Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1901, Page 7, Image 8

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..... i ..i t. nit. MUrMff 4 v uunmMDV S Kifll '
THE OMAHA UAH;! Hl'-iltil i 'imii r raniL ii.i4 .v. , ; j-
rlsht nnd
(Continued from First Page.)
they semi to Lincoln.
red vote.
. l, ..Mm..,la I'nnt thero I nn necessity lor n
JlIIULllL'l Ul .Ul millUH'IJ ...... - - . ...
show b'.zan and am of the opinion that tryng l0 forc8 cn th0 people n man they and that a caucus should he agreed upon
It should bo by dl- rcpubi.cnns nro unanimous In th. bellrf absolutely -' ; J'V..1.!1; l' :5: .:,,iJ?l,C'UOn- 8ClU "
VI I it U I u. n
there will bo no election, bacauso Tnornp-1 $oa want.
son and Hosewater have friends that will
ipv hv tnm in ihn lout, but there will not KT.nAII C'OIWTV
bo enough to elect. HARTINOTON. Neb.. Feb. 2.-John Brid
Judgo T. 11. Saunders, One ot tho Old enbaugh, Attorney In my opinion ono thing
Crippled Veterans of the War I voted for yet remains to bo dono to make corn
John C. Fremont in 1850' and bo on down p!cto our famous victory of last No
for every republican president since; never vembor. That Is the speedy election
bcralchcd a republican ticket; havo always of two republican United States senators,
regarded Edwnrd Rosewnter as the sol- Tho manner and spirit In which this Is nc
dlers' friend and I). B. Thompson, too; like complUhcd will count for a grent deal. It
Hos6wntcr for tho enemies ho has mado should bo dono promptly and cnthuslastl
and put tho X to his name last fall. Our tally. Republicans of Nebraska are, and of
fellows ought to stop their foolishness and right ought to be, In n Joyous frame cf
elect Edward Ilosewater and D. K. Thomp- mind. That should make the work in
it,oi ttniin.i amina axnatnrfl nnd hand caiv. Qood fcullriR nnd harmony ought
ih(n trv and do somo other Rood work for to bo uppermost. There ought, therefore,
!, ii to bo no delay In getting together. Uepub
II. II, Campbell, Editor of the Ilccord and Means of Nebraska ask, the party demands
Postmaster-Our nconlo ought to get to- It. Wrangling la disintegrating; under the
gethor nnd not waste any mom time. Any
two republicans would suit me. No ranti
would bring more credit to tho Btato It
elected United States senator than Edward
Hoswatcr. At nny rate there would no no
clrcuiiMtancoj It Is nltogoibcr unioemly. Let
statesmanship assert Itself. Thcro Is a so
North and one from thu South I'latte coun
try, nt tho same time, so as to sac mo
cxrense to the people of further combina
tion und deadlocks. tiioso micnicv,
weto: Frank Miller, It. J. Vinton, (J. Carl
son. 1). Newman, 11. L. CnrUon, u. iiacaer.
Rankin & Itudd, nil dealers In genera
merchandise; E. G. West, T. L. Carroll
nnd (icorgo Hack, dealers In grain, lum
ber and coal; A. V. Carlson, cashier State
oughly honest. Above all. ho Is absolutely
Independent. Ho Is one of tho foremos
men In the country today. Ills! Influent i
extends from the I'latte to Washington.
He would at once become n leader In the
sciato and It will be tho part of grca'
wUilom to scud him to represent the state
of Nebraska In tho United States senate.
0 E. Emery Tho deadlock should be
broken nt once. It's got to bo broken
some time and now Is as good a time as
R. W. Sabln The deadlock Is doing the
1 . .. nt. tl.. .......--.. I . V. m 1 1 1 ; 1
bank; Jennings & Spauldlng ami . s'" J"'"' . .
cChblns hardware merchants; Attorney get together nnd break It once nnd for all.
W I) nimn leading republican worker; A. Mr. Ro-ewator sccmi to be holding his
ol mark J 0? Swan,. "l Anderson. H. own very well and 1 should not be sur-
C Si II L Williams. It. 11. Doll, prised but it would be Hosewater and
-non. P. A. Lundln, C. A. 1M- Thcmpson after nil. Don t It look that way
to you?
will be settled within a week and lloscwster
elected. Hosewater nnd Crounse would
wards, F. 11. Winston, manager Houston
n a Mnroii. p. O. Dlomuulst and
many others.
Twc-thlrds of the republicans In and
around Gothenburg favor the election of
II. .J I IIVDIUIII UltUII IIIW.I w-.."" I ... . , ,
t-I. n I...- t . !. nnnid.l llmni n alinwn 1)V thO VOtO HI MB
iiopuuncan Lommiiicc i uum-vu mu .n-p - . . ,
nt ttnl.rrfalm hnvn n Hit If In PXtlCCt tllO ClCCUOn, 85 well nn i't lv
kick coming on my part In taking a dose of bnltevo good politics would dictate his dec
Itonowater nnd Thomnsoti as United States lion.
senators for Nobroskn.
II. A. Scott, Merchant I bcllovo that
Ilosewater is as good a man ns has been'
mentioned for United States senator and
that ho would bring grcnt credit to the
Htatc of Nebraska as such. Ho has nlwayu
been up to tho rack nnd has not been nfrnld
to express his convictions; besides, ho
b.-iH always stood by the common people
nnd been their friend and would brlnn
credit rather than, discredit to nny posi
tion he was called to fill. Mr. Hosewater
lias bcon a hard worker for tho people of
this stato and Iisb never received any re
ward only tho consciousness that he has
fought for tho right, nnd now our leglsla.
turo has the opportunity to nay to him,
"Woll done, good and faithful servant,
enter Into your reward." Break the dead
lock by electing him.
lutlon for the present difficulty and It can Edward Hosewater to the united
II II.. t f, IMiraril onnnln nml llin SftlllO number. nS a UHll.
IIU IUUI1U. IVIBUUUII) t Ulll ll ......... . 1 I m
Ilosewater. Other considerations uslde I speak In the highest terms oiuio i'"
min hv Snmilor Owens in me scuuiunu.
rnnifst. clalmiUE that ho Is only carrying
a. Wrston. Hlinlrman Cedar County out tho wisnes oi uio maju. i
is iti'ii:i,n cocxTV.
