Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1901, Page 2, Image 3

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    THE OMAnA DAILY HEE; TUESDAY, PEliltrATlY 5, 1901.
Tclephono 691
Wo liavo gathered together all the remnants of table damask
and odd one-half dozen napkins, that have been left from our
great January Linen Sale, and will close them out at special low
prices, tomorrow morning.
Lengths from J i yards to 3i yards long.
MIL TOHAYA KATOW, tho Japancso artist, has arrival. Ho will give free lessons
In art needle work, at our store all this week. Do not fall to take ndvnntago of
thlB opportunity. Stamped linens and Holding Uros' embroidery alike, on sale
at our art department.
Thompson, Beldem 2c Co.
, WL O. A. BU1LDIHO, 00. 10TH AMD DOCObAt T.
(Continued from First Page.)
Interview on the subject of the recent
Union Pacific-Southern Pacific deal said:
"I do not interest myself 1n the road
from tho point of view of a banker or
broker, because I am fully taken up with
the practical, physical Hide of tho property.
I know much less about Wall Btreut opera
tions than 1 do of bridge building and
ballasting and grading prairie railroads,
consequently I am not conversant with
tho facts concerning tho recently an
nounced transfer of control of the Southern
Pacific to Union Paclllc Interests. If tho
Speycrtlluntlngton shares were purchased
by tho Ilarrlman syndicate they wore pur
chased , by people Interested In Pacific
securities and not by tho Union Pacific
Ilailroad company.
"This union of Interests, If such n step
has been taken, will bring the Union Pacific
Into oven closor harmony with tho Central
Pacific, whose entire capital stock was
acquired by the Southern Paclllc In 1899.
Tho Union Pacific will continue to run
through trains over tho Central Pacific
tracks as heretofore. Thcro will be no
change In the relations which now exist
botwcen,tho Union Pacific and tho Oregon
Short I.lno of 1,189 miles, which It controls,
nor will thcro bo any violent disturbance
In present tralflc nrrnngemcnts with tho
Southern Paclllc. If tho reported deal Is
really n fact excry ono Interested will ro
eclvo n' direct benefit theroby. Oreater
economies, through tho elimination of
agencies, will bo offected, and evory mllo
of the entire system will Increase In valuo
In proportion ns wo nro ablo to put more
and mora capital Into general equipment
and Improvement of tho roadbed.
"It might be well to emphasize nt this
time that If tho two great systems havo
born brought under ono control no attempt
will bo mado to hurt tho Interests of the
thousands of producers who aro practically
dopendent upon our lines for tho market
ing of their products. Tho western farmers
and whent mm, ns well an the mining and
rattle Interests, may rest assured that the
cordial relations which now exist between
them and tho Union Pacific will not bo
disturbed. The strength which tho com
pany now possesses must necessarily result
greatly to tho advantage of tho country
traversed through n fairer and more stable
adjustment of transportation rates."
I'll Ion l'ncllht Could .Volutin- Mil Outlet
Without A Nfi it in I n k Whole Kuutli
ern I'ticlllu SjnIi'iii.
NEW YORK, Feb. I. Tho Hvenlng Poit
has the following; Suggestion wos mado
today thnt further study of tho Southern
Pacific situation by tho Interests controll
ing the Union Pacific might develop a plan
by which tho Union Pacific would bo nblc
to assuro absolute and permanent control
of tho Central Paclllc without nsuumlng
any liability for tho whole Southern Pa
ciflc system.
Union Pnclflc interests freely admitted
that tho fundamental Interest of tho com
pany in tho Southern" Pnclflc Is In Us con
trol of tho natural and only por,blo out
lot for tho Union Pnclflc to San Francisco.
Tho Contrtil Paclllc and tho Union Pacific
wero conceived ns onoTnuto and their divi
sion Into separate companies was unnatural
and harmful to tho best Interests of the
companies themselves nud Interfered with
thn tranepcrtntlon facilities of tho public,
Tho two companies havo often worked
in opposition In money mnttcrs, ns ro
gards train servlco, rates and distribution
and movement of tonnage. Tho Southern
Pacific's ether lines aro naturally allied
with tho Interests of California and tho
Kouthwest ond from n transportation sys
tem complete and valuable In Itsolf, oven
Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forms of
eczema or salt rheum, pimples and
other cutaneous eruptions proceed from
humors, either Inherltca, or acquired
through defective digestion and as
similation. To treat these eruptions with drying
medicines is dangerous.
The thing to do Is to help the sys
tem discharge the humors, and to
strengthen It against their return.
Hood's Saraapnrlllft permanently cured J.
0. Illnr.1, Pranks, III., of eczema, from which
h had ufT(rd for lomt time; and Miss
Alvlna Woltor, Ho 212, Alcona. Wis., of pim
ple on her faco and back and chafed skin on
her body, by which (ho had been grrally
troubled. There are moro testimonials In
favor of this great medicine than can be
Hood' 9 Sarmaparltla
Promises to cure and keeps the prom
ise. No longer put off treatment
Buy a bottle of Hood's today.
Present at Dm office or mall
coupon with ten cent and get
yonr choice of Photographic Art
Btudlea. When ordering by mall
add four cents for postage.
The Bee Publishing Company
Dee, February 4, 1001.
Special Remnant
Sale of Fine
Table Damask
without tho direct ownership of the Cen
tral Pacific.
It Is bellrved that tho plans of the syndi
cate now holding tho Southern Pacific for
tho Union Pacific for financing tho property
will not be dcllnltely formed until the Cen
tral Paclllc lease hns been carefully gone
over to see If thnt property can be segre
gated from the other lines under feasible
conditions, The ndoptlon of tho plnn of
Issuing collateral trust notes Is not re
garded ns likely to bo ncccpted until other
plans havo becti thoroughly canvassed.
