. 6,300 head; market 60 lower; all griules, $."..Oi'i4iC.40; bulk of sales, $5.265.35; pigs. 10(iil5c higher, SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 900 head; market steady. Stuck lu Sluht. Following nro the receipts at the four principal western markets fur February 5: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 3,438 8,662 4,32.. Chicago G.0 3.1M) 12,U KniiFas City 8,2t) 10.000 6.WM St. Louis 3,200 10.000 91M Totals .19.S38 31.662 FREIGHT POOL IN BAD WAY Cblenm. Grent Western's lie termina tion to Hustle on lis Own Ac count ('mixes Trouble. CHICAGO, Feb. 0. Tho Record tomorrow will say: Reports nro current thnt tho freight pool maintained by western lines has gono to pieces, as tho result of rebel lious actions taken by tho Chicago-Great Western. Not satisfied tho Great Western, It Is said, has scratched Its name off tho agreement nnd set about to get business on lines laid down by Itself. Tho Interested olllcln's say that with one railroad out tho poo! cannot bo maintained. Iluvt's Will ('untested, NEW YORK. Fob. r. -Formal notlro of contest of tho will of the late Charles It. Hoyt. the playwright, was lllcd with tho surrogato today. The contestants nro Joseph R. Hoyt of Nushua, N. 11., in. I Ella M. Green of Concord, N. II., cousin of Mr. Hoyt. T 1 1 II REALTY M It KET. INSTRUMENTS lllcd for record Tuesday, February 5, 1901: Warranty Deeds, C. R. Smith nnd wife to P. J. Totmnn, lots 5 and G, block 37 Renson $ (25 Georgo P llemls Real Estate company to National Hank of Commerce, cor 1 11. 1 It lots lu blocks 1, 2. 19, 39, 40 nnd 68, Credit Fonder ad; blocks 2 and 6. Holvedero ud; hlockn 267 nnd 470 Grnnilvlcw; blocks A, II, C, D, E and (1, Prospect Place 10 M. It. Davenport nnd husband .0 Loulso Junt-scn, 20 ncrcs In olj so 18-16-13 l.tCO Mury P. Griffon to Genevieve Tyler, lots 10 ond 11. block A, Morrison's ml 200 John F. Flack company to Cathno Kcenaii, lot 1, block 6, Isabel ad 9'0 dull ( lllllil Deeds. Christ and P. N. Lyon to Nils Lyon, lot 0, llonllcld 1 John Btclhbrunurr to Minnie Stelnbriin ncr, bV6 lot 21, block 1, Drown park.. 1 Deeds. F. C. Grnblo and wife to II. R. Darker, lots 7 and 8, Convent Place 1 Total amount of transfers J3.5SS 66 103 91 101 5") 131 97 6". 82 71 98 Av. 80 105 112 122 99 112 260 78 107 63 10". 7.j 75 73 96 81 83 2 00 3 ,15 3 40 3 40 3 75 3 80 4 3". 4 75 4 89 4 80 5 01 IT. f J 5 1 3 41 3 5) 3 60 .1 7'i ,1 71 3 75 . Oi . 10 4 2. I 3i 4 60 I 73 4 7i 4 k5 4 K"i I 85 You Can Buy Brains at a meat market, or you can hire other people to think for you, or a nimble fingered girl to write your letters, but do you know a good dictionary is a groat help in writing or speak ing correctly? Probably you hav decrepit old dictionary In your office. It U so tattcrel and dirty that you seldom uie it. Throw It la th WMte basket and get a Standard Dictionary It Is tho latest out nnd scholan verywhere pronouncs It the best Containing over 800,000 words and bnvlng a corps of 240 editors, specialists and educated men, coating Dearly a million dollars before placed before the public, It ought to be a valuable book. It li a valuable book by far the best dictionary before thn Gngllsh-cpeaklng people. CALL ON OR WRITE TUB MEGRATH STATIONERY CO. UOS FARNAM STREET. IN REGARD TO IT. CHICUiO LIVE STOCK " M 111 KET. Cuttle (ieneriilly Stendj Hogs nml Sheep I, on or. CHICAGO Feb. 6.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 5,000 head, Including 250 bend Toxons: steers steady to slow; butchers' stock, steady; Texaiis, steady to strong; good to prime steers, $3."'''j6.00; poor to medium, $3. l'Hf I 'i i- stockcrs nnd feeders, slow. 10c lower, 7(Vir4 50; cows, $2.6'.?! 4. 15; heifers, $2.751' 410- canners. slow. $2.i(2.60j bulls, steady, J' 75171 25; calves, strong. $1 'WM.S0; Texas grass Steers, $3.;i'f4.0O; Texas hill's, $2.500 3' HOGS Receipts today, S.OOo head; tomor row 30,() head, estimated; left over, 5,0 l head: market Mi 10c lower, closing weak; top $5 10; mixed nnd butchers, $5.20113.35: iroo'd to ehnlre heavy, $".30ff5 40; rough heavy. $5.151 5 25: light. $5.15f(5 326: bulk of sales', $5. 2"' "0 3 33. HHHRI' AND LAM US Receipts, 12.000 head; weak to 10e Iqwer; lambs, lufttrm lower; gnnd to choice wet hi rs, $3.9)111.1(1; fnlr to cholco mixed, $3,604(3 90; western sheep, yi.Wfll.40; Texas sheep. $2.60K3.fti; native lambs, $1,231)5.25; western lambs, $"..0i It'll 11 nii h City Live Slunk Murket, KANSAS CITY, Feb. 6 -CATTLE-Re-celpts, 7,Mi) head natives, 700 head Tcxiins, 2V) bend calves; beef steers, steady to 10c lower; cows and stockcrs and feeders, steady; nntlvo beef steers, II. 60115.50: stock crs and feeders, $1,761(4.75: fed western steers, $l.0'(l.9); TexniiB nnd Indians. $3.751f 4.60; cows, $3.fm?d.OO: heifers, $3.501 I.7.; can ners, $2.25fl2.90; bulls, $3.00WI.25; calves, $5.60 417.50. HOGS R"relpts, 10,000 head; market 3c lower; top, $3.40; bulk of sulos, $5.23''u5.37l,j; lluy FRYER HILL OF LEADVILLE at fc a share; Company controls 17 claims In tho heart of tho District; property being operntcd with n steam hoist; hns a record of production of $160,000.00. Iluy I'Rinn MINING COMPANY STOCK at 20c a share; the company owns 45 claims, and a largo mill; Is u steady shipper and employ 26 mun; will undoubtedly pay divi dends this year- Wrlto for Imformutlon concerning divi dend paying stock showing an Investment of bettor than 3316 P'T cent, lo Herbert S. Shaw, olllcca 14 nnd 15, Ilrown Palace Ho tel, Denver, Colorado. Approved stocks sold on Instalment plan. Direct prlvato wlro to nil Colorado exchanges. JAMES E. BOYD & GO,, Telephone HCItl. O11111I111, ,h. COMMISSION, (iHAI.V, PIIOVIHIII.VH und STOCK-, II.. 11 ill of Trnde, Correspondence: John A. Warren & Co. Direct wires to Chlcugo and New YorX.