HUHWEI.b. Neb.. Feb. 2. W. ?.. Todd,
Editor of Tribune I think tho legislature
ought to elect Hosewater and Currle and
adjourn at once.
l'reslev Cllnc. Heal Estate Agent ThlnK
Rosowntcr ought to be elected nnd don't
care who clso Tho deadlock Is a disgrace
C. O. Hrown. County Attorney I think th'
deadlock ought to be broken nt once. Don i
mcmUrs of tho legislature to ad spcedll from here and other places
in tho election of United States senator! endorsing me cmmiuuw
and I nm sure It would tend to crcato har- water, lney ciaim
two men who will serve tho people of our elected blra their representative
stnln with nbllltr nnd credit nnd not stoop
In Ihm .ll.lnlnn nf nnv iinllllpnl rlllC OT COT' IKIIK.I. ( Ill .VI 1.
t.MM-MnvT. Nnli.. Feb
. t.t.tH.n T f.Allni'n Ihft lipOtlln I nniirirn A. lurrcu. vuuuw viv "
..ii .i.i .!.,. !ll.-a nml ilo. I.n n frrnml. nnnd thine for IftO SiaiO 11 111'.'
slro tho speedy selection of two clean, com- deadlock was ended. They can t do
nMnnt ronrn.nnlntlvi. mpn to tllO SCIialO. cISO 10 SncnK OI ns lull h ii.v ' "
tltlons forwnrded know as I havo any choice perhaps Moiltlc'
Icliu nnd Crounse.
S. L. lteasoncr, County Commissioner i
think Currle ought to bo elected at oneo.
A. J. Horden, Hutcher I nm In favor oi
G. S. Todd. Chairman County Central
Committee I nm for Hosewntcr. first, last
and all the time, nnd Currlo Is my second
BC1IUYI.GR. Neb.. Feb. 2. (Special.)
M. U. Cameron, Chairman of the County
Central Committee I bollove tho present
deadlock over tho election of United States
i-enalor is greatly injurious to tho repub.
Ucnu party In the state. It would seem that
with tho splendid material now beforo tho
11. Iteadv I believe that In selecting
United States senators the legislature
should Eclcct from the good representative
men of the stato nnd not be governed by u
lot of politicians who are evidently work
Inc nolltlcs only, which when mado n pro
fessloii casts In tho shade the majority or
tho people. I would like to seo the legis
lature take a fltm stand and vote for men
on nccount of their nblltty nnd trust
worthiness rather than on nccount of party
tirostlgo or reword for past services. Com-
AURORA. Neb.. Feb. 2. The general
sentiment here Is In favor of Mr. Hnlnor
fni mm nt tin, upnntnrlit til m r pr nnd thev
for Bcnators. It (Ion t cio us nny goou. (,0 not gpcm tQ t,nro l0 eXprcs8 their choice
Fred Do Lnmatyr. Coni Doaicr i for lho olner pmco. Many would fnvoi
em fight It out. Mr. Roscwatcr's election If they were sure
W. W. Tweedy, carpenter i ninK i" t,t Mr. Hnlnor would bu his companion In
havo landlocked long cnougn. c wl the enate. All, however, nro anxious that
two senntors. and this deadlock is mo ,, ... Mnn ,otild take tdaco nt once ana
strongest argument I know of why the poo-1 tnnt tno Rnl n0 ongcr continued at the
plo should elect them nnd not nave inoir ox,,enso of tho stato by thoso nlready hold
111 thwarted by monopolists nnd railroads. ng nl,lco nnij rccPvlng pay for service
ntin Hphtirmnn. Cashier commercial .n- wi,iph tlinv nro not nt nresent c vine In tho
tlonnl Dank Tho senatorial uenuiocK huuu.u wny tllat tnelr position cniis lor.
bo broken and tho two senntors cieeicu
m.nntlnn nf oltlrpa nnvs for tlmo: uMlclcnt witlinni drlnv. Edwnrd Hosewater should I liriCIICdClC CntlNTY Bnnn.nru r.illl.1 h Blprtr,t mh BCrvlci! In tllO IlOUSO alld COntlnliOll BPPIl- l)(i ono Of t lOm. HO nas UCCn UlUirinn I" 1 IW.. 44., .ou., i cu. -.A. II
would bo nn honor to tho rnrt nud to cation for party favor nhould not dominate., his efforts to upbuild tho party In this stato Thomas I would consider It an Imposition
tho stato. I believe the republican mem
bers of tho leglblnturo shemld caucus nmi
name Its candidates without further delay.
U. W. Dickinson I believe that no sen
ator or representative should bo so tied iit
with or controlled by influence of candi
dates or caucuses that ho cannot properly
represent whnt ho knows to bo the views
or choices ot his constituents.
James Woods I hopo they will soon
sift out n lot of tho fellows they cannot
hopo to elect or that they will withdraw
to that tho field will bo clear to: 'ho strong
men. Mr. Melklejohn hns hid honor enough
nnd ho should step nsldo from this contest.
While personally I do not favor Mr. Rose
water, I recognize him ns nn able man for a
c.vss coti.vrv.
1'L.ATTSMOUTH, Neb., Feb. 2. Judgo A.
N. Sullivan I think the Interests of tho
slate nnd of the republican party nro ad
versely affected by the deadlock. Tho re
publican legislature ought to settle this In
caucus at the earliest possible moment.
Hon. S. M, Chapman Our representatives
worn "sent up" to attend to that matter. Sa
long nstho failure to elect docs noL Inter
fere 'with healthy legislation I seo no harm
In fighting It' out. It n deadlock Is iicccorary
to give tho Btato first-class men to repre
sent us at Washington I seo no Impropriety
in "mnklng haBte slowly."
Hon. R. U, Windham The Interests of ths
state demand thnt the deadlock at Lincoln
bo broken. It Is folly for members, ai
many nro doing, to bo casting their votes
for mon who havo no fallowing. Tho votes
BhOuld be concentrated upon those men who
nro tho logical enmlldntcH, nnd two of them
nominated. Sonio personal preferences will
havo to bo sacrlilced, and thnt soon If tho
Interests of the- stnto are to bo considered.
Important legislation Is demanded, which
will bo neglected if tho senatorial deadlock
continues. In my Judgment Omnhn should
havo ono of the new senntors: sho Is tho
great commercial center of tho stnto nnd a
prominent mark among the cities of the
nation. Mr. Ilosewater may bo objectlonnblo
to a largo political clement In tho state, but
no ono doubts his equipment for this ex
ulted position or his courage to do what
ho believes would be for tho best Interests
of tho state. Judge Crounse nnd Mr. Mclklo
John are both men who bnvo been often
tried, nnd either would please tho pcoplo. It
Is always snfor to taka n man who has n
record than to pick up someone nnd lift him
from the bottom to tho topmost round of
tho ladder nnd tako chances ot being disap
pointed, 1
Julius repporbcrg I would like to seo
Edward Ilosewater and Melklejohn elected
nnd tho deadlock ended. I know Sonator
"W. H. Newell will do the right thing when
tho time com ii.