The syndlcntc managers havo declared that
control qf tho Southern Pacific will not bo
held In n way that Will create a burden on
the Union Pacific.
Tho terms under which tho Central Pa
cific Is held by the Southern Pnclflc, there
fore, bocoirrs a point of special lutcrcot.
Thoy would socm to bo most dellnltcly
fixed by tho terms of the Southern Pacific,
I per cent collateral trust bonds issued In
ISM. Theso nre secured by n deposit of all
tho outstanding shares of thy Central Pa
cific, which an owned by tho Southern Pa
cific. Tho section of this mortgage bearing
on this point says:
The ;xlstlnc lease of the properties of
tho Centra' Pnclllr railway stocks shall
bo sold In eonscquenro of default here
under. Tho Southern Paclllc compnny will
not undent to any other lease of such
properties unless such lease shall havo
been unproved by the holders of n ma
jority In amount of the bonds outstand
ing hereunder, or shall contnln n provi
sion terminating the snmo In case plcdscd
stocks shnll bo Hold.
This would mean to afford amplo au
thority and feasible moans for tho Union
Pacific assuming the Central Pacific lease
If It should be decided to turn thnt prop
erty directly over to the Union Pacific.
(Continued from First Page.)
prayer meeting In the pollco station. Sho
prayed that the work that sho had begun
In Topeka might bo abundantly prospered
Whllo .ihc was praying n drunken man
was brought In by a policeman. Mrs. Nn
t'on Immediately went to tho prisoner and
Informed him that sho was his friend at
nil times, oven though tho policemen wero
not. Sho then delivered a scathing nddruss
to members of thn police forco present.
She, said they would permit I ho Joints to
run In open violation of law all tho while,
nnd would then nrrest tho men who wero
mndo drunk by the liquor sold there. Mrs.
Nation taunted tho police, calling them
cowards, afraid to arrest anybody but
women and drunken men.
Followed by tho crowd, Mrs. Nation then
went to tho federal building, where sho
inquired for hor mall. Sho then mounted
tho steps of tho building and mado an ad
dress to tho crowd. Sho said sho would
smash all tho joints of tho city, nnd would
stay there long enough to nceompllsh this
purpose, If It took months. Sho wna not
afraid, sho said, as sho had no reason 'in
the world to be. Thero wero mnny women
In tho city who would help her, sho said,
and thoy would do so at tho proper time.
Mrs. Nation did not Intend to begin tho
Joint raids until tomorrow. While sho and
other women wero In n storo buying the
hatchets which wero to be used In tho raid
there camo In a woman, who said her son
hnd spent nil of his money In Murphy's
plueo tho night before.
"Well, let's go nnd smash It right now,"
said Mrs. Nation, nnd the other women
Somo Interesting developments nrc looked
for tomorrow. Mrs. Nation declares sho
Will ontcr the Joints and smash them, whllo
tho Jolntlsts arc equally certain that sho
will not.
The Jolntlsts have negroes hired to watch
their places of business, and they havo or
ders to shoot down any person, man or
woman, who nttempts to enter the Joint
bent on mischief.
Wives of MeCiiuc Mrrchnutn Semi u
I'll I r uf .lolnllMtn o Tn 11
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Feb. 4. A special to
tho Star from Pittsburg, Knn.. says: A
number of women, wives of prominent citi
zens, attacked tho two Joints running at
McCune, n small town fifteen miles west of
here, today, nnd destroyed tho furniture
nnd fixtures of both places. A largo quan
tity of wet goods was destroyed and broken
bottles nnd Jugs Uttered tho floor.
The women held n Bhort prayer servlco
first and then, nfter arming themselves
with hatchetB unci ball bats, marched on tho
Jolntlsts. Tho snloonkocpors tied, after n
short parley, during which they attempted
to utsundo tho crusnders from their pur
poso. The dnmngo done will amount to
Feeling runs high, but none of tho women
havo been arrested. The Joints nro all
S. W. KfclCH UfHlKIIN.
Nowb reached Omaha veutpnl.iv nt hn
resignation of S, W. Kccles, freight traffic
manager of the Oregon Short Lino at Salt
wine, aim created considerable Interest In
locnl railroad circles. Mr. Kccles will lio
como freight tralllo managor of the Amerl
enn Smelting company, with hoadquartors
nt New York, and will command a snlnry of
20.000 a year.
Mr. Etfcles has been prominent In rail
road affairs at Salt Uko for nineteen
years past. He first served as general
freight ai?ont of the Denver & Itlo (Irando
nnd later becsuto assistant general freight
agent of tho Union Paclllc. In March, 1897,
he was appointed general traffic manager of
tho Short Line.
Toledo' .Mimnule Temple.
TOIJ3DO, 0., Fob. I. Tho Masoplo tem
ple was destroyed by flro tonight, entailing
a loss of J1RO.O0O, of which $50,000 Is on tho
building. Tho Masonic records, regalia nud
paraphernalia wero ail lost. Armstrong &
Co.'s wholesale and retail grocery on tho
ground tloor. Miss Mauck's millinery .ps
tabllshment and one or two smaller shops
on the ground floor were gutted, Tho loss
li covered by Iniuranct.
Will Not Eay He Comes to Buy Arms for
Colombian BtTolutionistt.
Sympathy 1m Felt In VenexuHit nnil
Iloutitlor fur Ills I'nrty, Up Snys,
lloenuso It Hriiresriits Lib
erty mill Put riot Inn.