II. C. Kerr I think tho time has como
for the republican members ot tho legisla
ture, to drop their personal preferences for
candidates and unite on two good repub
licans nnd elect them simultaneously. While
I havo never been very partial to Mr. Rose-
water I regard him as tho best equipped
man for tho senato thnt; wo hnvo In tho
Don 0. Dospaln Edward Hosewater, In
placing his name beforo tho people for en
dorsement for United Stntcs senutor beforo
election, commenced his campaign honestly
nd fearlessly nnd I bellcvo that his sincer
ity and honesty should be rewarded by his
election, nnd thus end the deadlock.
WEEl'INO WATER, Neb., Feb. 2. (Spe
cial.) I). M. Johnson The deadlock should
be broken nnd tho sonntors elected at once.
Ily nil means break It if we havo to elect
Meesrs. Hosewater and Thompson.
J. IC. Kolthloy. Editor Republican Elim
inate D. E Thompson from tho contest and
select any two good republicans, whose
election will not dotract from tho party vote
In tho future.
W. D. Ambler Am tired of tho whole
thing. What wo should have Is the election
of United States sonator by popular vote.
J. W. Ilullls I am opposed to tho selec
tion ot D. E. Thompson and think Douglas
county entitled to one ot the senators.
WllHom Marshall I think tho weaker
candidates should give way to the stronger
so Hint the matter may be speedily settled.
T. F. Jameson I do not think , E.
Thompson Is tho right man for the position.
Ilosewater would make a much better scnar
tor and would represent tho state. What
I want to see is two good republican sena
tors as speedily as possible,
J. H. Shanbarkcr Mr. Rosowater Is my
man; ho can do us moro good than any of
them and Is tho right man for the place,
Thero should bo n speedy settlement of the
I would llko to boo good men and not polb
tlclnns merely considered, then tho dead'
lock would soon be broken.
F. Nelson. Cashier of First National
Dank. Hnrtington I nm afraid tho r.tate
of Nebraska may not bo represented In tho
United States sennte tho next two years,
which would bo a dlro calamity nnd a dls
grace to the majority party In the legist
Inturo. I think tho members do not fully
renllzo their responsibility or they would
got together on two nblo republicans.
I'nsttriastor Watson Tho present dead
lock Is unfoitunato ns well as expensive.
Tho splendid victory of last November
should not be clouded by such bitter strife.
It seems clear that the interests of the re.
publican party would be best considered by
tho BClectlo'i of two good, honest, capable
men worthy tho trust nnd who by records,
either public or private, of efficient, hon
ornblo servlco m?rlt such recognition. Let
a creditable compromise be effected nnd lho
deadlock ended.
nnd Is capable to represent tho stnto. if the present leglsluturo falls to elect tw
.Inhn Miller. Renl Estate and insurance united stntcs Benaiors. it seema to mo
It ouuht to bo ended so they can get down the popular candidates should bo nominated
to business. Thoy havo something eiso to nml ttio uenuiocK cnuei:, wnicii causes nccu
do. than elect senators. One of the changes less expense and delay
wi need In the constitution Is to elect senn- I.. II. Uurton I am of the opinion United
fnrx liv the noDiilnr voto. This deadlock States senators should ho elected by tho
lmslness Is nn Iniury to tho party In every direct voto of tho people. It seems to mo
Btnto where It happens and n hlndrnnco to that Edward Hosewater and D. E. Thomp
Iculslntlon. H0" should be the unanimous choice ot thu
I.. G. Fulkcrson. Druggist It ought to no present icgisiniuro. iney are men or ami
ended by the election of Mr. Edwnrd noso- Ity and would work for tho Interest of their
settle It now
I.. Cnrpeuter-Glvp us a rest from this
'-ntlnued senatorial fight Is the cry which
.omes up from all parts of the state. Let
some ot the members of tho legislature
break away from their present moorings
and vote tot two good men uninfluenced by
any great corporation, and tho peopto of
Nebraska will say "Amen" to tho net.
R. H. lingford For tho good of the state
the senatorial contest In Nebraska should
be ended at once. Roscwatcr's long service
for the benefit of the stnto, his large ex
perience, wide ncqualntnnee nnd general
fitness would seem to entitle him to con
sideration, but thero nro plenty ot good
men tor tho position. Let two good men
bo chosen and without further delay.
MAOfSO.V '(tt' NT Y.
NORFOLK, Feb. 2. W. II. DuchoU
Republlenns tdiould get together In caucus
nud Bclict two good men nnd end tho dead
lock, so ns to not dclny other Important
business. This unseemly squabble Is tin
republican. Enough good candidates nro
In the field so that no difficulty ought to bs
xperienced In selecting two men ot known
nblllty who would bo a credit to the state.
Dr. A. J. Johnson It Is tlmo It Is set
tled. It shows poorly for the party piln.
clples to thus dlllydnlly. We have the
strength to put thero whom we please. As
for mvsolt I would bo sntisfled with Rose.
wntcr and Thompson.
Colonel S. W. Ilnyes, 1'ollco Judge In
Justice to tho people of Nebraska the leg
lslature ought to end the deadlock nud
get down to the business for which they
wero clocted, namely, the mnklnp of laws
for the state. Personally I havo no objee
Hon to Mr. Hosewntcr. He has done the
parly good service by occasionally knock
ing over some unworthy candidates who
have been nominated.
H. II. Patterson, I'ostmnster Sprecher.
Colonel iJ E. Simpson nnd M. C. Walker.
Steward Hospital for Insane Tho matter
should bo decided speedily by electing two
good, strong republicans nnd then the leg
Isluturc should tin to work for tho Btato.
N. A. RalnLoer So far as I nm concerned
my choice would be Mr. Hosewater of all
other candidates.
C. W. llrnasch Hosewater Is my choice.
Omaha lice, will be a big thing for Ne
F N. Whlpps, Ranchman-Mr. Hose- make two good senators.
..... u .it ,i.,i,. i hftvn n second choice O. V. Lewis, Farmer-Should be settle
.... - .... ......... . !)... ,,lr
In mind. We can do no belter ni tins singe som. nninr iui- viwuuu .
of the game. nm' Mfl'fJ0"" wo.d be for tho best
inicresis ui lilt imrij.
svmm; corvi'Y. J. W. Murphy They ought to do some-
CRETE. Neb.. Feb. 2. II. M. eiis, thing down there pretty soon. Hosewater
Postmaster nnd Editor of the Vtdette Yes. nli Melklejohn should bo clocted. You
I would like to see the deadlock broken, ns rnn't plense everybody.
It certainly Interferes with general leglsla- jt plillleo Don't know what can be done.
Hon. I think If (he little fellows would pull Something ought to be. Hosewater nnd
down their lightning rods the question Thompson have earned nn election.
would seen bo settled and to the general
satisfaction. If 1 was a democrat I mlgiu
fnvcr tho two-thirds rule, but as I nm a
republican 1 think a mnjorlty should rule.