NEW YORK, Feb. 4. General Itnfacl
Urlbc-Urlbo of tho Colombian revolutionary
party, accompanied by Colonel Abel Murlllo,
his prlvato secretary, and (Jeneral Pablo II,
Obreon, adjutant of his staff, arrived In
this city today on the steamship Philadel
phia. General Urlbo talked at length to
night of tho affairs of his native republic
nnd those of Vonczueln, of whoso presi
dent, General Castro, ho Is nn ardent
"I cm mado to say," he sold, "that my
mission to tho United States Is to purchase
iirms, ammunition and vessels for tho Co
lombian revolutionists. If I mado public
bucIi n progrum I nm very Indiscreet. It
would not be prudent for mo to say what
my pinna nrc. I proposo to do all I can for
my country In tho Interest of Its pros
perity, liberty and civilization In fighting
tho government of Dr. Marroquln. That
government Is under the heels of the con
servatives nnd prlcst-rlddcu. I never re
sorted to an appeal nt arms from selfish
motives. I nm n revolutionist becnuso I
nm n liberal. Wo liberals do not fight bo
causo wo Uko to light, but because wo have
to fight. Tho liberal party In Colombia was
denied all participation In common rights.
Tho policy of the conservatives toward us
wbb tho colonial policy of Spnln toward
her colonies.
C'uiiHt'rviitlVPM Aro Divided.
"At-present tho coiiBervatlvo party In
Colombia Is divided. Tho branch In power
Is weak and caters to tho Ignorant classes.
Tho revolutionists nrc all over tho coun
try In guerrilla bands, but they nrc alert.
Tho revolution may appenr to dlo out for
a time, but It will simply bo dormant. The
liberals who have revolted lack arms nnd
ammunition. Theso will bo provided. At
present tho military lender of tho revolt!
tlonlsts Is General Vargas Santos, who Is
now nt Curacao. The conservatives have
not found n man to replace tho late General
Plnzon. In regard to revolutionary move
mcnls In the near future I can revenl noth
Ing. I do not suppose that complications
will be brought nbout by an uprising In
"Sympathy for the Colombia liberals is
felt nnd expressed In Venezuela nnd Ecqua
dor because tho prlnclplo Involved Is pat
riotism nnd liberty. What I fear Is that
the Colombia conservatives mny help tho
fnnntlcal clement In Venezuela. As to tho
attitude of tho liberals It Is a common do
C'nNlro'm t,io vermin-lit Stroutt.
"I havo Just como from Venezuela nnd
havo hid opportunity to demonstrntn thai
General Castro's government Is strong.
Thero Is nothing In the revolution to mnko
It strong. Tho only lender of prominence
against Castro was General Hernandez;
he Is In prison, 111 and nut of mind. Gen
eral Andrnde, now In Cuba, has no follow
ing. I reanrd his expedition ns futile. The
real peril In Venczueln lies In Manuel Cns
blancn, tho present Colombian envoy. Ho
wns born In Venezuela and It Is suspected
that ho was selected by tho Marrlquln gov
crnmcnt to foment n revolution against
General Castro nnd to enable tho Colom
bian conpnrvatlve.s, surreptitiously to the
aid of the Venezuelan revolutionists.
"General Urlbo is 44 years of age, and
has a Inrgd coffeo r'-'L'I'ljI. His uppenr
anco as a revolutionist was first In lS7t,
nnd he took part In tho uprisings of 1870,
ISA.') nnd tho present revolution, which be
gan In ISO!). He took part In fifty engage
I.ulp Dinner mill Mlilululit Suppcrx
In Interest uf lli Milppluu
Subsidy lllll.
WASHINGTON", Feb. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Lato dinners and midnight suppers
will bo In order nt the capltot after
Wednesdny. Tho republicans In the sennto
havo fully determined to continue the ship
ping bill before tho senate for sometime
yet. and In order to convlneo tho demo
crats that they nro In earnest, will begin
holding night sessions on Wednesday. Tho
fact that tho legislative bill Is to be taken,
up Wednesday has caused opponents of tho
bill to declare that tho latter measure Is
to bo withdrawn nnd thnt It will not again
bo heard of this session. From those pro
sunicd to know It Is Ienrncd that tho bill
Is not to ho withdrawn but that the repub
lican mnmigers nro In earnest In their In
tention to pass the mensure, being anxious
to avoid an cxtrn session. Tho steering
committer has concluded to dlvldo tho tlmo
between the appropriation bills and tho
shipping bill until tho latter is disposed
or, and night sessions nro necessary to
bring this about.
Dr. llroKlin Under Arrest.
Dr. Frank Ilroglln, who Is well known
to the newspnper rcadors ond tho pollco
of Omnha. having run n hair euro estab
lishment In that city several years back,
has been getting Into troublo here. Hrogllu
Btiuck town somo weeks ago, ostensibly on
a sight-seeing excursion. Ho met a German
friend, who runs n little saloon on Ninth
street, and as tho friend had been feeling
111 for sometime. Ilroglln, In tho language
of tho fatherland, nsked tbo reason for his
Importune"' of Hip I'ninl Cure.
To discover n food that will euro a ner
vous wreck Is Indeed a Godsend. Mrs.
Stella Penal, 1227 West Thirty-first street,
i.n Anceles Cal.. had n very remarkable
experience. Sho snys: "About twelvo yoara
ugo I was run over uy a enrnngo nnu my
spine Injured. My loft nrm was partially
nnrnlvzed. walking was dllllcult nnd I had
contlnunl pains and aches In my whole body.
"To Induce u movement ot mo noweis I
Invariably had to resort to mechanical
means. I would Hit up in bed for hours,
suffering severe colicky pains, causod by
tho non-dlgcatlon ot tho tho starch of tho
food. My heart was so weak thnt nt times
no milso could be felt, nnd It seemed at
times as if I must die. I fnlnted very
often, sometimes lying In n half-falntlng
condition for hours, unable to mnvo or
speak, though conscious.
"Shortly after .mna rroviurnco directed
mo to buy n box of Grape-Nuts food, which
1 havo since eaten twlco a day.
"Tho Improvement In health hns been
wonderful; now I can eat and digest food,
my bowels act nnturally nnd regularly, cir
culation is bettor, cntarrh moderated, and I
havo gained much In weight nnd am bettor
every way. I can read nnd think, whllo be
fore tuy eyes and brnln felt too weak to do
either. I can walk a long ways and havo
not used my nlr cushion for some time nnd
I have no further need of It."
This Is a direct demonstration of the fact
thnt Grape-Nuts food Buroly does rebuild
tho soft gray matter In tho brain nnd norvo
centers, nnd any depleted person can prove
this by use. One can not get woll of ner
vous troubles without the right sort of food
to rebuild this curious substnnco which is
found In the brain, nnd this must ha re
built from tho food. Grape-Nuts food Is
made especially for tho purpose.
friend's Illness. Tho landlord became
frightened, nnjl, having learned that Ilrog
lln was skilled In medicine, he suggested
that tho doctor make an cxnmlnntlon. Tho
hair euro tnnn found he had n case ot heart
disease on his hands, and iu tones of great
consternation told bis saloon friend ot his
cordltlon. Ilroglln then prescribed for his
frltnd, charging him $15 for two bottles
of somo mysterious compound, which was
guarantied to prolong his llfo for two years,
Tho willing barkeeper put up $12 of tho
$lu, and nt oncu started In to cheat death,
Ho had taken but one dose when he became
very lit, Tho family physician was sent
for, who told tho now thoroughly fright
cned dispenser ot Bismarck cocktails that
he must stop taking the stuff nud send It
to the district henlth ofllco for analysis
This was done and on the strength of tho
findings Ilroglln was arrested for prnctlc
Ing medicine without rt permit nnd, having
demanded Jury trial, Judgo Scott of tho
pollco court will havo Hrogtln up on Frl
Appropriation fur Hip AVeM.
In tho sundry civil bill, which was re
ported In the house today by Chairman
Cannon from tho committee on npproprla
Hons, aro tho following Items of interest
to tho west: For completion of court house,
custom houso nnd postodlce nt Omaha, $300,
000, limit ot cost of completed building
being $1,800,000; for completion of postof
flco nt Clinton, $50,000, limit of cost, $100,
000; Creston, In., public building, $23,000.
limit of cost, $50,000; Osknloosa, Io., for
completion of building. $123,000, limit of
cost, $250,000; for Manchester, la., fish cut
turc station, $1,000; for similar station at
Spenrfish, S. D., J3.4S0; for survey of prl
vato land claims In stntes of Colorado. Ne
vadn, Wyoming nnd Utnh and territories of
Arizona and New Mexico, $10,000. The bill
makes tho appropriations for the flsnl
year ending June 30. 1002.
Xtntu uf .Mllltln.
The secretary of war today transmitted
to congress a schedule. showing tho present
stntus of the mllltla of the several states
and tho aggrcgato citizenship available for
military duty. Nebraska has ono general
slnff; cnvnlry, 44; light battery, CO: Infantry.
1,201; nvnllablo far military duty. 11.023;
boutn Dakota has commissioned offl
cers, 4; noncommlisloncil olllccrs. 15
enlisted, SI; aggregate, 50,000; Iowa has
gcnernl staff, 20; cavalry. 43: Infantry. 225;
signal corps. 40; hospital nnd ambulance,
40; nggrcgntc. 309,501.
Additional rural frco delivery service
was ordorM established Mnrch 1 nt Tamn,
la., with James Marshall nnd L. II. Ilrnn-
nous carriers.
Wpt I'lllllt (.'itllptNlllll.
Senator Kyle has been Invited by the
secretary of war to make a nomination for
tho vacant cadetshtp nt West Point to the
credit of South Dakota. Tho senator has
decided to dispose of tho appointment by
competitive examination. Tho examination
Will bo conducted nt tlu 1'rrslivlnrln n rnm
lego In Huron. S. D February IP. Tho
successful eondldato will bo examined nt
Fort Snolllng on March 1, and If ho passes
win enter tho ncademy early In July.
ItenresentntlvpH flnmM
presented a memorial In tho houso from tbo
Boutn imitotn legislature urging thu con
tinuance of the Indln
S. D. As tho Indian bill passed tho senato
toe salary of the agent nt Slsseton Is pro.
vlded for.
Mr. Gamble todn v reenmmpnilnil .f ir
Mack fo" postmaster at llend, Mendo
county, b. i)., nnd Charles Itasmussen at
Spink, Union county. B. I).
Tho nennto today passed the bill for tho
soiuemcui or cptnlng Innds embraced In
tho Lower Urulo reservation In South
unxotn. ,
IiMtufllcr rhniiBo. '
Edson R. Potter was todny appointed
postmaster nt .-Jjfondland, Ueadlc couuty.
Po3toffices discontinued: Dcekwlth, Jef
ferson county, Ia mail to Fairfield; Colton.
uujonno county, .Neb., mall to Sidney.
A. M. Wnilnrs nf rilun mil v-i. .
Kdward Prltchett of Fort Madison, In., wero
uuinuicu io pracueo before tho Interior de
partment. Oeorgn Seelo
rler nt Scrlbnor, Nob.; Valentino Smith at
Dnvonport, In., and F. W. LuKcns at Hud-
son, b. i).