M. E. Hnlght. Hardware Merchant It
seems llk a waste of time ami money to
prolong this kind of work. 1 think It nrguea
in favor of electing United Stntcs senntoM
by the direct voto of the people.
A. D French, Physician I think they
shoulu end this deadlock at once nnd here
nfter elect senators by direct vote of tho
people. This boys' play Is getting
1). T. Drake. Member of School Hoard I
think It It wero left to n voto of the people
of this county they would elect E. Hosewater.
Anton Dredla of tho Conservative Invest
ment Company 1 think the people of this
county wnnl them to elect D. K. Thompson
and E. Rosowater nud do It at once.
sahi'v corvrv.
PAPILLION, Neb.. Feb. 2. A. F. Empey,
Contractor The deadlock on senator Is ex.
pensive nnd unnecessary. Thoy ought to ne
electoJ by the people. It Is my positive
opinion that Edward Hosewater and F. M.
Currlo should bo tho senntora from Ne
braska, ail ono represents tho eastern part
of the state and the other tho western.
Hurrah for Hosewater and Currle!
Jntncs Wilson, County Judge Until our
United Slates senators arc elected by u
ttlrect voto of the people we may expect
Just such disgusting I'lrcumstnuces. As to
a speedy Beltlement. whllo our people de
mand such, It Is almost nn Incomprehensi
ble problem. A caucus seems the onty solu
tion, yet you or 1 would never enter n cau
cus If wo felt by so doing that we might bo
forced to act against the will of our con
Htitucnts and our own sentlmcntn.
II. R. lllnes. Nurseryman The Interests
of tho republican pnrty In the state cer
tainly ile m a ml a a cessation of hostilities In
the senatorial llcht.
Will Weber-If anything Is done It ought
to bo done soon. I nm for Rosewnler nnd
don't care who knows it. Think Melklejohn
might be nil right for the other senator.
II. F. Swnn. Hanker Would like to see
the matter settled soon, I believe Hose
water la tho best man for the parly nnd
the state Resew.ter and Melklejohn
would be nil right.
E. J. Raymond. Druggist Don't know
much about present sltuntlon. The contest
should scon be settled. Melklejohn Is satis
factory. Don't believe Thompson should bo
A. L. Tucker, Hanker Relieve the sena
torial contest should bo settled quickly nnd
nm of tho opinion that N. W. Youug would
make an Ideal senator.
J. H. (loll, Meat Market-Settle the mat
ter nt once. Relieve the election of Rose
water would bo for 'the best Interests of
tho parly and state.
Dr. J. J. Williams The senatorial situa
tion seems to tie badly mixed nnd, should
be settled quickly. I believe Hosewater
should bo elected for the best Interests of
tho party and Nebraska. Hosewntcr nnd
Hlnshnw would bo all right.
v.ti.nnY rorvrv.
OHD. Neb.. Feb. 2. John Moresli, Promi
nent Implement Dealer I wnnt to see E.
Hosewater elected, nnd somo other good
W. 11. Keown. County Treasurer They
have spent too much I lino over this matter,
nnd the people nro getting sick of It. Why
don't they elect Currlo nnd eome other good
republican nnd then quit.
Hon. P. Mortensen I think It a Bhamo
to let tho mntter drag on bo. Thoy might
to choose two good men nud truo republi
cans nnd 'hen quit.
11. Westover, Attorney Of course, wo nro
ull for F M. Currle. and I don't enro who
the other man Is, only bo he is a republican.
water. No ten men, dead or alivo, navo
dono ns much for tho republican party In
Nebraska an he has.
F. M. Flansburg and C. L. Allen nro of
the opinion the fight on election of United
J. W. Ornhnm, Lawyer I nm In favor or stntcs .senators Btioum bo settled rightly
HclBctlnir senators by tbo direct vote ot tho and this would be the election ot D. E.
b.. Feb. 2.-J. II. MacColl p0rUnt legislative bill made n law which to remain here the rrit of my days, nnd
the tnnglo Is by electing met tho entire npproval of every legislator. n8,a republican, would as you to use every
tatlvo republicans, and I u ls to cor,ain extent n compromise or nlr 'our P" to be elected to
The wny to cut
two good 'rcpreoent
think, thnt It ability nnd long service,
personally and through the columns
ot Tho Dee, In bohnlf of tho republican
party and tho Btatc of Nebraska, count for
nnythlng that Ilosewater should bo ono ot
thu senators.
J. S. Thomas, Implement Denier Ilcpubll
cans should got Into caucus at once. Select
two loyal republicans nnd abide by tho re
suit. Edwnrd Rosowater Is my first choice.
Thomas Nichols, Farmer Elect Edward
Rosowater and a good strong man who Is
a truo republican
C. L. Olds, Merchant It Booms to mo
thoso people down thero know the entire
situation better than wo do, nnd wo should
trust to their knowledge of affairs as to
what Is best.
Mayor Vaughn I think they ought to get
together. All Importnnt legislation Is com
promised. Thoro has never been nny Ira-
Thompson and Edward Hosewater, the two
leading aspirants now, nnd let them then
show by their work their lltness for tho
trust confided to them.
Ill) 11 COUXTY.
AMELIA, Nob., Jan. 31. Hon. Edward
Roaewater: Dear Sir I, as a resident and
tnxpnycr for seventeen -years, who expect
mimihick rorvrv.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb., Feb. 2. W. W.
Wolcott I think Hint three-fifths of the
republicans here at least prefer Rosewatei,
Thcro have been many changes to Rose
water In tho Inst two weeks.
W. T. Thompson, Attorney nt Law To
end the senatorial deal here my recipe is:
Throw over tho polltlcnl Jonah D. E.
Thompson let the wishes of tho people be
consulted nnd elect able representative re
publicans. Hosewater nml Hnlnor will be
nil right. Tho good republicans tor thnt
position nro lcglcn.
J. II. Whlto Would hold ft caucus and
nominate two republicans. Hosewntcr ftom
tho north Platte nnd let south Platto select
their man.
W. C. Kerr, Cashier, Farmers' Stato
Hank Don't recognize Thompson ns a re
publican. Elect Hosewater and Hnlnor.
M. O. Scott Get together nnd do some
thing. My choice ls E. Hosewater.
Dr. W. N. Iluut Would llko to sec them
get together nnd do something. Prefer
Hosewntcr nnd Holncr.
M. A. Chandler They mako mo tired
throwing bouquets. Elect Rosowater und
nrbltrnment nnd the election of a senntor Is
E. II. Ilarnard, Capitalist Think if they
would kill off nhout two-thirds of tho can
dldntoB It would simplify matters. Then
elect Crounse nnd they could do n great deal
worso than chooso Hosewater for the other
i'ii.mohi: rorvrv.
EXETER, Neb., Feb. 2. (Special.)
Jacob Lulz, Retired Farmer It Is my
opinion that tho legislature should get
the United States senato and not glvo up
till tho end It not elected. Believing you
have dono moro for tho state than any
other ono man, nnd If elected aro In a
position to do moro than any other mnn
In tho republican party, my wish Is for
you to stick to It to tho end, and If no sen
ator Is elected tho pcoplo would rather seo
you go down for right than that they be
cheated out ot tholi' choice, which, It it
was left to tho ballot, you would surely be
elected. Yours respectfully,
Hugh MacLean Get serenely together In together on two of tho leading candidates
caucus. Select Edward Hosewater nnd any
othor good republican,
O. S. Kinney, Druggist I don't know tho
best way to end tho deadlock, hut I think
tho best interests ot republicanism and the
Btatc demand tho election of Rosowater.
John F. Kutz, Merchnut By tho election
of Edwnrd Rosowater ns the long term man,
Hon. G. W Fox, ex-Mcmber Legislature
I am heartily In favor ot the selection ot
Edwnrd Rosowater nnd believe harmony
will follow.
B. E. Powell, Real Estate Hold n caucus
and solect Edwnrd Rosewatcr and D, E.
H. V. Temple, Presldont First National
Bank I enn't say as to tho best way of
ending the deadlock, but I nm most em
phatically In favor ot tho election of Ed
ward Hosewntcr for tho best Interests of
tbo entiro state.
K, M. Lolling, Banker Get squarely to
gether In caucus and elect Hosewater
H. O. Smith Tho courso tnken by the
lsglslaturo in tho election of United States
senators ls too much llko Jockeying nt a
horso race. They ought to get together at
once, select two republicans and elect
Or. H. A. Turton Immodlnto caucus.
No loyal republican should ask nn election
In nny other way. Tho situation In No
without further delay. It Is results that
tho peoplo aro looking for not petty Jcnl
oiisIch. Drop thoBo scattering candidates
and unlta on two leading republicans. Cur
rle nnd Hosewater nro tho cholco of tho
peoplo In this locality. They said so at
tho polls last fall vox popull, vox Del.
;.ui: rorvrv. .
BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 2. 0. L. Bcuchley
I think this deadlock business is the
merest horseplay nnd should censo ot once.
It Is dlscrcdltnblo to tho republican party,
now In power, and to tho stnte. Tho legis
lature should st-ttlo down to this question
of Bcnator nt once by selecting two re
publicans, immaterial who they ho, so
thoy nro reputable republicans, But above
nil, stop this horseplay.
Hugh J. Dobbs Tho deadlock should bo
broken without delay. Tho Nebraska legis
lature will honor Itself by electing Ed
ward Rosowater as United States senator,
Hosewntcr nnd Hnlner would bo n good
team nnd one that would bo creditable to
tho state. It may bo n llttlo unpopular
hero to suggest Mr. Rosewatcr, but ho Is
tho Intellectual peer of any man In Ne
brnska todny. Ho Ib a mnn of great In
fluence at Washington nnd clscwhcro
throughout the country. He Is absolutely
Independent nnd fearless. Ho is nt all
times tho advocate ot the peoplo r.nd uses
braska demandB n caucus. Tho promises his great paper to advocate their '.ntcrests
a right to expect It. My
Edward Hosewater, raosi
maiio gave us
first cholco Is
B. F. Frier, Editor Pioneer Thero can bo
no doubt but that u lnrgo majority of the.
republicans of Dawson county favor tho
election of Edward RoBowntor to ths
Uultcd Stntcs senato, At tho recent clec.
Hon COS of them so exprerscd thomselvcs,
while mnny others who favor Mr. Rose
water's candidacy failed to express their
cholco because they did not deem It was
necessary. No man in Nebraska who as
pires to a seat In tho upper house of con
gress Is tho superior in point of nblllty,
rlpo experience nnd Induenco to Mr. Roso
wntcr and but vary few, probably, ore hb
equal. Such n man would do honor to his I
stale by bolng chosen. Ills knowledgo ot
public alTnirs nnd his wldo ncqualntnnee
wltli public men nro matters of no small
moment nnd would very materially add to
his valuo as a member ot tho senn'o and to
his usefulness to bla stnte. For thirty
years ho has continuously and without fal
tering stood up with pen nnd tonguo for
Nebraska, novcr permitting un opportunlt
to pnss to render It such sorvlco ns would
enhance Kb standing commercially and In
nil other respects, He is deserving at the
hands of tho peoplo, possesses tho ability
and would, wo bollove, mako an untiring
worker for the people ot his stnte and his
party ns a member of tho senato of the
United Slates.
GOTHENBURG, Neb., Feb. 2. Your cor-
respondent, in
in the stato in tho future. . wl(h ,h ,,mv.,,0,Kl, ' '
J. A. Leaeh-I believe If tho pressure that - . " "-""'" "
is being brought to bear on tho representa
tives by the railroads and outsiuo innu
dices could be removed the deadlock would
bo broken.
E. E. Day I feel as though It Is a farce
for the peoplo to try to elect a United
Btntes senator through the representatives
ators and that It Is only another gocd ex
ample why a constitutional amendment
should bo adopted to elect United States
senators by n direct vote of the people
and thus save the great expense to tho pco
pie ot state legislative deadlocks. Our
No man owns Mr. Hosewntcr. He is one
of the best-Informed mon In tho country
and would bo a power for tremendous
good In the United States senate, and tin
honor to the Btnto of Nebraska.
W. P. Norcross A caucus should bo hold
at tho earliest moment nnd this dendlnek
buslncca ended. Tho legislature can easily
select two good republicans from tho can
didates now before It. Select two of them
nnd get down to the legitimate business of
tho session.
Captain Sam Blvcns If Governor Diet
rich would only exercise a llttlo of tho vim
of old Governor Dick Yates of Illinois ho
would proroguo the legislature nnd tell
tho members to go homo and quit their
foolishness, But, seriously, tho legislature
has plnycd long enough. It Is now tlmo to
do something. Eloct two good republicans
and get down to regular business. Send
two good men to tho senate that will bo n
credit to Nebraska.