Addlo Lowell hns linon
two clerk In tho poatonico at Hastluus,
The First National bank of Chicago was
approved ns n reserve ngont for tho Com
mercial National of Omaha.
Tho conversion of tho Waterloo (la )
Stnto bank Into tho Waterloo National bank
with $100,000 cat,l. i18 been approved by
tho comptroller of currency.
I'Uph t'urpil Without Hip IfulfP.
Itchlnir. hlln.i v.i.,.ii..
nun V- V "r protruding
Plies. our rugRlst will refund your
money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to euro
juu. iiu cents.
i'u .! u n in I U oilneMilny Will Hp I'nlr,
with Northerly WlmN, lleconi
Inir Viirlitlilo.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. Forecast for
Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska nnd Kansas Fair Tuesday
nnd Wednesday; northerly winds; becom
ing variable
For Iowa, Missouri and Illinois rnlr
Tuesday and Wednesday; northeasterly
wind; diminishing.
For North Dakota Folr Tuesday ond
probably Wednesday; warmer In western
portion Tuesday: northerly winds.
For South Dakota Snow In southwest,
fair In northeast portion Tuesday; Wednes
day fair: variable winds.
For Colorado nnd Wyoming Probably
snow Tuesday; Wednesday fair; variable
I.oeill lleeurd, 1
OMAHA. Feb. I Ofllelnl record nf temper
nturo nnd prcclpltntlon compared with tbo
correspondliiK day of tho Inst three years:
1901. 10M. ISM. 1S31
Maximum tempernliire... 1:1 ?.2 0 41
Minimum tomnernture ... 12 1?
Mrnn temneratiire 0 2.' fi 32
Precipitation oo .00 .oo t
Record of torn
ioomulm fnr ,,IH imy nml slnc" Marcl1
Normal tcmnerniiirn
Dnflplnnm fiy !. .i... 7
Totnl excess Mn-v'h j, iwo i,;s
.'in nun pieuipiintion irj inch
Deficiency fnr tho lnv tr imi.
luiiu luiiiiitu mnco .iiurcn t, i' in.
Excess since March 1. 1D00 0.31 in.
Deficiency cor. period In 19'W 4.87 In.
weiificiicy cor. period in lsw 4.(1 In.
iieiiiirm irom Million nl 7 P JI.
1 h C
5" li
i "a
: 3
Omnha. clear
121 13 .()
121 10 T
01 121 T
.in nsi t
121 12! .01!
41 121 T
-r. I T
141 231 T
221 CS .Oil
41 r,i m
SI 181 T
JO' '
21 0' o"
t ?! fti
'A W fi
North P atte. elnmlv
Cheyenne, part cloudy...
nau I.nke. cloudy
Tlnnhl Pitv. unnii'ln
Huron, clear
WllllRton, cloudy
Chlcnsn, clear
St. T.ouls. clear
t. Pnul elenr
'1'wennnrl. elenr
''nnsns C'ty, clear
''lfnn. clear
"nvrn. nnrt cloudy
"nlvettnn rlniidv
T l-lrtleateo trneo n' nw '- - "n
I, nm I F.ireen! Official.
T(l r..p (l.n frln n Twil lint",
Laxative Ilromo-Qulnlne removes the came,
It was strictly n business session of the
council last night nnd a large amount at
routine business was trnnsncted. The roll
call showed all members present and
President Adklns In the chair. After n
few unimportant reports Fltlc started tho
talk by offering a report recommending the
releasing of tho 13 per cent reserve held
on tho N street paving from Twenty-fourth
to Twenty-soventli streets. It was assorted
that by releasing this reserve nt this time
the city would save something like $3S0 In
Interest, ns the reservo fund Is drawing
the regulation percentage. Tralnor wnnted
tho mutter to lay over u week, and sug
gested thnt the iiuesllou bo referred to the
city attorney for u decision to bo given
Inter. Thero was some discussion nnd
Trnlnor's amendment was lost, and when
put to u voto the original motion carried.
This pavement bus been down six yenis
nnd nppems, so members of tho council
stated, to be In ns good condition us tho
day It was laid. Thcro Is, therefore, no
necessity, so It Is claimed, for tho city to
pay Interest on a reserve guaranty any
Trnlnor secured tho passage of a motion
regarding tho payment of n bonus to cer
tain eastern capitalists for tho crectlotr
of nn opera houso here. According to tho
motion tho council voted to sustain the
Labor temple project In preference to tho
opera houso plan.
City Engineer llcnl wns directed to es
tablish tho grado on the alley between
Twenty-fourth nnd Twenty-fifth streets, bo
tween C nnd D streets.
Member Martin registered u protest
ngnlnst tho condition of tho Btreet arc
lights. Ho said that tho lights were not
placed thirty-five feet nbovo tho ground
ns the ordinance provides. Thorn wns somo
discussion nbout this matter, as tho light
company has u bill In for the raising of
lights to tho limit required by ordinance
Clerk Shrlglcy was Instructed to notify tho
light compnny to placo Its lights In ac
cordance with tho terms of tho existing
An ordinance establishing tho grade on
C street, from Twenty-fourth to Twenty
fifth streots, was read the first tlmo nnd
refericd to the Judiciary committee. Speelnl
tnx ordinances for sower districts Nos.
10S, 100 and 110 met with tho same trent
mont. Henry Nnvln nnd Mnnley McCarthy
claimed damages for the use of houses
owned by them which were taken bv thn
city to houso Bninllpox patients, nnd Chair
man Miller of tho charity committee will
look nfter this matter.
Mrs. Tnlbnt. treasurer of thn South
Omnhu Hospital association, requested thnt
tnc taxes on tho property occupied by the
hospital be remitted and tho request was
referred to tho finance committee. This
has boeu done In tho pant nnd It Ir. nro-
sumcd thnt tho coramltteo report this year
win do mo samo us formerly.