W. B Knouse The deadlock Is hurting
tho pnrty nnd Is disgusting all good repub
licans. Tho legislature should sottlo this
senatorial question once nnd for nil. There
I plenty of good material nnd It could bo
settled In ono ballot If tho Joint conven
tion wanted to consider tho best Interests
of tho voters that elected thorn. I have
no particular cholco. Mr. Rosowater will
suit me. Ho Is nblo nnd Influential nnd
would creditably represent tho Btato at
Washington, Mr. Thompson Is also n good
man. and there nro others. Only select
two good republicans,
Henry W. L, Jackson I am hardly pre
nared to express myself publicly on the
nucstlon of tho deadlock, nut I do think
It Bl'OUlu DO DTOKen ni oner, rerauuaa), i
nm nil ndmlrcr of Mr. Hosewater. He
wcnld make n strong senator. Intcllcctu
ally, ho Is ono of tho foremost men of the
west. His magnificent paper Is a great
nower In tho weBt. I havo read It for many
years. There havo been republican state
conventions In which I have oppofed cer
inln nollclcs of Mr. P.csewater, yet i recog-
niip. that he Is a very able mau, He Is
kxo.y rorvrv.
CHEIGHTON, Neb,. Feb. 2. Wllllnm
Graham, Dealei In Hardware ny all means
the senatorial deadlock should bo ended
and at onco I favor Edward Hosewntcr to
senntor. His untiring energy In behalf of
the stato has mado him prominent among
all clnsscs. Tho good Mr. Rosowater has
dono for tho Btatc of Nebraska and tho good
he will do entitles him to this high honor
In Just recognition ot his past efforts.
Max C. Voa Hohdeu, Proprietor Fnrk
Hotel Tho senatorial deadlock should bo
ended at onco In order that the lcglslaturo
may got down to work, Whllo thero nro
many good men up for senatorial honors, I
bollovo Edward Rosewnter to bo tho cholc
of tho common people nnd think In him th
people of Nebraska would have n senator
they could be proud of.
W. A. Hufsmlth If tho will of tho voters
ot the last general election Is considered
tho deadlock should bo speedily ended nnd
Edward Hosewater sent to tho United State
C. T. Taylor, Cashier of Stato Bank The
tlmo hns come when the senatorial deadlock
at Lincoln should he ended. I think th
best Interests of tho peoplo of the stnte of
Nebraska demand this, Republlenns should
forcu their strength nnd end tho struggl
N. N. Gillott It is npparant to all that
the senatorial deadlock should bo speedily
ended. It Is n deterlmont to the republican
party, as well as tho best Interests of the
stato, I nm In favor of Edward Rosowater
for sonator, Innsrauch as ho has tbo best
Interests of Nebraska nt heart and is tho
best qualified to fill such a position of high
honor In my Judgment Mr, Hosewater will,
If elected, do moro for tho stato of Nebraska
than nny man wo could send.
sai Minus rorvrv.
ASHLAND. Neb.. Feb. 4. (Special.) Al
exander Lnverty, Dclognta to Philadelphia
Convention Tho people nro gotttng tired of
the delay. Tho republicans of tho legisla
ture ought to Bettle tho matter Immedi
ately in caucus.
II. C. Henry, Commander of Bob Mc-
Cook Post No. 21, Grand Army of tho Re
public 1 bellcvo that E. Rosewatcr has tho
ability to work for tho Interests of the
state as well or better than nny other man.
nnd thnt he ought to be chosen. It Is cer
tnlnly folly to protract the deadlock. Tho
longer It ls continued tho moro tho party
ls weakened In the state.
0. I). Harford, Furnlturo Dealer When
Nebraska wnnts nnythlng or when Omaha
wants nnythlng, Edwnrd Hosewater la al
ways sent to Washington for It. It Is un
belief that Mr. Hosewater ought to bo
sent to tho sennte to represent the Btato.
It Is universally felt throughout tho stato
thnt to continue tho deadlock would bo
worso than nonsense.
J. O. Meyer, Implement Dealer (gold
riinrleN I.iililnitli'i- r Oiuiilin Ail
itri'MicN StmleiitM nt Lincoln nn
Hit .Iiii'IM'm Work,
LINCOLN. Feb. 4. (Special.) John Mar
shall dny wns celebrated at tbo university
this afternoon under the auspices ot tho
College of Law. The exercises were held
In tho now chnpel nnd wero conducted by
Dcnn Reese, who spoke at somo length on
tho life and character of Marshall. Charles
S. Lohlngler Jf Omaha, member of tho law
faculty, delivered tho following address
To me the most nlgiilllcnnt fuel In
MundmUV career Is the Illustration It
nlTords or the power nnd Intlueuce ot the
lawyer cud judge In American public Lfc.
Wo often hear it (-aid that the lawyer, to
bo n fuctor In; public uffnlrn. must enter
politics; Hint tho mere lawyer arid tho
mere Judge mum be content to live In ooni
punitive retirement nnd to exert little In
flueuco on society. Mnrshall'H i-ar'er Is a
contradiction of all this. Ilo never wan ii
politician in the popular peiiti. Ills lllfl
wan devoted to tho law und not to polltlcH
and yet IiIh appointment to the delicti
brobablv chanced tho entiro course ot
democrat) I don't tnko much Interest In
rcnuhllcnn nolltlcs. nnvwav. but from n ro. history.
When Mm shall entered unon his ludgu-
. r.. i " shi,, the old federal party to which he
iMiscu. belonged was nbout to pans from power
J. II. Oliver. Member of Rnnnilnra Cnimiv forever. Hm lenders had lieen defeated nt
W. E. Letcher I think tho tlmo has comi. Central Committee for Ashland Precinct lllu Polls; Its policy nnd principles bail be?ii
when our representatives nt Lincoln Simula Tho dcndlock ought to be terminated nt Kilned w
do something to bring to a' close the sena- once. I am In favor of Edward Hosewater. less '0111180. But while the polltlclaiiH nud
torial contest nnd I am Biiro if they would I consider him the best qualified man for ar,V "ora of the opposition were cxuit
cousult the wishes of the republican elector thnt position In public llfo In Nobrnskn wow ilc A potiv
ui iiiu mine 01 noorasKn thoy would Und unu mo nest posted mnu on politics and strlfea of purllsnn politics, Jotm .Mnniimii
.. .uifci.- .mijimi in uivor 01 jwiwnru nose- mmccrnu. imp icgisiniuro cnu mako no
wnior, nnd I hcllevo the best Interests of tho mistake by the election of Mr. Hosewntcr.
Btato of Nebraska demand that Edwnrd Francis Lemon. Jeweler Mv rensnn f,,r
Hosewater bo elected to tho United States desiring tho election of E, Rosewnter Is
senato; as to n senator from tho south that I consider him the most comnotent mid
Platto I nm in favor of elthor Mr. Halncr Hint ho Is tho man who would do the most tended nnd thnt the eoiiHtltutlnn oiwht to
or Hlnshnw. I fnr tlm utnin TV. .,n,, .1.. . I lie i-niisl rui'il llbernllv to thnt end. Ami
, . . .. . . " whenever neenslon onereil. lis 111 l le cane
uuhuiock is contrary to tno wlslios of the f nihl.onH uimliist Omlu. n Wheat. Im
wns slowly oimrnrtlng tho roJO"t
wns slowly federalism upon the J'JrlS'
prildeni; of our country. Marthnll came
to the bench with profound c mvlotloiu
concerning tho nature nnd powers 'if tho
federal government. Ho believed Hint these
powers cught to be stroncthencil und ex-
I J lllll.Vri. v,.nr on.l l,l,.l,t.. Inl. .... V" V.V. I ".-I...... .V.l;..
l.lll T 1-nn.n., , ... " ."h". ...Jilllvuo lu IIIU TUpUD- I COUnCII I llCr-U VUlll lei llllin III m-fiiim III" 111"
! ULLbRTO.N, Neb., Feb. 2. (Sneclnl. llc.nn n.irtv nf Hie Innil. In thnt ense. you remein') r
mis ucing tho homo of Mr. Melklejohn W. N. Becker lr.. ninnr r n, ai.i..
and ho being very-nopulnr with tho repub- Gazettc-For the best Interests of tho ro
llcans hero. I daro say that 95 per cent publican party in tho eominir f,.n i,..i
of them nro anxious to sen him rhn.nn I n
... -..-..v.. vwU. iL.ltii,(viUij ,. ,.,m iireHeiii iinnii.
lock In tho legislature Is Imperative. I
favor tho election of Edwnrd Hosewater to
the United States sennte, believing he would
mnko Nebraska moro Influential In congress
thnn nny other man now mimed for the
H. II. Shedd, ex-LIeutennnt flmwrnnr
Whllo all will agree that competition for
position or senator is leclllinntn nn,i
mnrknhlo accuracy In determining forecasts 'en "ho no douVt that lonJ ZZ?' .
ot Individual nolltlclans. And i .,,i S " uo " . . 1 11 IonK cntlnuancu of
ono of tho Kcnutors by our present legis
otoi: rorvrv.
SYRACUSE. Neb., Feb. 2. Dr. T. H. Ash-
ton, Physician For mnny long years E.
unsownier nas necn u renin can nf thn
fearless, Intelligent order. Not onlv has he
built up nnd sustained tho best dally In tho tho
Kii-iii wubi, nui no uns manifested n re
in nearly n.n i.,. , .. "
:7 ? io ihrdir ;tz u yrZ
ii.uieiu. no mis ucou an inuerat gab o to crow out of llin tnt n,i ,i
, ,. ,::""" r."...u,, oul frmulnto a set of nermanen. ml
S couraKr,,MV.TU " " Procedure of
..,, ,,,.,,," " ' . ,, ' ." enn-.onai caucuses.
... .... MM,..,, nuiu ut'Kit'ti an ino no- 1
Blrablo qualities, nnd knowledgo not Bur- siiKiiniA.v rorvrv
passed, ir equalled, hy any In tho stnto.
However, this deadlock farce and combined
nonsense should ccaso nt once.
-Talking with many
RUSHVILLE, Neb., Feb. 3.-Thcrn l
unanimous dcslro to havo tho deadlock
ended at once. People hero aro getting
disgusted nt tho wny things nro running
nt Lincoln. Thero is an ovorwhelmlmr sen.
tliuent against Thompson hero, In fact only
pi;nicts rorx'rv.
GRANT, Ncu., Feb. 3.
republicans nbout tho "deadlock" on the ono republican la known to fnvor him
senatorial question, nil without exception a petition has been circulated ngnlnst
think It should be ended without delay. Thompson nnd every republican In Rush
Fpenking In reference to the enndldates, vlllc, except two, signed It nnd the sentl-
nim.-ieiiun mini .ii. iiunnnuiur, umy iwo nient in the main Is for nnyono but Thomo-
nro rcnlly opposed to him.
Wesley Prlngle, County Chairman No
other man can represent mo people and in
LINCOLN roi .vrv.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Fob. 2. John R.
Rltncr I havo watched tho senatorial vote
with great Interest aud nm convinced It
will bo to tho best interests ot the repub
lican party If tho deadlock ls broken with
out delay. Its contlnuanco will cugoudor
strlfo and lll-feellng dangerous to repub
lican success in tho future. Let It bo
broken, no matter who may gain by the
D, H. White Tho present senatorial right
has lutcrfercd long enough with matters
of legislation and tho sooner It Is broken
tho better for tho state nnd tho republican
party. It is reasonable to say that Douglas
county Is entitled to a senator nnd if tho
lcglslaturo selected Rosewnter ns one of
tho two to bo chosen no mistake would bo
D. W. Baker Two years ago a deadlock
continued for weoks nnd weeks over tho
cholco of n senator nnd created ditsatis
faction from, which tho republican party
has not fully recovered. Tho ono now ex
isting should bo ended Immediately uud
that thin may bo dono It seems to bo
necessary that D. E. Thompson retire from
the race. Let hlra do this and ho will gnln
tho respect of a host of republicans
throughout the state.
Oeorgo L. Carter The deadlock now ex
lattng In tho senatorial fight Is Involving
unnecessary cxpenso on tho stato nud
should be brought to a speedy termination
Thero are plenty of good men from whom t
chooso Hosewntcr, Crounse, Melklejoh
and others from north of tho Platto an'
Hlnshaw, Halncr, Martin and others from
south ot the I'latte. The legislature should
crests of Nebraska as well as E. Rose-
J. n. Sherman, County Clerk Wo want'
Rosewatcr first, then select tho next best
man from tho rcmnlnder, nnd end tho dead
lock at once.
Nels Johnson, County Treasurer Ye, It
Is n shame for thoso men to haggle over
tho selection of n man for senator. Mr.
Hosewater Is for Nebraska and her peoplo
nnd should bo chosen nt once.
O. P. Alford. Ono of tho Old Standby Re
publicans, Now Sick In Bed Mr: Rosowater
ls tho cholco of tho pcoplo and should nc
Charles II Colttcr, Lumber nnd Coal
Dealer Mr. Hosewater Is my first cholco
nnd ho should be elected; ho l tho cholco
of the people.
John W. Rutlcdge My choice Is Mr.
Rosewnter; ho Is the man lor tno people.
II. II. Artcrburn I have read his paper
for twenty years (speaking of Mr. Rose
water): ho hns nlwaya stood up for Np
braska. and he will do it ns NcbrasKa b
Fred Farhboch, Stock and Lumber I nm
for Rosewatcr; he Is tho peoplo's man
J. A. Youso. General Kto-e My nrsi
cholco Is for E. Hosewater; ho is tho man
for the wholo stato of Nebrasita.