Property owners and residents In Al
bright petitioned for nn extension of thu
Albright car lino to tho county line. At
present tho "Cannon nail" trains stops nt
Mndlson street nnd tho nconlo want thn
track laid four blocks farther south. Presl
deut Adklus promptly referred this Inter
esting communication to tho printing com
City Prosecutor Murphy will bo Instructed
to confess Judgment In fnvor of J. M, Tobias
lor THjS, the balance due on tho Snnnml
ward tiro hall.
Evidently In anticipation of n chiinRo In
tho charter Johnston offered n motion, riot.
gestlng thnt tho president nppolnt a com-
miueo ot inree to redlstrlct the city, mak
ing six wards. Trnlnor mnde ti light at
once oji this proposition nnd paid, that tho
people wanted only five wnrc'm. iih
dividing lino on Twenty-tiilrd. He recom-
uiviiucil mill tllo matter nv nvnr Cm- n,MI
Mnrtln wanted to go ahead and after John
ston hnd ngreod to make It a committee of
four tho motion carried. This committee
on redisricting will consist of Adklns.
Johnston, Fltlo nnd Martin. i.Vnm n. .n.
. . - win niv
n the council It Is evident that five wards
u an tho people dtmmnd nt this time. If
this is all tho First ward will ), mo ..-
sumahly at Twonty-lhlrd street, leaving tho
other ward boundaries ns they now nre.
Ill nrc llgllt or two wna nr,l,.-.l
- ...w.v.. .1,11,
and somo crosswnlks ordered laid un'd then
,iii i" ,y WCre run,, Atljourncd
until February IS.
Soliuul llonnl Moot.
Tho most Important feature of n tedious
routine sees on of the iin..r,i t 1...1 i.
Inn night was tho disc, y.;," .
Secretary Ilrennan to move the old frame
CorrlKnn school building to Twenty-olgl th
and Harrison streets. The mmi ;. .."
nionV PV,,,,mi Wlt" ,nu "sn.-.t.,rcs of orty
n.?P m"8. ,U"S. Mcll,B loqnesN
...r, .....t Ki iiuiiding be moved 'o
l;:1 " ' '""ck . which, it wa u
moving of tho hulldiK , " t lo , , "
Hs 'f nil qhoI inf'lf T 5 Sf
. 7. ":"'1 Pupils and posslblv red
inn nniihi ttiinn i.. t.
l!!!0..1" '.owouM,,fZ
" IT HI MlfJ JUnllfl flint.!-
.?r8' ThoEevcrnl
u.nt bu,;(,-,Lsr(.z,, rx?
llreunan's mntlnn 1 . . Mr-
tho hni1.11.,. ",u,eiy remove
Iictldent linnn ll, . ..Ul 11 18 "0
on btiiiriin. nn.i " " "" "mmitteo
iiL-ijininii fir ...
...... h'oiilMlH. Tho ennimli.
with several
mcmbors of the i.n.i
Visit Mella's n,l,im.. .m
H.0 imrposo of thorougS" ffi
Dr. Wolfe's monthly rnn.i ......
Hon tn tho ,.in,t... "'e ottcn
.-.v in 11 in ua:i ni 1 ti ti t 1
tins, thn Kood
tho second semester and 0 ,P,n,I,R of
for n prosperous ehn,V,l.K"l,,,. ,ros',ect
ri,luu" 11 1,10 ficnooiK on thn
that tbero wero 2IS moro n .nil "Ca
rolled than at the ZJZZ'
Architect Davis suh.m.te.i ',. CUI: .
Proposed, w lBh8Ph0aI
that n number of tl,D ,n . cn,ll""tteo
thorl.c.1 expend." ur R
to tho fact thai. Z rT " ntlon
member shall authorize the ex n,ll.r ,
money In nny event snvo in .1 l.uro of
unorgency, wlthou firs? pre lu t,m f
from the board. 1 "curing consent
final agreement
would bo Etrietiv nrfi.. . "u ,l10 rule
fn i li...
' In tho future.
nrj (ipni !:,.(..,...
Henry Oest, one of tho well known r,
mans of tho city, entertained n,.i
boy of his friends t , " rcsi ' l,Tm"n"
tleth and Missouri nvenu"S;IS
Oermanp. u',::.r. "l
served nnd , ho occasion" w , " Zl ,JZ
mcmborcd by tl.os.. who attended
.IniulNun H....7"frrTlllt,,1(
At tho Mrst Presbyterian church tonight
a recep Ion nnd free-will offering w ho
tendered n Itov. Dr. Jamison, who has
successfully conducted the revival meetings
nt this church for snnm weeks. i:Vory
member of tho church, ns well as friends
nre Invited nnd It Is expected Hint n larse
number will bo present.
m 11 1 1 1 j L
lr. i:niU l)oinr(H.
Murray P. Eails and wife left yrstordny
for Seattlo and from thcro they go over
the Skagway trail to their homo at Daw
snry of his 1 r ? A Gonna n i a,nn'Vrr
clety of Omaha u m ? ' 8 nin 8
till' IJl'L'UMinil IIP I n rr Ihn
na ., io,.,-. " "oiiy. ns wel
MMU-1 111 nrnuilnr...t
WHItl lilt
son City. Alaska. Mr. Eads came here last
fall to visit his mother. After n short stay
here he Journeyed to Europe and returned
only n day or two ngo, Aside from tbo dis
play of gold nuggets which Mr. Eads
brought with him he had n genuine Alaskan
dog, which Is tho lender of his dog team
on his sledge trips. In order to rench Daw
foil City nt this tlm'o of the year Mr nnd
Mrs. will hnve to make 11 trip of over
500 miles by sledge.
Mimic t'lt- (iosln.
ltemeniber tho Jnmlson reception nt the
Mrst Presbyterian church tonight.
Thero will bo n sleighing cnrnlval And
dance ut Sarpy Mills park on Wednesday
iiv- .Holland nnd John F. Schult
loavp today for Lincoln to witness the sen
atorial fight.
u.NN H. KIiik, chief engineer of the I'ulon
siock arils compnny, Is back from his
suuthu'ii trip.
iJi'XCF"onl. I'hotogrnpln of the proponed
temple nro on exhibition In various
parts of tho city.
n,w'.'.i,!,r.J.,'.n"!!1KS ,wl11 Preach nt tho
V.. i Khl. Alt't''odlst Episcopal elurch on
N edhoHilay evening.
ir.Kf V.',V.nt,.lt,.V0 ,:- Wilcox will return
of feat' lSS7VrcTmnK 11 l,WHp!
.ft Si,rlstr''3 B0"1' to DeMer, la., to
wi 1 . .'.'.V . r.,.'0ora . "f "I" mother, which
mentk'lffi'i,.,l"n, f.r",n ,t,,u l:,,!,t Improve
to h.v i,.ri,,Vt0,n.Vlalts to Lincoln
ioiiu to work for the new charter.
..... .,v M1.111 uii.M iiiiernooli
r ; nKlc Hiy ''"nil N. n;n, KmKhtn nnd
i;",S?. Pf So wl" ''"'l speeinl meet
Ing this evening ut tho oilleo of Dr D.ivls.
Tweiity-fonrth nnd N streets.
rSu.P-i'- ,'"1,,. president of the South
Omaha Hospital nsHoclutlon, sas that
till ho returns nf tho charity hall arc imt
'.l'.ltV.L,,lc '"erenoo Is thnt between Vm
nnd JfilO was cleared by tho ball.
.uhitS'mcr(!n- f,,'rnierly superintendent of
tho C udiiln plant hero, goes to Kansas cwv
ns assistant geiiorul nianager. Ills friends
hero gnvo h in u banquet nt the Henslmw
Sunday night and presented him with it dla.
mond stml ntul 11 chest or si ver.
cV.i HA bitten, formerly n resident of
c.iiiiu viin.iim, uiu now eoniiected with tho
"il.'v ".r,1'V!,t..l'l,lc"KO; ,!4 llPrc for a few
days. Mr. Wltten Is of tin Inventive tnin
" "iiu .in puuing up a jiaicnt
nt the ynnls here for Inspection.
loroner hwnnson Held. nil Inquest venter
day over tlje remains of John Mahah, who
died whllo nsleop ut the Elkhorn ho.ise Hat-
iiiuuy niBiit. 1110 jury found Hint death re
sulted from the cxroHMlvn uko of Mtliiintnuiu
The funernl urruiiKoinents will be made to-
World Has
the Grip
100,000 Cases in Chicago.
30,000 Cases in Cleveland.
10,000 Cases in Buffalo.
10,000 Cases in Kansas City.
And IO Per Cent of the
People of Minneapolis
and St. Paul Sick With
this Terrible Disease.
A Great Many Sick in
rip is Raging
Throughlowa and
Total Number of Cases in
These States Over 30,
OUO. A New York Specialist
Interviewed by the Bee
His Rules for Avoiding
the Grip.
Don' 7 cat too much
Avoid drauahts.
Keep feet warm and dvj.
Keep house well ventilated.
DonH sit in cold places.
Watch your bowels carefully
J,i costive and constipated
leep bowels open with.
Special to Tho Dec.
NEW VOIIK, 1'ob. 2.-Ono of the most
lU'omlnent specialists In this city wns Inter
x'lowcd by mo to day nnd makes tho fol
lowing statement. Ho says: "All the world
bus thu Kt'lp. This opldemlc has swept over
tho country causlni; alarming ciiml Itlotis.
Ncnrly overyono will havo It, and thoso xvho
do not xvlll bo exceptions to tho rule.
Tho grip poison, so styled, will cause your
back to acho nud a hcadncho and nrhca all
over. Your bowels must bo kept open nt tins j
time or you will become seriously Bluk.
Take a lenspoonful ot Cascnrlno beforo you
go to bed nnd In tne morning you xvlll feel
Uko a nexv person. Cnscarlno Is proscribed
by ninny physlclnns, and Is used extensively
tho xvorld over. It Is a gentlo laxative pro
pnrcd with great rnro for men, xvoincn nnd
children. It does not grlpo like otlior luxn-
tlvts. Is plcasnnt to tnsto and very pleasltm
In nctlon. Cascarlne is not u tablet or pill
but comes In bottles (bluo and xvhlto xvrap
pers) uni) Ib n tonic for the stomach, kid
neys and Hver nnd laxntlvo tonlo for tho
bowelf llothcrs shouhl not glvo tho thlldrnn
nny other laxative but Cascarlne. and
every housowlfo should' keen a boltlo close
nt hand. Casrurlno Is the very best laxa
tive and grip picvontlve. Clo to your drug
gist today nnd got u bottle, prlcn 60 conls
If he .hasn't It. toll him to get It for you
of his Jobber. , Ilo sure you get Cascarlne.
nnd not cheap tablets or pills which aro
nasty tn tako and mnko you sick. Auk far
Cascarlne, limUt on Cnscnrlne, get Cnsca
rlno, tho great nnd pleasing laxntlvo tonic.
ltemeniber It comes In blue nnd white
xvrnppcrs. nnd Is never cold In bulk. Ask
your druggist for It todny.