T. P. Griffith, Stockman Mr. Hosewntcr
Is tho man for tho peoplo and tho old sol
Her hao a warm friend In him. I am for
T. Bobrlck. rostmastcr--Mr. Rosewnter Is
tho nconle's man; ho works for Nebraska
and her Interests. Wo cannot do bettor than
Qmi Mm to tho senate. Wo owo It to him
ns a worthy laborer In tho Interests ot
Nebraska, Ho is familiar with Washington
llfo and the way of doing things in con
gross. Wo should send him by all means
C. A. Powell. Ranchman E, Roflewatcr I
my first choice; his Influence, backed by The
County Clerk Van Vleck Is opposed to
Thompson, realizing that ho of all men
will do moro to drive back ropuhllrnnlsm
In the west than nny other candidate.
W. N. Ford Is for Thompson.
City Attorney Allen J. Bceson I ndmlre
Mr. Rosownter's ability and bollovo It was
largely through his Influence nnd that nf
Tho Omaha He'o thnt tho republicans car-
led this state last fall. I would be glad
o bco Mr. Ilosewater elected United States
senator and thus end tho deadlock.
Rush O. Fellows, Plattsmouth Post I be
llcvo that to Mr. Edwnrd Rosowater moro
thnn to nny other one man In this stale
s duo tho general prosperity of Nebraska
nnd Omaha In particular, and to elect hlro
o the exalted position of United States
senator would bo to send to Washington
a man who is In pcrfoct harmony with the
Ex-Mayor F. M. Rlclicy I do not like the
deadlock nt nil.
Dr. Schlldknecht The republican mem
bers should get together and clrct two
United States senators at once. I think
Mr. Edwnrd Hosewater Is a very ablo and
competent man for United States senntor.
ho refused to tnko the strict view that the
power of enngresrt to regulate cnmin'Tee
wna confined to mere trnllle. lie rnv'
"commerto" the broader meaning of com
.nllnlentlrm find tllllH briltlulll U'ltlllll tile
pule of federal JurlBdletlnn oven nn humble
ferry lino iutohh the Hudson river An 1 so
nil through the more than .n thlid f n
centurv during which Mnrshiill presided
over the court lie was rowrmng ino eon
Htltutlnii, while politicians were concerned
with the nrrair or n nay; wiuie Hiuit"iin"ii
even were legislating for n few yenra at
most, thlft man, who never usplri'd to be
moro than n lawyer nnd n Judge, wns fram
Ing rules wiuell would 4'oniroi ine uvea imiu
liberties of his countrymen for gener.nloim
to como. ... ....
Mnrshall'H decision hnvo not altogether
escaped criticism. They wero somoMnrs
denounced by cnnloniporarle; even
posterity bus not bceii uimnlmous In their
approval. The editor of thn American fiw
Ilnvlew, for example, Seymour I). Thump
lion. Is nil IneosHant critic of tho ileeHloil
In lho Dartmouth college ease. Hut the
fact remains that the dllTereni-o between
tho constitution nt Dip beginning of thn
last century nnd the constitution tndav Is
largely duo to tho Inborn of John Marshall,
And this fact demonstrates ns nothing dsn
cult th dignity. Iinportnnco nnd powr rf
the Judicial olllce. , ,
Sir Frederick Pollock, In Ills Oxford
i.'uenvr. n imnte which mnv bo rend Willi
Interest nud profit by ull law students, un
woll (is lawyer!', has n line paH-msc In
which hr pictures' a world in which dwe.1.
the groa' lurlxts of nil limn, nmomi whom
he ranks Mni'Hhnll. "In thnt world.-' he
snys. "Moses und Mnnu sit enthroned r.di
by side, guiding the dtiwntuu' fine of
Justlco und rlgliti'ousneRH of the two m.nior
races of Hm earth. Holnn, Hcalvohi nnd
t'lulnn wnlk ns famlllui' friends with
UlaekHlnne nnd Kent, with 8 ory and
Mnrslull. while the erlmcH of n Ilonapaiin
nnd the bigotry nf ll Jiitlnlnn are nlUn for
gotten beenuse nt their bidding tho rouull
places In tho ways of Jimtlce wero mndo
Of the long line nf iudgns who have built
up tho mighty fabric of Anglo-American
law perhaps only nun can be cnmpired to
Marshall In the extent nnd Importance of
is lonlrlimnons. iiiiiiifiieni, n'
wenty-etght years presided over the It Mm h
bench created tno commercial inw oi
land. Mnrhnll created lho constitutional
aw or America, ui me ' '
nual neciHinuH reimen ii m n ir
'ourt fn.m the time of Its organization un
n Mi.rulinll'H death, he himself wrn tn Ihn
opinions in thlrty-dx. The next lib; lies-
liumoer, wriiien j i.j.
eleven- . ., ,nll
StlldOIHH 01 llie lliw, woi h iik "J""""
.... .. i,u n,.il,.li, llin doe m niiH. draw
ing peionnlal Inspiration from lho otilnlo'ia
jf Marshall, may, well njiply to Him thn
li tapll used wim icnj " , ,
If you Bcek Hl monument, look nroiind
Melt Coldlei'i Heliirn.
SAN KHANCISro, Feb. 4.-Tho 411 sick
soldlera who came from Manila on ii
transport warren nm...-., ...
Prcsld o general hospital The majority are
n i ii convalescent condition. Two luinilrod
worn entered nt th hospital nud the
bnlanco transferred to the post nuthorltlcj
to be mustered oui mi u
w.vvxi: rorvrv.
WAYNE, Neb., Feb. 2. Walter Weber
Miller The legislature ought to Bettlo
the senatorial contest soon. Rosowater Is
ono of tho most able men In tho state nnd
I hopo ho will be elected.
L. F. Holtz. Tailor Legislators are mak
Ing fools of themselves. Would llko to seo
Thompson elected because thoy are making
such a fight on him.
Emll Weber, Miller I am for Rosowater
Would llko to do something for him. Ho lu
the most ablo man for tho position, for
tho benefit of the party and state. Matter
should bo settled soon.
J. fl. Minos. Jeweler Don't know much
about the situation, but think Judgo Kin
liald the best man yet mentioned.
P. L. Miller, Grocer Believe the contest
ma n'fl I
Mil OT 1 t'lir HO HI WIf inniHMi i mi-
a passenger on the Warren and s now
nitlnnt lit the hnp 111 . Cnlnnd A
Daggett of the Fourteenth Infantry nlse
arrived on a short lenvo of absence.
Coffee injures growinK children
even when It is weakened. Oraln-O
Kh'cs tlicni bris'itcr eyes, firmer
flesh, eruickcr Intclllfjenconnd hap
pier dispositions. They enn drink
nil they want of .Ornln-O tho moro
the better and it tastes llko coffee.
All t'ott ri ; 13e. and Vic.