Manufactured by
Rea Bros. & Co.,
Mliiiit-itjHilln, l.oiiUvlllo nml .Nci nrl.
utiil lhirr A. "V f11.0, '""t'lor of Hnmiiel 11.
""' Harry M, Chi el e of this cltv ille.l
ut the family homo, Dexter. 1". est,day
. 1rn,;l.r.?JC".1."",.l"nrr ''laH 11,1,1 '" of
1 h 0 eroMi n trn 1 T. V """ n'W from
city S"'KS tho business part of the
Ail the
Boy's Suits'
By Mail
Wc will fill mail orders this
week for boys' short trousers
suits, ages 8 to 15, Lot J, $2
Lot 2, 2.50 -Lot 5, $3.50.
Part of the Ec'crhcimcr,
Stein & Co purchase. These
suits arc wonh double.
Money will be returned and
returned express charges paid
by us if suits arc not wanted.
Send Money Order.
i. e. coii.vnn lfuti ami jxiihii.ak.
II we pltais you tell othtrs-lUa don't tell ut.
fJRw Cook's l)iu,AeRTnh.itHiirpuccsNSfiily
HAW lined inouthh liyoe- UU viudirs. I'rlco
Stt" U. Ily mini, 1. OS. Bead 4 cent for
Jar yj ""Mt'l" nnd jartinilnfK. The t'ook Co.,
CM XV oilni. I ., Heipoii xiii h.
Sold In Oiuahu by Kulin ,V: Oo U & DmiKlas
Many Special Rates
New Orleans and Return
Mobile and Return
11:11. titii iu iriii, i.vci.t sivi:.
Tourist rates now on sale to ' Arknusn",
Florida, Cuba ami nil the winter resorts of
tho south. lIoiucM'ckcrs' excursions, ono
faro nlus j: 00 fur tho round trip, on sate
first nnd third Tuesday each month to
many points south. All Information nt
City Ticket Oilleo, HIS Knrnnm St. (I'nxton
Hotel Block), or wrlto
Harry E. Moores,
O 1. & T. A., Otunhu, Kcb.
Kun via the
Leave Oinnlia
)a Scenic Route through Colorado and
I?nr Information nnd "TourlctDlctlonnrv"
addres City Ticket Olllce, ijjj TarnamSt.
Omaha, Neb.
UT the fun shine. eh -ni'Mits
rage. tho
xvlmls blow. Its
true, you will not
dnors xxnsh faco In
old w nter. xvlien
ifiirly drv nib on a
I 11 tin KiitliiHk'i'i
tToam: xvlpe ulf nnd
II ll I) I V .-iillln-Kltlll
I'oxvder Nolo the skin's satin softness,
lis soothed, perfumed. IiixiiiIuii fooling A
laeo so prepared Is luvliulbly iiruierto.l.
xvlll keep fnlr and lovely, lio-lde.i avdd
Ing tho Smarting uniiiiyiinec of rxpuuir.-Katln-9kln
i runni nnd I'oxvder .no slainl
nrd, necoHsnry inllet itrtlolos. tiiinbir ln
rauso iiiorltolliniH 'Joi- The Huston Hturo
Drug Iji imrtmrni.
Ur. Kay s t.'ncuro cures alt
l7TBffiDJB"P foinnlo dlM'ases. Al drug.
VUinUJt! ulstH. fl Illustrated bmilt
nnrt ndvlco true l)r II ,t iCu. Saratoga, ff V
XI Hlf.''!t,
I XViindvvanl
I Xl.iiingi Ta.
fi liirg.-SH,
Til 111 ll.
'KltroltM XM i: IIXM-TOMtill I
Sarah Bernhardt
rnsriKIng Sarilou'ii
"Lfi TQSG&"
JXIasteri"!' co.
I .ti Tohoii Mme
-lenrpla ..
Prices-$! r,f) to l.0
J2.00-. Khllrry. M ti.
Harib IK'riilmrdt
.M i'ui ifllii
gi'iiriiil U'lnilsslmi,
I. i t. Iii l t n Mllo
Ml l'li Tin- oiii tnlu xx III i nlxi' ruiiit
1) ill K u'olool. nml no "' "ontiMl
ullof eiirlulii rli'.
Miilliiee "XVeilni'silliJ
nnil '"Utiiiiliij .
nitiiiv iiiii. I..
"The Information niirenu
Tlll'J ll Sll XI. U XI. I..
II IH TIKIIIM'S pl.iii'.H".
"Tho Wllloxv I'uttcrn
.lIIIHi.- . ,
VI, nml MA.MIIJ .M)i;ilSO,
l.tlTTIi: (il.ADSIDMJ.
II.,. liver '..iiiilnr If I N (11)11 II Mil,
t'rircy Mvenliig- 10e 2"o. r.Oc. .Matlnooi:
Wednesday. I0o and r.e, Hnturduy, too nml
Ke I'cxv front roxx reserved, frje. Don't
miss thu big bhow.
XI ATIMll'l TOD V HIC, Milt;.
ai ots
; All Week. Including .Hnltir
I day Hvenlnic- The Vory l.ltnlt
i Wine, Woman and Sorg
.... Burloriotinrn
Tho Success if tbo Hoiimih
.V Xt tck-VICTIM! I 111 III, I Sltl IlltS.
Vni'iLs! an-frocklr, xvlml
vi&ii liurn. chMp or roddei.
Js' ( Vffeift fldlnwlllg t h e o
A , k?&?LpL flmple illroetluns:
.-.?,-i Sy-nsffi? lli'fi.r. trnlnu' mil ..f
. V I Jil 1 1 . V
1. UOOUi